Grammatical Sūtra: निष्ठोपमानादन्यतरस्याम् niṣṭhopamānādanyatarasyām Individual Word Components: niṣṭhopamānāt anyatarasyām Sūtra with anuvṛtti words: niṣṭhopamānāt anyatarasyām uttarapadasya (6.2.111), antaḥ (6.2.143), bahuvrīhau (6.2.162), mukham (6.2.167), svāṅgam (6.2.167) Type of Rule: vidhi Preceding adhikāra rule:6.2.143 (1antaḥ)
In a Bahuvrûhi, the word ((mukha)) denoting 'an actual mouth', has optionally the acute on the final, when : preceded by a participle in ((ta)), or by that wherewith something is compared. Source: Aṣṭādhyāyī 2.0