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Grammar Search
"yugyam" has 3 results
yugyam: neuter accusative singular future passive participle (has gerundive formation scheme) stem: yugya.
yugyam: neuter nominative singular future passive participle (has gerundive formation scheme) stem: yugya.
yugyam: masculine accusative singular future passive participle (has gerundive formation scheme) stem: yugya.
Amarakosha Search
1 result
vāhanam2.8.59NeuterSingulardhoraṇam, yānam, yugyam, pattram
Macdonell Search
2 results
anupapatti f. not coming to pass, impossibility; a. inadmissible, impossible; -upa-panna, pp. unsuitable; unproved, in admissible; -upa-bhugyamâna, pr. pt. ps. not being enjoyed (riches); -upa-bhogya, fp. not to be enjoyed; -upama, a. incomparable; -upa-yat, pr. pt. not cohabiting with; -upa-yukta, pp. unserviceable, useless; unfit; -upa-yugyamâna, pr. pt. ps. good for nothing; -upayogin, a. unserviceable:(i)-tva, n. abst. n.; -uparodha, m. not prejudicing, not injur ing: -tas, ad. without inconvenience; -upa-lakshita, pp. unnoticed; -upalabdhi, f. non perception; imperceptibility; -upalambha, m. id.; -upasamhârin, a. non-exclusive (fallacious middle term); -upasarga, a. not combined with a preposition; -upa-skrita, pp. unprepared; simple; unfurnished with (in.); disinterested; blameless; -upa-hata, pp. healthy; undisputed: -½âtmaka, a.not dejected, cheerful; -upa-hita, pp. unconditioned, unappropriated.
aprayukta pp. unemployed, un usual; inappropriate; -yukkhat, pr. pt. not careless; attentive; -yugyamâna, pr. pt. ps. not being added; not being lent on interest.
Wordnet Search
"yugyam" has 1 results.


ṛkṇavahaḥ, ṛkṇavahī, ṛkṇavaham, yugyaḥ, yugyam, yugyā   

saḥ paśuḥ yaḥ yānādiṣu yujyate।

vṛṣabhaḥ iti ekaḥ ṛkṇavahaḥ asti।

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