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329 results for v/i
abhivī( i-), (3. plural abh/i v/i yanti-) to come towards from different parts View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuvipaś -v/i-paśyati-, to look at, view View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apasalaviind. to the left (opposed to pra-salav/i- see ava-salavi-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aśrīvī equals asrīv/ī- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aśvinakṛtamfn. (irreg. for aśv/i-k-) done by the aśvin-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āvidP. (subjunctive 1. sg. -vidam- ;Inf. -v/ide- ) A1. (subjunctive 1. sg. -vide- ; Aorist 1. sg. vitsi- ) to reach, obtain ; to get into: Passive voice -vidyate-, to exist View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āvirSee āv/is- below. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āviśP. A1. -viśati-, -te- (infinitive mood ā-v/iśam- ) to go or drive in or towards ; to approach, enter ; to take possession of etc. ; to sit down, settle ; to get or fall into ; to reach, obtain ; to become etc.: Causal -veśayati-, to cause to enter or approach ; to cause to reach or obtain ; to deliver, offer, present ; to make known View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āviṣSee āv/is-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bahumf(v/ī-or u-)n. much, many, frequent, abundant, numerous, great or considerable in quantity (n. also as substantive with genitive case) (rarely in maṇḍ-. i-ix) etc. (tadbahu-yad-,"it is a great matter that"; tvayā me bahu kṛtaṃ-yad-,"you have done me a great service by -- or that --"; kim bahunā-,"what occasion is there for much talk?" id est"in short" ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bahumf(v/ī-or u-)n. abounding or rich in (instrumental case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bahumf(v/ī-or u-)n. large, great, mighty etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhū cl.1 P. () bh/avati- (rarely A1. te-; perfect tense babh/ūva-,2. Persian /ūtha-or ūvitha- confer, compare ; babhūyās-, y/ār-, babhūtu- ; A1. babhūve-or bubhūve- ; confer, compare below; Aorist /abhūt-, ūvan-; imperative bodh/i-[ confer, compare budh-], bhūtu- ; Aorist or imperfect tense /abhuvat-, bh/uvat-, bhuvāni- ; preceding bhūyāsam-,2. 3. sg. yās- ; bhūyāt- ; bhūyiṣṭhās- ; bhaviṣāt-[?] ; abhaviṣṭa-, bhaviṣīṣta-. grammar; future bhaviṣy/ati-, Epic also te-and 2. plural ṣyadhvam-; bhavitā- etc.; infinitive mood bhuv/e-, -bhv/e-, bhūṣ/aṇi- ; bhavitum-, tos- ; ind.p. bhūtv/ā-; bhūtv/ī- ; -bh/ūya- etc.; -bh/ūyam-, -bh/avam- ), to become, be (with nom, or adverb or indeclineable words ending in ī-or ū- confer, compare kṛṣṇī-bhū-etc.) , arise, come into being, exist, be found, live, stay, abide, happen, occur etc. (often used with participles and other verbal nouns to make periphrastical verbal forms;with a fut.p. =to be going or about to exempli gratia, 'for example' anuvakṣyan bhavati-,he is going to recite ;the future of bhū-with a perfect tense parasmE-pada =a future perfect tense exempli gratia, 'for example' kṛtavān bhaviṣyasi-,you will have done ;the perfect tense P. babhūva-after the syllable ām-is put for the perfect tense of verbs of the 10th classetc.[ confer, compare 1. as-and1. kṛ-];the A1.appears in this meaning ;observe also bhavati-with a future tense, it is possible that, exempli gratia, 'for example' bhavati bhavān yājayiṣyati-,it is possible that you will cause a sacrifice to be performed ; bhavet-,may be, granted, admitted on ; bhavatu- idem or ' bhusukha-or bhusura- m. Name of a yogin- ',well, good, enough of this ; iticed bhavet-,if this question should be asked ; kva tad bhavati-,what is to become of this, it is quite useless ;with na-= to cease to exist, perish, die etc.;with iha na-,not to be born on earth ;with śata-dhā-,to fall into a hundred pieces ;with dūrataḥ-,to keep aloof. ;with manasi-or cetasi-and genitive case,to occur to the mind of any one ; idem or ' bhusukha-or bhusura- m. Name of a yogin- ' with genitive case alone ) ; to fall to the share or become the property of, belong to (confer, compare"esse alicujus";with genitive case,rarely dative case or locative case according to to also with pari-or prati-and preceding accusative) etc. ; to be on the side of, assist (with genitive case or -tas-) (confer, compare ) ; to serve for, tend or conduce to (with dative case of thing) etc. (with phalā bear fruit ) ; to be occupied with or engaged in, devote one's self to (with locative case) ; to thrive or prosper in (instrumental case), turn out well, succeed ; to be of consequence or useful ; (also A1. ) to fall, or get into, attain to, obtain ; (with id/am-) to obtain it id est be successful or fortunate : Passive voice bhūyate- (or ti- ; Aorist abhāvi-) sometimes used impersonal or used impersonally exempli gratia, 'for example' yair bhaviṣyate-, by whom it will be existed id est who will be : Causal bhāvayati- (rarely te-; Aorist abībhavat- grammar; infinitive mood bhāvitum- ; Passive voice bhāvyate-etc. ), to cause to be or become, call into existence or life, originate, produce, cause, create ; to cherish, foster, animate, enliven, refresh, encourage, promote, further etc. ; to addict or devote one's self to, practise (accusative) ; to subdue, control ; (also A1. ) to obtain ; to manifest, exhibit, show, betray ; to purify ; to present to the mind, think about, consider, know, recognize as or take for (two accusative) etc. ; to mingle, mix, saturate, soak, perfume (confer, compare bhāvita-,): Desiderative of Causal bibhāvayiṣati- (), to wish to cause to be etc. : Desiderative b/ubhūṣati- (te-), to wish or strive to become or be etc. ; (with kṣipram-), to strive to be quickly possessed ; to want to get on, strive to prosper or succeed ; to want to have, care for, strive after, esteem, honour ; to want to take revenge : Intens, b/obhavīti-, bobhavati-, bobhoti-, bobhūyate-, to be frequently, to be in the habit of ; to be transformed into (accusative) ; (with tiraḥ-), to keep anything (instrumental case) secret [ confer, compare Zend bu1; Greek , ; Latin fuit,fuatetc.; Slavonic or Slavonian byti; Lithuanian bu4ti; German bim,bim; Anglo-Saxon beo4; English be.]
camūf. (Ved. locative case m/ū- six times;once mv/i-, ; Nominal verb dual number mv/ā-,iii, 55, 20; genitive case locative case mv/os-; Nominal verb plural mv/as-,viii, 2, 8; locative case plural m/ūṣu-) a vessel or part (two or more in number) of the reservoir into which the soma- is poured View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
canaind. (ca n/a- ) and not, also not, even not, not even (this particle is placed after the word to which it gives force;a preceding verb is accentuated[ ];in Vedic language it is generally, but not always, found without any other negative particle, whereas in the later language another negative is usually added exempli gratia, 'for example' /āpaś can/apr/a minanti vrat/aṃ vāṃ-,"not even the waters violate your ordinance" ; n/āha vivyāca pṛthiv/ī can/āinaṃ-,"the earth even does not contain him", iii, 36, 4;in class. Sanskrit it is only used after the interrogatives k/a-, katar/a-, katam/a-, katham-, k/ad-, kad/ā-, kim-, k/utas-, kva-,making them indefinite) etc. also View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
carṣaṇif. Name of aryaman-'s children by mātṛkā- (progenitors of the human race) (see pr/a--, ratha--, v/i--, viśv/a--.). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cetasn. see a-cet/as-, dabhr/a--, pr/a--, laghu--, v/i--, s/a--, su-c/etas-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
devāvī equals deva-v/ī-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
devi See dev/ī-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
devīSee dev/ī-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhāf. instrumental case (= Nominal verb) perhaps in the suffix dhā- (which forms adverbs from numerals exempli gratia, 'for example' eka-dh/ā-, dv/i-dhā-etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhuvitran. equals dhav/itra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
div, dy/u- m. (Nominal verb dy/aus-; vocative case dyaus-[ ]; accusative dy/ām- d/ivam-; instrumental case div/ā-or d/īvā-[see below]; dative case dive-[ dyave- ]; ablative genitive case div/as-[rarely dy/os- exempli gratia, 'for example' ]; locative case div/i-, dy/avi-; dual number dyāvā- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order [ dy/avī-as vocative case only ]; plural Nominal verb dy/āvas-[ divas-only ]; accusative dy/ūn-[rare, d/ivas-, div/as- exempli gratia, 'for example' ]; instrumental case dy/ubhis-;native grammarians give as stems div-and dyo-;the latter is declined through all cases like go-,but really does not occur except in forms mentioned above and in dyo-salila- , while div-and dyu-regularly alternate before vowel and consonant) (rarely f.) in Vedic or Veda f. in later Skr. heaven, the sky (regarded in Vedic or Veda as rising in three tiers[ avama-, madhyama-, uttama-or tṛtīya- ] , and generally as the father(dy/auṣ- pit/ā-,while the earth is the mother[ see dyāvā-pṛthivī-],and uṣas- the daughter) , rarely as a goddess, daughter of prajā-pati- )
dīvf. (only dative case dīv/e- locative case dīv/i- ; accusative dy/uvam- dative case dyuv/e- ) gambling, playing with dice. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divim. the blue jay (equals kikīdiv/i-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divicara(div/i--) mfn. moving in the sky (as a planet) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divīśam. lord in lord in heaven plural Name of the āditya-s, vasu- and rudra- (For other compound See under div/as-, divā-,2. div/i-, divo-3. dy/u-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
diviyoni(div/i--) mfn. sky-born (agni-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvibhāgam. (dv/i--) double portion or share View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvidhāind. (dv/i--) in 2 ways or parts, twofold, divided etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dviguṇa(or dv/i-g-) mfn. double, twofold, of 2 kinds etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvihotṛ(dv/i-.) m. a double hotṛ- (agni-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvijihvamfn. (dv/i--) double-tongued (literally and figuratively) etc. ( dvijihvatā -- f. dvijihvatva -tva-, n. ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvikapāla(dv/i--) mfn. distributed on 2 potsherds or consisting of 2 skull-bones View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvināman(dv/i--) mf(mnī-)n. having 2 names View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvipadmfn. (or dv/i-- ) (m. p/ād- ) (f. p/adī- , or pād- gaRa kumbha-pady-ādi-) (n. p/ād-or pād- ) , two footed, bipedal, biped (; n. sg. men, mankind) etc.
dvipadamf(ā-)n. (dv/i--) 2-footed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvipāda(dv/i--) mfn. 2-footed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvipakṣa(dv/i--) mfn. having 2 side-posts View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvipratiṣṭha(dv/i--) mfn. 2-legged View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dviretasmfn. (dv/i-) (a male ass) doubly impregnating (sc. mare and she-ass) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dviṣf. (Nominal verb dv/iṭ-), hostility, hatred, dislike View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dviṣāhasra(dv/i--) mf(ī-)n. consisting of 2000 (see -sāh-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dviśavas(dv/i-.) mfn. having or granting twofold strength View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvistanā(dv/i-.) f. having 2 udders or 2 pegs commentator or commentary (see ) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvitīyakamfn. (dv/it-) happening the 2nd time View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvivrata(dv/i-.) mfn. eating twice a day View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dviyajus(dv/i--) f. a particular brick View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
evamind. (fr. pronominal base e- ;probably connected with 1. ev/a-), thus, in this way, in such a manner, such, (it is not found in the oldest hymns of the veda-, where its place is taken by 1. ev/a-,but occurs in later hymns ind. in the brāhmaṇa-s, especially in connection with vid-,"to know", and its derivatives[ exempli gratia, 'for example' ya evaṃ veda-,he who knows so; see evaṃ-v/id-, column 3];in classical Sanskrit evam-occurs very frequently, especially in connection with the roots vac-,"to speak", and śru-,"to hear", and refers to what precedes as well as to what follows[ exempli gratia, 'for example' evam uktvā-,having so said; evam evaitat-,this is so; evam astu-or evam bhavatu-,be it so, I assent; asty evam-,it is so; yady evam-,if this be so; kim evam-,how so? what is the meaning of it? what does this refer to? maivam-,not so! evam-- yathā-or yathā-- evam-,so - as]) etc.
gam Ved. cl.1 P. g/amati- (; subjunctive gamam-, g/amat-[ gamātas-, gamātha- ], gamāma-, gaman- ; Potential gam/ema- ; infinitive mood g/amadhyai- ) : cl.2 P. g/anti- (; imperative 3. sg. gantu-,[2. sg. gadhi-See ā--,or gahi-See adhi--, abhy-ā--, ā--, upā--],2. plural g/antā-or gantana- ; imperfect tense 2. and 3. sg. /agan-[ ] , 1. plural /aganma-[ ; confer, compare ] , 3. plural /agman- ; subjunctive [or Aorist subjunctive confer, compare ]1. plural ganma-,3. plural gm/an- ; Potential 2. sg. gamyās- ; preceding 3. sg. gamy/ās- ; pr. p. gm/at-, ) : cl.3 P. jaganti- (; Potential jagamyām-, yāt- ; imperfect tense 2. and 3. sg. ajagan-,2. plural ajaganta-or tana- ) : Ved. and Class. cl.1 P. (also A1. etc.) , with substitution of gacch- ([= ]) for gam-, g/acchati- (confer, compare ; subjunctive cchāti- ;2. sg. gacchās-[ ] or gacchāsi-[ ];2. plural gacchāta- ;3. plural g/acchān- ; imperfect tense /agacchat-; Potential gacchet-; pr. p. g/acchat- etc.; Aorist agamat- ;for A1.with prepositions confer, compare future gamiṣyati- etc.; 1st future g/antā-[ ] etc.; perf. 1. sg. jagamā-[ ],3. sg. jagāma-,2. dual number jagmathur-,3. plural jagm/ur- etc.; parasmE-pada jaganv/as-[ etc.] or jagmivas- f. jagm/uṣī- etc.;Ved. infinitive mood g/antave-, g/antav/ai-;Class. infinitive mood gantum-:Ved. ind.p. gatvāya-, gatv/ī-;Class. ind.p. gatv/ā-[ etc.] , with prepositions -gamya-or -gatya- ) to go, move, go away, set out, come etc. ; to go to or towards, approach (with accusative or locative case or dative case [ ; confer, compare ] or prati-[ ]) etc. ; to go or pass (as time exempli gratia, 'for example' kāle gacchati-,time going on, in the course of time) ; to fall to the share of (accusative) etc. ; to go against with hostile intentions, attack ; to decease, die ; to approach carnally, have sexual intercourse with (accusative) etc. ; to go to any state or condition, undergo, partake of, participate in, receive, obtain (exempli gratia, 'for example' mitratāṃ gacchati-,"he goes to friendship" id est he becomes friendly) etc. ; jānubhyām avanīṃ-gam-,"to go to the earth with the knees", kneel down ; dharaṇīṃ mūrdhnā-gam-,"to go to the earth with the head", make a bow ; m/anasā-gam-, to go with the mind, observe, perceive ; (without m/anasā-) to observe, understand, guess ; (especially Passive voice gamyate-,"to be understood or meant") and ; doṣeṇa- or doṣato-gam-, to approach with an accusation, ascribe guilt to a person (accusative) : Causal gamayati- (; imperative 2. sg. Ved. gamayā-or gāmaya-[ ] , 3. sg. gamayatāt- ; perf. gamay/āṃ cakāra- etc.) to cause to go ( ) or come, lead or conduct towards, send to (dative case ), bring to a place (accusative [ ] or locative case) etc. ; to cause to go to any condition, cause to become etc. ; to impart, grant ; to send away ; "to let go", not care about ; to excel ; to spend time etc. ; to cause to understand, make clear or intelligible, explain ; to convey an idea or meaning, denote ; (causal of the causal) to cause a person (accusative) to go by means of jigamiśati- another : Desiderative j/igamiṣati- ( jigāṃsate- ; imperfect tense ajigāṃsat- ) to wish to go, be going ; to strive to obtain ; to wish to bring (to light, prak/āśam-) : Intensive j/aṅganti- (), jaṅgamīti- or jaṅgamyate- ( ), to visit (parasmE-pada g/anigmat-) (imperfect tense aganīgan-) ; ([ confer, compare ; Gothic qvam; English come; Latin venioforgvemio.])
gavamf(ī-)n. in compound before a word beginning with a vowel ([ ]) and in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ([ ; f(ī-). see guru-gav/ī-, brahma-gavī-, brāhmaṇa--, bhilla--, strī--]) for g/o-, a cow, cattle (see ṣaḍ-gav/a-, dvādaśa-gav/a-etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gavedhukāf. equals v/īdh- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gaviṣṭhira(g/avi--). m. (; gaRa haritādi-), Name of a ṛṣi- of atri-'s family (gav/i--) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
govindam. ( Va1rtt. 2)" equals -v/id- (or fr. Prakritgov'-inda equals gopendra-?)", kṛṣṇa- (or viṣṇu-) (see p.405) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
guh cl.1 P. A1. g/ūhati-, te- (see ; imperfect tense /agūhat- ; perf. jugūha- ; future gūhiṣyati- ; Aorist agūhīt-, ; subjunctive 2. sg. ghukṣas-[ ] or Vedic or Veda guhas-[ ]; pr. p. P. g/ūhat-, ; A1. gūhamāna- etc.; Passive voice guhy/amāna- ; Aorist guh/amāna- ;Ved. ind.p. gū1ḍhv/ī-, ) to cover, conceal, hide, keep secret etc.: Desiderative jughukṣati- (;3. dual number jugukṣatas-, pada-pāṭha- jughukṣ-) to wish to conceal or hide away View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
guhāind. (3. g/uhā-), Ved. instrumental case in a hiding-place, in secret, secretly (opposed to āv/is-,and especially with dhā-, ni-dhā-, kṛ-,"to conceal, remove") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
guṇam. the string of a musical instrument, chord : in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (f(ā-).) with numerals"fold, times" (See c/atur--, tri--, daśa--, dv/i--, pañca--;rarely the numeral stands by itself along with guṇ/a-[ exempli gratia, 'for example' viśiṣṭo daśabhir guṇaiḥ-,"of ten times higher value" ] ;[ guṇa- equals bhāga-] ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gvin in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' See śata-gv/in-.
cl.3 P. () j/ahāti- (rarely cl.1. jahati-3. dual number jahltaḥ- imperative jah/ihi-[or jahāhi- ]; jahītāt- ; Potential jahyāt- etc.; perfect tense jahau-, jah/uḥ- etc.; jahe- ; Aorist ahāt- etc.; ahāsīt- grammar;3. sg. ahās- ; /ahāsi- ; hāsiṣṭa- ,; future hātā- grammar; hāsyati-, te- etc., jahiṣyati- etc.; infinitive mood hātum- ; ind.p. hitv/ā-.[ q.v ] etc.; hitv/ī- tv/āya- ; -hītvā- grammar; -h/āya- , h/īyam- ), to leave, abandon, desert, quit, forsake, relinquish (with śarīram-, deham-, prāṇān-, asūn-, jīvitam-etc. - "to die") etc., etc. ; to discharge, emit ; to put away, take off, remove, lay aside, give up, renounce, resign, avoid, shun, abstain or refrain from etc. ; to disregard, neglect ; to lose, be deprived of. ; to get rid of. escape from etc. ; to cause to emit (with śardham-,"to cause to break wind") : Passive voice hīy/ate- or h/īyate- (Epic also hīyati-; Aorist ahāyi-), to be left or abandoned or deserted etc. ; to be left behind, fall short of (ablative) etc. ; to be excluded from or bereft of (ablative or instrumental case;with prāṇaiḥ-,"to die") etc. ; to be overtaken by (instrumental case) ; to be deficient or wanting, suffer loss or injury, fail (also in a lawsuit), decrease, wane, decline, come to an end etc. ; to weigh less (at the ordeal of the balance) ; to be given up or avoided (varia lectio) ; to be subtracted ; to become detached from (with ablative or instrumental case), fall out (as hair) : Causal hāpayati- (mc. also te- Aorist ajīhapat-; -jīhipaḥ- ), to cause to leave or abandon etc. ; to omit, neglect etc. ; to fall short of. be wanting in (accusative) ; to give up (asūn-,"life") ; to lose (kālam-,"time") ; to abandon (pratijñām-,"a thesis") : Desiderative jihāsati-, to wish to leave or abandon ; to wish to reject or disdain ; to wish to escape : Intensive jehīyate-, jāhāti-, jāheti- grammar View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
han cl.2 P. () hanti- (3. dual number hat/aḥ-,3. plural ghnanti-;rarely A1. hate-,3. plural ghnate-;and cl.1. hanati-, Vedic or Veda also jighnate-, ti-; Potential hanyāt- also h/anīta-, ghnīta-; imperative jah/i- handh/i-; imperfect tense /ahan-, Vedic or Veda and Epic also ahanat-, ahanan-, aghnanta-; parasmE-pada jaghnat-, ghnamāna- ; perfect tense jagh/āna-, jaghn/uḥ- Epic also jaghne-, nire- subjunctive jagh/anat- ; parasmE-pada jaghniv/as-, Vedic or Veda also jaghanvas-; Aorist ahānīt- [ confer, compare vadh-]; future hantā- ; haṃsyati- ; haniṣy/ati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood h/antum-,Ved. also h/antave-, tav/ai-, toḥ-; ind.p. hatv/ā-,Ved. also tv/ī-, tvāya-, -hatya-; -hanya- ; -gh/ātam- etc.) , to strike, beat (also a drum) , pound, hammer (accusative), strike etc. upon (locative case) etc. ; to smite, slay, hit, kill, mar, destroy ; to put to death, cause to be executed ; to strike off ; to ward off, avert ; to hurt, wound (the heart) ; to hurl (a dart) upon (genitive case) ; (in astronomy) to touch, come into contact ; to obstruct, hinder ; to repress, give up, abandon (anger, sorrow etc.) ; (?) to go, move : Passive voice hany/ate- (Epic also ti-; Aorist avadhi-or aghāni-), to be struck or killed etc. etc.: Causal ghātayati-, te- (properly a ghāta- q.v; Aorist ajīghatat-or ajīghanat-), to cause to be slain or killed, kill, slay, put to death, punish etc. ; to notify a person's death (kaṃsaṃ ghātayati- equals kaṃsa-vadham ācaṣṭe-) Va1rtt. 6 ; to mar, destroy (varia lectio): Desiderative j/ighāṃsati-, te- (Potential jighāṃsīyat- ; imperfect tense ajighāṃsīḥ- ), to wish to kill or destroy etc. etc.: Intensive j/aṅghanti- (; parasmE-pada jaṅghanat-, j/aṅghnat-or gh/anighnat-), jaṅghanyate- (with pass. sense ), jeghnīyate- () , to strike = tread upon (locative case or accusative) ; to slay, kill ; to dispel (darkness) , destroy (evil, harm) ; to hurt, injure, wound [ confer, compare Greek , ; , ; Latin de-fendere,of-fendere; Lit.genu,gi4ti; Slavonic or Slavonian gu8nati.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
havirbhāga(hav/ir--), m. the share in an oblation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
havirbhūta(hav/ir-), mfn. become an oblation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
haviṣkṛta(hav/iṣ-.) mfn. made into an oblation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
haviṣkṛti(hav/iṣ--) f. preparation of the oblation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
haviṣmatmfn. (hav/iṣ--) possessing or offering an oblation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
haviṣpaṅktif. (hav/iṣ--) five oblation collectively View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
haviṣpāntīyamfn. beginning with hav/iṣ-p/āntam- () (varia lectio haviṣyantīya-).
haviṣpati(hav/iṣ-.) m. lord of the oblation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hāyasSee v/i-- and s/arva-hāyas-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hitvāya hitv/ī- See 3. -. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jāmātṛm. (j/ā-m-"maker of [new] offspring"; see yām-and v/i-jām-) a son-in-law and (tvaṣṭṛ-'s son-in-law = vāyu-) etc. (accusative sg. tāram- ; plural taras- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jāmin. ef. /a--, v/i--, sapt/a--, samāvaj--, su--, s/oma-- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jan cl.1. ([ ]) and cl.10. j/anati-, te- (subjunctive janat- ; nāt- ; A1. nata- ; imperfect tense /ajanat- ; parasmE-pada j/anat-), jan/ayati-, te- (in later language only P. ; subjunctive n/ayat-; imperfect tense /ajanayat-; Aorist /ajījanat-; parasmE-pada jan/ayat-; infinitive mood j/anayitavai- ) , twice cl.3. (subjunctive jaj/anat- [ ] ; confer, compare ; proper jajanti- ; Aorist A1. j/aniṣṭa-; A1. /ajani- ; perf. jaj/āna-; 3. plural jajñ/ur- etc.; once jajan/ur-, ; parasmE-pada jñivas-; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood j/anitos-, ;[ ];Ved. ind.p. nitv/ī- ) to generate, beget, produce, create, cause etc. ; to produce (a song of praise, etc.) ; (cl.10. or Causal) to cause to be born ; to assign, procure ; cl.4. j/āyate- (Epic also ti-; imperfect tense /ajāyata-; pr. p. jayamāna-;fut. janiṣyate-;aor. /ajaniṣṭa-;1.[ ] and 3. sg. /ajani-; 3. sg. j/ani-, ; j/āni-, ; perf. jajñ/e-,2. sg. jñiṣ/e-3. plural jñir/e-, parasmE-pada jñān/a-) and ([ ]) cl.2. (?) A1. (2. sg. jañiṣ/e-,2. plural jiñre-, niṣvā-[ ], nidhvam- confer, compare ; imperfect tense 3. p. ajñata-[ Aorist ] ) , twice cl.1 A1. (imperfect tense 3. plural ajanatā- ; parasmE-pada j/anamāna-, ) to be born or produced, come into existence etc. ; to grow (as plants, teeth) ; to be born as, be by birth or nature (with double Nominal verb) ; to be born or destined for (accusative) (varia lectio jayate-for jāy-) ; to be born again ; to become, be etc. ; to be changed into (dative case) ; to take place, happen ; to be possible or applicable or suitable ; to generate, produce : Passive voice janyate-, to be born or produced : Desiderative jijaniṣati-, : Intensive jañjanyate- and jājāy-, (confer, compare ) ; ([ confer, compare Latin gigno,(g)nascor; Hibernian or Irish genim,"I beget, generate."]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jānimfn. see arundhatī-, bh/adray/uva-, v/i--, vitt/a--, sum/aj--, sapt/a-- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jaradviṣSee rad-v/iṣ-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jarūtham. "making old (? see ra-dv/iṣ-) ", Name of a demon conquered by agni- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jihvam. see dv/i--, m/adhu--, su-- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
joṣasSee v/i--, sa-j/oṣas-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
juṣ cl.6 A1. ṣ/ate- (also P. [ ṣ/at-, /ajuṣat-] etc.; subjunctive ṣāte-; Potential ṣ/eta-;3. plural ṣerata- ; imperative ṣ/atām-; imperfect tense ajuṣata-, ;1. sg. /ajuṣe- ; parasmE-pada ṣ/amāṇa-) cl.3. P. irregular j/ujoṣati- (subjunctive and parasmE-pada j/ujoṣat-; confer, compare Va1rtt. 2; imperative 2. plural juṣṭana- ) , rarely cl.1 P. joṣati- (subjunctive j/oṣat-;- Aorist parasmE-pada juṣāṇ/a-;3. plural ajuṣran-, ;2. sg. j/oṣi-, ;3. sg. j/oṣiṣat-, [ confer, compare on ]; perfect tense juj/oṣa-, juṣ/e-; parasmE-pada juṣv/as-,generally ṣāṇ/a-; ind.p. juṣṭv/ī- ) to be pleased or satisfied or favourable etc. ; to like, be fond of delight in (accusative or genitive case), enjoy (with tanvām-or v/as-,"to be delighted", ) etc. ; to have pleasure in granting anything (accusative) to (locative case) ; to have pleasure in (dative case), resolve to (Ved. infinitive mood), ; to give pleasure to (locative case) ; to choose for (dative case) ; to devote one's self to (accusative), practise, undergo, suffer ; to delight in visiting, frequent, visit, inhabit, enter (a carriage etc.) ; to afflict : Causal A1. (subjunctive 2. sg. joṣ/ayāse-) to like, love, behave kindly towards (accusative), cherish ; to delight in, approve of(accusative), choose ; (P. confer, compare ) ; ([ confer, compare ; Zend zaoSa; Hibernian or Irish gus; Gothic kiusu; Latin gus-tus.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jūtamfn. see /adri-- /indra--, d/asyu--, dev/a--, br/ahma--, v/āta--, v/ipra--. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kalāvikalam. a sparrow (see kalav/iṅka-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kāvan. (fr. kav/i-), Name of a sāman- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kavaṣmfn. (according to mahīdhara- fr.3. ku-) "emitting sound","creaking"(said of the leaves of a door), open, yawning (faulty ?) = (Instead of kav/aṣas-the (see kav/i-)and the have kav/ayas-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kavikratumfn. (kav/i--) having the insight of a wise man, full of discernment, wise (said of agni- and the soma-)
kaviśastamfn. (and v/i-śasta- ) (gaRa pravṛddhādi-) pronounced by wise men View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaviṭa kaviya- See kav/i-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kavitama(kav/i--) mfn. wisest View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kavitara(kav/i--) mfn. wiser View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kavīyasmfn. Comparative degree (equals kav/itara-) wiser varia lectio of for View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kāvyamfn. (fr. kav/i-), endowed with the qualities of a sage or poet, descended or coming from a sage, prophetic, inspired, poetical View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛ Ved. (I) cl.2 P. 2. sg. k/arṣi- dual number kṛth/as- plural kṛth/a-; A1. 2. sg. kṛṣ/e-; imperfect tense 2. and 3. sg. /akar-, 3. sg. rarely /akat- () ; 3. dual number /akartām-; plural /akarma-, /akarta- (also ), /akran- (Aorist,according to ); A1. /akri- (), /akṛthās- (), /akṛta- (); akrātām- (), /akrata- ( ) : imperative kṛdh/i- (also ), kṛt/am-, kṛt/a-; A1. kṛṣv/a-, kṛdhv/am-; subjunctive 2. and 3. sg. kar- plural k/arma-, k/arta- and kartana-, kran-; A1. 3. sg. kṛta- () , 3. plural kr/anta- () : Potential kriyāma- (); pr. p. P. (Nominal verb plural) kr/antas- A1. krāṇ/a-. (II) cl.1 P. k/arasi-, k/arati-, k/arathas-, k/aratas-, k/aranti-; A1. k/arase-, k/arate-, k/arāmahe-: imperfect tense /akaram-, /akaras-, /akarat- (Aorist,according to ) : imperative k/ara-, k/aratam-, k/aratām-: subjunctive k/aram-, k/arāṇi-, k/aras-, k/arat-, k/arāma-, k/aran-; A1. karāmahai-; pr. p. f. k/arantī- () (III) cl.5 P. kṛṇ/omi-, ṇ/oṣi-, ṇ/oti-, kṛṇuth/as-, kṛṇm/as- and kṛṇmasi-, kṛṇuth/a-, kṛṇv/anti-; A1. kṛṇv/e-, kṛṇuṣ/e-, kṛṇut/e-, 3. dual number kṛṇv/aite- (); plural kṛṇm/ahe-, kṛṇv/ate-: imperfect tense /akṛṇos-, /akṛṇot-, /akṛṇutam-, /akṛṇuta- and ṇotana- (), /akṛṇvan-; A1. 3. sg. /akṛṇuta- plural /akṛṇudhvam-, /akṛṇvata-: imperative kṛṇ/u- or kṛṇuh/i- or kṛṇut/āt-, kṛṇ/otu-, kṛṇut/am-, kṛṇut/ām-, 2. plural kṛṇut/a- or kṛṇ/ota- or kṛṇ/otana-, 3. plural kṛṇv/antu-; A1. kṛṇuṣv/a-, kṛṇut/ām-, kṛṇv/āthām-, kṛṇudhv/am-: subjunctive kṛṇ/avas-, ṇ/avat- or ṇ/avāt-, kṛṇ/avāva-, ṇ/avāma-, ṇ/avātha-, ṇ/avatha-, ṇ/avan-; A1. kṛṇ/avai- (once ṇavā- ), kṛṇavase- (also varia lectio ṇvase-), kṛṇavate-, kṛṇ/avāvahai-, kṛṇ/avāmahai-, 3. plural kṛṇ/avanta- () or kṛṇavante- or kṛṇvata- () : Potential A1. kṛṇvīt/a-; pr. p. P. kṛṇv/at- (f. vat/ī-) A1. kṛṇvāṇ/a-. (IV) cl.8. (this is the usual formation in the brāhmaṇa-s; sūtra-s, and in classical Sanskrit) P. kar/omi- (Epic kurmi- ); kurv/as-, kuruth/as-, kurut/as-, kurm/as- ([ kulmas-in an interpolation after ]), kuruth/a-, kurv/anti-; A1. kurv/e-, etc., 3. plural kurv/ate- () : imperfect tense akaravam-, akaros-, akarot-, akurva-, etc.; A1. 3. sg. akuruta- plural akurvata-: imperative kuru-, karotu- (in the earlier language 2. and 3. sg. kurutāt-,3. sg. also ), kuruta- or kurutana- (); A1. kuruṣva-, kurudhvam-, kurv/atām-: subjunctive karavāṇi-, karavas-, vāt-, vāva- or vāvas- ( ), vāma- or vāmas- (), vātha-, van-; A1. karavai-, kuruthās-, karavāvahai- (; he- ), karavaithe-, vaite- ( , ), vāmahai-(he- ) : Potential P. kuryām- A1. kurvīya- (); pr. p. P. kurv/at- (f. vat/ī-); A1. kurvāṇ/a-: perf. P. cak/āra-, cak/artha-, cakṛv/a-, cakṛm/a-, cakr/a- (); A1. cakr/e-, cakrir/e-; parasmE-pada cakṛvas- (accusative cakr/uṣam- ); A1. cakrāṇa- () : 2nd future kariṣy/ati-; subjunctive 2. sg. kariṣy/ās- (); 1st future k/artā-: preceding kriyāsam-: Aorist P. Ved. cakaram- (), acakrat- (), /acakriran- (); A1. 1. sg. kṛske- (); Class. akārṣīt- ( ;once akāraṣīt- ); Passive voice Aorist reflex. akāri- and akṛta- ( ) : infinitive mood k/artum-, Ved. k/artave-, k/artav/ai-, k/artos- (See ss.vv.); ind.p. kṛtv/ā-, Ved. kṛtv/ī- ([ ]) and kṛtv/āya- ([ ]) ; to do, make, perform, accomplish, cause, effect, prepare, undertake etc. ; to do anything for the advantage or injury of another (genitive case or locative case) etc. ; to execute, carry out (as an order or command) ; to manufacture, prepare, work at, elaborate, build ; to form or construct one thing out of another (ablative or instrumental case) etc. ; to employ, use, make use of (instrumental case) etc. ; to compose, describe ; to cultivate (confer, compare ) ; to accomplish any period, bring to completion, spend (exempli gratia, 'for example' varṣāṇi daśa cakruḥ-,"they spent ten years"; kṣaṇaṃ kuru-,"wait a moment"; confer, compare kritakṣaṇa-) ; to place, put, lay, bring, lead, take hold of (accusative or locative case or instrumental case exempli gratia, 'for example' ardh/aṃ-kṛ-,to take to one's own side or party, cause to share in(genitive case;See 2. ardh/a-); haste-or pāṇau-kṛ-,to take by the hand, marry ; hṛdayena-kṛ-,to place in one's heart, love ; hṛdi-kṛ-,to take to heart, mind, think over, consider ; manasi-kṛ- idem or 'f. (equals kuhī-) a fog ' ;to determine, purpose [ ind.p. si-kṛtvā-or si-kṛtya-] ; vaśe-kṛ-,to place in subjection, become master of ) ; to direct the thoughts, mind, etc. (m/anas-[ etc.] or buddhim-[ ] or matim-[ ]or bhāvam-[ ], etc.) towards any object, turn the attention to, resolve upon, determine on (locative case dative case infinitive mood,or a sentence with iti- exempli gratia, 'for example' mā śoke manaḥ kṛthāḥ-,do not turn your mind to grief ; gamanāya matiṃ cakre-,he resolved upon going ; alābuṃ samutsraṣṭuṃ manaś cakre-,he resolved to create a gourd ; draṣṭā tavāsmīti matiṃ cakāra-,he determined to see him ) ; to think of (accusative) ; to make, render (with two accusative exempli gratia, 'for example' ādityaṃ kāṣṭhām akurvata-,they made the sun their goal ) etc. ; to procure for another, bestow, grant (with genitive case or locative case) etc. ; A1. to procure for one's self, appropriate, assume ; to give aid, help any one to get anything (dative case) ; to make liable to (dative case) ; to injure, violate (exempli gratia, 'for example' kanyāṃ-kṛ-,to violate a maiden) ; to appoint, institute ; to give an order, commission ; to cause to get rid of, free from (ablative or -tas-) ; to begin (exempli gratia, 'for example' cakre śobhayitum purīm-,they began to adorn the city) ; to proceed, act, put in practice etc. ; to worship, sacrifice ; to make a sound (svaram-or śabdam-) ( ), utter, pronounce (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with the sounds phaṭ-, phut-, bhāṇ-, v/aṣaṭ-, svadh/ā-, sv/āhā-, hiṃ-), pronounce any formula () ; (with numeral adverbs ending in dhā-) to divide, separate or break up into parts (exempli gratia, 'for example' dvidhā-kṛ-,to divide into two parts, ind.p. dvidhā kṛtvā-or dvidhā-kṛtya-or -kāram- ; sahasradhā-kṛ-,to break into a thousand pieces) ; (with adverbs ending in vat-) to make like or similar, consider equivalent (exempli gratia, 'for example' rājyaṃ tṛṇa-vat kṛtvā-,valuing the kingdom like a straw ) ; (with adverbs ending in sāt-) to reduce anything to, cause to become, make subject (See ātma-sāt-, bhasma-sāt-) The above senses of kṛ- may be variously modified or almost infinitely extended according to the noun with which this root is connected, as in the following examples: sakhyaṃ-kṛ-, to contract friendship with ; pūjāṃ-kṛ-, to honour ; rājyaṃ-kṛ-, to reign ; snehaṃ-kṛ-, to show affection ; ājñāṃ- or nideśaṃ- or śāsanaṃ- or kāmaṃ- or yācanāṃ- or vacaḥ- or vacanaṃ- or vākyaṃ-kṛ-, to perform any one's command or wish or request etc. ; dharmaṃ-kṛ-, to do one's duty ; nakhāni-kṛ-,"to clean one's nails" See kṛta-nakha- ; udakaṃ- ([ ]) or salilaṃ- ([ ]) kṛ-, to offer a libation of Water to the dead ; to perform ablutions ; astrāṇi-kṛ-, to practise the use of weapons ; darduraṃ-kṛ-, to breathe the flute ; daṇḍaṃ-kṛ-, to inflict punishment etc. ; kālaṃ-kṛ-, to bring one's time to an end id est to die ; ciraṃ-kṛ-, to be long in doing anything, delay ; manasā- (for si-See above) kṛ-, to place in one's mind, think of, meditate ; śirasā-kṛ-, to place on one's the head ; mūrdhnā-kṛ-, to place on one's head, obey, honour. Very rarely in veda- () , but commonly in the brāhmaṇa-s, sūtra-s, and especially in classical Sanskrit the perf. forms cakāra-and cakre- auxiliarily used to form the periphrastical perfect of verbs, especially of causatives exempli gratia, 'for example' āsāṃ cakre-,"he sat down" ; gamay/āṃ cakāra-,"he caused to go"[see ;in veda- some other forms of kṛ-are used in a similar way, viz. proper karoti- ; imperfect tense akar- and ;3. plural akran- and ; preceding kriyāt- (See );according to , also karotu-with vid-]. Causal kārayati-, te-, to cause to act or do, cause another to perform, have anything made or done by another (double accusative instrumental case and accusative [see ] exempli gratia, 'for example' sabhāṃ kāritavān-,he caused an assembly to be made ; rāja-darśanaṃ māṃ kāraya-,cause me to have an audience of the king; vāṇijyaṃ kārayed vaiśyam-,he ought to cause the vaiśya- to engage in trade ; na śakṣyāmi kiṃcit kārayituṃ tvayā-,I shall not be able to have anything done by thee ) ; to cause to manufacture or form or cultivate etc. ; to cause to place or put, have anything placed, put upon, etc. (exempli gratia, 'for example' taṃ citrapaṭaṃ vāsa-gṛhe bhittāv akārayat-,he had the picture placed on the wall in his house ) . Sometimes the Causal of kṛ- is used for the simple verb or without a causal signification (exempli gratia, 'for example' padaṃ kārayati-,he pronounces a word ; mithyā k-,he pronounces wrongly ; kaikeyīm anu rājānaṃ kāraya-,treat or deal with kaikeyī- as the king does ) : Desiderative c/ikīrṣati- (Aorist 2. sg. acikīrṣīs- ) , Epic also te-, to wish to make or do, intend to do, design, intend, begin, strive after etc. ; to wish to sacrifice or worship : Intensive 3. plural karikrati- (pr. p. k/arikrat-See ), to do repeatedly ; Class. carkarti- or carikarti- or carīkarti- ([ ]) , also carkarīti- or carikarīti- or carīkarīti- or cekrīyate- ([ib. Scholiast or Commentator ]); ([ confer, compare Hibernian or Irish caraim,"I perform, execute";ceard,"an art, trade, business, function";sucridh,"easy"; Old German karawan,"to prepare"; modern German gar,"prepared (as food)"; Latin creo,ceremonia;, .])
kratujitm. Name of a man (see -v/id-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛṣṭif. plural (once only sg. ) men, races of men (sometimes with the epithet m/ānuṣīs-[ ] or n/āhuṣīs-[ ] or mānav/īs-[ ]; see carṣaṇ/i-;originally the word may have meant cultivated ground, then an inhabited land, next its inhabitants, and lastly any race of men; indra- and agni- have the N. r/ājā-or p/atiḥ kṛṣṭīn/ām-;the term p/añca kṛṣṭ/ayas-,perhaps originally designating the five Aryan tribes of the yadu-s, turvaśa-s, druhyu-s, anu-s, and pūru-s, comprehends the whole human race, not only the Aryan tribes) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
krūramf(-)n. (fr. krav/i-s- see sthūr/a-and sth/avira-), wounded, hurt, sore View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṣetravidmfn. (equals -jñ/a-) familiar with localities (also Comparative degree -v/it-tara-, ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kua pronominal base appearing in k/utas-, k/utra-, kuv/id-, k/uha-, kv/a-, and as a prefix implying deterioration, depreciation, deficiency, want, littleness, hindrance, reproach, contempt, guilt View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuvitsam. (fr. kuv/id-), any one, an unknown person View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kvaind. where? in what place? whither? (sometimes connected with particles /aha-, /id-, iva-, sv/id-) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ligīSee -- and v/i-ligī-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manāyīf. (fr. manu-) manu-'s wife (see manāv/ī-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manyuṣāvin(for -sāv/in-) mfn. preparing soma- in anger or with zeal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
māyāyinmfn. equals māyā-v/in- above View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mṛdumf(/u-or v/ī-)n. soft, delicate, tender, pliant, mild, gentle etc., etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mṛdumf(/u-or v/ī-)n. weak, feeble View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mṛdumf(/u-or v/ī-)n. slight, moderate View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mṛdumf(/u-or v/ī-)n. slow (gait) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mṛdumf(/u-or v/ī-)n. (in astronomy) situated in the upper apsis. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nīviSee -v/i-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pariviṣP. -veṣati- (mostly Intensive -veveṣṭi- subjunctive -veviṣati- Potential -veviṣyāt- ; -veviṣāṇi-, -aveviṣat- ; A1. future parasmE-pada -vekṣyamāṇa- ; ind.p. -v/iṣya- ;Ved. infinitive mood -v/iṣe- ), to serve, wait on, offer or dress food: Passive voice -viṣyate-, to be served etc. ; to have a halo (said of sun or moon) : Causal -veṣayati- (ind.p. -veṣya-,also written -veś-), to offer food, wait on (accusative) ; to dress food View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paryāvṛtA1. -v/artate- (Epic also ti- Potential -vartet- ; perfect tense -vavarta-, -vavṛte- ; Aorist pary--vart- ; ind.p. pari-vṛtya- ), to turn round (intrans.;trans. only ind.p.), turn away from (ablative), return to (dative case) etc. ; to be changed into (instrumental case) ; to get possessed of (accusative) : Causal -vartayati-, to turn or roll round (trans.) ; to change or barter against (imperative 2. sg. tāt-) : Desiderative -v/ivṛtsati-, to wish to roll round View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pavitrapūta(v/itra--) mfn. clarified with a strainer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pavitraratha(v/itra--) mfn. having the strainer as a chariot (soma-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pavyāf. equals pav/i-, the tire of a wheel (?) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pharvīSee prapharv/ī-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pṛthivibhāga(v/i--) mfn. having the earth as a share, entitled to it View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pṛthivīdyāvā(v/ī--) Nominal verb dual number earth and heaven (see dyāvā-pṛthivī-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pṛthivīsaṃśita(v/ī--) mfn. impelled by the earth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pṛthumf(v/ī-or u-)n. broad, wide, expansive, extensive, spacious, large View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pṛthumf(v/ī-or u-)n. great, important View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pṛthumf(v/ī-or u-)n. ample, abundant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pṛthumf(v/ī-or u-)n. copious, numerous, manifold etc. ( pṛthu u- ind.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pṛthumf(v/ī-or u-)n. prolix, detailed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pṛthumf(v/ī-or u-)n. smart, clever, dexterous View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cl.9 P. A1. () pun/āti-, punīt/e- (3. plural A1. pun/ate- , punat/e- ;2. sg. imperative P. punīhi- etc., punāh/i- ) ; cl.1. A1. () p/avate- (of P.only imperative -pava- ,and parasmE-pada genitive case plural pavatām- ; parasmE-pada A1. punān/a-below, p/avamāna-See;1. sg. A1. punīṣe- ; perfect tense pupuvuh-. ve- ; apupot- ; Aorist apāviṣuḥ- subjunctive apaviṣṭa- ; future paviṣyati-, pavitā- grammar; ind.p. pūtv/ā- ; pūtv/ī- ; pavitvā- grammar; -p/ūya-and -pāvam- etc.; infinitive mood pavitum- ), to make clean or clear or pure or bright, cleanse, purify, purge, clarify, illustrate, illume (with s/aktum-,"to cleanse from chaff, winnow";with kr/atum-or manīṣ/ām-,"to enlighten the understanding";with hiraṇyam-,"to wash gold") etc. ; (met.) to sift, discriminate, discern ; to think of or out, invent, compose (as a hymn) ; (A1. p/avate-) to purify one's self. be or become clear or bright ; (especially) to flow off clearly (said of the soma-) ; to expiate, atone for ; to pass so as to purify ; to purify in passing or pervading, ventilate etc. (confer, compare pav-): Passive voice pūy/ate-, to be cleaned or washed or purified ; to be freed or delivered from (ablative) etc.: Causal pav/ayati- or pāvayati- (Epic also te-; Aorist apīpavat- grammar; Passive voice pāvyate- ), to cleanse, purify : Desiderative , pupūṣati-, pipaviṣate- grammar : Desiderative of Causal pipāvayiṣati- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek ; Umbr.pir; German Feuer; English fire.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
purogavam. one who precedes, a leader (f. v/i-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
purumf(pūrv/ī-)n. ( pṝ-) much, many, abundant (only purū-, r/ūṇi-, rūṇām-and several cases of f. pūrvī-;in later language only in the beginning of a compound) etc. (r/u-.much, often, very [also with a Comparative degree or superl.];with simā-,everywhere;with tir/as-,far off, from afar; purār/u-,far and wide; pur/u v/iśva-,one and all, every ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghumf(v/ī-)n. ( raṃh-; see laghu-) hastening, going speedily, fleet, rapid View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghumf(v/ī-)n. light, fickle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṛjumf(jv/ī-)n. ( arj- ;probably fr.2. ṛñj-, column 3 ), tending in a straight direction, straight (literally and figuratively; opp. to vṛjin/a-), upright, honest, right, sincere etc. etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṛjumf(jv/ī-)n. in a straight line, straight on etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṛjumf(jv/ī-)n. Comparative degree /ṛjīyas- rajīyas- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṛjumf(jv/ī-)n. superl. ṛjiṣṭha- r/ajiṣṭha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sādhumf(v/ī-)n. straight, right View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sādhumf(v/ī-)n. leading straight to a goal, hitting the mark, unerring (as an arrow or thunderbolt) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sādhumf(v/ī-)n. straightened, not entangled (as threads) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sādhumf(v/ī-)n. well-disposed, kind, willing, obedient View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sādhumf(v/ī-)n. successful, effective, efficient (as a hymn or prayer) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sādhumf(v/ī-)n. ready, prepared (as soma-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sādhumf(v/ī-)n. peaceful, secure View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sādhumf(v/ī-)n. powerful, excellent, good for (locative case) or towards (locative case genitive case, dative case accusative,with prati-, anu-, abhi-, pari-,or compound) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sādhumf(v/ī-)n. fit, proper, right View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sādhumf(v/ī-)n. good, virtuous, honourable, righteous etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sādhumf(v/ī-)n. well-born, noble, of honourable or respectable descent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sādhumf(v/ī-)n. correct, pure View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sādhumf(v/ī-)n. classical (as language) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samind. (connected with 7. sa-and 2. sama-,and opp. to 3. vi- q.v) with, together with, along with, together, altogether (used as a preposition or prefix to verbs and verbal derivatives, like Greek , Latin con,and expressing"conjunction","union","thoroughness","intensity","completeness" exempli gratia, 'for example' saṃyuj-,"to join together"; saṃ-dhā-,"to place together"; saṃ-dhi-,"placing together"; saṃ-tap-,"to consume utterly by burning"; sam-uccheda-,"destroying altogether, complete destruction";in Vedic or Veda the verb connected with it has sometimes to be supplied, exempli gratia, 'for example' /āpo agn/im yaś/asaḥ s/aṃ h/i pūrv/īih-,"for many glorious waters surrounded agni-";it is sometimes prefixed to nouns in the sense of 2. sama-,"same"; confer, compare samartha-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃvidya(s/aṃ--) n. = saṃ-v/id-2 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃvṛjA1. -vṛṅkte- (rarely P.), to sweep together, lay hold of or seize for one's self. appropriate, own : Desiderative -v/ivṛkṣate-, to wish to appropriate View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃvṛtA1. -vartate- (perfect tense parasmE-pada -vavṛtv/as- q.v; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood -v/ṛtas-; indeclinable -vartam-), to turn or go towards, approach near to, arrive at ; to go against, attack (accusative) ; to meet, encounter (as foes) ; to come together, be rolled together, be conglomerated ; (also with mithas-) to have sexual intercourse together ; to take shape, come into being, be produced, arise from (ablative) etc. ; to come round or about, come to pass, happen, occur, take place, be fulfilled (as time) ; etc. ; to begin, commence ; to be, exist etc. ; to become, grow, get (with Nominal verb) ; to be conducive to, serve for (dative case) : Causal vartayati-, to cause to turn or revolve, roll (literally and figuratively) etc. ; to turn towards or hither ; to clench (the fist) ; to wrap up, envelop ; to crumple up, crush, destroy ; to bring about, accomplish, perform, execute ; to fulfil, satisfy (a wish) ; to think of. find out (a remedy) : Desiderative -v/ivṛtsati-, to wish to have sexual intercourse with (accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śimif. work, labour equals śimī- (See a-śimi-dv/iṣ-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
skambh or skabh- (prob. a mere phonetic variety of stambh- q.v;in native lists written skanbh-) cl.5.9. P. ( ) skabhn/oti-, skabhn/āti- (according to to also cl.1 A1. skambhate-; pr. p. skabhnuv/at- ; skabh/at- ; perfect tense cask/ambha-,2. dual number -skambh/athuḥ- ; parasmE-pada caskabhān/a- ; Aorist askambhīt- grammar; future skambhitā-, skambhiṣyati- ; infinitive mood skambhitum- ; -sk/abhe- ; ind.p. skabhitv/ī- ) to prop, support, make firm, fix, establish : Causal skambhayati- (Aorist acaskambhat-, grammar;See skambhita-) or skabhāy/ati- ( Va1rtt. 1 ;See skabhita-), to prop, support, fix ; to impede, check
spardhasSee v/i-ṣpardhas-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sphul (later collateral of sphur-;only with preposition See ni--, -niḥ-,and v/i-sphul-; see sphal-) cl.6 P. () sphulati- (perfect tense pusphola- future sphulitā-etc. grammar), to tremble, throb, vibrate ; to dart forth, appear ; to collect ; to slay, kill [For cognate wordsSee under sphal-.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
srāvinmfn. streaming, flowing (Comparative degree v/itara-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sūryaśrit varia lectio for -śv/it- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suvarvat(s/uvar--) mfn. equals sv/arvat- and svar-v/id- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suvarvidmfn. equals sv/arvat- and svar-v/id- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svadhāyinmfn. owning the svadhā- (said of the pitṛ-s; varia lectio svadhāv/in-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svadhitimf. (also written śv-) an axe etc. (in among the vajra-māni-; dev/ī sv/adhitiḥ-,"heavenly axe", thunderbolt) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svādumf(v/ī-)n. sweet, savoury, palatable, dainty, delicate, pleasant to the taste, agreeable, chirming (also as Comparative degree "sweeter than etc." , with ablative) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svaritam. n. the svarita- accent (a kind of mixed tone, produced by a combination of high and low tone, and therefore named in sam-āhāra-,the high and low tones being called ud-ātta-,"raised"or"acute", and an-udātta-,"low"or"grave";the svarita- corresponds to the Greek circumflex and is of four kinds, viz. kṣaipra-[as in vy-/āpta-for v/i-āpta-], jātya-[as in kv/a-for k/ua-], praśliṣṭa-[as in div/īva-for div/i iva-],or abhinihita-[as in t/e 'bruvan-for t/e abruvan-];it is marked in by a small upright stroke above a syllable;and when produced by an udātta-immediately preceding is sometimes called "a dependent svarita-", and, when it properly belongs to a word, an"independent svarita-") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svīkṛ(sv/ī--) P. A1. -karoti-, -kurute- (the latter older and more correct) , to make one's own, win, appropriate, claim etc. ; to take to one's self, choose (with or without bhāryārthe-,"to take for a wife, marry"; snuṣā-tvena-,"for a daughter-in-law") ; to win power over (hearts etc.) ; (A1.) to admit, assent or agree to, ratify : Causal -kārayati-, to cause any one to appropriate, present any one with (two accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śvitSee uda-śv/it- and sūrya-śv/it-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
takva t/akvan-, kva-v/ī-, etc. See tak-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
takvavīm. (Nominal verb sg. and plural v/īs-) a bird, bird of prey View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tan cl.8 P. A1. n/oti-, nut/e- (3. plural nv/ate-[ --and vi-tanvat/e- ] ; imperative nu-[ /ava-and v/i-tanuhi- ; see Va1rtt. 1 ] ; nuṣva- ; subjunctive 2. sg. nuthās-, ;1. dual number navāvahai-, ; imperfect tense 3. plural /atanvata-, ; perfect tense P. tat/āna-,once tāt- ;2. sg. tat/antha-[ ],class. tenitha-[ ]; A1.1. 2. 3. sg. [ --] tatane-, [abh/i-]tatniṣe-, [v/i-]tatne- ;3. sg. irregular tate-, ;3. plural tatnir/e-[ v/i-- ] or ten-[ (vi--)etc.; see ]; Aorist P. /atan- ; [/ā-]atān-, ; ;[ p/ari--, v/i--] atanat- ; [anv-/ā]atāṃsīt- ; atānīt- ; tat/anat-, [abh/i-]t/anāma-, t/anan- ;2. plural ataniṣṭa- ;3. dual number atāniṣṭām- ; A1. atata-or ataniṣṭa-, atathās-or ataniṣṭhās- ;3. plural /atnata- ; tat/ananta-, ;1. sg. atasi- plural ataṃsmahi- ; future 2nd taṃsy/ate- ; future 1st [vi-]tāyitā- ; parasmE-pada proper tanv/at-, vān/a-; perfect tense tatanv/as-; ind.p. tatvā-, tv/āya-, -t/atya- ;[ vi--] tāya- ; infinitive mood tantum- ; Passive voice tāy/ate- [ parasmE-pada y/amāna-] etc.; tanyate- ; Aorist atāyi- ) to extend, spread, be diffused (as light) over, shine, extend towards, reach to etc. ; to be protracted, continue, endure ; to stretch (a cord), extend or bend (a bow), spread, spin out, weave etc. ; to emboss ; to prepare (a way for) ; to direct (one's way, gatim-) towards ; to propagate (one's self or one's family, tanūs-, tantum-) ; to (spread id est to) speak (words) ; to protract ; to put forth, show, manifest, display, augment etc. (Passive voice to be put forth or extended, increase ) ; to accomplish, perform (a ceremony) etc. ; to sacrifice ; to compose (a literary work) ; to render (any one thirsty, double accusative) : Desiderative titaniṣati-, taṃsati-, tāṃs- : Intensive tantanyate-, tantanīti-, ; ([ see , etc.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tanūf. (of n/u- q.v; accusative nv/am- etc. ; nuvam-[ vArttika ] ;instr, nuvā-, ; genitive case ablative nv/as- etc.; locative case nv/i-& nv/ī- ; nv/ām- etc.; dual number n/ū-[ ], nv/ā-[ ], n/uvau-[ ], nvau-[see gharma--]; plural Nominal verb & accusative nv/as- etc. ; Nominal verb n/uvas- ) the body, person, self (often used like a reflexive noon.; see ātm/an-) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tapasvinmfn. () distressed, wretched, poor, miserable (Comparative degree -v/i-tara-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tarasvatmfn. (t/ar-) equals -v/in- (indra-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tejasvinitamāf. Superl. of f. of sv/in- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tejasvinītamāf. Superl. of f. of sv/in- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
triṣaṃyuktamfn. (n. scilicet hav/is-or k/arman-) and View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tṛṇṇaSee /ati--, ava--, --, v/i--, s/aṃ--. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tryavim. "3 sheep times old", a calf 18 months old (f. v/ī-, ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tugryāf. plural (scilicet v/iśas-) tugra-'s race ["the waters" ] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tuvī equals v/i-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tuvibrahman(v/i--). mfn. very devoted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tuvideṣṇa(v/i--) mfn. giving much (indra-), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tuvīmagha(v/ī--) equals vi-m- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tuviśravas(v/i--) mfn. highly renowned (agni-), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tuviṣṭama(v/iṣ--) mfn. Superl. strongest, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tuvivāja(v/i--) mf(ā-)n. abounding in food View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tviṣimat(tv/iṣ-) See ṣī-m-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
udbhūmf(bhv/ī-)n. (bh/u-) "being up to what is wanted", sufficient View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
udbhūmf(bhv/ī-)n. having persistency, persevering View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
urumf(v/ī-)n. (1. vṛ-; ūrṇu- ), wide, broad, spacious, extended, great, large, much, excessive, excellent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
urumf(v/ī-)n. Comparative degree varīyas-, superl. variṣṭha-; ([ confer, compare Greek , etc.: Hibernian or Irish ur,"very"; uras-,"power, ability."]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
urvīf. See urv/ī-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
urvīf. dual number (v/ī-) "the two wide ones", heaven and earth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vac cl.2 P. () vakti- (occurs only in sg. vacmi-, vakṣi-, vakti-,and imperative vaktu-; Vedic or Veda also cl.3 P. v/ivakti-; perfect tense uv/āca-, ūj- etc.; uv/aktha- ; vavāca-, vavakṣ/e- ; Aorist avocat-, cata- etc.;in veda- also subjunctive vocati-, te-, vecāti-; Potential voc/et-, ceta-; imperative vocatu-; preceding ucyāsam- ; future vakt/ā- etc.; vakṣy/ati- etc.; te- ; Conditional avakṣyat- ; infinitive mood ktum- etc.; tave- ; tos- ; ind.p. uktv/ā- etc.; -/ucya- ), to speak, say, tell, utter, announce, declare, mention, proclaim, recite, describe (with accusative with or without prati- dative case or genitive case of Persian,and accusative of thing;often with double accusative exempli gratia, 'for example' tam idaṃ vākyam uvāca-,"he spoke this speech to him";with double accusative also"to name, call"A1.with nom;"one's self";with punar-,"to speak again, repeat";or "to answer, reply") etc. ; to reproach, revile (accusative) : Passive voice ucy/ate- (Aorist avāci-,or in later language avoci-), to be spoken or said or told or uttered etc. etc. (yad ucyate-,"what the saying is") ; to resound ; to be called or accounted, be regarded as, pass for (Nominal verb also locative case) etc.: Causal vācayati-, te- (Potential vācayīta- ; Aorist avīvacat-; Passive voice vācyate-), to cause to say or speak or recite or pronounce (with, double accusative;often the object is to be supplied) etc. ; to cause anything written or printed to speak id est to read out loud etc. ; () to say, tell, declare ; to promise : Desiderative vivakṣati-, te- (Passive voice vivakṣyate-), to desire to say or speak or recite or proclaim or declare etc. ; (Passive voice) to be meant : Intensive (only /avāvacīt-) to call or cry aloud [ confer, compare Greek for in, etc.; Latin vocare,vox; German gi-waht,gi-wahinnen,er-wähnen.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vācasSee v/i-vācas- and s/a-vācas-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
van cl.1 P. () v/anati- (Vedic or Veda also te-,and van/ati-) ; cl.8 P. A1. () van/oti-, vanut/e- (perfect tense vāv/āna-, vāv/antha-, vavanm/a-, vavn/e-; parasmE-pada vavanv/as- ; Aorist vanta-, v/aṃsva- ; vaṃsat-, sate- ; vaniṣat- ; ṣanta- ; vanuṣanta-, ; Potential vaṃsīmahi-, vasīmahi- ; preceding vaniṣīṣṭa- vaṃsiṣīya- ; future vaniśā- grammar; vaniṣyate-, ; infinitive mood vanitum- grammar; -vantave- ), to like, love, wish, desire ; to gain, acquire, procure (for one's self or others) ; to conquer, win, become master of, possess ; to prepare, make ready for, aim at, attack ; to hurt, injure ( also"to sound";"to serve, honour, worship, help, aid") : Causal vanayati- or vānayati- ; varia lectio (confer, compare saṃ-van-): Desiderative v/ivāsati-, te-, to attract, seek to win over : Intensive (only vāv/anaḥ-and vāvandh/i-;but confer, compare vanīvan-) to love, like [ confer, compare Latin venia,Venus; Got.gawinnan; German gewinnen; English win.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vayasn. (see 2. v/i-) a bird, any winged animal, the winged tribe (especially applied to smaller birds) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vayunāvid( vayuna-v/id-) mfn. learned in rules, well versed in ordinances View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vem. a bird (strong stem of 1. v/i- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vepiṣṭhamfn. (superl. of v/ipra- q.v) most inspired View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vim. (Nominal verb v/is-or v/es- accusative v/im- genitive case ablative v/es-; plural Nominal verb accusative v/ayas-[acc. vīn- ]; v/ibhis-, v/ibhyas-, vīn/ām-) a bird (also applied to horses, arrows, and the marut-s) (also occurring in later language).[ confer, compare 1. v/ayas-; Greek for ; Latin a-vis; according to tosome German Ei; Anglo-Saxon ae4g; English egg.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viind. sometimes it gives a meaning opposite to the idea contained in the simple root (exempli gratia, 'for example' krī-,"to buy"; vi-krī-,"to sell") , or it intensifies that idea (exempli gratia, 'for example' hiṃs-,"to injure"; vi-hiṃs-,"to injure severely") . The above 3. v/i- may also be used in forming compounds not immediately referable to verbs, in which cases it may express"difference" (confer, compare 1. vi-lakṣaṇa-),"change"or"variety" (confer, compare vi-citra-),"intensity" (confer, compare vi-karāla-),"manifoldness" (confer, compare vi-vidha-),"contrariety" (confer, compare vi-loma-),"deviation from right" (confer, compare vi-śīla-),"negation"or"privation" (confer, compare vi-kaccha-,being often used like 3. a-, nir-,and nis-[qq. vv.], and like the Latin dis,se,and the Englisha,dis,in,unetc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mfn. going to, eager for, desirous or fond of (genitive case) (see deva-v/ī-, pada-v/ī-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mfn. (weak form of vye-) covered (see hiraṇya-v/ī-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
m. = vi-1, a bird (See takva-v/ī-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vibādham. an expeller, remover ( v/i-b-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vibandhu(v/i--) mfn. having no relations View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vibhaktṛmfn. (with genitive case,or v/i-bhaktṛ-,with accusative) one who distributes, distributer, apportioner View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vibhrātṛvya(v/i--) n. rivalry, hostility View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vibhṛtra(v/i--) mf(ā-)n. to be (or being) borne about or in various directions View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vibhūmf(-or v/ī-)n. (Ved.) being everywhere, far-extending, all-pervading, omnipresent, eternal etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vibhūmf(-or v/ī-)n. abundant, plentiful View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vibhūmf(-or v/ī-)n. mighty, powerful, excellent, great, strong, effective, able to or capable of (infinitive mood) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vibhūmf(-or v/ī-)n. firm, solid, hard View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vibhūtadyumnamfn. (v/i-) abounding in splendour or glory View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vicarṣaṇa(prob. wrong reading) (v/i--) mfn. very active or busy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vicarṣaṇi(v/i--) mfn. very active or busy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vicayiṣṭha(v/i--) mfn. removing most effectually, effacing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vicchandamfn. (v/i--) consisting of various metres View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vicchanda v/i-cchandas-, vi-cchardaka- See . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vicchandasmfn. (v/i--) equals v/i-cchanda- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vicchittif. (v/i--) cutting asunder or off, breaking off, prevention, interruption, cessation etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vicetasmfn. (v/i--) (for 2.See vi-cit-) absent-minded, confounded, perplexed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vicetasmfn. (v/i--) visible, clearly seen View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vicitta(v/i--) mfn. (for 1.See) perceived, observed, perceivable, manifest View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vicṛtta(v/i--) mfn. loosened, untied, opened, spread (cṛta- wrong reading ) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vicyutamfn. (v/i--) fallen asunder or to pieces View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
videvamfn. (v/i--) godless, hostile to gods (as demons)
vidhṛtif. (v/i--) separation, division, partition, arrangement, regulation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidṛśSee under 3. v/i-, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidveṣas(v/i--) mfn. opposing or resisting enmity View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidyutA1. -dyotate- (Ved. also P.), to flash forth, lighten, shine forth (as the rising sun) etc. (v/i-dyotate-,"it lightens"; vi-dy/otamāne-,"when it lightens") ; to hurl away by a stroke of lightning ; to illuminate : Causal -dyotayati-, to illuminate, irradiate, enlighten, make brilliant etc.: Intensive (only. vi-d/avidyutat-) to shine brightly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vigatamfn. (for 1.See under 1. v/i-) gone asunder, dispersed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vigrathitamfn. (v/i--) tied together View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vigrīva(v/i--) mfn. having the neck twisted or cut off View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vihāyas(v/i--) mfn. (for 2., from which perhaps it is scarcely separableSee vi--) vigorous, active, mighty (according to to Scholiast or Commentator equals mahat-, vañcanavat-, vyāptṛ-, vividha-gamana-yukta-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vihṛdaya(v/i--) n. want of courage View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vihruta(v/i--) mfn. crooked, dislocated, hurt, injured View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vijāmātṛ(v/i--) m. (prob.) equals jāmātṛ-, a son-in-law (according to to "a defective son-in-law, one who has not all the necessary qualifications") . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vijāmi(v/i--) mfn. (prob.) equals jāmi-, consanguineous, related (opp. to /a-jāmi-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vijanA1. -jāyate- (perfect tense parasmE-pada vi-jānivas- genitive case n/uṣas- ; infinitive mood v/i-janitos- ), to be born or produced, originate, arise etc. ; to be transformed, turn into, become (Nominal verb) ; to bear young, generate, bring forth, produce View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vijāni(v/i--) mfn. "strange, foreign"or"having no wife" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vijarjaramfn. (v/i--) decrepit, infirm View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vijāvatī(v/i--) f. (a woman) that has brought forth a child
vijitarūpamfn. (v/ij-) appearing as if conquered or won View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vijitif. (v/i--) contest for victory, conquest, triumph View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vijñātavīryamfn. (v/i--) of known strength View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vijñātif. (v/i--) knowledge, understanding View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vijoṣas(v/i--) mfn. (opp. to sa-j-) deserted, alone ("delighting the gods") . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vijya(v/i--) mfn. stringless (as a bow) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vikakara(v/i--) m. a kind of bird (see -kakara-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vikaṅkatam. (v/i--) Flacourtia Sapida (from which sacrificial vessels are made) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vikas(also incorrectly written vi-kaś-) cl.1 P. -kasati-, to burst, become split or divided or rent asunder (see v/i-kasta-) ; to open, expand, blossom, bloom etc. (see vikasita-) ; to shine, be bright, beam (with joy etc.) ; to spread out, extend, increase : Causal -kāsayati-, to cause to open or blow or expand or shine View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vikasta(v/i--) mfn. () burst, split, rent asunder View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vikasti(v/i--) f. the act of bursting View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vikasuka(v/i--) m. a particular agni- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vikledīyas(v/i--) mfn. moistening more View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vikusukam. a particular agni- (see v/i-kasuka-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vilohitamfn. (v/i--) deep-red etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vimadhyan. (v/i--) the midst, middle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vimahas(v/i--) mfn. merry, joyous (said of the marut-s) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vimahī(v/i--) mfn. (prob.) exhilarating, inspiring (plur. = spirituous liquors) ( and others, "very great") . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vimanas(v/i--) mfn. having a keen or penetrating mind or understanding, sagacious View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vimanyu(v/i--) m. longing, desire View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vimanyuka(v/i--) mfn. not angry, allaying anger or wrath View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vimāya(v/i--) mfn. devoid of magic, free from illusion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vimuñja(v/i--) mf(ā-)n. without a sheath View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vinaṣṭatejasmfn. (v/i-n-) one whose energy is lost, weak, feeble View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vinaṣṭi(v/i--) f. loss, ruin, destruction View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vipakṣas(v/i--) mfn. going on both sides (of a chariot) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vipakvamf(ā-)n. (v/i--) well cooked, well done View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vipāpmanmfn. (v/i--) equals prec. etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viparus(v/i--) mfn. without knots or joints View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viparva(v/i--) mfn. without joints or vulnerable points View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vipāśin(v/i-) mfn. without fastenings, without a trace (as a chariot) (;but v/ipāśi-is prob. locative case of v/i-pāś-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vipatitamfn. (v/i--) flown away, fallen off etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vipatman(v/i--) mfn. having the flight of (id est flying as fast as) a bird View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vipatman(v/i--) mfn. See under 1. vi-, p.949. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vipracittimfn. (v/ipra--) sagacious View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viprajūta(v/ipra--) mfn. impelled or urged by the wise View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vipramanman(v/ipra--) mfn. having an inspired mind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vipratama(v/ipra--) mfn. most wise, wisest View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vipravacas(v/ipra--) mfn. one whose words are inspired View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vipriyamfn. (v/i--) disaffected, estranged (see -preman-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vipṛkta(v/i--) mfn. separated, divided View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vipruta(v/i--) mfn. borne away, cast or carried away, vagrant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vīps (Desiderative of vy-āp-) P. v/īpsati-, to wish to pervade View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
virakṣas(v/i--) mfn. free from rākṣasa-s ( virakṣastama -tama-mfn.,superl.; virakṣastā kṣ/as-- f. ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
virudra(v/i--) mfn. not accompanied by rudra- or the rudra-s (others"shining, brilliant") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vīryakṛta(v/īrya--) mfn. performed with energy (Scholiast or Commentator) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśf. (m.only ; Nominal verb sg. v/iṭ-; locative case plural vikṣ/u-) a settlement, homestead, house, dwelling (viś/as p/ati-"lord of the house"applied to agni- and indra-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣ cl.3 P. viveṣṭi- (only see Intensive;here and Epic also cl.1 P. v/eṣati- see below; subjunctive viv/eḥ-, v/iveṣaḥ- ; perfect tense viveṣa-, viviṣuḥ- [ /aviveṣīḥ-, ]; Aorist aviṣat-, avikṣat- grammar; imperative viḍḍh/i- ; future vekṣyati-, te- ; veṣṭā- grammar; infinitive mood veṣṭum- grammar; -v/iṣe- ; ind.p. viṣṭv/ī- ; -v/iṣya- ), to be active, act, work, do, perform ; (cl.1. P. v/eṣati- see ) to be quick, speed, run, flow (as water) ; to work as a servant serve ; to have done with id est overcome, subdue, rule ; () to be contained in (accusative), : Causal veṣayati-, to clothe : Intensive (or cl.3. according to to ) v/eveṣṭi-, veviṣṭe-, to be active or busy in various ways etc. ; (parasmE-pada v/eviṣat-) to consume, eat (see ) ; (parasmE-pada v/eviṣāṇa-) aided or supported by (instrumental case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣmfn. consuming (see jarad-v/iṣ-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
visadṛśamf(ā-or ī-)n. (v/i--) unlike, dissimilar different, not corresponding, unequal etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśākhamf(ā-)n. (v/i--;once vi-s/ākha- ) branched, forked View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśarīka(v/i-.) m. a kind of disease View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
visarpinmfn. (v/i--) creeping or shooting forth, issuing from or against (compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśikha(or v/i-ś-) mfn. devoid of the top-knot or tuft of hair (left on the head after tonsure) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśīrṣan(v/i--) mf(ṣṇī-)n. headless View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśiśnā(v/i-- ) () f. (prob.) tailless. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣkabhita(v/i--) mfn. fixed or held asunder (heaven and earth) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣkandhan. (v/i--) (fr. vi-+ skandha-) a particular disease (see s/aṃ-skandha-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣṇumukha(v/iṣṇu--) mfn. plural having viṣṇu- as chief View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣṇupatnī(v/iṣṇu--) f. " viṣṇu-'s wife"Name of aditi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣṇuvatmfn. (v/iṣṇu--) attended by viṣṇu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣṇvanuṣṭhita(v/iṣṇv-- ) (v/iṣṇv-- ) mfn. attended by viṣṇu-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣṇvanusthita(v/iṣṇv-- ) mfn. attended by viṣṇu-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
visṛṣṭadhenamfn. (v/i-) streaming or yielding milk View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
visṛṣṭarātimfn. (v/i--) munificent in gifts View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
visṛṣṭif. (v/i--) letting go, allowing to flow, discharge View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣṭabhita(v/i--) mfn. fixed firmly, well founded View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣūcaka(only in locative case mc.) equals v/iṣūcikā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣurūpa(v/iṣu--) mf(ā-)n. different in shape or colour, manifold, various View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśvam. plural (v/iśve-,with or scilicet dev/ās- see viśve-deva-,p.995)"all the gods collectively"or the"All-gods"(a particular class of gods, forming one of the 9 gaṇa-s enumerated under gaṇadevatā- q.v; according to to the viṣṇu- and other purāṇa-s they were sons of viśvā-, daughter of dakṣa-, and their names are as follow, 1. vasu-, 2. satya-, 3. kratu-, 4. dakṣa-, 5. kāla-, 6. kāma-, 7. dhṛti-, 8. kuru-, 9. purū-ravas-, 10. mādravas- [?];two others are added by some, viz. 11. rocaka- or locana-, 12. dhvani- [or dhūri-;or this may make 13]: they are particularly worshipped at śrāddha-s and at the vaiśvadeva- ceremony[ ];moreover according to to manu- [ ], offerings should be made to them daily - these privileges having been bestowed on them by brahmā- and the pitṛ-s, as a reward for severe austerities they had performed on the himālaya-: sometimes it is difficult to decide whether the expression viśve devāḥ-refers to all the gods or to the particular troop of deities described above) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśvavat(v/iśva--) mfn. containing the word v/iśva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśvāvatmfn. (v/iśvā--) (perhaps) universal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vitanumf(-)n. (v/i--) extremely thin or slender View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṭka(in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') = viṣ-3, feces (see karṇa--and bhinna-v/iṭka-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vivācas(v/i--) mfn. speaking in various ways View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vivasvat v/i-vasvat- or vi-v/asvat- mfn. shining forth, diffusing light, matutinal (applied to uṣas- agni- etc.; sadane vivasvataḥ-,"at the seat of Fire") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vivavri(v/i--) mfn. unveiled, bare View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viviktif. (v/i-.) separation, division View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vivivadha(v/i--) mfn. not counterpoising View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vivratamfn. (v/i--) reluctant, refractory View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛ cl.5.9.1. P. A1. () vṛṇ/oti-, vṛṇut/e- ; vṛnāti-, vriṇīte- ; v/arati-, v/arate- (mostly cl.5. and with the preposition apa-or vi-;of cl.9. only avṛṇīdhvam- ; cl.1. only in [ confer, compare also ūrṇu-]; perfect tense vav/āra-, vavr/e- etc. etc. [2. sg. vav/artha- ; vavaritha-, vavṛma-etc. grammar; parasmE-pada vavriv/as- genitive case vavavr/uṣas- ]; Aorist /avar-or /āvar-, avṛta- [1. sg. vam-,2. dual number vartam-,3. plural avran-, parasmE-pada A1. vrāṇ/a- q.v imperative vṛdhi- ]; avārīt- ; avarīṣṭa- grammar; subjunctive varṣathas- ; Potential vriyāt-, vūryāt-, variṣīṣṭa- grammar; future varī-, varīṣyati- ; infinitive mood vartum- , varitum- , varītum- ; ind.p. vṛtv/ā- ; vṛlv/ī- ; vṛtv/āya- ; -v/ṛtya- ), to cover, screen, veil, conceal, hide, surround, obstruct etc. ; to close (a door) ; to ward off, check, keep back, prevent, hinder, restrain : Passive voice vriyate- (Aorist /avāri-), to be covered or surrounded or obstructed or hindered : Causal vār/ayati-, te- (Aorist avīvarat-, /avīvarata- ; /avāvarīt- ; Passive voice vāryate- etc.) , to cover, conceal, hide, keep back, hold captive etc. ; to stop, check, restrain, suppress, hinder, prevent from (ablative or infinitive mood;rarely two accusative) etc. ; to exclude ; to prohibit, forbid ; to withhold etc.: Desiderative of Causal vivārayiṣate- : Desiderative vivarīṣati-, vuvūrṣati-, te- grammar : Intensive vevrīyate-, vovūryate-, varvarti- [ confer, compare Gothic warjan; German wehren,Wehr; English weir.]
vraśc (see vṛk-) cl.6 P. () vṛśc/ati- (pr. p. vṛkṇan-[?] ; perfect tense vavraśca-, citha- grammar; Aorist avraścīt-, avrākṣīt- ; vṛkṣi- ; future vraścitā-, vraṣṭā- grammar; vraściṣyati-, vrakṣyati- ; ind.p. vraścitvā- ; vṛṣṭv/ā- ; vṛktv/ī- ; -vr/aścam-, -vṛtcya- etc.), to cut down or off or asunder, cleave, hew, fell (a tree) etc. etc.: Passive voice vṛścy/ate- (in also vṛśc/ate-), to be cut down or off etc.: Causal vraścayati- (Aorist avavraścat-) grammar : Desiderative vivraściṣati-, vivrakṣati- : Intensive varīvṛścyate-, varīvṛtcīti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛj cl.1.7. P. () varjati-, vṛṇ/akti- ; cl.2 A1. () vṛkte- (Vedic or Veda and also v/arjate-and vṛṅkt/e-; imperative vṛṅktām-[ varia lectio vṛktām-] ; vṛṅgdhvam- ; perfect tense vavarja-, vavṛje-[ grammar also vavṛñje- vāvṛje-; vavṛjy/uḥ-, vavṛktam- parasmE-pada f. -varj/uṣī-]; Aorist avṛk- ; vark-[2. 3. sg. ], varktam-, avṛjan- Potential vṛjyām- ; /avṛkta- ; avṛkṣam-, ṣi- ; avārkṣīs- ; avarjīt-, avajiṣṭa- grammar; future varjitā- ; varjiṣyati- ; varkṣyati-, te- ; infinitive mood v/ṛje-, vṛñj/ase-, vṛj/adhyai- ; vajitum-or vṛñjitum- grammar; ind.p. vṛktv/ī- ; -v/ṛjya-, -vargam- etc.) , to bend, turn ; to twist off, pull up, pluck, gather (especially sacrificial grass) ; to wring off or break a person's (accusative) neck ; to avert, remove ; (A1.) to keep anything from (ablative or genitive case), divert, withhold, exclude, abalienate ; (A1.) to choose for one's self, select, appropriate : Passive voice vṛjy/ate-, to be bent or turned or twisted etc.: Causal varjayati- (; mc. also te-; Potential varjayīta- ; Aorist avavarjat-), to remove, avoid, shun, relinquish, abandon, give up, renounce etc. ; to spare, let live ; to exclude, omit, exempt, except (yitvā-with accusative = excepting, with the exception of) etc.: Passive voice of Causal varjyate-, to be deprived of. lose (instrumental case) (see varjita-): Desiderative vivṛkṣ/ate- (), vivarjiṣati-, te- (grammar), to wish to bend or turn etc.: Intensive varīvṛjyate-, varvarkti- (grammar; parasmE-pada v/arīvṛjat- ), to turn aside, divert: Causal of Intensive varīvarj/ayati- (p.f. yantī-), to turn hither and thither (the ears)
vṛṣ cl.1 P. () v/arṣati- (Epic also A1. varṣate-and Vedic or Veda vṛṣate-; perfect tense vavarṣa-, vavṛṣe- etc.;3. plural P. Epic vavṛṣus-,or vavarṣus-; parasmE-pada P. vavarṣv/as- ; A1. vāvṛṣāṇ/a- ; imperative vāvṛṣasva- ; Aorist /avarṣīt- etc.; future vraṣṭ/ā- ; varṣitā- grammar; varṣiṣyati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood varṣitum- etc.; varṣṭos- ; ind.p. vṛṣṭvā- ; ṭv/ī- ; varṣitvā- grammar), to rain (either impersonal or used impersonally,or with parjanya-, indra-, the clouds etc., in Nominal verb) etc. ; to rain down, shower down, pour forth, effuse, shed (A1.="to bestow or distribute abundantly";also with instrumental case ="to rain upon, or overwhelm with" exempli gratia, 'for example' with arrows; v/arṣati-,"while it rains, during rain") ; to strike, hurt, vex, harass : Causal varṣ/ayati- (Aorist avīvṛṣat-or avavarṣat-), to cause to rain (parjanya- etc.) or to fall down as rain (flowers etc.) ; (without accusative) to cause or produce rain ; to rain upon (= overwhelm) with (a shower of arrows instrumental case) ; A1. to have manly power, have generative vigour : Desiderative vivarṣiṣati- grammar (see vivarṣiṣu-): Intensive varīvṛṣyate-, varīvarṣṭi- etc. [For cognates-See under varṣā-and 1. vṛṣa-.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛt cl.1 A1. () v/artate- (rarely ti-;in veda- also vavartti-and [once in ] vartti-; subjunctive vav/artat-, vavartati-, vavṛtat-; Potential vavṛtyāt-, vavṛtīya-; imperative vavṛtsva-; imperfect tense /avavṛtran-, tranta-; perfect tense vav/arta-, vavṛt/us-, vavṛt/e- [here also vāvṛt/e-]etc.; Aorist avart-, avṛtran- subjunctive v/artat-, vartta- ; avṛtat- etc.; avartiṣṭa- grammar;3. plural avṛtsata- ;2. sg. vartithās- ; preceding vartiṣīṣṭa- grammar; future vartitā- grammar; vartsy/ati-, te- etc.; vartiṣyati-, te- etc.; Conditional avartsyat- ; avartiṣyata- grammar; infinitive mood -v/ṛte- ; -v/ṛtas- ; vartitum- etc.; ind.p. vartitvā-and vṛttvā- grammar; -v/ṛtya- etc.; -v/artam- etc.), to turn, turn round, revolve, roll (also applied to the rolling down of tears) etc. ; to move or go on, get along, advance, proceed (with instrumental case"in a particular way or manner"), take place, occur, be performed, come off etc. ; to be, live, exist, be found, remain, stay, abide, dwell (with ātmani na-,"to be not in one's right mind";with manasi-or hṛdaye-,"to dwell or be turned or thought over in the mind";with mūrdhni-,"to be at the head of","to be of most importance"; kathaṃ vartate-with Nominal verb or kiṃ vartate-with genitive case,"how is it with?") ; to live on, subsist by (instrumental case or ind.p.), etc. ; to pass away (as time, ciraṃ vartate gatānām-,"it is long since we went") ; to depend on (locative case) ; to be in a particular condition, be engaged in or occupied with (locative case), etc. ; to be intent on, attend to (dative case) ; to stand or be used in the sense of (locative case) ; to act, conduct one's self, behave towards (locative case dative case,or accusative;also with itaretaram-or parasparam-,"mutually") etc. ; to act or deal with, follow a course of conduct (also with vṛttim-), show, display, employ, use, act in any way (instrumental case or accusative) towards (locative case with parājñayā-,"to act under another's command";with prajā-rūpeṇa-,"to assume the form of a son";with priy/am-,"to act kindly";with svāni-,"to mind one's own business"; kim idam vartase-,"what are you doing there?") etc. ; to tend or turn to, prove as (dative case) ; to be or exist or live at a particular time, be alive or present (confer, compare vartamāna-, vartiṣyamāṇa-,and vartsyat-,p.925) etc. ; to continue (with an ind.p., atītya vartante-,"they continue to excel"; iti vartate me buddhiḥ-,"such continues my opinion") etc. ; to hold good, continue in force, be supplied from what precedes ; to originate, arise from (ablative) or in (locative case) ; to become ; to associate with (saha-) ; to have illicit intercourse with (locative case) : Causal vart/ayati- (Aorist avīvṛtat-or avavartat-;in also A1. avavarti-; infinitive mood vartay/adhyai- ; Passive voice vartyate- ), to cause to turn or revolve, whirl, wave, brandish, hurl etc. ; to produce with a turning-lathe, make anything round (as a thunderbolt, a pill etc.) ; to cause to proceed or take place or be or exist, do, perform, accomplish, display, exhibit (feelings), raise or utter (a cry), shed (tears) etc. ; to cause to pass (as time), spend, pass, lead a life, live, subsist on or by (instrumental case), enter upon a course of conduct etc. (also with vṛttim-or vṛttyā-or vṛttena-;with bhaikṣeṇa-,"to live by begging"), conduct one's self, behave etc. ; to set forth, relate, recount, explain, declare ; to begin to instruct (dative case) ; to understand, know, learn ; to treat ; (in law, with śiras-or śīrṣam-) to offer one's self to be punished if another is proved innocent by an ordeal ; "to speak"or"to shine" (bhāṣārthe-or bhāsārthe-) : Desiderative v/ivṛtsati-, te- ( ), vivartiṣate- () , to wish to turn etc.: Intensive (Vedic or Veda , rarely in later language) v/arvartti-, varīvartti-, varīvarty/ate-, varīvartate-, parasmE-pada v/arvṛtat- and v/arvṛtāna- imperfect tense 3. sg. avarīvar-, 3. plural avarīvur- (grammar also varivartti-, varīvṛtīti-, varvṛtīti-, varīvṛtyate-), to turn, roll, revolve, be, exist, prevail [ confer, compare Latin vertere; Slavonic or Slavonian vru8te8ti,vratiti; Lithuanian varty4ti; Gothic wai4rthan; German werden; English -ward.]
vyin compound before vowels for 3. v/i-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyadh cl.4 P. () v/idhyati- (Epic also te-; perfect tense parasmE-pada vivyādha- etc.;3. plural vivyadhuḥ- , vividhuḥ- ; A1. vivyadhe- ; parasmE-pada vividhv/as- ; Aorist vyātsīḥ- ; preceding vidhyāt- grammar; future veddhā-, vetsyati-, te- ; vyaddhā-, vyatsyati- grammar; infinitive mood veddhum- ; -vidhe- ; ind.p. viḍḍhvā-, -vidhya- ), to pierce, transfix, hit, strike, wound etc. ; (with sirām-) to open a vein, bleed ; to pelt with (instrumental case) ; to inflict, attach to, affect with (accusative of Persian and instrumental case of thing) ; to shake, wave ; (in astronomy) to fix the position of a heavenly body ; to cling to (accusative) : Causal vyādhayati-, (Epic also vedhayati-; Aorist avīvidhat-or avivyadhat-), to pierce, open (a vein) ; to cause to pierce or perforate : Desiderative vivyatsati-, to wish to affect or taint with (instrumental case) : Intensive vevidhyate- or vāvyaddhi- (?) grammar
vye cl.1 P. A1. () vy/ayati-, te- (perfect tense P. vivyāya-,2. sg. vivyayitha- grammar;2. dual number vivyathus- ; A1. vivy/e- -vyay/āṃ cakāra- ; Aorist avyat-, avyata- ; avyāsīt-, avyāsta- grammar; preceding vīyāt-, vyāsīṣṭa- ; future vyātā- ; vyāsyati-, te- ; vyayiṣye- ; ind.p. -v/īya- etc.; -vāya- grammar), to cover, clothe, wrap, envelop (A1. also,"one's self") : Pass. vīy/ate- (pr. p. vīy/amāna-), to be covered etc. : Causal vyāyayati- grammar : Desiderative vivyāsati-, te- ; Intensive vevīyate-, vāvyeti-, vāvyāti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yaśasvinmfn. beautiful, splendid, illustrious, famous, celebrated etc. etc. (superl. -v/i-tama-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Parse Time: 2.394s Search Word: v/i Input Encoding: IAST: v/i