उरु | mf(v/ī-)n. (1. vṛ-; ūrṇu- ), wide, broad, spacious, extended, great, large, much, excessive, excellent  |
उरु | m. (us-) Name of an āṅgirasa-  |
उरु | m. of a son of the fourteenth manu-  |
उरु | n. (u-) wide space, space, room (with kṛ-,to grant space or scope, give opportunity )  |
उरु | ind. widely, far, far off  |
उरु | mf(v/ī-)n. Comparative degree varīyas-, superl. variṣṭha-; ([ confer, compare Greek , etc.: Hibernian or Irish ur,"very"; uras-,"power, ability."])  |
उरुबिल | mf(ī-)n. having a wide opening (as a jar)  |
उरुबिल्वा | f. Name of the place to which the buddha- retired for meditation and where he obtained supreme knowledge (afterwards called buddha-gayā-)  |
उरुबिल्वाकल्प | m. Name of a place  |
उरुबिल्वाकाश्यप | m. Name of a descendant of kaśyapa-  |
उरुबिन्दु | m. Name of a flamingo ( transl.)  |
उरुब्ज | mfn. (fr. uru-,2. ap-,and ja- ?) , producing or causing much milk  |
उरुब्ज | mfn. ([for uru-ubja-,"widely opened" ])  |
उरुचक्र | mfn. having wide wheels (as a carriage)  |
उरुचक्रि | mfn. (fr. kṛ-), doing or effecting large work or great wealth, granting ample assistance  |
उरुचक्रि | m. Name of a descendant of atri-.  |
उरुचक्षस् | mfn. far-seeing (said of varuṇa-, sūrya-, and the āditya-s).  |
उरुधा | ind. in many ways  |
उरुधार | (ur/u-) mf(ā-)n. giving a broad stream, streaming abundantly |
उरुधार | mfn. broad-edged,  |
उरुधिष्ण्य | m. "exceedingly full of thoughts", Name of a sage in the eleventh manv-antara-.  |
उरुद्रप्सु | mfn. having large drops  |
उरुगव्यूति | (ur/u-) mfn. having a wide domain or territory  |
उरुगाय | mfn. making large strides, wide-striding [fr. gā- ;also according to ,"hymned by many, much-praised", fr. gai-] etc. (said of indra-, viṣṇu-, the soma-, and the aśvin-s)  |
उरुगाय | mfn. spacious for walking upon, wide, broad (as a way)  |
उरुगाय | n. wide space, scope for movement  |
उरुगायवत् | mfn. offering ample space for motion, unconfined  |
उरुग्राह | m. far-spreading sickness (?)  |
उरुगूला | f. a kind of serpent  |
उरुहार | mfn. a valuable necklace.  |
उरुज्मन् | mfn. (only vocative case) having a wide path or range  |
उरुज्रयस् | mfn. moving in a wide course, extending over a wide space (said of agni- and indra-) .  |
उरुज्रि | mfn. moving in a wide course, extending over a wide space (said of agni- and indra-) .  |
उरुकाल | m. the creeper Cucumis Colocynthis  |
उरुकालक | m. the creeper Cucumis Colocynthis  |
उरुकीर्ति | mfn. of far-reaching fame  |
उरुक्रम | mfn. far-stepping, making wide strides (said of viṣṇu-)  |
उरुक्रम | m. (viṣṇu-'s) wide stride  |
उरुक्रम | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
उरुक्रम | m. of śiva-.  |
उरुकृत् | mfn. causing to extend or spread out, increasing  |
उरुक्षय | mfn. (ur/u-kṣaya- ) occupying spacious dwellings (said of varuṇa-) (said of the marut-s)  |
उरुक्षय | m. a spacious dwelling, wide habitation  |
उरुक्षय | m. Name of a king  |
उरुक्षिति | f. spacious dwelling or habitation  |
उरुलोक | (ur/u-) mfn. visible to a distance, ample, vast  |
उरुमाण | m. Crataeva Religiosa  |
उरुमार्ग | m. a long road.  |
उरुमुण्ड | m. Name of a mountain.  |
उरुण्ड | m. a kind of demon  |
उरुण्ड | m. Name of a man.  |
उरुञ्जिरा | f. Name of the river vipāś-  |
उरुप्रथस् | (and ur/uprathas-) mfn. wide-spreading, widely extended, far-spreading  |
उरुपुण्यकोश | m. a great treasure of merit, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
उरुपुष्पिका | f. a species of plant  |
उरुरात्रि | f. the latter portion of the night, late at night commentator or commentary on  |
उरुरी | equals urarī- q.v  |
उरुषा | mfn. ( saṅ-), granting much, producing abundantly  |
उरुशंस | mfn. to be praised by many, praised by many (said of varuṇa-, pūṣan-, indra-, the soma-, and the āditya-s) .  |
उरुशर्मन् | (ur/u-) mfn. finding refuge everywhere throughout the universe, widely pervading  |
उरुसत्त्व | mfn. magnanimous, of a generous or noble nature.  |
उरुश्रवस् | m. "of far-reaching fame", Name of a man  |
उरुशृङ्ग | m. "having high peaks", Name of a mountain  |
उरुस्वन | mfn. of strong voice, stentorian.  |
उरुष्य | Nom. (fr. uru- ;perhaps an irregular future or Desiderative of1. vṛ-?) P. uruṣy/ati- (Ved. imperative 2. sg. uruṣy/ā- ) to protect, secure, defend from (ablative)  |
उरुष्या | ind. (instrumental case) with desire to protect  |
उरुष्यु | mfn. wishing to protect |
उरुता | f. wideness  |
उरुताप | m. great heat.  |
उरुत्व | n. wideness  |
उरुत्व | n. magnitude, vastness.  |
उरुवल्क | m. Name of a son of vasu-deva-  |
उरुवस् | m. Name of a man  |
उरुवास | m. Name of a Buddhist monastery.  |
उरुविक्रम | mfn. of great strength or bravery, valiant, brave  |
उरुविल्वा | See -bilvā- above.  |
उरुव्रज | mfn. (only locative case) having a wide range, having ample space for movement  |
उरुवु | m. Ricinus Communis  |
उरुवुक | m. Ricinus Communis  |
उरुवूक | m. Ricinus Communis  |
उरुव्यचस् | mfn. occupying wide space, widely extending, widely capacious  |
उरुव्यचस् | m. Name of a rakṣas-  |
उरुव्यञ्च् | mfn. (vy/aṅ-, urūc/ī-, vy/ak-) extending far, capacious  |
उरुव्यञ्च् | mfn. far-reaching (as a sound)  |
उरुया | ind. far, far off, to a distance  |
उरुयुग | (ur/u-) mfn. furnished with a broad yoke  |
अद्धापुरुष | m. See an-addhāpuruṣ/a-.  |
अधिकारपुरुष | m. an official,  |
अधिपुरुष | m. the Supreme Spirit.  |
अध्वरगुरु | m. Name (also title or epithet) of viṣṇu-,  |
आदिगुरु | m. `first father', Name (also title or epithet) of brahmā-,  |
आदिपुरुष | m. "first man", Name of hiraṇyakaśipu-  |
आदिपुरुष | m. of viṣṇu-  |
आदिपुरुष | m. of brahman-  |
अदृष्टपुरुष | m. a treaty concluded by the parties personally (in which no third mediator is seen).  |
अगुरु | mfn. not heavy, light  |
अगुरु | mfn. (in prosody) short as a short vowel alone or before a single consonant |
अगुरु | mn. the fragrant Aloe wood and tree, Aquilaria Agallocha.  |
अहोपुरुषिका | f. for āho-pur- q.v  |
अहोपुरुषिका | etc. See 2. aho-.  |
आहोपुरुषिका | f. (gaRa mayūra-vyaṃsakādi- ) boasting of one's manliness or military prowess  |
आहोपुरुषिका | f. vaunting of one's power  |
अक्षयपुरुहूत | m. śiva-.  |
अलंपुरुषीण | mfn. sufficient for a man  |
आलेख्यपुरुष | m. an image or drawing of a man  |
अमरगुरु | m. "teacher of the gods", bṛhaspati-, the planet Jupiter  |
अम्बुरुह | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) "water-growing", the day-lotus  |
अम्बुरुहा | f. Hibiscus Mutabilis.  |
अम्बुरुहिणी | f. the lotus  |
अनद्धापुरुष | m. one who is not a true man, one who is of no use either to gods or men or the manes  |
अनन्यगुरु | m. "having no other as a Guru", Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
अनूनगुरु | mfn. of undiminished weight, very heavy. |
अनुपुरुष | m. the before mentioned man , a follower  |
अनुरु | to imitate the cry or answer to the cry of (accusative)  |
अनुरु | mf(us-or vī-)n. not great.  |
अनुरुच् | Causal P. -rocayati-, to choose, prefer  |
अनुरुद् | to lament, bewail.  |
अनुरुद्ध | mfn. checked, opposed  |
अनुरुद्ध | mfn. soothed, pacified  |
अनुरुद्ध | m. Name of a cousin of śākyamuni-.  |
अनुरुध् | to bar (as a way) ; to surround, confine, overcome etc. ; cl.4 A1. -rudhyate- or Epic P. -rudhyati- (2. sg. -rudhyase- ), to adhere to, be fond of, love ; to coax, soothe, entreat.  |
अनुरुध् | mfn. adhering to, loving (see anū-r/udh-.)  |
अनुरुह् | P. to ascend, mount ; A1. to grow  |
अनुरुहा | f. a grass (Cyperus Pertenius).  |
अनुरुत | mfn. resounding with  |
अपरपुरुष | m. a descendant  |
अपौरुष | n. unmanliness  |
अपौरुष | n. superhuman power  |
अपौरुष | mfn. unmanly  |
अपौरुष | mfn. superhuman. |
अपौरुषेय | mfn. not coming from men  |
अपुरुष | mfn. unmanly.  |
अपुरुष | a cruel man or servant (of yama-),  |
अपुरुषाभिवीत | (/a-- p-), mfn. not impelled by men,  |
अपुरुषापराध | m. not an offence of the person,  |
अपुरुषार्थ | m. a rite which is not for the benefit of the sacrificer  |
अपुरुषार्थ | m. not the chief object of the soul.  |
अर्धपुरुष | m. half the length of a man  |
अर्धपुरुषीय | mfn. having half the length of a man  |
अर्जुनपुरुष | n. the plants Arjuna (id est Terminalia Arjuna) and puruṣa- (id est Rottleria Tinctoria), (gaRa gavāśvādi- q.v)  |
आरुरुक्षु | mfn. desirous to rise or ascend or advance  |
असिताम्बुरुह | m. the black lotus  |
अस्पृष्टपुरुषान्तर | mfn. not belonging to another,  |
आश्रमगुरु | m. the head of a religious order, a principal preceptor.  |
अष्टपुरुष | (aṣṭ/a--) mfn. consisting of eight persons  |
असुरगुरु | m. "teacher of the asura-s", the planet Venus (or śukra-) (see amarāri-pūjya-.)  |
अतिगुरु | mfn. very heavy.  |
अतिपुरुष | (/ati--) ([ ]) m. a first-rate man, hero.  |
अउरुक्षय | n. (fr. uru-kṣaya-), Name of a sāman-.  |
अउरुक्षयस | m. a descendant of urukṣaya-s |
अवरपुरुष | m. a descendant  |
अवीरपुरुष | m. a weak man  |
आयुष्मत्पुरुषक | mfn. giving long life to men  |
बहुदासपुरुष | mfn. having many slaves and servants  |
बहुगुरु | m. one who has read much but superficially, a sciolist (equals cumbaka-)  |
बहुरुहा | f. a species of Cocculus  |
भैषज्यगुरुवैडूर्यप्रभा | f. Name of a Buddhist work  |
भावनापुरुषोत्तमनाटक | n. Name of a drama.  |
भवानीगुरु | ( ) m. " bhavānī-'s father", Name of hima-vat-.  |
भुरुण्ड | m. a species of animal (see bhāraṇḍa-, bhāruṇḍa-, bheruṇḍa-)  |
भुरुण्ड | m. Name of a man  |
बीजपुरुष | m. the progenitor of a tribe or family  |
ब्रह्मपुरुष | m. an assistant of the brahman- or chief priest  |
ब्रह्मपुरुष | m. a minister of brahmā- (also said of the 5 vital airs)  |
ब्रह्मपुरुष | m. equals -rākṣasa-  |
ब्रह्मपुरुस्तात् | ind. when or where the Brahmans have the first place  |
बृहद्गुरु | m. Name of a man  |
बृहद्गुरुगुर्वावलिपूजाशान्तिविधान | n. Name of work  |
बुद्धगुरु | m. a Buddhist spiritual teacher  |
बुरुड | m. a basket-maker, mat-maker  |
चञ्चापुरुष | m. a strawman, doll (said contemptuously of a man) ( ) .  |
चराचरगुरु | m. the lord of the world (brahmā-)  |
चराचरगुरु | m. Name of śiva-,  |
चारपुरुष | m. a spy  |
चतुरुष्ट्र | n. the 4 substances taken from a camel  |
चतुरुत्तर | mfn. increasing by 4  |
चतुरुत्तरस्तोम | m. with gotamasya- Name of an ekāha-  |
छन्दःपुरुष | m. metre personified  |
छायापुरुष | m. puruṣa- in the form of a shadow,  |
चुरु | m. a particular worm in the bowels  |
चुरुचुरा | f. (onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds)) See karṇe--.  |
दाहागुरु | n. equals dāha-kāṣṭha-.  |
दाहनागुरु | wrong reading for dah-.  |
दहनागुरु | n. a kind of Agallochum  |
दैत्यगुरु | m. "preceptor of the daitya-s", Name of śukra-, the planet Venus  |
दानवगुरु | m. preceptor of the danu-, regent of planet Venus  |
दण्डनायकपुरुष | m. a policeman  |
दर्भगुरुमुष्टि | See g-.  |
दशपुरुष | mfn. being the 10th in the succession of generations  |
दशपुरुषम् | ind. through a series of 10 ancestors  |
दशपुरुषंराज्य | n. a kingdom inherited through a series of 10 ancestors  |
दशपुरुषानूकम् | ind. backwards through 10 generations Va1rtt. 5  |
दौरुधर | mfn. (fr. durudharā-)  |
दौष्पुरुष्य | n. the state of a bad man gaRa yuvādi-.  |
देवगुरु | m. the father or preceptor of the gods, id est kaśyapa- ( ) or bṛhaspati- ( )  |
देवगुरु | m. god and preceptor (at the beg. of compound)  |
देवकुरु | m. Name of a people and country (associated with the uttara-k-)  |
देवकुरुम्बा | f. Name of a plant (equals mahādroṇa-)  |
देवासुरगुरु | m. Name of śiva-  |
धर्माधिकारिपुरुष | m. dharmādhikārin |
धूपागुरु | n. a kind of Agallochum  |
धुपनागुरु | ( ) dhūpāguru-  |
दीक्षागुरु | m. a teacher of initiation  |
दितिसुतगुरु | m. the planet Venus  |
दिव्यपुरुष | m. "a divine man", ghost  |
दृष्टिगुरु | m. "sight-lord", Name of śiva-  |
दुरु | m. Name of a mountain  |
दुरुच्छेद | mfn. difficult to be extirpated or destroyed  |
दुरुच्छेद्य | mfn. idem or 'mfn. difficult to be extirpated or destroyed '  |
दुरुच्छेद्य | mfn. difficult to be cut through (knot)  |
दुरुदाहर | mfn. difficult to be pronounced or uttered  |
दुरुदर्क | mfn. having bad or no consequences  |
दुरुदय | mfn. appearing with difficulty, not easily manifested  |
दुरुधरा | f. a peculiar position of the moon (),  |
दुरुद्वह | mfn. hard to bear  |
दुरुःफ | m. (astrology) Name of the 15th yoga- (varia lectio durapha-and durupha-).  |
दुरुक्त | mfn. "badly spoken", harsh, injurious  |
दुरुक्त | mfn. harshly addressed  |
दुरुक्त | n. bad or harsh word etc.  |
दुरुक्ति | f. harsh or injurious speech (personified as a daughter of krodha- and hiṃsā- and sister and wife of kali-)  |
दुरुक्तोक्त | mfn. ill spoken of  |
दुरुपचार | mfn. idem or 'mfn. difficult of cure, '  |
दुरुपदेश | m. bad instruction  |
दुरुपदिष्ट | mfn. badly instructed.  |
दुरुपक्रम | mfn. difficult of access or approach  |
दुरुपक्रम | mfn. difficult of cure,  |
दुरुपलक्ष | mfn. difficult to be perceived  |
दुरुपाप | mfn. difficult of attainment  |
दुरुपपाद | mfn. difficult to be performed  |
दुरुपपाद | mfn. difficult to be demonstrated  |
दुरुपसद | mfn. difficult of approach  |
दुरुपसर्पिन् | mfn. approaching incautiously  |
दुरुपस्थान | mfn. equals -upasada-  |
दुरुपाय | m. a bad means or expedient  |
दुरुपयुक्त | mfn. wrongly applied  |
दुरुत | mfn. badly woven  |
दुरुत्सह | mfn. difficult to bear or resist  |
दुरुत्साह | mfn. difficult to bear or resist  |
दुरुत्तर | mfn. (fr. 1. uttara-) unanswerable  |
दुरुत्तर | mfn. (fr. 2. uttara-or Prakrit for dus-tara-) difficult to be crossed or overcome on |
दुष्पुरुष | m. a bad man (gaRa brāhmaṇādi-).  |
द्विपौरुष | mf(ī-)n. having the length of 2 men  |
द्विपुरुष | mf(ā-or ī-)n. having the length of 2 men  |
द्विपुरुषा | f. bought with 2 men  |
द्विपुरुषम् | ind. through 2 generations  |
एकगुरु | m. having the same teacher, pupil of the same preceptor.  |
एकगुरुक | m. having the same teacher, pupil of the same preceptor.  |
एकपुरुष | m. the one supreme Spirit : one man only  |
एकपुरुष | m. a unique or excellent man  |
एकपुरुष | mfn. having or consisting of only one man  |
गौरीगुरु | m. "father of gaurī-", the himālaya- |
गौरुतल्पिक | m. equals gurutalpa-ga- gaRa paradārādi-.  |
घुर्घुरुक | m. equals raka-  |
घुरुघुरा | ind. equals ghuragh-.  |
घुरुघुराघोरनिर्घोष | m. great noise (produced by panting or puffing)  |
घुरुघुराघोष | m. m. great noise (produced by panting or puffing) ' 58/59 (in Prakrit); viii, 27.'>  |
ग्रामपुरुष | m. the chief of a village or town  |
गृह्यगुरु | for guhya-g-  |
गूढपुरुष | m. a spy, disguised agent  |
गुह्यगुरु | m. (see gṛhya-g-) "the mystic Guru", śiva- (considered as the especial teacher of the tantra-s)  |
गुणगुरु | mfn. respectable through virtue,  |
गुरु | mf(vī-)n. (see gir/i-; compound g/arīyas-,once yas-tara-, guru-tara-,superl. gariṣṭha-, gurutama-See ss.vv.) heavy, weighty (opposed to lagh/u-) etc. (gaRa śauṇḍādi- )  |
गुरु | mf(vī-)n. heavy in the stomach (food), difficult to digest  |
गुरु | mf(vī-)n. great, large, extended, long (See -kratu-) etc.  |
गुरु | mf(vī-)n. (in prosody) long by nature or position (a vowel) (a vowel long both by nature and by position is called garīyas- )  |
गुरु | mf(vī-)n. high in degree, vehement, violent, excessive, difficult, hard etc.  |
गुरु | mf(vī-)n. grievous  |
गुरु | mf(vī-)n. important, serious, momentous etc.  |
गुरु | mf(vī-)n. valuable, highly prized (guru- equals garīyas-) etc.  |
गुरु | mf(vī-)n. haughty, proud (speech)  |
गुरु | mf(vī-)n. venerable, respectable  |
गुरु | m. any venerable or respectable person (father, mother, or any relative older than one's self) etc.  |
गुरु | m. a spiritual parent or preceptor (from whom a youth receives the initiatory mantra- or prayer, who instructs him in the śāstra-s and conducts the necessary ceremonies up to that of investiture which is performed by the ācārya- ) etc.  |
गुरु | m. the chief of (genitive case or in compound)  |
गुरु | m. (with śākta-s) author of a mantra-  |
गुरु | m. "preceptor of the gods", bṛhaspati-  |
गुरु | m. (hence) the planet Jupiter etc.  |
गुरु | m. " pāṇḍu--teacher", droṇa-  |
गुरु | m. prabhā-kara- (celebrated teacher of the mīmāṃsā-, usually mentioned with kumārila-)  |
गुरु | m. (equals dharma-) "venerable", the 9th astrological mansion  |
गुरु | m. Mucuna pruritus  |
गुरु | m. Name of a son of saṃkṛti- dual number parents  |
गुरु | m. plural parents and other venerable persons  |
गुरु | m. a honorific appellation of a preceptor (whose N. is also put in the plural), Jain  |
गुरु | m. "great (with child)", pregnant, a pregnant woman  |
गुरु | m. the wife of a teacher  |
गुरु | m. ([ confer, compare ; Latin gravis; Gothic kauriths; Lithuanian gie4ras.])  |
गुरुभ | m. " bṛhaspati-'s constellation", equals -devata-  |
गुरुभ | m.  |
गुरुभार | m. "of heavy weight", Name of a son of garuḍa-  |
गुरुभारिक | mfn. heavy (in the stomach;food)  |
गुरुभार्या | f. equals -dāra-  |
गुरुभाव | m. the condition of a Guru  |
गुरुभाव | m. importance, weight  |
गुरुभृत् | mfn. bearing heavy things (the earth)  |
गुरुचर्या | f. attendance on a teacher,  |
गुरुदैवत | n. equals gur/u-devata-  |
गुरुदक्षिणा | f. a fee given to a spiritual preceptor  |
गुरुदान | n. a present to a religious teacher  |
गुरुदार | m. sg. the teacher's wife  |
गुरुदर्शन | n. seeing the teacher  |
गुरुदास | m. Name of a teacher (mentioned in the introduction to the guru-gītā-).  |
गुरुदेवस्वामिन् | m. Name of a scholiast.  |
गुरुदेवत | n. "having bṛhaspati- for its deity", the 8th lunar mansion puṣya-  |
गुरुधी | varia lectio for rucira-dhī- q.v  |
गुरुधुर् | f. plural hard labour  |
गुरुदीक्षा | f. initiation into the office of a spiritual preceptor  |
गुरुदीक्षातन्त्र | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
गुरुदिन | n. Thursday,  |
गुरुदिवस | m. " bṛhaspati-'s day", Thursday (?)  |
गुरुगत | mfn. being with or belonging to a spiritual teacher  |
गुरुगवी | f. the cow of a spiritual teacher (a-- negative)  |
गुरुघ्न | m. "killing a spiritual teacher", white mustard  |
गुरुगीता | f. Name of a section of (relating to a spiritual teacher)  |
गुरुगीतास्तोत्र | n. idem or 'f. Name of a section of (relating to a spiritual teacher)'  |
गुरुगृह | n. equals -kula-  |
गुरुगृह | n. " bṛhaspati-'s house", the signs Sagittarius and Pisces  |
गुरुह | varia lectio for guḍuha- q.v  |
गुरुहन् | m. the murderer of a Guru  |
गुरुजन | m. any venerable or elderly person (father, mother, the elders of a family etc.)  |
गुरुक | mfn. a little heavy  |
गुरुक | mfn. (said of limbs slightly affected with sickness)  |
गुरुक | mfn. (in prosody) long  |
गुरुकण्ठ | m. a peacock (see guruṇṭaka-.)  |
गुरुकार | m. worship, adoration  |
गुरुकर्मन् | n. any affair of a spiritual teacher  |
गुरुकार्य | n. a serious or momentous affair  |
गुरुकार्य | n. equals -karman-  |
गुरुकोप | m. violent wrath  |
गुरुक्रम | m. succession of teachers or (with śākta-s) of authors of mantra-s.  |
गुरुक्रतु | m. a great sacrifice  |
गुरुकृत | mfn. highly prized or praised ( )  |
गुरुकृत | mfn. worshipped  |
गुरुक्षोप | m. Name of a prince  |
गुरुकुल | n. the house of a Guru vArttika  |
गुरुकुलवास | m. residence in the house of a Guru, a pupil's life  |
गुरुकुलावासिन् | m. "abiding in la- ", a pupil  |
गुरुलाघव | n. great and small importance, relative importance or value  |
गुरुलाघव | n. length and shortness of vowels,  |
गुरुलघुता | f. heaviness and lightness  |
गुरुलघुता | f. great and little value ( )  |
गुरुमध्य | mfn. equals madhye-guru-, heavy in the middle part  |
गुरुमर्दल | m. a kind of drum  |
गुरुमत् | mfn. containing a vowel which is long by nature or position  |
गुरुमती | f. pregnant  |
गुरुमत्ता | f. heaviness, 7, 27.  |
गुरुमेरु | m. (in music) a kind of measure.  |
गुरुमुखी | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a particular alphabet used by the Sikhs (a modification of devanāgarī-),  |
गुरुमुष्टि | m. a great handful  |
गुरुमुष्टि | m. (of sacrificial grass, darbha-gurumuṣṭ/i-) (see gru-m-.)  |
गुरुण्ड | see suruṇḍa-, parasmE-pada 1236.  |
गुरुण्टक | m. (see guru-kaṇṭha-) a kind of peacock  |
गुरुपादाश्रय | m. the worship of (the feet of) a teacher  |
गुरुपाक | mfn. difficult of digestion  |
गुरुपरिपाटी | f. "succession of teachers", Name of a work  |
गुरुपत्नी | f. equals -dāra-  |
गुरुपत्त्र | n. tin  |
गुरुपत्त्रा | f. the tamarind tree  |
गुरुपत्त्रक | n. tin  |
गुरुप्रमोद | m. happiness, delight  |
गुरुप्रसाद | m. propitiousness or the favour of one's Guru  |
गुरुप्रसाद | m. "product of a Guru's favour" id est learning  |
गुरुप्रसादनीय | mfn. fit for propitiating one's Guru  |
गुरुप्रसूत | mfn. allowed by one's elder relations  |
गुरुप्रिय | mfn. dear to a preceptor  |
गुरुपूजा | f. the worship of one's spiritual teacher  |
गुरुपूजा | f. the ceremonies in propitiation of bṛhaspati- when a work is to be performed or undertaken  |
गुरुपुत्र | m. a teacher's son Va1rtt. 1  |
गुरुरत्न | n. " bṛhaspati-'s jewel", topaz  |
गुरुसखी | f. the female friend of an elder relation (varia lectio khi-).  |
गुरुसमवाय | m. a number of guru-s  |
गुरुसंनिधि | m. presence of one's Guru, 10, 14  |
गुरुसारा | f. equals -śiṃśapā-  |
गुरुसेवा | f. obsequiousness to a Guru  |
गुरुशिखरिन् | m. "venerable mountain", the himālaya-  |
गुरुशिंशपा | f. equals śiṃśapā-  |
गुरुशिष्यसंवाद | m. "dialogue between teacher and pupil", Name of a philosophical dialogue by caraṇa-dāsa-.  |
गुरुस्कन्ध | m. "large-trunked", the tree śleṣmaṇā-  |
गुरुस्कन्ध | m. Name of a mountain  |
गुरुशोकानल | m. the fire of heavy sorrow  |
गुरुश्रीपादुकापूजा | f. equals -pādāśraya-,  |
गुरुस्थिर | mfn. very firm  |
गुरुस्त्रीगमनीय | mfn. See gam-.  |
गुरुशुश्रूषा | f. obedience to one's guru- or guru-s  |
गुरुशुश्रूषिन् | mfn. (= - śuśrūṣu-),  |
गुरुशुश्रूषु | mfn. obedient to one's Guru Va1rtt. 14  |
गुरुता | f. weight, heaviness  |
गुरुता | f. "heaviness"and"dignity"  |
गुरुता | f. burden, trouble  |
गुरुता | f. importance  |
गुरुता | f. the office of a teacher  |
गुरुताल | m. (in music) a kind of measure.  |
गुरुतल्प | m. "a teacher's bed", in compound |
गुरुतल्प | m. the violation of a teacher's bed (intercourse with his wife)  |
गुरुतल्प | m. a violator of his teacher's bed  |
गुरुतल्पाभिगमन | n. idem or 'f. the violation of a teacher's bed, 107' (see gaurutalpika-.)  |
गुरुतल्पग | mfn. one who violates his teacher's bed etc.  |
गुरुतल्पगामिन् | mfn. idem or 'mfn. one who violates his teacher's bed etc.'  |
गुरुतल्पापनुत्ति | f. the violation of a teacher's bed, 107  |
गुरुतल्परत | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. one who violates his teacher's bed etc.' '  |
गुरुतल्पव्रत | n. penance for violating a teacher's bed  |
गुरुतल्पिन् | mfn. equals lpa-ga- (varia lectio)  |
गुरुतम | mfn. (superl.) most important  |
गुरुतम | m. the best teacher  |
गुरुताप | m. excessive heat  |
गुरुतर | mfn. heavier, very heavy  |
गुरुतर | mfn. heavy,  |
गुरुतर | mfn. greater, worse, very hard or bad etc.  |
गुरुतर | mfn. more important, very important or valuable  |
गुरुतर | mfn. more venerable  |
गुरुतर | mfn. very venerable  |
गुरुतीर्थ | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
गुरुत्व | n. weight, heaviness  |
गुरुत्व | n. (in prosody) length (of a vowel)  |
गुरुत्व | n. burden, trouble  |
गुरुत्व | n. severity, violence (of medical treatment)  |
गुरुत्व | n. dulness  |
गुरुत्व | n. greatness, magnitude  |
गुरुत्व | n. respectability, dignity, venerableness  |
गुरुत्व | n. the office of a teacher  |
गुरुत्वक | n. heaviness  |
गुरुवद्वृत्ति | f. behaving to any one with as much respect as to a sacred teacher  |
गुरुवंश | m. Name of work  |
गुरुवार | m. equals -divasa- ( )  |
गुरुवर्चोघ्न | m. "removing constipation", the lime or citron (limpāka-)  |
गुरुवर्ण | m. a vowel long by nature or by position  |
गुरुवर्तक | mfn. behaving respectfully towards parents or venerable persons  |
गुरुवर्तिन् | mfn. idem or 'mfn. behaving respectfully towards parents or venerable persons '  |
गुरुवर्तिता | f. respectful behaviour towards venerable persons, .  |
गुरुवास | m. equals -kula-vāsa- (plural)  |
गुरुवत् | ind. like a Guru  |
गुरुवत् | ind. as if to a Guru Va1rtt. 1  |
गुरुवृत्त | mfn. equals -vartaka-  |
गुरुवृत्ति | mfn. long by nature (vowel)  |
गुरुवृत्ति | f. behaviour towards one's Guru |
गुरुवृत्तिपर | mfn. trying to behave respectfully towards a Guru  |
गुरुव्यथ | mfn. heavily distressed  |
गुरुयोषित् | f. a teacher's wife, Mn, ii, 210  |
हरिगुरुस्तवमाला | f. Name of work  |
हिरण्यपुरुष | m. the figure of a man made of golden  |
हृदयपुरुष | m. pulsation or beating of the heart  |
हुरुक् | ind. equals hiruk-  |
हुरुष्कर | m. plural equals yavana-  |
हुरुट्टक | m. a kind of curved bolt or iron hook (for elephants)  |
इन्द्रगुरु | m. teacher of indra-, Name of kaśyapa-.  |
इन्द्रजालपुरुष | m. a phantom of a man  |
ईषत्पुरुष | m. a mean man,  |
जगद्गुरु | m. the father of the world  |
जगद्गुरु | m. brahmā-  |
जगद्गुरु | m. viṣṇu-  |
जगद्गुरु | m. śiva-  |
जगद्गुरु | m. rāma- (as viṣṇu-'s incarnation)  |
जम्बुरुद्र | m. Name of a nāga-  |
कालागुरु | m. (n. ) a kind of black aloe wood or Agallochum  |
कालपुरुष | m. equals -nara-, time personified  |
कालपुरुष | m. a servant of the god of death  |
कालिकागुरु | m. plural Name of certain authors of mystical prayers.  |
कापुरुष | m. (fr. 2. kā- ), a contemptible man, coward, wretch  |
कापुरुष | mf(ā-)n. unmanly, cowardly, miserable  |
कापुरुषता | f. unmanliness, cowardliness.  |
कापुरुषत्व | n. unmanliness, cowardliness.  |
कापुरुष्य | n. unmanliness, meanness, cowardice gaRa brāhmaṇādi-.  |
कर्णेचुरुचुरा | f. whispering into the ear, tale-bearing gaRa pātre-samitādi-.  |
कार्यगुरुता | f. importance of any act.  |
कार्यगुरुत्व | n. idem or 'f. importance of any act.'  |
काष्ठागुरु | m. Agallochum  |
कथंरुरु | m. Name of a rājarṣi- on  |
कौकुरुण्डि | m. Name of a teacher  |
कौरुजङ्गल | mfn. fr. kurujaṅgala-  |
कौरुजाङ्गल | mfn. fr. kurujaṅgala-  |
कौरुकात्य | m. patronymic fr. kuru-kata- gaRa gargādi-.  |
कौरुक्षेत्र | m. plural the inhabitants of kuru-kṣetra- (wrong reading kur-), .  |
कौरुकुल्लक | m. plural (fr. kuru-kullā-), Name of a Buddhist school.  |
कौरुम | See kaurama-.  |
कौरुपञ्चाल | for pāñc-  |
कौरुपाञ्चाल | mfn. (gaRa anuśatikādi-) belonging to the race of the kuru-s and pañcāla-s  |
कौरुपथि | m. patronymic fr. kuru-patha- Name of a ṛṣi-  |
कौसुरुबिन्द | m. patronymic fr. kus-  |
कौसुरुबिन्द | m. Name of a daśa-rātra- ceremony  |
कौसुरुबिन्दि | m. patronymic fr. kusurubinda-  |
कविरत्नपुरुषोत्तममिश्र | m. Name of a man.  |
खुरुखुराय | Nom. A1. yate-, to rattle (as the throat)  |
खुरुखुराय | See khurakhura-.  |
किम्पुरुष | m. ([ ]) "what sort of a man?"a mongrel being (according to the brāhmaṇa-s an evil being similar to man;perhaps originally a kind of monkey[ see ];in later times the word is usually identified with kiṃ-nara-,though sometimes applied to other beings in which the figure of a man and that of an animal are combined;these beings are supposed to live on hema-kūṭa- and are regarded as the attendants of kubera-;with Jains the kimpuruṣa-s, like the kiṃnara-s, belong to the vyantara-s)  |
किम्पुरुष | m. Name of one of the nine sons of āgnīdhra- (having the varṣa- kimpuruṣa- as his hereditary portion)  |
किम्पुरुष | m. a division of the earth (one of the nine khaṇḍa-s or portions into which the earth is divided, and described as the country between the himācala- and hema-kūṭa- mountains, also called kimpuruṣa-varṣa- ) etc.  |
किम्पुरुष | m. ([ ]) "what sort of a man?"a mongrel being (according to the brāhmaṇa-s an evil being similar to man;perhaps originally a kind of monkey[ see ];in later times the word is usually identified with kiṃ-nara-,though sometimes applied to other beings in which the figure of a man and that of an animal are combined;these beings are supposed to live on hema-kūṭa- and are regarded as the attendants of kubera-;with Jains the kimpuruṣa-s, like the kiṃnara-s, belong to the vyantara-s)  |
किम्पुरुष | m. Name of one of the nine sons of āgnīdhra- (having the varṣa- kimpuruṣa- as his hereditary portion)  |
किम्पुरुष | m. a division of the earth (one of the nine khaṇḍa-s or portions into which the earth is divided, and described as the country between the himācala- and hema-kūṭa- mountains, also called kimpuruṣa-varṣa- ) etc.  |
किम्पुरुषेश | m. "lord of the kimpuruṣa-s", Name of druma-  |
किम्पुरुषेश | m. "lord of the kimpuruṣa-s", Name of druma-  |
किम्पुरुषेश्वर | m. Name of kubera-  |
किम्पुरुषेश्वर | m. Name of kubera-  |
किम्पुरुषी | f. a female kimpuruṣa-  |
किम्पुरुषी | f. a female kimpuruṣa-  |
किम्पुरुषीकृ | kimpuruṣī-- 1. kṛ-, to change into a kimpuruṣa-  |
किम्पुरुषीकृ | kimpuruṣī-- 1. kṛ-, to change into a kimpuruṣa-  |
किम्पुरुषीय | n. story about a kimpuruṣa-  |
किष्कुरु | a staff, club (varia lectio kiḥk- and kiṃk-,)  |
क्रतुपुरुष | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
कृष्णागुरु | n. idem or 'n. a black variety of Aloe wood ' |
कृष्णागुरुमय | mfn. made of that Aloe wood  |
कृष्णपुरुषोत्तमसिद्धान्तोपनिषद् | f. Name of an  |
कृतपौरुष | mfn. one who does a manly act, behaving gallantly.  |
क्षितिपुरुहूत | m. "the indra- of the earth", a king  |
कुलगुरु | m. the head of a family, family preceptor  |
कुलपुरुष | m. a man of good family, noble or respectable man  |
कुलपुरुष | m. an ancestor, family progenitor  |
कुन्दुरु | mf. Boswellia thurifera  |
कुन्दुरु | mf. the resin of that plant (Olibanum).  |
कुन्दुरुक | m. Olibanum  |
कुन्दुरुका | f. idem or 'm. Olibanum '  |
कुन्दुरुकी | f. Boswellia thurifera  |
कुपुरुष | m. a low or miserable man etc.  |
कुपुरुष | m. a poltroon (see kā-pur-)  |
कुपुरुषजनिता | f. Name of a metre (consisting of four lines of eleven syllables each).  |
कुरु | m. plural Name of a people of India and of their country (situated near the country of the pañcāla-s;hence often connected with pañcāla- or pañcāla- [see kuru-pañc-below]: the uttara-kuravaḥ-,or uttarāḥ kuravaḥ-are the northern kuru-s, the most northerly of the four mahā-dvīpa-s or principal divisions of the known world [distinguished from the dakṣiṇāḥ kuravaḥ-or southern kuru-s ], by other systems regarded as one of the nine divisions or varṣa-s of the same;it was probably a country beyond the most northern range of the himālaya-, often described as a country of everlasting happiness[ etc.], and considered by some to be the ancient home of the Aryan race)  |
कुरु | m. equals ṛtvijas- (priests)  |
कुरु | m. equals kartāras- ("doers" , fr.1. kṛ-) commentator or commentary on  |
कुरु | m. Name of the ancestor of the kuru-s (son of saṃvaraṇa- and tapatī-, daughter of the sun[ ]; kuru- is the ancestor of both pāṇḍu- and dhṛta-rāṣṭra-, though the patronymic derived from his name is usually applied only to the sons of the latter, the sons and descendants of the former being called pāṇḍava-s)  |
कुरु | m. Name of a son of āgnīdhra- and grandson of priya-vrata-  |
कुरु | m. boiled rice  |
कुरु | m. the plant Solanum Jacquini (equals kaṇṭakārikā-)  |
कुरु | f. (ūs-) a princess of the kuru- race (see kaurava-,etc.)  |
कुरुबाहु | m. a kind of bird  |
कुरुबिल्व | m. a ruby  |
कुरुबिल्वक | m. equals kulmāṣa-  |
कुरुचर | mf(ī-)n. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).  |
कुरुचिल्ल | m. a crab  |
कुरुगार्हपत | n. ?  |
कुरुह | m. "growing from the earth", a tree  |
कुरुहार | m. Name of an agra-hāra-  |
कुरुजाङ्गल | n. Name of a country etc.  |
कुरुजाङ्गल | m. plural the inhabitants of that country  |
कुरुक | m. Name of a prince (varia lectio for ruruka-)  |
कुरुकन्दक | n. horse-radish (Raphanus sativus)  |
कुरुकत | m. Name of a man gaRa gargādi- and anuśatikādi-.  |
कुरुक्षेत्र | n. "the field of the kuru-s", Name of an extensive plain near Delhi (the scene of the great battles between the kuru-s and pāṇḍu-s) etc.  |
कुरुक्षेत्र | m. plural the inhabitants of that country (renowned for their bravery)  |
कुरुक्षेत्र | m. plural (wrong reading for kaurukṣ-)  |
कुरुक्षेत्रक | m. plural the inhabitants of the kuru-kṣetra-  |
कुरुक्षेत्रिन् | mfn. (with yoga-) a solar day, in the course of which three lunar days, three asterisms, and three yogas occur.  |
कुरुकुल्ला | f. (fr. ru-kulyā-,"belonging to the kuru- race"?) , Name of a Buddhist deity.  |
कुरुकुरुजाङ्गल | n. the country of the kuru-s and kuru-jāṅgala-  |
कुरुकुरुक्षेत्र | n. the country of the kuru-s and kuru-kṣetra-  |
कुरुल | m. a curl or lock of hair (especially on the forehead)  |
कुरुम्ब | m. a kind of orange (equals kula-pālaka-)  |
कुरुम्बा | f. the plant Phlomis ceylanica (commonly droṇa-puṣpī-)  |
कुरुम्बी | f. a kind of pepper  |
कुरुम्बिका | f. the plant Phlomis ceylanica  |
कुरुनदिका | f. equals ku-nad- commentator or commentary on  |
कुरुनन्दन | m. a descendant of kuru- (as arjuna-, yudhiṣṭhira-, etc.)  |
कुरुण्डि | m. Name of a ṛṣi- in the third manv-antara-  |
कुरुङ्ग | m. Name of a prince |
कुरुण्ट | m. yellow amaranth  |
कुरुण्ट | m. yellow Barleria  |
कुरुण्टक | m. yellow amaranth or Barleria  |
कुरुण्ठ | m. yellow amaranth or Barleria  |
कुरुण्टी | f. a doll, puppet made of wood  |
कुरुण्टी | f. the wife of a Brahman  |
कुरुण्टिका | f. idem or 'm. yellow amaranth or Barleria '  |
कुरुपञ्चाल | m. plural the kuru-s and pañcāla-s  |
कुरुपञ्चालत्रा | ind. as among the kuru-s and pañcāla-s  |
कुरुपाण्डव | m. dual number and plural the descendants of kuru- (id est of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-) and of pāṇḍu-  |
कुरुपथ | m. "Name of a man" See kaurupathi-.  |
कुरुपिशङ्गिल | mf(ā-)n.?  |
कुरुपुंगव | m. a kuru- chief (in the draupadī-haraṇa- applied to the pāṇḍu- princes).  |
कुरुराज् | m. "lord of the kuru-s", Name of duryodhana-  |
कुरुराज | m. Name of yudhiṣṭhira-  |
कुरुराज्य | n. the kuru- realm.  |
कुरुरी | for kurarī- q.v  |
कुरुसत्तम | m. idem or 'm. Name of arjuna- '  |
कुरुश्रवण | m. Name of a prince  |
कुरुश्रेष्ठ | m. Name of arjuna-  |
कुरुसुति | m. Name of a Vedic poet (author of ).  |
कुरुट | m. a kind of pot-herb (Marsilea quadrifolia) (see kuraṇṭa-.)  |
कुरुत | ? gaRa hasty-ādi- (varia lectio)  |
कुरुता | f. a particular high number  |
कुरुतपाद | mfn. gaRa hasty-ādi- varia lectio  |
कुरुटिन् | m. a horse  |
कुरुतीर्थ | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
कुरुवाजपेय | m. a particular kind of vājapeya-  |
कुरुवक | for kurabaka- q.v  |
कुरुवंश | m. Name of a prince  |
कुरुवंशक | m. idem or 'm. Name of a prince '  |
कुरुवर्णक | m. plural Name of a people  |
कुरुवश | m. Name of a prince :  |
कुरुवत्स | m. Name of a prince (varia lectio for -vaśa-).  |
कुरुविन्द | m. a kind of barley commentator or commentary on  |
कुरुविन्द | m. a fragrant grass (Cyperus rotundus)  |
कुरुविन्द | m. the plant Terminalia Catappa  |
कुरुविन्द | m. the bud of a flower  |
कुरुविन्द | m. equals kulmāṣa- (see kuru-bilvaka-)  |
कुरुविन्द | mn. a ruby  |
कुरुविन्द | n. black salt  |
कुरुविन्द | n. cinnabar  |
कुरुविन्दक | m. a wild variety of Dolichos biflorus  |
कुरुविस्त | m. a pala- of gold (in weight equal to about 700 troy grains) =  |
कुरुवृद्ध | m. Name of bhīṣma-  |
कुस्तुम्बुरु | m. idem or 'f. the plant coriander (see tumburī-.)'  |
कुस्तुम्बुरु | m. (sa-k-)  |
कुस्तुम्बुरु | n. the seed of coriander  |
कुसुरुबिन्द | m. Name of a descendant of uddālaka-  |
कुसुरुबिन्ददशरात्र | n. Name of particular observances (lasting ten days).  |
कुसुरुबिन्दु | m. equals nda- (author of ) .  |
कुसुरुबिन्दुत्रिरात्र | n. Name of particular observances (lasting three days)  |
कुतुम्बुरु | n. a bad fruit of the plant Diospyros embryopteris  |
लक्ष्मीपुरुषकार | m. Name of work  |
लोकगुरु | m. a teacher of the world, instructor of the people  |
लोकपुरुष | m. "world-man", the World personified  |
मदगुरुपक्ष | mfn. having wings heavy with honey (as bees)  |
मधुरुह | m. Name of a son of ghṛta-pṛṣṭha-  |
मध्वगुरु | m. the teacher madhva-  |
मध्यकुरु | (prob.) m. pl. Name of a country  |
मध्यमपुरुष | m. a particular personification  |
मध्यमपुरुष | m. (in gram.) the second person in verbal conjugation, a termination of the second person (see prathama-puruṣa-, uttama-puruṣa-).  |
मध्येगुरु | mfn. (prob.) having a long syllable in the middle,  |
महागुरु | m. a very venerable person  |
महापुरुष | m. a great or eminent man ( mahāpuruṣatā -tā- f.the state of being one) etc.  |
महापुरुष | m. a great saint or sage or ascetic  |
महापुरुष | m. the great Soul, the Supreme Spirit (identified with the year ;also as Name of viṣṇu-) etc. |
महापुरुष | m. Name of gautama- buddha-  |
महापुरुषदन्ता | f. Asparagus Racemosus ( )  |
महापुरुषदन्तिका | f. Asparagus Racemosus ( )  |
महापुरुषलक्षण | n. Name of work  |
महापुरुषपावनकवच्च् | n. a particular magical formula  |
महापुरुषस्तव | m. Name of work  |
महापुरुषस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
महापुरुषता | f. mahāpuruṣa |
महापुरुषविद्या | f. a particular magical formula  |
महापुरुषविद्यायांविष्णुरहस्येक्षेत्रकाण्डेजगन्नाथमाहात्म्य | n. Name of work  |
महारुरु | m. a species of antelope  |
महेन्द्रगुरु | m. "great Inscr's teacher", Name of the planet Jupiter (= bṛhas-pati-)  |
मङ्गलागुरु | n. a species of Agallochum  |
मातरिपुरुष | etc. See .  |
मातरिपुरुष | m. a man (only when opposed) to his mother, a cowardly bully gaRa pātre-samitādi- (see pitari-śūra-).  |
मात्रागुरु | mfn. (food) heavy on account of its quantity or ingredients  |
मेचुरुदि | (?) , Name of a place  |
मेरुगुरु | mfn. firm as Mount Meru, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
मिथ्यापुरुष | m. a man only in appearance  |
मृदङ्कुरु | m. Columba Hariola  |
मृतपुरुषशरीर | n.  |
मूलपुरुष | m. the male representative of a family, the last male of a race  |
मुरु | m. Name of a country  |
मुरु | m. of a daitya- (equals mura-) (Calcutta edition maru-)  |
मुरु | m. a species of plant (in explanation of maurvī-)  |
मुरु | m. a kind of iron  |
मुरु | f. (in music) a kind of dance  |
मुरुदेश | m. Name of a country (see maru-d-).  |
मुरुण्ड | m. Name of a king  |
मुरुण्ड | m. plural Name of a dynasty and a people (confer, compare Greek , in Ptolemy) (varia lectio murūṇḍa-).  |
मुरुण्डक | m. Name of a mountain in udyāna-,  |
मुरुङ्गी | f. Moringa Pterygosperma (see muraṅgī-).  |
मुरुण्टक | m. plural Name of a school  |
मुरुताणदेश | m. Name of a country  |
नैष्पुरुष्य | n. vArttika I  |
नक्षत्रपुरुष | m. (astrology) a human figure representing the nakṣatra-s (also -ka-)  |
नक्षत्रपुरुष | m. a ceremony in which such a figure is worshipped  |
नक्षत्रपुरुष | m. Name of chapter of the  |
नक्षत्रपुरुषव्रत | n. Name of a particular observance and of chapter of the  |
नमोगुरु | m. spiritual teacher, a Brahman  |
निकुरुम्ब | ( ) m. or n. a flock, mass, multitude.  |
निकुरुम्बक | ( ) m. or n. a flock, mass, multitude.  |
नीलकुरुण्टक | m.  |
निरश्वपुरुष | mf(ā-)n. without horses and men  |
निष्पौरुष | mfn. devoid of manhood, unmanly (printed niḥ-p-)  |
निष्पौरुषामर्ष | mfn. devoid of manhood and wrath  |
निष्पुरुष | mfn. deprived of men, desolate  |
निष्पुरुष | mfn. one who has not produced male children  |
निष्पुरुष | mfn. not male, feminine or neuter  |
निष्पुरुष | m. a weakling or coward  |
पञ्चपुरुषम् | ind. through 5 generations of men  |
पापपुरुष | m. a villainous man (a personification of all sin or archetype of a sinner)  |
पापपुरुष | m. a villain, rascal  |
परःपुरुष | mfn. higher than a man  |
परमपुरुष | m. idem or 'm. the Supreme Spirit, Name of viṣṇu- '  |
परमपुरुषमहोत्सवप्रायश्चित्त | n. Name of work  |
परमपुरुषप्रार्थनामञ्जरी | f. Name of work  |
परमपुरुषसंहिता | f. Name of work  |
परापरगुरु | m. a Guru of an intermediate class  |
परापरगुरु | m. Name of the goddess durgā- (see parāt-parag-)  |
परपुरुष | m. the husband of another woman  |
परपुरुष | m. "the Supreme Spirit", Name of viṣṇu-  |
परात्परगुरु | m. the teacher of the teacher of the teacher of a teacher (see, parāpara-g-under para-).  |
परौरु | (r/a--) mf(vī-)n. broad on the outside or behind (see paro-varīyas-).  |
परिघगुरु | mfn. as heavy as an iron bar  |
पर्णपुरुष | m. (prob. equals -nara-) Name of work  |
पश्चाद्बद्धपुरुष | m. ( ) ( [Pi.] ), (a man) whose hands are bound behind.  |
पौरु | vṛddhi- form of puru- in compound  |
पौरुहन्मन | n. Name of several sāman-s  |
पौरुहूत | mfn. belonging to puruhūta- id est indra-  |
पौरुकुत्स | m. patronymic of trasa-dasyu- etc. (f(ī-). )  |
पौरुकुत्सि | (p/auru--) m. idem or 'm. patronymic of trasa-dasyu- etc. (f(ī-). )'  |
पौरुकुत्स्य | m. idem or '(p/auru--) m. idem or 'm. patronymic of trasa-dasyu- etc. (f(ī-). )' '  |
पौरुमद्ग | n. Name of 2 sāman-s (wrong reading -mahna-).  |
पौरुमीढ | n. Name of a sāman-  |
पौरुमीऌह | n. Name of a sāman-  |
पौरुष | mf(ī-)n. (fr. puruṣa-) manly, human etc.  |
पौरुष | mf(ī-)n. belonging or sacred to puruṣa- etc.  |
पौरुष | mf(ī-)n. equals puruṣa-dvayasa-, -daghna- or -mātra-  |
पौरुष | m. a weight or load which can be carried by one man ( )  |
पौरुष | m. Name of a rākṣasa- (varia lectio pauruṣeya-)  |
पौरुष | m. a period of 3 hours (equals yāma-)  |
पौरुष | n. manhood, virility (opp. to strītva-)  |
पौरुष | n. manliness, manly strength or courage or deed, valour, heroism etc.  |
पौरुष | n. force (opp. to buddhi-,"intellect")  |
पौरुष | n. a man's length  |
पौरुष | n. a generation  |
पौरुष | n. semen virile  |
पौरुष | n. the penis  |
पौरुष | n. a sun-dial  |
पौरुष | vṛddhi- form of puruṣa- in compound  |
पौरुषाद | mfn. relating or peculiar to man-eaters or cannibals  |
पौरुषमेधिक | (p/aur-) mfn. relating or belonging to a human sacrifice  |
पौरुषासकिन् | m. plural the school of puruṣāsaka- gaRa śaunakādi- ( varia lectio ṣāṃsakin-).  |
पौरुषता | f. manhood, manly strength or spirit  |
पौरुषत्व | n. manhood, manly strength or spirit  |
पौरुषविधिक | mfn. man-like, human  |
पौरुषेय | mf(ī-)n. relating to or derived from or made by man, human |
पौरुषेय | mf(ī-)n. coming from the soul, spiritual  |
पौरुषेय | m. a hireling, day-labourer  |
पौरुषेय | m. equals samūha-, vadha- or puruṣasya padāntaram- (?)  |
पौरुषेय | m. Name of a rākṣasa-  |
पौरुषेय | n. human action, the work of man  |
पौरुषेयत्व | n. human nature or origin  |
पौरुषेयवेदवादिन् | m. one who asserts the human origin of the veda-  |
पौरुषी | f. a woman  |
पौरुषिक | m. a worshipper of puruṣa-  |
पौरुशिष्टि | m. Name of a teacher  |
पौरुष्य | mfn. relating to puruṣa-  |
पौरुष्य | n. manliness, manly strength or courage, heroism  |
पितृमातृगुरुशुश्रूषाध्यानवत् | mfn. only intent on obeying father and mother and teacher  |
प्रचुरपुरुष | mfn. abounding with men, populous  |
प्रचुरपुरुष | m. a thief.  |
प्रधानपुरुष | m. a chief person, most distinguished personage, an authority  |
प्रधानपुरुष | m. "the supreme soul", Name of śiva-  |
प्रधानपुरुषातीत | m. transcending pradhāna- and puruṣa- (matter and spirit)  |
प्रधानपुरुषातीत | m. Name of śiva-  |
प्रकृतिपुरुष | m. a minister, servant  |
प्रकृतिपुरुष | m. a standard or model of a man  |
प्रकृतिपुरुष | m. (dual number) nature and spirit  |
प्रमाणपुरुष | m. an umpire, arbitrator, judge  |
प्रथमपुरुष | m. the first (= our 3rd) person in the verb or its terminations (See above)  |
प्रथमपुरुष | m. Name of an author  |
प्रातिपौरुषिक | mf(ī-)n. (fr. -pauruṣa-) relating to manliness or valour  |
प्रतिपुरुष | m. "a counter-person", a similar man  |
प्रतिपुरुष | m.a companion, assistant  |
प्रतिपुरुष | m.a deputy, substitute  |
प्रतिपुरुष | m.(a-pratip-,unmatched )  |
प्रतिपुरुष | m.the effigy of a man (which thieves push into the interior of a house before entering it themselves)  |
प्रतिपुरुष | m.(in the beginning of a compound and pratipuruṣam ṣ/am- ind.) man by man, every man, for each man  |
प्रतिपुरुष | m. for each soul  |
प्रतिपुरुषम् | ind. pratipuruṣa |
पृथुरुक्म | m. Name of a son of parā-jit- (or parā-vṛt-)  |
पृथुरुक्मन् | m. Name of a son of parā-jit- (or parā-vṛt-)  |
पुण्यपुरुष | m. a man rich in religious merit, a pious man  |
पुराणपुरुष | m. "primeval male", Name of viṣṇu-,  |
पूर्णपुरुषार्थचन्द्र | m. or n. Name of a drama.  |
पुरोगुरु | mfn. heavy before or in front,  |
पुरु | mf(pūrv/ī-)n. ( pṝ-) much, many, abundant (only purū-, r/ūṇi-, rūṇām-and several cases of f. pūrvī-;in later language only in the beginning of a compound) etc. (r/u-.much, often, very [also with a Comparative degree or superl.];with simā-,everywhere;with tir/as-,far off, from afar; purār/u-,far and wide; pur/u v/iśva-,one and all, every )  |
पुरु | m. the pollen of a flower  |
पुरु | m. heaven, paradise  |
पुरु | m. (see pūru-) Name of a prince (the son of yayāti- and śarmiṣṭhā- and sixth monarch of the lunar race)  |
पुरु | m. of a son of vasu-deva- and saha-devā-  |
पुरु | m. of a son of madhu-  |
पुरु | m. of a son of manu- cākṣuṣa- and naḍvalā- [ confer, compare Old Persian paru; Greek ; Gothic filu; Anglo-Saxon ftolu; German viel.]  |
पुरुभोजस् | mfn. containing many means of enjoyments, greatly nourishing  |
पुरुभोजस् | m. a cloud  |
पुरुभू | mfn. being or appearing in many places (superl. -tama-)  |
पुरुभुज् | mfn. enjoying much  |
पुरुभूत | wrong reading for -hūta-  |
पुरुचेतन | mfn. visible to many, very conspicuous  |
पुरुद | n. gold (see puraṭa-).  |
पुरुदम | mfn. possessed of or belonging to many houses  |
पुरुदंस | mfn. abounding in mighty or wonderful deeds  |
पुरुदंशक | m. "many-teethed", a goose (so called from its serrated beak)  |
पुरुदंसु | mfn. idem or 'mfn. abounding in mighty or wonderful deeds '  |
पुरुदंसु | m. Name of indra-  |
पुरुदस्म | mfn. equals -daṃsa-  |
पुरुदस्यु | mfn. (people) , consisting chiefly in robbers  |
पुरुदत्र | mfn. rich in gifts  |
पुरुदय | mfn. abounding in compassion  |
पुरुदेवचम्पू | f. Name of a poem.  |
पुरुध | ind. (before 2 consonants) variously, frequently  |
पुरुधा | ind. variously, frequently  |
पुरुधप्रतीक | mfn. appearing variously  |
पुरुधाप्रतीक | mfn. (-dh/a--) appearing variously  |
पुरुदिन | n. plural many days  |
पुरुद्रप्स | mfn. abounding in drops of water (said of the marut-s)  |
पुरुद्रुह् | mfn. injuring greatly  |
पुरुद्वत् | m. Name of a prince  |
पुरुगूर्त | mfn. welcome to many  |
पुरुह | mfn. much, many  |
पुरुहानि | f. a great loss  |
पुरुहन्मन् | m. Name of a man (author of ) with the patronymic āṅgirasa- ( ) or vaikhānasa- ( )  |
पुरुहोत्र | m. Name of a son of anu-  |
पुरुहु | mfn. much, many  |
पुरुहुत | m. Name of a prince  |
पुरुहूत | mfn. much invoked or invoked by many etc.  |
पुरुहूत | m. Name of indra- etc., ( puruhūtakāṣṭhā -kāṣṭhā- f. indra-'s quarter id est the east ; puruhūtadviṣ -dviṣ- m. indra-'s foe, Name of indra-jit- )  |
पुरुहूता | f. Name of a form of dākṣāyaṇī-  |
पुरुहूतद्विष् | m. puruhūta |
पुरुहूतकाष्ठा | f. puruhūta |
पुरुहूति | f. manifold invocation  |
पुरुज | mfn. much (see puruha-)  |
पुरुज | m. Name of a prince (the son of suśānti-)  |
पुरुजात | mfn. variously manifested or appearing  |
पुरुजाति | m. equals -ja- m.  |
पुरुजित् | m. "conquering many", Name of a hero on the side of the pāṇḍu-s and brother of kunti-bhoja-  |
पुरुजित् | m. of a prince the son of rucaka-  |
पुरुजित् | m. of a son of ānaka-  |
पुरुकारकवत् | mfn. having many agents or factors  |
पुरुकृपा | f. abundant mercy or compassion  |
पुरुकृत् | mfn. equals -kṛtvan-  |
पुरुकृत् | mfn. increasing (with genitive case)  |
पुरुकृत्वन् | mfn. achieving great deeds, efficacious  |
पुरुक्षु | mfn. rich in food  |
पुरुक्षु | mfn. liberally granting (with genitive case)  |
पुरुकुत्स | m. Name of a man  |
पुरुकुत्स | m. of a descendant of ikṣvāku-  |
पुरुकुत्स | m. of a son of māndhātṛ-  |
पुरुकुत्स | m. of another man  |
पुरुकुत्सानी | f. Name of a woman (prob. wife of puru-kutsa-)  |
पुरुकुत्सव | m. Name of an enemy of indra-  |
पुरुलम्पट | mfn. very lascivious  |
पुरुमद्ग | (?) m. Name of a man (wrong reading -mahna-).  |
पुरुमनस् | mfn. (formed for the explanation of 2. puṃs-)  |
पुरुमन्द्र | mfn. delighting many  |
पुरुमन्तु | mfn. full of wisdom, intelligent  |
पुरुमाय | ( ) mfn. possessing various arts or virtues, wonderful.  |
पुरुमायिन् | ( ) mfn. possessing various arts or virtues, wonderful.  |
पुरुमाय्य | m. Name of a man  |
पुरुमेद्ब | mfn. ( ) endowed with wisdom  |
पुरुमेद्ब | mfn. Name of a man with the patronymic āṅgirasa- (author of ).  |
पुरुमेधस् | mfn. ( ) endowed with wisdom  |
पुरुमेधस् | mfn. Name of a man with the patronymic āṅgirasa- (author of ).  |
पुरुमीढ | ( etc.) m. Name of a man (with the patronymic āṅgirasa- or sauhotra-;the supposed author of )  |
पुरुमीऌह | m. ( ) Name of a man (with the patronymic āṅgirasa- or sauhotra-;the supposed author of )  |
पुरुमीऌह | m. of a son of su-hotra-  |
पुरुमीऌह | m. of a grandson of su-hotra- and son of hastin- (bṛhat-)  |
पुरुमीऌह | m. of a man with the patronymic vaidadaśvi-  |
पुरुमित्र | m. Name of a man  |
पुरुमित्र | m. of a warrior on the side of the kuru-s  |
पुरुणामन् | (pur/u--.) mfn. having many names (said of indra-)  |
पुरुनिःषिध् | mfn. repelling many (foes)  |
पुरुनिःषिध्वन् | mfn. repelling many (foes)  |
पुरुनिष्ठा | mfn. excelling among many  |
पुरुणीथ | n. a song for many voices, choral song  |
पुरुञ्ज | or puruṇḍa- m. plural Name of a dynasty  |
पुरुनृम्ण | mfn. displaying great valour  |
पुरुपन्था | m. (Nominal verb thās-) Name of a man  |
पुरुपशु | mfn. rich in cattle  |
पुरुपेश | mfn. multiform  |
पुरुपेशस् | mfn. multiform  |
पुरुप्रैष | mfn. inciting many  |
पुरुप्रैष | mfn. inciting many  |
पुरुप्रजात | mfn. variously propagated  |
पुरुप्रशस्त | mfn. praised by many  |
पुरुप्रौढ | mfn. possessing much self-confidence  |
पुरुप्रिय | mf(/ā-)n. dear to many  |
पुरुपुत्र | mf(/ā-)n. having many sons or children  |
पुरुराजवंशक्रम | m. Name of a poem.  |
पुरुरथ | mfn. having many chariots  |
पुरुरावन् | m. "much-howling", Name of a demon  |
पुरुरवस | wrong reading for purū-r- below  |
पुरुरुच् | mfn. shining brightly  |
पुरुरुज् | mfn. subject to many diseases  |
पुरुरूप | mf(ā-)n. multiform, variegated  |
पुरुरूप | mf(ā-)n. forming various shapes  |
पुरुष | m. (mc. also p/ūr-;prob. fr. pṝ-and connected with puru-, pūru- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).,rarelyf(ī-).; see ) a man, male, human being (plural people, mankind) etc.  |
पुरुष | m. a person, (pumān puruṣaḥ-,a male person ; daṇḍaḥp-,punishment personified ; especially grammatical Persian;with prathama-, madhyama-, uttama-= the 3rd, 2nd, 1st Persian ), an officer, functionary, attendant, servant etc. (see tat-p-)  |
पुरुष | m. a friend  |
पुरुष | m. a follower of the sāṃkhya- Philosophy (?)  |
पुरुष | m. a member or representative of a race or generation etc.  |
पुरुष | m. the height or measure of a man (= 5 aratni-s = 120 aṅgula-s)  |
पुरुष | m. the pupil of the eye  |
पुरुष | m. (also with nārāyaṇa-) the primaeval man as the soul and original source of the universe (described in the puruṣa-sūkta- q.v) etc.  |
पुरुष | m. the personal and animating principle in men and other beings, the soul or spirit etc.  |
पुरुष | m. the Supreme Being or Soul of the universe (sometimes with para-, parama-,or uttama-;also identified with brahmā-, viṣṇu-, śiva- and durgā-) etc.  |
पुरुष | m. (in sāṃkhya-) the Spirit as passive and a spectator of the prakṛti- or creative force  |
पुरुष | m. the,"spirit"or fragrant exhalation of plants  |
पुरुष | m. (with sapta-) Name of the divine or active principles from the minute portions of which the universe was formed  |
पुरुष | m. Name of a pāda- in the mahā-nāmnī- verses  |
पुरुष | m. of the Ist, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th signs of the zodiac  |
पुरुष | m. of a son of manu- cākṣuṣa-  |
पुरुष | m. of one of the 18 attendants of the sun  |
पुरुष | m. plural men, people (see above)  |
पुरुष | m. Name of the Brahmans of krauñca-dvīpa-  |
पुरुष | m. (with pañca-) Name of 5 princely personages or miraculous persons born under particular constellations, Var  |
पुरुष | m. Rottleria Tinctoria  |
पुरुष | m. Clerodendrum Phlomoides  |
पुरुष | mn. equals puruṣaka- m. n.  |
पुरुष | n. (!) Name of mount meru-  |
पुरुषबहुमान | m. the respect or esteem of mankind  |
पुरुषच्छन्दस | n. "man's metre", the metre suited for men id est the dvi-padā-  |
पुरुषाद् | mfn. eating or destroying men  |
पुरुषाद | mf(ī-)n. idem or 'mfn. eating or destroying men '  |
पुरुषाद | m. a cannibal, a rakṣas- ( puruṣādatva -tva- n.)  |
पुरुषाद | m. (plural) Name of a race of cannibals in the east of madhya-deśa- |
पुरुषदघ्न | mfn. of the height or measure of a man  |
पुरुषादक | mfn. men-devouring  |
पुरुषादक | mfn. (plural) Name of certain cannibals  |
पुरुषदम्यसारथि | m. a driver or guide of men (compared with young draught-oxen)  |
पुरुषदन्तिका | f. Name of a medicinal root  |
पुरुषदत्त | m. Name of a man  |
पुरुषादत्व | n. puruṣāda |
पुरुषाधम | m. "lowest or vilest of men", an outcast, the worst of servants  |
पुरुषधर्म | m. personal rule or precept  |
पुरुषधौरेयक | m. a man superior to other people  |
पुरुषाधिकार | m. manly office or duty  |
पुरुषद्रव्यसम्पद् | f. abundance of men and material  |
पुरुषद्वयस | mf(ī-)n. equals -daghna-  |
पुरुषद्वेषिन् | mfn. man-hating, misanthropic  |
पुरुषद्वेषिणी | f. an ill-tempered or fractious woman  |
पुरुषद्विष् | m. an enemy of viṣṇu-  |
पुरुषाद्य | m. "first of men", Name of viṣṇu-  |
पुरुषाद्य | m. (with jaina-s) Name of ādi-nātha- or of ṛṣabha- (the first arhat- of present avasarpiṇī-) .  |
पुरुषगन्धि | (pu-) mfn. smelling of men  |
पुरुषगति | f. Name of a sāman-  |
पुरुषगात्र | mfn. endowed with human or manly limbs  |
पुरुषघ्नी | f. (with strī-) a woman who kills her husband (cf. pūruṣa-han-).  |
पुरुषहन् | mfn. only f. -ghnī- q.v  |
पुरुषाहुति | f. an invocation addressed to men  |
पुरुषाहुति | the oblation of a man,  |
पुरुषजन | m. sg. men, people  |
पुरुषाजान | mfn. of human descent or origin  |
पुरुषजातक | Name of work  |
पुरुषजीवन | mf(ī-)n. enlivening or animating men  |
पुरुषज्ञान | n. knowledge of men or mankind  |
पुरुशाक | m. helpful (superl. -tama-)  |
पुरुषक | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' equals puruṣa-, a man, male  |
पुरुषक | mn. standing on two feet like a man, the rearing of a horse, prancing  |
पुरुषकाम | mfn. desirous of men  |
पुरुषकार | m. human effort (opp. to daiva-,fate)  |
पुरुषकार | m. manly act, virility, heroism etc.  |
पुरुषकार | m. haughtiness, pride  |
पुरुषकार | m. Name of a grammarian  |
पुरुषाकार | mfn. of human form or shape ( puruṣākāratā -tā- f.)  |
पुरुषकारमीमांसा | f. Name of work  |
पुरुषकारफल | n. the fruit or result of human effort  |
पुरुषाकारता | f. puruṣākāra |
पुरुषकेसरिन् | m. "man-lion", Name of viṣṇu- in his 4th appearance on earth, (see nara-siṃha-).  |
पुरुषाकृति | f. the figure of a man  |
पुरुषक्षेत्र | n. a male or uneven zodiacal sign or astrological house, Var,  |
पुरुषक्षीर | n. human milk  |
पुरुशक्ति | mfn. possessing various powers  |
पुरुषकुणप | n. a human corpse  |
पुरुषमानिन् | mfn. fancying one's self a man or hero ( puruṣamāninitva n/i-tva- n.)  |
पुरुषमानिनित्व | n. puruṣamānin |
पुरुषमात्र | mf(ī-)n. of the height or measure of a man  |
पुरुषमात्र | n. the size of a man  |
पुरुसम्भृत | mfn. accumulated by many  |
पुरुषमेध | m. the sacrifice of a man etc.  |
पुरुषमेध | m. Name of the supposed author of (perhaps wrong reading for puru-medha- q.v),  |
पुरुषमृग | m. a male antelope  |
पुरुषांसक | m. Name of a teacher gaRa śaunakādi- ( ṣāsaka-)  |
पुरुषमुख | mf(ī-)n. having the face of a man  |
पुरुषनाय | m. man superior to other people  |
पुरुषनाय | m. "man-leader", a prince  |
पुरुषाङ्ग | m. n. the male organ of generation (see narāṅga-).  |
पुरुषनिष्क्रयण | mfn. one who redeems a person  |
पुरुषनियम | m. (in gram.) a restriction as to person.  |
पुरुषान्न | n. food for men,  |
पुरुषानृत | n. falsehood respecting men  |
पुरुषान्तर | n. another man or person, a mediator, interposer ( puruṣāntaram am- ind.by a mediator, indirectly )  |
पुरुषान्तर | n. another or a succeeding generation  |
पुरुषान्तर | n. ( puruṣāntaravedin -vedin- mfn.knowing the heart of mankind )  |
पुरुषान्तर | n. ( puruṣāntarātman rātman- m."man's inner self."the soul )  |
पुरुषान्तर | m. (sc. saṃdhi-) an alliance negotiated by warriors chosen by both parties  |
पुरुषान्तरम् | ind. puruṣāntara |
पुरुषान्तरात्मन् | m. puruṣāntara |
पुरुषान्तरवेदिन् | mfn. puruṣāntara |
पुरुषन्ति | ( -s/anti-) m. Name of a man  |
पुरुषपरीक्षा | f. "trial of man", Name of a collection of moral tales.  |
पुरुषपशु | m. a beast of man, a brutal man  |
पुरुषपशु | m. a man as a sacrificial victim  |
पुरुषपशु | m. the soul compared with animal  |
पुरुषपशु | m. a human animal, man  |
पुरुषपति | m. "lord of men", Name of rāma-  |
पुरुषप्रभु | m. Name of a prince  |
पुरुषपुंगव | m. "man-bull", an eminent or excellent man  |
पुरुषपुण्डरीक | m. "man-lotus", equals prec. , (with jaina-s) Name of the 6th black vāsudeva-  |
पुरुषपुर | n. Name of the capital of gāndhāra-, the modern Peshawar ($)  |
पुरुषराज | m. a human king  |
पुरुषरक्षस् | n. a demon in the form of a man  |
पुरुषरेषण | ( ) mfn. hurting men.  |
पुरुषरेषिन् | ( ) mfn. hurting men.  |
पुरुषर्षभ | (r-for ṛ-) m. equals -puṃgava-  |
पुरुषार्थ | m. any object of human pursuit  |
पुरुषार्थ | m. any one of the four objects or aims of existence (viz. kāma-,the gratification of desire; artha-,acquirement of wealth; dharma-,discharge of duty; mokṣa-,final emancipation) ( puruṣārthatva -tva- n.) etc.  |
पुरुषार्थ | m. human effort or exertion etc.  |
पुरुषार्थचिन्तामणि | m. Name of work  |
पुरुषार्थकार | m. Name of work  |
पुरुषार्थकौमुदी | f. Name of work  |
पुरुषार्थम् | ind. for the sake of the soul  |
पुरुषार्थम् | ind. for or on account of man  |
पुरुषार्थानुशासन | n. Name of work  |
पुरुषार्थप्रबोध | m. Name of work  |
पुरुषार्थप्रबोधिणी | f. Name of work  |
पुरुषार्थरत्नाकर | m. Name of work  |
पुरुषार्थसिद्ध्युपाय | m. Name of work  |
पुरुषार्थसुधानिधि | m. Name of work  |
पुरुषार्थसूत्रवृत्ति | f. Name of work  |
पुरुषार्थत्रयीमय | mf(ī-)n. intent only upon the 3 objects of man (kāma-, artha-and dharma-)  |
पुरुषार्थत्व | n. puruṣārtha |
पुरुषरूप | n. the shape of a man  |
पुरुषरूप | mfn. equals next  |
पुरुषरूपक | mfn. shaped like a man  |
पुरुषसामन् | n. Name of a sāman-  |
पुरुषसमवेय | m. a number of men  |
पुरुषसम्मित | (p/u-) mfn. man-like  |
पुरुषसंस्कार | m. a ceremony performed on a (dead) person  |
पुरुषसामुद्रिकलक्षण | n. "divination, from bodily signs", Name of work  |
पुरुषशार्दूल | m. "man-tiger", an eminent man  |
पुरुषसिंह | m. "man-lion", an eminent man or hero  |
पुरुषसिंह | m. (with jaina-s) Name of the 5th of the black vāsudeva-s  |
पुरुषाशिन् | m. "man-eater", a rākṣasa-  |
पुरुषशिरस् | n. a human head  |
पुरुषशीर्ष | n. idem or 'n. a human head '  |
पुरुषशीर्षक | m. or n. Name of an instrument used by thieves  |
पुरुषास्थ | n. a human bone  |
पुरुषास्थिमालिन् | m. "wearing a necklace of human skulls", Name of śiva-  |
पुरुषसूक्त | n. "the puruṣa- hymn", Name of (describing the Supreme Soul of the universe and supposed to be comparatively modern)  |
पुरुषसूक्तभाष्य | n. Name of work  |
पुरुषसूक्तषोडशोपचारविधि | m. Name of work  |
पुरुषसूक्तविधान | n. Name of work  |
पुरुषसूक्तव्याख्या | f. Name of work  |
पुरुषसूक्तव्याख्यान | n. Name of work  |
पुरुषसूक्तोपनिषद् | f. Name of work  |
पुरुषता | f. (ṣ/a--) manhood, manliness |
पुरुषता | ind. (as instrumental case) after the manner of men, among men |
पुरुषतन्त्र | mfn. dependent on the subject, subjective ( puruṣatantratva -tva- n.)  |
पुरुषतन्त्रत्व | n. puruṣatantra |
पुरुषतेजस् | (p/u-) mfn. having a man's energy or manly vigour  |
पुरुषत्रा | ind. equals -tā- ind. (see ) .  |
पुरुषत्व | n. manhood, manliness  |
पुरुषत्वत्वता | ind. after the manner of men  |
पुरुषवाच् | mfn. having a human voice  |
पुरुषवचस् | mfn. called puruṣa-  |
पुरुषवद्ब | m. manslaughter, murder  |
पुरुषवद्ब | m. slaughter of a husband  |
पुरुषवाह | m. " viṣṇu-'s vehicle", Name of garuḍa-  |
पुरुषवाहम् | ind. (with vahati-,he moves in such a way as to be) borne or drawn along by men  |
पुरुषवर | m. the best of men  |
पुरुषवर | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
पुरुषवर | m. of a prince  |
पुरुषवर्जित | mfn. destitute of human beings, desolate  |
पुरुषवत् | mfn. accompanied by men  |
पुरुषावतार | m. human incarnation  |
पुरुषविध | (p/u-) mfn. man-like, having a human form ( puruṣavidhata -t/a- f.)  |
पुरुषविधत | f. puruṣavidha |
पुरुषव्रत | n. Name of 2 sāman-s  |
पुरुषव्याघ्र | m. "man-tiger", Name of a demon  |
पुरुषव्याघ्र | m. equals -śārdūla-  |
पुरुषव्याघ्र | m. a vulture  |
पुरुषाय | Nom. A1. yate-, to behave or act like a man, play the man  |
पुरुषायण | mf(ā-)n. going to or uniting with the soul  |
पुरुषायत | mfn. of the length of a man  |
पुरुषायित | mfn. acting like a man, playing the man (especially in sexual intercourse) ( puruṣāyitatva -tva- n.)  |
पुरुषायित | n. a kind of coitus  |
पुरुषायितत्व | n. puruṣāyita |
पुरुषयोगिन् | mfn. relating to a Person or subject  |
पुरुषयोनि | (p/u-) mfn. descended from or begotten by a man (male)  |
पुरुषायुष | n. the duration of a man's life, age of man (see )  |
पुरुषायुषक | n. idem or 'n. the duration of a man's life, age of man (see )'  |
पुरुश्चन्द्र | mfn. much-shining, resplendent  |
पुरुसेन | m. Name of a poet  |
पुरुषेन्द्र | m. "lord of men", a king  |
पुरुषेन्द्रता | f. sovereignty  |
पुरुषेषित | (p/u-) mfn. caused or instigated by men  |
पुरुषी | f. a woman, female etc.  |
पुरुषीभू | to become a man  |
पुरुशिष्ट | m. Name of a man (see pauruśiṣṭi-).  |
पुरुषोक्ति | f. the name or title of man  |
पुरुषोक्तिक | mfn. having only the name of man, destitute, friendless  |
पुरुषोपहार | m. the sacrifice of a man  |
पुरुषोत्तम | See below.  |
पुरुषोत्तम | m. the best of men, an excellent or superior man  |
पुरुषोत्तम | m. the best of servants, a good attendant  |
पुरुषोत्तम | m. the highest being, Supreme Spirit, Name of viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa- etc. ( )  |
पुरुषोत्तम | m. equals -kṣetra-  |
पुरुषोत्तम | m. (with jaina-s) an arhat-  |
पुरुषोत्तम | m. Name of the fourth black vāsudeva-  |
पुरुषोत्तम | m. a jina- (one of the generic terms for a deified teacher of the jaina- sect)  |
पुरुषोत्तम | m. Name of several authors and various men (also -dāsa-, -dīkṣita-, -deva-, -deva-śarman-, -paṇḍita-, -prasāda-, -bhaṭṭa-, -bhaṭṭātmaja-, -bhāraty-ācārya-, -miśra-, -manu-sudhīndra-, -sarasvatī- mācāya-, mānanda-tīrtha-, mānanda-yati-, māśrama-).  |
पुरुषोत्तमचरित्र | n. Name of work  |
पुरुषोत्तमखण्ड | mn. Name of work  |
पुरुषोत्तमक्षेत्र | n. "district of the Supreme Being", Name of a district in Orissa sacred to viṣṇu-  |
पुरुषोत्तमक्षेत्रमाहात्म्य | n. Name of work  |
पुरुषोत्तमक्षेत्रतत्त्व | n. Name of work  |
पुरुषोत्तममाहात्म्य | n. Name of work  |
पुरुषोत्तममन्त्र | m. Name of work  |
पुरुषोत्तमपत्त्र | n. Name of work  |
पुरुषोत्तमप्रकाशक्षेत्रविधि | m. Name of work  |
पुरुषोत्तमपुराण | n. Name of work  |
पुरुषोत्तमपुरीमाहात्म्य | n. Name of work  |
पुरुषोत्तमसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
पुरुषोत्तमशास्त्रीय | n. Name of work  |
पुरुषोत्तमतीर्थ | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
पुरुषोत्तमतीर्थप्रयोगतत्त्व | n. Name of work  |
पुरुषोत्तमवाद | m. Name of work  |
पुरुस्पार्ह | ( ) ( ) mfn. much desired.  |
पुरुस्पृह् | ( ) mfn. much desired.  |
पुरुष्टुत | mfn. highly lauded, praised by many  |
पुरुष्टुत | m. Name of śiva-  |
पुरुष्य | mfn. pertaining to man, human  |
पुरुतम | (purū--) mfn. very much or many, abundant, frequent, ever-recurring  |
पुरुत्मन् | mfn. existing variously |
पुरुत्रा | ind. variously, in many ways or places or directions  |
पुरुत्रा | ind. many times, often  |
पुरुवाज | mf(ā-)n. powerful, very strong  |
पुरुवार | mfn. having an ample tail or mane (as a horse or ox)  |
पुरुवार | mfn. rich in gifts  |
पुरुवारपुष्टि | mfn. granting treasured riches  |
पुरुवर्पस् | mfn. multiform, variegated  |
पुरुवर्त्मन् | mfn. having many ways or paths  |
पुरुवश | m. Name of a prince  |
पुरुवेपस् | mfn. much excited or exciting  |
पुरुवी | f. (in music) Name of a rāgiṇī-.  |
पुरुवीर | mf(ā-)n. possessed of many men or male offspring  |
पुरुविश्रुत | m. "much renowned", Name of a son of vasu-deva-  |
पुरुव्रत | mfn. having many ordinances (said of soma-)  |
पूर्वपुरुष | m. a forefather, ancestor  |
पूर्वपुरुष | m. (plural forefathers, ancestors )  |
पूर्वपुरुष | m. "the primaeval Soul", Name of brahmā-  |
राजगुरु | m. a king's minister or counsellor  |
राजपौरुषिक | mf(ī-)n. being in a king's service  |
राजपौरुष्य | n. the state of a royal servant, the being  |
राजपौरुष्य | n. a king's minister gaRa anuśatikādi-.  |
राजपुरुष | m. equals -puṃs-  |
राजपुरुषवाद | m. Name of work  |
रक्षपुरुष | wrong reading for rakṣā-p-  |
रक्षापुरुष | m. a watchman, guard, protector (wrong reading rakṣa-p-).  |
रक्षिकपुरुष | m. idem or 'm. (fr. rakṣā-) a guard, protector, policeman '  |
रक्ताम्बुरुह | n. a red lotus flower  |
रामानुजगुरुपरम्परा | f. Name of work  |
रतगुरु | m. a husband  |
रौरुकिन् | m. plural (fr. ruruka-) the school of ruruka-  |
रौरुकिन् | n. plural the yajus- handed down by this school  |
रौरुकीय | mfn. (fr. prec.)  |
रविपतिगुरुमूर्ति | f. Name of work  |
रिक्तगुरु | See  |
रुक्मपुरुष | m. dual number Name of particular bricks  |
रुरु | m. (see 1. ru- ) a species of antelope (picta) etc.  |
रुरु | m. a kind of savage animal (see raurava-)  |
रुरु | m. a dog  |
रुरु | m. a species of fruit tree gaRa plakṣādi-  |
रुरु | m. a form of bhairava-  |
रुरु | m. Name of a son of the ṛṣi- pramati- by the apsaras- ghṛtācī-  |
रुरु | m. of a son of ahīna-gu-  |
रुरु | m. of one of the viśve- devāḥ-  |
रुरु | m. of one of the 7 ṛṣi-s under manu- sāvarṇi- (with the patronymic kāśyapa-)  |
रुरु | m. of a dānava- or daitya- (said to have been slain by durgā-)  |
रुरुभैरव | m. a form of bhairava- (see above)  |
रुरुदिषा | f. wish or inclination to weep  |
रुरुदिषा | ṣu- See .  |
रुरुदिषु | mfn. wishing to weep, inclined to cry  |
रुरुक | m. Name of a king  |
रुरुक्षणि | mfn. (fr. Desiderative) wishing or able to destroy  |
रुरुक्षणि | See under 1. ruj-.  |
रुरुक्वस् | See 1. ruc-, p.881. |
रुरुमुण्ड | m. Name of a mountain (varia lectio uru-m-).  |
रुरुनखधारिन् | m. Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
रुरुपृषत | n. sg. or m. plural ruru-s and pṛṣata-s (two kinds of deer) Va1rtt. 1  |
रुरुशीर्षन् | (r/uru--) mfn. "deer-headed", having a deer's horn or a destructive point (said of an arrow)  |
रुरुत्सा | f. (fr. Desiderative) the wish to obstruct or check or prevent  |
रुरुत्सा | tsu- See .  |
रुरुत्सु | mfn. wishing to obstruct or oppose or keep back  |
रुरुत्सु | mfn. wishing to bind or tie up (as the hair)  |
रुरुविदारिणी | f. Name of durgā-  |
सद्गुरु | m. a good teacher  |
षड्गुरुभाष्य | n. Name of a commentator or commentary  |
षड्गुरुशिष्य | m. Name of a Commentator on kātyāyana-'s ṛg-veda-sarvānukramaṇī- (who lived in the 12th century, A.D.) |
सद्गुरुस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
सहपुरुष | mfn. with men  |
शैलगुरु | mfn. as heavy as a mountain  |
शैलगुरु | m. "chief of mountains", Name of the himālaya-, kum-  |
शकपुरुषविवरण | n. Name of work  |
साक्षात्पुरुषोत्तमवाक्य | n. Name of work by vallabhācārya-.  |
सकुरुण्ड | m. yellow Amaranth or Barleria (equals sāk-)  |
साकुरुण्ड | m. a kind of plant (see sa-k-)  |
शलाकापुरुष | m. plural (with jaina-s) Name of 63 divine personages (viz. the 24 jaina-s, 12 cakravartin-s, 9 vāsudeva-s, 9 bala-deva-s, and 9 prati-vāsu-deva-s)  |
सलिलगुरु | mfn. heavy with tears  |
संध्यावन्दनगुरुभाष्य | n. Name of work |
संघपुरुष | m. an attendant on the Buddhist brotherhood  |
सांख्यपुरुष | m. the spirit or soul in the sāṃkhya- system  |
संसारगुरु | m. the world's Guru (applied to kāma-, god of love)  |
शान्तिगुरु | ( ) m. Name of man.  |
सानुरुह | mfn. growing on a mountain-ridge (as a wood)  |
साप्तपौरुष | mf(ī-)n. (fr. idem or 'mfn. (fr. sapta-p-) extending to or comprising seven generations, ') =, prec.  |
सप्तपुरुष | mfn. consisting of 7 puruṣa-s or lengths of a man  |
साप्तपुरुष | mfn. (fr. sapta-p-) extending to or comprising seven generations,  |
सपुरुष | mfn. together with men or followers  |
सारगुरु | mfn. heavy with weight (as steps)  |
शरीरपुरुष | m. a soul possessed with a body  |
सर्वगुरु | mfn. consisting of only long syllables,  |
सर्वलोकगुरु | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
सर्वपुरुष | (s/arva--) mfn. having all men etc.  |
षष्ठीतत्पुरुष | m. a tatpuruṣa- compound of which the first member would (if uncompounded) be in the genitive case Scholiast or Commentator on  |
षाट्पौरुषिक | mfn. (fr. ṣaṣ-+ puruṣa-) relating or belonging to six generations  |
सत्पुरुष | m. a good or wise man  |
सत्पुरुषाष्टक | n. Name of work  |
सिद्धगुरु | m. Name of an author  |
सिद्धपुरुष | m. equals -nara-  |
सिद्धपुरुष | m. a man who has attained perfection  |
शिक्षागुरु | m. a religious preceptor.  |
सिंहस्थमकरस्थगुरुनिर्णय | m. Name of work  |
शिवगुरु | m. Name of the father of śaṃkarācārya- (son of vidyādhirāja-)  |
शिवनक्षत्रपुरुषव्रत | n. a particular observance or ceremony  |
स्कन्दगुरु | m. "father of skanda-", Name of śiva-  |
स्मरगुरु | m. "love-preceptor", Name of viṣṇu-  |
स्नेहगुरु | mfn. heavy-(hearted) from love for (genitive case)  |
सोमपुरुष | m. a servant of soma-.  |
स्फुटपौरुष | mfn. one who has displayed energy  |
श्रीगुरुसहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
श्रीपुरुषोत्तमतत्त्व | n. Name of a chapter of the smṛti-tattva-.  |
श्रीरङ्गगुरुस्तोत्र | n. Name of stotra-s.  |
स्त्रीगुरु | m. a female Guru or priestess (who teaches initiatory mantra-s)  |
स्त्रीपुरुष | n. sg. man and wife  |
सुदुरुक्ति | f. very harsh language  |
सुगुरु | mfn. very heinous (as a crime)  |
सुगुरु | mfn. a good teacher  |
शुक्लागुरु | n. white agallochum  |
सुन्दरगुरुकाव्य | n. Name of a poem.  |
सुपुरुहूति | mfn. very much invoked  |
सुपुरुष | m. a particular personification  |
सुरगुरु | m. "preceptor of the gods", Name of bṛhas-pati- etc.  |
सुरगुरु | m. the planet Jupiter (ror divasaḥ-,"Thursday")  |
सुरगुरुदिवस | m. Thursday  |
सुरपतिगुरु | m. " indra-'s teacher, bṛhas-pati-", the planet Jupiter  |
सुरराजगुरु | m. (equals sura-patig-)  |
सुरशत्रुगुरु | m. the planet Venus  |
सुरासुरगुरु | m. Name of śiva-  |
सुरासुरगुरु | m. of kaśyapa-  |
सुरुच् | f. bright light  |
सुरुच् | mfn. shining brightly  |
सुरुच् | m. Name of a man  |
सुरुच् | su-ruci- etc. See .  |
सुरुचि | f. great delight in (locative case) (varia lectio)  |
सुरुचि | m. Name of a gandharva- king  |
सुरुचि | m. of a yakṣa- (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
सुरुचि | f. Name of a wife of dhruva- and mother of uttama-  |
सुरुचिर | mf(ā-)n. shining brightly, radiant, splendid, beautiful  |
शुरुध् | f. plural (prob. connected with śṛdh-) invigorating draughts, healing herbs, any refreshment or comfort  |
सुरुज | mfn. very sick, unwell  |
सुरुक्म | mfn. beautifully shining or adorned  |
सुरुन्दला | f. Name of a river  |
सुरुङ्ग | m. a kind of tree, Moringa Pterygosperma (see su-raṅga-,)  |
सुरुङ्गा | f. (according to to some = Greek ; confer, compare suraṅgā-,p.1235, column 2) a hole made underground for military purposes or for house-breaking, mine, excavation, breach, subterranean passage  |
सुरुङ्गाहि | m. "underground-serpent", a house-breaker  |
सुरुङ्गयुज् | m. equals next  |
सुरुसुर | mfn. "ruling"or"shining" (equals surat-)  |
स्वयमगुरुत्व | n. state of lightness existing in one's self  |
स्वयंगुरुत्व | n. (its) own weight  |
तैलागुरु | n. a kind of Agallochum  |
तनुरुह् | n. "growing on the body", a hair of the body  |
तनुरुह | n. idem or 'n. "growing on the body", a hair of the body '  |
तनुरुह | n. a feather  |
तारागुरु | m. plural Name of particular authors of mantra-s (with śākta-s)  |
तरुरुहा | f. "growing on trees" equals -bhuj-  |
तत्पुरुष | m. the original or supreme spirit (one of the 5 forms of īśvara- [also ṣa-vaktra-] ) |
तत्पुरुष | m. the servant of him  |
तत्पुरुष | m. Name of a kalpa- period  |
तत्पुरुष | m. a class of compounds (formed like the word tat-puruṣa-,"his servant") in which the last member is qualified by the first without losing (as the last member of bahu-vrīhi- compounds) its grammatical independence (whether as noun or adjective (cf. mfn.) or p.)  |
तत्पुरुष | m. two subdivisions of these compounds are called karma-dhāraya- and dvi-gu- (qq.vv.)  |
तत्पुरुषवक्त्र | m. See before.  |
तौरुरव | n. the fruit of the tururu- tree gaRa plakṣādi- ( ) .  |
तौरुष्किक | mfn. (fr. turuṣka-) Turkish  |
तावुरु | m. id.  |
तीव्रपौरुष | n. daring heroism. |
त्रैपुरुष | mfn. equals tri-paur-, .  |
त्रिभुवनगुरु | m. "the 3 worlds' master", śiva-  |
त्रिदशगुरु | m. "thirty-god-preceptor", bṛhaspati- (regent of Jupiter)  |
त्रिपौरुष | mf(ī-)n. extending over 3 generations  |
त्रिपुरुष | n. sg. 3 generations  |
त्रिपुरुष | mfn. having the length of 3 men  |
त्रिपुरुष | mfn. (-pūr-)  |
त्रिपुरुष | mfn. having 3 assistants  |
त्रिपुरुषम् | ind. through 3 generations  |
त्रिपुरुषी | f. idem or 'n. sg. 3 generations ' Introd.  |
त्रिषष्टिशलाकापुरुषचरित | n. "lives of the 63 great personages", Name of work by  |
तृणपुरुषक | m. a straw-man  |
तुलापुरुष | m. gift of gold etc. equal to a man's weight (named as a penance)  |
तुलापुरुष | m. viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa-,  |
तुलापुरुषदान | n. gift of gold etc. equal to a man's weight (named as a penance)  |
तुम्बुरु | m. Name of a pupil of kalāpin- ( )  |
तुम्बुरु | m. of a gandharva- etc. ("attendant of the 5th arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-" )  |
तुम्बुरु | n. coriander or the fruit of Diospyros embryopteris (also rī-and tubarī- ) (metrically rū-) 118  |
तुरुष्क | m. plural (equals raṣka-) the Turks etc.  |
तुरुष्क | m. sg. a Turk  |
तुरुष्क | m. a Turkish prince  |
तुरुष्क | m. Turkestan  |
तुरुष्क | mn. ( ) olibanum  |
तुरुष्कदत्त | m. Name of a man  |
तुरुष्कगण्ड | m. (in music) Name of a rāga-.  |
तुरुष्ककर्पूर | mfn. consisting of olibanum and camphor |
उमागुरु | m. " umā-'s Guru or father", Name of himavat-  |
उमागुरुनदी | f. Name of a river  |
उन्दुरु | m. a rat, mouse.  |
उपगुरु | m. Name of a king (varia lectio upa-gu-)  |
उपगुरु | m. an assistant teacher  |
उपगुरु | ind. near a teacher.  |
उपरिपुरुष | m. a man standing above  |
उत्तमपुरुष | m. the last person in verbal conjugation id est "I, we two, we"(= in European grammars the first person, our third person being regarded in Hindu grammars as the prathama-puruṣa- q.v; see also madhyama-puruṣa-) etc.  |
उत्तमपुरुष | m. the Supreme Spirit  |
उत्तरकुरु | m. n. one of the nine divisions of the world (the country of the northern kuru-s, situated in the north of India, and described as the country of eternal beatitude).  |
वाग्देवतागुरु | m. "master of words", Name of kāli-dāsa- (in a quot.)  |
वाग्दुरुक्त | n. hard or injurious words  |
वैरपुरुष | m. any hostile person or enemy  |
वणिक्पुरुष | m. a merchant  |
वरपुरुष | m. the best of men  |
वर्णगुरु | m. "father or chief of the castes", a king, prince  |
वर्णाश्रमगुरु | m. "chief of caste and order", Name of śiva-  |
वर्षपुरुष | m. an inhabitant of a varṣa-  |
वरुणपुरुष | m. a servant of varuṇa-  |
वास्तुपुरुष | m. equals -nara-  |
वास्तुपुरुषविधि | m. Name of work  |
वसुरुच् | mfn. (perhaps) bright like the vasu-s or the gods  |
वसुरुच् | mfn. a proper N.  |
वसुरुचि | (v/asu--) m. Name of a gandharva-  |
वत्सगुरु | m. a teacher of children, preceptor  |
वायुरुग्ण | mfn. broken off by the wind  |
वायुरुजा | f. "wind-disease", inflammation (of the eyes)  |
वेदपुरुष | m. the veda- personified  |
विबुधगुरु | m. "teacher of the gods", bṛhas-pati- or the planet Jupiter  |
विद्यागुरु | m. an instructor in science (especially in sacred science)  |
विपुलिनाम्बुरुह | mfn. having no sandbanks nor lotus-flowers (as a river)  |
विपुरुष | mfn. void of men, empty  |
वीरपुरुष | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a heroic man, hero etc. (see )  |
वीरपुरुषक | mfn. (a village) the men of which are heroes  |
विरोधिपुरुषकार | m. Name of work  |
विश्वगुरु | m. the father of the universe  |
विवृतपौरुष | mfn. one whose prowess is displayed, displaying valour  |
व्याजगुरु | m. only in appearance a teacher  |
यज्ञपुरुष | m. equals -puṃs- (also -pūr-)  |
यज्ञपुरुषासम्मित | mfn. (?)  |
यज्ञपुरुषवाजपेययाजिकारिका | f. Name of work  |
यजुरुत्तम | (y/ajur--) mfn. ending with verses of the yajur-veda-  |
यमपालपुरुष | m. idem or 'm. yama-'s servant '  |
यमपुरुष | m. yama-'s servant  |
यथापुरुषम् | ind. man by man  |
युगादिपुरुष | m. ( ) Name of the jina- ṛṣabha-  |