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Monier-Williams Search
14 results for vandi
vandiSee 1. 2. bandin-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vandinmfn. praising, honouring (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') (see 1. bandin-,"a praiser","bard") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vandinīkā f. Name of dākṣāyaṇī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vandinīyāf. Name of dākṣāyaṇī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vanditamfn. praised, extolled, celebrated View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vanditavyamfn. to be praised View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vanditavyamfn. to be respectfully greeted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vanditṛ mfn. one who praises or celebrates, a praiser View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vanditṛmfn. one who praises or celebrates, a praiser View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ananyavandinmfn. not praising anybody else, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rājavandinSee -bandin-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rāsabhavandif. Arabian jasmine View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vivandiṣāf. (fr. Desiderative of vand-) the wish to salute or worship View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vivandiṣumfn. wishing to salute, intending to praise View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
2 results
vandi वन्दिः वन्दी f. [वन्द्-इन् Uṇ.4.128] See बन्दी. 1 A female prisoner. -2 Prey, booty, spoil. -Comp. -पालः a keeper of prisoners, jailer.
vandin वन्दिन् m. A panegyrist, bard, an encomiast, a herald; धर्मच्छेदात् पटुतरगिरो वन्दिनो नीलकण्ठाः V.4.13; (the bards form a distinct caste sprung from a Kṣatriya father and a Śūdra mother). -2 A captive, prisoner.
Macdonell Search
2 results
anuvaṃśa m. genealogical table; a. equal by birth: -m, by birth; -vamsya, a. relating to one's genealogy; -vákana, n. repetition; study; lesson; -vanam, ad. in the forest; in every forest; -vana½antam, ad. in the forest; -vandin, a. praising; -vapram, ad. on the bank; -vartana, n. continuation; compliance, tractableness; -vartanîya, fp. to be followed; -varti-tva, n. compliance; -vartin, a. following, yielding, obedient; -vartman, a. following, serving; -vartya, fp. to be followed; -vasa, m. obedience; a. obedient; -vashat-kâra, m. repetition of the concluding sacrificial invocation.
rājayakṣma m. kind of dangerous disease; later: pulmonary consumption; -yakshman, m. id.; -yakshm-in, a. consumptive; -yagña, m. royal sacrifice; -yâna, n. royal vehicle, palanquin; -ratha,m. royal carriage; -rambhâ, f. kind of plantain; -râkshasa, m. demon of a king; -râg, m. king of kings, emperor; moon; -râga, m. king of kings; ep. of Kubera: -giri, m. ep. of the Himavat; -tâ, f., -tva, n. dignity of a sovereign lord; -râgya, n. sovereignty over all kings; -½rishi, m. royal sage; -lakshana, n. mark indicative of (future) royalty; -lakshman, n. royal emblem; -lakshmî, f. regal glory or majesty; N. of a princess; -loka, m.assemblage of kings; -vamsa, m. royal race, dynasty; -vamsya, a. of royal descent; m. Kshatriya; -vat, 1. ad. like a king (nm. or ac.); as in the case of a king; 2. a. having a king; abounding in kings: lc. =in the presence of a king; m. N.: -î, f. N.; -vadana, m. N.; -vandin, m. N. (=-bandin); -varkasin, a. being in royal service; -valla bha, m. royal favourite: -turamgama, m. favourite steed of a prince; -vasati, f. life at the court of a king; -vahana, a. bearing or ridden by kings; -vâhana, m. N. of a king; -vidyâ, f. kingcraft, statesmanship; -vihâra, m. royal pleasure-seat; royal mon astery; -vîthî, f. royal road, highway; -vri ksha, m. kind of tree; -vritta, n.procedure or vocation of a king; -vesman, n. royal palace; -vesha, m. royal costume; -sârdûla, m. (tiger-like=) illustrious king; -sâsana, n. royal command; -srî, f. glory or majesty of a king.
Bloomfield Vedic
2 results0 results6 results
maghavan vandiṣīmahi RV.1.82.3b; VS.3.52b; śB. See maghavan mand-.
pra vanditur indo tāry āyuḥ RV.9.93.5c.
ayaṃ stuto rājā vandi vedhāḥ # RV.10.61.16a.
tvaṃ hi deva vanditaḥ (AVP. devāntitaḥ) # AVś.1.7.1c; AVP.4.4.1c.
pituṣ ṭe asmi vanditā # RV.10.33.7c.
yayā nido muñcatha vanditāram # RV.2.34.15b.
Vedabase Search
101 results
vandi let Me offer prayersCC Antya 14.30
vandi offering respectCC Adi 13.124
vandi' offering prayers toCC Antya 13.72
vandibhiḥ admirersSB 1.11.23
vandibhiḥ and heraldsSB 10.50.35-36
vandibhiḥ by bardsSB 10.69.26
vandibhiḥ by the court poetsSB 10.75.34-35
vandibhiḥ by the recitersSB 9.10.44
vandibhyaḥ to the bardsSB 10.84.54
vandiha worshipCC Antya 3.40
vandila offered obeisancesCC Antya 7.5
vandi offered prayersCC Antya 14.114
CC Madhya 14.22
vandila offered prayersCC Madhya 19.196
vandi offered respectCC Antya 11.46
vandila offered respectsCC Adi 10.95
vandi offered respects toCC Antya 16.15
vandi prayedCC Madhya 25.71
vandi worshipedCC Adi 5.163
CC Antya 3.259
CC Antya 6.144
vandila worshipedCC Madhya 16.170
vandilā caraṇa offered prayers at the lotus feetCC Antya 3.235
vandilā caraṇa offered prayers at the lotus feetCC Antya 3.235
vandilā caraṇa offered prayers to the lotus feetCC Antya 6.240
vandilā caraṇa offered prayers to the lotus feetCC Antya 6.240
vandila caraṇa worshiped the lotus feetCC Madhya 18.181
vandila caraṇa worshiped the lotus feetCC Madhya 18.181
vandila caraṇe offered prayers at her lotus feetCC Madhya 3.209-210
vandila caraṇe offered prayers at her lotus feetCC Madhya 3.209-210
vandilena caraṇa worshiped the feetCC Madhya 25.227
vandilena caraṇa worshiped the feetCC Madhya 25.227
vandin O devotee offering prayersSB 4.15.22
vandinaḥ and heraldsSB 10.53.42-43
vandinaḥ and panegyristsSB 10.70.20
vandinaḥ bardsSB 10.70.2
vandinaḥ eulogistsSB 10.71.29
vandinaḥ general professional recitersSB 10.5.5
vandinaḥ his court poetsSB 10.87.12-13
vandinaḥ professional learned speakersSB 1.11.20
vandinaḥ those servantsSB 11.4.15
vandinaḥ those who offer praiseSB 10.35.20-21
vandinoḥ iva like minstrelsSB 10.88.16
vandinoḥ iva like minstrelsSB 10.88.16
vandiṣu and professional singersSB 9.6.45-46
vanditaḥ being offered obeisancesSB 11.9.32
vanditaḥ praisedSB 10.51.51
vanditam worshipedMM 7
SB 5.18.23
vanditam worshiped bySB 1.11.6
vanditān to them who are honoredSB 10.84.6
vanditau being worshipedSB 7.1.40
vanditau worshipedSB 6.18.11
vandiyā caraṇa after worshiping the feetCC Antya 13.41
vandiyā caraṇa after worshiping the feetCC Antya 13.41
vandiyā caraṇa offering respectful obeisances unto the lotus feetCC Antya 20.78
vandiyā caraṇa offering respectful obeisances unto the lotus feetCC Antya 20.78
vandiye I offer prayersCC Adi 12.93
vandiye caraṇa offer respect to the lotus feetCC Antya 19.7
vandiye caraṇa offer respect to the lotus feetCC Antya 19.7
abhivandita-ańghriḥ whose feet are worshipedSB 4.6.40
abhivandita were bowed down toSB 5.3.16
abhivandita-caraṇaḥ whose lotus feet were worshipedSB 5.13.24
abhivandita-ańghriḥ whose lotus feet are worshipedSB 8.23.6
abhivanditaḥ worshipableSB 2.6.35
abhivanditaḥ being offered obeisances toSB 4.11.35
abhivanditaḥ greeted respectfullySB 10.58.4
abhivanditaḥ welcomedSB 10.58.6
abhivanditaḥ respectfully greetedSB 10.65.4-6
abhivanditaḥ bowed down toSB 10.71.40
abhivanditaḥ honoredSB 10.81.13
abhivanditam honoredSB 12.6.72
abhivandita-ańghriḥ whose feet are worshipedSB 4.6.40
abhivandita-ańghriḥ whose lotus feet are worshipedSB 8.23.6
caraṇa vandi' offering prayers to the lotus feet of Lord CaitanyaCC Madhya 1.226
caraṇa vandi after worshiping the lotus feetCC Madhya 16.192
sabāra caraṇa vandi' offering respect to the feet of all the other devoteesCC Madhya 16.192
caraṇa vandi worshiped the lotus feet of the LordCC Madhya 25.233
caraṇa vandi offered prayers to the lotus feetCC Antya 6.192
caraṇa vandi worship the feetCC Antya 13.36
caraṇa vandi begged pardon at the lotus feetCC Antya 14.27
abhivandita-caraṇaḥ whose lotus feet were worshipedSB 5.13.24
loka-vanditaiḥ by Lord Brahmā and Lord Śiva, who are praised by all the inhabitants of the three worldsSB 10.6.34
sūta-māgadha-vandibhyaḥ unto the sūtas (the professional reciters of the old histories), the māgadhas (the professional reciters of the histories of royal dynasties) and the vandīs (general singers of prayers)SB 10.5.14
sūta-māgadha-vandibhiḥ by Sūta, Māgadha and Vandi recitersSB 10.90.8-9
sabāra caraṇa vandi' offering respect to the feet of all the other devoteesCC Madhya 16.192
sura-vanditayā worshiped by the demigodsSB 3.28.23
sūta-māgadha-vandibhyaḥ unto the sūtas (the professional reciters of the old histories), the māgadhas (the professional reciters of the histories of royal dynasties) and the vandīs (general singers of prayers)SB 10.5.14
sūta-māgadha-vandibhiḥ by Sūta, Māgadha and Vandi recitersSB 10.90.8-9
caraṇa vandi' offering prayers to the lotus feet of Lord CaitanyaCC Madhya 1.226
sabāra caraṇa vandi' offering respect to the feet of all the other devoteesCC Madhya 16.192
caraṇa vandi worship the feetCC Antya 13.36
sūta-māgadha-vandibhiḥ by Sūta, Māgadha and Vandi recitersSB 10.90.8-9
sūta-māgadha-vandibhyaḥ unto the sūtas (the professional reciters of the old histories), the māgadhas (the professional reciters of the histories of royal dynasties) and the vandīs (general singers of prayers)SB 10.5.14
caraṇa vandi worshiped the lotus feet of the LordCC Madhya 25.233
caraṇa vandi offered prayers to the lotus feetCC Antya 6.192
caraṇa vandi begged pardon at the lotus feetCC Antya 14.27
loka-vanditaiḥ by Lord Brahmā and Lord Śiva, who are praised by all the inhabitants of the three worldsSB 10.6.34
sura-vanditayā worshiped by the demigodsSB 3.28.23
caraṇa vandi after worshiping the lotus feetCC Madhya 16.192
vavandire offered their prayersSB 8.21.2-3
6 results
vandin adjective honouring praising
Frequency rank 25283/72933
vandinīkā noun (feminine) name of Dākṣāyaṇi (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 64621/72933
vanditṛ adjective a praiser (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
one who praises or celebrates (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 64620/72933
avanditvā indeclinable not having worshipped
Frequency rank 45163/72933
vivandiṣu adjective intending to praise (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
wishing to salute (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 66044/72933
suravandi noun (feminine) name of Pārvatī (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 8053/72933
Wordnet Search
"vandi" has 2 results.


abhinandita, abhivandita   

yaḥ abhinandyate।

deśabhaktaiḥ teṣāṃ rāṣṭraṃ nityam abhinanditam।


sopānapaddhatiḥ, sopānaśreṇiḥ, sopānaśreṇī, sopānapaṅktiḥ, adhirohiṇī, ārohaṇam, niḥśreṇī, niḥśrayaṇī, niḥśrayiṇī, śālāram, vandiḥ, vandī, paṅkāraḥ   

ūrdhvagamanārthe adhogamanārthe vā sopānayuktaṃ vinirmitaḥ mārgaḥ।

gṛhe paṭalopari gamanārthe sopānapaddhatiḥ vinirmitā।

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