abhipat | -patyate-, to be lord over (accusative) ; pr. p. -pātyamāna-, possessing  |
atipaṭh | Passive voice -pathyate-, to be greatly proclaimed or celebrated  |
avapaṭ | (ind.p. -pāṭya-) to split, tear into pieces Passive voice -pātyate-, to crack, flaw, split  |
dyut | cl.1 A1. dy/otate- (also ti-) etc. (perfect tense didyute-, parasmE-pada tān/a- [ see ], didy/ota- ; dyutur-. ; Aorist adyutat-and /adidyutat- ; /adyaut- , adyotiṣṭa- , parasmE-pada P. dyutat- A1. tān/a-or dy/utāna- ; future dyotiṣyati- ; ind.p. dyutitvā-or dyot- ; -dyutya- ) to shine, be bright or brilliant: Causal dyotayati-(te-, ) to make bright, illuminate, irradiate ; to cause to appear, make clear or manifest, express, mean : Desiderative dedyutiṣati- or didyot- : Intensive d/avidyot-, 3. plural dyutati- ; dedyutyate- , to shine, glitter, be bright or brilliant  |
kath | cl.10 P. (Epic also A1.) kathayati- (-te-) Aorist acakathat- ( ) and acīkathat- ( ), to converse with any one (instrumental case,sometimes with saha-) ; to tell, relate, narrate, report, inform, speak about, declare, explain, describe (with accusative of the thing or person spoken about) etc. ; to announce, show, exhibit, bespeak, betoken etc. ; to order, command ; to suppose, state : Passive voice kathyate-, to be called, be regarded or considered as, pass for ; ([fr. katham-,"to tell the how"; confer, compare Gothic qvithan; Old High German quethanandquedan; English quothandquote.])  |
kvath | cl.1 A1. kvathate-, to boil, prepare by heat ; to digest ; to be hot (as the heart) : Causal kvāthayati-, to cause to boil, decoct ; (Passive voice kvāthyate-)  |
math | or manth- (q.v) cl.1.9. P. ( ) māthati-, m/anthati-, mathn/āti- (Ved. and Epic also A1. m/athate-, m/anthate-and mathnīte-; imperative mathnadhvam- ; perfect tense mamātha- ;3. plural mamathuḥ- ; methuḥ-, methire- ; mamantha-, nthuḥ- ; Aorist mathīt- ; amanthiṣṭām- ; amathiṣata- ; future mathiṣyati-, te- manthiṣyati- etc.; mathitā- ; infinitive mood mathitum- etc.; tos- ; m/anthitav/ai- ; ind.p. mathitv/ā-, -m/athya- etc.; manthitvā-, ; -manthya-and -mātham- etc.) . to stir or whirl round etc. ; (with agnim-), to produce fire by rapidly whirling round or rotating a dry stick (araṇi-) in another dry stick prepared to receive it ; (with araṇim-), to rotate the stick for producing fire ; (with ūrum-, hastam-etc.) , to use friction upon any part of the body with the object of producing offspring from it ; to churn (milk into butter) , produce by churning etc. (also with two accusative exempli gratia, 'for example' sudhāṃ- kṣīra-nidhim mathnāti-,"he churns nectar out of the ocean of milk" on ) ; to mix, mingle ; to stir up, shake, agitate, trouble disturb, afflict, distress, hurt, destroy etc. etc.: Passive voice mathy/ate- (Epic also ti-), to be stirred up or churned etc. etc. etc.: Causal manthayati- ( ), māthayati- ( ), to cause to be stirred up or churned etc.: Desiderative mimathiṣati-, mimanthiṣati- grammar : Intensive māmathyate-, māmantti- etc. [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin mentha,menta; Lit.mentu4re; German minza,Minze; Anglo-Saxon minte; English mint.]  |
nirmath | or manth- P. A1. -manthati-, te- ; -mathati-, te- ; -mathnāti- (future -mathiṣyati- ind.p. -mathya- etc.) ; to grind (fire) out of (wood), to produce (fire) by rubbing (wood together), rub or churn anything out of anything (double accusative) etc. ; to stir or churn (the sea) ; to tear or draw or shake out of, extract ; to shake, agitate (the mind) ; to grind down, crush, destroy etc.: Passive voice -mathyate- (parasmE-pada yamāna-), to be rubbed or churned etc.  |
nirvṛt | A1. -vartate- (P.only in future -vartsyāmi-,to cause to roll out or cast (as dice) ; future -vartsyati-and Conditional -avartsyat-,to take place, happen ), to come forth, originate, develop, become etc. ; to be accomplished or effected or finished, come off ; take place (see above) etc. ; often wrong reading for ni-vṛt- q.v : Causal -vartayati- (ind.p. -vartya-; Passive voice -vartyate-), to cause to come forth, bring out, turn out, do away with, remove ; to bring about, complete, finish, perform, make, produce, create etc. ; to gladden, satisfy (a-nirvartya- varia lectio for a-nirvṛtya-)  |
nivṛt | A1. -vartate- (ind.p. -vṛtya- ;infin. -vartitum- ;rarely P. exempli gratia, 'for example' Potential -vartet- ; imperfect tense or subj. -vartat- ; perfect tense -vāvṛtur- ; future -vartiṣyati- ; -vartsyan- ; Aorist -avṛtat- ), to turn back, stop (trans. and intrans.) etc. ; to return from (ablative) to (accusative with or without prati-,or dative case) ; to return into life, revive, be born again etc. ; to turn away, retreat, flee, escape, abstain or desist from, get rid of (ablative) ; to fall back, rebound ; to leave off (sāmi-,in the midst or when anything is half finished ), cease, end, disappear, vanish etc. ; to be withheld from, not belong to (ablative) ; to be omitted, not to occur ; to be ineffective or useless ; to be wanting, not to exist (yato vāco nivartante-,for which there are no words) ; to pass over to (locative case) ; to be turned upon (locative case or tatra-) : Causal -vartayati-, te- (A1. Potential -vartayīta- ; Passive voice -vartyate- ), to turn downwards, let sink (the head) ; to turn back id est shorten (the hair) ; to lead or bring back, reconduct, return etc. ; to turn away, avert or keep back from (ablative) etc. ; to give up, abandon, suppress, withhold, refuse, deny ; to annul, remove, destroy ; to bring to an end id est perform, accomplish (a sacrifice etc.) ; to procure, bestow ; to desist from (ablative)  |
nṛt | cl.4 P. ( ) n/ṛtyati- (Epic also te-; perfect tense nanarta-, nanṛtur- ; Aorist anartiṣur- ; -nṛtur-[ see ā-nṛt-]; parasmE-pada nṛt/amāna-[?] ; future nartiṣyati- etc.; nartsyati-and nartitā- grammar; infinitive mood nartitum-and narttum- etc.; ind.p. nartitvā- , -nartam- ), to dance etc. etc. ; to act on the stage, represent (accusative) etc. ; to dance about (accusative) : Causal nart/ayati-, te-, to cause to dance etc. etc.: Desiderative ninṛtsati- and ninartiṣati- : Intensive narīnartti- ; narīnṛtyate-, ti- ; narnartti-, narnṛtīti-, narīnṛtīti- grammar , to dance about or cause to dance about (see naṭ-). |
paṭ | cl.1 P. paṭati-, to go, move ; to flow (perfect tense papāṭa-) ; to split, open, burst asunder (intr.) ; cl.10. or Causal paṭayati-, to string together, wrap (granthe-,or veṣṭane-; see paṭa-) ; pāṭayati-, to speak or shine ; ti- or ( ) te-, to split, burst (trans.), cleave, tear, pierce, break, pluck out, remove etc.: Passive voice pātyate-, to split, burst, open (intr.)  |
pat | cl.4 A1. ( ) p/atyate-, to be master, reign, rule, govern, control, own, possess, dispose of (accusative or instrumental case) ; to partake of, share in (locative case) ; to be fit or serve for (dative case) [Prob. Nom.of p/ati-; confer, compare Latin potiri.]  |
pat | cl.1 P. ( ) p/atati- (Epic also te-; perfect tense papāta-, paptim/a-, pet/atur-, papt/ur-; paptiv/as- ; papatyāt- ; Aorist apaptat- ; Passive voice apāti- ; future patiṣ-y/ati- ; te-, patitā- ; Conditional apatiṣyat- ; infinitive mood patitum- etc.; ind.p. patitv/ā- ; -p/atya-or -p/ātam- ), to fly, soar, rush on etc. ; to fall down or off, alight, descend (with accusative or locative case), fall or sink (with or without adhas-or narake-,"to go down to hell";with caraṇau-or ṇayoḥ-,"to fall at a person's feet") etc. ; to fall (in a moral sense), lose caste or rank or position etc. ; to light or fall upon, fall to a person's share (locative case) etc. ; to fall or get into or among (locative case) ; to occur, come to pass, happen : Causal pat/ayati-, to fly or move rapidly along ; to speed (trans.; confer, compare patay/at-) ; te-, to drive away or throw down (?) ; pāt/ayati- (Epic also te-; Aorist apīpatat- ; Passive voice pātyate- etc.) , to let fly or cause to fall, to fling, hurl, throw etc. ; to lay low, bring down (literally and figuratively), overthrow, ruin, destroy etc. to throw upon or in, lay on (locative case) ; (with or scilicet ātmānam-) to throw one's self ; to cut off (a head) ; to knock out (teeth) ; to pour out or shed (water, tears) ; to kindle (fire) ; to cast (dice) ; to turn, direct, fix (eyes) ; to impose or inflict (punishment) ; to set in motion, set on foot ; to seduce to, betray into (locative case) ; (with dvedhā-) to divide in two ; to subtract ; (A1.) to rush on, hasten : Desiderative pipatiṣati- ( ) and pitsati- ( ) , to be about to fly or fall: Intensive panīpatyate- or pātīti- [ confer, compare Zend pat; Greek , ; Latin peto.]  |
pronmath | ( pra-ud-math-) Passive voice -mathyate-, to be disturbed  |
sammath | (or manth-;only Passive voice -mathyate-), to bruise or pound together, crush to pieces  |
śnath | cl.1 P. ( ) śnathati- (only occurring in proper subjunctive śnathat- imperative śnathihi-,and Aorist śnathiṣṭam-, ṭana-; grammar also perfect tense śaśnātha-; future śnathitā-, thiṣyati-etc.) , to pierce, strike, injure, kill : Causal śnath/ayati-, te- (Aorist aśiśnat-, śiśn/athat-) idem or 'See ścut-, .' : Desiderative śiśnathiṣati- grammar : Intensive śāśnathyate-, śāśnatti-  |
utkṛt | (ud-kṛt-) P. -kṛntati-, to cut out or off, tear out or off ; to cut up, cut in pieces, carve, butcher etc. ; to destroy, ruin, extirpate: Passive voice -kṛtyate-, to perish  |
utkvath | (ud-- kvath-) P. -kvathati-, to boil out, extract by boiling etc. : Passive voice -kvathyate-, to be boiled ; to be consumed (by the ardour of love) : Causal -kvāthayati-, to boil out  |
vāvṛt | cl.4 A1. ( , rather Intensive fr. a lost3. vṛt-) vāvṛtyate- (only pr. p. vāvṛtyamāna-), to choose, select  |
vinipat | P. -patati-, to fall down, fall in or into (locative case) ; to flow down, alight upon (locative case) ; to fall upon, attack, assail : Causal -pātayati- (Passive voice -pātyate-), to cause to fall down, strike off (a man's head) ; to throw down, kill, destroy, annihilate  |
vṛt | cl.1 A1. ( ) v/artate- (rarely ti-;in veda- also vavartti-and [once in ] vartti-; subjunctive vav/artat-, vavartati-, vavṛtat-; Potential vavṛtyāt-, vavṛtīya-; imperative vavṛtsva-; imperfect tense /avavṛtran-, tranta-; perfect tense vav/arta-, vavṛt/us-, vavṛt/e- [here also vāvṛt/e-]etc.; Aorist avart-, avṛtran- subjunctive v/artat-, vartta- ; avṛtat- etc.; avartiṣṭa- grammar;3. plural avṛtsata- ;2. sg. vartithās- ; preceding vartiṣīṣṭa- grammar; future vartitā- grammar; vartsy/ati-, te- etc.; vartiṣyati-, te- etc.; Conditional avartsyat- ; avartiṣyata- grammar; infinitive mood -v/ṛte- ; -v/ṛtas- ; vartitum- etc.; ind.p. vartitvā-and vṛttvā- grammar; -v/ṛtya- etc.; -v/artam- etc.), to turn, turn round, revolve, roll (also applied to the rolling down of tears) etc. ; to move or go on, get along, advance, proceed (with instrumental case"in a particular way or manner"), take place, occur, be performed, come off etc. ; to be, live, exist, be found, remain, stay, abide, dwell (with ātmani na-,"to be not in one's right mind";with manasi-or hṛdaye-,"to dwell or be turned or thought over in the mind";with mūrdhni-,"to be at the head of","to be of most importance"; kathaṃ vartate-with Nominal verb or kiṃ vartate-with genitive case,"how is it with?") ; to live on, subsist by (instrumental case or ind.p.), etc. ; to pass away (as time, ciraṃ vartate gatānām-,"it is long since we went") ; to depend on (locative case) ; to be in a particular condition, be engaged in or occupied with (locative case), etc. ; to be intent on, attend to (dative case) ; to stand or be used in the sense of (locative case) ; to act, conduct one's self, behave towards (locative case dative case,or accusative;also with itaretaram-or parasparam-,"mutually") etc. ; to act or deal with, follow a course of conduct (also with vṛttim-), show, display, employ, use, act in any way (instrumental case or accusative) towards (locative case with parājñayā-,"to act under another's command";with prajā-rūpeṇa-,"to assume the form of a son";with priy/am-,"to act kindly";with svāni-,"to mind one's own business"; kim idam vartase-,"what are you doing there?") etc. ; to tend or turn to, prove as (dative case) ; to be or exist or live at a particular time, be alive or present (confer, compare vartamāna-, vartiṣyamāṇa-,and vartsyat-,p.925) etc. ; to continue (with an ind.p., atītya vartante-,"they continue to excel"; iti vartate me buddhiḥ-,"such continues my opinion") etc. ; to hold good, continue in force, be supplied from what precedes ; to originate, arise from (ablative) or in (locative case) ; to become ; to associate with (saha-) ; to have illicit intercourse with (locative case) : Causal vart/ayati- (Aorist avīvṛtat-or avavartat-;in also A1. avavarti-; infinitive mood vartay/adhyai- ; Passive voice vartyate- ), to cause to turn or revolve, whirl, wave, brandish, hurl etc. ; to produce with a turning-lathe, make anything round (as a thunderbolt, a pill etc.) ; to cause to proceed or take place or be or exist, do, perform, accomplish, display, exhibit (feelings), raise or utter (a cry), shed (tears) etc. ; to cause to pass (as time), spend, pass, lead a life, live, subsist on or by (instrumental case), enter upon a course of conduct etc. (also with vṛttim-or vṛttyā-or vṛttena-;with bhaikṣeṇa-,"to live by begging"), conduct one's self, behave etc. ; to set forth, relate, recount, explain, declare ; to begin to instruct (dative case) ; to understand, know, learn ; to treat ; (in law, with śiras-or śīrṣam-) to offer one's self to be punished if another is proved innocent by an ordeal ; "to speak"or"to shine" (bhāṣārthe-or bhāsārthe-) : Desiderative v/ivṛtsati-, te- ( ), vivartiṣate- ( ) , to wish to turn etc.: Intensive (Vedic or Veda , rarely in later language) v/arvartti-, varīvartti-, varīvarty/ate-, varīvartate-, parasmE-pada v/arvṛtat- and v/arvṛtāna- imperfect tense 3. sg. avarīvar-, 3. plural avarīvur- (grammar also varivartti-, varīvṛtīti-, varvṛtīti-, varīvṛtyate-), to turn, roll, revolve, be, exist, prevail [ confer, compare Latin vertere; Slavonic or Slavonian vru8te8ti,vratiti; Lithuanian varty4ti; Gothic wai4rthan; German werden; English -ward.] |
vyath | cl.1 A1. ( ) vy/athate- (Epic also ti-; perfect tense vivyathe-,3. plural thuḥ- ; Aorist vyathiṣi- ; subjunctive vyathiṣat- ; future vyathitā-, thiṣyate- grammar; infinitive mood vyathitum- , Vedic or Veda infinitive mood vyathiṣyai-), to tremble, waver, go astray, come to naught, fail etc. etc. (with ablative = to be deprived of lose;with caritra-tas-,to abandon the path of virtue) ; to fall (on the ground) ("to be dried up" ) ; to cease, become ineffective (as poison) ; to be agitated or disturbed in mind, be restless or sorrowful or unhappy etc. ; to be afraid of (genitive case) Causal vyath/ayati- (Aorist vivyathas- ; vyathayīs- ), to cause to tremble or fall etc. ; to cause to swerve from (ablative) ; to disquiet, frighten, agitate, pain, afflict etc.: Passive voice of Causal vyathyate-, to be set in restless motion : Desiderative vivyathiṣate- grammar : Intensive vāvyathyate-, vāvyatti-  |
vyāvṛt | A1. -vartate- (rarely P.), to become separated or singled out from (instrumental case) ; to become separated or distinct, be distinguished as or in some particular form of. ; to turn or wind in different directions, divide (as a road) ; to be dispersed (as an army) ; to be opened ; to turn away from, part with, get rid of (instrumental case or ablative) ; to diverge from, be inconsistent with (ablative) ; to go away, depart ; to come back, return ; to turn round, revolve ; to sink (as the sun) ; to come to an understanding or settlement ; to come to an end, cease, perish, disappear etc.: Causal -vartayati- (Passive voice -vartyate-), to divide, separate from (instrumental case or ablative; ind.p. -vartya-,"with the exception of" ) . etc. ; to free from (instrumental case) ; to turn about or round ; to keep back, avert ; to throw about, strew ; to exchange, substitute one for another ; to lay aside (the staff) ; (with anyathā-) to retract (a word) ; to remove (pain or distress) ; to destroy or annul (an enemy or a rule) : Desiderative -vivṛsate-, to wish or intend to liberate one's self from or get rid of (ablative)  |
yat | cl.1 A1. (prob. connected with yam-and originally meaning,"to stretch" ) y/atate- (Vedic or Veda and Epic also P. ti-; parasmE-pada y/atamāna-, y/atāna-and yatān/a- ; perfect tense yete-,3. plural yetire- etc.; Aorist ayatiṣṭa- ; future yatiṣyate- , ti- ; infinitive mood yatitum- ; ind.p. -y/atya- ), (P.) to place in order, marshal, join, connect ; (P.or A1.) to keep pace, be in line, rival or vie with (instrumental case) ; (A1.) to join (instrumental case), associate with (instrumental case), march or fly together or in line ; to conform or comply with (instrumental case) ; to meet, encounter (in battle) ; to seek to join one's self with, make for, tend towards (locative case) ; to endeavour to reach, strive after, be eager or anxious for (with locative case dative case accusative with or without prati-,once with genitive case;also with arthe-, arthāya-, artham-and hetos- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound';or with infinitive mood) etc. ; to exert one's self, take pains, endeavour, make effort, persevere, be cautious or watchful ; to be prepared for (accusative) : Causal (or cl.10. ) yāt/ayati- (or te-; Aorist ayīyatat-; Passive voice yātyate-), to join, unite (A1.intrans.) ; to join or attach to (locative case) P. ; to cause to fight ; to strive to obtain anything (accusative) from (ablative) ; (rarely A1.) to requite, return, reward or punish, reprove (as a fault) etc. ; (A1.) to surrender or yield up anything (acc) to (accusative or genitive case) ; (P. A1.) to distress, torture, vex, annoy ; according to to also nikāre- (others nirākāre-or khede-) and upaskāre-: Desiderative yiyatiṣate- grammar : Intensive yāyatyate- and yāyatti- |