Word | Reference | Gender | Number | Synonyms | Definition |
samūhaḥ | 2.5.41 | Masculine | Singular | vyūhaḥ, vrajaḥ, nikaraḥ, saṅghātaḥ, samudayaḥ, gaṇaḥ, nikurambam, sandohaḥ, stomaḥ, vrātaḥ, sañcayaḥ, samavāyaḥ, saṃhatiḥ, kadambakam, nivahaḥ, visaraḥ, oghaḥ, vāraḥ, samudāyaḥ, kṣayaḥ, vṛndam | |
vrajaḥ | 3.3.36 | Masculine | Singular | samakṣmāṃśaḥ, raṇaḥ |
vraja | m. (for 2.See) a way, road | ||||||
vraja | n. wandering, roaming | ||||||
vraja | m. (n.only ; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).;fr. | ||||||
vraja | m. Name of the district around agra- and mathurā- (the abode of nanda-, of kṛṣṇa-'s foster-father, and scene of kṛṣṇa-'s juvenile adventures;commonly called Braj; see vṛji-) | ||||||
vraja | m. a herd, flock, swarm, troop, host, multitude etc. (saṃgrāmaḥ savrajaḥ-"a fight with many"; vrajo girimayaḥ-,prob. equals giri-vraja-,q.v ) | ||||||
vraja | m. a cloud (equals megha-) | ||||||
vraja | m. Name of a son of havir-dhāna- | ||||||
vrajabhaktivilāsa | m. Name of work | ||||||
vrajabhāṣā | f. the language current around agra- and mathurā- | ||||||
vrajabhū | mfn. being or produced in vraja- | ||||||
vrajabhū | m. a variety of the Kadamba | ||||||
vrajabhū | f. the district of vraja- | ||||||
vrajabhūṣaṇa | m. Name of authors | ||||||
vrajabhūṣaṇakavi | m. Name of authors | ||||||
vrajabhuṣaṇamiśra | m. Name of authors | ||||||
vrajaka | m. a wandering religious mendicant | ||||||
vrajakiśora | m. "young herdsman"or"a young man of vraja-", Name of kṛṣṇa- | ||||||
vrajakṣit | mfn. remaining in a (heavenly) station id est in the clouds | ||||||
vrajalāla | m. Name of a king | ||||||
vrajalāla | m. of an author | ||||||
vrajamaṇḍala | n. the district of vraja- | ||||||
vrajamohana | m. "fascinator of vraja-", Name of kṛṣṇa- | ||||||
vrajana | n. going, travelling (anyatra-,"elsewhere") going into exile (varia lectio pra-vrajana-) | ||||||
vrajana | n. a road, way | ||||||
vrajana | m. Name of as one of aja-mīḍha- and brother of jahnu- (considered as one of the ancestors of kuśika-) | ||||||
vrajanātha | m. "lord of the herds", Name of kṛṣṇa- | ||||||
vrajanāthabhaṭṭa | m. Name of an author | ||||||
vrajanavanāgaracandrikā | f. Name of work | ||||||
vrajapaddhati | f. Name of work | ||||||
vrajarāja | m. Name of various authors and other men | ||||||
vrajarājadīkṣita | m. Name of various authors and other men | ||||||
vrajarājagosvāmin | m. Name of various authors and other men | ||||||
vrajarājaśukla | m. Name of various authors and other men | ||||||
vrajarāmā | f. a cowherdess, shepherdess | ||||||
vrajaspati | m. (formed ungrammatically according to the analogy of bṛhas-pati-) "lord of the cow-pen", Name of kṛṣṇa- | ||||||
vrajastrī | ( ) f. equals -rāma-. | ||||||
vrajasundarī | () ( ) f. equals -rāma-. | ||||||
vrajatattva | n. Name of work | ||||||
vrajaukas | m. a herdsman | ||||||
vrajavadhū | () f. equals -rāmā-. | ||||||
vrajavallabha | m. "beloved in vraja-" idem or 'm. "best in vraja-", Name of kṛṣṇa- ' | ||||||
vrajavanitā | () f. equals -rāmā-. | ||||||
vrajavara | m. "best in vraja-", Name of kṛṣṇa- | ||||||
vrajavihāra | m. Name of work | ||||||
vrajavilāsa | m. Name of work | ||||||
vrajavilāsastava | m. Name of work | ||||||
vrajayuvati | f. a young cowherdess, young shepherdess | ||||||
abhipravrajana | n. advancing, | ||||||
anupravrajana | n. the becoming an ascetic after (another), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding | ||||||
anuvrajana | n. following as above, Heat. | ||||||
aśmavraja | (/aśma--) mfn. whose stall or pen is a rock | ||||||
audavraja | mf(ī-)n. composed by uda-vraja-. | ||||||
daśavraja | (d/aś-) m. "having 10 cow-sheds", Name of a man | ||||||
gajavraja | mfn. walking like an elephant | ||||||
gajavraja | n. the pace of an elephant | ||||||
gajavraja | n. a troop of elephants | ||||||
girivraja | m. "mountain-fenced"Name of the capital of magadha- | ||||||
govraja | m. a cow-pen | ||||||
govraja | m. Name of an attendant of skanda- | ||||||
govraja | m. of a dānava- | ||||||
madhuvanavrajavāsigosvāmiguṇaleśāṣṭaka | n. Name of work | ||||||
meruvraja | n. Name of a city | ||||||
pravrajana | n. going abroad | ||||||
rathavraja | m. equals -vaṃśa- q.v | ||||||
śatavraja | (śat/a--) mf(ā-)n. having a hundred folds | ||||||
udavraja | (ud/a-) m. Name of a place ([ ]) | ||||||
upavrajam | ind. near a cattle pen | ||||||
uruvraja | mfn. (only locative case) having a wide range, having ample space for movement |
vrajaḥ | व्रजः [व्रज्-घञर्थे क] 1 A multitude, collection, flock, group; सगोव्रजो$त्यात्मपदुर्गमार्गः Bhāg.1.13.3; नेत्रव्रजाः पौरजनस्य तस्मिन् विहाय सर्वान्नृपतीन्निपेतुः R.6.7;7.6; Śi. 6.6;14.33. -2 A station of cowherds; Bhāg 12.9.28. -3 A cow-pen, cow-shed; 'व्रजः स्याद्गोकुलं गोष्ठम्' इति वैजयन्ती; निरुद्धवीवधासारप्रसारा गा इव व्रजम् Śi.2.64; Ki.4.16. -4 An abode, a resting-place. -5 A road. -6 A cloud. -7 N. of a district near Mathurā. -जम् Wandering, going. -Comp. -अङ्गना, -यूवतिः f. a woman of Vraja, a cowherdess; मयुरागमनोन्मुखे मुरारावसुभारार्तिभृतां व्रजाङ्गनानाम् Bv.2.165. -अजिरम् a cow-pen. -किशोरः, -नाथः, -मोहनः, -वरः, -वल्लभः epithets of Kṛiṣṇa. -भाषा the language current around Agra nad Mathurā; old Hindi language. -सानः a man. |
vrajakaḥ | व्रजकः A religious mendicant wandering about for alms. |
vrajanam | व्रजनम् [वृजेः क्युः Uṇ.2.77] 1 Roaming, wandering, travelling. -2 Exile. -3 Ved. A way, road. -4 Sky. |
upavrajam | उपव्रजम् ind. Near a cattle pen. |
pravrajanam | प्रव्रजनम् 1 Going abroad, sojourning. -2 Going into exile. -3 Turning a recluse. |
vraja | vraj-á, m. pen, fold, iv. 51, 2 [vṛj enclose]. |
vraja | m. (n. RV.1) fold, stall, cow-pen; herdsmen's station (C.); herd, flock, swarm, host, multitude (C.); (vrág)-ana, n. roaming, going (elsewhere; C.); path (RV.1). |
vrajasundarī | f. cowherdess; -strî, f. id.; -½a&ndot;ganâ, f. id. |
pravrajana | n. going abroad, leav ing home; -vragita, (pp.) m. religious men dicant (Brâhman in the fourth order); n. life of a religious mendicant: â, f. nun; -vragya, n. going abroad, migration, wander ing forth from home: â, f. religious mendi cancy; order of ascetics; joining the monastic (or fourth) order; -vraska, m. cut; -vrâg, m. religious mendicant, recluse; -vrâgá, m. river-bed (V.); -vrâgaka, m. religious men dicant: -strî, f. mendicant nun; -vrâgikâ, f. id.; -vrâgana, n. banishment; -vr&asharp;gin, going forth or after (--°ree;); m. religious mendi cant; -vlaya, m. collapse. |
vraja | Denotes in the first instance, in the Rigveda, the place to which the cattle resort (from vraj, ‘go’), the ‘ feeding ground ’ to which the milk-giving animals go out in the morning from the village (Grāma), while the others stay in it all day and night. Secondarily it denotes the ‘herd’ itself. This is Geldner’s view, which seems clearly better than that of Roth who regards Vraja as primarily the ‘enclosure’ (from vrj), and only thence the ‘herd’ ; for the Vraja does not normally mean an ‘enclosure’ at all: the Vedic cattle were not stall-fed as a general rule. In some passages, however, ‘pen,’ in others ‘stall,’ is certainly meant. The word is often used in the myth of the robbing of the kine. It occasionally denotes a ‘cistern.’ |
daśavraja | Is the name of a protege of the Aśvins in the Rigveda. |
abhi | vrajaṃ tatniṣe gavyam aśvyam RV.9.108.6c; SV.1.585c; JB.3.192c. Cf. abhi vrajaṃ na. |
abhi | vrajaṃ na tatniṣe RV.8.6.25a. Cf. abhi vrajaṃ tatniṣe. |
apa | vrajam ūrṇuthaḥ saptāsyam RV.10.40.8d. |
apa | vrajaṃ mahinā dāśuṣe vam RV.10.28.7d. |
indrasyāyaṃ | vrajaḥ kṛtaḥ śB.; BṛhU.6.4.22a. |
maho | vrajān gomato deva eṣaḥ RV.6.73.3b; AVś.20.90.3b; KS.4.16b; 40.11b; TB.; Apś.17.21.7b. |
parā | vrajatu kṛntati AVP.2.31.5a. |
pari | vrajaṃ svarita AVP.2.31.6e. |
pṛthag | vrajantīḥ pari ṣīm avṛñjan RV.3.56.4d. |
udasthur | vrājam atriṇaḥ (AVP. bhrājam attriṇaḥ) AVś.1.16.1b; AVP.1.10.3b. |
uta | vrajam apavartāsi gonām RV.4.20.8b. |
adha | sma (MS. smā) te vrajanaṃ kṛṣṇam asti (MS. kṛṣṇam astu; KS. -nam astu kṛṣṇam) # RV.7.3.2d; SV.2.570d; VS.15.62d; TS.; MS.2.8.14d: 118.10; KS.17.10d; JB.3.207; śB. |
adha | smā te vrajanaṃ etc. # see adha sma etc. |
anaḍvāhāv | iva vrajam # AVś.3.11.5b; 7.53.5b; AVP.1.61.3b. |
apa | yā mātāṃ ṛṇuta vrajaṃ goḥ # RV.5.45.6b. |
apāvṛṇod | duro aśmavrajānām (MS. asmadrathānām) # RV.10.139.6b; MS.4.9.11b: 132.4; TA.4.11.8b. |
ayaṃ | ghāso ayaṃ vrajaḥ # AVś.4.38.7c. P: ayaṃ ghāsaḥ Kauś.21.11. |
ā | tvā gobhir iva vrajam # RV.8.24.6a. |
ittham | eke pravrajanti # AVP.13.8.5a. |
indra | śikṣann apa vrajam # RV.1.132.4c. |
imaṃ | dhiṣṇyam udakumbhaṃ ca triḥ pradakṣiṇaṃ parivrajātha dakṣiṇaiḥ pāṇibhir dakṣiṇān ūrūn āghnānā ehy evā3 idaṃ madhū3 idaṃ madhv iti vadatyaḥ # ā. |
udañcaḥ | prāñco 'bhi vrajanty eke # AVP.13.8.5c. |
ṛṇor | apa vrajaṃ divaḥ # RV.9.102.8b. |
kulapā | na vrājapatiṃ carantam # RV.10.179.2d; AVś.7.72.2d. |
kuvitsasya | pra hi vrajam # RV.6.45.24a; AVś.20.78.3a; SV.2.1018a. |
gavām | apa vrajaṃ vṛdhi # RV.1.10.7c. |
gavām | urubjam abhy arṣati vrajam # RV.9.77.4d. |
gāva | uṣṇam iva vrajaṃ yaviṣṭha # RV.10.4.2b. |
gāvo | na vrajaṃ vy uṣā āvar tamaḥ # RV.1.92.4d. |
tisraḥ | kṣapas (TA. kṣapās) trir ahātivrajadbhiḥ # RV.1.116.4a; TA.1.10.3a. |
dṛḍhasya | cid gomato vi vrajasya # RV.6.62.11c. |
mahyaṃ | dattvā vrajata (Tā. prajātuṃ) brahmalokam # AVś.19.71.1e; Tā.10.36d. |
yad | aṅgirobhyo 'vṛṇor apa vrajam # RV.1.132.4b. |
yāni | rakṣāṃsy abhito vrajanti # MG.1.11.9a. Cf. yāni kāni ca ghorāṇi. |
yābhir | vaśaṃ daśavrajam # RV.8.8.20b. |
vraja | big farms | SB 1.6.11 |
vraja | by a lightning bolt | SB 10.88.36 |
vraja | by the multitude | SB 12.11.25 |
vraja | cow pastures | SB 10.71.21 |
vraja | cow pens | SB 5.5.30 |
vraja | go | BG 18.66 |
CC Madhya 22.94 | ||
CC Madhya 8.63 | ||
CC Madhya 9.265 | ||
SB 10.57.23 | ||
SB 3.32.11 | ||
vraja | kept in the pasture | SB 10.35.4-5 |
vraja | obtain | SB 11.30.49 |
vraja | of the people of Vraja | SB 10.29.41 |
vraja | of Vraja | CC Antya 7.38 |
NBS 21 | ||
SB 10.35.16-17 | ||
SB 10.35.24-25 | ||
SB 10.83.43 | ||
vraja | of Vṛndāvana | CC Antya 16.119 |
CC Antya 4.230 | ||
SB 10.14.31 | ||
vraja | pasturing grounds | SB 7.2.14 |
vraja | to the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana | SB 10.37.25 |
vraja | Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 13.138 |
vraja chāḍi' | leaving Vṛndāvana | CC Antya 1.66 |
vraja chāḍi' | leaving Vṛndāvana | CC Antya 1.66 |
vraja haite | from Vṛndāvana | CC Antya 1.66 |
vraja haite | from Vṛndāvana | CC Antya 1.66 |
vraja vinā | except for Vraja | CC Adi 4.47 |
vraja vinā | except for Vraja | CC Adi 4.47 |
vraja-abalāḥ | the girls of Vraja | SB 10.22.20 |
vraja-abalāḥ | the girls of Vraja | SB 10.22.20 |
vraja-adhipaḥ | the King of Vraja, Nanda Mahārāja | SB 10.11.17 |
vraja-adhipaḥ | the King of Vraja, Nanda Mahārāja | SB 10.11.17 |
vraja-ańganā | of the beautiful women of Vraja | CC Adi 4.74-75 |
vraja-ańganā | of the beautiful women of Vraja | CC Adi 4.74-75 |
vraja-ańganāḥ | the young ladies of Vraja | SB 10.30.1 |
vraja-ańganāḥ | the young ladies of Vraja | SB 10.30.1 |
vraja-ańganānām | of the women of Vraja | SB 10.46.46 |
vraja-ańganānām | of the women of Vraja | SB 10.46.46 |
vraja-arbhakāḥ | all the cowherd boys of Vrajabhūmi | SB 10.13.8 |
vraja-arbhakāḥ | all the cowherd boys of Vrajabhūmi | SB 10.13.8 |
vraja-āśraya | whose abode is in Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 21.120 |
vraja-āśraya | whose abode is in Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 21.120 |
vraja-āvāsam | inhabitation of Vraja | SB 10.11.35 |
vraja-āvāsam | inhabitation of Vraja | SB 10.11.35 |
vraja-bālakaiḥ | with other small children in Vraja | SB 10.8.27 |
vraja-bālakaiḥ | with other small children in Vraja | SB 10.8.27 |
vraja-bhāva | the feelings of those in Vraja | CC Adi 3.15 |
vraja-bhāva | the feelings of those in Vraja | CC Adi 3.15 |
vraja-bhṛt | the inhabitants of Vrajabhūmi | SB 2.7.33 |
vraja-bhṛt | the inhabitants of Vrajabhūmi | SB 2.7.33 |
vraja-bhūmera | of Vrajabhūmi | CC Madhya 4.97 |
vraja-bhūmera | of Vrajabhūmi | CC Madhya 4.97 |
vraja-bhūmi | the land known as Vrajabhūmi | CC Madhya 8.254 |
vraja-bhūmi | the land known as Vrajabhūmi | CC Madhya 8.254 |
vraja-bhūmi | the land of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 13.146 |
vraja-bhūmi | the land of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 13.146 |
vraja-bhuvaḥ | from the land known as Vraja | SB 10.11.38 |
vraja-bhuvaḥ | from the land known as Vraja | SB 10.11.38 |
vraja-bhuvaḥ | the various regions of the land of Vraja | SB 10.44.13 |
vraja-bhuvaḥ | the various regions of the land of Vraja | SB 10.44.13 |
vraja-bhuvi | in the land of Vraja, Vṛndāvana | CC Antya 1.190 |
vraja-bhuvi | in the land of Vraja, Vṛndāvana | CC Antya 1.190 |
vraja-cyutim | a falldown from their vow | SB 10.22.20 |
vraja-cyutim | a falldown from their vow | SB 10.22.20 |
vraja-devī | the damsels of Vraja | CC Antya 15.74 |
vraja-devī | the damsels of Vraja | CC Antya 15.74 |
vraja-devī-gaṇa | the gopīs | CC Adi 4.79 |
vraja-devī-gaṇa | the gopīs | CC Adi 4.79 |
vraja-devī-gaṇa | the gopīs | CC Adi 4.79 |
vraja-devīra | of the gopīs | CC Madhya 25.253 |
vraja-devīra | of the gopīs | CC Madhya 25.253 |
vraja-devīra | of the gopīs or Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī | CC Antya 7.39 |
vraja-devīra | of the gopīs or Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī | CC Antya 7.39 |
vraja-devīra | the gopīs | CC Madhya 8.94 |
vraja-devīra | the gopīs | CC Madhya 8.94 |
vraja-devyaḥ | O goddesses of Vṛndāvana (gopīs) | SB 10.35.12-13 |
vraja-devyaḥ | O goddesses of Vṛndāvana (gopīs) | SB 10.35.12-13 |
vraja-dhanam | the special wealth of the inhabitants of Vraja | CC Madhya 14.228 |
vraja-dhanam | the special wealth of the inhabitants of Vraja | CC Madhya 14.228 |
vraja-gavām | to the cows of Vraja | SB 10.35.22-23 |
vraja-gavām | to the cows of Vraja | SB 10.35.22-23 |
vraja-indra | of the King of Vraja, Nanda Mahārāja | CC Madhya 18.62 |
vraja-indra | of the King of Vraja, Nanda Mahārāja | CC Madhya 18.62 |
vraja-indra-nandana | Kṛṣṇa, the son of the King of Vraja | CC Adi 1.79-80 |
vraja-indra-nandana | Kṛṣṇa, the son of the King of Vraja | CC Adi 1.79-80 |
vraja-indra-nandana | Kṛṣṇa, the son of the King of Vraja | CC Adi 1.79-80 |
vraja-īśa | of Mahārāja Nanda | CC Adi 4.155 |
vraja-īśa | of Mahārāja Nanda | CC Adi 4.155 |
SB 10.21.7 | ||
vraja-īśa | of Mahārāja Nanda | SB 10.21.7 |
vraja-īśvarasya | of my husband, Nanda Mahārāja | SB 10.8.42 |
vraja-īśvarasya | of my husband, Nanda Mahārāja | SB 10.8.42 |
vraja-īśvari | O Queen of Vraja | SB 10.82.37 |
vraja-īśvari | O Queen of Vraja | SB 10.82.37 |
vraja-īśvarī | the Queen of Vraja | CC Antya 7.30 |
vraja-īśvarī | the Queen of Vraja | CC Antya 7.30 |
vraja-īśvarīm | the Queen of Vraja (Yaśodā) | SB 10.82.36 |
vraja-īśvarīm | the Queen of Vraja (Yaśodā) | SB 10.82.36 |
vraja-īśvarīra | and of the Queen of Vraja, mother Yaśodā | CC Madhya 18.62 |
vraja-īśvarīra | and of the Queen of Vraja, mother Yaśodā | CC Madhya 18.62 |
vraja-jana | inhabitants | CC Madhya 13.143 |
vraja-jana | inhabitants | CC Madhya 13.143 |
vraja-jana | of the people of Vraja | SB 10.31.6 |
vraja-jana | of the people of Vraja | SB 10.31.6 |
vraja-jana | the inhabitants of Vrajabhūmi | CC Antya 19.42 |
vraja-jana | the inhabitants of Vrajabhūmi | CC Antya 19.42 |
CC Madhya 9.128 | ||
vraja-jana | the inhabitants of Vrajabhūmi | CC Madhya 9.128 |
CC Madhya 9.130 | ||
vraja-jana | the inhabitants of Vrajabhūmi | CC Madhya 9.130 |
vraja-jana | the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 13.144 |
vraja-jana | the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 13.144 |
vraja-jana | to all the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 13.147 |
vraja-jana | to all the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 13.147 |
vraja-jana | to the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 13.157 |
vraja-jana | to the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 13.157 |
vraja-jana-ārti-han | O one who diminishes all the painful conditions of the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana | CC Adi 6.67 |
vraja-jana-ārti-han | O one who diminishes all the painful conditions of the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana | CC Adi 6.67 |
vraja-jana-ārti-han | O one who diminishes all the painful conditions of the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana | CC Adi 6.67 |
vraja-jana-ārti-han | O one who diminishes all the painful conditions of the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana | CC Adi 6.67 |
vraja-janaiḥ | with the people of Vraja | SB 10.24.36 |
vraja-janaiḥ | with the people of Vraja | SB 10.24.36 |
vraja-jane | to the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 13.146 |
vraja-jane | to the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 13.146 |
vraja-janera | of all the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 13.145 |
vraja-janera | of all the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 13.145 |
vraja-janera | of the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana | CC Antya 19.36 |
vraja-janera | of the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana | CC Antya 19.36 |
CC Madhya 13.146 | ||
vraja-janera | of the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 13.146 |
vraja-kardameṣu | in the mud created by cow dung and cow urine on the earth of Vrajabhūmi | SB 10.8.22 |
vraja-kardameṣu | in the mud created by cow dung and cow urine on the earth of Vrajabhūmi | SB 10.8.22 |
vraja-kāryam | the business of Vrajabhūmi | SB 10.11.21 |
vraja-kāryam | the business of Vrajabhūmi | SB 10.11.21 |
vraja-kumuda | of the lotuslike inhabitants of Vrajabhūmi | CC Madhya 8.211 |
vraja-kumuda | of the lotuslike inhabitants of Vrajabhūmi | CC Madhya 8.211 |
vraja-lalanā | the damsels of Vṛndāvana | CC Adi 7.8 |
vraja-lalanā | the damsels of Vṛndāvana | CC Adi 7.8 |
vraja-līlā-prema-rasa | the transcendental mellows of the pastimes of Vṛndāvana | CC Antya 1.199 |
vraja-līlā-prema-rasa | the transcendental mellows of the pastimes of Vṛndāvana | CC Antya 1.199 |
vraja-līlā-prema-rasa | the transcendental mellows of the pastimes of Vṛndāvana | CC Antya 1.199 |
vraja-līlā-prema-rasa | the transcendental mellows of the pastimes of Vṛndāvana | CC Antya 1.199 |
vraja-līlā-pura-līlā | His pastimes in Vṛndāvana and His pastimes in Mathurā and Dvārakā | CC Antya 1.124 |
vraja-līlā-pura-līlā | His pastimes in Vṛndāvana and His pastimes in Mathurā and Dvārakā | CC Antya 1.124 |
vraja-līlā-pura-līlā | His pastimes in Vṛndāvana and His pastimes in Mathurā and Dvārakā | CC Antya 1.124 |
vraja-līlā-pura-līlā | His pastimes in Vṛndāvana and His pastimes in Mathurā and Dvārakā | CC Antya 1.124 |
vraja-loka | of a particular servant of Kṛṣṇa in Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 22.158 |
vraja-loka | of a particular servant of Kṛṣṇa in Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 22.158 |
vraja-loka-dhāma | the place of Vraja | CC Adi 5.17 |
vraja-loka-dhāma | the place of Vraja | CC Adi 5.17 |
vraja-loka-dhāma | the place of Vraja | CC Adi 5.17 |
vraja-lokera | of the inhabitants of Goloka Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 9.128 |
vraja-lokera | of the inhabitants of Goloka Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 9.128 |
vraja-lokera | of the inhabitants of Vrajabhūmi | CC Madhya 9.131 |
vraja-lokera | of the inhabitants of Vrajabhūmi | CC Madhya 9.131 |
vraja-lokera | of the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 13.148 |
vraja-lokera | of the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 13.148 |
vraja-lokera | of the planet known as Goloka Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 8.222 |
vraja-lokera | of the planet known as Goloka Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 8.222 |
vraja-nārī | the damsels of Vraja | CC Antya 15.71 |
vraja-nārī | the damsels of Vraja | CC Antya 15.71 |
vraja-nārī-gaṇera | of all the gopīs of Vṛndāvana | CC Antya 15.23 |
vraja-nārī-gaṇera | of all the gopīs of Vṛndāvana | CC Antya 15.23 |
vraja-nārī-gaṇera | of all the gopīs of Vṛndāvana | CC Antya 15.23 |
vraja-narma | activities of Vṛndāvana | CC Adi 11.23 |
vraja-narma | activities of Vṛndāvana | CC Adi 11.23 |
vraja-nātha | O master of the cowherd village | SB 10.47.52 |
vraja-nātha | O master of the cowherd village | SB 10.47.52 |
vraja-nātha | O master of Vraja | SB 10.26.14 |
vraja-nātha | O master of Vraja | SB 10.26.14 |
vraja-okasaḥ | all the inhabitants of Vrajabhūmi, Vṛndāvana | SB 10.12.15 |
vraja-okasaḥ | all the inhabitants of Vrajabhūmi, Vṛndāvana | SB 10.12.15 |
vraja-okasaḥ | inhabitants of Vraja | SB 10.6.33 |
vraja-okasaḥ | inhabitants of Vraja | SB 10.6.33 |
vraja-okasaḥ | O residents of Vraja | SB 10.25.20 |
vraja-okasaḥ | O residents of Vraja | SB 10.25.20 |
vraja-okasaḥ | the cowherd men of Vraja | SB 10.33.37 |
vraja-okasaḥ | the cowherd men of Vraja | SB 10.33.37 |
vraja-okasaḥ | the inhabitants of Vraja | SB 10.34.19 |
vraja-okasaḥ | the inhabitants of Vraja | SB 10.34.19 |
SB 10.41.8 | ||
vraja-okasaḥ | the inhabitants of Vraja | SB 10.41.8 |
vraja-okasaḥ | the inhabitants of Vrajabhūmi in distant places | SB 10.6.41 |
vraja-okasaḥ | the inhabitants of Vrajabhūmi in distant places | SB 10.6.41 |
vraja-okasaḥ | the people of Vraja | SB 10.17.22 |
vraja-okasaḥ | the people of Vraja | SB 10.17.22 |
vraja-okasaḥ | the people of Vṛndāvana | SB 10.17.20 |
vraja-okasaḥ | the people of Vṛndāvana | SB 10.17.20 |
vraja-okasaḥ | the residents of Vraja | SB 10.25.29 |
vraja-okasaḥ | the residents of Vraja | SB 10.25.29 |
SB 10.26.24 | ||
vraja-okasaḥ | the residents of Vraja | SB 10.26.24 |
SB 10.46.47 | ||
vraja-okasaḥ | the residents of Vraja | SB 10.46.47 |
vraja-okasaḥ | to the boys of Vraja | SB 10.22.30 |
vraja-okasaḥ | to the boys of Vraja | SB 10.22.30 |
vraja-okasaḥ | to the inhabitants of Vraja | SB 10.7.6 |
vraja-okasaḥ | to the inhabitants of Vraja | SB 10.7.6 |
vraja-okasaḥ | village cowherd men | SB 7.7.54 |
vraja-okasaḥ | village cowherd men | SB 7.7.54 |
vraja-okasām | by the inhabitants of the land of Vṛndāvana | SB 3.2.28 |
vraja-okasām | by the inhabitants of the land of Vṛndāvana | SB 3.2.28 |
vraja-okasām | for the inhabitants of Vrajabhūmi, Vṛndāvana | SB 10.12.36 |
vraja-okasām | for the inhabitants of Vrajabhūmi, Vṛndāvana | SB 10.12.36 |
vraja-okasām | for the residents of Vraja | SB 10.47.55 |
vraja-okasām | for the residents of Vraja | SB 10.47.55 |
SB 10.47.56 | ||
vraja-okasām | for the residents of Vraja | SB 10.47.56 |
vraja-okasām | of all the inhabitants of Vraja, Vṛndāvana | SB 10.13.26 |
vraja-okasām | of all the inhabitants of Vraja, Vṛndāvana | SB 10.13.26 |
vraja-okasām | of the inhabitants of Gokula | SB 10.6.4 |
vraja-okasām | of the inhabitants of Gokula | SB 10.6.4 |
vraja-okasām | of the inhabitants of Vrajabhūmi | CC Madhya 6.149 |
vraja-okasām | of the inhabitants of Vrajabhūmi | CC Madhya 6.149 |
SB 10.14.32 | ||
vraja-okasām | of the inhabitants of Vrajabhūmi | SB 10.14.32 |
vraja-okasām | of the inhabitants of Vrajabhūmi, Vṛndāvana | SB 10.12.12 |
vraja-okasām | of the inhabitants of Vrajabhūmi, Vṛndāvana | SB 10.12.12 |
vraja-okasām | of the residents of Vraja | SB 10.47.69 |
vraja-okasām | of the residents of Vraja | SB 10.47.69 |
vraja-okasām | the residents of Vraja | SB 10.24.12 |
vraja-okasām | the residents of Vraja | SB 10.24.12 |
SB 10.26.13 | ||
vraja-okasām | the residents of Vraja | SB 10.26.13 |
vraja-okasām | to all the inhabitants of Vraja | SB 10.11.37 |
vraja-okasām | to all the inhabitants of Vraja | SB 10.11.37 |
vraja-paśūn | the animals of Vraja | SB 10.26.11 |
vraja-paśūn | the animals of Vraja | SB 10.26.11 |
vraja-paśūn | the animals thereof | SB 2.7.28 |
vraja-paśūn | the animals thereof | SB 2.7.28 |
vraja-paśūn | the domestic animals of Vraja | SB 10.21.16 |
vraja-paśūn | the domestic animals of Vraja | SB 10.21.16 |
vraja-pate | O King of Vraja | SB 10.26.20 |
vraja-pate | O King of Vraja | SB 10.26.20 |
SB 10.8.17 | ||
vraja-pate | O King of Vraja | SB 10.8.17 |
vraja-pati-sutasya | from the son of Nanda Mahārāja | CC Antya 14.73 |
vraja-pati-sutasya | from the son of Nanda Mahārāja | CC Antya 14.73 |
vraja-pati-sutasya | from the son of Nanda Mahārāja | CC Antya 14.73 |
vraja-prāṇa | the life of Vrajabhūmi (Vṛndāvana) | CC Madhya 2.70 |
vraja-prāṇa | the life of Vrajabhūmi (Vṛndāvana) | CC Madhya 2.70 |
vraja-prema | love like that of the residents of Vraja | CC Adi 3.26 |
vraja-prema | love like that of the residents of Vraja | CC Adi 3.26 |
vraja-prema | the love of Vraja | CC Madhya 13.148 |
vraja-prema | the love of Vraja | CC Madhya 13.148 |
vraja-priya | of the darling of Vraja | SB 10.16.21 |
vraja-priya | of the darling of Vraja | SB 10.16.21 |
vraja-pura-ghare | at the home in Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 1.82 |
vraja-pura-ghare | at the home in Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 1.82 |
vraja-pura-ghare | at the home in Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 1.82 |
vraja-pura-līlā | Lord Kṛṣṇa's pastimes in Vraja and Dvārakā | CC Antya 1.44 |
vraja-pura-līlā | Lord Kṛṣṇa's pastimes in Vraja and Dvārakā | CC Antya 1.44 |
vraja-pura-līlā | Lord Kṛṣṇa's pastimes in Vraja and Dvārakā | CC Antya 1.44 |
vraja-pura-vanitānām | of the damsels of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 13.79 |
vraja-pura-vanitānām | of the damsels of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 13.79 |
vraja-pura-vanitānām | of the damsels of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 13.79 |
SB 10.90.48 | ||
vraja-pura-vanitānām | of the damsels of Vṛndāvana | SB 10.90.48 |
vraja-pura-vanitānām | of the damsels of Vṛndāvana | SB 10.90.48 |
vraja-pure | in Vṛndāvana and Dvārakā | CC Madhya 20.392 |
vraja-pure | in Vṛndāvana and Dvārakā | CC Madhya 20.392 |
vraja-rāja-nandane | to the son of Mahārāja Nanda | CC Madhya 21.45 |
vraja-rāja-nandane | to the son of Mahārāja Nanda | CC Madhya 21.45 |
vraja-rāja-nandane | to the son of Mahārāja Nanda | CC Madhya 21.45 |
vraja-rājera | and of the King of Vraja, Nanda Mahārāja | CC Madhya 13.147 |
vraja-rājera | and of the King of Vraja, Nanda Mahārāja | CC Madhya 13.147 |
vraja-rāmā | all the gopīs in Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 8.183-184 |
vraja-rāmā | all the gopīs in Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 8.183-184 |
vraja-rasa | the transcendental mellows enjoyed in Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 1.44 |
vraja-rasa | the transcendental mellows enjoyed in Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 1.44 |
vraja-rasa | the transcendental mellows in Vṛndāvana | CC Antya 1.205 |
vraja-rasa | the transcendental mellows in Vṛndāvana | CC Antya 1.205 |
vraja-rasa-gīta | songs about the mellows of Vṛndāvana-dhāma | CC Madhya 14.232 |
vraja-rasa-gīta | songs about the mellows of Vṛndāvana-dhāma | CC Madhya 14.232 |
vraja-rasa-gīta | songs about the mellows of Vṛndāvana-dhāma | CC Madhya 14.232 |
vraja-sakhā | residents of Vṛndāvana | CC Adi 11.21 |
vraja-sakhā | residents of Vṛndāvana | CC Adi 11.21 |
vraja-ślāghyam | renowned throughout Vraja | SB 10.22.14 |
vraja-ślāghyam | renowned throughout Vraja | SB 10.22.14 |
vraja-strīṇām | of all the ladies of Vraja | SB 10.8.27 |
vraja-strīṇām | of all the ladies of Vraja | SB 10.8.27 |
vraja-strīṇām | of the women of Vṛndāvana | SB 12.12.34 |
vraja-strīṇām | of the women of Vṛndāvana | SB 12.12.34 |
vraja-striyaḥ | all the ladies of Vraja | SB 10.7.8 |
vraja-striyaḥ | all the ladies of Vraja | SB 10.7.8 |
vraja-striyaḥ | damsels of Vraja | SB 3.2.14 |
vraja-striyaḥ | damsels of Vraja | SB 3.2.14 |
vraja-striyaḥ | the damsels of Vrajabhūmi | SB 1.10.28 |
vraja-striyaḥ | the damsels of Vrajabhūmi | SB 1.10.28 |
vraja-striyaḥ | the ladies in the cowherd village | SB 10.21.3 |
vraja-striyaḥ | the ladies in the cowherd village | SB 10.21.3 |
vraja-striyaḥ | the ladies of Vraja | SB 10.39.31 |
vraja-striyaḥ | the ladies of Vraja | SB 10.39.31 |
SB 10.44.15 | ||
vraja-striyaḥ | the ladies of Vraja | SB 10.44.15 |
vraja-striyaḥ | the ladies standing in the village of Vraja | SB 10.21.6 |
vraja-striyaḥ | the ladies standing in the village of Vraja | SB 10.21.6 |
vraja-striyaḥ | the women of Vraja | SB 10.33.17 |
vraja-striyaḥ | the women of Vraja | SB 10.33.17 |
SB 10.35.26 | ||
vraja-striyaḥ | the women of Vraja | SB 10.35.26 |
SB 10.47.1-2 | ||
vraja-striyaḥ | the women of Vraja | SB 10.47.1-2 |
vraja-striyaḥ | the young women of Vraja | SB 10.29.4 |
vraja-striyaḥ | the young women of Vraja | SB 10.29.4 |
vraja-suhṛt | Your cowherd boyfriends of Vṛndāvana | SB 10.14.18 |
vraja-suhṛt | Your cowherd boyfriends of Vṛndāvana | SB 10.14.18 |
vraja-sundarībhiḥ | by the young women of Vraja | CC Adi 4.224 |
vraja-sundarībhiḥ | by the young women of Vraja | CC Adi 4.224 |
CC Madhya 8.144 | ||
vraja-sundarībhiḥ | by the young women of Vraja | CC Madhya 8.144 |
vraja-sundarībhiḥ | with the young women of the cowherd community | SB 10.33.16 |
vraja-sundarībhiḥ | with the young women of the cowherd community | SB 10.33.16 |
vraja-sundarīḥ | the other beautiful gopīs | CC Madhya 8.106 |
vraja-sundarīḥ | the other beautiful gopīs | CC Madhya 8.106 |
vraja-sundarīḥ | the other gopīs | CC Adi 4.219 |
vraja-sundarīḥ | the other gopīs | CC Adi 4.219 |
vraja-sundarīṇām | for the beautiful young girls of Vraja | SB 10.29.45-46 |
vraja-sundarīṇām | for the beautiful young girls of Vraja | SB 10.29.45-46 |
vraja-sundarīṇām | of the beautiful gopīs, the transcendental girls of Vrajabhūmi | CC Antya 7.29 |
vraja-sundarīṇām | of the beautiful gopīs, the transcendental girls of Vrajabhūmi | CC Antya 7.29 |
CC Madhya 8.232 | ||
vraja-sundarīṇām | of the beautiful gopīs, the transcendental girls of Vrajabhūmi | CC Madhya 8.232 |
CC Madhya 8.80 | ||
vraja-sundarīṇām | of the beautiful gopīs, the transcendental girls of Vrajabhūmi | CC Madhya 8.80 |
CC Madhya 9.121 | ||
vraja-sundarīṇām | of the beautiful gopīs, the transcendental girls of Vrajabhūmi | CC Madhya 9.121 |
vraja-vadhū | all the damsels of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 13.158 |
vraja-vadhū | all the damsels of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 13.158 |
vraja-vadhū | of the damsels of Vrajabhūmi | CC Madhya 20.180 |
vraja-vadhū | of the damsels of Vrajabhūmi | CC Madhya 20.180 |
vraja-vadhū-gaṇera | of the young wives of Vraja | CC Adi 4.48 |
vraja-vadhū-gaṇera | of the young wives of Vraja | CC Adi 4.48 |
vraja-vadhū-gaṇera | of the young wives of Vraja | CC Adi 4.48 |
vraja-vadhū-sańge | in the association of the damsels of Vrajabhūmi | CC Antya 5.45-46 |
vraja-vadhū-sańge | in the association of the damsels of Vrajabhūmi | CC Antya 5.45-46 |
vraja-vadhū-sańge | in the association of the damsels of Vrajabhūmi | CC Antya 5.45-46 |
vraja-vadhūbhiḥ | the damsels of Vraja, the gopīs | CC Antya 5.48 |
vraja-vadhūbhiḥ | the damsels of Vraja, the gopīs | CC Antya 5.48 |
vraja-vadhūbhiḥ | with the young women of Vṛndāvana | SB 10.33.39 |
vraja-vadhūbhiḥ | with the young women of Vṛndāvana | SB 10.33.39 |
vraja-vallabhīnām | of the beautiful gopīs, the transcendental girls of Vrajabhūmi | SB 10.47.60 |
vraja-vallabhīnām | of the beautiful gopīs, the transcendental girls of Vrajabhūmi | SB 10.47.60 |
vraja-vāma-dṛśām | of the damsels of Vṛndāvana | CC Antya 1.188 |
vraja-vāma-dṛśām | of the damsels of Vṛndāvana | CC Antya 1.188 |
vraja-vāma-dṛśām | of the damsels of Vṛndāvana | CC Antya 1.188 |
vraja-vana | in the forests of Vraja | SB 10.31.18 |
vraja-vana | in the forests of Vraja | SB 10.31.18 |
vraja-vāsī | inhabitants of Vrajabhūmi | CC Adi 10.101 |
vraja-vāsī | inhabitants of Vrajabhūmi | CC Adi 10.101 |
vraja-vāsī | resident of Vṛndāvana | CC Adi 12.88 |
vraja-vāsī | resident of Vṛndāvana | CC Adi 12.88 |
CC Madhya 4.102 | ||
vraja-vāsī | resident of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 4.102 |
vraja-vāsī | the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana (Vrajabhūmi) | CC Madhya 4.95 |
vraja-vāsī | the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana (Vrajabhūmi) | CC Madhya 4.95 |
vraja-vāsī yata jana | all the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana-dhāma | CC Madhya 13.150 |
vraja-vāsī yata jana | all the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana-dhāma | CC Madhya 13.150 |
vraja-vāsī yata jana | all the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana-dhāma | CC Madhya 13.150 |
vraja-vāsī yata jana | all the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana-dhāma | CC Madhya 13.150 |
vraja-vāsi-jana-ādiṣu | among the eternal inhabitants of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 22.154 |
vraja-vāsi-jana-ādiṣu | among the eternal inhabitants of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 22.154 |
vraja-vāsi-jana-ādiṣu | among the eternal inhabitants of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 22.154 |
vraja-vāsi-jana-ādiṣu | among the eternal inhabitants of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 22.154 |
vraja-vāsi-jane | in the inhabitants of Vraja, or Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 22.149 |
vraja-vāsi-jane | in the inhabitants of Vraja, or Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 22.149 |
vraja-vāsi-jane | in the inhabitants of Vraja, or Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 22.149 |
vraja-vāsi-prati | toward the inhabitants of Vrajabhūmi | CC Madhya 4.95 |
vraja-vāsi-prati | toward the inhabitants of Vrajabhūmi | CC Madhya 4.95 |
vraja-vāsi-prati | toward the inhabitants of Vrajabhūmi | CC Madhya 4.95 |
vraja-vāsibhiḥ | the residents of Vraja | SB 10.25.23 |
vraja-vāsibhiḥ | the residents of Vraja | SB 10.25.23 |
vraja-vāsīra bhāve | in the moods of the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana, Vraja | CC Madhya 22.153 |
vraja-vāsīra bhāve | in the moods of the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana, Vraja | CC Madhya 22.153 |
vraja-vāsīra bhāve | in the moods of the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana, Vraja | CC Madhya 22.153 |
vraja-vilāsa | of the pastimes of the Lord in Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 1.37 |
vraja-vilāsa | of the pastimes of the Lord in Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 1.37 |
vraja-vilāsa | of the pastimes of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 1.41 |
vraja-vilāsa | of the pastimes of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 1.41 |
vraja-vilāse | in the pastimes of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 2.80 |
vraja-vilāse | in the pastimes of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 2.80 |
vraja-vilāsinaḥ | who enjoys the pastimes of Vraja | CC Adi 4.1 |
vraja-vilāsinaḥ | who enjoys the pastimes of Vraja | CC Adi 4.1 |
vraja-viplavāya | for devastating the whole existence of Vrajabhūmi, the land of Kṛṣṇa's pastimes | SB 2.7.32 |
vraja-viplavāya | for devastating the whole existence of Vrajabhūmi, the land of Kṛṣṇa's pastimes | SB 2.7.32 |
vraja-yoṣitaḥ | the girls of Vraja | SB 10.29.17 |
vraja-yoṣitaḥ | the girls of Vraja | SB 10.29.17 |
vraja-yoṣitaḥ | the ladies of Vṛndāvana | SB 10.15.43 |
vraja-yoṣitaḥ | the ladies of Vṛndāvana | SB 10.15.43 |
vraja-yoṣitaḥ | the women of Vraja | SB 10.47.38 |
vraja-yoṣitaḥ | the women of Vraja | SB 10.47.38 |
vraja-yoṣitām | of the ladies of Vraja | SB 10.38.17 |
vraja-yoṣitām | of the ladies of Vraja | SB 10.38.17 |
vraja-yoṣitām | of the women of the cowherd community | SB 10.34.20 |
vraja-yoṣitām | of the women of the cowherd community | SB 10.34.20 |
vraja-yoṣitām | of the women of Vraja | SB 10.65.34 |
vraja-yoṣitām | of the women of Vraja | SB 10.65.34 |
vraja-yoṣitām | of the women of Vṛndāvana | SB 10.20.42 |
vraja-yoṣitām | of the women of Vṛndāvana | SB 10.20.42 |
vrajadbhiḥ | flying | SB 4.3.12 |
vrajaḥ | the land occupied by Nanda Mahārāja | SB 10.5.6 |
vrajaḥ | the land of cows (Vṛndāvana) | SB 3.2.33 |
vrajaḥ | the land of Vraja | SB 10.31.1 |
vrajaḥ | Vrajabhūmi, the land for protecting and breeding cows | SB 10.5.18 |
vrajaḥ-pateḥ | of the master of Vraja | SB 10.39.23 |
vrajaḥ-pateḥ | of the master of Vraja | SB 10.39.23 |
vrajam | all the inhabitants of Vraja | SB 2.7.29 |
vrajam | at the pasturing place | SB 10.5.13 |
vrajam | back to Vraja | SB 10.29.34 |
vrajam | the cow pasture | SB 10.38.28-33 |
vrajam | the people of Vṛndāvana | SB 10.17.21 |
vrajam | the place of Nanda Mahārāja, Vrajabhūmi | SB 10.6.41 |
vrajam | the village of Vraja | SB 10.39.30 |
SB 10.46.18 | ||
vrajam | this Gokula Vrajabhūmi | SB 10.11.27 |
vrajam | to the cowherd village | SB 10.22.28 |
SB 10.34.19 | ||
SB 10.66.1 | ||
vrajam | to the cowherd village of Vraja | SB 10.29.19 |
vrajam | to the land of Vraja | SB 10.2.7 |
vrajam | to the village known as Vrajabhūmi | SB 10.8.1 |
vrajam | to the village of Nanda Mahārāja | SB 10.23.52 |
vrajam | to the village of Vraja | SB 10.14.46 |
vrajam | to Vraja | SB 10.15.41 |
SB 10.22.27 | ||
SB 10.24.38 | ||
SB 10.25.7 | ||
SB 10.45.23 | ||
SB 10.45.25 | ||
SB 10.46.3 | ||
SB 10.46.34 | ||
vrajam | to Vrajadhāma, Vrajabhūmi | SB 10.1.9 |
vrajam | to Vṛndāvana | SB 10.20.2 |
SB 10.39.13 | ||
SB 10.6.31 | ||
SB 9.24.66 | ||
vrajam | Vraja | SB 10.18.1 |
vrajam | Vrajabhūmi, the land of Mahārāja Nanda and Yaśodā | SB 10.13.20 |
vrajam | Vṛndāvana-dhāma, Nanda Mahārāja's place | SB 10.8.37-39 |
vrajam etya | returning to Vrajabhūmi | SB 10.11.53 |
vrajam etya | returning to Vrajabhūmi | SB 10.11.53 |
vrajan | a person, while traveling on the road | SB 10.1.40 |
vrajan | going | CC Antya 14.120 |
vrajan | moving | SB 5.5.34 |
vrajan | walking | SB 10.42.1 |
SB 10.42.13 | ||
vrajan | while returning to His abode | SB 3.5.21 |
vrajan | while traveling | SB 3.1.20 |
vrajan | while walking | SB 9.10.6-7 |
vrajantam | going | SB 11.9.13 |
vrajantam | moving | SB 3.28.19 |
SB 4.6.13 | ||
vrajantam | passing by | SB 9.18.5 |
vrajantam | walking | SB 11.28.31 |
vrajantam | while going | SB 3.4.24 |
vrajantam | while walking | SB 10.6.24 |
vrajanti | approach | SB 3.15.23 |
SB 5.13.15 | ||
vrajanti | are going | SB 4.3.8 |
vrajanti | do go back | SB 2.2.37 |
vrajanti | go | CC Madhya 24.88 |
SB 3.15.25 | ||
SB 3.32.20 | ||
SB 4.11.5 | ||
vrajanti | go away | SB 1.18.22 |
vrajanti | pass | SB 8.15.22 |
vrajanti | reach | SB 4.12.36 |
vrajanti | walk | SB 8.15.22 |
vrajantīḥ | were going | SB 4.3.5-7 |
vrajantīm | going away | SB 11.26.5 |
vrajantu | they should go | SB 11.30.6 |
vrajasya | of all the inhabitants of Vraja | SB 10.13.36 |
vrajasya | of the herd of cows | SB 10.13.35 |
vrajasya | of Vraja | SB 10.29.18 |
vrajasya | of Vrajabhūmi | SB 10.11.9 |
vrajatā | passing | SB 10.8.21 |
vrajataḥ | of Him who is going | SB 10.44.16 |
vrajataḥ | while going (to the āśrama of Kapila) | SB 5.10.1 |
vrajatam | go | SB 3.15.34 |
vrajatām | who are going | SB 11.4.10 |
vrajati | going | SB 4.23.26 |
vrajati | He walks | SB 10.35.16-17 |
vrajati | passes away | Bs 5.56 |
vrajati | thus he goes | SB 4.26.8 |
vrajati | works | SB 5.10.4 |
vrajatīḥ | while going (in that costume) | SB 10.5.11 |
vrajatoḥ | who are going | SB 3.15.36 |
vrajavāsī loka | the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 18.136 |
vrajavāsī loka | the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 18.136 |
pura-grāma-vraja-ādiṣu | in all the towns, villages and pasturing grounds | SB 10.4.31 |
pura-grāma-vraja-ādiṣu | in towns, cities and villages here and there | SB 10.6.2 |
mańgala-bhūyiṣṭha-pura-grāma-vraja-ākarāḥ | whose many cities, towns, pasturing grounds and mines became auspicious and very neat and clean | SB summary |
anuvrajan | wandering | SB 3.31.43 |
anuvrajat | began to follow | SB 8.12.23 |
anuvrajataḥ | goes after | SB 2.3.22 |
avrajan | have reached | SB 4.12.36 |
avrajat | went | SB 4.19.22 |
āvrajat | returned | SB 9.16.1 |
āvrajat | He returned | SB 10.15.41 |
avrajat | went off | SB 10.25.33 |
āvrajat | came | SB 10.27.1 |
mańgala-bhūyiṣṭha-pura-grāma-vraja-ākarāḥ | whose many cities, towns, pasturing grounds and mines became auspicious and very neat and clean | SB summary |
girivrajam | to the fortress city Girivraja | SB 10.72.16 |
go-vrajaḥ | herd of cows | SB 10.13.30 |
mańgala-bhūyiṣṭha-pura-grāma-vraja-ākarāḥ | whose many cities, towns, pasturing grounds and mines became auspicious and very neat and clean | SB summary |
pura-grāma-vraja-ādiṣu | in all the towns, villages and pasturing grounds | SB 10.4.31 |
pura-grāma-vraja-ādiṣu | in towns, cities and villages here and there | SB 10.6.2 |
mańgala-bhūyiṣṭha-pura-grāma-vraja-ākarāḥ | whose many cities, towns, pasturing grounds and mines became auspicious and very neat and clean | SB summary |
māra' vraja-vāsī | You want to kill the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 13.145 |
nanda-vrajam | cow pastures of Nanda Mahārāja | SB 3.2.26 |
nanda-vrajam | the village or the house of Nanda Mahārāja | SB 10.3.51 |
nanda-vraja | of the cowherd village of Nanda Mahārāja | SB 10.22.1 |
nanda-vrajam | to the cowherd village of Nanda | SB 10.36.30 |
nanda-vrajam | the pastures of Nanda Mahārāja | SB 10.46.8 |
nanda-vraja | of the cowherd village of Nanda Mahārāja | SB 10.47.63 |
parivrajat | of an itinerant mendicant | SB 3.24.34 |
prāvrajan | left | SB 4.31.1 |
pravrajantam | while going away for the renounced order of life | SB 1.2.2 |
mańgala-bhūyiṣṭha-pura-grāma-vraja-ākarāḥ | whose many cities, towns, pasturing grounds and mines became auspicious and very neat and clean | SB summary |
pura-grāma-vraja-ādiṣu | in all the towns, villages and pasturing grounds | SB 10.4.31 |
pura-grāma-vraja-ādiṣu | in towns, cities and villages here and there | SB 10.6.2 |
sa-vrajam | together with the other men of Vraja | SB 10.45.24 |
sa-vrajaḥ | with the people of Vraja | SB 10.84.67-68 |
siddhi-vraja | of the groups of material perfections of the yogīs (aṇimā, laghimā, prāpti and so on) | CC Madhya 19.165 |
śuddha-vraja-vāsī | a pure inhabitant of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 14.217 |
upavrajam | also pasturing near Vṛndāvana | SB 10.13.29 |
upavrajan | went there | SB 9.7.20 |
māra' vraja-vāsī | You want to kill the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 13.145 |
śuddha-vraja-vāsī | a pure inhabitant of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 14.217 |
mańgala-bhūyiṣṭha-pura-grāma-vraja-ākarāḥ | whose many cities, towns, pasturing grounds and mines became auspicious and very neat and clean | SB summary |
pura-grāma-vraja-ādiṣu | in all the towns, villages and pasturing grounds | SB 10.4.31 |
pura-grāma-vraja-ādiṣu | in towns, cities and villages here and there | SB 10.6.2 |
nanda-vraja | of the cowherd village of Nanda Mahārāja | SB 10.22.1 |
nanda-vraja | of the cowherd village of Nanda Mahārāja | SB 10.47.63 |
māra' vraja-vāsī | You want to kill the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 13.145 |
śuddha-vraja-vāsī | a pure inhabitant of Vṛndāvana | CC Madhya 14.217 |
siddhi-vraja | of the groups of material perfections of the yogīs (aṇimā, laghimā, prāpti and so on) | CC Madhya 19.165 |
go-vrajaḥ | herd of cows | SB 10.13.30 |
sa-vrajaḥ | with the people of Vraja | SB 10.84.67-68 |
nanda-vrajam | cow pastures of Nanda Mahārāja | SB 3.2.26 |
nanda-vrajam | the village or the house of Nanda Mahārāja | SB 10.3.51 |
nanda-vrajam | to the cowherd village of Nanda | SB 10.36.30 |
sa-vrajam | together with the other men of Vraja | SB 10.45.24 |
nanda-vrajam | the pastures of Nanda Mahārāja | SB 10.46.8 |
vraja | noun (masculine) a fold (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a herd (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) cattle-shed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) cloud (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) cow-pen (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) enclosure or station of herdsmen (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) flock (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) host (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) multitude (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Havirdhāna (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of the district around Agra and Mathurā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) stall (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) swarm (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) troop (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 4590/72933 | |
vraja | noun (masculine) a way (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) road (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 67008/72933 | |
vraja | noun (neuter) roaming (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) wandering (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 67007/72933 | |
vrajabhāṣā | noun (feminine) the language current around Agra and Mathurā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 67010/72933 | |
vrajakulī | noun (feminine) a kind of plant (?) Frequency rank 67009/72933 | |
vrajastrī | noun (feminine) Frequency rank 67011/72933 | |
vrajasundarī | noun (feminine) Frequency rank 30415/72933 | |
vrajaukas | noun (masculine) a herdsman (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 67013/72933 | |
anuvraja | noun (masculine) Frequency rank 43332/72933 | |
girivraja | noun (masculine) name of the capital of Magadha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 13482/72933 | |
govraja | noun (masculine) name of a Dānava (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of an attendant of Skanda (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 34740/72933 | |
pravrajana | noun (neuter) going abroad (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 59451/72933 | |
meruvraja | noun (neuter) name of a city (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 38396/72933 |