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Grammar Search
"vaktram" has 3 results
vaktram: neuter nominative singular stem: vaktra
vaktram: masculine accusative singular stem: vaktra
vaktram: neuter accusative singular stem: vaktra
Amarakosha Search
1 result
mukham2.6.90NeuterSingularvadanam, tuṇḍam, ānanam, lapanam, vaktram, āsyam
Monier-Williams Search
1 result
vaktran. "organ of speech", the mouth, face, muzzle, snout, proboscis, jaws, beak etc. etc. (vaktraṃ- kṛ-,to open the mouth, gape) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
vaktram वक्त्रम् [वक्ति अनेन वच्-करणे ष्ट्रन् Uṇ.4.177] 1 The mouth. -2 The face; यद्वक्त्रं मुहुरीक्षसे न धनिनां ब्रूषे न चाटून् मृषा Bh.3.147. -3 Snout, muzzle, beak. -4 Beginning. -5 The point (of an arrow), the spout of a vessel. -6 A sort of garment. -7 N. of a metre similar to anuṣṭubh; see S. D.567; Kāv.1.26. -8 The first term of a progression. -Comp. -आसवः saliva. -खुरः a tooth. -जः 1 a tooth. -2 a Brāhmaṇa. -तालम् a musical instrument played with the mouth. -तुण्डः N. of Gaṇeṣa. -दलम् the palate. -पटः a veil. -पट्टः a bag of corn tied round a horse's neck. -परिस्पन्दः speech. -भेदिन् a. pungent, sharp. -रन्ध्रम् the aperture of the mouth. -वासः an orange. -शोधनम् 1 clean- sing the mouth. -2 lime, citron. -शोधिन् n. a citron. (-m.) a citron tree.
Vedabase Search
2 results
vaktramaṇḍikā noun (feminine) mukhamaṇḍikā, name of a demon
Frequency rank 64401/72933
prativaktram indeclinable on every face (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 58907/72933
Wordnet Search
"vaktram" has 5 results.


mukham, āsyam, vadanam, tuṇḍam, vaktram, ānanam, lapanam   

ā oṣṭhāt galādiparyantam śarīrāvayavaviśeṣaḥ yena prāṇinaḥ vadanti adanti ca।

atyadhikabhayāt tasya mukhāt dhvanireva na niḥsṛtaḥ।


mukham, vadanam, ānanam, vaktram, āsyam, vandanam, cubram, śman   

avayavaviśeṣaḥ, oṣṭhau ca dantamūlāni dantā jihvā ca tālu ca galo galādi sakalam saptāṅgaṃ mukham ucyate।

pitā snehāt svabālakasya mukham cumbati।


kavacam, kavacaḥ, varma, tanutram, tanutrāṇam, vāravāṇaḥ, kañcukaḥ, daṃśanam, sannāhaḥ, tanuvāram, sajjā, tvaktram   

yuddhe yodhasya surakṣāpradāyakaṃ lohamayam āvaraṇam।

ākramaṇāt rakṣaṇārthe yoddhā kavacaṃ dhārayati।


mukham, vaktram, āsyam, vadanam, tuṇḍam, ānanam, lapanam   

śarīrāvayavaviśeṣaḥ, khanati vidārayati annādikamanena;

mukhaṃ vimucya śvasitasya dhārayā vṛthaiva nāsāpathadhāvanaśramaḥ [nai.9.44]



ekaṃ sthānam ।

sindhuvaktrasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti

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