vinā | or vin/ā- ind. (prob. a kind of instrumental case of 3. vi-) without, except, short or exclusive of (preceded or followed by an accusative instrumental case,rarely ablative; see ;exceptionally in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound', gaRa exempli gratia, 'for example' gaRa śuci-vinā-,without honesty, satya-v-,without faith ) (not in manuscript) etc. (sometimes vinā-is used pleonastically, exempli gratia, 'for example' natad asti vinā deva yat te virahitaṃ hare-,"there is nothing, O god hari-, that is without thee" ).  |
vinābhava | m. the being separated, separation from (ablative)  |
vinābhāva | m. idem or 'm. the being separated, separation from (ablative) '  |
vinābhāvam | ind. ( bhū-) separately  |
vinābhāvin | See a-vinābh-.  |
vinābhāvya | mfn. separable (in a-vinābh-)  |
vinābhūta | mfn. separated from, bereaved of (instrumental case)  |
vinābhūtvā | ind. equals -bhāvam-  |
vinābhūya | ind. equals -bhāvam-  |
vinad | P. -nadati-, to sound forth, cry out, roar, bellow, thunder etc. (with ravam mahā-svanam-,to roar aloud) ; to roar or scream at or about (accusative) ; to fill with cries : Causal -nādayati- (Passive voice -nādyate-), to cause to sound or resound, fill with noise or cries etc. ; to sound aloud  |
vināḍa | m. (prob.) a leather bag  |
vinada | m. sound, noise  |
vinada | m. Alstonia Scholaris  |
vinadā | f. a particular śakti-  |
vinaddha | mfn. ( nah-) untied, unfastened, set free  |
vinadī | f. Name of a river (varia lectio vainadī-).  |
vināḍī | f. a period of 24 seconds (the 60th part of a nāḍī- or Indian hour)  |
vinadī | f. Name of a river (varia lectio vainadī-).  |
vināḍikā | f. a period of 24 seconds (the 60th part of a nāḍī- or Indian hour)  |
vinadin | mfn. roaring, thundering, grumbling  |
vinādin | mfn. sounding forth, crying out  |
vinādita | mfn. (fr. Causal) made to resound, caused to sound aloud  |
vinagna | mfn. quite naked  |
vināha | m. a top or cover for the mouth of a well (see vī-nāha-).  |
vinākṛta | mfn. "made without", deprived or bereft of, separated from, left or relinquished by, lacking, destitute of, free from (instrumental case ablative,or compound) etc.  |
vinākṛta | mfn. standing alone, solitary.  |
vinākṛtya | ind. setting aside, without (instrumental case)  |
vināla | mfn. without a stalk  |
vināla | vi-nāsa- etc. See .  |
vinam | P. A1. -namati-, te-, to bend down, bow down, stoop etc.: Causal -nāmayati-, or -namayati- (ind.p. -nāmya-and -namayya-), to bend down, incline, bend (a bow) ; (in gram.) to cerebralize or change into a cerebral letter (see -nāmita-). |
vināma | m. crookedness (of the body, caused by pain) (also vināmaka maka- m. vināmikā mikā- f.)  |
vināma | m. conversion into a cerebral letter, the substitution of ṣ- for s- and ṇ- for n-  |
vināmaka | m. vināma |
vinamana | n. the act of bending down (opp. to un-n-)  |
vinamanamita | mfn. (fr. Causal) bent or turned towards (abhimukham-)  |
vinamanamra | See .  |
vināmikā | f. vināma |
vināmita | mfn. (fr. Causal) bent down, inclined  |
vinamra | mf(ā-)n. bent down, stooping, submissive, humble, modest  |
vinamraka | n. the flower of Tabernaemontana Coronaria  |
vinamrakaṃdhara | mfn. having the neck bent  |
vinaṃśin | mfn. disappearing, vanishing  |
vinand | P. A1. -nandati-, te-, to rejoice, be glad or joyful  |
vinaṅgṛsa | m. (of unknown origin and meaning) (kamanīyaṃ stotraṃ gṛhṇātiyaḥ- ; dual number"the two arms" ) .  |
vinānyonyam | (nān-) ind. (perhaps two separate words) without each other, one without the other  |
vinārāśaṃsa | mf(ā-)n. without the formulas called nārāśaṃsa-  |
vinard | P. A1. -nardati-, te-, to cry out, roar, thunder  |
vinardin | mfn. roaring (applied to a particular method of chanting the sāma-veda-)  |
vināruhā | f. a kind of plant  |
vinaś | P. -naśati-, to reach, attain  |
vinaś | P. -naśati-, or -naśyati- (future -naśiṣyati-or -naṅkṣyati-; infinitive mood -naśitum-or -naṃṣṭum-), to be utterly lost, perish, disappear, vanish etc. ; to come to nothing, be frustrated or foiled ; to be deprived of (ablative) ; to destroy, annihilate : Causal -nāśayati- (Aorist vy-anīnaśat-), to cause to be utterly lost or ruined or to disappear or vanish etc. etc. (once in with genitive case for accusative) ; to frustrate, disappoint, render ineffective (a weapon) ; to suffer to be lost or ruined ; (Aorist) to be lost, perish  |
vinasa | mf(ā-)n. without a nose, noseless  |
vināsa | mf(ā-)n. noseless,  |
vināśa | m. utter loss, annihilation, perdition, destruction, decay, death, removal etc.  |
vināsadaśana | mfn. bereft of nose and teeth (Bombay edition vi-nemi-d-).  |
vināśadharman | mfn. subject to the law of decay (varia lectio min-;but see )  |
vināśahetu | mfn. being the cause of death  |
vināsaka | mfn. equals -nāsa-  |
vināśaka | mfn. (fr. Causal) annihilating, destroying a destroyer  |
vināśakṛt | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') causing destruction of, destroying  |
vinaśana | n. utter loss, perishing, disappearance (with sarasvatyāḥ-Name of a district north-west of Delhi [said to be the same as kuru-kṣetra- and adjacent to the modern Paniput] where the river sarasvatī- is lost, in the sand;also sarasvatī-vin-)  |
vināśana | mf(ī-)n. (fr. idem or 'mfn. (fr. Causal) annihilating, destroying a destroyer ') idem or 'mfn. (fr. Causal) annihilating, destroying a destroyer ' etc.  |
vināśana | m. Name of an asura- (son of kalā-)  |
vināśana | n. causing to disappear, removal, destruction, annihilation  |
vinaśanakṣetra | n. the district of vinaśana-  |
vinaśanaśvara | mf(ī-)n. liable to be destroyed or lost, perishable etc.  |
vinaśanaśvaratā | f. perishableness, transitoriness  |
vinaśanaśvaratva | n. perishableness, transitoriness  |
vināśānta | m. "end (caused by) destruction", death  |
vināśānta | mfn. ending in death  |
vināśasambhava | m. a source of destruction, cause of the subsequent non-existence of a composite body (avayavin-)  |
vināśayitṛ | mfn. (fr. idem or 'n. causing to disappear, removal, destruction, annihilation ') one who destroys, a destroyer  |
vināsikā | f. a particular venomous insect  |
vināsika | mfn. equals -nāsa-  |
vināsikā | f. a particular venomous insect  |
vināśin | mfn. perishing, perishable ( vināśitva śi-tva- n.) etc.  |
vināśin | mfn. under. going transformation  |
vināśin | mfn. (mostly in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') destructive, destroying etc.  |
vināśin | mfn. (a tale) treating of the destruction of (genitive case)  |
vināśita | mfn. (fr. idem or 'mfn. (fr. idem or 'n. causing to disappear, removal, destruction, annihilation ') one who destroys, a destroyer ') utterly destroyed, ruined  |
vināśitva | n. vināśin |
vināśonmukha | mfn. ready to perish, fully ripe or mature  |
vinaṣṭa | mfn. utterly lost or ruined, destroyed, perished, disappeared etc.  |
vinaṣṭa | mfn. spoilt, corrupted  |
vinaṣṭa | n. (prob.) a dead carcass, carrion (See below)  |
vinaṣṭacakṣus | mfn. one who has lost his eyes  |
vinaṣṭadharma | mfn. (a country) whose laws are corrupted  |
vinaṣṭadṛṣṭi | mfn. one who has lost his sight  |
vinaṣṭaka | See bāla-viṇaṣṭaka-.  |
vinaṣṭatejas | mfn. (v/i-n-) one whose energy is lost, weak, feeble  |
vinaṣṭi | (v/i--) f. loss, ruin, destruction  |
vinaṣṭopajīvin | mfn. living on dead carcasses or carrion |
vināśya | mfn. to be destroyed or annihilated ( vināśyatva -tva- n.)  |
vināśyatva | n. vināśya |
vinata | mfn. bent, curved, bent down, bowed, stooping, inclined, sunk down, depressed, deepened ( vinatam am- ind.)  |
vinata | mfn. bowing to (genitive case)  |
vinata | mfn. humble, modest  |
vinata | mfn. dejected, dispirited  |
vinata | mfn. (in gram.) changed into a cerebral letter (see -nāma-)  |
vinata | mfn. accentuated in a particular manner,  |
vinata | m. a kind of ant  |
vinata | m. Name of a son of su-dyumna-  |
vinata | m. of a monkey  |
vinata | (perhaps) n. Name of a place situated on the go-mati-  |
vinatā | f. See below  |
vinatā | f. a girl with bandy legs or a hunch back  |
vinatā | f. an abscess on the back or abdomen accompanying diabetes  |
vinatā | f. a sort of basket  |
vinatā | f. Name of one of kaśyapa-'s wives (and mother of suparṇa-, aruṇa- and garuḍa- etc.;in , vinatā- is enumerated among the thirteen daughters of dakṣa-;the bhāgavata-purāṇa- makes her the wife of tārkṣa-;the vāyu- describes the metres of the veda- as her daughters, while the padma- gives her only one daughter, saudāminī-) etc.  |
vinatā | f. Name of a female demon of illness  |
vinatā | f. of a rākṣasī-  |
vināṭa | m. (see nāḍa-) a leather-bag  |
vinataka | m. Name of a mountain  |
vinatakāya | mfn. one who has the body bent, stooping  |
vinatam | ind. vinata |
vinaṭana | n. ( naṭ-) moving to and fro, going hither and thither  |
vinatānana | mfn. one who has his face bent or cast down, dejected, dispirited  |
vinatānanda | m. Name of a drama by go-vinda-  |
vinatāsūnu | m. "son of veda-", Name of aruṇa-, garuḍa- etc. ( )  |
vinatāsuta | m. "son of veda-", Name of aruṇa-, garuḍa- etc. ( )  |
vinatāśva | m. Name of a son of su-dyumna-  |
vinatatā | f. inclination  |
vinatātanayā | f. "daughter of veda-", metr. of su-mati-  |
vinātha | mf(ā-)n. having no lord or master, unprotected, deserted  |
vinati | f. bowing, obeisance to (locative case)  |
vinati | f. humility, modesty  |
vinatodara | mfn. with bending waist, bending at the waist  |
vināvāsa | m. abiding separate from a beloved person  |
vinaya | (said to be artificially formed fr. vi-+ nṛ-;for 2.See under vi-nī-) Nom. P. yati- (with prefix 3. vi-; ind.p. vi-vinayya-) Va1rtt. 7  |
vinaya | mfn. (for 1.See p.969) leading away or asunder, separating  |
vinaya | mfn. cast, thrown  |
vinaya | mfn. secret  |
vinaya | m. taking away, removal, withdrawal  |
vinaya | m. leading, guidance, training (especially moral training), education, discipline, control etc.  |
vinaya | m. (with Buddhists) the rules of discipline for monks  |
vinaya | m. good breeding, propriety of conduct, decency, modesty, mildness (in the purāṇa-s sometimes personified as son of kriyā- or of lajjā-)  |
vinaya | m. an office, business  |
vinaya | m. Name of a son of sudyumna-  |
vinaya | m. a man of subdued senses  |
vinaya | m. a merchant, trader  |
vinayā | f. Sida Cordifolia  |
vinayabhāj | mfn. possessing propriety or modesty  |
vinayadatta | m. Name of a man  |
vinayadeva | m. Name of a teacher  |
vinayadeva | m. Name of a poet  |
vinayādidhara | m.(id est vinaya-dh-) Name of a man  |
vinayāditya | m. Name of jayāpīḍa-,  |
vinayāditya | m. Name of a king of the race of the cālukya-s  |
vinayādityapura | n.Name of a town built by jayāpīḍa-  |
vinayagrāhin | mfn. conforming to rules of discipline, compliant, tractable  |
vinayagrāhin | m. an elephant which obeys orders  |
vinayajyotis | m. (?) Name of a muni-  |
vināyaka | mf(ikā-)n. taking away, removing  |
vināyaka | m. "Remover (of obstacles)", Name of gaṇeśa- etc.  |
vināyaka | m. a leader, guide  |
vināyaka | m. a Guru or spiritual preceptor  |
vināyaka | m. a buddha-  |
vināyaka | m. Name of garuḍa-  |
vināyaka | m. an obstacle, impediment  |
vināyaka | m. equals anātha- (?)  |
vināyaka | m. Name of various authors etc.  |
vināyaka | m. plural a particular class of demons etc.  |
vināyaka | m. plural Name of particular formulas recited over weapons  |
vināyaka | m. equals nanda-paṇḍ-  |
vināyakabhaṭṭa | m. Name of various authors  |
vināyakabhojanavarṇanā | f. Name of work or chapter from work  |
vināyakacarita | n. Name of the 73rd chapter of the krīḍā-khaṇḍa- or 2nd part of the gaṇeśa-- purāṇa-.  |
vināyakacaturthī | f. the fourth day of the festival in honour of gaṇeśa-  |
vināyakacaturthīvrata | n.Name of work  |
vināyakadvādaśanāmastotra | n. Name of work  |
vināyakamāhātmya | n. Name of work or chapter from work  |
vināyakapaṇḍita | m. Name of a poet  |
vināyakapūjāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
vināyakapurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
vinayakarman | n. instruction  |
vināyakasahasranāman | n. Name of work or chapter from work  |
vināyakasaṃhitā | f. Name of work or chapter from work  |
vināyakaśānti | f. Name of work or chapter from work  |
vināyakaśāntipaddhati | f. Name of work or chapter from work  |
vināyakaśāntiprayoga | m. Name of work or chapter from work  |
vināyakaśāntisaṃgraha | m. Name of work or chapter from work  |
vināyakasnapanacaturthī | f. the fourth day of the gaṇeśa- festival (when his image is bathed)  |
vināyakastavarāja | m. Name of work or chapter from work  |
vināyakāvatāravarṇana | n. Name of part of work  |
vināyakāvirbhāva | m. Name of part of work  |
vināyakavratakalpa | m. Name of work or chapter from work  |
vināyakavratapūjā | f. Name of work or chapter from work  |
vināyakotpatti | f. Name of part of work  |
vinayakṣudraka | n. Name of a Buddhist work  |
vinayakṣudrakavastu | n. Name of a Buddhist work  |
vinayamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of propriety  |
vinayaṃdhara | m. Name of a chamberlain  |
vinayana | mfn. taking away, removing  |
vinayana | n. the act of taming or training, education, instruction  |
vinayanandin | m. Name of the leader of a jaina- sect  |
vinayānvita | mfn. endowed with modesty, humble  |
vinayapattra | n. equals -sūtra- (below)  |
vinayapiṭaka | m. "basket of discipline", (with Buddhists) the collection of treatises on discipline (see above)  |
vinayapradhāna | mfn. having humility pre-eminent, of which modesty is chief.  |
vinayapramāthin | mfn. violating propriety, behaving ill or improperly  |
vinayarāma | m. equals -sundara-  |
vinayasāgara | m. Name of author  |
vinayaśrī | f. Name of a woman  |
vinayastha | mfn. conforming to discipline, compliant, tractable  |
vinayasundara | m. Name of author  |
vinayasūtra | n. (with Buddhists) the sūtra- treating of discipline (see above)  |
vinayasvāminī | f. Name of a woman  |
vinayatā | f. good behaviour  |
vinayatā | f. modesty  |
vinayavāc | mfn. speaking modestly  |
vinayavāc | f. modest speech  |
vinayavallī | f. Name of work  |
vinayāvanata | mfn. bending down modestly, bowing low with modesty  |
vinayavastu | n. (with Buddhists) Name of a section of the works which treat of vinaya- (q.v) |
vinayavat | mfn. well-behaved (in a-vin-)  |
vinayavatī | f. Name of a woman  |
vinayavibhaṅga | m. Name of work  |
vinayavibhāṣāśāstra | n. Name of a Buddhist work  |
vinayavijaya | m. Name of an author  |
vinayayogin | mfn. possessing humility  |
vināyikā | f. the wife of gaṇeśa- or garuḍa-  |
vinayokti | f. plural modest speech  |
vind | P. vindati- See 3. vid-.  |
vinda | mfn. finding, getting, gaining (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound';See go--, cāru-v-etc.)  |
vinda | m. a particular hour of the day  |
vinda | m. Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-  |
vinda | m. of a king of avanti-  |
vindaka | m. Name of a man  |
vindatvat | mfn. containing a form of 3. vid-  |
vindatvatī | f. a verse of this kind  |
vindh | A1. vindhate- See 2. vidh-.  |
vindha | vindha-culaka- wrong reading for vindhya-, vindhya-culika-.  |
vindhapattra | m. (orf(ī-).) a plant (commonly called Bel Sunth)  |
vindhasa | (?) m. the moon  |
vindhya | m. (of doubtful derivation) Name of a low range of hills connecting the Northern extremities of the Western and Eastern Ghauts, and separating Hindustan proper from the Dekhan (the vindhya- range is reckoned among the seven principal ranges of bhārata-varṣa- [see kulagiri-,] , and according to , forms the Southern limit of madhya-deśa- or the middle region;according to a legend related in ,the personified vindhya-, jealous of himālaya-, demanded that the sun should revolve round him in the same way as about meru-, which the sun declining to do, the vindhya- then began to elevate himself that he might bar the progress of both sun and moon;the gods alarmed, asked the aid of the saint agastya-, who approached the vindhya- and requested that by bending down he would afford him an easy passage to the South country, begging at the same time that he would retain a low position till his return;this he promised to do, but agastya- never returned, and the vindhya- range consequently never attained the elevation of the himālaya-) etc.  |
vindhya | m. Name of a prince  |
vindhya | m. a hunter  |
vindhyā | f. Averrhoa Acida  |
vindhyā | f. small cardamoms  |
vindhyācala | m. equals ya-giri-  |
vindhyācalavāsinī | f. a form of durgā-  |
vindhyaculika | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio -pulika-).  |
vindhyādhivāsinī | f. a form of durgā-  |
vindhyādri | m. equals ya-giri- etc.  |
vindhyādrivāsinī | f. equals vindhya-vās-?  |
vindhyagiri | m. the vindhya- range of hills  |
vindhyaka | m. plural Name of a dynasty  |
vindhyakailāsavāsinī | f. a form of durgā-  |
vindhyakandara | n. Name of a place  |
vindhyaketu | m. Name of a king of the pulinda-s  |
vindhyakūṭa | m. Name of the saint agastya-  |
vindhyakūṭaka | m. Name of the saint agastya-  |
vindhyakūṭana | m. Name of the saint agastya-  |
vindhyamauleya | ( ) m. plural idem or '( ) ( ) m. plural idem or 'm. plural idem or 'm. plural Name of a people ' (see -culika-).' '  |
vindhyamūlika | ( ) ( ) m. plural idem or 'm. plural idem or 'm. plural Name of a people ' (see -culika-).'  |
vindhyanilayā | f. a form of durgā-  |
vindhyanivāsin | m. Name of vyāḍi- (see -vāsin-).  |
vindhyāntavāsin | m. plural the inhabitants of the inner vindhya-  |
vindhyapālaka | m. plural Name of a people  |
vindhyapara | m. Name of a king of the vidyādhara-s  |
vindhyaparvata | m. equals -giri-  |
vindhyapulika | m. plural idem or 'm. plural Name of a people ' (see -culika-).  |
vindhyāri | m. Name of agastya-  |
vindhyaśaila | m. the vindhya- hills  |
vindhyaśakti | m. of a king  |
vindhyasena | m. Name of a king (varia lectio bimbisāra-).  |
vindhyastha | mfn. residing in the vindhya-  |
vindhyastha | m. Name of vyāḍi-  |
vindhyāṭavī | f. a forest in the vindhya-  |
vindhyāvali | f. Name of the wife of the asura- bali- and mother of bāṇa-  |
vindhyāvalī | f. Name of the wife of the asura- bali- and mother of bāṇa-  |
vindhyāvalīputra | m. Name of the asura- bāṇa-. (Calcutta edition)  |
vindhyāvalisuta | m. ( ) Name of the asura- bāṇa-.  |
vindhyāvalīsuta | m. Name of the asura- bāṇa-. ( )  |
vindhyavana | n. a forest in the vindhya-  |
vindhyavarman | m. Name of a king  |
vindhyavāsaka | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a sāṃkhya- teacher.  |
vindhyavāsin | mfn. dwelling in the vindhya-  |
vindhyavāsin | m. Name of vyāḍi- |
vindhyavāsin | m. of a medical writer  |
vindhyavāsin | m. Name of a place  |
vindhyavāsin | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a sāṃkhya- teacher.  |
vindhyavāsinī | f. (with or without devī-) a form of durgā-  |
vindhyavāsinīdaśaka | n. Name of work  |
vindhyavat | m. Name of a man  |
vindhyāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to represent or act the part of the vindhya- mountains  |
vindhyeśvarīprasāda | m. Name of an author  |
vindu | mfn. finding, getting, acquiring, procuring (see go--, loka-v-).  |
vindu | mfn. (fr.1. vid-) knowing, acquainted or familiar with (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
vindu | mfn. equals veditavya-  |
vindu | duka-, dula-. See bindu-.  |
vinemidaśana | See vi-nāsa-d-.  |
vinetṛ | m. a leader, guide, instructor, teacher etc.  |
vinetṛ | m. a chastiser, punisher  |
vinetṛ | m. a tamer, trainer on  |
vinetṛ | m. a prince, king  |
vinetra | mfn. (for 2.See under vi-nī-) eyeless, blind  |
vinetra | mfn. red-eyed  |
vinetra | m. (for 1.See) a teacher, preceptor  |
vineya | mfn. to be taken away or removed  |
vineya | mfn. to be trained or educated or instructed  |
vineya | mfn. to be chastised  |
vineya | m. a pupil, disciple  |
vinī | P. A1. -nayati-, te-, to lead or take away, remove, avert ; to throw off, drive away, dispel, expel (a disease) ; (A1.) to elicit, draw from (ablative) ; to stir up (the soma-) ; to part (the hair) ; to stretch, extend ; to train, tame, guide (horses) etc. ; to educate, instruct, direct etc. ; to chastise, punish ; to induce, lead or cause to (infinitive mood) ; to spend, pass (time) ; to perform, accomplish ; (A1.) to pay off, restore (a debt) ; to expand (especially for religious purposes) ; to get rid of. give up, cease from (anger) : Desiderative -ninīṣate-, to wish to get rid of or give up (egoism)  |
vinibandha | m. ( bandh-) the being attached or attachment to anything  |
vinibarhaṇa | mfn. (1. bṛh-) throwing down, crushing  |
vinibarhin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. (1. bṛh-) throwing down, crushing '  |
vinidhā | P. A1. -dadhāti-, -dhatte-, to put or place or lay down in different places, distribute ; to put off, lay down or aside ; to put by, store up ; to put or place on, fix upon, direct (mind, eyes etc.) ; (with hṛdi-) to fix in the heart, bear in mind  |
vinidhṛ | P. -dhārayati-, to fix (the eyes) upon,  |
vinidhvaṃs | (or dhvas-) P. A1. -dhvaṃsati-, te-, to fall to pieces, disappear, vanish (2. sg. imperative -dhvaṃsa-,begone, take thyself off)  |
vinidhvasta | mfn. destroyed, ruined, struck down  |
vinidra | mf(ā-)n. sleepless, awake etc. (also -ka- )  |
vinidra | mf(ā-)n. occurring in the waking condition  |
vinidra | mf(ā-)n. passed sleeplessly  |
vinidra | mf(ā-)n. expanded, blown  |
vinidra | mf(ā-)n. opened (as the eyes)  |
vinidra | m. a particular formula recited over weapons  |
vinidratā | f. ( ) sleeplessness, wakefulness, vigilance.  |
vinidratva | n. ( ) sleeplessness, wakefulness, vigilance.  |
vinigad | P. -gadati-, to speak to, address : Passive voice -gadyate-, to be called or named  |
vinigaḍa | mfn. free from foot-fetters (ḍī-kṛ-,to unfetter)  |
vinigamaka | mfn. ( gam-) deciding between two alternatives  |
vinigamanā | f. decision between two alternatives  |
vinighna | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
vinighna | mfn. ( han-) multiplied (see ni-ghna-).  |
vinighnat | See under vi-ni-han-.  |
vinighnat | mfn. striking down, destroying  |
vinighūrṇita | mfn. ( ghūrṇ-) moving to and fro, agitated (wrong reading vi-nicūrṇita-).  |
vinigrah | (only ind.p. -gṛhya-), to lay hold of, seize, keep back, restrain, impede  |
vinigraha | m. separation, division  |
vinigraha | m. restraining, checking, stopping, subduing, controlling etc.  |
vinigraha | m. restriction, limitation  |
vinigraha | m. disjunction, mutual opposition, an antithesis which implies that when two propositions are antithetically stated peculiar stress is laid on one of them  |
vinigrahārtha | m. the sense of the above antithesis  |
vinigrahārthīya | mfn. standing in the sense of the above antithesis  |
vinigrāhya | mfn. to be stopped or restrained  |
viniguh | P. -gūhati-, to cover over, conceal, hide  |
vinigūhita | mfn. (fr. Causal) covered, concealed, hidden  |
vinigūhitṛ | m. one who conceals, keeper (of a secret)  |
vinihan | P. -hanti-, to strike down, slay, slaughter, kill, destroy  |
vinihata | mfn. struck down etc.  |
vinihata | mfn. dispelled (as darkness)  |
vinihata | mfn. disregarded (as a command)  |
vinihata | mfn. afflicted, distressed (as the mind)  |
vinihata | m. a great or unavoidable calamity, infliction caused by fate or heaven  |
vinihata | m. a portent, comet, meteor  |
vinihita | mfn. put or laid down, placed or fixed upon, directed towards (locative case or compound)  |
vinihita | mfn. appointed to (locative case).  |
vinihita | mfn. separated, turned off (See tātman-)  |
vinihitadṛṣṭi | mfn. one who has the eyes fixed upon, eagerly looking at  |
vinihitamanas | mfn. one who has the mind fixed upon, intent upon, devoted to  |
vinihitātman | mfn. disagreeing (in mind), not assenting  |
viniḥkampa | See niṣk-.  |
vinihnu | P. -hnauti-, to deny, disown (wrong reading hnoti-).  |
vinihnuta | mfn. denied, disowned, hidden, concealed  |
viniḥsaraṇa | n. the act of going forth or out, issuing forth  |
viniḥsṛ | P. A1. -sarati-, te-, to go forth, issue out, spring from (ablative)  |
viniḥsṛptāhuti | f. ( sṛp-) a kind of sacrifice  |
viniḥsṛṣṭa | mfn. ( sṛj-) discharged, shot off, thrown, hurled  |
viniḥsṛta | mfn. (often vi-nisṛta-) gone forth or out, issued forth, sprung from (compound) etc.  |
viniḥsṛta | mfn. escaped  |
viniḥsṛti | f. escaping, flight  |
viniḥśvas | (see vi-ni-śvas-) P. -śvasiti-, to breathe hard, heave a deep sigh ; to hiss (as a serpent) ; to snort (as an elephant)  |
vinij | (only Aorist vy-/anijam-), to wipe off  |
vinikāra | m. offence, injury  |
vinikarttavya | mfn. to be cut down  |
vinikaṣaṇa | n. ( kaṣ-) scratching, scraping  |
viniketa | mfn. having no fixed abode  |
vinikīrṇa | mfn. thrown asunder, scattered, dispersed, broken  |
vinikīrṇa | mfn. covered, filled, crowded with (instrumental case or compound)  |
vinikocana | n. ( kuc-) contraction (of the brows)  |
vinikṛ | P. A1. -karoti-, -kurute-, to act badly towards, ill-treat, offend  |
vinikṝ | (only ind.p. -kīrya-), to cast off, abandon  |
vinikṛntana | mfn. cutting in pieces, hewing down  |
vinikṛt | P. -kṛntati-, to cut or hew in pieces, cut away, tear off, destroy |
vinikṛta | mfn. ill-treated, injured, damaged  |
vinikṛtta | mfn. cut away, torn off  |
vinikṣ | P. -nikṣati- (Ved. infinitive mood -n/ikṣe-), to pierce, penetrate  |
vinikṣaṇa | n. the act of piercing  |
vinikṣepa | m. tossing, throwing, sending  |
vinikṣepa | m. separation, isolation (guṇa-vinikṣepa-tas-,with regard to the qualities singly or separately)  |
vinikṣepya | mfn. to be thrown into (locative case)  |
vinikṣip | P. A1. -kṣipati-, te-, to throw or put down, infix, insert, fasten ; (with manas-) to fix the mind upon (locative case) ; to deposit, entrust with ; to charge with, appoint to (locative case)  |
vinikṣipta | mfn. thrown or put down etc.  |
vinikṣipta | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') placed in or under  |
vinīla | mfn. dark-blue, blue  |
vinīla | vi-nīvi- etc. See .  |
vinīlabandhana | mfn. having dark-blue stalks  |
vinīlaka | n. a corpse that has become blue  |
vinimagna | mfn. ( majj-) dived under, bathed or immersed in (locative case)  |
vinimaya | m. ( me-) exchange, barter (ena-,alternately) etc.  |
vinimaya | m. mutual engagement, reciprocity (See kārya-vin-)  |
vinimaya | m. a pledge, deposit, security  |
vinimaya | m. transmutation (of letters)  |
vinimeṣa | m. ( miṣ-) winking or twinkling of the eyes, a wink, sign  |
vinimeṣaṇa | n. idem or 'm. ( miṣ-) winking or twinkling of the eyes, a wink, sign '  |
vinimīlana | n. ( mīl-) shutting, closure (of a flower, of the eyes etc.),  |
vinimīlita | mfn. closed, shut  |
vinimīlitekṣaṇa | mfn. having the eyes closed  |
vinimitta | mfn. having no real cause, not caused by anything  |
vinind | (or nid-) P. -nindati-, to reproach, revile, abuse |
vininda | mfn. mocking (= surpassing, exceeding)  |
vinindā | f. reproach, abuse  |
vinindaka | mfn. blaming, censuring  |
vinindaka | mfn. scoffing, deriding  |
vinindaka | mfn. mocking id est surpassing  |
vinipaṭ | (only ind.p. -pāṭya-), to split open, cleave, sever  |
vinipat | P. -patati-, to fall down, fall in or into (locative case) ; to flow down, alight upon (locative case) ; to fall upon, attack, assail : Causal -pātayati- (Passive voice -pātyate-), to cause to fall down, strike off (a man's head) ; to throw down, kill, destroy, annihilate  |
vinipāta | m. falling down, falling  |
vinipāta | m. a great fall, ruin, loss, calamity etc.  |
vinipāta | m. death  |
vinipāta | m. frustration  |
vinipāta | m. failure (See a-vin-)  |
vinipātagata | mfn. fallen into misfortune  |
vinipātaka | mfn. throwing down, causing to fall, destroying  |
vinipātana | n. causing miscarriage  |
vinipātapratīkāra | m. ( ) a remedy against misfortune  |
vinipātapratikriyā | f. ( ) a remedy against misfortune  |
vinipātaśaṃsin | mfn. announcing misfortune or destruction, portentous  |
vinipātin | See a-vin-.  |
vinipatita | mfn. fallen or flown down etc.  |
vinipātita | mfn. thrown down, killed, destroyed  |
vinipīḍ | Caus. -pīḍayati-, to torment, harass, annoy (ind.p. vinipīḍya-,with varia lectio ca nipīḍya-).  |
vinirbāhu | vi-nirbhaya- etc. See .  |
vinirbandha | m. ( bandh-) persistence or perseverance in (compound)  |
vinirbānu | m. a particular mode of fighting with a sword  |
vinirbhagna | mfn. ( bhañj-) broken asunder, broken down  |
vinirbhagnanayana | mfn. one who has his eyes dashed out  |
vinirbharts | (only ind.p. -bhartsya-), to threaten or revile  |
vinirbhaya | m. Name of a sādhya-  |
vinirbhid | (only ind.p. -bhidya-), to split asunder, pierce, shoot through  |
vinirbhinna | mfn. split asunder, cleft, opened, pierced  |
vinirbhoga | m. Name of a cosmic period  |
vinirbhoga | m. (prob. fr.3. bhuj-) Name of a particular cosmic period  |
vinirbhuj | (only ind.p. -bhujya-), to bend or turn on one side  |
vinirdagdha | mfn. completely burned up or consumed, utterly destroyed  |
vinirdah | P. -dahati-, to burn completely, consume by fire, destroy  |
vinirdahana | n. the act of burning or destroying utterly  |
vinirdahanī | f. a particular remedy  |
vinirdeśya | mfn. to be announced or reported  |
vinirdhū | (only ind.p. -dhūya-), to shake off, drive or blow away, scatter ; to shake about, agitate ; to reject, repudiate  |
vinirdhuta | mfn. shaken off or about, tossed, agitated  |
vinirdhūta | mfn. shaken off  |
vinirdhūta | mfn. driven away  |
vinirdiś | P. -diśati-, to assign, destine for (locative case) ; to point out, indicate, state, declare, designate as (two accusative) ; to announce, proclaim ; to determine, resolve, fix upon  |
vinirdiṣṭa | mfn. pointed out etc.  |
vinirdiṣṭa | mfn. charged or entrusted with (locative case)  |
vinirgam | P. -gacchati-, to go out or away, depart or escape from (ablative) etc. ; to be beside one's self  |
vinirgama | m. going out, departure from (ablative) etc.  |
vinirgama | m. being spread or divulged, spreading abroad  |
vinirgama | m. the last of the three divisions of an astrological house  |
vinirgata | mfn. gone out, come forth, issued etc.  |
vinirgata | mfn. liberated or freed from (ablative)  |
vinirgati | f. coming forth, issuing  |
vinirghoṣa | m. ( ghuṣ-) sound  |
vinirhata | mfn. ( han-) completely destroyed  |
vinirhṛ | P. A1. -harati-, te-, to take out, extract ; to remove, destroy  |
vinirjaya | m. complete victory, conquest  |
vinirji | P. -jayati-, to conquer completely, win ; to vanquish, defeat, overpower, subdue  |
vinirjita | mfn. entirely conquered, subdued, won  |
vinirjñā | (only Passive voice -jñāyate-), to distinguish, discern, find out  |
vinirlikh | P. -likhati-, to make incisions in, scarify ; to scratch or scrape off, free from dirt  |
vinirmā | (only perfect tense -mame-,with act. and pass. meaning) , to fabricate, create, fashion, form, build, construct out of (instrumental case or ablative)  |
vinirmala | mfn. extremely pure  |
vinirmāṇa | n. meting out, measuring  |
vinirmāṇa | n. building, forming, creating (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' made of formed according to)  |
vinirmath | (or manth-;only ind.p. -mathya-), to churn out ; to crush, annihilate |
vinirmātṛ | m. a maker, builder, creator  |
vinirmita | mfn. formed, created, constructed, built, prepared, made from or fashioned out of (ablative or compound) etc.  |
vinirmita | mfn. laid out (as a garden)  |
vinirmita | mfn. fixed, appointed, destined to be (Nominal verb)  |
vinirmita | mfn. kept, celebrated, observed (as a feast)  |
vinirmiti | f. formation, building, creation  |
vinirmitsu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative) wishing to form or create  |
vinirmokṣa | m. ( mokṣ-) emancipation, liberation, release from (compound)  |
vinirmokṣa | m. exclusion, exemption  |
vinirmuc | P. -muñcati- (only ind.p. -mucya-), to abandon, relinquish (the body id est to die) : Passive voice -mucyate-, to be liberated or set free, be delivered from, be rid of (instrumental case)  |
vinirmūḍha | mfn. not stultified, not made void or vain  |
vinirmūḍhapratijña | mfn. one who is faithful to a promise or agreement  |
vinirmukta | mfn. liberated, escaped, free or exempt from (instrumental case or compound) etc.  |
vinirmukta | mfn. discharged, shot off, hurled  |
vinirmukti | f. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') liberation  |
vinirṇaya | m. complete settlement or decision, certainty, a settled rule  |
vinirṇī | ( nī-;only ind.p. -ṇīya-), to decide or determine clearly  |
vinirṇīta | mfn. determined clearly, ascertained, certain  |
vinirodha | mfn. uninfluenced, inactive  |
vinirodhin | mfn. ( rudh-) checking, obstructing  |
vinirvam | P. -vamati-, to vomit or spit out  |
vinirvarṇ | (only ind.p. -varṇya-), to look closely at, contemplate (varia lectio for nir-varṇya-).  |
vinirvṛtta | mfn. ( vṛt-) proceeded, come forth, issued from (ablative)  |
vinirvṛtta | mfn. completed, finished  |
viniryā | P. -yāti-, to go forth, go out, issue, set out  |
viniryāṇa | n. the act of going forth, setting out  |
viniryat | mfn. (5. i-) going forth, issuing  |
viniryāta | mfn. gone forth or out, set out  |
viniryuj | (only future -yokṣyāmi-), to discharge, shoot off (Bombay edition vi-ni-yokṣyāmi-).  |
viniṣad | ( sad-) P. -ṣīdati- to sit down separately.  |
viniśam | (only ind.p. -śamya-), to hear, learn  |
viniścala | mfn. immovable, firm, steady  |
viniścar | P. -carati-, to go forth in all directions  |
viniścaya | m. deciding, settling, ascertainment, settled opinion, decision, firm resolve regarding (genitive case or compound) etc. (aṅga-v-,the fixing or settling of a horoscope )  |
viniścayajña | mfn. knowing the certainty of anything  |
viniścāyin | mfn. settling finally, deciding  |
viniści | (only ind.p. -citya-), to debate about, deliberate, consider etc. ; to determine, resolve, decide  |
viniścita | mfn. firmly resolved upon (compound)  |
viniścita | mfn. ascertained, determined, settled, certain etc.  |
viniścitam | ind. most certainly, decidedly  |
viniścitārtha | mfn. having a decided meaning  |
viniṣkampa | mfn. idem or 'mfn. immovable, firm, steady ' ,  |
viniṣkampa | vi-niṣkriya- etc. See .  |
viniṣkṛ | Caus. -kārayati-, to cause to be mended or repaired  |
viniṣkram | P. A1. -krāmati-, -kramate- (ind.p. -kramya-), to step forth, go out, issue from (ablative)  |
viniṣkrānta | mfn. gone forth, come out  |
viniṣkriya | mfn. abstaining from ceremonial rites  |
vinismṛta | mfn. ( smṛ-) recorded, mentioned  |
viniṣpādya | mfn. ( pad-) to be accomplished or effected  |
viniṣpaṭ | P. -pāṭayati- to split or cleave asunder |
viniṣpat | P. -patati-, to fall out of, fly forth from, rush forth, issue etc. ; to fly or run away ( "to double or flee or move crookedly, as a hare") .  |
viniṣpāta | m. rushing forth or out, pushing on (muṣṭi-vi-niṣ-,a blow with the fist)  |
viniṣpatita | mfn. rushed forth, lept out  |
viniṣpeṣa | m. grinding to pieces, rubbing together, friction  |
viniṣpīḍ | P. pīḍayati-, to squeeze out  |
viniṣpiṣ | P. -pinaṣṭi-, to grind to pieces, crush, bruise etc. ; (pāṇau pāṇim-), to rub the hands together  |
viniṣpiṣṭa | mfn. ground down, crushed into powder, smashed  |
vinisṛta | See vi-niḥ-sṛta-.  |
viniṣṭan | (prob. for vi-niḥ-ṣṭan-; ṣṭan- equals stan-) P. -ṣṭanati-, to groan loudly  |
vinistap | See vi-niṣ-ṭapta-.  |
viniṣṭapta | mfn. ( tap-; see ) well roasted or fried  |
viniṣṭhiv | P. -ṣṭhīvati-, or vyati-, to spit out  |
vinisūd | See vi-ni-ṣūdita-.  |
viniṣūdita | mfn. ( sūd-) destroyed utterly (Calcutta edition -sūdita-).  |
viniśvas | (see vi-niḥ-śvas-) P. -śvasita-, to breathe hard, snort, hiss ; to sigh deeply  |
viniśvāsa | m. breathing hard, sighing, a sigh  |
viniśvasita | n. exhalation  |
vinīta | mfn. led or taken away, removed etc.  |
vinīta | mfn. stretched, extended  |
vinīta | mfn. tamed, trained, educated, well-behaved, humble, modest etc.  |
vinīta | mfn. versed in, acquainted or familiar with (locative case or compound) etc.  |
vinīta | mfn. performed, accomplished  |
vinīta | mfn. one who has subdued his passions  |
vinīta | mfn. lovely, handsome  |
vinīta | mfn. plain, neat (in dress etc.)  |
vinīta | m. a trained horse  |
vinīta | m. a merchant, trader  |
vinīta | m. Name of a son of pulastya-  |
vinītadatta | m. Name of a poet  |
vinītadeva | m. Name of a poet  |
vinītaka | mn. equals vainītaka-.  |
vinītamati | m. Name of two men  |
vinītaprabha | m. Name of a Buddhist scholar  |
vinītasattva | mfn. (a grove) containing tame animals  |
vinītasena | m. Name of a man  |
vinītāśva | m. Name of a man  |
vinītatā | f. ( ), modesty, decency, decorum  |
vinītātman | mfn. having a well-controlled mind, well-behaved, modest  |
vinītatva | n. ( ) modesty, decency, decorum  |
vinītaveṣa | m. modest or plain attire  |
vinītaveṣābharaṇa | mfn. humble or modest in dress and ornaments  |
vinīteśvara | m. Name of a divine being  |
vinīti | f. training, good behaviour, modesty  |
vinīvaraṇa | mfn. without hindrance  |
vinivāraṇa | n. keeping off, restraining  |
vinivārita | mfn. kept off, prevented, hindered, opposed  |
vinivārita | mfn. screened, covered  |
vinivartaka | mfn. reversing, annulling  |
vinivartana | n. turning back, return etc.  |
vinivartana | n. coming to an end, cessation  |
vinivarti | f. ceasing, cessation  |
vinivartin | See a-vinivartin-.  |
vinivartita | mfn. caused to turn back or to desist from anything  |
vinivartita | mfn. turned away, averted  |
vinivārya | mfn. to be removed or supplanted  |
vinivedana | n. the act of announcing, announcement  |
vinivedita | mfn. made known, announced  |
viniveśa | m. putting down, placing upon  |
viniveśa | m. an impression (as of the fingers etc.)  |
viniveśa | m. putting down (in a book) id est mentioning  |
viniveśa | m. suitable apportionment or disposition  |
viniveśa | m. entrance, settling down  |
viniveśana | n. setting down  |
viniveśana | n. raising, erection, building  |
viniveśana | n. arrangement, disposition  |
viniveśana | n. impressing  |
viniveśin | mfn. situated in or on (compound) |
viniveśita | mfn. raised, erected, built  |
viniveśita | mfn. placed or fixed in or on (locative case)  |
vinīvi | mfn. deprived of a skirt or covering, denuded  |
vinivid | Caus. -vedayati-, to make known, announce, inform, report ; to offer, present  |
viniviś | Caus. -veśayati-, to cause to enter into, set down or place in, put on ; to apply ; to appoint to, institute or instal in (locative case) ; to fix (the eyes or thoughts) upon (locative case) ; to fix or erect (a statue) ; to establish or found (a city) ; to draw up in array (as troops) ; (with kare-) to place in tribute, make tributary ; (with hṛdaye-) to impress on the heart  |
viniviṣṭa | mfn. dwelling or residing in (compound)  |
viniviṣṭa | mfn. occurring in (locative case)  |
viniviṣṭa | mfn. placed on or in (locative case)  |
viniviṣṭa | mfn. drawn on (locative case)  |
viniviṣṭa | mfn. laid out (as tanks)  |
viniviṣṭa | mfn. divided id est various or different  |
vinivṛ | Caus. -vārayati- (Passive voice -vāryate-), to keep or ward off, check, prevent, suppress etc. ; to prohibit, forbid ; to remove, destroy etc. ; to dismiss (a minister), depose (a king)  |
vinivṛt | A1. -vartate-, to turn back, return etc. ; to turn away, desist or cease from (ablative) ; to cease, end, disappear etc. ; to be extinguished (as fire) ; to be omitted : Causal -vartayati-, to cause to return, call or lead back from (ablative) etc. ; to cause to cease or desist from (ablative) ; to draw back (a missile) ; to avert, divert (the gaze) ; to give up, abandon ; to cause to cease, remove ; to render ineffective, annul (a curse, fraudulent transactions etc.)  |
vinivṛtta | mfn. turned back, returned, retired, withdrawn  |
vinivṛtta | mfn. turned away or averted or adverse from, (ablative or compound)  |
vinivṛtta | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') freed from  |
vinivṛtta | mfn. desisting from (ablative), having abandoned or given up , disappeared, ended, ceased to be  |
vinivṛttakāma | mfn. one whose desires have ceased, foiled in one's wishes  |
vinivṛttaśāpa | mfn. freed from (the evil effects of) a curse  |
vinivṛtti | f. cessation, coming to an end etc.  |
vinivṛtti | f. omission, discontinuance  |
vinivṛtti | cessation of work, inactivity,  |
vinīya | m. equals kalka-  |
viniyam | P. -yacchati-, to restrain, check, control, keep in check, regulate etc. ; to draw in, withdraw ; to keep off  |
viniyama | m. limitation, restriction to (locative case)  |
viniyama | m. restraint, government  |
viniyamya | mfn. to be restricted or limited  |
viniyata | mfn. restrained, checked, regulated  |
viniyata | mfn. retrenched, limited (See compound)  |
viniyatacetas | mfn. one who has a controlled or regulated mind  |
viniyatāhāra | mfn. moderate in food or diet, abstemious  |
viniyoga | m. apportionment, distribution, division  |
viniyoga | m. appointment to (locative case), commission, charge, duty, task, occupation etc. |
viniyoga | m. employment, use, application (especially of a verse in ritual) etc.  |
viniyoga | m. relation, correlation  |
viniyoga | m. equals adhikāra-,"governing rule" on  |
viniyoga | m. separation, abandonment  |
viniyoga | m. impediment  |
viniyogamālā | f. Name of work  |
viniyogasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
viniyogasatkriyā | f. Name of work  |
viniyojita | mfn. (fr. Causal) appointed or directed or applied to, destined for, chosen as (with locative case, artham-or arthāya-) etc. (paśu-tve-,destined for a sacrificial victim; adhipati-tve-,appointed to the sovereignty)  |
viniyojita | mfn. commissioned, charged, deputed  |
viniyojya | mfn. to be applied or used or employed  |
viniyoktavya | mfn. to be appointed to or employed in  |
viniyoktavya | mfn. to be enjoined or commanded  |
viniyoktṛ | mfn. one who appoints etc.  |
viniyoktṛ | mfn. appointer to (locative case), employer  |
viniyoktṛ | mf(trī-)n. containing the special disposition of anything  |
viniyuj | A1. -yuṅkte- (rarely P. -yunakti-; see on ), to unyoke, disjoin, loose, detach, separate ; to discharge (an arrow) at (locative case) ; to assign, commit, appoint to, charge or entrust with, destine for (dative case locative case,or artham-) etc. (with sakhye-,to chose for a friend) ; to apply, use, employ ; to eat : Passive voice -yujyate-, to be unyoked etc. ; to fall to pieces, decay : Causal -yojayati-, to appoint or assign to, commit to (locative case,or arthāya-,or /artham-) etc. ; to entrust anything (accusative) to (locative case) ; to offer or present, anything (accusative) to (dative case) ; to use, employ ; to perform  |
viniyukta | mfn. unyoked, disjoined etc.  |
viniyukta | mfn. appointed to, destined for (locative case)  |
viniyukta | mfn. enjoined, commanded  |
viniyuktātman | mfn. one who has his mind fixed on or directed towards  |
vinna | mfn. known, understood (equals jñāta-)  |
vinna | mfn. found, acquired etc.  |
vinna | mfn. existent, real  |
vinnā | f. a married woman  |
vinna | mfn. equals vicārita-  |
vinna | See pp. 964, 965.  |
vinnapa | m. Name of a king |
vinnapa | m. of the saint agastya- (perhaps wrong reading for vitta-pa-).  |
vinnibhaṭṭa | m. Name of an author  |
vinoda | m. driving away, removal  |
vinoda | m. diversion, sport, pastime, pleasure, playing or amusing one's self with (compound) etc. ( vinodāya dāya- ind.for pleasure)  |
vinoda | m. eagerness, vehemence  |
vinoda | m. a kind of embrace  |
vinoda | m. a kind of palace  |
vinoda | m. Name of work on music  |
vinodakallola | m. Name of work  |
vinodamañjari | f. Name of work  |
vinodana | n. diversion, play, amusement, pastime ( vinodanatā -tā- f.)  |
vinodanaśata | n. plural hundreds of amusements  |
vinodanatā | f. vinodana |
vinodāpapādin | mfn. causing pleasure or delight  |
vinodaraṅga | m. Name of work  |
vinodarasika | mfn. given or addicted to pleasure  |
vinodārtham | ind. for the sake of sport or pleasure  |
vinodasthāṇa | n. ground (literally and figuratively) for pleasure or enjoyment  |
vinodavat | mfn. amusing, delightful  |
vinodāya | ind. vinoda |
vinodin | mfn. driving away, dispelling  |
vinodin | mfn. amusing, diverting  |
vinodita | mfn. (fr. Causal) driven away, dispelled  |
vinodita | mfn. diverted, amused, delighted  |
vinodita | mfn. allayed, soothed  |
vinokti | f. (in rhetoric) a figure of speech (using) vinā- (exempli gratia, 'for example' kā niśā śaśinā vinā-,"what is the night without the moon?")  |
vinokti | See under vinā-, p.969.  |
vinṛt | P. -nṛtyati-, to begin to dance  |
vinta | m. Name of a particular divine being  |
vinu | A1. -navate-, to go or spread in different directions  |
vinud | P. A1. -nudati-, te-, to drive away or asunder, scare away, dispel, remove ; to strike (cords), play (on a musical instrument) (varia lectio vi-tud-), Causal -nodayati-, to drive asunder or away, dispel ; to spend (time) ; to divert, amuse, entertain ; to amuse one's self with, delight in (instrumental case)  |
vinud | f. a stroke, thrust, blow  |
vinunna | mfn. driven asunder etc.  |
vinunna | mfn. stricken, hurt, wounded |
vinutti | f. dispelling, removal  |
vinutti | f. Name of an ekāha-  |
vinyāka | m. the tree Echites Scholaris  |
vinyas | P. -asyati- (rarely -asati-), to put or place down in different places, spread out, distribute, arrange etc. ; to put down, deposit, place or lay on, fix in, turn or direct towards, apply to (locative case) etc. ; to mark or designate by (instrumental case) ; to entrust or make over to (locative case)  |
vinyāsa | m. putting or placing down etc.  |
vinyāsa | m. a deposit  |
vinyāsa | m. putting on (ornaments)  |
vinyāsa | m. movement, position (of limbs), attitude  |
vinyāsa | m. arrangement, disposition, order  |
vinyāsa | m. scattering, spreading out  |
vinyāsa | m. establishment, foundation  |
vinyāsa | m. putting together, connecting (words etc.), composition (of literary works) etc.  |
vinyāsa | m. exhibition, display (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = showing, displaying)  |
vinyāsa | m. the utterance of words of despair  |
vinyāsa | m. assemblage, collection  |
vinyāsa | m. any site or receptacle on or in which anything is deposited  |
vinyasana | n. putting down (pada-vinyasaṇam-kṛ-,to put down the feet, step, stride)  |
vinyāsarekhā | f. a line drawn  |
vinyasta | mfn. put or placed down etc.  |
vinyasta | mfn. directed to (as the mind, eyes)  |
vinyasta | mfn. entrusted, delivered  |
vinyasya | mfn. to be put or placed upon (upari-)  |
vinyaya | m. (5. i-) position, situation  |
abdhijīvin | m. a fisherman  |
abhāvin | mfn. what is not to be or will not be, not destined to be.  |
abhibhāvin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') overpowering  |
abhitobhāvin | mfn. being on both, sides  |
abhivinad | to raise a loud noise  |
abhivinīta | mfn. well disciplined, well educated, versed in (locative case)  |
abhivinud | Caus. -nodayati-, to gladden, cause to rejoice  |
acyāvin | mfn. firm, unchanging, (conjectural).  |
adhivinnā | f. a wife whose husband has married again  |
adhivinnā | f. a neglected or superseded wife.  |
āḍīvin | m. Name of a crow  |
advayāvin | ([ ]) ([ ]) mfn. free from double-dealing or duplicity.  |
agandhasevin | mfn. not addicted to perfumes,  |
agāravinoda | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a work on architecture  |
āgasvin | m. an evildoer,  |
ājīvin | ī-, m. equals ājīvika-  |
ajvin | mfn. ( aj-), active, agile, used in a sacrificial formula  |
akṣadevin | m. a gambler, a dice-player.  |
akṣarajīvin | m. "one who lives by writing", a scribe.  |
akṣaravinyāsa | equals -nyāsa-  |
āmayāvin | mfn. sick, diseased  |
āmayāvin | mfn. affected with indigestion, dyspeptic  |
ambujīvin | mfn. living by water (as a fisherman etc.),  |
amṛtavindūpaniṣad | See -bindūpaniṣad-.  |
anasvin | mfn. going in a cart,  |
aniruddhabhāvinī | f. aniruddha-'s wife.  |
anṛgvedavinīta | mfn. not versed in the ṛg-veda-,  |
anubhāvin | mfn. perceiving, knowing  |
anubhāvin | mfn. being an eye-witness  |
anubhāvin | mfn. showing signs of feeling.  |
anujīvin | mfn. living by or upon  |
anujīvin | mfn. dependent  |
anujīvin | m. a dependent, follower  |
anujīvin | m. Name of a crow  |
anusevin | mfn. practising, observing, habitually addicted to.  |
anuvinad | Causal P. -nādayati-, to make resonant or musical.  |
anuvinard | to answer with roars  |
anuvinaś | to disappear, perish, vanish after or with another (accusative)  |
anuvināśa | m. perishing after.  |
anuvinda | m. Name of a king of Oujein.  |
anuviniḥsṛ | to go or come out in order  |
anyathāsambhāvin | mfn. suspecting something else, distrustful,  |
āpadvinīta | mfn. disciplined or humbled by misfortune  |
apitvin | mfn. having part, sharing  |
apṛthaktvin | mfn. not asserting a separate existence,  |
apunarbhāvin | mfn. the last,  |
apūrvin | mfn. one who has not done (anything) before,  |
apūrvin | unmarried,  |
ārāvin | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' tinkling or sounding with  |
ārāvin | m. Name of a son of jaya-sena-  |
aravinda | n. (fr. ara-and vinda- ), a lotus, Nelumbium Speciosum or Nymphaea Nelumbo etc.  |
aravinda | m. the Indian crane  |
aravinda | m. copper  |
aravindadalaprabha | n. copper  |
aravindanābha | m. viṣṇu- (from whose navel sprung the lotus that bore brahmā- at the creation)  |
aravindasad | m. "sitting on a lotus", Name of brahmā-  |
aravindinī | f. (gaRa puṣkarādi- q.v) an assemblage of lotus flowers  |
ārjavin | mfn. having or showing honest behaviour  |
arthavināśa | m. loss of one's fortune  |
arthavināśana | mfn. causing a loss or disadvantage  |
arthaviniścaya | m. "a disquisition treating of the objects", Name of a, Buddhist text.  |
āsāvin | mfn. one who is about to generate,  |
āsevin | mfn. frequenting, inhabiting  |
āsevin | mfn. zealously cultivating or performing anything  |
āsrāvin | mfn. flowing, emitting fluid, discharging humour (as an elephant who emits fluid from his temples during the rutting time)  |
āsrāvin | mfn. suppurating, festering  |
asṛksrāvin | mfn. bleeding, taking away blood  |
aṣṭrāvin | mfn. obeying the goad (as a bull)  |
āśubhāvin | mfn. proceeding quickly  |
aśvin | mfn. possessed of horses, consisting of horses  |
aśvin | mfn. mounted on horseback  |
aśvin | m. a cavalier  |
aśvin | m. horse-tamer  |
aśvin | m. dual number (/inā-or inau-) "the two charioteers", Name of two divinities (who appear in the sky before the dawn in a golden carriage drawn by horses or birds;they bring treasures to men and avert misfortune and sickness;they are considered as the physicians of heaven) etc.  |
aśvin | m. a Name of the nakṣatra- presided over by the aśvin-s  |
aśvin | m. the number,"two"  |
aśvin | m. (for aśvi-sutau-) the two sons of the aśvin-s, viz. nakula- and sahadeva-  |
aśvin | n. (equals aśva-vat- n. q.v) richness in horses  |
āśvina | mf(ī-)n. like riders or horsemen  |
āśvina | n. a day's journey for a horseman  |
āśvina | mfn. (fr. aśvin-), belonging or devoted to the aśvin-s  |
āśvina | m. Name of a month in the rainy season (during which the moon is near to the constellation aśvinī-)  |
āśvina | n. the nakṣatra- aśvinī-  |
āśvina | n. (also) a cup of soma- consecrated to the aśvin-s,  |
āśvinacihnita | n. the autumnal equinox  |
āśvināgra | mfn. beginning with a cup etc.,  |
aśvinakṛta | mfn. (irreg. for aśv/i-k-) done by the aśvin-s  |
āśvinapātra | n. the vessel belonging to the aśvin-s  |
āśvineya | m. (fr. aśvin-), Name of nakula-  |
āśvineya | m. of saha-deva-  |
āśvineya | m. (fr. aśvinī-), Name of either of the two aśvin-s  |
aśvinī | f. Name of the wife of the two aśvin-s (who in later times was considered as their mother; see aśvinī-putrau-below)  |
aśvinī | f. the head of Aries or the first of the 28 nakṣatra-s  |
aśvinī | f. (aśvini-,shortened for the sake of metre)  |
āśvinī | f. Name of a kind of brick (iṣṭakā-)  |
aśvinīkumāra | m. the son of aśvinī- (said to be the father of the first physician)  |
aśvinīputrau | m. dual number the twin sons of aśvinī-  |
aśvinīsutau | m. dual number the twin sons of aśvinī-  |
asvinna | mfn. not thoroughly boiled  |
asvinna | n. non-application of sudorifics  |
ātatāvin | mfn. varia lectio for tāy/in- (of )  |
āṭavin | m. Name of a teacher  |
atejasvin | mfn. not bright, dim, not vigorous.  |
atisvinna | mfn. caused to perspire abundantly,  |
atitapasvin | mfn. very ascetic.  |
ātmanvin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. animated, having a soul '  |
ātmopajīvin | mfn. living by one's own labour (["one who lives by his wife"commentator or commentary ])  |
aupatasvini | m. a descendant of upatasvina-, Name of a ṛṣi-  |
avasādanāvineya | mfn. to be taught by discouragement,  |
avaśyambhāvin | mfn. necessarily being  |
avayavin | mfn. having portions or subdivisions, a whole etc.  |
avayavin | m. (ī-)a syllogism  |
avina | m. ( av-), an officiating priest at a sacrifice  |
avina | a bird,  |
avina | the elbow,  |
avinābhāva | m. necessary connection of one thing with another, inherent and essential character  |
avinābhāvin | mfn. necessarily connected with, inherent commentator or commentary on  |
avinābhāvitva | n. the being necessarily connected with commentator or commentary on  |
avināśa | m. non-destruction, non-putrefaction (of a body)  |
avināśin | mfn. imperishable  |
avināśin | mfn. not decaying or putrefying  |
avināśitva | n. imperishableness  |
avināśya | mfn. indestructible  |
avinaya | m. want of good manners or modesty, bad or rude behaviour etc.  |
avinaya | mf(ā-)n. misbehaving commentator or commentary on  |
avināyin | mfn. (gaRa grāhy-ādi- q.v)  |
avindhya | m. Name of a minister of rāvaṇa-  |
avindhyā | f. Name of a river  |
avinigama | m. an illogical conclusion  |
avinipāta | m. not doing wrong or erring,  |
avinipātin | mfn. not erring (in one's duties, dharmeṣu-)  |
avinipātita | mfn. erred, done wrong  |
avinirṇaya | m. indecision, irresolution (in one's actions, karmamām-)  |
avinīta | mfn. badly trained or brought up, ill-mannered, misbehaving  |
avinītā | f. an immodest or unchaste woman.  |
avinīta | See a vinaya-.  |
avinivartin | mfn. not turning back, not fugitive (in battle).  |
āvinna | mfn. existing, being  |
avinoda | m. non diversion, tediousness  |
avinyasta | mfn. untrodden,  |
aviśvavinna | (/a-viśva--) mf(ā-)n. (varia lectio of /a-vitvam-inva-) not perceived everywhere  |
āyudhajīvin | mfn. living by one's weapons  |
āyudhajīvin | m. a warrior  |
bahudhanvin | mfn. having many bows (said of śiva-)  |
bālagovinda | m. Name of an author  |
bālavinaṣṭa | m. Name of a man  |
bālavinaṣṭaka | m. Name of a man  |
bālavinodinī | f. Name of work  |
balavinyāsa | m. arrangement of forces, array of troops  |
balivindhya | m. Name of a son of manu- raivata-  |
bandhujīvin | m. a kind of ruby  |
bhadravinda | m. Name of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
bhagavaccaraṇāravindadhyāna | n. Name of work  |
bhagavadgovinda | m. Name of a poet  |
bhaikṣopajīvin | mfn. living on alms  |
bhajagovindastotra | n. Name of work (see bhagavad-govinda-).  |
bhaṇḍatapasvin | m. a hypocritical ascetic  |
bhārajīvin | m. "subsisting by carrying loads", a porter  |
bhavābdhināvinavika | m. a pilot on the boat (which crosses) the ocean of worldly existence  |
bhavābhibhāvin | mfn. overcoming the worldly  |
bhavanibandhavināśin | mfn. "destroying the fetters of worldly existence"  |
bhavanigaḍanibandhacchedhavināśin | ( ) mfn. destroying the chains and fetters of worldly existence.  |
bhāvavibhāvinī | f. Name of a commentator or commentary on  |
bhavin | mfn. living, being  |
bhavin | m. a living being, man  |
bhāvin | mfn. becoming, being, existing, wont to be (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
bhāvin | mfn. about to be, future, imminent, predestined, inevitable (often used as future tense of bhū-) etc.  |
bhāvin | mfn. as one ought to be, good, able, capable (in a-bh-)  |
bhāvin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') being possessed of.  |
bhāvin | mfn. attached to (exempli gratia, 'for example' hari-bh-)  |
bhāvin | mfn. manifesting, showing,  |
bhāvin | mfn. furthering, blessing (see loka-bh-)  |
bhāvin | mfn. worshipping  |
bhāvin | mfn. beautiful, illustrious  |
bhāvin | m. Name of every vowel except a- and ā- (prob. as"liable to become the corresponding semivowel")  |
bhāvin | m. Name of the śūdra-s in plakṣa-dvīpa-  |
bhāvin | m. a wanton woman  |
bhāvin | m. a particular musical composition  |
bhāvin | m. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
bhāvin | m. of the daughter of a gandharva-  |
bhāvinī | f. a noble or beautiful woman etc.  |
bhavinin | m. a poet (vina-,prob. wrong reading)  |
bhikṣopajīvin | mfn. equals bhikṣā-vṛtti-  |
bhīmavinoda | m. Name of work  |
bhrājasvin | mfn. sparkling, glittering  |
bhṛtyabhāvin | mfn. being or becoming a servant  |
bhuktapūrvin | mfn. one who has eaten before  |
bhūmijīvin | m. "living by the soil", a vaiśya-  |
bhūtabhāvin | mfn. creating living beings  |
bhūtabhāvin | mfn. past and future  |
bhūtadrāvin | m. red oleander  |
bhūtadrāvin | m. a particular tree (equals bhūtāṅkuśa-)  |
bhūtavināyaka | m. a leader of evil beings  |
bhuvanavinyāsa | m. Name of chapter of  |
bhūyasvin | mfn. preponderant, superior  |
brahmajīvin | mfn. subsisting by sacred learning  |
brahmajīvin | m. a mercenary Brahman (who converts his religious duties into a trade)  |
bṛhadrāvin | m. "crying loud", a species of small owl  |
buddhijīvin | mfn. subsisting by intelligence, rational, intelligent  |
buddhivināśa | m. loss of understanding, deficiency of intellect  |
cakrajīvin | m. idem or 'm. "living by his wheel", a potter '  |
caraṇāravinda | n. equals ṇakamala-  |
cāruvinda | m. Name of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
caturaṅgavinoda | m. Name of work  |
caturvinśaka | mfn. consisting of 24  |
chandogovinda | n. gaṅgā-dāsa-'s work on metre.  |
cikitvinmanas | mfn. attentive, ["knowing all hearts" ]  |
cikitvinmanas | mfn. well-considered, .  |
cirabhāvin | mfn. remote (in future)  |
cirajīvin | mfn. long-lived  |
cirajīvin | mfn. (said of mārkaṇḍeya-, aśvatthāman-, bali-, vyāsa-, hanumat-, vibhīṣaṇa-, kṛpa-, paraśu- rāma-)  |
cirajīvin | m. viṣṇu-  |
cirajīvin | m. a crow  |
cirajīvin | m. Salmalia malabarica  |
cirajīvin | m. equals vaka-  |
cirajīvin | m. Name of a crow  |
ciraṃjīvin | m. (equals ra-j-) viṣṇu-  |
ciraṃjīvin | m. a crow  |
ciraṃjīvin | m. Salmalia malabarica  |
ciraṃjīvin | m. equals ra-jīvaka-  |
ciraṃjīvin | m. Name of a kind of bird  |
cittavināśana | mfn. destroying consciousness gaRa nandy-ādi-.  |
dakṣayajñavināśinī | f. durgā-  |
daśagvin | mfn. tenfold, .  |
daśapūrvin | m. "knowing 10 (of the 14) pūrva-s", Name of 7 Jain patriarchs.  |
dasyujīvin | mfn. living a robber's life  |
devājīvin | m. a man subsisting by attending on an idol and receiving its offerings  |
devāsuravinirmātṛ | m. Name of śiva-  |
devin | mfn. gambling, a gambler (see akṣa--, durdyūta--, sādhu--).  |
dhanvāvin | mfn. carrying or bearing a bow  |
dhanvin | mfn. ( ) armed with a bow, a bow-man etc. (see iṣu--, driḍha--, bahu-.)  |
dhanvin | mfn. cunning, shrewd  |
dhanvin | m. the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius  |
dhanvin | m. Name of śiva-  |
dhanvin | m. of viṣṇu-  |
dhanvin | m. of arjuna-  |
dhanvin | m. Terminalia Arjuna  |
dhanvin | m. Mimusops Elengi  |
dhanvin | m. Alhagi Maurorum  |
dhanvin | m. Name of a son of manu- tāmasa-  |
dhanvin | m. of a Scholiast or Commentator on (also visvāmin-)  |
dhānyajīvin | mfn. living on grains  |
dhānyajīvin | m. a bird living on grains  |
dharmamativinanditarāga | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-,  |
dhāvin | mfn. running, going quickly  |
dhīragovindaśarman | m. Name of an author (Calcutta edition 1800)  |
dhṛṣadvin | mfn. equals -ṣ/at-  |
dīkṣāvinoda | m. Name of work  |
dīrghajīvin | mfn. long-lived  |
dīrghakālajīvin | mfn. long-lived  |
drāvin | mfn. getting in motion (see laghu--)  |
drāvin | mfn. dissolving, removing (see pitta--, mala--, māṃsa--).  |
dṛḍhadhanvin | mfn. idem or 'm. a good archer '  |
dṛḍhadhanvin | mfn. furnished with strong archers  |
dṛṣṭapūrvin | mfn. having known by sight before  |
duḥkhajīvin | mfn. living in pain or distress  |
durdyūtadevin | mfn. playing unfairly, cheating at play  |
durmedhāvin | mfn. equals -medha-  |
durmedhāvin | mfn. equals -medha-  |
durvinaya | m. imprudent conduct  |
durvinīta | mfn. badly educated, ill-conducted, undisciplined, mean, wicked, obstinate, restive etc. (taka- idem or 'm. imprudent conduct ' )  |
durvinīta | m. Name of a sage (associated with durvāsas- etc.)  |
durvinīta | m. of a prince.  |
dvaṃdvin | mfn. forming a couple  |
dvaṃdvin | mfn. opposed to one another, contradictory, antagonistic  |
dvayāvin | mfn. false, dishonest  |
dvinagnaka | m. "doubly naked", a person having no prepuce  |
dvinaiṣkika | mf(ī-)n. worth 2 niṣkas-  |
dvināman | (dv/i--) mf(mnī-)n. having 2 names  |
dvinārāśaṃsa | mf(ī-)n. twice furnished with the vessels called nārāśaṃsa-}  |
dvinavakṛtvas | ind. 18 times  |
dvinavata | mf(ī-)n. the 92nd  |
dvinavati | f. 92  |
dvinavatitama | mfn. the 92nd  |
dvinayanī | f. the two eyes  |
dvinetra | mfn. "two-eyed"  |
dvinetrabhedin | mfn. knocking out a person's 2 eyes  |
dvinidhana | n. Name of a sāman-  |
dviniṣka | mf(ā-)n. worth 2 niṣkas-  |
dviṭsevin | mfn. serving an enemy, traitor  |
ekabhāvin | mfn. becoming one, being combined  |
ekapākopajīvin | mfn. living on food prepared by the same cooking (as a family) commentator or commentary on  |
ekībhāvin | mfn. relating to coalition or blending (of vowels)  |
enasvin | mfn. wicked, sinful, a sinner  |
gaganāravinda | n. equals nakusuma-  |
gandhopajīvin | m. equals dhājīva-  |
gāṇḍīvin | m. equals va-dhanvan-  |
gāṇḍīvin | m. Terminalia Arjuna  |
gāñjīvin | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. a quail ' '  |
garbhasrāvin | mfn. producing abortion  |
garbhasrāvin | m. Phoenix paludosa  |
gātravinda | m. Name of a son of kṛṣṇa- and lakṣmaṇā-, 9189.  |
gavinī | f. a herd of cows gaRa khalādi-.  |
ghaṭṭajīvin | m. "living on a landing-place", a ferryman (commonly Patuni, son of a washerman by a vaiśya- woman;"an attendant at a landing-place, taking care of the clothes of the bathers etc." )  |
gītagovinda | n. " govinda- (id est kṛṣṇa-) celebrated in song", Name of a lyrical drama by jayadeva- (probably written in the beginning of the twelfth century;it is a mystical erotic poem describing the loves of kṛṣṇa- and the gopī-s, especially of kṛṣṇa- and rādhā-, who is supposed to typify the human soul).  |
glāvin | mfn. displeased, inactive  |
gopajīvin | m. Name of a mixed caste.  |
govinata | (g/o--). m. a form of the aśva-medha- sacrifice (see -vitata-.)  |
govinda | m. ( Va1rtt. 2)" equals -v/id- (or fr. Prakritgov'-inda equals gopendra-?)", kṛṣṇa- (or viṣṇu-) (see p.405)  |
govinda | m. bṛhaspati- (see gotra-bh/id-)  |
govinda | m. (= viṣṇu-) Name of the 4th month  |
govinda | m. (fr. Prakritgov'-inda equals gopendra-) a chief herdsman  |
govinda | m. Name of a prince  |
govinda | m. of several teachers and authors  |
govinda | m. of a mountain  |
govindabhagavatpādācārya | m. Name of a teacher, 9; 20; 35  |
govindabhaṭṭa | m. Name of an author |
govindacanda | m. for -candra-  |
govindacandra | m. Name of a prince  |
govindadatta | m. Name of a Brahman,  |
govindadeva | m. Name of the father of sundara-deva-  |
govindadīkṣita | m. Name of a man  |
govindadvādaśī | f. the 12th day in the light half of month phālguna-  |
govindagira | m. Name of a copyist (1770 A.D.)  |
govindakūṭa | m. idem or 'm. of a mountain '  |
govindamānasollāsa | m. Name of work  |
govindānanda | m. Name of a scholiast  |
govindanātha | m. Name of one of śaṃkara-'s teachers  |
govindanāyaka | m. Name of a sage  |
govindapāla | m. Name of a prince  |
govindaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
govindarāja | m. Name of a commentator on (mentioned by on )  |
govindarāja | m. Name of a poet  |
govindarāma | m. Name of a prince  |
govindarāma | m. of a scholiast  |
govindarāya | m. Name of a prince  |
govindārcanasudhā | f. "nectar of kṛṣṇa-'s praise", Name of a work  |
govindārṇava | m. Name of work  |
govindasiṃha | m. Name of a prince  |
govindasiṃha | m. Name of one of the ten chief guru-s of the Sikhs  |
govindāṣṭaka | n. "the 8 verses of govinda-", Name of work  |
govindasūri | m. Name of a commentator on the (father of nīla-kaṇṭha-)  |
govindasvāmin | m. Name of a Brahman  |
govindavṛndāvana | m. Name of work  |
govindinī | f. Name of a fragrant plant  |
govindu | mfn. searching for milk  |
grahavinoda | m. Name of work  |
grīvin | m. "long-necked", a camel  |
gvin | in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' See śata-gv/in-. |
haragovinda | m. (also with vācaspati-and śarman-) Name of various authors  |
harasvin | mfn. fiery, energetic  |
haribhāvinī | f. a woman who meditates on viṣṇu-  |
hāridravin | m. the disciples of hari-dru-  |
harivinoda | m. Name of work  |
hastavinyāsa | m. position of the hand  |
hastijīvin | m. an elephants-driver  |
hatavinaya | mfn. lost to a sense of propriety  |
havin | See under 2. hava-.  |
hāvin | mfn. offering an oblation, sacrificing (in eka-h-)  |
havin | mfn. calling, invoking  |
havin | mfn. looking for help ("skilled in sacrifice" )  |
hiraṇyaṣṭhīvin | mfn. vomiting gold (said of a bird)  |
hṛdayāvin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. tender-hearted, warm-hearted, affectionate Va1rtt. 5 ' (in veda-) Va1rtt. 1  |
indriyāvin | mfn. idem or '(the Vedic lengthening of the a-according to ;but also once[ ] indriy/a-vat-) mfn. powerful, mighty ' |
iṣudhanvin | m. an archer  |
jagadvināśa | m. equals gat-kṣaya-  |
jalajīvin | mfn. living in or near water  |
jalajīvin | m. a fisherman  |
jalajīvinī | f. equals -jantukā-  |
jālopajīvin | m. a fisherman,  |
jambūkhaṇḍavinirmāṇaparvan | n. "section on the extension of the jambu-dvīpa-", Name of  |
jātavinaṣṭa | mfn. equals -naṣṭa-  |
jātimātrajīvin | mfn. (a Brahman) who lives only by his caste (without sacerdotal acts)  |
jātimātropajīvin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. (a Brahman) who lives only by his caste (without sacerdotal acts) '  |
javin | mfn. quick, fleet  |
javin | m. a horse  |
javin | m. a camel  |
javina | mfn. quick  |
javina | m. the Indian fox  |
javina | m. for jahina-  |
jayagovinda | m. Name of the author of an  |
jāyānujīvin | m. (jāyānujīvin-) equals jāy/ānujīva-  |
jāyānujīvin | m. the husband of a harlot  |
jāyānujīvin | m. a pauper  |
jāyānujīvin | m. the crane Ardea nivea  |
jāyānujīvin | m. equals āśvina-  |
jīvavinaya | m. Name of work  |
jīvin | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' living (a particular period or at a certain time or in a certain way) etc.  |
jīvin | mfn. living on or by (locative case [ ] or in compound) etc.  |
jīvin | (also,"vivifying"),  |
jīvin | m. a living being  |
jyogāmayāvin | (jy/og--.) mfn. sick a long time, 1, 1, 3.  |
kadvindu | (?), Name (also title or epithet) of a reed plant (in du-- koṣṭha-),  |
kairavin | m. the moon  |
kālabavin | m. plural Name of a school.  |
kalivināśinī | f. Name of a goddess  |
kanīyasvin | mfn. less, inferior  |
karaṇavinyaya | m. manner of pronunciation  |
karavinda | m. Name of an author.  |
karavindīya | n. (fr. the last) , the work of karavinda-.  |
karṇaśrāvin | mfn. audible  |
kāruvindu | m. the son of a Brahman and a vaidehakī-,  |
kāryavinimaya | m. mutual engagement to do something  |
kāryavinirṇaya | m. equals -nirṇaya-  |
kāṣṭhapattropajīvin | mfn. living by working on wood and leaves  |
kauvindī | f. (fr. kuvinda-), the wife of a weaver  |
kavijanavinoda | m. "delight of wise men", Name of work  |
kilvin | m. (equals lkin-) a horse  |
kiṇvin | m. a horse (see kindhin-.)  |
kramabhāvin | mfn. successive  |
krodhavinayana | n. appeasing anger,  |
kroṣṭuvinnā | f. equals -pucchikā-  |
kṛśāśvin | m. plural the pupils of kṛśāśva- (see iv, 2, 66)  |
kṛśāśvin | m. a dancer, actor  |
kṛṣijīvin | m. equals -kara-  |
kṛṣṇavinnā | f. varia lectio for -veṇā-.  |
kṛṣṇavinoda | m. "divertisement of kṛṣṇa-", Name of work  |
kṛtapūrvin | mfn. one by whom anything (accusative) was formerly done on  |
kṛtāvin | mfn. skilled  |
krūrarāvin | m. a raven  |
kṣatajaṣṭhīvin | mfn. vomiting blood  |
kuhakajīvin | m. idem or 'm. one who lives by slight-of-hand, juggler, cheat '  |
kumudvin | mfn. unfriendly  |
kuruvinda | m. a kind of barley commentator or commentary on  |
kuruvinda | m. a fragrant grass (Cyperus rotundus)  |
kuruvinda | m. the plant Terminalia Catappa  |
kuruvinda | m. the bud of a flower  |
kuruvinda | m. equals kulmāṣa- (see kuru-bilvaka-)  |
kuruvinda | mn. a ruby  |
kuruvinda | n. black salt  |
kuruvinda | n. cinnabar  |
kuruvindaka | m. a wild variety of Dolichos biflorus  |
kutapasvin | m. a wicked or bad ascetic  |
kutapavinyāsa | m. arranging musical instruments and musicians,  |
kuvinda | m. (equals kupinda-) a weaver commentator or commentary on  |
kuvindaka | m. idem or 'm. (equals kupinda-) a weaver commentator or commentary on '  |
kuvindaka | m. (in music) a kind of measure.  |
kuyajvin | m. a bad sacrificer  |
lāghavin | n. a juggler  |
laghudrāvin | mfn. fusing or liquefying easily, flowing rapidly (said of quicksilver)  |
lajjāvinamrānana | mf(ā-)n. bending down the face with shame  |
lakṣmīvinaya | m. dual number good fortune and modest conduct  |
lālāsrāvin | mfn. causing a flow of saliva  |
lāvin | See puṣpa-l-.  |
līlāravinda | (lār-) n. equals -kamala- above  |
lohadrāvin | mfn. melting copper or iron, fusing metal  |
lohadrāvin | m. borax  |
lokabhāvin | mfn. ( ) promoting the welfare of the world or of men  |
lokabhāvin | mfn. world-creating  |
lokābhibhāvin | mfn. overcoming the world  |
lokābhibhāvin | mfn. overspreading or pervading the world (said of light)  |
lokavināyaka | m. plural a particular class of deities presiding over diseases  |
lokavindu | mfn. possessing or creating or affording space or freedom  |
madanapālavinodanighaṇṭu | m. equals madana-viloda- q.v  |
madanavinoda | m. Name of medical vocabulary (written in 1375 and attributed to madana-pāla- q.v)  |
madasrāvin | mfn. equals -muc-  |
madhumuranarakavināśana | m. "destroyer of (the daitya-s) madhu-, mura- and naraka-", Name of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa-  |
madhurarāvin | mfn. rumbling sweetly (as a cloud)  |
madhyevindhyāntar | ind. in the middle of the vindhya-  |
madhyevindhyāṭavi | ind. in the forests of the vindhya- range  |
mahāgrīvin | m. "long-necked", a camel  |
mahāmanasvin | m. a particular samādhi-  |
mahāśāntiviniyogamālā | f. Name of work  |
mahāsragvin | mfn. wearing a great garland (said of śiva-) (see -māla-).  |
mahasvin | mfn. brilliant, splendid, glorious  |
mahātapasvin | mfn. greatly afflicted equals -tapas-  |
mahotsavin | mfn. celebrating great festivals  |
maladrāvin | mfn. dissolving impurity  |
maladrāvin | n. the seed of Croton Tiglium  |
malavināśinī | f. "dirt-destroyer", Andropogon Aciculatus  |
mālyajīvin | ( ) m. one who lives by making or selling garlands.  |
māṃsadrāvin | m. Rumex Vesicarius  |
māṃsopajīvin | m. "living by flesh", a dealer in meat  |
manasvin | mfn. full of mind or sense, intelligent, clever, wise etc.  |
manasvin | mfn. in high spirits, cheerful, glad (a-man-)  |
manasvin | mfn. fixing the mind attentive  |
manasvin | m. the fabulous animal called śarabha-  |
manasvin | m. Name of a nāga-  |
manasvin | m. of a son of devala-  |
manasvin | m. Momordica Mixta  |
manasvin | m. Name of the mother of the moon (see manasija-)  |
manasvin | m. of durga-  |
manasvin | m. of the wife of mṛkaṇḍu-  |
manasvinī | f. a virtuous wife  |
manojavin | mfn. swift as thought ( manojavitva vi-tva- n.)  |
manovinayana | n. mental discipline  |
manovinoda | m. Name of poets  |
manovinodakṛt | m. Name of poets  |
manyuṣāvin | (for -sāv/in-) mfn. preparing soma- in anger or with zeal  |
mārgavinodana | n. entertainment on a journey  |
mārkaṇḍeyakavindra | m. Name of the author of the prākṛta-sarvasva-.  |
marmāvin | mfn. Va1rtt. 1  |
matsyajīvin | (varia lectio) mfn. living by catching fish. a fisherman  |
matsyavinnā | f. a species of plant  |
matsyopajīvin | m. "living by fish", a fisherman (see matsya-jīvat-, vin-).  |
māyājīvin | m. "living by illusion", a conjurer, juggler  |
māyāvin | mfn. possessing illusion or magical powers, employing deceit, deluding or deceiving others ( māyāvitā vi-tā- f.) etc.  |
māyāvin | mfn. illusory, creating illusions  |
māyāvin | m. a magician, conjurer, juggler  |
māyāvin | m. a cat  |
māyāvin | m. Name of a son of maya-  |
māyāvin | n. a gall. nut  |
māyopajīvin | mfn. living by fraud  |
medasvin | mfn. "having medas-", fat, corpulent, robust, strong  |
medhāvin | mfn. equals -vat- etc.  |
medhāvin | m. a learned man, teacher, Pandit  |
medhāvin | m. a parrot  |
medhāvin | m. an intoxicating beverage  |
medhāvin | m. Name of vyāḍi-  |
medhāvin | m. of a Brahman  |
medhāvin | m. of a king son of su-naya- (su-tapas-) and father of nṛpaṃ-jaya- (puraṃ-jaya-)  |
medhāvin | m. of a son of bhavya- and (n.) of a varṣa- named after him  |
medhāvin | m. Turdus Salica  |
medhāvin | m. a species of jyotiṣ-matī-  |
medhāvinī | f. Name of the wife of brahmā-  |
medhāvinvika | n. N. or a tīrtha-  |
medhāvinvirudra | m. Name of an author  |
medhāvinvitā | f. cleverness, judiciousness  |
meghadundubhirāvin | mfn. roaring as a cloud or a kettle-drum ( )  |
mekhalāvin | mfn. wearing a girdle, Scholiast or Commentator  |
mitarāvin | mfn. roaring moderately (used to explain marut-)  |
mithoviniyoga | m. employing mutually in any occupation  |
mithyātvin | mfn. being in a state of illusion  |
mitravinda | mfn. "acquiring friends", Name of an agni-  |
mitravinda | m. Name of a son of the 12th manu-  |
mitravinda | m. of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
mitravinda | m. of a preceptor  |
mitravindā | f. Name of an iṣṭi-  |
mitravinda | m. of a wife of kṛṣṇa-  |
mitravinda | m. of a river in kuśadvīpa-  |
mitravinda | m. of work  |
mitravindeṣṭi | f. Name of work  |
mitravindeṣṭihautra | n. Name of work  |
mitravindeṣṭiprayoga | m. Name of work  |
mṛgavadhājīvin | m. "one who lives by killing wild animals", a huntsman  |
mṛtasaṃjīvin | mfn. reviving the dead (Name of various remedies)  |
mṛtasaṃjīvinī | f. a species of shrub  |
mṛtasaṃjīvinī | f. Name of commentator or commentary ,  |
mukundagovinda | m. Name of the Guru of rāmānanda-  |
mūlāvidyāvināśaka | mfn. destroying original ignorance  |
mūlavināśana | n. radical or entire destruction  |
nakṣatropajīvin | m. "subsisting by the nakṣatra-s", astrologer  |
namasvin | mfn. worshipping, reverential  |
nānāvinā | ind. without (with instrumental case ablative or accusative)  |
nāthavindu | mfn. (3. vid-) possessing or granting protection  |
navin | mfn. consisting of nine  |
nāvin | m. a boatman, sailor  |
nāvopajīvin | m. idem or ' m. idem or 'm. a boatman, sailor ' '  |
netratribhāgabrahmayaśasvin | m. Name of an author  |
nijavinoda | m. Name of work  |
nīlacchavin | m. a kind of bird  |
niravinda | m. (for nir-arav-?) Name of a mountain  |
nirvindhyā | f. "being outside or coming from the vindhya-", Name of a river  |
nirvinoda | mfn. having no pastime, void of solace or diversion |
nisargavinīta | mfn. naturally discreet  |
niṣevin | mfn. practising, observing, enjoying (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
niśrāvin | mfn. ( śru-) gaRa grahādi-.  |
ojasvin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. vigorous, powerful, strong, energetic ' etc.  |
ojasvin | m. Name of a son of manu- bhautya-  |
pādapadmopajīvin | m. a dependent, feudatory, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
padāravinda | n. equals pada-kamala-  |
pādāravinda | m. "foot-lotus", the foot of a deity or a lover etc.  |
pādāravindaśataka | n. Name of a poem.  |
pādopajīvin | mfn. "living by a person's mercy (literally feet)", a servant, messenger etc.  |
pallavin | mfn. sprouting, having young shoots  |
pallavin | m. a tree  |
paṇavin | mfn. possessing a drum (applied to śiva-)  |
pañcāṅgavinoda | m. Name of work  |
pāpavināśa | m. destruction of sin  |
pāpavināśatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- (also śana-t-),  |
pāpavinigraha | m. restraining wickedness  |
pāpaviniścaya | mfn. intending evil  |
parabhāgyopajīvin | mfn. living upon another's fortune  |
paradeśasevin | mfn. living abroad, a traveller  |
paramārthavinda | mfn. acquiring knowledge of truth, obtaining the best kind of wealth etc.  |
paramātmavinoda | m. Name of work  |
pārasīvinoda | m. Persian and Arab terms of astronomy and astrology explained in Sanskrit.  |
parasvopajīvin | mfn. living upon another's property, dependent. ( )  |
pāravinda | m. "finding the opposite shore (?)", Name of a particular personification  |
paravyūhavināśana | m. the destroyer of an enemy's ranks  |
paribhavin | mfn. injuring, despising, ridiculing  |
paribhavin | mfn. suffering disrespect (see ) .  |
paribhāvin | mfn. injuring, despising, slighting, mocking, defying (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
paridevin | mfn. lamenting, bewailing  |
paridhāvin | m. "running round", Name of the 46th (or 20th) of the 60 years ' cycle of Jupiter  |
parīdhāvin | m. equals pari-dh-  |
parisrāvin | mfn. flowing  |
parisrāvin | m. (sc. bhagaṃ-dara-) a form of fistula of the anus  |
parisrāvin | n. (sc. udara-) an incurable form of swollen or enlarged abdomen  |
parivindaka | m. a younger brother married before the elder |
parivindat | m. an unmarried elder brother  |
parivinna | m. (also written viṇṇa-) equals vitti-  |
parivinna | m. an elder brother whom a younger has anticipated in receiving his share  |
pathyāpathyaviniścaya | m. Name of work  |
pavinda | m. Name of a man gaRa aśvādi- (f. ā-, .)  |
pāvindāyana | m. metron. fr. pavindā- gaRa aśvādi- ( )  |
pāvinī | f. (prob.) wrong reading for pāvanī-  |
payaḥprasravin | mfn. yielding milk, giving suck to,  |
payasvin | mfn. abounding in sap or milk etc.  |
payasvinī | f. a milch-cow  |
payasvinī | f. a she-goat  |
payasvinī | f. a river or Name of a river (see gaRa puṣkarādi-)  |
payasvinī | f. the night  |
payasvinī | f. Name of several plants (Asteracantha Longifolia, Batatas Paniculata, = kākolī-, kṣīra-kāk-, jīvantī-, dugdhaphenī-etc.)  |
phalopajīvin | mfn. living by the cultivation or sale of fruit  |
pheruvinnā | f. a species of plant  |
piṇḍamātropajīvin | mfn. subsisting on a mere morsel  |
piṇḍopajīvin | mfn. living on morsels offered by another, nourished by another  |
pittadrāvin | m. "bile-dispersing", the sweet citron  |
pittavināśana | mfn. "bilious-destroying", antibilious  |
plāvin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') spreading, promulgating  |
plāvin | mfn. flowing from  |
plāvin | m. a bird or a deer  |
prabhāvin | ( ) mfn. powerful, mighty.  |
pradrāvin | mfn. fleeing, runaway, fugitive ( ) .  |
prajavin | mfn. hastening, rapid, swift ( )  |
prajavin | m. a runner, courier, express.  |
prajīvin | m. Name of a minister of megha-varṇa- (the king of the crows)  |
prakāmavinata | mfn. quite drooping  |
pramāṇaviniścaya | m. Name of work  |
pranaṣṭavinaya | mfn. uncivil, rude  |
prāṇavināśa | m. loss of life, death  |
prasaṅgavinivṛtti | f. the non-recurrence of a case  |
praśāntaviniścayapratihāryanirdeśa | m. Name of a sūtra-  |
praśāntavinīteśvara | m. Name of a divine being,  |
prasavin | mfn. (for 2.See below) impelling, exciting  |
prasavin | mfn. (for 1.See pra--1. sū-) bringing forth, bearing children  |
prasnāvin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') dropping, pouring forth  |
praśnavinoda | m. Name of work  |
prasravin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') streaming forth, discharging  |
prasravin | mfn. (a cow) yielding milk  |
prasvinna | mfn. covered with perspiration, sweated, perspired  |
prathamabhāvin | mfn. becoming or being like the first  |
pratidvaṃdvin | m. equals dva- m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' vying with)  |
pratisaṃvinniścayāvatārā | f. Name of a particular dhāraṇī-  |
pratiṣiddhasevin | mfn. following or doing what is forbidden  |
prativindhya | m. Name of a king who ruled over a particular part of the vindhya- mountains  |
prativindhya | m. of a son of yudhi-ṣṭhira-  |
prativindhya | m. plural Name of his descendants  |
prativinud | P. -nudati-, to get rid of.  |
pratyātmaviniyata | mfn. individual  |
pravinaś | (only A1.2.sg. future -naṅkṣyase-), to perish utterly, be destroyed  |
pravinaṣṭa | mfn. utterly destroyed  |
pravinirdhūta | mfn. ( dhū-) thrown or flung away or towards or at  |
prāyaścittavinirṇaya | m. Name of work |
prāyobhāvin | mfn. being commonly found or met with (see prāya-bhava-).  |
preyasvin | mfn. containing flattery  |
priyavinākṛta | mfn. abandoned by a lover, deserted by a husband  |
punarbhavin | (?) m. the sentient soul (existing again after the dissolution of one body in another form)  |
punarbhāvin | mfn. being born again (a-punar-bh-)  |
purobhāvin | mfn. impending, imminent  |
pūrvabhāvin | mfn. being anterior, preceding commentator or commentary  |
pūrvin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. derived from ancestors or fore-fathers, ancestral ' (see See a--, daśa--, strī-p-).  |
pūrvineṣṭha | mfn. (prob.) wrong reading  |
puṣpājīvin | m. "living by flower", a gardener, florist, garland-maker  |
puṣpopajīvin | m. equals puṣpājīvin-  |
rādhāvinodakāvya | n.  |
rādhikāvinoda | m. Name of a poem (= rādhāvinoda-kāvya-).  |
rājānujīvin | m. the dependent of a king, a king's servant  |
rājasevin | m. a kind's servant  |
rājasevopajīvin | m. equals next  |
rajasvin | mfn. dusty, full of dust or pollen  |
rajasvin | mfn. full of the quality rajas-  |
rājavinoda | m. Name of work  |
rājavinodatāla | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
rājīvinī | f. the lotus plant or a group of lotuses (Nelumbium Speciosum) gaRa puṣkarādi-.  |
rājīvinījīvitavallabha | m. "beloved of the lotus plant", the moon  |
rājopajīvin | m. plural the subjects of a kind  |
rājopasevin | m. a king's servant  |
rakṣasvin | mfn. demoniacal, evil-disposed, malignant  |
raktavindu | See -bindu-  |
rāmagītagovinda | m. Name of a poem (an imitation of the of the gīta-govinda-, attributed to a jaya-deva-).  |
rāmagovinda | m. Name of authors (also with śarman-)  |
rāmagovindakirtana | n. Name of a stotra-  |
rāmagovindatīrtha | m. Name of a teacher  |
rāmavinoda | m. Name of work  |
rāmavinodakaraṇa | n. (also called, pañcāṅga-sādhanodāharaṇa-), Name of a work composed by rāma-candra- in 1614.  |
rāṇakojjīvinī | f. Name of work  |
raṅgopajīvin | ( ) m. "living by the stage", a stage-player, actor.  |
rasadrāvin | m. a kind of citron  |
rasagovinda | m. Name of work  |
rasikasaṃjīvinī | f. Name of work  |
rāvin | mf(iṇī-)n. screaming, crying, roaring, bellowing  |
ravināga | m. Name of a poet  |
ravinandana | m. "son of the sun", Name of manu- vaivasvata-  |
ravinandana | m. of the ape su-grīva-  |
ravinda | n. equals aravinda-, a lotus-flower  |
ravinetra | m. "sun-eyed", Name of viṣṇu-  |
retasvin | mfn. abounding in seed, prolific, productive  |
rogaviniścaya | m. Name of work  |
rudrajāpaviniyoga | m. Name of work  |
rugviniścaya | m. (also called roga-v-or mādhava-nidāna-or simply nidāna-) "determination of disease", Name of work by mādhava- (treating of the causes and diagnosis of 80 kinds of disease).  |
rujāvin | ( Va1rtt. 1) mfn. painful.  |
rūpasvin | mfn. (fr. an unused rūpas- equals rūpa-+ vin-) handsome, beautiful (superl. vi-tama-)  |
rūpasvinī | f. Name of a woman  |
rūpopajīvin | mfn. gaining a livelihood by a beautiful form  |
sabhāvin | m. the keeper of a gambling-house (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
sabhāvinoda | m. Name of work (by daiva-jña- dāmodara-) on proper conduct in assemblies.  |
sādhudevin | mfn. playing skilfully or fortunately  |
sadṛśavinimaya | m. confusing or mistaking similar objects  |
ṣaḍṛtuvinoda | m. Name of work  |
ṣaḍvindhyā | f. a kind of insect  |
sadyobhāvin | mfn. newly born  |
sadyobhāvin | m. a newly-born calf.  |
sadyobhāvin | m. any calf  |
sahabhāvin | mfn. connected together, coherent, connected with (compound)  |
sahabhāvin | m. a friend, adherent, partisan  |
sahajīvin | mfn. living together  |
sahasevin | mfn. having intercourse with  |
śākavindaka | m. equals -bilva-  |
salilopajīvin | mfn. subsisting by water (as a fisherman)  |
sāmanvin | mfn. possessing the sāman-  |
sambhavin | mfn. possible  |
sambhāvin | mfn. faithfully adhering or devoted to  |
sambhāvin | mfn. suitable, conformable  |
saṃcārajīvin | m. (prob.) a tramp, vagabond  |
saṃḍīvin | m. (perhaps wrong reading for saṃ-jīvin- q.v) Name of a minister of the crow-king megha-varṇa- |
saṃgavinī | f. the place where cows come together for milking ( )  |
saṃghajīvin | mfn. living in company, belonging to a vagrant band  |
saṃghajīvin | m. a hired labourer, porter, cooly  |
saṃgītavinodenṛtyādhyāya | m. Name of work  |
saṃjīvin | mfn. rendering alive, enlivening  |
saṃjīvin | m. Name of a minister of megha-varṇa- (king of the crows)  |
saṃjīvin | f. Name of a plant (See jīvanī-)  |
saṃjīvin | m. of a Commentary  |
sammukhavinaya | m. (prob.) reproving any one face to face (id est when he is alone and no one else present) ,  |