manda मन्द

Definition: मन्द a. [मन्द्-अच्] 1 Slow, tardy, inactive, lazy, dull, loitering; (न) भिन्दन्ति मन्दां गतिमश्वमुख्यः Ku.1.11; तच्चरितं गोविन्दे मनसिजमन्दे सखी प्राह Gīt.6. -2 Cold, indifferent, apathetic. -3 Stupid, dull-witted, foolish, ignorant, weak-brained; प्रयोजनमनुद्दिश्य न मन्दो$पि प्रवर्तते Subhāṣ.; मन्दो$प्यमन्दतामेति संसर्गेण विपश्चितः M.2.8; मन्दः कवियशःप्रार्थी गमिष्याम्युपहास्यताम् R.1.3; द्विषन्ति मन्दाश्चरितं महात्मनाम् Ku.5.75. -4 Low, deep, hollow (as sound). -5 Soft, faint, gentle; as in मन्दस्मितम्. -6 Small, little, slight; मन्दोदरी; see अ ind. 1 (d) also. -7 Weak, defective, feeble, as मन्दाग्नि. -8 Unlucky, unhappy. -9 Faded. -1 Wicked, vile. -11 Addicted to drinking. -12 Weak, slack (as a bow). -13 Sick, afflicted with disease. -14 Independent (स्वतन्त्र). -न्दः 1 The planet Saturn. -2 An epithet of Yama. -3 The dissolution of the world. -4 A kind of elephant; मन्दो$पि नाम न महानवगृह्य साध्यः Śi.5.49 (where मन्द means 'a fool' also). -5 The apsis of a planet's course. -न्दा A pot, vessel. -न्दम् ind. 1 Slowly, gradually, by degree; यातं यच्च नितम्बयो- र्गुरुतया मन्दं विलासादिव Ś.2.2. -2 Gently, softly, not violently; मन्दं मन्दं नुदति पवनश्चानुकूलो यथा त्वाम् Me.9. -3 Faintly, feebly, weakly, lightly. -4 In a low tone, deeply. -Comp. -अक्ष a. weak-eyed. (-क्षम्) sense of shame, modesty, bashfulness; मन्दाक्षं ह्रीस्त्रपा व्रीडा लज्जा सा$पत्रपा$न्यतः Ak; मन्दाक्षमन्दाक्षरमुद्रमुक्त्वा N.3.61;14.47; 22.33. -अग्नि a. having a weak digestion. (-ग्निः) slowness of digestion. -अनिलः a gentle breeze. -असु a. having weak or faint breath. -आक्रान्ता Name of a metre; see App.I; सुवशा कालिदासस्य मन्दाक्रान्ता प्रवल्गति । सदश्व- दमकस्येव काम्बोजतुरगाङ्गना ॥ According to prof. Sukumāra Sen, Kālidāsa is the inventor of this metre. -आचार a. badly conducted. -आत्मन् a. dull-witted, silly, ignorant; मन्दात्मानुजिघृक्षया Malli. -आदर a. 1 having little respect for, disregarding, caring little for. -2 neglectful. -आस्यम् shyness. -उच्चः the upper apsis of the course of a planet. -उत्साह a. discouraged, dispirited; मन्दोत्साहः कृतो$स्मि मृगयापवादिना माढव्येन Ś.2. -उदरी Name of the wife of Rāvaṇa, regarded as one of the five very chaste women; cf. अहल्या. She advised her husband to deliver Sītā to Rāma and thus save himself from certain ruin, but he did not heed her; मन्दोदरीकुटिलकोमलकेशपाशमन्दारदाममकरन्दरसं पिबन्तः P. R.1. 58. -उष्ण a. tepid, lukewarm. (-ष्णम्) gentle heat. -औत्सुक्य a. slackened in eagerness, cast down, disinclined; मन्दौत्सुक्यो$स्मि नगरगमनं प्रति Ś.1. -कर्ण a. slightly deaf; (Proverb:-बधिरान्मन्दकर्णः श्रेयान् 'something is better than nothing'). -कर्मन् a. inactive. -n. the process for determining the apsis of a planet's course. -कान्तिः the moon. -कारिन् a. acting slowly or foolishly. -गः Saturn. -गति, -गामिन् a. walking slowly, slow of pace. -चेतस् a. 1 dull-witted, silly, foolish. -2 absent-minded. -3 fainting away, scarcely conscious. -छाय a. dim, faint, lustreless; Me.82 (v. l.). -जननी the mother of Saturn. -जरस् a. slowly growing old. -धार a. flowing in a slow stream. -धी, -प्रज्ञ, -बुद्धि, -मति, -मेधस् a. dull-witted, silly, foolish. -परिधिः m. (in astr.) the epicycle of the apsis. -पुण्य a. unfortunate, ill-fated. -फलम् equation of the apsis. -भागिन्, -भाग्य, -भाज् unfortunate, ill-fated, wretched, miserable. -भास् a. dim, of fading lustre; सेनानिवेशान् पृथिवीक्षितो$पि जग्मुर्विभातग्रहमन्दभासः R.7.2. -मन्दम् ind. slowly, leisurely. -रश्मि a. dim. -विचेष्टित a. slowly moving. -विभव a. poor, impoverished; नश्यति विपुलमतेरपि बुद्धिः पुरुषस्य मन्दविभवस्य Pt.5.5. -विभ्रंश a. slightly purgative. -विसर्पिन् a. creeping along slowly (as a louse); cf. Pt.1.252 (Name of a louse). -वीर्य a. weak. -वृष्टिः f. slight rain. -स्मितम्, -हासः, -हास्यम् a gentle laugh, a smile.

Dictionary: Apte
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