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Grammar Search
"vaidarbhi" has 1 results
vaidarbhi: feminine vocative singular stem: vaidarbha
Monier-Williams Search
1 result
vaidarbhim. a patronymic View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
amūrta अमूर्त a. Formless, shapeless, incorporeal, unembodied (opp. मूर्त where Muktā. says मूर्तत्वम् = अवच्छिन्नपरिमाण- वत्त्वम्) द्वै वाव ब्रह्मणो रूपे मूर्त चामूर्त च Bṛi. Up.2.3.1. -र्तः N. of Śiva. -Comp. -गुणः (in Vaiś. Phil.) a quality considered to be अमूर्त or incorporeal such as धर्म, अधर्म &c.; धर्माधर्मौ भावना च शब्दो बुद्धपादयो$पि च । एते मूर्तगुणाः सर्वे Bhāṣa P. -रजस् A son of Kuśa (by Vaidarbhī); Mb.
Macdonell Search
1 result
rīti f. stream, current; motion, course; line, row; (course of things), man ner, method, way; style, diction (three are spoken of: Vaidarbhî, Gaudî, and Pâñkâlî; or four: the same+Lâtikâ; or six: the same +Âvantikâ and Mâgadhî); brass; oxide of iron, rust.
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
1 result1 result
vaidarbhi ‘Descendant of Vidarbha,’ is the patronymic of a Bhārg'ava in the Praśna Upaniṣad.
Vedabase Search
4 results
vaidarbhi O princess of VidarbhaSB 10.60.16
vaidarbhi O VaidarbhīSB 10.60.29
he vaidarbhi O daughter of Vaidarbha (Rukmiṇī)SB 10.83.6-7
he vaidarbhi O daughter of Vaidarbha (Rukmiṇī)SB 10.83.6-7
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