nitya नित्य

Definition: नित्य a. [नियमेन नियतं वा भवं नि-त्य-प्; cf. P.IV.2.14. Vārt.] 1 (a.) Continual, perpetual, constant, everlasting, eternal, uninterrupted; यथा त्वमसि दुर्धर्षो धर्मनित्यः प्रजाहितः Rām.7.37.8; यदि नित्यमनित्येन लभ्यते H.1.48; नित्यज्योत्स्नाः प्रतिहततमोवृत्तिरम्याः प्रदोषाः Me. (regarded by Malli. as an interpolation); Ms.2.26. (b) Imperishable, indestructible; पृथिवी द्विविधा नित्या$नित्या च Tarka K. -2 Invariable, regular, fixed, not optional, regularly prescribed (opp. काम्य). -3 Necessary, obligatory, essential. -4 Ordinary, usual (opp. नौमित्तिक). -5 (At the end of comp.) Constantly dwelling in, perpetually engaged in or busy with; जाह्नवीतीर˚, अरण्य˚, आदान˚, ध्यान˚ &c. -त्यः The ocean. -स्या 1 An epithet of the goddess Durgā. -2 A plough-share. -त्यम् An indispensable or inevitable act. -त्यम् ind. Daily, constantly, always, ever, perpetually, enternally. -Comp. -अनध्यायः invariable suspension of Vedic studies; नित्यानध्याय एव स्याद् ग्रामेषु नगरेषु च Ms.4.17. -अनित्य a. eternal and perishable. -अनुबद्ध a. always approached or resorted to. -अनुवादः a bare statement of fact; स्याज्जुह्वप्रतिषेधान्नित्यानुवादः MS.4.1.45. -अभियुक्त a. One who is completely absorbed in yogic practices. -ऋतु a. regularly recurring at the seasons. -कर्मन् n., -कृत्यम्, क्रिया any daily and necessary rite, a constant act or duty, as the five daily Yajñas. -कालम् ind. always, at all times; ब्राह्मेण विप्रस्तीर्थेन नित्यकालमुपस्पृशेत् Ms.2.58,73. -गतिः air, wind. -जात a. constantly born; अथ चैनं नित्यजातं नित्यं वा मन्यसे मृतम् Bg.2.26. -दानम् daily alms-giving. -नियमः an invariable rule. -नैमित्तिकम् an occasional act regularly recurring, or any ceremony constantly performed to accomplish a particular object, e. g. (a पर्वश्राद्ध). -पुष्ट a. always well-supplied. -प्रलयः 1 the constant dissolution of living beings. -2 sleep. -बुद्धिः a. considering anything as constant or eternal. -भावः eternity. -मुक्तः the Supreme Spirit. -युक्त a. always busy or intent upon. -युज् a. having the mind always fixed upon one object; दृग्भिर्हृदीकृतमलं परिरभ्य सर्वास्तद्भावमापुरपि नित्ययुजां दुरापम् Bhāg.1.82.4. -यौवना (ever youthful) an epithet of Draupadī. -व्रतम् a perpetual observance (lasting for life). -शङ्कित a. perpetually alarmed, ever suspicious. -समः the assertion that all things remain the same; Sarva. S. -समासः 'a necessary compound', a compund the meaning of which cannot be expressed by its constituent members used separately (the separate ideas having merged in one); e. g. जमदग्नि, जयद्रथ &c.; इवेन नित्यसमासः &c.

Dictionary: Apte
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