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Apte Search
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ajahatsvārthā अजहत्स्वार्था [न जहत् स्वार्थो$त्र, हा-शतृ न. ब.] A kind of लक्षणा, in which the primary or original sense of a word (which is used elliptically) does not disappear; as कुन्ताः प्रविशन्ति = कुन्तधारिणः पुरुषाः; श्वेतो धावति = श्वेतवर्णो$श्वो धावति; also called उपादानलक्षणा q. v.; स्वसिद्धये पराक्षेपः; कुन्ताः प्रविशन्ति, यष्टयः प्रविशन्ति इत्यादौ कुन्तादिभिरात्मन: प्रवेशसिद्ध्यर्थं स्वसंयोगिनः पुरुषा आक्षिप्यन्ते K.P.2. Adhyātma Rām.7.5.27. अजहत्स्वार्थवृत्ति ajahatsvārthavṛtti अजहत्स्वार्थवृत्ति a. Functioning without entirely surrendering one's own connotation; उत्पलशद्बसंनिधाने तदपेक्षा नीलशब्दस्तेनैकवाक्यतामभ्युपगच्छन्नजहत्स्वार्थवृत्तिरुपलविशे- षाभिधानपर उच्चार्यमाणः समबन्धमभ्युपैति । ŚB. on. MS.3.1.12.
Bloomfield Vedic
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asme rayiṃ na svarthaṃ damūnasam # RV.1.141.11a.
tvaṃ jyotiṣā vi tamo vavartha # RV.1.91.22d; ArS.3.3d; VS.34.22d; MS.4.14.1d: 214.10; KS.13.15d; TB.
yasya made apa gotrā vavartha # RV.3.43.7d.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"vartha" has 4 results
anvarthakagiven in accordance with the sense; generally applied to a technical term which is found in accordance with the sense conveyed by the constituent parts of it; e. g. सर्वनामसंज्ञा, confer, compare महत्याः संज्ञायाः करणे एतत् प्रयोजनमन्वर्थसंज्ञा यथा विज्ञायेत Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. I.1.23.
anvarthasaṃjñāA technical term used in accordance with the sense of its constituent parts; e. g. सर्वनाम, संख्या, अव्यय उपसर्जन,कारक, कर्मप्रवचनीय, अव्ययी-भाव, प्रत्यय, उपपद et cetera, and others All these terms are picked up from ancient grammarians by Pāṇini: confer, compare तत्र महत्याः संज्ञाया एतत् प्रयोजनम् । अन्वर्थसंज्ञा यथा विज्ञायेत । संख्यायते अनया संख्येति । confer, compare Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on I.1.23; also confer, compare M.Bh.on I.1.27,I. 1.38,I.2.43, I.4.83, II.1,5, III. 1.1, III.1.92 et cetera, and others
bahvarthaliterally the meaning of the word बहु. There are many senses of the word बहु out of which 'plurality' is the sense usually seen. The word also means 'collection;' confer, compare ग्रामशब्दोयं बह्वर्थः । अस्त्येव शालांसमुदाये वर्तते । तद्यथा । ग्रामो दग्ध इति Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. I. 1.8, 21.
matvarthasense in which the affix मतु ( मतुप् ) is affixed; the sense of 'possession' in general; see the word मतुप् a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page..


one of tantrayuktis; implication; extension of reasoning.

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