kṛtālaya | a. having taken up one's abode, dwelling (in, lc., --°ree;); feeling at home; -½avasakthika, a. having put on a loin cloth; -½avasatha, a. received into one's house; -½avastha, a.compelled to appear in court; -½âsamsa, a. hoping; -½astra, a. practised in arms or archery; -½âhâraka, a. having finished one's meal. |
pravarga | m. large earthenware pot (used in the Pravargya ceremony); -vargyã, m. introductory ceremony of the Soma sacri fice, at which fresh milk is poured into a red-hot pot: -vat, a. connected with the Pravargya ceremony; -várgana, n. perform ance of the Pravargya rite, placing in or near the fire; -vartaka, a. (ikâ) causing to roll onward, setting in motion; promoting, insti gating; causing, producing; m.founder, author; n. entrance of a previously announced person on the stage (at the end of the intro duction); -vartana, n. advance, forward movement; emergence from (ab.); flow (of water); walking; activity; occupation with, engaging in (in., lc.); going on, proceeding, coming to pass, occurrence; procedure, be haviour; moving onward; erection, execu tion (of works); stimulation, promotion, pro duction, introduction, employment (of, g. or --°ree;): â, f. incitement to activity; -vartanî ya, fp. to be employed; -commenced; -vart ayitri, m. instigator, of (g.), to (lc.); erector, introducer; employer: -tva, n. instigation; -vartita, cs. pp.administered, dispensed; al lowed to take its course; enforced; -varti tavya, fp. n. imps. one should act; -varti tri, m. producer, bringer; one who fixes or settles; -vartin, a. issuing, streaming forth; moving forward, flowing; engaging in action; causing to flow; producing; employing; in troducing, propagating; -vartya, fp. being incited; -vardha-ka, a. (ikâ) augmenting, increasing (--°ree;); -vardhana, a. id.; -varsha, m. rain (sts. pl.):-na, n. raining; first rain; -varshin, a. raining, shedding (--°ree;); -varha, v. -barha; -valha, m. riddle; -vasathá, n. departure; separation (pl.) from (ab.); -vas ana, n. setting out on travel; dying, de cease; -vaha, a.carrying, wafting; m. one of the seven winds which set the planets in motion; one of the seven tongues of fire; reservoir for receiving water; -vahana, n. giving a girl in marriage; carriage; ship (also î, f.: --°ree; a. â): -bha&ndot;ga, m. shipwreck. |
vihāra | m. n. distribution, trans position (of words, Br., S., rare); (disposi tion of) the three sacred fires or the space between them (S.); sauntering about, pro menading; diversion, enjoyment, pleasure, with or in (--°ree;; ord. mg.); place of recreation; (Buddha's pleasure ground), Buddhistic (or Jain) monastery or temple; N. of a country, Behar; --°ree; a. delighting in: -ka, a. (i-kâ) delighting in (--°ree;); serving for the diversion of (--°ree;); -griha, n. play-house; -dâsî, f. con vent attendant; -desa, m. place of recrea tion; -bhadra, m. N.; -bhûmi, f. place of recreation; -vat, a. possessing a place of re creation; delighting in (--°ree;); -vana, n. plea sure grove; -vâri, f. water for sport; -saila, m. pleasure mountain; -sthalî, f. place of amusement; -½avasatha, m. pleasure house. |