go गो

Definition: गो m. f. (Nom. गौः) [गच्छत्यनेन, गम् करणे डो Tv.] 1 Cattle, kine (pl.) -2 Anything coming from a cow; such as milk, flesh, leather &c. -3 The stars; वि रश्मिभिः ससृजे सूर्यो गाः Rv.7.36.1. -4 The sky. -5 The thunderbolt of Indra; Ki.8.1. -6 A ray of light; नान्यस्तप्ता विद्यते गोषु देव Mb.1.232.11; बालो$यं गिरिशिखरेषु चारयन् गाः त्रैलोक्यं तिमिरभरेण दुष्टमेतत् (रविः नैर्मल्यं नयति) । Rām. Ch. 7.6. -7 A diamond. -8 Heaven. -9 An arrow. -f. 1 A cow; जुगोप गोरूपधरामिवोर्वीम् R.2.3; क्षीरिण्यः सन्तु गावः Mk.1.6. -2 The earth; दुदोह गां स यज्ञाय R.1.26; गामात्तसारां रघुरप्यवेक्ष्य 5.26;11.36; Bg.15.13; सेको$- नुगृह्णातु गाम् Mu.3.2; Me.3; cf. also the quotation for (-6). -3 Speech, words; कुलानि समुपेतानि गोभिः पुरुषतो$- र्थतः Mb.5.28; रघोरुदारामपि गां निशम्य R.5.12;2.59; Ki.4.2. -4 The goddess of speech, Sarasvatī. -5 A mother. -6 A quarter of the compass. -7 Water; सायं भेजे दिशं पश्चाद्गविष्ठो गां गतस्तदा Bhāg.1.1.36; also pl.; Bhāg.11.7.5. -8 The eye; गोकर्णा सुमुखी कृतेन इषुणा गोपुत्रसंप्रेषिता Mb.8.9.42. -9 A region of the sky. -m. A bull, an ox; असंजातकिणस्कन्धः सुखं स्वपिति गौर्गडिः K. P.1; Ms.4.72; cf. चरद्गव. -2 The hair of the body. -3 An organ of sense; अदान्तगोभिर्विशतां तमिस्रं पुनः पुनश्चर्वितचर्वणानाम् Bhāg..7.5.3. -4 The sign Taurus of the zodiac; Bṛi. S.49. -5 The sun. -6 The number 'nine' (in math.). -7 The moon. -8 A singer. -9 A billion. -1 A cow-sacrifice -11 A house; cf. गौर्वज्रं गौः प्रभा भूमिर्वाणी तोयं त्रिविष्टपम् । धेनुर्बस्तो वृषो दिग्गौर्नेत्रं लज्जा गुरू रमा ॥ इन्द्रियं श्रीरुमा ... Enm. -Comp. -कण्टकः, -कम् 1 a road or spot trodden down by oxen and thus made impassable. -2 the cow's hoof. -3 the print of a cow's hoof. -कर्ण a. having cow's ears. (-र्णः) 1 a cow's ear; गोकर्णसदृशौ कृत्वा करावाबद्धसारणौ Ks.6.57. -2 a mule. -3 a snake; Mb.8.9.42. -4 a span (from the tip of the thumb to that of the ring-finger); गोकर्णशिथिल- श्चरन् Mb.2.68.75; तालः स्मृतो मध्यमया गोकर्णश्चाप्यनामया Brahmāṇḍa P. -5 Name of a place of pilgrimage in the south, sacred to Śiva. श्रितगोकर्णनिकेतमीश्वरम् R.8.33. -6 a kind of deer. -7 a kind of arrow; Mb.8.9.42. -किराटा -किराटिका the Sārikā bird. -किलः, -कीलः 1 a plough -2 a pestle. -कुलम् 1 a herd of kine; वृष्टिव्याकुलगोकुलावनरसादुद्धृत्य गोवर्धनम् Gīt.4; गोकुलस्य तृषा- र्तस्य Mb. -2 a cow-house. -3 Name of a village (where Kṛiṣṇa was brought up). -कुलिक a. 1 one who does not help a cow in the mud. -2 squint-eyed. -कुलोद्भवा an epithet of Durgā. -कृतम् cow-dung. -क्षीरम् cow's milk. -क्षुरम्, -रकम् a cow's hoof. -खरः a beast (पशु); यत्तीर्थबुद्धिः सलिले न कर्हिचिज्जनेष्वभिज्ञेषु स एव गोखरः Bhāg.1.84.13. -खा a nail. -गृष्टिः a young cow which has had only one calf. -गोयुगम् a pair of oxen. -गोष्ठम् a cow-pen, cattle-shed. -ग्रन्थिः 1 dried cowdung. -2 a cow-house. -ग्रहः capture of cattle (गवालम्भ); Mb.12.265.2. -ग्रासः the ceremony of offering a morsel (of grass) to a cow when performing an expiatory rite. -घातः, -घातकः, -घातिन् m. a cow-killer. -घृतम् 1 rain-water. -2 clarified butter coming from a cow. -घ्न a. 1 destructive to cows. -2 one who has killed a cow. -3 one for whom a cow is killed, a guest. -चन्दनम् a kind of sandal-wood. -चर a. 1 grazed over by cattle. -2 frequenting, dwelling, resorting to, haunting पितृसद्मगोचरः Ku.5.77. -3 within the scope, power, or range of; अवाङ्मनसगोचरम् R.1.15; so बुद्धि˚, दृष्टि˚, श्रवण˚ स्वगोचरे दीप्ततरा बभूव Bu. Ch.1.13. -4 moving on earth. -5 accessible to, attainable; त्याग- सूक्ष्मानुगः क्षेम्यः शौचगो ध्यागोचरः Mb.12.236.12. -6 circulating, having a particular meaning, prevalent. (-रः) 1 the range of cattle, pasturage; उपारताः पश्चिम-रात्रिगोचरात् Ki.4.1. -2 (a) a district, department, province, sphere. (b) an abode, dwelling-place, a place of resort; Śi.1.21; Ms.1.39. -3 range of the organs of sense, an object of sense; श्रवणगोचरे तिष्ठ be within ear-shot; नयनगोचरं या to become visible. -4 scope, range, in general; हर्तुर्याति न गोचरम् Bh.2.16. -5 (fig.) grip, hold, power, influence, control; कः कालस्य न गोचरा- न्तरगतः Pt.1.146; गोचरीभूतमक्ष्णोः U.6.26; Māl.5.24; अपि नाम मनागवतीर्णो$सि रतिरमणबाणगोचरम् Māl.1. -6 horizon. -7 field for action, scope; इन्द्रियाणि हयानाहुर्विषयांस्तेषु गोचरान् Kaṭh.3.4. -8 the range of the planets from the Lagna or from each other. ˚पीडा inauspicious position of stars within the ecliptic; गोचर- पीडायामपि राशिर्बलिभिः शुभग्रहैर्दृष्टः (पीडां न करोति) Bṛi.S.41.13. (गोचरीकृ to place within the range (of sight), make current). -चर्मन् n. 1 a cow's hide. -2 a particular measure of surface thus defined by Vasiṣṭha :-- दशहस्तेन वंशेन दशवंशान् समन्ततः । पञ्च चाभ्यधिकान् दद्यादेतद्गोचर्म चोच्यते ॥ ˚वसनः an epithet of Śiva. -चर्या seeking food like a cow; गोचर्यां नैगमश्चरेत् Bhāg.11.18.29. -चारकः cowherd. -चरणम् the tending or feeding of cows; Bhāg.1.38.8. -ज a. 1 born in the earth (rice &c.). -2 produced by milk; अब्जा गोजा ...... Kaṭh.5.2. -जरः an old ox or bull; नाद्रियन्ते यथापूर्वं कीनाशा इव गोजरम् Bhāg.3.3.13. -जलम् the urine of a bull or cow. -जागरिकम् auspiciousness, happiness. (-कः) a preparer of food, baker. -जात a. born in the heaven (gods); गोजाता अप्या मृळता च देवाः Rv.6.5.11. -जिह्वा Name of a plant (Mar. पाथरी). -जिह्विका the uvula. -जीव a. living on cattle (milkman); Hch.1.7. -तल्लजः an excellent bull or cow. -तीर्थम् a cowhouse. -त्रम् [गां भूमिं त्रायते त्रै-क] 1 a cow-pen. -2 a stable in general. -3 a family, race, lineage; गोत्रेण माठरो$स्मि Sk.; so कौशिकगोत्राः, वसिष्ठगोत्राः &c.; Ms.3.19,9.141. -4 a name, appellation; जगाद गोत्र- स्खलिते च का न तम् N.1.3; Ś.6.5; see ˚स्खलित below; मद्गोत्राङ्कं विरचितपदं गेयमुद्गातुकामा Me.88. -5 a multitude. -6 increase. -7 a forest. -8 a field. -9 a road. -1 possessions, wealth. -11 an umbrella, a parasol. -12 knowledge of futurity. -13 a genus, class, species. -14 a caste, tribe, caste according to families. (-त्रः) a mountain; 'गोत्रं नाम्नि कुले$प्यद्रौ' इति यादवः; Śi.9.8. Hence गोत्रोद्दलनः means Indra; cf. इन्द्रे तु गोत्रोद्दलनः कुलघ्ने गिरिदारणे Nm. (-त्रा) 1 a multitude of cows. -2 the earth. ˚उच्चारः recitation of family pedigree. ˚कर्तृ, -कारिन् m. the founder of a family. ˚कीला the earth. ˚ज a. born in the same family, gentile, a relation; Bhāg.3.7.24; Y.2.135. ˚पटः a genealogical table, pedigree. ˚प्रवरः the oldest member or founder of a family. -भिद् m. an epithet of Indra; हृदि क्षतो गोत्रभिदप्यमर्षणः R.3.53;6.73; Ku.2.52. ˚स्खलनम्, ˚स्खलितम् blundering or mistaking in calling (one) by his name, calling by a wrong name; स्मरसि स्मर मेखलागुणैरुत गौत्रस्खलितेषु बन्धनम् Ku.4.8. -द a. giving cows; Ms.4.231. (-दः) brain. (-दा) Name of the river Godāvarī. -दत्र a. Ved. giving cows. (-त्रः) an epithet of Indra. (-त्रम्) a crown (protecting the head). -दन्त a. armed with a coat of mail. (-तम्) 1 yellow orpiment. -2 a white fossil substance. -दानम् 1 the gift of a cow. -2 the ceremony of tonsure or cutting the hair; रामलक्ष्मणयो राजन् गोदानं कारयस्व ह Rām.1.71.23; अथास्य गोदानविधेरनन्तरम् R.3. 33; (see Mallinātha's explanation of the word); कृत- गोदानमङ्गलाः U.1; अतोनं गोदानं दारकर्म च Kau. A.1.5; (Rām. explains the word differently). -3 the part of the head close to the right ear. -दाय a. intending to give cows. -दारणम् 1 a plough. -2 a spade, hoe. -दा, -दावरी Name of a river in the south. -दुह् m., -दुहः 'cow-milker', a cowherd; सुदुघामिव गोदुहे R.1.4.1; चिरं निदध्यौ दुहतः स गोदुहः Śi. -दोहः 1 the milking of cows. -2 the milk of cows. -3 the time of milking cows. -दोहनम् 1 the time of milking cows. -2 the milking of cows; न लक्ष्यते ह्यवस्थानमपि गोदोहनं क्वचित् Bhāg.1.19. 4. -दोहनी a milk-pail. -द्रवः the urine of a bull or cow. -धनम् 1 a herd or multitude of cows, cattle. -2 possession of cows. (-नः) a broad-pointed arrow. -धरः a mountain. -धर्मः the law of cattle, rules relating to cattle; (open and unconcealed intercourse of the sexes); गोधर्मं सौरभेयाच्च सो$धीत्य निखिलं मुनिः । प्रावर्तत तदा कर्तुं श्रद्धावांस्तमशङ्कया ॥ Mb.1.14.26. -धुमः, -धूमः 1 wheat; Bṛi. Up.6.3.13. -2 the orange. ˚चूर्णम् wheat flour; -सम्भवम् a sour paste. -धूलिः 'dust of the cows', the time of sunset or evening twilight (so called because cows, which generally return home at about sunset, raise up clouds of dust by their treading on the earth). -धेनुः a milch-cow with a calf. -भ्रः a mountain. -नन्दा an epithet of the wife of Śiva. -नन्दी the female of the Sārasa bird. -नर्दः 1 the (Indian) crane. -2 an epithet of Śiva (bellowing like a bull). -3 Name of a country. -नर्दीयः an epithet of Patañjali, author of the Mahābhāṣya. -नसः, -नासः 1 a kind of snake. -2 a kind of gem. -नसा the mouth of a cow. -नाथः 1 a bull. -2 an owner of land. -3 a herdsman. -4 an owner of kine. -नायः a cowherd; तद्यथा गोनायो$श्वनायः पुरुषनाय इत्येवं तदप आचक्षते$शनायेति Ch. Up.6.8.3. -नाशनः a wolf. -नासा the projecting snout of a cow or ox. -नासम् a kind of gem. -निष्यन्दः cow's urine. -पः 1 a cowherd (considered as belonging to a mixed tribe); गोपवेशस्य विष्णोः Me.15. -2 the chief of a cowpen. -3 the superintendent of a village. -4 a king. -5 a protector, guardian; Rv.1.61.1. ˚अनसी the wood of a thatch; गोपानसीषु क्षणमास्थितानाम् Śi.3.49. ˚अष्टमी the eighth day of the bright fortnight of Kārttika when Kṛiṣṇa is said to have worn the dress of a cowherd. ˚आटविका a cowherd. ˚कन्या 1 the daughter of a cowherd. -2 a nymph of Vṛindāvana. ˚अध्यक्षः, ˚इन्द्रः, ˚ईशः the chief of herdsmen, an epithet of Kṛiṣṇa. ˚चापः the rainbow. ˚दलः the betel-nut tree. ˚भद्रम् the fibrous root of a water-lily. ˚रसः gum myrrh. ˚राष्ट्राः (pl.) Name ofa people. ˚वधूः f. a cowherd's wife; Bhāg.1.9.4. ˚वधूटी a young cowherdess, a young wife of a cowherd; गोपवधूटीदुकूलचौराय Bhāṣā P.1. (-पकः) 1 the superintendent of a district. -2 myrrh. (-पिका) 1 a cowherdess; Bhāg.1.9.14-15. -2 protectress. (-पी) a cowherd's wife (especially applied to the cowherdesses of Vṛindāvana, the companions of Kṛiṣṇa in his juvenile sports). -2 a milk-maid. -3 a protectress. -4 Nature, elementary nature. -पतिः 1 an owner of cows. -2 a bull. -3 a leader, chief. -4 the sun; नीहारमिव गोपतिः Bhāg.1.12.1; Mb.1.173.32. -5 Indra; सुराङ्गना गोपतिचापगोपुरं पुरम् (जहुः) Ki.8.1. -6 Name of Kṛiṣṇa. -7 Name of Śiva. -8 Name of Varuṇa; एष पुत्रो महाप्रज्ञो वरुणस्येह गोपतेः Mb.5.98.11. -9 a king; नासतो विद्यते राजन् स ह्यरण्येषु गोपतिः Mb.12.135.26. -पथः Name of a Brāhmaṇa of Av. -पर्वतम् the name of the place where Pāṇini is said to have performed penance and propitiated Śiva; गोपर्वतमिति स्थानं शम्भोः प्रख्यापितं मया । यत्र पाणिनिना लेभे वैयाकरणिकाग्ऱ्यता ॥ अरुणाचलमाहात्म्यम्- उत्तरार्धः 2 अ. 68 श्लो. -पशुः a sacrificial cow. -पाः m. Ved. 1 a herdsman. -2 protector, or guardian; मन्द्राग्रे- त्वरी भुवनस्य गोपा Av.2.1.57. -पानसी a curved beam which supports a thatch; गोपानसी तु वलभिच्छादने वक्रदारुणि Ak.2.2.15. -पालः 1 a cowherd; Ms.4.253. -2 a king. -3 an epithet of Śiva. -4 an epithet of Kṛ&iṣṇa. ˚धानी a cow-pen, cow-shed. -पालकः 1 a cowherd. -2 a king. -3 an epithet of Śiva; also of Kṛiṣṇa. -पालिः an epithet of Śiva. -पालिका, -पाली the wife of a cowherd; पार्थः प्रस्थापयामास कृत्वा गोपालिकावपुः Mb.1.221.19. -पालितः Name of a lexicographer. -पित्तम् bile of cows, ox-bile (from which the yellow pigment गोरोचना is prepared; गोपित्ततो रोचना Pt.1.94.). -पीतः a species of wagtail. -पीथः protection; अस्माकमृषीणां गोपीथे न उरुष्यतम् Rv.5.65.6. (-थम्) a holy place, a place of pilgrimage. -पुच्छम् a cow's tail. -2 a particular point of an arrow. (-च्छः) 1 a sort of monkey; Bhāg.8.2.22. -2 a sort of necklace consisting of two or four or thirty-four strings. -3 a kind of drum. -पुटिकम् the head of Śiva's bull. -पुत्रः 1 a young bull. -2 an epithet of Karṇa. -पुरम् 1 a town-gate; उत्तुङ्गसौधसुरमन्दिरगोपुरम् Māl.9.1. -2 a principal gate; दधतमुच्चशिलान्तरगोपुराः Ki.5.5. -3 the ornamental gateway of a temple. -पुरीषम् cowdung. -प्रकाण्डम् an excellent cow or bull. -प्रचारः pasture-ground, pasturage for cattle; ग्राम्येच्छया गोप्रचारो भूमी राजवशेन वा Y.2.166. -प्रत (ता) रः 1 a ford for cattle. -2 a place of pilgrimage on the Śarayū; यद्गोप्रतरकल्पो$भूत्संमर्दस्तत्र मज्जताम् । अतस्तदाख्यया तीर्थं पावनं भुवि पप्रथे ॥ R.15.11. -प्रदानम् same as गोदान. -प्रवेशः the time when cows return home, sunset or evening-twilight; गोप्रवेशसमये Bṛi. S.24.35. -फणा 1 a bandage hollowed out so as to fit the chin or nose &c. -2 a sling. -बालः the hair of cows. -भुज् m. a king; गोभुजां वल्लभा लक्ष्मीः Rāj. T.5.6. -भृत् m. 1 a mountain. -2 a king. -मक्षिका a gadfly. -मघ a. granting cattle or cows कदा गोमघा हवनानि गच्छाः Rv.6.35.3. -मंडलम् 1 the globe. -2 a multitude of cows. -मण़्डीरः a kind of an aquatic bird; L. D. B. -मतम् = गव्यूति q. v. -मतल्लिका a tractable cow, an excellent cow; अरिर्मधोरैक्षत गोमतल्लिकाम् Śi.12.41. -मथः a cowherd. -मध्यमध्य a. slender in the waist. -महिषदा Name of one of the Mātṛis attending on कार्तिकेय. -मांसम् beef. -मायु 1 a kind of frog. -2 a jackal; अनुहंकुरुते घनध्वनिं न हि गोमायुरुतानि केसरी Śi.16. 25. -3 bile of a cow. -4 Name of a Gandharva. -मीनः a kind of fish. -मुखः, -मुखम् [गोर्मुखमिव मुखमस्य] a kind of musical instrument; Bg.1.13; गोमुखानां च शृङ्गाणाम- नीकद्वयवर्तिनाम् Śiva. B.24.55. (-खः) 1 a crocodile, shark. -2 a hole of a particular shape in a wall made by thieves. (-खम्) 1 a house built unevenly. -2 spreading unguents, smearing; 'गोमुखं कुटिलाकारे वाद्यभाण्डे विलेपने' इति विश्वः; यस्यामलिन्देषु न चक्रुरेव मुग्धाङ्गना गोमयगो- मुखानि Śi.3.48. (-खम्, -खी) a cloth-bag of the shape of a gnomon containing a rosary, the beads of which are counted by the hand thrust inside. -2 a house built unevenly. -3 a particular method of sitting (a योगासन) (-खी) the chasm in the Himālaya mountains through which the Ganges flows. -मूढ a. stupid as a bull. -मूत्रम् cow's urine. -मूत्रकः a variety of lapis lazuli (बैदूर्य); Kau. A.2.11. -कम् a particular attitude (मण्डल) in गदायुद्ध; दक्षिणं मण्डलं सव्यं गोमूत्रकमथापि च । व्यचर- त्पाण्डवो राजन्नरिं संमोहयन्निव ॥ Mb.9.58.23. -a. zigzagging, going unevenly. -मूत्रिका 1 an artificial verse, the second of which repeats nearly all the syllables of the first. (Malli. thus defines it :-- वर्णानामेकरूपत्वं यद्येकान्तरमर्धयोः गोमूत्रिकेति तत्प्राहुर्दुष्करं तद्विदो विदुः ॥ see Śi.19.46.) -2 a form of calculation. -मृगः a kind of ox (गवय). -मेदः a gem brought from the Himālaya and Indus, described as of four different colours:-- white, pale-yellow, red, and dark-blue. -मेदकः 1 see गोमेद. -2 a kind of poison (काकोल). -3 smearing the body with unguents. -मेधः, -यज्ञः a cow-sacrifice; Rām.7.25.8. -यानम्, -रथः a carriage drawn by oxen; Rām.2.82.26; Ms. 11.174. -युक्त a. drawn by oxen. -युतम् 1 a cattle station. -2 a measure of two Krośas (गव्यूत); गोयुते गोयुते चैव न्यवसत्पुरुषर्षभः Mb.14.65.22. -रक्षः 1 a cowherd. -2 keeping or tending cattle. -3 the orange. -4 an epithet of Śiva. ˚जम्बू f. wheat. -रक्षणम् tending cattle (with religious faith). -रङ्कुः 1 a water-fowl -2 a prisoner. -3 a naked man, a mendicant wandering about without clothes. -4 a chanter. -रवम् saffron. -रसः cow's milk. -2 curds. -3 buttermilk. -4 the flavour of a sentence; को रसो गोरसं विना Udb. ˚जम् buttermilk. -राजः an excellent bull. -राटिका, -राटी the Sārikā bird. -रुतम् a measure of distance equal to two Krośas. -रूपम् the form of a cow. (-पः) Name of Śiva. -रोचम् yellow orpiment. -रोचना a bright yellow pigment prepared from the urineor bile of a cow, or found in the head of a cow. -लवणम् a measure of salt given to a cow. -लाङ्गु- (गू) लः a kind of monkey with a dark body, red cheeks and a tail like that of a cow; गोलाङ्गूलः कपोलं छुरयति रजसा कौसुमेन प्रियायाः Māl.9.3. -लोकः a part of heaven, cow-world. -लोभिका, -लोभी 1 a prostitute. -2 white Dūrvā grass. -3 Zedoary. -4 Name of a shrub. -वत्सः a calf. ˚आदिन m. a wolf. -वधः the killing of a cow; Ms.11.59. -वर्धनः a celebrated hill in वृन्दावन the country about Mathurā. ('This hill was lifted up and supported by Kṛiṣṇa upon one finger for seven days to shelter the cowherds from a storm of rain sent by Indra to test Kṛiṣṇa's divinity.') ˚धरः, ˚धरिन् m. an epithet of Kṛiṣṇa. -वरम् pounded cowdung. -वशा a barren cow. -वाटम्, -वासः a cow-pen. -वासन a. covered with an ox-hide. -विकर्तः, -विकर्तृ m. 1 the killer of a cow; Mb.4.2.9. -2 a husbandman. -विततः a horse-sacrifice having many cows. -विन्दः 1 a cowkeeper, a chief herdsman. -2 Name of Kṛiṣṇa. -3 Bṛihaspati. ˚द्वादशी the twelfth day in the light half of the month of फाल्गुन -विष् f., -विष्ठा cowdung. -विषाणिकः a kind of musical instrument; Mb.6.44.4. -विसर्गः day-break (when cows are let loose to graze in forests); Rām.7.111.9. -वीथिः f. Name of that portion of the moon's path which contains the asterisms भाद्रपदा, रेवती and अश्विनी, or according to some, हस्त, चित्रा and स्वाती Bṛi. S.9.2. -वीर्यम् the price received for milk. -वृन्दम् a drove of cattle. -वृन्दारकः an excellent bull or cow. -वृषः, -वृषभः an excellent bull; न तां शेकुर्नृपा वोढुमजित्वा सप्त गोवृषान् Bhāg 1.58.33. ˚ध्वजः an epithet of Śiva. -वैद्यः a quack docter. -व्रजः 1 a cow-pen. -2 a herd of cows. -3 a place where cattle graze. -व्रत, -व्रतिन् a. one who imitates a cow in frugality; ...अत्र गोव्रतिनो विप्राः ... ॥ यत्रपत्रशयो नित्यं येन केन- चिदाशितः । येन केनचिदाच्छन्नः स गोव्रत इहोच्यते ॥ Mb.5.99. 13-14. -शकृत् n. cowdung; Ms.2.182. -शतम् a present of a hundred cows to a Brāhmaṇa. -शालम्, -ला a cow-stall. -शीर्षः, -र्षम् a kind of sandal; Kau. A.2.11. -2 a kind of weapon (arrow ?); Mb.7.178. 23. -षड्गवम् three pairs of kine. -षन्, -षा a. Ved. acquiring or bestowing cows. -षा (सा) तिः 1 acquiring cattle; or fighting for cattle. गोषाता यस्य ते गिरः Rv.8.84.7. -2 giving cattle. -ष्टोमः a kind of sacrifice fasting for one day. -संख्यः a cowherd. -सदृक्षः a species of ox (गवय). -सर्गः the time at which cows are usually let loose, day-break; see गोविसर्ग. -सवः a kind of cow-sacrifice (not performed in the Kali age); Mb.3.3.17. -सहस्रम् a kind of present (महादान). (-स्त्री) Name of two holidays on the fifteenth day of the dark half of कार्तिक and ज्येष्ठ. -सावित्री Name of a hymn (cf. गायत्री). -सूत्रिका a rope fastened at both ends having separate halters for each ox or cow. -स्तनः 1 the udder of a cow. -2 a cluster of blossoms, nosegay &c. -3 a pearl-necklace of four strings. -4 a kind of fort. -स्तना, -नी a bunch of grapes. -स्थानम्, -क्रम् a cow-pen. -स्वामिन् m. 1 an owner of cows. -2 a religious mendicant. -3 an honorary title affixed to proper names; (e. g. वोपदेवगोस्वामिन्). -हत्या cow-slaughter. -हल्लम् (sometimes written हन्नम्) cow-dung. -हरः, -हरणम् stealing of cows; गोष्ठमुत्किरति गोहरं वदेत् Bṛi. S.89.9. (v. l.) -हित a. cherishing or protecting kine. (-तः) Name of Viṣṇu.

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