unmatta उन्मत्त
Definition: उन्मत्त p. p. 1 drunk, intoxicated. -2 Insane, frantic, mad; द्वावत्रोन्मत्तौ V.2; अहो उन्मत्तास्मि संवृत्ता U. 3,5.3; Ś.6; Ms.9.79. -3 (a) Puffed, elevated. (b) Furious, wild; मदोन्मत्तस्य भूपस्य कुञ्जरस्य च गच्छतः Pt.1. 161; U.2; Śi.6.31. -4 Possessed by a ghost or an evil-spirit; Y.2.32; Ms.3.161 (वातपित्तश्लेष्मसंनिपातग्रह- संभवेनोपसृष्टः Mitā.). -5 Very great, abnormal. उन्मत्तवेगाः प्लवगा मधुमत्ताश्च हृष्टवत् Rām.5.62.12. -त्तः 1 the thorn apple (धत्तूर); Name of another tree (मुचकुन्द). -2 Name of one of the eight forms of Bhairava. -Comp. -कीर्तिः, -वेशः Name of Śiva. -गङ्गम् Name of a country (where the Gaṅgā roars furiously along). -दर्शन, -रूप a. maniac-like, mad in appearance. -प्रलपित a. spoken in drunkenness or madness. (-तम्) the words of a madman. -भैरवः A form of Bhairava. ˚वी A form of Durgā. -लिङ्गिन् a. pretending to be mad.
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