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Grammar Search
"yate" has 11 results
yate: masculine vocative singular stem: yati
yate: feminine vocative singular stem: yati
yate: first person singular present present class 1 ātmanepadayat
yate: feminine accusative dual past passive participle stem: yata.
yate: feminine nominative dual past passive participle stem: yata.
yate: neuter accusative dual past passive participle stem: yata.
yate: neuter nominative dual past passive participle stem: yata.
yate: neuter locative singular past passive participle stem: yata.
yate: masculine locative singular past passive participle stem: yata.
yate: neuter dative singular stem: yat.
yate: masculine dative singular stem: yat.
Monier-Williams Search
19 results for yate
yatendriyamfn. having the organs of sense restrained, of subdued passions, chaste, pure View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ādityatejasm. or f. Polanisia Icosandra View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anūcyate Passive voice of anu-vac- q.v , . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apuvāyate see apvā- (parasmE-pada 59, column 3). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āyatekṣaṇamfn. long-eyed, having long or large eyes. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyatejasn. a kind of plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dulayate equals dur-ayate- See dur-i- under 2. dur-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariṇāyatekṣaṇāf. a woman with eyes long as a deer's View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
haryatemfn. desired, wished for, pleasant, dear, precious View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
haryatem. a horse (according to to some, "a steed fit for the aśva-medha- sacrifice") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
haryatem. Name of the author of (having the patronymic prāgātha-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hiraṇyatejasn. equals -jyot/is- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niyatendriyamfn. having the passions subdued or restrained View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pruṣṭāyate Va1rtt. 1. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃyatendriyamfn. having the senses or passions controlled
śatapattrāyatekṣaṇamfn. having long lotus-like eyes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sūryatejasn. sunshine View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sūryatejasmfn. having the power or radiance of the sun View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tulyatejasmfn. equal in splendour. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
2 results
payasya पयस्य a. 1 Milky, made of milk. -2 Watery. -स्यः A cat. -स्या Curds. पयस्यति payasyati पयायते payāyatē पयस्यति पयायते Den, P. To flow, to act like milk; कामं मदीक्षामयकामधेनोः पयायतामभ्युदयस्त्वदीयः N.14.79.
vīrā वीरा 1 The wife of a hero. -2 A wife. -3 A mother, matron. -4 A kind of perfume (called Murā). -5 Spirituous liquor. -6 An aloe. -7 The plantain tree. -8 A woman with a husband and a son living; L. D. B. वीरायते vīrāyatē (वीरयते vīrayatē) वीरायते (वीरयते) Den. Ā. To act like a hero, show heroism; इतो$पि किं वीरयसे न कुर्वतः नृपान् धनुर्बाणगुणैर्वशं- वदान् N.12.27; Ait. Br.12.9.
Macdonell Vedic Search
13 results
ī ī go, IV. Ā. í̄yate, x. 168, 2; approach, īmahe, vi. 54, 8. antár- go between (acc.), i. 35, 9; 160, 1.
jā be born, IV. Ā. já̄yate is born, v. 11, 3; 83, 4; x. 90, 5; já̄yase art born, v. 11, 6; ipf. ájāyata was born, x. 90, 9. 12. 132; 129, 3; 135, 6; ájāyanta, x. 90, 10.
ji ji conquer, I. jáyati; ft. jeṣyá̄mi, x. 34, 6; ps. jīyate, iii. 59, 2 [when accented this form appears in the RV. as jí̄yate, i. e. it is then pr. Ā. of jyā overpower]. ví- conquer, ii. 12, 9. sám- win, iv. 50, 9.
jñā jñā know, IX. jāná̄ti, x. 34, 4 [cp. Gk. ἔγνω-ν, Lat. co-gno-sco, Eng. know]. ví-, ps. jñāyáte be distinguished, iv. 51, 6.
tap tap burn, I. tápa; pf. tatá̄pa = it pains, x. 34, 11; ps. tapyáte, is distressed, x. 34, 10 [cp. Lat. tep-ēre ‘be warm’].
trā trá̄ protect, IV. Ā. trá̄yate; s ao. op., vii. 71, 2.
dham dham blow, I. P. dhámati, ps. dham-yáte, x. 135, 7. ví- blow asunder, iv, 50, 4.
pi pi swell, I. páyate; pf. pīpá̄ya, ii. 35, 7; viii. 29, 6.
bhī bhī fear, I. Ā. bháyate, i. 85, 8; ii. 12, 13; pf. bibhá̄ya, v. 83, 2; s ao. ábhaisur, viii. 48, 11.
man man think, VIII. Ā. manute, viii. 29, 10; IV. Ā. mányate, viii. 48, 6; x. 34, 13.
vac vac utter, III. P. vívakti; ao. op., ii. 35, 2; speak, ps. ucyáte, x. 90, 11; 135, 7 [Lat. voc-āre ‘call’]. ádhi- speak for (dat.), viii. 48, 14. prá- proclaim, i. 154, 1; vii. 86, 4; declare, x. 129, 6.
han han slay, II. hántṙ, i. 85, 9; ii. 33, 15; smite, v. 83, 23. 9; I. jíghna slay, viii. 29, 4; pf. jaghá̄na, ii. 12, 10. 11; ps. hanyáte, iii. 59, 2; ds. jíghāṃsa, vii. 86, 4.
1. hā leave, III. P. jahá̄ti. áva-, ps. hīyate, be left behind, x. 34, 5.
Macdonell Search
11 results
kāla m. due season, appointed or right time (for, d., g., lc., inf., --°ree;); time; oppor tunity; season; meal-time (of which there are two a day); half a day; hour; age, era; measure, prosody; Time, fate; death, god of death; --°ree;, at the right time; in time, gradually; parah kâlah, high time (w. inf.); kâlam kri, fix a time for (lc.); kâlam âsâdya, according to circumstances; in. kâlena, in due season; in course of time: -gakkhatâ, as time goes on, in course of time; dîrghena --, mahatâ -or bahunâ --, after a long time; kenakit --, after some time; tena --, at that time; ab. kâlât, in the long run, in course of time; kâlatas, id.; with regard to time; g. dîrghasya or mahatah kâlasya, after a long time; kasya kit --, after some time; lc. kâlé, at the right or appointed time, opportunely; in time=gra dually; -prâpte, when the time has come; -gakkhati, in course of time; -yâte, after the lapse of some time; kasmims kit --, one day; kâle kâle, always at the right time; shashthe --, at the end of the third day: --&zip;hnah, at the sixth hour of the day, i. e. at noon; pañ- kasate --, =after 250 days; ubhau kâlau, morning and evening.
duṣkara a. hard to do, accom plish, or perform; -endure; difficult; un usual, extraordinary; hard to (inf.); -m yadi, (with ind. or pot.) hardly, scarcely; -m (kri yate) yad, it is no light thing if --: -kar man, a. doing what is hard, very clever; -karma-kârin, a. id.; -sâdhana, n. means of overcoming difficulties.
dhūmaya den.; ps. dhûmyate, be covered with vapour, be obscured (star): pp. dhûmita. abhi, pp. with dis, f. quarter about to be entered by the sun. pra, pp. enveloped in smoke.
nanu ad. not (emphatic); inter. pcl. not? (=nonne), surely? with inter. prn. or impv. pray; nanu ka, surely (at the begin ning of a sentence); nanu½astu--tathâ½api, well, even granting--yet; nanu mâ bhut tathâ½api, well, even granting that--is not the case -yet (nanu here to be taken with the apodosis); nanu is frequently used by com mentators to state a supposed objection, which is disposed of with a followingukyate, to this the reply is as follows.
pañcanakha a. having five claws; m. beast with five claws; -nada, n. land of the five rivers, Panjâb; m. pl. inhabitants of the Panjâb; sg. N. of a river; -padî, a. f. having (taken) five steps; f. five steps; the five strong cases; -na dîyate, does not accompany him even five steps; -pala, a. weighing five palas: î, f. weight of five palas; -purânîya, a. worth five purânas (a coin); -pushpa maya, a. (î) consisting of five flowers; -phut- tika, a. weaving five phuttikas in a day; m. N.; -bandha, m. fifth part of the value of a thing; -bâna, m. the five-arrowed god, Kâma; -bindu-prasrita, n. kind of figure in dancing.
lakṣaya den. P. (Â. metr.) mark; characterise, define; indicate, designate indirectly; have in view, mean; consider, regard as (2 ac.), assume any one (ac.) to be (oratio recta with iti); regard, examine; observe, note, perceive, see (often with second appositional ac.; ord. mg.); see that (yad); ps. lakshyate, be meant; be called (2 nm.); look like, appear to be (nm.±iva): pp. laksh ita, marked, indicated, ordistinguished by (in., --°ree;); expressed by indication; aimed at (--°ree;, of arrows); observed, noticed, perceived, seen; understood; des. pp. lilakshayishita, intended to be expressed, meant. anu, have in view. abhi, pp.marked or determined by (in.); made known, reported; seen, ob served. â, observe, notice, see (±app. ac.); ps. appear (nm.): pp. perceived, seen; heard. upa, define; express figuratively; have in view, regard; consider as (2 ac.); perceive, observe, see (ord. mg.; ± app. ac.); recognise; hear; feel (v.l. upa-labh); ps. be figuratively expressed, be used figuratively for (d.); appear to be (2 nm.): pp. marked or distinguished by (in., --°ree;). sam-upa, direct one's attention to, observe; perceive, see. vi, perceive, observe; (lose sight of one's aim), be confused: pp. embarrassed, perplexed; indignant. sam, perceive, observe, learn (± app. ac.); hear; ps. appear.
vyartha a. useless, unavailing, unpro fitable, vain (ord. mg.); destitute of money (rare); excluded from, not entitled to (in.); unmeaning, inconsistent (rare): -m, ad. use lessly, in vain; -ka-tva, n.uselessness; -tâ, f. uselessness; meaninglessness, nonsense; false ness: -m gam or yâ, become useless; -m nî yate, becomes harmless; -tva, n. contradicto riness; -yatna, a. useless in its efforts; î-kri, make useless orsuperfluous; î-bhû, become useless.
śabdaya den. give forth sounds, cry aloud; call, invoke; ps. sabdyate, be called or named: pp. sabdita, invoked (deity); named. abhi, discuss, mention; designate, name.
śeṣa m. n. [√ sish] remainder, resi- due, rest of (g., lc., --°ree;); issue, result (rare); token of recognition (rare); secondary matter, accident; supplement; --°ree; a. of whom or which -only (-mâtra being sts. added) is left: lc. seshe, for the rest; in every other case; se she râtrau, during the remainder of the night; iti seshah (very common in commen tators), the words -must be supplied to com plete the sense; a. remaining (pl.the rest); w. a pp. in ab., but gnly. °ree;--, e. g. desântaram prâyâtebhyo ye seshâs te, the few (remain ing over from those who had gone =) who had not gone to another country, hata-seshâh, the few who had not been slain; last, last mentioned; m. N. of a serpent supporting the earth and forming the couch of Vishnu during his sleep.
sajjaya den. P. string (a bow; rare); equip, prepare, make ready; Â. metr. id.; prepare oneself; ps. saggyate: pp. saggita, strung (bow); prepared, equipped, ready, for (-artham or --°ree;).
svatantra n. (self-authority), inde pendence, freedom; a. free, independent, un controlled: w. pada, n. independent word: -tâ, f. independence, freedom; originality; -tantraya, den. subject to one'swill; (á) tavas, a. V.: self-strong, inherently powerful; valiant; -tas, ad. of oneself, of one's own ac cord; by nature; out of one's own estate: svato &zip; msât, from one's own share, raksher apakâram svatah parato vâ,guard your self and others against transgression; -tâ, f. ownership: -m pasyati, believes that every thing belongs to or is meant for him, râga svatam upapadyate, accrues to the king; -tvá, n. proprietary right to (lc.; C.); inde pendence (V.).
Bloomfield Vedic
11 results0 results58 results
yate svāhā VS.22.8; TS.; MS.3.12.3: 160.17; KS.1.4; 5.1.
yatemahi svarājye RV.5.66.6d.
aghāyate 'ghaṃ prati harāmaḥ # AVP.4.8.1e--13e.
aghāyate jātavedaḥ # RV.8.71.7b.
aghāyate rīradhatā yajatrāḥ # RV.6.51.6b.
atimanyate bhrātṛvyān nainaṃ bhrātṛvyā atimanyante tasmān matto mattam atimanyate 'dhipatir bhavati svānāṃ cānyeṣāṃ ca ya evaṃ veda # AVP.11.16.10.
adyate 'tti ca bhūtāni # TA.8.2.1c; TU.2.2.1c; MU.6.12c.
apaśyate svāhā # TS.; KSA.5.3.
avasyate stuvate kṛṣṇiyāya # RV.1.116.23a.
astaṃyate namaḥ # AVś.17.1.23; Vait.11.13.
astameṣyate namaḥ # AVś.17.1.23.
ājyenānuṣicyate # AVP.9.28.2b.
ātapsyate svāhā # TS.
āyate svāhā # TS.
āsiṣyate svāhā # TS.; KSA.1.10.
iṣayate martyāya # RV.6.16.25b.
utkraṃsyate svāhā # TS. See utkramiṣyate.
utkramiṣyate svāhā # KSA.1.10. See utkraṃsyate.
utthāsyate svāhā # TS.
udāyate namaḥ # AVś.17.1.22b.
udeṣyate svāhā # TS.; KSA.2.10; TB.; 8.16.4; Apś.20.12.10.
udgrahīṣyate svāhā # TS.; KSA.5.2.
udyate namaḥ # AVś.17.1.22; Vait.11.16.
udyate svāhā # TS.; KSA.2.10; TB.; 8.16.4; Apś.20.12.10.
uparaṃsyate svāhā # TS.; KSA.1.10.
ṛjūyate nāsatyā śacībhiḥ # RV.1.116.23b.
ṛjūyate yajamānāya sunvate # RV.10.100.3b.
ṛjūyate vṛjināni bruvantaḥ # RV.5.12.5d.
kaṇḍūyiṣyate svāhā # TS.; KSA.1.10.
grāvevocyate bṛhat # RV.5.25.8b; JB.3.269b.
caṃkramiṣyate svāhā # TS.; KSA.1.10.
coṣkūyate viśa indro manuṣyān # RV.6.47.16d; N.6.22.
jāgariṣyate svāhā # TS.; KSA.1.10.
tapyate svāhā # VS.39.12 (omitted in VSK.39.11). Cf. under tapate.
tapsyate svāhā # KSA.5.2.
taviṣyate asuro vepate matī # RV.10.11.6d; AVś.18.1.23d.
dṛśyate śrūyate 'pi vā # TA.10.11.1b; MahānU.11.6b.
devajuṣṭocyate bhāmine gīḥ # RV.1.77.1b.
devāyate dāśuṣe martyāya # AVP.14.1.10b.
devāyate yajamānāya śarma # TS.
naśyatetaḥ sadānvāḥ # AVś.2.14.5d,6d; AVP.2.4.2d,3d; 10.1.6d.
nikaṣiṣyate svāhā # TS.; KSA.1.10.
nipatsyate svāhā # TS.; KSA.1.10.
nivekṣyate svāhā # TS.; KSA.1.10.
niṣatsyate svāhā # TS.; KSA.1.10.
nenīyate abhīśubhir vājina iva # VS.34.6b.
paśyate svāhā # TS.; KSA.5.3.
prabhotsyate svāhā # TS.; KSA.1.10.
prayate svāhā # TS.; KSA.1.4.
proṣiṣyate svāhā # TS.; KSA.5.2.
brahmaṇyate suṣvaye varivo dhāt # RV.4.24.2d.
bhaviṣyate tvā # TS.; KSA.1.3; TB.; Apś.20.5.9.
bhaviṣyate namaḥ # KS.26.12; KSA.11.6; Apś.20.1.17.
bhaviṣyate svāhā # śB.; TB.; BṛhU.6.3.5; Apś.20.12.9.
meghāyate svāhā # TS.; KSA.5.2.
meghāyiṣyate svāhā # TS.; KSA.5.2.
yajñāyate vā paśuṣo na (MS. nu) vājān # RV.5.41.1d; MS.4.14.10d: 231.10; KB.23.3.
yācayate bṛhaspatiḥ # AVś.12.4.38d.
Vedabase Search
969 results
yate of the person practicing yogaSB 7.15.34
yate of the sannyāsīSB 7.12.7
SB 7.13.9
yateḥ api even of the person in the renounced orderSB 7.12.11
yateḥ api even of the person in the renounced orderSB 7.12.11
yateka allCC Adi 10.42
CC Adi 14.28
CC Adi 7.35
CC Antya 18.16-17
CC Madhya 21.101
CC Madhya 4.67
yateka all of themCC Adi 6.72
yateka all thatCC Madhya 3.54
yateka as manyCC Adi 9.31
CC Madhya 17.231
yateka how muchCC Madhya 15.238
yateka whateverCC Adi 13.15
yateka guṇa all the transcendental attributesCC Antya 8.43
yateka guṇa all the transcendental attributesCC Antya 8.43
yateka mahānta all respectable devoteesCC Madhya 4.149
yateka mahānta all respectable devoteesCC Madhya 4.149
yateka vicāre as far as he analytically studiesCC Madhya 9.364
yateka vicāre as far as he analytically studiesCC Madhya 9.364
yateran endeavorSB 5.19.25
yateta endeavor forSB 2.2.3
yateta must trySB 5.1.18
yateta one should endeavorSB 6.1.8
yateta should endeavorSB 11.9.29
SB 7.6.5
abhibhūyate becomes affectedSB 4.8.34
abhibhūyate is defeatedSB 11.14.18
abhibhūyate will become overwhelmedSB 11.23.61
abhidhāsyate will be describedSB 6.18.17
abhidhīyate is calledBG 13.1-2
abhidhīyate is indicatedBG 17.26-27
abhidhīyate is saidBG 18.11
abhidhīyate is calledSB 3.11.34
abhidhīyate is knownSB 3.29.37
abhidhīyate is understoodSB 4.29.74
abhidhīyate each is describedSB 11.16.41
abhidhīyate is calledSB 11.24.4
abhidhīyate is calledSB 11.24.18
abhidhīyate is designatedSB 12.11.21
abhidhīyate is calledCC Madhya 9.29
abhidhīyate is calledCC Madhya 9.30
abhijāyate becomes manifestBG 2.62
abhijāyate takes his birthBG 6.41
abhijāyate takes his birthBG 13.24
abhijāyate takes birthSB 4.29.26-27
abhijāyate takes birthSB 6.15.7
abhilabhyate are attainedSB 11.5.36
abhilabhyate are achievedCC Madhya 20.347
abhimanyate he thinksSB 3.27.2
na abhimanyate does not go to attackSB 4.24.56
abhipadyate undergoes thereofSB 1.7.5
abhipadyate are obtainedSB 10.24.13
abhipadyate achievesSB 11.19.25
abhīyate His presence is surmisedSB 10.38.11
abhyudayate manifestsCC Madhya 2.74
adhigamyate is followedSB 2.9.18
adhigamyate become relishedSB 2.10.18
adhyavasīyate become manifestedSB 2.10.7
adhyeṣyate will studyBG 18.70
ajyate is affectedSB 3.27.1
ajyate becomes entangledSB 4.11.25
ajyate is affectedSB 4.20.8
ajyate is affectedSB 5.17.19
ajyate are entangledSB 11.6.8
ākhyāsyate will be calledSB 10.8.12
ākramyate occupiesSB 10.68.35
ālakṣyate was visibleSB 10.39.36
anubhūyate is experiencedSB 6.15.21-23
anubuddhyate is understoodSB 3.32.31
anudṛśyate is seenSB 10.68.54
anugīyate are sungSB 12.12.50
anukāryate imitatesSB 4.29.17
anukāryate is made to imitateSB 11.22.53
anumīyate is measuredSB 2.8.12
anumīyate can be imaginedSB 4.29.63
anumīyate is perceivedSB 5.22.12
anumīyate it is inferredSB 6.1.46
anumīyate becomes manifestedSB 10.2.35
anumīyate one can guessCC Antya 1.91
anurajyate is becoming attachedBG 11.36
anurasyate is relishedCC Madhya 23.100
anusmaryate is always rememberedSB 4.30.28
anuvarṇyate is elaborately describedSB 12.5.1
anuvarṇyate is fittingly describedSB 12.6.4
anuvarṇyate is being describedCC Madhya 2.1
anuvidhīyate becomes constantly engagedBG 2.67
anuvidhīyate it is so describedSB 2.10.45
āpadyate arrives atCC Madhya 23.95-98
apanīyate is extractedSB 5.18.33
apohyate am refutedSB 11.21.43
apohyate am fixedCC Madhya 20.147-148
ārabhyate is begunBG 18.25
ārādhyate is worshipedCC Madhya 8.58
arcyate is worshipedSB 11.11.15
ardyate tormentedSB 10.88.20
arpyate is placedSB 7.7.27
atiricyate becomes moreBG 2.34
ātmā vai jāyate putraḥ his self appears as the sonCC Madhya 12.56
avabudhyate become subjected to knowledgeSB 4.28.58
avabudhyate will take seriously and understandSB 9.18.2
avadṛśyate is perceivedSB 3.27.12
avagamyate are understoodSB 4.29.1
avagṛhyate is perceivedSB 10.15.25
avakīryate gradually vanishesSB 7.15.19
avamanyate deridesSB 8.22.24
avāpyate is achievedBG 12.5
avarudhyate become compactSB 1.1.2
avarudhyate becomes confinedCC Adi 1.91
avarudhyate becomes confinedCC Madhya 24.100
avarudhyate becomes confinedCC Madhya 25.149
avaśiṣyate remainsBG 7.2
avaśiṣyate remains to be doneSB 9.5.16
avaśiṣyate remainsSB 10.45.47
avaśiṣyate remainsSB 11.19.20-24
avaśiṣyate remainsSB 11.26.30
avaśiṣyate remainsSB 11.29.32
avaśiṣyate remainsSB 11.29.32
avaśiṣyate is remainingCC Madhya 8.72
avaśiṣyate is remainingIso invocation
avasīyate is completely fulfilledSB 11.15.17
na avasīyate can never decideSB 11.26.19-20
avasthāpyate is establishedSB 5.20.36
āveśyate is absorbedSB 11.13.14
āvriyate is coveredBG 3.38
badhyate becomes entangledBG 4.14
na badhyate is not attached as the creator, master or proprietorSB 5.19.12
badhyate is boundSB 6.12.15
badhyate is boundSB 7.2.41
na badhyate is not bound upSB 10.84.17
badhyate is boundSB 11.10.35
badhyate is boundSB 11.10.35
badhyate is boundSB 11.11.11
badhyate is boundSB 11.17.56
badhyate becomes bound upSB 11.29.28
bahu bhāṣyate will talk very muchSB 2.7.37
bhajyate is brokenSB 10.62.8
bhakṣyate he was threatened with being eatenSB 12.9.17-18
bhāsayate illuminatesBG 15.6
bhāsayate illuminatesBG 15.12
bahu bhāṣyate will talk very muchSB 2.7.37
bhaviṣyate there will beSB 10.39.25
bhāvyate is manifestSB 3.29.7
bhāvyate He is to be foundSB 10.62.16
bhidyate piercedSB 1.2.21
bhidyate is pollutedSB 7.5.6
bhidyate is changedSB 7.5.14
bhidyate is divertedSB 10.51.59
bhidyate and changesSB 11.10.14-16
bhidyate piercedSB 11.20.30
bhojayate feedsNoI 4
bhokṣyate is ruledSB 4.28.31
bhokṣyate will enjoySB 8.13.20
bhrāmyate bewilderSB 3.2.10
bhrāmyate is made to wanderSB 10.40.23
bhraśyate falls downSB 11.28.2
bhraśyate is disruptedSB 11.30.12
bhujyate let it be enjoyedSB 10.16.60
bhujyate is enjoyedSB 10.68.35
bhujyate is sufferedSB 12.6.27
budhyate understandsSB 7.6.14
na budhyate cannot understandSB 8.22.11
budhyate can understandSB 9.8.21
budhyate is thought ofSB 11.7.51
cālyate can be controlledSB 10.4.38
cetayate is brought into animationSB 8.1.9
cetayate animatesSB 8.1.9
cintyate are meditated uponSB 11.6.7
cintyate are meditated uponSB 11.6.11
citrīyate is acting like a pictureCC Madhya 20.180
dhārayate one sustainsBG 18.33
dhārayate one sustainsBG 18.34
dhāryate is utilized or exploitedBG 7.5
dhāryate is always bornSB 9.18.5
dhāryate is being conductedCC Adi 7.118
dhāryate is sustainedCC Madhya 6.165
dhāryate is being conductedCC Madhya 20.116
dhriyate bears her lifeSB 3.1.40
dhriyate is imposedSB 6.1.39
dhriyate is being allottedSB 6.2.2
dhyāyate unto the meditativeSB 2.9.45
dīpāyate illuminatesCC Madhya 20.316
dīpāyate illuminatesBs 5.46
dīvyate who was playingSB 10.56.5
yate is givenBG 17.20
yate is givenBG 17.21
yate is givenBG 17.22
drakṣyate will be able to seeSB 8.22.35
dṛśyate by what is necessarySB 1.4.28-29
dṛśyate it is so seenSB 3.7.11
dṛśyate is observedSB 3.20.41
dṛśyate is observedSB 3.26.49
dṛśyate is seenSB 4.7.37
dṛśyate is visibleSB 4.29.67
dṛśyate is visibleSB 4.29.72
dṛśyate is seenSB 5.16.1
dṛśyate is visibleSB 5.18.27
dṛśyate is seenSB 6.16.7
dṛśyate is seenSB 7.2.23
na dṛśyate not seenSB 7.8.12
dṛśyate the Supreme Personality of Godhead can be foundSB 8.14.10
dṛśyate can be seenSB 9.7.5-6
dṛśyate was seenSB 10.50.50-53
dṛśyate is seenSB 10.51.60
dṛśyate is seenSB 10.54.11
dṛśyate is seenSB 10.65.33
dṛśyate is seenSB 10.76.21
dṛśyate is seenSB 10.76.21
dṛśyate was seenSB 10.83.19
dṛśyate na it does not appearSB 11.22.26
na dṛśyate is not seenSB 11.22.43
dṛśyate appearsSB 11.22.54-55
dṛśyate is seenSB 12.2.27-28
dṛśyate are seenSB 12.11.5
dṛśyate is seenMM 19
ejayate disturbsSB 5.2.14
gamyate one can attainBG 5.5
gamyate one can understandSB 7.10.45
ghaṭayate causes to appearCC Antya 1.99
ghaṭayate causes to appearCC Antya 1.120
ghura-ghurāyate he produces a sound like ghura-ghuraSB 3.30.16
ghura-ghurāyate he produces a sound like ghura-ghuraSB 3.30.16
yate is sungSB 7.1.4-5
yate is glorifiedSB 8.1.32
yate as described in the VedasSB 8.19.39
yate are glorifiedSB 9.20.23
yate are glorifiedSB 9.21.2
yate His names are variously chantedSB 11.5.23
yate is glorifiedSB 11.9.31
na gīyate is not describedSB 12.12.66
yate is sungSB 12.13.18
grasyate is seizedSB 11.21.20
gṛha-pālāyate he becomes exactly like a household dogSB 7.15.18
gṛhyate can be so controlledBG 6.35
gṛhyate is perceivedSB 10.54.44
na gṛhyate should not be takenSB 10.57.3
gṛhyate is perceived and thus acceptedSB 11.13.24
na gṛhyate is not acceptedSB 11.28.33
hanyate is killedBG 2.19
hanyate is killedBG 2.20
hanyate is victimizedSB 5.19.12
hanyate is to be killedSB 10.54.39
hiṃsyate is attackedSB 11.11.15
yate is lostSB 12.3.20
hriyate is attractedBG 6.44
hriyate passes awaySB 1.16.9
hriyate wastesSB 2.1.3
hriyate is withdrawnSB 11.28.6-7
ijyate is performedBG 17.11
ijyate is performedBG 17.12
ijyate is worshipedSB 4.14.18
ijyate is worshipedSB 6.18.33-34
ijyate is worshipedSB 11.5.20
ijyate is worshipedSB 11.5.35
īryate He is calledSB 11.5.26
īryate it is calledCC Adi 1.75
īryate it is calledCC Antya 14.16
na iṣyate there is no need ofSB 4.22.14
iṣyate taken in that waySB 4.22.35
iṣyate is availableSB 4.25.4
iṣyate becomes possibleSB 6.1.11
iṣyate prescribedSB 8.21.32
iṣyate for this purpose the creation is thereSB 9.24.58
na iṣyate are not capable of causingSB 10.22.26
iṣyate is consideredSB 10.40.13-14
iṣyate is meantSB 11.17.42
iṣyate is consideredSB 11.21.13
iṣyate is saidSB 12.13.4-9
iṣyate is said to beSB 12.13.15
iṣyate known thusCC Adi 7.119
iṣyate is accepted asCC Madhya 6.154
iṣyate known thusCC Madhya 8.153
iṣyate known thusCC Madhya 20.112
iṣyate known thusCC Madhya 24.308
iṣyate is acceptedCC Madhya 25.146
iyate appears likeSB 1.4.4
īyate is perceivedSB 3.32.26
īyate is perceivedSB 3.32.33
īyate is perceivedSB 3.32.34-36
īyate is revealedSB 4.3.23
īyate is perceivedSB 6.4.26
īyate is seenSB 7.2.42
īyate is perceivedSB 7.2.43
īyate is mistaken asSB 7.6.20-23
īyate is manifestSB 7.14.38
īyate appearsSB 10.46.41
īyate is perceivedSB 10.47.31
īyate You are perceivedSB 10.48.19
īyate is spentSB 10.60.31
īyate seemsSB 10.78.16
īyate it appearsSB 10.85.24
īyate appearsSB 11.7.47
īyate is seenSB 12.5.7
īyate appearsCC Adi 4.66
janiṣyate will appearSB 10.1.23
yate is taking placeBG 1.29
yate comes into beingBG 1.40
yate takes birthBG 2.20
yate takes birthBG 14.15
yate takes birthBG 14.15
yate becomes effectiveSB 1.2.20
yate become possibleSB 1.5.33
yate generatesSB 2.10.17
yate expandsSB 3.14.12
jayate one becomes victoriousSB 4.21.46
yate is bornSB 6.16.22
yate one exists in the materialistic way of lifeSB 7.15.50-51
yate is born (one who has taken birth is sure to die)SB 10.1.38
yate takes birthSB 10.1.42
yate does ariseSB 10.3.44
yate takes birthSB 10.24.13
yate arisesSB 10.26.14
yate is bornSB 10.51.53
yate is bornSB 10.64.39
yate will ariseSB 10.73.18
yate is bornSB 11.10.14-16
yate is bornSB 11.18.12
yate is awakenedSB 11.20.9
yate take birthSB 11.22.46
yate takes birthSB 11.27.54
yate arisesSB 12.3.7
yate arisesSB 12.5.7
yate has arisenSB 12.8.2-5
yate arisesSB 12.13.22
yate is awakenedCC Madhya 9.266
ātmā vai jāyate putraḥ his self appears as the sonCC Madhya 12.56
yate appearsCC Madhya 22.46
yate is awakenedCC Madhya 22.61
yate appearsCC Madhya 22.84
jīryate is vanquishedSB 9.19.16
jñāyate is knownSB 3.9.1
jñāyate are understoodSB 4.17.36
jñāyate is knownSB 6.12.17
kālayate causes to moveSB 10.51.19
kalpyate is performedSB 7.1.25
kalpyate tendsSB 11.29.21
kāmayate desiresSB 4.13.34
kāmayate one desiresSB 7.7.43
kariṣyate will executeSB 12.1.18
kāryate is forced to doBG 3.5
kāryate is caused to performSB 6.1.52
kāryate he is caused to performSB 6.1.53
kāryate is performedSB 6.4.30
kāryate is made to act by othersSB 10.82.20
kathyate was calledSB 9.9.39
na kathyate is not discussedSB 12.12.49
kathyate is being describedCC Antya 14.1
khidyate is troublingSB 3.7.7
kriyate is performedBG 17.18
kriyate is performedBG 17.19
kriyate is performedBG 18.9
kriyate is performedBG 18.24
kriyate does performSB 1.5.35
kriyate caused to be doneSB 2.10.25
kriyate is performedSB 4.29.59
kriyate is renderedSB 7.7.33
kriyate is performedSB 8.9.29
kriyate is acceptedSB 9.9.32
kriyate will becomeSB 10.38.20
kriyate is intended to be doneSB 10.69.20-22
kriyate is doneSB 11.16.39
kriyate is acted uponSB 11.28.30
kṣīyate is lostSB 3.22.13
kṣīyate become diminishedSB 11.3.38
labhyate is not obtainedSB 1.5.18
labhyate can be obtainedSB 1.5.18
labhyate is obtainableSB 7.6.3
labhyate is availableSB 7.14.27-28
labhyate is availableCC Madhya 8.70
labhyate is obtainedCC Madhya 8.70
labhyate is achievedCC Madhya 24.169
labhyate is achievedCC Madhya 24.169
labhyate it is gainedNBS 40
lakṣayate can seeSB 4.22.9
lakṣyate are seenSB 1.19.39
lakṣyate experiencedSB 2.8.13
lakṣyate it (the mass of universes) appearsSB 3.11.41
lakṣyate is observedSB 3.26.14
lakṣyate is describedSB 3.29.1-2
lakṣyate are seenSB 4.17.32
lakṣyate can be perceivedSB 4.29.63
lakṣyate is seenSB 5.25.2
na lakṣyate cannot be seenSB 10.79.27
lakṣyate seemsSB 11.7.51
lakṣyate is clearly seenSB 11.10.17
lakṣyate appearsSB 11.21.37
lakṣyate is apparently seenSB 11.22.26
na lakṣyate cannot be ascertainedSB 11.31.9
lańghayate causes to cross overCC Madhya 17.80
lańghayate causes to cross overCC Antya 1.1
lapsyate it will achieveSB 10.43.29
likhyate is being writtenCC Adi 7.1
likhyate they are being writtenCC Antya 17.1
lipyate is entangledBG 5.7
lipyate is affectedBG 5.10
na lipyate nor is he entangledBG 13.32
lipyate is attachedBG 18.17
lipyate becomes involvedSB 4.26.7
lipyate can be boundIso 2
yate will mergeSB 11.3.11
yate mergesSB 11.3.14
yate mergesSB 11.3.14
yate becomes mergedSB 11.24.22-27
yate becomes mergedSB 11.24.22-27
yate becomes mergedSB 11.24.22-27
yate become mergedSB 11.24.22-27
yate becomes mergedSB 11.24.22-27
yate become mergedSB 11.24.22-27
yate is dissolvedSB 12.4.6
yate mergesSB 12.4.15-19
yate mergesSB 12.4.15-19
mahīyate being situated inSB 1.3.34
mahīyate is worshipedSB 5.24.28
mahīyate is welcomed and respectfully receivedSB 6.2.47-48
manyate thinksBG 2.19
manyate he thinksBG 3.27
manyate considersBG 6.20-23
manyate thinksBG 18.32
manyate thinkSB 1.5.15
manyate do speculate within the mindSB 1.11.37
manyate thinksSB 2.9.2
manyate he considersSB 3.26.6
manyate thinksSB 3.30.3
manyate he thinksSB 3.30.6
manyate thinksSB 3.30.9
manyate she thinksSB 3.31.41
na manyate are not attachedSB 4.7.34
manyate thinksSB 4.25.19
manyate is acceptedSB 5.18.20
manyate considersSB 6.12.9
manyate considersSB 6.12.12
manyate he considersSB 6.16.53-54
manyate considersSB 6.17.19
manyate considersSB 7.5.4
manyate considerSB 7.15.27
manyate You think soSB 8.22.2
manyate you are thinkingSB 9.9.31
manyate he considersSB 10.4.22
manyate would be consideredSB 10.8.7
manyate he thinksSB 10.73.10
na manyate does not acceptSB 11.28.32
manyate he thinksSB 12.4.30
mṛḍayate causes happinessSB 3.9.22
mṛgyate searchesSB 4.8.23
mriyate diesBG 2.20
mriyate will dieSB 1.16.8
mriyate vanquishesSB 3.9.13
mriyate he diesSB 3.30.18
mriyate diesSB 11.22.46
mṛṣāyate who is trying to appear as a false thing (actually the animal was Aghāsura, but because of poor knowledge they were thinking him to be a dead python)SB 10.12.25
mucyate gets releaseSB 1.9.23
mucyate becomes freedSB 4.24.78
mucyate is deliveredSB 5.5.6
mucyate is releasedSB 6.8.41
mucyate one will become freedSB 10.16.53
mucyate he is freedSB 11.2.7
mucyate becomes liberatedSB 11.3.55
mucyate one is freedSB 12.12.47
mucyate one becomes freedSB 12.12.61
muhyate becomes bewilderedSB 8.22.17
muhyate bewildersSB 10.31.17
na lipyate nor is he entangledBG 13.32
na manyate are not attachedSB 4.7.34
na iṣyate there is no need ofSB 4.22.14
na abhimanyate does not go to attackSB 4.24.56
na badhyate is not attached as the creator, master or proprietorSB 5.19.12
na dṛśyate not seenSB 7.8.12
na pūryate cannot be satisfiedSB 8.19.22
na budhyate cannot understandSB 8.22.11
na sevyate is not resorted toSB 10.15.24
na vidyate there was notSB 10.18.5
na iṣyate are not capable of causingSB 10.22.26
na vidyate is not presentSB 10.27.4
na vidyate does not accrueSB 10.33.32
na sthīyate do not remain steadySB 10.49.27
na yujyate is not affectedSB 10.50.54
na gṛhyate should not be takenSB 10.57.3
na vidyate is not presentSB 10.57.22
na lakṣyate cannot be seenSB 10.79.27
na badhyate is not bound upSB 10.84.17
na śakyate cannotSB 10.90.40
na yujyate does not entangle himselfSB 11.7.41
na spṛśyate is not touchedSB 11.7.43
dṛśyate na it does not appearSB 11.22.26
na dṛśyate is not seenSB 11.22.43
na avasīyate can never decideSB 11.26.19-20
na manyate does not acceptSB 11.28.32
na gṛhyate is not acceptedSB 11.28.33
na upajāyate does not fully developSB 11.29.17
na lakṣyate cannot be ascertainedSB 11.31.9
na kathyate is not discussedSB 12.12.49
na gīyate is not describedSB 12.12.66
na yujyate never affectedCC Adi 5.87
na utpadyate there does not ariseMM 35
nartyate dancingCC Adi 8.1
neṣyate he will takeSB 10.50.47
nibadhyate becomes affectedBG 4.22
nibadhyate becomes entangledBG 5.12
nibadhyate becomes entangledBG 18.17
nibadhyate one becomes entangledSB 4.26.8
nibadhyate is bound upSB 11.11.10
nibadhyate one is bound upSB 11.25.12
nigadyate is calledCC Adi 1.77
nigadyate is said to beCC Madhya 22.70
nigadyate is describedCC Madhya 23.7
nihanyate is hurtSB 11.23.51
ninīyate gets the resultSB 4.6.50
nipātyate is thrownSB 5.26.8
nirasyate is dispelledSB 10.46.46
nirūpyate is ascertained (by scriptures or the instructions of the spiritual master)SB 7.5.13
nirūpyate can be ascertainedCC Adi 5.1
nirvāsyate will be releasedSB 3.31.17
nirvidyate is despondentSB 5.13.6
nirvidyate becomes aloofSB 6.5.41
nirvidyate becomes remorsefulSB 7.6.14
nirvidyate become satiatedSB 7.9.25
niścīyate is establishedCC Madhya 20.145
niṣevyate is enjoyableCC Antya 20.1
niyamyate it is regulatedSB 4.26.6
yate is led aboutSB 10.51.51
niyatena in this way, regularlySB 4.8.51
niyujyate he is engagedSB 10.41.48
nṛtyate dancesSB 10.54.12
nṛtyate dancesSB 11.14.24
palāyate she fleesSB 4.17.15
palāyate runs awaySB 7.5.50
gṛha-pālāyate he becomes exactly like a household dogSB 7.15.18
paribhāvyate is conceived ofSB 12.11.22
paridahyate is burningBG 1.29
parimṛjyate is cleansed of material contaminationSB 11.14.26
parimucyate one becomes freedSB 10.88.10
paripaṭhyate is proclaimedCC Madhya 20.399
parirapsyate He will embraceSB 10.38.20
parisamāpyate endBG 4.33
parisamāpyate one fulfills the mission of lifeSB 11.16.44
paritapyate is feeling painSB 4.3.20
parituṣyate does pacifySB 1.5.5
paryasyate he will circumambulateSB 4.16.20
pātyate is made to fallSB 12.6.20
prabhāṣyate they are so toldSB 3.11.14
pracakṣyate will be narratedSB 9.7.23
pradṛśyate is visibleSB 6.9.7
pradṛśyate is visibleSB 6.9.8
pradṛśyate is visibleSB 6.9.9
prajāyate was manifestedSB 1.5.25
prajāyate is bornSB 3.32.12-15
prakāśyate it is revealedNBS 53
pralīyate is annihilatedBG 8.19
pralīyate disappearsSB 10.14.25
pralīyate he meets his destructionSB 10.24.13
pralīyate meets his demiseSB 10.49.21
pralīyate mergesSB 11.3.14
pralīyate becomes mergedSB 11.24.22-27
pralīyate becomes mergedSB 11.24.22-27
pralīyate becomes mergedSB 11.24.22-27
pralīyate becomes mergedSB 11.24.22-27
pramucyate is completely liberatedBG 5.3
pramucyate is deliveredBG 10.3
pramucyate becomes freeSB 7.10.14
pramucyate is freedSB 9.23.17
pramucyate he becomes freedSB 10.16.62
pramucyate becomes releasedSB 10.66.43
pramucyate he is freedSB 10.74.54
pramucyate becomes completely liberatedSB 11.31.27
pramucyate one becomes deliveredSB 12.6.60
prapadyate surrendersBG 7.19
prapadyate is experiencedSB 3.6.17
prapadyate transactsSB 3.6.21
prapadyate reachesSB 3.6.22
prapadyate he entersSB 3.30.31
prapadyate takes toSB 4.21.32
prapadyate attainsSB 8.1.14
prapadyate achievesSB 8.24.51
prapadyate surrendersSB 10.1.41
prapadyate receives the qualificationSB 11.25.32
prapatsyate having taken shelter ofSB 1.12.27
prāpsyate will obtainSB 7.7.10
prāpyate is achievedBG 5.5
prārthayate beggingSB 3.9.29
prārthyate is prayed forSB 10.51.54
prastūyate is presentedSB 5.12.13
prasūyate is bornSB 10.49.21
pratapyate is painedSB 5.18.21
pratibudhyate were awakenedBs 5.20
pratīkṣyate was also being awaited (the demigods were also awaiting the death of the great demon Aghāsura)SB 10.12.13
pratipadyate attainsBG 14.14
pratipadyate expressSB 3.6.12
pratipadyate expressesSB 3.6.13
pratipadyate can experienceSB 3.6.16
pratipadyate experiencesSB 3.6.18
pratipadyate experiencesSB 3.6.19
pratipadyate performsSB 3.6.20
pratipadyate transactsSB 3.6.24
pratipadyate takes inSB 3.6.25
pratipadyate cultivatesSB 3.6.26
pratipadyate he realizesSB 3.27.11
pratipadyate realizesSB 3.27.16
pratipadyate attainsSB 11.22.51
pratiyāsyate will He returnSB 10.39.24
pratīyate so appearSB 3.7.10
pratīyate is understoodSB 3.28.39
pratīyate is exhibitedSB 3.28.43
pratīyate appears to beSB 4.11.29
pratīyate can be conceived only that from Him everything emanatesSB 10.8.41
pratyupalabhyate is foundSB 5.20.35
pravilīyate merges entirelyBG 4.23
pravilīyate is systematically vanquishedSB 1.18.45
pravilīyate is absorbedSB 11.14.27
prayateta should endeavorSB 1.5.18
prayateta should endeavorCC Madhya 24.169
prayujyate is usedBG 17.26-27
prīyate is pleasedSB 6.14.21
prīyate is satisfiedSB 7.7.51-52
prīyate becomes pleasedSB 8.7.40
procyate are saidBG 18.19
procyate are designatedSB 1.15.6
pūjyate is worshipedSB 11.5.19
na pūryate cannot be satisfiedSB 8.19.22
ātmā vai jāyate putraḥ his self appears as the sonCC Madhya 12.56
rakṣyate is protectedSB 3.16.18
ramayate He pleasesSB 5.18.16
raṃsyate enjoysSB 2.4.14
riṣyate been lostSB 4.8.64
riṣyate annihilatedSB 8.12.46
rorūyate is cryingSB 9.6.31
śabdyate it so soundedSB 1.2.11
śabdyate calledSB 2.10.7
śabdyate is knownCC Adi 2.11
śabdyate is knownCC Adi 2.63
śabdyate is knownCC Madhya 20.158
śabdyate is knownCC Madhya 24.74
śabdyate is knownCC Madhya 24.81
śabdyate it is describedCC Madhya 25.132
sādhyate is to be accomplishedSB 10.24.3
sādhyate is realizedSB 10.47.24
śakyate is ableSB 7.2.49
śakyate one is ableSB 9.1.7
śakyate is ableSB 10.4.38
na śakyate cannotSB 10.90.40
samāpyate satisfiedSB 1.5.40
samāpyate is completedSB 10.78.30
samāpyate are used upSB 11.10.26
samāpyate is completedSB 11.17.30
saṃbhriyate is assumedSB 10.50.10
samīyate appearsSB 12.4.31
saṃlabhyate is obtainedSB 7.7.33
saṃlakṣyate becomes visibleSB 3.15.21
sampadyate he attainsBG 13.31
sampadyate attains successSB 2.1.21
sampadyate is worshipedSB 4.21.34
sampadyate becomes successfulSB 8.17.20
sampadyate achieves equal opulencesSB 11.18.37
sampadyate is achievedSB 11.21.15
sampadyate he achievesSB 11.25.35
sampadyate attainsSB 12.5.5
sampātyate is thrownSB 5.26.28
samprakṣyate He will inquireSB 10.38.23
samprapatsyate will enterSB 3.24.2
sampravartayiṣyate will introduceSB 5.6.9
samprīyate is pacified or interested inSB 7.9.39
saṃsthāsyate will dissolveSB 3.22.20
saṃstūyate is worshipedSB 4.30.36
samudyatena endeavorSB 7.8.23
sandhāryate the conception is madeSB 2.1.22
sandhāryate one may concentrateSB 2.1.38
sandṛśyate is observedSB 11.13.35
sańgīyate is sungSB 12.3.15
sañjāyate developsBG 2.62
sañjāyate comes into beingBG 13.27
sañjāyate developsBG 14.17
sañjāyate arisesSB 11.19.20-24
sañjāyate is transformed intoCC Madhya 20.310
sañjāyate is transformed intoBs 5.45
sańkhyāyate it is enumeratedSB 12.2.35
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santyakṣyate are about to give up once and for allSB 11.6.42
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śiṣyate remainsCC Madhya 25.31
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ucyate is said to beBG 13.21
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ucyate is said to beSB 11.19.36-39
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ucyate is saidSB 11.25.25
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ucyate is saidSB 12.7.15
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ucyate it is saidCC Adi 15.27
ucyate it is saidCC Madhya 6.182
ucyate is calledCC Madhya 14.174
ucyate is calledCC Madhya 19.170
ucyate is saidCC Madhya 22.154
ucyate is calledCC Madhya 23.5
ucyate is saidCC Madhya 23.8
ucyate is saidCC Madhya 24.159
ucyate is saidCC Madhya 24.159
ucyate is saidCC Madhya 24.160
ucyate is calledCC Antya 1.186
ucyate is saidCC Antya 4.178
udacyate is producedIso invocation
udyate disappearanceSB 3.3.15
uhyate is being carriedSB 5.10.2
upacaryate is so measuredSB 3.11.38
upacaryate things are going on automaticallySB 10.3.19
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upadyate is befittingBG 2.3
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upagīyate is describedSB 5.26.38
upagīyate is glorified by songsSB 11.10.24
upagīyate is worshiped and glorifiedCC Madhya 11.32
upagṛhyate takes overSB 2.8.14
upahanyate developsSB 2.10.41
upajāyate developsBG 2.62
upajāyate takes placeBG 2.65
upajāyate developsBG 14.11
upajāyate becomes manifestedSB 2.10.18
upajāyate developsSB 6.14.2
upajāyate are increasedSB 9.19.18
upajāyate ariseSB 11.26.23
na upajāyate does not fully developSB 11.29.17
upalabhyate can be perceivedBG 15.3-4
upalabhyate is experiencedSB 5.22.12
upalabhyate are achievedSB 6.1.46
upalabhyate is perceivedSB 11.3.40
upalabhyate which is experiencedSB 11.28.10
upalakṣyate prove to beSB 2.6.34
upalakṣyate is observedSB 3.26.49
upalakṣyate is distinguishedSB 5.20.8
upalakṣyate is experiencedSB 5.24.11
upalipyate mixesBG 13.33
upalipyate mixesBG 13.33
upamīyate it is understood by comparisonSB 10.87.37
upapadyate is to be foundBG 6.39
upapadyate attainsBG 13.19
upapadyate is deservedBG 18.7
upapadyate one attainsSB 3.29.14
upapadyate one becomes qualifiedCC Madhya 19.174
upavarṇyate is describedSB 5.20.1
upayujyate will be very suitableSB 9.23.37
utkṛṣyate is superiorCC Madhya 9.117
utkṛṣyate is superiorCC Madhya 9.146
utpadyate sprout upSB 1.7.7
utpadyate is generatedSB 10.24.22
na utpadyate there does not ariseMM 35
ātmā vai jāyate putraḥ his self appears as the sonCC Madhya 12.56
vakṣyate He will speakSB 10.38.21
varṇyate can be describedSB 10.12.12
varṇyate it is describedSB 10.50.29
varṇyate can be describedSB 10.90.27
vartiṣyate will existSB 4.28.18
vibhāvyate flourishSB 3.6.8
vibhāvyate manifestedSB 4.21.35
vibhāvyate can be manifestedSB 9.8.12
vibhāvyate appear in different shapesSB 10.1.43
vibhāvyate as was visibleSB 10.30.42
vibhāvyate is perceivedSB 12.6.37
vibhidyate is dividedSB 3.26.42
vibhidyate is dividedSB 3.26.45
vibhidyate is dividedSB 3.29.7
vibhidyate is diversifiedSB 4.24.63
vibhidyate is destroyedSB 7.5.12
vibhidyate is divertedSB 10.74.31
vicālyate becomes shakenBG 6.20-23
vicālyate is agitatedBG 14.22-25
vidhāsyate will executeSB 6.7.25
vidhāsyate He will giveSB 10.46.34
vidhīyate does take placeBG 2.44
vidhīyate is performedSB 3.11.20
vidhīyate are intendedSB 4.3.22
vidhīyate worshipedSB 4.3.23
vidhīyate is procuredCC Adi 4.66
vidīryate is torn apartSB 12.4.33
vidūṣyate is pollutedSB 5.19.12
vidyate there isBG 2.16
vidyate there isBG 2.16
vidyate existBG 2.31
vidyate there isBG 2.40
vidyate existBG 3.17
vidyate existsBG 4.38
vidyate existsBG 6.40
vidyate takes placeBG 8.16
vidyate there isBG 16.7
vidyate existSB 4.22.36
vidyate there isSB 8.3.8-9
na vidyate there was notSB 10.18.5
na vidyate is not presentSB 10.27.4
na vidyate does not accrueSB 10.33.32
vidyate existsSB 10.36.28
na vidyate is not presentSB 10.57.22
vidyate existsSB 10.81.39
vidyate there isSB 11.10.18
vidyate there isSB 11.11.48
vidyate there isSB 11.16.38
vidyate existsCC Antya 5.123
vigṛhyate He quarrelsSB 10.59.41
vihīyate he is lost, deviatedSB 11.18.40-41
vijayate conquersCC Antya 1.99
vijayate conquersCC Antya 1.120
vijayate let there be victoryCC Antya 20.12
vijayate is victoriousMM 14
vijayate may He be victoriousMM 21
vijñāyate is understoodSB 4.29.3
vikriyate is agitatedSB 4.29.17
vilīyate is vanquishedSB 6.1.55
vimṛśyate is contemplatedSB 11.18.34
vimucyate gets relief fromSB 1.3.29
vimucyate becomes freedSB 3.19.37
vimucyate becomes deliveredSB 4.29.83
vimucyate is freedSB 6.8.36
vimucyate is deliveredSB 6.16.44
vimucyate is freedSB 6.17.40
vimucyate is freedSB 6.19.26-28
vimucyate becomes liberatedSB 7.10.46
vimucyate one becomes liberatedSB 9.11.23
vimucyate becomes relievedSB 10.7.31
vimucyate becomes liberatedSB 10.29.16
vimucyate becomes freedSB 10.81.41
vimucyate becomes freeSB 10.85.46
vimucyate is freedSB 10.88.40
vimucyate one is liberatedSB 11.18.34
vimucyate becomes liberatedSB 11.29.48
vimucyate one becomes liberatedCC Adi 5.77
vimucyate one becomes liberatedCC Madhya 20.251
vimucyate are deliveredCC Antya 3.84
vipadyate becomes endangeredSB 8.19.36
virajyate is averseSB 3.30.4
virajyate becomes detachedSB 11.19.17
virudhyate becomes contradictorySB 3.7.9
virudhyate there is a contradictionSB 10.3.19
viśīryate gradually disappearingSB 2.4.5
viśīryate becomes vanquishedSB 2.7.49
viśiṣyate is by far the betterBG 3.7
viśiṣyate is betterBG 5.2
viśiṣyate is far advancedBG 6.9
viśiṣyate is specialBG 7.17
viśiṣyate is considered betterBG 12.12
viśiṣyate becomes prominentSB 4.29.1a-2a
vismaryate can be forgottenSB 4.9.8
vistariṣyate will be explainedSB 5.24.27
vitanyate is performedSB 3.24.24
vitanyate has become spreadSB 11.5.50
vivicyate are distinguishedSB 7.1.9
sma vyādṛśyate could be seenSB 3.17.6
vyajyate is experiencedSB 2.1.24
vyajyate manifestedSB 4.24.60
vyajyate is elaboratedSB 12.6.40-41
vyākhyāyate is describedSB 12.4.31
vyātta-vyāla-tuṇḍā-yate the python has spread its mouthSB 10.12.19
vyathayate gives painCC Madhya 23.29
vyatikriyate is transformed or affectedSB 11.11.15
vyātta-vyāla-tuṇḍā-yate the python has spread its mouthSB 10.12.19
vyavadhīyate is separatedSB 4.29.70
vyavasyate continues to actSB 10.3.18
yakṣyate who was intending to perform sacrificeSB 10.72.14
yātayate gives painSB 5.26.18
vyātta-vyāla-tuṇḍā-yate the python has spread its mouthSB 10.12.19
yatiṣyate will endeavorSB 3.25.26
yugāyate becomes like an entire millenniumSB 10.31.15
yugāyate appears like a yugaCC Adi 4.152
yugāyate appears like a yugaCC Madhya 21.124
yujyate is engagedBG 10.7
yujyate is usedBG 17.26-27
yujyate is affectedSB 1.11.38
yujyate is achievedSB 3.32.27
yujyate is worthy for youSB 4.19.27
yujyate is accepted asSB 6.1.43
yujyate is performedSB 8.9.29
yujyate could beSB 9.23.37
yujyate he is confrontedSB 10.36.39
na yujyate is not affectedSB 10.50.54
na yujyate does not entangle himselfSB 11.7.41
yujyate become entangledSB 11.7.50
yujyate become entangledSB 11.26.2
yujyate is affectedCC Adi 2.55
na yujyate never affectedCC Adi 5.87
Wordnet Search
"yate" has 3 results.


ātapaḥ, gharmaḥ, iddhaḥ, ghṛṇaḥ, ghraṃsaḥ, jhallikā, dyota, tapanadyutiḥ, paṭoṭajam, sūryakāntiḥ, sūryatejaḥ, sūryālokaḥ   

sūryasya kiraṇānāṃ vistāraḥ yena janāḥ auṣmyaṃ tathā ca prakāśam anubhavanti।

śātartau ātapaṃ sukhakārakaṃ bhavati।


brāhmī, somalatā, sarasvatī, saumyā, suraśreṣṭhā, śāradā, suvarcalā, kapotavagā, vaidhātrī, divyatejāḥ, mahauṣadhī, svayaṃbhuvī, saumyalatā, sureṣṭā, brahmakanyakā, maṇaḍūkamātā, maṇḍukī, surasā, medhyā, vīrā, bhāratī, varā, parameṣṭhinī, divyā, śāradā   

kṣupaviśeṣaḥ-yaḥ bheṣajarupeṇa upayujyate yasya guṇāḥ vātāmlapittanāśitvaṃ tathā ca buddhiprajñāmedhākārītvam।

brāhmī prāyaḥ gaṅgātaṭe haridvāranagarasya samīpe dṛśyate।


arkakāntā, ādityakāntā, ādityatejas, ādityaparṇikā, ādityaparṇinī, bhāskareṣṭā, ravīṣṭā, varadā, saptanāmā, satyanāman, sutejā, surasambhavā, sūryāvartā, suvarcalā, sūryalatā, ādityaparṇin, saura, sauri, mārtaṇḍavallabhā   

ekaḥ kṣupaḥ ।

arkakāntāyāḥ ullekhaḥ kośe vartate

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