vi | m. (Nominal verb v/is-or v/es- accusative v/im- genitive case ablative v/es-; plural Nominal verb accusative v/ayas-[acc. vīn- ]; v/ibhis-, v/ibhyas-, vīn/ām-) a bird (also applied to horses, arrows, and the marut-s) (also occurring in later language).[ confer, compare 1. v/ayas-; Greek for ; Latin a-vis; according to tosome German Ei; Anglo-Saxon ae4g; English egg.]  |
vi | n. an artificial word said to be equals anna-  |
vi | ind. (prob. for an original dvi-,meaning"in two parts";and opp. to sam- q.v) apart, asunder, in different directions, to and fro, about, away, away from, off, without etc. etc. In it appears also as a preposition with accusative denoting"through"or"between"(with ellipse of the verb i, 181, 5; x, 86, 20 etc.'> ) It is especially used as a prefix to verbs or nouns and other parts of speech derived from verbs, to express"division","distinction","distribution","arrangement","order","opposition", or"deliberation" (see vi-bhid-, -śiṣ-, -dhā-, -rudh-, -car-,with their nominal derivatives)  |
vi | ind. sometimes it gives a meaning opposite to the idea contained in the simple root (exempli gratia, 'for example' krī-,"to buy"; vi-krī-,"to sell") , or it intensifies that idea (exempli gratia, 'for example' hiṃs-,"to injure"; vi-hiṃs-,"to injure severely") . The above 3. v/i- may also be used in forming compounds not immediately referable to verbs, in which cases it may express"difference" (confer, compare 1. vi-lakṣaṇa-),"change"or"variety" (confer, compare vi-citra-),"intensity" (confer, compare vi-karāla-),"manifoldness" (confer, compare vi-vidha-),"contrariety" (confer, compare vi-loma-),"deviation from right" (confer, compare vi-śīla-),"negation"or"privation" (confer, compare vi-kaccha-,being often used like 3. a-, nir-,and nis-[qq. vv.], and like the Latin dis,se,and the Englisha,dis,in,unetc.)  |
vi | ind. in some cases it does not seem to modify the meaning of the simple word at all (see vi-jāmi-, vi-jāmātṛ-)  |
vi | ind. it is also used to form proper names out of other proper names (exempli gratia, 'for example' vi-koka-, vi-pṛthu-, vi-viṃśa-). To save space such words are here mostly collected under one article  |
vi | ind. but words having several subordinate compounds will be found sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
vibaddha | mfn. bound or fastened etc.  |
vibaddha | mfn. obstructed, constipated (as the bowels)  |
vibaddhaka | mfn. gaRa ṛśyādi-.  |
vibādh | A1. -bādhate-, to press or drive asunder in different directions, drive or scare away ; to oppress, harass, annoy, molest, afflict, injure, violate : Intensive -bābadhe-, to release, set free |
vibādha | m. an expeller, remover ( v/i-b-)  |
vibādha | m. expulsion, removal (in vibādhavat dh/a-vat- mfn.expelling, removing)  |
vibādhā | f. pressure, pain, agony, anguish  |
vibādhavat | mfn. vibādha |
vibāhu | mfn. deprived of arms, armless  |
vibāhu | vi-bila- etc. See .  |
vibala | mfn. having no strength, weak  |
vibalāka | mfn. not filled with cranes (as a cloud) (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
vibālī | f. (of doubtful derivation) Name of a river  |
vibāṇa | mfn. without an arrow (as a bow)  |
vibāṇadhi | mfn. without a quiver  |
vibāṇajya | mfn. without an arrow and a string |
vibandh | P. A1. -badhnāti-, -badhnīte-, to bind or fasten on different sides, stretch out, extend ; to seize or hold by (instrumental case) ; to obstruct (faeces)  |
vibandha | m. encircling, encompassing  |
vibandha | m. equals ākalana-  |
vibandha | m. a circular bandage  |
vibandha | m. obstruction, constipation  |
vibandha | m. a remedy for promoting obstruction  |
vibandhahṛt | mfn. destroying or curing obstruction  |
vibandhana | mfn. obstructing, constipating  |
vibandhana | n. the act of fastening or binding on both sides ( parasparavibandhana paraspara-vi-bandhana-, mfn.mutually bound, depending on each other)  |
vibandhu | (v/i--) mfn. having no relations  |
vibandhu | vi-bala-, vi-bāṇa- etc. See .  |
vibarha | mfn. (for 2.See under vi--1. bṛh-) having no tail-feathers  |
vibarha | m. (for 1.See) scattering, dispersing (in a-v-)  |
vibboka | See bibboka-.  |
vibhā | P. -bhāti-, to shine or gleam forth, come to light, become visible, appear etc. ; to shine upon, illumine ; to procure light id est to kindle (fire dative case) ; to shine brightly, glitter, be resplendent or beautiful, strike or catch the eye, excel by (instrumental case) etc. ; to strike the ear, be heard (as sound) ; to seem or appear as, look like (Nominal verb with or without iva-,or adverb in -vat-)  |
vibhā | mfn. shining, bright  |
vibhā | f. light, lustre, splendour, beauty  |
vibhā | f. Name of the city of soma-  |
vibhāga | m. distribution, apportionment  |
vibhāga | m. partition of patrimony, law of inheritance (one of the 18 titles or branches of law) etc. (see )  |
vibhāga | m. a share, portion, section, constituent part of anything etc.  |
vibhāga | m. division, separation, distinction, difference etc. (ena-,separately, singly, in detail; see also yoga-v-)  |
vibhāga | m. disjunction (opp. to saṃ-yoga-and regarded in nyāya- as one of the 24 guṇa-s)  |
vibhāga | m. (in arithmetic) the numerator of a fraction  |
vibhāga | m. Name of śiva-  |
vibhāgabhāj | mfn. one who shares in a portion of property already distributed (applied especially to a son by a father and mother of the same tribe, born subsequently to a distribution of property amongst his parents and brethren, in which case he inherits the portion allotted or reserved to the parents)  |
vibhāgabhinna | n. equals takra-, buttermilk mixed with water  |
vibhāgadharma | m. the law of division, rule of inheritance  |
vibhāgajña | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') knowing the difference between  |
vibhāgaka | m. a distributer, arranger (perhaps wrong reading for bhājaka-).  |
vibhāgakalpanā | f. apportioning or allotment of shares or portions  |
vibhāgapattrikā | f. a deed of partition  |
vibhāgarekhā | f. partition-line, boundary between (genitive case)  |
vibhāgasāra | m. Name of work  |
vibhāgaśas | ind. according to a part or share, separately, proportionately etc.  |
vibhāgaśas | ind. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') according to |
vibhāgatas | ind. according to a part or share, proportionately  |
vibhāgatattvavicāra | m. Name of work  |
vibhāgatva | n. state of separation or distinction  |
vibhāgavat | mfn. divided, separated, distinguished ( vibhāgavattā -tā- f.)  |
vibhāgavattā | f. vibhāgavat |
vibhāgecchu | mfn. wishing for a partition or distribution  |
vibhāgīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to divide, parcel out  |
vibhāgin | See a-vibhāgin-.  |
vibhagna | mfn. broken asunder, shattered, crushed  |
vibhāgya | mfn. to be separated or divided  |
vibhaj | P. A1. -bhajati-, te-, to divide, distribute, apportion, assign (with two accusative,or with accusative of thing and dative case or locative case of Persian,or with accusative of Persian and instrumental case of thing) etc. (A1.also ="to share together or with each other"or"to share with [ instrumental case ]";with samam-,to divide into equal parts;with ardham-and genitive case,to divide in halves) ; to separate, part, cut etc. ; to divide (arithmetically) ; to open (a box or chest) ; to worship : Passive voice -bhajyate-, to receive one's share from (instrumental case) : Causal -bhājayati-, to cause to distribute or divide or share ; to divide |
vibhāj | mfn. separating, dividing  |
vibhaja | m. a particular high number  |
vibhājaka | mfn. idem or 'mfn. separating, dividing '  |
vibhājaka | mfn. distributing, apportioning  |
vibhājakībhūta | mfn. being a distributer or divider  |
vibhajana | n. separation, distinction  |
vibhājana | n. division, distinction  |
vibhājana | n. the act of causing to share or distribute, participation  |
vibhajanīya | mfn. to be apportioned or partitioned or distributed or divided etc.  |
vibhājayitṛ | mfn. one who causes to divide or distribute Va1rtt. 3.  |
vibhājita | mfn. caused to be divided, distributed, apportioned, partitioned  |
vibhajya | mfn. to be divided  |
vibhajya | mfn. to be (or being) distinguished  |
vibhajya | ind. having distributed or separated or divided, by dividing or distinguishing etc.  |
vibhājya | mfn. to be divided or apportioned, divisible  |
vibhajyapāṭha | m. the distinct pronunciation (of every sound)  |
vibhajyavāda | m. a particular Buddhist doctrine  |
vibhajyavādin | m. an adherent of the above doctrine  |
vibhākara | m. "light-maker", the sun  |
vibhākara | m. fire  |
vibhākara | m. that portion of the moon which is illumined by the sun  |
vibhākara | m. a king, prince (and"the sun")  |
vibhākaraśarman | m. (Name of a poet )  |
vibhakta | mfn. divided, distributed among (instrumental case). etc. ( vibhakte te- ind.after a partition, )  |
vibhakta | mfn. one who has received his share  |
vibhakta | mfn. one who has caused a partition to be made (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
vibhakta | mfn. parted, separated by (instrumental case or compound) etc.  |
vibhakta | mfn. separated from id est without (instrumental case)  |
vibhakta | mfn. isolated, secluded  |
vibhakta | mfn. distinct, different, various, manifold etc.  |
vibhakta | mfn. divided into regular parts, harmonious, symmetrical  |
vibhakta | mfn. ornamented, decorated  |
vibhakta | mfn. divided (arithmetically)  |
vibhakta | m. Name of skanda-  |
vibhakta | n. isolation, seclusion, solitude  |
vibhaktagātra | mfn. one whose limbs are embellished with (compound)  |
vibhaktaja | m. a son born after the partition of the family property between his parents and brothers  |
vibhaktātman | mfn. divided (in his essence)  |
vibhaktatva | n. manifoldness, variety (quot.)  |
vibhaktāvibhaktanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
vibhakte | ind. vibhakta |
vibhakti | f. separation, partition, division, distinction, modification  |
vibhakti | f. part, portion, share of inheritance etc.  |
vibhakti | f. (in gram.) inflection of nouns, declension, an affix of declension, case (according to to "a termination or inflection either of a case or of the persons of a tense";certain taddhita- affixes which are used like case terminations have also the name vi-bhakti-;in the yājyā- formulas especially the cases of agni-are so called) etc.  |
vibhakti | f. a particular division of a sāman- (equals bhakti-)  |
vibhakti | f. a particular high number  |
vibhaktika | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals bhakti- (in āpta-v-,complete as to case terminations)  |
vibhaktin | See a-vibhaktin-.  |
vibhaktitattva | n. Name of work  |
vibhaktivivaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
vibhaktṛ | mfn. (with genitive case,or v/i-bhaktṛ-,with accusative) one who distributes, distributer, apportioner  |
vibhaktṛ | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') an arranger  |
vibhaktyarthakārakaprakriyā | f. Name of work  |
vibhaktyarthanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
vibhaktyarthavicāra | m. Name of work  |
vibhāṇḍa | m. Name of a man  |
vibhāṇḍa | m. equals -māṇḍavya-  |
vibhāṇḍa | f. equals nīlagokarṇī-  |
vibhāṇḍaka | m. Name of muni-  |
vibhaṇḍaka | wrong reading for vi-bhāṇḍaka- (See) .  |
vibhāṇḍī | f. the senna plant  |
vibhāṇḍikā | f. Senna Obtusa  |
vibhaṅga | m. bending, contraction (especially of the eyebrows)  |
vibhaṅga | m. a furrow, wrinkle  |
vibhaṅga | m. interruption, stoppage, frustration, disturbance  |
vibhaṅga | m. fraud, deception  |
vibhaṅga | m. a wave  |
vibhaṅga | m. breaking, fracture  |
vibhaṅga | m. division  |
vibhaṅga | m. Name of a class of Buddhist works.  |
vibhaṅgi | f. mere appearance or semblance (see bhaṅgi-)  |
vibhaṅgi | f. the mere semblance of anything (= bhaṅgi-),  |
vibhaṅgin | mfn. wavy, undulating, wrinkled  |
vibhaṅgura | mfn. unsteady (as a look)  |
vibhañj | P. -bhanakti-, to break asunder, break to pieces etc. ; to frustrate, disappoint  |
vibhānu | mfn. shining, beaming, radiant  |
vibharaṭṭa | m. Name of a king (varia lectio vi-bharata-).  |
vibhāṣ | A1. -bhāṣate-, to speak variously, speak against, abuse, revile ; (in gram.) to admit an alternative, be optional |
vibhās | A1. -bhāsate- (in Vedic or Veda also P.), to shine brightly or pleasantly, be bright : Causal -bhāsayati-, to cause to shine, illuminate, brighten  |
vibhās | f. brightness, splendour  |
vibhāṣā | f. (for 2.See vi-bhāṣ-) a class of Prakrit languages  |
vibhāṣā | f. (in music) a particular rāgiṇī-  |
vibhāṣā | f. (with Buddhists) a great Commentary.  |
vibhāṣā | f. (for 1.See) an alternative, option, optionality (vi-bhāṣayā-,optionally) , one of two ways (see vi-kalpa-)  |
vibhāṣā | f. (in gram.) the allowing a rule to be optional (of two kinds, viz. prāpta-v-or prāpte v-,an option allowed in a particular operation which another rule makes necessary; aprāpta-v-or aprāpte v-,an option allowed in a particular operation which another rule makes impossible)  |
vibhāsa | m. Name of one of the 7 suns  |
vibhāsa | m. a particular rāga-  |
vibhāsa | m. Name of a deity  |
vibhāsā | f. shining brightly, light, lustre  |
vibhāṣāvṛtti | f. Name of work  |
vibhāṣin | mfn. adorned, decorated(in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
vibhāṣin | mfn. adorning, "omnipotent"(said of śiva-; see vi-bhū-)  |
vibhāṣita | mfn. admitting an alternative (especially in gram. = optional)  |
vibhāsita | mfn. (fr. Causal) made bright, illuminated  |
vibhāskara | mfn. having no sun, without the sun  |
vibhasman | mfn. free from ashes or dust  |
vibhasmīkaraṇa | n. freeing from ashes, dusting  |
vibhāt | mfn. shining, splendid (applied to uṣas-)  |
vibhāt | m. the world of prajā-pati-  |
vibhāta | mfn. shone forth, grown light etc. (tā vibhāvarī-,the morning has dawned )  |
vibhāta | mfn. become visible, appeared  |
vibhāta | n. dawn, day-break, morning  |
vibhāva | (for 2.See) mf(arī-See next)n. (vocative case vi-bhāvas-), idem or 'mfn. shining, beaming, radiant '  |
vibhāva | 1. and 2. vi-bhāva-. See above and .  |
vibhava | mfn. powerful, rich  |
vibhava | m. being everywhere, omnipresence  |
vibhava | m. development, evolution (with vaiṣṇava-s"the evolution of the Supreme Being into secondary forms")  |
vibhava | m. power, might, greatness, exalted position, rank, dignity, majesty, dominion etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with locative case,"one whose power consists in" )  |
vibhava | m. influence upon (locative case)  |
vibhava | m. (also plural) wealth, money, property, fortune etc.  |
vibhava | m. luxury, anything sumptuary or superfluous  |
vibhava | m. magnanimity, lofty-mindedness  |
vibhava | m. emancipation from existence  |
vibhava | m. Name of the 2nd year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years  |
vibhava | m. destruction (of the world)  |
vibhava | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
vibhāva | m. (for 1.See under vi-bhā-) any condition which excites or develops a particular state of mind or body, any cause of emotion (exempli gratia, 'for example' the persons and circumstances represented in a drama, as opp. to the anu-bhāva-or external signs or effects of emotion) ( vibhāvatva -tva- n.)  |
vibhāva | m. a friend, acquaintance  |
vibhāva | m. Name of śiva-  |
vibhāvaka | mfn. causing to appear, procuring or intending to procure (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') )  |
vibhāvaka | mfn. discussing  |
vibhavakṣaya | m. loss of fortune or property  |
vibhavamada | m. the pride of power  |
vibhavamati | f. Name of a princess  |
vibhāvan | mf(arī-See next)n. (vocative case vi-bhāvas-), idem or '(for 2.See) mf(arī-See next)n. (vocative case vi-bhāvas-), idem or 'mfn. shining, beaming, radiant ' '  |
vibhāvana | mfn. causing to appear, developing, manifesting  |
vibhāvanā | f. (in rhetoric) description of effects the causes of which are left to be conjectured (or according to to some, "description by negatives, bringing out the qualities of any object more clearly than by positive description") etc.  |
vibhāvana | n. causing to appear or become visible, development, creation (Scholiast or Commentator equals pālana-)  |
vibhāvana | n. showing, manifesting on  |
vibhāvana | n. clear perception, examination, judgement, clear ascertainment  |
vibhāvana | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') reflection on  |
vibhāvana | n. the act of producing a particular emotion by a work of art  |
vibhāvanālaṃkāra | m. the rhetorical figure described above  |
vibhāvanīya | mfn. (fr. Causal) to be clearly perceived or ascertained  |
vibhāvanīya | mfn. to be convicted (equals bhāvya-) on  |
vibhāvarī | f. (See prec.) brilliant, bright (in often applied to uṣas-,"Dawn"; according to to on also equals kupitā-)  |
vibhāvarī | f. the (starry) night etc.  |
vibhāvarī | f. turmeric  |
vibhāvarī | f. equals -haridrā- and drā-dāru-  |
vibhāvarī | f. a kind of ginger  |
vibhāvarī | f. a procuress  |
vibhāvarī | f. a deceitful woman  |
vibhāvarī | f. a loquacious woman  |
vibhāvarī | f. (?) the shreds of a garment torn in a scuffle (= vivāda-vastra-guṇṭhī-or tra-muṇḍī-)  |
vibhāvarī | f. a kind of metre  |
vibhāvarī | f. Name of a daughter of the vidyādhara- mandāra-  |
vibhāvarī | f. of the city of soma-  |
vibhāvarī | f. of the city of the pracetas-  |
vibhāvarīkānta | m. "husband of night", the moon  |
vibhāvarīmukha | n. "beginning of night", evening  |
vibhāvarīśa | m. "lord of night", the moon  |
vibhāvasu | mfn. abounding in light (applied to agni-, soma-, and kṛṣṇa-)  |
vibhāvasu | m. fire or the god of fire etc.  |
vibhāvasu | m. the sun  |
vibhāvasu | m. the moon  |
vibhāvasu | m. a sort of necklace or garland  |
vibhāvasu | m. Name of one of the 8 vasu-s  |
vibhāvasu | m. of a son of naraka-  |
vibhāvasu | m. of a dānava-  |
vibhāvasu | m. of a ṛṣi-  |
vibhāvasu | m. of a mythical prince dwelling on the mountain gaja-pura-  |
vibhāvasu | m. of a gandharva- (who is said to have stolen the soma- from gāyatrī- as she was carrying it to the gods)  |
vibhāvat | mfn. very brilliant or resplendent  |
vibhavatas | ind. according to rank or fortune or dignity  |
vibhāvatva | n. vibhāva |
vibhavavat | mfn. possessed of power, wealthy |
vibhāvāyu | m. morning-wind,  |
vibhavin | mfn. rich, wealthy  |
vibhāvin | mfn. mighty, powerful  |
vibhāvin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') causing to appear ( varṇavibhāvin varṇa--vi-bhāvin- m.Name of śiva-)  |
vibhāvin | mfn. arousing a particular emotion (especially of love)  |
vibhāvita | mfn. (fr. Causal) caused to arise or appear etc.  |
vibhāvitatva | n. the state of being perceived or judged  |
vibhāvya | mfn. to be clearly perceived or observed, distinguishable, comprehensible etc.  |
vibhāvya | mfn. to be attended to or heeded (n. impersonal or used impersonally"it should be heeded")  |
vibhaya | n. freedom from danger  |
vibhaya | mfn. not exposed to danger  |
vibheda | m. breaking asunder, splitting, piercing, division, separation etc.  |
vibheda | m. knitting, contraction (of the brows)  |
vibheda | m. interruption, disturbance  |
vibheda | m. change, alteration  |
vibheda | m. diverging (in opinion), dissension, disagreeing with (samam-) etc.  |
vibheda | m. distinction, variety  |
vibhedaka | mfn. distinguishing anything (genitive case) from (ablative)  |
vibhedaka | m. equals vibhīdaka-  |
vibhedana | mfn. splitting, cleaving, piercing  |
vibhedana | n. the act of splitting etc.  |
vibhedana | n. setting at variance, disuniting  |
vibhedika | mfn. separating, dividing (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
vibhedin | mfn. piercing, rending (See marma-bh-)  |
vibhedin | mfn. dispelling, destroying (with genitive case)  |
vibhedya | mfn. to be split or cleft or broken  |
vibhetavya | n. (impersonal or used impersonally) it is to be feared (varia lectio)  |
vibhettṛ | mfn. one who splits or breaks asunder, a destroyer of (genitive case)  |
vibhī | mfn. fearless  |
vibhī | P. -bibheti-, to be afraid of, fear : Causal -bhīṣayati-, te-, to frighten, terrify, intimidate  |
vibhid | P. A1. -bhinatti-, -bhintte- to split or break in two, break in pieces, cleave asunder, divide, separate, open etc. ; to pierce, sting ; to loosen, untie ; to break, infringe, violate ; to scatter, disperse, dispel, destroy etc. ; to alter, change (the mind) : Passive voice to be split or broken, burst asunder etc. (also P. Conditional vyabhetsyat- ) ; to be changed or altered : Causal -bhedayati-, to cause to split etc. ; to divide, alienate, estrange  |
vibhida | m. Name of a demon  |
vibhidā | f. "perforation"and"falling away","apostasy"  |
vibhīdaka | m. n. idem or 'n. its berry (used as a die) ' (see vi-bhedaka-under vi-bhid-).  |
vibhindu | mfn. splitting or cleaving asunder  |
vibhindu | m. Name of a man  |
vibhinduka | m. Name of an asura-  |
vibhinna | mfn. split or broken in two etc.  |
vibhinna | mfn. passed across or through (as by a heavenly body)  |
vibhinna | mfn. opened blown  |
vibhinna | mfn. cleft (said of the temples of an elephant which exude during rut)  |
vibhinna | mfn. broken, destroyed  |
vibhinna | mfn. altered, changed (also in one's feelings)  |
vibhinna | mfn. alienated, estranged, become faithless  |
vibhinna | mfn. separated, divided  |
vibhinna | mfn. disunited, living at variance  |
vibhinna | mfn. (a place) filled with dissensions  |
vibhinna | mfn. disappointed (See āśā-v-)  |
vibhinna | mfn. contradictory  |
vibhinna | mfn. various, manifold  |
vibhinna | mfn. mingled with (instrumental case)  |
vibhinna | m. Name of śiva-  |
vibhinnadarśin | mfn. seeing different things, discerning differences, discerning well  |
vibhinnadhairya | mfn. having firmness or constancy shaken  |
vibhinnāṅga | mfn. one who has his body pierced or transfixed  |
vibhinnatā | f. the state of being broken or split asunder or scattered etc.  |
vibhinnatamisra | mfn. having darkness expelled or destroyed  |
vibhinnatva | n. the state of being broken or split asunder or scattered etc.  |
vibhinnaveṣa | mfn. dressed in various garments  |
vibhinnīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to separate, divide  |
vibhīṣā | f. the wish or intention of terrifying  |
vibhīṣaka | mf(ikā-)n. frightening, terrifying |
vibhīṣaṇa | mf(ā-)n. terrifying, fearful, horrible etc.  |
vibhīṣaṇa | mf(ā-)n. bullying or blustering (as language)  |
vibhīṣaṇa | m. miscarriage, abortion  |
vibhīṣaṇa | m. Amphidonax Karka  |
vibhīṣaṇa | m. Name of a brother of rāvaṇa- (his other brothers were kubera- [by a different mother] and kumbha-karṇa-;both rāvaṇa- and vibhīṣaṇa- are said to have propitiated brahmā- by their penances, so that the god granted them both boons, and the boon chosen by vibhīṣaṇa- was that he should never, even in the greatest calamity, stoop to any mean action;hence he is represented in the rāmāyaṇa- as endeavouring to counteract the malice of his brother rāvaṇa-, in consequence of which he was so ill-treated by him that, leaving laṅkā-, he joined rāma-, by whom, after the death of rāvaṇa-, vibhīṣaṇa- was placed on the throne of laṅkā-) etc.  |
vibhīṣaṇa | m. of two kings of kaśmīra- (the sons of go-narda- and rāvaṇa-) (in later times vibhīṣaṇa- appears to have been used as a general Name of the kings of laṅkā-)  |
vibhīṣaṇa | m. Name of an author  |
vibhīṣaṇā | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
vibhīṣaṇa | n. the act or a means of terrifying, terror, intimidation  |
vibhīṣaṇa | n. Name of the 11th muhūrta-  |
vibhīṣaṇābhiṣeka | m. " vibhīṣaṇa-'s inauguration", Name of (according to to one recension) .  |
vibhīṣikā | f. the act of terrifying, means of terrifying, terror etc.  |
vibhīṣikā | f. See under vi-bhīṣaka- above.  |
vibhīṣikāsthāna | n. an object or means of terrifying  |
vibhīta | mfn. (for 2. and 3.See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) idem or 'mfn. fearless '  |
vibhīta | mfn. (for 1.See;for 3.See column 2) afraid, intimidated  |
vibhīta | m. n. equals next  |
vibhītaka | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
vibhītaka | m. (orf(ī-).) the tree Terminalia Bellerica  |
vibhītaka | n. its berry (used as a die)  |
vibhitti | f. cleaving, splitting  |
vibhoka | m. Name of a poet  |
vibhṛ | P. A1. -bharati-, te-, to spread out, spread asunder ; (A1.) to distribute, diffuse ; to bear, endure : Intensive (only -bh/aribhrat-and -jarbhrit/as-), to move hither and thither or from side to side (as the tongue) : to open the mouth, gape  |
vibhrāj | A1. -bhrājate- (Epic also P.), to shine forth, be bright or radiant etc. ; to shine through (accusative) ; Causal -bhrājayati-, to cause to shine or beam  |
vibhrāj | mfn. (Nominal verb ṭ-) shining, splendid, luminous  |
vibhrāj | m. (with saurya-) Name of the author of  |
vibhrāja | m. Name of a king  |
vibhrājita | mfn. (fr. Causal) made splendid or bright, caused to shine  |
vibhram | P. -bhramati-, -bhrāmyati-, to wander or roam or fly about, roll, hover, whirl etc. ; to reel, quiver, shake ; to roam over, wander through (accusative). ; to fall into disorder or confusion, be disarranged or bewildered etc. ; to drive asunder, disperse, scare away ; to move about (the tail) : Causal -bhramayati-, or -bhrāmayati- (Passive voice -bhrāmyate-), to confuse, perplex  |
vibhrama | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) moving to and fro, rolling or whirling about, restlessness, unsteadiness  |
vibhrama | m. violence, excess, intensity, high degree (also plural) etc.  |
vibhrama | m. hurry, rapture, agitation, disturbance, perturbation, confusion, flurry etc.  |
vibhrama | m. doubt, error, mistake, blunder (with daṇḍasya-,"erroneous application of punishment") etc.  |
vibhrama | m. illusion, illusive appearance or mere semblance of anything etc. (see -bhāṣita-)  |
vibhrama | m. beauty, grace  |
vibhrama | m. feminine coquetry, amorous gestures or action of any kind (especially play of the eyes), perturbation, flurry (as when a woman in her confusion puts her ornaments in the wrong places)  |
vibhrama | m. caprice, whim  |
vibhramā | f. old age  |
vibhramabhāṣita | n. pl. language in appearance  |
vibhramārka | m. Name of a man  |
vibhramasūtra | n. Name of a treatise on grammar (attributed to hema-candra-)  |
vibhramatantra | n. (equals -sūtra-)  |
vibhramavatī | f. a girl  |
vibhramavatī | f. Name of a female servant  |
vibhramin | mfn. moving hither and thither  |
vibhraṃś | (sometimes written bhraṃs-) A1. -bhraṃśate-, to fall off (figuratively), be unfortunate, fail or be unsuccessful in (locative case) ; to be separated from, desert (ablative) : Causal -bhraṃśayati-, to cause to fall ; to strike or break off ; to cause to disappear or vanish, destroy annihilate ; to divert from, deprive of (abl)  |
vibhraṃśa | m. diarrhoea, laxity of the bowels (See manda-v-)  |
vibhraṃśa | m. decline, cessation, end  |
vibhraṃśa | m. disturbance, perturbation (See citta-v-)  |
vibhraṃśa | m. fall, decay, ruin  |
vibhraṃśa | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') being deprived of, loss  |
vibhraṃśa | m. a precipice  |
vibhraṃśayājña | m. a particular ekāha-  |
vibhraṃśin | mfn. crumbling to pieces (See a-v-)  |
vibhraṃśin | mfn. falling down, dropping from (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') |
vibhraṃśita | mfn. (fr. Causal) caused to fall etc.  |
vibhraṃśitajñāna | mfn. deprived of reason or consciousness  |
vibhraṃśitapuṣpapattra | mfn. having the flowers and leaves knocked off  |
vibhrānta | mfn. wandered or wandering about etc. (n. impersonal or used impersonally"it has been roamed" )  |
vibhrānta | mfn. rolling or ogling (as the eyes;See below)  |
vibhrānta | mfn. spread abroad (as fame)  |
vibhrānta | mfn. confused, bewildered  |
vibhrāntamanas | mfn. bewildered or confused in mind  |
vibhrāntanayana | mfn. one who rolls the eyes or casts side glances  |
vibhrāntaśīla | mfn. confused in mind or disposition, intoxicated or insane  |
vibhrāntaśīla | m. a monkey  |
vibhrāntaśīla | m. the disc of the sun or moon  |
vibhrānti | f. whirling, going round  |
vibhrānti | f. hurry, agitation  |
vibhrānti | f. error, delusion  |
vibhraṣṭa | mfn. fallen, sunk  |
vibhraṣṭa | mfn. disappeared, vanished, gone, lost  |
vibhraṣṭa | mfn. useless, vain  |
vibhraṣṭa | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') strayed from  |
vibhraṣṭa | mfn. deprived of.  |
vibhraṣṭa | mfn. unsuccessful in  |
vibhraṣṭaharṣa | mf(ā-)n. deprived of joy  |
vibhraṣṭatimira | mfn. freed from darkness (as the sky)  |
vibhraṣṭeṣṭprayoga | m. Name of work  |
vibhrāṣṭi | f. radiance, flame, blaze  |
vibhrātṛvya | (v/i--) n. rivalry, hostility  |
vibhreṣa | m. ( bhreṣ-) commission of an offence, transgression (used to explain pramoga-)  |
vibhṛta | mfn. spread out, distributed  |
vibhṛta | mfn. upheld, supported, maintained  |
vibhṛtra | (v/i--) mf(ā-)n. to be (or being) borne about or in various directions  |
vibhṛtvan | mfn. bearing hither and thither  |
vibhru | m. (perhaps wrong reading for vi-bhu-) a prince, king (Bombay edition -babhru-).  |
vibhū | P. -bhavati-, to arise, be developed or manifested, expand, appear ; to suffice, be adequate or equal to or a match for (dative case or accusative) ; to pervade, fill ; to be able to or capable of (infinitive mood) ; to exist (in a-vibhavat-,"not existing") : Causal -bhāvayati-, to cause to arise or appear, develop, manifest, reveal, show forth, display etc. ; to pretend, feign on ; to divide, separate ; to perceive distinctly, find out, discover, ascertain, know, acknowledge, recognise as (accusative) etc. ; to regard or consider as, take for (two accusative) ; to suppose, fancy, imagine ; to think, reflect ; to suppose anything of or about (locative case) ; to make clear, establish, prove, decide ; to convict, convince : Passive voice of Causal -bhāvyate-, to be considered or regarded as, appear, seem (Nominal verb) : Desiderative See -bubhūṣā-: Intensive See -bobhuvat-.  |
vibhu | mfn. or See vibhū-  |
vibhū | mf(/ū-or v/ī-)n. (Ved.) being everywhere, far-extending, all-pervading, omnipresent, eternal etc.  |
vibhū | mf(/ū-or v/ī-)n. abundant, plentiful  |
vibhū | mf(/ū-or v/ī-)n. mighty, powerful, excellent, great, strong, effective, able to or capable of (infinitive mood) etc.  |
vibhū | mf(/ū-or v/ī-)n. firm, solid, hard  |
vibhū | m. a lord, ruler, sovereign, king (also applied to brahmā-, viṣṇu-, and śiva-) etc.  |
vibhū | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') chief of or among  |
vibhū | m. a servant  |
vibhū | m. the sun  |
vibhū | m. the moon  |
vibhū | m. Name of kubera- ( also "ether;space;time;the soul")  |
vibhū | m. Name of a god (son of veda-śiras- and tuṣitā-)  |
vibhū | m. of a class of gods under manu- sāvarṇi-  |
vibhū | m. of indra- under manu- raivata- and under the 7th manu-  |
vibhū | m. of a son of viṣṇu- and dakṣiṇā-  |
vibhū | m. of a son of bhaga- and siddhi-  |
vibhū | m. of buddha-  |
vibhū | m. of a brother of śakuni-  |
vibhū | m. of a son of śambara-  |
vibhū | m. of a son of satya-ketu- and father of su-vibhu-  |
vibhū | m. of a son of dharma-ketu- and father of su-kumāra-  |
vibhū | m. of a son of varṣa-ketu- or satya-ketu- and father of ānarta-  |
vibhū | m. of a son of prastāva- and niyutsā-  |
vibhū | m. of a son of bhṛgu-  |
vibhū | m. plural Name of the ṛbhu-s  |
vibhū | in compound for vi-bhu-  |
vibhūdāvan | mfn. bestowing richly, liberal  |
vibhugna | mfn. (1. bhuj-) bent, bowed, crooked  |
vibhuja | mfn. in mūla-v- (q.v)  |
vibhūkratu | mfn. strong. heroic  |
vibhukta | (3. bhuj-), in bhukta-v- gaRa śāka-pārthivādi- ( on ) .  |
vibhūma | mfn. distant from the ground  |
vibhūman | m. extension, greatness, might  |
vibhūman | m. Name of kṛṣṇa- (prob.="appearing in manifold form"or"omnipotent") .  |
vibhūmat | mfn. extending everywhere  |
vibhūmat | mfn. joined with the vibhu-s or ṛbhu-s  |
vibhumat | mfn. joined with the vibhu-s or ṛbhu-s  |
vibhupramita | n. the hall of brahmā-  |
vibhūrasi | m. (literally"thou art mighty") a form of agni- or the god of fire  |
vibhūṣ | P. -bhūṣati-, to be brilliant, appear (?) ( vyāpto bhavati-) ; to adorn, decorate : Causal -bhūṣayati-, to adorn, decorate  |
vibhūṣā | f. ornament, decoration  |
vibhūṣā | f. light, splendour, beauty  |
vibhūṣaṇa | mfn. adorning  |
vibhūṣaṇa | m. Name of mañju-śrī-  |
vibhūṣaṇa | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) decoration, ornament etc.  |
vibhūṣaṇa | n. splendour, beauty  |
vibhūṣaṇakalā | f. a particular samādhi-  |
vibhūṣaṇavat | mfn. adorned, decorated  |
vibhūṣaṇodbhāsin | mfn. glittering with ornaments  |
vibhūṣita | mfn. adorned, decorated etc.  |
vibhūṣita | n. an ornament, decoration  |
vibhūṣitālaṃkārā | f. Name of a gandharvī- and of a kiṃ-narī-  |
vibhūṣitāṅga | mfn. decorated about the body  |
vibhūtā | f. power, supremacy  |
vibhūta | mfn. arisen, produced etc.  |
vibhūta | mfn. great, mighty (See compound)  |
vibhūta | m. equals next  |
vibhūtadyumna | mfn. (v/i-) abounding in splendour or glory  |
vibhūtamanas | mfn. (used to explain vi-manas-)  |
vibhūtaṃgamā | f. a particular high number  |
vibhūtarāti | mfn. (vi-) bestowing rich gifts.  |
vibhūti | mfn. penetrating, pervading  |
vibhūti | mfn. abundant, plentiful  |
vibhūti | mfn. mighty, powerful  |
vibhūti | mfn. presiding over (genitive case)  |
vibhūti | m. Name of a sādhya-  |
vibhūti | m. of a son of viśvāmitra-  |
vibhūti | m. of a king  |
vibhūti | f. development, multiplication, expansion, plenty, abundance etc.  |
vibhūti | f. manifestation of might, great power, superhuman power (consisting of eight faculties, especially attributed to śiva-, but supposed also to be attainable by human beings through worship of that deity, viz. aṇiman-,the power of becoming as minute as an atom; laghiman-,extreme lightness; prāpti-,attaining or reaching anything[ exempli gratia, 'for example' the moon with the tip of the finger]; prākāmya-,irresistible will; mahiman-,illimitable bulk; īśitā-,supreme dominion; vaśitā-,subjugating by magic;and kāmāvasāyitā-,the suppressing all desires) |
vibhūti | f. a particular śakti-  |
vibhūti | f. the might of a king or great lord, sovereign power, greatness etc.  |
vibhūti | f. successful issue (of a sacrifice)  |
vibhūti | f. splendour, glory, magnificence  |
vibhūti | f. fortune, welfare, prosperity etc.  |
vibhūti | f. (also plural) riches, wealth, opulence  |
vibhūti | f. Name of lakṣmi- (the goddess of fortune and welfare)  |
vibhūti | f. the ashes of cow-dung etc. (with which śiva- is said to smear his body, and hence used in imitation of him by devotees)  |
vibhūti | f. (in music) a particular śruti-  |
vibhūtibala | m. Name of a poet  |
vibhūticandra | m. Name of an author  |
vibhūtidhāraṇavidhi | m. Name of work  |
vibhūtidvādaśī | f. a vrata- or religious observance on a particular twelfth day (in honour of viṣṇu-)  |
vibhūtigrahaṇa | n. taking up ashes (at the vaiśvadeva- ceremony)  |
vibhūtimādhava | m. Name of a poet  |
vibhūtimāhātmya | n. Name of a chapter of the  |
vibhūtimat | mfn. mighty, powerful, superhuman  |
vibhūtimat | mfn. smeared with ashes  |
vibhūtiyoga | m. Name of the 6th canto of the śiva-gītā-.  |
vibhutva | n. being everywhere, omnipresence  |
vibhutva | n. omnipotence, sovereignty  |
vibhūtvasamarthana | n. Name of work  |
vibhuvarī | f. (prob. f.of vi-bhvan-) far-reaching  |
vibhūvarman | m. Name of a man  |
vibhūvas | mfn. (prob.) powerful  |
vibhūvas | m. Name of a man  |
vibhūvasu | mfn. (vibh/ū-.) possessing mighty treasures or wealth  |
vibhva | in compound for vi-bhvan- below.  |
vibhvan | mfn. far-reaching, penetrating, pervading.  |
vibhvan | m. Name of one of the ṛbhu-s  |
vibhvan | mfn. skilful  |
vibhvan | m. an artificer  |
vibhvāsah | mfn. (vibhvā-for vi-bhvan-) conquering or overcoming the rich  |
vibhvataṣṭa | mfn. cut out or furnished by a skilful artificer, very perfect or handsome  |
vibibhitsu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative) wishing to break asunder, purposing to cleave or pierce  |
vibila | mfn. having no hole or aperture (as a sheath)  |
vibobhuvat | mfn. (fr. Intensive) spreading or expanding exceedingly over (locative case)  |
vibodha | m. (for 2.See ) inattention, absence of mind  |
vibodha | m. (for 1.See) awaking etc.  |
vibodha | m. perception, intelligence  |
vibodha | m. (in dramatic language) the unfolding of the faculties in carrying out an object etc.  |
vibodha | m. Name of a bird (a son of droṇa-)  |
vibodhana | m. an arouser, promoter of (genitive case)  |
vibodhana | n. awaking, awakening (trans. and intrans.)  |
vibodhayitavya | mfn. (fr. Causal) to be awakened  |
vibodhita | mfn. (fr. idem or 'mfn. (fr. Causal) to be awakened ') awakened  |
vibodhita | mfn. instructed  |
vibṛh | (or vṛh-) P. -bṛhati-, to tear in pieces, break or pluck off, tear away  |
vibṛh | (or bṛṃh-) P. -bṛhati- (only 1. dual number Potential -bṛheva-), to embrace closely or passionately  |
vibrū | P. A1. -bravīti-, -brūte-, to speak out, express one's self, state, depose, declare etc. ; to explain, propound, teach etc. ; to interpret, decide (a law) ; to answer (a question) ; to make a false statement ; to be at variance, disagree ; to dispute, contend about  |
vibubhūṣā | See under vi-bhū-.  |
vibubhūṣā | f. (fr. Desiderative) the wish or intention to manifest one's self.  |
vibububhūṣu | mfn. wishing to develop or expand one's self.  |
vibuddha | mfn. (for 2.See vi-budh-) without consciousness  |
vibuddha | mfn. (for 1.See) awakened, wide awake etc.  |
vibuddha | mfn. expanded, blown  |
vibuddha | mfn. clever, experienced, skilful in (locative case)  |
vibuddhacūta | m. a mango-tree in blossom  |
vibuddhakamala | mfn. having expanded lotuses  |
vibuddhi | mfn. unreasonable  |
vibudh | A1. -budhyate-, to awake, be awake or a wakened etc. ; to become conscious or aware of, perceive, learn : Causal -bodhayati-, to awaken etc. ; to restore to consciousness  |
vibudha | mfn. (for 2.See vi-budh-) destitute of learned men  |
vibudha | mfn. (for 1.See) very wise or learned etc.  |
vibudha | m. a wise or learned man, teacher, Pandit  |
vibudha | m. a god etc.  |
vibudha | m. the moon  |
vibudha | m. Name of a prince (son of deva-mīḍha-)  |
vibudha | m. of kṛta-  |
vibudha | m. of the author of the janma-pradīpa-  |
vibudhācārya | m. "teacher of the gods", Name of bṛhas-pati-  |
vibudhādhipa | m. ( ) sovereign of the gods  |
vibudhādhipati | m. ( ) sovereign of the gods ( vibudhādhipatya tya- n.sovereignty of the gods )  |
vibudhādhipatya | n. vibudhādhipati |
vibudhaguru | m. "teacher of the gods", bṛhas-pati- or the planet Jupiter  |
vibudhamati | mfn. of wise understanding  |
vibudhāna | m. a wise man, teacher, preceptor  |
vibudhanadī | f. equals -taṭinī-  |
vibudhānucara | m. a god's attendant  |
vibudhapati | m. "king of the gods", Name of indra-  |
vibudhapriyā | f. "favourite of the gods", Name of a metre  |
vibudharāja | m. equals -pati-  |
vibudharañjanī | f. Name of work  |
vibudharipu | m. an enemy of the gods  |
vibudharṣabha | m. (for -ṛṣ-) chief of the gods  |
vibudhasadman | n. "abode of the gods", heaven or the sky  |
vibudhasakha | m. a friend of the gods  |
vibudhaśatru | ( ) m. "foe of the gods", a demon  |
vibudhastrī | f. "divine female", an apsaras-  |
vibudhataṭinī | f. "river of the gods", the gaṅgā-  |
vibudhatva | n. wisdom, learning  |
vibudhāvāsa | m. "god's abode", a temple  |
vibudhavidviṣ | ( ) m. "foe of the gods", a demon  |
vibudhavijaya | m. a victory won by the gods  |
vibudhendra | m. "best of the wise", (with ācārya-or āśrama-) Name of a teacher  |
vibudheśvara | m. lord of the gods  |
vibudhetara | m. "other than a god", an asura-  |
vibudhopadeśa | m. Name of a vocabulary.  |
vibuka | m. the son of a vaiśya- and a malli-  |
vic | (confer, compare vij-) cl.7 P. A1. ( ) vin/akti-, viṅkte- (2. sg. vivekṣi- ; perfect tense viveca- , parasmE-pada vivikv/as- Aorist avaikṣīt- grammar; future vektā-, vekṣyati- ; infinitive mood vektum- ; indeclinable -vicya-. -vecam- ), to sift, separate (especially grain from chaff by winnowing) ; to separate from, deprive of (instrumental case) ; to discriminate, discern, judge : Passive voice vicy/ate- (Aorist aveci-) etc.: Causal -vecayati- (Aorist avīvicat-) See vi-vic-: Desiderative vivikṣati- grammar : Intensive (or cl.3. See ) vevekti- [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin vicesetc.] |
vicācācalat | See /a-vicācala- etc.  |
vicācācali | See /a-vicācala- etc.  |
vicācala | See /a-vicācala- etc.  |
vicākaśat | mfn. (fr. Intensive) shining, radiant  |
vicākaśat | mfn. looking on, seeing, beholding, perceiving  |
vicākaśat | See vi-kāś-.  |
vicakhnu | or vicakhyu- m. Name of a king  |
vicakila | m. a kind of jasmine (Jasminum Zambac) ( also "a species of Artemisia"and"Vanguiera Spinosa") .  |
vicakilamaya | mf(ī-)n. made or consisting of vicakila- flowers  |
vicakra | mfn. wheel-less  |
vicakra | mfn. having no discus  |
vicakra | m. Name of a dānava-  |
vicakramāṇa | mfn. (fr. Intensive) striding, traversing  |
vicakropaskaropastha | mfn. (a chariot) without wheels and implements and seat  |
vicakṣ | A1. -caṣṭe- (Ved. infinitive mood -c/akṣe-), to appear, shine ; to see distinctly, view, look at, perceive, regard ; to make manifest, show ; to proclaim, announce, tell : Causal -cakṣayati-, to cause to see distinctly, make clear ; to proclaim, tell  |
vicakṣaṇa | mfn. conspicuous, visible, bright, radiant, splendid  |
vicakṣaṇa | mfn. distinct, perceptible  |
vicakṣaṇa | mfn. clear-sighted (literally and figuratively), sagacious, clever, wise, experienced or versed in, familiar with (locative case or compound) etc.  |
vicakṣaṇa | m. Name of a preceptor (with the patronymic tāṇḍya-)  |
vicakṣaṇā | f. Tiaridium Indicum  |
vicakṣaṇa | m. Name of brahmā-'s throne  |
vicakṣaṇa | m. Name of a female servant  |
vicakṣaṇacanasitavat | mfn. accompanied by the word vicakṣaṇa-, or canasita-  |
vicakṣaṇam | ind. gaRa gotrādi-  |
vicakṣaṇammanya | mfn. considering one's self clever or wise  |
vicakṣaṇatva | n. sagaciousness, cleverness, discernment, judgement, wisdom  |
vicakṣaṇavat | mfn. connected with the word vicakṣaṇa- (see ṇānta- , ṇottara- )  |
vicakṣas | m. a teacher  |
vicakṣas | n. seeing clear, clear-sightedness (varia lectio cakṣus-).  |
vicakṣus | mfn. eyeless, blind  |
vicakṣus | mfn. = vi-manas-2  |
vicakṣus | m. Name of a prince  |
vicakṣus | n. (in a formula, with cakṣus-)  |
vicakṣus | vi-catura-, vi-candra- etc. See .  |
vicakṣuṣkaraṇa | n. rendering hostile, alienation  |
vicakṣya | mfn. conspicuous, visible  |
vical | P. -calati-, to move about, shake, waver ; to move away, depart or swerve or deviate or desist from (ablative) etc. ; to fall off or down ; to go astray, fail, be agitated or disturbed or destroyed : Causal -cālayati-, to cause to move, loosen, shake ; to agitate, excite, stir up, trouble ; to cause to turn off or swerve from (ablative) ; to destroy, rescind  |
vicala | mfn. moving about, shaking, unsteady (See a-v-)  |
vicala | mfn. conceited  |
vicāla | m. putting apart, distributing, separating  |
vicāla | m. interval  |
vicāla | mfn. intervening, intermediate  |
vicalana | n. wandering from place to place, roaming about, unsteadiness  |
vicalana | n. boastfulness  |
vicalana | n. moving from, deviation  |
vicālana | mf(ī-)n. removing, destroying  |
vicālin | See a-vicālita- etc.  |
vicalita | mfn. gone away, departed, deviated from (ablative)  |
vicalita | mfn. troubled, obscured, blinded  |
vicālita | See a-vicālita- etc.  |
vicālya | See a-vicālita- etc.  |
vicandra | mf(ā-)n. moonless (as a night)  |
vicar | P. -carati-, to move in different directions, spread, expand, be diffused ; to rove, ramble about or through, traverse, pervade etc. ; to sally forth, march against, make an attack or assault etc. ; to wander from the right path, go astray, be dissolute ; to commit a mistake or blunder (with words) ; to run out, come to an end ; to stand or be situated in (locative case;applied to heavenly bodies) ; to associate or have intercourse with (instrumental case) ; to act, proceed, behave, live ; to practise, perform, accomplish, make, do etc. ; to graze upon, feed upon (a pasture) : Causal -cārayati-, to cause to go or roam about ; to cause to go astray, seduce ; to move hither and thither (in the mind), ponder, reflect, consider etc. ; to doubt, hesitate ; to examine, investigate, ascertain  |
vicara | mfn. wandered or swerved from (ablative)  |
vicāra | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) mode of acting or proceeding, procedure (also = a single or particular case)  |
vicāra | m. change of place  |
vicāra | m. pondering, deliberation, consideration, reflection, examination, investigation etc.  |
vicāra | m. doubt, hesitation  |
vicāra | m. a probable conjecture  |
vicāra | m. dispute, discussion  |
vicāra | m. prudence  |
vicārabhū | f. a tribunal  |
vicārabhū | f. the judgement-seat of yama- (judge of the dead)  |
vicāracintāmaṇi | m. Name of work  |
vicāradṛś | mfn. "employing no spies for eyes" (See cāra-), and"looking at a matter with consideration"  |
vicārajña | mfn. knowing how to discriminate or judge, able to decide on the merits of a case, a judge  |
vicāraka | m. a leader, guide  |
vicāraka | m. a spy  |
vicāraka | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') one who deliberates or considers  |
vicārakartṛ | m. one who makes investigation, a judge, investigator  |
vicārakatā | f. investigation, deliberation, discussion  |
vicārakatva | n. investigation, deliberation, discussion  |
vicāramālā | f. Name of work  |
vicāramañjarī | f. Name of work  |
vicāramūḍha | mfn. foolish or mistaken in judgement  |
vicaraṇa | mfn. (for 2.See vi-car-) footless  |
vicaraṇa | n. (for 1.See) wandering, motion  |
vicāraṇa | n. (alsof(ā-).) consideration, reflexion, discussion, doubt, hesitation etc.  |
vicāraṇa | n. changing a place (only n.)  |
vicāraṇā | f. distinction, kind  |
vicāraṇā | f. Name of the mīmāṃsā- system of philosophy  |
vicāranirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
vicaraṇīya | mfn. it is to be acted or proceeded  |
vicāraṇīya | mfn. to be deliberated about, needing careful consideration  |
vicārapara | m. Name of a king,  |
vicārārkasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
vicārārthasamāgama | m. assembly for the sake of trial or judgement, an assembly for investigation or discussion  |
vicāraśāstra | n. Name of work  |
vicāraśīla | mfn. disposed to deliberation or reflection, considerate, deliberative  |
vicārasthala | n. a place for discussion or investigation, tribunal  |
vicārasthala | n. a logical disputation  |
vicārasudhākara | m. Name of work |
vicārasudhārṇava | m. Name of work |
vicāravat | mfn. proceeding with consideration, considerate, prudent  |
vicāravid | m. (prob.)"knowing how to discriminate" , Name of śiva-  |
vicarcī | f. equals carcikā-  |
vicarcikā | f. ( carc-) "coating, cover", a form of cutaneous eruption, itch, scab  |
vicarcita | mfn. rubbed, smeared, anointed, applied (as an unguent)  |
vicārikā | f. a female servant who looks after the garden and the various divisions of the house  |
vicārin | mfn. having wide paths (as the earth)  |
vicārin | mfn. moving about, wandering, traversing etc.  |
vicārin | mfn. proceeding, acting  |
vicārin | mfn. changing, mutable  |
vicārin | mfn. wanton, dissolute, lascivious (varia lectio)  |
vicārin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') deliberating, judging, discussing  |
vicārin | m. Name of a son of kavandha-  |
vicarita | mfn. moved in different directions etc.  |
vicarita | n. wandering, roaming about  |
vicārita | mfn. deliberated, considered, discussed, judged etc.  |
vicārita | mfn. anything which is under discussion, dubious, doubtful, uncertain  |
vicārita | mfn. anything which has been discussed or decided, ascertained, settled  |
vicārita | n. (also plural) deliberation, doubt, hesitation  |
vicarman | mfn. shieldless  |
vicarman | vi-carṣaṇi- See .  |
vicārokti | f. discriminating speech  |
vicarṣaṇa | (prob. wrong reading) (v/i--) mfn. very active or busy  |
vicarṣaṇi | (v/i--) mfn. very active or busy  |
vicāru | m. Name of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
vicārya | mfn. to be deliberated or discussed (n. impersonal or used impersonally), dubious, doubtful, questionable  |
vicaṭ | P. -caṭati-, to break (intr.)  |
vicaṭana | n. breaking,  |
vicatura | mfn. containing various quarters (or half-verses) (see ) .  |
vicaya | See vi-- 1. 2. ci-, column 3.  |
vicaya | m. gathering or putting together, arrangement, enumeration  |
vicaya | m. search, investigation, examination  |
vicayana | n. idem or 'm. search, investigation, examination '  |
vicayiṣṭha | (v/i--) mfn. removing most effectually, effacing  |
vicchad | (1 chad-), Causal -cchādayati-, to uncover, unclothe (only ,as varia lectio for -cchāyayati-).  |
vicchad | (3 chad-), Causal -chandayati-, to render or return homage (?)  |
vicchanda | mfn. (v/i--) consisting of various metres  |
vicchanda | m. equals next  |
vicchanda | v/i-cchandas-, vi-cchardaka- See .  |
vicchandaka | m. a building consisting of several stories and surrounded by a portico, a palace or temple  |
vicchandas | mfn. (v/i--) equals v/i-cchanda-  |
vicchandas | f. (scilicet ṛc-) a verse containing various metres  |
vicchandas | n. a kind of metre  |
vicchardaka | m. equals vi-cchandaka-  |
vicchardana | n. ( chṛd-) the act of vomiting  |
vicchardana | n. disregarding  |
vicchardana | n. wasting (?)  |
vicchardikā | f. (See vi-chṛd-).  |
vicchardikā | f. the act of vomiting  |
vicchardita | mfn. vomited, ejected  |
vicchardita | mfn. disregarded, neglected  |
vicchardita | mfn. diminished, impaired  |
vicchāy | vicchāyati- See vich-.  |
vicchāya | n. (for 2.See) the shadow of a flock of birds (alsof(ā-). )  |
vicchāya | mf(ā-)n. (for 1.See 1. vi-,p.949) destitute of shadow, shadowless  |
vicchāya | mf(ā-)n. lacking colour or lustre or distinction, pale ( vicchāyatā -tā- f.)  |
vicchāya | m. a jewel, gem  |
vicchāya | 1. 2. See pp. 949, 950.  |
vicchāyatā | f. vicchāya |
vicchāyaya | Nom. P. yayati-, to free from shadow, deprive of colour or lustre (-cchāyita-,colourless, pale) ; -cchāyī-kṛ- P. -karoti- idem or 'm. a jewel, gem '  |
viccheda | m. cutting asunder, cleaving, piercing, breaking, division, separation  |
viccheda | m. interruption, discontinuance, cessation, end etc.  |
viccheda | m. removal, destruction  |
viccheda | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') injury to  |
viccheda | m. distinction, difference (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' also"variety" id est different kinds of)  |
viccheda | m. division of a book, section, chapter  |
viccheda | m. space, interval  |
viccheda | m. caesura, pause in a verse  |
vicchedaka | mf(ikā-)n. cutting off or asunder, dividing, separating, a cutter, divider  |
vicchedana | mfn. separating, interrupting  |
vicchedanā | f. breaking off (plural)  |
vicchedana | n. cutting off, removal, annulment, destruction  |
vicchedana | n. distinguishing  |
vicchedanīya | mfn. to be separated, divisible  |
vicchedin | mfn. breaking, destroying  |
vicchedin | mfn. having breaks or intervals  |
vicchid | ( chid-) P. -chinatti-, -chintte- to cut or tear or cleave or break asunder, cut off, divide, separate etc. ; to interrupt (See vi-cchidya-) ; to disturb, destroy ; to be divided  |
vicchidya | ind. having cut off etc.  |
vicchidya | ind. separately, interruptedly  |
vicchinna | mfn. cut or torn or split or cleft or broken asunder etc.  |
vicchinna | mfn. interrupted, disconnected ( vicchinnatā -tā- f.disconnectedness) , incoherent  |
vicchinna | mfn. ended, ceased, no longer existing,  |
vicchinna | mfn. crooked  |
vicchinna | mfn. anointed  |
vicchinnabalikarman | mfn. having sacrificial rites interrupted  |
vicchinnadhūmaprasara | mfn. having the free course of the smoke interrupted  |
vicchinnamadya | mfn. one who has long abstained from spirituous liquor |
vicchinnaprasara | mfn. (vicchinnaprasara-) having its progress interrupted (said of science)  |
vicchinnaśarapātatva | n. "distance of an arrow's flight" id est excessive nearness of combatants to each other  |
vicchinnatā | f. vicchinna |
vicchitti | f. (v/i--) cutting asunder or off, breaking off, prevention, interruption, cessation etc.  |
vicchitti | f. wanting, lack of (instrumental case)  |
vicchitti | f. (in rhetoric) a pointed or cutting or sharp style  |
vicchitti | f. irregularity or carelessness in dress and decoration  |
vicchitti | f. colouring or marking the body with unguents, painting  |
vicchitti | f. caesura, pause in a verse  |
viccho | ( cho-), Causal -cchāyayati- to cut about, wound (see vich-).  |
vicchuraṇa | n. ( chur-) besprinkling, bestrewing, powdering  |
vicchurita | mfn. bestrewed or powdered or covered or inlaid with (instrumental case or compound)  |
vicchurita | m. a particular samādhi-  |
viceṣṭ | P. A1. -ceṣṭati-, te-, to move the limbs about, writhe, wallow, struggle ; to bestir or exert one's self, be active or busy ; act or proceed against, deal with (locative case) etc.: Causal -ceṣṭayati-, to set in motion, rouse to action  |
viceṣṭa | mfn. motionless  |
viceṣṭā | f. motion (See nir-viceṣṭa-)  |
viceṣṭā | f. acting, proceeding, conduct, behaviour (see dur-viceṣṭa-)  |
viceṣṭā | f. effort, exertion  |
viceṣṭana | n. moving the limbs  |
viceṣṭana | n. kicking or rolling (said of horses)  |
viceṣṭita | mfn. struggled, striven, exerted etc.  |
viceṣṭita | mfn. effected, produced  |
viceṣṭita | mfn. investigated, inquired into  |
viceṣṭita | mfn. unconsidered, ill-judged  |
viceṣṭita | n. motion (of the body), gesture  |
viceṣṭita | n. action, exertion, conduct, behaviour etc.  |
viceṣṭita | n. evil or malicious act, machination  |
viceṣṭitṛ | mfn. moving the limbs, etc.  |
vicetana | mf(ā-)n. (for 2.See under vi-cit-) senseless, unconscious, absent-minded etc.  |
vicetana | mf(ā-)n. inanimate, dead  |
vicetana | mf(ā-)n. foolish, stupid  |
vicetana | See a-vicetan/a-. 2.  |
vicetana | vi-cetas- etc. See under vi-- 4. cit-, column 1.  |
vicetanī | f. rendering unconscious  |
vicetas | mfn. (v/i--) (for 2.See vi-cit-) absent-minded, confounded, perplexed  |
vicetas | mfn. ignorant, stupid  |
vicetas | mfn. (v/i--) visible, clearly seen  |
vicetas | mfn. discerning, wise  |
vicetavya | mfn. to be searched or examined or investigated or found out  |
vicetī | ind., with kṛ-, bhū-, and as-  |
vicetṛ | mfn. one who sifts, sifter (with genitive case)  |
viceya | mfn. to be searched or searched through ( viceyatāraka -tāraka- mfn.having the stars distinguishable or separated by long intervals )  |
viceya | n. investigation  |
viceyatāraka | mfn. viceya |
vich | cl.10 P. ( ) vicchayati-, to speak or to shine ; vicchāy/ati- ( ; see ), to go (with ny-ā-,to press or rub one's self against): Causal vicchāy/ayati-, to press, bring into straits (perhaps ) .  |
vici | or vicī- f. equals vīci-, a wave  |
vici | (not always separable from vi--2. ci-) P. A1. -cinoti-, -cinute- (imperative -citana-, -ciyantu- ), to segregate, select, pick out, cull ; to divide, part (hair) ; to take away, remove, disperse ; to clear, prepare (a road) ; to distribute ; to gather, collect ; to pile or heap up in a wrong way, disarrange  |
vici | (see prec.) P. -ciketi-, -cinoti- etc. (pr. p. -cinvat-and -cinvāna-), to discern, distinguish ; to make anything discernible or clear, cause to appear, illumine ; to search through, investigate, inspect, examine etc. ; to look for, long for, strive after  |
vicicinvatka | mfn. (fr. pr. p. cinvat-) sifting, discriminating  |
vicicīṣā | f. (fr. Desiderative) desire of searching |
vicicit | mfn. searching, sifting  |
vicicita | mfn. searched through, searched  |
viciciti | f. equals caya-  |
vicicitya | mfn. to be sifted  |
vicikila | varia lectio for vicakila-  |
vicikitsā | f. doubt, uncertainty, question, inquiry  |
vicikitsā | f. error, mistake  |
vicikitsana | n. (fr. Desiderative) the being uncertain, doubtfulness  |
vicikitsārthīya | mfn. expressing doubt or uncertainty  |
vicikitsya | n. (impersonal or used impersonally) it is to be doubted  |
vicilaka | m. a kind of venomous insect  |
vicint | P. A1. -cintayati-, te-, to perceive, discern, observe ; to think of, reflect upon, ponder, consider, regard, mind, care for etc. ; to find out, devise, investigate ; to fancy, imagine  |
vicintā | f. thought, reflection, care for anything |
vicintana | n. thinking, thought  |
vicintanīya | mfn. to be considered or observed  |
vicintita | mfn. thought of, considered, imagined  |
vicintitṛ | mfn. one who thinks of (genitive case)  |
vicintya | mfn. to be considered or thought of or cared for  |
vicintya | mfn. to be found out or devised  |
vicintya | mfn. doubtful, questionable  |
vicīrin | wrong reading for vi-cārin-  |
vicīrṇa | mfn. gone or wandered through etc.  |
vicīrṇa | mfn. occupied by  |
vicīrṇa | mfn. entered  |
vicīrṇa | See under vi-car-.  |
vicit | P. A1. -cetati-, te-, to perceive, discern, understand ; (A1.) to be or become visible, appear : Causal -citayati-, to perceive, distinguish : Desiderative -cikitsati-, to wish to distinguish ; to reflect, consider, doubt, be uncertain, hesitate  |
vicitra | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
vicitra | mf(ā-)n. variegated, many-coloured, motley, brilliant etc.  |
vicitra | mf(ā-)n. manifold, various, diverse etc.  |
vicitra | mf(ā-)n. strange, wonderful, surprising etc.  |
vicitra | mf(ā-)n. charming, lovely, beautiful  |
vicitra | mf(ā-)n. amusing, entertaining (as a story)  |
vicitra | mf(ā-)n. painted, coloured  |
vicitra | mf(ā-)n. charmingly  |
vicitra | m. the aśoka- tree  |
vicitra | m. Name of a king  |
vicitra | m. of a son of manu- raucya- or deva-sāvarṇi-  |
vicitra | m. of a heron  |
vicitrā | f. a white deer  |
vicitra | m. colocynth  |
vicitra | m. (in music) a particular mūrchanā-  |
vicitra | m. Name of a river  |
vicitra | n. variegated colour, party-colour  |
vicitra | n. wonder, surprise  |
vicitra | n. a figure of speech (implying apparently the reverse of the meaning intended)  |
vicitrabhūṣaṇa | m. Name of a kiṃ-nara-  |
vicitracaritra | mfn. behaving in a wonderful manner  |
vicitracīnāṃśuka | n. variegated China cloth, shot or watered China silk  |
vicitradeha | mfn. having a painted body  |
vicitradeha | mfn. elegantly formed  |
vicitradeha | m. a cloud  |
vicitraka | mfn. wonderful, surprising  |
vicitraka | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') connected with (?)  |
vicitraka | m. Betula Bhojpatra  |
vicitraka | n. wonder, astonishment  |
vicitrakatha | m. "one whose stories are amusing", Name of a man  |
vicitrālaṃkārasvara | m. Name of a serpent-demon  |
vicitram | ind. manifoldly, variously  |
vicitramālyābharaṇa | mfn. having variegated garlands and ornaments  |
vicitramauliśrīcūḍa | m. Name of a prince  |
vicitrāṅga | m. "having variegated limbs or a spotted body", a peacock  |
vicitrāṅga | m. a tiger  |
vicitrapaśu | m. Name of a poet  |
vicitrāpīḍa | m. Name of a vidyā-dhara-  |
vicitrarūpa | mfn. having various forms, various, diverse  |
vicitrasiṃha | m. Name of a man  |
vicitratā | f. variegation, variety, wonderfulness  |
vicitratva | n. variegation, variety, wonderfulness  |
vicitravāgurocchrāyamaya | mf(ī-)n. filled with various outspread nets  |
vicitravākyapaṭutā | f. great eloquence  |
vicitravarṣin | mfn. raining here and there (not everywhere)  |
vicitravīrya | m. "of marvellous heroism", Name of a celebrated king of the lunar race (the son of śāṃtanu- by his wife satya-vatī-, and so half-brother of bhīṣma-;when he died childless, his mother requested vyāsa-, whom she had borne before her marriage to the sage parāśara-, to raise up issue to vicitra-vīrya-;so vyāsa- married the two widows of his half-brother, ambikā- and ambālikā-, and by them became the father of dhṛta-rāṣṭra- and pāṇḍu-; see )  |
vicitravīryasū | f."mother of vicitra-vīrya-", Name of satya-vatī-  |
vicitrita | mfn. variegated, spotted, coloured, painted  |
vicitrita | mfn. embellished by, adorned or decorated with (instrumental case or compound)  |
vicitrita | mfn. wonderful  |
vicitta | mfn. (for 2.See under vi-cit-) unconscious  |
vicitta | mfn. not knowing what to do, helpless  |
vicitta | (v/i--) mfn. (for 1.See) perceived, observed, perceivable, manifest  |
vicittatā | f. unconsciousness  |
vicitti | f. perturbation (equals vi-bhrama-)  |
vicitvārā | (prob.) wrong reading for vijitvarā-.  |
vicṛt | P. -cṛtati-, to loosen, detach, untie, open, set free  |
vicṛt | f. the act of loosening or untying  |
vicṛt | f. dual number Name of two stars  |
vicṛt | f. of the 17th nakṣatra-  |
vicṛtta | (v/i--) mfn. loosened, untied, opened, spread (cṛta- wrong reading ) .  |
vicula | m. Vangueria Spinosa  |
vicūlin | mfn. having no crest  |
vicumb | P. -cumbati-, to kiss eagerly, kiss  |
vicūrṇ | P. -cūrṇayati-, to grind to pieces, pound, smash, pulverize  |
vicūrṇana | n. grinding to pieces, pulverizing  |
vicūrṇībhū | P. -bhavati-, to become pulverized or smashed, become dust  |
vicūrṇita | mfn. ground, pounded etc.  |
vicūrṇita | m. Name of a man  |
vicyu | Caus. -cyāvayati-, to cause to fall to pieces, throw down, destroy  |
vicyuta | mfn. (v/i--) fallen asunder or to pieces  |
vicyuta | mfn. fallen or departed or swerved or deviated from (ablative)  |
vicyuta | mfn. failed, perished, lost  |
vicyuta | mfn. loosened, set free  |
vicyuta | mfn. (in surgery) separated from the living part, sloughed  |
vicyuti | f. falling from (literally and figuratively)  |
vicyuti | f. severance, separation  |
vicyuti | f. failure, miscarriage (See garbha-v-).  |
viḍ | (see biṭ-and viṭ-;prob. artificial and of doubtful connection with the following words) cl.1 P. veḍati-, to call, cry out, curse, swear varia lectio ; to break  |
viḍ | f. a bit, fragment  |
vid | cl.2 P. ( ) vetti- (vidmahe- ; vedati-, te- ; vid/ati-, te- etc.; vindati-, te- etc.; imperative vidāṃ-karotu- [ confer, compare ];1. sg. imperfect tense avedam-,2. sg. avet-or aves-[ ] etc.;3. plural avidus- [ confer, compare ]; avidan- etc.; perfect tense v/eda-[often substituted for proper vetti- confer, compare ], 3. plural vid/us-or vidre- ; viveda- etc.; vidāṃcak/āra- etc.[ confer, compare ; according to to also vidām-babhūva-]; Aorist avedīt- ; vidām-akran- ; future vedit/ā- ; vettā- future vediṣyati-, te- ; vetsyati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood v/editum-, tos- ; vettum- etc.; ind.p. viditv/ā- etc.), to know, understand, perceive, learn, become or be acquainted with, be conscious of, have a correct notion of (with accusative,in older, language also with genitive case;with infinitive mood = to know how to) etc. (viddhi yathā-,"know that"; vidyāt-,"one should know","it should be understood"; ya evam veda-[in ],"who knows thus","who has this knowledge") ; to know or regard or consider as, take for, declare to be, call (especially in 3. plural vidus-,with two accusative or with accusative and Nominal verb with iti-, exempli gratia, 'for example' taṃ sthaviraṃ viduḥ-,"they consider or call him aged"; rājarṣir iti māṃ viduḥ-,"they consider me a rājarṣi-") etc. ; to mind, notice, observe, remember (with genitive case or accusative) ; to experience, feel (accusative or genitive case) etc. ; to wish to know, inquire about (accusative) : Causal ved/ayate- (rarely ti-; Aorist avīvidat-; Passive voice vedyate-), to make known, announce, report, tell etc. ; to teach, explain ; to recognize or regard as, take for (two accusative) etc. ; to feel, experience etc.: Desiderative of Causal in vivedayiṣu- q.v : Desiderative vividiṣati- or vivitsati-, to wish to know or learn, inquire about (acc) : Intensive vevidyate-, vevetti- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek for , for equals veda-; Latin videre; Slavonic or Slavonian ve8de8ti; Gothic witan,wait; German wizzan,wissen; Anglo-Saxon wa7t; English wot.])  |
vid | mfn. knowing, understanding, a knower (mostly in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound';superl. vit-tama-) etc.  |
vid | m. the planet Mercury (see 2. jña-)  |
vid | f. knowledge understanding  |
vid | f. (plural)  |
vid | (originally identical with1. vid-) cl.6 P. A1. ( ) vind/ati-, te- (Vedic or Veda also vitt/e-, vid/e-; parasmE-pada vidān/a-or vidāna-[ q.v ]; Epic 3. plural vindate- Potential vindyāt-,often equals vidyāt-; perfect tense viv/eda-[3. plural vividus- subjunctive vividat-], vividv/as-,3. plural vividre-, vidr/e- etc.; parasmE-pada vividv/as- ; vividivas- ; Aorist /avidat-, data- [ Vedic or Veda subjunctive vid/āsi-, d/āt-; Potential vid/et-, deta- ;3. sg. videṣṭa- ]; A1.1. sg. avitsi- ; future vettā-, vediṣyati- grammar; vetsyati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood vid/e- ; vettum- etc.; v/ettave- ; ttavai-[?] and tos- ; ind.p. vittv/ā- ; -vidya- etc.) , to find, discover, meet or fall in with, obtain, get, acquire, partake of, possess etc. etc. (with diśas-,to find out the quarters of she sky ) ; to get or procure for (dative case) ; to seek out, look for, attend to etc. ; to feel, experience ; to consider as, take for (two accusative) ; to come upon, befall, seize, visit ; to contrive, accomplish, perform, effect, produce ; (A1. mc. also P.) to take to wife, marry (with or scilicet bhāryām-) etc. ; to find (a husband), marry (said of a woman) ; to obtain (a son, with or scilicet sutam-) : Passive voice or A1. vidy/ate- (Epic also ti-; parasmE-pada vidyamāna-[ q.v ]; Aorist avedi-), to be found, exist, be etc. ; (especially in later language) vidyate-,"there is, there exists", often with na-,"there is not" ; with bhoktum-,"there is something to eat" ; followed by a future ,"is it possible that?" ; yathā-vid/e-,"as it happens" id est "as usual","as well as possible" : Causal vedayati-, to cause to find etc. : Desiderative vividiṣati- or vivitsati-, te- grammar (see vivitsita-): Intensive vevidyate-, vevetti- (for parasmE-pada v/evidat-and dāna-See vi--and saṃvid-). |
vid | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') finding, acquiring, procuring (See anna--, aśva--, ahar-vid-etc.)  |
vid | cl.7 A1. ( ) vintte-, to consider as, take for (two accusative)  |
viḍ | in compound for 3. viṣ-.  |
viḍa | mn. a kind of salt (either factitious salt, procured by boiling earth impregnated with saline particles, or a particular kind of fetid salt used medicinally as a tonic aperient, commonly called Vit-lavan or Bit-noben see viḍ-lavaṇa-;it is black in colour and is prepared by fusing fossil silt with a small portion of Emblic Myrobalan, the product being muriate of soda with small quantities of muriate of lime, sulphur, and oxide of iron)  |
viḍa | m. Name of a country and its king  |
viḍa | m. a fragment, bit, portion (?)  |
vida | mfn. equals prec. (see ko--, trayī--, dvi-v-)  |
vida | m. knowledge, discovery (see dur-v-)  |
vida | m. Name of a man (see bida-).  |
vidā | P. -dadāti-, to give out, distribute, grant  |
vidā | (or do-,not separable fr.4. dā-) P. -dāti-, or -dyati- (ind.p. -ditya-), to cut up, cut to pieces, bruise, pound ; to untie, release, deliver from (ablative) ; to destroy  |
vidabhṛt | m. Name of a man gaRa gargādi- (see vaidabhṛta-, tya-).  |
vidad | (for vidat-, pr. p. of3. vid-), in compound  |
vidadaṅkṣu | (?) mfn. (fr. Desiderative) wishing to bite or to eat  |
vidadaśva | m. "granting horses", Name of a man (see vaidadaśvi-).  |
vidadvasu | (vid/ad--) mfn. possessing or granting wealth  |
vidagaṇa | (?)  |
viḍagandha | n. the medicinal salt described above  |
vidagdha | mfn. (for 2.See vi-dah-) undigested  |
vidagdha | See vi-dah- below.  |
vidagdha | mfn. burnt up, consumed |
vidagdha | mfn. inflamed  |
vidagdha | mfn. cooked by internal heat as by the fire of digestion, digested  |
vidagdha | mfn. decomposed, corrupted, spoiled, turned sour  |
vidagdha | mfn. mature (as a tumour)  |
vidagdha | mfn. tawny or reddish brown (like impure blood)  |
vidagdha | mfn. clever, shrewd, knowing, sharp, crafty, sly, artful, intriguing etc.  |
vidagdha | m. tawny (the colour)  |
vidagdha | m. a clever man, scholar, Pandit  |
vidagdha | m. a libertine, intriguer  |
vidagdha | m. Name of a teacher of the vājasaneyin-s  |
vidagdhā | f. a sharp or knowing woman  |
vidagdhabodha | m. Name of a grammar (by rāma-candra- miśra-)  |
vidagdhacuḍāmaṇi | m. Name of an enchanted parrot  |
vidagdhājīrṇa | n. a particular form of indigestion  |
vidagdhaka | m. a burning corpse  |
vidagdhālāpa | mfn. clever in language, elegant, witty  |
vidagdhamādhava | n. Name of a nāṭaka- or drama (by rūpa- go-svāmin-, in 7 acts, written A.D. 1549;it is a dramatic version of the gīta-govinda- on the loves of kṛṣṇa- and rādhā-)  |
vidagdhamukhamaṇḍana | n. Name of work on enigmas (by the Buddhist dharmadāsa-)  |
vidagdhapariṣad | f. an assembly or company of clever people  |
vidagdhaparivṛd |