abhidhyai | -dhyāyati-, to direct one's intention to, set one's heart upon, intend, desire etc. ; to meditate  |
āhve | P. -hvayati- (but also Potential 1. sg. ā-huvema- ) A1. -hvayate- (but also 1. sg. /ā-huve- ; Aorist 3. plural /āhūṣata- ; infinitive mood -huv/adhyai- -hvayitav/ai- ) to call near, invoke invite, summon, cite etc. ; to provoke, challenge, emulate (in this sense only A1. ) etc. ; to call to (especially in rites said of the hotṛ-, who addresses the adhvaryu- by the ā-hāva- or ā-hvāna-;See below) and ; to proclaim : Causal -hvāyayati-, to cause to call near, send for ; to cause to summon or challenge or invite : Desiderative -juhūṣati-, to wish to call near, to be about to call near: Intensive /ā-johavīti- , to call near zealously.  |
ānī | P. -nayati- (1. plural /ā-nayāmasi- ; imperative 2. sg. /ā-naya-,3. sg. /ā-nayatu-; perfect tense /ā-nināya- ,and ā-nin/āya- ; infinitive mood -netav/ai- ) A1. (1. sg. -naye- ) to lead towards or near ; to bring, carry to a place (accusative or locative case) ; to fetch etc. ; (perf. periphr. -nayāmāsa- ) to cause to bring or fetch ; to bring back or take back ; to pour in, mix in etc. ; to bring any one to, reduce to any state ; to deduce, calculate ; to use, employ, prove: Causal P. -nāyayati-, to cause to be brought or fetched or led near etc.: Desiderative -ninīṣati-, to intend or wish to bring near |
anu | m. Name of a king (one of yayāti-'s sons)  |
āpā | P. -pibati-, (imperative 2. dual number /āpibatam- ; perfect tense -papau-: Passive voice -pīyate-,etc.) to drink in, suck in or up ; to sip ; to drink in with ears or eyes id est to hear or See with attention, hang on ; to absorb, take away: Causal -pāyayati-, to cause to drink or suck in  |
apavye | P. A1. -vyayati- (1. sg. -vyaye-) to uncover : A1. (pr. p. -vyayamāna-) to extricate one's self, deny  |
āpyai | A1. -pyāyate- (imperative /ā-pyāyasva- ; Aorist subjunctive 1. plural ā-pyāyiṣīmahi- ) to swell, increase ; to grow larger or fat or comfortable ; to thrive ; to become full or strong ; to abound etc. ; to make full ; to enlarge, strengthen : Causal /ā-pyāyayati- ( ; Aorist subjunctive /ā-pīpayan- ) to cause to swell ; to make full, fill up ; to enlarge ; to cause to grow, increase ; to make fat or strong or comfortable ; to confirm etc. ; to help forward ; to cause to increase or get the upper hand (exempli gratia, 'for example' a disease)  |
atipā | Causal P. -pāyayati-, to give to drink in great quantity  |
avaso | -syati- (Imper. 2. dual number -syatam-; Aorist subjunctive -sāt-) to loosen, deliver from ; (Imper. 2. sg. -sya-; Aorist /avāsāt- etc. Aorist 3. plural /avāsur- ; ind.p. -s/āya- ; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood -sai- ) Vedic or Veda to unharness (horses), put up at any one's house, settle, rest etc. ; to take, one's abode or standing-place in or upon (locative case) ; to finish, terminate (one's work) etc. ; to be finished, be at an end, be exhausted ; to choose or appoint (as a place for dwelling or for a sacrifice) ; (Potential 2. sg. -seyās-; see ) to decide , to obtain : Causal -sāyayati- (ind.p. -s/āyya-) to cause to take up one's abode in or upon (locative case) ; (ind.p. -sāyya-) to complete ; (infinitive mood [in Passive voice sense] -sāyyayitum-) to ascertain, clearly distinguish Passive voice -sīyate- (see ) to be obtained ; to be insisted upon (edition Bombay edition in active sense "to insist upon") ; to be ascertained  |
bhī | cl.3 P. ( ) bibh/eti- (dual number bibhītas-or bibhitas- Potential bibhīyāt-or bibhiyāt- ; Potential 3. plural bibhyeyuḥ- ; imperfect tense 3. plural abibhayuḥ- ; Epic also A1.1. sg. bibhye-and and P.3. sg. bibhyati- plural bibhyanti-;Ved. also cl.1 A1. bh/ayate-,and accord, to ,cl.10. P. bhāyayati-; perfect tense bibhāya-,3. plural bibhyuḥ- etc.; bībhāya- ; bibhay/āṃ cakara- confer, compare ; Aorist abhaiṣīt-, ṣma-, ṣuḥ- etc., 2. sg. bhaiṣīs- , bhais- etc., especially in mābhais-,"do not be afraid";once for plural equals mā bhaiṣṭa- ; bhes- ; bhema- , parasmE-pada A1. bhiyān/a- ,; future bhetā- grammar;cond, abheṣyat- ; infinitive mood bhiy/ase- ; bhetum- etc.) , to fear, be afraid of (ablative or genitive case,rarely instr, or accusative) etc. ; to fear for, be anxious about (ablative) : Passive voice bhīyate-, Aorist , abhāyi- grammar : Causal bhīṣ/ayate- ( etc.; confer, compare ), bhīṣayati- ( ;once mc. bhiṣ- ; parasmE-pada bhīṣayāṇa- ; Aorist bībhiṣaḥ- , ṣathāḥ- ), bhāyayati-, te- ( ; Potential bhāyayes- ; varia lectio bhīṣayes-; Aorist bībhayat-, /abībhayanta- ; ind.p. -bhāyya- ), bhāpayate- ( ), to terrify, put in a fright, intimidate etc. etc.: Desiderative bibhīṣati- grammar : Intensive bebhīyate-, bebhayīti-, bebheti- [ confer, compare bhyas-; Lithuanian bijo4tis; Slavonic or Slavonian bojati; German biben,beben.]  |
bhrī | cl.9 P. ( ) bhrī ṇāti- or bhriṇāti- (only proper 3. plural bhrīṇ/anti- ; grammar also perfect tense bibhrāya-; future bhretā-, bhreṣyati- Aorist abhraiṣīt-), to injure, hurt ( - hiṃs- "to be angry"see bhṛṇīya-; grammar"to fear"or"to bear") : Causal bhrāyayati- grammar : Desiderative bibhrīṣati- : Intensive bebhrīyate-, bebhrayīti-, bebhreti-  |
candravaṃśa | m. the lunar race of kings (2nd great line of royal dynasties, the progenitor of which was soma- the Moon, child of the ṛṣi- atri- and father of budha- [Mercury see candra-ja-];the latter married iḷā-, daughter of the solar king ikṣvāku-, and had by her a son, aila- or purūravas-;this last had a son by urvaśī-, named āyus-, from whom came nahuṣa-, father of yayāti-;the latter had two sons, puru- and yadu-, from whom proceeded the two branches of the lunar line;in that of yadu- was born kṛṣṇa- and bala-rāma-;in that of puru- came duṣyanta-, hero of the śakuntalā- and father of the great bharata-; 9th from bharata- came kuru-, and 14th from him śāntanu-, who had a son vicitra-vīrya- and a step-son vyāsa-;the latter married the two widows of his half-brother, and had by them dhṛtarāṣṭra- and pāṇḍu-, the wars of whose sons form the subject of the ) (see sūrya-v-.)  |
cho | cl.4. chyati- ( ; perf. 3. plural cacchur- see Va1rtt. 2 ; Aorist acchāt-and acchāsīt-, ) to cut off, cut : Causal chāyayati- ; see anu--, ava--, ā--.  |
ci | cl.5. cin/oti-, nute- (1. plural cinumas-and nmas- ; perf. cikāya-and cicāya-, ;2. cicetha-, ;3. plural ciky/ur- ; parasmE-pada cikivas- ; A1. cikye-and cicye- ; parasmE-pada cikyān/a- v; 2nd future parasmE-pada ceṣyat- ; 1st future cetā- ; Aorist acaiṣīt- on ;Ved. cikayām akar-, ;1. sg. acaiṣam-,2. sg. acais- ;3. plural acaiṣur- ; A1. aceṣṭa- ; preceding ceṣīṣṭa- , or cīyāt-, ; ind.p. citv/ā- etc.; Passive voice cīyate- etc.; future cāyiṣyate-& ceṣy- Conditional acāyiṣyata-& aceṣy- ) to arrange in order, heap up, pile up, construct (a sacrificial altar; P.,if the priests construct the altar for another; A1.,if the sacrificer builds it for himself) ; to collect, gather together, accumulate, acquire for one's self ; to search through (for collecting; see 2. ci-) ( ) ; to cover, inlay, set with ; Passive voice cīyate-, to become covered with ; to increase, thrive ( ) : Causal cayayati- and capay-, to heap up, gather ; cāyayati- and cāpay- : Desiderative cikīṣate- (also ti-, ) to wish to pile up ; cicīṣati- ( [ed. vivīṣ-] ) to wish to accumulate or collect : Desiderative Causal (parasmE-pada cicīṣayat-) to cause any one to wish to arrange in order : Intensive cecīyate- on  |
devayānī | f. Name of a daughter of uśanas- or śukrācārya- (wife of yayāti- and mother of yadu- and turvasu-)  |
dhūmāya | Nom. P. A1. yati-, te-, to smoke, steam etc.: Causal yayati-, to cause to smoke or steam  |
druhyu | m. sg. Name of a son of yayāti- and brother of yadu- etc. (wrong reading d/uhyu-) (varia lectio druhya-)  |
dyai | cl.1 P. dyāyati- ( ) , to despise, ill-treat. |
go | f. Name of a daughter of kakut-stha- and wife of yayāti-  |
gopāya | Nom. P. (fr. go-p/ā-; see gup-) y/ati- (see ; Aorist agopāyīt- ), to represent a cowherd, act like a herdsman ; to guard, protect, preserve etc. ; to hide, conceal (Passive voice gopāyyate-) : Causal gopāyayati-, to preserve, protect (see abhi--, pari--.)  |
hve | cl.1 P. A1. ( ) hv/ayati-, te- (Vedic or Veda also h/avate-and huv/ati-, te-; other present forms are hve- ; hvāmahe- ; h/oma-, hūm/ahe-, juhūm/asi- ; p. huvān/a-[with pass. sense] ; hvayāna- ; perfect tense juhāva-, juhuvuḥ- etc.; juhv/e-, juhūr/e- ; juhuve-, huhurire- ; hvayāṃ-āsa-and hvayāṃ-cakre- ; Aorist /ahvat-, ahvata-[or ahvāsta- ] etc. etc.; ahvi- ; /ahūmahi-, ahūṣata- ; ahvāsīt-[?] ; future hvātā- grammar; hvayiṣyati-, te- ; hvāsyate- ; infinitive mood Class. hvātum-; Vedic or Veda h/avitave-, hv/ayitum-, tav/ai-; huv/adhyai-; ind.p. Class. hūtvā-;Ved. -h/ūya-and -hāvam-), to call, call upon, summon, challenge, invoke (with nāmnā-,"to call by name"; with yuddhe-,"to challenge to fight") etc. ; to emulate, vie with : Passive voice hūy/ate- (Aorist /ahāvi-,or ahvāyi-), to be called etc. : Causal hvāyayati- (Aorist ajūhavat-or ajuhāvat-), to cause anyone (accusative) to be challenged by (instrumental case) : Desiderative juhūṣati-, te- grammar : Intensive johūyate- or j/ohavīti- (johuvanta-, ajohavuḥ-, j/ohuvat-, j/ohuvāna- ) or johoti- (grammar), to call on, invoke etc. [ confer, compare Greek .] |
i | cl.2 P. /eti- (imperative 2. sg. ih/i-) and 1. P. A1. /ayati-, ayate- ([ confer, compare ay-]), (perfect tense iyāya-[2. sg. iy/atha- , and iy/etha- ] future eṣyati-; Aorist aiṣīt-; infinitive mood etum-, /etave- and , /etav/ai- /etos- ity/ai- ) to go, walk ; to flow ; to blow ; to advance, spread, get about ; to go to or towards (with accusative), come etc. ; to go away, escape, pass, retire ; to arise from, come from ; to return (in this sense only future) ; (with punar-) to come back again, return etc. ; to succeed ; to arrive at, reach, obtain etc. ; to fall into, come to ; to approach with prayers, gain by asking (confer, compare ita-) ; to undertake anything (with accusative) ; to be employed in, go on with, continue in any condition or relation (with a participle or instrumental case exempli gratia, 'for example' asura-rakṣasāni mṛdyamānāni yanti-,"the asura-s and Rakshases are being continually crushed" ; gavāmayaneneyuḥ-,"they, were engaged in the [festival called] gavāmayana-" ) ; to appear, be : Intensive A1. /īyate- ( ; parasmE-pada iyān/a- ; infinitive mood iy/adhyai- ) to go quickly or repeatedly ; to come, wander, run, spread, get about ; to appear, make one's appearance ; to approach any one with requests (with two accusative), ask, request : Passive voice /īyate-, to be asked or requested : Causal āyayati-, to cause to go or escape ; ([ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin e-o,i1-mus,i-ter,etc.; Lithuanian ei-mi4,"I go"; Slavonic or Slavonian i-du7,"I go",i-ti,"to go"; Gothic i-ddja,"I went."])  |
jri | or jrī- (= jṝ-) cl.1.9.10. jrayat/i-, jriṇāti-, jrāyayati-, to grow old (varia lectio)  |
kṛṣṇa | m. Name of a celebrated Avatar of the god viṣṇu-, or sometimes identified with viṣṇu- himself ([ ]) as distinct from his ten Avata1rsAvatars or incarnations (in the earlier legends he appears as a great hero and teacher[ ];in the more recent he is deified, and is often represented as a young and amorous shepherd with flowing hair and a flute in his hand;the following are a few particulars of his birth and history as related in and in the purāṇa-s etc.: vasu-deva-, who was a descendant of yadu- and yayāti-, had two wives, rohiṇī- and devakī-;the latter had eight sons of whom the eighth was kṛṣṇa-; kaṃsa-, king of mathurā- and cousin of devakī-, was informed by a prediction that one of these sons would kill him;he therefore kept vasu-deva- and his wife in confinement, and slew their first six children;the seventh was balarāma- who was saved by being abstracted from the womb of devakī- and transferred to that of rohiṇī-;the eighth was kṛṣṇa- who was born with black skin and a peculiar mark on his breast;his father vasu-deva- managed to escape from mathurā- with the child, and favoured by the gods found a herdsman named nanda- whose wife yaśo-dā- had just been delivered of a son which vasu-deva- conveyed to devakī- after substituting his own in its place. nanda- with his wife yaśo-dā- took the infant kṛṣṇa- and settled first in gokula- or vraja-, and afterwards in vṛndāvana-, where kṛṣṇa- and bala-rāma- grew up together, roaming in the woods and joining in the sports of the herdsmen's sons; kṛṣṇa- as a youth contested the sovereignty of indra-, and was victorious over that god, who descended from heaven to praise kṛṣṇa-, and made him lord over the cattle[ ]; kṛṣṇa- is described as sporting constantly with the gopī-s or shepherdesses[ ]of whom a thousand became his wives, though only eight are specified, rādhā- being the favourite[ ]; kṛṣṇa- built and fortified a city called dvārakā- in Gujarat, and thither transported the inhabitants of mathurā- after killing kaṃsa-; kṛṣṇa- had various wives besides the gopī-s, and by rukmiṇī- had a son pradyumna- who is usually identified with kāma-deva-;with Jains, kṛṣṇa- is one of the nine black vasu-deva-s;with Buddhists he is the chief of the black demons, who are the enemies of buddha- and the white demons) |
kṣi | cl.1 P. kṣayati- (only once ) cl.5 P. kṣiṇoti- ( etc.;1. sg. kṣiṇ/omi- for ṇ/āmi-of ) cl.9 P. kṣiṇ/āti- (3. plural kṣiṇ/anti-; perf. 3. dual number cikṣiyatur- on ), to destroy, corrupt, ruin, make an end of (accusative), kill, injure etc.: Passive voice kṣīy/ate- ( ;3. plural kṣ/īyante- ; Aorist subjunctive kṣeṣṭa-[ ] or kṣāyi- ; Conditional akṣeṣyata- ), to be diminished, decrease, wane (as the moon) , waste away, perish etc. ; to pass (said of the night) : Causal P. kṣapayati- (future yiṣyati-), rarely A1. te- ( ) , very rarely kṣayayati- ( edition Calc.) , to destroy, ruin, make an end of (accusative), finish etc. ; to weaken ; to pass (as the night or time, kṣapām-, pās-, kālam-) ; ([ see , etc.])  |
lāṭyāya | Nom. P. lāṭyāyati-, to live gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi-.  |
lī | (see rī-) cl.9 P. ( ) lināti-, to adhere, obtain (not usually found) ; cl.1 P. layati- ( ), to melt, liquefy, dissolve (not usually found) ; cl.4 A1. ( ) l/īyate- (Vedic or Veda also lāyate-; perfect tense lilye-, lilyuḥ- etc.; lilāya-, lalau- grammar; Aorist aleṣṭa- ; alaiṣīt-, alāsīt-, alāsta- grammar; future letā-, lātā-; leṣyati-or lāsyati-, te- ; infinitive mood letumorla1tum ; ind.p. -lāyam- ; līya- etc.) , to cling or press closely, stick or adhere to (locative case) etc. ; to remain sticking ; to lie, recline, alight or settle on, hide or cower down in (locative case), disappear, vanish etc.: Causal P. lāpayati- or lāyayati-, to cause to cling etc. etc. ; A1. lāpayate-, to deceive ; to obtain honour ; to humble : Desiderative lilīṣati-, te- grammar : Intensive lelīyate-, lelayīti-, leleti- (see lelāya-).  |
mādhavī | f. of a daughter of yayāti-  |
mī | cl.1.10. P. mayati- or māyayati-, to go, move ; to understand  |
nābhāga | m. of a son of yayāti- (grandson of ambarīṣa-) and father of aja-  |
nahuṣa | m. of an ancient king (son of āyu- or āyus-[ see ]and father of yayāti-;he took possession of indra-'s throne but was afterwards deposed and changed into a serpent etc.(see );according to he is a son of ambarīṣa- and father of nabhāga-)  |
nāhuṣa | m. (fr. n/ahuṣa-) patron. of yayāti- R etc. Name of a serpent-demon  |
nahuṣātmaja | m. Name of king yayāti- (see above)  |
nāhuṣi | m. patronymic of yayāti- |
nī | (for 1.See) cl.1 P. A1. ( ) nayati- te- (perfect tense P. nināya-,2. sg. ninetha- plural nīnima- ; subjunctive ninīth/as- Potential ninīyāt- ; imperative ninetu- ; A1. ninye- etc.; -nayām āsa- ; -nayāṃ cakre- ; Aorist P.3. dual number anītām- subjunctive n/eṣi-, neth/ā- ; anaiṣīt- subjunctive neṣati-, ṣat-,3. plural A1. aneṣata- ; anayīt- ; future neṣyati- ; te- ; nayiṣyati-, te- ; n/etā-, nayitā- ; ind.p. nītvā- etc.; nayitvā- ; n/īya- etc.; infinitive mood neṣ/aṇi- ; n/etavai-, tos-and nayitum- ; n/etum- etc.), to lead, guide, conduct, direct, govern (also with agram-and genitive case; see agra-ṇī-) etc. ; to lead etc. towards or to (accusative with or without prati- dative case, locative case or artham- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') ; to lead or keep away, exclude from (ablative) ; (A1.) to carry off for one's self (as a victor, owner etc.) ; (A1.,rarely P.) to lead home id est marry ; to bring into any state or condition (with accusative exempli gratia, 'for example' with vaśam-,to bring into subjection, subdue[A1. ; P. ];with śūdra-tām-,to reduce to a śūdra- ;with sākṣyam-[A1.],to admit as a witness, ;with vyāghra-tām-,to change into a tiger ;with vikrayam-,to sell ;with paritoṣam-,to satisfy ;with duḥkham-,to pain ;rarely, with locative case exempli gratia, 'for example' duhitṛ-tve-,to make a person one's daughter ;or with an adverb in -sāt- exempli gratia, 'for example' bhasmasāt-to reduce to ashes ) ; to draw (a line etc.) ; to pass or spend (time) etc. ; (with daṇḍam-) to bear the rod id est inflict punishment (with vyavahāram-) to conduct a process ; (with kriyām-) to conduct a ceremony, preside over a religious act ; to trace, track, find out, ascertain, settle, decide (with anyathā-,"wrongly") etc. ; (A1.) to be foremost or chief : Causal nāyayati-, te-, to cause to lead etc. ; to cause to be led by (instrumental case) (see Va1rtt. 5 ) : Desiderative n/inīṣati-, te- ( , w. r. nineṣati-), to wish to lead or bring or carry to or into (accusative or dative case) etc. ; to wish to carry away ; to wish to spend or pass (time) ; to wish to exclude from (ablative) ; to wish to find out or ascertain, investigate : Intensive nenīy/ate- to lead as a captive, have in one's power, rule, govern  |
nidhyai | P. -dhyāyati- (perfect tense -dadhyau-, dhyur-), to observe, perceive ; to meditate, think of, remember (accusative) : Desiderative -didhyāsate-, to wish to meditate on, think of attentively  |
nipā | P. -pibati-, to drink or suck in, kiss ; to absorb, dry up : Causal -pāyayati-, cause to imbibe or suck in  |
niravaso | Caus. -sāyayati-, to establish, settle, furnish with (instrumental case)  |
pā | cl.1 P. ( ) p/ibati- (Ved. and Epic also A1. te-; rarely pipati-, te- ) cl.2. pāti-, pāth/as-, pānti- ; parasmE-pada A1. papān/a- , p/ipāna- (perfect tense P. pap/au-,2. sg. papātha- ; papitha- ; papīyāt- ; p. papiv/as- ; A1. pape-, papire- ; p. papān/a- ; Aorist or imperfect tense apāt- [ confer, compare ] ; 3. plural apuḥ-[?] ; -pāsta- ; preceding 3. sg. peyās- ; future pāsyati-, te- etc.; pātā- grammar; ind.p. pītv/ā- etc., tvī- ; -pāya- etc.; -pīya- ; pāyam- ; infinitive mood p/ibadhyai- ; pātum- etc.; p/ātave- ; p/ātava/ī- ), to drink, quaff, suck, sip, swallow (with accusative,rarely genitive case) etc. ; (met.) to imbibe, draw in, appropriate, enjoy, feast upon (with the eyes, ears etc.) etc. ; to drink up, exhaust, absorb ; to drink intoxicating liquors : Passive voice pīy/ate- etc. etc.: Causal pāyayati-, te- (perfect tense pāyayām āsā- ; Aorist apīpyat- ; ind.p. pāyayitvā- ; infinitive mood p/āyayitav/ai- ), to cause to drink, give to drink, water (horses or cattle) etc. etc.: Desiderative pipāsati- ( also pipīṣati-), to wish to drink, thirst : Desiderative of Causal pipāyayiṣati-, to wish or intend to give to drink : Intensive pepīyate- (parasmE-pada yamāna-also with pass meaning) , to drink greedily or repeatedly [ confer, compare Greek; AEolic = ; Latin pa1-tus,po1tum,biboforpi-bo; Slavonic or Slavonian pi-ja,pi-ti]  |
pariṇī | ( nī-) P. A1. -ṇayati-, te- (perfect tense A1. -ṇinye- ; -ṇayām āsa- ;3. plural Aorist -aneṣata- ; ind.p. -ṇīya- ), to lead or bear or carry about or round etc. etc., (especially) to lead a bride and bridegroom round the sacrificial fire (with 2 accusative) to marry (said of a bridegroom) etc. ; to lead forward to, put or place anywhere (agram-,at the head) , ; to carry away ; to trace out, discover, investigate ; (with anyathā-) to explain otherwise : Causal -ṇāyayati-, to pass or spend (time) ; (also ṇāpayati-), to cause a man to marry a woman (accusative)  |
parivye | P. A1. -vyayati-, te- (Aorist -avyata-, -vyata- ; ind.p. -vyāya-and -vīya- see ), to wrap or tie round ; (A1.) to wrap one's self up  |
pradhyai | P. A1. -dhyāyati-, te-, to meditate upon, think of (accusative with or without prati-) ; to reflect, consider ; to excogitate, devise, hit upon  |
prapyai | A1. -pyāyate-, to swell out, swell up, be distended or exuberant : Causal -pyāyayati-, to cause to swell out, distend  |
pratī | ( prati-i-) P. praty-eti-, to go towards or against, go to meet (as friend or foe) etc. ; to come back, return ; to resort or apply to ; to fall to a person's (dative case) lot or share ; to receive, accept ; (also Passive voice) to admit, recognize, be certain of, be convinced that (2 accusative) etc. ; to trust, believe (with genitive case) : Passive voice pratīyate-, to be admitted or recognized, follow, result (parasmE-pada yamāna-,known, understood, implicit ) : Causal praty-āyayati- (Passive voice praty-āyyate-), to lead towards id est cause to recognize or acknowledge, convince (any one of the truth of anything) ; to make clear, prove : Desiderative pratīṣiṣati-, to wish or try to understand  |
pratyayāya | Nom. P. yati-, to convince (prob. wrong reading for Causal praty-āyayati-).  |
prī | cl.9 P. A1. ( ) prīṇ/āti-, prīṇīt/e- ; cl.4 A1. ( ) prīyate- (rather Passive voice; Epic and mc. also ti-and priyate-, ti-; perfect tense pipriy/e-, parasmE-pada yāṇ/a- subjunctive pipr/ayat-; imperative pipr/ayasva-or prīh/i- ; Aorist apraiṣīt- subjunctive pr/eṣat- ; apreṣṭa- grammar; future preṣyati-, te-, pretā- ) P. to please, gladden, delight, gratify, cheer, comfort, soothe, propitiate etc. ; (mostly A1. prīyate-) to be pleased or satisfied with, delight in, enjoy (genitive case instrumental case locative case or ablative) ; (A1.; Epic and mc. also P.and pri-) to like, love, be kind to (accusative) : Causal prīṇayati- (prāpayati- , prāyayati- ), to please, delight gratify, propitiate etc. ; to refresh, comfort : Desiderative p/iprīṣati-, to wish to please or propitiate : Intensive peprīyate-, peprayīti-, pepreti- grammar ([ confer, compare Gothic frijo7n,frijo7nds; German friunt,freund; Anglo-Saxon freo4nd; English friend; Slavonic or Slavonian prijati; Lithuanian pre0teliusetc.]) |
puru | m. (see pūru-) Name of a prince (the son of yayāti- and śarmiṣṭhā- and sixth monarch of the lunar race)  |
pūru | m. of an ancient prince (the son of yayāti- and śarmiṣṭhā-) (see Va1rtt. 3 ) |
pūrvayāyāta | n. the more ancient form of the legend of yayāti- or that current in the east  |
śabdāya | (see śabd-) Nom. A1. yate- ( ;exceptionally also yati-), to make a sound (accusative), cry, yell, bray etc.: Causal śabdāyayati-, to cause a sound to be made by (instrumental case) Va1rtt. 1 ; to cause any one (accusative) to, cry by (instrumental case)  |
samabhidhyai | P. -dhyāyati-, or -dhyāti-, to reflect deeply on, meditate on ; to direct all the thoughts upon, long for (accusative) |
samadhiśī | Caus. -sāyayati-, to lay or put anything in the place of any other thing  |
samādhyai | P. -dhyāyati-, to meditate deeply upon, reflect upon, be lost in thought  |
samānī | P. A1. -nayati-, te-, to lead or conduct together, join, unite, collect, assemble etc. ; to lead anyone to another, unite one person (accusative) with another (instrumental case with or without saha-) ; to lead towards, bring near ; to bring home ; to pour together, mingle (liquids) ; to bring or offer (an oblation) : Causal -nāyayati- (ind.p. -nāyya-), to cause to be brought together or near, convoke, assemble |
samanudhyai | P. -dhyāyati-, to reflect upon, think of (accusative)  |
samapadhyai | P. -dhyāyati- (Epic also A1. te-), to think ill or badly of, meditate evil or injury against, injure  |
samāpyai | A1. -pyāyate- (only in perfect tense -pipye-), to grow larger, swell, grow, increase : Causal -pyāyayati-, te-, to cause to increase or grow, refresh, reanimate, enliven  |
saṃdhyai | P. -dhyāyati-, to reflect or meditate on, think about  |
saṃkṣi | P. -kṣiṇāti-4. to destroy completely, annihilate : Passive voice -kṣīyate-, to be destroyed or exhausted, waste away, disappear, perish : Causal -kṣapayati-, to cause to, disappear, destroy ; -kṣayayati- See -kṣayita-.  |
sampā | P. A1. -pibati-, te-, to drink together : Causal -pāyayati-, to cause to drink together, make to drink  |
sampratī | ( -prati-- 5 i-) P. -pratyeti-, to go towards, arrive at, come to a firm conviction, believe firmly in, trust in (genitive case) ; Passive voice -pratīyate-, to be meant or understood : Causal -pratyāyayati-, to cause to be meant or understood by  |
saṃśyai | cl.1 P. A1. -śyāyati-, te-, only in the forms below.  |
saṃvye | P. A1. -vyayati-, te- (perfect tense parasmE-pada -vivyāna- q.v), to roll or cover up ; to put on, wrap one's self in (accusative) ; to supply or furnish or provide or equip with : Causal See vāyita-.  |
śaravyaya | Nom. P. vyayati-, to aim at a mark, take aim at (ati-ś-)  |
śarmiṣṭhā | f. "most fortunate", Name of one of the wives of yayāti- (she was the daughter of vṛṣaparvan- and mother of druhyu-, anu-, and puru-; see under yayāti-and deva-yānī-)  |
śī | cl.2 A1. ( ) ś/ete- (with guṇa- throughout the proper stem : thus, ś/aye-[in also 3. sg. ], ś/eṣe-etc., 3. plural ś/erate-[in also ś/ere-and Class. śayire-]; Potential ś/ayīta- etc.; imperative -śetām-and śayām- ; imperfect tense aśeta- etc., 3. plural aśerata-[in also /aśeran-], parasmE-pada ś/ayāna- etc.;Ved. and Epic also cl.1. ś/ayate-, ti-; imperfect tense /aśayat-and aśāyata- ; perfect tense śiśye-, śiśyire- ; parasmE-pada Ved. śaśayān/a-,Class. śiśyāna-; Aorist aśayiṣṭa- subjunctive ś/eṣan- ; future śayitā- sg. t/āse- ; śayiṣyate-, ti- ; śeṣyate-, ti- ; infinitive mood śay/adhyai- ; śayitum- ; ind.p. śayitvā- etc.; -śayya- ), to lie, lie down, recline, rest, repose etc. ; to remain unused (as soma-) ; to lie down to sleep, fall asleep, sleep etc. ; (with patye-) to lie down to a husband (for sexual intercourse) ; (madanena-śī-= "to be impotent") : Passive voice śayyate- grammar (Aorist aśāyi- , pr.p. once in śīyat-): Causal śāyayati-, te- (Aorist aśīśayat-), to cause to lie down, lay down, put, throw, fix on or in (locative case) etc. ; to cause to lie down, allow to rest or sleep : Desiderative śiśayiṣate-, to wish to rest or sleep : Intensive śāśayyate-, śeśayīti-, śeśeti- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek ,"to lie";, "a bed."])  |
si | (confer, compare 4. sā-) cl.5.9. P. A1. ( ) sinoti-, sinute-; sin/āti-, sinite- (really occurring only in present tense sin/āti-, imperfect tense asinot-; perfect tense siṣāya- ; Aorist [?] siṣet- ; asaiṣīt-, aseṣṭa- grammar; future setā- ; siṣyati- ; seṣyati-, te- grammar; infinitive mood s/etave- ; setum- grammar), to bind, tie, fetter : Causal sāyayati- (Aorist asīṣayat-) grammar : Desiderative sisīṣati-, te- : Intensive seṣīyate-, seṣayīti-, seṣeti- [ confer, compare Greek ,; Lettish sinu,"to bind"; Anglo-Saxon sa7l; German Seil.] |
smi | cl.1 A1. ( ) smayate- (mc. also ti-; perfect tense sismiye-,or siṣmiy/e-[ parasmE-pada siṣmiyāṇ/a- confer, compare upa-smi-], Epic also -smayām-āsa-; Aorist asmeṣṭa- ; asmayiṣṭhās- ; future smetā-, smeṣyate- grammar; infinitive mood smetum- ; ind.p. smitvā- ; -smitya-, -smayitya- ), to smile, blush, become red or radiant, shine ; to smile, laugh etc. ; to expand, bloom (as a flower) ; to be proud or arrogant : Passive voice smīyate- (Aorist asmāyi-), grammar : Causal smāyayati-, te- (Aorist asismayat-;also smāpayati-in vi-smi- q.v), to cause to smile or laugh etc. ; (A1.) to laugh at, mock, despise (varia lectio for smiṭ- q.v): Desiderative sismayiṣate- grammar : Intensive seṣmīyate- (parasmE-pada yamāṇa- ), seṣmayīti-, seṣmeti- [ confer, compare Greek for ; , ; Latin mirus,mirari; Slavonic or Slavonian smijati; English smile.]  |
śo | (confer, compare 1. śi-) cl.3 P. A1. śiśāti-, ś/iśīte- (accord to also cl.4 P. śyati- confer, compare ni-śo-; perfect tense śaśau- grammar; parasmE-pada śaśān/a- ; Aorist aśīta- confer, compare saṃ-śo-; aśāt-or aśāsīt- grammar; preceding śāyāt- ; future śātā-, śāśyati- ; indeclinable ś/āya- ), to whet, sharpen (A1."one's own"weapons or horns) : Passive voice śāyate- grammar : Causal śāyayati- ; Desiderative śiśāsati- : Intensive śāśāyate-, śaśeti-, śāśāti- [? confer, compare Greek etc.]  |
so | (usually with prepositions;See ava--, vy-ava--, adhy-ava-so-etc.) cl.4 P. ( ) syati- (perfect tense sasau- Aorist asāt-or asāsīt-etc.) , to destroy, kill, finish : Passive voice sīyate- (Aorist asāyi-), grammar : Causal sāyayati- or sāpayati- : Desiderative siṣāsati- : Intensive seṣīyate-, sāsāti-, sāseti-  |
śri | cl.1 P. A1. ( ) śrayati-, te- (perfect tense śiśr/āya-, śiśriy/e-; Aorist /aśret-, āśriyan- ; aśrait- ; /aśiśriyat- etc.; aśrāyiṣṭa- grammar [Ved. forms belonging either to the perfect tense or Aorist type are also aśiśret-, śrema-, śrayuḥ-, śiśrīt/a-]; future śrayitā- grammar; śrayiṣyati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood śrayitum- ; śrayitav/ai- ; ind.p. śrayitvā- etc., -śr/itya- etc.) P. to cause to lean or rest on, lay on or in, fix on, fasten to, direct or turn towards, (especially) spread or diffuse (light or radiance or beauty) over (locative case) ; (A1.or Passive voice,rarely P.) to lean on, rest on, recline against (accusative), cling to (locative case), be supported or fixed or depend on, abide in or on (accusative locative case or adverb) ; (A1. P.) to go to, approach, resort or have recourse to (for help or refuge) , tend towards (accusative) etc. ; (A1.) to go into, enter, fall to the lot or take possession of (accusative or locative case) ; (A1. P.) to attain, undergo, get into any state or condition (accusative) etc. ; to assume (with śrāvikā-tvam-,"to assume the form of a śrāvikā-", q.v) ; to show, betray (heroism) ; to honour, worship : Passive voice śrīyate- (Aorist /aśrāyi-: confer, compare above) etc. etc.: Causal śrāpayati- (in uc-chr-) ; śrāyayati- (Aorist aśiśrayat-;for aśiśriyat-See above) grammar : Desiderative śiśrayiṣati-, te- or śiśrīṣati-, te- grammar : Intensive śeśrīyate-, śeśrayīti-, śeśreti- [ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin clino,clivus; Lithuanian szly4ti,szle14ti,szlai4tas; Gothic hlains;hlaiw; German hline7n,line7n,lehnen; Anglo-Saxon hlinian; English lean.] |
styai | cl.1 P. styāyati-, to be collected into a heap or mass ; to spread about ; to sound ; cl.1 A1. styāyate- (pr. p. styāna- q.v; ind.p. -styāya-;See ni-ṣṭyai-), to stiffen, grow dense, increase  |
svādhyāya | Nom. P. yāyati-, to study, recite, read to (accusative)  |
śvi | (connected with śū-;sometimes written śvā-) cl.1 P. ( ) śv/ayati- (perfect tense śiśvāya-,or śuśāva- grammar; Aorist /aśvat- , aśvayīt- ; preceding śūyāt- grammar; future śvayitā-, śvayiṣyati- ; infinitive mood śv/ayitum- ), to swell, grow, increase etc.: Passive voice śūyate- (Aorist aśvāyi-) idem or ' wrong reading for śvaśurya- ' : Causal śvāyayati- (Aorist aśiśvayat-[ ]or aśūśavat-) idem or ' wrong reading for śvaśurya- ' grammar : Desiderative of Causal śiśvāyayiṣati- or śuśāvayiṣati- : Desiderative śiśvayiṣati- : Intensive śeśvīyate- ( ), śośūyate- ; śeśvayīti-, śeśveti-, to swell much.  |
śyai | cl.1 P. śyāyati-, to cause to congeal or freeze ; (A1.) śyāyate- (grammar also perfect tense śaśye-; Aorist aśyāsta-; future śyātā-, śyāsyate-), to go, move : Passive voice śīyate-, to congeal, freeze, be cold : Causal śyāpayati- grammar : Desiderative śiśyāsate- : Intensive śāśyāyate-, śāśyeti-, śāśyāti-  |
tribhānu | m. Name of a descendant of yayāti- and father of karaṃ-dhama-  |
turvasu | m. (later form of śa-) Name of a son of yayāti- by devayānī- and brother of yadu-  |
upanī | P. A1. -nayati-, -te- ( Potential -nayīta- ; parasmE-pada -n/ayamāna- ) to lead or drive near, bring near, bring, adduce, offer ; to bring information, communicate ; to lead or bring near to one's self, take possession of ; to lead, guide ; to lead or draw towards one's self (said of the Guru who, in the ceremony of initiation, draws the boy towards himself) ; to initiate into one of the twice-born classes by investing with the sacred thread etc. (only A1. ) etc. etc. ; to bring about, produce, cause ; to bring into any state, reduce to etc. ; to take into one's service (only A1. ) : Causal -nāyayati-, to cause to initiate (a pupil) |
upapā | Caus. -pāyayati-, to give to drink and  |
vareṇyaya | Nom. yayati- (fr. varenya-)  |
ve | (see ūy-) cl.1 P. A1. ( ) v/ayati-, te- (perfect tense parasmE-pada vavau-or uvāya-;2. sg. uvayitha- grammar;3. plural vavuḥ- ; ūvuḥ- ; ūyuḥ- ; A1. vave-, ūve-, ūye- grammar; Aorist avāsīt-, avāsta- grammar; preceding ūyāt-, vāsīṣṭa- ; future vātā- ; vāsyati-, te- ; vayiṣy/ati- ; infinitive mood /otum-, /otave-, /otav/ai- ; v/ātave- ), to weave, interweave, braid, plait (figuratively to string or join together artificially, make, compose exempli gratia, 'for example' speeches, hymns) etc. ; to make into a cover, into a web or web-like covering, overspread as with a web (said of a cloud-like mass of arrows filling the air) : Passive voice ūyate- (Aorist avāyi-) grammar : Causal vāyayati- : Desiderative vivāsati-, te- : Intensive vāvāyate-, vāveti-, vāvāti-  |
vī | cl.2 P. ( ) veti- (according to to some in the conjug. tenses substituted for aj-;2. sg. v/eṣi-also as imperative ;3. plural vy/anti- ; subjunctive 2. 3. sg. ves- ; imperative vīh/i-, vītāt- ;3. plural viyantu- ; parasmE-pada A1. vyān/a- ; perfect tense vivāya-, vivye- ; Aorist avaiṣīt- grammar;3. plural aveṣan- subjunctive veṣat- ; future vetā-, veṣyati- infinitive mood vetum- grammar), to go, approach, (either as a friend id est"seek or take eagerly, grasp, seize, accept, enjoy", or as an enemy id est"fall upon, attack, assail, visit, punish, avenge") ; to set in motion, arouse, excite, impel ; to further, promote, lead or bring or help any one to (two accusative) ; to get, procure : Passive voice -vīy/ate- etc. : Causal vāyayati- or vāpayati- (Aorist avīvayat-), to cause to go or approach etc. ; to impregnate : Desiderative vivīṣati- grammar : Intensive , See ā-vī- and vevī-. ([ confer, compare according to to some, Latin ve-nari; German weida,Weide,weiden.])  |
vī | ( vi-- 5 i-) P. vy-eti- (3. plural viyanti-; imperfect tense vy-ait-; perfect tense vīyāya-; infinitive mood vy-etum-;for vyayati-, vyayayati-See vyay-), to go apart or in different directions, diverge, be diffused or scattered or distributed or divided or extended etc. ; to be lost, perish, disappear etc. ; to go through, traverse : Intensive (or cl.4. A1.) vīyate-, to pass through, traverse |
vicchad | (1 chad-), Causal -cchādayati-, to uncover, unclothe (only ,as varia lectio for -cchāyayati-).  |
vicchāyaya | Nom. P. yayati-, to free from shadow, deprive of colour or lustre (-cchāyita-,colourless, pale) ; -cchāyī-kṛ- P. -karoti- idem or 'm. a jewel, gem '  |
viccho | ( cho-), Causal -cchāyayati- to cut about, wound (see vich-).  |
vilī | A1. -līyate- (perfect tense -lilyuh- ; future -letā-,or -lātā-; ind.p. -līya-or -lāya- ), to cling or cleave or adhere to ; to hide or conceal one's self, disappear etc. ; to be dissolved, melt etc. etc.: Causal -lāpayati- or -lāyayati- or -lālayati- or -līnayati- ( ), to cause to disappear, destroy ; to cause to be dissolved or absorbed in (locative case) ; to make liquid, dissolve, melt  |
vismi | A1. -smayate- (mc. also P.), to wonder, be surprised or astonished at (instrumental case locative case,or ablative) etc. ; to be proud of (instrumental case) : Causal -smāyayati-, or -smāpayati-, te- (see ), to astonish, surprise : Desiderative of Causal See vi-sismāpayiṣu-.  |
vrī | (see vri-and vlī-) cl.9 P. and cl.4 A1. vrīṇāti-, vriṇāti-, or vrīyate-,"to choose"or"to cover" (varaṇe-) Causal vrayayati-, or vrepayati- grammar : Desiderative vivrīṣati-, te-: Intensive vevrīyate-, vevrayīti-, vevreti-  |
vyapanī | P. -nayati- (infinitive mood -netum-,or -nayitum-), to lead or take away ; to drive away, remove, banish etc. ; to pour out or away ; to take off, lay aside, get rid of (accusative) etc.: Causal -nāyayati-, to cause to take away or remove  |
vyavaso | P. -syati- (Epic also -syate-[with act. and pass. meaning];1. sg. proper -sāmi-; Potential -seyam-, -set-; future -siṣyati-), to settle down or dwell separately ; to differ (in opinion), contest, quarrel ; to separate, divide (opp. to sam-as-) ; to determine, resolve, decide, be willing to (accusative dative case, artham- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound',or infinitive mood) etc. ; to settle, ascertain, be convinced or persuaded of take for (accusative) etc. ; to ponder, reflect, consider ; to make strenuous effort, labour or seek after, make an attempt upon (accusative) : Passive voice -sīyate-, to be settled or ascertained or fixed on or determined or decided (often impersonal or used impersonally) etc.: Causal -sāyayati-, to cause to resolve, encourage to undertake, embolden ; to incite or instigate to (infinitive mood) |
vyay | cl.1. P. A1. vyayati-, te- (rather Nom.fr. vyaya-below) , to expend, spend, waste ; cl.10 P. vyayayati- idem or ' vy-amla- See .' ; to go, move  |
vyay | (varia lectio for vyap-) cl.10 P. vyāyayati-, to throw  |
vye | cl.1 P. A1. ( ) vy/ayati-, te- (perfect tense P. vivyāya-,2. sg. vivyayitha- grammar;2. dual number vivyathus- ; A1. vivy/e- -vyay/āṃ cakāra- ; Aorist avyat-, avyata- ; avyāsīt-, avyāsta- grammar; preceding vīyāt-, vyāsīṣṭa- ; future vyātā- ; vyāsyati-, te- ; vyayiṣye- ; ind.p. -v/īya- etc.; -vāya- grammar), to cover, clothe, wrap, envelop (A1. also,"one's self") : Pass. vīy/ate- (pr. p. vīy/amāna-), to be covered etc. : Causal vyāyayati- grammar : Desiderative vivyāsati-, te- ; Intensive vevīyate-, vāvyeti-, vāvyāti-  |
yā | (collateral form of5. i-) cl.2 P. ( ) y/āti- (1. plural yāmahe- ; imperfect tense 3. plural ayuḥ- ; ayān- Scholiast or Commentator; perfect tense yay/au-, yay/ātha-, yay/a-, yay/uḥ- etc.; yaye- ; Aorist ayāsam-or ayāsiṣam-; subjunctive y/āsat-, yeṣam-, yāsiṣat- ; preceding yāsiṣīṣṭhās- ; future yātā- etc.; yāsyati- ; te- ; infinitive mood yātum- etc.;Ved. infinitive mood y/ai-, y/ātave-or v/ai-; ind.p. yātv/ā- ; -y/āya-, -yāyam- ), to go, proceed, move, walk, set out, march, advance, travel, journey (often with instrumental case or accusative of the way, especially with gatim-, mārgam-, adhvānam-, panthānam-, padavīm-, yātrām-) etc. ; to go away, withdraw, retire etc. ; (also with palāyya-) to flee, escape (with kṣemeṇa-or svasti-,to escape unscathed ) ; to go towards or against, go or come to, enter, approach, arrive at, reach etc. etc. (with accusative often followed by prati- exempli gratia, 'for example' with gṛham-,to enter a house;with ripum prati-,to march against the enemy;with mṛgayām-,to go out hunting;with śirasāmahīm-,to bow down to the ground with the head;with prakṛtim-,to return to one's natural state;with karṇau-,to come to the ears, be heard;with utsavād utsavam-,to go from one festival to another;with hastam- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound',to fall into the hands of;with patham-or gocaram- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound',to come within range of; especially with the accusative of an abstract noun = to go to any state or condition, become, be exempli gratia, 'for example' vināśaṃ yāti-,he goes to destruction id est he is destroyed; kāṭhinyaṃ yāti-,it becomes hard; dveṣyatāṃ yāti-,he becomes hated;similarly nidhanaṃ-yā-,to die; nidrāṃ-yā-,to fall asleep; udayaṃ-yā-,to rise, said of stars etc.;sometimes also with locative case exempli gratia, 'for example' yāhi rājñah sakāśe-,go into the presence of the king ;or even with dative case exempli gratia, 'for example' yayatuḥ sva-niveśāya-,both went home ; na cātmane kṛpaṇasya dhanaṃ yāti-,nor does the wealth of the miser go to [i.e. benefit] himself. ; phalebhyo yāti-,he goes to [fetch] fruits Scholiast or Commentator) ; to go to for any request, implore, solicit (with two accusative) ; (with striyam-) to go to a woman for sexual intercourse ; to go to for any purpose (infinitive mood) ; often with adverbs exempli gratia, 'for example' with bahir-, to go out ; with adho-, to go down, sink ; with khaṇḍaśo- or dalaśo-, to fall to pieces ; with śata-dhā-, to fall into a hundred pieces ; to extend to (accusative) ; to last for (accusative) ; to pass away, elapse (said of time) etc. ; to vanish, disappear (as wealth) ; to come to pass, prosper, succeed ; to proceed, behave, act ; to find out, discover ; to receive or learn (a science) from (ablative) ; to undertake, undergo (accusative) ; imperative yātu-, be it as it may : Passive voice yāyate-, to be gone or moved : Causal yāp/ayati- (Aorist ayīyapat-), to cause to depart, cause to go or march, dismiss ; to cause to go towards (accusative) (see yāpita-) ; to direct (the gaze) towards (locative case) (varia lectio pātayati-) ; to drive away remove, cure (a disease) ; to cause to pass or elapse, pass or spend (time) etc. ; to live (pāli- yāpeti-) ; to cause to subsist, support, maintain ; to induce : Desiderative yiyāsati-, to intend or be about to go, desire to proceed etc.: Intensive īyāyate- (?) , to move ; yāyayate-, yāyeti-, yāyāti- grammar |
yadu | m. Name of an ancient hero (in the veda- often mentioned together with turvaśa- [or turvasu-] q.v,and described as preserved by indra- during an inundation;in epic poetry he is a son of yayāti- and brother of puru- and turvasu-, kṛṣṇa- being descended from yadu-, and bharata- and kuru- from puru-; yadu- is also called a son of vasu-, king of cedi-, or a son of hary-aśva-)  |
yāyāta | mf(ī-)n. (fr. yayāti-) relating or belonging to yayāti-  |
yāyāta | n. the history of yayāti- (Name of chapter of )  |
yayāti | m. (prob. fr. yat-) Name of a celebrated monarch of the lunar race (son of king nahuṣa- whom he succeeded;from his two wives came the two lines of the lunar race, yadu- being the son of devayānī-, daughter of uśanas- or śukra-, and puru- of śarmiṣṭhā-, daughter of vṛṣa-parvan-; yayāti- nāhuṣa- is also represented as the author of ) |
yayāticarita | n. "the story of yayāti-", Name of a nāṭaka- (by rudra-deva-).  |
yayātika | m. (mc.) equals yayāti-  |
yāyātika | m. one conversant with the history of yayāti- on  |
yayātipatana | n. "fall of yayāti-", Name of a place of pilgrimage  |
yayātivat | ind. like yayāti-  |
yayātivijaya | m. " yayāti- victory", Name of work  |