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Grammar Search
"uktim" has 1 results
uktim: feminine accusative singular stem: ukti
Monier-Williams Search
4 results for uktim
cedim. pl. Name of a people (who lived in Bundelkhand; renowned for their attachment to ancient laws and institutions ; their capital was śuktimatī-; some of their kings were vasu- uparicara-, subāhu-, dhṛṣṭa-ketu-, dama-ghoṣa-, śiśu-pāla- etc.) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kulagirim. a chief mountain-range (any one of the seven principal ranges supposed to exist in each varṣa- or division of a continent;those of bhārata-varṣa- are mahendra-, Malaya, sahya-, śuktimat-, ṛkṣa-, vindhya-, and pāripātra- or pāriyātra-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kumārīf. Name of a river flowing from the mountain śuktimat- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yuktif. trick, contrivance, means, expedient, artifice, cunning device, magic (yuktiṃ-kṛ-,to find out or employ an expedient; yukti- in the beginning of a compound; yuktyā tyā- ind., yuktibhis tibhis- ind.,and yuktitas ti-tas- device or stratagem, artfully, skilfully, under pretext or pretence; yuktyā-etc. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = by means of) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results5 results
ayāmi te nama"uktiṃ juṣasva # RV.3.14.2a.
ṛtaṃ vadanta ṛtayuktim agman # RV.10.61.10b.
pra tavyaso nama"uktiṃ turasya # RV.5.43.9a. Cf. BṛhD.5.42 (B).
bhūtiṃ me vocaḥ # śś.5.1.10. Cf. bhuktiṃ etc.
bhūyiṣṭhāṃ te nama"uktiṃ vidhema (with, or without svāhā) # RV.1.189.1d; VS.5.36d; 7.43d; 40.16d; VSK.9.2.3d (omitting svāhā, whereas VS.7.43d has it); TS.; 4.43.1d; MS.1.2.13d: 22.7; KS.3.1d; 6.10d; śB.;; TB.; TA.1.8.8d.
Vedabase Search
18 results
uktim wordsSB 10.60.32
saṃvatsara-bhuktim the passage of one year of enjoymentSB 5.22.8
māsa-bhuktim the passage of one monthSB 5.22.8
pakṣa-bhuktim the passage of a fortnightSB 5.22.8
māsa-bhuktim the passage of one monthSB 5.22.8
muktim salvationSB 4.9.29
muktim liberationSB 5.6.18
muktim liberation from material bondageSB 5.17.3
muktim liberationSB 6.3.24
muktim liberationSB 9.5.28
muktim liberationCC Adi 8.19
muktim liberationCC Antya 3.56
namaḥ uktim words of obeisanceIso 18
pakṣa-bhuktim the passage of a fortnightSB 5.22.8
saṃvatsara-bhuktim the passage of one year of enjoymentSB 5.22.8
śuktimān ŚuktimānSB 5.19.16
namaḥ uktim words of obeisanceIso 18
yuktim logic and argumentCC Madhya 22.155
Wordnet Search
"uktim" has 5 results.



paurāṇikī nadī।

muktimatīnadyāḥ varṇanaṃ mahābhārate prāpyate।



bhāratadeśasya kṣetrīyaḥ rājanaitikaḥ dalaḥ।

jhārakhaṇḍamuktimorcāḥ prabhāvaḥ prāyaḥ ādivāsikṣetreṣu dṛśyate।



ekā nadī ।

śuktimatyāḥ ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



sapteṣu parvateṣu ekaḥ ।

śuktimataḥ ullekhaḥ mahābhārate purāṇe ca asti



cedīnām rājadhānī ।

śuktimatyāḥ ullekhaḥ koṣe asti

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