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Grammar Search
"vedhas" has 6 results
vedhas: neuter nominative singular stem: vedhas
vedhas: masculine nominative singular stem: vedha
vedhas: neuter accusative singular stem: vedhas
vedhas: masculine vocative singular stem: vedhas
vedhas: neuter vocative singular stem: vedhas
vedhas: feminine vocative singular stem: vedhas
Monier-Williams Search
14 results for vedhas
vedhasmfn. (in some meanings prob. connected with vi-dhā-; Nominal verb m. vedh/ās- accusative vedh/asam-or vedh/ām-) pious, religious, virtuous, good, brave (also applied to gods) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedhasmfn. wise View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedhasmfn. performing, accomplishing (in gambhīra-v-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedhasm. a worshipper of the gods View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedhasm. an arranger, disposer, creator (especially applied to brahmā-, but also to prajāpati-, puruṣa-, śiva-, viṣṇu-, dharma-, the Sun etc.) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedhasm. an author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedhasm. a wise or learned man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedhasm. Name of the father of hari-ścandra- (See vaidasa-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedhasan. the part of the hand under the root of the thumb (considered as sacred to brahmā-;See tīrtha-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedhasam. Name of a Vedic ṛṣi- (said to belong to the family of aṅgiras-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedhasīf. Name of a place of pilgrimage View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedhastama(vedh/as--). mfn. most pious or religious, best, wisest View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedhasf. (instrumental case) worship, piety View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuvedhasm. bad fate View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
2 results
vedhas वेधस् m. [विधा असुन् गुणः] 1 A creator; मदनश्च वेधाः Māl.1.21. -2 N. of Brahman, the creator; तं वेधा विदधे नूनं महाभूतसमाधिना R.1.29; Ku.2.16;5.41. -3 A secondary creator (such as Dakṣa, sprung from Bhrahman); विधाता वेधसामपि Ku.2.14. -4 N. of Śiva. -5 Of Viṣṇu. -6 The sun. -7 The Arka plant. -8 A learned man. -9 A priest. -1 N. of Soma. -11 A poet. -a. Performing, accomplishing; गम्भीरवेधा उपगुप्त- वित्तः Bhāg.4.16.1.
vedhasam वेधसम् The part of the hand under the root of the thumb.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
vedhas vedh-ás, m. disposer, iii. 59, 4 [vidh worship, be gracious].
Macdonell Search
1 result
vedhas a. [√ vidh; ac. sts. vedh&asharp;m] pious, believing (V.); virtuous, good (ep. of the gods; V.); wise (C.); m. worshipper of the gods (V.); author (C.); Creator, ep. of Brahman (C.).
Bloomfield Vedic
1 result0 results46 results
ā vedhasaṃ nīlapṛṣṭhaṃ bṛhantam RV.5.43.12a; MS.4.14.4a: 219.11; TB. P: ā vedhasam TB.; śś.6.10.5.
agne vedhastama priyam RV.1.75.2b.
agnir vedhastama ṛṣiḥ RV.6.14.2b.
gandharvāso vedhaso mahyam ūcuḥ AVP.2.23.4b.
kavir vedhasyā pary eṣi māhinam RV.9.82.2a; SV.2.668a; JB.3.259a.
pra vedhasaś cit tirasi manīṣām RV.4.6.1d.
pra vedhase kavaye vedyāya (TB.Apśṃś. medhyāya) RV.5.15.1a; KS.7.12a; TB.; Apś.5.5.8a; Mś. P: pra vedhase kavaye Aś.4.13.7. See śrutkarṇāya, and cf. avocāma kavaye.
puṣṭikāmāya vedhasā AVś.19.31.1b; AVP.10.5.1b.
upacinvanti vedhasaḥ TS.; 5.10.3b; MS.1.1.8b: 4.14; 4.1.8b: 10.13; KS.1.7b; 31.6; Kś.2.8.16b.
yadī vedhasaḥ samithe havante RV.6.25.6b.
agniṃ manthanti vedhasaḥ # RV.6.15.17b.
apām ekaṃ vedhasāṃ (AVP. vedhaso) reta āhuḥ # AVś.5.28.6d; AVP.2.59.4d.
arca gāya ca vedhase # RV.6.16.22c; KS.7.16c.
avocāma kavaye medhyāya # RV.5.1.12a; VS.15.25a; TS.; MS.2.13.7a: 155.16. Cf. under pra vedhase.
aṣāḍhāya sahamānāya vedhase (TB. mīḍhuṣe) # RV.2.21.2b; 7.46.1c; TB.;; N.10.6c.
asarji vāṃ sthavirā vedhasā gīḥ # RV.1.181.7a.
ā me asya vedhaso navīyasaḥ # RV.1.131.6f; AVś.20.72.3f.
ā vivāsanti vedhasaḥ # RV.8.60.5d; SV.1.42d.
imāṃ vācaṃ na vedhasām # RV.1.129.1g.
ime viprasya vedhasaḥ # RV.8.43.1a. P: ime viprasya Aś.4.13.7; śś.6.4.1; VHDh.6.17. Cf. BṛhD.6.79.
karma kṛṇvanti vedhasaḥ # TS.; TB.
kavayaḥ santi vedhasaḥ # RV.5.52.13b.
kīlālape somapṛṣṭhāya vedhase # RV.10.91.14c; VS.20.78c; MS.3.11.4c: 146.14; KS.38.9c; TB.; Apś.19.3.2c.
kratuṃ sacanta mārutasya vedhasaḥ # RV.1.156.4b; AB.1.30.18b.
gṛṇanto agne vidatheṣu vedhasaḥ # RV.10.122.8b.
jāyemahi prathamā vedhaso nṝn # RV.4.2.15b.
tat saṃpibanto na minanti vedhasaḥ # TB.
tathā tad vedhaso viduḥ # AVś.5.18.14d.
tad ā badhnanti vedhasaḥ # AVś.3.9.3b. See yad etc.
taṃ tvā hinvanti vedhasaḥ # RV.9.26.6a.
te gṛṇanti vedhasaḥ # RV.4.32.11a.
tvayā bhūṣanti vedhasaḥ # SV.2.164b. See tve ā.
tve ā bhūṣanti vedhasaḥ # RV.8.99.2b. See tvayā bhūṣanti.
dakṣo viśvāyur vedhase # RV.10.144.1c.
dasrā madanti kāravaḥ (AVś. vedhasaḥ; MS. śobhase) # AVś.7.73.2d; MS.4.14.14d: 238.6; Aś.4.7.4d; śś.5.10.8d. See vṛṣṇā madanti.
divo vaśanty asurasya vedhasaḥ # RV.8.20.17b.
dhārā sutasya vedhasaḥ # RV.9.2.3b; 16.7b; SV.2.389b.
ni kāvyā vedhasaḥ śaśvatas kaḥ # RV.1.72.1a; TS. P: ni kāvyā TS.
pariṣ kṛṇvanti vedhasaḥ # RV.9.64.23b.
pra punānāya vedhase # RV.9.103.1a; SV.1.573a.
marīcīnāṃ padam ichanti vedhasaḥ # RV.10.177.1d; TA.3.11.11d; 13.2d; JUB.3.35.1d.
moṣathā vṛkṣaṃ kapaneva vedhasaḥ # RV.5.54.6b; N.6.4.
yaḥ pūrvyāya vedhase navīyase # RV.1.156.2a; TB. P: yaḥ pūrvyāya śś.5.11.7.
yad ābadhnanti vedhasaḥ # AVP.3.7.4b. See tad etc.
yad īm ṛṇvanti vedhasaḥ # RV.9.7.5c; SV.2.482c.
yāni bruvanti vedhasaḥ suteṣu # RV.7.26.3b.
Vedabase Search
13 results
vedhasaḥ of the supreme creatorSB 1.5.31
vedhasaḥ with Lord BrahmāSB 4.7.7
vedhasam even to Lord BrahmāCC Antya 1.164
vedhase the compiler of the Vedic literaturesSB 2.4.24
vedhase the creatorSB 10.85.39
SB 12.12.1
vedhase the creator of everythingSB 9.19.29
vedhase unto Lord BrahmāSB 8.24.57
vedhase unto the cause of all causesSB 4.17.33
vedhase unto the origin of creationSB 10.10.33
vedhase who are full of knowledgeSB 8.17.26
paramasya vedhasaḥ of the supreme creatorSB 10.12.38
paramasya vedhasaḥ of the supreme creatorSB 10.12.38
1 result
vedhas noun (masculine) a wise or learned man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a worshipper of the gods (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
an arranger (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
an author (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
creator (esp. applied to Brahmā) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
disposer (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of the father of Hariścandra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the god Brahmā
Frequency rank 6094/72933
Wordnet Search
"vedhas" has 1 results.



ekaṃ puṇyakṣetram ।

vedhasyāḥ ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti

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