uta | mfn. woven etc. See 1. uta-, .  |
uta | mfn. (fr. ve- q.v), sewn, woven.  |
uta | ind. and, also, even, or etc.  |
uta | ind. often used for the sake of emphasis, especially at the end of a line after iti- or a verb (exempli gratia, 'for example' sarva-bhūtāni tam pārtha sadā paribhavanty uta-,all creatures, O king, certainly always despise him ) etc. (As an interrogative particle, generally at the beginning of the second or following part of a double interrogation) or, utrum - an (exempli gratia, 'for example' katham nirṇīyate kiṃ syān niṣkāraṇo bandhur uta viśvāsa-ghātakaḥ-,how can it be decided whether he be a friend without a motive or a violator of confidence? ) etc.  |
uta | ind. in this sense it may be strengthened by āho- (exempli gratia, 'for example' kaccit tvam asi mānuṣī utāho surāṅganā-,art thou a mortal woman or divine? nala-) , or by āho-svit- (exempli gratia, 'for example' śālihotraḥ kiṃ nu syād utāhosvid rājā nalaḥ-,can it be śālihotra- or king nala-?) Rarely kim- is repeated before uta- used in this sense (exempli gratia, 'for example' kim nu svargāt prāptā tasyā rūpeṇa kimutānyāgatā-,has she arrived from heaven or has another come in her form? ) etc. (As a particle of wishing, especially at the beginning of a sentence followed by a potential) would that! utinam! (exempli gratia, 'for example' utādhīyīta-,would that he would read!) (uta-preceded by kim-) on the contrary, how much more, how much less (exempli gratia, 'for example' kam&iencoding=iast&lang=sans'>samartho 'si sahasram api jetuṃ kimutaikam-,thou art able to conquer even a thousand, how much more one ) etc. (uta-preceded by prati-) on the contrary, rather (exempli gratia, 'for example' eṣa pṛṣṭo 'smābhir na jalpati hanti praty-uta pāṣāṇaih-,this one questioned by us does not speak, but rather throws stones at us)  |
uta | ind. uta vā-, or else, and (exempli gratia, 'for example' samudrād uta vā purīṣāt-,from the sea or from the moisture in the air)  |
uta | ind. vā- - uta vā- or utāho vāpi- - vā-, either - or  |
uta | ind. uta- - uta-, both - and (exempli gratia, 'for example' uta balavān utābalaḥ-,both the strong and the weak)  |
uta | ind. kim- - uta vā-, whether - or else.  |
utaṅka | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
utaṅka | m. (See also uttaṅka-.)  |
utaṅkamegha | m. a kind of cloud named after that ṛṣi-  |
utathya | m. Name of a son of aṅgiras- and elder brother of bṛhaspati-  |
utathyānuja | m. " utathya-'s younger brother", Name of bṛhaspati- (regent of the planet Jupiter)  |
utathyatanaya | m. "a descendant of utathya-", Name of gautama-  |
abhidruta | mfn. run towards, attacked.  |
abhihuta | mfn. poured upon with an oblation, shed or poured over  |
abhimārutam | ind. against the wind.  |
abhiparipluta | mfn. overflowed with (as medasā-, rajasā-[said of a wife during menstruation ; see abhi-pluta-below], etc.)  |
abhiparipluta | mfn. attacked, afflicted by (instrumental case;as by anger, sorrow, compassion, etc.)  |
abhipluta | mfn. overflowed, overrun  |
abhipluta | mfn. overwhelmed, affected by, labouring under (instrumental case) etc.  |
abhipluta | mfn. (rajasā-,said of a wife during menstruation; see abhi-pari-pluta-above)  |
abhiruta | mfn. filled with roaring or any noise, resounding with (in compound) etc.  |
abhiruta | n. cries  |
abhiruta | n. singing (as of birds)  |
abhisampluta | mfn. poured upon, overflowed with  |
abhisampluta | mfn. deeply engaged in (in compound)  |
abhisaṃstuta | mfn. highly praised  |
abhiśruta | mf(/ā-)n. renowned  |
abhiṣṭuta | mfn. praised etc.  |
abhiṣṭuta | mfn. praised on addressed (with oṃkāras-), consecrated  |
abhiṣuta | mfn. expressed (as soma- juice) etc.  |
abhiṣuta | n. (equals abhi-ṣava- n.) sour gruel  |
abhividruta | mfn. (2. dru-), run towards  |
abhividruta | mfn. run away, fled  |
abhiviśruta | mfn. widely celebrated  |
abhiyuta | mfn. inclosed in (accusative)  |
acyuta | mfn. or a-cyut/a- not fallen  |
acyuta | mfn. firm, solid  |
acyuta | mfn. imperishable, permanent  |
acyuta | mfn. not leaking or dripping  |
acyuta | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
acyuta | m. of kṛṣṇa-  |
acyuta | m. of a physician, the plant Morinda Tinctoria  |
acyuta | m. Name of a gift to agni-  |
acyutacakravartin | m. Name (also title or epithet) of the author of a commentator or commentary on the Da1ya-bha1ga, .  |
acyutacyut | mfn. shaking firm objects (said of the thunderer indra-)  |
acyutacyut | mfn. (said of a drum)  |
acyutadanta | m. Name of the ancestor of a warrior tribe called ācyutadanti- or ācyutanti- (though possibly these refer to two distinct tribes).  |
ācyutadanti | and tīya- varia lectio for ācyutanti- and tīya- below.  |
acyutaja | m. plural a class of jaina- deities.  |
acyutajallakin | m. Name of a commentator of the amara-koṣa-.  |
acyutakṣit | m. "having solid ground", Name of soma-  |
acyutamanas | (/acyuta--) m. Name of two maharṣi-s  |
acyutamūrti | m. Name of viṣṇu-.  |
acyutanta | m. Name of the ancestor of a warrior tribe called ācyutadanti- or ācyutanti- (though possibly these refer to two distinct tribes).  |
ācyutanti | m. plural Name of a warrior-tribe (See acyuta-danta-), (gaRa dāmany-ādi- q.v)  |
ācyutantīya | m. a prince of the above tribe  |
acyutapājas | (/acyuta--) m. Name of two maharṣi-s  |
acyutaruṣ | f. inveterate hatred.  |
acyutasthala | n. Name of a place in the Panjab  |
acyutavāsa | m. the sacred fig-tree, Ficus Religiosa  |
acyutavāsa | m. acyutāvasa- idem or 'm. the sacred fig-tree, Ficus Religiosa'  |
adbhuta | mfn. extraordinary  |
adbhuta | mfn. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
adbhuta | mfn. ([once adbhut/a- ]) (See 1. at-), supernatural, wonderful, marvellous  |
adbhuta | m. the marvellous (in style)  |
adbhuta | m. surprise  |
adbhuta | m. Name of the indra- of the ninth manvantara-  |
adbhuta | n. a marvel, a wonder, a prodigy.  |
adbhutabhīmakarman | mfn. performing wonderful and fearful works.  |
adbhutabrāhmaṇa | n. Name of a portion of a brāhmaṇa- belonging to the sāma-veda-.  |
adbhutadarpaṇa | Name (also title or epithet) of a nāṭaka-  |
adbhutadarśana | mfn. having a wonderful aspect.  |
adbhutadharma | m. "a system or series of marvels or prodigies", Name of one of the nine aṅga-s of the Buddhists.  |
adbhutagandha | mfn. having a wonderful smell.  |
adbhutainas | mfn. one in whom no fault is visible  |
adbhutakarman | mfn. performing wonderful works, exhibiting wonderful workmanship.  |
adbhutakratu | (/adbhuta--) mfn. possessing wonderful intelligence  |
adbhutakṛṣṇarāja | (or kr2-?), Name (also title or epithet) of a chief,  |
adbhutarāmāyaṇa | n. Name of work ascribed to vālmīki-.  |
adbhutaraṅga | Name (also title or epithet) of a prahasana-  |
adbhutarasa | m. the marvellous style (of poetry).  |
adbhutarūpa | mfn. having a wonderful shape.  |
adbhutasaṃkāsa | mfn. resembling a wonder.  |
adbhutaśānti | m. or f. Name of the sixty-seventh pariśiṣṭa- of the atharva- veda-.  |
adbhutasāra | m. "wonderful resin"of the khadira- tree (Mimosa Catechu)  |
adbhutasāra | m. Name of a book on the essence of prodigies.  |
adbhutasvana | m. "having a wonderful voice", Name of śiva-.  |
adbhutatama | n. an extraordinary wonder.  |
adbhutatva | n. wonderfulness.  |
ādhuta | mf(ā-and ī-[ ])n. = the next.  |
ādipluta | mfn. (a word) whose first vowel is prolated, grammar  |
adriṣuta | (/adri--) mfn. prepared with stones  |
adṛṣṭāsrutapūrvatva | n. the state of never having been seen or heard before.  |
adruta | mfn. not accelerated,  |
agnāmarutau | m. dual number agni- and marut-  |
agnihuta | mfn. sacrificed by fire.  |
āgnimāruta | mf(ī-)n. ( ) belonging or referring to agni- and the marut-s  |
āgnimāruta | m. (equals agni-māruti- q.v) a patron. Name of agastya-  |
āgnimāruta | n. (id est śastram-) a litany addressed to agni- and the marut-s  |
agniyuta | m. Name of the author of the hymn x, 116 in the ṛg-- veda-.  |
ahruta | mfn. not fluctuating, not stumbling, going in a straight line  |
ahruta | mfn. not crooked, straight  |
āhruta | See ā-hvṛ-.  |
āhruta | mfn. stooped, crooked  |
āhruta | mfn. hurt, wounded.  |
āhrutabheṣaja | mf(ī-)n. curing anything wounded or hurt  |
ahrutapsu | (/ahr-) mfn. of straight or upright appearance (Name of the marut-s)  |
ahuta | mfn. unoffered, not yet offered (as a sacrificial oblation)  |
ahuta | mfn. one who has not received any sacrifice  |
ahuta | mfn. (the fire) through or in which no sacrificial oblation has been offered  |
ahuta | mfn. not obtained by sacrifice  |
ahuta | m. religious meditation, prayer (considered as one of the five great sacraments, otherwise called brahma-yajña-)  |
āhuta | mfn. offered as an oblation, sacrificed  |
āhuta | mfn. laid in the fire (as a corpse)  |
āhuta | mfn. offering made to men, hospitality (equals manuṣya-yajña- q.v)  |
āhuta | mfn. nourishment of all created beings (considered as one of the five principal sacrifices of the Hindus; see bhūta-yajña-)  |
aindramāruta | mfn. relating to indra- and the marut-s  |
aindrāmāruta | mfn. belonging to indra- and the marut-s  |
akṣaracyutaka | n. "supplying dropped (cyuta-) syllables ", a kind of game  |
akutas | ind. (usually in compound), not from any quarter or cause.  |
akutaścala | m. not movable from any cause  |
akutaścala | m. Name of śiva-.  |
akutaścana | m. Name (also title or epithet) of śiva-,  |
akutaścid | ind. not for any reason, unintentionally,  |
akutaścidbhaya | mfn. having no fear from any quarter, secure.  |
aliviruta | n. song or hum of the bee  |
amalasaṃyuta | mfn. "not defiled by any spot", endowed with purity  |
amanyuta | mf(ā-)n. not affected with secret anger  |
amautradhauta | mfn. not washed (by a washerman) with alkaline lye  |
ambikāsuta | m. Name of dhṛtarāṣṭra-.  |
ambutaskara | m. "water thief", the sun  |
amutaḥpradāna | n. an offering from there,  |
amutas | ind. from there, there  |
amutas | ind. from above, from the other world, from heaven  |
amutas | ind. hereupon, upon this  |
amutas | ind. (= ablative amuṣmāt-) from that one  |
anapacyuta | mfn. not falling off, holding fast (a yoke)  |
anapacyuta | mfn. never dropping off, keeping to or faithful for ever  |
anāpluta | mfn. unbathed, unwashed.  |
anatidbhuta | mfn. unsurpassed |
antapluta | mfn. pronounced with prolation of the last syllable,  |
anudruta | mfn. followed, pursued  |
anudruta | mfn. having followed or pursued  |
anudruta | mfn. accompanied  |
anudruta | n. a measure of time in music (half a druta-, or one-fourth of a mātrā- or of the time taken to articulate a short vowel).  |
anupapluta | mfn. not overwhelmed (with calamity).  |
anuruta | mfn. resounding with  |
anuśruta | mfn. handed down by Vedic tradition.  |
aṇutaila | n. Name of a medical oil.  |
anutakṣ | (imperfect tense 2. plural -/atakṣata-) to create or procure for the help of (dative case)  |
anutamām | (superl.) ind. most  |
anutan | to extend along, to carry on, continue, develop.  |
anutap | to heat ; to vex, annoy : Passive voice -tapy/ate- (rarely -tapyati-[ ]) , to suffer afterwards, repent ; to desiderate, miss: Causal -tāpayati-, to distress.  |
anutapta | mfn. heated  |
anutapta | mfn. filled with regret  |
anutaptā | f. Name of a river  |
aṇutara | mfn. very fine or minute, gentle.  |
anutara | See anu-tṝ- below.  |
anutara | n. fare, freight  |
anutark | to follow in thought, to regard as or take for.  |
anutarṣa | m. thirst, wish, desire , a drinking vessel (used for drinking spirituous liquors)  |
anutarṣa | m. "thirst"and"an intoxicating drink", .  |
anutarṣaṇa | n. a vessel from which spirituous liquor is drunk  |
anutarṣaṇa | n. distributing liquor  |
anutarṣula | mfn. causing desire  |
anutaṭam | ind. along the shore  |
apahnuta | mfn. concealed, denied.  |
āpastambaśrauta | n. Name of work by āpastamba- and his school.  |
apiṣṭuta | mfn. ( stu-), praised  |
āpluta | mfn. one who has bathed (himself), bathed  |
āpluta | mfn. wetted, sprinkled, overflowed etc.  |
āpluta | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (used figuratively) overrun  |
āpluta | mfn. afflicted, distressed (vyasanā-)  |
āpluta | mfn. one who has sprung or jumped near  |
āpluta | m. (equals ā-plava-vratin-), an initiated householder  |
āpluta | n. bathing  |
āpluta | n. jumping, springing towards  |
āplutavratin | m. equals ā-plava-vratin- q.v  |
apracyuta | mfn. unmoved  |
apracyuta | mfn. (with ablative) not fallen or deviating from, observing, following  |
aprastuta | mfn. unconnected with, irrelevant, unsuitable to the time or subject  |
aprastuta | mfn. not principal, not being the chief subject-matter  |
aprastuta | mfn. indirect, accidental or extraneous  |
aprastuta | mfn. not laudable  |
aprastutapraśaṃsā | f. "conveying the subject-matter by that which is not the subject-matter", (in rhetoric) implied or indirect expression.  |
aprastutastuti | f. "conveying the subject-matter by that which is not the subject-matter", (in rhetoric) implied or indirect expression.  |
apratiṣkuta | mfn. not to be kept off, unrestrainable  |
aprayuta | mfn. idem or 'mfn. attentive '  |
apyuta | equals api+uta- q.v  |
ardhaśruta | mfn. half heard  |
arinuta | mfn. praised even by enemies  |
ariṣṭuta | mfn. ( stu-), praised with zeal (indra-)  |
arkasuta | m. (equals -tanaya- q.v) Name of karṇa-  |
arśorogayuta | mfn. afflicted with hemorrhoids.  |
āruta | n. cry, crying  |
arutahanu | mfn. one whose cheeks or jaws are not broken  |
āryasuta | (equals -putra-) mfn. a husband  |
asamāyuta | mfn. unconnected  |
asaṃstuta | mfn. idem or 'mfn. unknown, unacquainted, not on terms of friendship (varia lectio)'  |
asaṃyuta | mfn. not combined, unmixed  |
asaṃyuta | mfn. not put together (as the hands)  |
asaṃyuta | m. a Name of viṣṇu-  |
asatīsuta | m. the son of an unchaste wife  |
aśruparipluta | mfn. bathed in tears.  |
aśruta | mfn. unheard  |
aśruta | mfn. not heard from the teacher, not taught  |
aśruta | mfn. (hence) contrary to the veda-s  |
aśruta | mfn. untaught, not learned  |
aśruta | m. Name of a son of kṛṣṇa-,  |
aśruta | m. of a son of dyutimat-  |
asruta | mfn. "inexhaustible" varia lectio for /a-stṛta-, q.v  |
asruta | mfn. imperishable,  |
āśruta | mfn. listened to, heard  |
āśruta | mfn. audible  |
āśruta | mfn. promised, agreed  |
āśruta | n. a calling (at ritesSee ā-śrāvaṇa-)  |
aśrutavat | ind. as if it were not heard  |
aśrutavraṇa | m. Name of a son of dyutimat-  |
astuta | mfn. not praised (by a hymn)  |
astuta | mfn. not recited (as a hymn)  |
astuta | mfn. not liked, not popular  |
asuta | mfn. (3. su-), not pressed out, not ready (as the soma- juice)  |
āsuta | n. a manner of pressing the soma-  |
āsuta | n. a mixture  |
asutara | mfn. ( tṛ-), not to be easily passed  |
aśvapluta | n. a horse's leap,  |
aśvinīsutau | m. dual number the twin sons of aśvinī-  |
aśvisuta | m. dual number the two sons of the aśvin-s (nakula- and saha-deva-),  |
atimāruta | mfn. very windy  |
atimāruta | m. a hurricane  |
atisruta | mfn. that which has been flowing over (Name of soma-)  |
atyadbhuta | mfn. very wonderful  |
atyadbhuta | m. Name of the indra- in the ninth manvantara-  |
atyadbhuta | n. a great wonder.  |
autaṅka | varia lectio for auttaṅka- below.  |
autathya | m. a descendant of utathya-, Name of dīrghatamas- (see aucathy/a-above) .  |
autathyeśvara | n. Name of a liṅga-.  |
avakṣuta | mfn. sneezed upon  |
avanisuta | m. equals -ja- above  |
avapluta | mfn. plunged into  |
avapluta | mfn. jumped down from etc.  |
avapluta | mfn. gone away from, departed from  |
avapluta | n. jumping down  |
avaprasnuta | mfn. wetted by the fluid excretion (of a bird)  |
avaprasruta | mfn. wetted by the fluid excretion (of a bird)  |
avasruta | mfn. run or dropped down  |
avicyuta | mfn. not lost, inadmissible  |
avicyuta | mfn. without deviation or mistake  |
avihruta | mfn. unbent, unbroken  |
avipluta | mfn. unviolated, observed without deviation etc.  |
avipluta | mfn. undeviating, steadily observing (the vow of chastity)  |
aviplutamanobuddhi | mfn. idem or 'mfn. whose mind is not deviating '  |
aviplutamati | mfn. whose mind is not deviating  |
ayuta | mfn. (1. yu-), unimpeded  |
ayuta | mfn. Name of a son of rādhika-  |
ayuta | n. ([ as- m.only ]),"unjoined, unbounded", ten thousand, a myriad  |
ayuta | n. in compound a term of praise (See ayutādhyāpaka-), (gaRa kāṣṭhādi- q.v)  |
āyuta | mfn. melted, mixed, mingled  |
āyuta | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' combined with  |
āyuta | n. (/ā-yutam-) half-melted butter  |
ayutadhā | ind. ten thousand fold,  |
ayutadhāra | mfn. possessing ten thousand streams, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
ayutahoma | m. Name of a sacrifice  |
ayutajit | m. varia lectio for ayutā-jit- below.  |
ayutanāyin | m. Name of a king  |
ayutaśas | ind. by myriads  |
ayutasiddha | mfn. (in philosophy) proved to be not separated (by the intervention of space), proved to be essentially united (as organic bodies, etc.)  |
ayutasiddhi | f. establishing by proof that certain objects or ideas are essentially united and logically inseparable.  |
bābhravadānacyuta | (b/ābhr-) m. plural gaRa kārta-kaujapa-.  |
baḍiśayuta | mfn. joined to or fastened on a hook  |
bāhucyuta | (bāh/u--) mfn. fallen from the arm, dropped out of the hand  |
bahudantīsuta | m. "the son of bahu-dantī-", Name of an author (varia lectio valgndantī-sukha-).  |
bahuśruta | mfn. one who has studied much, very learned, well versed in the veda-s etc.  |
bahuśruta | m. Name of a minister  |
bahusuta | mfn. having a large progeny or after-growth  |
bahutalavaśā | f. Iris Pseudacorus  |
bahutama | mfn. very many, most, most numerous etc.  |
bahutama | mfn. farthest, remotest (exempli gratia, 'for example' ā bahutamāt puruṣāt-,as far as the remotest descendant)  |
bahutanaya | mfn. one who has many sons  |
bahutantrī | mfn. (Nominal verb īs-) many-fibred (said only of the body ).  |
bahutantrīka | mf(ā-)n. (fr. bahu-+ tantrī-) having many strings (as a musical instrument)  |
bahutara | mf(ā-or ī-)n. more (or most) abundant or numerous etc.  |
bahutara | mf(ā-or ī-)n. greater or very great etc.  |
bahutaraka | mfn. very -much or numerous  |
bahutarakaṇiśa | m. a kind of corn or grain (see gucchakaṇiśa-).  |
bahutaram | ind. more, very or too much, for the greater part, chiefly  |
bahutarām | ind. in a high degree, exceedingly, much,  |
bāhutaraṇa | n. crossing a river (with the arm, id est by swimming)  |
bahutas | ind. from or by much or many  |
bahutas | ind. from many sides  |
bahutaya | mfn. manifold, various  |
balayuta | mfn. endowed with strength, powerful  |
baliniyamanodyuta | mfn. prepared to subdue bali-  |
bāṣpāpluta | mfn. idem or 'mfn. dimmed or interrupted by tears '  |
baudhāyanaśrautaprayogasāra | m. Name of work  |
bhadrasuta | m. equals bhadrātmaja-  |
bhaginīsuta | m. a sister's son  |
bhāryāsauśruta | m. a sauśruta- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) ruled by his wife  |
bhasmanihuta | mfn. bhasman |
bhauta | mf(ī-)n. (fr. bhūta-) relating to living beings, meant for them (as a sacrifice)  |
bhauta | mf(ī-)n. (also ta-ka-) relating to or possessed by evil spirits or demons, crazy, mad, an idiot  |
bhauta | mf(ī-)n. formed of the element, material  |
bhauta | m. equals devalaka-  |
bhauta | n. a multitude of bhūta-s  |
bhautaprāya | mfn. like an idiot, deranged, imbecile  |
bhautatulya | mfn. like an idiot, deranged, imbecile  |
bhayadruta | mfn. fled or fleeing through fear  |
bhayavipluta | mfn. panic-struck  |
bhikṣutattva | n. Name of work  |
bhṛgusuta | m. " bhṛgu-'s son", the planet Venus  |
bhṛgusuta | m. Name of paraśu-rāma-  |
bhṛgutanaya | ( ) m. "son of bhṛgu-", the planet Venus.  |
bhṛśasaṃyuta | mfn. very much engaged in (instrumental case)  |
bhūmisuta | m. "earth-son", the planet Mars  |
bhūpasuta | m. equals -putra-  |
bhūsuta | m. "earth son", the planet Mars  |
bhuvanādbhuta | mfn. astonishing the world  |
bindutantra | m. a die, dice  |
bindutantra | mn. a kind of chess-board  |
bindutantra | mn. a playing-ball  |
bodhāyanaśrauta | n. Name of work  |
brahmahuta | n. "offering to brahmā- or the Brahmans", hospitality (see brāhmya-huta-).  |
brahmāhuta | mfn. one to whom oblations of prayer and devotion have been made  |
brahmasuta | m. " brahmā-'s son", Name of the ketu- brahmadaṇḍa-  |
brāhmyahuta | n. equals myaṃ hutam-,  |
bṛhaspatisuta | (b/ṛhas-p/ati--) mfn. pressed out (as soma- juice) by bṛhas-pati-  |
buddhicyuta | mfn. one who has lost his intellect  |
budhasuta | m. " bhaṭṭotpala-'s son", Name of purū-ravas- (the first king of the lunar dynasty)  |
cañcutaila | n. castor-oil  |
caṇḍamāruta | Name of work  |
candrasuta | m. equals -ja-  |
cārutama | mfn. most beloved (with dative case)  |
cārutama | mfn. most beautiful, .  |
cautapallava | mf(ī-)n. relating to a cūta- shoot (pallava-)  |
chāyāsuta | m. equals -tanaya-  |
cuta | mf(ti-). equals cūta-, the anus  |
cyuta | mfn. moved, shaken  |
cyuta | mfn. gone away from (ablative)  |
cyuta | mfn. (with ablative or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') deviated from (literally [ ] and figuratively [ ])  |
cyuta | mfn. (said of arrows) failing an aim (ablative)  |
cyuta | mfn. flying away from (ablative or in compound;said of missile weapons)  |
cyuta | mfn. expelled from, deprived of (ablative)  |
cyuta | mfn. destitute of. free of (in compound)  |
cyuta | mfn. abandoned by (in compound)  |
cyuta | mfn. disappeared, vanished  |
cyuta | mfn. come forth from, dropped from, streaming forth from (literally and figuratively,as speech from the mouth)  |
cyuta | mfn. fallen from, fallen etc.  |
cyuta | mfn. fallen from any divine existence for being re-born as a man  |
cyuta | mfn. (in astrology) standing in the  |
cyuta | mfn. sunk (morally)  |
cyuta | mfn. (in mathematics) divided  |
cyuta | mfn. see /a--, h/asta--.  |
cyuta | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' idem or 'mfn. "distilling." See mada--, madhu--.' See ghṛta--, madhu--.  |
cyutadattākṣara | mf(ā-)n. where a syllable has been dropped or added  |
cyutaka | See akṣara-mātra--.  |
cyutapathaka | m. "deviated from the path", Name of a pupil of śākyamuni-,  |
cyutasaṃskāra | mfn. offending against grammar,  |
cyutasaṃskṛti | mfn. idem or 'mfn. offending against grammar, '  |
daivayuta | mfn. favoured by fate, Var.  |
dakṣasuta | m. a son of dadhīca-, god (see -pitṛ-)  |
dakṣasuta | f. plural the Moon's wives  |
damaghoṣasuta | m. idem or 'm. "son of dakṣa-", śiśu-pāla- ' , .  |
dānacyuta | m. "one who has abandoned liberality", Name of a man (gaRa kārtakaujapādi-).  |
dārasuta | n. sg. wife and child  |
dārḍhacyuta | m. patronymic fr. dṛḍhacyuta-  |
dārḍhacyuta | n. Name of a sāman-  |
dāsīsuta | m. equals -putra-  |
dāsyāḥsuta | m. equals -putra-  |
dasyutarhaṇa | mfn. crushing the dasyu-s,  |
daureśruta | m. (fr. dūre-śruta-) patronymic of the serpent-priest timirgha-  |
dehacyuta | mfn. separated from the body (as excrement or the spirit)  |
devaśruta | m. "having divine knowledge", = lord, god(īśvara-)  |
devaśruta | m. Name of nārada-  |
devaśruta | m. (with jaina-s) , Name of 6th arhat- of future ut-sarpiṇī-  |
devaśruta | n. a sacred treatise or manual  |
dhanacyuta | mfn. fallen from wealth, poor  |
dharaṇisuta | m. metron. of the planet Mars (see -ja-).  |
dharaṇīsuta | m. metron. of aṅgiras- or the planet Mars  |
dharmasuta | m. "son of dharma-", Name of yudhiṣṭhira-  |
dhātutaraṃginī | f. Name of gram. work  |
dhauta | mfn. (2. dhāv-) washed, cleansed, purified etc.  |
dhauta | mfn. washed off, removed, destroyed (see dhūt/a-) |
dhauta | mfn. polished, bright, white, shining etc.  |
dhauta | n. idem or 'f. washing '  |
dhauta | n. silver  |
dhautabalī | f. a kind of collyrium (see tāñjanī-).  |
dhautadanta | mfn. having clean teeth  |
dhautaka | mfn. made of bleached or purified silk  |
dhautakaṭa | m. a bag of coarse cloth  |
dhautakauśeya | n. bleached or purified silk (= pattrorṇa-)  |
dhautakhaṇḍī | f. sugar-candy  |
dhautakośaja | n. bleached or purified silk (= pattrorṇa-)  |
dhautakuṣṭha | n. a kind of leprosy  |
dhautamūla | mfn. (a tree) having its roots washed by (instrumental case)  |
dhautamūlaka | m. Name of a prince of the cīna-s  |
dhautapāpman | mfn. purified from sin  |
dhautarī | f. (1. dhū- ) shaking  |
dhautaśila | n. "bright stone", rock crystal  |
dhautaya | (?) n. rock-salt (see dhauta-śila-).  |
dhuta | mfn. shaken, agitated  |
dhuta | mfn. shaken off, removed, abandoned  |
dhutaguṇa | equals dhūtag- (q.v) |
dhutapāpa | mfn. purified from sin  |
dinakṛtsuta | m. equals -karatanaya-  |
dīrghamāruta | equals -pavana-  |
ditisuta | m. idem or 'm. equals -ja- '  |
ditisutaguru | m. the planet Venus  |
divākarasuta | m. "son of the sun", the planet Saturn  |
dṛḍhacyuta | (also ḍhā-c-and dṛḷha-c-) m. Name of a son of agastya- or author of a hymn of the (see dārḍha-c-).  |
dṛśāsphutamālā | (or śā-sph-?) f. Name of work  |
dṛṣṭaśruta | mfn. seen and heard  |
druta | mfn. quick, speedy, swift  |
druta | mfn. quickly or indistinctly spoken  |
druta | mfn. flown, run away or asunder  |
druta | mfn. dissolved, melted, fluid  |
druta | m. a scorpion  |
druta | m. a tree (see druṇa-and druma-)  |
druta | n. a particular faulty pronunciation of vowels  |
drutabodha | m. "quick understanding", Name of a grammar.  |
drutabodhikā | f. Name of a modern commentator or commentary on  |
drutacaurya | n. a theft rapidly committed,  |
drutagati | mfn. going quickly, hastening  |
drutam | ind. quickly, rapidly, without delay.  |
drutamadhyā | f. "quick in the middle", a kind of metre,  |
drutameru | m. (in music) a kind of measure.  |
drutapada | n. a quick pace or step  |
drutapada | n. a form of metre  |
drutapadam | ind. quickly  |
drutatara | mfn. (Comparative degree) quicker, swifter ( drutataragati -gati- mfn.quicker in motion )  |
drutataragati | mfn. drutatara |
drutataram | ind. very quickly, as quickly as possible  |
drutatva | n. melting, softening, touching  |
drutavāhana | mfn. having swift chariots or horses  |
drutavarāhakula | n. a herd of running boars  |
drutavikrama | mfn. having a quick step  |
drutavilambita | n. "quick and slow motion alternately"  |
drutavilambita | n. a kind of metre (also-ka-)  |
drutayāna | n. swift going, running  |
duḥśruta | mfn. badly or wrongly heard  |
duḥṣṭuta | n. faulty recitation of a stotra-  |
dūreśruta | m. Name of a man (see daure--).  |
durhuta | mfn. badly offered (as sacrifice)  |
duruta | mfn. badly woven  |
duṣṭuta | (duṣṭuta-) See duḥ-ṣṭuta-  |
duṣṭuta | duṣṭuti- See duḥṣṭuti- (under duḥ-).  |
duta | mfn. pained, afflicted  |
dyauta | n. Name of several sāman-s  |
dyuta | n. Name of the 7th mansion (=) (varia lectio dyuna-,or dyūna-).  |
dyutaru | m. the tree of heaven  |
dyutat | mfn. shining  |
dyutatadyāman | mfn. having a shining path  |
ekaśrutadhara | mfn. keeping in mind what one has heard once  |
gaṇavatīsuta | m. "son of gaṇavatī-", Name of a sage and physician (also called divo-dāsa- or dhanvantari- or kāśi-rāja-)  |
gāndinīsuta | m. "son of gāndinī-", a-krūra-  |
gāndinīsuta | m. (equals gāṅgāyani-) bhīṣma-  |
gaṅgāsuta | m. (equals -ja-) Name of the deity kārttikeya-  |
gaṅgāsuta | m. of bhīṣma-  |
gānmuta | See gārm-.  |
garbhacyuta | mfn. fallen from the womb (child)  |
garbhacyuta | mfn. miscarrying  |
gārmuta | mfn. made from the bean called garm/ut-  |
gārmuta | mfn. (gānm-)  |
gārmuta | m. the bean called garm/ut-  |
gārmuta | n. a kind of honey Va1rtt. 2 (vv.ll. kārm-and kārmuka-,117 )  |
garuḍaruta | n. a metre of 4 x 16 syllables.  |
gātrayuta | mfn. large  |
gaurutalpika | m. equals gurutalpa-ga- gaRa paradārādi-.  |
gautama | mf(ī-)n. relating to gotama- (with pada-stobha- m. plural Name of a sāman-)  |
gautama | m. patronymic fr. gotama- (Name of kuśri-, uddālaka-, aruṇa- ;of śaradvat- ;of śatānanda- ;of śākya-muni-;of nodhas- and vāma-deva- ;of a teacher of ritual ;of a grammarian [with the epithet sthavira-];of a legislator ;the father of ekata-, dvita-, and trita- )  |
gautama | m. (equals got-) Name of the first pupil of the last jina- (one of the three kevalin-s)  |
gautama | m. Name of a nāga- (also maka-)  |
gautama | m. plural gautama-'s family  |
gautama | m. a kind of poison  |
gautama | n. Name of several sāman-s  |
gautama | n. fat (see bhāradvāja-,"bone")  |
gautama | n. Name of durgā-  |
gautama | n. of a rākṣasī-  |
gautama | n. of a river (equals go-dāvarī-,or go-matī-)  |
gautama | n. the bile-stone of cattle (go-rocanā-)  |
gautama | n. equals rājanī-  |
gautamaka | m. Name of a nāga- king  |
gautamanyagrodha | m. " gautama-'s nyagrodha-"Name of a fig-tree near vaiśālī-  |
gautamapṛcchā | f. equals got-.  |
gautamāraṇya | n. Name of a forest  |
gautamārdhika | mfn. belonging half to the gautama- family Va1rtt. 1 and  |
gautamasa | mfn. with arka- Name of two sāman-s.  |
gautamasa | equals ma-sa- (q.v) or fr. go-tamas-?  |
gautamasambhavā | f. the gautamī- river  |
gautamasaras | n. " gautama-'s pond", Name of a lake  |
gautamāśrama | m. Name of a hermitage  |
gautamasvāmin | m. equals got-  |
gautamavana | n. " gautama-'s grove", Name of a locality  |
gautameśa | m. Name of a liṅga-.  |
gautameśvaratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
gautamī | f. (gaRa gaurādi-and gaRa śārṅgaravādi-) a female descendant of gotama- (Name of kṛpī- ;of mahā-prajāpatī- )  |
gautami | m. patronymic fr. m/a-  |
gautamī | f. of m/a- q.v  |
gautaminandana | m. (metrically for mī-n-) metron. of aśvatthāman-  |
gautamīputra | (g/aut-) m. "son of gautamī-", Name of a teacher  |
gautamīsuta | m. equals minandana-  |
gautamītantra | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
gautamīya | mfn. belonging to or coming from gautama- etc. (f(yā-).with mitākṣarā-Name of hara-datta-'s commentator or commentary on )  |
gautamīya | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a tantra- work, .  |
gavāyuta | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
ghritāhuta | mfn. one to whom ghee is offered (agni-)  |
ghṛtapluta | mfn. sprinkled with ghee  |
girisuta | m. "mountain-son", Name of a divine being  |
girisuta | f. (gireḥ sutā- )  |
goruta | n. "as far as a cow's lowing may be heard", equals -yuta-  |
goyuta | mfn. frequented by cattle  |
goyuta | n. equals gav-yūta- (q.v)  |
gurutalpa | m. "a teacher's bed", in compound |
gurutalpa | m. the violation of a teacher's bed (intercourse with his wife)  |
gurutalpa | m. a violator of his teacher's bed  |
gurutalpābhigamana | n. idem or 'f. the violation of a teacher's bed, 107' (see gaurutalpika-.)  |
gurutalpaga | mfn. one who violates his teacher's bed etc.  |
gurutalpagāmin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. one who violates his teacher's bed etc.'  |
gurutalpāpanutti | f. the violation of a teacher's bed, 107  |
gurutalparata | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. one who violates his teacher's bed etc.' '  |
gurutalpavrata | n. penance for violating a teacher's bed  |
gurutalpin | mfn. equals lpa-ga- (varia lectio)  |
gurutama | mfn. (superl.) most important  |
gurutama | m. the best teacher  |
gurutara | mfn. heavier, very heavy  |
gurutara | mfn. heavy,  |
gurutara | mfn. greater, worse, very hard or bad etc.  |
gurutara | mfn. more important, very important or valuable  |
gurutara | mfn. more venerable  |
gurutara | mfn. very venerable  |
haṃsaruta | n. the cackling of geese  |
haṃsaruta | n. a kind of metre  |
haṇḍikāsuta | m. a small earthen pot  |
harilīlākṛṣṇakautaka | n. Name of work  |
hariṇapluta | n.  |
harisuta | m. "son of hari-", Name of arjuna-  |
harisuta | m. of the 10th cakra-vartin- (equals -ṣeṇa-)  |
hastacyuta | (h/asta--.) mfn. shaken or moved with the hand  |
hauta | vṛddhi- form of huta- in compound  |
hautabhuja | mfn. (fr. huta-bhuj-) relating or belonging to or presided over by agni-  |
hautabhuja | n. the nakṣatra- kṛttikā-  |
hautabhuja | hautra-, haumīya- etc. See column 2.  |
himavatsuta | m. "son of the himālaya-", the mountain maināka-  |
hiraṇyakeśiśrautasūtra | n. Name of work  |
hnuta | mfn. taken away, withheld, secreted etc. (See apa--, ni-hnuta-etc.)  |
hruta | mfn. crooked ("ill"Scholiast or Commentator)  |
huṣṭuta | m. a sword with irregular longitudinal white marks  |
huta | mfn. offered in fire, poured out (as clarified butter), burnt (as an oblation), sacrificed etc.  |
huta | mfn. sacrificed to, one to whom an oblation is offered (if not for hūta-[ see ] , as sometimes in abhi--, ā--, sam-ā-huta-,qq. vv.) etc.  |
huta | m. Name of śiva-  |
huta | n. an oblation, offering, sacrifice  |
huta | (for hūta-?) . See .  |
hutabhāga | (hut/a--) mfn. partaking of or entitled to an oblation  |
hutabhakṣa | m. "eating the oblation", Name of agni- or fire  |
hutabhojana | ( ) m. equals -bhakṣa-.  |
hutabhoktṛ | ( ) m. equals -bhakṣa-.  |
hutabhugdiś | f. hutabhuj |
hutabhuj | m. "oblation-eater", fire etc. ( hutabhukpriyā bhuk-priyā- f." agni-'s wife" ; hutabhugdiś bhug-diś- f." agni-'s quarter" id est the south-east )  |
hutabhuj | m. Plumbago Ceylanica  |
hutabhuj | m. Name of a particular star (Tauri)  |
hutabhukpriyā | f. hutabhuj |
hutahavyavaha | m. Name of a son of dhara-  |
hutahoma | m. one who has offered oblation  |
hutajātavedas | mfn. one who has made an oblation to fire  |
hutasaṃvikta | m. (according to to some) one who has sacrificed his individuality or blended it with the Universal Soul (See saṃvitka-)  |
hutāśasuta | m. plural " agni-'s sons", Name of particular ketu-s  |
hutaśeṣa | m. equals -śiṣṭa-  |
hutaśiṣṭa | n. remnant of an oblation  |
hutaśiṣṭāśana | mfn. feeding on the remnant of an oblation  |
hutāthuta | (?) mfn. sacrificed and (or) not sacrificed  |
hutavaha | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) "oblation-bearer", agni- or fire etc.  |
hutavahajvālāsama | mfn. like flames of fire  |
hutavahāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to be or act like fire  |
indrasuta | m. "son of indra-", Name of the monkey-king vālin-  |
indrasuta | m. of arjuna-  |
indrasuta | m. of jayanta-  |
indusuta | m. Name of the planet Mercury.  |
jahnutanayā | f. idem or 'f. (hnoḥ k- )'  |
jalabhauta | mfn. one who is infatuated or silly in regard to water,  |
jambhasuta | (j/ambh-) mfn. pressed with the jaws, chewed  |
janapadāyuta | mfn. crowded with people  |
janaśruta | m. "known among men", Name of a man  |
janaśruta | f. see jānaśruti-.  |
jhañjhāmāruta | m. idem or 'm. idem or '(jhān-) m. wind with rain, high wind in the rainy season ' '  |
jīvasuta | mf(ā-)n. equals -praja-  |
kadrusuta | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. "kadru-'s son", a serpent ' '  |
kaladhauta | n. gold and silver etc.  |
kaladhauta | mn. a low or pleasing tone  |
kaladhauta | mfn. golden  |
kaladhautalipi | f. (?) a streak of gold, illumination of a manuscript with gold  |
kaladhautamaya | mfn. golden  |
kalaśīsuta | m. Name of agastya-  |
kālayuta | ( ), mfn. fit for the (present) time, seasonable  |
kāmadhenutantra | n. Name of work on the mystical signification of the letters of the alphabet.  |
kāmasuta | m. aniruddha- (the son of kāma-deva-)  |
kāṇelīsuta | m. a bastard(= lī-- mātṛ-),  |
kareṇusuta | m. equals -bhū- above.  |
karṇīsuta | m. Name of kaṃsa-  |
karṇīsuta | m. of the author of a thieves' manual  |
kāryacyuta | mfn. removed from office, out of work.  |
kaṭutaila | m. white mustard  |
kauta | varia lectio for koḍya- q.v  |
kautapa | mfn. fr. ku-tapa- gaRa jyotsnādi-.  |
kautaskuta | mfn. fr. kutaḥ kutaḥ- gaRa kaskādi-.  |
kautasta | m. patronymic fr. kutasta- |
kesarisuta | m. "son of kesarin-", Name of hanumat-  |
khalutas | ind. (equals khalu-) certainly  |
kharāṃśutanaya | m. "son of the sun", the planet Saturn.  |
khaṭvāpluta | (vāp-) mfn. "mounted on a bed", low, vile, iniquitous ("silly, stupid" )  |
kīrtiyuta | mfn. famous  |
koṅkaṇāsuta | m. "son of koṅkaṇā-", Name of paraśu-rāma-  |
kṛpīsuta | m. idem or 'm. "son of kṛpī-", Name of aśvatthāman- '  |
kṛtīsuta | m. "the son of kṛtī- (= kṛti-)", Name of ruci-parvan-  |
kṛttikāsuta | m. "son of the kṛttikā-s", Name of skanda- or kārttikeya- (the nymphs called kṛttikā-s being his foster-mothers)  |
kṣitisuta | m. (equals -ja-) the planet Mars  |
kṣitisuta | m. Name of the demon naraka-  |
kṣṇuta | mfn. whetted, sharpened  |
kṣuta | mfn. one who has sneezed  |
kṣuta | mfn. (equals ava-kṣ-) sneezed upon  |
kṣuta | mfn. for kṣṇuta- (sharp)  |
kṣuta | m. black mustard  |
kṣuta | n. (also as-, ā- mf(ā-). ) sneezing  |
kṣutaka | m. black mustard  |
kṣutavat | mfn. (perf. p. P.) one who has sneezed  |
kulacyuta | mfn. expelled from a family.  |
kulmāṣābhiṣuta | n. sour gruel  |
kuntīsuta | m. a son of kuntī-.  |
kupyadhauta | n. silver  |
kuruta | ? gaRa hasty-ādi- (varia lectio)  |
kurutapāda | mfn. gaRa hasty-ādi- varia lectio  |
kuśruta | mfn. indistinctly heard  |
kuśruta | mfn. ignorant in (in compound)  |
kuśruta | n. a bad rumour (= )  |
kuśruta | etc. See 1. ku-.  |
kusuta | m. (equals -ja-) the planet Mars commentator or commentary on  |
kusuta | See 2. ku-.  |
kuta | m. Name of one of the eighteen attendants of the sun (identified with the god of the ocean)  |
kutanaya | m. a degenerate son |
kutanaya | See 1. ku-.  |
kutantrī | f. tail  |
kutanu | m. "deformed", Name of kubera- (this deity being of a monstrous appearance, having three legs and but eight teeth)  |
kutanu | etc. See  |
kutapa | mfn. slightly hot  |
kutapa | mn. (gaRa ardharcādi-) a sort of blanket (made of the hair of the mountain goat)  |
kutapa | m. the kuśa- grass (Poa cynosuroides)  |
kutapa | m. the eighth muhūrta- or portion of the day from the last daṇḍa- of the second watch to the first of the third or about noon (an eligible time for the performance of sacrifices to the Manes)  |
kutapa | m. grain  |
kutapa | m. a daughter's son  |
kutapa | m. a sister's son  |
kutapa | m. a twice-born man (one of the first three classes)  |
kutapa | m. a Brahman  |
kutapa | m. a guest  |
kutapa | m. the sun  |
kutapa | m. fire  |
kutapa | m. an ox  |
kutapa | m. a kind of musical instrument  |
kutapa | etc. See  |
kutapahāra | m. a particular implement, (probably) a sickle,  |
kutapasaptaka | n. a śrāddha- in which seven constituents occur (viz. noon, a horn platter, a Nepal blanket, silver, sacrificial grass, Sesamum, and kine)  |
kutapasauśruta | m. Name of a man gaRa pārthivādi-.  |
kutapasvin | m. a wicked or bad ascetic  |
kutapavinyāsa | m. arranging musical instruments and musicians,  |
kutarka | m. fallacious argument, sophistry  |
kutarka | m. a bad logician  |
kutarkapatha | m. "the way of sophists", a sophistical method of arguing  |
kutas | ind. (fr. 1. ku-), from whom? (for the ablative case of 2. k/a-)  |
kutas | ind. (kutaḥ kālāt-,since what time? )  |
kutas | ind. from where? whence? etc.  |
kutas | ind. whereto? in which direction?  |
kutas | ind. (ā kutas-,up to where? )  |
kutas | ind. where?  |
kutas | ind. wherefore? why? from what cause or motive? because etc. (often in dramas before verses giving the reason of what precedes)  |
kutas | ind. how? in what manner? etc.  |
kutas | ind. how much less? much less etc. In a-kutas-, which occurs in compound , kutas- has an indefinite sense (exempli gratia, 'for example' a-kuto-mṛtyu-,not fearing death from any quarter ; see a-kutobhaya-)  |
kutas | ind. kutas- is also indefinite when connected with the particles api-, cid-, cana- (exempli gratia, 'for example' kuto 'pi-,from any quarter, from any cause ; kuto 'pi kāraṇāt-,from any cause ; kutaś-cid-,from any one, from anywhere etc.(see akutaścid-bhaya-); kutaś cana-,(with a negation preceding) from no side etc.;to no side ; yataḥ kutaś-cid-from any person soever commentator or commentary on )  |
kutasta | m. (for tas-tya-?) , Name of a man commentator or commentary on (see kautasta-.)  |
kutastama | mfn. coming from whence, id est not possible,  |
kutastarām | ind. how? in what manner?  |
kutastya | mfn. coming from where?  |
kutastya | mfn. (with api-) of unknown origin  |
laghutara | mfn. more quick, lighter, easier etc. (= laghīyas-)  |
lallavārāhasuta | m. Name of an astronomer  |
latāśaṅkutaru | m. Shorea Robusta (correctly latā-taru-and śaṅku-t-).  |
lāṭyāyanaśrautasūtra | n. the śrauta-sūtra- of lāṭyāyana-.  |
lokaviśruta | mfn. universally celebrated, famous  |
madacyuta | (m/ada-.). mfn. staggering or reeling with intoxication  |
madhucyuta | mf(ā-)n. ( ) dropping sweets or honey.  |
madhūdyuta | mfn. mixed with honey  |
madhupluta | mfn. swimming with honey, mixed with honey  |
madhuścyuta | mfn. equals -śc/ut-  |
mādhutailika | mfn. (fr. madhu-+ taila-) prepared from honey and oil  |
madhutaru | m. ( commentator or commentary) ( ) sugar-cane.  |
mādravatīsuta | m. metron. of saha-deva- and nakula-  |
mahādbhuta | mfn. (hād-) very wonderful  |
mahādbhuta | n. a great marvel  |
mahādbhuta | n. Name of the 72nd pariśiṣṭa- of the  |
mahāniyuta | n. a particular high number  |
mahāprasuta | m. or n. (?) a particular high number  |
mahāyuta | (hāy-) m. or n. (?) a particular high number  |
mahīsuta | m. "son of the earth", the planet Mars,  |
mallikāmāruta | n. Name of a drama.  |
māṃsadhauta | mfn. cleaned with flesh id est with the hand  |
mānavaśrautasūtra | n. Name of one of the sūtra- works attributed to manu- (q.v)  |
mandodarīsuta | m. " maya-'s son", Name of indra-jit  |
maṇḍūkapluta | n. (prob.) equals -pluti-  |
maṇḍūkaplutasādhana | n. Name of work  |
mañjutara | mfn. more or most lovely or charming  |
mantrisuta | m. equals -putra-  |
mānutantavya | m. (fr. manu-tantu-) patronymic of aikādaśākṣa-  |
manutantu | m. Name of a man  |
manyutas | ind. from anger, in a rage  |
maruta | m. wind  |
maruta | m. a god  |
maruta | m. Bignonia Suaveolens  |
maruta | m. Name of various men  |
maruta | (probably) the god of war, .  |
māruta | mf(ī-)n. or mārut/a- (fr. marut-) relating or belonging to the marut-s, proceeding from or consisting of the marut-s etc.  |
māruta | mf(ī-)n. relating to or derived from the wind, windy, aerial etc.  |
māruta | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
māruta | m. of rudra-  |
māruta | m. a son of the marut-s (applied to vāyu-, ūrdhva-nabhas-, dyutāna- or nitāna-)  |
māruta | m. (equals marut-) wind, air, the god of wind etc.  |
māruta | m. vital air, one of the 3 humours of the body  |
māruta | m. breath  |
māruta | m. a chief of the marut-s gaRa parśv-ādi-  |
māruta | m. Name of a marut-  |
māruta | m. of agni-  |
māruta | m. plural the marut-s (regarded as children of diti-)  |
māruta | m. Name of a people (Bombay edition; Calcutta edition maḍaka-)  |
māruta | n. (scilicet ṛkska-or nakṣatra-) the constellation svāti-  |
māruta | n. Name of a sāman-  |
mārutakopana | mfn. disturbing the wind (of the body), (see vāta-k-).  |
mārutamaṇḍana | n. Name of work  |
mārutamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting or having the essence of wind  |
mārutantavya | wrong reading for mānvtantavya- q.v  |
mārutapūrṇarandhra | mfn. having cavities filled with wind (said of reeds)  |
mārutaroga | m. Name of a particular disease (equals vātar-)  |
mārutasūnu | ( ) m. "son of the wind", Name of hanumat-.  |
mārutasuta | (A.) m. "son of the wind", Name of hanumat-.  |
mārutavrata | n. "the having wind-like duties", penetrating everywhere (as a king by means of spies) (see ) .  |
marutsuta | m. ( ) "son of the Wind", Name of hanumat-  |
marutsuta | m. of bhīma-  |
mātrācyutaka | (prob.) n. "dropping of morae,"Name of a game (in which the dropped morae are to be supplied)  |
maṭutacaṇḍī | f. Name of a rākṣasī-  |
māyādevīsuta | m. "son of māyādevī-", Name of gautama- buddha-  |
māyāsuta | m. "son of māyā-", Name of gautama- buddha-  |
merutantra | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
mīramīrāsuta | m. mīramīrā |
mṛdutaruṇahustapādatalatā | f. having the palms and soles of the feet soft and tender (one of the 32 signs of perfection)  |
mṛtyusaṃyuta | (mṛty/u-.) mfn. connected with death, subject to disease  |
mṛtyusuta | m. "death's son", Name of a class of comets  |
mudāyuta | mfn. idem or ' mfn. idem or '(dānv-) mfn. filled with joy, pleased, delighted ' '  |
mukhamāruta | m. "mouth wind", breath  |
mūlakādisuta | mn. and f(ā-). gruel made of the root of mūlaka-  |
munisuta | m. equals -putra-  |
mūrchāparipluta | mfn. overcome with faintness, insensible  |
mutava | m. or n. (?) a species of grass  |
nabhaścyuta | mfn. fallen from the sky  |
naiguta | m. destroyer of enemies (or of nigut-)  |
nakutaścid | ind. from nowhere, in nakutaścidbhaya -bhaya- mfn. equals a-kutaścid-bh-  |
nakutaścidbhaya | mfn. nakutaścid |
nandasuta | m. equals -kumāra-  |
nandinīsuta | m. equals -tanaya-  |
nātidrutam | ind. not too quick  |
naṭīsuta | m. the son of a dancing girl  |
nautana | mfn. (fr. and) equals nūtana-  |
nayuta | m. plural a myriad (see a-y-).  |
nihnuta | mfn. denied, disowned, concealed, hidden, secreted, given out for something else  |
niḥsruta | mfn. flowed out or off  |
niḥsruta | mfn. passed away (time)  |
niḥsvībhuta | mfn. idem or 'mfn. (svī-in compound for -sva-) deprived of one's property, impoverished '  |
nimnagāsuta | m. "river-born", Name of bhīṣma-  |
nirdhauta | (2. dhāv-), washed off, cleansed, purified, polished, bright  |
nirhuta | mfn. completely sacrificed,  |
niruta | mfn. ( ve-)  |
nisruta | (or niḥ-sr-?) mfn. flowed down or out  |
niṣuta | mfn. (3. su-) laid or thrown into  |
niyuta | mfn. (n/i--) fixed, fastened  |
niyuta | m. or n. a very high number, generally a million  |
niyuta | See under ni-yu-, column 2  |
nṛpasuta | m. a king's son, prince  |
nuta | mfn. praised, commended  |
nutamitra | m. "having praised friends", Name of a man  |
padacyuta | mfn. fallen from a position, dismissed from office  |
pāṇḍutaru | m. Anogeissus Latifolia  |
pārayiṣṇutama | mfn. pārayiṣṇu |
paricyuta | mfn. fallen or descended from (ablative)  |
paricyuta | mfn. fallen from heaven (to be born as a man)  |
paricyuta | mfn. swerved or deviated from (ablative)  |
paricyuta | mfn. deprived or rid of (ablative)  |
paricyuta | mfn. ruined, lost, miserable (opp. to sam-ṛddha-)  |
paricyuta | mfn. streaming with (instrumental case)  |
parihṇuta | mfn. ( hnu-) denied, refused  |
pariṇuta | mfn. (4. nu-) praised, celebrated  |
paripluta | mfn. bathed, one who has bathed in (locative case or compound)  |
paripluta | mfn. flooded, immersed, overwhelmed or visited by (instrumental case or compound) etc.  |
paripluta | n. a spring, jump  |
pariśruta | mfn. heard, learnt  |
pariśruta | mfn. known as, passing for (Nominal verb)  |
pariśruta | mfn. famous, celebrated  |
pariśruta | mfn. wrong reading for prati-ś-  |
pariśruta | m. Name of an attendant of skanda-  |
parisruta | mfn. flowed or streamed round, trickled, oozed  |
pariṣṭuta | mfn. praised, sung  |
pariyuta | mfn. clasping, embracing  |
paryāpluta | mfn. surrounded, encircled  |
paryavadātaśruta | mfn. perfectly skilled in art ( paryavadātaśrutatā -tā- f.)  |
paryavadātaśrutatā | f. paryavadātaśruta |
paryāyacyuta | mfn. one who has lost his turn, superseded, supplanted  |
paryuta | mfn. enclosed or set with  |
paryuta | See pari-ve-, p.601.  |
paścānmāruta | m. a wind blowing from behind (opp. to puro-m-)  |
paścātpuromāruta | m. dual number east and west wind  |
paśuśrautasūtra | n. Name of work  |
paśutantra | n. equals -kalpa-  |
paśutas | ind. = ablative of paśu-, cattle  |
paṭīramāruta | m. wind that comes from sandal trees or is produced by fanning with a kind of sieve  |
patsutaḥśī | mfn. lying at the feet  |
patsutas | ind. (from locative case of 3. pad-+ tas-) at the feet  |
paṭutara | mfn. more or very sharp or clever etc. ( paṭutaram am- ind.)  |
paṭutaragir | mfn. having a shriller voice  |
paṭutaram | ind. paṭutara |
paṭutaravanadāha | m. a raging forest-fire,  |
paṭutaraviveka | mfn. of keen understanding  |
pautakrata | m. metron. fr. pūtakratā-  |
pautana | m. (fr. pūtanā-?) Name of a country or people (Scholiast or Commentator equals mathurā-pradeśa-).  |
pautanya | n. (fr. pūtanā-)  |
pautarīya | mfn. (fr. pūtara-),  |
pautava | n. a kind of measure (see potu-).  |
pāvakasuta | m. patronymic of su-darśana-  |
pītamāruta | m. a kind of snake  |
pluta | mfn. floated, floating or swimming in (locative case), bathed, overflowed, submerged, covered or filled with (instrumental case or compound) etc.  |
pluta | mfn. protracted, prolated or lengthened (as a vowel) to 3 mātrā-s (q.v) etc. (also said of a kind of measure ) |
pluta | mfn. flown  |
pluta | mfn. leaped, leaping  |
pluta | n. a flood, deluge (plural)  |
pluta | n. leaping, moving by leaps  |
pluta | n. capering (one of a horse's paces)  |
plutagati | f. moving by leaps  |
plutagati | m. a hare  |
plutameru | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
plutatva | n. See udagra-pluta-tva-.  |
plutavat | mfn. one who has leaped or jumped  |
pracyuta | (pr/a--) mfn. routed, put to flight expelled, banished, retreated  |
pracyuta | (pr/a--) mfn. streamed forth or issued from (ablative) etc.  |
pracyuta | (pr/a--) mfn. fallen from (literally and figuratively), swerved from, deprived of (ablative or compound) etc.  |
pracyuta | (pr/a--) mfn. subtracted  |
pracyutatva | (pr/a--) n. deviation, retreat  |
pradruta | mfn. run away, fled, departed  |
prāgghuta | n. ( ) (prāg-homa- commentator or commentary) a previous oblation.  |
prahuta | mfn. offered up etc.  |
prahuta | m. (scilicet yajña-) sacrificial food offered to all created beings (n. )  |
praiṣyasaṃyuta | mfn. implying servitude, .  |
prākprastuta | mfn. mentioned before,  |
pramāṇabhuta | m. "authoritative", Name of śiva- (see -jña-).  |
prāṇayuta | mfn. endowed with life, living, alive  |
praṇuta | mfn. praised, celebrated, lauded  |
prapluta | (pr/a--) mfn. dipped in water  |
prasarayuta | mfn. possessing extension, extensive (as a forest)  |
prasnuta | mfn. yielding milk etc.  |
prasnutastanī | f. having breasts that distil milk (through excess of maternal love)  |
prasruta | mfn. flowed forth, oozed out, issued  |
prasruta | mfn. discharging fluid, humid, moist, wet  |
prastuta | mfn. praised  |
prastuta | mfn. proposed, propounded, mentioned, introduced as a topic or subject under discussion, in question etc.  |
prastuta | mfn. commenced, begun  |
prastuta | mfn. (with infinitive mood,one who has commenced or begun )  |
prastuta | mfn. ready, prepared  |
prastuta | mfn. happened  |
prastuta | mfn. made or consisting of  |
prastuta | mfn. approached, proximate  |
prastuta | mfn. done with effort or energy  |
prastuta | n. beginning, undertaking  |
prastuta | n. (in rhetoric) the chief subject-matter, that which is the subject of any statement or comparison (equals upameya-; see , and tāṅkura-)  |
prastutatva | n. the being a topic under discussion  |
prastutayajña | mfn. prepared for a sacrifice  |
prasuśruta | m. Name of a prince (son of maru-) (see pra-śuśruka-).  |
prasuta | mfn. (pr/a--) pressed or pressing continuously  |
prasuta | m. the soma- so pressed  |
prasuta | n. continued pressing of soma-  |
prasuta | m. or n. a particular high number (See mahā-pr-).  |
prātarhuta | n. early sacrifice  |
prathamapluta | mfn. leapt off first  |
pratikṣuta | n. ( kṣu-) sneezing, wheezing  |
pratiruta | mfn. answered by crying or calling  |
pratiṣkuta | See /a-prati-ṣkuta-.  |
pratiśruta | mfn. heard  |
pratiśruta | mfn. promised (also in marriage), assented, agreed, accepted (te-,"the promise having been made") etc.  |
pratiśruta | mfn. echoing. resounding  |
pratiśruta | m. Name of a son of ānakadundubhi-  |
pratiśruta | n. a promise, engagement (See above) .  |
pratiyuta | mfn. tied to, bound, fettered  |
pratyanutap | Passive voice -tapyate-, to feel subsequent remorse, repent, regret  |
pratyāśruta | ( ) n. idem or '( ) n. idem or 'n. ( ) the ejaculatory response (a particular sacrificial formula).' '  |
pratyuta | See p.677.  |
pratyuta | ind. on the contrary, rather, even (see 2. ut/a-).  |
pravidruta | mfn. ( dru-) running or flowing asunder, scattered, dispersed  |
praviyuta | mfn. (2. yu-) completely filled, crammed  |
pravutavya | n. (impersonal or used impersonally) it is to be set out on a journey  |
prāyaścittaśrautasūtra | n. Name of work |
prayuta | mfn. (pr/a--) absent in mind, inattentive, heedless, careless (see a-pray-)  |
prayuta | n. (pra-y/uta-) (alsom. ) a million (see 2. ay/uta-).  |
prayuta | mfn. (pr/a--) mingled with (instrumental case) |
prayuta | mfn. confused (as a dream) |
prayuta | mfn. destroyed, annihilated |
prayuta | m. Name of a deva-gandharva- |
priyamedhastuta | mfn. (priy/a-m-) praised by priya- (according to to equals priya-yajñair ṛṣibhiḥ stutaḥ-).  |
pṛthāsuta | m. "son of pāṇḍu-", Name of arjuna-  |
pṛthutama | mfn. broadest, widest, largest, greatest  |
pṛthutara | mfn. broader, wider, larger, greater  |
pṛthutarīkṛ | to open (the eyes) wider  |
punarādhānaśrautasūsra | n. Name of work  |
puromāruta | m. a wind blowing from before or in front, east wind (opp. to paścān.m-)  |
puruhuta | m. Name of a prince  |
puruṣṭuta | mfn. highly lauded, praised by many  |
puruṣṭuta | m. Name of śiva-  |
purutama | (purū--) mfn. very much or many, abundant, frequent, ever-recurring  |
puruviśruta | m. "much renowned", Name of a son of vasu-deva-  |
puta | m. (dual number) the buttocks  |
puta | m. a kind of metre (prob. wrong reading for puṭa- see śrī-puṭa-).  |
putrikāsuta | m. a daughter's son, a grandson  |
rādhāsuta | m. equals -tanaya-  |
raghusuta | m. " raghu-'s son" patronymic of rāma-  |
raghutanaya | m. "son of raghu-", Name of rāma-  |
rāhusuta | m. plural " rāhu-'s sons", Name of particular ketu-s or comets etc.  |
rājabhauta | m. a king's fool or jester (others"an idiotic king") .  |
rajaḥpluta | mfn. filled with (the quality of) passion  |
rājasuta | m. a kind's son, prince  |
rājyacyuta | mfn. fallen from sovereignty  |
rājyacyuta | m. a dethroned or deposed monarch  |
raṅgaplutalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
rathagaruta | (?) m. (prob. wrong reading for ratni-g-) the ninth cubit (aratni-) from the bottom or the eleventh from the top of a sacrificial post  |
rātrihuta | n. a night sacrifice  |
ravisuta | m. "son of the sun", Name of the planet Saturn  |
ravisuta | m. of the ape su-grīva-  |
reṇukāsuta | m. equals -tanaya-  |
revatīsuta | m. "son of revatī-", Name of skanda-  |
rohiṇīsuta | m. "son of rohiṇī-", the planet Mercury  |
ṛṣiṣṭuta | mfn. praised by the ṛṣi-s  |
rucirāsuta | m. a metron. of pālakāpya-  |
rudrasuta | m. a patronymic of skanda-  |
rūpyadhauta | n. silver  |
ruta | mfn. sounded, made to resound, filled with cries (of animals) etc.  |
ruta | n. (often plural) any cry or noise, roar, yell, neigh (of horses), song, note (of birds), hum (of bees)  |
ruta | mfn. broken to pieces, shattered, divided  |
ruta | 1. 2. ruta- etc. See .  |
rutajña | mfn. understanding the cries (of beasts or birds)  |
rutajña | m. an augur,  |
rutavettṛ | m. equals prec. m.  |
rutavyāja | m. simulated cry or sound  |
rutavyāja | m. mimicry  |
śabdacyuta | n. (prob.) equals -hīna-, bharat-.  |
sābhijñānayuta | mfn. furnished with tokens of recognition  |
sadāhuta | mfn. always sacrificed,  |
sādbhuta | mfn. astonished, surprised  |
ṣāḍguṇyasaṃyuta | mfn. connected or accompanied with the six measures  |
sādhutama | mfn. best, most excellent  |
sādhutara | mfn. better than (ablative)  |
sādhutas | ind. from a good man  |
sādhvasavipluta | mfn. overwhelmed with consternation  |
sāgaragāsuta | m. "son of gaṅgā-", metron. of bhīṣma-  |
sahahuta | mfn. with the oblation  |
sahasradhauta | mfn. cleansed a thousand times  |
śākhāmṛgagaṇāyuta | mfn. filled with or possessed of troops of monkeys  |
śakrasuta | m. " indra-'s son", Name of the monkey vālin-  |
śakrasuta | m. of arjuna- (see -nandana-)  |
sakṛcchrutadhara | mfn. (for sakṛt-śr-) keeping in memory what has once been heard  |
sakṛdabhiṣuta | (sak/ṛd--) mfn. once pressed out  |
śakunarutajñāna | n. knowledge of the notes of birds  |
śalkayuta | mfn. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. scaly, flaky '  |
samabhidruta | mfn. running towards or against, rushing upon  |
samabhidruta | mfn. rushed upon, attacked, infested  |
samabhidrutam | ind. hurriedly, quickly  |
samabhipluta | mfn. inundated, flooded, washed  |
samabhipluta | mfn. overwhelmed, covered  |
samabhipluta | mfn. eclipsed (as the moon)  |
samabhipluta | mfn. (with rajasā-) covered with menstrual excretions  |
samabhiṣṭuta | mfn. extolled, celebrated  |
samanutap | Passive voice -tapyate-, to suffer great subsequent pain, be very penitent, repent  |
samāpluta | mfn. immersed, flooded, overwhelmed, bathed  |
sāmaśrautasūtra | n. Name of work  |
samatisruta | mfn. ( sru-) entirely flowed asunder, become thoroughly liquid  |
samavapluta | mfn. ( plu-) lept down, jumped off  |
samāyuta | mfn. joined or brought together, gathered, collected  |
samāyuta | mfn. made or consisting of (compound)  |
samāyuta | mfn. united or connected with, possessed of (compound)  |
sambhṛtaśruta | mfn. possessed of knowledge, learned, wise  |
śambhutanaya | m. " śiva-'s son", Name of skanda- and gaṇeśa-  |
śambhutattvānusaṃdhāna | n. Name of a śaiva- work by śambhu-nātha-.  |
saṃjñāsuta | m. "son of saṃjñā-", Name of the planet Saturn  |
saṃketarutapraveśa | m. a particular samādhi-  |
samparipluta | mf(ā-)n. overflowed  |
samparipluta | mf(ā-)n. overwhelmed (with misfortune), distressed  |
sampluta | mfn. flowed or streamed together, met  |
sampluta | mfn. one who has bathed in (compound)  |
sampluta | mfn. flooded over, overspread, covered or filled with (instrumental case or compound)  |
sampradruta | mfn. run away, escaped  |
sampraduta | (?) m. Name of a man  |
samprastuta | mfn. ( stu-) ready to, prepared for (infinitive mood)  |
saṃśruta | mfn. well heard, learnt etc.  |
saṃśruta | mfn. read about in (locative case)  |
saṃśruta | mfn. agreed, promised to (genitive case) etc.  |
saṃśruta | m. Name of a man  |
saṃstuta | mfn. praised or hymned together  |
saṃstuta | mfn. praised, celebrated, extolled  |
saṃstuta | mfn. counted together (as one stotra-), reckoned together  |
saṃstuta | mfn. equal to, passing for (instrumental case or compound)  |
saṃstuta | mfn. acquainted familiar, intimate  |
saṃstutaka | mfn. affable, condescending, civil  |
saṃstutaprāya | mfn. for the most part lauded or hymned together, associated in hymns  |
saṃstutatva | n. the being praised together  |
saṃsutasoma | m. equals saṃ-sava-  |
saṃsyuta | See saṃ-siv-.  |
śaṃtanutanūja | m. "son of śaṃtanu-", Name of bhīṣma-,  |
samudropapluta | mfn. inundated or submerged by the ocean  |
samupadruta | mfn. assailed, attacked, overrun  |
samupapluta | mfn. ( plu-) overwhelmed, assailed, distressed  |
samuta | See tardma-s-.  |
samyagghuta | (for -huta-) mfn. properly kindled (fire)  |
saṃyuta | mfn. joined or bound together, tied, fettered  |
saṃyuta | mfn. put together, joined or connected with (instrumental case with and without saha-,or compound) etc.  |
saṃyuta | mfn. increased by, added to (instrumental case or compound)  |
saṃyuta | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') being in conjunction with  |
saṃyuta | mfn. consisting of, containing (instrumental case or compound)  |
saṃyuta | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') relating to, implying (praīṣya-s-,"implying service")  |
saṃyuta | mfn. accumulated (varia lectio for sam-bhṛta-)  |
saṃyutayuti | f. the total of two numbers or quantities  |
saṃyutayuti | f. the conjunction of planets  |
sanaḥśruta | mfn. equals sana-śruta-.  |
sanaśruta | mfn. (s/ana--) famous of old  |
sanaśruta | mfn. Name of a man  |
śāṅkhāyanaśrautasūtra | n. the  |
śāṅkhāyanaśrautasūtra | n. the śrauta-sūtra- of śāṅkhāyana-.  |
śaṅkutala | n. the base of a gnomon  |
śaṅkutaru | m. the tree Vatica Robusta  |
sāntarapluta | n. a manner of jumping (= plavanāntaritā gatiḥ- )  |
sanutar | ind. (perhaps originally identical with prec.) aside, away, off, far from (ablative;with yu-and dhā-,"to keep away, ward off")  |
sanutar | ind. secretly, clandestinely  |
sanutara | mfn. furtive, clandestine  |
sānutarṣam | ind. by or through thirst  |
śaphacyuta | (śaph/a--) mfn. tossed up by hoofs (as dust)  |
śāradvatīsuta | m. a son of kṛpī-  |
saramāsuta | m. idem or ' m. idem or '(mātm-) m. "son of saramā-", a dog ' '  |
śārisuta | m. equals -putra-  |
saritsuta | m. "river-son", Name of bhīṣma- (son of gaṅgā-)  |
sarvabhūtarutagrahaṇī | f. "comprising the sounds of all beings", a kind of writing (see sarva-ruta-saṃgrahiṇi-lipī-)  |
sarvādbhutaśānti | f. Name of work  |
sarvahuta | (s/arva--) mfn. offered entirely ( sarvahutatva -tva- n.)  |
sarvahutatva | n. sarvahuta |
sarvarutakauśalya | m. or n. (?) a particular samādhi-  |
sarvarutasaṃgrahiṇilipi | (?) f. a particular mode of writing  |
śaśāṅkasuta | m. (equals śaśāṅka-ja-)  |
śaśaplutaka | n. a scratch with a finger-nail  |
śaśisuta | m. equals -ja-  |
sastutaśastra | mfn. joined with a stotra- and śastra-  |
sasuta | mf(ā-)n. having a son, together with sons or children  |
sasuta | mfn. with the charioteer  |
śatadhanutantra | n. Name of work  |
śatadhauta | mfn. cleansed a hundred-fold, perfectly clean  |
śatahuta | mfn. offered a hundred-fold,  |
śatrutas | ind. from an enemies or enemies  |
satyavatīsuta | m. "son of satyavatī-", Name of the poet, vyāsa-  |
sauryamārutaka | mfn. (fr. sūrya-marut-or ta-) occurring in sunshine and wind (see vātātapika-)  |
sauśruta | mfn. composed or written by su-śruta-  |
sauśruta | m. (fr. su-śrut-,or ta-) a patronymic (also plural)  |
sauśrutapārthava | m. plural gaRa kārtakaujapādi-.  |
sauta | mfn. fr. sūta- gaRa saṃkalādi-.  |
sautaṃgama | mf(ī-)n. (fr. sutaṃgama-)  |
sautaṃgamīya | mfn. (fr. sautaṃgami-)  |
savidyuta | n. a thunderstorm  |
savitṛsuta | m. equals -tanaya-  |
savitṛsutadina | n. Saturday  |
śikyoduta | mfn. suspended in a swing or loop  |
siṃhikāsuta | m. metron. of rāhu-  |
sindhutas | ind. from the sindhu-  |
śītagutanaya | m. "son of the moon", the planet Mercury  |
śītāṃśutaila | n. cold oil  |
sitāṃśutaila | n. camphor-oil  |
śivāruta | n. the howling of a jackal  |
ślokagautama | m. gautama- (when speaking) in śloka-s or in metre  |
snāyuyuta | mfn. possessed of sinews  |
snuta | mfn. trickling, flowing (especially said of milk flowing from a mother's breast)  |
śokaparipluta | mfn. overwhelmed with sorrow  |
somacyuta | (s/oma--) mfn. moved by soma-  |
somāhuta | mfn. one to whom soma- is offered  |
somarājasuta | m. "son of the Moon", the planet Mercury |
somaśrauta | n. Name of various works.  |
somasuta | m. "a son of the Moon", Name of budha-  |
śrauta | mf(ī-or ā-)n. relating to the ear or hearing  |
śrauta | mf(ī-or ā-)n. to be heard, audible, expressed in words or in plain language (as a simile, opp. to ārtha-,"implied")  |
śrauta | mf(ī-or ā-)n. relating to sacred tradition, prescribed by or founded on or conformable to the veda- (with janman- n."the second birth of a Brahman produced by knowledge of the veda-") etc.  |
śrauta | mf(ī-or ā-)n. sacrificial  |
śrauta | n. relationship resulting from (common study of) the veda-  |
śrauta | n. a fault (incurred in repeating the veda-)  |
śrauta | n. any observance ordained by the veda- (exempli gratia, 'for example' preservation of the sacred fire)  |
śrauta | n. the three sacred fires collectively  |
śrauta | n. Name of various sāman-s  |
srauta | n. Name of a sāman- (see śrauta-),  |
śrautacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
śrautagrantha | m. Name of work  |
śrautahoma | m. Name of a pariśiṣṭa- of the sāma-veda-.  |
śrautakakṣa | n. Name of various sāman-s  |
śrautakarman | n. a Vedic rite  |
śrautakarmaṇyāśvalāyanopayogiprāyaścitta | n. Name of work  |
śrautakarmapadārthasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
śrautakarmaprāyaścitta | n. Name of work  |
śrautamārga | m. (the path of) hearing  |
śrautamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work  |
śrautanṛsiṃhakārikā | f. Name of work  |
śrautapadārthanirvacana | n. an explanation of technical terms occurring in śrauta- sacrifices (compiled about 1880 by Benares Pandits).  |
śrautapaddhati | f.  |
śrautaparibhāṣāsaṃgrahavṛtti | f.  |
śrautaprakriyā | f.  |
śrautapraśna | m. Name of work  |
śrautapraśnottaravyavasthā | f. rules for sacrificial rites in the form of question and answer.  |
śrautapravāsavidhi | m. Name of work  |
śrautaprāyaścitta | n. Name of a pariśiṣṭa- of the sāma-veda- and of other works.  |
śrautaprāyaścittacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
śrautaprāyaścittaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
śrautaprayoga | m.  |
śrautaprayogasāman | n. plural Name of work  |
śrautarṣa | m. (fr. śruta-rṣi-) patronymic of devabhāga-  |
śrautarṣa | n. Name of various sāman-s  |
śrautaṛṣi | m. patronymic of deva-bhāga-  |
śrautasarvasva | n. Name of work  |
śrautasiddhānta | m. Name of work  |
śrautasmārtadharma | m. a duty enjoined by the veda- and smṛti-  |
śrautasmārtakarmapaddhati | f. Name of work (equals kātyāyana-sūtra-p-).  |
śrautasmārtakriyā | f. any act conformable to the veda- and smṛti- q.v  |
śrautasmārtavidhi | m. Name of work by bāla-kṛṣṇa-.  |
śrautaśrava | m. (fr. śruta-śravā-) metron. of śiśupāla-  |
śrautasūtra | n. Name of particular sūtra-s or sūtra- works based on śruti- or the veda- (ascribed to various authors, such as āpastamba-, āśvalāyana-, kātyāyana-, drāhyāyaṇa- etc.; see )  |
śrautasūtravidhi | m. Name of work  |
śrautasūtravyākhyā | f. Name of work  |
śrautavājapeya | n. Name of work  |
śrautavyākhyāna | n. Name of work  |
śrautayajñadarśapaurṇamāsikaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
śrīyuta | mfn. "endowed with śrī-", happy, fortunate, famous, illustrious, wealthy etc. (prefixed as an honorific title to the names of men, and in the common language written śrī-yut-) |
sṛṣṭamāruta | mfn. causing the discharge of wind, removing flatulence  |
śruta | mfn. heard, listened to, heard about or of, taught, mentioned, orally transmitted or communicated from age to age etc.  |
śruta | mfn. known, famous, celebrated  |
śruta | mfn. known as, called (Nominal verb with iti-) etc.  |
śruta | m. Name of a son of bhagīratha-  |
śruta | m. of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
śruta | m. of a son of su-bhāṣaṇa-  |
śruta | m. of a son of upagu-  |
śruta | n. anything heard, that which has been heard (especially from the beginning), knowledge as heard by holy men and transmitted from generation to generation, oral tradition or revelation, sacred knowledge (in the personified as a child of dharma- and medhā-), the veda- etc.  |
śruta | n. the act of hearing  |
śruta | n. learning or teaching, instruction (śrutaṃ-kṛ-,"to learn")  |
śruta | n. memory, remembrance  |
sruta | mfn. streaming, flowing, having flowed from (compound) etc.  |
sruta | mfn. flowed out, become empty (as a jar)  |
sruta | mfn. flowed asunder, dissolved  |
sruta | n. flowing, a flow  |
śrutabandhu | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (having the patronymic gaupāyana-or laupāyana-and author of )  |
śrutabhāvaprakāśikā | f. Name of a vedānta- work  |
śrutabhṛt | mfn. bearing knowledge, learned  |
śrutabodha | m. a short treatise or compendium on the most common Sanskrit metres (attributed either to kālidāsa- or to vara-ruci-).  |
śrutadeva | m. a god in respect of knowledge  |
śrutadeva | m. Name of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
śrutadeva | m. of a servant of kṛṣṇa-  |
śrutadevā | f. Name of a daughter of śūra- (sister of vasu-deva- and wife of vṛddha-śarman-)  |
śrutadevī | f. "goddess of learning", Name of sarasvatī-  |
śrutadhara | mfn. retaining what has been heard, having a good memory  |
śrutadhara | m. the ear  |
śrutadhara | m. Name of a king  |
śrutadhara | m. of a poet  |
śrutadhara | m. plural Name of the Brahmans in śālmaladvīpa-  |
śrutadhāraṇa | mfn. equals -dhara-  |
śrutadharman | m. Name of a son of udāpi- (varia lectio śruta-śravas-).  |
śrutadhi | m. "receptacle of knowledge", Name of a man  |
śrutadhvaja | m. "characterized by knowledge"Name of a warrior  |
śrutadīpa | m. Name of work  |
śrutagraha | m. the perception of sacred knowledge,  |
srutajala | mfn. having the water flowed off, dried up  |
śrutakakṣa | (śrut/a--) m. Name of a ṛṣi- (author of )  |
śrutakāma | mfn. desirous of sacred knowledge  |
śrutakarman | m. Name of a son of saha-deva-  |
śrutakarman | m. of a son of arjuna-  |
śrutakarman | m. of a son of somāpi-  |
śrutakarman | m. of śani-  |
śrutakevalin | m. Name of a class of jaina- arhat-s (of whom six are enumerated)  |
śrutakīrti | m. "one whose fame is heard about", Name of a son of arjuna-  |
śrutakīrti | m. of an astronomer  |
śrutakīrti | m. of another man (also -bhoja-)  |
śrutakīrti | f. Name of a daughter of kuśa-dhvaja- (wife of śatru-ghna-)  |
śrutakīrti | f. of a daughter of śūra- (sister of vasu-deva- and wife of dhṛṣṭaketu-)  |
śrutamahat | See śruti-m-.  |
śrutamātra | n. mere hearing or hearsay  |
śrutamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of knowledge  |
śrutaṃdhara | m. a kind of pavilion  |
śrutaṃjaya | m. Name of a son of sena-jit-  |
śrutaṃjaya | m. of a son of satyāyu-  |
śrutanigadin | mfn. able to recite what has once been heard ( śrutanigaditva di-tva- n. Scholiast or Commentator)  |
śrutanigaditva | n. śrutanigadin |
śrutaniṣkraya | m. fee for instruction  |
śrutapāla | m. "guardian of knowledge", Name of a grammarian |
śrutapāradṛśvan | ( ) mfn. extremely learned  |
śrutapāraga | ( ) mfn. extremely learned  |
śrutapradīpa | m. Name of vedānta- work  |
śrutapradīpikā | f. Name of vedānta- work  |
śrutaprakāśa | mfn. renowned for knowledge of the veda-s  |
śrutaprakāśikā | f. Name of various works.  |
śrutaprakāśikācāryakṛtarahasyatraya | n. Name of vedānta- work  |
śrutaprakāśikākhaṇḍana | n. (with siddhānta-siddhāñjana-) Name of work  |
śrutaprakāśikāsaṃgraha | m. Name of vedānta- work  |
śrutaprakāśikātātparyadīpikā | f. Name of vedānta- work  |
śrutapūrva | mf(ā-)n. heard or learnt before, known by hearsay  |
śrutar | (in a formula) equals śrutaḥ- (Nominal verb)  |
śrutaratha | (śrut/a--) mfn. possessing a renowned chariot (others"Name of a man")  |
śrutaṛṣi | (śrut/a--) mfn. (see śruta-rṣi-) having famous ṛṣi-s  |
śrutarṣi | m. (for -ṛṣi-) a ṛṣi- distinguished by knowledge, a very learned ṛṣi- or a ṛṣi- of a particular order (such as the author of the su-śruta-)  |
śrutarṣi | mfn. (śrut/a--) having distinguished ṛṣi-  |
śrutarvan | mfn. Name of a man (having the patronymic ārkṣa-) (see śrautarvaṇa-).  |
śrutarya | m. Name of a man ( )  |
śrutaśabdārthasamuccaya | m. a vocabulary (by someśvara-)  |
śrutasad | mfn. abiding in what is heard (id est in transmitted knowledge or tradition)  |
śrutaśālin | mfn. possessed of knowledge, learned  |
śrutaśarman | m. Name of a son of udāyu-s  |
śrutaśarman | m. of a prince of the vidyā-dhara-s  |
śrutasena | m. having a famous army (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
śrutasena | m. Name of a brother (or son) of janam-ejaya- etc.  |
śrutasena | m. of a son of saha-deva-  |
śrutasena | m. of a son of parīkṣit-  |
śrutasena | m. of a son of bhīma-sena-  |
śrutasena | m. of a son of śatru-ghna-  |
śrutasena | m. of a son of śambara-  |
śrutasena | m. of a prince of go-karṇa-  |
śrutasenā | f. Name of a wife of kṛṣṇa-  |
śrutaśīla | n. learning and virtuous conduct  |
śrutaśīla | m. Name of a man  |
śrutaśīlasampanna | mfn. ( ) idem or 'mfn. learned and virtuous varia lectio '  |
śrutaśīlavat | mfn. learned and virtuous varia lectio  |
śrutaśīlopasampanna | mfn. ( ) idem or 'mfn. ( ) idem or 'mfn. learned and virtuous varia lectio ' '  |
śrutasoma | m. Name of a son of bhīma-  |
śrutasomā | f. Name of a wife of kṛṣṇa-  |
śrutaśravas | m. Name of various men  |
śrutaśravas | f. (also vā-) Name of a daughter of śūra- (mother of śiśu-pāla- and sister of vasu-deva-)  |
śrutaśravonuja | m. the planet Saturn (said to be one of the sons of sūrya-)  |
śrutaśrī | m. Name of a daitya-  |
śrutaśroṇī | f. Anthericum Tuberosum (prob. wrong reading for suta-śr-).  |
śrutaśruvas | wrong reading for -śravas-.  |
śrutatas | ind. as if heard  |
śrutatas | ind. with regard to orally transmitted knowledge or tradition  |
śrutatva | n. the being taught or learnt  |
śrutavadana | mfn. one whose speech is (readily) heard  |
śrutavardhana | m. Name of a physician  |
śrutavarman | m. Name of a man  |
śrutavat | mfn. one who has heard etc.  |
śrutavat | mfn. possessing (sacred) knowledge, learned, pious etc.  |
śrutavat | mfn. connected with or founded on knowledge  |
śrutavat | m. Name of a son of somāpi-  |
śrutavid | m. "knowing sacred revelation", Name of a ṛṣi- (having the patronymic ātreya-and author of )  |
śrutaviṃśatikoṭi | wrong reading for śroṇa-koṭi-viṃśa- (q.v)  |
śrutavindā | f. Name of a river  |
śrutavismṛta | mfn. heard and forgotten  |
śrutavṛddha | m. "rich in knowledge", a learned man, scholar  |
śrutavṛtta | n. dual number knowledge and virtue  |
śrutavṛtttāḍhya | mfn. rich in knowledge and virtue, learned and virtuous  |
śrutavṛtttopapanna | mfn. idem or 'mfn. rich in knowledge and virtue, learned and virtuous '  |
śrutayukta | mfn. endowed with knowledge, learned  |
sthalacyuta | mfn. fallen or removed from any place or position  |
sthānacyuta | mfn. fallen or removed from any place or office etc.  |
sthānapracyuta | mfn. equals -cyuta-  |
strīhuta | n. a sacrifice offered by a woman  |
stuta | mfn. (for 2.See column 3) praised, eulogized, hymned, glorified, celebrated etc.  |
stuta | mfn. recited with praise (as a hymn)  |
stuta | m. Name of śiva-  |
stuta | n. praise, eulogy  |
stuta | n. (in ritual) equals stotra-  |
stuta | mfn. (for 1.See column 1) dripping, oozing (varia lectio sruta-)  |
stutaśastra | n. dual number stotra- and śastra- etc.  |
stutaśastravat | mfn. joined or connected with stotra- and śastra-  |
stutastoma | (stut/a--) mfn. one whose praise has been sung, hymned, glorified  |
stutasvāmikṣetra | n. Name of a sacred place  |
stutavat | mfn. having received praise, praised, celebrated  |
subahuśruta | mfn. deeply versed in the veda- etc.  |
subhagāsuta | m. (equals gā-tanaya-)  |
śubhasaṃyuta | mfn. endowed with prosperity or happiness, blissful  |
śuddhodanasuta | m. "son of S3uddh'odana", gautama- buddha-  |
sudhādhauta | mfn. white washed  |
sudhāṃśutaila | n. camphorated oil  |
sudhauta | mfn. well cleaned or polished  |
sudhauta | See .  |
śūdrāsuta | m. equals -putra-  |
sugautama | m. "the good gautama-", Name of gautama- buddha-  |
suhuta | mf(ā-)n. well offered or sacrificed  |
suhuta | mf(ā-)n. well worshipped with sacrifices  |
suhuta | n. good or right sacrifice  |
suhutahut | mfn. offering a right sacrifice  |
suhutakṛt | mfn. offering a right sacrifice  |
sukhaśītāṣṇamāruta | mfn. (a night) pleasant with cool and warm winds  |
śukrasuta | m. son of the planet Venus  |
sumāruta | n. the good troop or band of the marut-s  |
śunakasuta | m. equals śaunaka-  |
sunākuta | or sunākṛta- m. zedoary, Curcuma Zerumbet  |
suparisruta | mfn. well filtered  |
suptacyuta | mfn. fallen down in sleep  |
surabhimāruta | n. "having fragrant winds"Name of a forest  |
surabhīsuta | m. plural "children of surabhī-", oxen, cattle  |
surasaritsuta | m. metron. of bhīṣma-  |
surasuta | m. a son of a gods  |
sūrasuta | m. "son of the Sun", the planet Saturn  |
sūryamaruta | See sauryamārutaka-.  |
sūryasuta | m. "son of the Sun", Name of the planet Saturn  |
sūryasuta | m. of the monkey su-grīva-  |
susaṃyuta | mfn. well composed or knit together (varia lectio -saṃhata-)  |
susaṃyuta | mfn. well joined with (compound)  |
suśruta | mfn. (s/u--) very famous  |
suśruta | mfn. well or correctly heard  |
suśruta | mfn. gladly heard  |
suśruta | mfn. Name of the author of a system of medicine (reputed son of viśvā-mitra- and descendant of dhanvantari-;his work with that of caraka-, another older medical authority, is held in great esteem;it consists of six books)  |
suśruta | mfn. of a son of su-bhāsa-  |
suśruta | mfn. of a son of padmodbhava-  |
suśruta | n. Name of the above medical work  |
suśruta | n. also of the work of caraka-  |
suśruta | n. "well heard", an exclamation at a śrāddha- (see śrauṣat-)  |
suśrutapāṭhaśuddhi | f. Name of work  |
suśrutasaṃhitā | f. suśruta-'s medical work  |
suśrutasāra | m. Name of work  |
suṣṭhutaram | ind. still more, in a higher degree  |
suṣṭuta | mfn. (s/u--) idem or 'mfn. highly praised or celebrated '  |
suṣṭuta | mfn. correctly pronounced  |
sustuta | m. (see ṣṭuta-) Name of a son of supārśva-  |
suṣuta | (s/u--) mfn. well pressed out or prepared  |
susutama | (s/u--) mfn. (used in explaining su-ṣ/ūtama-)  |
suta | mfn. impelled, urged  |
suta | mfn. allowed, authorized  |
suta | mfn. pressed out, extracted  |
suta | m. (sg. and plural,once n.in ) the expressed soma- juice, a soma- libation  |
suta | mfn. begotten, brought forth  |
suta | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a son, child, offspring (sutau- dual number = "son and daughter") etc.  |
suta | m. a king  |
suta | m. Name of the 5th astrological house  |
suta | m. Name of a son of the 10th manu-  |
sutadā | f. "son-giving", Name of a divine being  |
sutahibukayoga | m. junction of the 4th and 5th astrology houses (said to be suitable for marriages)  |
sutailā | f. "yielding good oil", the plant mahā-jyotiṣmatī-  |
sutajīvaka | m. Putranjiva Roxburghii  |
sutakīrti | f. mention of the (extracted) soma-  |
sutala | n. ( also m.)"great depth" , the second of the seven divisions of the regions under the earth (see loka-, pātāla-)  |
sutala | m. the base or foundation of a large building (equals aṭṭālikā-bandha-)  |
sutalpa | n. a beautiful couch  |
sutamām | ind. (superl.; see -tarām-) most excellently best  |
sutambhara | mfn. carrying away soma-  |
sutambhara | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (having the patronymic ātreya- and author of ).  |
sutaṃgama | n. "son-obtaining", Name of a man (see sautaṃgami-)  |
sutamisrā | (s/u--) f. dense darkness  |
sutaṃjaya | m. "son-winning", Name of a man (see sutaṃ-gama-)  |
sutaṃrayiṣṭhīya | n. (with prajāpateḥ-) Name of two sāman-s  |
sutanaya | mfn. (id est 5. su-+ tan-) having beautiful children  |
sutanirviśeṣam | ind. not differently from a son, exactly like a son  |
sutantra | mfn. "well versed in doctrine"and"commanding good troops"  |
sutantri | mfn. well accompanied on the lute (as a song), melodious  |
sutantu | m. "having fair offspring", Name of viṣṇu-  |
sutantu | m. of śiva-  |
sutantu | m. of a dānava-  |
sutanu | mfn. very thin or slender ( sutanutā -tā- f.) (varia lectio)  |
sutanu | mfn. having a beautiful body  |
sutanu | m. Name of a gandharva-  |
sutanu | m. of a son of ugra-sena-  |
sutanu | m. of a monkey  |
sutanu | f(u-or ū-). a fair woman (vocative case sutanu- see )  |
sutanu | m. Name of a daughter of āhuka- (wife of akrūra-)  |
sutanu | m. |