siddha सिद्ध
Definition: pp. (√ sidh) hit (mark); ac complished, achieved, effected, fulfilled, real ized, successful; ready (money); prepared, made ready; cooked (food); gained, acquired; peculiar; unchangeable; cured (person); established, settled, substantiated, proved; well known, in (--°ree;); possessed of magical power (things); subject, ready to serve one (spirits, charms); perfected, adept in (d., --°ree;); become perfect, possessing super natural power, emancipated from the laws of nature; m. seer, sorcerer, magician; saint, Siddha (a class of demi-gods, such as Kapila, Vyâsa etc., possessing supernatural powers, esp. that of flying through the air); = Gina (with the Jains); N.; n. magical or super natural power: -kârya, a. having accomplished one's purpose; -kshetra, n. region inhabited by Siddhas, land of the Blest; Name of certain sacred regions: -parvata, m. mountain in the land of the Blest; -tâp asa, m., î, f. ascetic endowed with super natural knowledge and power; -tva, n. correct ness; establishment, demonstration; perfec tion; -dhâman, n. abode of the Blest;-bhûmi, f. fairyland; -mantra, m. magical spell; -yoga, m. magical agency; -yogin-î, f. sorceress, witch, fairy; -ratna, a. possess ing a magical jewel; -rasa, m. quicksilver; -rasâyana, a. possessed of an elixir of life; -râga, m. Name of a king; -laksha, a. hitting the mark (arrow); -vat, ad. as established or proved: -kri, regard as settled or proved; -varti, f. magical wick; -vâsa, m. abode of the Blest, Name of a locality; -sambandha, a. whose kin is known; -sarit, f. (famous river) Ganges.
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