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Grammar Search
"vopadeva" has 1 results
vopadeva: masculine vocative singular stem: vopadeva
Monier-Williams Search
3 results for vopadeva
vopadevam. Name of the author of the mugdha-bodha- grammar (also of the kavi-kalpadruma- and various other works, including, according to some, the bhāgavata-- purāṇa-;he was a son of keśava- and pupil of dhaneśvara-, and is said to have flourished about the latter half of the thirteenth century at the court of hemādri-, king of deva-giri-, now Dowlatabad). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vopadevaśatakan. Name of a kāvya- by vopa-deva-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrīlaśrīvopadevam. the eminent and illustrious vopadeva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
4 results
pratyagra प्रत्यग्र a. 1 Fresh, young, new, recent; प्रत्यग्रहतानां मांसम् Ve.3; कुसुमशयनं न प्रत्यग्रम् V.3.1; Me.4; R.1. 54; Ratn.1.21. -2 Repeated. -3 Pure. -Comp. -वयस् a. young in age, in the prime of life, youthful. प्रत्यञ्च् pratyañc प्रत्यच् pratyac प्रत्यञ्च् प्रत्यच् a. (-प्रतीची f. or according to Vopadeva प्रत्यञ्ची also) 1 Turned or directed towards; turned inward; मनः प्रत्यक् चित्ते सविधमवधायात्तमरुतः Śivamahimna 25. -2 Being behind. -3 Following, subsequent; समेत्य तरसा प्रत्यग्द्वाभ्यां तद्भ्यां बलं बली । निहत्य Bhāg. 1.15.3. -4 Averted, turned away, turning back; Pt.3.181. -5 Western, westerly. -6 Inner, interior. -7 Equal to, a match for. -m. 1 The individual soul. -2 Future time. -Comp. -अक्षम् (प्रत्यगक्षम्) an inner organ. -आत्मन् m. (प्रत्यगात्मन्) the individual soul; कश्चिद्धीरः प्रत्यगात्मानमैक्षदावृत्तचक्षुरमृतत्वमिच्छन् Kaṭh.2.1.1. -आनन्द a. inwardly joyful. -आशापतिः (प्रत्यगाशापतिः) 'The lord of the western direction', an epithet of Varuṇa. -उदच् f. (प्रत्यगुदच्) the north-west. -चेतन a. 1 whose thoughts are turned upon himself. -2 intelligent. (-नः) 1 the supreme soul; the Puruṣa in the Sāṅkhya philosophy. -2 the soul. -दक्षिणतः (प्रत्यग्दक्षिणतः) ind. towards the south-west. -दृश् f. (प्रत्यग्दृश्) an inward glance, a glance directed inwards; स्वांशेन सर्वतनुभृन्मनसि प्रतीतप्रत्यग्दृशे भगवते बृहते नमस्ते Bhāg.8.3.17. -धामन् a. internally illuminated. -पुष्पा Achyranthes aspera (Mar. आघाडा); Mātaṅga L.11.26. -प्रवण a. devoted to the individual soul. -मुख a. (प्रत्यङ्मुख) 1 facing the west; श्रियं प्रत्यङ्मुखो भुङ्क्ते Ms.2.52. -2 having the face averted. -रथाः (Pl.) (प्रत्यग्रथाः) N. of the Ahichchhatra country; L. D. B. -स्रोतस् (प्रत्यक्स्रोतस्) flowing towards the west; Malli. on Śi.4.66. (-f.) an epithet of the river Narmadā.
mugdha मुग्ध a. [मुह्-क्त] 1 Stupefied, fainted. -2 Perplexed, infatuated. -3 Foolish, ignorant, silly, stupid; शशाङ्क केन मुग्धेन सुधांशुरिति भाषितः Bv.2.29; अयि मुग्धे का$न्या चिन्ता प्रियासमागमस्य V.3. -4 Simple, artless, innocent; अपूर्वकर्मचण्डालमयि मुग्धे विमुञ्च माम् U.1.46; Māl. 7.1; दृष्टोत्साहश्चकितचकितो मुग्धसिद्धाङ्गनाभिः Me.14. -5 Erring, mistaken. -6 Attractive by youthful simplicity (not yet acquainted with love), child-like; (कः) अयमाचरत्यविनयं मुग्धासु तपस्विकन्यासु Ś.1.24; U.6.35; R.9.34. -7 (Hence) Beautiful, lovely, charming, pretty; हरिरिह मुग्धवधूनिकरे विलासिनि विलसति केलिपरे Gīt.1; U.3.5. -8 New (as the moon); मालतीनयनमुग्धचन्द्रमाः Māl.9.21. (com. बालचन्द्रः). -ग्धा A young girl attractive by her youthful simplicity, a pretty young maiden; (regarded as a variety of Nāyikā in poetic compositions); काचं मणिं काञ्चनमेकसूत्रे मुग्धा निबध्नन्ति किमत्र चित्रम् Udb. -Comp. -अक्षी a lovely-eyed woman; वियोगो मुग्धाक्ष्याः स खलु रिपुघातावधिरभूत् U.3.44. -आनना having a lovely face. -आलोक a. lovely to look at; दशनमुकुलै- र्मुग्धालोकं शिशुर्दधती मुखम् U.1.2. -दृश् a. fair-eyed. -धी, -बुद्धि, -मति a. silly, foolish, stupid, simple. -बोधम् N. of a celebrated grammar by Vopadeva. -भावः simplicity, silliness. -विलोकितम् a beautiful glance. -स्वभावः artlessness, simplicity.
satīnaḥ सतीनः 1 A kind of pulse of pease. -2 A bamboo. सतीर्थः satīrthḥ सतीर्थ्यः satīrthyḥ सतीर्थः सतीर्थ्यः A fellow religious student, (a pupil of the same preceptor); यमात्मनः सतीर्थ्यं पितैव ते जानीते यो$सौ यादृशश्चेति Māl.2. According to Pāṇini (VI.3.87) the latter word alone is correct. शब्दरत्नावली, however, says, "स्यात् सतीर्थः सतीर्थ्यो$पि तथैकगुरुरित्यपि." Bohtlingk and Wackernagel say that the word सतीर्थ is approved to be correct by Vopadeva. But this is wrong because मुग्धबोधव्याकरण accepts सतीर्थ्य alone to be correct.
hṛdayam हृदयम् 1 The heart, soul, mind; हृदये दिग्धशरैरिवाहतः Ku.4.25; so अयोहृदयः R.9.9; पाषाणहृदय &c. -2 The bosom, chest, breast; बाणभिन्नहृदया निपेतुषी R.11.19. -3 Love, affection. -4 The interior or essence of anything. -5 The secret science; अश्व˚, अक्ष˚ &c.; ऋतुपर्णो नलसखो यो$श्वविद्यामयान्नलात् । दत्वा$क्षहृदयं चास्मै सर्वकामस्तु तत्सुतः ॥ Bhag.9.9.17. -6 True or divine knowledge. -7 The Veda. -8 Wish, intention; एवं विरिञ्चादिभिरीडितस्तद्विज्ञाय तेषां हृदयं तथैव Bhāg.8.6.16. -9 = अहंकारम् q. v.; मनो विसृजते भावं बुद्धिरध्यवसायिनी । हृदयं प्रियाप्रिये वेद त्रिविधा कर्मचोदना Mb.12.248.1. -Comp. -आत्मन् m. a heron. -आविध् a. heart-rending, heart-piercing; रोचनैर्भूषितां पम्पामस्माकं हृदयाविधम् Bk.6.73. -ईशः, -ईश्वरः a husband. (-शा, -री f.) 1 a wife. -2 a mistress. -उदङ्कः heaving of the heart. -उद्वेष्टनम् contraction of the heart. -उन्मादकर a. bewitching hearts. -कम्पः tremor of the heart, palpitation. -क्लमः weakness of the heart. -क्षोभः agitation of the heart. -ग्रन्थिः anything which binds the soul or grieves the heart (as अविद्यारूपसंसार- बन्धन); भिद्यते हृदयग्रन्थिश्छिद्यन्ते सर्वसंशयाः Muṇd.2.2.8. -ग्रहः spasm of the heart. -ग्राहिन् a. heart-captivating. -चोरः one who steals the heart or affections. -छिद् a. heart-rending, heart-piercing. -जः a son. -ज्ञ a. knowing the heart or its secret. -दाहिन् a. heart-burning. -दीपः, -दीपकः N. of a glossary of materia medica by Vopadeva. -दौर्बल्यम् faint-heartedness. -पुरुषः beating of the heart. -प्रमाथिन् a. agitating the heart; क्व रुजा हृदयप्रमाथिनी क्व च ते विश्वसनीयमायुधम् M.3.1. -प्रस्तर a. cruel. -रज्जुः (in geom.) a central line. -रोगः, -शल्यम् a thorn or wound in the heart, a heartdisease; P.VI.3.51; समुत्खाता नन्दा नव हृदयशल्या इव भुवः Mu.1.13. -लेखः 1 knowledge. -2 heart-ache, anxiety. -विध्, -वेधिन् a. heart-piercing. -विरोधः oppression of the heart. -वृत्ति f. disposition of the heart. -शैथिल्यम् depression, faintheartedness. -शोषण a. heart-withering. -संघट्टः paralysis of the heart. -संमित a. breast-high. -स्थ a. being or cherished in the heart. -स्थानम् the breast, bosom.


author of Prakāśa, a commentary on Sārangadharasamhita (13th Century ).

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