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Grammar Search
"vidha" has 3 results
vidha: masculine vocative singular stem: vidhā
vidha: neuter vocative singular stem: vidhā
vidha: second person singular present imperative class 6 parasmaipadavidh
Amarakosha Search
5 results
dīnaḥ3.1.48MasculineSingularniḥsvaḥ, durvidha, daridraḥ, durgataḥ
vividha3.1.93MasculineSingularbahuvidha, nānārūpaḥ, pṛthagvidha
vividha3.1.93MasculineSingularbahuvidha, nānārūpaḥ, pṛthagvidha
Monier-Williams Search
173 results for vidha
vidham. piercing, perforating (for other meaningsSee 2. vidha-, column 3) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhamn. of vidhā- (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') (for 1.See column 2) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidham. measure, form, kind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidham. food for an elephant (see vi-dhāna-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidham. equals ṛddhi- (see next) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidham(or -dhmā-) P. -dhamati- (Epic also te-), to blow away, scatter, disperse, destroy : Causal -dhmāpayati-, to extinguish, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhama(2. sg. imperative), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhaf. Name of a female demon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhamacūḍāf. gaRa mayūra-vyaṃsakādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhamanamfn. blowing out, extinguishing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhamanamfn. blowing away, destroying ( vidhamanatā -- f.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhamanan. the act of blowing away or asunder View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhamanatāf. vidhamana
vidhanamfn. devoid of wealth, poor View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhana vi-dhanuṣka- etc. See . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhanatāf. poverty View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhanīkṛP. -karoti-, to impoverish View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhanus mfn. having no bow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhanuṣkamfn. having no bow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhanvanmfn. having no bow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidharaṇa vi-dhartṛ- etc. See vi-dhṛ-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidharaṇamf(ī-)n. checking, restraining View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidharaṇīf. maintaining, supporting View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidharmamfn. (for 2.See vi-dhṛ-) wrong, unjust, unlawful (also maka-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidharmamfn. devoid of attributes or qualities (equals nir-guṇa-,said of kṛṣṇa-) () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidharmam. wrong, injustice View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidharmanmfn. (for 2.See vi-dhṛ-) acting wrongly or unlawfully View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidharmanm. (for 1.See) a maintainer, arranger, disposer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidharmann. that which encircles or surrounds, receptacle, boundaries, circumference View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidharmann. disposition, arrangement, order, rule View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidharmann. Name of a sāman- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidharmasthamfn. "abiding in wrong", unjust View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidharmatasind. wrongly, unlawfully View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidharmika varia lectio for -dharmaka- (See above) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidharminmfn. transgressing the law (as speech) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidharminmfn. of a different kind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhartṛm. a distributer, arranger, supporter View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhasm. equals vedhas- or brahman- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhautamfn. cleansed by washing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhavain compound for - below. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhaf. (according to to some fr. vi-+ dhava-See 2. dhav/a-,p.513) a husbandless woman, widow (also with nārī-, yoṣit-, strī-etc.) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhaf. bereft of a king (a country) [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin vidua; Gothic widuwo7; German wituwa,witewe,Witwe; Anglo-Saxon wuduwe,widewe; English widow.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhavaNom. (fr. 1. vidhu-) P. vati-, to resemble the moon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhavādharmam. "duty of a widow", Name of chapter of the View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhavāgāminm. one who has intercourse with a widow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhavanaSee under vi-dhū-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhavanan. shaking off View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhavanan. agitation, trembling View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhavāstrīf. a widow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhavatāf. widowhood View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhavāvedana(v-) n. marrying a widow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhavāvivāham. "marrying a widow", Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhavāvivāhakhaṇḍanan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhavāvivāhavicāram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhavayoṣitf. a widow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhavyan. agitation, trembling, tremor View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhividhauind. inclusively View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āmāvāsyavidhamfn. belonging to the new moon, occurring at the time of new moon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anekavidhamfn. of many kinds, in different ways, various. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuvidhamfn. conforming or adhering to, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aparimitavidha(/aparimita--) mfn. indefinitely multiplied View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
arkavidha(ark/a-) mfn. arka- like View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asmadvidhamfn. one similar to or like us, one of us View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aṣṭavidhamfn. eightfold, of eight kinds View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āvidham. an awl, a drill View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āvidham. a kind of gimlet worked by a string View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avidhaf. not a widow , View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bahuvidhamf(ā-)n. of many sorts or kinds, manifold, various etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bahuvidham. Name of a prince View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bahuvidhamind. diversely, in several directions, up and down View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhaulikividhamfn. inhabited by bhauliki- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhaurikividhamfn. inhabited by bhauriki- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavadvidhamfn. any one like your honour or like you View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
caiṭayatavidhamfn. inhabited by the caiṭayata-s gaRa bhauriky-ādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
caturdaśavidhamfn. fourteen-fold View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
caturvidhamfn. (c/at-) fourfold, of 4 sorts or kinds etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
caturvidhamind. (am-) in 4 ways () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
caturvidhasaṃśayodbhedam. "removal of doubts of 4 kinds", Name of a work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
caupayatavidhamfn. inhabited by caupayata-s gaRa bhauriky-ādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
daśavidhamfn. of 10 kinds, tenfold View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
daśavidhasnānamantram. plural Name of particular hymns View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dharmavidharmann. plural (prajāpater dharmav-) Name of 4 sāman-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
durvidhamfn. acting in a bad manner, badly circumstanced, mean, poor, miserable View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
durvidhamfn. stupid, silly (wrong reading for -vidya-?) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvādaśavidhamfn. (dv/ā-) 12fold View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvādaśavidhaputramīmāṃsāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvidhamfn. divided in 2, split asunder, forked View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvividhamfn. two fold, of 2 kinds etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ekādaśavidhamfn. eleven-fold View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ekaśatavidhamfn. 101-fold. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ekavidhamfn. of one kind, simple View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ekavidhamfn. identical View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ekaviṃśatividhamfn. twenty-one times, twenty-one-fold View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
evaṃvidhamfn. of such a kind, in such a form or manner, such View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
guṇavidhafor dhi-, 11466. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
haviryajñavidhamfn. (jñ/a--) of the nature of the havir-yajña- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
iṣṭakaikaśatavidhamfn. corresponding to the 101 bricks View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
itthaṃvidha(itthaṃ-) mfn. of such a kind, endowed with such qualities View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kāṇeyavidhan. a country inhabited by kāṇeya-s, gaRa bhaurikyādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
katividhamfn. of how many kinds? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kiṃvidhamfn. of what kind? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madrasavidhan. neighbourhood of the Madras View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madvidhamfn. like me, equal to me, of my sort or kind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naikavidhamfn. idem or 'mfn. manifold, various ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nānāvidhamfn. of various sorts, multiform, manifold View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nānāvidhaśāntif. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
navavidhamfn. 9-fold, consisting of 9 parts View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pañcavidhamfn. (p/añca--or pañc/a--) of 5 kinds, fivefold View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pañcavidhanāmabhāṣyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pañcavidhasūtran. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prāṇaikaśatavidhamfn. having 101 variations of the vital airs View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pṛthagvidhamfn. of distinct kinds, manifold, various etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pṛthagvidhamfn. distinct from (ablative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
puruṣavidha(p/u-) mfn. man-like, having a human form ( puruṣavidhata -t/a- f.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
puruṣavidhataf. puruṣavidha
ravidharmanm. Name of the author of a commentator or commentary on the kavi-rahasya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṣaḍvidhamfn. sixfold, of six sorts, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṣaḍvidhasāṃkhyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṣaḍvidhayogaphalan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saikayatavidhamfn. inhabited by saikayata-s gaRa bhaurikyādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃvatsaravidha(r/a--) mfn. (to be performed) according to the rules of an annual sacrifice View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadaśavidhamfn. 17-fold View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptavidha(t/a--) mf(ā-)n. 7-fold, of 7 kinds etc. ( saptavidhatā dh/atā- f. ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptavidhaf. saptavidha
śauvāvidhamfn. (fr. śvā-vidh-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
savanavidhamfn. of the same value as a libation, like a libation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
savavidha(sav/a-.) mfn. equals savana-v- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
savidhamfn. of the same kind or sort,
savidhamfn. proximate, near View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
savidhan. proximity View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
savidhamind. according to rule or precept View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śayanavidhamfn. having the form of a bedstead View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṣoḍaśavidhamfn. of 16 kinds, 16-fold View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
somavidhamfn. being of the nature of soma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sthānacaturvidhaślokam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suvidhamfn. of a good kind or nature View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suvidhamind. in an easy way, easily View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śvāvidham. equals śvā-vidh- above (or dhaḥ-may be plural of śvā-vidh-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tādṛgvidhamfn. such like View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadvidhamf(ā-)n. of that kind, conformable to that View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadvidhamf(ā-)n. his (or their) like View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadvidhatvan. conformity with that View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tathāvidhamf(ā-)n. (t/ath-) of such a sort or kind, being in such a condition or state, of such qualities (correlative of yādṛśa-, ) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tathāvidhamind. in this manner View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tathāvidhamind. likewise View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tāvadvidhamfn. of such kind, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trayodaśavidhamfn. of 13 kinds View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trividhamfn. (tr/i--) of 3 kinds, triple, threefold etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trividhadamathavastukuśalam. equals tri-dam- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tvadvidhamfn. like thee View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ubhayavidhamfn. of two kinds or forms commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uddhamavidhaf. any act in which it is said udhama! vidhama-! gaRa mayūra-vyaṃsakādi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ukthavidhamfn. verse-like View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaikayatavidhamfn. inhabited by vaikayata-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vālikājyavidhamfn. inhabited by vālikājya- (varia lectio vāṇikājya- vālija-, vālijyaka-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāṇijakavidhamfn. inhabited by merchants gaRa bhauriky-ādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vayovidhamfn. (vayo-for 2. v/ayas-) of the kind or nature of birds View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṃśatividhamfn. of 20 kinds View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vividhaSee sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vividhamf(ā-)n. of various sorts, manifold, divers etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vividham. a particular ekāha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vividhan. variety of action or gesture View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vividhabhaṅgīkamfn. equals vi-vidha- above View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vividhacitramfn. coloured variously, changing from one colour into another View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vividhamind. variously View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vividharūpadhṛtmfn. having various forms View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vividhaśāstragoṣṭhīf. discourse about various sciences View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vividhavidhiprayogasaṃgraham. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyāvidhamfn. of various kinds View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yadvidhamfn. of which kind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāvidhamfn. of whatever kind or sort (= Latin qualis) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāvidhamfn. of such a kind or sort, such as View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yuṣmadvidhamfn. of your kind or sort, like you View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
15 results
vidha विधः [विध्-क अच् वा] 1 Kind, sort; as in बहुविध, नाना- विध. -2 Mode, manner, form. -3 Fold (at the end of comp. especially after numerals); त्रिविध, अष्टविध &c. -4 The food of elephants. -5 Prosperity. -6 Penetration.
vidhana विधन a. Poor. -ता Poverty.
vidharma विधर्म a. 1 Wrong, unjust, unlawful. -र्मः 1 Wrong, injustice. -2 An irreligious or unjust action done with a good intention; विधर्मः परधर्मश्च आभास उपमा छलः । अधर्म- शाखाः पञ्चेमः धर्मज्ञो$धर्मवत् त्यजेत् ॥ Bhāg.7.15.12.
vidharman विधर्मन् a. Acting wrongly, untruly; प्रमदा शीलसंपूर्णा पत्येव च विधर्मणा Rām.4.17.42; Mb.12.59.94.
vidharmin विधर्मिन् a. 1 Untrue (अनृत); मनुष्यसंभवा वाचो विधर्मिण्यः प्रतिश्रुताः Mb.3.313.6. -2 Of a different kind.
vidhas विधस् m. N. of Brahman, the creator.
vidha विधवा [विगतो धवो यस्याः सा] A widow; सा नारी विधवा जाता गृहे रोदिति तत्पतिः Subhāṣ. -Comp. -आवेदनम् marrying a widow. -गामिन् m. one who has sexual intercourse with a widow.
vidhavanam विधवनम् 1 Shaking, agitating. -2 Tremor, trembling.
vidhavyam विधव्यम् Tremor, agitation.
anuvidha अनुविध a. One who imitates, a devotee दृतय इव श्वसन्त्यसुभृतां यदि ते$नुविधा Bhāg.1.87.17.
āvidha आविधः [आ-व्यध्-घञर्थे-क] An awl; drill.
katividha कतिविध a. How many kinds; राम वेदाः कतिविधाः Mukti Up.1.1.
tvadvidha त्वद्विध a. Like thee or you.
dvidha द्विध a. Divided into two parts, split asunder.
savidha सविध a. 1 Of the same kind or sort. -2 Near, adjacent, proximate; भूयो भूयः सविधनगरीरथ्यया पर्यटन्तम् Māl.1.15. -धम् Proximity, vicinity; यस्य न सविधे दयिता दवदहनस्तुहिनदीधितिस्तस्य K. P.9; किमासेव्यं पुंसां सविधमनवद्यं द्युसरितः 1; N.2,47; Śi.14.69; Bv.2.182; तस्य मत्तस्य सविधे ययौ साधुरसाधुताम् Śiva. B.8.23. -धम् ind. According to rule or precept; सविधं जगृहे पाणीननुरूपः स्वमायया Bhāg.3.3.8.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
vidhant vidh-ánt, pr. pt. m. worshipper, ii. 35, 7.
Macdonell Search
12 results
vidha a. (--°ree;) kind, sort, mode, -fold.
vidhana a. lacking property, poor: -tâ, f. poverty; -dhanî-kri, impoverish; -dhanushka, -dhanus, -dhanvan, a. lack ing a bow; -dhamana, a. blowing out (fire: g.); destroying; (ví)-dharana, a. holding back, checking; -dhartrí, m. (V.) ruler; preserver; (ví)-dharma, m. wrong, injus tice; a. wrong, unjust; destitute of qualities (Krishna); (ví)-dharman, m. preserver, ruler (V.); n. (V.) receptacle; limit; arrange ment, dispensation; -dharmin, a. trans gressing the law (speech); of a different kind.
vidhava den. P. resemble the moon (vidhu).
vidha f. [bereaved: √ 2. vidh] ± strî, nârî, etc., widow; bereft of its sove reign (country): -gâmin, a. having sexual in tercourse with a widow; -vedana, n. re marriage of a widow; -strî, f.widow.
vidhavatā f. widowhood; -yo shit, f. widow.
avidha f. no widow.
itthaṃvidha a. of such a kind; -gata, pp. so conditioned: lc. such being the case.
katividha a. of how many kinds? -sa&ndot;khya, a. of what number?
tvadvidha a. like thee.
dvidha a. split, forked.
navavidha a. ninefold.
madvidha a. like me, of my sort; -vihîna, pp. separated from me.
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
12 results1 result
vidha Denotes ‘widow’ as the ‘desolate one,’ from the root vidh, ‘be bereft.’ The masculine vidltava is conjectured by Roth in a difficult passage of the Rigveda, where the received text presents the apparent false concord vidhantam vidhavām, in which he sees a metrical lengthening for vidhavam, ‘the sacrificing widower.’ Ludwig in his version takes vidhantam as equivalent to a feminine, while DelbrUck prefers ‘ the worshipper and the widow.’ Possibly * the widower and the widow ’ may be meant; but we know nothing of the mythological allusion in question, the feat being one of those attributed to the Aśvins, and the natural reference to Ghoṣā. as ‘ husbandless ’ being rendered unlikely because their feat in regard to her has already been mentioned a few verses before in the same hymn. The word Vidhavā is not of common occurrence.
Bloomfield Vedic
12 results1 result105 results
ahaṃ vidharaṇī iti śB.; BṛhU.6.3.3b; Aś.8.14.4b; śś.4.18.1b; SMB.1.5.6b; ApMB.2.8.5b; HG.1.2.18b; JG.1.20b.
āsā vidharman manyase RV.5.17.2b.
ayodaṃṣṭrān vidhāvato varāhūn RV.1.88.5d; N.5.4.
bharadvājavad vidhate maghoni RV.6.65.6b.
dadhad vidhakṣyan paryaṅkhayātai TA.6.1.4d. See dadhṛg.
dadhṛg vidhakṣyan paryaṅkhayāte (AVś. vidhakṣan parīṅkhayātai) RV.10.16.7d; AVś.18.2.58d. See dadhad vi-.
dhartā vidhartā dharuṇo etc. see dhartā dharuṇo.
dhartā vidhartā paramota saṃdṛk MS.2.10.3b: 134.3. See dhātā vi-.
dhātā vidhātā (AVP. vidhartā) paramota saṃdṛk (KS. paramo na saṃvṛk) RV.10.82.2b; AVP.1.53.2a; VS.17.26b; TS.;; KS.18.1b; N.10.26b. See dhartā vi-.
dhātā vidhātā (AVP. vidhartā) bhuvanasya yas patiḥ AVś.5.3.9a; AVP.5.4.8a. See dhātā dhātṝṇāṃ.
dhātar vidhātaḥ kalaśāṃ abhakṣayam RV.10.167.3d; N.11.12d.
dhātre vidhātre (AVP. vidhartre) samṛdhe AVś.3.10.10c; AVP.1.105.4c.
goṣedhāṃ vidhamām uta AVś.1.18.4b.
imaṃ vidhanto apāṃ sadhasthe RV.2.4.2a; 10.46.2a.
kathā vidhāty apracetāḥ RV.1.120.1c.
kṣayasyāsi vidhataḥ (SV. vidhartā) RV.8.61.14b; SV.2.672b.
māsāṃ vidhānam adadhā adhi dyavi RV.10.138.6c.
nendrāṇī vidhavā bhavat AVP.13.4.5b.
pavamāna vidharmaṇi RV.9.4.9b; 64.9b; 100.7d; SV.2.310b,405b; JB.3.85b. See pavamānā vi-.
pavamānā vidharmaṇi SV.2.367d. See pavamāna vi-.
tenainaṃ vidhāmy abhūtyainaṃ vidhyāmi nirbhūtyainaṃ vidhyāmi parābhūtyainaṃ vidhyāmi grāhyainaṃ vidhyāmi tamasainaṃ vidhyāmi AVś.16.7.1.
turasyāsti vidhataḥ RV.8.78.7b.
tvaṃ vidhartaḥ sacase puraṃdhyā RV.2.1.3d.
yayā vidhānā vidadhur ṛbhūṇām RV.4.51.6b.
yuvaṃ vidhantaṃ vidhavām uruṣyathaḥ RV.10.40.8b.
akrān (TA. ākrān) samudraḥ prathame (JB. parame, one ms. prathame) vidharman # RV.9.97.40a; SV.1.529a; 2.603a; JB.3.240a; PB.15.1.1; TA.10.1.15a; MahānU.6.1a; N.14.6a. Ps: akrān samudraḥ JG.2.1; Svidh.1.4.20; akrān JG.2.8; Svidh.1.6.3.
agnir brahmā nṛṣadane vidhartā # RV.7.7.5b.
agne vasu vidhate rājani tve # RV.6.1.13d; TB.; MS.4.13.6d: 207.16; KS.18.20d.
ata inoṣi vidhate cikitvaḥ # RV.6.5.3c.
aditir iva tvā suputropaniṣadeyam (Mś. saputropaniṣade yeyam) indrāṇīvāvidhavā # KS.1.10; Mś. See next.
anyasya patnī vidhavā yathāsat # AVP.2.61.4d.
abhūd u vo vidhate ratnadheyam # RV.4.34.4a.
ayaṃ sahasramānavo dṛśaḥ kavīnāṃ matir jyotir vidharma (Apś. vidharmā) # SV.1.458; Apś.21.9.15; Mś. (corrupt). P: ayaṃ sahasramānavaḥ JB.2.392; PB.4.9.1; Svidh.1.6.2; 3.1.4. See next.
ayaṃ sahasram ā no dṛśe kavīnāṃ matir jyotir vidharmaṇi # AVś.7.22.1. P: ayaṃ sahasram Vait.13.8; Kauś.66.14. See prec.
aryamā devo aditir vidhātā # RV.9.81.5b.
avipro vā yad avidhat # RV.8.61.9a; śś.18.8.14.
avo dhāta vidhate ratnam adya # RV.6.65.3d.
asaṃtāpaṃ me hṛdayam urvī gavyūtiḥ samudro asmi vidharmaṇā # AVś.16.3.6.
asāma yasya vidhato vṛdhāsaḥ # RV.4.2.10d.
āvarvṛtatīr adha nu dvidhārāḥ # RV.10.30.10a; AB.2.20.3; KB.12.1; Aś.5.1.9.
ā sūryeva vidhato rathaṃ gāt # RV.1.167.5c.
āhārā vividhā bhuktāḥ # N.14.6a.
āhutiṃ marto 'vidhat # RV.8.23.21b.
idā hi vo vidhate ratnam asti # RV.6.65.4a.
indrāṇīvāvidha bhūyāsam # TB.; Apś.2.5.9a. P: indrāṇīvāvidhavā TB.
imā nārīr avidhavāḥ supatnīḥ # RV.10.18.7a; AVś.12.2.31a; 18.3.57a; TA.6.10.2a; AG.4.6.12. P: imā nārīḥ śś.4.16.6; Kauś.72.11. Cf. BṛhD.7.12.
ime jīvā avidhavāḥ sujāmayaḥ # Kauś.72.12.
utāpavaktā hṛdayāvidhaś cit # RV.1.24.8d; VS.8.23d; TS.; MS.1.3.39d: 45.4; KS.4.13d; śB.
upa dhrajantam adrayo vidhann it # RV.1.149.1c.
ṛtasya tvā vidharmaṇe (Mś. -ṇe gṛhṇāmi) # TS.,4; Mś.
ṛbhukṣā vājo daivyo vidhātā # RV.6.50.12c.
ṛbhur ṛbhukṣā ṛbhur vidhato madaḥ # RV.10.93.8a.
ṛṣer yajñasya caturvidhasya śraddhām # GB.1.5.24a.
kadā vāṃ taugryo vidhat # RV.8.5.22a.
kas te mātaraṃ vidhavām acakrat # RV.4.18.12a.
kṛṇotu hṛdayāvidham # AVś.8.6.18d.
ko vāṃ śayutrā vidhaveva devaram # RV.10.40.2c; N.3.15c.
kratvā dakṣasya taruṣo vidharmaṇi # RV.3.2.3a.
janānāṃ yo asuro vidhartā # RV.7.56.24b.
taṃ hed agnir vidhāvati # MS.4.11.6c: 176.5. See taṃ ghed.
tanūnapād ghṛtayoniṃ vidhantam # RV.3.4.2d.
tavemāḥ pañca pradiśo vidharmaṇi # RV.9.86.29b.
tisro bhūmīr uparāḥ ṣaḍvidhānāḥ # RV.7.87.5b.
tvaṃ samudraṃ prathamo vi dhārayaḥ (SV. samudraḥ prathame vidharman) # RV.9.107.23c; SV.1.521c.
tvam agne tvaṣṭā vidhate suvīryam # RV.2.1.5a.
tvaṃ pavitre rajaso vidharmaṇi # RV.9.86.30a.
tvaṃ pāyur dame yas te 'vidhat # RV.2.1.7d.
tvaṃ putro bhavasi yas te 'vidhat # RV.2.1.9c.
tvaṃ pūṣā vidhataḥ pāsi nu tmanā # RV.2.1.6d; TS.; TB.
dadyād evaṃvidhāya vai # śG.1.2.7d.
dadhatho ratnaṃ vidhate janāya # RV.4.44.4d; AVś.20.143.4d.
dadhāti ratnaṃ vidhate janāya # RV.7.75.6d.
dadhāti ratnaṃ vidhate yaviṣṭhaḥ # RV.4.12.3c.
dadhāti ratnaṃ vidhate suvīryam # RV.7.16.12c; SV.2.864c.
divam eṣāṃ (JUB. eko) dadate yo vidhartā # AVś.10.8.36c; JUB.1.34.7c,10.
divo na yasya vidhato navīnot # RV.6.3.7a.
dhartā ca vidhartā ca vidhārayaḥ # VS.17.82; TS.; MS.2.6.6: 67.16; 2.11.1: 140.3; KS.18.6.
dhartā (KS. dhartā vidhartā) dharuṇo dharīyān # KS.31.14c; TB.; Apś.4.6.3c.
dhātā dhātṝṇāṃ (TS. dhatṛ-) bhuvanasya yas patiḥ # RV.10.128.7a; TS.; KS.40.10a. See dhātā vidhātā bhuvanasya.
dhātāraṃ ca vidhātāram # PG.3.4.8a.
ni sindhavo vidharmaṇe # RV.8.7.5b.
parītya bhūtāni parītya lokān (TAṃahānU. parītya lokān parītya bhūtāni) # VS.32.11a; TA.10.1.4a; MahānU.2.7a. See vidhāya lokān.
parītya sarvāḥ pradiśo diśaś ca # VS.32.11b; TA.10.1.4b; MahānU.2.7b. See vidhāya sarvāḥ.
paścāt sindhur vidhāraṇī # VāDh.1.15a. Cf. sindhuḥ paścāt.
paśyan gṛdhrasya cakṣasā vidharman # RV.10.123.8b; SV.2.1198b.
pītā nānāvidhā stanāḥ # N.14.6b.
pūṣṇe pathikṛte dhātre vidhātre marudbhyaś ca # śG.2.14.9.
pra vām atra vidhate daṃsanā bhuvat # RV.1.119.7d.
pra sīm ādityo asṛjad vidhartā # RV.2.28.4a. P: pra sīm ādityo asṛjat N.1.7.
bṛhaspatir haviṣo no vidhartā # AVP.5.28.6c.
bhīmo na śṛṅgā davidhāva durgṛbhiḥ # RV.1.140.6d.
mātaro vividhā dṛṣṭāḥ # N.14.6c.
mūrdhā ca mā vidharmā ca mā hāsiṣṭām # AVś.16.3.2.
yaḥ prāṇato nimiṣato (VS. nime-) mahitvā (AVP. -ṣato vidhartā) # RV.10.121.3a; AVś.4.2.2a; AVP.4.1.3a; VS.23.3a; 25.11a; TS.;; KSA.5.13a; śB. P: yaḥ prāṇataḥ TB.; śś.3.14.7; 9.27.2 (comm.); Kś.20.5.2; Apś.16.7.11; 20.12.6; 13.2. See prec.
yajño bhago adhivaktā vidhartā # AVP.9.3.1c.
yad akṣaraṃ pañcavidhaṃ sameti # ā.
yantā vasūni vidhate tanūpāḥ # RV.10.46.1d; SV.1.77d; KS.10.13b.
yamasya dūtaś ca vāg vidhāvati # MS.4.9.19b: 136.1. See next.
yamasya dūtaḥ śvapād vidhāvasi # TA.4.29.1b. See prec.
yas te manyo 'vidhad vajra sāyaka # RV.10.83.1a; AVś.4.32.1a; AVP.4.32.1a. P: yas te manyo Aś.9.7.2; 8.19 (comm.); śś.14.22.5; Kauś.14.26; Rvidh.3.14.7. Cf. BṛhD.7.117. This and the next hymn are designated as manyusūkte Aś.9.8.19; śś.14.22.5.
yas te somāvidhan manaḥ # RV.9.114.1d.
yasya dvitā vidhartari # RV.8.70.2b; AVś.20.92.17b; 105.5b; SV.2.284b; JB.3.75b.
vāṃ mitrāvaruṇā ojasyā sahasyā yātavyā rakṣasyā tanūs tayā vām avidhāma # MS.2.3.1: 27.19. See next but three.
vāṃ mitrāvaruṇau sahasyaujasyā rakṣasyā yātavyā tanūs tayā vāṃ vidhema (also vām avidhāma) # KS.11.11. See prec. but three.
yuvā sudakṣo rajaso vidharmaṇi # RV.6.71.1d.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"vidha" has 2 results
vidharmakapossessed of different phonetic properties.
vidhaltaddhita affix. affix विध applied to the words भौरिकि and others in the Sense of 'inhabited country'; exempli gratia, for example भौरिकिविधः, वैपेयविध:; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. IV. 2.54.
Vedabase Search
457 results
vidha likeCC Adi 5.72
vidha varietiesCC Adi 7.138
vidha according to the particular formsSB 10.87.17
vidha in the same mannerSB 10.90.20
vidha likeSB 4.6.47
vidha varietiesSB 3.10.21
vidhaiḥ by the process ofSB 3.11.33
vidham in the form ofSB 4.29.72
vidhama dissipateSB 7.4.46
vidhamantam smashingSB 10.77.2
vidhamantam the act of vanishingSB 1.12.10
vidhamanti disperseSB 5.24.31
vidhamet cleanses awaySB 11.3.40
vidhamiṣyanti will eradicateSB 12.3.16
vidharmaḥ against the principles of religionSB 7.15.13
vidharmaḥ irreligionSB 7.15.12
vidharmāt unauthorized dutiesSB 3.28.2
vidhartum to holdSB 10.90.22
vidhatse executeSB 1.7.24
vidhatsva giveSB 4.20.13
SB 4.20.24
vidhatsva kindly bestow upon usSB 8.6.15
vidhatsva kindly do the needfulSB 8.6.14
vidhatsva must executeSB 8.9.6
vidhatsva performSB 3.15.9
vidhatsva please take stepsSB 7.3.12
vidhattām have givenSB 10.46.32-33
vidhatte as He regulatesSB 3.5.5
vidhatte awardsSB 3.16.25
vidhatte can performSB 3.7.14
vidhatte carry onSB 3.33.3
vidhatte createsSB 11.28.34
vidhatte directCC Madhya 20.147-148
vidhatte enjoins (in the ritualistic karma-kāṇḍa)SB 11.21.42
vidhatte enjoins in sacrificeSB 11.21.43
vidhatte establishesSB 11.22.30
vidhatte executesSB 3.13.49
vidhatte givesSB 5.11.16
vidhatte he attributesSB 3.28.36
vidhatte He givesCC Madhya 22.40
CC Madhya 24.103
CC Madhya 24.199
SB 5.19.27
vidhatte He performsSB 3.25.3
SB 3.5.7
vidhatte makesSB 5.13.16
SB 5.21.3
vidhatte performsSB 6.11.23
vidhatte prescribeSB 11.3.44
vidhatte they ordainCC Madhya 20.147-148
vidhau in the mannerCC Antya 1.78
CC Madhya 1.58
CC Madhya 13.121
vidhau unto Lord BrahmāCC Madhya 19.1
vidha without a protectorSB 9.10.28
ṣaṭ-vidha-aiśvarya six kinds of opulencesCC Adi 5.44
daśa-vidha-ākāra ten varietiesCC Madhya 24.30
vividha-kusuma-kisalaya-tulasikā-ambubhiḥ with varieties of flowers, twigs and tulasī leaves, as well as with waterSB 5.7.11
vividha-ańga varieties of limbs (regulative principles)CC Madhya 22.114
vividha-ańgena of different divisionsSB 3.32.34-36
anuvidhasya who is imitatingSB 10.50.29
rāsa-ārambha-vidhau in the matter of beginning the rāsa danceCC Adi 17.293
prapanna-bhakta-artha-vidhau in the regulative principles observed by pure devoteesSB 8.23.2
evaṃ-vidha-arthe to execute such principlesSB 5.8.10
asmat-vidhaiḥ by persons like usSB 4.8.35
asmat-vidhaiḥ like meSB 4.17.36
asmat-vidhasya of a person like meSB 5.2.12
asmat-vidha like usSB 5.24.26
aṣṭa-vidha eight kindsSB 3.10.28-29
avarodhana-vidhau when it is chokedMM 33
vividha-āyudhaiḥ with varieties of weaponsSB 8.10.6
bahu-vidha multifariousSB 3.29.7
bahu-vidhaiḥ of different varietiesSB 4.29.23-25
bahu-vidha various types ofCC Madhya 6.240
bahu-vidha variousCC Madhya 8.82
bahu-vidha mūrti many formsCC Madhya 20.168
sarva-vidha bhagavān all types of Personalities of GodheadCC Madhya 24.285
prapanna-bhakta-artha-vidhau in the regulative principles observed by pure devoteesSB 8.23.2
dui-vidha bhakta these two varieties of ātmārāma devoteesCC Madhya 24.287
pañca-vidha-bhakte in five kinds of devoteesCC Madhya 19.187
bhavat-vidha like your good selfSB 3.14.12
bhavat-vidha like youSB 8.15.29
cāri-vidha the four kindsCC Madhya 24.60
cāri-vidha prakāśa they are manifested in four varietiesCC Madhya 24.289
cāri-vidha jana they are also of four varietiesCC Madhya 24.290
catuḥ-vidham the four kindsBG 15.14
catuḥ-vidham in four divisionsSB 1.4.19
catuḥ-vidha four kinds ofSB 1.17.38
catuḥ-vidham in four divisionsSB 3.32.37
catuḥ-vidham four kinds ofSB 4.19.9
catuḥ-vidham four kinds ofSB 4.24.64
catuḥ-vidha of four kinds of living entitiesSB 8.5.32
catuḥ-vidham of the four varieties (that which is chewed, that which is swallowed, that which is licked and that which is sucked)SB 10.23.19
catuḥ-vidha fourfold (i.e., the fourfold goals of human life: religiosity, economic development, sense gratification and liberation)SB 11.29.33
catuḥ-vidham in four partsSB 12.6.48-49
catuḥ-vidha of four kindsSB 12.6.67
catuḥ-vidham of four varieties (those who have taken birth from embryos, from eggs, from seeds and from perspiration)SB 12.9.13
catuḥ-vidha fourfoldSB 12.12.44
catuḥ-vidha four kindsCC Adi 3.17
catuḥ-vidha four kindsCC Adi 4.42
catuḥ-vidha four kinds ofCC Adi 17.275
catur-vidha four divisionsCC Madhya 23.63
daśa-vidha ten kindsSB 3.6.9
daśa-vidha ten kinds ofSB 3.7.23
daśa-vidha-ākāra ten varietiesCC Madhya 24.30
dui-vidha two varietiesCC Adi 5.58
dui-vidha nāma two different varietiesCC Madhya 24.286
dui-vidha bhakta these two varieties of ātmārāma devoteesCC Madhya 24.287
dvi-vidha two kindsSB 4.29.23-25
dvi-vidham these two varietiesSB 7.15.47
dvi-vidha twofoldCC Adi 1.64
dvi-vidha two kindsCC Adi 2.97
dvi-vidha two kindsCC Adi 2.98
dvi-vidha two typesCC Adi 4.46
dvi-vidha prakāśe twofold manifestationsCC Madhya 20.167
dvi-vidha two kindsCC Madhya 23.50
dvi-vidha śṛńgāra two kinds of conjugal loveCC Madhya 23.62
dvi-vidha twofoldCC Madhya 25.259
dvi-vidha two kindsCC Antya 6.76
eka-vidha one speciesSB 3.10.26
ekādaśa-vidha the eleven sensesSB 3.32.29
etat-vidhasya of suchSB 10.39.26
evam-vidha like thisBG 11.53
evam-vidha like thisBG 11.54
evam-vidha like thatSB 5.1.35
evaṃ-vidha-arthe to execute such principlesSB 5.8.10
evam vidha in this waySB 7.12.16
evam-vidhaiḥ suchSB 9.18.17
evam-vidham as thus describedSB 10.14.24
evam-vidha thus (protecting himself and the citizens)SB 11.17.46
evaṃ-vidha māna this kind of egoistic prideCC Madhya 14.138
cāri-vidha jana they are also of four varietiesCC Madhya 24.290
vividha-karmabhiḥ by various fruitive activitiesSB 3.9.13
kati-vidha how many different typesSB 11.19.28-32
kīdṛk-vidha what kind would he beSB 11.11.26-27
vividha-kusuma-kisalaya-tulasikā-ambubhiḥ with varieties of flowers, twigs and tulasī leaves, as well as with waterSB 5.7.11
vividha-kusuma-kisalaya-tulasikā-ambubhiḥ with varieties of flowers, twigs and tulasī leaves, as well as with waterSB 5.7.11
vividha-loka different planetary systemsSB 2.7.5
vividha-loka-yātrā the livelihood of the various planetary systemsSB 5.20.41
evaṃ-vidha māna this kind of egoistic prideCC Madhya 14.138
mat-vidha a person like meSB 6.7.35
mat-vidha like meSB 10.27.7
mat-vidha of persons like meCC Antya 1.138
pañca-vidha mukti five kinds of liberationCC Madhya 9.257
bahu-vidha mūrti many formsCC Madhya 20.168
dui-vidha nāma two different varietiesCC Madhya 24.286
nānā-vidham variegatedSB 10.85.5
nānā-vidha different varietiesCC Madhya 8.141
nānā-vidha various kinds ofCC Madhya 14.26
nava-vidha of nine different kindsSB 3.10.14
nava-vidha nine kindsCC Madhya 6.190
pañca-vidha the five material elementsSB 3.32.29
pañca-vidham fiveSB 4.7.41
pañca-vidham the five sense objectsSB 4.29.74
pañca-vidha consisting of five senses for acquiring knowledge (the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and touch)SB 10.2.27
pañca-vidham fivefoldSB 12.7.9-10
pañca-vidha five kinds ofCC Madhya 3.46
pañca-vidha mukti five kinds of liberationCC Madhya 9.257
pañca-vidha five kinds ofCC Madhya 9.267
pañca-vidha-bhakte in five kinds of devoteesCC Madhya 19.187
pañca-vidha rasa five kinds of mellowsCC Madhya 23.53
vividha prakāra different varieties ofCC Adi 4.264
vividha prakāra of different varietiesCC Madhya 8.263
vividha prakāra all varietiesCC Madhya 14.240
vividha prakāra of different varietiesCC Madhya 15.212
tri-vidha-prakāra in three different divisionsCC Madhya 20.214
ṣaṭ-vidha prakāra six kindsCC Madhya 20.245
tri-vidha prakāra three different manifestationsCC Madhya 20.250
tri-vidha prakāra three varietiesCC Madhya 24.89
tri-vidha prakāra three kindsCC Antya 2.3
vividha prakāra of different varietiesCC Antya 10.121
vividha-prakāra of different varietiesCC Antya 18.104
cāri-vidha prakāśa they are manifested in four varietiesCC Madhya 24.289
tri-vidha prakāśe three kinds of manifestationCC Madhya 20.157
dvi-vidha prakāśe twofold manifestationsCC Madhya 20.167
trividha prakāśe three manifestationsCC Madhya 24.80
prapanna-bhakta-artha-vidhau in the regulative principles observed by pure devoteesSB 8.23.2
pṛthak-vidham of different kindsBG 18.14
pṛthak-vidha varietiesSB 4.21.34
pṛthak-vidham in different varietiesSB 9.16.37
pūrta-vidhayaḥ prescribed pious worksMM 21
rāsa-ārambha-vidhau in the matter of beginning the rāsa danceCC Adi 17.293
pañca-vidha rasa five kinds of mellowsCC Madhya 23.53
sa-vidham with perfect ritualsSB 3.3.8
tri-vidha sādhana the three kinds of executionCC Madhya 24.79
samāmnāya-vidhau in the process of the Vedic scripturesSB 3.22.16
sarva-vidha bhagavān all types of Personalities of GodheadCC Madhya 24.285
ṣaṭ-vidha six kinds ofSB 3.10.19
ṣaṭ-vidham sixfoldSB 12.7.15
ṣaṭ-vidha six kindsCC Adi 2.97
ṣaṭ-vidha six kindsCC Adi 4.91
ṣaṭ-vidha-aiśvarya six kinds of opulencesCC Adi 5.44
ṣaṭ-vidha six kindsCC Madhya 6.161
ṣaṭ-vidha prakāra six kindsCC Madhya 20.245
ṣaṭ-vidham six kindsNoI 4
vividha sevana varieties of serviceCC Adi 5.10
dvi-vidha śṛńgāra two kinds of conjugal loveCC Madhya 23.62
tat-vidhaiḥ of that kindSB 4.9.54
tathā-vidha of the kind (a foolish kṛpaṇa who does not know his real self-interest)SB 6.9.49
tathā-vidha who has been advised in such a way (by Vasudeva)SB 10.1.44
tri-vidham of three kindsBG 16.21
tri-vidha of three kindsBG 17.7
tri-vidham of three kindsBG 17.17
tri-vidha threefoldBG 17.23
tri-vidha of three kindsBG 18.04
tri-vidham of three kindsBG 18.12
tri-vidha of three kindsBG 18.18
tri-vidham of three kindsBG 18.29
tri-vidham of three kindsBG 18.36
tri-vidha three kindsSB 3.10.14
tri-vidha of the three kindsSB 3.26.23-24
tri-vidha of three kindsSB 10.89.18
tri-vidha in three divisions, according to the modes of natureSB 11.19.7
tri-vidha having three aspectsSB 11.22.30
tri-vidha of three kindsSB 11.27.7
tri-vidham threefoldSB 11.28.6-7
tri-vidha three kindsCC Adi 1.22
tri-vidha three kindsCC Adi 3.89
tri-vidha threeCC Adi 4.74-75
tri-vidha threeCC Adi 4.104
tri-vidha three sortsCC Adi 4.112
tri-vidhatve in three departmentsCC Adi 5.16
tri-vidha prakāśe three kinds of manifestationCC Madhya 20.157
tri-vidha-prakāra in three different divisionsCC Madhya 20.214
tri-vidha prakāra three different manifestationsCC Madhya 20.250
tri-vidha three kinds ofCC Madhya 20.276
tri-vidha sādhana the three kinds of executionCC Madhya 24.79
tri-vidha prakāra three varietiesCC Madhya 24.89
tri-vidha prakāra three kindsCC Antya 2.3
tri-vidha three kindsCC Antya 3.92
tri-vidhaiḥ threefoldBs 5.17
trividha prakāśe three manifestationsCC Madhya 24.80
vividha-kusuma-kisalaya-tulasikā-ambubhiḥ with varieties of flowers, twigs and tulasī leaves, as well as with waterSB 5.7.11
vividha-uddeśa worshiping different demigods for different purposesSB 5.4.17
vividha upāya many devicesCC Madhya 16.10
vividha-upāyaiḥ by various meansSB 7.5.18
pṛthak-vidha varietiesSB 4.21.34
evaṃ-vidha-arthe to execute such principlesSB 5.8.10
mat-vidha like meSB 10.27.7
yuṣmat-vidha of persons like YouSB 10.45.47
tri-vidha of three kindsSB 10.89.18
catuḥ-vidha of four kindsSB 12.6.67
tri-vidha three kindsCC Adi 1.22
dvi-vidha twofoldCC Adi 1.64
ṣaṭ-vidha six kindsCC Adi 2.97
dvi-vidha two kindsCC Adi 2.97
dvi-vidha two kindsCC Adi 2.98
catuḥ-vidha four kindsCC Adi 3.17
tri-vidha three kindsCC Adi 3.89
vividha-vidha various kindsCC Adi 4.28
catuḥ-vidha four kindsCC Adi 4.42
dvi-vidha two typesCC Adi 4.46
tri-vidha threeCC Adi 4.74-75
ṣaṭ-vidha six kindsCC Adi 4.91
tri-vidha threeCC Adi 4.104
tri-vidha three sortsCC Adi 4.112
ṣaṭ-vidha-aiśvarya six kinds of opulencesCC Adi 5.44
dui-vidha two varietiesCC Adi 5.58
catuḥ-vidha four kinds ofCC Adi 17.275
pañca-vidha five kinds ofCC Madhya 3.46
ṣaṭ-vidha six kindsCC Madhya 6.161
nava-vidha nine kindsCC Madhya 6.190
bahu-vidha various types ofCC Madhya 6.240
bahu-vidha variousCC Madhya 8.82
nānā-vidha different varietiesCC Madhya 8.141
pañca-vidha mukti five kinds of liberationCC Madhya 9.257
pañca-vidha five kinds ofCC Madhya 9.267
nānā-vidha various kinds ofCC Madhya 14.26
evaṃ-vidha māna this kind of egoistic prideCC Madhya 14.138
pañca-vidha-bhakte in five kinds of devoteesCC Madhya 19.187
tri-vidha prakāśe three kinds of manifestationCC Madhya 20.157
dvi-vidha prakāśe twofold manifestationsCC Madhya 20.167
bahu-vidha mūrti many formsCC Madhya 20.168
tri-vidha-prakāra in three different divisionsCC Madhya 20.214
ṣaṭ-vidha prakāra six kindsCC Madhya 20.245
tri-vidha prakāra three different manifestationsCC Madhya 20.250
tri-vidha three kinds ofCC Madhya 20.276
dvi-vidha two kindsCC Madhya 23.50
pañca-vidha rasa five kinds of mellowsCC Madhya 23.53
dvi-vidha śṛńgāra two kinds of conjugal loveCC Madhya 23.62
catur-vidha four divisionsCC Madhya 23.63
daśa-vidha-ākāra ten varietiesCC Madhya 24.30
cāri-vidha the four kindsCC Madhya 24.60
tri-vidha sādhana the three kinds of executionCC Madhya 24.79
tri-vidha prakāra three varietiesCC Madhya 24.89
sarva-vidha bhagavān all types of Personalities of GodheadCC Madhya 24.285
dui-vidha nāma two different varietiesCC Madhya 24.286
dui-vidha bhakta these two varieties of ātmārāma devoteesCC Madhya 24.287
cāri-vidha prakāśa they are manifested in four varietiesCC Madhya 24.289
cāri-vidha jana they are also of four varietiesCC Madhya 24.290
dvi-vidha twofoldCC Madhya 25.259
mat-vidha of persons like meCC Antya 1.138
tri-vidha prakāra three kindsCC Antya 2.3
tri-vidha three kindsCC Antya 3.92
dvi-vidha two kindsCC Antya 6.76
evam-vidha like thisBG 11.53
evam-vidha like thisBG 11.54
tri-vidha of three kindsBG 17.7
tri-vidha threefoldBG 17.23
tri-vidha of three kindsBG 18.04
tri-vidha of three kindsBG 18.18
catuḥ-vidha four kinds ofSB 1.17.38
daśa-vidha ten kindsSB 3.6.9
daśa-vidha ten kinds ofSB 3.7.23
nava-vidha of nine different kindsSB 3.10.14
tri-vidha three kindsSB 3.10.14
ṣaṭ-vidha six kinds ofSB 3.10.19
eka-vidha one speciesSB 3.10.26
aṣṭa-vidha eight kindsSB 3.10.28-29
bhavat-vidha like your good selfSB 3.14.12
tri-vidha of the three kindsSB 3.26.23-24
bahu-vidha multifariousSB 3.29.7
pañca-vidha the five material elementsSB 3.32.29
ekādaśa-vidha the eleven sensesSB 3.32.29
dvi-vidha two kindsSB 4.29.23-25
evam-vidha like thatSB 5.1.35
asmat-vidha like usSB 5.24.26
mat-vidha a person like meSB 6.7.35
tathā-vidha of the kind (a foolish kṛpaṇa who does not know his real self-interest)SB 6.9.49
evam vidha in this waySB 7.12.16
catuḥ-vidha of four kinds of living entitiesSB 8.5.32
bhavat-vidha like youSB 8.15.29
tathā-vidha who has been advised in such a way (by Vasudeva)SB 10.1.44
pañca-vidha consisting of five senses for acquiring knowledge (the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and touch)SB 10.2.27
kīdṛk-vidha what kind would he beSB 11.11.26-27
evam-vidha thus (protecting himself and the citizens)SB 11.17.46
tri-vidha in three divisions, according to the modes of natureSB 11.19.7
kati-vidha how many different typesSB 11.19.28-32
tri-vidha having three aspectsSB 11.22.30
tri-vidha of three kindsSB 11.27.7
catuḥ-vidha fourfold (i.e., the fourfold goals of human life: religiosity, economic development, sense gratification and liberation)SB 11.29.33
catuḥ-vidha fourfoldSB 12.12.44
asmat-vidhaiḥ by persons like usSB 4.8.35
tat-vidhaiḥ of that kindSB 4.9.54
asmat-vidhaiḥ like meSB 4.17.36
bahu-vidhaiḥ of different varietiesSB 4.29.23-25
evam-vidhaiḥ suchSB 9.18.17
tri-vidhaiḥ threefoldBs 5.17
catuḥ-vidham the four kindsBG 15.14
tri-vidham of three kindsBG 16.21
tri-vidham of three kindsBG 17.17
tri-vidham of three kindsBG 18.12
pṛthak-vidham of different kindsBG 18.14
tri-vidham of three kindsBG 18.29
tri-vidham of three kindsBG 18.36
catuḥ-vidham in four divisionsSB 1.4.19
sa-vidham with perfect ritualsSB 3.3.8
catuḥ-vidham in four divisionsSB 3.32.37
pañca-vidham fiveSB 4.7.41
catuḥ-vidham four kinds ofSB 4.19.9
catuḥ-vidham four kinds ofSB 4.24.64
pañca-vidham the five sense objectsSB 4.29.74
dvi-vidham these two varietiesSB 7.15.47
pṛthak-vidham in different varietiesSB 9.16.37
evam-vidham as thus describedSB 10.14.24
catuḥ-vidham of the four varieties (that which is chewed, that which is swallowed, that which is licked and that which is sucked)SB 10.23.19
nānā-vidham variegatedSB 10.85.5
tri-vidham threefoldSB 11.28.6-7
catuḥ-vidham in four partsSB 12.6.48-49
pañca-vidham fivefoldSB 12.7.9-10
ṣaṭ-vidham sixfoldSB 12.7.15
catuḥ-vidham of four varieties (those who have taken birth from embryos, from eggs, from seeds and from perspiration)SB 12.9.13
ṣaṭ-vidham six kindsNoI 4
vividha vidhāna various preparationsCC Antya 10.15-16
asmat-vidhasya of a person like meSB 5.2.12
etat-vidhasya of suchSB 10.39.26
tri-vidhatve in three departmentsCC Adi 5.16
samāmnāya-vidhau in the process of the Vedic scripturesSB 3.22.16
prapanna-bhakta-artha-vidhau in the regulative principles observed by pure devoteesSB 8.23.2
rāsa-ārambha-vidhau in the matter of beginning the rāsa danceCC Adi 17.293
avarodhana-vidhau when it is chokedMM 33
pūrta-vidhayaḥ prescribed pious worksMM 21
vividha vilāsa varieties of pastimesCC Adi 5.26
vividha-loka different planetary systemsSB 2.7.5
vividha-karmabhiḥ by various fruitive activitiesSB 3.9.13
vividha-ańgena of different divisionsSB 3.32.34-36
vividha variousSB 4.1.28
vividha various kindsSB 4.5.3
vividha variousSB 4.9.16
vividha varieties ofSB 5.2.4
vividha-uddeśa worshiping different demigods for different purposesSB 5.4.17
vividha variousSB 5.6.17
vividha-kusuma-kisalaya-tulasikā-ambubhiḥ with varieties of flowers, twigs and tulasī leaves, as well as with waterSB 5.7.11
vividha variousSB 5.8.20
vividha various typesSB 5.14.1
vividha varietiesSB 5.17.13
vividha varietiesSB 5.20.40
vividha-loka-yātrā the livelihood of the various planetary systemsSB 5.20.41
vividha varietiesSB 5.24.10
vividha varietiesSB 5.24.10
vividha variousSB 5.26.7
vividha variousSB 6.9.43
vividha variousSB 6.10.27
vividha variousSB 6.15.21-23
vividha variousSB 6.15.25
vividha-upāyaiḥ by various meansSB 7.5.18
vividha varietiesSB 8.3.30
vividha-āyudhaiḥ with varieties of weaponsSB 8.10.6
vividha varieties ofSB 9.10.16
vividha variousSB 10.35.14-15
vividha variousSB 10.87.31
vividha by variousSB 11.28.41
vividha variousSB 12.4.40
vividha-vidha various kindsCC Adi 4.28
vividha prakāra different varieties ofCC Adi 4.264
vividha sevana varieties of serviceCC Adi 5.10
vividha vilāsa varieties of pastimesCC Adi 5.26
vividha varietiesCC Adi 7.5
vividha varietiesCC Adi 14.23
vividha variousCC Adi 16.7
vividha varieties ofCC Adi 17.7
vividha varieties ofCC Madhya 1.144
vividha variousCC Madhya 1.148
vividha variousCC Madhya 1.255-256
vividha variousCC Madhya 3.45
vividha varietiesCC Madhya 4.70
vividha variousCC Madhya 6.189
vividha prakāra of different varietiesCC Madhya 8.263
vividha variousCC Madhya 11.135-136
vividha varietiesCC Madhya 14.128
vividha prakāra all varietiesCC Madhya 14.240
vividha variousCC Madhya 15.211
vividha prakāra of different varietiesCC Madhya 15.212
vividha upāya many devicesCC Madhya 16.10
vividha variousCC Madhya 20.184
vividha-ańga varieties of limbs (regulative principles)CC Madhya 22.114
vividha variousCC Madhya 23.71
vividha vyañjana varieties of vegetablesCC Antya 2.87
vividha vyañjana varieties of vegetable preparationsCC Antya 2.101
vividha vyañjana varieties of vegetablesCC Antya 6.110
vividha vidhāna various preparationsCC Antya 10.15-16
vividha prakāra of different varietiesCC Antya 10.121
vividha vyañjana varieties of vegetablesCC Antya 10.134
vividha vyañjana varieties of vegetablesCC Antya 10.137
vividha vyañjana various kinds of vegetablesCC Antya 13.106
vividha-prakāra of different varietiesCC Antya 18.104
vividha varietiesSB 7.2.25-26
vividha taking many different formsSB 12.6.30-31
vividhaiḥ variousBG 13.5
vividhaiḥ with varietiesSB 4.8.54
vividhaiḥ different kinds ofSB 4.13.42
vividhaiḥ with varieties ofSB 9.6.48
vividhaiḥ variousSB 10.18.15
vividhaiḥ variousSB 10.44.19
vividhaiḥ variousSB 10.47.24
vividhaiḥ variousSB 10.73.26
vividhaiḥ variousSB 10.75.14
vividham becomes variegatedSB 10.24.22
vividhatve in varietiesCC Madhya 20.380
vividha vyañjana varieties of vegetablesCC Antya 2.87
vividha vyañjana varieties of vegetable preparationsCC Antya 2.101
vividha vyañjana varieties of vegetablesCC Antya 6.110
vividha vyañjana varieties of vegetablesCC Antya 10.134
vividha vyañjana varieties of vegetablesCC Antya 10.137
vividha vyañjana various kinds of vegetablesCC Antya 13.106
vividha-loka-yātrā the livelihood of the various planetary systemsSB 5.20.41
yuṣmat-vidha of persons like YouSB 10.45.47
79 results
vidha noun (masculine) food for an elephant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
form (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
kind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
measure (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 25389/72933
vidham verb (class 1 parasmaipada) to blow away (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to destroy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to disperse (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to heat to scatter (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 3598/72933
vidhamana adjective blowing away (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
blowing out (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
extinguishing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 30193/72933
vidhamana noun (neuter) the act of blowing away or asunder (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 65656/72933
vidhana adjective devoid of wealth (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
poor (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 65655/72933
vidhanuṣka adjective without a bow
Frequency rank 22243/72933
vidhanvan adjective having no bow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 39353/72933
vidharaṇī noun (feminine) maintaining (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
supporting (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 65657/72933
vidharma adjective devoid of attributes or qualities (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
unjust (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
unlawful (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
wrong (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 25391/72933
vidharma noun (masculine) injustice (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
wrong (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 22244/72933
vidharman adjective acting wrongly or unlawfully (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Frequency rank 25390/72933
vidharmin adjective of a different kind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
transgressing the law (as speech) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 39354/72933
vidharṣaka adjective
Frequency rank 65658/72933
vidharṣay verb (class 10 parasmaipada) to annoy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to injure (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to spoil (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to trouble (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to violate (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 30194/72933
vidhavikā noun (feminine) a widow (?)
Frequency rank 65659/72933
vidha noun (feminine) a husbandless woman (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
bereft of a king (a country) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
widow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 5631/72933
atadvidha adjective
Frequency rank 41978/72933
anekavidha adjective in different ways (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
of many kinds (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
various (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 9307/72933
anyavidha adjective different
Frequency rank 23047/72933
aparavidha adjective
Frequency rank 43642/72933
aparisaṃkhyeyavidha adjective
Frequency rank 43689/72933
avidha noun (feminine) not a widow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 16497/72933
aṣṭavidha adjective eightfold (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
of eight kinds (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 5154/72933
aṣṭavidhaśastrakarmīya noun (masculine) name of Suśrutasaṃhitā, Sū. 25
Frequency rank 32819/72933
aṣṭādaśavidha adjective 18-fach
Frequency rank 14009/72933
aṣṭāviṃśadvidha adjective 28-fold
Frequency rank 45741/72933
asmadvidha adjective one of us (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
one similar to or like us (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 8229/72933
itthaṃvidha adjective endowed with such qualities (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
of such a kind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 33255/72933
īdṛgvidha adjective derartig
Frequency rank 20899/72933
ubhayavidha adjective of two kinds or forms (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 47772/72933
ekavidha adjective identical (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
of one kind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
simple (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 11983/72933
ekādaśavidha adjective elevenfold
Frequency rank 23553/72933
ekādaśāvidha adjective
Frequency rank 48019/72933
evaṃvidha adjective in such a form or manner (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
of such a kind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
such (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 1596/72933
katividha adjective of how many kinds? (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 9344/72933
kathaṃvidha adjective of what kind?
Frequency rank 19114/72933
kiṃvidha adjective of what kind? (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 49490/72933
kīdṛgvidha adjective of what kind?
Frequency rank 49516/72933
caturdaśavidha adjective vierzehnfach
Frequency rank 14880/72933
caturvidha adjective fourfold of 4 sorts or kinds
Frequency rank 1478/72933
catuḥṣaṣṭividha adjective 64fold
Frequency rank 34878/72933
cāturvidha adjective fourfold
Frequency rank 52215/72933
tathāvidha adjective being in such a condition or state (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
of such a sort or kind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 2599/72933
tadvidha adjective conformable to that (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
his (or their) like (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
of that kind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 5554/72933
tādṛgvidha adjective such like (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 13530/72933
trayodaśavidha adjective 13-fach
Frequency rank 10665/72933
trividha adjective of 3 kinds (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
threefold (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
triple (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 1014/72933
trividhakukṣīya noun (masculine) name of Carakasaṃhitā, Vim. 2
Frequency rank 28271/72933
trividharogaviśeṣavijñānīya noun (masculine) name of Carakasaṃhitā, Vim. 4
Frequency rank 53987/72933
triṣaṣṭividha adjective
Frequency rank 35523/72933
tvadvidha adjective like thee (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 6226/72933
daśavidha adjective of 10 kinds (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
tenfold (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 9386/72933
dvādaśavidha adjective 12fold (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 28497/72933
dvāviṃśatividha adjective 22-fach
Frequency rank 28501/72933
dvidha adjective divided in 2 (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
forked (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
split asunder (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 24289/72933
dvividha adjective of 2 kinds (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
two fold (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 1224/72933
dvividhauṣadhavijñānīya noun (masculine) name of Aṣṭāṅgasaṃgraha, Sū. 12
Frequency rank 55237/72933
navavidha adjective 9-fold (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
consisting of 9 parts (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 14222/72933
nāgādivividhaviṣaharamantranirūpaṇa noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.27
Frequency rank 55833/72933
nānāvidha adjective manifold (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
multiform (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
of various sorts (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 2271/72933
pañcavidha adjective fivefold (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
of 5 kinds (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 3503/72933
pṛthagvidha adjective distinct from (abl.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
manifold (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
of distinct kinds (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
various (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 5093/72933
bahutaravidha adjective
Frequency rank 60102/72933
bahuvidha adjective manifold (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
of many sorts or kinds (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
various (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 2037/72933
bahuvidha noun (masculine) name of a prince (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 60148/72933
bhavadvidha adjective any one like your honour or like you (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 12600/72933
madvidha adjective equal to me (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
like me (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of my sort or kind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 6626/72933
yathāvidha adjective of such a kind or sort (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
of whatever kind or sort (Lat. qualis) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
such as (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 16030/72933
yadvidha adjective of which kind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 19892/72933
yuṣmadvidha adjective like you (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
of your kind or sort (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 25155/72933
vividha adjective divers (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
manifold (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
of various sorts (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 359/72933
vividha noun (masculine) a particular Ekāha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 66064/72933
viṃśatividha adjective of 20 kinds (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 22304/72933
ṣaḍvidha adjective of six sorts (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
sixfold (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 4452/72933
ṣoḍaśavidha adjective 16-fold (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
of 16 kinds (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 25672/72933
saptavidha adjective 7-fold (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 5292/72933
sarvavidha adjective general of all kinds
Frequency rank 69492/72933
savidha adjective near (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
of the same kind or sort (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
proximate (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 30841/72933
savidha noun (neuter) proximity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 30842/72933


aetiological pentad or five clinical barometers. Mādhavanidāna describes them as prodromal symptoms (pūrvarūpa), manifested symptoms (rūpa), pathogenesis (samprāpti), allaying by suitable remedies or predilection (upaśaya) and eight kinds of physical examination (aṣṭavidhaparīkṣa).

Wordnet Search
"vidha" has 16 results.


aneka, vividha, nānā, naika, ekādhika   


bhārate anekāḥ bhāṣāḥ bhāṣyante।।


khalaḥ, durjanaḥ, duṣṭaḥ, adhamaḥ, piśunaḥ, durvidhaḥ, viśvakadruḥ, nṛśaṃsaḥ, ghātukaḥ, krūraḥ, pāpaḥ, vañcakaḥ   

yaḥ durācarati।

durjanena saha saṃgatiḥ na karaṇīyā।


tulya, sama, tadvat, tadvidha, tulyaguṇa, sadṛśa, tulyarūpa, samānaguṇa   

guṇākāraparimāṇādiṣu sādṛśyayuktaḥ।

bhavān mama pituḥ tulyaḥ।


prakāraḥ, bhedaḥ, vidhaḥ, prabhedaḥ   

samānānām athavā ekasmāt eva mūlāt utpannānāṃ vastūnāṃ jīvādīnāñca saḥ vargaḥ yaḥ tān anyaiḥ vastubhiḥ jīvaiśca pṛthak karoti।

asmin udyāne anekeṣāṃ prakārāṇāṃ pāṭalapuṣpāṇi santi।


vidhavā, gatabhartṛkā, mṛtapatikā, abhartṛkā, nirnāthā, anāthā, avīrā, yatinī, vṛṣabhī, kātyāyanī, vitantuḥ   

sā mahilā yasyāḥ patiḥ mṛtaḥ asti।

mejara raṇavīraṃ mṛtyoḥ paścāt paramavīracakreṇa sanmānitaṃ kṛtaṃ saḥ sanmānaḥ tasya gatabhartṛkayā svīkṛtaḥ।


vividhatā, vicitratā, vicitratvam, nānātvam, vaicitryam   

naikaiḥ prakāraiḥ yuktā avasthā।

bhāratīyasaṃskṛtau vividhatā asti।



utkūla-nikūlam vikṣipya।

vastūni bahuvidhaṃ mā kuru।


vaidhavyam, vidhavatā, chattrabhaṅgaḥ   

vidhavāyāḥ avasthā bhāvaḥ vā।

strīṇāṃ kṛti vaidhavyaṃ tu śāpaḥ eva।


bahuvidha, nānāvidha, anekavidha, vividha   

anekaiḥ prakāraiḥ paripūrṇaṃ vividhaṃ ca।

vidyālayasya samutsave bahuvidhasya kāryakramasya ārambhaḥ sarasvatyāḥ stutyā abhavat।


adhavāśramaḥ, vidhavāśramaḥ   

tat sthānaṃ yatra anāthānām adhavānāṃ pālanaṃ tathā śikṣāyāḥ ca prabandhaḥ kriyate।

pituḥ mṛtyoḥ anantaraṃ maheśaḥ svamātaram adhavāśramam apreṣayat।


dvyātmaka, dvividha, saśleṣa, dvisvabhāva   

yat kapaṭasya uddeśyena kriyate।

asmābhiḥ tasya dvyātmikā yuktiḥ avabuddhā ataḥ vayaṃ satarkāḥ jātāḥ।


bhinna, vividha   

yad anyaiḥ saha samānaṃ nāsti।

sarvaiḥ saha melituṃ mahodayena bhinnaḥ samayaḥ niścitaḥ kṛtaḥ।


vividha, bhinna, pṛthagvidha   


asmābhiḥ vividhāni sāṃskṛtikāḥ kāryakramāḥ anubhūtāḥ।



ekā rākṣasī ।

atharvavede vidhamāyāḥ varṇanam asti



ekaḥ rājaputraḥ ।

viṣṇu-purāṇe rājaputrasya bahuvidhasya nirdeśaḥ kṛtaḥ



ekaṃ sūktam ।

daśavidhasnānamantrasya ullekhaḥ āśvalāyana-śākhoktā-mantra-saṃhitāyāṃ vartate

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