num नुम्

Definition: augment न् inserted after the last vowel (1) of a root given in the Dhātupātha as ending with mute इ; e.g. निन्दति, क्रन्दति, चिन्तयति, जिन्वति etc.; cf. P VII.1.58; (2) of roots मुच् and others before the conjugational sign अ (श); e. g. मुञ्चति, लुम्पति; cf. P. VII.1.59; (3) of the roots मस्ज्, नश्, रध्, जभ् and लभ् under certain specified conditions, e.g.मङ्क्त्वा, नंष्टा, रन्धयति, जम्भयति, लम्भयति, आलम्भ्यः etc. cf. P.VII. 1.60-69; (4) of declinable bases marked with the mute indicatory letter उ, ऋ or ऌ as also of the declinable wording अञ्च् from the root अञ्च् and युज्, e.g.भवान्, श्रेयान्, प्राङ्, युङ्, cf. Kās. on P. VII.1. 70, 71; (5) of the declinable base in the neuter gender, ending with a vowel or with any consonant excepting a semivowel or a nasal, before a case-ending termed Sarvanāmasthāna; e.g. यशांसि, वनानि, जतूनि etc., cf. Kās. on VII.1.72; (6) of the declinable base in the neuter gender, ending with इ, उ,ऋ or ऌ before a case-ending beginning with a vowel; e.g. मधुने, शुचिने etc., cf. Kās, on P. VII.1.73; (7) of the affix शतृ (अत् of the pres. part.) under certain conditions याती यान्ती; पचन्ती, सीव्यन्ती, cf. I .VII.78-8 : (8) of the word अनडुह् before the nom. and voc. sing. affix सु;e.g. अनड्वान्, हे अनड्वन्, cf. P. VII.1. 82; (9) of the words दृक्, स्ववस् and स्वतवस् before the nom. and voc.sing.affix सु in Vedic Literature, e. g. यादृङ्, स्ववान्, स्वतवान्, cf. P.VII.1.83.

Dictionary: Abhyankar
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