mahat महत्
Definition: महत् a. [मह्-अति] (compar. महीयस्; superl. महिष्ठ; nom. महान्, महान्तौ, महान्तः; acc. pl. महतः) 1 Great, big, large, huge, vast; महान् सिंहः, व्याघ्रः &c. -2 Ample, copious, abundant, many, numerous; महाजनः, महान् द्रव्यराशिः. -3 Long, extended, extensive; महान्तौ बाहू यस्य स महाबाहुः; so महती कथा, महानध्वा. -4 Strong, powerful, mighty; as महान् वीरः. -5 Violent, intense, excessive; महती शिरोवेदना, महती पिपासा. -6 Gross, thick, dense; महानन्धकारः. -7 Important, weighty, momentous; महत्कार्यमुपस्थितम्, महती वार्ता. -8 High, lofty, eminent, distinguished, noble; महत्कुलम्, महाञ् जनः. -9 Loud; महान् घोषः-ध्वनिः. -1 Early or late; महति प्रत्यूषे 'early in the morning'; महत्यपराह्णे 'late in the afternoon'.-11 High; महार्घ्र. -m. 1 A camel. -2 An epithet of Śiva. -3 (In Sāṅ. phil.) The great principle, the intellect (distinguished from मनस्), the second of the twenty-five elements or tattvas recognized by the Sāṅkhyas; Ms.1.15;12.14; महदाद्याः प्रकृतिविकृतयः सप्त Sāṅ. K.3,8,22 &c. -4 The superior of a monastery. -n. 1 Greatness, infiniteness, numerousness. -2 Kingdom, dominion; 'महद्राज्यविशालयोः' Viśva; इन्द्रियाणि महत्प्रेप्सुः Mb.5.129.26. -3 Sacred knoweldge. -4 The Supreme Being (परमात्मा); बुद्धेः परतरं ज्ञानं ज्ञानात् परतरं महत् Mb.12.24.1. -ind. Greatly, excessively, very much, exceedingly; त्रैलोक्योद्वेगदं महत् Rām.6.111.48. (Note : महत् as the first member of a Tatpuruṣa compound and a few other cases, remains unchanged, while in Karmadhāraya and Bahuvrīhi comp. it is changed to महा q. v.) -Comp. -आयुधम् a great weapon; नाना- विधमहदायुधनैपुण्य ...... Dk.1.1. -आवासः a spacious or large building. -आशा a high hope; महदाशापूर्णमानसः Dk.1.3. -आश्चर्य a. very wonderful. -आश्रयः dependence on or seeking protection with the great. -उन्मदः a kind of fish; L. D. B. -औषधिः f. a herb of wonderful power. On the Himālaya there are trees of the Devadāru family which have got resinous stems. These stems burn like oil-lamps. These sticks of pinewood, therefore, are the natural lamps of the Himālaya. cf. सरलासक्तमातङ्गग्रैवेयस्फुरितत्विषः । आसन्नोषधयो नेतुर्नक्तमस्नेहदीपिकाः ॥ R.4.75; ज्वलितमहौषधिदीपिकासनाथाम् R.9.7. -कथ a. talked of or mentioned by the great, in great men's mouths. -कार्तिकी full moon of Kārtika combined with the asterism Rohiṇī; L. D. B. -कुलम् a noble family. -कूपः a deep well. -क्षेत्र a. occupying a wide territory. -गदः fever. -जवः 1 Bos gavaeus. -2 a kind of antelope; L. D. B. -ज्यैष्ठी f. full-moon of ज्येष्ठ under certain combinations. -गुण a. having the qualities of the great. -तत्त्वम् the second of the 25 principles of the Sāṅkhyas. -दोष a. highly criminal; महादोषमबुद्ध- बोधनम् Kau. A.1.17. -द्वन्द्वः 1 loud uproar. -2 martial band of music; L. D. B. -फलः the Bilva tree; L. D. B. -बिलम् the atmosphere. -भद्रा the river Gaṅgā; L. D. B. -भीष्मः Name of Śantanu; L. D. B. -मण्डूकः a kind of yellow frog; L. D. B. -व्यतिक्रमः a great transgression. -सिंहः the lion of Durgā; L. D. B. -सिद्धिनिलयः a mosque (the word is used by परमानन्द in Śivabhārata 18.52). -सेवा service of the great. -स्थानम् a high place, lofty station.
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