van | cl.1 P. ( ) v/anati- (Vedic or Veda also te-,and van/ati-) ; cl.8 P. A1. ( ) van/oti-, vanut/e- (perfect tense vāv/āna-, vāv/antha-, vavanm/a-, vavn/e-; parasmE-pada vavanv/as- ; Aorist vanta-, v/aṃsva- ; vaṃsat-, sate- ; vaniṣat- ; ṣanta- ; vanuṣanta-, ; Potential vaṃsīmahi-, vasīmahi- ; preceding vaniṣīṣṭa- vaṃsiṣīya- ; future vaniśā- grammar; vaniṣyate-, ; infinitive mood vanitum- grammar; -vantave- ), to like, love, wish, desire ; to gain, acquire, procure (for one's self or others) ; to conquer, win, become master of, possess ; to prepare, make ready for, aim at, attack ; to hurt, injure ( also"to sound";"to serve, honour, worship, help, aid") : Causal vanayati- or vānayati- ; varia lectio (confer, compare saṃ-van-): Desiderative v/ivāsati-, te-, to attract, seek to win over : Intensive (only vāv/anaḥ-and vāvandh/i-;but confer, compare vanīvan-) to love, like [ confer, compare Latin venia,Venus; Got.gawinnan; German gewinnen; English win.]  |
van | equals v/ana- (only in genitive case and locative case plural van/ām- v/aṃsu-),"wood"or,"a wooden vessel"  |
van | love, worship  |
vana | n. (once m. ;for 2.See) a forest, wood, grove, thicket, quantity of lotuses or other plants growing in a thick cluster (but in older language also applied to a single tree) etc.  |
vana | n. plenty, abundance  |
vana | n. a foreign or distant land (see araṇya-)  |
vana | n. wood, timber  |
vana | n. a wooden vessel or barrel (for the soma- juice) (?)  |
vana | n. a cloud (as the vessel in the sky)  |
vana | n. (prob.) the body of a carriage  |
vana | n. water  |
vana | n. a fountain, spring  |
vana | n. abode  |
vana | n. Cyperus Rotundus  |
vana | n. equals raśrmi-, a ray of light  |
vana | n. (prob.) longing, earnest desire  |
vana | m. Name of a son of uśīnara-  |
vana | m. of one of the 10 orders of mendicants founded by śaṃkarācārya- (the members of which affix vana-to their names see rārmendra-v-)  |
vanā | f. the piece of wood used for kindling fire by attrition (= araṇi- q.v;sometimes personified)  |
vana | ind. gaRa cādi-.  |
vanabāhyaka | m. plural Name of a people  |
vanabarbara | m. Ocinium Sanctum  |
vanabarbarikā | f. Ocimum Pilosum  |
vanabarhiṇa | m. a wild peacock ( vanabarhiṇatva -tva- n.)  |
vanabarhiṇatva | n. vanabarhiṇa |
vanabhadrikā | f. Sida Cordifolia  |
vanābhilāva | mfn. forest-destroying  |
vanabhojanaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
vanabhojanapuṇyāhavacanaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
vanabhojanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
vanabhū | f. "forest-region", the neighbourhood of a wood  |
vanabhuj | m. a particular bulbous plant (growing on the himavat-)  |
vanabhūmi | f. "forest-region", the neighbourhood of a wood  |
vanabhūṣaṇī | f. "wood-adorning", the female of the Indian cuckoo  |
vanabiḍāla | m. a kind of wild cat, Felis Caracil  |
vanabīja | m. the wild citron tree (also jaka-)  |
vanabījapūraka | m. idem or 'm. the wild citron tree (also jaka-) '  |
vanābjinī | f. lotus growing in a forest  |
vanacampaka | m. the wild Campaka tree  |
vanacandana | n. aloe wood or Agallochum  |
vanacandana | n. Pinus Deodora  |
vanacandrikā | f. Jasminum Sambac  |
vanacara | mf(ī-)n. roaming in woods, living in a forest etc.  |
vanacara | m. a woodman, forester  |
vanacara | m. a wild animal  |
vanacara | m. the fabulous eight legged animal sarabha-  |
vanacārin | mfn. equals -cara-  |
vanacarya | n. ( ) the roaming about or dwelling in a forest.  |
vanacaryā | f. ( ) the roaming about or dwelling in a forest.  |
vanācārya | m. Name of an author  |
vanacchāga | m. a wild goat  |
vanacchāga | m. a boar, hog  |
vanacchandatā | f. longing for the forest,  |
vanaccheda | m. cutting timber  |
vanacchid | mfn. cutting wood, felling timber  |
vanacchid | m. a woodcutter  |
vanad | (only plural van/adaḥ-), longing, earnest desire ( equals vanantaḥ- equals sambhaktāraḥ-;others translate me van-/adaḥ-,"of me, the wood-devourer") .  |
vanada | m. "rain-giving", a cloud  |
vanadāha | m. a forest-conflagration  |
vanadāhāgni | m. fire from a forest-conflagration  |
vanadamana | m. a wild Artemisia  |
vanadāraka | m. plural Name of a people  |
vanadevatā | f. a forest-goddess, Dryad  |
vanadhānya | n. plural grains of wild corn  |
vanadhārā | f. an avenue of trees  |
vanadhenu | f. the cow or female of the Bos Gavaeus  |
vanadhiti | (van/a--) f. (prob.) a layer of wood to be laid on an altar  |
vanādhivāsin | mfn. dwelling in a forest  |
vanadīpa | m. equals -campaka-  |
vanadīyabhaṭṭa | m. Name of a Commentator  |
vanadruma | m. a forest-tree (varia lectio)  |
vanadurga | mfn. made inaccessible by (reason of) a forest  |
vanadurga | n. a place made so inaccessible  |
vanadurgā | f. (prob.) a form of the goddess durgā-  |
vanadurgākalpa | m. Name of work  |
vanadurgāmantra | m. Name of work  |
vanadurgāprayoga | m. Name of work  |
vanadurgātattva | n. Name of work  |
vanadurgopaniṣad | f. Name of work  |
vanadvipa | m. equals -karin-  |
vanaga | m. inhabitant of a forest  |
vanagahana | n. the depth or thick part of a forest  |
vanagaja | m. a wild elephant etc.  |
vanagajamada | m. the fluid exuding from the temples of a wild elephant in rut  |
vanagamana | n. retiring to a forest, leading the life of an anchorite  |
vanagava | m. Bos Gavaeus  |
vanagholī | f. equals araṇyagh-  |
vanāgni | m. equals vana-dāha-  |
vanago | m. equals -gava-  |
vanagocara | mf(ā-)n. dwelling in a forest, denizen or inhabitant of forests (said of men and animals) etc.  |
vanagocara | mf(ā-)n. living in water  |
vanagocara | m. a hunter, forester  |
vanagocara | n. a forest  |
vanagrahaṇa | n. the act of occupying a forest (see -grāhin-)  |
vanagrahaṇakolāla | m. or n. the din of occupying a forest, hunting cries |
vanagrāhin | m. "occupying or searching a forest", a hunter (see -grahaṇa-).  |
vanagrāmaka | m. a forest village, a poor small village  |
vanagulma | m. a forest-shrub or bush  |
vanagupta | m. "forest-protected", a spy, emissary  |
vanahabandi | Name of a place  |
vanahari | m. (prob.) a lion  |
vanaharidrā | f. wild turmeric  |
vanahāsa | m. Saccharum Spontaneum (also saka-)  |
vanahāsa | m. a kind of jasmine  |
vanahava | m. a particular ekāha-  |
vanāhira | m. a hog, wild boar  |
vanahoma | m. a particular oblation  |
vanahutāśana | m. equals vana-dāha-  |
vanaikadeśa | m. a part or spot of a forest  |
vanaja | mfn. forest-born, sylvan, wild  |
vanaja | m. a woodman, forester  |
vanaja | m. (only ) an elephant  |
vanaja | m. Cyperus Rotundus  |
vanaja | m. the wild citron tree  |
vanaja | m. a particular bulbous plant (equals vana-śūraṇa-)  |
vanaja | m. coriander  |
vanajā | f. (only ) Phaseolus Trilobus  |
vanaja | m. the wild cotton tree  |
vanaja | m. wild ginger  |
vanaja | m. Physalis Flexuosa  |
vanaja | m. a kind of Curcuma  |
vanaja | m. Anethum Panmori  |
vanaja | m. a species of creeper  |
vanaja | n. "water-born", a blue lotus-flower  |
vanāja | m. the wild goat  |
vanajākṣa | mf(ī-)n. ( ) lotus-(leaf-)eyed  |
vanajapattrākṣa | mf(ī-)n. ( ) lotus-(leaf-)eyed  |
vanajāta | equals -ja- mfn.  |
vanajāyata | mfn. long and resembling a blue lotus-flower  |
vanajīra | m. wild cumin  |
vanajīvikā | f. forest-life (id est living by gathering leaves and fruit etc.)  |
vanajīvin | m. "living in a forest", a woodman, forester,  |
vanajyotsnī | f. "Light of the Grave", Name of a plant (in prakṛt-) .  |
vanakacu | m. Arum Colocasia  |
vanakadalī | f. wild banana or plantain  |
vanakāma | mfn. fond of (or living in) a forest  |
vanākampa | m. the shaking of forest-trees by the wind  |
vanakaṇā | f. wild pepper  |
vanakanda | m. Name of two kinds of tuberous plant (= dharaṇī-kanda or vana-śūraṇa-)  |
vanakaṇḍula | m. a kind of bulbous plant  |
vanakapi | m. a wild monkey on  |
vanakapīvat | m. Name of a son of pulaha- (varia lectio ghana--and dhana-k-).  |
vanakarin | m. a wild elephant  |
vanakārpasi | ( ) f. the wild cotton tree.  |
vanakārpasī | ( ) f. the wild cotton tree.  |
vanakāṣṭhikā | f. "forest-twig", a piece dry of dry wood in a forest  |
vanakauśāmbī | f. Name of a town gaRa nady-ādi-.  |
vanakhaṇḍa | n. "group of trees", copse, wood (also written. ṣaṇḍa-).  |
vanākhu | m. "forest rat", a hare  |
vanākhuka | m. Phaseolus Mungo  |
vanakodrava | m. a kind of inferior grain  |
vanakoli | f. the wild jujube  |
vanakrakṣa | mfn. (prob.) crackling or bubbling in a wooden vessel (said of soma-)  |
vanakukkuṭa | m. a wild fowl, jungle fowl  |
vanakuñjara | m. equals -karin-  |
vanakusuma | n. a forest flower  |
vanalakṣmī | f. "forest-ornament", Musa Sapientum  |
vanālakta | n. "wild lac", red earth, ruddle  |
vanālaktaka | n. "wild lac", red earth, ruddle  |
vanalatā | f. a forest-creeper  |
vanālaya | m. forest-habitation  |
vanālayajīvin | mfn. living in forest  |
vanalekhā | f. equals -rāji-  |
vanālī | f. equals vana-rājī-  |
vanālikā | f. Heliotropium Indicum  |
vanālu | m. Marsilia Dentata  |
vanamakṣikā | f. a gad-fly  |
vanamāla | mfn. wearing a garland of forest-flowers (said of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa-)  |
vanamālā | f. a garland of forest-flowers, (especially) the chaplet worn by kṛṣṇa- etc.  |
vanamālā | f. a kind of metre  |
vanamālā | f. Name of work on dharma-  |
vanamālā | f. of various women  |
vanāmala | m. Carissa Carandas  |
vanamālādhara | n. (prob.) a kind of metre  |
vanamālāmiśra | m. Name of an author ( vanamālāmiśrīya rīya- n.his work)  |
vanamālāmiśrīya | n. vanamālāmiśra |
vanamālāstotra | n. Name of work  |
vanamālāvijaya | m. Name of work  |
vanamālidāsa | m. Name of an author  |
vanamālikā | f. a garland of wild flowers  |
vanamālikā | f. yam  |
vanamālikā | f. a kind of metre  |
vanamālikā | f. Name of one of rādhā-'s female attendants  |
vanamālikā | f. of a river  |
vanamālikīrtichandomālā | f. Name of a poem  |
vanamālimiśra | m. Name of an author  |
vanamālin | mfn. equals -māla- (said of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa-) etc.  |
vanamālin | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
vanamālin | m. Name of various authors (also with bhaṭṭa-)  |
vanamālinī | f. Dioscorea or equals varāhī- (prob. a kind of plant, accord. to others,"the female energy of kṛṣṇa-")  |
vanamālinī | f. Name of the town dvārakā-  |
vanamālīśā | f. "having kṛṣṇa- as husband", Name of rādhā-  |
vanamallī | f. wild jasmine |
vanamallikā | f. Jasminum Sambac  |
vanamānuṣa | m. "wild-man", the orang-utang  |
vanamānuṣī | f. a (little) forest woman. ( )  |
vanamānuṣikā | f. a (little) forest woman. ( )  |
vanamātaṃga | m. equals -karin-  |
vanamāya | m. aloe wood, Agallochum  |
vanāmbikā | f. Name of a tutelary deity in the family of dakṣa-  |
vanamethikā | f. Melilotus Parviflora  |
vanaṃkaraṇa | n. a particular part of the body (with mehana-)  |
vanamocā | f. wild plantain  |
vanāmra | m. Mangifera Sylvatica  |
vanamṛga | m. a forest deer.  |
vanamuc | mfn. pouring forth rain  |
vanamuc | m. a cloud  |
vanamudga | m. Phaseolus Trilobus (alsof(ā-).) or Aconitifolius  |
vanamūla | m. Tetranthera Lanceifolia  |
vanamūlaphala | n. roots and fruits of the forest  |
vanamūrdhajā | f. gall-nut  |
vanamūta | m. a cloud  |
vanana | n. longing, desire  |
vananā | f. (prob.) wish, desire  |
vananitya | m. Name of a son of raudrāśva-  |
vananīya | mfn. to be desired, desirable  |
vanānta | m. "forest-region", a wood etc.  |
vanānta | mfn. bounded by a forest  |
vanāntabhū | f. neighbourhood of a forest  |
vanāntara | n. interior of a forest (re-,in the forest; rāt-,out of the forest; ram-,into the forest, with pra-viś-or āp-,to enter or reach a forest)  |
vanāntara | n. āṇi- plural forests  |
vanāntaracara | mfn. roaming about in a forest  |
vanāntaracarin | mfn. roaming about in a forest  |
vanāntastha | mfn. standing or situate in a forest (as a town)  |
vanāntasthalī | f. a forest-region  |
vanāntavāsin | mfn. dwelling in a forest  |
vananva | Nom. P. vati-, to be in possession, be at hand ; pr.p. nvat-, possessing ; being in possession |
vanapa | m. a forest-protector, woodman  |
vanapādapa | m. a forest-tree  |
vanāpaga | (in the beginning of a compound for gā-), a forest stream, river  |
vanapāla | m. equals -pa- ( vanapālādhipa lādhipa- m.high-forester)  |
vanapāla | m. Name of a son of deva-pāla-,  |
vanapāla | m. of a son of dharmapāla-  |
vanapālādhipa | m. vanapāla |
vanapālaka | m. equals -pa-  |
vanapāllava | m. Hyperanthera Moringa  |
vanapāṃsula | m. a hunter, deer-killer  |
vanapannaga | m. a forest-snake  |
vanapārśva | m. forest side or region.  |
vanaparvan | n. "Forest-section", Name of (describing the abode of the pāṇḍava- princes in the kāmyaka- forest) .  |
vanaphala | n. wild fruit  |
vanaprakṣa | varia lectio for -krakṣ/a-  |
vanaprastha | m. or n. (?) a forest situated on elevated or table land  |
vanaprastha | m. Name of a place  |
vanaprastha | mfn. retiring into a forest, living the life of an anchorite  |
vanapratiṣṭha | mfn. abiding in a forest, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
vanapraveśa | m. entering a forest, (especially) a solemn procession into a forest (for cutting wood for an idol)  |
vanapraveśa | m. commencing to live as a hermit  |
vanapriya | m. "fond of woods", the Indian cuckoo  |
vanapriya | n. the cinnamon tree  |
vanapūraka | m. the wild citron tree  |
vanapūrva | m. Name of a village  |
vanapuṣpa | n. wild flower ( vanapuṣpamaya -maya- mf(ī-)n.made or consisting of wild flower)  |
vanapuṣpā | f. Anethum Sowa  |
vanapuṣpamaya | mf(ī-)n. vanapuṣpa |
vanar | in compound for vanas- (equals vana-).  |
vanara | m. equals vānara-, an ape  |
vanarāja | m. "forest-king", a lion  |
vanarāja | m. Verbesina Scandens  |
vanarāji | mf(ī-)n. embellishing or beautifying a forest  |
vanarājī | f. a row of trees, a long track of forest or a path in a forest etc.  |
vanarājī | f. (only ji-), a female slave belonging to vasu-deva-  |
vanarājya | n. Name of a kingdom  |
vanarakṣaka | m. a forest-keeper  |
vanarakṣakā | f. Name of a woman, vṛṣabha-.n.  |
vanarāṣṭaka | n. Name of eight verses (supposed to be spoken by a monkey).  |
vanarāṣṭra | m. plural Name of a people  |
vanarāṣṭraka | m. plural Name of a people  |
vanārcaka | m. "forest-worshipper", a florist, maker of garlands  |
vanarddhi | (for -ṛddhi-) f. an ornament of the forest  |
vanārdraka | n. the root of wild ginger  |
vanārdrakā | f. wild ginger  |
vanargu | mfn. moving about in woods, wandering in a forest or wilderness, a savage  |
vanargu | mfn. a thief or robber  |
vanāriṣṭā | f. wild turmeric  |
vanarja | m. a kind of plant (equals śriṅgī-)  |
vanaṛkṣa | wrong reading for -krakṣ/a-.  |
vanarṣad | mfn. sitting on trees or in the forest (as birds)  |
vanas | n. loveliness  |
vanas | n. longing, desire (see yajña-vanas-and gir-vaṇas-)  |
vanas | n. equals vana-, a wood (see vanar-).  |
vanāśa | mfn. living on water ( )  |
vanāśa | m. a kind of small barley  |
vanasa | mfn. gaRa tṛṇādi-.  |
vanaṣad | varia lectio for -s/ad-  |
vanasad | mfn. abiding in wood or in a forest  |
vanasad | m. a forest-dweller, forester  |
vanasāhvayā | f. a kind of creeping plant  |
vanaśakuni | m. a forest-bird, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
vanasaṃkaṭa | m. lentil  |
vanasaṃnivāsin | mfn. dwelling in a forest  |
vanasaṃnivāsin | m. a forester  |
vanasampraveśa | m. equals vana-praveśa-  |
vanasaṃśraya | m. resort to the forest, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
vanasamūha | m. a thick forest or wood  |
vanaṣaṇḍa | See -khaṇḍ-.  |
vanasarojinī | f. the wild cotton plant  |
vanaśikhaṇḍin | m. equals -barkiṇa-  |
vanasindhura | m. equals -karin-  |
vanaśobhana | n. "water-beautifying", a lotus-flower  |
vanaspati | m. (vanas--) (vanas-prob. a form of the genitive case; see 2. van-and r/aithas-p/ati-) "king of the wood"a, forest-tree (especially a large tree bearing fruit apparently without blossoms, as several species of the fig, the jack tree etc., but also applied to any tree) etc. |
vanaspati | m. a stem, trunk, beam, timber, post (especially the sacrificial post)  |
vanaspati | m. "lord of plants", the soma- plant  |
vanaspati | m. the Indian fig-tree  |
vanaspati | m. Bignonia Suaveolens  |
vanaspati | m. an offering made to the sacrificial post  |
vanaspati | m. anything made of wood (especially particular parts of a car or carriage, a wooden drum, a wooden amulet, a block on which criminals are executed, a coffin etc.)  |
vanaspati | m. an ascetic  |
vanaspati | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
vanaspati | m. of a son of ghṛta-pṛṣṭha-  |
vanaspati | m. dual number pestle and mortar  |
vanaspati | f. Name of a gandharvī-  |
vanaspati | n. Name of the varṣa- ruled by vanas-pati-  |
vanaspati | See column 1.  |
vanaspatikāya | m. the whole body or world of plants  |
vanaspatisava | m. Name of particular sacrificial rite  |
vanaspatiyāga | m. Name of particular sacrificial rite  |
vanasraj | f. a garland of forest-flowers  |
vanāśrama | m. abode in the forest (the third āśrama- [, q.v ] in a Brahman's life)  |
vanāśramanivāsin | m. a vānaprastha- or Brahman dwelling in a forest, an anchorite. ( )  |
vanāśramin | m. a vānaprastha- or Brahman dwelling in a forest, an anchorite. ( )  |
vanāśraya | mfn. living in a forest  |
vanāśraya | m. a forest-dweller  |
vanāśraya | m. a sort of crow or raven  |
vanaśṛṅgāṭa | m. Tribulus Lanuginosus  |
vanaśṛṅgāṭaka | m. Tribulus Lanuginosus  |
vanastamba | m. Name of a son of gada-  |
vanastha | mfn. forest-abiding  |
vanastha | m. a forest-dweller, hermit, ascetic etc.  |
vanastha | m. a deer, gazelle  |
vanastha | m. (with gaja-) a wild elephant  |
vanasthā | f. the holy fig-tree  |
vanastha | m. the small pippala- tree  |
vanastha | m. a kind of creeper  |
vanasthalī | f. forest-region, a wood  |
vanasthāna | (?) n. Name of a country  |
vanasthāyin | mfn. being or abiding in a forest  |
vanasthāyin | m. a hermit, anchorite  |
vanasthita | mfn. situate or being in a forest  |
vanaśūkarī | f. Mucuna Pruritus  |
vanaśūraṇa | n. a kind of bulbous plant  |
vanaśvan | m. "forest-dog", a jackal  |
vanaśvan | m. a tiger  |
vanaśvan | m. a civet-cat  |
vanasyā | See sajāta-v-.  |
vanasyu | See gir-vaṇasy/u-.  |
vanāṭana | n. roaming about in a forest (also plural)  |
vanataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work  |
vanatikta | m. Terminalia Chebula  |
vanatiktā | f. a kind of plant (according to to Symplocos Racemosa or śveta-buhnā-)  |
vanatiktikā | f. Clypea Hernandifolia  |
vanāṭu | m. "forest-roamer (?)", a kind of blue fly  |
vanaugha | m. a mass of water  |
vanaugha | m. "thick forest", Name of a district or mountain in the west of India,  |
vanauka | m. equals next  |
vanaukas | mfn. living in a forest  |
vanaukas | m. a forest-dweller, anchorite etc.  |
vanaukas | m. a forest-animal, (especially) a wild boar  |
vanaukas | m. an ape  |
vanauṣadhi | f. a medicinal herb growing wild  |
vanavahni | m. a forest-conflagration  |
vanavāhyaka | See -bāh-, -biḍ-.  |
vanavallarī | f. a kind of grass  |
vanavarāha | m. a wild hog  |
vanavarbara | See -barbara- etc.  |
vanavarbarikā | See -barbara- etc.  |
vanavarhiṇa | See -barbara- etc.  |
vanavartikā | f. a kind of quail  |
vanavartin | mfn. residing in the forest  |
vanavāsa | m. dwelling or residence in a forest, wandering habits  |
vanavāsa | m. Name of a country  |
vanavāsa | mfn. residing in a forest, wood-dweller  |
vanavāsaka | m. plural Name of a people (Bombay edition sika-).  |
vanavāsana | m. "forest-dweller", a civet-cat  |
vanavāsī | f. Name of the chief town of that country  |
vanavāsin | mfn. living in a forest  |
vanavāsin | m. a forest-dweller, hermit, anchorite etc.  |
vanavāsin | m. Name of various plants or roots (equals ṛṣabha-, muṣkaka-, varāhī-kanda-etc.)  |
vanavāsin | m. a crow  |
vanavāsin | m. Name of a country in the Dekhan (also simaṇḍala-)  |
vanavāsya | (prob.) n. Name of a country (see -vāsin-).  |
vanavāta | m. a forest-wind  |
vanaviḍāla | See -bāh-, -biḍ-.  |
vanavīja | etc., see. -bija-.  |
vanavilāsinī | f. Andropogon Auriculatus  |
vanavirodhin | m. "forest-enemy", Name of one of the Hindu months (that succeeding the nidāgha- q.v)  |
vanavrīhi | m. wild rice  |
vanavṛntākī | f. the egg-plant  |
vanavṛtti | f. equals -jīvikā-  |
vanayamānī | f. Cnidium Diffusum  |
vanayitṛ | mfn. (superl. tṛ-tama-) one who causes to ask etc.  |
vanāyu | m. Name of a country (See compound)  |
vanāyu | m. of a son of purū-ravas- (also yus- )  |
vanāyu | m. of a dānava-  |
vanāyudeśya | ( ) mfn. produced or bred in vanāyu- (as horses).  |
vanāyuja | ( ) ( ) mfn. produced or bred in vanāyu- (as horses).  |
vand | (see vad-) cl.1 A1. ( ) v/andate- (Epic also ti-; perfect tense vavanda-, de- etc.; preceding vandiṣīm/ahi- ; future vanditā-, vandiṣyate- grammar; infinitive mood vanditum- etc.; vandādhyai- ; ind.p. vanditvā-vandya- etc.) , to praise, celebrate, laud, extol ; to show honour, do homage, salute respectfully or deferentially, venerate, worship, adore etc. ; to offer anything (accusative) respectfully to (dative case) : Passive voice vandyate- (Aorist avandi-, vandi-), to be praised or venerated etc. etc. Causal vandayati- (aor. avavandat- data-), to show honour to any one, greet respectfully : Desiderative See vivandiṣu-.  |
vanda | mfn. praising, extolling (See deva-vand/a-)  |
vandā | f. See below.  |
vandā | f. (only ) a parasitical plant (especially Epidendrum Tesselatum)  |
vandā | f. a female mendicant  |
vandā | f. equals bandī-, a prisoner.  |
vandadhyai | See under vand-.  |
vandadvāra | wrong reading for v/ande dār/um-  |
vandadvīra | wrong reading for mand/aad-vīra-  |
vandaka | m. a parasitical plant (alsof(ā-).)  |
vandaka | m. a Buddhist mendicant  |
vandāka | m.  |
vandākā | f. Vanda Roxburghii  |
vandākī | f. Vanda Roxburghii  |
vandana | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (who was cast into a well, along with rebha-, by the asura-s, and rescued by the aśvin-s)  |
vandanā | f. praise, worship, adoration  |
vandanā | f. (with Buddhists) one of the 7 kinds of anuttara-pūjā- or highest worship (the other 6 being pūjanā-, pāpa-deśanā-, anumodanā-, adhyeṣaṇā-, badhi-cittātpāda-and pariṇamanā-)  |
vandanā | f. a mark or symbol impressed on the body (with ashes etc.) |
vandana | n. the act of praising, praise  |
vandana | n. reverence (especially obeisance to a brahman- or superior by touching the feet etc.), worship, adoration etc.  |
vandana | n. a parasitical plant  |
vandana | n. a disease attacking the limbs or joints, cutaneous eruption, scrofula (also personified as a demon)  |
vandana | n. equals vadana-  |
vandanaka | n. respectful salutation  |
vandanamālā | ( ) f. a festoon of leaves suspended across gateways (in honour of the arrival of any distinguished personage, or on the occasion of a marriage or other festival).  |
vandanamālikā | ( ) f. a festoon of leaves suspended across gateways (in honour of the arrival of any distinguished personage, or on the occasion of a marriage or other festival).  |
vandanaśrut | mfn. listening to praise, a hearer of praises  |
vandanestha | mfn. mindful of praises  |
vandanī | f. (only ) reverence  |
vandanī | f. a drug for resuscitating the dead (equals jīvātu-)  |
vandanī | f. begging or thieving (yācana-.or mācala-karman-)  |
vandanī | f. the hip or a species of tree (kaṭī-or vaṭī-)  |
vandanī | f. equals go-rocana-  |
vandanīya | mfn. to be respectfully greeted  |
vandanīya | m. a Verbesina with yellow flowers  |
vandanīyā | f. a yellow pigment (equals go-rocanā-).  |
vandāra | m. a parasitical plant  |
vandāru | mfn. praising, celebrating  |
vandāru | mfn. respectful, reverential, civil or polite to (compound)  |
vandāru | m. Name of a man  |
vandāru | n. praise  |
vandatha | m. "a praiser"or"one deserving praise"  |
vandhā | ind. gaRa ūry-ādi-.  |
vandhula | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (See bandhula-).  |
vandhur | m. equals vandh/ura-  |
vandhura | n. (also written bandhura-;rather fr. 2. van+dhura-than fr. bandh-) the seat of a charioteer, the fore part of a chariot or place at the end of the shafts, a carriage-seat or driver's box (see tri-v-).  |
vandhurāyu | mfn. having a standing-place in front or seat for driving (said of the car of the aśvin-s)  |
vandhureṣṭhā | mfn. standing or sitting on the chariot-seat  |
vandhya | mf(ā-)n. (also written bandhya- q.v,and perhaps to be connected with bandh-) barren, unfruitful, unproductive (said of women, female animals and plants) etc.  |
vandhya | mf(ā-)n. fruitless, useless, defective, deprived or destitute of (instrumental case or compound)  |
vandhyā | f. See below.  |
vandhyā | f. a barren or childless woman etc.  |
vandhyā | f. a barren cow  |
vandhyā | f. a particular fragrant substance  |
vandhyāduhitṛ | f. the daughter of a barren woman, a mere chimera or anything merely imaginary  |
vandhyāgarbhadhāraṇavidhi | m. Name of work  |
vandhyākarkaṭakī | f. a species of medicinal plant (given to barren women)  |
vandhyaparvata | m. Name of a district  |
vandhyaphala | mfn. fruitless, useless, idle, vain ( vandhyaphalatā -tā- f.)  |
vandhyaphalatā | f. vandhyaphala |
vandhyāprakāśa | See pañcadhābandhyā-pr-.  |
vandhyāprāyaścittividhi | m. Name of work  |
vandhyāputra | m. the son of a barren woman, id est anything merely imaginary, an impossibility |
vandhyāroga | m. Name of work  |
vandhyāsūnu | m. equals -tanaya-  |
vandhyāsuta | m. equals -tanaya-  |
vandhyatā | f.  |
vandhyātanaya | m. equals -putra-  |
vandhyatva | n. barrenness, sterility, uselessness, deficiency, lack of (locative case or compound)  |
vandhyātva | n. the barrenness of a woman  |
vandhyātvakārakopadravaharavidhi | m. Name of work  |
vandhyāvalī | f. Name of work  |
vandhyāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to become barren or useless  |
vandi | See 1. 2. bandin-.  |
vandī | See 1. 2. bandin-.  |
vandīka | m. (also written bandh-) Name of indra-  |
vandin | mfn. praising, honouring (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') (see 1. bandin-,"a praiser","bard")  |
vandinīkā | f. Name of dākṣāyaṇī-  |
vandinīyā | f. Name of dākṣāyaṇī-  |
vandita | mfn. praised, extolled, celebrated  |
vanditavya | mfn. to be praised  |
vanditavya | mfn. to be respectfully greeted  |
vanditṛ | mfn. one who praises or celebrates, a praiser  |
vanditṛ | mfn. one who praises or celebrates, a praiser  |
vandra | mfn. praising, doing homage, worshipping  |
vandra | m. a worshipper, votary, follower  |
vandra | n. prosperity, plenty abundance  |
vandya | mfn. to be praised, praiseworthy etc.  |
vandya | mfn. to be saluted reverentially, adorable, very venerable  |
vandya | mfn. to be regarded or respected  |
vandya | m. Name of a man  |
vandyā | f. a parasitical plant  |
vandyā | f. equals -go-rocanā-  |
vandyā | f. Name of a yakṣī-  |
vandyabhaṭṭīja | n. Name of work  |
vandyaghaṭīyā | f. Name of a commentator or commentary on the amarakoṣa-.  |
vandyatā | f. laudability, praiseworthiness, venerableness  |
vane | locative case of 1. vana-, in compound  |
vanebilvaka | m. plural "Aegle Marmelos in a forest", anything found unexpectedly (see -kiṃśuka-).  |
vanecara | mf(ī-)n. wandering or dwelling in a wood, inhabitant of a forest (applied to men, animals and demons) etc.  |
vanecarāgrya | m. "chief of forest-dwellers", an ascetic, anchorite, sage  |
vanejā | mfn. born or existing in woods  |
vanejya | m. a highly valued species of mango  |
vanekiṃśuka | m. plural "Butea Frondosa in a wood", anything found unexpectedly (see bilvaka-).  |
vanekṣudrā | f. Pongamia Glabra  |
vanerāj | mfn. shining or blazing in a wood  |
vanesad | m. a forest-dweller (see vanasad-).  |
vaneṣah | (ṣ/āh-) mfn. prevailing in woods  |
vanesarja | m. Terminalia Tomentosa  |
vaneśaya | mfn. living in woods, w.  |
vanevāsin | m. "forest-dweller", a Brahman in the third stage of his life, a vānaprastha- |
vaneyu | m. Name of a son of raudrāśva-  |
vanī | f. a wood, forest  |
vani | f. wish, desire  |
vani | m. fire (v/ani- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') procuring, bestowing (see rāyas-poṣa-v-and ) .  |
vanī | See under 1. vana-.  |
vanikā | f. a little wood, grove etc. (only in aśoka-v-;once in vanikāvanika -vanika- n.)  |
vanīka | ( ) ( and varia lectio) m. a beggar, mendicant.  |
vanikāvanika | n. vanikā |
vanikāvāsa | (or kāv-?) m. Name of a village  |
vanila | mfn. (fr. 1. vana-) gaRa kāśādi-.  |
vanin | mfn. (fr. van-) asking, desiring  |
vanin | mfn. granting, bestowing  |
vanin | m. (fr. 1. vana-) a tree  |
vanin | m. the soma- plant  |
vanin | m. (perhaps) a cloud  |
vanin | m. "living in a wood", a Brahman in the third stage of his life, a vānaprastha- on  |
vanina | n. a tree or a wood  |
vanīpaka | ( and varia lectio) m. a beggar, mendicant.  |
vaniṣṇu | m. (prob. wrong reading for vaniṣṭu-) equals apāna-, the anus  |
vaniṣṭha | mfn. (superl.) obtaining or imparting most, very munificent or liberal  |
vaniṣṭhu | m. a part of the entrails of an animal offered in sacrifice (according to to Scholiast or Commentator either "the rectum"or"a particular part of the intestines near the omentum")  |
vaniṣṭhusava | m. a particular ekāha-  |
vanita | mfn. varia lectio for veṣṭita-  |
vanita | mfn. equals vyūta-  |
vanita | mfn. solicited, asked, wished for, desired, loved  |
vanita | mfn. served  |
vanitā | f. a loved wife, mistress, any woman (also applied to the female of an animal or bird) etc.  |
vanitā | f. a kind of metre  |
vanitā | f. (See prec.) in compound  |
vanitābhoginī | f. a woman like a serpent  |
vanitādviṣ | m. hating women, a misogynist  |
vanitāmukha | m. plural "woman-faced", Name of a people  |
vanitārājya | n. the kingdom of women (see strī-r-).  |
vanitāsa | m. Name of a family  |
vanitāsakha | mfn. united with a wife, .  |
vanitāvilāsa | m. the wantonness of women  |
vanitāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to be or act like a woman,  |
vanitṛ | mfn. one who owns or possesses (with accusative) (see vant/ṛ-).  |
vanīvāhana | n. (anomalous Intensive form fr.1. vah-) the act of carrying or moving hither and thither  |
vanīvāhita | mfn. carried hither and thither  |
vanīvan | mfn. (an Intensive form) asking for, demanding  |
vanīya | Nom. P. yati-, to beg, ask alms  |
vanīyaka | m. a mendicant, beggar (Bombay edition) (varia lectio vanīpaka-).  |
vanīyakajana | m. idem or 'm. a mendicant, beggar (Bombay edition) (varia lectio vanīpaka-).'  |
vanīyas | mfn. (Comparative degree) obtaining most, imparting more  |
vanīyas | mfn. very munificent or liberal  |
vannā | f. Name of a woman  |
vanodbhava | mfn. produced or existing in a forest, growing wild  |
vanodbhava | m. (with mārga-) a path in forest  |
vanodbhava | m. (ā-).f the wild cotton plant  |
vanodbhava | m. Phaseolus Trilobus  |
vanodbhava | m. the wild citron  |
vanoddeśa | m. a particular spot in a forest  |
vanoddesa | vanopaplava-, van/askas- See .  |
vanopala | m. "forest-stone", shaped and dried cow-dung  |
vanopaplava | m. equals vana-dāha-  |
vanopeta | mfn. one who has retired to the forest  |
vanorvī | f. equals vana-bhū-  |
vanotsāha | m. a rhinoceros  |
vanotsarga | m. Name of work (on the dedication of temples, tanks, groves etc.) by viṣṇu-śarman-.  |
vanra | m. (prob. fr.1. van-) a copartner, co-heir (= vibhāgin-)  |
vantava | (?) m. Name of a man  |
vanti | f.  |
vantṛ | m. an enjoyer, owner, possessor (with genitive case) (see v/anitri-).  |
vanu | m. "zealous, eager", (either) an assailant, injurer, enemy  |
vanu | m. (or) an adherent, friend  |
vanus | mfn. zealous, eager  |
vanus | mfn. (either) anxious for, attached or devoted to, a friend  |
vanus | mfn. (or) eager to attack, a foe, enemy  |
vanuṣa | (fr. van/us-), Nom. A1. ṣate- (only vanuṣanta-), to obtain, acquire  |
vanuṣya | (fr. van/us-) Nom. P. A1. ṣy/ati-, te-, to plot against, attack, assail ; (A1.) to wish for, desire  |
vanya | mf(ā-)n. growing or produced or existing in a forest, wild, savage etc.  |
vanya | mf(ā-)n. greenish (?)  |
vanya | mf(ā-)n. being or existing in woods (said of agni-)  |
vanya | mf(ā-)n. made of wood, wooden  |
vanya | m. a wild animal  |
vanya | m. a wild plant  |
vanya | m. Name of particular wild plants (= Arundo Bengalensis; varāhī-kanda-; vana-śūraṇa-)  |
vanya | m. a Buddhist novice  |
vanyā | f. a multitude of groves, large forest  |
vanya | m. abundance of water, a flood, deluge  |
vanya | m. Name of various plants (Physalis Flexuosa;Abrus Precatorius;a kind of Curcuma;a kind of gourd or cucumber;a kind of Cyperus;dill)  |
vanya | n. anything grown in a wood the fruit or roots of wild plants etc.  |
vanya | n. equals tvaca- (see also cakṣur-v-and a-jīta-punar-vaṇya-).  |
vanyadamana | m. a species of Artemisia  |
vanyadvipa | m. a wild elephant  |
vanyānnabhojana | m. "eating forest-food", a Brahman in the third stage of his life  |
vanyapakṣin | m. a wild bird, forest-bird  |
vanyāśana | mfn. equals vanya-vṛtti- mfn.  |
vanyāśrama | wrong reading for vanāśrama-  |
vanyavṛtti | f. forest-food, forest-produce  |
vanyavṛtti | mfn. living on forest-food  |
vanyebha | m. a wild elephant  |
vanyetara | mfn. different from wild, tame, civilized  |
vanyopodakī | f. a species of creeper  |
abaladhanvan | (abal/a--) mfn. possessing a weak bow  |
abdhinavanītaka | m. the moon.  |
abhāvanā | fn. absence of judgement or right perception.  |
abhavani | f. non-existence, death,  |
abhavanīya | mfn. what is not to be, what will not be.  |
abhāvanīya | mfn. not to be inferred or contemplated.  |
abhavanmatasambandha | m. want of fitness between words and the ideas expressed by them (a defect in composition).  |
abhavanmatayoga | m. want of fitness between words and the ideas expressed by them (a defect in composition).  |
abhibhavana | n. overpowering  |
abhibhavana | n. the state of being overpowered  |
abhibhāvana | n. causing to overcome, making victorious  |
abhibhavanīya | mfn. to be overcome.  |
abhibhūvan | mf(varī-)n. superior, victorious over  |
abhidevana | n. a board for playing at dice  |
abhidhāvana | n. running up, attack.  |
abhidhvan | to resound, whiz (as arrows)  |
abhihavana | n. idem or 'm. pouring the oblation upon.'  |
abhinavayauvana | mf(ā-)n. youthful  |
abhisambhavana | n. attainment,  |
abhiśastipāvan | mfn. idem or 'mfn. defending from imprecations '  |
abhisatvan | m. surrounded by heroes (see abh/i-vīra-.)  |
abhisevana | n. practising, cultivating  |
abhītvan | mf(varī-)n. attacking  |
abhivan | (imperfect tense 3. plural -avanvan-) to long for, desire  |
abhivand | A1. (rarely P.) to salute respectfully  |
abhivandaka | mfn. having the intention to salute  |
abhivandana | n. saluting respectfully  |
abhivandya | mfn. praiseworthy,  |
abhiyugvan | mfn. attacking  |
abhyardhayajvan | (6) mfn. (said of pūṣan-) receiving sacrifices apart or separate ones  |
abhyavanam | Caus. (ind.p. -nāmya-) to bow, incline  |
abhyavanī | to lead down (into water) ; (perf. -nināya-) to pour into or upon (accusative)  |
abhyavanij | P. -nenekti-, to wipe or wash, clean ; (Aorist A1.1. sg. -nikṣi-) : Causal to cause to wash  |
ābravantī | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a town, (Bombay edition).  |
adbhutasvana | m. "having a wonderful voice", Name of śiva-.  |
ādevana | n. a place for playing  |
ādevana | n. a means of playing  |
ādevana | n. gain in playing  |
ādhavana | mfn. stirring  |
ādhavana | n. agitating, moving  |
ādhavanīya | m. a vessel in which the soma- plant is stirred and cleansed  |
adhidevana | n. a table or board for gambling  |
adhiṣvan | ( svan-) to roar along or over (3. sg. Aorist Passive voice in the sense of P. adhiṣv/aṇi-)  |
adhobhuvana | n. the lower world. |
adhvan | m. a road, way, orbit  |
adhvan | m. a journey, course  |
adhvan | m. distance  |
adhvan | m. time and  |
adhvan | m. means, method, resource  |
adhvan | m. the zodiac (?), sky, air  |
adhvan | m. a place  |
adhvan | m. a recension of the veda-s and the school upholding it  |
adhvan | m. assault (?)  |
ādhvanika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. adhvan-), being on a journey  |
adhvanīna | m. a traveller  |
adhvanya | m. idem or 'm. a traveller '  |
ādiparvan | n. "the first book", Name of the first book of the mahābhārata-.  |
ādityavani | mfn. winning (the favour of) the āditya-s  |
admasadvan | mfn. companion at a meal  |
adruhvan | ([ ]) mfn. idem or '([ ]) ([ ]) mfn. idem or '(Nominal verb a-dhr/uk-) mfn. free from malice or treachery ' '  |
advan | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
advan | mfn. ( ad-), in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (exempli gratia, 'for example' agrādvan-), eating.  |
agnihavana | n. a sacrificial libation  |
agnihotrahavanī | f. a spoon used at the agnihotra-  |
agnīṣomīyapaśvanuṣṭhāna | n. the rite connected with that victim at the jyotiṣṭoma- sacrifice  |
agrādvan | mfn. having precedence in eating  |
agrayāvan | mfn. going before  |
agretvan | mf(arī-)n. going in front  |
āharavanitā | gaRa mayūra-vyaṃsakādi-  |
āhavana | n. offering an oblation, offering sacrifice, a sacrifice |
āhavanīya | mfn. to be offered as an oblation  |
āhavanīya | m. (scilicet agni-) consecrated fire taken from the householder's perpetual fire and prepared for receiving oblations  |
āhavanīya | m. especially the eastern of the three fires burning at a sacrifice  |
āhavanīyaka | m. equals āhavan/īya- above.  |
āhavanīyatas | ind. from the āhavanīya- fire  |
ahiśuṣmasatvan | m. one whose attendants (the marut-s) hiss like serpents (Name of indra-) ([the pada- as well as the saṃhitā- Text takes ahiśuṣma-as a vocative case by itself, and translates accordingly]) .  |
ajajīvana | m. "who lives by goats", a goat-herd.  |
ājavana | n. ( ju-), only for the etymol. of āj/i-, q.v  |
ajīvana | mfn. destitute of a livelihood  |
ājīvana | n. livelihood  |
ajīvani | f. non-existence, death  |
ajīvani | f. ajīvan/is tasya bhūyāt-,"may death befall him!"  |
ājīvanika | mfn. looking for a livelihood  |
ājyadhanvan | mfn. having the clarified butter for its bow  |
akharvan | (?), mfn. unmutilated, unimpaired,  |
akṣadevana | n. gambling, dice-playing.  |
akṣṇayāvan | mfn. going across  |
amartyabhuvana | n. "world of the immortals", the heaven  |
amasvan | mf(varī-)n. for t/amasvan- q.v  |
amatīvan | mfn. poor, indigent  |
ambikāvana | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a forest,  |
amṛtabhavana | n. Name of a monastery (built by amṛta- prabhā-)  |
amṛtaplavana | n. a stream or flow of nectar,  |
anāhavanīya | m. no āhavanīya- fire  |
ānandavana | m. Name of a scholiast  |
ānandavana | n. Name of kāśī-.  |
ananyavandin | mfn. not praising anybody else,  |
anarvan | mfn. not to be limited, not to be obstructed, irresistible  |
anaśvan | m. Name of parīkṣit-'s father  |
anavana | mf(ī- )n. "affording no help or protection", causing distress  |
anavana | n. non-protection  |
anavanāmitavaijayanta | m. "having victorious banners unlowered","ever glorious", a future universe  |
anekārthadhvanimañjarī | f. Name of two works on words.  |
aṅghryavanejana | mf(ī-)n. washing the feet  |
aṅghryavanejana | fit for washing the feet, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
aṅghryavanejanatva | (n.)  |
aṅgulīparvan | n. a finger-joint.  |
annajīvana | (/anna--) mfn. living by food  |
antarabhāvanā | f. composition by the difference,  |
antarbhavana | n. the interior of a house.  |
antarbhāvanā | f. inward meditation or anxiety  |
antarbhāvanā | f. (in arithmetic) rectification of numbers by the differences of the products.  |
antarbhavana | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ant/ar-.  |
antarbhāvanā | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ant/ar-.  |
anubhāvana | n. the act of indicating feelings by sign or gesture  |
anudhāvana | n. chasing, pursuing, running after  |
anudhāvana | n. close pursuit of any object, going after a mistress.  |
anudhāvana | n. cleaning, purification.  |
anupajīvanīya | mfn. yielding no livelihood, (Compar. -tara-,"yielding no livelihood at all")  |
anupajīvanīya | mfn. having no livelihood  |
anupūrvanābhi | mfn. having regular hair, regularly shaped limbs, regular teeth, a regularly shaped navel, regular lines in the hands (all these are epithets given to buddha-, some of them also to mahāvīra-) and  |
anusavanam | ind. at every sacrifice etc.  |
anusavanam | ind. constantly  |
anusvan | (3. sg. Aorist Passive voice - ṣv/aṇi-), to roar after, .  |
anuvanam | ind. along side of a wood (see )  |
anuvanāntam | ind. along or in the forest,  |
aṇvanta | m. a hair-splitting question  |
apādhvan | m. a bad road  |
apahnavana | n. denial,  |
apānapavana | m. the vital air apāna-  |
aparvan | n. not a point of junction  |
aparvan | n. a day which is not a parvan- (a day in the lunar month, as the full and change of the moon, and the eighth and fourteenth of each half month)  |
aparvan | mfn. without a joint.  |
apaścādaghvan | ([ ]) or better /a-paścād-daghvan- ([ ]) mfn. not staying behind, not coming short of, not being a loser.  |
apavana | mfn. without air, sheltered from wind.  |
apavana | n. a grove  |
āplavana | n. immersing, bathing  |
āplavana | n. sprinkling with water  |
aporṇavana | n. untying commentator or commentary on  |
aprahāvan | mf(varī-)n. not diminishing, not vanishing  |
aprāptayauvana | mfn. not arrived at puberty.  |
apratidvandva | mfn. "not having an adversary in battle", not to be vanquished, irresistible  |
apratidvandvatā | f. unrivalledness.  |
aprayutvan | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. attentive ' '  |
āraṇeyaparvan | n. Name of the last section (adhyāya-s 311-314) of the third book of the mahā-bhārata-.  |
araṇyaparvan | n. Name of the first section of  |
āraṇyaparvan | n. the first section (adhyāya-s 1-10) of the third book of the mahābhārata- (equals araṇya-).  |
araṇyaśvan | m. a wolf  |
araṇyaśvan | m. a jackal  |
arātīvan | mfn. hostile, inimical  |
arāvan | mfn. "not liberal", envious, hostile  |
arāvan | m. equals arvan-, a steed, horse ([ ; equals ara-vat-,"having spokes or wheels, a cart", Ludwig. equals gamana-vat-,"moving", ])  |
arṇavanemi | f. "having the sea as a felly round itself", the earth,  |
arvan | mfn. running, quick (said of agni- and indra-)  |
arvan | mfn. low, inferior, vile  |
arvan | m. a courser, horse Name of indra- (See before)  |
arvan | m. one of the ten horses of the moon  |
arvan | m. a short span (see /arāvan-.)  |
āryayuvan | m. an Aryan youth on  |
asaṃbhāvanā | f. not regarding possible  |
asaṃbhāvanā | f. impossibility of comprehending  |
asaṃbhāvanā | f. want of respect  |
asaṃbhāvanīya | mfn. inconceivable, incomprehensible, impossible  |
aśanigrāvan | m. a diamond,  |
āsevana | n. abiding in  |
āsevana | n. assiduous practice or performance of anything  |
asipattravana | n. Name of a hell etc.  |
āsīvana | n. sewing together or on  |
aśokavanikā | f. a grove of aśoka- trees  |
aśokavanikānyāya | m. the rule of the grove of aśoka- trees (applied to cases in which a preference of any particular thing among many cannot be accounted for, just as rāvaṇa- kept sītā- in an aśoka- grove, but might equally well have kept her in a grove of other trees),  |
āśramaparvan | n. the first section of the fifteenth book of the mahā-bhārata-.  |
asṛkpāvan | mfn. drinking blood  |
astabhavana | n. the seventh lunar mansion  |
aṣṭāvandhura | (aṣṭ/ā--) mfn. having eight seats (as a cart)  |
asthidhanvan | m. a Name of śiva-  |
astrajīvana | m. (= - jīva-),  |
astṛtayajvan | (/astṛta--) mfn. sacrificing indefatigably or invincibly  |
āśupatvan | m. flying quickly  |
aśvadāvan | mfn. idem or 'mfn. intending to present with a horse, ' (vocative case)  |
āsvan | P. (perfect tense 3. plural -svenus- ) to resound.  |
asvana | mfn. not having a clear sound  |
aśvanadī | f. Name of a river  |
aśvanāga | m. (= kuñjara-),  |
aśvanāman | n. a horse's name,  |
aśvanāśaka | m. equals -ghna-  |
aśvanāya | m. a horse-herd, one who has the charge of a drove of grazing horses  |
aśvanibandhika | m. "a horse-fastener", groom  |
aśvanirṇij | (/aśva--) mfn. decorated with horses  |
āsvanita | mfn. ( ) sounded, resounded.  |
aśvanta | varia lectio for aśmanta- q.v  |
asvanta | See aśvanta-.  |
asvanta | mfn. (sv-anta-), ending ill, having an unfavourable issue  |
asvanta | mfn. (See also asv-anta- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order aśvanta-.)  |
aśvantaka | m. equals aśva-ghna- q.v  |
atharvan | m. (said to be fr. an obsolete word athar-,fire) , a priest who has to do with fire and soma-  |
atharvan | m. Name of the priest who is said to have been the first to institute the worship of fire and offer soma- and prayers (he is represented as a prajāpati-, as brahmā-'s eldest son, as the first learner and earliest teacher of the brahma-vidyā-, as the author of the atharva-veda-, as identical with aṅgiras-, as the father of agni-, etc.)  |
atharvan | m. Name of śiva-, vasiṣṭha- ([ ]) , soma-, prāṇa-  |
atharvan | mn. (ā-, a-) the fourth or atharva-- veda- (said to have been composed by atharvan-, and consisting chiefly of formulas and spells intended to counteract diseases and calamities)  |
atharvan | m. plural (/atharvāṇas-). descendants of atharvan-, often coupled with those of aṅgiras- and bhṛgu-  |
atharvan | m. plural the hymns of the atharva-- veda-.  |
atidhanvan | m. Name of a Vedic teacher, a descendant of śunaka-  |
atiprauḍhayauvana | mfn. being in the full enjoyment of youth.  |
atirātrasavanīyapaśu | m. the victim sacrificed at the atirātra-.  |
atiṣkadvan | mf(arī-)n. jumping over, transgressing.  |
atiṣṭhāvan | m. superior in standing, surpassing.  |
atiyuvan | mfn. very youthful  |
ātmasambhāvanā | f. self-conceit  |
atyadhvan | m. a long way or journey, excessive travelling.  |
atyantatiraskṛtavācyadhvani | f. (in rhetoric) a metaphoric  |
atyuccairdhvani | m. a very loud sound  |
atyuccairdhvani | m. a very high note.  |
āvan | A1. (2. sg. /ā-vanase- ; perfect tense 3. sg. /ā-vavne- ; Aorist 3. sg. -/avaniṣīṣṭa- ) to wish, desire, crave for ; to procure.  |
āvan | (add) Desid, - vivasate-, to seek to win, attract, propitiate, .  |
avana | n. favour, preservation, protection etc. (see an.avana-)  |
avana | n. (equals tarpaṇa-) satisfaction  |
avana | n. joy, pleasure  |
avana | n. (for the explan. of 2. /eva-) desire, wish  |
avana | n. speed  |
avana | mfn. preserving, a preserver,  |
avana | See av-.  |
avanaddha | mfn. bound on, tied, covered with (instrumental case or in compound) etc. (see carmāvanaddha-)  |
avanaddha | n. a drum  |
avanah | (ind.p. -nahya-) to cover with (instrumental case)  |
avanāha | m. binding or putting on  |
avanakṣ | (2. dual number -nakṣathas-) to overtake any one (genitive case)  |
avanakṣatra | n. disappearance of the luminaries  |
avanam | (parasmE-pada -namat-; ind.p. -namya-) to bow, make a bow to ; (perf. A1.3. plural -nanāmire-) to bow down (as the head) : Causal (ind.p. -nāmya-) to bend down ; to bend (a bow)  |
avanāma | m. bending, bowing  |
avanāmaka | mfn. what depresses or causes to bow or bend  |
avanāmin | mfn. being bent down (as the branches of a tree)  |
avanāmita | mfn. bent down (see an-avanāmita-vaij-)  |
avanamra | mf(ā-)n. bowed, bent  |
avanard | (Potential -nardet-) to slur or trill (a term applicable to chanting in the Hindu ritual) (see ni-nard-.)  |
avanaś | (perf. 3. plural -neśuḥ-) to disappear, perish  |
avanata | mfn. bowed, bent down etc.  |
avanata | mfn. bending, stooping, deepened, not projecting  |
avanāṭa | mf(ā-)n. equals ava-ṭīṭa- q.v  |
avanatakaya | mfn. bending the body, crouching down.  |
avanatamukha | mfn. with downcast countenance.  |
avanatānana | mfn. equals avanata-mukha- above  |
avanāṭanasika | mfn. flat-nosed  |
avanataśirṣan | mfn. bowing the head.  |
avanati | f. setting (of luminaries)  |
avanati | f. bowing down, stooping  |
avanati | f. parallax  |
āvanatīya | mfn. (fr. ava-nata- gaRa kṛśāśvādi- )  |
avanatottarakāya | mfn. bowing the upper part of the body  |
avanaya | m. equals ava-nāya-  |
avanāya | m. ( ) placing down  |
avanayana | n. equals ava-nāya-  |
avanayana | n. pouring down  |
āvandana | n. ( vand-), salute  |
avandhya | mf(ā-)n. = a-bandhya-2 q.v  |
avandhya | mf(ā-)n. Name of a place.  |
avanega | See prātar-avaneg/a-.  |
avanegya | mfn. serving for washing  |
avaneja | See pādāvan-.  |
avanejana | mf(ī-)n. washing, serving for washing (the feet)  |
avanejana | n. ablution (of hands [SBr.] or feet[ ])  |
avanejana | n. water for washing (hands[ ] or feet see pādāvan-).  |
avanejya | See pādāvan-.  |
avanektṛ | See pādāvan-.  |
avaneya | mfn. to be led away  |
āvaneya | m. (fr. avani-),"son of the earth", Name of the planet Mars.  |
avanī | f. the plant Ficus Heterophylla  |
avanī | f. Name of a river (See av/ani-.)  |
avani | f. course, bed of a river  |
avani | f. stream, river , the earth etc.  |
avani | f. the soil, ground  |
avani | f. any place on the ground  |
avani | f. plural the fingers  |
avanī | f. the earth  |
avanī | (future 2. sg. -neṣyasi-) to lead or bring down into (water) ; to put into (locative case) ; -nayati-, Ved. to pour down or over  |
avanibhṛt | m. "earth-supporter", a mountain, a king  |
avanībhṛt | m. (equals avani-bh-above) a king  |
avanicara | mfn. roving over the earth, vagabond.  |
avanīdhara | m. "earth-upholder", a mountain.  |
avanīdhra | m. id.  |
avaniḥsaraṇa | n. keeping away from (ablative),  |
avanij | (ind.p. -nija-; perf. A1. -nije-for -ninije-) to wash (especially the feet) : A1. -nenikte- (1.sg. -nenije-) to wash one's self. : Causal -nejayati-, to cause to wash |
avanija | m. "son of the earth", the planet Mars  |
avanikta | mfn. washed  |
avanimaṇḍala | n. globe of the earth.  |
avaniṃgata | mfn. prostrate on the ground.  |
avanīmukha | mfn. turned towards the earth,  |
avaninī | (ind.p. -nīya-) to put or bring into (water) ; to pour down  |
avanipa | m. "lord of the earth", a king  |
avanipāla | m. "protector of the earth", a king  |
avanīpāla | m. equals avani-p- above  |
avanipālaka | m. idem or 'm. "protector of the earth", a king '  |
avanipati | m. idem or 'm. "lord of the earth", a king '  |
avanīpati | m. equals avani-p- above  |
avaniruh | ([ ]) ([ das-.]) m. "grown from the earth", a tree.  |
avaniruha | ([ das-.]) m. "grown from the earth", a tree.  |
avanīśa | m. "lord of the earth", a king  |
avaniścaya | m. inference, deduction, ascertainment  |
avaniṣṭhiv | (p. -ṣṭhīvat-) to spit upon  |
avaniṣṭhīvana | n. spitting upon  |
avanisuta | m. equals -ja- above  |
avanīsvara | m. "lord of the earth", a king  |
avanīta | mfn. led or pushed down into (locative case)  |
avanīya | mfn. to be poured out or down  |
avanīyamāna | mfn. (Passive voice p.) being led down into water (as a horse)  |
āvanta | m. (fr. avanti-), a king of avanti- (the district of Oujein)  |
āvanta | m. Name of a son of dhṛṣṭa- , (see avanta-)  |
avantaka | m. plural Name of a people  |
avantaka | m. Name of a Buddhist school.  |
āvantaka | mfn. belonging to or coming from avanti-  |
āvantaka | m. plural the inhabitants of avanti-  |
avanti | m. plural Name of a country and its in habitants  |
avanti | m. Name of a river.  |
avantī | f. ( ) Oujein, N. etc.  |
avantī | f. the queen, of Oujein (see āvantya-)  |
avantī | f. (equals avanti-) Name of of river.  |
āvantī | f. the language of avanti-.  |
avantibhūpāla | m. the king of avanti- id est bhoja-.  |
avantibrahma | m. a Brahman living in the country of the avanti-s  |
avantīḍeśa | m. the region of avanti-.  |
avantideva | m. (equals -varman- q.v) Name of a king  |
avantikā | f. the modern Oujein (one of the seven sacred cities of the Hindus to die at which secures eternal happiness), the language of the, avanti-s  |
āvantika | mfn. belonging to or coming from avanti-  |
āvantika | m. Name of a Buddhist school  |
āvantikā | f. Name of a woman  |
avantikhaṇḍa | n. a portion of the skanda-purāṇa-  |
avantimihira | m. Name (also title or epithet) of varāha-mihira-,  |
avantīnagara | n. the city avantī-  |
avantinagari | f. the city of the avanti-s, Oujein  |
avantipura | n. idem or 'f. the city of the avanti-s, Oujein '  |
avantipura | n. Name of a town in kāśmīra-, built by avantivarman-  |
avantipurī | f. Oujein  |
avantīsaras | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
avantisena | m. Name of a man  |
avantisoma | m. sour gruel (prepared from the fermentation of, rice-water)  |
avantīsundari | f. Name of a woman  |
avantisvāmin | m. Name of a sanctuary built by avantivarman-  |
avantīśvara | m. id.  |
avantivardhana | m. Name of a son of pālaka-  |
avantivarman | m. Name of a king  |
avantivarman | m. of a poet,  |
avantivatī | f. Name of the wife of pālaka-  |
āvantya | mfn. coming from or being in the country avanti-  |
āvantya | m. a king or inhabitant of avanti-  |
āvantya | m. (according to the āvantya-s are offsprings of degraded Brahmans.)  |
avantyaśmaka | n. sg. or m. plural the avanti-s and the aśmaka-s, (gaRa rajadantādi-and kārtakaujapādi- q.v)  |
avanu | A1. (3. plural -navante-) to move towards (accusative)  |
avasthāvan | mfn. possessed of stability  |
avaṣvan | ( svan-), -ṣvaṇati- (imperfect tense avāṣvaṇat-; perf. p. A1. -ṣaṣvāṇa-) to smack (one's lips) or otherwise make a noise in eating (see ava-svan-.)  |
avasvan | (Aorist -/asvanīt-) to fly down with noise (see ava-ṣvan-.)  |
avasvanya | mfn. roaring  |
avatatadhanvan | (/avatata-) mfn. whose bow is unbent  |
avāvan | mf(varī-)n. ( oṇ- commentator or commentary), one who carries off, a thief.  |
avibhāvana | nf. non-perception, non-discrimination  |
avibhāvaniya | mfn. imperceptible  |
ayajvan | mfn. idem or 'mfn. not sacrificing, impious ' etc.  |
ayavan | m. ([ ]) ri. ([ ]) idem or 'm. the dark half of the month '  |
ayāvan | m. idem or ' m. idem or 'n. ([ ]) idem or 'm. ([ ]) ri. ([ ]) idem or 'm. the dark half of the month ' ' ' '  |
ayāvan | See 1. a-yava-.  |
āyavan | m. the dark half of the month (see ayava-.)  |
ayāvana | n. not causing to mix or to unite  |
āyavana | See under ā-- 2. yu-.  |
āyavana | n. a spoon (or similar instrument) for stirring  |
āyurdāvan | mfn. giving life, giving longevity  |
badarikāvanamāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
badarītapovana | n. the penance grove or hermitage at badarī-  |
badarīvana | n. idem or 'n. Name of a wood '  |
badarīvanamahātmya | n. Name of work  |
bāḍhasṛtvan | mfn. striding mightily along  |
badvan | m. a causeway, highway  |
bahirbhavana | n. the being outside, coming forth, emanation  |
bahudhīvan | mf(= masculine gender or arī-)n. rather skilful  |
bahudṛśvan | m. one who has seen much, a great observer, very experienced  |
bahusvana | mfn. "much-sounding", making many sounds  |
bahusvana | m. an owl  |
bahuyajvan | mfn.  |
bahvanartha | mfn. attended with many evils  |
bahvanna | mfn. rich in food  |
bāhyopavana | n. a grove situated outside (a town, puryāḥ-)  |
bailvavana | m. (prob.) an inhabitant of bilvavana- or a wood of bilva- trees gaRa rājanyādi-.  |
bailvavanaka | mfn. (with deśa-) inhabited by bailvavana-s  |
baladāvan | ( ) mfn. conferring or imparting power.  |
bālasaṃjīvana | n. Name of chapter of  |
bālavanitā | f. a young woman  |
bhadraśālavana | varia lectio for sāla-v- q.v  |
bhadrasālavana | n. Name of a forest (Bombay edition; Calcutta edition śāla-v-).  |
bhagavadyauvanodgama | m. Name of chapter of the kṛṣṇa-krīḍita-.  |
bhagavan | in compound for vat-.  |
bhagavanmānapūjā | f. Name of a hymn by śaṃkarācārya-.  |
bhagavanmaya | mf(ī-)n. wholly devoted to viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa-  |
bhagavannāma | (in the beginning of a compound for man-),"the name or names of bhagavat- id est viṣṇu- "  |
bhagavannāmakaumudī | f. Name of work  |
bhagavannāmamāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
bhagavannāmamāhātmyasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
bhagavannāmāmṛtarasodaya | m. Name of work  |
bhagavannāmasmaraṇastuti | f. Name of work  |
bhagavannāmāvalī | f. Name of work  |
bhagavannandasaṃvāda | m. Name of  |
bhagavanta | m. Name of the author of the mukunda-vilāsa-.  |
bhagavantabhāskara | m. Name of a law-book by nīla-kaṇṭha- (17th cent.)  |
bhagavantadeva | m. Name of a prince (king of bhareha-, son of sāhi-deva- and a patron of nīlakaṇṭha- see next)  |
bhairavanāmāvalī | f. Name of work  |
bhairavanāthatantra | n. Name of work  |
bhairavanavarasaratna | n. Name of work  |
bhairavaprādurbhāvanāṭaka | n. Name of work  |
bhakṣivan | mfn. eating, enjoying (see bhakti-v/an-, -v/as-).  |
bhaktivan | ( ) mfn. partaking of (with genitive case; see bhakṣi-v/an-).  |
bhallūkayuvan | m. the cub of a bear, a young bear  |
bhāṇḍīravananandana | m. Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
bhāṇḍīravanavāsin | m. Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
bhaṅgāsvana | m. Name of a rājarṣi-  |
bhānuvana | n. "sun-wood", Name of a forest  |
bharadvājadhanvantari | m. Name of a divine being  |
bhārgavana | n. Name of a forest (varia lectio bhānu-v-).  |
bhārgavanāmasahasra | n. Name of work  |
bhāropajīvana | n. subsistence by carrying loads  |
bhauvana | mfn. (fr. bhuvana-) belonging to the world  |
bhauvana | m. patronymic of viśva-karman- (see bhaumana-), of sādhana- etc.  |
bhauvanāyana | m. patronymic fr. bhuvana- or bhauvana-  |
bhavabhāvana | mfn. conferring welfare  |
bhavabhāvana | m. "author of existence", Name of viṣṇu-  |
bhavabhāvanā | f. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') regarding anything as good fortune,  |
bhavan | in compound for bhavat-.  |
bhavana | n. (m. gaRa ardharcādi-) a place of abode, mansion, home, house, palace, dwelling (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) etc.  |
bhavana | n. horoscope, natal star (See bhavaneśa-)  |
bhavana | m. Name of a ṛṣi- in the 2nd manvantara-  |
bhavana | m. a dog  |
bhavana | n. coming into existence, birth, production on  |
bhavana | n. a site, receptacle (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
bhavana | n. the place where anything grows (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' =field see śāli-bh-)  |
bhavana | n. equals bhuvana-, water  |
bhāvana | n. (for 2. bhāvana-See) a forest of rays  |
bhāvana | mf(ī-)n. (fr. Causal;for 1.See 2. bh/ā-p.750) causing to be, effecting, producing, displaying, manifesting  |
bhāvana | mf(ī-)n. promoting or effecting any one's (genitive case or compound) welfare etc.  |
bhāvana | mf(ī-)n. imagining, fancying  |
bhāvana | mf(ī-)n. teaching  |
bhāvana | m. a creator, producer, efficient  |
bhāvana | m. Name of śiva- (equals dhyātṛ-)  |
bhāvana | m. of viṣṇu-  |
bhāvana | m. of the 22nd kalpa- (q.v)  |
bhāvana | f(ā-). and n. the act of producing or effecting  |
bhāvana | f(ā-)n. forming in the mind, conception, apprehension, imagination, supposition, fancy, thought, meditation ( bhāvanayā nayā- ind.in thought, in imagination; nām-bandh-,with locative case,to occupy one's imagination with, direct one's thoughts to) etc.  |
bhāvana | f(ā-)n. (in logic) that cause of memory which arises from direct perception  |
bhāvana | f(ā-)n. application of perfumes etc. (equals adhivāsana-)  |
bhāvanā | f. demonstration, argument, ascertainment  |
bhāvanā | f. feeling of devotion, faith in (locative case)  |
bhāvanā | f. reflection, contemplation (5 kinds with Buddhists )  |
bhāvanā | f. saturating any powder with fluid, steeping, infusion  |
bhāvanā | f. (in arithmetic) finding by combination or composition  |
bhāvanā | f. (with jaina-s) right conception or notion  |
bhāvanā | f. the moral of a fable  |
bhāvanā | f. Name of an upaniṣad-  |
bhāvanā | f. a crow  |
bhāvanā | f. water  |
bhāvana | n. furthering, promoting  |
bhāvana | n. the fruit of Dillenia Speciosa  |
bhāvana | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') nature, essence  |
bhāvanā | f. of prec., in compound  |
bhavanādhīśa | m. plural equals prec.  |
bhavanadvāra | n. a palace-gate |
bhavanāga | m. Name of an author  |
bhāvanāmārga | m. a spiritual state  |
bhāvanāmaya | mf(ī-)n. produced by imagination or meditation  |
bhāvanāmayī | f. (with vidyā-) wisdom obtained by meditation  |
bhavananda | m. Name of an actor  |
bhavanandana | m. patronymic of skanda-  |
bhavanandin | m. Name of a man  |
bhavanapati | m. equals -svāmin-  |
bhavanapati | m. plural (with jaina-s) a particular class of gods  |
bhāvanāpuruṣottamanāṭaka | n. Name of a drama.  |
bhāvanārāyaṇamāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
bhāvanāsārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
bhavanāśinī | f. "destroying worldly existence", Name of the river sarayū-  |
bhāvanāśraya | (nāśr-) m. "refuge of thought", Name of śiva-  |
bhavanasthāna | n. the place or room for a house  |
bhavanasvāmin | m. the lord of a house, pater familias  |
bhavanātha | m. Name of an author (also with ṭhakkura-, mahā-mahopādhyāya-and miśra-)  |
bhāvanātha | m. Name of men  |
bhāvanāvicāra | m. Name of work  |
bhāvanāviveka | m. Name of work  |
bhāvanayā | ind. bhāvana |
bhāvanāyukta | mfn. thoughtful, anxious  |
bhāvaneri | m. a kind of dance  |
bhavaneśa | m. the regent of a horoscope or natal star  |
bhavanibandhavināśin | mfn. "destroying the fetters of worldly existence"  |
bhavanigaḍanibandhacchedana | mf(ī-)n. ( ) destroying the chains and fetters of worldly existence.  |
bhavanigaḍanibandhacchedhavināśin | ( ) mfn. destroying the chains and fetters of worldly existence.  |
bhāvanikā | f. Name of a woman  |
bhavanīya | mfn. to be about to become or be or happen (yuṣmābhir etad bhavanīyaṃ ca nānyathā-,"and you must not let this be otherwise")  |
bhavanīya | n. (impersonal or used impersonally) it is to be about to become  |
bhavanīya | n. (with instrumental case) one should be  |
bhāvanīya | mfn. (fr. Causal) to be manifested or effected or accomplished  |
bhāvanīya | mfn. to be suffered or endured (as pain)  |
bhāvanīya | mfn. to be cherished or nourished  |
bhāvanīya | mfn. to be conceived or imagined or fancied or supposed (n. impersonal or used impersonally)  |
bhāvanīya | mfn. to be proved or taught  |
bhavanmadhya | mf(ā-)n. having bhavat- in the middle  |
bhavanmadhyam | ind. with bhavat- in the middle  |
bhavanmanyu | m. Name of a prince  |
bhavanodara | n. the interior apartments of a house  |
bhavanodyāna | n. a garden belonging to a house or palace  |
bhāvanopaniṣad | f. Name of an upaniṣad-.  |
bhavanta | m. time  |
bhavanta | m. present time  |
bhavantī | f. the present tense  |
bhavantī | f. a virtuous wife (see satī-)  |
bhavanti | m. (?) time being, present time (see bhavantī-under bhavat-).  |
bhāvāviśvanāthadīkṣita | m. Name of a man  |
bhāvitabhāvana | mfn. being one's self furthered and furthering others  |
bhavyajīvana | m. Name of an author  |
bhedadhikkṛtitattvanivecana | n. Name of work  |
bhedojjīvana | n. Name of work  |
bhedoktijīvana | n. Name of work  |
bherīsvanamahāsvanā | f. "loud-sounding like the sound of a kettle-drum", Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
bhidurasvana | m. "making a piercing noise", Name of an asura-  |
bhīmadhanvan | m. "having a formidable bow", Name of a prince  |
bhīṣmaparvan | n. Name of the 6th book of the  |
bhrātṛpadmavana | n. a group of lotus-like brethren  |
bhṛgvandīya | (!) m. Name of a man  |
bhujataruvana | n. a forest the trees of which are its arms  |
bhūridāvan | mf(arī-)n. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. "much-giving", munificent ' (see Va1rtt. 2 )'  |
bhurvan | restless motion (of water)  |
bhūtabhāvana | mfn. creating or causing the welfare of living beings  |
bhūtabhāvana | mfn. Name of śiva- or viṣṇu- or brahmā- ( bhūtabhāvanabhāvana -bhāvana- mfn.causing the welfare of those who cause the welfare of living beings )  |
bhūtabhāvana | n. equals sva-rūpa-  |
bhūtabhāvanabhāvana | mfn. bhūtabhāvana |
bhuvana | n. a being, living creature, man, mankind etc.  |
bhuvana | n. (rarely m.) the world, earth (generally 3 worlds are reckoned [see tri-bhuvana-and bhuvana-traya-],but also 2 [see bhuva na-dvaya-],or 7[ ] or 14[ ]; see )  |
bhuvana | n. place of being, abode, residence  |
bhuvana | n. a house (varia lectio for bhavana-)  |
bhuvana | n. (?) causing to exist (equals bhāvana-)  |
bhuvana | n. water  |
bhuvana | m. Name of a particular month  |
bhuvana | m. of a rudra-  |
bhuvana | m. of an āptya- (author of )  |
bhuvana | m. of a teacher of yoga-  |
bhuvana | m. of another man  |
bhuvanabhartṛ | m. equals -pati-  |
bhuvanabhāvana | m. the creator of the world,  |
bhuvanābhyudaya | m. "prosperity of the world"Name of a poem, etc.  |
bhuvanacandra | m. "moon of the world", Name of a man  |
bhuvanacarita | n. the doings of the world  |
bhuvanacyava | mfn. shaking the world  |
bhuvanādbhuta | mfn. astonishing the world  |
bhuvanādhīśa | ( ) m. "lord of the world", Name of a rudra-.  |
bhuvanādhīśvara | ( ) m. "lord of the world", Name of a rudra-.  |
bhuvanadīpa | m. Name of work  |
bhuvanadīpaka | m. Name of work (and bhuvanadīpakaśāstra ka-śāstra- n.)  |
bhuvanadīpakaśāstra | n. bhuvanadīpaka |
bhuvanadīpikā | f. Name of work  |
bhuvanadvaya | n. the two worlds (heaven and earth)  |
bhuvanadviṣ | m. an enemy of the world or earth  |
bhuvanahita | n. the welfare of the world  |
bhuvanajñāna | n. knowledge of the world  |
bhuvanakośa | m. the globe or sphere of the earth  |
bhuvanakośa | m. Name of several works.  |
bhuvanālokana | n. the sight of the world  |
bhuvanamallavīra | m. Name of a man  |
bhuvanamatī | f. Name of a princess  |
bhuvanamātṛ | f. "world-mother", Name of durgā-  |
bhuvanānanda | m. "joy of the world", Name of an author  |
bhuvanāṇḍaka | n. the world-egg  |
bhuvanapāla | m. Name of a Scholiast or Commentator on hāla-'s gāthā-kośa-  |
bhuvanapati | (bh/uv-) m. the lord of beings or of the world (also wrong reading for bhavana-p-).  |
bhuvanapāvana | mf(ī-)n. world purifying  |
bhuvanapāvanī | f. Name of Ganges  |
bhuvanapradīpikā | f. Name of work  |
bhuvanapraṇetṛ | m. "leader of being", Time (personified as the Creator)  |
bhuvanapratiṣṭhādānavidhi | m. Name of a chapter of  |
bhuvanarāja | m. Name of a king  |
bhuvanasad | mfn. reposing or situated in the world  |
bhuvanaśāsin | m. "world-ruler", a king, prince  |
bhuvanatala | n. the surface of the earth  |
bhuvanatraya | n. the three world (heaven, atmosphere, and earth)  |
bhuvanaukas | m. "inhabitant of heaven", a god  |
bhuvanavidita | mfn. known in the world  |
bhuvanavinyāsa | m. Name of chapter of  |
bhuvanavṛttānta | m. equals -carita-  |
bhuvaneśa | m. lord of the world  |
bhuvaneśa | m. Name of a rudra-  |
bhuvaneśa | m. of a place  |
bhuvaneśānī | f. the mistress of the world  |
bhuvaneśī | f. Name of a goddess  |
bhuvaneśīpārijāta | m. Name of work  |
bhuvaneśīyantra | n. Name of a mystical diagram  |
bhuvaneṣṭhā | mfn. being in the world or in all existing things  |
bhuvaneśvara | m. "lord of the world", a prince, king  |
bhuvaneśvara | m. Name of śiva-  |
bhuvaneśvara | m. of an author  |
bhuvaneśvara | n. Name of a temple and city sacred to śiva-  |
bhuvaneśvaramāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
bhuvaneśvarī | f. See below  |
bhuvaneśvarī | f. "mistress of the world", Name of various goddesses  |
bhuvaneśvarīdaṇḍaka | mn. Name of work  |
bhuvaneśvarīdīpadāna | n. Name of work  |
bhuvaneśvarīkakṣapuṭatantra | n. Name of work  |
bhuvaneśvarīkalpa | m. Name of work  |
bhuvaneśvarīkavaca | n. Name of work  |
bhuvaneśvarīpaddhati | f. Name of work  |
bhuvaneśvarīpañcāṅga | n. Name of work  |
bhuvaneśvarīpaṭala | n. Name of work  |
bhuvaneśvarīpūjāyantra | n. Name of a mystical diagram  |
bhuvaneśvarīrahasya | n. Name of work  |
bhuvaneśvarīsahasranāman | n. Name of work  |
bhuvaneśvarīsahasranāmastotra | n. Name of work  |
bhuvaneśvarīśāntiprayoga | m. Name of work  |
bhuvaneśvarīstotra | n. Name of work  |
bhuvaneśvarīvarivasyārahasya | n. Name of work  |
bhuvaneśvaryarcanapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
bhuvanti | m. equals bhuvaṃ tanoti-, bhū-maṇḍa vistāraka- ( )  |
biladhāvana | mfn. (sensu obsceno) rimam tergens  |
bilvanātha | m. Name of a teacher of the haṭha-vidyā-  |
bilvavana | n. a wood of bilva- trees  |
brahmabhavana | n. brahmā-'s abode  |
brahmabhāvana | mfn. revealing or imparting religious knowledge  |
brahmabhuvana | n. brahmā-'s world  |
brahmajīvanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
brāhmaparvan | n. Name of work  |
brahmavani | mfn. devoted to Brahmans ( )  |
bṛhaddhvanī | f. "loud-sounding", Name of a river  |
bṛhadgrāvan | (brih/ad-.) mfn. like a huge stone  |
bṛhadrāvan | mfn. sounding or crying loud  |
bṛhajjīvantī | ( ) f. a kind of plant (= priyaṃ-karī-).  |
bṛhajjīvantikā | ( ) f. a kind of plant (= priyaṃ-karī-).  |
bṛhattvan | (?) m. Name of a deva-gandharva- (varia lectio had-dhan-).  |
buddhavanagiri | m. Name of a mountain  |
cakṣurvanya | mfn. suffering from disease of the eyes  |
cakvana | varia lectio for cakana-.  |
candanavanī | f. a sandal wood,  |
candravandya | m. Name of a man.  |
carabhavana | n. idem or 'n. equals -griha- '  |
caraṇaparvan | n. equals -granthi-  |
carmāvanaddha | mfn. covered with skin (= )  |
carmāvanaddha | mfn. bound with leather  |
carvan | m. equals capeṭa-  |
caturaṅgulaparyavanaddha | mfn. overgrown with that plant  |
caturdaśasamadvandva | mfn. having the 14 paired parts of the body symmetric  |
cavana | n. Piper Chaba  |
ceṣṭāpṛthaktvanivartin | mfn. to be (or being) carried out by separate (repeated) acts,  |
chinnadhanvan | mfn. (a warrior) whose bow has been broken by his enemy's arrow  |
cikitvan | mfn. attentive  |
cīrabhavantī | f. the elder sister of a wife  |
citpāvan | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a class of Brahmans in Konkan, n. 1  |
citragrāvan | mfn. stony  |
citrajavanikā | f. a painted curtain,  |
citrasvana | m. "clear-voice", Name of a rākṣasa-  |
citravana | n. "of variegated appearance (See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order citr/a-) ", Name of a wood near the gaṇḍakī-  |
citravana | n. see citraka-.  |
cittapāvan | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a class of Brahmans in Konkan, note 1  |
cūḍāvana | m. "wood-crested", Name of a mountain  |
curcuradhvani | m. gnashing (the teeth)  |
cyavana | mfn. moving, moved,  |
cyavana | mfn. causing to move, shaking  |
cyavana | mfn. promoting delivery (a mantra-)  |
cyavana | m. one who causes to move, shaker  |
cyavana | m. Name of a demon causing diseases  |
cyavana | m. (later form for cy/avāna-) Name of a ṛṣi- (son of bhṛgu-, author of ) (father of ṛcīka-, xiii, 207) etc.  |
cyavana | m. of an astronomer  |
cyavana | m. of a physician  |
cyavana | m. of the author of a law-book (See -smṛti-) Introd.  |
cyavana | m. of a saptarṣi- in the 2nd manv-antara- (varia lectio for niś-cy-)  |
cyavana | m. of a son (of su-hotra-, 1803 ;of mitrāyu-, 1)  |
cyavana | n. motion  |
cyavana | n. the being deprived of (in compound) falling from any divine existence for being re-born as a man |
cyavana | n. dying  |
cyavana | n. trickling, flowing  |
cyavana | n. see duś-cyavan/a-.  |
cyāvana | mfn. ( cyu-, Causal) causing to fall (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
cyāvana | n. expulsion, .  |
cyāvana | mfn. relating to cyavana- (with prāśa- equals cyavana-pr- )  |
cyāvana | mfn. m: patronymic fr. cyavana-  |
cyāvana | n. Name of several sāman-s  |
cyavanadharma | mfn. destined to sink down in the series of re-births  |
cyavanadharman | mfn. destined to fall from any divine existence (so as to be re-born as a man)  |
cyavanadharmin | mfn. destined to fall from any divine existence (so as to be re-born as a man)  |
cyavananahuṣasaṃvāda | m. "discussion between cyavana- and nahuṣa-", Name of  |
cyavanaprāśa | m. Name of an electuary (see cyāvana-)  |
cyavanasamāgama | m. Name of  |
cyavanasmṛti | f. Name of work  |
cyavanopākhyāna | n. "tale of cyavana-", Name of and of  |
dadhikrāvan | m. equals -kr/ā-  |
daivanirmita | mfn. equals -krita-  |
daivantyāyana | m. (patronymic fr. ?) Name of a man plural his descendants  |
dakṣādhvaradhvansaka | m. equals kṣa-yajña-prabhañana-  |
dāmanaparvan | n. the 14th day in light half of the month caitra- (a festival on which flowers are gathered)  |
damāvandu | Name of a mountain in Persia called Demavend  |
dānasaṃvanana | n. encouraging liberality,  |
daṇḍakāvana | n. equals kāraṇya-  |
dandhvana | m. ( dhvan-, dhen-, Intensive)"whistler" , a kind of cane  |
dantadhāvana | n. idem or 'm. cleaning the teeth ' etc.  |
dantadhāvana | n. equals -pavana-  |
dantadhāvana | n. Name of a chapter of  |
dantadhāvana | m. Acacia Catechu  |
dantadhāvana | m. Mimusops Elengi  |
dantadhāvana | m. a kind of karañja-  |
dantadhāvanaka | m. Name of a tree  |
dantadhāvanaprakaraṇa | n. Name of  |
dantadhāvanavidhi | m. Name of  |
dantadhāvanavidhi | m. of a chapter of  |
dantadhāvanavidhi | m. of  |
dantapavana | n. "tooth-cleaner", a small piece of wood (equals -kāṣṭha-)  |
dantapāvana | n. equals -dhāva-  |
dantaprakṣālanapavana | m.  |
dantaskavana | n. picking the teeth  |
dārukāvana | n. Name of a wood  |
dārvan | m. Name of a son of uśīnara- (see darvā-).  |
darvyudāyuvana | n. remnants clinging to the spoon  |
dāsajīvana | mfn. living like a slave  |
daśarātraparvan | n. Name of a sāman-.  |
dāvan | n. only dative case v/ane- (mostly as infinitive mood) in order to give or to receive  |
dāvan | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') giving, granting  |
devabhavana | n. "divine abode", heaven  |
devabhavana | n. temple  |
devabhavana | n. Ficus Religiosa  |
devadāruvanamāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
devan | m. brother-in-law (equals devṛ-)  |
devana | n. lamentation, wailing, grief, sorrow  |
devana | m. a die, dice for gambling  |
devanā | f. sport, pastime  |
devanā | f. service  |
devana | n. (d/ev-) shining, splendour  |
devana | n. gaming, a game at dice etc.  |
devana | n. play, sport, pastime  |
devana | n. pleasure-ground, garden  |
devana | n. a lotus  |
devana | n. praise  |
devana | n. desire, emulation  |
devana | n. affair, business, profession  |
devana | n. going, motion  |
devanābha | m. Name of a man  |
devanadī | f. "divine river", Name of several sacred rivers  |
devanāgarī | f. "divine city writing", Name of the character in which Sanskrit is usually written (prob. from its having originated in some city)  |
devanakṣatra | n. Name of the first 14 nakṣatra-s in the southern quarter (pp. to yama--)  |
devanakṣatra | m. Name of a king (varia lectio for va-kṣatra-).  |
devanala | m. "god's reed", Arundo Bengalensis (see -nāla-).  |
devanāla | m. equals -nala-  |
devanāma | m. plural Name of particular formulas  |
devanāman | m. Name of a king and a varṣa- in kuśa-dvīpi-  |
devanandā | f. "gods' joy", Name of a celestial woman  |
devanandin | m. "rejoicing the gods", Name of one of indra-'s doorkeepers  |
devanandin | m. of a grammarian  |
devanātha | m. "lord of the gods", Name of śiva-,  |
devanātha | m. of several authors (also -ṭhakkura-, -tarka-pañcānana-,and -pāṭhaka-).  |
devanāyaka | m. Name of a man  |
devanāyakapañcāśat | f. Name of work  |
devanāyakastuti | f. Name of work  |
devanibandha | m. Name of work  |
devanid | mfn. hating the gods, a god-hater  |
devanikāya | m. host or assembly of gods  |
devanikāya | m. heaven, paradise  |
devanindā | f. heresy, atheism  |
devanindaka | mfn. idem or 'mfn. hating the gods, a god-hater '  |
devanindaka | mfn. atheist or atheism  |
devanirmālya | n. a garland remaining from a sacrifice  |
devanirmita | mfn. "god-made", created, natural  |
devanirmitā | f. Cocculus Cordifolius  |
devaniśrayaṇī | f. "ladder towards the gods", Name of a particular penance  |
devaniśreṇī | f. "ladder towards the gods", Name of a particular penance  |
devanītha | m. a formula consisting of 17 pāda-s  |
devarājayajvan | m. Name of a Scholiast or Commentator on naighaṇṭuka- and also of his grandfather  |
devatātvanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
devavanda | mfn. praising the gods  |
devayāvan | mf(varī-)n. going to the gods  |
devībhavana | n. equals -dhāman-  |
dhanayauvanaśālin | mfn. endowed with wealth and youth  |
dhanvan | n. a bow etc. (especially in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; see asthi--, ugra--, kṣipra--etc., and )  |
dhanvan | n. rain-bow  |
dhanvan | n. the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius  |
dhanvan | n. (also m.) dry soil, shore (samudasya-; see dhanu-)  |
dhanvan | n. a desert, a waste etc.  |
dhanvan | m. Alhagi Maurorum  |
dhanvan | m. Name of a country. (Cf. dhanu-, nus-.)  |
dhanvana | mn. idem or 'm. Grewia Elastica '  |
dhanvana | m. a kind of animal  |
dhanvana | m. varia lectio vina-.  |
dhānvana | mf(ī-)n. situated in a desert  |
dhānvana | m. equals prec. m.  |
dhānvana | mf(ī-)n. made from the wood of the dhanvana- tree  |
dhanvantara | n. the space or distance of a dhanu- or 4 hasta-s  |
dhanvantara | n. Name of śiva-, ( "bow-string";but see tari-).  |
dhānvantara | ( ) mfn. relating to or proceeding from dhanvan-tari- (See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order)  |
dhanvantari | m. (for vani-t-),"moving in a curve", Name of a deity to whom oblations were offered in the north-east quarter (where tare- wrong reading for tareḥ-)  |
dhanvantari | m. of the sun  |