वस् | (encl.) accusative dative case genitive case plural of 2nd Persian pronoun (see )  |
वस् | (a Vedic root connected with1. uṣ- q.v;not in ) cl.6 P., ucch/ati- (perfect tense uv/āsa-, ūṣ/uḥ- etc.; Aorist avāt-[?] ; avasran- ; Conditional avatsyat- ;Ved. infinitive mood v/astave-, -/uṣi-), to shine, grow bright (especially applied to the dawn) ; to bestow by shining upon (dative case) ; (with dūr/e-) to drive away by shining : Causal vās/ayati-, to cause to shine [ confer, compare vasar-in vasar-han-; Greek for ; Latin ve1retc.]  |
वस् | cl.10 P. vāsayati- (Aorist avīvasat-), to love ; to cut off ; to accept, take ; to offer ; to kill (ni-vāsita-,killed) (only with preposition;See pari-vas-;but according to to some the imperative vasiṣva-[ ] and uṣa-,"a lover"[ ], and v/asiṣṭha-[ ] belong also to this root, which has developed an obscene meaning = Greek , futuere) .  |
वस् | cl.2 A1. ( ) v/aste- (imperative vasiṣva- ; vaddhvam- ; parasmE-pada v/asāna-,once usān/a-and us/amāna- ; perfect tense vavase- ; vāvase-, parasmE-pada sān/a- ; Aorist avasiṣṭa- ; future vasitā- grammar; vasiṣyate- ; vatsyati- ; infinitive mood vasitum- ; ind.p. vasitvā- ; -vasya- ), to put on, invest, wear, (clothes etc.) , assume (a form etc.) , enter into etc. etc.: Causal vās/ayati-, te- (Passive voice vāsyate-), to cause or allow to put on or wear (clothes) , clothe (A1."one's self") with (instrumental case) : Desiderative vivasiṣate- grammar : Intensive vāvasyate-, vāvasti- [ confer, compare Greek for ; Latin vestis; Gothic wasjan; Anglo-Saxon werian; English wear.]  |
वस् | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'), clothed in, wearing (exempli gratia, 'for example' preta-cūvara-vas-,"wearing the garments of dead men") .  |
वस् | cl.1 P. ( ) v/asati- (mc. also te-; perfect tense uvāsa-, ūṣuḥ- etc.; parasmE-pada vāvasāna- ; -vāsāṃ cakre- ; Aorist avātsīt- ; avāksam- [where it is artificially connected with vāc-]; avāstam- ; future vastā- grammar; vatsyati-, te- etc.; vasiṣyati- ; infinitive mood vastum-, vasitum- etc.; ind.p. uṣitv/ā- ; uṣṭvā- ; -/uṣya- etc.), to dwell, live, stop (at a place), stay (especially "overnight" , with or without rātrim-or rātrīs-) etc. ; to remain, abide with or in (with locative case of Persian; locative case or accusative of place, especially with vāsam-or vasatim-) etc. ; to remain or keep on or continue in any condition (with a pp., exempli gratia, 'for example' with channa-,"to continue to be covered" ;or with an accusative,with brahmacaryam-,"to practise chastity" ;or with an adverb exempli gratia, 'for example' with sukham-,"to live pleasantly or at ease";with or without dūratas-,"to keep aloof") etc. ; to have sexual intercourse with (locative case) ; to rest upon (locative case) ; to charge or entrust with (instrumental case) ; cl.10 P. vasayati-, to dwell : Passive voice uṣyate- (Aorist avāsi-), to be dwelt etc. etc.: Causal vās/ayati-, te- (confer, compare ; Aorist avīvasat- : Passive voice vāsy/ate- , ti- ), to cause to halt or stay (overnight), lodge, receive hospitably or as a guest etc. ; to cause to have sexual intercourse with (locative case) ; to let anything stand overnight (with tisro-, scilicet ratrīs-,"three nights") ; to cause to wait, keep in suspense ; to delay, retard ; to cause to exist, preserve ; to cause to be inhabited, populate (a country) ; to put in, place upon (locative case) (anadhyāyam mukhe-,to put restraint on the mouth, refrain from speaking) ; to produce : Desiderative vivatsati-, to wish to dwell : Intensive vāvasyate-, vāvasti-, to remain, be in, be engaged in [ confer, compare Gothic wisan; German wësan,ge-wesen,waretc.; Anglo-Saxon wësan; English was,were.] |
वस् | (only in genitive case v/asām-), prob. either"an abode"or"a dweller"  |
वस् | (only vasiṣva-,[ anu-] -vāvase-, vāvasān/a-,and v/astos-), to rush or aim at, attack (see under3 vas-) ; (?); .  |
वस् | (also written bas-) cl.4 P. vasyati-, to be or make firm  |
वसा | f. (sometimes written vaśā-) "shining","white", the serum or marrow of the flesh (considered by some as distinct from that of the bones by others as the same), marrow, fat, grease, lard, suet, melted fat, any fatty or oily substance etc.  |
वसा | f. brain  |
वसा | f. a particular root similar to ginger  |
वसा | f. Name of a river  |
वसा | f. (sometimes written vaśā-) "shining","white", the serum or marrow of the flesh (considered by some as distinct from that of the bones by others as the same), marrow, fat, grease, lard, suet, melted fat, any fatty or oily substance etc.  |
वसा | f. brain  |
वसा | f. a particular root similar to ginger  |
वसा | f. Name of a river  |
वस | m. or n. dwelling, residence (See dur-vasa-)  |
वसा | f. (according to to some) idem or 'm. or n. dwelling, residence (See dur-vasa-)' (?)  |
वसा | vasāti- etc. See .  |
वसाछटा | f. the mass of the brain  |
वसादनी | f. (vasād-) "fat-eating (?)", Dalbergia Sissoo  |
वसादनी | f. Gendarussa Vulgaris  |
वसाढ्य | (vasāḍh-) m. Delphinus Gatigeticus  |
वसाढ्यक | (vasāḍh-) m. Delphinus Gatigeticus  |
वसाग्रह | m. a ladleful of melted fat  |
वसाहोम | m. an offering of fat etc.  |
वसाहोमहवनी | f. the ladle used at an offering of fat  |
वसाहोमशेष | m. n. the remains of an offering of fat  |
वसाकेतु | m. a particular comet  |
वसामय | mf(ī-)n. consisting of fat  |
वसामेह | m. a kind of diabetes ( vasāmehin hin- mfn.suffering from it)  |
वसामेहिन् | mfn. vasāmeha |
वसामूर | m. or n. (?) Name of a place  |
वसन | n. (for 2.See column 3) cloth, clothes, dress, garment, apparel, attire (dual number an upper and lower garment) etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).= clothed in, surrounded by, engrossed by id est wholly devoted or attached to exempli gratia, 'for example' to a doctrine )  |
वसन | n. investment, siege  |
वसन | n. a leaf of the cinnamon tree  |
वसन | f. an ornament worn by women round the loins  |
वसन | n. (for 1.See column 1) dwelling, abiding, sojourn, residence in (compound)  |
वसन | 1. 2. vasana-. See p.932, columns 1 and 3.  |
वसनमय | mf(ī-)n. consisting or made of cloth  |
वसनपर्याय | m. change of clothes  |
वसनार्ण | n. (na-+ ṛṇa-) the debt of a cloth , Va1rtt. 7  |
वसनार्णव | mf(ā-)n. sea-girt (the earth)  |
वसनसद्मन् | n. "cloth-house", a tent  |
वसनसद्मन् | See under 1. vasana-.  |
वसनवत् | mfn. clothed  |
वसन्त | m. (n. gaRa ardharcādi-) "brilliant (season)", spring (comprising according to to some, the months caitra- and vaiśākha- or from the middle of March to that of MaySee ṛtu-;often personified and considered as a friend or attendant of kāmadeva-, the god of love) etc.  |
वसन्त | m. a particular metre (4 times $)  |
वसन्त | m. a particular time (in music)  |
वसन्त | m. diarrhoea  |
वसन्त | m. Name of a man  |
वसन्ता | (or t/ā-) ind. in spring etc. (see )  |
वसन्तबन्धु | m. "friend of Spring", Name of kāma-deva- (god of love)  |
वसन्तभानु | n. Name of a king  |
वसन्तभूषण | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
वसन्ताचार्य | m. Name of a teacher  |
वसन्तदेव | m. Name of a king and poet  |
वसन्ताध्ययन | n. studying in spring on  |
वसन्तद्रु | m. "spring-tree", the mango (blossoming in March or April)  |
वसन्तद्रुम | m. "spring-tree", the mango (blossoming in March or April)  |
वसन्तदूत | m. (only ) "spring-messenger", the Indian cuckoo (See kokila-)  |
वसन्तदूत | m. the mango tree  |
वसन्तदूत | m. the month caitra- (March-April)  |
वसन्तदूत | m. the 5th rāga- or the musical mode hindola-  |
वसन्तदूत | m. Gaertnera Racemosa  |
वसन्तदूत | m. Bignonia Suaveoleus  |
वसन्तदूत | m. a plant like the Premna Spinosa.  |
वसन्तदूती | f. the female of the Indian cuckoo  |
वसन्तगन्धि | m. Name of a buddha-  |
वसन्तगन्धिन् | m. Name of a buddha-  |
वसन्तघोष | m. "singing in spring", the Koil or Indian cuckoo  |
वसन्तघोषिन् | m. "singing in spring", the Koil or Indian cuckoo  |
वसन्तज | mfn. born or produced in spring  |
वसन्तजा | f. a kind of jasmine  |
वसन्तजा | f. a festival in honour of the god of love (see vasantotsava-).  |
वसन्तक | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' fem. ā-) spring  |
वसन्तक | m. a particular tree, a species of śyonāka-  |
वसन्तक | m. Name of a man,  |
वसन्तकाल | m. spring-time, vernal season  |
वसन्तकुसम | m. "having blossoms in spring", Cordia Latifolia or Myxa  |
वसन्तकुसमाकर | m. a particular mixture  |
वसन्तलता | ( ) f. Name of women.  |
वसन्तलतिका | ( ) f. Name of women.  |
वसन्तलेखा | ( ) f. Name of women.  |
वसन्तमदन | n. a plant resembling the Premna Spinosa  |
वसन्तमहोत्सव | m. the great spring-festival (in honour of the love-god) (see vasantotsava-).  |
वसन्तमालतिरस | m. a particular mixture  |
वसन्तमालिका | f. a kind of metre  |
वसन्तमन्दनी | f. equals -madanā-  |
वसन्तमास | m. Name of the 9th ninth  |
वसन्तपञ्चमी | f. a festival held on the 5th of the light half of the month māgha-  |
वसन्तपञ्चमीप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
वसन्तपञ्चमीपूजा | f. Name of work  |
वसन्तपुर | n. Name of a town  |
वसन्तपुष्प | n. a spring-flower  |
वसन्तपुष्प | n. a kind of kadamba-  |
वसन्तराज | m. spring compared to a king  |
वसन्तराज | m. Name of a king of kumāra-giri- (author of the -rājīya-nātya-śāstra-)  |
वसन्तराज | m. (also with bhaṭṭa-) of various authors  |
वसन्तराजचिकित्सा | f. Name of a medical work  |
वसन्तर्तु | (for ṛtu-) m. spring-season  |
वसन्तसहाय | m. equals -bandhu-  |
वसन्तसख | m. equals -bandhu-  |
वसन्तसख | m. Name of the wind blowing from the Malaya mountains  |
वसन्तशाखिन् | m. equals -dru-  |
वसन्तसमय | m. equals -kāla-  |
वसन्तसमयोत्सव | m. the festive time of spring  |
वसन्तशेखर | m. Name of a kiṃ-nara-  |
वसन्तसेन | m. Name of a king  |
वसन्तसेना | f. Name of various women  |
वसन्तश्री | f. the pomp or beauty of spring  |
वसन्ततिलक | n. the ornament of spring  |
वसन्ततिलक | n. the blossom of the tilaka-  |
वसन्ततिलक | n. a particular mixture  |
वसन्ततिलक | f. a kind of metre (four times $)  |
वसन्ततिलक | m. Name of a man  |
वसन्ततिलकभाण | m. Name of a drama.  |
वसन्ततिलकतन्त्र | n. Name of a Buddhist work  |
वसन्तवर्णन | n. "description of spring", Name of a poem.  |
वसन्तविलास | m. Name of a poem.  |
वसन्तवितल | m. Name of a form of viṣṇu-  |
वसन्तव्रण | n. "spring-pustule", small-pox  |
वसन्तव्रत | n. spring-observance  |
वसन्तयात्रा | f. a spring-procession  |
वसन्तयोध | m. "spring-combatant", the god of love |
वसन्तिका | f. wrong reading for vāsantikā-.  |
वसन्तोत्सव | m. spring-rejoicings, spring festival (formerly held on the full moon of caitra-, but now of phālguna-, and = dola-yātrā- or holī- )  |
वसन्तोत्सवचरित | n. Name of work  |
वसापावन् | mfn. drinking melted fat  |
वसापायिन् | m. "drinker of melted fat", a dog,  |
वसर् | equals uṣar- q.v  |
वसार | (?) n. wish, purpose  |
वसर्हन् | striking in the dawn, destroying (nocturnal demons) at dawn  |
वसारोह | (or vasār-?) m. a mushroom  |
वसथ | m. a house  |
वसाति | f. (prob.) (see uṣā-) dawn (in a quotation Scholiast or Commentator equals jana-pada-)  |
वसाति | m. Name of a son of janam-ejaya-  |
वसाति | m. of a son of ikṣvāku- (varia lectio vaśāti-)  |
वसाति | m. plural Name of a people (also tika-)  |
वसति | f. staying (especially "overnight"), dwelling, abiding, sojourn etc. (tisro vasatīr uṣitvā-,"having passed three nights"; vasatiṃ-kri-or grah-,"to pass the night, take up one's abode in", with locative case)  |
वसति | f. a nest  |
वसति | f. a dwelling-place, house, residence, abode or seat of (genitive case or compound) etc.  |
वसति | f. a jaina- monastery  |
वसति | f. night  |
वसति | mfn. (according to to some) dwelling, abiding (with vasām-), fixing one's residence (?)  |
वसती | f. equals vasati-, staying, dwelling, a dwelling-place, etc.  |
वसतिद्रुम | m. a tree under which a night is passed  |
वसतीवरी | f. plural (scilicet āpas-) water left standing overnight (drawn from a stream on the eve of the soma- sacrifice) (in the beginning of a compound ri- )  |
वसातीय | mfn. relating to the vasāti-s  |
वसातीय | m. a king of the vasāti-s  |
वसवान | m. (fr. 1. vasu-) a possessor or preserver of wealth (also with v/avas-)  |
वसावशेषमलिन | (vasan-) mfn. soiled with the remains of fat  |
वसावि | f. (fr. z. vasu-) a treasury  |
वसावी | f. (fr. z. vasu-) a treasury  |
वसव्य | mfn. (prob.) wealthy, affluent (applied to agni-, soma- and sūrya-)  |
वसव्य | n. riches, wealth  |
वसि | m. or f. (for 2.See column 3) equals vastra-, clothes etc.  |
वसि | m. (for 1.See column 1) dwelling or a dwelling-place  |
वसिक | mfn. empty (see vaśika-, vaśin-)  |
वसिक | mfn. one who sits in the padmāsana- posture  |
वसिन् | m. (fr. vasā-) an otter  |
वसीर | m. Achyranthes Aspera  |
वसीर | m. Scindapsus Officinalis (see vasira-). |
वसिर | m. Scindapsus Officinalis (n. its fruit) (varia lectio vasīra-and vaśira-)  |
वसिर | m. Achyranthes Aspera  |
वसिर | n. sea salt (varia lectio vaśira-and vaśīra-)  |
वसिष्ठ | mfn. (superl. fr. 1. v/asu-; see v/asīyas-and under3. vas-) most excellent, best, richest  |
वसिष्ठ | m. (wrongly written vaśiṣṭha-),"the most wealthy", Name of a celebrated Vedic ṛṣi- or sage (owner of the"cow of plenty" , called nandinī-, offspring of surabhi-, which by granting all desires made him, as his name implies, master of every vasu-or desirable object;he was the typical representative of Brahmanical rank, and the legends of his conflict with viśvā-mitra-, who raised himself from the kingly or kṣatriya- to the Brahmanical class, were probably founded on the actual struggles which took place between the Brahmans and kṣatriya-s;a great many hymns of the are ascribed to these two great rivals;those of the seventh maṇḍala-, besides some others, being attributed to vasiṣṭha-, while those of the third maṇḍala- are assigned to viśvā-mitra-;in one of vasiṣṭha-'s hymns he is represented as king su-dās-'s family priest, an office to which viśvā-mitra- also aspired;in another hymn vasiṣṭha- claims to have been inspired by varuṇa-, and in another[ ] he is called the son of the apsaras- urvaśī- by mitra- and varuṇa-, whence his patronymic maitrāvaruṇi-;in manu- , he is enumerated among the ten prajā-pati-s or Patriarchs produced by manu- svāyambhuva- for the peopling of the universe;in the he is mentioned as the family priest of the solar race or family of ikṣvāku- and rāma-candra-, and in the purāṇa-s as one of the arrangers of the veda-s in the dvāpara- age;he is, moreover, called the father of aurva-[ ],of the sukālin-s[ ],of seven sons[ ] , and the husband of akṣa-mālā- or arundhatī-[ ]and of ūrjā-[ ];other legends make him one of the 7 patriarchal sages regarded as forming the Great Bear in which he represents the starSee ṛṣi-) etc. (see ) |
वसिष्ठ | m. Name of the author of a law-book and other works (prob. intended to be ascribed to the Vedic ṛṣi- above)  |
वसिष्ठ | m. plural the family of vasiṣṭha- (vasiṣṭhasyāṅkuśaḥ-etc.Name of sāman-s )  |
वसिष्ठ | m. Name of an anuvāka- on Va1rtt. 2  |
वसिष्ठ | n. flesh  |
वसिष्ठ | vasīyas- See p.930.  |
वसिष्ठभृग्वत्रिसम | mfn. equal to (the three great saints) vasiṣṭha- and bhṛgu- and atri-  |
वसिष्ठहोमप्रकार | m. Name of work  |
वसिष्ठक | m. the sage vasiṣṭha- (See above) .  |
वसिष्ठकाल्प | m. Name of work  |
वसिष्ठकश्यपिका | f. a matrimonial alliance between the descendants of vasiṣṭha- and those of kaśyapa-  |
वसिष्ठलिङ्गपुराण | n. Name of a purāṇa-.  |
वसिष्ठनिहव | m. Name of a sāman-,  |
वसिष्ठप्राची | f. Name of a place  |
वसिष्ठप्रमुख | mfn. preceded or led by vasiṣṭha-  |
वसिष्ठपुत्र | m. plural "the sons or descendants of vasiṣṭha-", Name of the authors of  |
वसिष्ठसंहिता | f.  |
वसिष्ठसंसर्प | m. a particular catur-aha-,  |
वसिष्ठशफ | m. dual number Name of a sāman-  |
वसिष्ठसिद्धान्त | m.  |
वसिष्ठशिक्षा | f. Name of a śikṣā-.  |
वसिष्ठशिला | f. Name of a place  |
वसिष्ठस्मृति | f.  |
वसिष्ठश्राद्धकल्प | m. Name of work  |
वसिष्ठतन्त्र | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
वसिष्ठत्व | n. the state or condition of being vasiṣṭha-  |
वसिष्ठवत् | ind. like vasiṣṭha-  |
वसिष्ठयज्ञ | (v/a-) m. Name of a particular sacrifice  |
वसिष्ठोपपुराण | n. Name of an upapurāṇa-.  |
वसित | mfn. (for 2.See column 3) worn, put on  |
वसित | n. cloth  |
वसित | mfn. (for 1.See column 1) = 2. uṣita-, inhabiting etc.  |
वसित | mfn. stored (as grain)  |
वसित | n. abiding, abode, residence  |
वसितव्य | mfn. to be worn or put on  |
वसितृ | mfn. one who wears or puts on ( vasitṛtama -tama- mfn. equals ācchādayitṛ-tama-,used to explain vasiṣṭha-) on  |
वसितृतम | mfn. vasitṛ |
वसीयस् | mfn. (Comparative degree of 1. v/asu-; see vasiṣṭha-and vasyas-) more wealthy or opulent, more excellent, better than, (ablative)  |
वसीयोभूर | n. better condition, superiority  |
वस्क् | (see vaṣk-) cl.1 A1. vaskate-, to go  |
वस्क | m. going, motion  |
वस्क | m. application, perseverance (equals adhyavasāya- )  |
वस्कराटिका | f. a scorpion  |
वस्कय | yaṇī- See baṣk/aya-.  |
वस्मन् | n. (for 2.See) a cover, garment  |
वस्मन् | n. (for 1.See) a nest  |
वस्मन् | 1. 2. vasman-. See pp. 932 and 933.  |
वस्न | n. ( also m.;for 2.See) wealth riches  |
वस्न | n. price, value  |
वस्न | n. hire, wages [ confer, compare Greek for ; , ; Latin venum,veneo,vendo.]  |
वस्न | n. (for 1.See) a garment, cloth  |
वस्न | n. the skin  |
वस्न | 1. 2. vasna-. See pp. 931 and 932.  |
वस्नन | n. an ornament for a woman's loins, a zone, girdle (equals kaṭī-bhūṣaṇa-)  |
वस्नसा | f. (see snāyu-) a tendon, nerve, fibre (described as a hollow, string-like tube, attached to the bones and supposed to serve as a passage for the vital air)  |
वस्नय | Nom. P. y/ati- (only pr. p. y/at-), to higgle, haggle  |
वस्निक | mfn. earning wages, mercenary  |
वस्निक | mfn. purchasable(?)  |
वस्निका | f. a valuable deposit  |
वस्निक | vasnya- See .  |
वस्न्य | mfn. precious, valuable  |
वसोर्धारा | See column 1 under 1. v/asu-.  |
वसोर्धारा | f. vasu |
वसोर्धाराप्रयोग | m. vasu |
वसोष्पति | See column 1 under 1. v/asu-.  |
वसोष्पति | m. vasu |
वस्र | m. (for 2.See) a day  |
वस्र | n. (for 1.See) a house, abode  |
वस्र | n. a cross-road  |
वस्र | 1. 2. vasra-. See p.932, and column 1.  |
वस्त् | cl.10 A1. vastayate-, to waste, hurt ; to go ; to ask  |
वस्त | n. a house (see also upa-vasta-).  |
वस्त | vastavya- See .  |
वस्तव्य | mfn. to be stayed or dwelt or lived in or with (locative case; n. impersonal or used impersonally"one should stay"etc.) etc.  |
वस्तव्य | mfn. to be spent or passed (as time)  |
वस्तव्यता | f. abode, residence  |
वस्ति | m. or f. (for 2.See column 2) the ends or skirt of a cloth (also plural)  |
वस्ति | f. (for 1.See column 1, for 3.See) abiding, dwelling, staying  |
वस्ति | mf. (also written basti-; perhaps connected with 2. vasti-See) the bladder etc.  |
वस्ति | mf. the lower belly, abdomen  |
वस्ति | mf. the pelvis  |
वस्ति | mf. an injection-syringe made of bladder or the injection itself [ confer, compare Latin venter,vesica; German wanast,Wanst.]  |
वस्ती | f. an act in the practice, of yoga- (see ṣaṭ-- karman-, parasmE-pada 1108).  |
वस्तिबिल | n. aperture of the bladder |
वस्तिकर्माढ्य | m. the soap berry, Sapindus Detergens  |
वस्तिकर्मन् | n. the application of an enema or injection  |
वस्तिकोश | m. a bladder, bag  |
वस्तिकुण्डल | n. ( ) a particular disease of the bladder.  |
वस्तिकुण्डलिका | f. ( ) a particular disease of the bladder.  |
वस्तिमल | n. "bladder-excretion", urine  |
वस्तिमूल | n. "bladder-root", aperture of the bladder  |
वस्तिपीडा | f. spasm in the bladder  |
वस्तिरुज् | ( ) ( ) f. disease of the bladder.  |
वस्तिशिरस् | n. the tube of an enema  |
वस्तिशिरस् | n. equals next  |
वस्तिशीर्ष | n. sg. ( ) or m. dual number ( ) the neck of the bladder.  |
वस्तिशोधन | m. "bladder-cleanser", Vangueria Spinosa  |
वस्तिव्यापद् | ( ) f. disease of the bladder.  |
वस्तृ | mfn. (for 2.See) shining, illumining (See doṣā--and prātar-v-).  |
वस्तृ | mfn. (for 1.See p.931;for 3. p. 933) clothing, covering ( )  |
वस्तृ | mfn. putting on (clothes)  |
वस्तृ | (for 2.See) mfn. (only in superl. v/astṛ-tama-,"dwelling most", used in giving an etymology)  |
वस्तृ | 1. 2. 3. vastṛ-. See pp. 931, 932, and column 1.  |
वस्त्र | n. (or m. gaRa ardharcādi-; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) cloth, clothes, garment, raiment, dress, cover etc.  |
वस्त्रा | f. Name of a river  |
वस्त्र | n. a leaf of the cinnamon tree  |
वस्त्रबन्ध | m. a clothes used for binding round  |
वस्त्रभेदक | m. a clothes-cutter, tailor  |
वस्त्रभेदिन् | m. a clothes-cutter, tailor  |
वस्त्रभूषण | m. a kind of plant  |
वस्त्रभूषणा | f. a kind of plant  |
वस्त्रच्छन्न | mfn. clad in clothes  |
वस्त्रद | mfn. giving clothes  |
वस्त्रदा | mfn. equals -da-  |
वस्त्रदान | n. Name of work  |
वस्त्रदानकथा | f. Name of a tale. |
वस्त्रदशा | f. the border of a garment  |
वस्त्रधारक | wrong reading for vastrādh- q.v  |
वस्त्राधारक | a layer or stratum of cloth (placed underneath)  |
वस्त्रधारणी | f. a stick or rope to hang clothes upon  |
वस्त्रधाविन् | mfn. washing clothes  |
वस्त्रागार | m. n. a clothier's shop  |
वस्त्रागार | m. a tent  |
वस्त्रघर्घरी | f. a sieve or cloth for straining  |
वस्त्रगोपन | n. plural Name of one of the 64 arts  |
वस्त्रग्रन्थि | m. a piece of cloth wrapped round the waist  |
वस्त्रग्रन्थि | m. the knot which fastens the lower garments above the hips  |
वस्त्रगृह | n. "cloth-house", a tent  |
वस्त्रक | n. cloth (in sūkṣma-v-)  |
वस्त्रक्नोपम् | ind. so that the clothes are thoroughly wetted  |
वस्त्रकोश | n. a clothes-bag  |
वस्त्रकुट्टिम | n. "cloth-covering", an umbrella  |
वस्त्रकुट्टिम | n. a tent  |
वस्त्रमथि | mfn. tearing off or carrying off clothes  |
वस्त्रमुख्य | mfn. having clothes as the chief thing  |
वस्त्राञ्चल | m. the end or hem of a garment  |
वस्त्रनिर्णेजक | m. a washer of clothes, washerman  |
वस्त्रान्त | m. the end or hem of a garment  |
वस्त्रान्तर | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) an upper-garments  |
वस्त्रप | m. plural Name of a people  |
वस्त्रापहारक | ( ) ( ) m. a stealer of clothes.  |
वस्त्रापहारिन् | ( ) m. a stealer of clothes.  |
वस्त्रपञ्जल | m. Name of a bulbous plant  |
वस्त्रपरिधान | n. the putting on of clothes, dressing  |
वस्त्रापथक्षेत्र | n. Name of a place  |
वस्त्रपेशी | f. a fringe  |
वस्त्रपेटा | f. a clothes-basket  |
वस्त्रपूत | mfn. purified with a clothes, strained through a clothes  |
वस्त्रपुत्रिका | f. a doll or puppet made of cloth  |
वस्त्ररजक | n. "clothes-colourer", safflower  |
वस्त्ररजनी | f. Rubia Munjista  |
वस्त्ररङ्गा | f. a species of plant  |
वस्त्ररञ्जन | n. equals -rajaka- above  |
वस्त्रार्ध | n. the half of a garment  |
वस्त्रार्धप्रावृत | mfn. covered or clothed with half a garment. ( )  |
वस्त्रार्धसंवीत | mfn. covered or clothed with half a garment.  |
वस्त्रार्धसंवृत | mfn. covered or clothed with half a garment. ( )  |
वस्त्रावकर्त | m. a fragment of a garment  |
वस्त्रवत् | mfn. having fine clothes, well-dressed  |
वस्त्रवेश | m. a tent  |
वस्त्रवेश्मन् | n. a tent  |
वस्त्रवेष्टित | mfn. covered with clothes, well clad  |
वस्त्रविद्या | wrong reading for vāstu-v- q.v  |
वस्त्रविलास | m. foppery in dress  |
वस्त्रय | Nom. P. yati-  |
वस्त्राय | Nom. A1. yate-, to represent a garment (in a quotation).  |
वस्त्रयोनि | f. the basis or material of cloth (as cotton etc.)  |
वस्त्रयुगल | n. two garments  |
वस्त्रयुगिन् | mfn. clad in an upper-garments and under-garments  |
वस्त्रयुग्म | n. a pair of garments or clothes of any kind  |
वस्त्रोत्कर्षण | n. the act of taking off clothes  |
वस्तु | f. (for 2.See) becoming light, dawning, morning (genitive case v/astoḥ-,in the morning; v/astor vastoḥ-,every morning; v/astor asy/āḥ-,this morning; pr/ati v/astoḥ-,towards morning; dative case v/astave-See under2. vas-).  |
वस्तु | n. (for 1.See) the seat or place of (See kapila--, vraṇa-v-)  |
वस्तु | n. any really existing or abiding substance or essence, thing, object, article etc. (also applied to living beings exempli gratia, 'for example' )  |
वस्तु | n. (in philosophy) the real (opp. to a-v-,"that which does not really exist, the unreal"; a-dvitīya-v-,"the one real substance or essence which has no second") etc.  |
वस्तु | n. the right thing, a valuable or worthy object, object of or for (compound)  |
वस्तु | n. goods, wealth, property (see -vinimaya-and -hāni-)  |
वस्तु | n. the thing in question, matter, affair, circumstance etc.  |
वस्तु | n. subject, subject-matter, contents, theme (of a speech etc.), plot (of a drama or poem) etc.  |
वस्तु | n. (in music) a kind of composition  |
वस्तु | n. natural disposition, essential property  |
वस्तु | n. the pith or substance of anything  |
वस्तु | 1. 2. vastu-. See pp. 931 and 932.  |
वस्तुबल | n. the power of things  |
वस्तुभाव | m. reality, truth (instrumental case plural"really")  |
वस्तुभेद | m. an actual or essential difference  |
वस्तुभूत | mfn. substantial  |
वस्तुधर्म | m. sg. and plural the true nature of things ( vastudharmatva -tva- n.)  |
वस्तुधर्मत्व | n. vastudharma |
वस्तुधर्मिन् | mfn. dependent on the nature of a thing, objective  |
वस्तुहानि | f. loss of substance or property  |
वस्तुजात | n. the aggregate of things  |
वस्तुक | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') = vastu-2, substance, essence (in an-ūna-v-,"of perfect substance or nature" )  |
वस्तुक | n. Chenopodium Album  |
वस्तूकी | f. a kind of potherb  |
वस्तुकोश | m. Name of a dictionary.  |
वस्तुकृत | mfn. practised, cherished  |
वस्तुक्षणात् | ind. at the right moment  |
वस्तुमात्र | n. the mere outline of any subject, skeleton of a discourse  |
वस्तुनिर्देश | m. table of contents, register  |
वस्तूपहित | mfn. placed on a good or worthy object (as trouble or care)  |
वस्तुपाल | m. Name of a minister of king vīra-dhavala- (died A.D. 1241)  |
वस्तुपाल | m. of a poet  |
वस्तूपमा | f. comparison of things (a kind of comparison where the common quality is omitted exempli gratia, 'for example' thy face is like the lotus, where the word "beautiful"is omitted)  |
वस्तुपाणि | mfn. holding the (necessary) things in one's hand  |
वस्तुपतित | mfn. become real or corporeal  |
वस्तुरचना | f. arrangement of matter, elaboration of a plot |
वस्तुशक्ति | f. sg. and plural the power of things, force of circumstances ( vastuśaktitas -tas- ind.through the force of circumstances)  |
वस्तुशक्तितस् | ind. vastuśakti |
वस्तुशासन | n. a genuine or original edict  |
वस्तुस्थिति | f. reality (instrumental case"in reality") , sāṃkhya-s. Scholiast or Commentator  |
वस्तुशून्य | mfn. devoid of reality, unreal  |
वस्तुता | f. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') the state of being the object of  |
वस्तुता | f. equals next  |
वस्तुतन्त्र | mfn. dependent on things, objective ( vastutantratva -tva- n.)  |
वस्तुतन्त्रत्व | n. vastutantra |
वस्तुतस् | ind. owing to the nature of things  |
वस्तुतस् | ind. in fact, in reality, actually, verily, essentially  |
वस्तुतत्त्व | n. Name of work  |
वस्तुतत्त्वप्रकाशिका | f. Name of work  |
वस्तूत्थापन | n. invention of things or of incidents through supernatural causes (in a drama)  |
वस्तूत्थापना | f. invention of things or of incidents through supernatural causes (in a drama)  |
वस्तुत्व | n. reality  |
वस्तुवत् | mfn. supplied with commodities  |
वस्तुविचार | m. essential discrimination (personified)  |
वस्तुविज्ञानरत्नकोश | m. Name of a dictionary (equals ratna-kośa-).  |
वस्तुविनिमय | m. exchange of goods, barter  |
वस्तुविवर्त | mfn. the developing of the one real Essence (so as to create the illusory external world)  |
वस्तुवृत्त | n. the actual fact, real matter  |
वस्तुवृत्त | n. a beautiful creature  |
वस्त्व् | in compound for 2. vastu-.  |
वस्त्वभाव | m. absence of reality, unsubstantial essence  |
वस्त्वभाव | m. loss or destruction of property  |
वस्त्वन्तर | n. another thing, another object or subject  |
वस्त्य् | in compound for 3. vasti-.  |
वस्त्य | n. a house, abode (see pastya-).  |
वस्त्यर्थम् | ind. for an enema  |
वस्त्यौषध | n. "remedy for the lower belly", injection, enema  |
वसु | mf(u-or vī-)n. (for 2.See) excellent, good, beneficent  |
वसु | mf(u-or vī-)n. sweet  |
वसु | mf(u-or vī-)n. dry  |
वसु | mf(u-or vī-)n. Name of the gods (as the"good or bright ones", especially of the āditya-s, marut-s, aśvin-s, indra-, uṣas-, rudra-, vāyu-, viṣṇu-, śiva-, and kubera-)  |
वसु | mf(u-or vī-)n. of a particular class of gods (whose number is usually eight, and whose chief is indra-, later agni- and viṣṇu-;they form one of the nine gaṇa-s or classes enumerated under gaṇa-devatā- q.v;the eight vasu-s were originally personifications, like other Vedic deities, of natural phenomena, and are usually mentioned with the other gaṇa-s common in the veda-, viz. the eleven rudra-s and the twelve āditya-s, constituting with them and with dyau-s,"Heaven", and pṛthivī-,"Earth"[or, according to some, with indra- and prajā-pati-, or, according to others, with the two aśvin-s], the thirty-three gods to which reference is frequently made;the names of the vasu-s, according to the viṣṇu-purāṇa-, are, 1. āpa- [connected with ap-,"water"];2. dhruva-,"the Pole-star";3. soma-,"the Moon";4. dhava- or dhara-;5. anila-,"Wind";6. anala- or pāvaka-,"Fire";7. pratyūṣa-,"the Dawn";8. prabhāsa-,"Light";but their names are variously given; ahan-,"Day", being sometimes substituted for 1;in their relationship to Fire and Light they appear to belong to Vedic rather than Puranic mythology) etc.  |
वसु | mf(u-or vī-)n. a symbolical Name of the number"eight"  |
वसु | mf(u-or vī-)n. a ray of light  |
वसु | mf(u-or vī-)n. a particular ray of light  |
वसु | mf(u-or vī-)n. equals jina- (only the sun;the moon;fire;a rope, thong;a tree;Name of two kinds of plant equals baka-and pīta-madgu-;a lake, pond;a kind of fish;the tie of the yoke of a plough;the distance from the elbow to the closed fist)  |
वसु | mf(u-or vī-)n. Name of a ṛṣi- (with the patronymic bharad-vāja-, author of ,reckoned among the seven sages)  |
वसु | mf(u-or vī-)n. of a son of manu-  |
वसु | mf(u-or vī-)n. of a son of uttāna-pāda-  |
वसु | mf(u-or vī-)n. of a prince of the cedi-s also called upari-cara-  |
वसु | mf(u-or vī-)n. of a son of īlina-  |
वसु | mf(u-or vī-)n. of a son of kuśa- and the country called after him  |
वसु | mf(u-or vī-)n. of a son of vasu-deva-  |
वसु | mf(u-or vī-)n. of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
वसु | mf(u-or vī-)n. of a son of vatsara-  |
वसु | mf(u-or vī-)n. of a son of hiraṇya-retas- and the varṣa- ruled by him  |
वसु | mf(u-or vī-)n. of a son of bhūtajyotis-  |
वसु | mf(u-or vī-)n. of a son of naraka-  |
वसु | mf(u-or vī-)n. of a king of kaśmīra- |
वसु | (u-) f. light, radiance  |
वसु | f. a particular drug  |
वसु | f. Name of a daughter of dakṣa- and mother of the vasu-s (as a class of gods)  |
वसु | n. (in veda- genitive case v/asos-, v/asvas-and v/asunas-;also plural,exceptionally m.) wealth, goods, riches, property etc. ( vasoṣpati soṣ-pati- m.prob."the god of wealth or property" [ asoṣ-p-,"the god of life"]; vasordhārā sor-dh/ārā- f."stream of wealth", Name of a particular libation of ghṛta- at the agni-cayana- etc.;of the wife of agni- ;of the heavenly gaṅgā- ;of sacred bathing-place ;of a kind of vessel ; vasordhārāprayoga sor-dh/ārā-prayoga- m.Name of work)  |
वसु | n. gold (See -varma-dhara-)  |
वसु | n. a jewel, gem, pearl (See -mekhala-)  |
वसु | n. any valuable or precious object  |
वसु | n. (also f.) a particular drug  |
वसु | n. a kind of salt (equals romaka-)  |
वसु | n. water  |
वसु | n. a horse (?)  |
वसु | n. equals śyāma-  |
वसु | m. or n. (for 1.See) dwelling or dweller (See s/aṃ-vasu-).  |
वसु | 1. 2. vasu-. See pp. 930 and 932.  |
वसुबन्धु | m. Name of a celebrated Buddhist scholar (wrong reading -bandha-).  |
वसुभ | n. the constellation dhaniṣṭhā- (presided over by the vasu-s)  |
वसुभ | n. Name of a town  |
वसुभाग | m. Name of a poet  |
वसुभरित | mfn. full of treasures.  |
वसुभट्ट | m. Aeschynomene or Sesbana Grandiflora  |
वसुभृद्यान | m. Name of a son of vasiṣṭha-  |
वसुभूत | m. Name of a gandharva-  |
वसुभूति | m. Name of various men  |
वसुचन्द्र | m. Name of a warrior  |
वसुचरित | n. Name of a campū-.  |
वसुच्छिद्रा | f. Name of a medicinal plant  |
वसुद | mf(ā-)n. granting wealth or treasures  |
वसुद | m. Name of kubera-  |
वसुदा | f. the earth  |
वसुद | m. Name of a goddess  |
वसुद | m. pf one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
वसुद | m. of a gandharvī-  |
वसुदा | mfn. granting wealth, generous (said of the earth) .  |
वसुदैव | n. equals -devata- above  |
वसुदैवत | n. equals -devata- above  |
वसुदाम | m. Name of a particular divine being  |
वसुदामा | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
वसुदामन् | m. Name of a son of bṛhad-ratha-  |
वसुदान | mfn. idem or 'mfn. granting wealth, generous (said of the earth) .'  |
वसुदान | m. Name of various men  |
वसुदान | m. (prob.) n. Name of a varṣa- called after a vasu-dāna-  |
वसुदत्त | m. Name of various men  |
वसुदत्ता | f. Name of various women (especially of the mother of vara-ruci-)  |
वसुदत्तक | m. an endearing form of -datta-  |
वसुदत्तपुर | n. Name of a town  |
वसुदावन् | mfn. (also with genitive case v/asoḥ-) equals -d/ā-  |
वसुदेव | m. Name of the father of kṛṣṇa- (he was the son of śūra-, a descendant of yadu- of the lunar line, and was also called ānaka-dundubhi- q.v,because at his birth the gods, foreseeing that viṣṇu- would take a human form in his family, sounded the drums of heaven for joy;he was a brother of kuntī- or pṛthā-, the mother of the paṇḍu- princes, who were thus cousins of kṛṣṇa-;See 1. kṛṣṇa-) etc.  |
वसुदेव | m. of a king of the kaṇva- dynasty  |
वसुदेव | m. of kṛṣṇa-  |
वसुदेव | m. of the grandfather of the poet māgha-  |
वसुदेव | m. (also with brahma-prasāda-) of two authors  |
वसुदेवा | f. Name of a daughter of śva-phalka-  |
वसुदेव | n. the lunar mansion dhaniṣṭhā-  |
वसुदेवभू | m. "son of vasu-deva-", Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
वसुदेवब्रह्मप्रसाद | m. Name of an author  |
वसुदेवजन्मन् | m. Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
वसुदेवपुत्र | m. Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
वसुदेवता | f. a goddess granting wealth (see vasu-devatā-below)  |
वसुदेवत | n. ( ) or f(ā-). ( ) the lunar mansion dhaniṣṭhā- (presided over by the vasu-s).  |
वसुदेवात्मज | m. idem or 'm. "son of vasu-deva-", Name of kṛṣṇa- '  |
वसुदेव्या | f. idem or 'n. ( ) or f(ā-). ( ) the lunar mansion dhaniṣṭhā- (presided over by the vasu-s).'  |
वसुदेव्या | f. the 9th day of a fortnight  |
वसुदेय | n. the granting of wealth, liberality  |
वसुधा | mfn. producing wealth, liberal ( vasudhātama -tama- mfn., vasudhātara -tara- mfn.more or most liberal)  |
वसुधा | f. the earth  |
वसुधा | f. a country, kingdom etc.  |
वसुधा | f. the ground, soil  |
वसुधा | f. earth (as a material)  |
वसुधा | f. Name of lakṣmī-  |
वसुधा | f. an anapaest  |
वसुधाधर | mfn. bearing or supporting the earth (said of viṣṇu-)  |
वसुधाधर | m. a mountain  |
वसुधाधर | m. a prince, king  |
वसुधाधात्रि | m. idem or 'm. a king, prince '  |
वसुधाधव | m. a king, prince  |
वसुधाधिप | m. (-dhādhipa- etc.) lord of the earth, a king |
वसुधाधिपति | m. ( ) lord of the earth, a king |
वसुधाधिपत्य | n. (-dhādhip-) kingdom, royalty  |
वसुधागम | m. the products of the soil  |
वसुधाखर्जूरिका | f. a kind of date  |
वसुधान | mf(ī-)n. containing or keeping wealth  |
वसुधान | n. granting wealth  |
वसुधानगर | n. the capital of varuṇa- in the western ocean  |
वसुधानायक | m. "earth-leader", a king  |
वसुधापरिपालक | m. earth-guardian (Name of kṛṣṇa-)  |
वसुधापति | m. idem or 'm. "earth-leader", a king '  |
वसुधर | m. Name of a poet  |
वसुधरा | f. (with Buddhists) Name of a goddess  |
वसुधार | mfn. holding wealth or treasure  |
वसुधार | m. Name of a mountain  |
वसुधारा | f. (with Buddhists) Name of a goddess  |
वसुधार | m. a female śakti- peculiar to the jaina-s  |
वसुधार | m. Name of a river  |
वसुधार | m. of the capital of kubera-  |
वसुधार | m. a stream of wealth, stream of gifts  |
वसुधारामय | mfn. consisting of a stream of wealth  |
वसुधारेणु | m. earth-dust  |
वसुधारिणी | f. "treasure-holding", the earth  |
वसुधर्मन् | m. Name of a man  |
वसुधर्मिका | f. crystal  |
वसुधासुत | m. the planet Mars  |
वसुधातल | n. the surface of the earth, the earth  |
वसुधातल | n. the ground, soil  |
वसुधातम | mfn. vasudhā |
वसुधातर | mfn. vasudhā |
वसुधातुकारिका | f. Name of work  |
वसुधाविलासिन् | m. a king, prince  |
वसुधेय | n. (in a formula) the bestowal of wealth, (or) possession of wealth  |
वसुधित | (prob.) n. possession of wealth (Vedic or Veda)  |
वसुधिति | mfn. (v/asu--) possessing wealth, bestowing wealth  |
वसुधिति | f. the bestowal of wealth or a treasury  |
वसूद्रेक | m. Name of a man  |
वसुगुप्त | m. Name of an author  |
वसुगुप्ताचार्य | m. Name of an author  |
वसुहट्ट | m. ( ) a kind of tree equals baka-  |
वसुहट्ट | m. equals baka-puṣpa- or Sesbana Grandiflora  |
वसुहट्टक | m. (L.) a kind of tree equals baka-  |
वसुहट्टक | m. equals baka-puṣpa- or Sesbana Grandiflora  |
वसुहोम | m. Name of a king of the aṅga-s  |
वसुजित् | mfn. gaining wealth  |
वसूजू | mfn. raising wealth  |
वसुज्येष्ठ | m. Name of a king  |
वसुक | m. (in a formula) is said to equals vāsayitṛ- (prob."one who clothes")  |
वसुक | m. Name of various plants (according to to = Calotropis Gigantea;Agati Grandiflora;Adhatoda Vasika and Chenopodium)  |
वसुक | m. a kind of measure (in music)  |
वसुक | n. a kind of salt  |
वसूक | m. a species of tree (equals baka-)  |
वसूक | n. its flower  |
वसूक | n. a kind of salt  |
वसुकल्प | m. Name of poets  |
वसुकल्पदत्त | m. Name of poets  |
वसुकर्ण | m. Name of a ṛṣi- with the patronymic vāsukra- (author of ).  |
वसुकीट | m. "money-worm", a suppliant, beggar  |
वसुक्र | m. Name of a ṛṣi- with the patronymic aindra- (author of )  |
वसुक्र | m. of another ṛṣi- with the patronymic vāsiṣṭha- (author of )  |
वसुक्र | m. (with prefix śrī-) of a grammarian  |
वसुक्रपत्नी | f. Name of the authoress of  |
वसुकृमि | m. equals -kīṭa- above  |
वसुकृत् | m. Name of a ṛṣi- with the patronymic vāsukra- (author of ).  |
वसुल | m. (fr. idem or 'mfn. (fr. 1. vasu-) valuable, rich ') a god  |
वसुल | m. an endearing form for vasu-datta-  |
वसुलक्ष्मी | f. Name of a sister-in-law of agni-mitra- (in prakṛt-)  |
वसुलक्ष्मीकल्याण | n. Name of a kāvya-.  |
वसुमद्गण | mfn. (v/a-) having or attracting the troop consisting of the vasu-s (said of soma-)  |
वसुमद्गण | mfn. Name of (as beginning with this word)  |
वसुमनस् | m. Name of a king of kosala-  |
वसुमनस् | m. (with rauhidaśva-) Name of the author of  |
वसुमत् | mfn. (v/asu--) having or possessing or containing treasures, wealthy, rich (-tara-, Comparative degree) etc.  |
वसुमत् | mfn. attended by the vasu-s etc.  |
वसुमत् | m. Name of a son of manu- vaivasvata-  |
वसुमत् | m. of kṛṣṇa-  |
वसुमत् | m. of a king  |
वसुमत् | m. of various other persons  |
वसुमत् | m. of a mountain in the North  |
वसुमती | f. (atī-) See below  |
वसुमति | m. Name of a Brahman  |
वसुमती | f. (of -mat-) the earth  |
वसुमती | f. a country, kingdom, region etc.  |
वसुमती | f. the ground  |
वसुमती | f. Name of two kinds of metre  |
वसुमती | f. Name of various women  |
वसूमती | (m. Calcutta edition vasu-m-) f. a rich or wealthy woman  |
वसुमतीचित्रासन | n. Name of work  |
वसुमतीचित्रसेनाविलास | m. Name of work  |
वसुमतीचित्रसेनीय | n. Name of work  |
वसुमतीपरिणय | m. Name of work  |
वसुमतीपति | m. a prince, king  |
वसुमतीपृष्ठ | n. the surface of the (spherical) earth  |
वसुमतीसूनु | m. metron. of naraka-  |
वसुमत्ता | f. the state of being wealthy, wealth  |
वसुमय | mf(ī-)n. consisting of wealth or of good things |
वसुंधर | mfn. containing wealth  |
वसुंधर | m. Name of a poet etc.  |
वसुंधर | m. of another man  |
वसुंधर | m. plural Name of the vaiśya-s in śālmaladvīpa-  |
वसुंधर | m. of a people  |
वसुंधरा | f. See below  |
वसुंधरा | f. the earth  |
वसुंधरा | f. a country, kingdom etc.  |
वसुंधरा | f. the soil, the ground (also vasuṃdharāpṛṣṭha rā-pṛṣṭha- n.) etc.  |
वसुंधरा | f. Name of a minute portion of prakṛti-  |
वसुंधरा | f. (with Buddhists) Name of a goddess  |
वसुंधरा | f. of a daughter of śva-phalka-  |
वसुंधरा | f. of a princess  |
वसुंधरा | f. of another woman  |
वसुंधरा | f. dual number Name of the two kumārī-s (set up with indra-'s bannerSee kumāri-)  |
वसुंधराभृत् | m. a mountain  |
वसुंधराधर | m. a mountain  |
वसुंधराधव | m. a king, prince  |
वसुंधरापृष्ठ | n. vasuṃdharā |
वसुंधराशुनासीर | m. a prince, king (wrong reading -sunā-s-).  |
वसुंधरेशा | f. "having the keeper of wealth (kṛṣṇa-) for lord"Name of rādhā-  |
वसुमेखल | mfn. wearing a jewelled girdle  |
वसुमित्र | m. Name of various men  |
वसुन | m. a sacrifice  |
वसुनाग | m. Name of a poet  |
वसुनन्द | m. Name of a king  |
वसुनन्दक | equals kheṭaka-  |
वसुनेमि | m. Name of a serpent-demon  |
वसुनेत्र | m. Name of a Brahman  |
वसुनीथ | mfn. idem or '(v/asu--) mfn. bringing wealth '  |
वसुनीति | (v/asu--) mfn. bringing wealth  |
वसुपाल | m. "protector of wealth", a king  |
वसुपालित | m. Name of various men  |
वसूपमान | mfn. resembling or equal to kubera-  |
वसुपति | m. (v/asu--) lord of wealth or of good things (also with v/asūnām-;Name of agni-, indra-, savitṛ- and kubera-)  |
वसुपति | m. "lord of the vasu-s", Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
वसुपत्नी | f. (said of the cow) mistress of wealth (also with v/asūnām-)  |
वसुपातृ | mfn. "protector of the vasu-s", Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
वसुप्रभा | f. one of the 7 tongues of fire  |
वसुप्रभा | f. Name of kubera-'s capital  |
वसुप्रद | mfn. bestowing wealth  |
वसुप्रद | m. Name of one of skanda-'s attendants  |
वसुप्राण | m. "breath of the vasu-s", fire  |
वसुपूज्यराज् | m. Name of the father of the 12th arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-  |
वसुर | mfn. (fr. 1. vasu-) valuable, rich  |
वसुर | vasula-, vasūya- etc. See p.931.  |
वसूरा | f. a harlot, prostitute  |
वसुराज | m. the king vasu-  |
वसुरक्षित | m. Name of a man  |
वसुरण्व | mfn. delighted with wealth,  |
वसुरात | m. Name of a man  |
वसुरथ | m. Name of a poet  |
वसुरेतस् | m. fire or the god of fire  |
वसुरेतस् | m. Name of śiva- (also taḥ-su-vapuḥ-)  |
वसुरोचिस् | m. (v/asu--) Name of a man  |
वसुरोचिस् | m. (plural) of his family  |
वसुरोचिस् | n. equals yajña-  |
वसुरोचिस् | n. a religious ceremony in which the vasu-s are especially worshipped  |
वसुरुच् | mfn. (perhaps) bright like the vasu-s or the gods  |
वसुरुच् | mfn. a proper N.  |
वसुरुचि | (v/asu--) m. Name of a gandharva-  |
वसुरूप | mfn. having the nature of the vasu-s (said of śiva-) (also applied to an ancestor on offering the piṇḍa- )  |
वसुशक्ति | m. Name of a man  |
वसुसम्पत्ति | f. accession or acquisition of wealth  |
वसुसम्पूर्ण | mfn. filled with wealth  |
वसुसार | m. Name of a man  |
वसुसारा | f. kubera-'s capital  |
वसुषेण | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
वसुषेण | m. of karṇa- (half brother of the pāṇḍu- princes by the same mother, pṛthā-;the name is supposed by some to have reference to his wealth which he distributed liberally; see karṇa-)  |
वसुषेण | m. of a merchant  |
वसुसेन | m. Name of a poet  |
वसुश्रवस् | mfn. (v/asu--) (perhaps) famous for wealth (or"flowing-with wealth")  |
वसुश्रवस् | mfn. Name of śiva-  |
वसुश्रेष्ठ | mfn. the best of the vasu-s (said of kṛṣṇa-)  |
वसुश्रेष्ठ | m. Name of a king  |
वसुश्रेष्ठ | n. "best of treasure", silver  |
वसुश्रेष्ठ | n. wrought gold  |
वसुश्री | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
वसुश्रुत | m. (prob.) a person renowned for wealth  |
वसुश्रुत | m. (with ātreya-) Name of the author of  |
वसुस्थली | f. the capital of kubera-  |
वसुता | (vas/u--) f. wealth, riches (or) liberality  |
वसुताति | (vas/u--) f. wealth, riches (or) liberality  |
वसूत्तम | m. "best of the vasu-s", Name of bhīṣma-  |
वसुत्ति | (v/asu--) f. (for -datti-; see bhaga-tti-, maghatti-) the granting of wealth, enrichment  |
वसुत्व | n. wealth, riches  |
वसुत्वन | n. wealth, riches  |
वसुवाह | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
वसुवाहन | mfn. carrying wealth, bringing treasures  |
वसुवल्लिका | f. Serratula Anthelmintica  |
वसुवन् | mfn. equals -v/ani- (with vasu-dh/eyasya-)  |
वसुवन | n. Name of a mythical country  |
वसुवनि | mfn. asking wealth (or) bestowing wealth  |
वसुवनि | f. a request or prayer for wealth  |
वसुवर्मधर | mfn. wearing a golden armour  |
वसुवत् | (v/asu--) mfn. united with the vasu-s (said of agni-)  |
वसुविद् | mfn. bestowing wealth etc.  |
वसुविन्द | mfn. gaining wealth  |
वसुवीर्य | n. (prob.) the power of the vasu-s  |
वसुवित्तम | mfn. one who bestows great wealth  |
वसुव्रत | n. a kind of penance (eating only ground rice for twelve days)  |
वसुवृष्टि | f. a shower of wealth or of treasures  |
वसूय | Nom. P. y/ati-, to desire wealth  |
वसूया | ind. through desire of wealth  |
वसूयु | mfn. desiring wealth  |
वस्व् | in compound for 1. vasu-.  |
वस्वनन्त | m. Name of a son of upagupta-  |
वस्वन्त | mfn. ending with the word vasu-  |
वस्वौकसारा | f. Name of a river  |
वस्वौकसारा | f. of the residence of kubera-  |
वस्वौकसारा | f. of the city of indra-  |
वस्वी | f. night  |
वस्वी | See under 1. vasu-, .  |
वस्वोकसारा | f. Name of a river  |
वस्वोकसारा | f. of the residence of kubera-  |
वस्वोकसारा | f. of the city of indra-  |
वस्य | mfn. to be put on (See snāta-v-).  |
वस्यैष्टि | f. (fr. vasyas-+ iṣṭi-) seeking or desire for the better id est for welfare  |
वस्यस् | mfn. equals v/asīyas-, better, more excellent or glorious, wealthier or richer than (ablative)  |
वस्यस् | n. increasing wealth or prosperity, welfare  |
वस्यस | See pāpa-- and śvo-v-.  |
वस्यष्टि | f. (for prec.) attaining to welfare (in a formula) . |
वस्योभूय | n. (fr. vasyas-+ bhūya-) increasing wealth, welfare  |
अब्धिवस्त्रा | f. the earth,  |
आभरद्वसव | n. ābharadvasu |
आभरद्वसु | mfn. bringing property or goods  |
आभरद्वसु | m. Name of a man. ( ābharadvasava sava- n."composed by ābharad-vasu-", Name of a sāman-.)  |
अभिध्वस्त | mfn. afflicted by (instrumental case)  |
अभिप्रश्वस् | to blow towards (accusative)  |
अभिसंवस् | A1. (pr. p. 1. -v/asāna-) to wrap one's self into (accusative)  |
अभिसंवस् | A1. (pr. p. 2. -v/asāna-) to settle round (accusative) together  |
अभिष्टिशवस् | (abh/iṣṭi--) mfn. rendering powerful assistance  |
अभिश्वस् | (p. -śvas/at-; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood (ablative) -śv/asas-) to blow towards or hither ; (p. -śvasat-) to whistle ; to groan  |
अभिवस् | -vaste-, to wrap one's self up in (accusative) : Causal (imperfect tense -/avāsayat-) to clothe, cover  |
अभिवस् | See abhy-uṣita-.  |
अभिविश्वस् | Caus. -śvāsayati-, to render confident  |
अभिविवस् | (Potential -ucchet-) to shine forth during or at the time of (accusative) ; (A1. -uccheta-)  |
अभ्यवस्कन्द् | (ind.p. -skandya-) to jump down or into ; to meet, encounter |
अभ्यवस्कन्द | m. impetuous assault  |
अभ्यवस्कन्द | judgment,  |
अभ्यवस्कन्दन | n. impetuous assault  |
अभ्यवसृ | (ind.p. -sṛtya-) to retire from (ablative) towards (accusative)  |
अभ्यवसृज् | (1. p. -sṛjāmi-) to dismiss towards (accusative) ; to dismiss (as rays) ; to throw, shoot (as arrows)  |
अभ्यवस्थित | mfn. resisting (with accusative)  |
अभ्यवस्यन्द् | to drive (on a carriage) towards  |
अभ्युदवसो | -syati-, to set out or go towards (accusative)  |
अभ्युपेयिवस् | mf(yuṣī-)n. (perf. p.) having approached, arrived at (accusative)  |
अभ्युपेयिवस् | mf(yuṣī-)n. having admitted (See 1. abhy-upe-).  |
अबिभीवस् | m(instrumental case bhyuṣā-; Nominal verb plural bhyuṣas-)fn. (perf. p.) fearless, confident  |
अचकृवस् | mfn. not guilty of a kṛtyā- (quod vide),  |
आच्छादनवस्त्र | n. the lower garment  |
अचिकित्वस् | ān-, uṣī-, at-, not knowing, ignorant of.  |
अदाश्वस् | ([ ;Compar. /adāśūṣṭara- ]) mfn. not worshipping the deities, impious.  |
अधःस्वस्तिक | n. the nadir.  |
अधरस्वस्तिक | n. the nadir.  |
अधिनिवस् | to dwell in.  |
अधिसंवस् | (3. pl. v/asante-) to dwell or reside together (quoted in )  |
अधिवस् | A1. -vaste-, to put on or over (as clothes, etc.)  |
अधिवस् | to inhabit ; to settle or perch upon.  |
अधिवस् | (Causal - vāsayati-), to accept (especially an invitation),  |
अधिवसति | f. a dwelling, habitation,  |
अधिवस्त्र | mfn. clothed  |
अध्वसह | m. an indefatigable traveller,  |
अध्वस्मन् | mfn. unveiled  |
आध्वस्त | mfn. covered |
आध्वस्त | See under ā-dhvaṃs-.  |
अध्यावस् | to inhabit, dwell in (accusative or locative case)  |
अध्यवसान | n. attempt, effort, exertion  |
अध्यवसान | n. energy, perseverance  |
अध्यवसान | n. determining  |
अध्यवसान | n. (in rhetoric) concise and forcible language.  |
अध्यवसाय | m. idem or 'n. (in rhetoric) concise and forcible language.'  |
अध्यवसाय | m. (in philosophy) mental effort, apprehension.  |
अध्यवसाय | clinging to (earthly things),  |
अध्यवसाययुक्त | mfn. resolute.  |
अध्यवसायिन् | mfn. resolute.  |
अध्यवसायित | mfn. attempted.  |
अध्यवसेय | mfn. only to be conceived in the mind,  |
अध्यवसित | mfn. ascertained, determined, apprehended.  |
अध्यवसिति | f. exertion, effort.  |
अध्यवसो | cl.4 P. -syati-, to undertake, attempt, accomplish ; to determine, consider, ascertain. |
अध्यूषिवस् | ān-, uṣī-, at- (perf. p. 5. vas-), one who has dwelt in  |
अद्यदिवस | m. n. the present day.  |
आगमतत्त्वसंग्रह | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work (confer, compare -208)  |
आगतसाध्वस | mfn. terrified.  |
आघृणीवसु | mfn. rich with heat (Name of agni-) (vocative case)  |
अग्निशौचवस्त्र | n. a fine muslin garment,  |
अग्रद्रवसंहति | f. the thin upper part of milk or curds,  |
आहरवसना | gaRa mayūra-vyaṃsakādi-  |
अहावस् | ind. an interjection said to sound like a flourish at the end of a sāman- verse  |
अइन्द्रावसान | mf(ī-)n. (fr. indrāvasāna- gaRa utsādi- ), inhabiting a desert ([ equals marubhava- ])  |
अजघ्निवस् | mf(/a-jaghnuṣī-)n. ( han-), not having killed  |
अजवस् | mfn. not quick, inactive  |
आजवस्तेय | m. a descendant of an aja-vasti- man or prince, (gaRa gṛṣṭy-ādi-and śubhrādi- q.v)  |
अजवस्ति | m. Name of a tribe, (gaRa gṛṣṭy-ādi-and śubhrādi- q.v)  |
अजवस्ति | m. plural the members of that tribe, (gaRa yaskādi-, q.v)  |
अक्षितावसु | m. "possessed of undecaying wealth", Name of indra-  |
अलंकारसर्वस्व | n. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
अलवस् | See 2. ali-.  |
अमावसी | f. equals vāsy/ā- q.v  |
अमावसु | m. Name of a prince (a descendant of purūravas-) |
अमावस्या | f. equals -vāsy/ā- q.v  |
आनद्धवस्तिता | f. suppression of urine  |
आनद्धवस्तिता | f. state of having the bladder obstructed.  |
अनध्यवसित | mfn. irresolute,  |
अनध्यायदिवस | m. a vacation day, holiday.  |
अनाश्वस् | vān-, uṣī-, vat-, not having eaten, fasting (without an-the form would be āśivas-See ) .  |
अनवस | mfn. (probably fr. so-with ava-), not making to halt, not stopping  |
अनवसाद्य | ind.p. (Caus. of ava-sad-), not discouraging, not annoying.  |
अनवसान | mfn. ( so-), having no termination, free from death  |
अनवसान | mfn. endless.  |
अनवसर | mfn. having no interval of leisure, busy  |
अनवसर | mfn. coming when there is no such interval, inopportune  |
अनवसर | m. absence of leisure  |
अनवसर | m. unseasonableness.  |
अनवसित | mfn. not set, not terminated  |
अनवसिता | f. Name of a species of the triṣṭubh- metre (consisting of four lines with eleven feet in each).  |
अनवस्कर | mfn. free from dirt, clean, cleansed.  |
अनवस्नाता | f. a woman that has not (yet) bathed (id est has not yet had her monthly courses),  |
अनवस्थ | mfn. unsettled, unstable  |
अनवस्था | f. unsettled condition or character  |
अनवस्था | f. instability, unsteady or loose conduct  |
अनवस्था | mfn. (in philosophy) non-finality (of a proposition), endless series of statements.  |
अनवस्थान | mfn. unstable, fickle  |
अनवस्थान | m. wind  |
अनवस्थान | n. instability, unsteadiness or looseness of conduct.  |
अनवस्थायिन् | mfn. transient.  |
अनवस्थित | mfn. unsettled, unsteady, loose in conduct.  |
अनवस्थितचित्त | mfn. unsteady-minded.  |
अनवस्थितचित्तत्व | n. unsteadiness of mind.  |
अनवस्थितत्व | n. unsteadiness, instability.  |
अनवस्थिति | f. instability  |
अनवस्थिति | f. unsteadiness  |
अनवस्थिति | f. looseness of character.  |
अनवस्यत् | mfn. unceasing  |
अनवस्यत् | See an-avasāna-.  |
अनेवंविद्वस् | mfn. not having such knowledge,  |
अङ्गाङ्गिभावसंकर | m. confusion of essential and secondary ideas,  |
अन्नवस्त्र | n. food and clothing, the necessaries of life.  |
अनृतसर्वस्व | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a man,  |
अन्तराभवसत्त्व | n. the soul in its middle existence between death and regeneration.  |
अन्तर्मदावस्थ | mfn. having latent or unmanifested ruttish desires,  |
अन्तर्वस् | to dwell inside, abide in the interior ; to stop in the midst of (see antar-uṣya- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ant/ar-.)  |
अन्तर्वसत् | mfn. internal, included, dwelling in.  |
अन्तर्वस्त्र | n. an under garment  |
अन्तर्वसु | m. Name of a soma- sacrifice  |
अन्तर्विद्वस् | mfn. (perf. p. 1. vid-), knowing exactly  |
अन्तावसायिन् | m. a barber  |
अन्तावसायिन् | m. a cāṇḍāla- etc. see ante-'vasāyin-  |
अन्तावसायिन् | m. Name of a muni-  |
अन्तेवसायिन् | m. a man living at the end of a town or village, a man belonging to the lowest caste  |
अन्त्यावसायिन् | ī-, inī- mf. a man or woman of low caste (the son of a cāṇḍāla- by a niṣādī-, especially a caṇḍāla-, śvapaca-, kṣattṛ-, sūta-, vaidehaka-, māgadha-, and āyogava-)  |
अनुभवसिद्ध | mfn. established by experience or perception.  |
अनुदिवसम् | ind. idem or 'ind. every day.'  |
अनूनवस्तुक | mfn. complete in substance or essence,  |
अनुश्वस् | to breathe continually.  |
अनुवस् | to clothe, cover  |
अनुवस् | to settle after another (accusative) ; to dwell near to ; to inhabit along with: Caus. -vāsayati-, to leave (the calf) with (the cow)  |
अनुवस् | (only - vāvase-), to rush at, .  |
अनुवसित | mfn. dressed up, wrapped.  |
अनुविद्वस् | mfn. perf. p. having found  |
अनुव्यवसो | to perceive.  |
अन्वस् | to be near ; to be at hand ; to reach  |
अन्वस्त | mfn. (2. as-), shot along, shot  |
अन्वस्त | mfn. interwoven (as in silk), chequered  |
अन्ववसर्ग | m. letting down, slackening  |
अन्ववसर्ग | m. permission to do as one likes  |
अन्ववसायिन् | mfn. adhering to, depending on (genitive case)  |
अन्ववसित | mfn. seized by  |
अन्ववसो | -syati-, to adhere to cling to etc. ; to long for, desire  |
अन्ववसृज् | to let go along or towards  |
अन्ववस्रु | Caus. -srāvayati-, to cause to flow down upon or along |
अन्ववस्था | to descend after another  |
अपध्वस्त | mfn. degraded  |
अपध्वस्त | mfn. reviled  |
अपध्वस्त | mfn. abandoned, destroyed  |
अपध्वस्त | m. a vile wretch lost to all sense of right  |
अपापवस्यस | (/a-pāpa--) n. not a wrong order, no disorder (see pāpa-vasyas/a-.)  |
अपपिवस् | m(genitive case /a-pupuṣas-)fn. (perf. p.) , who has not drunk  |
अपरश्वस् | ind. the day after to-morrow  |
अपरश्वस् | ind. the day after to-morrow,  |
अपरस्वस्तिक | n. the western point in the horizon.  |
अपरिमितकृत्वस् | ind. innumerable times,  |
अपश्वस् | cl.2 P. -śvasiti-, used to explain apāniti- (see apān-) commentator or commentary on |
अपवस् | (subjunctive -ucchat-,Imper. -ucchatu-) to drive off by excessive brightness ; to become extinct  |
अपव्यवस्थ | mfn. unsettled, changing,  |
अप्राप्तावसर | mfn. unseasonable, inopportune  |
अप्रतिधृष्टशवस् | mfn. of irresistible power  |
अप्रोषिवस् | m(Nominal verb vān-)fn. not gone away, staying  |
अरण्यवस्तुक | m. Name of a plant.  |
अररिवस् | m(Nominal verb vān-; genitive case ablative /a-raruṣas-)fn. ( rā-),,"not liberal", envious, hard, cruel, unfriendly (Name of evil spirits, who strive to disturb the happiness of man)  |
अर्धदिवस | m. "half a day", midday (see ardha-rātra-below.)  |
अर्धरात्रार्धदिवस | m. the time when day and night are half and half. id est equal, the equinox  |
अर्धवस्त्रसंवीत | mfn. clothed or enveloped in half-garments.  |
आर्द्रवस्त्रता | f. the state of having or standing in wet clothes  |
अर्णवसरिदास्रित | mfn. living on the bank of the sea and of rivers  |
अर्वाग्वसु | mfn. (arv/āg-) offering riches  |
अर्वाग्वसु | m. (us-) (for arvā-vasu- q.v), Name of a hotṛ- of the gods  |
अर्वस | mfn. running, quick (said of indra- and of the gods)  |
अर्वावसु | m. Name of a hotṛ- or brahman- of the gods  |
अर्वावसु | m. of a son of raibhya-  |
असामिशवस् | (/asāmi--) mfn. having complete strength  |
असश्चिवस् | mf(ścuṣī-)n. not ceasing  |
आश्रवस्य | Nom. P. (fr. 2. śravas-), to approach with haste, hasten towards  |
अष्टकृत्वस् | ind. eight times (see aṣṭ/au k/ṛtvas- idem or 'm. a jaina-, ', )  |
अष्टश्रवस् | m. (equals -karṇa- q.v),"eight-eared", Name of brahman-  |
अष्टाश्वसमाधि | m. a team of 8 horses,  |
आशुश्रवस् | m. Name of a mythical horse  |
आश्वस् | P. -śvasiti- and -śvasati- (imperative 2. sg. -śvasihi-and -śvasa-[ ]; imperfect tense -aśvasīt-[ ]and -aśvasat-[ ]) A1. -śvasate-, to breathe, breathe again or freely ; to take or recover breath, take heart or courage ; to revive etc.: Causal -śvāsayati-, to cause to take breath ; to encourage, comfort ; to calm, console, cheer up  |
अश्वसा | mfn. idem or 'mfn. gaining or procuring horses (see gaRa savanādi- q.v)'  |
अश्वसाद | m. a horseman  |
अश्वसाधन | mfn. effective by horses,  |
अश्वसादिन् | m. idem or 'm. a horseman '  |
अश्वसंख्य | m. "counting horses"(= ballava-),  |
अश्वसनि | mfn. gaining or procuring horses (see gaRa savanādi- q.v)  |
अश्वसङ्कु | m. Name of a dānava-  |
अश्वसारथ्य | n. management of horses and cars, horsemanship and driving  |
अश्वसेन | m. Name of a nāga-  |
अश्वसेन | m. of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
अश्वसेन | m. of the father of the twenty-third arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-  |
अश्वस्रवण | n. the flowing off (of water) from a wet horse,  |
अश्वसृगालिका | f. the natural enmity between the horse and the jackal  |
अश्वस्तन | mf(ī-)n. not for to-morrow, not provided for to-morrow  |
अश्वस्तनविद् | mfn. ignorant of the future  |
अश्वस्तनविधान | n. non-provision for the future (= ) .  |
अश्वस्तनविधातृ | mfn. not providing for the future  |
अश्वस्तनिक | mfn. equals a-śvastana-  |
अस्वस्थ | mf(ā-)n. not in good health, sick, feeling uneasy etc.  |
अस्वस्थ | mf(ā-)n. not being firm in itself. ( )  |
अस्वस्थ | See a-sva-.  |
अश्वस्थान | n. a stable for horses  |
अश्वस्थान | mfn. born in a stable  |
अस्वस्थान | mfn. occurring out of its proper place,  |
अस्वस्थशरीर | mfn. ill  |
अस्वस्थता | f. illness, (PrakritassatthadA)  |
अश्वस्तोमीय | n. "relating to the praise of the sacrificial horse", Name of the hymn  |
अश्वस्तोमीय | m. (sc. homa-), Name of an oblation  |
अश्वसुक्त | n. Name of a sāman-.  |
आश्वसूक्त | n. Name of a sāman- equals aśva-- q.v  |
आश्वसूक्ति | m. a descendant of aśva-sūktin-  |
अश्वसूक्तिन् | m. Name of the author of the hymns  |
अश्वसूनृत | mf(ā-)n. pleased with horses (vocative case)  |
अश्वसूत | m. a charioteer,  |
अश्वसूत्र | n. a text-book on the management of horses  |
अश्वस्य | Nom. P. syati-, to wish for the stallion  |
आश्वस्य | ind.p. taking heart or confidence  |
अतिनिःश्वस् | to breathe or sigh violently.  |
अतिसाध्वस | n. excessive fear.  |
अतिस्वस्थ | mfn. enjoying excellent health.  |
अतिविश्वस् | to confide or trust too much (generally with na- negative)  |
अत्यवसृज् | to let loose, let go.  |
अउच्चैःश्रवस | m. (fr. uccaiḥ-śravas-), Name of indra-'s horse  |
अउच्चैःश्रवस | m. a horse  |
अउपस्वस्ती | f. Name of a woman.  |
अउपस्वस्तीपुत्र | m. Name of a teacher  |
अउपवसथिक | mfn. designed for or belonging to the upa-vasatha- (q.v) ceremony  |
अउपवसथिक | n. Name of a pariśiṣṭa- of the sāma-veda-.  |
अउपवसथ्य | mfn. equals aupavasathika- above  |
अउपवस्त | n. (fr. upa-vasta-), fasting, a fast  |
अउपवस्थ | n. equals aupavasta- above.  |
अउपवस्त्र | n. fasting  |
अउपवस्त्रक | n. food suitable for a fast  |
अउर्ध्वसद्मन | n. (fr. ūrdhva-sadman-), Name of a sāman-  |
अउर्ध्वस्रोतसिक | m. (fr. ūrdhva-srotas-), a śaiva- (q.v)  |
अवदातवसन | mfn. "clothed in white", laical,  |
अवध्वस्त | mfn. sprinkled  |
अवध्वस्त | mfn. spotted, stippled  |
अवध्वस्त | mfn. abandoned  |
अवध्वस्त | mfn. despised (see apa-dhvasta-.)  |
अवस् | n. ( av-), favour, furtherance, protection, assistance  |
अवस् | n. refreshing  |
अवस् | n. enjoyment, pleasure  |
अवस् | n. wish, desire (as of men for the gods etc. ,or of the waters for the sea ) (see -sv-/avas-.)  |
अवस् | ind. (once, before m-, av/ar- ; see ) (fr. 2. /ava-) downwards  |
अवस् | ind. (as-a preposition) down from (ablative or instrumental case)  |
अवस् | ind. below (with instrumental case)  |
आवस् | P. -vasati-, to abide, dwell ; to spend (time) ; to enter, inhabit ; to take possession of etc. ; to sleep with : Causal -vāsayati-, to cause or allow any one to dwell or abide ; to receive hospitably ; to inhabit, settle in a place  |
अवस | n. Ved. refreshment, food, provisions, viaticum  |
अवस | n.  |
अवस | n. (with pad v/at-) "food that has feet" id est cattle  |
अवस | m. a king  |
अवसा | and -sāt/ṛ- See ava-so-.  |
अवसा | f. liberation, deliverance  |
अवसा | f. "halt, rest" See an-avas/a-.  |
अवसभ | only in f. (ā-), excluded from a (husband's) company [ ], fallen into wrong (id est into men's) company ([ ])  |
अवसद् | P. -sīdati- (rarely A1. exempli gratia, 'for example' Potential -sideta- ; imperfect tense -sīdata- ) to sink (is into water) ; to sink down, faint, grow lean ([ ; ]), become exhausted or disheartened, slacken, come to an end, perish, Causal (parasmE-pada -sādayat-; ind.p. -sādya-) to cause to sink (as, into water) ; to render downhearted, dispirit, ruin etc. ; to frustrate  |
अवसाद | m. sinking (as of a chair)  |
अवसाद | m. the growing faint (as of a sound)  |
अवसाद | m. failing exhaustion, fatigue, lassitude  |
अवसाद | m. defeat  |
अवसाद | m. want of energy or spirit (especially as proceeding from doubtful or unsuccessful love)  |
अवसाद | m. (in law) badness of a cause  |
अवसाद | m. end, termination (see nir-av-.)  |
अवसादक | mfn. causing to sink, frustrating  |
अवसादक | mfn. exhausting, tiresome, wearisome  |
अवसादक | mfn. ending, finishing  |
अवसादन | n. oppressing, disheartening  |
अवसादन | n. the state of being disheartened  |
अवसादन | n. an escharotic, removing proud flesh by escharotic applications  |
अवसादना | f. humiliation, discouragement  |
अवसादनाविनेय | mfn. to be taught by discouragement,  |
अवसादित | mfn. made to sink, exhausted, dispirited  |
अवसादित | mfn. frustrated  |
अवसै | Ved.Inf. See ava-so- above.  |
अवसक्त | mfn. suspended from, attached to (as to the shoulder or to the branch of a tree etc.), bound round etc.  |
अवसक्त | mfn. being in contact with  |
अवसक्त | mfn. belonging to  |
अवसक्त | mfn. (in Passive voice sense) hung with (as with wreaths) , charged with (a business)  |
अवसक्थिका | f. (equals paryaṅka- q.v) sitting on the hams (or also"the cloth tied round the legs and knees of a person sitting on his hams" )  |
अवसलवि | ind. equals apa-s- q.v  |
अवसाम | mfn.  |
अवसंचक्ष्य | mfn. to be shunned or avoided  |
अवसंडीन | n. ( ḍī-), the united downward flight of birds (varia lectio)  |
अवसान | mfn. (vas-), not dressed  |
अवसान | n. (see ava-mocana-) "where the horses are unharnessed", stopping, resting-place, residence  |
अवसान | n. a place chosen or selected for being built upon  |
अवसान | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). ) conclusion, termination, cessation etc.  |
अवसान | n. death  |
अवसान | n. boundary, limit  |
अवसान | n. end of a word, last part of a compound or period, end of a phrase  |
अवसान | n. the end of the line of a verse or the line of a verse itself.  |
अवसान | n. Name of a place, (gaRa takṣaśilādi- q.v)  |
आवसान | mf(ī-)n. (fr. ava-sāna- gaRa takṣaśilādi- ), dwelling or living on the boundaries of a village etc.  |
अवसानभूमि | f. "place of limit", the highest limit  |
अवसानदर्श | mfn. looking at one's place of destination or residence seeing the end of (genitive case)  |
अवसानक | mf(ikā-)n. attaining an end by (in compound)  |
अवसानिक | mfn. forming the end of (in compound)  |
आवसानिक | mf(ī-)n. being at the end  |
अवसञ्ज् | (ind.p. -sajya-, Imper. 3. plural Passive voice -sajyantām-) to suspend, attach to, append , (see ava-sṛj-at end) ; to charge with (a business; accusative) : A1. -sajjate-, to adhere or cleave to, not leave undisturbed  |
अवसञ्जन | n. (equals nivīta- q.v) the Brahmanical thread hanging over the shoulder commentator or commentary on  |
अवसन्न | mfn. sunk down, pressed down (as by a burden ) |
अवसन्न | mfn. sunken (as eyes)  |
अवसन्न | mfn. (opposed to ut-sanna-) deep (as a wound)  |
अवसन्न | mfn. languid, dispirited, distressed, unhappy  |
अवसन्न | mfn. ended, terminated  |
अवसन्न | mfn. (as the eyesight;said of a blind person)  |
अवसन्न | mfn. (in law) beaten in a cause.  |
अवसान्य | mfn. belonging to the line of a verse  |
अवसर | See ava-sṛ-.  |
अवसर | m. "descent (of water)", rain  |
अवसर | m. occasion, moment, favourable opportunity etc.  |
अवसर | m. seasonableness, appropriate place for anything (genitive case)  |
अवसर | m. any one's (genitive case) turn  |
अवसर | m. leisure, advantageous situation  |
अवसर | m. (equals mantra-) consultation in private(?)  |
अवसर | m. a year  |
अवसरकाले | ([ ]) locative case ind. on a favourable opportunity.  |
अवसारण | n. moving away  |
अवसारणा | f. rehabilitation of a monk,  |
अवसरपाठक | m. a bard, panegyrist,  |
अवसरवेलायाम् | ([ ]) locative case ind. on a favourable opportunity.  |
अवसरे | ind. at the right moment  |
अवसर्ग | See ava-sṛj-.  |
अवसर्ग | m. (gaRa nyaṅkv-ādi- q.v) letting loose, letting go (an-- negative)  |
अवसर्ग | m. relaxation, laxity  |
अवसर्ग | m. following one's own inclinations, independence  |
अवसर्जन | See  |
अवसर्जन | n. liberation  |
अवसर्जित | mfn. (equals visṛṣṭavat- commentator or commentary) who has abandoned  |
अवसर्पन | m. "one who approaches unawares", a spy (see apa-sarpa-.)  |
अवसर्पण | n. "descent", the place from which manu- descended after he had left his ark  |
अवसर्पण | ( ).  |
अवसर्पण | n. going down to (see rathyāvas-.)  |
अवसर्पिणी | f. "going or gliding down gradually", a descending period of a long duration and alternating with the"ascending one" (ut-sarpiṇī- q.v;both the ascending[ ut-s-]and descending[ ava-s-]cycle are divided into six stages each: good-good, good, good-bad, bad-good, bad, bad-bad)  |
अवसर्पित | mfn. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ava-sṛp-.  |
अवसथ | m. (for ā-vasatha- q.v) habitation  |
अवसथ | m. a village  |
अवसथ | m. a college, school  |
अवसथ | n. a house, dwelling  |
आवसथ | m. ( ) dwelling-place, abode, habitation, night's lodging etc.  |
आवसथ | m. a dwelling for pupils and ascetics  |
आवसथ | m. a village  |
आवसथ | m. a particular religious observance  |
आवसथ | m. a treatise on āryā- metres  |
आवसथिक | mf(ī-)n. dwelling in a house  |
आवसथिक | mf(ī-)n. household, domestic  |
आवसथिक | m. a householder (who keeps a domestic fire)  |
अवसथिन् | mfn. having a habitation  |
आवसथीय | mfn. ([ ]) being in a house  |
आवसथीय | m. ([ scilicet agni-]) a domestic fire  |
आवसथीय | mn. a night's lodging, dwelling for pupils and ascetics  |
आवसथीय | n. establishing or keeping a domestic fire  |
अवसथ्य | mfn. (for āvas- q.v) belonging to a house, domestic  |
अवसथ्य | m. a college, school  |
आवसथ्य | mfn. ([ ]) being in a house  |
आवसथ्य | m. ([ scilicet agni-]) a domestic fire  |
आवसथ्य | mn. a night's lodging, dwelling for pupils and ascetics  |
आवसथ्य | n. establishing or keeping a domestic fire  |
आवसथ्याधान | n. establishing a domestic fire  |
आवसति | f. shelter, night's lodging  |
आवसति | f. night (id est the time during which one rests) .  |
अवसातृ | m. a liberator  |
अवसवि | ind. to the left  |
अवसव्य | mfn. not left, right  |
अवसाय | ind.p. ( ) See - so-.  |
अवसाय | m. ( )"taking up one's abode" See yatra-kāmāvasāya-  |
अवसाय | m. termination, conclusion, end |
अवसाय | m. remainder  |
अवसाय | m. determination, ascertainment  |
अवसायक | mfn. (said of an arrow, sāyaka-),"bringing to a close", destructive  |
अवसायिन् | mfn. "taking up one's abode, settling" See antāv- and and ante-'v-, yatra-kāmāv-.  |
आवसायिन् | mfn. (fr. avasa-and āyin-), going after or procuring a livelihood  |
अवसाय्य | ind.p. (fr. Causal) See ava-so-.  |
अवसेचन | n. sprinkling,  |
अवसेचन | n. water used for irrigating (trees)  |
अवसेचन | n. bathing  |
अवसेचन | n. bleeding  |
अवसेचित | mfn. equals -srkta-  |
अवसेक | m. sprinkling, irrigating (as the ground)  |
अवसेक | m. syringing, administering a clyster , bleeding (with leeches)  |
अवसेकिम | m. a kind of cake (pulse ground and fried with oil or butter)  |
अवसेय | mfn. to be ascertained, be understood, be made out, be learnt, from commentator or commentary etc.  |
अवसेय | mfn. "to be brought to a close", be destroyed  |
अवसिच् | (parasmE-pada -siñcat-; ind.p. -sicya-) to sprinkle, pour upon (accusative or locative case) ; to pour out : Causal (Potential -secayet-) to sprinkle, bedew  |
अवसिध् | (imperfect tense avāsedhat- varia lectio apās-) to keep back or off from (ablative)  |
अवसिक्त | mfn. sprinkled  |
अवसिञ्चित | mfn. idem or 'mfn. sprinkled '  |
अवसित | mfn. one who has put up at any place, who dwells, rests, resides  |
अवसित | mfn. brought to his abode (as agni-)  |
अवसित | mfn. ended, terminated, finished, completed  |
अवसित | mfn. one who has given up anything (ablative ;or in compound )  |
अवसित | mfn. determined, fixed  |
अवसित | mfn. ascertained  |
अवसित | mfn. known, understood  |
अवसित | mfn. one who is determined to (locative case)  |
अवसित | mfn. being at end of the line of a verse (See ava-s/āna-)  |
अवसित | mfn. stored (as grain etc.)  |
अवसित | mfn. gone  |
अवसित | n. "a dwelling-place" See navāvasit/a-.  |
आवसित | equals avasita- (q.v)  |
अवसितकार्य | mfn. one who has finished what had to be done, satisfied,  |
अवसितमण्डन | mfn. entirely adorned or dressed,  |
अवसितार्थ | mfn. (= ta-- kārya-),  |
अवसिति | f. conclusion, end,  |
अवस्कन्द् | (ind.p. -skandya-) to jump down from (ablative) ; to approach hastening from (ablative) ; to storm, assault (as a city etc.)  |
अवस्कन्द | m. assault, attack, storm  |
अवस्कन्दन | n. idem or 'm. assault, attack, storm '  |
अवस्कन्दन | n. descending  |
अवस्कन्दन | n. bathing  |
अवस्कन्दन | n. (in law) accusation.  |
अवस्कन्दन | n. (also) attack, onset, rushing on (prati-),  |
अवस्कन्दिन् | mfn. "covering (a cow)" See gaurāv-  |
अवस्कन्दिन् | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' attacking  |
अवस्कन्दित | mfn. attacked  |
अवस्कन्दित | mfn. gone down  |
अवस्कन्दित | mfn. bathed, bathing , (in law) accused, refuted (?)  |
अवस्कन्न | mfn. spilt (as semen virile)  |
अवस्कन्न | mfn. "attacked", overpowered (as by love)  |
अवस्कर | See ava-- s-kṝ--.  |
अवस्कर | m. ordure, faeces  |
अवस्कर | m. the privities  |
अवस्कर | m. a place for faeces etc., privy, closet ,  |
अवस्कर | m. a place for sweepings etc. commentator or commentary on (see ava-kara-.)  |
अवस्करक | m. Name of an insect (originating from faeces)  |
अवस्करमन्दिर | n. water closet  |
अवस्कव | m. ( sku-), a kind of worm  |
अवस्कॄ | (3. kṝ-) A1. (perf. 3. plural ava-caskarire-)to scrape with the feet , (see apa- s-kṝ- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order apa-k-rī-.)  |
अवस्मि | A1. (impf, 3. plural -smayanta-) to flash down (said of lightning)  |
अवस्ना | Caus. -snāpayati-, to wash  |
अवस्नात | mfn. (water) in which any one has bathed  |
अवसो | -syati- (Imper. 2. dual number -syatam-; Aorist subjunctive -sāt-) to loosen, deliver from ; (Imper. 2. sg. -sya-; Aorist /avāsāt- etc. Aorist 3. plural /avāsur- ; ind.p. -s/āya- ; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood -sai- ) Vedic or Veda to unharness (horses), put up at any one's house, settle, rest etc. ; to take, one's abode or standing-place in or upon (locative case) ; to finish, terminate (one's work) etc. ; to be finished, be at an end, be exhausted ; to choose or appoint (as a place for dwelling or for a sacrifice) ; (Potential 2. sg. -seyās-; see ) to decide , to obtain : Causal -sāyayati- (ind.p. -s/āyya-) to cause to take up one's abode in or upon (locative case) ; (ind.p. -sāyya-) to complete ; (infinitive mood [in Passive voice sense] -sāyyayitum-) to ascertain, clearly distinguish Passive voice -sīyate- (see ) to be obtained ; to be insisted upon (edition Bombay edition in active sense "to insist upon") ; to be ascertained  |
अवस्पर्तृ | (only voc-. rtar-) m. a preserver, saviour  |
अवस्फोटन | n. cracking the fingers,  |
अवस्फुर् | (future -sphuriṣyati-) to cast away  |
अवस्फूर्ज् | (p. -sph/ūjat-) Ved.to thunder, make a noise like a thunder-clap etc. ; to snort (edition Bomb.) ; to fill with noise  |
अवस्फूर्ज | m. the rolling of thunder  |
अवस्फूर्जथु | m. rolling of thunder, (varia lectio).  |
अवस्पृ | (Aorist subjunctive -sp/arat-,2. sg. -spar-,Imper. 2. sg. -spṛdhi-and 2. dual number -spṛtam-) to defend, preserve from (ablative)  |
अवसृ | Caus. to move anything aside or away  |
अवस्रंस् | A1. (parasmE-pada -sraṃsamāna-) falling down  |
अवस्रंसन | n. falling down,  |
अवस्रसस् | Vedic or Veda infinitive mood (ablative) from falling down  |
अवस्रस्त | mfn. fallen down |
अवसृज् | (subjunctive -sṛjāt-[ ] or -sṛj/at-[ ] or -sṛjat-[ ];Imper. 2. sg. -sṛj/ā-,or -sṛjā-; imperfect tense -/asṛjat-; perf. Potential -sasṛjyā- ; parasmE-pada -sṛj/at- ) to fling, throw (as arrows or the thunderbolt) etc. ; to throw or put into (locative case) , to let off, let loose, let go, send, dismiss, abandon, surrender (as to misfortune, agh/āya- ) etc. ; to give up (as one's anger etc.) , (or one's life, prāṇān-) xii, 88 ; to pardon ; (any one's life, prāṇān-) ; to deliver (a woman) ; to be delivered, bring forth ; to produce, form, shape : A1. (imperfect tense 3. plural /avāsṛjanta-) to relax, lose energy and power. ; (imperfect tense avāsṛjat-for sajat-,fr.- sañj- ) to attach to (locative case) |
अवसृप् | -s/arpati-, (said of the sun) to set ; (parasmE-pada locative case m. -sarpati-) ; to flow back (as the, sea in low tide) (varia lectio ava-sarpita- mfn."caused to flow back") ; to creep to or approach unawares ; to flow over gradually  |
अवसृष्ट | mfn. let loose  |
अवसृष्ट | mfn. thrown (as arrows or the thunderbolt) (see rudrāv-)  |
अवसृष्ट | mfn. made over, dismissed, sent , brought forth (from the womb)  |
अवसृष्ट | mfn. fallen down from or upon (in compound)  |
अवस्रु | Caus. (p. -srāvayat-) to cause to flow down  |
अवस्रुत | mfn. run or dropped down  |
अवस्तब्ध | mfn. stiff (with cold etc.)  |
अवस्तार | m. ( )"a litter, bed", (see nir-av-.)  |
अवस्तरण | n. strewing  |
अवस्तरण | n. a cover for a bed, blanket  |
अवस्तात् | ind. (av/as--) ( ) below  |
अवस्तात् | ind. before (in time)  |
अवस्तात् | ind. (as a preposition with genitive case) below  |
अवस्तात् | See 2. av/as-.  |
अवस्तात्प्रपदन | mfn. (anything) attained from below (as heaven)  |
अवस्था | P. -tiṣṭhati- (imperfect tense -atiṣṭhat-; Aorist subjunctive -sthāt-; perf. A1.3. sg. -tasthe-; perf. p. P. -tasthiv/as-) to go down into (accusative), reach down to (accusative) ; (Aorist subjunctive 2. plural -sthāta-), to go away from (ablative) ; (Aorist subjunctive 1. sg. -sthām-) to be separated from or deprived of (ablative) : A1. ( ;rarely P. exempli gratia, 'for example' etc.) to take one's stand, remain standing etc. ; to stay, abide, stop at any place (locative case) etc. ; to abide in a state or condition (instrumental case) etc. ; (with ind.p.) to remain or continue (doing anything) , etc. ; to be found, exist, be present ; (perf. 1. sg. -tasthe-) to fall to, fall into the possession of (dative case) ; to enter, be absorbed in in (locative case) ; to penetrate (as sound or as fame) : Passive voice -sthīyate-, to be settled or fixed or chosen : Causal (generally ind.p. -sthāpya-) to cause to stand or stop (as a carriage or an army etc.), let behind etc. ; to place upon (locative case), fix, set, array etc. ; to cause to enter or be absorbed in (locative case) ; to render solid or firm ; to establish (by arguments) commentator or commentary on : Passive voice Causal -sthāpyate-, to be kept firm ["to be separated" ] |
अवस्थ | m. membrum virile (see up/a-stha-)  |
अवस्था | f. appearance (in a court of justice)  |
अवस्था | f. "stability, consistence" see anavastha-  |
अवस्था | f. state, condition, situation (five are distinguished in dramas ), circumstance of age ([ ]) or position, stage, degree  |
अवस्था | f. plural the female organs of generation  |
अवस्थाचतुष्टय | n. the four periods or states of human life (viz. childhood, youth, manhood, and old age).  |
अवस्थाद्वय | n. the two states of life (viz. happiness and misery).  |
अवस्थान | n. standing, taking up one's place  |
अवस्थान | n. situation, condition  |
अवस्थान | n. residing, abiding, dwelling  |
अवस्थान | n. stability (see an-av-.)  |
अवस्थापन | n. exposing (goods for sale)  |
अवस्थातव्य | n. (impersonal or used impersonally) it is to be stayed or remained,  |
अवस्थात्रय | n. the three states (viz. waking, dreaming, and sound sleep)  |
अवस्थावन् | mfn. possessed of stability  |
अवस्थायिन् | mfn. staying residing in placed (behind, paścā-;as an army), abiding in a particular condition commentator or commentary on  |
आवस्थिक | mfn. (fr. 2. ava-sthā-), being in accordance with or adapted to the circumstances  |
आवस्थिक | mfn. suitable  |
अवस्थित | mfn. standing near (sometimes with accusative, exempli gratia, 'for example' ), placed, having its place or abode , (with a pr. p.) continuing to do anything  |
अवस्थित | mfn. engaged in, prosecuting, following, practising (with locative case [ si, 1228 etc.] or in compound [ ])  |
अवस्थित | mfn. obeying or following (the words or commands of; locative case)  |
अवस्थित | mfn. giving one's self up to (exempli gratia, 'for example' to compassion or pride)  |
अवस्थित | mfn. contained in (locative case) : being incumbent upon (locative case) , ready for (dative case) , firm, fixed, determined, etc.  |
अवस्थित | mfn. steady, trusty, to be relied on (see an-av-.)  |
अवस्थिति | f. residence, abiding, stability, See an-av-  |
अवस्थिति | f. following, practising  |
अवस्तीर्ण | mfn. strewed, covered with (instrumental case)  |
अवस्तॄ | P. -stṛṇāti- (1. sg. -stṛṇāmi- ind.p. -st/īrya-) to strew, scatter ; (perf. -tastāra-) to scatter over, cover with (instrumental case) : A1. (perf. -tastare-) to penetrate (as a sound)  |
अवस्त्र | mfn. without clothes, naked.  |
अवस्त्रता | f. nakedness, N.  |
अवस्तु | n. a worthless thing , insubstantiality, the unreality of matter  |
अवस्तुता | f. insubstantiality, unreality:  |
अवस्तुत्व | n. ([ ]) insubstantiality, unreality:  |
अवसुप्त | mfn. ( svap-), asleep  |
अवसुषिरा | f. the neck,  |
अवस्वद्वत् | mfn. united with the desirous one ([ ])  |
अवस्वन् | (Aorist -/asvanīt-) to fly down with noise (see ava-ṣvan-.)  |
अवस्वन्य | mfn. roaring  |
अवस्वापनी | f. (the magical art of) lulling to sleep,  |
अवस्वापनिका | f. (the magical art of) lulling to sleep,  |
अवश्वसम् | Vedic or Veda infinitive mood fr. śvas-, to blow away  |
अवस्वत् | mfn. desirous  |
अवस्वत् | See 1. /avas-.  |
अवस्वृ | (subjunctive -svarāti-) to sound (as an instrument) ; (Potential -svaret-) to sustain with gradually lowered voice  |
अवस्य | Nom. P. (parasmE-pada dative case sg. m. avasyate-) to seek favour or assistance  |
अवस्य | Nom. P. See 1. /avas-.  |
अवस्यन्द् | A1. (parasmE-pada -syandamāna-) to flow or trickle down  |
अवस्यन्दन | n. (gaRa gahādi- q.v)  |
अवस्यन्दित | n. (in rhetoric) attributing to one's own words a sense not originally meant  |
अवस्यु | mfn. desiring favour or assistance ( Nominal verb sg. m. sy/ūḥ-)  |
अवस्यु | mfn. (said of indra-) desirous of helping or assisting , (see )  |
अवस्यु | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (with the patron. ātreya-, composer of the hymn ).  |
अवस्यु | See 1. /avas-.  |
अवेदविद्वस् | m(dative case -viduṣe-)fn. idem or 'mfn. not knowing the veda-s '  |
अविद्वस् | mfn. (perf. p.) not knowing, ignorant etc.  |
अविद्वस् | See a-vidya-.  |
आविद्वस् | mfn. acquainted with, knowing thoroughly, skilled in  |
अविश्वसनीय | mfn. not to be trusted.  |
अविश्वसनीयत्व | n. the not deserving confidence  |
अविश्वसत् | mfn. not confiding  |
अविश्वस्त | mfn. not trusted, suspected, doubted  |
अविश्वस्त | mfn. equals a-viśvas/at-  |
अव्यवसायिन् | mfn. inactive, negligent, remiss  |
अव्यवसित | mfn. idem or 'mfn. inactive, negligent, remiss '  |
अव्यवस्रंस | m. not falling asunder  |
अव्यवस्त | mfn. (sta-for sita-?, sī-), not tied or fastened  |
अव्यवस्थ | mfn. irregular, without rule  |
अव्यवस्थ | not lasting or enduring,  |
अव्यवस्था | f. irregularity.  |
अव्यवस्था | f. unsettled state,  |
अव्यवस्थित | mfn. not conformable to law or Practice  |
अव्यवस्थित | mfn. not in due order, unmethodical.  |
अव्यवस्थित | unsettled, uncertain,  |
अव्ययीभावसमास | m. idem or 'm. "unchangeable state", an indeclinable compound '  |
आयद्वसु | mfn. one to whom wealth or property comes  |
अयवस् | n. ([ ]) idem or 'm. ([ ]) ri. ([ ]) idem or 'm. the dark half of the month ' '  |
आयवस् | n. equals /āyavan- above.  |
आयवस | m. Name of a king ([ ])  |
आयुर्वेदसर्वस्व | n. Name of work |