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Grammar Search
"yanti" has 3 results
yanti: third person plural present present class 2 parasmaipadai
yanti: neuter accusative plural stem: yat.
yanti: neuter nominative plural stem: yat.
Amarakosha Search
2 results
jayā2.2.66FeminineSingulartarkārī, kaṇikā, vaijayanti, jayantī, jayaḥ, agnimanthaḥ, nādeyī, gaṇikārikā, śrīparṇam
Monier-Williams Search
31 results for yanti
yantif. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anātyantikamfn. not perpetual, not final, intermittent, recurrent. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ātyantikamf(ī-)n. (fr. aty-anta-), continual, uninterrupted, infinite, endless etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ātyantikamf(ī-)n. entire, universal (as the world's destruction etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atyantikamfn. too close View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atyantikan. too great nearness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ayantiran. non restraint, not a means of restraining , (see paśv-/ayantra-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
damayantif. Name of the mother of a Scholiast or Commentator on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dārḍhajayantisee vaipaścita-, parasmE-pada 1332. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dauṣyantim. patronymic of bharata- (wrong reading dauṣv-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhayantif. (diminutive of ntī-) sucking View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yantif. (fr. ntī- f.of gāyat-),"singing", Name of a cave in the himālaya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṣāntāyantiSee View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madayantif. Arabian jasmine, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madayantif. Name of a woman, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paryantif. loss of all good qualities, depravity View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāryantikamf(ī-)n. (-anta-) final, concluding, last View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāryantikaetc. See under pāry-, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyantikamfn. being or situated at the border View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prātyantikam. (fr. -anta-) a neighbouring chief View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyantimamfn. equals -antika- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ramayantif. Name of a dancing girl View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trāyantif. equals - View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaijayantikamf(ā-or ī-)n. bearing a flag, a flag-bearer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaijayantif. a flag, banner View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaijayantif. a kind of pearl necklace (in Prakrit) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaijayantif. Sesbania Aegyptiaca View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaijayantif. Premna Spinosa View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vijayantif. Name of a yoginī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vīrajayantif. a kind of dance performed by soldiers after a victory or on going to battle, war-dance, war, battle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyantibhāvam. the being removed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
20 results
upanāyikā उपनायिका A character in a dramatic or any other work of art next in importance to the heroine; e. g. Madayantikā in Mālatimādhava.
ṛtuḥ ऋतुः [ऋ-तु-किच्च Uṇ1.71] 1 A season, period of the year, commonly reckoned to be six; शिशिरश्च वसन्तश्च ग्रीष्मो वर्षाः शरद्धिमः; sometimes only five; शिशिर and हिम or हेमन्त being counted together; cf. पञ्चर्तवो हेमन्तशिशिरयोः समासेन Ait. Br. वसन्तश्चैत्रवैशाखौ ज्येष्ठाषाढौ च ग्रीष्मकौ । वर्षा श्रावणभाद्राभ्यां शरदश्विनकार्तिकौ ॥ मार्गपौषौ च हेमन्तः शिशिरो माघफाल्गुनौ ॥ गोरक्षसंहिता. -2 An epoch, a period, any fixed or appointed time. -3 Menstruation, courses, menstrual discharge. -4 A period favourable for conception; वरमृतुषु नैवाभिगमनम् Pt.1; ऋतुः स्वाभाविकः स्त्रीणां रात्रयः षोडश स्मृताः Ms.3.46,9.7; Y.1.11,79. -5 Any fit season or right time. -6 Fixed order or rule; द्वा यन्तारा भवतस्तथ ऋतुः Rv.1.162.19. -7 Light, splendour. -8 A month. -9 N. of Viṣṇu. -1 A symbolical expression for the number 'six'. -11 A kind of collyrium. -Comp. -अन्तः 1 the close of a season. -2 termination of menstruation. -कालः, -समयः, -वेला 1 the time of menstruation, time favourable for conception, i. e. 16 nights from menstrual discharge; see ऋतु above. -2 the duration of a season. -गणः the seasons taken collectively. -गामिन् a. having intercourse with a wife (at the time fit for conception, i. e. after the period of menstruation). -ग्रहः a libation offered to the seasons, a kind of sacrifice. -चर्या f. seasonal proceeding; अथातः संप्रवक्ष्यामि ऋतुचर्यास्तु वाजिनाम् Bhoja's Śālihotra 92. -जुष् f. A woman enjoying intercourse at the time fit for procreation; Ks. -धामन् m. N. of Viṣṇu -पतिः 1 the lord of seasons, i. e. the spring. -2 N. of Agni; Rv.1.2.1. -3 N. of other deities; Av.3.1.9. -पर्णः N. of a king of Ayodhyā; son of Ayutāyu, a descendant of Ikṣvāku. [Nala, king of Niṣadha, entered into his service after he had lost his kingdom and suffered very great adversity. He was 'profoundly skilled in dice'; and he exchanged with Nala this skill for his skill in horsemanship; and by virtue of it the king succeeded in taking Nala to Kuṇḍinapura before Damayantī had put into execution her resolve of taking a second husband]. -पर्यायः, -वृत्तिः the revolution of the seasons; cf. Ms.1.29. -पशुः An animal to be sacrificed at a particular season. -पाः m. N. of Indra. -पात्रम् the cup in which the libation is offered. -प्राप्त a. fertile, fruitful. -प्रैषः N. of particular invocations spoken before the sacrifice to the seasons. Ait. Br.5.9.3,4. -मुखम् the beginning or first day of a season. -याजः a sacrifice offered to the seasons. -राजः the spring. -लिङ्गम् 1 a characteristic or sign of the season (as the blossom of the mango tree in spring); यथर्तुलिङ्गान्यृतवः स्वयमेवर्तुपर्यये Ms. 1.3. -2 a symptom of menstruation. -लोका f. N. of particular bricks; Śat. Br.1. -ष्ठा (स्था) a. fixed at the proper seasons; Vāj.17.3. -संहारः 'collection of the seasons, N. of Kālidāsa's work on the six seasons. -सन्धिः 1 the junction of two seasons. -2 the last day in the bright fortnight (पौर्णमासी) and in the dark one (दर्श). -सात्म्यम् diet &c. suited to the season. -स्तोमः a kind of sacrifice. -स्नाता a woman who has bathed after menstruation and who is, therefore, fit for sexual intercourse; धर्मलोपभयाद्राज्ञीमृतुस्नाताभिमां स्मरन् R.1.76. -स्नानम् bathing after menstruation.
kaṇapaḥ कणपः A kind of iron lance or bar; लोहस्तम्भस्तु कणपः Vaijayantī; चापचक्रकणपकर्षण &c. Dk.35. -2 A weapon (like bomb). 'अयःकणान् लोहगुलिकाः पिबतीति तथाविधं आग्नेयौषधबलेन गर्भसंभृता लोहगुलिकास्तारका इव विकीर्यन्ते येन तद्यन्त्रमयः कणपं लोहमयम्' इति नीलकण्ठः. Mb.1.227.25.
jāyanteyaḥ जायन्तेयः The son of Jayantī; जायन्तेयान् मुनीन् प्रीतः सोपाध्यायो ह्यपूजयत् Bhāg.11.5.43.
damaḥ दमः [दम् भावे घञ्] 1 Taming, subduing. -2 Selfcommand, subduing or curbing the passions, selfrestraint; Mb.1.1.2; Bg.1.4; (निग्रहो बाह्यवृत्तीनां दम इत्यभिधीयते). -3 Drawing the mind away from evil deeds or curbing its evil propensities; (कुत्सितात्कर्मणो विप्र यच्च चित्तनिवारणं स कीर्तितो दमः). -4 Firmness of mind, -5 Punishment, fine; चिकित्सकानां सर्वेषां मिथ्या प्रचरतां दमः Ms.9.284,29;8.293; Y.2.4; Bhāg.1.18.41. -6 Mire, mud. -7 Viṣṇu. -8 N. of a brother of Damayantī.
damayantī दमयन्ती 1 N. of the daughter of Bhīma, king of the Vidarbhas. [She was so called because by her matchless beauty she subdued the pride of all lovely women; cf. N.2.18 :-- भुवनत्रयसुभ्रुवामसौ दमयन्ती कमनीयतामदम् । उदियाय यतस्तनुश्रिया दमयन्तीति ततो$भिधां दधौ ॥ A golden swan first described to her the beauty and virtues of king Nala, and through him she communicated her love to Nala. Afterwards at the Svayaṁvara she chose Nala for her husband from out of a host of competitors among whom were the four gods Indra, Agni, Yama, and Varuṇa themselves, and the lovely pair spent some years very happily. But their happiness was not destined to last long. Kali, envious of the good fortune of Nala, entered his body, and induced him to play at dice with his brother Puskara. In the heat of the play the infatuated monarch staked and lost everything except himself and his wife. Nala and Damayantī were, therefore, driven out of the kingdom, 'clad in a single garment'. While wandering through the wilderness, Damayantī had to pass through several trying adventures, but her devotion to her husband remained entirely unshaken. One day while she was asleep, Nala in the frenzy of despair abandoned her, and she was obliged to go to her father's house. After some time she was united with her husband, and they passed the rest of their lives in the undisturbed enjoyment of happiness. See Nala and Ṛituparna also.] -2 N. of a flowering plant (Mar. मोगरी).
nalaḥ नलः 1 A kind of reed; Bhāg.1.6.13; एरण़्डभिण्डार्कनलैः प्रभूतैरपि संचितैः । दारुकृत्यं यथा नास्ति तथैवाज्ञैः प्रयोजनम् ॥ Pt.1.96. -2 N. of a celebrated king of the Niṣadhas and hero of the poem called 'Naiṣadhacharita'. [Nala was a very noble-minded and virtuous king. He was chosen by Damayantī in spite of the opposition of gods, and they lived happily for some years. But Kali--who was disappointed in securing her hand-resolved to persecute Nala, and entered into his person. Thus affected he played at dice with his brother, and having lost everything, he, with his wife, was banished from the kingdom. One day, while wandering through the wilderness, he abandoned his wife, almost naked, and went away. Subsequently he was deformed by the serpent Karkoṭaka, and so deformed he entered the service of king Ṛituparṇa of Ayodhyā as a horse-groom under the name of Bāhuka. Subsequently with the assistance of the king he regained his beloved and they led a happy life; see ऋतुपर्ण and दमयन्ती also.] -3 N. of a monkey-chief, son of Viśvakarman, who, it is said, built the bridge of stones called Nalasetu or 'Adam's bridge' over which Rāma passed to Laṅkā with his army. -4 N. of a year (Nm.) -5 A measure of length (equal to 4 हस्तs); वेदीमष्टनलोत्सेधाम् Mb.7.7.16. -6 N. of divine being (पितृदेव). -लम् 1 A blue lotus; नलनीलमूर्तेः Śrīkanthacharita 1.33. -2 Smell, odour. -Comp. -कीलः the knee. -कूब (व) रः N. of a son of Kubera. -तूला a variety of the hides of aquatic animals; Kau. A.2.11. -दम् 1 a fragrant root (उशीर); Ki.12.5; N.4.116. कतकं नक्रनखरं नलदं नागकेसरम् Śiva. B.3.14. -2 the honey of a flower. -3 the flower of Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis (Mar. जास्वंद). -पट्टिका a sort of mat made of reeds. -मीनः a shrimp or prawn; Rām.3.73.14.
niryūhaḥ निर्यूहः 1 A pinnacle, turret, projection (on columns or gates); अनेकविधप्रासादहर्म्यवलभीनिर्यूहशतसंकुलम् (अपश्यत्) Mb.1.3.133; वितर्दिनिर्यूहविटङ्कनीडः Śi.3.55. (where Mālli. renders निर्यूह by मत्तवारणाख्य अपाश्रयः and quotes Vaijayantī perhaps it was so called from its resemblance to the shape of an elephant in rut); चारु- तोरणनिर्यूहा Rām. -2 A chaplet, crest, head-ornament; बद्धाभरणनिर्यूहाः Mb.5.155.12. -3 A peg projecting from a wall. -4 Wood placed in a wall for pigeons to build their nests or to perch upon; Śi.3.55. -5 A door, gate. -6 Extract, decoction.
niṣkrayaḥ निष्क्रयः Redemption, ransom; ददौ दत्तं समुद्रेण पीतेने- वात्मनिष्क्रयम् R.15.55;2.55;5.22; Mu.6.2. -2 Reward; सम्यक्संपादितो वत्स भवद्भ्यां गुरुनिष्क्रयः Bhāg.1.45. 47. -3 Hire, wages. -4 Return, aquittance; त्रसत्तुषारा- द्रिसुताससंभ्रमस्वयंग्रहाश्लेषसुखेन निष्क्रयम् Śi.1.5. -5 Exchange, barter. -6 Sale; न निष्क्रयविसर्गाभ्यां भर्तुर्भार्या विमुच्यते Ms.9. 46. -7 Purchase; cf. निष्क्रयो बुद्धियोगे स्यात् सामर्थ्ये निर्गतावपि; Vaijayantī.
paṭṭalā पट्टला A district, community. पट्टि (ट्टी) शः (सः) A kind of spear with a sharp edge (Mar. पट्टा); कणपप्रासपट्टिश &c. Dk.; (पट्टिशो लौह- दण्डो यस्तीक्ष्णधारः क्षुरोपमः Vaijayantī); भुशुण्डिभिश्चक्रगदर्ष्टि- पट्टिशैः......शिरांसि चिच्छिदुः Bhāg.8.1.36.
pilāṭam पिलाटम् A part of the elephant's face. (This is a term used by Vaijayantī while Mātaṅga L. uses 'विलागम्').
pratiyatna प्रतियत्न a. 1 Troubling about. -2 Active, vigorous. -त्नः 1 An effort, endeavour, exertion. -2 Preparation, elaboration; 'प्रतियत्नस्तु संस्कारः' Vaijayantī सुगन्धि- तामप्रतियत्नपूर्वां बिभ्रन्ति यत्र प्रमदाय पुंसाम् Śi.3.54. -3 Making complete or perfect. -4 Imparting a new quality or virtue; सतो गुणान्तराधानं प्रतियत्नः Kāṣi. on P.II.3.53. -5 Wish, desire. -6 Opposition, resistance. -7 Retaliation, retribution, revenge. -8 Making captive, taking prisoner. -9 Favour. -1 Acting well or properly. -11 Comprehension.
priyakaḥ प्रियकः 1 A kind of deer; 'प्रियको रोमभिर्युक्तो मृदूच्चम- सृणैर्घनैः' Vaijayantī; विचलितैः परितः प्रियकव्रजैः Śi.4.32. -2 The tree called नीप, कदम्ब; उद्यानमुज्जिहानायाः प्रियका यत्र पादपाः Rām.2.71.12. -3 The creeper प्रियङ्गु. -4 A bee. -5 A kind of bird. -6 Saffron. -की The skin of the प्रियक deer; Rām.3.43.36. -कम् A flower of the aśana tree; उन्निद्रप्रियकमनोरमं रमण्याः संरेजे सरसि वपुः प्रकाशमेव Śi.8.28. प्रियंकर priyaṅkara प्रियंकरण priyaṅkaraṇa प्रियंकार priyaṅkāra प्रियंकर प्रियंकरण प्रियंकार a. 1 Showing kindness to, acting kindly or affectionately; प्रियंकरो मे प्रिय इत्य- नन्दत् R.14.48. -2 Agreeable. -3 Amiable.
bāla बाल a. 1 Young, infantine, not full-grown or developed (of persons or things); बालेन स्थविरेण वा Ms. 8.7; बालाशोकमुपोढरागसुभगं भेदोन्मुखं तिष्ठति V.2.7; so बालमन्दारवृक्षः Me.77; R.2.45;13.24. -2 Newly risen, young (as the sun or its rays); बालार्कप्रतिमे- वाप्सु वीचिभिन्ना पतिष्यतः R.12.1. -3 New, waxing (as the moon); पुपोष वृद्धिं हरिदश्वदीधितेरनुप्रवेशादिव बाल- चन्द्रमाः R.3.22; Ku.3.29. -4 Puerile. -5 Ignorant, unwise; अनर्थकुशला ह्येते बालाः पण्डितमानिनः Rām.2.1.38. -6 Pure (as an animal fit for sacrifice). -लः 1 A child, an infant; बालादपि सुभाषितम् (ग्राह्यम्); Ms.2.239. -2 A boy, youth, young person. -3 A minor (under 16 years of age); बाल आषोडशाद्वर्षात् Nārada. -4 A colt, foal. -5 A fool, simpleton; नीरसायां रसं बालो बालिकायां विकल्पयेत् Pt.4.91. -6 (a) A tail. (b) An elephant's or a horse's tail. -7 Hair; तं केशपाशं प्रसमीक्ष्य कुर्युर्बालप्रियत्वं शिथिलं चमर्यः Ku.1.48. -8 An elephant five years old; 'पञ्चवर्षो गजो बालः पोतस्तु दशवार्षिकः' Vaijayantī. According to Mātaṅga L. (5.2.) however it means an elephant in the first year. -9 A kind of perfume. -1 The cocoa-nut. -Comp. -अग्रम् 1 the point of a hair. -2 A dove-cot; प्रासादबालाग्रकपोतपालिकायामुपविष्टः शृणोमि Mk.1.51/ 52. -अध्यापकः a tutor of youths or children. -अपत्यम् youthful progeny. -अभ्यासः study during childhood, early application (to study). -अरुण a. red like early dawn. (-णः) early dawn; morning sun. -अर्कः the newly-risen sun; R.12.1. -अवबोधः, -नम् instruction of the young; Pt.1. -अवस्थ a. juvenile, young; भुवमधिपतिर्बालाबस्थो$प्यलं परिरक्षितुम् V.5.18. -अवस्था childhood. -आतपः morning sunshine. -आमयः a child's disease. -इन्दुः the new or waxing moon; बालेन्दुवक्राप्य- विकाशभावाद् बभुः पलाशान्यतिलोहितानि Ku.3.29. -इष्टः the jujube tree. -उपचारः, -चरणम् (medical) treatment of children. -उपवीतम् 1 a piece of cloth used to cover the privities. -2 The sacrificial cord. -कदली a young plantain tree. -काण्डम् the first book of the Rāmāyaṇa. -कुन्दः, -दम् a kind of young jasmine. (-दम्) a young jasmine blossom; अलके बालकुन्दानुविद्धम् Me.67. -कृमिः a louse. -कृष्णः Kṛiṣṇa as a boy. -केलिः, -ली f. child's play or amusement. -क्रीडनम् a child's play or toy. -क्रीडनकम् a child's toy. -कः 1 a ball. -2 an epithet of Śiva. -क्रीडा a child's play, childish or juvenile sport. -खिल्यः a class of divine personages of the size of a thumb and produced from the creator's body and said to precede the sun's chariot (their number is said to be sixty thousand); cf. R.15.1; क्रतोश्च सन्ततिर्भार्या बालखिल्यानसूयत । षष्टिर्यानि सहस्राणि ऋषिणामूर्ध्व- रेतसाम् ॥ Mārk. P. -गर्भिणी a cow with calf for the first time. -गोपालः 'the youthful cowherd', an epithet of Kṛiṣṇa, as the boycowherd. -ग्रहः any demon (or planetary influence) teasing or injuring children; बालग्रहस्तत्र विचिन्वती शिशून् Bhāg.1.6.7. -घ्नः a childslayer, infanticide; Ms.11.19. -चन्द्रः -चन्द्रमस् m. 1 the young or waxing moon; इह जगति महोत्सवस्य हेतुर्नयनवतामुदियाय बालचन्द्रः Māl.2.1. -2 a cavity of a particular shape; Mk.3.13. -चरितम् 1 juvenile sports. -2 early life or actions; U.6. -चर्यः N. of Kārtikeya. (-र्या) the bahaviour of a child. -चुम्बालः a fish; Nigh. Ratn. -चतः a young mango-tree; धत्तेचक्षुर्मुकुलिनि रणत्कोकिले बालचूते Māl.3.12. -ज a. produced from hair. -जातीय a. childish, foolish, simple. -तनयः the Kha- dira tree. -तन्त्रम् midwifery. -तृणम् young grass. -दलकः the Khadira. -धनम् the property of a minor; Ms.8.149. -धिः (also बालधिः) a hairy tail; तुरंगमैरा- यतकीर्णवालधिः Śi.12.73; Ki.12.47. -नेत्र a. guided or steered by a fool. -पत्रः, -पत्रकः the Khadira tree. -पाश्या 1 an ornament worn in the hair when parted. -2 a string of pearls binding or intertwining the braid of hair. -पुष्टिका, -पुष्टी, -पुष्पी a kind of jasmine. -बोधः 1 instructing the young. -2 any work adapted to the capacities of the young or inexperienced. -भद्रकः a kind of poison. -भारः a large bushy tail; बाधेतोल्का- क्षपितचमरीबालभारो दवाग्निः Me.55. -भावः 1 child-hood, infancy. -2 a hairy growth; एतद्भ्रुवौ जन्म तदाप युग्मं लीलाचलत्वोचितबालभावम् N.7.26. -3 inattention; Ms. 8.118. (Kull.) -4 children (collectively). -5 recent rise (of a planet). -भृत्यः a servant from childhood. -भैषज्यम् a kind of collyrium. -भोज्यः pease. -मनो- रमा N. of several grammars. -मरणम् (with Jainas) a fool's manner of dying (12 in number). -मित्रः a friend from boyhood. -मृगः a fawn. -मूलम् a young radish. -मूषिका a small mouse. -मृणालः a tender filament or fibre (of lotus); व्यालं बालमृणालतन्तुभिरसौ रोद्धुं समुज्म्भते Bh.2.6. -यज्ञोपवीतकम् the sacred thread worn across the breast. -राजम् lapis lazuli. -रोगः a child's disease; अथ बालरोगाणां निदानानि लक्षणानि चाह । धात्र्यास्तु गुरुभिर्भोज्यैर्विषमैर्दोषलैस्तथा ...... Bhāva. P. -लता a young creeper; अवाकिरन् बाललताः प्रसूनैः R.2.1. -लीला child's play, juvenile pastime. -वत्सः 1 a young calf. -2 a pigeon. -वायजम् lapis lazuli. -वासस् n. a woollen garment. -वाह्यः a young or wild goat. -विधवा a child-widow. -वैधव्यम् child-widowhood. -व्यजनम् a chowrie or fly-flapper (usually made of the tail of the yāk or Bos Grunniens and used as one of the royal insignia); यस्यार्थयुक्तं गिरिराजशब्दं कुर्वन्ति बाल- व्यजनैश्चमर्यः Ku.1.13; R.9.66;14.11;16.33,57. -व्रतः an epithet of a Buddha saint Mañjughoṣa. -सखि m. a friend from childhood. -संध्या early twilight. -सात्म्यम् milk. -सुहृद् m. a friend of one's youth. -सूर्यः, -सूर्यकः lapis lazuli. -स्थानम् 1 childhood. -2 youth. -3 inexperience. -हत्या infanticide. -हस्तः a hairy tail.
bhārgavaḥ भार्गवः [भृगोरपत्यम् अण्] 1 N. of Śukra, regent of the planet Venus and preceptor of the Asuras. -2 N. of Paraśurāma; भार्गवः प्रददौ यस्मै परमास्त्रं महाहवे Mb.8.2.13; see परशुराम. -3 An epithet of Śiva. -4 An archer. -5 An elephant. -6 An epithet of Jamadagni. -7 Of Mārkaṇḍeya; तावच्छिशोर्वै श्वसितेन भार्गवः सो$न्तः शरीरं मशको यथाविशत् Bhāg.12.9.27. -8 N. of an eastern country; ब्रह्मोत्तरा प्रविजया भार्गवाज्ञेयमल्लकाः Mārk. P. -9 An astrologer, fortune-teller; 'भार्गवो शुक्रदैवज्ञौ' Vaijayantī; भार्गवो नाम भूत्वा भिक्षानिभेन तद्गृहं प्रविश्य Dk.2.6. -1 A potter; ब्राह्मणैः प्राविशत् तत्र जिष्णुर्भार्गववेश्म तत् Mb.1.19.47; भार्गव- कर्मशाला 1.91.1. भार्गवम् bhārgavam भार्गवकम् bhārgavakam भार्गवप्रियः bhārgavapriyḥ भार्गवम् भार्गवकम् भार्गवप्रियः A diamond.
bhaima भैम a. (-मी f.) [भीमस्य नृपस्येदम् अण्] 1 Relating to Bhīma. -2 Doing valorous deeds (भीमकर्मकर्तारः); Mb. 3.12.1. -मी 1 'The daughter of Bhīma', a patronymic of Damayantī, wife of Nala. -2 The eleventh day of the bright half of Māgha or a festival performed on that day. -3 A descendant of Bhīma; आत्तायुधं मामिह रौहिणेय पश्यन्तु भैमा युधि जातहर्षाः Mb.3.12.1.
madanīya मदनीय a. Intoxicating, exciting passion; पिबन्ति मद्यं मदनीयमुत्तमम् Ṛs.5.1 where मणिराम in his commentary says : मदनीयमुन्मादकरम्. मदयन्तिका madayantikā मदयन्ती madayantī मदयन्तिका मदयन्ती A kind of jasmine (Arabian).
modanam मोदनम् [मुद्-ल्युट्] 1 Joy, pleasure. -2 The act of pleasing. -3 Wax. -a. Gladdening, delighting; निशामुखे वृकबलगृध्रमोदनं महात्मनां नृपवरयुद्धमद्भुतम् Mb.7.155.46. मोदयन्तिका mōdayantikā मोदयन्ती mōdayantī मोदयन्तिका मोदयन्ती A kind of jasmine (Arabian).
vidarbhāḥ विदर्भाः (m. pl.) [विगताः दर्भाः कुशा यतः Tv.] 1 N. of a district, the modern Berar; अस्ति विदर्भो नाम जनपदः Dk.; अस्ति विदर्भेषु पद्मपुरं नाम नगरम् Māl.1; R.5.4,6; N.1.5. -2 The natives of Vidarbha. -र्भः 1 A king of the Vidarbhas. -2 Any dry or desert soil. -Comp. -जा, -तनया, -राजतनया, -सुभ्रूः epithets of Damayantī, daughter of the king of the Vidarbhas. -जा N. of the wife of Agastya.
vaidarbhaḥ वैदर्भः [विदर्भ-अण्] 1 A king of Vidarbha. -2 A gum-boil. -र्भम् Crafty, ambiguous speech. -र्भी 1 N. of Damayantī धन्यास वैदर्भि गुणैरुदारैः N.3.116. -2 Of Rukmiṇī. -3 A particular style of composition; thus defined in S. D. :-- माधुर्यव्यञ्जकैर्वर्णै रचना ललितात्मिका । अवृत्तिरल्पवृत्तिर्वा वैदर्भी रीतिरिष्यते ॥ 626. Daṇḍin very minutely distinguishes this style from the Gaudiya; see Kāv. 1.41-53. Alaṁkāraśekhara quotes Ku.5.4 as an illustration. -4 N. of the wife of Agastya.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
i I go, II. P. émi, x. 34, 5; éti, iv. 50, 8; x. 34, 6; 168, 12; yánti, vii. 49, 1; approach (acc.), viii. 48, 10; áyan, pr. sb. pass, vii. 61, 4; attain, vii. 63, 4; pf. īyúr, x. 15, 1. 2. ánu- go after, vi. 54, 5; follow (acc.), viii. 63, 5.ápa- go away, x. 14, 9. abhí- come upon. ipf. á̄yan, vii. 103, 2.áva- appease: op. iyām, vii. 86, 4. á̄- come, ii. 33, 1; v. 83, 6; go to, x. 14, 8. úpa á̄- come to (acc.), i. 1, 7. úd- rise, vii. 61, 1; 63, 1-4; ipf. ait, x. 90, 4. úpa- approach, vii. 86, 3; 103, 3; x. 14, 10; 34, 10; flow to, ii. 35, 3.párā- pass away, pf. īyúr, x. 14, 2. 7. pári- surround, ii. 35, 4. 9. prá- go forth, i. 154, 3; x. 14, 7. ánu prá- go forth after, vi. 54, 6. sám- flow together, ii. 35, 3; unite, vii, 103, 2.
Macdonell Search
11 results
damana a. (î) taming, subduing (--°ree;); m. horse-tamer, charioteer; Vincent, N. of one of Damayantî's brothers; n. subduing; chas tising.
dama a. taming, subduing (--°ree;); m. self-control; punishment, fine; Victor, N. of one of Damayantî's brothers and of other men.
dānta pp. √ dam; m. N. of a bro ther of Damayantî.
nala m. kind of reed (Amphidonax kar ka); N. of a king, husband of Damayantî.
dauḥṣanti older form of Dau shyanti.
bhīmakarman a. doing terrible deeds, of terrific prowess; -khanda, n. T. of a section of the Mahâbhârata and of the Skanda-purâna; -gupta, m. N. of a prince; -gâ, f. daughter of Bhîma, Damayantî; -tâ, f. terribleness; -darsana, a. of terrible as pect; -dhanvan, m. N. of a prince; -nand inî, f. Bhîma's daughter; -nâda, m. dread ful sound; a. sounding dreadfully; -nâyaka, m. N.; -parâkrama, a. having terrible va lour or prowess; m. N.; -putrikâ, f. Bhîma's daughter; -pura, n. N. of a town; -pûrvaga, m. Bhîma's elder brother, ep. of Yudhishthira; -bala, a. having terrible strength; m. N.; -bhata, m. N.; -bhavî-bhû,assume the form of Bhîma's daughter, i. e. Damayantî; -bhu- ga, a. having terrible arms; m. N.; -mukha, a. having a terrible face; m. N.; -ratha, m. (having a formidable car), N. of a Rakshas; N.; -rûpa, a. of terrible form; -vakana, n. Bhîma's command; -vikrama, a. having ter rible valour; m. N.; -vega, a. having terrible swiftness; m. N.; -sâsana, n. Bhîma's sum mons; -sutâ, f. Bhîma's daughter, Dama yantî; -sena, m. (having a terrible army), N., especially of the second Pândava prince; -½âkara, m. N.; â-deva, m. N.
bhaima a. (î) relating to Bhîma; m. pat. descendant of Bhîma: î, f. pat. daugh ter of Bhîma, Damayantî.
vadharya den. only pr. pt. vadhar yántî, hurling the bolt = lightning cloud (RV.1).
vaidarbha a. (î) relating to Vidarbha; m. king of Vidarbha: pl. or °ree;--, the people of Vidarbha: î, f. princess of Vidarbha; (sc. rîti) easy, euphonious, and simple diction (rh.): -gananî, f. mother of Damayantî.
suṣvaya but accent- ed like a cs.], only sushváyanta and sush váyantî, run, flow (V.).
smṛti f. remembrance, recollection, of (lc., --°ree;); memory; authoritative tradition (exclusive of sruti or Vedicwritings), canonical traditional law-book, code, statement of a law-book: smritim api na te yânti, they are not even remembered: -kârin, a. awaken ing memory, producing recollection; -tantra, n. law-book; -da, a. strengthening the memory; -patha, m. path of memory: -m gâ, go the way of memory, perish; -pâthaka, m. one learned in the law; -bhû, m. god of love; -bhramsa, m. loss of memory; -mat, a. hav ing recollection; possessing full conscious ness; having a good memory; versed in law; -rodha, m. failure of memory; -vartman, n. path of memory: ac. w. i, be remembered; -vibhrama, m. derangement of memory; -vishaya, m. range of memory: -tâm ga mita, dead; -sâstra, n. law-book; -sîla, n. du. tradition and usage;-sesha, a. surviving in memory only, destroyed: -m kri, destroy.
Bloomfield Vedic
11 results0 results23 results
yanti giro na saṃyataḥ SV.2.1119b; Aś.6.2.6b; śś.9.6.6b.
yanti pramādam atandrāḥ RV.8.2.18c; AVś.20.18.3c; SV.2.71c.
adhikṣiyanti pūravaḥ # RV.7.96.2b.
adhikṣiyanti bhuvanāni viśvā # RV.1.154.2d; AVś.7.26.3b; VS.5.20d; MS.1.2.9d: 19.13; KS.2.10d; śB.; TB.; Apś.11.9.1d; NṛpU.2.4d.
arcayanti tapaḥ satyam # MahānU.13.1. Cf. footnote at TA.10.15.1.
āvartayanti dāvane # RV.8.69.17d; AVś.20.92.14d.
upaprayanti yācitum # AVś.12.4.31d.
kīrtayanti purā viduḥ # GB.1.5.24b.
kīrtayiṣyanti ye dvijāḥ # RVKh.10.127.8b.
kratūyanti kratavo hṛtsu dhītayaḥ # RV.10.64.2a.
kratūyanti kṣitayo yoga ugra # RV.4.24.4a.
yanti tvā gāyatriṇaḥ # RV.1.10.1a; SV.1.342a; 2.694a; TS.; JB.1.189a; 3.277a; KB.24.7; PB.8.9.10; Aś.7.8.3; śś.18.6.2; N.5.5a; Mahābh.12.284.78a. P: gāyanti tvā śś.11.11.12; 12.26.22.
chandayanti maghattaye # RV.5.79.5b.
janiyanti nāv agravaḥ # AVś.14.2.72a. See janīyanto.
duvasyanti svasāro ahrayāṇam # RV.1.62.10d.
namasyanti dhiyeṣitāḥ # RV.3.62.12c.
nayanti duritā tiraḥ # RV.1.41.3c.
nahyanti dharuṇāya kam # RV.10.60.8b.
nelayanti kadā cana # AVś.10.7.37d; AVP.9.29.6b.
paśyanti tve na tve paśyanty enām # AVś.8.9.9d.
paśyanti dhīrāḥ pracaranti pākāḥ # TB.
paśyanti sarve cakṣuṣā # AVś.10.8.14c; AVP.1.107.5c.
yanti te surāśvaḥ # RV.8.21.14b; AVś.20.114.2b; SV.2.740b.
Vedabase Search
420 results
yanti appreciateSB 10.14.28
abhibhaviṣyanti will be able to conquerSB 8.22.34
abhidhāsyanti will callSB 3.12.10
na abhidruhyanti never become maliciousSB 4.20.3
abhiyanti goesSB 4.3.13
abhiyanti goSB 4.3.16
abhiyanti almost always come to visitSB 7.10.48
abhiyanti come to visit (just like ordinary persons)SB 7.15.75
ādhāsyanti will begetSB 3.21.29
adhiyanti achieveSB 8.6.12
āhvayanti are callingSB 6.14.57
ājñāpayanti are orderingSB 10.68.27
ālińgayanti they embraceSB 5.26.20
anukīrtayanti they chantSB 8.4.15
anumodayanti make fragrantSB 5.16.22
anupaśyanti can seeBG 15.10
anupaśyanti does see by following authoritiesSB 2.4.21
anupaśyanti constantly seeSB 10.41.31
anuśīlayanti and imitateSB 11.3.32
anuśuṣyanti gradually become weaker and weaker, with less potencySB 10.10.16
anutṛpyanti will become satisfiedSB 10.41.13
anuvarṇayanti describeSB 5.23.4
anuyanti understandSB 10.87.19
ārādhayanti worshipSB 5.20.32
arciṣyanti will worshipSB 10.2.10
aspṛhayanti they do not desireSB 3.25.37
ātyantikaḥ the highest platformSB 3.29.14
ātyantikaḥ finalSB 6.1.11
ātyantikaḥ finalSB 12.4.38
ātyantikaḥ ultimateSB 12.7.17
ātyantikaḥ the ultimate goal of lifeCC Madhya 19.174
ātyantikam supremeBG 6.20-23
ātyantikam the ultimateSB 1.15.46
ātyantikam liberationSB 3.15.48
ātyantikam uninterruptedSB 5.6.17
ātyantikam supremeSB 11.2.30
ātyantikam ultimateSB 12.4.34
ātyantikam supremeCC Madhya 22.85
ātyantikam absoluteMM 15
ātyantikatayā most importantSB 4.22.35
ātyantikena excessiveSB 3.6.28
ātyanti unlimitedSB 3.27.30
ātyanti the ultimateSB 5.17.3
ātyantikīm the supremeSB 9.4.64
avamanyanti they disrespectSB 11.5.9
avayanti considerSB 8.12.9
avayanti describeSB 8.12.9
avayanti they considerSB 10.87.15
avayanti thinkSB 10.87.37
bhakṣayiṣyanti will virtually devourSB 12.1.39-40
bhāvayanti as also protectSB 1.15.24
bhāvayanti meditateSB 3.15.6
bhāvayiṣyanti will purifySB 3.14.46
bhaviṣyanti will beBG 11.32
bhaviṣyanti will existSB 3.18.5
bhaviṣyanti will becomeSB 5.6.10
bhaviṣyanti they will becomeSB 6.4.53
bhaviṣyanti will beSB 8.6.22-23
bhaviṣyanti will becomeSB 8.13.15-16
bhaviṣyanti will becomeSB 8.13.19
bhaviṣyanti will becomeSB 8.13.31
bhaviṣyanti will generateSB 9.14.39
bhaviṣyanti na never will becomeSB 10.7.17
bhaviṣyanti there will beSB 11.5.38-40
bhaviṣyanti will becomeSB 12.1.6-8
bhaviṣyanti will take birthSB 12.1.10
bhaviṣyanti will beSB 12.1.27
bhaviṣyanti will beSB 12.1.29-31
bhaviṣyanti will becomeSB 12.1.36
bhaviṣyanti will becomeSB 12.2.21
bhaviṣyanti will be in the futureSB 12.2.25
bhaviṣyanti they will becomeSB 12.3.39-40
bhokṣyanti would enjoySB 1.17.27
bhokṣyanti they will enjoySB 12.1.3
bhokṣyanti they will ruleSB 12.1.6-8
bhokṣyanti will enjoySB 12.1.10
bhokṣyanti will rule overSB 12.1.11
bhokṣyanti they will ruleSB 12.1.14
bhokṣyanti will enjoySB 12.1.15-17
bhokṣyanti they will ruleSB 12.1.19
bhokṣyanti will ruleSB 12.1.21-26
bhokṣyanti will ruleSB 12.1.29-31
bhokṣyanti will ruleSB 12.1.29-31
bhokṣyanti will ruleSB 12.1.37
bhraśyanti fall downSB 10.2.33
bodhayanti wakingSB 10.70.2
bodhayanti they awakenSB 10.87.12-13
bṛṃhayiṣyanti they will increaseSB 3.24.14
cārayanti they grazeSB 10.43.34
cintayanti constantly thinkingSB 8.17.2-3
codayanti driveSB 12.11.47-48
darśayanti shall manifestSB 1.14.20
darśayanti they showSB 10.50.19
darśayanti demonstrateSB 10.77.19
dāsyanti indicatingSB 1.14.11
dāsyanti will deliverSB 9.4.4-5
dāsyanti will deliverSB 9.14.42
dāsyanti they will giveSB 10.23.14
dauṣyantiḥ iva like Bharata, the son of DuṣyantaSB 1.12.20
dhārayanti possessSB 5.16.13-14
dhārayanti they possessSB 5.16.20-21
dhārayanti utilizeSB 5.24.16
dhārayanti wearSB 5.24.17
dhārayanti they hold onSB 10.46.6
dharṣayanti bewilderSB 3.20.41
dhyāyanti meditate uponSB 3.19.28
dhyāyanti meditate uponSB 10.72.4
dhyāyanti meditate uponSB 12.8.42
dhyāyanti meditateCC Madhya 22.163
dhyāyanti meditateMM 48
dīvyanti playSB 10.61.35
drakṣyanti seeSB 3.16.10
drakṣyanti they will seeSB 10.39.25
druhyanti they harmSB 11.5.14
duhyanti allow milkingSB 1.14.19
duhyanti take advantage ofSB 3.32.5
na duhyanti do not giveSB 9.19.13
durvātayanti pass foul airSB 11.23.38-39
eṣyanti they will comeSB 10.68.4
gamiṣyanti will goSB 4.3.9
gaṇayanti countSB 5.26.7
gaṇayanti they care forSB 6.7.24
garhayanti forbidSB 6.7.33
gāsyanti will broadcastSB 3.14.44-45
yanti do singSB 1.5.11
yanti chantSB 1.8.36
yanti chantSB 1.11.20
yanti chant in glorificationSB 2.6.38
yanti singSB 3.15.17
yanti sangSB 3.24.7
yanti are singingSB 5.2.9
yanti chantSB 5.6.13
yanti sing aboutSB 5.6.13
yanti chantSB 5.19.21
yanti singSB 5.26.31
yanti will singSB 9.5.21
yanti will glorifySB 9.10.15
yanti glorifySB 9.11.21
yanti are glorifyingSB 10.8.47
yanti sma they would singSB 10.15.18
yanti singSB 10.38.13
yanti singSB 10.40.16
yanti they singSB 10.44.15
yanti they singSB 10.71.9
yanti singSB 11.3.32
yanti they have declaredSB 11.22.1-3
yanti chantSB 11.26.29
yanti do singSB 12.12.52
yanti they sing aboutSB 12.13.1
yanti singNBS 34
ghātayanti killSB 5.26.12
ghātayanti cause to be killedSB 6.18.42
ghātayanti murderSB 11.5.16
grahīṣyanti will acceptSB 4.13.33
haniṣyanti they will killSB 12.3.41
hariṣyanti will offerSB 4.16.21
hariṣyanti they will offerSB 6.4.53
hṛṣyanti take pleasureSB 1.14.19
hṛṣyanti takes pleasureSB 1.18.50
hṛṣyanti are jubilantSB 4.30.20
hṛṣyanti become jubilantSB 8.11.8
dauṣyantiḥ iva like Bharata, the son of DuṣyantaSB 1.12.20
janayanti createSB 10.3.14
jayanti they conquerSB 11.8.20
jeṣyanti they try to conquerSB 12.3.6
kalayanti manifestBs 5.32
kalpayanti imagineSB 2.5.36
kalpayanti will provideSB 10.47.14
kalpayanti they conceive ofSB 12.11.2-3
kalpayiṣyanti will imagineSB 5.15.1
kariṣyanti will doSB 3.12.30
kariṣyanti will executeSB 7.3.19
kariṣyanti will doSB 10.4.32
kariṣyanti will they doSB 10.68.3
kathayanti they chantSB 3.25.23
kathayanti they tellSB 11.23.4
kathayiṣyanti will speakBG 2.34
kathayiṣyanti will speak ofSB 10.76.31
khādayanti they make eatSB 10.45.6
kledayanti moistensBG 2.23
kliśyanti struggleSB 10.14.4
kliśyanti accept increased difficultiesCC Madhya 22.22
kliśyanti accept increased difficultiesCC Madhya 24.140
kliśyanti accept increased difficultiesCC Madhya 25.31
kṣayam yāsyanti they will become ruinedSB 12.1.41
kṣobhayanti agitateSB 10.31.10
mānayanti glorifySB 3.15.19
mṛḍayanti gives protectionSB 1.3.28
mṛḍayanti make happyCC Adi 2.67
mṛḍayanti makes them happyCC Adi 5.79
mṛḍayanti make happyCC Madhya 9.143
mṛḍayanti make happyCC Madhya 20.156
mṛḍayanti make happyCC Madhya 25.134
mṛgayanti search outSB 10.14.28
mṛgayanti they searchSB 11.7.23
muhyanti are bewilderedBG 5.15
muhyanti are illusionedSB 1.1.1
muhyanti bewilderedSB 1.9.16
muhyanti become bewilderedSB 4.20.4
muhyanti are bewilderedSB 4.29.57
muhyanti are bewilderedSB 4.30.20
muhyanti become illusionedSB 5.18.4
muhyanti are bewilderedSB 7.5.13
muhyanti become bewilderedSB 9.4.3
muhyanti become confusedSB 11.3.43
muhyanti bewilderedSB 11.5.5
muhyanti are bewilderedSB 11.10.33
muhyanti become bewilderedSB 12.6.29
muhyanti become bewilderedSB 12.8.49
muhyanti become bewilderedSB 12.10.2
muhyanti are bewilderedCC Madhya 8.266
muhyanti are bewilderedCC Madhya 20.359
muhyanti are bewilderedCC Madhya 25.148
mūtrayanti they urinate uponSB 11.23.35
na abhidruhyanti never become maliciousSB 4.20.3
na paśyanti do not observeSB 4.29.42-44
na paśyanti do not seeSB 5.21.8-9
na nandayanti do not give pleasureSB 6.14.25
na duhyanti do not giveSB 9.19.13
na paśyanti do not seeSB 10.4.27
bhaviṣyanti na never will becomeSB 10.7.17
na paśyanti they cannot seeSB 11.5.12
na paśyanti they do not seeSB 12.3.3-4
na rakṣiṣyanti they will not protectSB 12.3.42
yakṣyanti na they do not worshipSB 12.3.44
na upadhakṣyanti cannot burnSB 12.5.10
namasyanti are offering respectsBG 11.36
namasyanti offer respectful obeisancesSB 6.8.41
na nandayanti do not give pleasureSB 6.14.25
nańkṣyanti will loseSB 3.25.38
nańkṣyanti will be lostSB 7.3.7
nańkṣyanti will perishCC Madhya 22.162
naśyanti vanishesSB 1.17.10-11
naśyanti vanquishedSB 1.19.34
naśyanti are vanquishedSB 7.10.8
naśyanti are vanquished (death occurs to the aggressor)SB 10.11.56
naśyanti are destroyedSB 11.20.29
nayanti conductSB 8.14.3
nayanti lead forthSB 12.11.33
nayanti ruleSB 12.11.34
nayanti ruleSB 12.11.35
nayanti ruleSB 12.11.36
nayanti ruleSB 12.11.37
nayanti ruleSB 12.11.38
nayanti ruleSB 12.11.39
nayanti ruleSB 12.11.40
nayanti ruleSB 12.11.41
nayanti ruleSB 12.11.42
nayanti ruleSB 12.11.44
nṛtyanti dancedSB 3.24.7
nṛtyanti sma dancedSB 4.1.54-55
nṛtyanti were dancingSB 4.15.7
nṛtyanti danceSB 5.26.31
nṛtyanti are dancingSB 10.15.7
nṛtyanti danceSB 10.69.9-12
nṛtyanti they danceSB 11.3.32
nṛtyanti danceSB 12.11.47-48
nṛtyanti danceNBS 71
pālayanti execute the orderSB 8.14.6
paṇayiṣyanti will engage in commerceSB 12.3.35
parāyanti becomes exhaustedSB 2.8.26
pārayiṣyanti will be able to finishSB 10.23.28
parivayanti stitchSB 5.26.36
pariyanti circumambulateSB 4.12.25
paśyanti seeBG 1.37-38
paśyanti seeBG 13.25
paśyanti can seeBG 15.10
paśyanti can seeBG 15.11
paśyanti seeBG 15.11
paśyanti seeSB 1.2.12
paśyanti seeSB 1.3.4
paśyanti can seeSB 1.8.36
paśyanti can seeSB 1.10.23
paśyanti seeSB 1.10.27
paśyanti can seeSB 3.5.45
paśyanti seeSB 3.15.33
paśyanti seeSB 3.25.35
paśyanti seeSB 4.3.17
paśyanti they seeSB 4.16.19
paśyanti do observeSB 4.28.62
na paśyanti do not observeSB 4.29.42-44
paśyanti they see in tranceSB 5.18.4
na paśyanti do not seeSB 5.21.8-9
paśyanti seeSB 6.1.19
paśyanti seeSB 7.4.9-12
paśyanti they seeSB 8.6.11
paśyanti observeSB 8.11.8
paśyanti observeSB 10.2.28
na paśyanti do not seeSB 10.4.27
paśyanti seeSB 10.28.15
pāsyanti they will drinkSB 10.39.23
paśyanti they seeSB 10.44.16
paśyanti seeSB 10.61.21
paśyanti they seeSB 10.63.34
na paśyanti they cannot seeSB 11.5.12
paśyanti they seeSB 11.16.4
na paśyanti they do not seeSB 12.3.3-4
paśyanti they seeSB 12.13.1
paśyanti they seeCC Adi 3.89
paśyanti they seeCC Antya 3.92
paśyanti seeBs 5.32
pāvayanti they purifyNBS 68
plāvayanti inundateSB 3.11.31
praduṣyanti become pollutedBG 1.40
pragāyanti sing loudlySB 12.11.47-48
praṇaśyanti become vanquishedBG 1.39
prapaśyanti directly seeSB 8.3.27
prapaśyanti they clearly seeSB 11.7.21
prapatiṣyanti will fall downSB 5.6.11
prāpsyanti will getSB 9.20.29
pratigrahīṣyanti will accept religious charitySB 12.3.38
pratiyanti are waiting (for pacification of Your anger)SB 7.9.14
pratiyanti they realizeSB 10.2.36
na rakṣiṣyanti they will not protectSB 12.3.42
ramayanti enjoy sex pleasureSB 5.24.16
sabhājayanti they praiseSB 11.5.36
sabhājayanti worshipCC Madhya 20.347
sādhayanti executeSB 4.23.27
samabhyudyanti riseSB 5.21.11
samarpayanti dedicateCC Madhya 23.23
sambodhayanti pacifySB 3.16.11
sameṣyanti will all comeSB 10.70.42
sameṣyanti will enter simultaneouslySB 12.2.24
sampāyayanti force to drinkSB 5.26.26
saṃspṛhayanti verily desireSB 3.2.19
samudrāyanti create an oceanNBS 45
saṃvardhayanti increase happinessSB 9.4.25
sañcārayanti reestablishSB 8.14.5
siddhyanti become successfulSB 1.18.7
sidhyanti are generatedSB 8.5.33
sidhyanti are very successfulSB 8.6.24
sidhyanti become successfulSB 8.24.60
sidhyanti maintain their existenceSB 10.24.23
sidhyanti become perfectSB 11.23.25
ślāghayanti glorify as very importantSB 7.15.37
nṛtyanti sma dancedSB 4.1.54-55
yanti sma they would singSB 10.15.18
smārayanti they remindSB 10.47.50
spṛhayanti they desireSB 3.25.34
stavayanti offer prayersSB 4.15.23
sthāpayiṣyanti are going to establishSB 10.89.45
sūcayanti indicatingSB 5.8.23
śuddhyanti cleansesSB 1.19.33
śudhyanti at once purifiedSB 2.4.18
śudhyanti become purifiedSB 10.5.4
śudhyanti become purifiedCC Madhya 24.179
śudhyanti become purifiedCC Madhya 24.209
śudhyanti become purifiedCC Antya 7.10
sukhayanti give pleasureSB 6.13.11
śuṣyanti dry upSB 7.2.9
svidyanti perspiringSB 1.14.20
tāḍayanti they beatSB 11.23.36
tariṣyanti people will cross overSB 11.1.6-7
tariṣyanti they will cross overSB 11.6.24
tarjayanti they cajoleSB 11.23.36
tarpayanti ingratiateSB 10.81.9
tṛpyanti are satedSB 3.25.2
tṛpyanti are satisfiedSB 4.31.14
tṛpyanti become satisfiedSB 7.9.45
tṛpyanti are satisfiedCC Madhya 22.63
tuṣyanti become pleasedBG 10.9
tvarayanti hurrySB 10.39.27
tyakṣyanti they will abandonSB 12.3.36
tyakṣyanti they will rejectSB 12.3.41
udgrathayanti root outSB 4.22.39
udvejayanti cause unnecessary painSB 5.26.33
unnahyanti bind upSB 12.11.47-48
upadekṣyanti they will initiateBG 4.34
na upadhakṣyanti cannot burnSB 12.5.10
upagāyanti they singSB 5.14.42
upagāyanti singSB 5.15.8
upakalpayanti are situatedSB 5.23.5
uparandhayanti cookSB 5.26.13
upayanti are able to expressSB 11.29.6
upayanti are able to expressCC Adi 1.48
upayanti are able to expressCC Madhya 22.48
upayojayanti give happinessSB 5.16.24
utpāṭayanti pluck outSB 5.26.35
vācayanti they try to make speakSB 11.23.36
vadiṣyanti will sayBG 2.36
vadiṣyanti will they saySB 11.1.18
vakṣyanti will speak aboutSB 12.3.38
vārayanti keep offSB 10.22.31-32
varjayanti do not enterSB 9.1.33
varṇayanti describeSB 1.3.35
varṇayanti they describeSB 2.10.2
varṇayanti the learned scholars describeSB 5.22.10
varṇayanti describeCC Adi 2.91-92
vibhāvayanti they specifically think ofSB 3.9.11
vibhāvayanti contemplate uponCC Adi 3.111
vidhamiṣyanti will eradicateSB 12.3.16
vidhyanti pierceSB 5.26.24
vigaṇayanti care forSB 3.15.48
vigarhayanti disapprovingSB 1.7.13-14
vilokayanti they seeSB 5.25.4
vilokayanti they seeSB 5.25.5
vilokayanti seeBs 5.38
vimuhyanti become stunnedSB 10.46.5
vinańkṣyanti they will become ruinedSB 12.2.9
vinaśyanti will be vanquishedSB 6.16.38
vipaśyanti can see onlySB 9.8.22
vismayanti becoming too boldSB 10.88.11
visrapsyanti will spreadSB 4.1.31
vitṛpyanti satisfiedSB 1.11.25
viyanti deterioratesSB 1.16.26-30
viyanti they are separatedSB 11.17.53
viyanti they disappearSB 11.29.15
vyathayanti are distressingBG 2.15
yakṣyanti they will offer sacrificeSB 12.3.43
yakṣyanti na they do not worshipSB 12.3.44
yāsyanti would attainSB 2.7.34-35
yāsyanti could understand or achieveSB 9.23.25
yāsyanti they will goSB 10.85.50
yāsyanti will goSB 10.85.51
kṣayam yāsyanti they will become ruinedSB 12.1.41
yāsyanti they will goSB 12.2.8
yāsyanti they will goSB 12.2.32
yāsyanti they goSB 12.4.7
yātayanti cause painSB 5.26.32
yojayanti joinCC Antya 1.186


Plant common sesban, Egyptian rattle pod; leaves of Sesbania sesban.


Go to bhṛngarāja, madayanti.


Plant henna, dried leaves of Lawsonia inermis.


Plant agnimantha , Premna spinosa, jayanti, Sesbania aegiptiaca; Clerodendron phlomidis.


Go to utkaṭa

Wordnet Search
"yanti" has 7 results.


dhvajaḥ, patākā, dhvajapaṭaḥ, dhvajāṃśukaḥ, ketanam, ketuḥ, ketuvasanaḥ, vaijayantikā, vaijayantī, jayantaḥ, kadalī, kadalikā, ucchalaḥ   

daṇḍasya ādhāreṇa samutthitā nānāvarṇīyā viśiṣṭavarṇīyā vā paṭṭikā yayā kasyāpi sattā ko'pi utsavaḥ saṅketaḥ vā sūcyate।

bhāratadeśasya dhvajaḥ cakrāṅkitaḥ asti।


haridrā, harit, suvarṇā, kāñcanī, pītā, gaurī, svarṇavarṇā, kāverī, umā, śivā, dīrgharāgā, haladdī, pauñjā, pītavālukā, hemanāśā, rañjanī, bhaṅgavāsā, gharṣiṇī, pītikā, rajanī, mehaghnī, bahulā, varṇinī, rātrināmikā, niśāhvā, niśā, śarvarī, varavarṇinī, varṇadātā, maṅgalapradā, hemarāgiṇī, gharṣaṇī, janeṣṭā, kṛmaghnī, lasā, yāminī, varāṅgī, varā, varṇadātrī, pavitrā, haritā, viṣaghnī, piṅgā, maṅgalyā, maṅgalā, lakṣmīḥ, bhadrā, śiphā, śobhā, śobhanā, subhagāhvayā, śyāmā, jayanti   

oṣadhiviśeṣaḥ asya pītavarṇīyāni mūlāni pākādiṣu vyañjanatvena upayujyante raktaśuddhikaratvāt te bheṣaje tathā ca dehavarṇavidhāyitvāt ca prasādhakeṣu api upayujyante।

samaye akṛtena siṃcanena haridrā śuṣkā jātā। / haridrā kapha-pittāstraśotha-kaṇḍuvraṇāpahā।


haridrā, harit, suvarṇā, kāñcanī, pītā, gaurī, svarṇavarṇā, kāverī, umā, śivā, dīrgharāgā, haladdī, pauñjā, pītavālukā, hemanāśā, rañjanī, bhaṅgavāsā, gharṣiṇī, pītikā, rajanī, mehaghnī, bahulā, varṇinī, rātrināmikā, niśāhvā, niśā, śarvarī, varavarṇinī, varṇadātā, maṅgalapradā, hemarāgiṇī, gharṣaṇī, janeṣṭā, kṛmaghnī, lasā, yāminī, varāṅgī, varā, varṇadātrī, pavitrā, haritā, viṣaghnī, piṅgā, maṅgalyā, maṅgalā, lakṣmīḥ, bhadrā, śiphā, śobhā, śobhanā, subhagāhvayā, śyāmā, jayanti   

oṣadhimūlaviśeṣaḥ। haridrā nāma oṣadheḥ pītavarṇīyāni mūlāni ye janaiḥ pākādiṣu vyañjanatvena upayujyante। raktaśuddhikaratvāt te bheṣaje tathā ca dehavarṇavidhāyitvāt ca prasādhakeṣu upayujyante।

haridrāyāḥ lepena tvakśuddhiḥ bhavati।


jayā, jayantī, tarkārī, nādeyī, vaijayantikā, balī, moṭā, haritā, vijayā, sūkṣmamūlā, vikrāntā, aparājitā   

ekā oṣadhī yasyāḥ puṣpāṇi sundarāṇi bhavanti।

mālī upavaneṣu vaijayantikāṃ sthāpayanti।


araṇī, śrīparṇam, agnimanthaḥ, kaṇikā, gaṇikārikā, jayā, araṇiḥ, tejomanthaḥ, havirmanthaḥ, jyotiṣkaḥ, pāvakaḥ, vahnimanthaḥ, mathanaḥ, agnimathanaḥ, tarkārī, vaijayantikā, araṇīketuḥ, śrīparṇī, karṇikā, nādeyī, vijayā, anantā, nadījā   

himālayeṣu vartamānaḥ vṛkṣaviśeṣaḥ yasya khādyaṃ phalaṃ bhavati evaṃ tasya bījamapi upayogāya vartate।

araṇī tu auṣadhavṛkṣaḥ bhavati।



vedoccāraṇaviṣayakasya granthasya lekhakaḥ ।

jayantisvāminaḥ ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



ekā strī ।

damayantikāyāḥ ullekhaḥ veṇīsaṃhāre vartate

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