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Grammar Search
"yuktam" has 3 results
yuktam: neuter accusative singular past passive participle stem: yukta.
yuktam: neuter nominative singular past passive participle stem: yukta.
yuktam: masculine accusative singular past passive participle stem: yukta.
Amarakosha Search
3 results
jihmaḥ3.3.149MasculineSingularyuktam, śaktam, hitam
kaladhautam3.3.83NeuterSingularyuktam, kṣmādiḥ, ṛtam, prāṇī, atītaḥ
nyāyyam2.8.24MasculineSingularyuktam, aupayikam, labhyam, bhajamānam, abhinītam
Monier-Williams Search
12 results for yuktam
yuktamind. yukta
yuktamind. yukta
yuktamadamfn. intoxicated View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yuktamāṃsalamfn. properly stout or fleshy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yuktamanas(yukt/a--) mfn. fixing the mind, ready-minded, attentive View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ayuktamind. not being yoked View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bahuvistarayuktamind. bahuvistara View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
evaṃyuktam(-yuktam-) ind. in such a manner View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṣemayuktamind. in a prosperous way View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niyuktamind. by all means, necessarily View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃyuktamind. jointly, together, at the same time View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāyuktamind. = next View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Macdonell Search
1 result
yukta pp. (√ yug) yoked, to (lc.), with (in.); employed, occupied, engaged in, devoted to, intent on (lc. or --°ree;); applied; equipped, prepared, for (d., --°ree;); busied or occupied with (in.); absorbed in (lc.); con centrated, intent, attentive (cpv. -tara, very much on one's guard against: lc.; spv. -tama, supremely concentrated or intent); skilled, experienced, in (lc.); joined, united, combined, following in regular succession; furnished or endowed with, accompanied by, possessed of (in., --°ree;); being in conjunc tion with a constellation (in.); making use of (an opportunity, kâlena); come into connexion with (in.); connected with, re lating to (--°ree;); bound to, dependent on (--°ree;); fit, proper, becoming, for (g., lc.); right, cor rect; suitable to (--°ree;); auspicious, favourable (fate, moment); prosperous, thriving; faring or acting (thus, tathâ); primitive (opp. de rivative: gr.): °ree;-or -m, suitably, properly, duly, rightly; yuktam yad, it is suitable that --; na yuktam anayos tatra gantum, it is not suitable for them to go there; na yuktam bhavatâ, it is not seemly for you to (inf.); n. yoke, team; connexion, combina tion; fitness: in. yukténa, suitably; con formably to (reason, --°ree;).
Bloomfield Vedic
1 result0 results10 results
devebhir yuktam aditiḥ sajoṣāḥ VS.29.4c; TS. See devebhir aktam.
trīn yuktāṃ aṣṭāv aridhāyaso gāḥ RV.1.126.5b.
yajur yuktaṃ (TA.KA. yajuryuktaṃ) sāmabhir āktakhaṃ tvā (MS. sāmabhir ṛktakhaṃ tā) MS.4.9.2a: 123.3; TA.4.4.1a. Ps: yajur yuktaṃ sāmabhir āktakham Apś.15.6.2; yajur yuktam Mś.4.2.11. In fragments: yajuryuktam, sāmabhir āktakhaṃ tvā KA.2.49--50.
atho ayuktaṃ yunajad vavanvān # RV.10.27.9d.
anyā kila tvāṃ kakṣyeva yuktam # RV.10.10.13c; AVś.18.1.15c; N.6.28c.
tvaṃ hi yuktaṃ yuyukṣe yogyaṃ ca # AVś.8.9.7b.
devebhir aktam aditiḥ sajoṣāḥ # MS.3.16.2c: 184.5; KSA.6.2c. See devebhir yuktam.
bṛhadrathaṃtarābhyām idam eti yuktam # AB.5.30.3a.
yad akṣarād akṣaram eti yuktam # ā.
yāman-yāmann upayuktaṃ vahiṣṭham # AVś.4.23.3a; AVP.4.33.4a.
Vedabase Search
41 results
yuktam attachedSB 4.12.6
yuktam befittingSB 5.18.5
SB 7.3.12
yuktam conjoinedSB 12.11.13
yuktam empowered withSB 2.9.17
yuktam endowedSB 12.12.55
SB 12.7.9-10
yuktam equippedSB 11.11.46
yuktam fittingSB 10.69.15
yuktam in agreementSB 10.33.31
yuktam just befittingSB 1.17.17
yuktam properSB 11.18.34
yuktam quite befittingCC Madhya 6.109
yuktam reasonablySB 11.22.4
yuktam right courseSB 3.5.2
yuktam suitableSB 6.10.32
yuktam suitedSB 3.22.9
yuktam wearingSB 10.77.36
yuktam yokedSB 10.53.5
SB 10.70.14
ayuktam without being made ofSB 3.9.36
bhagavat-prayuktam being engaged by the LordSB 6.8.23
citta-yuktam along with consciousness (implying not only conditioned consciousness together with the object of that consciousness and the presiding Deity Vāsudeva, but also the mind together with the object of thought and the moon-god Candra, intelligence with the object of intelligence and Lord Brahmā, and false ego together with the identification of false ego and Lord Rudra)SB 11.22.32
dharma-yuktam in terms of religious principlesSB 8.19.1
jīva-yuktam with all the living entitiesSB 8.20.22
karma-yuktam full of fruitive activitiesSB 11.24.15
prayuktam engagedSB 5.24.3
bhagavat-prayuktam being engaged by the LordSB 6.8.23
rajaḥ-yuktam one who is in the mode of passionSB 11.25.9
samprayuktam treatedSB 11.14.26
saṃyuktam joinedSB 11.14.35
sattva-saṃyuktam endowed with the mode of goodnessSB 11.25.9
sattva-yuktam endowed with (spiritual) goodnessSB 10.20.43
sattva-saṃyuktam endowed with the mode of goodnessSB 11.25.9
upayuktam properly takenSB 6.2.19
dharma-yuktam in terms of religious principlesSB 8.19.1
jīva-yuktam with all the living entitiesSB 8.20.22
sattva-yuktam endowed with (spiritual) goodnessSB 10.20.43
citta-yuktam along with consciousness (implying not only conditioned consciousness together with the object of that consciousness and the presiding Deity Vāsudeva, but also the mind together with the object of thought and the moon-god Candra, intelligence with the object of intelligence and Lord Brahmā, and false ego together with the identification of false ego and Lord Rudra)SB 11.22.32
karma-yuktam full of fruitive activitiesSB 11.24.15
rajaḥ-yuktam one who is in the mode of passionSB 11.25.9
Wordnet Search
"yuktam" has 5 results.


māṃsala, māṃsaṇvat, yuktamāṃsala   


māṃsalasya ajasya māṃsametat।


yuktiyuktaḥ, yuktiyuktā, yuktiyuktam, ऱीtisaṃmataḥ, ऱीtisaṃmatā, ऱीtisaṃmatam   

yad tarkadvārā, lokavyavahāreṇa vā sammataḥ asti।

mohanaḥ guruṇā pṛṣṭānāṃ praśnānāṃ yuktiyuktam uttaraṃ dattvā sarvān vyasmāyayat। / dharmaśāstravirodhe tu yuktiyuktaḥ vidhiḥ smṛtaḥ।


yuktam, yuktaḥ, yuktā, militam, militaḥ, militā, anvitam, anvitā, anvitaḥ   

apṛthagbhūtaṃ militam ityarthaḥ।

ayi, pravātena sarvaṃ jalaṃ dhūlyā yuktam abhavat।


arhaḥ, arhā, arham, yogyaḥ, yogyam, yogyā, ucitaḥ, ucitam, ucitā, yuktam, yuktā, yuktaḥ, sādhu   

kasyacit matena yat tasyām avasthāyāṃ bhavanīyam eva asti tat।

tasmān na arhā vayaṃ hantuṃ dhārtarāṣṭrān sabāndhavān।


upasādhaḥ, sahitam, saṃyuktam   

kāryotpādanasya guṇavattāṃ vardhayituṃ yaḥ sahāyakaḥ।

anena yantreṇa saha ekam upasādhaṃ niḥśulkaṃ prāptam।

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