yoddhavya | mfn. to be fought or contended with or overcome in battle (n. impersonal or used impersonally) |
yoddhavya | yoddhṛ- See . |
yoddhṛ | m. a fighter, warrior, soldier |
yoddhukāma | mfn. wishing to fight, anxious for battle |
yodha | See . |
yodha | m. (according to to ,also n.) a fighter, warrior, soldier etc. etc. (with vṛṣaḥ-,a bull trained or fit for war ) |
yodha | m. battle, war (See dur--and mitho-y-) |
yodha | m. a kind of metre |
yodha | m. plural the third astrological mansion, |
yodhadharma | m. the law of soldiers, duty of the kṣatriya- caste |
yodhāgāra | m. a soldier's dwelling, barrack |
yodhahara | mfn. carrying soldiers |
yodhaka | m. equals yodha-, a fighter, warrior |
yodhamukhya | m. a chief warrior, leader |
yodhana | n. the act of fighting, battle, war |
yodhana | n. battle-cry |
yodhanapuratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- |
yodhanīpura | n. Name of a town |
yodhanīya | mfn. to be fought or overcome |
yodhasaṃrāva | m. challenging to battle, mutual defiance of combatants |
yodhavīra | m. a hero, warrior |
yodheya | m. a warrior, combatant |
yodheya | m. Name of a race (varia lectio yaudheya-). |
yodhika | n. a particular mode of fighting (varia lectio yaudhika-). |
yodhin | See . |
yodhin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') fighting, combating |
yodhin | m. a warrior, conqueror |
yodhivana | n. Name of a place |
yodhīyas | mfn. more warlike or martial |
yodhya | See . |
yodhya | mfn. to be fought or overcome or subdued (see a-y-) |
yodhya | m. plural Name of a people |
yoga | m. (1. yuj-; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) the act of yoking, joining, attaching, harnessing, putting to (of horses) |
yoga | m. a yoke, team, vehicle, conveyance |
yoga | m. employment, use, application, performance etc. |
yoga | m. equipping or arraying (of an army) |
yoga | m. fixing (of an arrow on the bow-string) |
yoga | m. putting on (of armour) |
yoga | m. a remedy, cure |
yoga | m. a means, expedient, device, way, manner, method etc. |
yoga | m. a supernatural means, charm, incantation, magical art |
yoga | m. a trick, stratagem, fraud, deceit (see yoga-nanda-) |
yoga | m. undertaking, business, work |
yoga | m. acquisition, gain, profit, wealth, property |
yoga | m. occasion, opportunity |
yoga | m. any junction, union, combination, contact with (instrumental case with or without saha-,or compound). etc. (yogam- i-,to agree, consent, acquiesce in anything ) |
yoga | m. mixing of various materials, mixture |
yoga | m. partaking of, possessing (instrumental case or compound) |
yoga | m. connection, relation (yogāt-, yogena-and yoga-tas- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' in consequence of, on account of, by reason of, according to, through) etc. |
yoga | m. putting together, arrangement, disposition, regular succession |
yoga | m. fitting together, fitness, propriety, suitability ( yogena gena- ind.and yogatas -tas- ind.suitably, fitly, duly, in the right manner) etc. |
yoga | m. exertion, endeavour, zeal, diligence, industry, care, attention ( yogatas yoga-tas- ind.strenuously, assiduously; pūrṇena yogena-,with all one's powers, with overflowing zeal) etc. |
yoga | m. application or concentration of the thoughts, abstract contemplation, meditation, (especially) self-concentration, abstract meditation and mental abstraction practised as a system (as taught by patañjali- and called the yoga- philosophy;it is the second of the two sāṃkhya- systems, its chief aim being to teach the means by which the human spirit may attain complete union with īśvara- or the Supreme Spirit;in the practice of self-concentration it is closely connected with Buddhism) etc. () |
yoga | m. any simple act or rite conducive to yoga- or abstract meditation |
yoga | m. Yoga personified (as the son of dharma- and kriyā-) |
yoga | m. a follower of the yoga- system |
yoga | m. (in sāṃkhya-) the union of soul with matter (one of the 10 mūlika-arthā-s or radical facts) |
yoga | m. (with pāśupata-s) the union of the individual soul with the universal soul |
yoga | m. (with pāñcarātra-s) devotion, pious seeking after God |
yoga | m. (with jaina-s) contact or mixing with the outer world |
yoga | m. (in astronomy) conjunction, lucky conjuncture etc. |
yoga | m. a constellation, asterism (these, with the moon, are called cāndra-yogāḥ-and are 13 in number;without the moon they are called kha-yogāḥ-,or nābhasa-yogāḥ-) |
yoga | m. the leading or principal star of a lunar asterism |
yoga | m. Name of a variable division of time (during which the joint motion in longitude of the sun and moon amounts to 13 degrees 20 minutes;there are 27 such yoga-s beginning with viṣkambha- and ending with vaidhṛti-) |
yoga | m. (in arithmetic) addition, sum, total |
yoga | m. (in gram.) the connection of words together, syntactical dependence of a word, construction (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = dependent on, ruled by Va1rtt. 1) |
yoga | m. a combined or concentrated grammatical rule or aphorism (see yoga-vibhāga-) |
yoga | m. the connection of a word with its root, original or etymological meaning (as opp. to rūḍhi- q.v) |
yoga | m. a violator of confidence, spy |
yoga | m. Name of a Scholiast or Commentator on the paramārthasāra- |
yogā | f. Name of a śakti- |
yogā | f. of pīvarī- (daughter of the pitṛ-s called barhiṣad-s) |
yogabala | n. the force of devotion, the power of magic, supernatural power |
yogabhadrā | f. Name of work |
yogabhāraka | m. a shoulder-yoke for carrying burdens |
yogabhāskara | m. Name of work |
yogabhāṣya | n. Name of work |
yogabhāvanā | f. (in algebra) composition of numbers by the sum of the products |
yogabhraṣṭa | mfn. one who has fallen from the practice of yoga- or self-concentration commentator or commentary |
yogābhyāsakrama | m. Name of work |
yogābhyāsalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work |
yogābhyāsaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work |
yogabīja | n. Name of work |
yogabinduṭippaṇa | m. or n. (?) Name of work |
yogacakṣus | mfn. "contemplation-eyed", one whose eye is meditation (Name of brahmā-) |
yogacandraṭīkā | f. |
yogacandrikā | f. Name of work |
yogacandrikāvilāsa | m. Name of work |
yogacara | m. Name of hanumat- |
yogacāra | m. the observance of the Yoga |
yogacāra | m. a particular samādhi- |
yogacāra | m. Name of work |
yogacāra | m. equals yogin- q.v |
yogacāra | m. a follower of a particular Buddhist sect or school |
yogacāra | m. plural the disciples of that school |
yogacārabhūmiśāstra | n. (for yogācārya-bh-) Name of work |
yogacaryā | f. |
yogācārya | m. a teacher of the Yoga system of philosophy |
yogācārya | m. a teacher of the art of magic (also said to be a teacher of the art of thieving) |
yogācārya | m. wrong reading for yogācāra- above. |
yogacikitsā | f. |
yogacintāmaṇī | m. |
yogacūḍāmaṇi | m. |
yogacūḍāmaṇyupaniṣad | f. Name of work |
yogacūḍopaniṣad | f. Name of work |
yogacūrṇa | n. magical powder |
yogadāna | n. gift of the Yoga, communicating the Yoga doctrine |
yogadāna | n. a fraudulent gift |
yogadānapratigraha | n. a fraudulent gift or acceptance |
yogadaṇḍa | m. a magic wand |
yogadarpaṇa | m. Name of work |
yogadeva | m. Name of a jaina- author |
yogādhamanavikrīta | n. a fraudulent pledge or sale |
yogadhāraṇā | f. continuance or perseverance in meditation |
yogadharmin | mfn. doing homage to the Yoga |
yogādhikāra | m. Name of work |
yogadīpikā | f. Name of work |
yogadṛṣṭisamuccayavyākhyā | f. Name of work |
yogagāmin | mfn. going (through the air) by means of magical power |
yogagati | f. state of union, the being united together |
yogāgnimaya | mfn. filled with the fire of the Yoga, attained through the ardour of devotion |
yogagrantha | m. Name of two works. |
yogahṛdaya | n. Name of work |
yogaiśvarya | n. mastery of the Yoga |
yogaja | mfn. produced by or arising from yoga- or meditation |
yogaja | n. agallochum |
yogajñāna | n. Name of work |
yogakakṣā | f. equals -paṭṭa- q.v |
yogakalpadruma | m. Name of work |
yogakalpalatā | f. Name of work |
yogakanyā | f. Name of the infant daughter of yaśo-dā- (substituted as the child of devakī- for the infant kṛṣṇa- and therefore killed by kaṃsa-, but immediately raised to heaven as a beautiful girl) |
yogakara | m. a particular samādhi- |
yogakaraṇḍaka | m. Name of a minister of brahma-datta- |
yogakaraṇḍikā | f. Name of a female religious mendicant |
yogākhyāna | n. Name of work |
yogākṣaranighaṇṭu | m. Name of work |
yogakṣema | m. sg. and plural (in later language also m. dual number and n.sg.) the security or secure possession of what has been acquired, the keeping safe of property, welfare, prosperity, substance, livelihood etc. etc. (generally explained as a dvaṃdva- meaning"acquisition and preservation of property"see kṣema-yoga-; maṃ-vah-with dative case = to procure any one a livelihood, support, maintain ) |
yogakṣema | m. the charge for securing property (from accidents), insurance |
yogakṣema | m. property destined for pious uses and sacrifices (others"the means of securing protection, i.e. councillors, family priests and the like") |
yogakṣemakara | mfn. causing gain and security, causing protection of what is acquired, one who takes charge of property |
yogakṣemasamarpitṛ | mfn. offering or procuring sustenance or a livelihood. () |
yogakṣemavaha | mfn. offering or procuring sustenance or a livelihood. () |
yogakṣemavat | mfn. possessing property which is designed for pious purposes |
yogakuṇḍalinī | f. Name of an upaniṣad-. |
yogakuṇḍalyupaniṣad | f. Name of an upaniṣad-. |
yogamahiman | m. Name of several works. |
yogamālā | f. Name of work |
yogamaṇiprabhā | f. Name of work |
yogamaṇipradīpikā | f. Name of work |
yogamañjarī | f. Name of work |
yogamārga | m. equals -patha- q.v |
yogamārtaṇḍa | m. Name of work |
yogamātṛ | f. the mother of yoga- |
yogamātṛ | f. Name of pīvarī- |
yogamaya | mf(ī-)n. resulting from self-concentration or yoga- |
yogamaya | m. Name of viṣṇu- |
yogamāyā | f. magic |
yogamāyā | f. the māyā- or magical power of abstract meditation |
yogamāyā | f. the power of God in the creation of the world personified as a deity |
yogamāyā | f. Name of durgā- |
yogamayajñāna | n. knowledge derived from self-concentration or meditation |
yogāmbara | m. Name of a Buddhist deity |
yogaṃdhara | m. Name of a particular magical formula recited over weapons (varia lectio yaugaṃdh-) |
yogaṃdhara | m. Name of various men |
yogāmṛta | n. Name of work |
yogāmṛtataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work |
yogamuktāvalī | f. Name of work |
yogamūrtidhara | m. plural "bearing the form of the yoga-", Name of a class of deceased ancestors |
yogananda | m. the false nanda- |
yogānanda | m. "delight of the Yoga", Name of two authors |
yogānanda | m. wrong reading for yoga-nanda- |
yogānandaprahasana | n. Name of work |
yoganātha | m. " yoga--lord", Name of śiva- |
yoganātha | m. of datta- |
yoganāvika | m. a kind of fish |
yogāṅga | n. a constituent or part of the Yoga, means of attaining it (generally said to be 8 in number, viz. yama-, niyama-, āsana-, prāṇāyāma-, pratyāhāra-, dhāraṇā-, dhyāna-,and samādhi-,or according to another authority 6, viz. āsana-, prāṇasaṃrodha-,with the last four as enumerated above ), |
yoganidrā | f. "meditation-sleep", a state of half meditation half sleep (which admits of the full exercise of the mental powers;it is peculiar to devotees), light sleep, (especially) the sleep of viṣṇu- at the end of a yuga-, viṣṇu-'s Sleep personified as a goddess and said to be a form of durgā- etc. |
yoganidrā | f. (according to to others) the great sleep of brahmā- during the period between the annihilation and reproduction of the universe |
yoganidrālu | m. Name of viṣṇu- |
yoganilaya | m. Name of śiva- |
yogāñjana | n. a healing ointment |
yogāñjana | n. the Yoga as a healing ointment |
yogāñjana | n. Name of work |
yogānta | (in compound) f. (scilicet gati-) Name of the 7 divisions into which (according to to parāśara-) the orbit of Mercury is divided |
yogāntikā | f. (scilicet gati-) Name of the 7 divisions into which (according to to parāśara-) the orbit of Mercury is divided |
yogānugatā | f. Name of a kiṃ-nara- maid |
yogānuśāsana | n. "Yoga-instruction", the doctrine of the Yoga by patañjali- |
yogānuśāsana | n. Name of two works. |
yogānuśāsanasūtra | n. Name of work |
yogānuśāsanasutravṛtti | f. Name of work |
yoganyāsa | m. Name of work |
yogapada | n. a state of self-concentration or meditation |
yogapadaka | n. wrong reading for -paṭṭaka- q.v |
yogapaddhati | f. Name of work |
yogapādukā | f. a magical shoe (supposed to carry the wearer wherever he wishes) |
yogapāraṃga | m. "conversant with Yoga", Name of śiva- |
yogapātañjala | m. a follower of patañjali- as teacher of the yoga- doctrine |
yogapatha | m. the road leading to Yoga |
yogapati | m. " yoga--lord", Name of viṣṇu- |
yogapatnī | f. "wife of Yoga", Name of pīvarī- (also called yogā-and yogamātṛ-) |
yogapaṭṭa | ( ) ( ) m. the cloth thrown over the back and knees of a devotee during meditation. |
yogapaṭṭaka | ( ) m. the cloth thrown over the back and knees of a devotee during meditation. |
yogāpatti | f. modification of usage or application |
yogapīṭha | n. a particular posture during religious meditation |
yogapradīpa | m. Name of work |
yogapradīpikā | f. Name of work |
yogaprakāra | m. Name of work |
yogaprakāśaṭīkā | f. Name of work |
yogaprāpta | mfn. obtained through abstract meditation |
yogapraveśavidhi | m. Name of work |
yogarahasya | n. Name of work |
yogarāja | m. "king of medicines", Name of a particular medicines preparation etc. |
yogarāja | m. a king or master in the Yoga |
yogarāja | m. Name of various learned men and authors etc. |
yogarājaguggulu | m. a particular medicines preparation |
yogarājopaniṣad | f. Name of an upaniṣad-. |
yogaraṅga | m. the orange tree |
yogāraṅga | m. equals yoga-raṅga- q.v |
yogarasāyana | n. Name of work |
yogaratha | m. the yoga- as a vehicle |
yogaratna | n. a magical jewel |
yogaratna | n. Name of work on med. |
yogaratnākara | m. Name of work |
yogaratnamālā | f. Name of work |
yogaratnasamuccaya | m. Name of work |
yogaratnāvalī | f. Name of work |
yogarddhirūpavat | (yoga-+ ṛddhi-r-), mfn. having the embodied form of the perfect yoga- |
yogārṇava | m. Name of work |
yogarocanā | f. Name of a kind of magical ointment (making invisible or invulnerable) |
yogarūḍha | mfn. having a special as well as etymological and general meaning (said of certain words exempli gratia, 'for example' paṅka-ja-means "growing in mud"and"a lotus-flower") |
yogārūḍha | mfn. absorbed in profound or abstract meditation |
yogarūḍhatā | f. |
yogarūḍhivāda | m. Name of work |
yogarūḍhivicāra | m. Name of work |
yogas | n. meditation, religious abstraction |
yogas | n. the half of a lunar month |
yogaśabda | m. the word yoga- |
yogaśabda | m. a word the meaning of which is plain from the etymology |
yogasādhana | n. Name of work |
yogasāgara | m. Name of work |
yogasamādhi | m. absorption of the mind in profound meditation peculiar to the yoga- system |
yogasaṃgraha | m. Name of several works. |
yogasaṃsiddhi | f. perfection in Yoga |
yogāsana | n. a mode of sitting suited to profound meditation or similar to that of the yoga-, |
yogāsanalakṣaṇa | n. plural Name of work |
yogasāra | m. or n. (?) a universal remedy |
yogasāra | m. Name of several works. |
yogasārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
yogasārasamuccaya | m. Name of work |
yogasāratantra | n. Name of work |
yogasārāvali | f. Name of work |
yogasārāvalī | f. Name of work |
yogaśarīrin | mfn. (one) whose body is Yoga |
yogaśāstra | n. any work on the Yoga doctrine (especially that of patañjali-) |
yogaśāstra | n. Name of several works. |
yogaśāstrapattra | n. plural Name of work |
yogaśāstrasūtrapāṭha | m. Name of work |
yogaśata | n. Name of work |
yogaśataka | n. Name of work |
yogaśatakākhyāna | n. Name of work |
yogaśatakavyākhyāna | n. Name of work |
yogaśāyin | mfn. half asleep and half absorbed in meditation |
yogasevā | f. the practice or cultivation of religious abstraction |
yogasiddha | mfn. perfected by means of Yoga |
yogasiddha | m. Name of an author |
yogasiddhā | f. Name of a sister of bṛhas-pati- |
yogasiddhāntacandrikā | f. Name of work |
yogasiddhāntapaddhati | f. Name of work |
yogasiddhi | f. simultaneous accomplishment |
yogasiddhimat | mfn. experienced in the art of magic |
yogasiddhiprakriyā | f. Name of work |
yogaśikhā | f. Name of an upaniṣad-. |
yogaśikhopaniṣad | f. Name of an upaniṣad-. |
yogaśikṣā | f. Name of work |
yogaśikṣopaniṣad | f. equals next. |
yogastha | mfn. absorbed in Yoga |
yogasudhākara | m. Name of work |
yogasudhānidhi | m. Name of work |
yogasūtra | n. the aphorisms of the Yoga system of philosophy ascribed to patañjali- |
yogasūtrabhāṣya | n. Name of work relating to the yoga-sūtra- |
yogasūtracandrikā | f. Name of work relating to the yoga-sūtra- |
yogasūtragūḍhārthadyotikā | f. Name of work relating to the yoga-sūtra- |
yogasūtrārthacandrikā | f. Name of work relating to the yoga-sūtra- |
yogasūtravṛtti | f. Name of work relating to the yoga-sūtra- |
yogasūtravyākhyāna | n. Name of work relating to the yoga-sūtra- |
yogasvāmin | m. a master in the Yoga |
yogasvarodaya | m. Name of work |
yogatalpa | n. " yoga--couch" equals -nidrā- q.v |
yogatantra | n. a work treating of the yoga- philosophy |
yogatantra | n. (with Buddhists) Name of a class of writings. |
yogatārā | f. ( ) the chief star in a nakṣatra- |
yogatārakā | f. ( ) the chief star in a nakṣatra- |
yogataraṃga | m. Name of work |
yogataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work |
yogatārāvalī | f. Name of several works. |
yogatas | ind. conjointly |
yogatas | ind. suitably, properly |
yogatas | ind. conformably to, in accordance with, by means of, in consequence of (compound) |
yogatas | ind. with application of effort, with all one's powers |
yogatas | ind. seasonably, in due season |
yogatas | ind. through devotion, by the power of magic etc. |
yogatas | ind. yoga |
yogatas | ind. yoga |
yogatattva | n. the principle of yoga- |
yogatattva | n. Name of an upaniṣad- (also yogatattvopaniṣad tvopaniṣad- f.) |
yogatattvaprakāśa | m. Name of work |
yogatattvaprakāśaka | m. Name of work |
yogatattvopaniṣad | f. yogatattva |
yogātman | mfn. (one) whose soul or essence is Yoga or who fixes his mind on Yoga |
yogatva | n. the state of yoga- |
yogavācaspatya | n. Name of work |
yogavaha | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') bringing about, promoting, furthering |
yogavāha | m. wrong reading for a-y- q.v |
yogavāhaka | mfn. resolving (chemically) |
yogavāhī | f. alkali |
yogavāhī | f. honey |
yogavāhī | f. quicksilver |
yogavāhin | mfn. receiving into or assimilating to one's self |
yogavāhin | mfn. (perhaps) contriving artifices, plotting ( yogavāhitva hi-tva- n.) |
yogavāhin | n. a menstruum or medium for mixing medicines |
yogavāhitva | n. yogavāhin |
yogāvali | f. Name of work |
yogāvalī | f. Name of work |
yogāvalījātaka | n. Name of work |
yogāvalītantrekuladīpinī | f. Name of work |
yogāvāpa | m. the first attitude of an archer |
yogavarṇana | n. Name of work |
yogavartikā | f. a magical wick |
yogavārttika | n. Name of work |
yogavāsiṣṭha | n. Name of work (also called vāsiṣṭha-rāmāyaṇa-, in the form of a dialogue between vāsiṣṭha- and his pupil rāma-, treating of the way of obtaining happiness see ) |
yogavāsiṣṭhasaṃkṣepa | m. Name of work |
yogavāsiṣṭhasāra | m. Name of work |
yogavāsiṣṭhasāracandrikā | f. Name of work |
yogavāsiṣṭhasārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
yogavāsiṣṭhasāravivṛti | f. Name of work |
yogavāsiṣṭhaśāstra | n. Name of work |
yogavāsiṣṭhatātparyaprakāśa | m. Name of work |
yogavāsiṣṭhīya | mfn. relating to the yoga-vāsiṣṭha- |
yogavat | mfn. connected, united, joined |
yogavat | mfn. one who applies himself to contemplation or yoga- |
yogavibhāga | m. the disuniting or separation of that which is usually combined, the separation of one grammatical rule into two, making two rules of what might be stated as one |
yogavicāra | m. Name of a chapter of the kāśī-khaṇḍa-. |
yogavid | mfn. knowing the right means or proper method, knowing what is fit or suitable etc. |
yogavid | mfn. conversant with the yoga- etc. |
yogavid | m. Name of śiva- |
yogavid | m. a follower of the Yoga doctrines |
yogavid | m. a practiser of abstract meditation |
yogavid | m. a magician |
yogavid | m. a compounder of medicines |
yogavidyā | f. knowledge of the Yoga, the science of Yoga |
yogavikraya | m. a fraudulent sale |
yogaviṣaya | m. Name of work |
yogaviveka | m. (and ka-ṭippaṇa-) Name of work |
yogavṛttisaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
yogāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to become yoga-, to be changed into religious contemplation or devotion |
yogayājñavalkya | n. Name of work |
yogayājñavalkyagītā | f. Name of work |
yogayājñavalkyasmṛti | f. Name of work |
yogayātrā | f. the road or way to union with the Supreme Spirit, the way of profound meditation |
yogayātrā | f. Name of an astrological work by varāha-mihira- |
yogayātrā | f. of another work |
yogāyoga | m. plural a proper quantity (varia lectio) |
yogāyoga | m. dual number suitableness and unsuitableness |
yogayogin | mfn. equals -yukta- above |
yogayuj | mfn. one who has given himself to yoga- |
yogayukta | mfn. immersed in deep meditation, absorbed in yoga- |
yogayukti | f. the being absorbed in yoga- |
yogena | ind. yoga |
yogendra | m. a master or adept in the yoga- |
yogeśa | m. idem or 'm. a master or adept in the yoga- ' |
yogeśa | m. Name of yājñavalkya- |
yogeśa | m. of śiva- |
yogeśa | m. of the city of brahmā- |
yogeśārṇava | m. Name of work |
yogeśīsahasranāmastotra | n. Name of work |
yogeṣṭa | n. tin |
yogeṣṭa | n. lead |
yogeśvara | m. a master in magical art (said of a vetāla-) |
yogeśvara | m. a master or adept in the yoga- etc. |
yogeśvara | m. a deity, the object of devout contemplation |
yogeśvara | m. Name of kṛṣṇa- |
yogeśvara | m. of yājñavalkya- |
yogeśvara | m. of a son of deva-hotra- |
yogeśvara | m. of a brahma-rākṣasa- |
yogeśvara | m. of various authors and learned men etc. |
yogeśvara | m. of work |
yogeśvaramantra | m. Name of work |
yogeśvarapaddhati | f. Name of work |
yogeśvaratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- |
yogeśvaratva | n. mastery of the Yoga |
yogeśvarī | f. a fairy |
yogeśvarī | f. a mistress or adept in the yoga- |
yogeśvarī | f. a form of durgā- |
yogeśvarī | f. a species of plant |
yogeśvarī | f. Name of a goddess |
yogeśvarī | f. of a vidyā-dharī- |
yogi | (mc.) equals yogin- (only in genitive case plural yogīnām-). |
yogi | in compound for yogin-. |
yogibhaṭṭa | m. Name of an author |
yogidaṇḍa | m. a kind of reed or cane (equals vetra-) |
yogimārga | m. "a Yogi's path", the air, atmosphere |
yogimātṛ | varia lectio for yoga-p- and -m- (q.v) |
yogin | mfn. joined or connected with, relating to, accompanied by, possessed of (compound) |
yogin | mfn. being in conjunction with (exempli gratia, 'for example' candra-y-) |
yogin | mfn. possessed of superhuman powers |
yogin | m. a follower of the yoga- system, a yogin- (usually called yogī-) or contemplative saint, devotee, ascetic etc. (see ) |
yogin | m. a magician, conjurer |
yogin | m. a particular mixed caste (varia lectio yuṅgin-) |
yogin | m. an orange tree |
yogin | m. natron, alkali |
yogin | m. Name of yājñavalkya- |
yogin | m. of arjuna- |
yogin | m. of viṣṇu- |
yogin | m. of śiva- |
yogin | m. of a buddha- |
yogīndra | m. idem or 'm. a king among Yogi ' |
yogīndra | m. Name of |
yogīndra | m. of vālmīki- |
yoginī | f. See next. |
yoginī | f. a female demon or any being endowed with magical power, a fairy, witch, sorceress (represented as eight in number and as created by durgā- and attendant on her or on śiva-;sometimes 60, 64 or 65 are enumerated) etc. (see ) |
yoginī | f. Name of durgā- |
yoginī | f. (with tāntrika-s) a particular śakti- |
yoginī | f. (with Buddhists) a woman representing any goddess who is the object of adoration. |
yoginībhairavatantra | n. Name of work |
yoginīcakrapūjana | n. Name of work |
yoginīdaśā | f. state or condition of a yoginī- |
yoginīdaśācintāmaṇi | m. Name of work |
yoginīdaśādhyāya | m. Name of work |
yoginīdaśājñāna | n. Name of work |
yoginīdaśākrama | m. Name of work |
yoginīdaśāprakaraṇa | n. Name of work |
yoginīdaśāvicāra | m. Name of work |
yoginidrā | f. "a yogi-'s sleep", light sleep, wakefulness |
yoginīhṛdaya | n. Name of work |
yoginīhṛdayasetubandha | m. Name of work |
yoginījālaśambara | n. Name of work |
yoginījātaka | n. Name of work |
yoginījñānārṇava | m. Name of work |
yoginīpura | n. Name of a city |
yoginīsādhana | n. Name of work |
yoginīstavarāja | m. Name of work |
yoginītantra | n. Name of work |
yoginy | in compound for yoginī-. |
yoginyādipūjanavidhi | m. Name of work |
yoginyaṣṭadaśākrama | m. Name of work |
yogipatnī | varia lectio for yoga-p- and -m- (q.v) |
yogirāj | m. a king among Yogi |
yogīśa | m. a king among Yogi |
yogīśa | m. Name of yājñavalkya- |
yogīṣṭa | n. lead |
yogīśvara | m. equals prec. |
yogīśvara | m. a master in sorcery |
yogīśvarī | f. Name of a goddess |
yogitā | f. the being connected with (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'), connection, relation |
yogitā | f. the state or condition of a yogī- (see yogin-) |
yogita | mfn. bewitched, enchanted, mad, crazy, wild |
yogitva | n. equals prec. |
yogīya | Nom. A1. yate-, to regard or treat as yoga- |
yogiyājñavalkya | equals yoga-yā- q.v |
yogodvahana | n. support (with food and clothes) |
yogopadeśa | m. Name of work |
yogopaniṣad | f. Name of work |
yogya | mfn. (fr. yoga-and1. yuj-) fit for the yoke |
yogya | mfn. belonging to a particular remedy |
yogya | mfn. useful, serviceable, proper, fit or qualified for, able or equal to, capable of (genitive case locative case dative case infinitive mood with act. or pass. sense, or compound) etc. |
yogya | mfn. perceptible |
yogya | mfn. fit for yoga-, proper for religious meditation |
yogya | m. a draught animal |
yogya | m. a calculator of expedients |
yogya | m. the constellation puṣya- |
yogyā | f. preparation, contrivance |
yogya | m. exercise, practice, (especially) bodily exercise, gymnastics, drill |
yogya | m. (plural) the straps with which horses are attached to the yoke of a carriage, traces (?) |
yogya | m. the earth |
yogya | m. Name of bharaṇī- |
yogya | m. of the wife of sūrya- |
yogya | n. (only ) a vehicle or any machine |
yogya | n. a cake |
yogya | n. sandal |
yogya | n. a kind of drug. |
yogyānupalabdhirahasya | n. Name of work |
yogyānupalabdhivāda | m. Name of work |
yogyāratha | m. a carriage employed in military exercises |
yogyatā | f. suitableness, fitness, propriety, ability |
yogyatāgrantharahasya | n. Name of work |
yogyatāpūrvapakṣarahasya | n. Name of work |
yogyatārahasya | n. Name of work |
yogyatāvāda | m. Name of work |
yogyatāvicāra | m. Name of work |
yogyatva | n. equals -tā- |
yogyaviśeṣaguṇavicāra | m. Name of work |
yohibhāṣya | n. Name of work |
yohiśikṣā | f. Name of work |
yohula | (?) m. Name of a man |
yojaka | m. a yoker, harnesser |
yojaka | m. a user, employer |
yojaka | m. an arranger, preparer, contriver, effecter (see yuddha-y-) |
yojaka | m. Name of agni- (as the nuptial fire) |
yojana | n. joining, yoking, harnessing |
yojana | n. that which is yoked or harnessed, a team, vehicle (also applied to the hymns and prayers addressed to the gods) |
yojana | n. course, path |
yojana | n. (sometimesm.; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a stage or yojana- (id est a distance traversed in one harnessing or without unyoking; especially a particular measure of distance, sometimes regarded as equal to 4 or 5 English miles, but more correctly = 4 krośa-s or about 9 miles;according to other calculations = 2 1/2 English miles, and according to some = 8 krośa-s) etc. |
yojana | n. instigation, stimulation |
yojana | n. mental concentration, abstraction, directing the thoughts to one point (equals yoga-) |
yojana | n. the Supreme Spirit of the Universe (equals paramātman-) |
yojana | n. a finger |
yojana | nf(ā-). use, application, arrangement, preparation |
yojana | nf(ā-). erecting, constructing, building |
yojana | nf(ā-). junction, union, combination |
yojanā | f. application of the sense of a passage, grammatical construction |
yojanabāhu | m. "having arms a yojana- long", Name of rāvaṇa- |
yojanabhāj | mfn. effective at the distance of a yojana- |
yojanagandhā | f. "diffusing scent or fragrance to the distance of a yojana-", musk |
yojanagandhā | f. Name of satya-vatī- (mother of vyāsa-) (also dhikā- ) |
yojanagandhā | f. of sītā- |
yojanaka | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ikā-).) equals next (see padayojanikā-). |
yojanaparṇī | f. Rubia Munjista |
yojanaśata | n. a hundred yojana-s |
yojanavallī | f. Rubia Munjista |
yojanavallikā | f. Rubia Munjista |
yojanika | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' after a numeral) so many yojana-s long, measuring so many yojana-s |
yojanīya | mfn. to be joined or united with (instrumental case;with karmaṇā-,to be set at work ;with mṛṣā-doṣaiḥ-,to accuse falsely ) |
yojanīya | mfn. to be used or employed |
yojanīya | mfn. to be grammatically corrected or arranged |
yojanīya | n. it is to be connected with or thought of in connection with (instrumental case) |
yojanya | See ṣaṣṭi-yojanya-. |
yojayitavya | mfn. (fr. Causal of1. yuj-) to be joined or connected or furnished with (instrumental case) |
yojayitavya | mfn. to be made use of or chosen or selected |
yojayitṛ | mfn. one who joins or connects etc. |
yojayitṛ | m. a setter (of precious stones) |
yojita | mfn. yoked, harnessed |
yojita | mfn. used, employed, applied, performed |
yojita | mfn. undertaken, begun |
yojita | mfn. appointed to, charged with (locative case) |
yojita | mfn. tied or fastened to, put or placed in (locative case) |
yojita | mfn. joined, connected, put together, arranged, composed |
yojita | mfn. supplied or furnished with (instrumental case or compound) |
yojitṛ | mfn. (1. yuj-) one who joins or unites or connects |
yojya | mfn. (1. yuj-) to be joined or united etc. |
yojya | mfn. to be fixed on or directed to (locative case) |
yojya | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') to be appointed to or entrusted with |
yojya | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') to be led towards or urged to |
yojya | mfn. to be used or employed or set to work etc. |
yojya | mfn. to be pronounced or uttered (varia lectio) |
yojya | mfn. to be added to (locative case) |
yojya | mfn. to be supplied or furnished with (instrumental case) |
yojya | mfn. to be shared in |
yojya | mfn. to be connected or construed |
yojya | mfn. one on whom the mind is to be fixed or concentrated () |
yok | ind. equals jyok-, for a long time gaRa svar-ādi-. |
yoktavya | mfn. to be joined or yoked or united etc. |
yoktavya | mfn. to be concentrated (as the mind) |
yoktavya | mfn. to be prepared or employed or practised or applied (n. impersonal or used impersonally) |
yoktavya | mfn. to be inflicted (as punishment) |
yoktavya | mfn. to be entrusted or charged with (locative case) |
yoktavya | mfn. to be furnished or provided with (instrumental case) |
yoktavya | yoktṛ-, yoktra- See . |
yoktṛ | mfn. one who yokes or harnesses, a charioteer |
yoktṛ | mfn. one who excites or rouses |
yoktṛ | mfn. one who applies effort to (locative case) |
yoktra | n. any instrument for tying or fastening, a rope, thong, halter etc. etc. (also yoktrapāśa -pāśa-,m.) |
yoktra | n. the thongs by which an animal is attached to the pole of a carriage |
yoktra | n. the band round broom |
yoktra | n. the tie of the yoke of a plough |
yoktraka | n. equals yoktra- |
yoktrapāśa | m. yoktra |
yoktraya | Nom. P. yati-, to tie, bind, fasten, wind round |
yonala | m. equals yava-nāla- |
yoni | mf. (in only m.; sometimes alsof(yonī-).;fr.2. yu-) the womb, uterus, vulva, vagina, female organs of generation etc. etc. (together with the liṅga-,a typical symbol of the divine procreative energy ) |
yoni | mf. place of birth, source, origin, spring, fountain (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = sprung or produced from) |
yoni | mf. place of rest, repository, receptacle, seat, abode, home, lair, nest, stable |
yoni | mf. family, race, stock, caste, the form of existence or station fixed by birth (exempli gratia, 'for example' that of a man, Brahman, animal etc.; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = belonging to the caste of) etc. |
yoni | mf. seed, grain (see yonī-poṣaṇa-) |
yoni | mf. a particular part of a fire-pit |
yoni | mf. a mine |
yoni | mf. copper |
yoni | mf. water |
yoni | mf. the regent of the nakṣatra- pūrvaphalgunī- |
yoni | mf. Name of the sound e- |
yoni | mf. of a particular verse or formula |
yonī | f. Name of a river in śālmala-dvīpa- |
yonibhraṃśa | m. fall of the womb, prolapsus uteri |
yonicikitsā | f. Name of work |
yonideśa | m. the region of the womb or the generative organs |
yonidevatā | f. Name of the nakṣatra- pūrva-phalgunī- |
yonidoṣa | m. sexual defilement |
yonidoṣa | m. a defect of the female organ |
yonidoṣacikitsā | f. Name of work |
yoniduṣṭā | f. plural sexually defiled (said of women) |
yonidvāra | n. the orifice of the womb |
yonidvāra | n. Name of a sacred bathing-place |
yonigāna | n. Name of the first part of the sāma-saṃhitā- |
yonigrantha | m. equals -gāna- |
yoniguṇa | m. the property of a womb, quality of a place of origin |
yoniha | mfn. injuring the womb |
yonija | mfn. produced from the womb, viviparous |
yonika | See a-yonika-. |
yonikuṇḍa | n. Name of a particular mystical diagram |
yoniliṅga | n. the clitoris |
yonimantra | m. the text |
yonimat | mfn. (y/oni--) connected with the womb |
yonimat | mfn. sprung from a womb |
yonimat | mfn. descended from a good race |
yonimudrā | f. Name of a particular position of the fingers |
yonimukha | n. the orifice of the womb |
yonimukta | mfn. released from birth or from being born again |
yonin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals yoni- (see nīca-y-) |
yonin | n. (gṛtsamadasya yoninī dve-) Name of sāman-s. |
yonināsā | f. the upper part of the female organ |
yoniniraya | m. the womb compared to a hell |
yonipoṣaṇa | n. the growing of seed or grain |
yonirañjana | n. the menstrual excretion |
yoniroga | m. disease of the female organs of generation |
yoniṣad | mfn. dwelling in the womb, |
yonisambandha | m. a blood-relation |
yonisambhava | mfn. equals -ja- |
yonisaṃkaluṣa | see saṃk-, parasmE-pada 1125 |
yonisaṃkara | m. "confusion of births", mixture of caste by unlawful marriage, misalliance |
yonisaṃkaṭa | n. "passage through the womb", re-birth |
yonisaṃvaraṇa | n. () contraction of the vagina. |
yonisaṃvṛti | f. () contraction of the vagina. |
yoniśas | ind. fundamentally, thoroughly |
yoniśas | ind. wisely |
yoniśāstra | n. Name of a class of works. |
yonitantra | n. Name of work |
yonitas | ind. out of a place of rest or stable |
yonitva | n. the being an origin or source |
yonitva | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') the arising from or being based on |
yonivyāpad | f. Name of work |
yonya | mfn. forming a womb or receptacle |
yonyajāta | mfn. not born from a womb, . |
yonyarśas | n. a fleshy excrescence in the female organ (equals kanda-) |
yopana | n. effacing, removing, confusing, destroying etc. (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; see jana--, jīvita--, pada--, śapatha-y-). |
yopana | yoyupana- See . |
yos | ind. (only in ś/aṃ y/oḥ-and ś/aṃ ca y/oś ca-) welfare, health, happiness |
yoṣā | f. equals yoṣaṇā- etc. etc. (especially applied to uṣas-; according to to also "a mare") |
yoṣā | f. (with dāru-mayī-) a wooden doll |
yoṣan | f. idem or '(once yoṣ/aṇā-) f. (prob. fr.2. yu-; see yuvan-) a girl, maiden, young woman, wife (according to to also equals stuti-,a hymn, praise) .' (also applied to the fingers) . |
yoṣaṇā | (once yoṣ/aṇā-) f. (prob. fr.2. yu-; see yuvan-) a girl, maiden, young woman, wife (according to to also equals stuti-,a hymn, praise) . |
yoṣid | in compound for yoṣit-. |
yoṣidgrāha | m. one who takes the wife of a deceased man |
yoṣidratna | n. a jewel of a woman, a most excellent woman |
yoṣijjana | m. (fr. yoṣit-+ j-) womenfolk, women, |
yoṣinmaya | mf(ī-)n. formed like a woman, representing a woman |
yoṣit | f. equals yoṣaṇā- (also applied to the females of animals and to inanimate things exempli gratia, 'for example' yoṣito mantrāḥ-,"female magical texts") |
yoṣitā | f. a woman, wife |
yoṣitkṛta | mfn. done by a woman, contracted by a female |
yoṣitpratiyātanā | f. the image or statue of a woman |
yoṣitpriyā | f. turmeric |
yoṣitsarpā | f. a serpent-like woman |
yoṣitvā | ind. (a kind of ind.p. fr. yoṣā-or yoṣit-) having made into a woman |
yoṭaka | m. a combination of stars etc., constellation |
yotave | tav/ai-, tos- See 1. yu-. |
yotimatsaka | m. plural Name of a people |
yotra | n. (2. yu-) equals yoktra-, a fastening, tie, rope |
yotra | n. the cord that fastens the yoke of a plough to the neck of an ox |
yotrapramāda | m. (equals yo 'tra pr-?) a proper N. |
yotu | m. (2. yu-?) equals parimāṇa- |
yotu | m. (1. yu-?) cleaning, purifying |
yoyupana | n. (fr. Intensive) smoothing, levelling |
abhavanmatayoga | m. want of fitness between words and the ideas expressed by them (a defect in composition). |
abhibhūtyojas | (6) mfn. having superior power |
abhisaṃyoga | m. (in mīmāṃsā- philosophy) close contact or relation to. |
abhiyoga | m. application |
abhiyoga | m. energetic effort, exertion, perseverance in, constant practice (with locative case or infinitive mood) |
abhiyoga | m. attack, assault |
abhiyoga | m. (in law) a plaint, a charge, accusation |
abhiyogapattra | n. a petition or writing of complaint. |
ābhiyogika | mfn. (fr. abhiyoga-), done with skill or dexterity. |
abhiyogin | mfn. intent upon, absorbed in attacking |
abhiyogin | mfn. (in law) accusing |
abhiyogin | m. a plaintiff, prosecutor. |
abhiyogya | mfn. assailable |
abhiyojana | n. putting to (as horses) subsequently on (see abhi-yuj-). |
abhiyojya | mfn. assailable. |
abhiyoktavya | mfn. (in law) to be accused or prosecuted |
abhiyoktṛ | mfn. assailing, attacking |
abhiyoktṛ | m. an enemy |
abhiyoktṛ | m. (in law) a plaintiff, claimant, pretender, accuser |
abhyāsayoga | m. the practice of frequent and repeated meditation on any deity or on abstract spirit, repeated recollection. |
abhyayodhyam | ind. towards or against ayodhyā- |
abhyoṣa | m. a kind of cake of grain etc. (half dressed, slightly scorched, or parched so as to be eaten from the hand), (gaRa apūpādi- q.v) |
abhyoṣīya | mfn. consisting of, or belonging to, or fit for the above cake or preparation of parched grain, (gaRa apūpādi-, q.v) |
abhyoṣya | mfn. consisting of, or belonging to, or fit for the above cake or preparation of parched grain, (gaRa apūpādi-, q.v) |
abjayoni | m. (equals -ja-above) Name of brahmā- |
ācāryopāsana | n. waiting upon or serving a spiritual preceptor. |
adhidyo | f. (Nominal verb aus-) a kind of brick, |
adhijyotiṣam | ind. on the luminaries (treated of in the upaniṣad-s) |
adhikavākyokti | f. exaggeration, hyperbole. |
adhirūḍhasamādhiyoga | mfn. engaged in profound meditation. |
adhiyoga | m. a particular constellation, |
adhyāyopākarman | n. the opening ceremony of the annual course of Vedic recitation, |
adhyoḍha | m. = adhy-- ūḍha-, |
ādityajyotis | (ādity/a--) mfn. having the light of the sun |
ādiyogācārya | m. "first teacher of yoga-", Name of śiva-. |
adviyoni | mfn. not produced by two (vowels), not diphthongal, |
ādyota | m. (fr.1. dyut-), light, brilliance |
adyotaka | mfn. not expressing or denoting, Sch. |
agastyodaya | m. the rising of Canopus |
agastyodaya | m. the seventh day of the second half of bhādra-. |
āgatayodhin | mfn. |
agnijyotis | mfn. flaming, |
agniyojana | n. the act of stirring the sacrificial fire (to make it blaze up). |
agrayodhin | m. the foremost man or leader in a fight |
agrayodhin | m. a champion. |
āhārayojana | n. dressing food |
āhnikaprayoga | m. Name of work |
aitareyopaniṣad | f. Name of either the second and third books of the aitareya-āraṇyaka- or of the four last sections of the second book only |
aitareyopaniṣadbhāṣya | n. Name of a treatise and commentary on the last. |
ajanayonija | m. "born from ajana-", Name of dakṣa-. |
ajinayoni | m. "origin of skin", an antelope, deer. |
ākāśayoginī | f. Name of a goddess. |
ākṛtiyoga | m. a certain class of constellations |
akṣatayoni | f. a virgin, an unblemished maiden. |
akṣayyodaka | n. inexhaustible water |
alpaprayoga | mfn. of rare application or use |
ambhojayoni | m. idem or 'm. "lotus-friend"the sun, ' |
āmnāyayoni | m. Name (also title or epithet) of brahmā-, |
amṛtayoga | m. (in astrology) a certain yoga-. |
amṛtayoni | m. the home of the immortals |
ānandayoga | m. (in astronomy) Name of a particular yoga-. |
ananuyoga | mfn. not inquired after, |
ananyayoga | m. not suitable to any others |
ananyayogam | ind. not in consequence of any other (word) |
anekadhāprayoga | m. using repeatedly. |
anistīrṇābhiyoga | m. (a defendant) who has not yet (by refutation) got rid of a charge. |
aniyantraṇānuyoga | mfn. to be questioned unreservedly, |
aniyoga | m. non-application |
aniyoga | m. an unfitting employment or commission. |
aniyogin | mfn. not attached or clinging to. |
annayoni | "produced out of rice", arrack, |
antarjyotis | (ant/ar--) mfn. having the soul enlightened, illuminated |
antaryoga | m. deep thought, abstraction. |
antyayoni | f. the lowest origin |
antyayoni | mfn. of the lowest origin. |
anudyoga | m. absence of exertion or effort, inactivity, laziness. |
anudyogin | mfn. inactive, lazy, indifferent. |
anupayoga | m. unserviceableness, uselessness. |
anupayogin | mfn. unsuitable, useless. |
anuprayoga | m. additional use. |
anuprayoktavya | mfn. to be joined or employed in addition or after. |
anuttarayogatantra | n. title of the last of the four bauddhatantra-s. |
anuyoga | m. a question, examination |
anuyoga | m. censure, reproof |
anuyoga | m. religious meditation, spiritual union. |
anuyogadvāra | Name (also title or epithet) of a sacred book, |
anuyogakṛt | m. an ācārya- or spiritual teacher. |
anuyogin | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' combining, uniting |
anuyogin | mfn. connected with |
anuyogin | mfn. questioning. |
anuyojana | n. question, questioning. |
anuyojya | mfn. to be examined or questioned |
anuyojya | mfn. to be enjoined or ordered |
anuyojya | mfn. censurable |
anuyojya | mfn. a servant, agent, delegate |
anuyoktavya | mfn. to be questioned, |
anuyoktṛ | m. an examiner, inquirer, teacher. |
anyacchāyāyoni | mfn. "having its source in another's light", borrowed, |
anyatojyotis | mfn. having light or a jyotis- day only on one side, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding |
anyodarya | mfn. born from another womb |
anyodarya | m. a stepmother's son |
anyoḍhā | f. married to another, another's wife |
anyokas | mfn. not remaining in one's habitation (okas-) |
anyokti | f. allegorical expression, |
anyoktikaṇṭhābharaṇa | n. Name (also title or epithet) of work |
anyoktipariccheda | m. plural Name (also title or epithet) of work |
anyoktiśataka | n. Name (also title or epithet) of work |
anyonya | mfn. anyo-'nya- (said to be fr. anyas- Nominal verb singular m.and anya-; see paraspara-;in most cases the first anya-may be regarded as the subject of the sentence, while the latter assumes the accusative,inst. genitive case,or locative case cases as required by the verb;but there are many instances in which the first anya-,originally a nominative, is equivalent to an oblique case); mfn. one another, mutual |
anyonyabhāva | m. mutual exchange of condition, |
anyonyābhāva | m. mutual non-existence, mutual negation, relative difference. |
anyonyabheda | m. mutual division or enmity. |
anyonyadarśana | n. an interview, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding |
anyonyadharmin | mfn. possessing mutually each other's qualities, |
anyonyagata | mfn. mutual, reciprocal, |
anyonyaghāta | m. mutual conflict, killing one another. |
anyonyahārābhihata | mfn. (two quantities) mutually multiplied by their denominators. |
anyonyakalaha | m. mutual quarrel. |
anyonyakṛtya | n. mutual services, |
anyonyam | ind. mutually. |
anyonyamithuna | n. mutual union |
anyonyamithuna | m. united mutually. |
anyonyamithuna | mfn. living by couples, |
anyonyānurāga | m. mutual affectinn, |
anyonyāpahṛta | mfn. taken or secreted from one another, taken secretly. |
anyonyapakṣanayana | n. transposing (of numbers) from one side to another. |
anyonyāpatitatyāgin | mfn. deserting each other without either losing caste, |
anyonyasaṃśraya | m. reciprocal relation (of cause and effect). |
anyonyasāpekṣa | mfn. mutually relating. |
anyonyaspardhā | f. mutual emulation (dhin- = rivalling), |
anyonyaspardhin | mfn. = rivalling |
anyonyāśraya | m. mutual or reciprocal support or connection or dependance |
anyonyāśraya | m. mutually depending. |
anyonyāśrita | mfn. mutually supported or depending. |
anyonyatas | ind. mutually. |
anyonyavibhāga | m. mutual partition (of an inheritance). |
anyonyavṛtti | m. mutual effect of one upon another. |
anyonyavyatikara | m. reciprocal action, relation or influence. |
anyonyokti | f. conversation. |
anyonyopamā | f. a reciprocal simile, |
anyopatāpin | mfn. paining others, |
anyotpanna | mfn. begotten by another. |
apāṅktyopahata | mfn. defiled or contaminated by the presence of impure or improper person |
aparayoga | mfn. without another addition, unmixed, |
apatitānyonyatyāgin | mfn. deserting one another (as the father deserting a son, the teacher a pupil etc.) without (the latter) being ejected from caste, . |
apratiyodhin | mfn. "not having an adversary", irresistible (see gaRa gamyādi-.) |
apratiyogin | mfn. not opposed to, not incompatible with |
apratiyogin | mfn. not correlative to. |
aprayoga | m. non-application |
aprayoga | m. the not being in use (of words) |
aprayojaka | mf(ikā-)n. not causing or effecting, aimless. |
apsuyoga | m. the connecting power in water |
apsuyoni | (aps/u--) mfn. born from the waters |
āraṇyopala | m. dry cow-dung |
araṇyopaniṣad | f. Name (also title or epithet) of an upaniṣad-. |
ardhatrayodaśa | mf(ā-)n. plural twelve arid a half. |
arthadyotanikā | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a work on dramatic art |
arthaprayoga | m. application of wealth to usury |
arthayogya | mfn. useful, profitable, |
arthoddyotanikā | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a commentator or commentary on by rāghava-bhaṭṭa-. |
aruṇajyotis | m. Name of śiva-: |
āruṇyopanīṣad | f. Name (also title or epithet) of an upaniṣad- (also called āruṇiko- p- or āruṇeyo- p- or āruṇy-- upani-- ṣad-). |
asamātyojas | (6) mfn. of unequalled strength |
asamyakprayoga | m. incorrect application |
asaṃyoga | m. absence of union or connection |
asaṃyoga | m. for a-saṃtyāga- q.v |
asaṃyoga | m. not a conjunct consonant |
asaṃyoga | mfn. one with whom intercourse is forbidden |
asaṃyogopadha | mfn. (a word) the penultimate letter of which is not a conjunct consonant, . |
āsannayodhin | mfn. (an arrow) employed in close fight, |
āścyotana | n. aspersion, sprinkling |
āścyotana | n. applying (ghee etc.) to the eyelids |
aśmayokta | Name (also title or epithet) of a tree (perhaps wrong reading for - yoktra-), |
aśmayoni | m. equals -garbha- q.v |
aṣṭāṅgayoga | m. the eightfold yoga- (consisting of yama-, niyama-, āsana-, prā- ṇā- yāma-, pratyāhāra-, dhyāna-, dhāraṇa-, and samādhi-, qq. vv.), |
aṣṭāyoga | m. a carriage and eight |
aṣṭayoni | (aṣṭ/a--) mf(ī-)n. having eight places of origin |
asthisaṃyoga | m. a joint, |
aśūnyopasthā | f. (a woman) whose womb is not empty, married |
asurayoni | m. or f. the womb of asura-s |
asvaryogya | mfn. uuworthy of heaven, |
aśvayoga | (/aśva-.) mf(ā-)n. "having horses put to", reaching quickly |
āsyopalepa | m. obstruction of the mouth by phlegm |
atiśayokti | f. hyperbolical language |
atiśayokti | f. extreme assertion |
atiśayokti | f. verbosity. |
atiśayopamā | f. (in rhetoric) an exaggerated simile, |
atiyoga | m. excessive union, excess, |
ātmajyotirupaniṣad | f. Name (also title or epithet) of work |
ātmajyotis | n. the light of the soul or supreme spirit |
ātmajyotis | mfn. receiving light from one's self |
ātmaprayojana | mfn. selfish |
ātmasaṃyoga | mfn. connexion with one's self. ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding |
ātmāśrayopaniṣad | f. Name of an upaniṣad-. |
ātmayoga | m. union with the supreme spirit |
ātmayoni | m. (equals -bhū- q.v) a Name of brahmā- |
ātmayoni | m. of śiva- |
ātmayoni | m. of viṣṇu- |
ātmayoni | m. of kāma- |
atyantasaṃyoga | m. (in grammar) immediate proximity. |
aupāsanaprayoga | m. the manner of performing the rites at the aupāsana- fire commentator or commentary on |
aurdhvadehikaprayoga | m. Name of work |
aurvaprayoga | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work on medicine. |
auṣadhaprayoga | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work on medicine. |
avadyotaka | mfn. illustrating, making clear commentator or commentary on |
avadyotana | n. illustrating |
avadyotin | mfn. equals -dyotaka-. |
avajyotana | n. causing a light to shine upon, illumining |
avajyotya | ind.p. having lighted (a lamp) |
avarṇasaṃyoga | m. no connection with any caste, |
aviyoga | m. no separation from, not being deprived of (instrumental case) |
aviyogatṛtīyā | f. Name of a certain festival |
aviyogatṛtīyāvrata | n. Name of the eighteenth chapter of |
aviyogin | mfn. not liable to separation |
avratyopacāra | m. practising anything that offends one's religious obligations |
ayathādyotana | n. intimation of something that should not be commentator or commentary |
ayo | (in comp. for ayas-). |
ayoagra | (/ayo-.) mf(ā-)n. iron pointed |
ayobāhu | m. "iron-armed", Name of a son of dhṛtarāṣṭra- |
āyoda | m. Name of a ṛṣi- |
ayodāha | m. the burning property of iron (used as an instance of metaphorical, speech, for iron does not possess the property of burning, but the fire by which the iron is heated). |
ayodaṃṣṭra | (/ayo--) mfn. iron toothed |
ayodarvi | f. an iron spoon |
ayodatī | f. having teeth like iron, a proper name |
ayoddhṛ | m(Nominal verb ddh/ā-)fn. idem or 'mfn. unconquerable ' , not fighting. |
ayoddhṛ | etc. See /a-yuddha-. |
āyodhana | n. war, battle |
āyodhana | n. battle-field |
āyodhana | n. killing, slaughter |
āyodhita | mfn. attacked |
ayodhya | mf(/ā-)n. (3, 4) not to be warred against, irresistible |
ayodhyā | f. the capital of rāma- (the modern Oude on the river sarayu- described in ). |
ayodhyādhipati | m. the sovereign of ayodhyā-. |
āyodhyaka | mfn. belonging to or native of ayodhyā- |
ayodhyākaṇḍa | n. Name of |
ayodhyāvāsin | mfn. inhabiting ayodhyā-. |
āyodhyika | mfn. idem or 'mfn. belonging to or native of ayodhyā- ' |
ayoga | mfn. relating to iron, |
ayoga | m. separation, disjunction |
ayoga | m. separation from a lover |
ayoga | m. unfitness, unsuitableness, nonconformity |
ayoga | m. impossibility commentator or commentary on |
ayoga | m. inefficacy of a remedy |
ayoga | m. medical treatment counter to the symptoms, non-application or mis-application of remedies |
ayoga | m. vigorous effort, exertion |
ayoga | m. inauspicious conjunction of planets |
ayoga | m. Name of a certain conjunction of planets. |
ayoga | m. ([ ]) equals ayogava- |
āyoga | m. a yoke or team of draft animals |
āyoga | m. appointment, action, the performance of an action |
āyoga | m. ornament, decoration |
āyoga | m. swarm |
āyoga | m. presenting or offering flowers, perfumes etc. |
āyoga | m. a shore or bank |
āyoga | m. a quay to which boats are attached |
āyoga | See under 1. ā-yuj-. |
ayogakṣema | (/a-yoga-) m. no secure possession of what has been acquired, no prosperity and |
ayogapeśala | mfn. unskilled in emergencies, . |
ayogava | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order |
ayogava | m. the offspring of a śūdra- man and vaiśya- woman (whose business is carpentry) , (since the word occurs only the locative case ayogave-and is by both commentaries said to imply the female of this mixed tribe, the original reading is probably, as suggested by ayoguvi- locative case fr. ayogū- q.v) |
āyogava | m. (equals ayogava- q.v), a man of mixed tribe (sprung from a śūdra- man and vaiśya- woman;his business is carpentry etc.) |
āyogava | (). 1. |
ayogavāha | m. "(sounds) which occur (in the actual language) without being given (by grammarians) together with (the other letters of the alphabet)", a term for anusvāra-, visarjanīya-, upadhmānīya-, jihvāmūlīya-, and the yama-s on śivasūtra- 5 and on |
āyogavī | f. a woman of this tribe. |
ayoghana | m. an iron hammer |
ayogin | mfn. separated (from a beloved object), |
ayogra | n. a pestle |
ayograka | n. a pestle |
ayogū | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order |
ayogū | m. idem or 'm. the offspring of a śūdra- man and vaiśya- woman (whose business is carpentry) , (since the word occurs only the locative case ayogave-and is by both commentaries said to imply the female of this mixed tribe, the original reading is probably, as suggested by ayoguvi- locative case fr. ayogū- q.v)' , |
ayogū | m. see /āyogava- |
ayogū | f. (ūs-) idem or 'm. see /āyogava-' ? See ayogava-. |
ayoguḍa | m. an iron ball |
ayogya | mfn. unfit, unsuitable, useless etc. |
ayogya | mfn. incapable, not qualified for |
ayogya | mfn. not adequate to, not a match for (locative case) |
ayogya | mfn. (in sāṃkhya- philosophy) not ascertainable etc. by the senses, immaterial. |
ayogyatā | f. unfitness, unsuitableness. |
ayogyatva | n. unfitness, unsuitableness. |
ayohanu | (/ayo--) mfn. iron-jawed |
ayohata | (/ayo-.) mfn. embossed in iron-work |
ayohṛdaya | mfn. iron-hearted, stern |
ayojāla | mfn. (/ayo--) having or carrying iron snares (as demons) |
ayojāla | n. iron net work |
āyojana | n. junction, combination |
āyojana | n. collecting |
āyojana | n. bringing or carrying near, fetching |
āyojana | n. Name of particular mantra-s |
āyojanam | ind. at the distance of a yojana- |
āyojita | mfn. collected together, brought into connexion |
ayomala | n. rust of iron , |
ayomaṇi | m. f. a magnet, |
ayomaya | mf(ī-)n. made of iron (Vedic or Veda ayas-m/aya- q.v) |
ayomiśra | mfn. set with iron, |
ayomukha | mfn. having an iron mouth |
ayomukha | mfn. having an iron beak |
ayomukha | mfn. iron-pointed (as a plough[ ] or a stake for impaling criminals[ ]) |
ayomukha | m. an arrow |
ayomukha | m. Name of a dānava- and |
ayomukha | m. of a mountain and |
ayoni | m. a pestle, |
ayoni | m. f. any place other than the pudendum muliebre |
ayoni | mfn. equals a-yoni-ja- below |
ayoni | mfn. without origin or beginning (said of brahma-) |
ayoni | mfn. (equals antya-yoni-) of an unworthy or unimportant origin |
ayoni | mfn. (in rhetoric)"having no source that can be traced" , original |
ayoni | m. Name of brahma- (See before) |
ayoni | m. of śiva- |
ayonija | mf(ā-)n. not born from the womb, not produced in the ordinary course of generation, generated equivocally |
ayonijāśa | m. Name of śiva-. |
ayonijatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- |
ayonijatva | n. the state of not being born from a womb, |
ayonijeśvaratīrtha | n. equals -ja-tīrtha-, q.v |
ayonika | mfn. without the verse containing the word yoni- (id est ) |
ayonisambhava | mfn. equals a-yoni-ja- q.v |
ayopāṣṭi | (/ayo--) mfn. having iron claws (see apaṣṭha-.) |
ayorajas | n. equals -mala- q.v |
ayorasa | m. idem or 'n. equals -mala- q.v ' |
ayośana | mfn. eating or living on rust of iron |
ayovikāra | m. iron-work, any iron fabric |
āyuryoga | m. a conjunction of planets enabling an astrologer to predict the course of a man's life. |
badhyoga | m. Name of a man gaRa bidādi- (see bādhyoga-). |
bādhyoga | (), bādhyauga- ( on ) patronymic fr. badhyoga-. |
bahiryoga | m. relation to"outside", sense or meaning of" bahis-, outside " |
bahiryoga | m. external meditation (see antar-y-) |
bahiryoga | m. Name of a man (plural his descendants) gaRa yaskādi-. |
bahiryoni | ind. outside the fire-place |
bahiṣṭājjyotis | n. Name of a triṣṭubh- the last pāda- of which contains 8 syllables |
bāhuyodha | m. a wrestler, boxer |
bāhuyodhin | m. a wrestler, boxer |
bahuyojanā | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda- |
bahvṛcaśrāddhaprayoga | m. Name of work |
bāhyopavana | n. a grove situated outside (a town, puryāḥ-) |
bālagrahayogaśānti | f. Name of work |
bālātripurasundarīpūjanaprayoga | m. Name of work |
bāṇayojana | n. "arrow-union", a quiver |
bārhaspatyajyotiḥśāstra | n. Name of work |
bārhaspatyajyotirgrantha | m. Name of work |
barhirjyotis | m. fire or the god of fire |
baṭukapañcāṅgaprayogapaddhati | f. Name of work |
baudhāyanaprayoga | m. Name of work |
baudhāyanaśrautaprayogasāra | m. Name of work |
baudhāyanīyaprayogasāra | m. Name of work |
bhadrapadāyoga | m. bhadrapadā |
bhadrayoga | m. a particular astrological yoga- |
bhāgavatanibandhayojanā | f. Name of work |
bhāgyayoga | m. a lucky or fortunate juncture |
bhāgyodaya | m. rise of fortune, rising prosperity |
bhairavaprayoga | m. Name of work |
bhaktārādhanaprayogamaṇimālikā | f. Name of work |
bhaktiyoga | m. devoted attachment, loving devotion |
bhaktiyoga | m. Name of 1st chapter of śiva-gītā-. |
bhāllaveyopaniṣad | f. Name of an upaniṣad-. |
bhāradvājāgnisaṃdhānādismārtaprayoga | m. Name of work |
bhāradvājaprayoga | m. Name of work |
bhāryoḍha | m. equals ūḍha-bhārya-, married (said of a man) (gaRa āhitāgny-ādi-). |
bhāṣyapradīpoddyotana | n. bhāṣyapradīpa |
bhāṣyapratyayodbodha | m. Name of work |
bhaṭodyoga | m. exertion of soldiers |
bhāṭṭanayoddyota | m. Name of work |
bhāvadyotanikā | f. Name of 2 works. |
bhavagrāmīṇavādyokta | m. Name of a poet |
bhāvapradīpoddyota | m. bhāvapradīpa |
bhaviṣyottara | n. Name of the 2nd part of the (which is of the same character as the first). |
bhaviṣyottarapurāṇa | n. Name of the 2nd part of the (which is of the same character as the first). |
bhayopaśama | m. soothing or allaying fear, encouraging |
bhayottara | mfn. attended with fear |
bhinnāñjanacayopama | mfn. like a quantity of pounded antimony |
bhinnayojanī | f. Plectranthus Scutellarioides (wrong reading -yājanī-). |
bhīruyodha | mfn. having cowardly soldiers |
bhojyoṣṇa | mfn. too hot to be eaten |
bhraṣṭayoga | mfn. one who has fallen from devotion, a backslider |
bhṛguvāruṇīyopaniṣadbhāṣya | n. Name of work |
bhujayoktra | n. clasping or embracing arms |
bhūriprayoga | mfn. much or variously used ( bhūriprayogatva -tva- n.) |
bhūriprayoga | m. Name of a dictionary |
bhūriprayogagaṇadhātuṭikā | f. Name of a commentator or commentary on a dhātu-pāṭha-. |
bhūriprayogatva | n. bhūriprayoga |
bhūriviyoga | mfn. having or causing many separations |
bhūryojas | (bh/ūry--) mfn. having great power, very vigorous |
bhūtajyotis | m. "light of living beings", Name of a king |
bhūtayoni | f. the origin or source of all beings, |
bhuvaneśvarīśāntiprayoga | m. Name of work |
bhūvārāhaprayogavidhi | m. Name of work |
bhūyo | in compound for bhūyas-. |
bhūyobhartṛsamāgama | m. meeting again with a husband |
bhūyobhāva | m. increase, growth, progress |
bhūyodarśana | n. Name of work |
bhūyodarśanavāda | m. Name of work |
bhūyoguṇa | mfn. "doubled"and"having more virtues" |
bhūyokṣara | mf(ā-)n. (bhūyas-+ akṣara-) having more syllables |
bhūyokṣaratara | mfn. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. (bhūyas-+ akṣara-) having more syllables ' |
bhūyomātra | n. the greatest part, most of (genitive case) |
bhūyonāgamana | (bhūyas+anāgamana-) n. non-return |
bhūyoruci | mfn. taking much delight in anything ( bhūyorucitā -tā- f.) |
bhūyorucitā | f. bhūyoruci |
bhūyovidya | mfn. knowing more, more learned |
bilayoni | mfn. of the breed of uccaiḥ-śravas- |
bodhāyanaprayoga | m. Name of work |
brahmajyotis | n. the splendour of brahma- or of the Supreme Being (also written brahma-jy-) |
brahmajyotis | mfn. having the splendour of brahmā- (Scholiast or Commentator"of the presiding priest") |
brahmajyotis | m. Name of śiva- |
brāhmaṇācchaṃsiprayoga | m. Name of work |
brahmānandayogin | m. brahmānanda |
brahmānandayogīndra | m. brahmānanda |
brāhmaṇayoni | f. a Brahman's form of existence, |
brahmapratiṣṭhāprayoga | m. Name of work |
brahmatvaprayoga | m. Name of work |
brahmavidyopaniṣad | f. Name of work |
brahmayajñaprayoga | m. Name of work |
brahmayoga | m. employment of devotion, binding power of devotion |
brahmayoga | m. cultivation of spiritual knowledge |
brahmayogin | m. Name of an author |
brahmayoni | f. original source or home in brahma- ( brahmayonistha -stha- mfn."abiding in brahma-"or"intent on the means of union with brahma-") |
brahmayoni | f. Name of a place of pilgrimage (also nī-) |
brahmayoni | f. of a mountain (equals -giri-) |
brahmayoni | mfn. having one's source or home in brahma- |
brahmayoni | mfn. descended or sprung from brahmā- |
brahmayonistha | mfn. brahmayoni |
bṛhadyogiyājñavalkyasmṛti | f. Name of work, |
bṛhajjyotis | mfn. (h/aj--) bright-shining |
bṛhajjyotis | m. Name of a grandson of brahmā- |
bṛhaspatisavahautraprayoga | m. Name of work |
bṛhaspatisavaprayoga | m. Name of work |
bṛhatprayoga | m. Name of work |
buddhiyoga | m. devotion of the intellect, intellectual union with the Supreme Spirit |
buddhiyogamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting in or sprung from it |
cakaṭyodana | n. bad rice |
cakrayodhin | m. "discus-fighter", Name of a dānava- |
cakrāyodhya | m. "not to be conquered by a discus"Name of a prince |
cakrayoga | m. applying a splint or similar instrument by means of pulleys (in case of dislocation of the thigh) |
caṇḍapradyota | m. Name of a prince |
candrayoga | m. a conjunction of the moon with any asterism. |
caraṇayodhin | m. "foot-fighter", a cock |
cārupayodhara | mf(ā-)n. fair-bosomed, |
caturaśītiyogādhyāya | m. "containing 84 chapters on the yoga-", Name of a work |
caturvidhasaṃśayodbheda | m. "removal of doubts of 4 kinds", Name of a work |
cayanaprayoga | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work |
chalitakayoga | m. plural Name of a kalā- (q.v) |
chāndogyopanīṣad | f. Name of an (part of the chāndogya-) |
chāndogyopanīṣadbhāṣya | n. śaṃkara-'s commentator or commentary on |
churikābandhaprayoga | m. the ceremony of providing a śūdra- with a billhook, |
cīnācāraprayogavidhi | m. Name of work |
cintyadyota | m. plural "of brightness conceivable only by imagination", a class of deities |
citrayodhin | mfn. fighting in various ways |
citrayodhin | m. arjuna- |
citrayodhin | m. Terminalia Arjuna |
citrayodhin | m. a quail |
cittayoni | m. equals -ja- |
cūrṇayoga | m. plural a fragrant compound, perfumed powder (see vāsa--). |
cyota | m. equals ścy- |
dadhyodana | m. ( ) boiled rice mixed with d/adhi- |
dagdhayoni | mfn. having its source or origin destroyed. |
daivayoga | m. juncture of fate, fortune, chance |
daivayogāt | ind. by chance, accidentally |
daivayogena | ind. by chance, accidentally |
dakṣiṇājyotis | (d/akṣ-) mfn. brilliant by the sacrificial gift |
dakṣiṇāmūrtiprayoga | m. Name of a chapter of |
dalayoga | m. Name of a constellation |
dānayogya | mfn. worthy of a gift |
daṇḍaniyoga | m. infliction of punishment |
daṇḍayoga | m. equals -niy- () |
dānoddyota | m. Name of work |
dantyoṣṭhya | mfn. denti-labial |
darśapūrṇamāsaprayoga | f. Name of work |
daśajyoti | m. Name of a son of su-bhrāj- |
daśajyotis | m. Name of a son of su-bhrāj- |
daśayogabhaṅga | m. a method of fixing the position of a nakṣatra- |
daśayojana | mfn. (d/aś-) 10 times fastened |
daśayojana | n. a distance of 10 yojana-s |
daśayojanī | f. idem or 'n. a distance of 10 yojana-s ' |
daśayoktra | (d/aś-) mfn. having 10 girths, . |
dattanṛtyopahāra | mfn. presented with the compliment of a dance |
dauryodhana | mf(ī-)n. belonging or relating to dur-yodhana- |
dauryodhani | m. patronymic fr. Dur-yodhana, . |
dayormi | mfn. having compassion for (its) waves |
devacaryopaśobhita | mfn. beautified by it (as a hermitage) |
devālayotsavādikrama | m. Name of work |
devapratiṣṭhāprayoga | m. Name of work |
devasaṃgītayonin | m. (?) Name of nārada- |
devayoni | mf. place or origin of a god, a divine birth-place |
devayoni | mf. the sacred wood used for kindling fire |
devayoni | mfn. of divine origin |
devayoni | m. a demi-god or demon |
devayoṣā | f. she wife of a god |
dhanurvidyārambhaprayoga | m. Name of work |
dhanuryogyā | f. bow-exercise, archery |
dhanvantariguṇāguṇayogasata | n. Name of work |
dhanyodaya | m. Name of a man |
dhānyottama | m. "the best of grain", rice |
dhāraṇāyoga | m. abstraction of the mind, deep devotion |
dharmayogeśvara | m. Name of a poetry or poetic |
dharmayoni | m. the womb or source of law, Name of viṣṇu- |
dhṛtiyoga | m. Name of an astrology and mystical yoga- |
dhruvayoni | (v/a--) mfn. having a firm resting-place |
dhūmayoni | m. "smoke-engendered","vapour-born", a cloud |
dhūmayoni | m. Cyperus Rotundus |
dhūmoṣṇayoni | m. equals -ma-yoni- |
dhyānayoga | m. profound meditation (or"meditation and abstraction"), |
dhyānayoga | m. Name of a kind of magic |
dhyānayogasara | m. Name of an extract from |
dhyānayogin | mfn. absorbed in meditation |
didyotiṣu | mfn. ( dyut- Desiderative) wishing to shine |
dinajyotis | n. daylight, sunshine |
dinakaroddyota | m. Name of work |
dīpāvaliprayoga | m. Name of work |
divākaroddyota | m. Name of work |
diviyoni | (div/i--) mfn. sky-born (agni-) |
divyodaka | n. "divine water" id est rainwater |
divyonmāda | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a modern drama. |
divyopapāduka | mf(ī-)n. divinely born, celestial, supernatural |
dravyaprayojana | n. use or employment of any article |
duḥkhasaṃyoga | m. equals duḥkha-yoga- |
duḥkhayoga | m. infliction of pain |
duḥkhayoni | m. or f. a source of misery |
durdharāyogādhyāya | m. Name of a chapter of the mīna-rāja-jātaka-. |
durvacakayoga | m. plural a particular art Scholiast or Commentator on |
durvācakayoga | varia lectio for vac- |
duryodha | mfn. difficult to be conquered |
duryodhana | mfn. idem or 'mfn. difficult to be conquered ' ( duryodhanatā -tā- f. ) |
duryodhana | mfn. Name of the eldest son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra- (leader of the kaurava-s in their war with the pāṇḍava-s) etc. (see su-y-) |
duryodhana | mfn. of a son of su-durjaya- |
duryodhanarakṣābandhana | n. Name of work |
duryodhanāsana | n. kind of posture (= vīrā- sana-, parasmE-pada 1006). |
duryodhanatā | f. duryodhana |
duryodhanāvaraja | m. "the younger brother of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-", Name of duḥ-śāsana-, G. |
duryodhanavīryajñānamudrā | f. "mark of knowledge of invincible heroism", a particular intertwining of the fingers |
duryoga | m. bad contrivance, crime |
duryoṇa | n. equals duroṇ/a- |
duryoni | mfn. of low or impure origin |
duṣṭayoniprāptivicāra | m. Name of work |
dvādaśāhamahāvrataprayoga | m. Name of work |
dvādaśāhamaitrāvaruṇaprayoga | m. Name of work |
dvādaśāhaprayoga | m. Name of work |
dvādaśāhaprayogapaddhati | f. Name of work |
dvādaśāhaprayogavṛtti | f. Name of work |
dvādaśajyotirliṅgastotra | n. Name of work |
dvādaśayoga | varia lectio for śāy- q.v |
dvādaśāyoga | mfn. yoked with 12 (bulls) |
dvaitavaitathyopaniṣad | f. Name of an Upan. |
dvaiyogya | n. (fr. dvi-yoga-) a combination or connection with two Va1rtt. 1. |
dvaṃdvayodhin | mfn. fighting in couples or by single combat |
dvayopaniṣad | f. Name of an |
dviyodha | m. "fighting with 2", Name of kṛṣṇa-'s charioteer (varia lectio dhin-) |
dviyodhī | f. a kind of metre |
dvyabhiyoga | m. a twofold accusation |
dvyoga | (for dvi-yoga-) mfn. (carriage) drawn by 2 pairs |
dvyopaśa | mf(ā-)n. having 2 appendages |
dyo | guṇa- form of dyu- in compound |
dyo | dyota- etc. See under dyu- and 1. dyut-. |
dyobhūmi | m. "moving between heaven and earth", a bird |
dyobhūmī | f. dual number heaven and earth |
dyodruma | m. the heavenly tree equals kalpa-d- |
dyokāra | m. "maker of brightness", builder of splendid edifices on (varia lectio jyā--.). |
dyoṣad | m. "sitting in heaven", a deity |
dyota | m. light, brilliance (see kha--, cintya--, nakha--) |
dyota | m. sunshine, heat |
dyotā | f. a squinting or a red-eyed or a red-haired woman commentator or commentary , |
dyota | See hrid-d-. |
dyotaka | mfn. shining, illuminating (see kha--) |
dyotaka | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') making clear, explaining |
dyotaka | mfn. expressing, meaning |
dyotakatva | n. |
dyotana | mf(ā-or ī-)n. shining, glittering |
dyotana | mf(ā-or ī-)n. illuminating, enlightening (see kha--) |
dyotana | mf(ā-or ī-)n. explaining, meaning |
dyotana | m. a lamp |
dyotana | m. Name of a man () |
dyotana | n. shining, being bright |
dyotana | n. illumination |
dyotana | n. making manifest, explaining, showing |
dyotana | n. seeing, sight |
dyotana | mf(ā-or ī-)n. shining, glittering |
dyotana | mf(ā-or ī-)n. illuminating, enlightening (see kha--) |
dyotana | mf(ā-or ī-)n. explaining, meaning |
dyotana | m. a lamp |
dyotana | m. Name of a man () |
dyotana | n. shining, being bright |
dyotana | n. illumination |
dyotana | n. making manifest, explaining, showing |
dyotana | n. seeing, sight |
dyotana | See hrid-d-. |
dyotanaka | mf(ikā-)n. making manifest, explaining |
dyotani | f. splendour, brightness |
dyotanikā | f. explanation (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') |
dyotin | mfn. shining, brilliant |
dyotin | mfn. meaning, expressing (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') |
dyotiriṅgaṇa | m. a shining insect, fire-fly |
dyotis | n. light, brightness |
dyotis | n. a star |
dyotiṣpatha | m. "star-path", the upper part of the air (varia lectio jyotiṣ-.). |
dyotita | mfn. shone upon, illustrated, bright (see dyut-) |
dyotitaprabha | mfn. resplendent |
dyotman | See su-d-. |
dyotya | mfn. to be expressed or explained |
dyuyoṣit | f. "heavenly woman", an apsaras- |
ekajyotis | n. "the only light", Name of śiva-. |
ekaprāṇayoga | m. union (of sounds) in one breath |
ekayoga | m. one rule (opposed to yoga-vibhāga-, q.v) |
ekayoni | f. the same womb |
ekayoni | mfn. of the same mother |
ekayoni | mfn. of the same origin or caste |
etadyoni | mfn. of this origin |
gajayodhin | mfn. fighting on an elephant |
gajayodhin | mfn. |
gaṇapatipūrvatāpanīyopaniṣad | f. Name of an |
gāṇapatyapūrvatāpanīyopaniṣad | f. equals gaṇapati-p-. |
gaṇḍikākārayoga | ? |
garbhayoṣā | f. a woman pregnant with (genitive case;said of the Ganges) |
garudyodhin | m. "fighting with the wings", a quail |
ghanapayodhara | m. a firm breast |
ghaṭayoni | m. equals -bhava- |
ghṛtayoni | mfn. (t/a--) abiding or living in ghee (agni-, the sacrifice) |
ghṛtayoni | mfn. producing fertilizing rain or welfare (mitra- and varuṇa-, viṣṇu-) |
gomayodbhava | m. "originating in cow-dung", Cathartocarpus fistula |
gomayotthā | f. "originating in cow-dung", a gad-fly or a kind of beetle found in cow-dung |
gonyoghas | (g/o--) mfn. streaming or flowing among milk ("having quantities of fluid streaming down") |
gopālatāpanīyopaniṣad | f. Name of an |
gopālayogin | m. Name of the author of a commentator or commentary on kaṭhavallī-bhāṣya- |
grahayoga | m. equals -yuti- |
gudayoni | mfn. pathic |
guṇayoga | m. "contact with a cord"and"contact with any one's peculiarities" |
guṇayoga | m. the application of the secondary sense of a word |
guruyoṣit | f. a teacher's wife, Mn, ii, 210 |
hālābhiyoga | m. application of a plough, the beginning of ploughing |
hariharayoga | m. Name of work |
hariyoga | (h/ari--) mfn. having a yoke of bay horses, yoked with horses |
hariyojana | n. the harnessing of the bay horses |
hariyojana | m. indra- (see hāriy-). |
hāriyojana | mf(ī-)n. (fr. hari-y-) one who harnesses bay horses (indra-) |
hāriyojana | m. a particular soma-graga |
hariyoni | mfn. produced from hari- or viṣṇu- |
hāryojana | varia lectio for hāriyojana- |
hastajyoḍi | m. a kind of plant |
hastayoga | m. employment or practice of the hand |
hatajyotirniśītha | m. a night in which the stars are extinguished, starless night |
hatasarvayodha | mfn. having all the warriors slain |
haṭhayoga | m. a kind of forced yoga- or abstract meditation (forcing the mind to withdraw from external objects;treated of in the haṭha-pradīpikā- by svātmārāma- and performed with much self-torture, such as standing on one leg, holding up the arms, inhaling smoke with the head inverted etc.) |
haṭhayogasaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
haṭhayogaviveka | m. Name of work |
haṭhayogin | m. an adherent of the hatha-yoga- |
hautraprayoga | m. Name of work |
havyayoni | m. "source of the sacrifice", a deity |
hayottama | m. an excellent horse |
hayottamayuj | mfn. drawn by excellent horses |
hemādriprayoga | m. Name of work |
himajyotis | mfn. cold-rayed (as the moon) |
hīnayoni | m. or f. an inferior womb, low birth or origin |
hiraṇyagarbhadānaprayoga | m. Name of work |
hiraṇyajyotis | n. splendour of golden |
hiraṇyajyotis | mfn. having golden splendour |
hiraṇyakāmadhenudānaprayoga | m. Name of work |
hiraṇyavṛṣabhadānaprayoga | m. Name of work |
hiraṇyayoni | mfn. having a golden womb |
holikāprayoga | m. Name of work |
homadvayaprayoga | m. Name of work |
homadvayasamāsaprayoga | m. Name of work |
homakālātikramaprāyaścittaprayoga | m. Name of work |
homalopaprāyaścittaprayoga | m. Name of work |
hotraprayoga | m. Name of work |
hṛdayodaṅka | m. upheaving the heart |
hṛdayodaṅka | mfn. heart-disturbing |
hṛdayodvartana | m. "heart-splitting", Name of a demon |
hṛdayodveṣṭana | n. contraction of the heart |
hṛdayonmādakara | mfn. bewitching hearts |
hṛdayonmādinī | f. (in music) a particular śruti- |
hṛdayopakartin | mfn. suffering from a particular heart-disease |
hṛdayopalepa | m. |
hṛdayopasaraṇa | n. Name of particular diseases of the heart |
hṛddyota | m. an internal disease |
hṛddyotabheṣaja | n. a remedy against internal disease |
hṛddyotana | mfn. (see 3. dyut-) breaking or crushing the heart |
hṛdyota | See hṛd-dy-. |
hṛdyotana | See hṛd-dy-. |
hṛṣṭiyoni | m. a kind of semi-impotent man (equals īrṣyaka- q.v) |
hyo | in compound for hyas-. |
hyogodoha | m. yesterday's cow's milk |
ikṣuyoni | m. Saccharum Officinarum |
indrayoga | m. indra-'s union or uniting power |
itaretarayoga | m. mutual connexion or relation (of the simple members, as in a dvaṃdva- compound) |
jagadyoni | m. "world-womb", brahmā- |
jagadyoni | m. viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa- |
jagadyoni | m. śiva- |
jagadyoni | m. prakṛti- |
jagadyoni | m. the earth |
jalajakusumayoni | m. jalajakusuma |
jalāśayotsargatattva | n. Name of |
jalāśayotsargavidhi | m. Name of work by kamalākara-bhaṭṭa-. |
janayopana | mfn. perplexing or vexing men |
janmayoga | m. a horoscope |
jaradyoṣā | f. equals ratikā- |
jayodāharaṇa | n. report or praise of victory, |
jayoddhura | mfn. exulting in victory |
jayollāsanidhi | m. Name of work |
jayottara | mfn. certain of victory, MBh, |
jihmayodhin | mfn. fighting unfairly |
jihmayodhin | m. bhīma- (who struck an unfair blow at dur-yodhana-) = |
jinayoni | m. for ajin- |
jīvanayoni | mfn. having its source in life |
jīvanayoni | m. source of life |
jīvayoni | mfn. enclosing a personal soul (a sentient being) |
jīvitayopana | mfn. oppressing living beings |
jīvyopāya | m. means of subsistence (varia lectio vop-). |
jñānasūryodaya | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a jaina- drama. |
jñānayoga | m. the yoga- as based on the acquisition of true knowledge (opposed to karma-y-or the yoga- as based on performance of ceremonial rites) |
jyo | cl.1 A1. jyavate-, to order, cause any one to observe a vow () . |
jyoḍi | See kara--, hasta--. |
jyog | in compound for jyok-. |
jyogāmayāvin | (jy/og--.) mfn. sick a long time, 1, 1, 3. |
jyogaparuddha | (jy/og--) mfn. expelled a long time |
jyogjīvātu | f. long life |
jyok | ind. (gaRa svar-ādi-) long, for a long time or while |
jyokkṛ | to be long about anything, delay ; to say"farewell" (Scholiast or Commentator) (jyot-for jyok-;also Causal) . |
jyoktamām | ind., (superl.) for the longest time, longest |
jyokti | f. long life (?) |
jyotā | f. "the brilliant one", mystical Name of a cow |
jyotā | ti-, tita-, etc. See jyut-. |
jyotayamāmaka | m. night-fire (?) (gandharv/a- ) . |
jyotayamāmaka | some read - mānak/a-,"little shiner". |
jyoti | (only locative case tau-) equals tis- |
jyoti | see daśa--, śata--. |
jyotī | in compound for tis-. |
jyotidarśana | ? |
jyotiḥ | in compound for tis-. |
jyotiḥparāśara | m. the astronomer parāśara- |
jyotiḥpitāmaha | m. brahmā- considered as the grandfather of astronomy |
jyotiḥprakāśa | m. Name of work on astron |
jyotiḥsāgara | m. "luminary-ocean", Name of work on astronomy |
jyotiḥsāman | n. Name of a sāman-. |
jyotiḥsāra | m. Name of work on astronomy , 720. |
jyotiḥśāstra | n. equals tir-vidyā- |
jyotiḥśāstra | n. |
jyotiḥsiddhānta | m. another work on astronomy |
jyotiḥṣṭoma | See ti-ṣṭ-. |
jyotika | m. Name of a nāga- |
jyotir | in compound for tis-. |
jyotiragra | (jy/ot-) mf(ā-)n. preceded by light or life |
jyotiranīka | (jy/ot-) mfn. having a shining face |
jyotīrasa | m. a kind of gem |
jyotīrasa | mfn. made of that gem |
jyotirata | m. Name of a nāga- (see tī-ratha-) |
jyotirathā | See tī-rathā-. |
jyotīratha | mfn. (t/ī--) one whose chariot is light |
jyotīratha | mfn. the polestar |
jyotīratha | mfn. a kind of serpent |
jyotīrathā | f. Name of a river (joining the śoṇa-) (ti-rathyā-) (ti-r-) |
jyotirathyā | See tī-rathā-. |
jyotirbhāga | mfn. one possessing light |
jyotirbhāsamaṇi | m. a kind of gem |
jyotirbhāsin | mfn. brilliant with light |
jyotirbīja | n. "light-seed" equals -iṅga- |
jyotirdhāman | m. Name of one of the 7 sages in tāmasa-'s manv-antara- |
jyotirgaṇa | m. the heavenly bodies collectively |
jyotirgarga | m. the astronomer garga- |
jyotirgarga | m. |
jyotirhastā | f. "fire-handed", durgā- |
jyotiriṅga | m. "moving light", a firefly |
jyotiriṅgaṇa | m. "moving light", a firefly |
jyotirīśa | m. Name of the author of |
jyotirīśvara | m. Name of the author of |
jyotirjarāyu | (jy/ot-) mfn. surrounded by a brilliant covering |
jyotirjña | m. "star-knower", an astronomer |
jyotirjvalanārciśrīgarbha | m. Name of a bodhisattva- |
jyotirlatā | f. "light-creeper", Cardiospermum Halicacabum |
jyotirlekhā | f. Name of the daughter of a yakṣa- |
jyotirlekhāvalayin | mfn. studded with rows of stars |
jyotirliṅga | m. Name of several liṅga- temples. |
jyotirloka | m. the world of light |
jyotirmaṇḍala | n. the stellar sphere |
jyotirmantra | m. Name of a mantra- |
jyotirmaya | mfn. consisting of light, brilliant (viṣṇu-) etc. |
jyotirmaya | mfn. (also said of śiva-) |
jyotirmaya | mfn. abounding with stars, starry, . |
jyotirmedhātithi | m. the astronomer medhātithi- |
jyotirmilin | m. equals -iṅga- (see nīlamīlika-) |
jyotirmukha | m. Name of one of rāma-'s monkey-followers |
jyotirnirbandha | m. Name of work on astronomy |
jyotirnirbandha | m. |
jyotirudgamana | n. the rising of the stars |
jyotīrūpasvayambhū | m. brahmā- in the form of light |
jyotīrūpeśvara | n. Name of a liṅga- |
jyotirvid | mfn. equals tiṣ-k/ṛt- |
jyotirvid | mfn. knowing the stars, (m.) an astronomer, |
jyotirvidābharaṇa | n. Name of work on astronomy |
jyotirvidyā | f. astronomy |
jyotirvivaraṇa | n. Name of work on astronomy |
jyotiś | in compound for tis-. |
jyotiṣ | in compound for tis-. |
jyotis | n. light (of the sun, dawn, fire, lightning, etc.;also plural), brightness (of the sky) etc. (tr/īṇi jy/otīṃṣi-,light appearing in the 3 worlds, viz. on earth, in the intermediate region, and in the sky or heaven [the last being called uttam/a- ;or /uttara-, ;or tṛt/īya- ] ;also personified as"fire"on earth,"ether or air"in the intermediate region, and"sun"in the sky ;"fire, sun and moon") |
jyotis | n. fire, flash of lightning |
jyotis | n. moonlight |
jyotis | n. (plural) |
jyotis | n. eye-light |
jyotis | n. the eye |
jyotis | n. dual number sun and moon |
jyotis | n. plural the heavenly bodies, planets and stars etc. (tiṣām ayana- n. course or movements of the heavenly bodies, science of those movements ([ equals tiṣa-]) ) |
jyotis | n. sg. the light of heaven, celestial world |
jyotis | n. light as the divine principle of life or source of intelligence, intelligence |
jyotis | n. (pauruṣaj-"human intelligence") |
jyotis | n. (para jyotis-,"highest light or truth") and |
jyotis | n. light as the type of freedom or bliss or victory (confer, compare , and Latin lux) |
jyotis | n. Name of several ekāha-s etc. |
jyotis | n. of certain formularies containing the word jyotis- |
jyotis | n. a metre of 32 short and 16 long syllables |
jyotis | n. equals tiṣa-, science of the movements of the heavenly bodies |
jyotis | n. a mystical N. for the letter r- |
jyotis | m. fire |
jyotis | m. the sun |
jyotis | m. Trigonella foenum graecum |
jyotis | m. Name of a marut- |
jyotis | m. of a son of manu- svārociṣa-, 429 |
jyotis | m. of a prajā-pati- |
jyotis | m. see d/akṣiṇā--, śukr/a--, sa--, h/iraṇya--, etc. |
jyotiṣa | m. an astronomer |
jyotiṣa | m. the sun |
jyotiṣa | m. a particular magical formula for exorcising the evil spirits supposed to possess weapons |
jyotiṣa | n. (gaRa ukthādi-) the science of the movements of the heavenly bodies and divisions of time dependant thereon, short tract for fixing the days and hours of the Vedic sacrifices (one of the 6 kinds of vedāṅga- texts) xiif. etc. |
jyotiṣā | f. Name of a river |
jyotiṣaratnamālā | f. another work on astronomy |
jyotiṣārṇava | m. Name of work on astronomy |
jyotiṣasaṃgraha | m. the whole science of astronomy |
jyotiṣatattva | n. Name of work on astronomy |
jyotiṣavidyā | f. astronomy |
jyotiścakra | n. "luminary circle", the zodiac |