udaka उदक

Definition: n. water; ablution; libation to the Manes: -m kri, dâ, or pra-dâ, present libation of water to the dead (d., g.); -m kri, perform the prescribed ablutions; -m upa-spris, touch various parts of the body with water as prescribed; -karman, n. libation of water to the Manes; -kârya, n. id.; ablution; -kriyâ, f.=udaka-karman; -tarpana, n. li bation with water; -dâna, n. id.; -dâyin, a. offering the funeral libation ofwater; -pûr va, a. beginning with a pouring out of water; -maya, a. consisting of water only; (á)-vat, a. supplied with water; -vatî, f. girl's N.; -sparsana, n. contact with water; ablution.

Dictionary: Macdonell
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