ābhāsvara | m. Name of a particular set of twelve subjects (ātmā jñātā damo dāntaḥ śāntir jñānaṃ śamas tapaḥ kāmaḥ krodho mado moho dvādaśābhāsvarā ime- )  |
abhayagirivāsin | m. plural "dwelling on the mountain of safety", Name of a division of kātyāyana-'s pupils  |
abhidhī | (perf. 1. sg. -dīdhayā-; parasmE-pada A1. -d/īdhyāna- ) to reflect upon, consider  |
abhijan | cl.4 A1. -jāyate- (Vedic or Veda infinitive mood abh/i-janitos- ) to be born for or to ; to claim as one's birthright ; to be born or produced ; to be reproduced or born again etc. ; to become: Causal -janayati- (with abhi-jñānam-) to reanimate, revivify  |
abhijit | m. (t-) Name of a soma- sacrifice (part of the great sacrifice gavām-ayana-) etc.  |
abhijñāna | n. equals abhijñāna-śakuntala- q.v  |
abhinava | mf(ā-)n. modern (see -kālidāsa-and -śākaṭāyana-below)  |
abhinavaśākaṭāyana | m. the modern śākaṭāyana-.  |
abhiplava | m. Name of a religious ceremony (lasting six days and performed five times during the sacrifice gavām-ayana-)  |
abhipyai | (perf. A1. parasmE-pada -p/īpyāna-) to swell, abound with (instrumental case)  |
abhiśyāta | and -śyāna- See abhi-śīta- and -śīna-.  |
adhyātmavidyā | f. equals -jñana-.  |
agnipraṇayana | n. equals -nayana- q.v  |
agnipraṇayanīya | mfn. referring to the -praṇayana-.  |
agnisaṃcaya | m. See -cayana-.  |
ajyāni | f. (ajyānayas-) Nominal verb plural Name of certain offerings ,  |
ākṣyat | ([ ]) mfn. (fut p.) only Nominal verb plural anti- with /ahāni-, certain days for the completion of the ceremony ayana- (performed for the āditya-s and aṅgirasa-s).  |
ālambāyanīya | mfn. belonging to ālambāyana-.  |
ālambi | m. Name of a pupil of vaiśampāyana-.  |
āmī | P. -mināti- ( ) to destroy, neutralize, curtail ; to put aside or away, cause to disappear or vanish, displace ; to exchange ; to put or push out of place : A1. (imperfect tense /āminanta-) to vanish, disappear : Intensive (parasmE-pada -m/emyāna-) to change, alter  |
ānaya | m. leading to a teacher (equals upanayana- q.v)  |
āṅgavidya | mfn. familiar with chiromancy (aṅga-vidyā-, q.v), (gaRa ṛgayanādi- q.v)  |
anudhī | (parasmE-pada A1. -d/īdhyāna-; imperfect tense P.3. pl. -dīdhiyuḥ-) to think of  |
anvavāyana | n. See /an-anvavāyana-.  |
apāntaratamas | m. Name of an ancient sage (who is identified with kṛṣṇa- dvaipāyana-)  |
āpīnavat | mfn. containing a form of ā-pyai- (as the verse ) (see āpyāna-vat-.)  |
āpratinivṛttaguṇormicakra | mfn. (scilicet jñāna-,knowledge) through which the whole circle of wave-like qualities (of passion etc.) subside or cease completely  |
ārcābhin | m. plural Name of a school founded by ṛcābha- (a pupil of vaiśampāyana-), (gaRa kārtakaujapādi- )  |
ārgayana | (fr. ṛgayana- ) or ārgayaṇa- (gaRa girinady-ādi- on ) contained in or explanatory of the book ṛgayana- |
ārjunāyanaka | mfn. (gaRa rājanyādi- ) inhabited by the ārjunāyana-s.  |
ārkṣyat | ([ ]) mfn. (fut p.) only Nominal verb plural anti- with /ahāni-, certain days for the completion of the ceremony ayana- (performed for the āditya-s and aṅgirasa-s).  |
arogā | f. Name of dākṣāyaṇī- in vaidyanātha-  |
āruṇin | m. plural Name of a school derived from vaiśampāyana- āruṇi-  |
asitākṣa | mf(ī-)n. equals asita-nayana- q.v  |
astamana | n. (a corruption of astam-/ayana- q.v), setting  |
aṣṭāṅgayoga | m. the eightfold yoga- (consisting of yama-, niyama-, āsana-, prā- ṇā- yāma-, pratyāhāra-, dhyāna-, dhāraṇa-, and samādhi-, qq. vv.),  |
aśvala | m. Name of the hotṛ--priest of janaka- king of vaideha- (see āśvalāyana-.)  |
āśvalāyana | mf(ī-)n. relating or belonging to āśvalāyana-  |
āśvalāyana | m. the school of āśvalāyana-.  |
āśvalāyanaśākhā | f. the school of āśvalāyana-. ( āśvalāyanaśākhin khin- mfn.belonging to the school of āśvalāyana-.)  |
ātañcana | n. equals ā-pyāyana- q.v  |
atiśrama | see śramā- panayana- (parasmE-pada 1096).  |
ātivijñānya | mfn. (fr. ati-vijñāna-), surpassing the understanding  |
ātmahitāyana | m. equals -bhavāyana- q.v  |
audayana | mfn. relating to or coming from (the teacher) udayana-  |
auḍāyanabhakta | mfn. inhabited by auḍāyana-s (as a country)  |
audyāva | mf(ī-)n. (fr. udyāva- gaRa ṛgayanādi- ), treating of the art of mixing or joining (?).  |
aupanāyanika | mfn. (fr. upa-nāyana-), relating to or fit for the ceremony called upanayana- q.v  |
aupasaṃkhyānika | mfn. (fr. upa-saṃkhyāna-), depending on the authority of any addition or supplement, mentioned or occurring in one  |
autpāda | mfn. (fr. ut-pāda- gaRa ṛgayanādi- ), knowing or studying a book on birth or production  |
autpāta | mfn. (fr. ut-pāta- gaRa ṛgayanādi- ), treating of or contained in a book which treats of portents  |
avacara | m. the dominion or sphere or department of (in compound See kāmāvacara-, dhyānāv-,etc.) (see tālāvacara-and yajñāvacar/a-.)  |
āvijñānya | mfn. (fr. a-vijñāna-), undistinguishable  |
ayadīkṣita | m. Name of an author (nephew of apyaya-dīkṣita- q.v) ayana-. See ay-, column 2.  |
ayana | n. walking a road a path (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' see naimiṣāyana-, puruṣāyana-, prasamāyana-, samudrāyaṇa-, svedāyana-), (in astronomy) advancing, precession  |
ayana | n. a treatise (śāstra- see jyotiṣām-ayana-)  |
āyana | mfn. (fr. ayana-), belonging to the solstice commentator or commentary on  |
āyāna | n. the natural temperament or disposition (see ayāna-.)  |
ayanāṃśa | m. equals ayana-bhāga-  |
āyurveda | m. the science of health or medicine (it is classed among sacred sciences, and considered as a supplement of the atharva-- veda-;it contains eight departments: 1. śalya- or (removal of) any substance which has entered the body (as extraction of darts, of splinters, etc.);2. śālākya- or cure of diseases of the eye or ear etc. by śalākā-s or sharp instruments;3. kāya-cikitsā- or cure of diseases affecting the whole body;4. bhūtavidyā- or treatment of mental diseases supposed to be produced by demoniacal influence;5. kaumāra-bhṛtya- or treatment of children;6. agada-tantra- or doctrine of antidotes;7. rāsāyana-tantra- or doctrine of elixirs;8. vājīkaraṇa-tantra- or doctrine of aphrodisiacs etc.) |
bāhyālaya | m. the abode of out-castes id est the country of the bāhīka-s (varia lectio vāhyanaya-).  |
bālakrīḍanaka | n. (plural) Name of chapter of vātsyāyana-'s kāmasūtra-  |
bandhu | m. of a ṛṣi- with the patronymic gaupāyana- or laupāyana- (author of )  |
baṭūkaraṇa | n. the act of making into a youth, initiation of a boy by upa-nayana- q.v |
baudhāyana | mf(ī-)n. relating to or composed by baudhāyana-  |
baudhāyanīya | mfn. relating or belonging to baudhāyana-  |
bhadrakanyā | f. Name of the mother, of maudgalyāyana-  |
bhadrayānīya | m. plural his school (bhadrāyana-,prob. wrong reading)  |
bhaga | mn. equals yatna-, prayatna-, kīrti-, yaśas-, vairāgya-, icchā-, jñāna-, mukti-, mokṣa-, dharma-, śrī- [ confer, compare Zend bagha= Old Persian baga; Greek ; Slavonic or Slavonian bogu8,bogatu8; Lithuanian bago4tas,na-ba4gas.],  |
bhakti | f. attachment, devotion, fondness for, devotion to (with locative case, genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'), trust, homage, worship, piety, faith or love or devotion (as a religious principle or means of salvation, together with karman-,"works", and jñāna-,"spiritual knowledge"; see ) etc.  |
bhaktimārga | m. "the way of devotion"(regarded as a means of salvation and opp. to karma--and jñāna-m-; see above )  |
bhārata | mf(ī-)n. belonging or relating to the bharata-s (with yuddha- n. saṃgrāma- m. samara- m. samiti- f.the war or battle of the bharata-s;with or scilicet ākhyāna- n.with itihāsa- m.and kathā- f.the story of the bharata-s, the history or narrative of their war;with or scilicet maṇḍala- n.or varṣa- n."king bharata-s's realm" id est India) etc.  |
bhāṣikasūtra | n. Name of a sūtra- (on the manner of marking the accent in the ) attributed to kātyāyana-.  |
bhāskara | m. often found at the end of names (exempli gratia, 'for example' jñāna-bh-, brahmaṇya-bh-etc.)  |
bhāskaranṛsiṃha | m. Name of a Scholiast or Commentator on vātsyāyana-'s kāma-sūtra- (he wrote in 1788)  |
bhāsmāyanya | m. plural bhāsmāyanāḥ-  |
bhayānaka | mf(ā-)n. (prob. fr. bhayāna-for bhayamāna-) fearful, terrible, dreadful, formidable etc.  |
bhīṣaṇa | m. (scilicet rasa-) the sentiment of horror (in poetry or poetic composition) (see bhayānaka-)  |
bhrāja | m. (plural) Name of work ascribed to kātyāyana- (also -ślokāḥ-)  |
bhṛgu | m. Name of one of the chief Brahmanical families (to which the aitaśāyana-s are said to belong)  |
bhūtavidyā | f. equals -vijñāna-  |
bodhāyanasūtra | n. Name of work (see baudhāyana-).  |
bodhin | mfn. awakening, enlightening (see jñāna--, tattva--, bāla-bodhinī-).  |
brādhnāyanya | m. patronymic fr. bradhna- gaRa kuñjādi- (f(yanī-).; m. plural yanāḥ- )  |
brahmakāṇḍa | n. the inner portion of the veda- which relates to sacred knowledge or the knowledge of brahma- (= jñāna-k-,and opp. to karma-k- q.v),  |
brāhmaṇa | n. the brāhmaṇa- portion of the veda- (as distinct from its mantra- and upaniṣad- portion) and consisting of a class of works called brāhmaṇa-s (they contain rules for the employment of the mantra-s or hymns at various sacrifices, with detailed explanations of their origin and meaning and numerous old legends;they are said by sāyaṇa- to contain two parts: 1. vidhi-,rules or directions for rites;2. artha-vāda-,explanatory remarks;each veda- has its own brāhmaṇa-, that of the is preserved in 2 works, viz. the aitareya-, sometimes called āśvalāyana-, and the kauṣītaki- or śāṅkhāyana-- brāhmaṇa-;the white yajur-veda- has the śata-patha-brāhmaṇa-;the black yajur-veda- has the brāhmaṇa- which differs little from the text of its saṃhitā-;the has 8 brāhmaṇa-s, the best known of which are the prauḍha- or pañca-viṃśa- and the ṣaḍviṃśa-;the has one brāhmaṇa- called go-patha-) etc.  |
brahmaṇyadeva | m. Name of viṣṇu- (= brahmaṇyānāṃ śreṣṭhaḥ- Scholiast or Commentator)  |
bṛhatkālajñāna | n. "the large kāla-jñāna- or knowledge of times", Name of work  |
budha | m. Name of a descendant of soma- (and hence also called saumya-, saumāyana-,author of , and father of purū-ravas-;identified with the planet Mercury)  |
cākṣuṣa | n. equals -jñāna-  |
candhana | See cāndhanāyana-.  |
caraṇadāsa | m. Name of the author of the guru-śiṣya-saṃvāda- and of the philos. poem nāciketopākhyāna-.  |
caṭaka | m. plural "sparrows", a nickname of vaiśampāyana-'s school (varia lectio for caraka-)  |
caturbhadra | n. 4 objects of human wishes (viz. dharma-, kāma-, artha-, bala- ;or the first 3 with mokṣa- ;or kīrti-, āyus-, yaśas-, bala- ;or dharma-, jñāna-, vairāgya-, aiśvarya-, ;or dāna-, jñāna-, śaurya-, bhoga-or vitta- )  |
caturviṃśa | n. (with or without ahan-) Name of an ekāha- (2nd day of the gavām-ayana- sacrifice)  |
cauli | m. equals cauḍi-, (lakāyana-B, lika-V) .  |
chad | cl.1. dati-, to cover (varia lectio): Causal (or cl.10) chād/ayati- (once ch/ad- ; chand-[fr.1. chand-] ; Epic also A1. perfect tense chādayāṃ- cakre- ; parasmE-pada yāna- ), to cover, cover over, clothe, veil etc. ; to spread as a cover ; to cover one's self. ; to hide, conceal, keep secret ; to protect ( ) : Causal Desiderative cicchādayiṣati- Va1rtt. 2 ; ([ see Gothscadus.])  |
chandobhāṣā | f. (gaRa ṛg-ayanādi-) the language of the veda- )  |
chāndobhāṣa | mfn. fr. chando-bhāṣā- gaRa ṛg-ayanādi-.  |
chandomāna | n. (gaRa ṛg-ayanādi-),"measure of a metre", a syllable regarded as the metrical unit  |
chāndomāna | mfn. fr. chando-m- gaRa ṛg-ayanādi-.  |
chāndovicita | mfn. fr. chando-viciti- gaRa ṛg-ayanādi-.  |
chandoviciti | f. (gaRa ṛgayanādi-),"examination of metres", metrical science  |
chettṛ | mfn. a remover (of doubts, saṃśayānām-,2, 21)  |
cint | (see 4. cit-) cl.10. tayati- (cl.1. tati- ;metrically also tayate-See also tayāna-) to think, have a thought or idea, reflect, consider etc. ; to think about, reflect upon, direct the thoughts towards, care for (accusative;exceptionally dative case or locative case or prati-) etc. ; to find out ; to take into consideration, treat of. ; to consider as or that, tax (with double accusative or accusative and iti-)  |
cit | cl.1. c/etati- (imperfect tense acetat- ; parasmE-pada c/etat- ) cl.2. (A1. Passive voice 3. sg. cit/e-, ; parasmE-pada f. instrumental case citantyā-, ; A1. citāna-, ) cl.3. irreg. cīhetati- ( ; subjunctive ciketat- ; imperative 2. sg. cikiddhi- ; parasmE-pada cikitān/a- ; perf. cik/eta- etc.; ciceta- ;3. dual number cetatur- ; A1.and Passive voice cikit/e- etc.;3. plural tre- ;for parasmE-pada cikitv/as-See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order; A1. Passive voice cicite- ; Aorist acetīt- ; A1. Passive voice /aceti-and c/eti- ;for acait-See 2. ci-; future 1st c/ettā-, ) to perceive, fix the mind upon, attend to, be attentive, observe, take notice of (accusative or genitive case) ; to aim at, intend, design (with dative case) ; to be anxious about, care for (accusative or genitive case), ; to resolve, ; to understand, comprehend, know (perf. often in the sense of proper) ; P. A1. to become perceptible, appear, be regarded as, be known : Causal cet/ayati-, te- (2. plural cet/ayadhvam- subjunctive cetayat- imperative 2. dual number cetayethām- imperfect tense /acetayat- ;3. plural cit/ayante- ; parasmE-pada cit/ayat- (eleven times); cet/ayat-, ; A1. cetayāna-See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) to cause to attend, make attentive, remind of. ; to cause to comprehend, instruct, teach ; to observe, perceive, be intent upon ; A1. (once P. ) to form an idea in the mind, be conscious of, understand, comprehend, think, reflect upon ; P. to have a right notion of. know ; P. "to recover consciousness", awake ; A1. to remember, have consciousness of (accusative) ; to appear, be conspicuous, shine : Desiderative c/ikitsati- (fr. kit- ;exceptionally A1. ; imperative tsatu- subjunctive tsāt- Aorist 2. sg. /acikitsīs- ; Passive voice parasmE-pada cikitsyamāna- ) to have in view, aim at, be desirous ; to care for, be anxious about, ; ( ) to treat medically, cure ; to wish to appear : Causal of Desiderative (future cikitsayiṣyati-) to cure : Intensive cekite- (fr.2. ci-?,or for tte- ; parasmE-pada c/ekitat-, ; A1. c/ekitāna- eight times) to appear, be conspicuous, shine  |
cūḍa | m. equals ḍā-karaṇa- (see ḍopanayana-)  |
dākṣa | m. or n. the south (in dākṣasyāyana ṣasyāyana- n.the sun's progress towards south, the winter solstice and sacrifice then performed [ varia lectio dakṣ-])  |
dakṣa | m. Name of one of the prajā-pati-s ( etc. ;born from brahmā-'s right thumb etc.;or from a-ja-,"the unborn" ;or son of pra-cetas- or of the of 10 pra-cetasa-s, whence called prācetasa- ;father of 24 daughters by pra-sūti- etc.;of 50 [or 60 ;or 44 ] daughters of whom 27 become the Moon's wives, forming the lunar asterisms, and 13 [or 17 ;or 8 ]those of kaśyapa-, becoming by this latter the mothers of gods, demons, men, and animals, while 10 are married to dharma- etc.;celebrating a great sacrifice [hence dakṣa sy/ayana-,"Name of a sacrifice" ] to obtain a son, he omitted, with the disapproval of dadhīca-,to invite śiva-, who ordered vīra-bhadra- to spoil the sacrifice [identified with viṣṇu-] ,= ;named among the viśve-devā-s ; . [ ] etc.)  |
dakṣādhvaradhvansaka | m. equals kṣa-yajña-prabhañana-  |
dākṣāyaṇa | n. equals dākṣasyāyana- (under dākṣa-).  |
dakṣiṇeti | f. (equals ṇāyana-) the sun's progress south of the equator  |
dālbhya | m. of caikitāyana-  |
damana | m. of yāmāyana- (author of )  |
dānika | mfn. relating to a gift, etc. (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; see adhyayana--, udaka--, vara--).  |
dāyaka | mf(ikā-)n. fulfilling, causing, effecting (generally in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; see agni--, uttara--, jñāna-- viṣa--).  |
devakṣema | m. Name of the author of the vijñāna-kāya-  |
devaśarman | m. of an arhat- (author of the vijñāna-kāya-śāstra-)  |
devatara | m. (with cyāvasāyana- kāśyapa-) Name (also title or epithet) of a teacher,  |
dhalila | m. or n. Name of a valley in which the capital of udyāna- is said to have been situated  |
dharmamegha | m. a particular samādhi- ( dharmameghadhyāna -dhyāna-; n.a particular state of mind connected with it )  |
dhātu | m. element, primitive matter (equals mahā-bhūta- ) etc. (usually reckoned as 5, viz. kha-or ākāśa-, anila-, tejas-, jala-, bhū-;to which is added brahma- ;or vijñāna- )  |
dhātvavaropaṇa | n. depositing of relics (inside a Dagaba or stūpa-) (printed tvāva-and dhyānāva-).  |
dhyā | dhyāta-, dhyāna- See under dhyai-, below.  |
dhyānajapya | m. pl. Name of a race (varia lectio kara-j-and dhyāna-puṣṭa-).  |
dīdhī | (see 1. dhī-and dhyai-) cl.2 A1. didhīte-, 1. sg. dīdhye- ( ), parasmE-pada Pres. d/īdhyat- ( ) and d/īdhyānā- ( , often with manasā-) to perceive, think, be intent upon ; to wish, desire.  |
divya | mfn. supernatural, wonderful, magical (aṅgāra- ; auṣadha- ; vāsas- ; see -cakṣus-, -jñāna-etc. below)  |
divyaprajñāna | n. equals -jñāna- n.  |
divyavijñānavat | mfn. equals -jñana- mfn.  |
drāvila | m. equals vātsyāyana-  |
dṛgañcala | m. a sidelong glance (see nayanāñc-and locanāñc-).  |
dṛtikuṇḍaṭapaścit | n. (only citām ayana- n.) Name of a sattra-  |
dṛtivātavata | n. (only vator ayana- n.), Name of a sattra-  |
duradhyayayana | mfn. equals adhīyāna-  |
durmanas | mfn. Name of a man (see daur-manasāyana-)  |
dvaipāyana | mf(ī-)n. relating to dvaipāyana-  |
dvija | m. a man of any one of the first 3 classes, any Aryan, (especially) a Brahman (re-born through investiture with the sacred thread see upa-nayana-) etc.  |
dvīpya | m. Name of vyāsa- (see dvaipāyana-)  |
ekāyanībhū | (see ekāyana-), to become the centre of union, become the only object (of affection etc.)  |
ga | mf(ā-)n. ( gam-) only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' going, moving (exempli gratia, 'for example' yāna--,going in a carriage ; śīghra--,going quickly ; see antarikṣa--etc.)  |
gārbhiṇa | = simanto- nnayana- (parasmE-pada 1218).  |
gāthā | f. a verse, stanza (especially one which is neither ṛc-, nor sāman-, nor yajus-, a verse not belonging to the veda-s, but to the epic poetry of legends or ākhyāna-s, such as the śunaḥśepa-ākhyāna- or the ) etc.  |
gaumāyana | m. (gaRa aśvādi-) patronymic fr. go-min- (varia lectio mayāna-; majāta- )  |
gāvāmayanika | mfn. belonging to the ceremony called gavām-ayana-  |
ghana | m. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' mere, nothing but (exempli gratia, 'for example' vijñāna-ghan/a-,"nothing but intuition" ) (see ambu--, ayo--)  |
ghaṭṭ | cl.1 A1. ṭṭate- See vi--, saṃ--: cl.10 P. ṭṭayati-, to rub (the hands) over, touch, shake, cause to move ; to stir round ; to have a bad effect or influence on (accusative) ; (see ghaṭ-) to hurt with words, speak of malignantly (pr. p. ṭṭayāna-).  |
ghoṣila | m. Name of one of king udayana-'s 3 ministers  |
glaucukāyana | m. plural the pupils of glaucukāyana-  |
glucukāyani | m. see glaucukāyana-.  |
gūha | mf(ā-)n. See jñāna--.  |
guṇa | m. a property or characteristic of all created things (in nyāya- philosophy twenty-four guṇa-s are enumerated, viz. 1. rūpa-,shape, colour;2. rasa-,savour;3. gandha-,odour;4. sparśa-,tangibility;5. saṃkhyā-,number;6. parimāṇa-,dimension;7. pṛthaktva-,severalty;8. saṃyoga-,conjunction;9. vibhāga-,disjunction;10. paratva-,remoteness;11. aparatva-,proximity;12. gurutva-,weight;13. dravatva-,fluidity;14. sneha-,viscidity;15. śabda-,sound;16. buddhi-or jñāna-,understanding or knowledge;17. sukha-,pleasure;18. duḥkha-,pain;19. icchā-,desire; 20. dveṣa-,aversion; 21. prayatna-,effort; 22. dharma-,merit or virtue; 23. adharma-,demerit; 24. saṃskāra-,the self-reproductive quality)  |
hāraka | mf(ikā-)n. ravishing, captivating (in gopī-nayana-h-,"captivating the eyes of the gopī-s" )  |
hariṇalocanā | f. equals -nayanā-  |
hāsa | m. a jest, joke, fun (ākhyāna-h-,"a funny story")  |
hautraka | n. Name of the 16th pariśiṣṭa- of kātyāyana-.  |
hayana | m. a year (see hāyana-)  |
hayana | n. a covered carriage or palanquin (also read ḍayana-;See under ḍī-) |
hāyana | mn. (according to to native authorities fr.1.or 2. hā-;but see hayana-) a year (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ī-).,and according to to on alsof(ā-).) etc.  |
hayavidyā | f. equals -jñāna-  |
hīnayāna | n. "simpler or lesser vehicle", Name of the earliest system of Buddhist doctrine (opp. to mahāyāna-;See yāna-).  |
hve | cl.1 P. A1. ( ) hv/ayati-, te- (Vedic or Veda also h/avate-and huv/ati-, te-; other present forms are hve- ; hvāmahe- ; h/oma-, hūm/ahe-, juhūm/asi- ; p. huvān/a-[with pass. sense] ; hvayāna- ; perfect tense juhāva-, juhuvuḥ- etc.; juhv/e-, juhūr/e- ; juhuve-, huhurire- ; hvayāṃ-āsa-and hvayāṃ-cakre- ; Aorist /ahvat-, ahvata-[or ahvāsta- ] etc. etc.; ahvi- ; /ahūmahi-, ahūṣata- ; ahvāsīt-[?] ; future hvātā- grammar; hvayiṣyati-, te- ; hvāsyate- ; infinitive mood Class. hvātum-; Vedic or Veda h/avitave-, hv/ayitum-, tav/ai-; huv/adhyai-; ind.p. Class. hūtvā-;Ved. -h/ūya-and -hāvam-), to call, call upon, summon, challenge, invoke (with nāmnā-,"to call by name"; with yuddhe-,"to challenge to fight") etc. ; to emulate, vie with : Passive voice hūy/ate- (Aorist /ahāvi-,or ahvāyi-), to be called etc. : Causal hvāyayati- (Aorist ajūhavat-or ajuhāvat-), to cause anyone (accusative) to be challenged by (instrumental case) : Desiderative juhūṣati-, te- grammar : Intensive johūyate- or j/ohavīti- (johuvanta-, ajohavuḥ-, j/ohuvat-, j/ohuvāna- ) or johoti- (grammar), to call on, invoke etc. [ confer, compare Greek .] |
i | cl.2 P. /eti- (imperative 2. sg. ih/i-) and 1. P. A1. /ayati-, ayate- ([ confer, compare ay-]), (perfect tense iyāya-[2. sg. iy/atha- , and iy/etha- ] future eṣyati-; Aorist aiṣīt-; infinitive mood etum-, /etave- and , /etav/ai- /etos- ity/ai- ) to go, walk ; to flow ; to blow ; to advance, spread, get about ; to go to or towards (with accusative), come etc. ; to go away, escape, pass, retire ; to arise from, come from ; to return (in this sense only future) ; (with punar-) to come back again, return etc. ; to succeed ; to arrive at, reach, obtain etc. ; to fall into, come to ; to approach with prayers, gain by asking (confer, compare ita-) ; to undertake anything (with accusative) ; to be employed in, go on with, continue in any condition or relation (with a participle or instrumental case exempli gratia, 'for example' asura-rakṣasāni mṛdyamānāni yanti-,"the asura-s and Rakshases are being continually crushed" ; gavāmayaneneyuḥ-,"they, were engaged in the [festival called] gavāmayana-" ) ; to appear, be : Intensive A1. /īyate- ( ; parasmE-pada iyān/a- ; infinitive mood iy/adhyai- ) to go quickly or repeatedly ; to come, wander, run, spread, get about ; to appear, make one's appearance ; to approach any one with requests (with two accusative), ask, request : Passive voice /īyate-, to be asked or requested : Causal āyayati-, to cause to go or escape ; ([ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin e-o,i1-mus,i-ter,etc.; Lithuanian ei-mi4,"I go"; Slavonic or Slavonian i-du7,"I go",i-ti,"to go"; Gothic i-ddja,"I went."])  |
iḍādadha | (iḷā-, iḍā-,and ilā-) n. Name of a particular iṣṭy-ayana- or sacrificial observance  |
īhālih | mfn. reading (any one's) wish (nayanayoḥ-,"in his eyes"; confer, compare 2. lih-, parasmE-pada 903),  |
iṣu | mf. Name of a particular constellation ([According to dayānanda- iṣu-may mean"ray of light"; confer, compare Greek ; Zend ishu.])  |
iti | ind. (fr. pronominal base 3. i-), in this manner, thus (in its original signification /iti-refers to something that has been said or thought, or lays stress on what precedes;in the brāhmaṇa-s it is often equivalent to "as you know", reminding the hearer or reader of certain customs, conditions, etc. supposed to be known to him). In quotations of every kind /iti- means that the preceding words are the very words which some person has or might have spoken, and placed thus at the end of a speech it serves the purpose of inverted commas (/ity uktvā-,having so said; /iti kṛtvā-,having so considered, having so decided) . It may often have reference merely to what is passing in the mind exempli gratia, 'for example' vamantavyo manuṣya /iti bhūmipaḥ&iencoding=iast&lang=sans'>bālo 'pi nāvamantavyo manuṣya /iti bhūmipaḥ-, a king, though a child, is not to be despised, saying to one's self,"he is a mortal", ( ) In dramatic language /iti tathā karoti- means"after these words he acts thus."Sometimes /iti- is used to include under one head a number of separate objects aggregated together (exempli gratia, 'for example' ijyādhyayanadānāni tapaḥ satyaṃ kṣamā damaḥ- alobha /iti mārgo 'yam-,"sacrificing, studying, liberality, penance, truth, patience, self-restraint, absence of desire", this course of conduct, etc.) /iti- is sometimes followed by evam-, iva-, or a demonstrative pronoun pleonastically (exempli gratia, 'for example' tām brūyād bhavatīty evam-,her he may call "lady", thus) . /iti- may form an adverbial compound with the name of an author (exempli gratia, 'for example' /iti-pāṇini-,thus according to pāṇini-). It may also express the act of calling attention (lo! behold!) It may have some other significations exempli gratia, 'for example' something additional (as in /ityādi-,et caetera), order, arrangement specific or distinctive, and identity. It is used by native commentators after quoting a rule to express"according to such a rule" (exempli gratia, 'for example' anudāttaṅita /ity ātmanepadam bhavati-,according to the rule of pāṇini- , the ātmane-pada- takes place) . kim /iti- equals kim-, wherefore, why? (In the śatapatha-brāhmaṇa- ti-occurs for /iti-; see Prakrittiand tti-.)  |
jagajjīvanadāsa | m. Name of the author of three poems (jñāna-prakāśa-, prathama-grantha-, and mahā-pralaya-). |
jaivantyāyani | varia lectio for jīvantyāyana-.  |
janamejaya | m. ( )"causing men to tremble" , Name of a celebrated king to whom vaiśampāyana- recited the (great-grandson to arjuna-, as being son and, successor to parikṣit- who was the son of arjuna-'s son abhimanyu-) etc.  |
jaṭika | "N." See jāṭikāyana-.  |
jaulāyanabhakta | mfn. inhabited by the jaulāyana-s gaRa aiṣukāry-ādi-.  |
jayasvāmin | m. Name of a scholiast on chandoga-sūtra- and āśvalāyana-brāhmaṇa-  |
jīvana | m. Name of the author of mānasa-nayana-  |
jñāna | n. "knowledge about anything cognizance" See -tas- and a-- (jñānād- a-jñānād- vā-,knowingly or ignorantly, )  |
jūti | f. equals pra-jñāna-  |
jyotis | n. plural the heavenly bodies, planets and stars etc. (tiṣām ayana- n. course or movements of the heavenly bodies, science of those movements ([ equals tiṣa-]) )  |
kabandhin | m. Name of a kātyāyana-  |
kākṣīvata | mf(ī-)n. ākhyāna-,  |
kalā | f. any practical art, any mechanical or fine art (sixty-four are enumerated in the śaivatantra-[ ];the following is a list of them: gītam-, vādyam-, nṛtyam-, nāṭyam-, ālekhyam-, viśeṣaka-cchedyam-, taṇḍula-kusuma-balivikārāḥ-, puṣpāstaranam-, daśana-vasanāṅgarāgāḥ-, maṇi-bhūmikā-karma-, śayana-racanam-, udaka-vādyam-, udaka-ghātaḥ-, citrā yogāḥ-, mālya-granthana-vikalpāḥ-, keśa-śekharāpīḍayojanam-, nepathya-yogāḥ-, karṇa-pattra-bhaṅgāḥ-, gandha-yuktiḥ-, bhūṣaṇa-yojanam-, indrajālam-, kaucumāra-yogāḥ-, hasta-lāghavam-, citraśākāpūpa-bhakṣya-vikāra-kriyā-, pānaka-rasarāgāsava-yojanam-, sūcīvāpa-karma-, vīṇā-ḍama-ruka-sūtra-krīḍā-, prahelikā-, pratimā-, durvacakayogāḥ-, pustaka-vācanam-, nāṭakākhyāyikā-darśanam-, kāvya-samasyā-pūraṇam-, paṭṭikā-vetrabāṇa-vikalpāḥ-, tarkū-karmāṇi-, takṣaṇam-, vāstu-vidyā-, rūpya-ratna-parīkṣā-, dhātu-vādaḥ-, maṇi-rāga-jñānam-, ākara-jñānam-, vṛkṣāyur-veda-yogāḥ-, meṣa-kukkuṭa-lāvaka-yuddha-vidhiḥ-, śuka-sārikā-pralāpanam-, utsādanam-, keśa-mārjana-kauśalam-, akṣara-muṣṭikā-kathanam-, mlechitaka-vikalpāḥ-, deśa-bhāṣā-jñānam-, puṣpa-śakaṭikā-nimitta-jñānam-, yantra-mātṛkā-, dhāraṇa-mātṛkā-, saṃpāṭyam-, mānasī kāvya-kriyā-, kriyā-vikalpāḥ-, chalitakayogāḥ-, abhidhāna-koṣa-cchando-jñānam-, vastra-gopanāni-, dyūta-viśeṣaḥ-, ākarṣaṇa-krīḍā-, bālaka-krīḍanakāni-, vaināyikīnāṃ vidyāṇāṃ jñānam-, vaijayikīnāṃ vidyānāṃ jñānam-;See also ) etc. |
kalāyana | (kalāyana-) m. a tumbler, dancer (especially one who dances or walks on the edge of a sword etc.) |
kālī | f. Name of satyavatī-, wife of king śāntanu- and mother of vyāsa- or kṛṣṇa-dvaipāyana- (after her marriage she had a son vicitra-vīrya-, whose widows were married by kṛṣṇa-dvaipāyana-, and bore to him dhṛta-rāṣṭra- and pāṇḍu- ;according to other legends kālī- is the wife of bhīmasena- and mother of sarvagata- )  |
kamala | m. of a pupil of vaiśampāyana-  |
kāmali | m. a descendant of kamala-, Name of a pupil of vaiśampāyana-  |
kāmasūtra | n. Name of a treatise on sexual love by vātsyāyana-.  |
kāṇvyāyanīya | m. plural the school of kāṇvyāyana-  |
kārṣṇa | mf(ī-)n. belonging to the god kṛṣṇa- or to kṛṣṇa-dvaipāyana- or composed by him etc. (exempli gratia, 'for example' kārṣṇaveda- id est the mahā-bhārata- )  |
kaṣṭa | m. "Name of a man" See kāṣṭāyana-  |
kaṭha | m. Name of a sage (a pupil of vaiśampāyana- and founder of a branch of the yajur-veda-, called after him) etc.  |
kati | (for 1.See above) m. Name of a sage (son of viśvā-mitra- and ancestor of kātyāyana-)  |
katitha | mfn. with cid-, the so-maniest (= katipayānāṃ pūraṇaḥ- )  |
kātya | m. equals kātyāyana- gaRa gargādi-  |
kātyāyana | mf(ī-)n. composed by kātyāyana-.  |
kātyāyanasūtra | n. the śrauta-- sūtra-s of kātyāyana-  |
kātyāyanīya | m. plural the school of kātyāyana-  |
kātyāyanīya | mfn. composed by kātyāyana- (exempli gratia, 'for example' -śāstra-,the law-book composed by kātyāyana-) |
kātyāyanīya | m. a pupil of kātyāyana-  |
kauṇḍapāyina | mfn. with ayana- Name of a soma- libation (equals kuṇḍa-pāyinām ay-)  |
kauñjāyanya | m. a prince of the kauñjāyana-s  |
kauśilya | m. patronymic of the prince hiraṇyanābha-  |
kautsāyana | mf(ī-)n. relating to kutsāyana-  |
kevala | n. the highest possible knowledge (equals kevala-jñāna-)  |
kevalajñānin | m. "possessing the kevala-jñāna- ", an arhat-  |
kevalin | m. "possessing the kevala- (-jñāna-) ", an arhat-  |
khāḍāyanabhakta | n. a district inhabited by khāḍāyana-s gaRa aiṣukāry-ādi-.  |
khāḍāyanin | m. plural (gaRa śaunakādi-) the school of khāḍāyana-  |
kiraṇāvalī | f. Name of a commentator or commentary by udayana-  |
kokilākṣa | m. equals lanayana-  |
kolita | m. Name of maudgalyāyana- ( ) .  |
kośa | m. (in vedānta- philosophy) a term for the three sheaths or succession of cases which make up the various frames of the body enveloping the soul (these are, 1. the ānanda-maya k-or"sheath of pleasure", forming the kāraṇa-śarīra-or"causal frame";2. the vijñāna-maya-or buddhi-m-or mano-m-or prāṇa-m k-,"the sheath of intellect or will or life", forming the sūkṣma-śarīra-or"subtile frame";3. the anna-m k-,"the sheath of nourishment", forming the sthūla-śarīra-or "gross frame")  |
kratusaṃkhyā | f. Name of the thirteenth of kātyāyana-'s pariśiṣṭa-s.  |
kṛśa | m. Name of sāṃkṛtyāyana-  |
kṣatravidyā | f. ( ; gaRa ṛg-ayanādi-) the knowledge or science possessed by the kṣatriya- or military order (equals dhanur-veda- commentator or commentary)  |
kṣātravidya | mfn. gaRa ṛg-ayanādi-.  |
kṣaya | m. fall (as of prices, opposed to vṛddhi- exempli gratia, 'for example' kṣayo vṛddhiś ca paṇyānām-,"the fall and rise in the price of commodities")  |
kṣemaṃkara | m. of a son of brahma-datta- (udayana-)  |
kuṇḍapāyin | mfn. drinking out of pitchers (yinām ayana- n.a particular religious ceremony) (see kauṇ ḍapāyina-.)  |
kuraṅgākṣī | f. equals kuraṅga-nayanā-  |
kuraṅgalocanā | f. equals -nayanā-  |
kuraṅganetrā | f. equals -nayanā-  |
kusumāñjali | f. Name of a philosophical work (written by udayana- ācārya- to prove the existence of a Supreme Being, and consisting of seventy-two kārikā-s divided into five chapters)  |
kūṭārthabhāṣitā | f. (scilicet kathā-) equals kūṭakākhyāna- q.v  |
kutsāyana | m. Name of a man (see kautsāyana-.)  |
lakṣyavīthī | f. the visible or universally recognisable road (equals brahma-loka-mārga-or deva-yāna- )  |
lāmagāyana | m. equals -lāmakāyana-  |
lāmakāyanin | m. plural the school of lāmakāyana-  |
lāṭāyana | wrong reading for la-tyāyana-  |
lāṭyāyanaśrautasūtra | n. the śrauta-sūtra- of lāṭyāyana-.  |
laumāyanya | m. patronymic fr. loman- gaRa kuñjādi- (plural laumāyanāḥ- )  |
laya | layana- etc. See . |
lih | mfn. perceiving (nayanayoḥ-"in the eyes")  |
lohityā | f. Name of a celestial female (with jana-mātā-; varia lectio lohityā- yana-m-)  |
lolekṣaṇa | mf(ā-)n. equals lola-nayana-  |
mahābhārata | n. (with or scilicet ākhyāna-),"great narrative of the war of the bharata-s", Name of the great epic poem in about 215, 000 lines describing the acts and contests of the sons of the two brothers dhṛtarāṣṭra- and pāṇḍu-, descendants of bharata-, who were of the lunar line of kings reigning in the neighbourhood of hastinā-pura- (the poem consists of 18 books with a supplement called hari-vaṃśa-, the whole being attributed to the sage vyāsa-) etc. ( )  |
mahābhāṣya | n. "Great Commentary", Name of patañjali-'s commentary on the sūtra-s of pāṇini- and the vārttika-s of kātyāyana- etc. ( )  |
mahānāda | m. equals śayānaka- (bhayānaka-?)  |
mahānāga | m. Name of vātsyāyana-  |
mahātantrarāja | m. See brahmajñāna-m-.  |
mahāvana | n. of a Buddhist monastery in a forest in udyāna-  |
mahāvārttika | n. "great vārttika- or critical commentary", Name of kātyāyana-'s vārttika-s on the sūtra-s of pāṇini- (see māhāv-).  |
māhāvārttika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. mahā-v-) familiar with (kātyāyana-'s) vārttika-s vArttika  |
mahāvrata | n. Name of a sāman- or stotra- appointed to be sung on the last day but one of the gavām-ayana- (applied also to the day itself or its ceremonies or according to to commentator or commentary to the śastra- following the stotra-) etc.  |
mahāyāna | n. "great vehicle"(opp. to hīna-y-), Name of the later system of Buddhist teaching said to have been first promulgated by nāgārjuna- and treated of in the mahā-yāna-sūtra-s  |
mahāyānaparigrahaka | m. a follower of the mahā-yāna- doctrines  |
mahāyānasūtraratnarāja | m.Name of a highly esteemed mahā-yāna-sūtra-  |
mallanāga | m. Name of vātsyāyana-, author of the kāma-sūtra-  |
mandanāga | m. (prob. wrong reading for malla-nāga-) = vātsyāyana-  |
māndhātra | mfn. relating to māndhātṛ- (in tropākhyāna- )  |
maṅgala | n. Name of the capital of udyāna-  |
mānitā | f. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') the fancying that one possesses, imaginary possession of (jñāna-m-)  |
manobhirāma | m. or n. (?) Name of the spot where buddha- tamāla-pattra-candana-gandha- (mahā-maudgalyāyana-) will appear  |
matya | n. (for 1.See) the means of acquiring knowledge (equals jñānasya kāraṇam-) on  |
maudgalya | m. of lāṅgalāyana-  |
mauñjāyanī | f. a princess of the mauñjāyana-s gaRa śārṅgaravādi-.  |
mauñjāyanīya | m. a prince of the mauñjāyana-s, g., dāmany-ādi-.  |
medhājit | m. Name of kātyāyana- (varia lectio medha-jit-).  |
mitrāvaruṇa | m. dual number mitra- and varuṇa- etc. etc. (together they uphold and rule the earth and sky, together they guard the world, together they promote religious rites, avenge sin, and are the lords of truth and light see under 1. mitr/a-above; ṇayor ayanam-and ṇayor iṣṭiḥ-Name of particular sacrifices; ṇayoḥ saṃyojanam-Name of a sāman-) etc. (sg., wrong reading for maitrāvaruṇa- ) |
mṛgavyādhakathānaka | n. Name of chapter of the nārada-puraṇa- (called also mṛg/opākhyāna-)  |
munitraya | n. "triad of muni-s", pāṇini- and kātyāyana- and patañjali-  |
muruṇḍaka | m. Name of a mountain in udyāna-,  |
naimitta | mfn. (fr. ni-mitta-) relating to or explanatory of signs gaRa ṛgayanādi-  |
nairukta | mfn. relating to the nirukta- (q.v), explaining it gaRa ṛgayanādi-  |
naiyāya | mfn. (fr. ny-āya-) treating of the nyāya- philosophy (q.v), explaining it etc. gaRa ṛgayanādi-.  |
nalinīgulma | n. Name of an adhyayana-  |
naravāhanadatta | m. Name of a son of king udayana-  |
nārāyaṇa | m. of a son of bhū-mitra- or bhūmi-mitra- (a prince of the dynasty of the kāṇvāyana-s)  |
navarātra | m. a soma- sacrifice with 9 sutyā- days ; 9 days in the middle of the gavām-ayana-  |
nāyana | mf(ī-)n. (fr. nayana-) relating to the eye, ocular  |
netra | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) the eye (as the guiding organ, also -ka-, ; see nayana-)  |
netraprabandha | m. = (and varia lectio for) nayanapr- q.v  |
niḥśī | only pr. p. A1. niḥśayāna śayāna- mfn. starting up from sleep  |
nimittajñāna | n. "knowledge of omens or signs", Name of chapter of the kāma-sūtra- by vātsyāyana-  |
niryāṇa | n. the outer corner of an elephant's eye (see nir-ṇāyana-)  |
niśo | P. -śyati- (A1. parasmE-pada -śyāna-,or -śāna- ), to sharpen, whet (see ni-śi-).  |
niṣpada | n. (with, yāna-) a vehicle moving without feet (as a ship etc.)  |
nitya | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' constantly dwelling or engaged in, intent upon, devoted or used to (see tapo-n-, dharma-n-, dhyāna-n-, śastra-n-) etc.  |
padavyākhyāna | n. explanation of words gaRa ṛg-ayanādi-.  |
pādavyākhyāna | mfn. (fr. pada-v-) gaRa rig-ayanādi-.  |
pakṣila | m. Name of the saint vātsyāyana-  |
pāl | cl.10 P. ( ) pālayati- (te-;also regarded as Causal of2. pā-[ Va1rtt. 2, pat-.],but rather Nom.of pāla-below; parasmE-pada P. pālayat- A1. layāna-; perfect tense layām āsa-; Aorist apīpalat-), to watch, guard, protect, defend, rule, govern ; to keep, maintain, observe (a promise or vow)  |
pālaṅgin | m. pl Name of a school called after a disciple of vaiśampāyana-  |
palāyana | n. a saddle (see paly-ayana-, paryāṇa-)  |
paṅkajākṣī | f. equals ja-nayanā-  |
paṇya | n. trade, traffic, business (see jñāna--)  |
parāji | A1. -jayate- (see ; perfect tense -jigye- ; parasmE-pada -jigyāna- ; Aorist parājaiṣṭa- ; future -jayiṣye- ;but also P. exempli gratia, 'for example' Potential -jayet-,or -jayyāt- ; perfect tense -jigyathur- ; Aorist parājaiṣīt- ; infinitive mood -jetum- ; ind.p. -jitya- ), to be deprived of, suffer the loss of (accusative), be conquered, succumb etc. ; to submit to, be overcome by (ablative) ; to conquer, win, vanquish, overthrow etc. ; to defeat in a lawsuit  |
param | ind. (with ablative) beyond, after (exempli gratia, 'for example' paraṃ vijñānāt-,beyond human knowledge; astam-ayāt p-,after sunset; mattaḥ p-,after me; ataḥ p-or param ataḥ-,after this, farther on, hereafter, next; itaḥ p-,henceforward, from now; tataḥ p-or tataś ca p-,after that, thereupon; nāsmāt p-[for māsmāt p-],no more of this, enough) etc.  |
pāramitā | f. transcendental virtue (there are 6 or 10, viz. dānta-, śīla-, kṣānti-, vīrya-, dhyāna-, prajñā-,to which are sometimes added satya-, adhiṣṭhāna-, maitra-, upekṣā-) (see ) .  |
pari | ind. against, opposite to, in the direction of, towards, to (see ;also at the beginning of a compound mfn.; see Va1rtt. 4 and pary-adhyayana-)  |
paridhūpana | pari-dhūmana- and pari-dhūmāyana- n. equals dhūmāyana-  |
pāriyānika | n. (-yāna-) a travelling carriage.  |
pārvatāyana | m. patronymic of a chamberlain, (varia lectio parv-and vātāyana-)  |
pāśupata | n. equals -jñāna- Name of a celebrated weapon given by śiva- to arjuna-  |
pāśupataśāstra | n. equals -jñāna-  |
paśyanā | f. See a-paśyanā-.  |
patitasāvitrīka | m. "one who is deprived of the sāvitrī-", a man of the first 3 classes whose investiture (upa-nayana- q.v) has been unduly performed or omitted (see sāvitrī-patita-).  |
pauṣya | mfn. relating to king pauṣya- ( pauṣyopākhyāna ṣyopākhyāna- n.Name of ; see )  |
pavitra | n. (with ādityānām-and devānām-) Name of sāman-s  |
pī | or pi- (connected with pyai-), cl.1 A1. p/ayate- (cl.2 A1. pr.p. p/iyāna- cl.3 P. Impv. pīpihī-; imperfect tense /apīpet-, /apīpayat-; subjunctive pipyatam-, tām-; pīpayat- A1. yanta-, parasmE-pada A1. p/āpyāna-; perfect tense P. pīp/āya-.2. sg. pīpetha-,3. plural pipyur-; parasmE-pada A1. pīpyān/a-), to swell, overflow, be exuberant, abound, increase, grow ; (trans.) to fatten, cause to swell or be exuberant, surfeit  |
pradhī | (or -dīdhī-,only p. proper -dīdhyat-and -d/īdhyāna-), to long for, strive after ; to look out, be on the watch  |
prajāti | (pr/a--) f. equals upa-nayana-, initiation with the sacred thread (as causing second birth)  |
prāṇa | m. a vital organ vital air (3 in number, viz. prāṇa-, apāna-and vyāna- ;usually 5, viz. the preceding with sam-āna-and, ud-āna- etc. see ;or with the other vital organs 6 ;or 7 ;or 9 ;or 10 ; plural the 5 organs of vitality or sensation, viz. prāṇa-, vāc-, cakṣus-, śrotra-, manas-,collectively ;or = nose, mouth, eyes and ears )  |
praṇītākāle | ind. equals praṇītānām praṇayana-kāle-  |
prāntaśayanāsanabhakta | mfn. Iiving in the country (also -śayana-bhakta-and -śayanāsanā-sevin-)  |
prārth | ( pra-arth-) A1. prārthayate- (Epic also P. ti-and pr. p. yāna-), to wish or long for, desire (accusative) etc. ; to ask a person (accusative) for (accusative or locative case) or ask anything (accusative) from (ablative) etc. ; to wish to or ask a person to (infinitive mood) ; to demand in marriage, woo ; to look for, search ; to have recourse to (accusative) ; to seize or fall upon, attack, assail  |
prasthāna | n. starting-point, place of origin, source, cause (in jñāna-pr-,Name of work )  |
pratāparudra | m. Name of a king of the kākatīya-s (or according to others of vijayanagara- or of eka-śilā-; several works are attributed to him, though in reality composed by different authors)  |
prātibha | n. (with or scilicet jñāna-) intuitive knowledge, intuition, divination ( prātibhavat -vat- ind. )  |
pravṛttijñāna | n. equals -vijñāna-  |
punaḥsaṃskāra | m. Name of work (see punar-upanayana-).  |
punarvasu | m. of kātyāyana- or vararuci-  |
puṇḍarīkalocana | mfn. equals -nayana- mfn.  |
purāvṛttakathā | f. an old story or legend (also purāvṛtttākhyāna ttākhyāna- n. ; purāvṛtttākhyānakathana ttākhyāna-kathana- n.telling old stories ) |
purīṣī | f. Name of a particular religious observance (equals cayana- Scholiast or Commentator)  |
puth | cl.4 P. puthyati-, to hurt : Causal pothayati- (A1.P. pothayāna- future, pothayiṣye-), to crush, kill, destroy ; to overpower or drown (one sound by another) ; to speak or to shine (bhāṣārthe-,or bhāsārthe-)  |
rājastambāyana | (or b/āyana- ) m. patronymic fr. prec.  |
rāmāyaṇa | n. (ramāyaṇa-) Name of vālmīki-'s celebrated poem, describing the"goings" ([ ayana-]) of rāma- and sitā- (it contains about 24000 verses in 7 books called kāṇḍa-s, viz. 1. bāla-kāṇḍa- or ādi-kāṇḍa-;2. ayodhyā-kāṇḍa-;3. araṇya-kāṇḍa-;4. kiṣ-kindhyā-kāṇḍa-;5. sundara-kāṇḍa-;6. yuddha-kāṇḍa-;7. uttara-kāṇḍa-;part of the 1st book and the 7th are thought to be comparatively modern additions;the latter gives the history of rāma- and sītā- after their re-union and installation as king and queen of ayodhyā-, afterwards dramatized by bhava-bhūti- in the uttara-rāma-caritra-; rāma-'s character, as described in the rāmāyaṇa-, is that of a perfect man, who bears suffering and self-denial with superhuman patience;the author, vālmīki-, was probably a Brahman connected with the royal family of ayodhyā-;and although there are three recensions of the poem, all of them go back to a lost original recension, the ground work of which, contained in books 2-6, in spite of many amplifications and interpolations, may be traced back to one man, and does not like the mahābhārata-, represent the production of different epochs and minds) etc. (see ) .  |
rāṇāyanīya | m. plural the school of rāṇāyana-,  |
rasa | m. (in rhetoric) the taste or character of a work, the feeling or sentiment prevailing in it (from 8 to 10 rasa-s are generally enumerated, viz. śṛṅgāra-,love; vīra-,heroism; bībhatsa-,disgust; raudra-,anger or fury; hāsya-,mirth; bhayānaka-,terror; karuṇa-,pity; adbhuta-,wonder; śānta-,tranquillity or contentment; vātsalya-,paternal fondness;the last or last two are sometimes omitted; see under bhāva-) etc.  |
rāsāyana | mfn. (fr. rasāyana-) relating to an elixir etc.  |
rathāṅgāhva | m. ( ) equals ga-tulyāhvayana- above  |
rathāṅgāhvaya | m. ( ) equals ga-tulyāhvayana- above  |
rathāṅganāmaka | m. ( ) equals ga-tulyāhvayana- above  |
rathāṅganāman | m. ( ) equals ga-tulyāhvayana- above  |
rathāṅgasāhva | m. ( ) equals ga-tulyāhvayana- above  |
rathāṅgasaṃjña | m. ( ) equals ga-tulyāhvayana- above  |
ratnatraya | n. "jewels-triad", the three jewels or excellent things (with Buddhists, viz. buddha-, dharma-and saṃgha-;or with jaina-s, viz. samyag-darśana-, samyag-jñāna-and samyak-cāritra-)  |
rātri | f(i-or ī-). or (older) r/ātrī- (prob."bestower" , fr. rā-;or"season of rest", fr. ram-) night, the darkness or stillness of night (often personified) etc. ( rātrau trau- ind.or rātryām tryām- ind.at night, by night; rātrau śayanam-,a festival on the 11th day of the first half of the month āṣāḍha-, regarded as the night of the gods, beginning with the summer solstice, when viṣṇu- reposes for four months on the serpent śeṣa-)  |
rāyāna | (?) m. Name of a cow-herd (varia lectio rāyana-).  |
ṛcābha | m. Name of a pupil of vaiśampāyana-  |
śabdānuśāsana | n. "word-instruction or explanation", Name of pāṇini-'s grammar and similar works (by śākaṭāyana-, hemacandra- etc.)  |
ṣaḍāyatana | mfn. consisting of the six āyatana-s (viz. vijñāna-,earth, air, fire, and water, and rūpa-)  |
ṣaḍguṇa | m. the six acts or measures to be practised by a king in warfare (viz. saṃdhi-,"peace", vigraha-,"war", yāna-,"marching", āsana-,"sitting encamped", dvaidhī-bhāva-,"dividing his forces", saṃśraya-,"seeking the protection of a more powerful king")  |
ṣaḍguruśiṣya | m. Name of a Commentator on kātyāyana-'s ṛg-veda-sarvānukramaṇī- (who lived in the 12th century, A.D.) |
saha | ind. in common, in company, jointly, conjointly, in concert (often used as a prefix in compound,expressing"community of action", exempli gratia, 'for example' sahādhyayana- q.v;or forming adjectives expressing"the companion of an action", exempli gratia, 'for example' saha-cara- q.v)  |
sahasrabhujarāmadhyāna | n. Name of work (wrong reading -dhyāna-rāma-).  |
sahasrasāvya | n. a particular ayana-  |
sahāya | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).prob. fr. saha-+ aya- see sahāyana-;but according to to some, a Prakrit form of sakhāya-See sakhi-,p.1130)"one who goes along with (another)" , a companion, follower, adherent, ally, assistant, helper in or to (locative case or compound; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'"having as a companion or assistant, accompanied or supported by") etc.  |
saindhava | m. Name of a particular school founded by saindhavāyana-  |
śakaṭāṅgaja | m. a patronymic equals śākatayana-.  |
śakaṭāpaṇa | m. plural carts and merchandise (wrong reading śakaṭāyana-)  |
śākaṭāyanasmṛti | f. the law-book of śākaṭāyana-  |
śākaṭāyani | m. a patronymic (prob. equals yana-)  |
śākāyanya | m. patronymic fr. śāka- gaRa kuñjādi- (plural yanāḥ- )  |
śākhā | f. a branch or school of the veda- (each school adhering to its own traditional text and interpretation;in the caraṇa-vyūha-, a work by śaunaka- treating of these various schools, five śākhā-s are enumerated of the ṛg-- veda-, viz. those of the śākala-s, bāṣkala-s, āśvalāyana-s, śāṅkhāyana-s, and māṇḍukāyana-s;forty-two or forty-four out of eighty-six of the yajur-veda-, fifteen of which belong to the vājasaneyin-s, including those of the kāṇva-s and mādhyaṃdina-s;twelve out of a thousand said to have once existed of the sāma-veda- and nine of the atharva-- veda-;of all these, however, the ṛg-- veda- is said to be now extant in one only, viz. the śākala-śākhā-, the yajur-veda- in five and partially in six, the sāma-veda- in one or perhaps two, and the atharva-- veda- in one: although the words caraṇa-and śākhā-are sometimes used synonymously, yet caraṇa-properly applies to the sect or collection of persons united in one school, and śākhā-to the traditional text followed, as in the phrase śākhām adhīte-,he recites a particular version of the veda-) etc.  |
śakuntalā | f. (said to be fr. śakunta-) Name of a daughter of the apsaras- menakā- by viśvāmitra- (she was supposed to have been born and left in a forest, where she was protected by birds till found by the sage kaṇva-, who took her to his hermitage and reared her as his daughter;she was there seen by king duṣyanta-, when on a hunting expedition, and married by him, and became the mother of bharata-, sovereign of all India;the story of duṣyanta-'s accidental meeting with śakuntalā-, their marriage, separation, his repudiation of her through temporary loss of memory caused by a curse, his subsequent recognition of her by means of a ring which was lost but afterwards recovered, forms the subject of kālidāsa-'s celebrated drama called abhijñāna-śakuntalā- q.v).  |
śākuntala | n. (according to to some alsof(ā-).) equals next or the drama commonly called śakuntalā- or abhijñāna-śakuntalam-  |
śālaṅkāyana | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (son of viśvāmitra-; plural = śālaṅkāyana-'s, descendants)  |
śālaṅkāyanabāṣkala | m. plural the śālaṅkāyana- and the bāṣkala-s  |
śālaṅkāyanagotra | n. the family of the śālaṅkāyana-s  |
śālaṅkāyanajā | f. " śālaṅkāyana-'s daughter", Name of satyavatī-  |
śālaṅkāyanasauśrava | m. plural the śālaṅkāyana- and the sauśrava-s  |
śālaṅkāyani | m. a patronymic (perhaps wrong reading for yana-)  |
śālaṅkāyanin | m. plural the school of śālaṅkāyana-  |
samādhi | m. concentration of the thoughts, profound or abstract meditation, intense contemplation of any particular object (so as to identify the contemplator with the object meditated upon;this is the eighth and last stage of yoga- [ ];with Buddhists samādhi- is the fourth and last stage of dhyāna- or intense abstract meditation[ ];in the kāraṇḍa-vyūha- several samādhi- are enumerated) etc.  |
sambhāra | m. preparation, equipment, provision, necessaries, materials, requisite, collection of things required for any purpose (with Buddhists twofold, viz. 1. puṇya-s-,"meritorious acts", and 2. jñāna-s-,"science";others add 3. śamatha-s-,"quietude", and 4. vidarśana-s-,"farsightedness" ) etc.  |
saṃdih | P. -degdhi-, to smear, besmear, cover etc. ; to heap together ; A1. -digdhe- (pr. p. -dihāna-,or -dehamāna-), to be doubtful or uncertain (said of persons and things) : Passive voice -dihyate-, to be smeared over or covered, be confused, confounded with (instrumental case) ; be indistinct or doubtful or uncertain etc.: Causal -dehayati-, to make indistinct or uncertain, confuse, perplex ; (A1.) to be doubtful or uncertain (in saṃ-dehayāna- varia lectio -dehamāna-) |
same | ( -ā- 5 i-) P. -aiti- (pr. p. -eyāna- ), to come together, approach together, meet at or in (accusative or locative case) or with (instrumental case with or without samam-), go to or across, arrive at (accusative) etc. ; to unite with (instrumental case) in marriage ; to enter ; to emulate, cope with (accusative) ; (with yogam-) to lead or join together, form an alliance between (genitive case) and (instrumental case) (equals saṃ-gamayya-, )  |
śaṃkarācārya | m. Name of various teachers and authors, (especially) of a celebrated teacher of the vedānta- philosophy and reviver of Brahmanism (he is thought to have lived between A.D. 788 and 820, but according to tradition he flourished 200 B.C.,and was a native of kerala- or Malabar;all accounts describe him as having led an erratic controversial life;his learning and sanctity were in such repute that he was held to have been an incarnation of śiva-, and to have worked various miracles;he is said to have died at the age of thirty-two, and to have had four principal disciples, called padma-pāda-, hastāmalaka-, sureśvara- or mandana-, and troṭaka-;another of his disciples, ānanda-giri-, wrote a history of his controversial exploits, called śaṃkara-vijaya- q.v;tradition makes him the founder of one of the principal śaiva- sects, the daśa-nāmi-daṇḍin-s or"Ten-named Mendicants" ;he is the reputed author of a large number of original works, such as the ātma-bodha-, ānanda-laharī-, jñāna-bodhinī- , maṇi-ratna-mālā-, etc.;and commentaries on the upaniṣad-s, and on the brahma-mīmāṃsā- or vedānta-sūtra-, bhagavadgītā-, and mahā-bhārata-, etc.)  |
śaṃkaravijaya | m. of a fanciful life of śaṃkarācārya- (in the form of a dialogue between cid-vilāsa- and vijñānakanda-)  |
saṃkasuka | m. Name of the author of (having the patronymic yāmāyana-)  |
sāṃkhyapravacanabhāṣya | n. (or sāṃkhya-bh-) Name of a commentator or commentary on the sāṃkhya-sūtra- by vijñāna-bhikṣu-.  |
sāṃkhyasāra | m. Name of work by vijñāna-bhikṣu-.  |
sāṃkhyasāraviveka | m. Name of work by vijñāna-bhikṣu-.  |
sāṃkhyāyana | m. (patronymic fr. sāṃkhya-; see śānkhāyana-) Name of a teacher, (plural) his school  |
saṃkṣepaśārīraka | m. a summary in verse of śaṃkarācārya-'s brahma-sūtra-bhāṣya- by sarvajñātman- mahāmuni- ( saṃkṣepaśārīrakaṭīkā -ṭīkā- f. saṃkṣepaśārīrakaphalalakṣaṇa -phala-lakṣaṇa- n. saṃkṣepaśārīrakabhāṣya -bhāṣya- n. saṃkṣepaśārīrakavyākhyāna -vyākhyāna- n. saṃkṣepaśārīrakasambandhokti -sambandhokti- f.Name of works. connected with prec.)  |
sammṛd | P. -mṛdnāti-, -mardati- (Ved. infinitive mood -marditoḥ-), to press or squeeze together, rub or grind to pieces, crush, destroy : Causal -mardayati- (pr. p. -mardayāna-), to cause to be rubbed together, crush, pound, bruise ; to rub ; to clean  |
saṃnikarṣa | m. connection with, relation to, (in philosophy) the connection of an indriya- or organ of sense with its viṣaya- or object (this according to to the nyāya-, is the source of jñāna-,and is of two kinds, 1. laukika-,which is sixfold, 2. a-laukika-,which is threefold )  |
sampraviś | P. -viśati- (Epic also te-), to enter into together or completely (with mānasam-,or dhyānam-,"to be lost in thought") etc. ; to have commerce or intercourse with (accusative) ; to be sexually united with (accusative) : Causal -veśayati-, to cause to enter, introduce, lead into (accusative or locative case)  |
saṃsada | m. equals saṃsadām ayana- (above)  |
śāṃśapāyanaka | mf(ikā-)n. written or composed by śāṃśapāyana-  |
śāṃśapāyani | m. equals śāṃśapāyana-.  |
saṃśī | A1. -śete- (pr.p. -śayāna-; ind.p. -śayya-), to grow languid, become feeble ; to waver, be uncertain or irresolute or doubtful, hesitate etc. ; to despair of (locative case) ; to lie down for rest ; (P. -śayati-), to differ in opinion or disagree about (accusative)  |
saṃskāra | m. a sacred or sanctifying ceremony, one which purifies from the taint of sin contracted in the, womb and leading to regeneration (12 such ceremonies are enjoined on the first three or twice-born classes in , viz. 1. garbhādhāna-,2. puṃ-savana-,3. sīmantonnayana-,4. jāta-karman-,5. nāmakarman-,6. niṣkramaṇa-,7. anna-prāśana-,8. cūḍā-karman-,9. upanayana-,10. keśānta-,11. samāvartana-,12. vivāha-,qq. vv.; according to to there are 40 saṃskāra-s) etc. ( ; 192 etc. ) |
saṃvatsaraprabarha | m. a variety of the gavām-ayana- (q.v)  |
saṃvatsarapravalha | m. a variety of the gavām-ayana- (q.v)  |
saṃvye | P. A1. -vyayati-, te- (perfect tense parasmE-pada -vivyāna- q.v), to roll or cover up ; to put on, wrap one's self in (accusative) ; to supply or furnish or provide or equip with : Causal See vāyita-.  |
saṃyama | m. concentration of mind (comprising the performance of dhāraṇā-, dhyāna-, and samādhi-, or the last three stages in yoga-)  |
śaṅkha | m. of the author of (having the patronymic yāmāyana-.)  |
śaṅkhāhata | n. a particular rite in the gavām-ayana-  |
śāṅkhāyana | mfn. relating etc. to śāṅkhāyana-  |
śāṅkhāyana | n. śāṅkhāyana-'s work  |
śāṅkhāyanabrāhmaṇa | n. the brāhmaṇa- of śāṅkhāyana- (also called kauṣītaki-brāhmaṇa-).  |
śāṅkhāyanagṛhyasūtra | n. the gṛhya-- sūtra-s ascribed to śāṅkhāyana-.  |
śāṅkhāyanaśrautasūtra | n. the śrauta-sūtra- of śāṅkhāyana-.  |
śāṅkhāyanin | m. plural the pupils of śāṅkhāyana-  |
śāṅkhāyanya | m. patronymic fr. śāṅkhāyana- gaRa kuñjādi-.  |
sāntv | (also written śāntv- q.v) cl.10 P. A1. ( ;rather Nom.fr. sāntva-below) sāntvayati-, te- (pr. p. once in [ ] sāntvamāna-and once [ ] sāntvayāna-; Aorist asasāntvat- grammar; ind.p. sāntvayitvā- ; sāntvayya- : Passive voice sāntvyate- ), to console, comfort, soothe, conciliate, address kindly or gently  |
sārasamagraha | m. "concentration of the essence of any work", Name of various compendiums (also sārasamagrahajñānabhūṣaṇabhāṣya -jñāna-bhūṣaṇa-bhāṣya- n. sārasamagrahanighaṇṭu -nighaṇṭu- m. sārasamagrahasaṃgraha -saṃgraha-,m. )  |
sārasāyana | m. (prob.) a patronymic gaRa ahukāry-ādi- (varia lectio for sāraryāyana-).  |
sārasāyanabhakta | mfn. inhabited by sārasāyana-s  |
sārasyāyana | See sārasāyana-.  |
śaratalpa | m. a couch formed of arrow (especially for a dead or wounded warrior) (see -pañjara-, -śayana-, -śayyā-).  |
śāriputra | m. Name of one of the two chief disciples (agra-śrāvaka-), of gautama- buddha- (the other being maudgalyāyana-)  |
sarpa | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a snake, serpent, serpent-demon (see nāga-; sarpāṇām ayanam-,"a particular annual festival") , tortuous motion etc.  |
sarpasattra | n. (prob.) equals sarpāṇām-, ayanam- (See sarp/a-)  |
śaśayāna | mfn. (perfect tense parasmE-pada of1. śī-;for 1. śaśa-y-See column 1) lying, reposing, sleeping (= śiśyāna-)  |
śāṭhāyanya | m. patronymic fr. śaṭha- (plural yanāḥ-), gaRa kuñjādi-.  |
ṣaṭkarman | n. the six duties of Brahmans (viz. adhyayana-,"studying or repeating the veda-", adhyāpana-,"teaching the veda-", yajana-"offering sacrifices", yājana-,"conducting them for others", dāna-,"giving", and pratigraha-,"accepting gifts"), etc. (the six daily duties according to to the later law-books, are, snāna-,"religious bathing", saṃdhyājapa-,"repetition of prayers at the three saṃdhyā-s", brahma-yajña-,"worship of the Supreme Being by repeating the first words of sacred books", tarpaṇa-,"daily oblations of water to the gods, sages, and pitṛ-s", homa-,"oblations of fuel, rice etc. to fire", deva-pūjā-,"worship of the secondary gods either in the domestic sanctuary or in temples")  |
śāṭyāyana | m. plural "the followers of śāṭyāyana-" etc.  |
śāṭyāyana | mf(ī-)n. of or belonging to śāṭyāyana- or the śāṭyāyana-brāhmaṇa-  |
śāṭyāyanabrāhmaṇa | n. the brāhmaṇa- of śāṭyāyana-  |
śāṭyāyanagotra | n. the family of śāṭyāyana-  |
śāṭyāyanaka | n. the brāhmaṇa- of śāṭyāyana- or a passage from it  |
śāṭyāyanasmṛti | f. the law-book of śāṭyāyana-  |
śāṭyāyanin | m. plural the followers of śāṭyāyana- (Name of a śākhā- of the yajur-veda-)  |
śaubhāyanya | m. a king of the śaubhāyana-s gaRa kuñjādi-.  |
saukanya | n. (scilicet ākhyāna-) the story of sukanyā-  |
saukhayānika | m. (fr. sukha-yāna-) a bard or other official who wishes a prince a prosperous march  |
saumadāyana | m. (only plural) patronymic fr. su-mada- (or wrong reading for saumatāyana-)  |
saumanāyana | See su-manāyana-, p.1230.  |
śaunaḥśepa | n. (scilicet ākhyāna-) the story of śunaḥ-śepa-  |
śaunaka | m. (patronymic fr. śunaka- gaRa bidādi-) Name of various authors and teachers (also with indrota- and svaidāyana-; especially of the celebrated grammarian, author of the ṛg-veda- prātiśākhya-, the bṛhad-devatā-, and various other works;he is described as the teacher of kātyāyana- and especially of āśvalāyana-;he is said to have united the bāṣkala- and śākala- śākhā-s, and is sometimes identified with the Vedic ṛṣi- gṛtsa-mada-;but according to the viṣṇu-purāṇa-, śaunaka- was a son of gṛtsamada-, and originated the system of four castes;he is quoted in and ;the various legends about him are very confused) etc.  |
śauṇḍāyanya | m. a king of the śauṇḍāyana-s  |
sauvastika | n. equals svasty-ayana-  |
sāvitraciti | f. equals -cayana-,  |
sāvitrī | f. initiation as a member of the three twice-born classes by reciting the above verse and investing with the sacred thread (see under sāvitr/a-,and upa-nayana-) etc.  |
sāvitrī | f. of the wife of satya-vat- (king of śālva-;she was daughter of aśva-pati-, king of madra-, and is regarded as a type of conjugal love;her story is the subject of a fine episode of the mahā-bhārata-;See sāvitryupākhyāna-)  |
sāyakāyanin | m. pl. the school of sāyakāyana-  |
śayana | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a bed, couch, sleeping-place (accusative with bhaj-, ā-- ruh-, saṃ-viś-etc.,"to go to bed or to rest";with Causal of ā-ruh-,"to take to bed, have sexual intercourse with [acc.]"; śayanaṃ- śṛta-or ne sthita- mfn.gone to bed, being in bed) etc. |
sayana | m. Name of a son of viśvāmitra- (Bombay edition seyana-).  |
sāyana | mfn. proceeding in the way of an ayana- (q.v)  |
sāyana | mfn. connected with the word ayana-  |
śāyaṇḍāyanabhakta | mfn. inhabited by the śāyaṇḍāyana-s  |
śayyāsana | n. lying and sitting ( śayyāsanabhoga -bhoga- m.enjoyment of lying and sitting ; see śayanāsana-sevana-).  |
seyana | m. Name of a son of viśvāmitra- (varia lectio sayana-)  |
śī | cl.2 A1. ( ) ś/ete- (with guṇa- throughout the proper stem : thus, ś/aye-[in also 3. sg. ], ś/eṣe-etc., 3. plural ś/erate-[in also ś/ere-and Class. śayire-]; Potential ś/ayīta- etc.; imperative -śetām-and śayām- ; imperfect tense aśeta- etc., 3. plural aśerata-[in also /aśeran-], parasmE-pada ś/ayāna- etc.;Ved. and Epic also cl.1. ś/ayate-, ti-; imperfect tense /aśayat-and aśāyata- ; perfect tense śiśye-, śiśyire- ; parasmE-pada Ved. śaśayān/a-,Class. śiśyāna-; Aorist aśayiṣṭa- subjunctive ś/eṣan- ; future śayitā- sg. t/āse- ; śayiṣyate-, ti- ; śeṣyate-, ti- ; infinitive mood śay/adhyai- ; śayitum- ; ind.p. śayitvā- etc.; -śayya- ), to lie, lie down, recline, rest, repose etc. ; to remain unused (as soma-) ; to lie down to sleep, fall asleep, sleep etc. ; (with patye-) to lie down to a husband (for sexual intercourse) ; (madanena-śī-= "to be impotent") : Passive voice śayyate- grammar (Aorist aśāyi- , pr.p. once in śīyat-): Causal śāyayati-, te- (Aorist aśīśayat-), to cause to lie down, lay down, put, throw, fix on or in (locative case) etc. ; to cause to lie down, allow to rest or sleep : Desiderative śiśayiṣate-, to wish to rest or sleep : Intensive śāśayyate-, śeśayīti-, śeśeti- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek ,"to lie";, "a bed."])  |
siddhivāda | m. equals jñānagoṣṭhī- ( )  |
śila | m. ( also n.;for 2.See column 2) gleaning, gathering stalks or ears of corn (according to to on śila- equals aneka-dhānyonnayana- id est"gleaning more than one ear of corn at a time", opp. to uñcha- equals ekaika-dhānyādi-guḍakoccayana-) etc.  |
sīmanta | m. equals sīmanton-nayana- below  |
śiṃśapāyana | varia lectio for vaiśampāyana-  |
śīna | mfn. (fr. śyai-; see śīta-and śyāna-) congealed, frozen, coagulated, thick (see )  |
skandha | m. (with Buddhists) the five constituent elements of being (viz. rūpa-,"bodily form"; vedanā-,"sensation"; saṃjñā-,"perception"; saṃskāra-,"aggregate of formations"; vijñāna-,"consciousness or thought-faculty")  |
śmaśāna | n. (according to to for śmaśayana-above;but prob. for aśma-śayana-) an elevated place for burning dead bodies, crematorium, cemetery or burial-place for the bones of cremated corpses etc.  |
smṛti | f. the whole body of codes of law as handed down memoriter or by tradition (especially the codes of manu- yājñavalkya- and the 16 succeeding inspired lawgivers, viz. atri-, viṣṇu-, hārīta-, uśanas- or śukra-, aṅgiras-, yama-, āpastamba-, saṃvarta-, kātyāyana-, bṛhas-pati-, parāśara-, vyāsa-, śaṅkha-, likhīta-, dakṣa- and gautama-;all these lawgivers being held to be inspired and to have based their precepts on the veda-; see ) etc.  |
snānasūtra | n. Name of a sūtra- work ascribed to kātyāyana- (also -pariśiṣṭa-)  |
sodayana | mfn. together with udayana-  |
sopāna | n. (perhaps contracted fr. sa-+ upāyana-) stairs, steps, a staircase, ladder to (genitive case or compound)  |
śrautasmārtakarmapaddhati | f. Name of work (equals kātyāyana-sūtra-p-).  |
śrautasūtra | n. Name of particular sūtra-s or sūtra- works based on śruti- or the veda- (ascribed to various authors, such as āpastamba-, āśvalāyana-, kātyāyana-, drāhyāyaṇa- etc.; see )  |
śrāvaka | m. a disciple of the buddha- (the disciples of the hīna-yāna- school are sometimes so called in contradistinction to the disciples of the mahā-yāna- school;properly only those who heard the law from the buddha-'s own lips have the name śrāvaka-,and of these two, viz. Sariputta and Moggallana, were agra-śrāvaka-s, "chief disciples", while eighty, including kāśyapa-, upāli-, and ānanda-, were mahā-śrāvaka-s or"great disciples")  |
śrāvakayāna | n. the vehicle of the śrāvaka- (see under yāna-)  |
śrutabandhu | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (having the patronymic gaupāyana-or laupāyana-and author of )  |
stha | mf(ā-)n. occupied with, engaged in, devoted to performing, practising (See dhyāna--, yajña--, yoga--, savana-stha-etc.)  |
sthairakāyaṇa | m. (yana-), metron. of mitra-varcas-.  |
styai | cl.1 P. styāyati-, to be collected into a heap or mass ; to spread about ; to sound ; cl.1 A1. styāyate- (pr. p. styāna- q.v; ind.p. -styāya-;See ni-ṣṭyai-), to stiffen, grow dense, increase  |
subandhu | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (having the patronymic gaupāyana- or laupāyana- and author of various hymns in )  |
subandhu | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (having the patronymic gaupāyana- or laupāyana- and author of various hymns in )  |
sūd | (prob. connected with svad-) cl.1 A1. ( ) sūdate- (occurring only in the reduplicated forms suṣūdima- ; s/uṣūdati-or dat- ; suṣūd/ata- ; grammar also future sūditā-, diṣyati-), to put or keep in order, guide aright : Causal or cl.10. (see ) sūd/ayati-, te- (parasmE-pada sūdayāna- ; Aorist asūṣudat-, ta-) idem or 'm. equals su-tr- Name of indra- ' ; to manage, arrange, prepare, effect, contrive ; to settle id est put an end to, kill, slay (also inanimate objects) etc. ; to squeeze, press, destroy : Desiderative susūdiṣate- grammar : Intensive sosūdyate-, sosūtti-  |
śūdrāvedana | n. equals -pariṇayana-  |
sūkaraka | n. equals sūkara-nayana-  |
sulhaṇa | m. Name of the author of the su-kavi-hṛdayānandinī- (a commentator or commentary on kedāra-'s vṛtta-ratnākara-)  |
suptavijñāna | n. equals -jñāna-  |
suśārada | m. Name of a teacher (with the patronymic śālaṅkāyana-).  |
suśarman | m. of śāṃśapāyana-  |
sutemanas | m. Name of a preceptor (having the patronymic śāṇḍilyāyana-).  |
svāmin | m. of the muni- vātsyāyana-  |
svarasāman | m. (sv/ara--) Name of the three days before and after the viṣuvat- of the gavāmayana- (id est the last three days of the first, and the first three days of the second half-year)  |
tad | (Nominal verb and accusative sg. n.of and base in compound for 2. t/a-from which latter all the cases of this pronoun are formed except Nominal verb sg. m. s/as-or s/a-& f. s/ā-; instrumental case plural t/ais- etc.;Ved. t/ebhis- etc.) m. he f. she n. it, that, this (often correlative of y/a-generally standing in the preceding clause exempli gratia, 'for example' yasya buddhiḥ sa balavān-,"of whom there is intellect he is strong";sometimes, for the sake of emphasis, connected with the 1st and 2nd personal pronouns, with other demonstratives and with relatives exempli gratia, 'for example' so 'ham-,"I that very person, I myself"[ tasya- equals mama- ]; tāv imau-,"those very two"; tad etad ākhyānam-,"that very tale" ; yat tat kāraṇam-,"that very reason which" ; yā sā śrī-,"that very fortune which" ) etc.  |
taimirika | mfn. equals timira nayana-  |
tairyagayanika | mfn. measured by the revolution (tiryag-ayana-) of the sun (a year)  |
taittiri | m. Name of a sage (elder brother of vaiśampāyana- ) (varia lectio titt- plural)  |
taittirīyasaṃhitā | f. the saṃhitā- of the taittirīya-s (chief recension of the Black YV. , on the origin of which has the following legend: the YV. was first taught by vaiśampāyana- to 27 pupils, among whom was yājñavalkya-;subsequently V. being offended with Y. bade him disgorge the veda- committed to him, which he did in a tangible form;whereupon the older disciples of V. being commanded to pick it up, took the form of partridges, and swallowed the soiled texts, hence named"black";the other name taittirīya-referring to the partridges. Y. then received from the Sun a new or white version of the YV. , called from Y.'s patronymic vājasaneyin-).  |
tāṇḍin | m. plural ( ) Name of a school of the (founded by a pupil of vaiśampāyana- ; see ) Scholiast or Commentator on ( = )  |
tāpanīya | m. plural Name of a school of the (to which several upaniṣad-s belong) (varia lectio pāyana-).  |
tātparyapariśuddhi | f. Name of work by udayana-.  |
timira | mf(ā-)n. equals -nayana-  |
traihāyaṇa | n. (varia lectio yana- ) a period of 3 years  |
traiśṛṅga | m. patronymic fr. tri-ś- (gāyana- )  |
triyugma | mfn. possessing 3 pairs (yaśo-vīrye-, aiśvarya-śriyau-, jñāna-vairāgye-)  |
unnayana | n. making a straight line, or parting the hair (of a pregnant woman) upwards (See sīmantonnayana-)  |
upākhyāna | n. (fr. ā-khyāna-with upa-), a subordinate tale or story, an episode (see nalopā-.)  |
upanaya | upa-nayana- See .  |
upanāya | m. leader , initiation, equals upa-nayana-  |
upanayana | n. that ceremony in which a Guru draws a boy towards himself and initiates him into one of the three twice-born classes (one of the twelve saṃskāra-s or purificatory rites [prescribed in the dharma-- sūtra-s and explained in the gṛhya-- sūtra-s] in which the boy is invested with the sacred thread [different for the three castes] and thus endowed with second or spiritual birth and qualified to learn the veda- by heart;a Brahman is initiated in the eighth year [or seventh according to hiraṇyakeśin-;or eighth from conception, according to śāṅkhāyana- etc.], a kṣatriya- in the eleventh, a vaiśya- in the twelfth;but the term could be delayed)  |
upanāyana | n. initiation equals upa-nayana- above.  |
upanīti | f. initiation equals upa-nayana- above  |
upasmṛti | f. a minor law-book (the following authors of such books are named jābāli-, nāciketa-, skanda-, laugākṣin-, kaśyapa-, vyāsa-, sanatkumāra-, śatarju-, janaka-, vyāghra-, kātyāyana-, jātūkarṇya-, kapiñjala-, baudhāyana-, kaṇāda-, and viśvāmitra-)  |
uttaramīmāṃsā | f. the vedānta- philosophy (an inquiry into the jñāna-kāṇḍa- or second portion of the veda-;opposed to pūrva-mīmāṃsā-;See mimāṃsā-):  |
vāhlāyana | vāhli-, vāhlīka- See bālhāyana- etc.  |
vaidhṛta | m. (fr. vi-dhṛti-) Name of a particular yoga- (or conjunction of the sun and moon when they are on the same side of either solstitial point [i.e. in the same ayana-, whether uttarāyaṇa- or dakṣiṇāyana-] and of equal declination, and when the sum of their longitude amounts to 360 degrees;this is considered a malignant aspect see vy-atipāta-)  |
vaijayika | mf(ī-)n. conferring or foretelling victory (kīnāṃ-[ varia lectio kānāṃ-] vidyānāṃjñānam-,one of the 64 arts)  |
vaijñānika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. vi-jñāna-) rich in knowledge, proficient  |
vainayika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. vi-naya-) relating to moral conduct or discipline or good behaviour (vainayikīnāṃ-[ wrong reading kānāṃ-] vidyānāṃ jñānam-"knowledge of the sciences relating to such subjects", reckoned among the 64 arts)  |
vaiśampāyanīya | mfn. of or belonging to vaiśampāyana-  |
vaitāna | m. a patronymic (varia lectio vaitāyana-)  |
vājapeya | m. equals vājapeye bhavo mantraḥ-, or vājapeyasya vyākhyānaṃ kalpaḥ- on vArttika 5 etc.  |
vājasaneyisaṃhitā | f. "the saṃhitā- or continuous text of the vājasaneyin-s" (id est of the hymns of the White yajur-veda- ascribed to the ṛṣi- yājñavalkya- and called śukla-,"white", to distinguish it from the Black or Dark yajur-veda-, which was the name given to the taittirīya-saṃhitā- [q.v.] of the yajur-veda-, because in this last, the separation between the mantra- and brāhmaṇa- portion is obscured, and the two are blended together;whereas the White saṃhitā- is clearly distinguished from the brāhmaṇa-;it is divided into 40 adhyāya-s with 303 anuvāka-s, comprising 1975 sections or kaṇḍikā-s: the legend relates that the original yajus- was taught by the ṛṣi- vaiśampāyana- to his pupil yājñavalkya-, but the latter having incurred his teacher's anger was made to disgorge all the texts he had learnt, which were then picked up by vaiśampāyana-'s other disciples in the form of partridges [see taittirīya-saṃhitā-] yājñavalkya- then hymned the Sun, who gratified by his homage, appeared in the form of a vājin-or horse, and consented to give him fresh yajus- texts, which were not known to his former master; see vājin-)  |
vāmanetrā | f. equals -nayanā-  |
vāmekṣaṇā | f. equals vāma-nayanā-  |
vararuci | m. Name of a grammarian (also a poet, lexicographer, and writer on medicine, sometimes identified with kātyāyana-, the reputed author of the vārttika-s or supplementary rules of pāṇini-; he is placed by some among the nine gems of the court of vikramāditya-, and by others among the ornaments of the court of bhoja-; he was the author of the Prakrit grammar called prākṛta-prakāśa-, and is said to be the first grammarian who reduced the various dialects of Prakrit to a system)  |
vārttika | n. an explanatory or supplementary rule, critical gloss or annotation (added to a grammatical or philosophical sūtra- and defined to be"the exposition of the meaning, of that which is said, of that which is left unsaid, and of that which is ill or imperfectly said";the term vārttika- is, however, especially applied to kātyāyana-'s critical annotations on the aphorisms of pāṇini-'s grammar, the object of which is to consider whether pāṇini-'s rules are correct or not, and to improve on them where this may be found to be necessary;and also to similar works on various matters by kumārila-, sureśvara- etc.; see tantra-v-, śloka-v-)  |
vārttikābharaṇa | n. Name of a commentator or commentary on the ṭupṭīkā- (q.v,also called ṭupṭīkā-vyākhyāna-).  |
vārttikakāra | m. "composer of vārttika-s", Name of kātyāyana-, kumārila- etc.  |
vāsavadattā | f. Name of various women (especially of the wife of udayana-, king of vatsa- and daughter of king caṇḍa-mahā-sena- of ujjayinī-[ ]or of king pradyota-[ ],to whom she offered herself after having been betrothed by her father to saṃjaya-[ ];and of the heroine of subandhu-'s novel, who is represented to have been betrothed by her father to puṣpa-ketu-, but carried off by kandarpa-ketu-)  |
vāsāyanika | mfn. (fr. 3. vāsa-+ ayana-) going from house to house, making visits  |
vāsta | vāstāyana-, vāstika- See bāsta- etc.  |
vāstuvidya | mfn. (fr. next) relating to architecture gaRa ṛg-ayanādi-  |
vasu | n. (in veda- genitive case v/asos-, v/asvas-and v/asunas-;also plural,exceptionally m.) wealth, goods, riches, property etc. ( vasoṣpati soṣ-pati- m.prob."the god of wealth or property" [ asoṣ-p-,"the god of life"]; vasordhārā sor-dh/ārā- f."stream of wealth", Name of a particular libation of ghṛta- at the agni-cayana- etc.;of the wife of agni- ;of the heavenly gaṅgā- ;of sacred bathing-place ;of a kind of vessel ; vasordhārāprayoga sor-dh/ārā-prayoga- m.Name of work)  |
vātādhvan | m. "wind-way", air-hole, a round window (see 1. vātāyana-).  |
vātavat | m. Name of a man (see vātavata-; dṛti-vātavator ayanam-Name of a sattra- )  |
vatāyana | wrong reading for vātūyana-.  |
vātayāna | n. (= vātā- yana-), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding iii, 20  |
vatsapati | m. Name of udayana-  |
vātsāyana | wrong reading for vātsyāyana-.  |
vātsyāyana | mf(ī-)n. relating to or composed by vātsyāyana-  |
vātsyāyanabhāṣya | n. Name of vātsyāyana-'s commentator or commentary on the nyāya-- sūtra-s.  |
vātsyāyanīya | n. a work composed by vātsyāyana- (especially the kāma-- sūtra-s)  |
vāyu | m. the wind of the body, a vital air (of which 5 are reckoned, viz. prāṇa-, apāna-, samāna-, udāna-,and vyāna-;or nāga-, kūrma-, kṛkara-, devadatta-,and dhanaṃ-jaya-)  |
vedānta | m. Name of the second and most important part of the mīmāṃsā- or third of the three great divisions of Hindu philosophy (called vedānta- either as teaching the ultimate scope of the veda- or simply as explained in the upaniṣad-s which come at the end of the veda-;this system, although belonging to the mīmāṃsā- [q.v.] and sometimes called uttara-mīmāṃsā-,"examination of the later portion or jñāna-kāṇḍa-[q.v.] of the veda-", is really the one sole orthodox exponent of the pantheistic creed of the Hindus of the present day - a creed which underlies all the polytheism and multiform mythology of the people;its chief doctrine [as expounded by śaṃkara-] is that of advaita- id est that nothing really exists but the One Self or Soul of the Universe called brahman- [neut.] or paramātman-, and that the jīvātman- or individual human soul and indeed all the phenomena of nature are really identical with the paramātman-, and that their existence is only the result of ajñāna- [otherwise called avidyā-] or an assumed ignorance on the part of that one universal Soul which is described as both Creator and Creation;Actor and Act;Existence, Knowledge and Joy, and as devoid of the three qualities [see guṇa-];the liberation of the human soul, its deliverance from transmigrations, and re-union with the paramātman-, with which it is really identified, is only to be effected by a removal of that ignorance through a proper understanding of the vedānta-;this system is also called brahma-mīmāṃsā- and śārīrakamīmāṃsā-,"inquiring into Spirit or embodied Spirit";the founder of the school is said to have been vyāsa-, also called bādarāyaṇa-, and its most eminent teacher was śaṃkarācārya-) etc.  |
vedāntāloka | m. a collective Name of vijñāna-bhikṣu-'s dissertations on a number of upaniṣad-s.  |
vedāntasārasāra | m. Name of work (or -jñāna-bodhinī-,an abstract of sadānanda-'s vedānta-sāra-)  |
vedārthapradīpikā | f. Name of work (by kātyāyana-- śiṣya-) |
vedavratavidhi | m. (or -vratānāṃ-vidhi-) Name of a pariśiṣṭa- of kātyāyana-. |
vedāyana | wrong reading for baidāyana-.  |
vī | in compound = 3. vi- (in vī-kāśa-, -cayana-, -taṃsa-, -nāha-, -barha-, -mārga-, -rudh-, -vadha-, -vāha-, -vidha-, -vṛta-, -sarpa-, -hāra-,qq.vv.)  |
vijñāna | n. worldly or profane knowledge (opp. to jñāna-,"knowledge of the true nature of God") etc.  |
vilāpana | n. a particular product of milk (see vi-layana-).  |
vimalanirdeśa | m. Name of a mahāyāna-sūtra-  |
viparītākhyānakī | f. "inverted ākhyānakī-", a kind of metre  |
viparītāyana | n. a contrary ayana- or progress of the sun from solstice to solstice ( viparītāyanagata -gata- mfn.situated in contrary ayana-s)  |
viprabandhu | m. "Brahman's friend", Name of the author of (having the patronymic gaupāyana- or laupāyana-)  |
vīrasenaja | m. "son of vīra-sena-", Name of nala- (the hero of several well-known poems exempli gratia, 'for example' the nalopākhyāna-, naiṣadha-, nalodaya-)  |
vīrasenasuta | m. "son of vīra-sena-", Name of nala- (the hero of several well-known poems exempli gratia, 'for example' the nalopākhyāna-, naiṣadha-, nalodaya-)  |
viśabdana | n. ( śabd-) equals prati-jañāna- on  |
viṣamavilocana | m. "three-eyed", Name of śiva- (see -nayana-above)  |
viśampa | mfn. (accusative of 2. viś-+ pa-), people."protecting", Name of a man (?) gaRa aśvādi- (see vaiśampāyana-).  |
viṣṇugupta | m. "hidden by viṣṇu-", Name of the muni- vātsyāyana-  |
viśrāntavigrahakatha | mfn. one in whom,"war"or"a body" (see vi-graha-) is out of the question id est "unwarlike"and"bodiless"(applied to king udayana- and to the god of love)  |
viśvajit | m. Name of an ekāha- in the gavām-ayana- rite (the 4th day after the viṣuvat-) etc.  |
viśvasṛj | m. creator of the universe (of whom there are ten according to to some) etc. (-sṛjām ayana- n.a particular festival )  |
vraṇasāmānyakarmaprakāśa | m. Name of a section of the jñāna-bhāskara-.  |
vratopāyana | n. presents of cakes etc. (to be eaten during a religious feast equals vāyana-)  |
vratopāyanīya | mfn. belonging to the vratopāyana- etc.  |
vṛddha | mfn. grown up, full-grown, advanced in years, aged, old, senior (often in compound with the names of authors, especially of authors of law-books[ see ] , to denote either an older recension of their works or the work of some older authors of the same name; see vṛddha-kātyāyana-, -garga-etc.) etc.  |
vṛddhabaudhāyana | m. the old baudhāyana- or an older recension of baudhāyana-'s law-book  |
vṛddhakātyāyana | m. the older kātyāyana- or an older recension of kātyāyana-'s law-book  |
vṛddhatā | f. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') pre-eminence in (exempli gratia, 'for example' jñāna-v-,"in knowledge")  |
vyānabhṛt | mfn. maintaining the vyāna-  |
vyānadṛh | mfn. (Nominal verb -dh/ṛk-) making the vyāna- strong or durable  |
vyānodāna | m. dual number vyāna- and udāna-  |
vyapanaya | m. taking away, removal (varia lectio vy-apayana-).  |
vyāsa | m. "arranger, compiler", Name of a celebrated mythical sage and author (often called veda-vyāsa- and regarded as the original compiler and arranger of the veda-s, vedānta-- sūtra-s etc.;he was the son of the sage parāśara- and satyavatī-, and half-brother of vicitra-vīrya- and bhīṣma-;he was also called vādarāyaṇa- or bādarāyaṇa-, and kṛṣṇa- from his dark complexion, and dvaipāyana- because he was brought forth by satyavatī- on a dvīpa- or island in the Jumna;when grown up he retired to the wilderness to lead the life of a hermit, but at his mother's request returned to become the husband of vicitra-vīrya-'s two childless widows, by whom he was the father of the blind dhṛta-rāṣṭra- and of pāṇḍu-; he was also the father of vidura- [ q.v ] by a slave girl, and of śuka-, the supposed narrator of the bhāgavata-- purāṇa-, he was also the supposed compiler of the mahā-bhārata-, the purāṇa-s, and other portions of Hindu sacred literature; but the name vyāsa- seems to have been given to any great typical compiler or author) see  |
vyatipāta | m. ( pat-) Name of a particular astronomical yoga- (when sun and moon are in the opposite ayana- and have the same declination, the sum of their longitudes being = 180 degrees) (see vy-atī-pāsa-)  |
yajñavacas | m. (yajñ/a--) Name of a teacher (with the patronymic rāmastambāyana-; plural his family)  |
yajñopavīta | n. the investiture of youths of the three twice-born castes with the sacred thread or (in later times) the thread itself (worn over the left shoulder and hanging down under the right;originally put on only during the performance of sacred ceremonies but its position occasionally changed[ see prācīnāvītin-, nivītin-];in modern times assumed by other castes, as by the vaidya-s or medical caste in Bengal; see upanayana-and ) etc.  |
yāmyāyana | n. the sun's progress south of the equator, the winter solstice (equals dakṣiṇāyana-)  |
yāna | n. (with Buddhists) the vehicle or method of arriving at knowledge, the means of release from repeated births (there are either 3 systems, the śrāvaka-yāna-,the pratyeka-buddha-y-or pratyeka-y-,and the mahā-y-;or more generally only 2, the mahā-yāna-or"Great method"and the hina-y-or"Lesser method";sometimes there is only"One Vehicle", the eka-yāna-,or "one way to beatitude") (see )  |
yaugaṃdharāyaṇa | m. Name of a minister of king udayana-  |
yogāṅga | n. a constituent or part of the Yoga, means of attaining it (generally said to be 8 in number, viz. yama-, niyama-, āsana-, prāṇāyāma-, pratyāhāra-, dhāraṇā-, dhyāna-,and samādhi-,or according to another authority 6, viz. āsana-, prāṇasaṃrodha-,with the last four as enumerated above ), |
yuñjaka | mfn. applying, performing, practising (exempli gratia, 'for example' dhyāna-y-,practising devotion)  |
yūpalakṣaṇa | n. Name of the 1st pariśiṣṭa- of kātyāyana-.  |