vyoma | (for 2.See column 3) , in compound for 2. vyoman-. | ||||||
vyoma | m. (for 1.See column 2) Name of a son of daśā | ||||||
vyomacara | mfn. idem or 'm. "quality of the air", sound ' | ||||||
vyomacara | m. a planet | ||||||
vyomacārin | mfn. equals -ga- | ||||||
vyomacārin | mfn. a bird | ||||||
vyomacārin | mfn. a divine being, god | ||||||
vyomacārin | mfn. equals cira-jīvin- and dvi-jāta- (prob."a bird") | ||||||
vyomacārin | mfn. a saint | ||||||
vyomacārin | mfn. a Brahman | ||||||
vyomacārin | mfn. a heavenly body | ||||||
vyomacāripura | n. "sky-floating city", the city of hari-ścandra- (supposed to be suspended between heaven and earth) | ||||||
vyomadeva | m. Name of śiva- | ||||||
vyomadhāraṇa | m. mercury | ||||||
vyomadhūma | m. "sky smoke", smoke or a cloud | ||||||
vyomadhvani | m. a sound coming from the sky (ni-pati-) (see -śabda-) | ||||||
vyomaga | mfn. moving through the air, flying | ||||||
vyomaga | m. a being that moves in the air, a divine being | ||||||
vyomagamanī | f. (with vidyā-) the magic art of flying | ||||||
vyomagāmin | mfn. equals -ga- | ||||||
vyomagaṅgā | f. the heavenly Ganges | ||||||
vyomaguṇa | m. "quality of the air", sound | ||||||
vyomaikāntavihārin | mfn. moving exclusively in the air (as a bird) (varia lectio) | ||||||
vyomaka | (gender doubtful) a kind of ornament | ||||||
vyomakeśa | ( ) () m. "sky-haired", Name of śiva-. | ||||||
vyomakeśin | () m. "sky-haired", Name of śiva-. | ||||||
vyomamadhye | ind. in the middle of the sky, in mid-air | ||||||
vyomamaṇḍala | n. ("sky-circle") a flag, banner | ||||||
vyomamāñjara | n. ("sky-cluster") ("sky-circle") a flag, banner | ||||||
vyomamāya | mf(ā-)n. "sky-measuring", reaching to the sky, high as the heaven | ||||||
vyomamṛga | (prob.) m. Name of one of the Moon's ten horses (see vyomin-). | ||||||
vyomamudgara | m. "sky-hammer", a gust of wind | ||||||
vyoman | mfn. (for 2.See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) one who cannot be saved (?) | ||||||
vyoman | m. (for 1.See; according to to fr. | ||||||
vyoman | m. space | ||||||
vyoman | m. ether (as an element) | ||||||
vyoman | m. wind or air (of the body) | ||||||
vyoman | m. water | ||||||
vyoman | m. talc, mica | ||||||
vyoman | m. a temple sacred to the sun | ||||||
vyoman | m. a particular high number | ||||||
vyoman | m. the 10th astrology mansion | ||||||
vyoman | m. preservation, welfare (equals rakṣaṇa- Scholiast or Commentator) | ||||||
vyoman | m. a particular ekā | ||||||
vyoman | m. Name of prajā-pati- or the Year (personified) () | ||||||
vyoman | m. of viṣṇu- | ||||||
vyoman | m. of a son of daśārha- (varia lectio vyoma-). | ||||||
vyomanāsikā | f. a quail | ||||||
vyomanāsikā | f. a sort of quail | ||||||
vyomapāda | mfn. one whose foot stands in the air (viṣṇu-) | ||||||
vyomapañcaka | n. (prob.) the five apertures in the body | ||||||
vyomapuṣpa | n. a flower in the air (id est any impossibility or absurdity) (see kha-p-). | ||||||
vyomaratna | n. "sky-jewel", the sun | ||||||
vyomaśabda | m. equals -dhvani- | ||||||
vyomasad | mfn. dwelling in the sky | ||||||
vyomasad | m. a deity | ||||||
vyomasad | m. a gandharva- | ||||||
vyomasad | m. a spirit | ||||||
vyomasambhavā | f. a spotted cow | ||||||
vyomasarit | f. equals -gaṅgā- | ||||||
vyomaśivācārya | m. Name of an author | ||||||
vyomaspṛś | mfn. sky-touching, reaching to the sky | ||||||
vyomastha | mfn. being on or in the sky | ||||||
vyomasthalī | f. "ground of the sky", the earth (?) | ||||||
vyomavallikā | f. Cassyta Filiformis | ||||||
vyomavartman | n. the path of the sky (manā-through the air or sky) | ||||||
vyomavatī | f. Name of a commentator or commentary | ||||||
vyomavistṛta | n. the expanse of heaven, the sky firmament | ||||||
vyomavyāpin | mfn. filling the sky | ||||||
vyomayāna | n. "sky-vehicle", a celestial car, chariot of the gods | ||||||
madhyevyoma | ind. in the air | ||||||
prativyoma | m. Name of a prince | ||||||
prativyoman | m. Name of a prince |
vyoman | व्योमन् n. [व्ये-मनिन् पृषो˚ Uṇ.4.15] 1 The sky, atmosphere; अस्त्वेवं जडधामता तु भवतो यद् व्योम्नि विस्फूर्जसे K. P.1; Me.53; R.12.67; N.22.54. -2 Waret. -3 A temple sacred to the sun. -4 Talc. -Comp. -आख्यम् talc, mica. -उदकम् rain-water, dew. -केशः, -कोशन m. an epithet of Śiva. -गः a divine being. -गङ्गा the heavenly Ganges. -गमनीविद्या the magic art of flying. -चरः a planet. -चारिन् m. 1 a god. -2 a bird. -3 a saint. -4 a Brāhmaṇa. -5 a heavenly body. -धारणः mercury. -धूमः a cloud. -देवः N. of Śiva. -नाशिका a kind of quail. -पुष्पम् an impossibility, absurdity (as a flower in the air). -मञ्जरम्, -मण्डलम् a flag, banner. -माय a. reaching to the sky. -मुद्गरः a gust of wind. -यानम् a celestial car. -रत्नम् the sun. -सद् m. 1 a deity, god. -2 a Gandharva; ज्वलन्मणि व्योमसदां सना- तनम् Ki.8.1. -3 a spirit. -संभवा a spotted cow. -स्थली the earth. -स्पृश् a. 'sky-touching', very lofty. |
vyoman | vy-òman, n. heaven, iv. 50, 4; x. 14, 8; 129, 1. 7 [ví + oman of doubtful etymology]. |
vyomaga | a. sky-going, flying; m. aerial or celestial being; -ga&ndot;gâ, f. heavenly Ganges; -gamana, a. (î) w. vidyâ, f. magi cal art of aerial flight; -gâmin, a. sky-going, flying; -kara, a. id.; m.planet; -kârin, a. id.; m. god. |
vyoman | n. heaven, sky, atmosphere, air; ether (as an element; rare, C.); pre servation (TS.): in. vyomnâ, vyoma-mâr gena, vyoma-vartmanâ, through the air (fly, etc.). |
vyomavyāpin | a. filling the air; -sarit, f. celestial Ganges; -stha, a. being in the sky; -spris, a. touching the sky, very lofty; -½ekânta-vihârin, a. moving ex clusively in the air (bird). |
paraṃ | vyoma sahasravṛt TA.1.10.1b. |
agnir | iti bhasma vāyur iti bhasma jalam iti bhasma sthalam iti bhasma vyomam iti bhasma sarvaṃ ha vā idaṃ bhasma # śirasU.5. P: agnir iti bhasma KālāgU.1 (stated in full by the comm., with variant vyometi). Cf. agner bhasmāsi. |
agne | mā hiṃsīḥ parame vyoman # AVś.18.4.30d; VS.13.42d,44d,49d,50d; TS.,2d,3d (bis); MS.2.7.17d (quater): 102.3,7,15,19; KS.16.17d (ter); śB.,20,34,35; TA.6.6.1d. |
apsuṣadaṃ | tvā ghṛtasadaṃ vyomasadam # VS.9.2; śB. See next. |
apsuṣadaṃ | tvā ghṛtasadaṃ vyomasadam (MS.KS. bhūtasadam) indrāya juṣṭaṃ gṛhṇāmi # TS.; MS.1.11.4: 165.12; KS.14.3. P: apsuṣadaṃ tvā ghṛtasadaṃ vyomasadam TB. See prec., and cf. indrāya tvā juṣṭaṃ. |
arkasya | devāḥ parame vyoman (JB. viyoman) # JB.2.88b; śB. |
arko | devānāṃ parame vyoman # JB.2.88a; śB. |
asac | ca sac ca parame vyoman # RV.10.5.7a. |
idaṃ | tad akṣare parame vyoman # TA.10.1.1d; MahānU.1.2d. |
indraḥ | karmākṣi tam (read karmākṣitam) amṛtaṃ vyoma # ā. |
indraṃ | ni cikyuḥ parame vyoman # TA.3.11.9c. |
iṣṭāpūrtena | parame vyoman # RV.10.14.8b; AVś.18.3.58b. See sam iṣṭā-. |
uttamaṃ | nākaṃ paramaṃ vyoma # AVś.11.1.30d. |
ṛco | akṣare (NṛpU. 'kṣare) parame vyoman # RV.1.164.39a; AVś.9.10.18a; GB.1.1.22; TB.; TA.2.11.1a; śvetU.4.8a; NṛpU.4.2a; 5.2a; N.13.10a. |
ṛtasya | tvā vyomane (Mś. -vyomne gṛhṇāmi) # TS.,4; Mś. |
etaṃ | jānātha (TB. jānītāt; KS. jānīta) parame vyoman # VS.18.60a; KS.40.13a; śB.; TB. See jānīta smainaṃ. |
okaḥ | kṛṇuṣva salile sadhasthe (TA. kṛṇuṣva parame vyoman) # AVś.18.3.8b; TA.6.4.2b. |
kālaṃ | tam āhuḥ parame vyoman # AVś.19.53.3d; AVP.11.8.3d. |
jānīta | smainaṃ (TSṃś. jānītād enaṃ) parame vyoman # AVś.6.123.2a; AVP.2.60.5a; TS.; Mś. See etaṃ jānātha. |
jāyā | bhūmiḥ patir vyoma # TA.1.10.1a. |
jyeṣṭhāso | na parvatāso vyomani # RV.5.87.9c. |
jyotir | ha putraḥ parame vyoman # AB.7.13.8d; śś.15.17d. |
taṃ | sma jānīta (VSK. -nītha) parame vyoman # AVś.6.123.1d; AVP.2.60.4d; VS.18.59d; VSK.20.4.2d; TS.; KS.40.13d; śB.; Mś. |
tan | mā mā hiṃsīt parame vyoman # GB.2.1.3d; Vait.3.12d. See sa mā etc. |
te | ṣaḍ bhavanti parame vyoman # JB.3.338b. |
tvam | asya pāre rajaso vyomanaḥ # RV.1.52.12a. |
durdhāṃ | dadhāti parame vyoman # RV.10.109.4d; AVś.5.17.6d; AVP.9.15.6d. |
nākasya | pṛṣṭhe parame vyoman # TB.; Apś.4.5.5d. |
nāsīd | rajo no vyomā paro yat # RV.10.129.1b; JB.3.360b; TB. |
nṛṣad | varasad ṛtasad vyomasat # RV.4.40.5c; VS.10.24c; 12.14c; TS.;; MS.2.6.12c: 71.15; KS.15.8c; 16.8c; AB.4.20.5c; śB.;; TA.10.10.2c; 50.1c; Kś.18.3.6; KU.5.2c; MahānU.9.3c; 17.8c; VaradapU.2.3c; NṛpU.3c; N.14.29c. |
padaṃ | yad asya parame vyomani # RV.9.86.15c. |
pitṝṇāṃ | loke # AVP.5.40.1c. Perhaps parame vyoman is to be supplied. |
pūrtam | astu etat parame vyoman # JG.2.2d. |
pṛchāmi | (Lś. -mo) vācaḥ paramaṃ vyoma # RV.1.164.34d; AVś.9.10.13d; VS.23.61d; TS.; KSA.4.7d; TB.; Lś.9.10.13d. |
brahmāyaṃ | vācaḥ paramaṃ vyoma # RV.1.164.35d; AVś.9.10.14d; VS.23.62d; Lś.9.10.4d. See brahmaiva vācaḥ. |
brahmaiva | vācaḥ paramaṃ vyoma # TS.; KSA.4.7d. See brahmāyaṃ vācaḥ. |
bhago | na mene parame vyoman # RV.1.62.7c. |
madāya | somaṃ parame vyoman # RV.3.32.10b. |
madema | tatra parame vyoman # AVś.7.5.3c. |
maho | jyotiṣaḥ parame vyoman # RV.4.50.4b; AVś.20.88.4b; MS.4.12.1b: 177.14; KS.11.13b; TB. |
mā | te yuyoma saṃdṛśaḥ # AVś.7.68.3c; AVP.10.10.1e. See mā te vyoma. |
mā | te vyoma saṃdṛśi (KA. saṃdṛśe; Lś. -śaḥ or -śe) # ā. Introd. 1c; TA.1.1.3b; 1.21.3b; 31.6b; 4.42.1e; KA.1.218Dd; Aś.8.14.18c; Lś.5.3.2c; MG.1.11.18c; JG.1.19c. See mā te yuyoma. |
mā | saṃsṛkṣāthāṃ parame vyoman (AB.Aś. vyomani) # VS.19.7b; MS.2.3.8b: 36.11; KS.17.19b; 37.18b; AB.8.8.11b; śB.; TB.;; Aś.3.9.4b; Apś.19.3.4b. |
yajñasya | śāke parame vyoman # RV.5.15.2b. |
yat | te sadhasthaṃ parame vyoman # AVś.13.1.44c. |
yamasya | loke parame vyoman # AVP.11.5.4d. |
yasyā | hṛdayaṃ parame vyoman # AVś.12.1.8c. |
vyoma | noun (neuter) Frequency rank 25534/72933 | |
vyoma | noun (masculine) name of a son of Dasharha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 39832/72933 | |
vyomabīja | noun (neuter) name of a bīja Frequency rank 66991/72933 | |
vyomacakra | noun (neuter) (Haṭhayoga:) a place in the body
Khecarīmudrā Frequency rank 39834/72933 | |
vyomacara | adjective moving in the air (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66988/72933 | |
vyomaga | noun (masculine) a being that moves in the air (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a divine being (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66987/72933 | |
vyomagaṅgā | noun (feminine) the heavenly Ganges (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 39833/72933 | |
vyomakeśa | noun (masculine) name of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 25535/72933 | |
vyomaliṅga | noun (masculine neuter) name of a Tīrtha at Śrīśaila Frequency rank 66995/72933 | |
vyomamṛga | noun (masculine) name of one of the Moon's ten horses (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66992/72933 | |
vyoman | noun (masculine neuter) a particular Ekāha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a particular high number (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a temple sacred to the sun (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) air (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) atmosphere (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) ether (as an element) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) heaven (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) mica (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Dasārha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Prajāpati or the Year (personified)(Mahīdh.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Viṣṇu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) preservation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) sky (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) space (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) talc (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the 10th astrol. mansion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) water (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) welfare (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) wind or air (of the body) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) img/alchemy.bmp Frequency rank 1272/72933 | |
vyomapañcaka | noun (neuter) (prob.) the five apertures in the body (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66990/72933 | |
vyomarūpā | noun (feminine) [rel.] name of a kalā Frequency rank 66994/72933 | |
vyomasattva | noun (neuter) img/alchemy.bmp Frequency rank 20128/72933 | |
vyomasundarā | noun (feminine) name of a magical guṭikā Frequency rank 66998/72933 | |
vyomatīrtha | noun (neuter) name of a Tīrtha Frequency rank 66989/72933 | |
vyomavaktra | noun (masculine) a form of Śiva Frequency rank 22354/72933 | |
vyomavallikā | noun (feminine) Cassyta Filiformis (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66996/72933 | |
vyomavallī | noun (feminine) Cassytha filiformis Linn. Frequency rank 30412/72933 | |
vyomavyāpin | noun (neuter) name of a mantra Frequency rank 66997/72933 | |
vyomayāna | noun (neuter) a celestial car (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) chariot of the gods (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66993/72933 | |
vyomaśakti | noun (feminine) [rel.] name of Devī Frequency rank 39835/72933 |