त्य | See ty/ad-.  |
त्यद् | mfn. Nominal verb sy/a- (s-), sy/ā-, ty/ad-, (gaRa sarvādi-) that (often used like an article exempli gratia, 'for example' ty/at paṇīn/āṃ v/asu-,"that id est the wealth of the paṇi-s " ;sometimes strengthened by c/id-;often put after ut/a-,or after another demonstrative in the beginning of a sentence) (ty/asya- equals m/ama-, ; n. ty/am-for ty/ad-, [in the etymology of saty/am-] )  |
त्यद् | ind. indeed, namely, as it is known (always preceded by ha-) ([ confer, compare Old German der.])  |
त्याद | m. (patronymic fr. tyad-) the son of that person  |
त्यदम् | ind. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' equals tyad- gaRa śarad-ādi-.  |
त्यादायनि | m. idem or 'm. (patronymic fr. tyad-) the son of that person ' (tyad- edition,but see tād-, yād-).  |
त्यादृश् | mfn. such a one as that, .  |
त्यादृश | mfn. such a one as that, .  |
त्याग | m. ( ) leaving, abandoning, forsaking etc.  |
त्याग | m. quitting (a place, deśa--)  |
त्याग | m. discharging, secretion giving up, resigning, gift, donation, distribution etc.  |
त्याग | m. sacrificing one's life  |
त्याग | m. liberality etc.  |
त्याग | m. a sage  |
त्याग | m. see ātma--, tanu--, deha--, prāṇa--, śarīra--.  |
त्यागगता | f. Name of a nāga- virgin  |
त्यागशील | mfn. idem or 'mfn. liberal '  |
त्यागशीलता | f. liberality  |
त्यागयुत | mfn. liberal  |
त्यागिम | mfn.  |
त्यागिन् | mfn. ( ) equals tyājaka- (with genitive case) and (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
त्यागिन् | mfn. giving up, resigning (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
त्यागिन् | mfn. one who has resigned (as an ascetic who abandons worldly objects) |
त्यागिन् | mfn. sacrificing, giving up (life, ātmanaḥ-)  |
त्यागिन् | mfn. liberal, (m.) donor  |
त्यागिन् | m. a hero  |
त्यागिता | f. liberality  |
त्यग्नायिस् | Name of a sāman-  |
त्यज् | cl.1. jati- (metrically also te-; perfect tense Ved. tity/āja-,Class. tat- ; tatyaja- ; future tyakṣyati- ; tyajiṣy- ; Aorist atyāhṣīt-; infinitive mood tyaktum-) to leave, abandon, quit etc. ; to leave a place, go away from etc. ; to let go, dismiss, discharge ; to give up, surrender, resign, part from, renounce etc. (tanum-or deham-or kalevaram-,"to abandon the body, die" etc.; prāṇān-or śvāsam-or jīvitam-,"to give up breath or life, risk or lose one's life" etc.) ; P. A1. to shun, avoid, get rid of, free one's self from (any passion etc.) etc. ; to give away, distribute, offer (as a sacrifice or oblation to a deity; tyajate-etymologically = ) etc. ; to set aside, leave unnoticed, disregard ; (ind.p. tyaktvā-) to except ; Passive voice tyajyate-, to be abandoned by, get rid of (instrumental case) : Causal tyājayati- (Aorist atityajat- ) to cause anyone to quit ; to cause anyone to give up ; to expel, turn out, ; to cause any one to lose, deprive of (instrumental case) ; to empty the body by evacuations : Desiderative tityakṣati-, to be about to lose (one's life, prāṇān-)  |
त्यज् | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' leaving, abandoning  |
त्यज् | mfn. giving up, offering  |
त्यज् | mfn. see tanu--, tanū--, su--.  |
त्यज | See dus--.  |
त्याजक | mfn. one who abandons or expels  |
त्यजन | n. leaving, abandoning  |
त्यजन | n. giving  |
त्यजन | n. excepting, exclusion  |
त्यजन | n. expelling  |
त्याजन | n. abandoning (worldly attachments, saṅgānām-)  |
त्यजनीय | mfn. to be left or abandoned  |
त्यजनीय | mfn. to be avoided or excepted  |
त्यजप | (ty/a--) m. that (id est a lower kind of) muttering (opposed to mahājap/a-)  |
त्यजस् | n. abandonment, difficulty, danger  |
त्यजस् | n. alienation, aversion, envy (equals krodha- )  |
त्यजस् | m. "offshoot", a descendant, .  |
त्यजित | mfn. equals tyakta-  |
त्याजित | mfn. made to abandon (with accusative)  |
त्याजित | mfn. made to give up  |
त्याजित | mfn. deprived of (accusative) etc.  |
त्याजित | mfn. expelled  |
त्याजित | mfn. caused to be disregarded  |
त्याज्य | mfn. ( vArttika) to be left or abandoned or quitted or shunned or expelled or removed etc.  |
त्याज्य | mfn. to be given up etc.  |
त्याज्य | mfn. to be sacrificed  |
त्याज्य | mfn. to be excepted  |
त्याज्य | n. part of an asterism or its duration considered as unlucky  |
त्यक्त | mfn. left, abandoned.  |
त्यक्ताग्नि | mfn. (a brahman-) neglecting the household-fire  |
त्यक्ताग्नि | mfn. one who has abandoned the sacred fire, .  |
त्यक्तजीवित | mfn. one who has given up all expectation of life, ready to abandon life (in compound)  |
त्यक्तलज्ज | mfn. abandoning shame, shameless  |
त्यक्तप्राण | mfn. idem or '(in rhetoric) resuming what has been suspended, '  |
त्यक्तपुनःस्विकृत | (in rhetoric) resuming what has been suspended,  |
त्यक्तश्री | mfn. abandoned by fortune.  |
त्यक्तात्मन् | mfn. despairing  |
त्यक्तवत् | mfn. having left.  |
त्यक्तविधि | mfn. transgressing rules, ix, 6, 9.  |
त्यक्तव्य | mfn. to be left or abandoned  |
त्यक्तव्य | mfn. to be kept off from (ablative)  |
त्यक्तव्य | mfn. to be given up or sacrificed  |
त्यक्तव्य | mfn. to be given up in despair  |
त्यक्तृ | mfn. abandoner of any one (genitive case)  |
त्यक्तृ | mfn. one who abandons or sacrifices (his life, prāṇān-)  |
त्यक्तुकाम | mfn. wishing to leave.  |
त्यत्र | ind. "there"  |
त्यत्रत्य | mfn. being there  |
त्युग्र | m. for t/ugra-  |
आभयजात्य | mf(ī-)n. descended from abhaya-jāta-, gaRa gargādi- ( ) .  |
अभिभूत्योजस् | (6) mfn. having superior power  |
अभिद्रुत्य | ind.p. having attacked.  |
अभिहत्य | ind.p. striking, killing  |
आभिजात्य | n. (fr. abhi-jāta-), noble birth, nobility  |
आभिजात्य | n. learning, scholarship  |
आभिजात्य | n. beauty  |
आभिजित्य | mfn. a descendant of abhi-jit-  |
अभिलक्ष्यीकृत्य | ind.p. (1. kṛ-), aiming at a mark, directing towards.  |
अभिप्रत्यवरुह् | to step down upon (accusative)  |
अभिप्रत्यवे | ( i-) to move down towards  |
अभिप्रत्ये | ( i-) to come back towards (accusative)  |
अभिप्रेत्य | ind. intending, meaning by  |
अभिसंहृत्य | ind. conjointly,  |
अभिसंत्यज् | (ind.p. -tyajya-) to abandon, give up, desist from (accusative)  |
अभिसृत्य | ind.p. having gone near (accusative)  |
अभिश्रुत्य | ind.p. hearing of, learning  |
अभित्यज् | to abandon (edition Bomb.)  |
अभिव्याहृत्य | mfn. to be said  |
अभृत्यात्मन् | mfn. "not behaving as a servant", disobedient towards (locative case)  |
अभ्याघात्य | mfn. recited with interruption  |
अभ्यत्यृज् | to carry over or transfer upon (accusative)  |
अभ्यावृत्य | ind.p. turning one's self towards (accusative)  |
अभ्येत्य | ind.p. having approached, N.  |
अभ्युपेत्य | ind.p. having arrived at (accusative)  |
अभ्युपेत्य | having entered  |
अभ्युपेत्य | having assented or agreed to.  |
अभ्युपेत्याशुश्रूषा | f. breach of a contracted service, a title of law treating of disputes between the master and a servant who has broken his agreement commentator or commentary on  |
अच्छेत्य | mfn. to be approached  |
अचिन्त्य | mfn. inconceivable, surpassing thought  |
अचिन्त्य | m. Name of śiva-.  |
अचिन्त्यकर्मन् | mfn. performing inconceivable actions.  |
अचिन्त्यरूप | mfn. having an inconceivable form.  |
अदःकृत्य | having done that.  |
अदाक्षिणात्य | m. plural "not Southerners", the gauḍa-s,  |
अदन्त्य | mfn. not suitable for the teeth  |
अदन्त्य | mfn. not dental  |
अदन्त्य | n. toothlessness.  |
अधिदैवत्य | n. the highest divine rank among (ablative),  |
अधिगर्त्य | (5) mfn. being on the driver's seat  |
अधिहस्त्य | n. a present etc. held in the hand,  |
आधीकृत्य | ind.p. having pledged, etc.  |
अधिकृत्य | ind. ind.p. having placed at the head, having made the chief subject  |
अधिकृत्य | ind. regarding, concerning  |
अधिकृत्य | ind. with reference to.  |
आधिपत्य | n. ([ ]) (fr. adhi-pati-), supremacy, sovereignty, power  |
अधीत्य | ind.p. having gone over, having studied.  |
अधित्यका | f. (fr. adhi-tya-,a derivation of adhi-; see ), land on the upper part of a mountain, table land  |
अध्वगत्यन्त | m. measure of length applicable to roads.  |
अध्यर्धशत्य | mfn. amounting to or bought with one hundred and fifty.  |
आदिदैत्य | m. Name of hiraṇyakaśipu-  |
आदित्य | mfn. ( ) belonging to or coming from aditi- etc. |
आदित्य | m. "son of aditi-"  |
आदित्य | m. plural Name of seven deities of the heavenly sphere (the chief is varuṇa-,to whom the N. āditya- is especially applicable;the succeeding five are mitra-, aryaman-, bhaga-, dakṣa-, aṃśa-;that of the seventh is probably sūrya- or savitṛ-;as a class of deities they are distinct from the viśve devāḥ- ;sometimes their number is supposed to be eight ;and in the period of the brāhmaṇa-s twelve, as representing the sun in the twelve months of the year )  |
आदित्य | m. Name of a god in general, especially of sūrya- (the sun) etc.  |
आदित्य | m. Name of viṣṇu- in his vāmana- or dwarf avatāra- (as son of kaśyapa- and aditi-)  |
आदित्य | m. the plant Calotropis Gigantea  |
आदित्य | m. dual number (au-) Name of a constellation, the seventh lunar mansion  |
आदित्या | f. (?) the sun  |
आदित्य | n. equals au- (see punar-vasu-)  |
आदित्य | n. Name of a sāman-  |
आदित्य | mfn. ( ) relating or belonging to or coming from the āditya-s  |
आदित्य | mfn. relating to the god of the sun.  |
आदित्यबन्धु | m. "the sun's friend", Name of śākyamuni-.  |
आदित्यभक्ता | f. equals -parṇikā-  |
आदित्यचन्द्रौ | m. dual number sun and moon.  |
आदित्याचार्य | m. Name of an author.  |
आदित्यदर्शन | n. "showing the sun"(to a child of four months), one of the rites called saṃskāra- q.v  |
आदित्यदास | m. Name of a man.  |
आदित्यदेव | m. idem or 'm. Name of a man.'  |
आदित्यदेवत | (ādity/a--) mfn. one whose (special) deity is the sun  |
आदित्यधामन् | (ty/a-), mfn. having a place among the āditya-s,  |
आदित्यगर्भ | m. Name of a bodhisattva-  |
आदित्यगत | mfn. being in the sun,  |
आदित्यगति | f. course of the sun  |
आदित्यग्रह | m. a particular ladle-full of soma- in the evening-oblation  |
आदित्यहृदय | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
आदित्यजूत | (ādity/a--), (fr. jū-) mfn. urged by the āditya-s  |
आदित्यज्योतिस् | (ādity/a--) mfn. having the light of the sun  |
आदित्यकान्ता | f. Polanisia Icosandra (a creeping plant with gold-coloured flowers, growing near the water)  |
आदित्यकेशव | m. Name of an image of viṣṇu-.  |
आदित्यकेतु | m. Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-  |
आदित्यकीलक | m. a particular phenomenon in the sky, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
आदित्यलोक | m. plural the sun's worlds  |
आदित्यमण्डल | n. the disc or orb of the sun  |
आदित्यनामन् | n. Name of the sun  |
आदित्यानुवर्तिन् | mfn. following the sun  |
आदित्यपाक | mfn. boiled in the sun.  |
आदित्यपर्णिका | f. ([ ]) Polanisia Icosandra.  |
आदित्यपर्णिन् | m. ([ ]) Polanisia Icosandra.  |
आदित्यपर्णिनी | f. ([ ]) Polanisia Icosandra.  |
आदित्यपात्र | n. a vessel for drawing off the āditya-grah/a- (q.v)  |
आदित्यपत्त्र | m. Calotropis Gigantea  |
आदित्यप्रभ | m. "having the splendour of the sun", Name of a king  |
आदित्यपुराण | n. Name of an upapurāṇa-.  |
आदित्यपुष्पिका | f. equals -pattra-  |
आदित्यराम | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a king,  |
आदित्यशक्ति | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a chief,  |
आदित्यसंवत्सर | m. a solar year.  |
आदित्यशयन | n. the sun's sleep  |
आदित्यशयनव्रत | n. a particular vow or religious observance.  |
आदित्यसेन | m. Name of a prince  |
आदित्यस्थाली | f. a receptacle from which the āditya-grah/a- is drawn  |
आदित्यस्तोत्र | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
आदित्यसूक्त | n. a particular hymn.  |
आदित्यसूनु | m. "the sun's son", Name of sugrīva- (the monkey king), of yama-, of manu-, etc.  |
आदित्यस्वामिन् | m. Name of a man.  |
आदित्यतेजस् | m. or f. Polanisia Icosandra  |
आदित्यतीर्थ | n. Name of a tīrtha-.  |
आदित्यत्व | n. the state of being the sun  |
आदित्यवल्लभा | f. equals -parṇikā-  |
आदित्यवनि | mfn. winning (the favour of) the āditya-s  |
आदित्यवार | m. Sunday, n. 1  |
आदित्यवर्धन | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a Kanouj king,  |
आदित्यवर्मन् | m. "having the sun (the āditya-s?) as protector", Name of a king  |
आदित्यवर्ण | mfn. having the sun's colour  |
आदित्यवर्ण | m. Name of a man.  |
आदित्यवत् | ind. like the sun  |
आदित्यवत् | (ādity/a--) mfn. surrounded by the āditya-s  |
आदित्यविधि | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
आदित्यव्रत | n. "a vow or rite relating to the sun"  |
आदित्यव्रत | n. Name of a sāman-.  |
आदित्यव्रतिक | mfn. performing the above rite on  |
आदित्ययशस् | m. Name of a man.  |
आदृत्य | mf(ā-)n. venerable, respectable  |
आदृत्य | ind.p. having respected, having honoured.  |
अद्यसुत्या | f. preparation and consecration of the soma- on the same day  |
अद्यूत्य | n. (4) unlucky gambling  |
अद्यूत्य | mfn. not derived from gambling, honestly obtained.  |
आगस्त्य | mf(stī-)n. (see gaRa saṃkāśādi-) referring to the ṛṣi- agastya- or Agasti etc.  |
आगस्त्य | mf(stī-)n. coming from the plant Agasti Grandiflorum  |
आगस्त्य | m. (gaRa gargādi- q.v) a descendant of Agasti etc.  |
आगस्त्य | m. plural (see gaRa kaṇvādi-) the descendants of Agasti  |
अगस्त्य | m. (3, 4) equals ag/asti-  |
अगस्त्य | m. Name of śiva-  |
अगस्त्यचार | m. the path of Canopus.  |
अगस्त्यगीता | f. plural agastya-'s hymns, forming part of the ādi-vārāha-purāṇa-.  |
अगस्त्यगृहस्पतिक | mfn. having agastya- for a householder,  |
अगस्त्यमार्ग | m. the path of agastya- (Canopus), id est the South.  |
अगस्त्यसंहिता | f. Name of an old compendium of the tantra- literature.  |
अगस्त्यशास्त | mfn. ruled by agastya- (with diś-, f. "the south"),  |
अगस्त्योदय | m. the rising of Canopus  |
अगस्त्योदय | m. the seventh day of the second half of bhādra-.  |
आगत्य | ind.p. having arrived or come.  |
अगत्या | ind. unavoidably, indispensably,  |
अग्निचित्या | f. ([ ]) arranging to preparing the sacred or sacrificial fire-place  |
अहन्त्य | See the preceding.  |
अहन्त्य | mfn. ahanti |
अहर्व्यत्यासम् | ind. so that the order of the days is reversed  |
आहस्पत्य | mfn. (fr. ahas-pati-), belonging to the lord of the day or to the sun,  |
आहत्य | ind.p. having struck or beaten, striking, hitting.  |
आहत्यवचन | n. an explicit or energetic explanation.  |
आहत्यवाद | m. an explicit or energetic explanation.  |
अहिहत्य | n. equals -ghna- above  |
अहिर्बुध्न्यदेवत्य | n. "having ahirbudhnya- as deity", the nakṣatra- uttara-bhadrapadā-  |
आहृत्य | ind.p. having fetched or brought etc.  |
आहृत्य | mfn. to be fetched,  |
आहृत्य | to be offered, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
अइकमत्य | n. (fr. eka-mata-), unanimity, conformity or sameness of opinions etc.  |
अइकमत्य | mfn. having conformity of opinions, conforming, agreeing  |
अइकान्त्य | n. (fr. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. (fr. ekānta-), absolute, necessary, complete, exclusive '), exclusiveness, absoluteness  |
अइकपत्य | n. (fr. eka-pati-), sovereignty of one, absolute monarchy  |
अइकश्रुत्य | n. (fr. eka-śruti- q.v), sameness of tone or accent, monotony  |
अइन्द्राबार्हस्पत्य | mfn. belonging to indra- and bṛhaspati-  |
अइषमस्त्य | mfn. occurring in or relating to this year, of this year  |
अइयत्य | n. (fr. iyat-), quantity, number, value.  |
आजिजित्या | f. victory in a running-match  |
आकाशानन्त्यायतन | n. "abode of infinity or of infinite space", Name of a world  |
आकाशानन्त्यायतन | m. plural Name (also title or epithet) of a class of gods, (also tano- paga-, )  |
आकत्य | n. the being a-kata-  |
अख्खलीकृत्या | Vedic or Veda ind.p. (1. kṛ-), uttering the exclamation akhkhala-  |
अकृतकृत्य | ( ), mfn. one who has not done his duty  |
अकृत्य | mfn. not to be done, criminal  |
अकृत्य | n. crime.  |
अकृत्यकारिन् | mfn. evil-doer  |
अकुतोमृत्यु | mfn. not threatened by death from any quarter,  |
अलंकृत्य | ind.p. having decorated  |
अल्पात्यय | mfn. causing little pain |
अमर्त्य | mfn. (4) immortal  |
अमर्त्य | mfn. imperishable, divine  |
अमर्त्य | m. a god  |
अमर्त्यभाव | m. the condition of immortals, immortality, .  |
अमर्त्यभुवन | n. "world of the immortals", the heaven  |
अमर्त्यता | ([ ]) f. immortality.  |
अमर्त्यत्व | ([L.]) n. immortality.  |
अमत्या | ind. instrumental case unconsciously  |
अमात्य | m. (4) (fr. 1. am/ā- see ) inmate of the same house, belonging to the same house or family  |
अमात्य | m. "a companion (of a king)", minister  |
अमात्य | See 1. am/ā-  |
आमात्य | m. (equals amātya- q.v), a minister, counsellor  |
अम्बुवाचीत्यग | m. the thirteenth of the same  |
अंहसस्पत्य | n. power over calamity  |
आंहस्पत्य | mfn. belonging to the dominion of aṃhaspati- (as the intercalary month)  |
अमृत्यु | m. non death, immortality  |
अमृत्यु | mfn. immortal  |
अनभ्यासमित्य | mfn. improper to be approached commentator or commentary  |
अनधीत्य | mfn. without going over or repeating, .  |
अनादृत्य | ind.p. without respecting, regardless.  |
अनागोहत्या | f. murder of an innocent person  |
अनैभृत्य | n. inconstancy,  |
अनैभृत्य | want of modesty,  |
आनन्त्य | mfn. (fr. an-anta- ), infinite, eternal etc.  |
आनन्त्य | mfn. bestowing infinite reward  |
आनन्त्य | n. infinity, eternity etc.  |
आनन्त्य | n. immortality, future happiness  |
अनन्त्य | mfn. infinite, eternal  |
अनन्त्य | n. infinity, eternity.  |
अनानुकृत्य | mfn. (ānu-for anu-), inimitable, unparalleled  |
आनपत्य | mfn. (fr. an-apatya-), proceeding from childlessness  |
अनपत्य | mf(ā-)n. childless  |
अनपत्य | n. childlessness  |
अनपत्यक | mfn. childless.  |
अनपत्यता | f. childlessness  |
अनपत्यवत् | (/anapatya--) mfn. childless  |
अनात्मप्रत्यवेक्षा | f. reflection that there is no spirit or self  |
आनत्य | ind.p. having bent.  |
अनत्यन्तगति | f. the sense of"not exceedingly", sense of diminutive words.  |
अनात्यन्तिक | mfn. not perpetual, not final, intermittent, recurrent.  |
अनत्यय | m. the not going across  |
अनत्यय | mfn. unperishable, unbroken.  |
अनत्युद्य | mfn. (equals aty-an-udya-), quite unfit to be mentioned, far above any expression  |
अनौचित्य | n. unfitness  |
अनौद्धत्य | n. freedom from haughtiness  |
अनौद्धत्य | n. not standing high (said of the water of a river)  |
अन्ध्रभृत्य | m. plural a dynasty of the andhra-s.  |
अनिर्घात्य | mfn. not to be brought out by force,  |
अनिर्वर्त्यमान | mfn. not being brought to a close.  |
अनिश्चिन्त्य | mfn. not to be thought of, inconceivable, incomprehensible.  |
अनिश्चित्य | ind.p. not having ascertained.  |
अनित्य | mfn. not everlasting, transient, occasional, incidental  |
अनित्य | mfn. irregular, unusual  |
अनित्य | mfn. unstable  |
अनित्य | mfn. uncertain  |
अनित्यभाव | m. transitoriness.  |
अनित्यदत्रिम | m. a son surrendered by his parents to another for temporary or preliminary adoption.  |
अनित्यदत्त | m. a son surrendered by his parents to another for temporary or preliminary adoption.  |
अनित्यदत्तक | m. a son surrendered by his parents to another for temporary or preliminary adoption.  |
अनित्यकर्मन् | n. an occasional act of worship, sacrifice for a special purpose.  |
अनित्यक्रिया | f. an occasional act of worship, sacrifice for a special purpose.  |
अनित्यम् | ind. occasionally.  |
अनित्यप्रत्यवेक्षा | f. consciousness that all is passing away  |
अनित्यसम | m. sophism, consisting in generalizing what is exceptional (as perishableness).  |
अनित्यसमप्रकरण | n. a section in the nyāya- discussing that sophism.  |
अनित्यसमास | m. a compound, the sense of which may be equally expressed by resolving it into its constituent parts.  |
अनित्यता | f. transient or limited existence.  |
अनित्यत्व | n. transient or limited existence.  |
अन्नपत्य | (/anna--) n. the lordship over food  |
अन्तःपात्य | m. ([ ]) a post fixed in the middle of the place of sacrifice  |
अन्तःपात्य | m. (in grammar) insertion of a letter  |
अन्तःपुराधिपत्य | n. supremacy over the women's apartments,  |
अन्तरापत्या | f. a pregnant woman  |
अन्तर्दिवाकीर्त्य | m. concealing a caṇḍāla-,  |
अन्तस्त्य | n. intestines  |
आन्त्य | m. one who finishes, personified as bhauvana-  |
अन्त्य | etc. See antika-, p.45.  |
अन्त्य | mfn. last in place, in time, or in order  |
अन्त्य | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' immediately following exempli gratia, 'for example' aṣṭamāntya-, the ninth  |
अन्त्य | mfn. lowest in place or condition, undermost, inferior, belonging to the lowest caste  |
अन्त्य | m. the plant Cyperus Hexastachyus Communis  |
अन्त्य | n. the number 1000 billions  |
अन्त्य | n. the twelfth sign of the zodiac  |
अन्त्य | n. the last member of a mathematical series.  |
अन्त्यभ | n. the last nakṣatra- (revati-)  |
अन्त्यभ | n. the last sign of the zodiac, the sign Pisces.  |
अन्त्यधन | n. last member of an arithmetical series.  |
अन्त्यहुति | f. funeral oblation or sacrifice.  |
अन्त्यज | mfn. of the lowest caste  |
अन्त्यज | m. a śūdra-  |
अन्त्यज | m. a man of one of seven inferior tribes (a washerman, currier, mimic, varuḍa-, fisherman, meda- or attendant on women, and mountaineer or forester).  |
अन्त्यजगमन | n. intercourse (between a woman of the higher caste) with a man of the lowest caste.  |
अन्त्यजागमन | n. intercourse (between a man of the higher caste) with a woman of the lowest caste.  |
अन्त्यजन्मन् | mfn. of the lowest caste.  |
अन्त्यजाति | mfn. of the lowest caste.  |
अन्त्यजातीय | mfn. of the lowest caste.  |
अन्त्यक | m. a man of the lowest tribe  |
अन्त्यकर्मन् | n. funeral rites.  |
अन्त्यक्रिया | f. funeral rites.  |
अन्त्यमण्डन | n. a funeral ornament,  |
अन्त्यमूल | n. (in arithmetic) the last or greatest root (in the square) .  |
अन्त्यपद | n. (in arithmetic) the last or greatest root (in the square) .  |
अन्त्यार्ध | the hinder part,  |
अन्त्यवर्ण | mf(ā-) a man or woman of the last tribe, a śūdra-.  |
अन्त्यावसायिन् | ī-, inī- mf. a man or woman of low caste (the son of a cāṇḍāla- by a niṣādī-, especially a caṇḍāla-, śvapaca-, kṣattṛ-, sūta-, vaidehaka-, māgadha-, and āyogava-)  |
अन्त्यविपुला | f. Name of a metre.  |
आन्त्यायन | m. a descendant of the above  |
अन्त्ययोनि | f. the lowest origin  |
अन्त्ययोनि | mfn. of the lowest origin.  |
अन्त्ययुग | m. the last or kali- age.  |
अन्त्येष्टि | f. funeral sacrifice.  |
अन्त्येष्टिक्रिया | f. funeral ceremonies.  |
अन्त्यूति | (4) mfn. at hand with help  |
आनुगत्य | n. following  |
आनुगत्य | n. acquaintance, familiarity  |
अनुकृत्य | mfn. fit to be imitated  |
अनुप्रहृत्य | mfn. to be thrown into the fire, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
अनुषत्य | mfn. being conformable to truth (satya-)  |
आनुसीत्य | mfn. (fr. anu-sīta-), being along the furrow  |
अनुवर्त्य | mfn. to be followed,  |
अनुवर्त्य | to be supplied from the preceding,  |
अन्वायात्य | mfn. to be brought in connection with, to be added, to be supplied  |
अन्यदेवत्य | ([ ]) mfn. having another divinity id est addressed to another divinity.  |
अन्यतस्त्य | m. "opponent, adversary", in compound with  |
अन्यतस्त्यजायिन् | mfn. overwhelming adversaries  |
अन्योन्यकृत्य | n. mutual services,  |
अन्योन्यापतितत्यागिन् | mfn. deserting each other without either losing caste,  |
अपकृत्य | n. damage, hurt  |
अपकृत्य | mfn. deserving to be harmed or injured, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
अपमित्य | See apa-me-.  |
अपमित्य | n. debt  |
अपामित्य | n. (see apa-m/itya-), equivalent  |
आपमित्यक | mfn. (fr. apa-mitya-[ ], ind.p. of apa-mā-), received by barter  |
आपमित्यक | n. property etc. obtained by barter  |
अपमृत्यु | m. sudden or accidental death  |
अपमृत्यु | m. a great danger or illness (from which a person recovers).  |
अपामृत्यु | equals apa-mṛtyu-  |
अपमृत्युकारणपरीक्षा | f. post-mortem examination  |
अपाङ्क्त्य | mfn. idem or 'mfn. "not in a line or row", not in the same class, inadmissible into society, ejected from caste '  |
अपाङ्क्त्योपहत | mfn. defiled or contaminated by the presence of impure or improper person  |
अपरीत्य | mfn. not to be walked round,  |
अपरित्यज्य | mfn. = (or varia lectio for) a-- parityājya-.  |
अपतितान्योन्यत्यागिन् | mfn. deserting one another (as the father deserting a son, the teacher a pupil etc.) without (the latter) being ejected from caste, .  |
अपात्रकृत्या | f. acting unbecomingly, doing degrading offices (as for a Brahman to receive wealth improperly acquired, to trade, to serve a śūdra-, and to utter an untruth)  |
अपत्य | n. (fr. /apa-), offspring, child, descendant  |
अपत्य | n. a patronymical affix  |
आपात्य | mfn. ( ) approaching in order to assault or attack, rushing on, assailing  |
आपात्य | mfn. to be assaulted or attacked  |
आपत्य | mfn. (fr. apatya-), relating to the formation of patronymic nouns  |
अपत्यआपत्यार्थशब्द | m. a patronymic.  |
अपत्यद | mfn. giving offspring  |
अपत्यदा | f. Name of various plants.  |
अपत्यजीव | m. Name of a plant.  |
अपत्यकाम | mfn. desirous of offspring.  |
अपत्यनाथ | mfn. accompanied or protected by one's own child,  |
अपत्यपथ | m. "path of offspring", the vulva  |
अपत्यप्रत्यय | m. a patronymical affix  |
अपत्यसच् | m. (accusative sg. -s/ācam-) fn. accompanied with offspring  |
अपत्यशत्रु | m. "having his descendants for enemies", a crab (said to perish in producing young).  |
अपत्यस्नेह | m. love for one's own children,  |
अपत्यता | f. state of childhood  |
अपत्यवत् | (/apatya--) mfn. possessed of offspring  |
अपत्यविक्रयिन् | m. "seller of his offspring", a father who receives a gratuity from his son-in-law.  |
अपवादप्रत्यय | m. an exceptional affix  |
अपवर्त्य | mfn. to be reduced (by division) to the smallest quantity,  |
अपावृत्य | ind.p. turning away from (with ablative)  |
अपितृदेवत्य | (/a-pitṛ--) mfn. not having the Manes as deities  |
आप्लुत्य | ind.p. having bathed or washed  |
आप्लुत्य | having jumped up.  |
आपोदेवत्य | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having the water as deity '  |
अपोदित्य | (mfn.) n. impersonal or used impersonally to be completely gone away from (ablative)  |
अप्रामिसत्य | ( mī-with prā- equals pra- see a-pr/amaya-),"of imperishable truthfulness", unalterably true  |
अप्रत्याख्यान | n. non-refutation.  |
अप्रत्याख्यात | mfn. uncontradicted, unrefuted, assented to.  |
अप्रत्याख्येय | mfn. not to be contradicted, undeniable.  |
अप्रत्यक्ष | mfn. not present to the sight, invisible, imperceptible.  |
अप्रत्यक्षशिष्ट | mfn. not distinctly taught.  |
अप्रत्यक्षता | f. imperceptibility.  |
अप्रत्यालभमान | mfn. not offering resistance  |
अप्रत्याम्नाय | m. not a contradictory statement  |
अप्रत्यय | m. distrust, disbelief, doubt  |
अप्रत्यय | m. not an affix  |
अप्रत्यय | mfn. distrustful (with locative case)  |
अप्रत्यय | mfn. causing distrust  |
अप्रत्यय | mfn. having no affix.  |
अप्रत्ययस्थ | mfn. (in grammar) not pertaining to an affix.  |
अप्रत्यृत | mfn. (equals an-arv/a-), not encountering any resistance in (locative case)  |
अप्रत्युत्थायुक | mfn. not rising before (wrong reading yika-),  |
अप्रायत्य | n. the state of being a-prayata-  |
अप्रायत्य | See a-prayata-.  |
अप्रीत्यात्मक | mf(ikā-)n. consisting of pain.  |
अप्त्य | (3) mfn. watery  |
अप्त्य | See 2. /ap-.  |
आप्त्य | equals āptavya- q.v  |
आप्त्य | (for 2. āptya-See below.)  |
आप्त्य | m. Name of trita-  |
आप्त्य | m. Name of indra-  |
आप्त्य | m. plural Name of a class of deities ( )  |
आप्त्य | m. (for 1. āptya-See under āp-.)  |
अप्यत्यर्ज् | (3. plural -arjanti-) to add over and above  |
अरंकृत्या | Ved. ind.p. having prepared, being ready  |
अरण्यनित्य | mfn. used to dwell in a forest,  |
आर्हन्त्य | n. (gaRa brāhmaṇādi- ), the state or practice of an arhat- or jaina- saint.  |
अर्थकृत्य | n. ([ ]) ([ ]) settling a matter or affair.  |
अर्थकृत्या | f. ([ ]) settling a matter or affair.  |
आर्थपत्य | n. (fr. artha-pati-), power or possession of a thing.  |
आर्त्यपहरण | n. the relieving of distress or pain etc.  |
अरुणादित्य | m. one of the twelve shapes of the sun  |
आर्यसत्य | n. (pāli- ariyasaccam-) sublime truth  |
आर्यसत्य | n. (with Buddhists the cattari ariyasaccāni-or"four great truths"are, 1. life is suffering, 2. desire of life is the cause of suffering, 3. extinction of that desire is the cessation of suffering, 4. the eightfold path(See below) leads to that extinction.)  |
आशादित्य | (aśāditya-) m. Name of a commentator.  |
असजात्य | mf(/ā-)n. without consanguinity  |
असमात्योजस् | (6) mfn. of unequalled strength  |
आसंगत्य | n. (fr. a-saṃgata- ), non-union, non-relation.  |
असंत्याग | m. not giving up or renouncing (intercourse with; genitive case)  |
असंत्यागिन् | mfn. not giving up or abandoning  |
असंत्याज्य | mfn. not to be abandoned  |
असंत्याज्य | mfn. not to be avoided  |
असंत्याज्य | mfn. not to be neglected or forgotten  |
असत्कृत्य | ind.p. not taking notice of (accusative)  |
असत्कृत्य | mfn. one who does evil actions  |
असत्य | mfn. untrue, false, lying. etc.  |
असत्य | n. untruth, falsehood  |
असत्यसन्ध | mfn. treacherous, base  |
असत्यसन्निभ | mfn. improbable, unlikely  |
असत्यशील | mf(ā-)n. having an inclination to falsehood  |
असत्यता | f. untruth  |
असत्यवाद | m. a lie  |
असत्यवादिन् | mfn. speaking falsely, a liar.  |
असिहत्य | n. fighting with swords (or knives), (gaRa anuśatikādi- q.v)  |
अशीत्यक्षर | mfn. containing eighty syllables,  |
अशीत्यक्षरत्व | (n.)  |
अस्मद्देवत्य | mfn. having us as deities  |
आश्रावितप्रत्याश्रावित | n. dual number address and response, Jaim  |
आश्रित्य | ind.p. having sought or obtained an asylum  |
आश्रित्य | having recourse to, employing, practising, etc.  |
अस्तुत्य | mfn. not to be praised  |
अस्त्य | n. (varia lectio for /asta-) a house  |
अस्त्य | See 2. /asta-.  |
अस्त्यान | n. disregard  |
असुत्याग | m. giving up one's life  |
अश्वपस्त्य | (/āśva--5) mfn. having horses in the stable, filling the stable with horses  |
अश्वपत्यादि | m. a gaRa of  |
अस्यहत्य | (or -ha-tya-) gaRa anuśatikādi- q.v  |
अस्यहत्य | (See āsyahātya-.)  |
आस्यहात्य | mfn. (fr. asy-a-hatya- gaRa vimuktādi- ), containing the word asy-a-hatya-,"non-killing with a sword"(as a chapter) or (gaRa anuśatikādi- ) belonging to a non-massacre ([ asi-hatya-and āsihātya- ]) |
आतपात्यय | m. passing away of the heat, coolness of the evening  |
अतिमर्त्य | mfn. superhuman.  |
अतिमृत्यु | mfn. overcoming death  |
अतिनिह्नुत्य | ind.p. ( hnu-), denying obstinately.  |
अतिपात्य | mfn. to be passed over, to be neglected.  |
अतिसौहित्य | n. excessive satiety exempli gratia, 'for example' being spoiled, stuffed with food, etc.  |
अतित्यद् | surpassing that  |
आत्मगत्या | instrumental case ind. by one's own act (without the intervention of another)  |
आत्महत्या | f. suicide  |
आत्मनित्य | mfn. constantly in the heart, greatly endeared to one's self ([ equals sva-vaśa- commentator or commentary ])  |
आत्मपरित्याग | m. self-sacrifice  |
आत्मत्याग | m. self-forgetfulness, absence of mind  |
आत्मत्याग | m. suicide  |
आत्मत्यागिन् | mfn. committing suicide ([ ātmanas tyāgin- ])  |
अत्रत्य | mfn. connected with this place, produced or found here  |
अट्टपतिभागाख्यगृहकृत्य | n. business of the house called the market-master's department (an office in Kashmir)  |
अत्य | (2, 3) m. a courser, steed  |
अत्य | mfn. rapid, swift, .  |
अत्यभिसृत | mfn. ( sṛ-), having approached too much, having come too close  |
अत्याचार | m. performance of works of supererogation  |
अत्याचार | mfn. negligent of or departing from the established customs.  |
अत्यादान | n. taking away too much.  |
अत्यादर | m. excessive deference.  |
अत्यद्भुत | mfn. very wonderful  |
अत्यद्भुत | m. Name of the indra- in the ninth manvantara-  |
अत्यद्भुत | n. a great wonder.  |
अत्याधा | to place in a higher rank  |
अत्याधम् | -dhamati-, to breathe violently  |
अत्याधान | n. act of imposing or placing upon  |
अत्याधान | n. imposition, deception  |
अत्यध्वन् | m. a long way or journey, excessive travelling.  |
अत्यादित्य | mfn. surpassing the sun.  |
अत्यादृ | to take great care of, be anxious about.  |
अत्यग्नि | m. morbidly rapid digestion.  |
अत्यग्नि | m. too rapid digestion  |
अत्यग्नि | mfn. surpassing fire.  |
अत्यग्निसोमार्क | mfn. brighter than fire or the moon or the sun.  |
अत्यग्निष्टोम | m. Name of the second of the seven modifications of the jyotiṣṭoma- sacrifice  |
अत्यग्निष्टोम | m. the Vedic verse chanted at the close of that ceremony.  |
अत्यग्र | mfn. whose point is jutting over  |
अत्यहम् | surpassing me  |
अत्यहम् | surpassing self-consciousness  |
अत्यहम् | see  |
अत्याहार | m. excess in eating.  |
अत्याहारिन् | mfn. eating immoderately, gluttonous.  |
अत्याहित | n. great calamity  |
अत्याहित | n. great danger  |
अत्याहित | n. facing great danger  |
अत्याहित | n. a daring action.  |
अत्याहित | mfn. disagreeable etc.  |
अत्याहित | n. disagreeableness (PrakritaccAhida).  |
अत्यह्न | mfn. exceeding a day in duration  |
अत्याकर | m. (1. kṛ-), contempt, blame  |
अत्याखण्डलविक्रम | mfn. surpassing indra- in heroism,  |
अत्याक्रम् | (ind.p. -kr/amya-) to walk past  |
अत्यक्षर | mfn. inarticulate,  |
अत्याल | m. Plumbago Rosea.  |
अत्यल्प | mfn. very little.  |
अत्यमर्षण | mfn. quite out of temper.  |
अत्यमर्षिन् | mfn. quite out of temper.  |
अत्यंह | m. Name of a man  |
अत्यंहस् | mfn. beyond the reach of evil or distress  |
अत्यम्ल | mfn. very acid  |
अत्यम्ल | m. the tree Spondias Mangifera |
अत्यम्ला | f. a species of citron.  |
अत्यम्लपर्णी | f. "having very acid leaves", Name of a medicinal plant.  |
अत्यानन्द | m. excessive wantonness  |
अत्यानन्द | mfn. excessively wanton  |
अत्यङ्गुल | mfn. exceeding an aṅgula- (finger's breadth).  |
अत्यनिल | mfn. surpassing the wind.  |
अत्यङ्कुश | mfn. past or beyond the (elephant-driver's) hook, unmanageable.  |
अत्यन्त | mfn. beyond the proper end or limit  |
अत्यन्त | mfn. excessive, very great, very strong  |
अत्यन्त | mfn. endless, unbroken, perpetual  |
अत्यन्त | mfn. absolute, perfect  |
अत्यन्त | mfn. to the end  |
अत्यन्त | mfn. quite  |
अत्यन्ताभाव | m. absolute non-existence.  |
अत्यन्तग | mfn. going very much or very fast  |
अत्यन्तगामिन् | mfn. equals -ga- above.  |
अत्यन्तगत | mfn. completely pertinent  |
अत्यन्तगत | mfn. always applicable  |
अत्यन्तगत | mfn. gone forever  |
अत्यन्तगति | f. complete accomplishment  |
अत्यन्तगति | f. (in grammar) the sense of"completely."  |
अत्यन्तगुणिन् | mfn. having extraordinary qualities.  |
अत्यन्तकोपन | mfn. very passionate.  |
अत्यन्तम् | ind. excessively, exceedingly, in perpetuity, absolutely, completely  |
अत्यन्तपिडन | n. act of giving excessive pain.  |
अत्यन्तसम्पर्क | m. excessive sexual intercourse.  |
अत्यन्तसंयोग | m. (in grammar) immediate proximity.  |
अत्यन्तशस् | ind. in an exaggerated manner, exeessively,  |
अत्यन्तसुकुमार | mfn. very tender  |
अत्यन्तसुकुमार | m. a kind of grain, Panicum Italicum.  |
अत्यन्ततिरस्कृतवाच्यध्वनि | f. (in rhetoric) a metaphoric  |
अत्यन्तवासिन् | m. a student who perpetually resides with his teacher. |
अत्यन्ताय | ind. dative case for ever, perpetually  |
आत्यन्तिक | mf(ī-)n. (fr. aty-anta-), continual, uninterrupted, infinite, endless etc.  |
आत्यन्तिक | mf(ī-)n. entire, universal (as the world's destruction etc.)  |
अत्यन्तिक | mfn. too close  |
अत्यन्तिक | n. too great nearness  |
अत्यन्तीन | mfn. going far  |
अत्यणु | mfn. very thin  |
अत्यनुसृ | Caus.  |
अत्यनुसृ | Causal -sārayati- to pursue excessively  |
अत्याप्ति | f. complete attainment  |
अत्यराति | m. Name of a son of janaṃtapa-  |
अत्यर्द् | to press hard, distress greatly  |
अत्यर्ह् | (subjunctive -arhāt-), to excel in worth  |
अत्यारोह | m. mounting too high, insolence, arrogance.  |
अत्यर्थ | mfn. "beyond the proper worth", exorbitant, excessive  |
अत्यर्थम् | ind. excessively, exceedingly.  |
अत्यारूढि | f. mounting too high, insolence, arrogance.  |
अत्यश् | to precede in eating ; to eat too much  |
अत्यस् | (Imper. -astu-) to excel, surpass  |
अत्यस् | to shoot beyond, overwhelm, overpower (as with arrows).  |
अत्याशा | f. extravagant hope.  |
अत्यासद् | Caus. ind.p. -sādya-, passing through.  |
अत्यासम् | ind. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' after the lapse of (exempli gratia, 'for example' dvyahātyāsam-,after the lapse of two days)  |
अत्यसम | mfn. very uneven, very rough  |
अत्यशन | n. immoderate eating.  |
अत्यासन्न | mfn. being too close.  |
अत्यासारिन् | mfn. excessively flowing towards  |
अत्यासारिन् | mfn. flowing near violently  |
अत्याशित | mfn. (2. as-), too satiate  |
अत्यश्नत् | mfn. eating too much.  |
अत्यासृ | to run near  |
अत्याश्रमिन् | m. "superior to the (four) āśrama-s", an ascetic of the highest degree.  |
अत्यस्त | mfn. one who has shot or cast beyond  |
अत्यष्टि | f. a metre (of four lines, each containing seventeen syllables)  |
अत्यष्टि | f. the number seventeen.  |
अत्यष्टिसामग्री | f. Name of work  |
अत्यतिक्रम् | to approach for sexual intercourse  |
अत्यतिरिच् | Passive voice -ricyate-, to surpass exceedingly.  |
अत्यवसृज् | to let loose, let go.  |
अत्यवि | m. passing over or through the strainer (consisting of sheep's wool or a sheep's tail;said of the soma-)  |
अत्यय | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
अत्याय | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
अत्यय | m. (fr. i-with ati-See atī-), passing, lapse, passage  |
अत्यय | m. passing away, perishing, death  |
अत्यय | m. danger, risk, evil, suffering  |
अत्यय | m. transgression, guilt, vice  |
अत्यय | m. getting at, attacking  |
अत्यय | m. overcoming, mastering (mentally)  |
अत्यय | m. a class  |
अत्यय | m. (also) confession of sins,  |
अत्याय | m. ( i-), the act of going beyond, transgression, excess  |
अत्याया | to pass by  |
अत्यायम् | ind. (4) going beyond  |
अत्यायत् | A1. to make extraordinary efforts for (locative case)  |
आत्ययिक | mfn. (fr. aty-aya-; gaRa vinayādi- q.v),"having a rapid course", not suffering delay, urgent etc. |
आत्ययिक | mfn. requiring immediate help (as a disease)  |
अत्ययिक | See ātyayika-.  |
अत्ययिकपिण्डपात | m. special or occasional alms (of 5 kinds),  |
अत्ययिन् | mfn. passing  |
अत्यायु | n. Name of a sacrificial vessel |
अत्यायुस् | mfn. very old,  |
अत्येष् | (subjunctive 2. sg. -eṣas-) to glide over  |
अत्येतवै | see ati- (parasmE-pada 16).  |
अत्यृज् | to convey across (towards an object), admit to  |
अत्यृषभ | m. an excellent bull (applied to prajā-pati-),  |
अत्युच्चैर्ध्वनि | m. a very loud sound  |
अत्युच्चैर्ध्वनि | m. a very high note.  |
अत्युच्चैस् | ind. very loudly.  |
अत्युदार | mfn. very liberal.  |
अत्युद्धा | (2 hā-), to surpass  |
अत्यूध्नि | f. having an exceedingly large udder  |
अत्युग्र | mfn. very fierce  |
अत्युग्र | mfn. very pungent  |
अत्युग्र | n. Asa Foetida.  |
अत्युह् | See aty-- 1. ūh-.  |
अत्यूह् | to convey across. Spelt aty-uh- in some forms, possibly belonging to vah-.  |
अत्यूह् | ūh-, -ohate-, to contemn  |
अत्यूह | m. excessive deliberation  |
अत्यूह | m. a gallinule, a peacock  |
अत्यूहा | f. the plant Jasminum Villosum or Nyctanthes Tristis.  |
अत्यूह | m. (also) the penis of an elephant,  |
अत्युक्ष् | (perf. 2. sg. -vavakṣitha-) to surpass  |
अत्युक्ता | f. Name of a class of metres (of four lines, each containing two syllables).  |
अत्युक्था | f. Name of a class of metres (of four lines, each containing two syllables).  |
अत्युक्ति | f. excessive talking  |
अत्युक्ति | f. exaggeration  |
अत्युक्ति | f. hyperbole.  |
अत्युल्बण | mfn. very conspicuous, excessive.  |
अत्युल्वण | mfn. very conspicuous, excessive.  |
अत्यूमशा | ind. a particle of abuse (used in compound with1. as-, bhū-,1. kṛ-; gaRa ūry-ādi- q.v)  |
अत्युपध | mfn. superior to any test, tried, trustworthy  |
अत्युपयज् | to continue offering sacrifices  |
अत्यूर्ध्वाक्ष | mfn. with uplifted eyes,  |
अत्यूर्जितम् | ind. very much, in a high degree,  |
अत्यूर्मि | mfn. overflowing, bubbling over  |
अत्युर्वीश | m. a supreme sovereign,  |
अत्युष्ण | mfn. very hot.  |
अत्युत्कट | mfn. very imposing or immense.  |
अत्युत्क्रम् | to surpass, excel.  |
अत्युत्साह | m. excessive vigour.  |
अउचित्य | n. fitness, suitableness, decorum etc.  |
अउचित्य | n. the state of being used to, habituation  |
अउचित्यालंकार | m. Name of work  |
अउदात्त्य | n. (fr. udātta-), the state of having the high tone or accent.  |
अउद्धत्य | n. (fr. ud-dhata-), arrogance, insolence, overbearing manner, disdain  |
अउद्धत्य | (with Buddhists) self-exaltation (one of the 10 fetters which bind a man to existence),  |
अउन्नत्य | n. (fr. un-nata-), elevation, height  |
अउपपत्य | n. (fr. upa-pati-), intercourse with a paramour, adultery  |
अउर्जित्य | n. (fr. ūrjita-), strength, vigour commentator or commentary on  |
अउर्णावत्य | m. (Nominal verb plural vatās-), a descendant of ūrṇāvat-  |
अउषस्त्य | mfn. relating to or treating of the sage uṣasti-.  |
आवभृत्य | m. a king of avabhṛti-  |
आवभृत्य | m. plural Name of a dynasty of kings  |
अवैरहत्य | n. the non-destruction of men (a-virahatya-)  |
अवज्योत्य | ind.p. having lighted (a lamp)  |
अवमत्य | ind.p. despising  |
आवन्त्य | mfn. coming from or being in the country avanti-  |
आवन्त्य | m. a king or inhabitant of avanti-  |
आवन्त्य | m. (according to the āvantya-s are offsprings of degraded Brahmans.)  |
अवन्त्यश्मक | n. sg. or m. plural the avanti-s and the aśmaka-s, (gaRa rajadantādi-and kārtakaujapādi- q.v)  |
अवप्लुत्य | ind.p. jumping down etc.  |
अवप्लुत्य | jumping away from (ablative) |
अवप्लुत्य | hastening away or off  |
अवयुत्या | ind. instrumental case separately commentator or commentary on  |
अविचर्त्य | See a-vicṛty/a-.  |
अविचिन्त्य | mfn. not to be comprehended or conceived  |
अविचृत्य | ([ ]) or a-vicarty/a- ([ ]), mfn. not to be loosened.  |
अविजित्य | ind.p. not having conquered  |
अवित्यज | mn. quicksilver |
अव्रत्य | n. anything out of harmony with, or violating, a religious obligation  |
अव्रत्य | mfn. with karman- idem or 'n. anything out of harmony with, or violating, a religious obligation '  |
अव्रात्य | m. not a vratya-  |
अव्रात्य | n. equals a-vraty/a- n. q.v  |
अव्रत्योपचार | m. practising anything that offends one's religious obligations  |
आवृत्य | ind.p. having covered etc.  |
आवृत्य | ind.p. having turned, turning towards, etc.  |
बहुदैवत्य | mfn. equals prec.  |
बहुदैवत्य | n. Name of work  |
बहुदेवत्य | mfn. belonging to many deities  |
बहुकृत्य | mfn. equals -karanīya-  |
बहुप्रत्यर्थिक | mfn. having many adversaries or opponents  |
बहुप्रत्यवाय | mfn. connected with many difficulties  |
बहुसत्य | m. Name of the tenth muhūrta-  |
बाहुश्रुत्य | n. great learning, erudition  |
बह्वक्षरान्त्य | mfn. being at the end of a polysyllabic word  |
बह्वपत्य | mfn. having a numerous progeny  |
बह्वपत्य | mfn. (in astrology) promising or foretelling a numerous progeny  |
बह्वपत्य | m. a hog or a mouse  |
बह्वपत्या | f. a cow that has often calved =  |
बालभृत्य | m. a servant from childhood  |
बालादित्य | m. the newly risen sun, morning sun  |
बालादित्य | m. Name of princes  |
बालादित्यव्रत | n. Name of work  |
बालहत्या | f. child-murder  |
बालाहत्या | f. the murdering of female children  |
बालकहत्या | f. infanticide  |
बालापत्य | n. youthful progeny  |
बन्धनृत्य | n. (in music) a kind of dance  |
बन्धुकृत्य | n. the duty of a kinsman, friendly service  |
बार्हस्पत्य | mfn. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. relating to or descended from bṛhas-pati- ' etc. etc. (with bha-or nakṣatra- n.the constellation puṣya- ;with māna- n."Jupiter's measure", a method of reckoning time )  |
बार्हस्पत्य | m. patronymic fr. bṛhas-pati- (Name of saṃyu-, agni-, tapur-mūrdhan-, bharad-vāja-) etc.  |
बार्हस्पत्य | m. a pupil of bṛhas-pati-  |
बार्हस्पत्य | m. an infidel, materialist  |
बार्हस्पत्य | n. the artha-śāstra- of bṛhas-pati-, ethics morality  |
बार्हस्पत्य | n. Name of various sāman-s  |
बार्हस्पत्यज्योतिःशास्त्र | n. Name of work  |
बार्हस्पत्यज्योतिर्ग्रन्थ | m. Name of work  |
बार्हस्पत्यमहिमन् | m. Name of work  |
बार्हस्पत्यमुहूर्तविधान | n. Name of work  |
बार्हस्पत्यसंहिता | f. Name of work  |
बार्हस्पत्यस्मृति | f. Name of work  |
बार्हस्पत्यसूत्रटीका | f. Name of work  |
बार्हस्पत्यतन्त्र | n. Name of work  |
बस्त्य | See v/āja-bastya-.  |
भाडित्य | idem or 'm. patronymic fr. bhaḍita- (see gaRa aśvādi-).' gaRa gargādi-.  |
भगवत्यङ्ग | n. Name of the 5th aṅga- of the jaina-s.  |
भाःसत्य | (2. bhās-+ satya-) mfn. one whose real essence is light  |
भाःसत्य | See .  |
भक्तकृत्य | n. preparations for a meal (kṛta-bh-,one who has made a meal )  |
भक्त्या | ind. not in the regular sense, figuratively  |
भक्त्या | ind. bhakti |
भक्त्यधिकरणमाला | f. Name of work  |
भक्त्युल्लासमञ्जरी | f. Name of work  |
भक्त्युपक्रम | m. Name of work  |
भाण्डित्य | (gaRa gargādi-) m. patronymic fr. bhaṇḍita-.  |
भारप्रत्यवर | mfn. (actions) lowest by reason of the bearing of loads  |
भाषावृत्त्यर्थवृत्ति | f. Name of work  |
भाष्यप्रत्यय | m. Name of work  |
भाष्यप्रत्ययोद्बोध | m. Name of work  |
भौत्य | m. (fr. bhūti-) Name of a manu-  |
भौत्य | mf(ī-)n. relating to him  |
भवदन्त्य | mf(ā-)n. having bhavat- at the end  |
भावप्रत्ययशक्तिविचार | m.  |
भावप्रत्ययवादार्थ | m.  |
भायजात्य | m. (patronymic fr. bhayajāta-) Name of kapi-vana-  |
भायजात्य | m. of nikothaka- (q.v)  |
भेदप्रत्यय | m. belief in dualism (see -dṛṣṭi-)  |
भोजनत्याग | m. abstinence from food, fasting  |
भ्राजोभ्रादन्त्य | (?) m. plural Name of a race  |
भ्रातृहत्या | f. fratricide  |
भ्रातृव्यदेवत्य | mf(/ā-)n. having a rivals for a deity  |
भ्रातृव्यदेवत्य | mf(/ā-)n. (ty/a-)  |
भ्रौणहत्य | n. (fr. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. (fr. bhrūṇa-han-) ') the killing of an embryo  |
भृत्य | mfn. to be nourished or maintained  |
भृत्य | m. one who is to be maintained, a dependent, servant (also the servant of a king, a minister) etc. |
भृत्या | f. support, maintenance, wages etc. (equals bhṛti-).  |
भृत्य | m. nursing, care of (see kumāra-bhṛtyā-).  |
भृत्यभरण | n. maintaining or cherishing servant  |
भृत्यभर्तृ | m. one who maintains servant, the master of a family  |
भृत्यभाव | m. servitude, dependence  |
भृत्याभाव | m. a state of servitude or dependence  |
भृत्याभाव | m. the absence of servants  |
भृत्यभाविन् | mfn. being or becoming a servant  |
भृत्यध्यापन | n. (prob.) wrong reading for bhṛtyādh- q.v  |
भृत्याध्यापन | n. teaching the veda- for hire (varia lectio bh/ṛtādh-). 1.  |
भृत्यजन | m. a person (or persons) to be supported, a servant or servants  |
भृत्यकामकृत् | mfn. acting kindly to servants  |
भृत्यन्न | n. wages and board  |
भृत्यपरमाणु | m. a very humble (literally"an atom of a") servant (see padāti-lava-).  |
भृत्यर्थम् | (genitive case) (varia lectio for bhūty-artham-).  |
भृत्यशालिन् | mfn. having many servant  |
भृत्यता | f.  |
भृत्यत्व | n. servitude, dependence  |
भृत्यवर्ग | m. "servant-class", the whole number of any one's servant, household  |
भृत्यवात्सल्य | n. kindness to servant  |
भृत्यवृत्ति | f. subsistence of servant or dependents  |
भृत्याय | Nom. A1. yate-, to behave like a servant  |
भृत्यीभू | P. -bhavati-, to become a servant, enter upon service  |
भ्रूणहत्या | f. idem or 'f. ( ) the killing of an embryo.' etc.  |
भ्रूणहत्या | f. the killing of a learned Brahman  |
भूतहत्या | f. the killing of a living creature  |
भूतिकृत्य | n. equals -karman-  |
भूत्यकण्टक | varia lectio for bhūrja-k- (See bhūrja-).  |
भूत्यर्थम् | ind. for the sake of prosperity  |
ब्रह्मदैत्य | m. a Brahman changed into a daitya-  |
ब्रह्मादित्य | m. Name of an author (also called brahmārka-)  |
ब्रह्महत्या | f. murder of a Brahman (or any crime equally heinous)  |
ब्राह्मप्रजापत्य | mfn. (fr. brahma-prajāpati-)  |
ब्राह्मीशान्त्यवधानक्रम | m. Name of work  |
बुद्धकायवर्णपरिनिष्पत्त्यभिनिर्हारा | f. a particular dhāraṇī-  |
चैकित्सित्य | m. patronymic fr. cikitsita- gaRa gargādi-.  |
चैकित्य | m. patronymic fr. cikita- gaRa gargādi-.  |
चैटयत्या | f. of ta- gaRa krauḍy-ādi-.  |
चैत्य | m. (fr. 5. cit-or 2. citi-) the individual soul  |
चैत्य | mfn. relating to a funeral pile or mound (citā-)  |
चैत्य | m. n. a funeral monument or stūpa- (q.v) or pyramidal column containing the ashes of deceased persons, sacred tree (especially a religious fig-tree) growing on a mound, hall or temple or place of worship (especially with and and generally containing a monument), a sanctuary near a village etc.  |
चैत्य | m. a Jain or image  |
चैत्य | m. equals tyaka-, .  |
चैत्यद्रु | m. a religious fig-tree  |
चैत्यद्रु | m. a large tree in a village  |
चैत्यद्रुम | m. equals -taru-  |
चैत्यक | m. one of the 5 mountains surrounding the town giri-vraja-, .  |
चैत्यमुख | m. "having an opening like that of a sanctuary ", a hermit's water-pot  |
चैत्यपाल | m. the guardian of a a caitya-  |
चैत्यशैल | m. plural Name of a Buddhist school  |
चैत्यशैल | m. see caitika-.  |
चैत्यस्थान | n. a place made sacred by a monument or a sanctuary  |
चैत्यतरु | m. a tree (especially religious fig-tree) standing on a sacred spot  |
चैत्यवृक्ष | m. equals -taru-  |
चैत्यवृक्ष | m. a religious fig-tree  |
चैत्ययज्ञ | m. a sacrificial ceremony performed at a monument  |
चमत्कारनृत्य | n. a kind of dance.  |
चण्डादित्यतीर्थ | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
चन्द्रादित्य | m. Name of a prince  |
चर्कृत्य | mfn. to be mentioned with praise, renowned  |
चर्त्य | mfn. cṛt-  |
चतुरङ्गबलाधिपत्य | n. command of a complete army,  |
चतुर्विंशत्यह | m. sg. 24 days  |
चतुर्विंशत्यक्षर | mf(ā-)n. (c/at-) having 24 syllables  |
चतुर्विंशत्यक्षर | mfn. having 24 syllables,  |
चतुर्विंशत्यवतारचरित्र | n. "history of the 24 incarnations", Name of a work by naraharadāsa-  |
चतुश्चित्य | mfn. supported by 4 stratums  |
चत्य | mfn. to be hidden Va1rtt. 1  |
चौपयत्या | f. of ta- gaRa krauḍy-ādi-.  |
चेत्य | mfn. perceivable  |
चेत्या | f. equals t/u- (?)  |
छन्दमृत्यु | mfn. having death in one's power  |
चिन्ताकृत्य | ind. p. gaRa sākṣādādi- (varia lectio cittā-- )  |
चिन्त्य | mfn. to be thought about or imagined  |
चिन्त्य | mfn. equals tayitavya-  |
चिन्त्य | mfn. "to be conceived" See /a--  |
चिन्त्य | mfn. to be considered or reflected or meditated upon etc.  |
चिन्त्य | mfn. "to be deliberated about", questionable on  |
चिन्त्य | n. the necessity of thinking about (genitive case)  |
चिन्त्यद्योत | m. plural "of brightness conceivable only by imagination", a class of deities  |
चिन्त्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
चिताचैत्यचिह्न | n. idem or 'n. "funeral pile mark", a sepulchre '  |
चित्रकृत्य | n. painting  |
चित्त्ताधिपत्य | n. control over the mind,  |
चित्य | mfn. to be arranged in order  |
चित्य | mfn. to be piled up  |
चित्य | mfn. (with or without agni-,the fire) constructed upon a foundation (of bricks etc.)  |
चित्य | mfn. (fr. 1. -c/iti-) coming from the funeral pile or from the place of cremation  |
चित्य | n. equals tā-cūḍaka- (see )  |
चित्या | f. "piling up", building (an altar. etc.) See agni-city/ā-, maṭha--  |
चित्य | n. "a layer, stratum" See catuścitya-  |
चित्य | n. a funeral pile  |
चित्य | See 1. ci-.  |
चित्यग्नि | m. plural the bricks used for the sacrificial fire  |
चित्ययूप | m. a post on the place of cremation  |
चित्युपनिषद् | f. Name of an  |
दैत्य | m. a son of diti-, a demon etc.  |
दैत्य | mf(ā-)n. belonging to the daitya-s  |
दैत्या | f. Name of plants (equals caṇḍauhadhi-and murā-)  |
दैत्य | mf(ā-)n. spirituous liquor  |
दैत्यदानवमर्दन | m. "crusher of daitya-s and dānava-s", Name of indra-  |
दैत्यदेव | m. "god of the daitya-s", varuṇa-  |
दैत्यदेव | m. Wind  |
दैत्यद्वीप | m. "refuge of the daitya-s (?)", Name of a son of garuḍa-  |
दैत्यगुरु | m. "preceptor of the daitya-s", Name of śukra-, the planet Venus  |
दैत्यहन् | m. " daitya--slayer", Name of śiva-  |
दैत्यहन् | m. of indra-  |
दैत्यहन्तृ | m. "id.", Name of viṣṇu-  |
दैत्याहोरात्र | m. a day and night of the daitya-s (= a year of man)  |
दैत्यमातृ | f. "mother of the daitya-s", diti- (plural ) .  |
दैत्यमेदज | m. "produced from the marrow of daitya-s", a kind of bdellium  |
दैत्यमेदजा | f. the earth (supposed to be produced from the marrow of madhu- and kaiṭabha-)  |
दैत्यनाशन | m. " daitya-s-destroyer", Name of viṣṇu-  |
दैत्यनिरूदन | m. "id.", Name of viṣṇu-  |
दैत्यनिषूदन | m. "id", Name of indra-  |
दैत्यान्तक | m. " daitya-s. destroyer"  |
दैत्यप | m.," daitya-s-prince", Name of bali-  |
दैत्यपति | m.," daitya-s-prince", Name of bali- |
दैत्यपूज्य | m. equals -guru-  |
दैत्यपुरोधस् | m. equals -guru-  |
दैत्यपुरोहित | m. equals -guru-  |
दैत्यारि | m. "foe of the daitya-s", a god (especially viṣṇu-)  |
दैत्यारिपण्डित | m. Name of a poet  |
दैत्यर्त्विज् | (yai-it-) m. equals -guru-  |
दैत्यसेना | f. Name of a daughter of prajā-pati- and sister of deva-senā-  |
दैत्याय | Nom. A1. yate-, to represent a daitya-  |
दैत्ययुग | n. an age of the daitya-s (= 4 ages. of man)  |
दैत्येज्य | m. equals tya-guru-  |
दैत्येन्द्र | m. " daitya-s-prince", Name of pātāla--ketu  |
दैत्येन्द्रपूज्य | m. equals tyejya-  |
दैवन्त्यायन | m. (patronymic fr. ?) Name of a man plural his descendants  |
दैवत्य | mf(ā-)n. (fr. devatā-) in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' having as one's deity, addressed or sacred to some deity (see devatya-).  |
दैवात्यय | m. danger or evil resulting from unusual natural phenomena  |
दक्षिणामूर्त्युपनिषद् | f. Name of an  |
दक्षिणाप्रत्यच् | mf(tīcī-)n. "south-western"  |
दक्षिणाप्रत्यगपवर्ग | mfn. terminating in the south-west  |
दक्षिणाप्रत्यक् | ind. south-westwards, 1  |
दक्षिणाप्रत्यक्प्रवण | mfn. sloping south-westwards  |
दाक्षिणात्य | mf(ā-)n. (fr. dakṣiṇā- ind. ) southerly, southern, belonging to or living in or coming from the south or Deccan etc. |
दाक्षिणात्य | mf(ā-)n. (also dākṣiṇātyaka tyaka- mf(tyikā-)n. Va1rtt. 5 )  |
दाक्षिणात्य | m. (or n.?) the south  |
दाक्षिणात्य | m. cocoa-nut  |
दाक्षिणात्य | m. plural inhabitants of the Deccan  |
दाक्षिणात्यक | mf(tyikā-)n. dākṣiṇātya |
दाम्पत्य | n. (fr. dam-pati-) state of husband and wife, matrimonial relationship  |
दानव्यत्यास | m. giving to a wrong person  |
दन्तिदैत्य | m. Name of a daitya-  |
दन्त्य | mf(ā- Scholiast or Commentator)n. dental (a letter)  |
दन्त्य | mf(ā- Scholiast or Commentator)n. being on the teeth |
दन्त्य | mf(ā- Scholiast or Commentator)n. suitable to the teeth  |
दन्त्य | mf(ā- Scholiast or Commentator)n. see a--.  |
दन्त्यौष्ठ्य | mfn. denti-labial  |
दन्त्योष्ठ्य | mfn. denti-labial  |
दारत्यागिन् | m. a repudiator of his wife  |
दरिद्रीकृत्य | ind. causing any one to rove  |
दारुकृत्य | n. anything to be made of wood  |
दाशस्पतिपत्य | mf(ā-)n. offering much milk (cow)  |
दाशस्पतिपत्य | n. Name of a sāman-  |
दस्युहत्य | n. a fight with the dasyu-s  |
दस्युहत्य | n. see śuṣṇa-h-.  |
दत्तनृत्योपहार | mfn. presented with the compliment of a dance  |
दात्यौह | m. a gallinule (according to to ditya-vah-).  |
दात्यूह | m. a gallinule etc.  |
दात्यूह | m. Cuculus Melanoleucus  |
दात्यूह | m. a cloud  |
दात्यूहक | m. a little gallinule  |
दौर्गत्य | n. distress, misery, poverty  |
दौर्जीवित्य | (d/aur--) n. a miserable existence  |
दौर्मत्य | n. bad disposition,  |
दौर्व्रत्य | (d/aur--) n. disobedience, ill conduct  |
दौष्कृत्य | n. badness, wickedness  |
दौत्य | n. (fr. dūta-) the state or function of a messenger, message, mission etc. ( dautyaka yaka- n. )  |
दौत्यक | n. dautya |
देहत्याग | m. relinquishing the body, death  |
देशीनृत्य | n. (in music) country dance.  |
देवदैवत्य | mfn. "having the gods as deity", destined for the gods  |
देवकृत्य | n. equals -kārya-  |
देवसत्य | n. divine truth, established order of the gods  |
देवत्य | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') having as one's deity, sacred to a deity (see eka--, kiṃ--, bahu--, soma--; daivatya-)  |
देवत्या | f. a species of animal (?)  |
देवीनित्यपूजाविधि | m. Name of work  |
धाडुनृत्य | n. a kind of dance (mus.)  |
धैवत्य | n. (fr. dhīvan- ) skilfulness (?).  |
धनाधिपत्य | n. dominion over treasury  |
धनत्यज् | mfn. resigning wealth  |
धाराधरात्यय | m. "cloud-ceasing", autumn  |
धर्मादित्य | m. "sun of justice", Name of a king  |
धर्मक्रित्य | n. fulfilment of duty, virtue, any moral or religious observance  |
धर्मनित्य | mfn. constant in duty  |
धर्मानुस्मृत्युपस्त्कान | n. Name of work  |
धर्मसत्यव्रत | mfn. devoted to truth and virtue  |
धर्मसत्यव्रतेयु | m. plural dharmeyu-, satyeyu- and vrateyu-  |
धर्मत्याग | m. abandonment of religion, apostacy  |
धर्मितावच्छेदकप्रत्यासत्ति | f. Name of work |
धर्मितावच्छेदकप्रत्यासत्तिनिरूपण | n. Name of work |
धातुप्रत्ययपञ्चक | n. Name of work  |
धातुप्रत्ययपञ्जिका | f. Name of work  |
धौरादित्यतीर्थ | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
धौर्त्य | n. fraud, dishonesty  |
ध्रुपदाख्यनृत्य | n. (in music) a kind of dance (for drup-?).  |
ध्रुवगीतनृत्य | n. (in music) a particular dance.  |
ध्रुवनृत्य | n. (in music) a particular dance (see -gīta-n-).  |
ध्याननित्य | ( ) mfn. engaged in meditation, thoughtful.  |
दीधितिप्रत्यक्षटिका | f. Name of Comm.  |
दिनकृत्य | n. equals -kartavya- (printed diva-k-)  |
दिरात्यय | m. equals na-kṣaya-  |
दित्य | m. a son of diti- (wrong reading for daitya-).  |
दित्यौही | f. See above.  |
दित्यवह् | m. (in strong cases vāh- Nominal verb vāṭ-; instrumental case dityauhā-)  |
दित्यवह् | f. tyauhī- ( ) a two-year-old steer or cow (Prob. from ditya- equals dvitīya-+ vah- see turya-vah-.)  |
दिवाकीर्त्य | mfn. to be recited by day  |
दिवाकीर्त्य | n. Name of particular recitations  |
दिवाकीर्त्य | n. (a day) having such a recited  |
दिवाकीर्त्य | m. a caṇḍāla- (in antar-di- additions)  |
दिवसात्यय | m. the passing away of day, evening  |
द्रौपदादित्य | varia lectio for drup- q.v  |
द्रवत्य | Nom. P. yati-, to become fluid  |
दृढप्रत्यय | m. firm confidence  |
दृष्टप्रत्यय | mfn. having confidence manifested  |
द्रुपदादित्य | m. a form of the Sun  |
दुःसंचिन्त्य | mfn. difficult to be conceived or imagined  |
दुरनुवर्त्य | mfn. difficult to follow  |
दुरत्यय | mfn. equals -atikrama- etc.  |
दुरत्यय | mfn. inaccessible  |
दुरत्यय | mfn. inscrutable, unfathomable  |
दुरत्ययानुक्रमण | mfn. whose ways are past finding out (God)  |
दुरत्येतु | mfn. equals -atikrama-  |
दूरेत्य | mfn. being far off, distant Va1rtt. 1  |
दुर्निवर्त्य | mfn. difficult to be turned back (flying army)  |
दुर्निवर्त्य | mfn. equals -nivṛtta-, .  |
दुर्विचिन्त्य | mfn. hardly conceivable  |
दुश्चिन्त्य | mfn. difficult to be understood  |
दुष्प्रत्यभिज्ञ | mfn. difficult to be recognised  |
दुस्त्यज्य | mfn. difficult to be relinquished or quitted  |
दुस्त्याज्य | mfn. idem or 'mfn. difficult to be relinquished or quitted ' ,  |
दूत्य | n. the state or office of an ambassador  |
दूत्य | n. an embassy, message  |
दुत्युपहास | m. Name of work  |
द्वादशादित्य | (in compound) the 12 āditya-s  |
द्वादशादित्यस्तव | m. Name of work  |
द्वादशादित्यस्त्यास्रम | m. Name of a hermitage  |
द्वादशादित्यतीर्थ | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
द्वैमत्य | m. patron. (also plural)  |
द्वाविंशत्यक्षर | mfn. consisting of 22 syllables,  |
द्विदैवत्या | f. equals -devata- n.  |
द्विदेवत्य | mfn. equals prec. mfn.  |
द्विदेवत्य | m. (scilicet graha-) a ladleful for 2 deities  |
द्विदेवत्यपात्र | n. plural the ladles used for such libations,  |
द्विशत्य | mfn. equals -śataka- vArttika  |
द्विसीत्य | mfn. twice ploughed  |
द्व्यहात्यासम् | ind. or ham atyāsam- always overleaping 2 days, every 3rd day  |
द्योत्य | mfn. to be expressed or explained  |
द्यूत्य | See a-dyūty/a- and 2. div-.  |
एकदेवत्य | mfn. idem or 'mfn. devoted or offered to one deity, directed to one deity, '  |
एकसम्प्रत्यय | m. having the same signification,  |
एकश्रुत्युपदेश | m. Name of work  |
एकव्रात्य | m. the only or supreme vrātya- (q.v)  |
एतद्देवत्य | mfn. having this as deity  |
एत्य | ind.p. having come near etc.  |
एवम्प्रत्यय | mfn. having such a belief,  |
गादित्य | fr. gadita- gaRa pragady-ādi-.  |
गजदैत्यभिद् | m. "conqueror of the daitya- (or asura-) gaja-", Name of śiva-  |
गणाधिपत्य | n. the predominance among a troop of gods  |
गाणपत्य | mfn. relating to gaṇeśa-  |
गाणपत्य | m. a worshipper of gaṇeśa-  |
गाणपत्य | m. (with śākta-s) Name of an author of mantra-s  |
गाणपत्य | n. the leading of troops, chieftainship  |
गाणपत्यपूर्वतापनीयोपनिषद् | f. equals gaṇapati-p-.  |
गणपत्याराधन | m. a hymn in honour of gaṇeśa- (attributed to kaṅkola-)  |
गणपत्युपनिषद् | f. Name of an  |
गन्धर्वप्रत्युपस्थित | mfn. pregnant,  |
गङ्गादित्य | m. (gād-) a form of the sun  |
गार्हपत्य | mfn. with agnī-, or m. ( ) the householder's fire (received from his father and transmitted to his descendants, one of the three sacred fires, being that from which sacrificial fires are lighted ) etc.  |
गार्हपत्य | mn. equals -sthāna-  |
गार्हपत्य | m. plural Name of a class of manes  |
गार्हपत्य | n. the government of a family, position of a householder, household  |
गार्हपत्यागार | m. idem or 'n. the place where the gārhapatya- fire is kept '  |
गार्हपत्यस्थान | n. the place where the gārhapatya- fire is kept |
गार्हपत्यायतन | n. idem or 'm. idem or 'n. the place where the gārhapatya- fire is kept ' ' , 8, 24.  |
गार्हपत्येष्टका | f. a kind of sacrificial brick  |
गर्तपत्य | n. the falling into a hole  |
गर्त्य | mfn. ( ) deserving to be thrown into a hole  |
गरुडादित्य | m. a form of the sun  |
गतप्रत्यागत | mfn. ( Va1rtt. 5) gone away and returned, come back again after having gone away  |
गत्य् | (by saṃdhi- for ti-).  |
गत्यागति | f. (in compound) coming and going, appearance and disappearance  |
गत्यनुसार | m. following the way of another  |
गत्यून | mfn. difficult of access, impassable  |
गत्यून | mfn. desert, helpless  |
गौडभृत्यपुर | n. Name of a town (see andhra-bhṛtya-.)  |
गौपत्य | n. (fr. g/o-pati-), the possession of cattle  |
घनात्यय | m. equals -vyapāya-  |
घात्य | mfn. ( Va1rtt. 2) to be killed  |
घात्य | mfn. to be destroyed  |
घृत्य | mfn. equals tin-  |
घृत्य | See 1. ghṛ-.  |
गीतनृत्य | n. sg. song and dance  |
गीतनृत्य | n. a particular dance.  |
गीत्यार्या | f. a metre of 4 x 16 short syllables.  |
ग्लानप्रत्यय | m. a requisite for sick persons  |
गोहत्या | f. equals -vadha-  |
गोहत्या | -h/an-, etc. See g/o-, p.367.  |
गोमत्य | Nom. P. tyati- equals gomantam icchati- and ; A1. tyate-, to behave like a cattle-owner Va1rtt. 25  |
गोपादित्य | m. Name of a king of Kashmir  |
गोपादित्य | m. Name of a poetry or poetic  |
गोपयत्य | mfn. ( ) to be protected  |
ग्रामचैत्य | n. the sacred tree of a village  |
गृहकृत्य | n. household matters or affairs  |
गृहकृत्य | n. "affairs of a royal house", a kind of tax or duty (See aṭṭa-pati-bhāgākhya-g-) ; 175; 300.  |
गुणकृत्य | n. the function of a bowstring  |
गुणत्यागिन् | mfn. giving up what is excellent  |
गुप्त्यधिकृत | m. a jail-superintendent  |
हरितकात्य | m. Name of a man Va1rtt.8. |
हस्त्य् | (before vowels) , in compound for hasti-.  |
हस्त्य | mf(ā-)n. being on the hand (as the fingers)  |
हस्त्य | mf(ā-)n. prepared with the hand  |
हस्त्य | mf(ā-)n. held in the hand  |
हस्त्यध्यक्ष | m. a superintendent of elephants  |
हस्त्याजीव | m. an elephants-driver  |
हस्त्यालुक | n. a kind of large bulbous plant  |
हस्त्यारोह | m. an elephants-rider, elephants-driver  |
हस्त्यशना | f. Boswellia Serrata or Thurifera  |
हस्त्यश्व | n. sg. elephants and horses  |
हस्त्यश्वदीक्षा | f. Name of the 16th and 17th pariśiṣṭa-s of the  |
हस्त्यश्वरथघोष | m. the sound of chariots (and) horses (and) elephants  |
हस्त्यश्वरथसम्बाध | mfn. crowded with carriages (and) horses (and) elephants  |
हस्त्यश्वारोहबन्धक | m. plural elephants-riders (and) horsemen (and) their servants ,  |
हस्त्यायुर्वेद | m. a work on the treatment of elephants diseases  |
हस्त्यृषभ | mfn. accompanied by an elephant-like bull (as cows)  |
हत्य | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') killing, slaying, slaughter  |
हत्या | f. killing, slaying, slaughter  |
हेमन्तप्रत्यवरोहण | n. redescending into winter (a kind of ceremony)  |
हिमात्यय | m. passing off or end of the cold season  |
ह्रस्वजात्य | mfn. of a small sort or kind  |
ह्यस्त्य | mfn. hesternal, of yesterday  |
इहत्य | mfn. being here  |
इहत्यक | mf(ikā-)n. idem or 'mfn. being here ' commentator or commentary  |
इन्द्रादित्य | m. Name of a man.  |
ईश्वरप्रत्यभिज्ञासूत्र | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a śaiva- work by utpala-  |
इतरेतरप्रत्यय | mfn. dependent on each other  |
इतरेतरप्रत्ययत्व | n. mutual dependance  |
इतिकृत्य | mfn. proper or necessary to be done according to certain conditions  |
इतिकृत्य | n. duty, obligation  |
इतिकृत्यता | f. any proper or necessary measure, obligation.  |
इत्य | mfn. to be gone to or towards  |
इत्या | f. going, stepping  |
इत्य | mfn. a litter, palanquin commentator or commentary  |
इत्य | etc., itvan-, etc. See .  |
इत्यादि | mfn. having such (thing or things) at the beginning, thus beginning, and so forth, et caetera  |
इत्यहे | ind. on this or that day,  |
इत्यक | m. a door-keeper, chamberlain  |
इत्यालिखित | mfn. so scratched or marked  |
इत्यन्त | mfn. ending thus commentator or commentary on  |
इत्यर्थ | mfn. having such a sense or meaning  |
इत्यर्थम् | ind. for this purpose  |
इत्येतन्नामक | mfn. having those names (as aforesaid) |
इत्येवमादि | ind. and so forth  |
इत्युक्त | n. "so said", information, report.  |
इत्युन्मृश्य | mfn. to be touched in this manner  |
जगत्य | Nom. tyati- Va1rtt. 14  |
जगत्य | n. (fr. tī-), iv, 4, 122.  |
जैवन्त्यायनि | varia lectio for jīvantyāyana-.  |
जलदैवत्य | n. "having water as its deity", the constellation svāti-  |
जलदात्यय | m. equals da-kṣaya-  |
जलात्यय | m. equals ladāty-  |
जनगत्य | Nom. (fr. -gat-) tyati-  |
जन्ममृत्यु | m. dual number birth and death,  |
जरामृत्यु | mfn. (r/ā--) dying from age  |
जरामृत्यु | m. sg. old age and death  |
जरामृत्यु | m. dual number idem or 'm. sg. old age and death ' gaRa kārta-kaujapādi-.  |
जास्पत्य | n. (for jāyās-p- ; see iv, 64 and 83) the state of the father of a family,  |
जातापत्या | f. a woman who has borne a child  |
जातप्रत्यय | mfn. inspired with confidence  |
जात्य् | in compound for ti-.  |
जात्य | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' equals tīya-, belonging to the family or caste of  |
जात्य | mfn. of the same family, related  |
जात्य | mfn. of a noble family, noble  |
जात्य | mfn. of good breed  |
जात्य | mfn. legitimate, genuine, (said of gold)  |
जात्य | mfn. (in grammar) equals nitya- Name of the svarita- accent resulting in a fixed word (not by saṃdhi-See kṣaipra-) from an udātta- originally belonging to a preceding i- or u-, (exempli gratia, 'for example' kva-fr. k/ua-; kany/ā-fr. kan/iā-)  |
जात्य | mfn. pleasing, beautiful  |
जात्य | mfn. best, excellent  |
जात्य | mfn. (in mathematics) rectangular.  |
जात्यन्ध | mfn. blind from birth  |
जात्यन्धबधिर | mfn. blind or deaf from birth  |
जात्यन्तरीयक | mfn. belonging to another (future) birth,  |
जात्यपहारिन् | mfn. implying loss of caste, .  |
जात्यरत्नमय | mfn. consisting of genuine jewels  |
जात्यश्व | m. a horse of good breed  |
जात्युत्कर्ष | m. a higher caste  |
जात्युत्पल | n. a red and white lotus  |
जात्युत्पत्तिक्रम | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a chapter of the skanda-purāṇa-.  |
जौहोत्यादिक | mfn. belonging to juhoty-ādi-  |
जयादित्य | m. Name of a king (vāmana-'s fellow-author of )  |
झम्पान्रित्य | n. a kind of dance.  |
जिह्वाकात्य | m. "voracious kātya-", Name of a man Va1rtt. 8.  |
जित्य | mfn. conquerable  |
जित्य | m. equals hali-  |
जित्या | f. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' "victory" See āji--  |
जित्य | m. vāja-jitya-.  |
जित्य | j/itvan-, vara- See ji-.  |
जीवादित्य | m. the living sun  |
जीवघात्य | mfn. a living animal fit to be killed  |
जीवघात्या | f. destruction of life  |
जीवन्त्यायन | m. plural (fr. ti-) Name of a family ( jaivantāy-and jaivantyāyani-).  |
जीवत्याग | m. giving up one's life, voluntary death  |
जीवितात्यय | m. equals ta-saṃśaya-  |
जुहोत्यादि | the (3rd) class of roots beginning with hu-  |
कदपत्य | n. bad posterity, bad children  |
कैमुत्य | n. the relation of"how much more?"or"how much less?"  |
कैमुत्यन्याय | m. equals tika-ny- (q.v), commentator or commentary on  |
ककुदकात्यायन | m. Name of a Brahman (who was a violent adversary of śākyamuni-).  |
कालात्यय | m. passing away of time  |
कालात्ययापदिष्ट | mfn. invalidated by lapse of time (term for a vain argument[ hetv-ābhāsa-],also called atīta-kāla-and bādhita-) commentator or commentary on (wrongly spelt tyayopad-).  |
कल्पनृत्य | n. a particular kind of dance.  |
कल्पात्यय | m. the end of a kalpa-,  |
कपटदैत्य | m. Name of a daitya-, or one who pretends to be a daitya-  |
कपटदैत्यवध | m. Name of a section of the gaṇeśa-purāṇa-.  |
कर्मादित्य | m. Name of a king.  |
कर्मकृत्य | n. activity, the state of active exertion  |
कर्मत्याग | m. abandonment of worldly duties or ceremonial rites  |
कर्तपत्य | n. falling or tumbling into a hole  |
कर्त्य | mfn. to be cut off or down  |
कश्यपापत्य | n. a descendant of kaśyapa- commentator or commentary on  |
कश्यपापत्य | n. Name of a daitya-  |
कश्यपापत्य | n. of garuḍa-  |
कट्टरिनृत्य | n. a kind of dance.  |
कात्य | m. equals kātyāyana- gaRa gargādi-  |
कात्यायन | m. "descendant of kati-" (See 2. kati-), Name of the author of several treatises on ritual, grammar, etc. (he is also author of the vārttika-s or critical annotations on the aphorisms of pāṇini-, of the yajur-veda- prātiśākhya-, and of the śrauta-sūtra-s, and is identified with vara-ruci-, the author of the prākṛta-prakāśa-)  |
कात्यायन | mf(ī-)n. composed by kātyāyana-.  |
कात्यायनमाहात्म्य | n. Name of work  |
कात्यायनसूत्र | n. the śrauta-- sūtra-s of kātyāyana-  |
कात्यायनसूत्रभाष्य | n. a commentary on the same by Karka.  |
कात्यायनसूत्रपद्धति | f. a commentary on the same by yājñika-deva-  |
कात्यायनतन्त्र | n. Name of work  |
कात्यायनेश्वर | n. Name of a liṅga-  |
कात्यायनी | f. Name of one of the two wives of yājñavalkya-  |
कात्यायनी | f. of a pravrājikā-  |
कात्यायनी | f. of durgā-  |
कात्यायनी | f. a middle-aged widow dressed in red clothes  |
कात्यायनी | f. of yana- q.v  |
कात्यायनिका | f. a widow in middle age  |
कात्यायनीकल्प | m. Name of a kalpa-.  |
कात्यायनीपुत्र | m. Name of a teacher  |
कात्यायनीय | m. plural the school of kātyāyana-  |
कात्यायनीय | n. Name of several works  |
कात्यायनीय | mfn. composed by kātyāyana- (exempli gratia, 'for example' -śāstra-,the law-book composed by kātyāyana-) |
कात्यायनीय | m. a pupil of kātyāyana-  |
कौकृत्य | n. (fr. ku-kṛta-,or -kṛtya-), evil doing, wickedness  |
कौकृत्य | n. repentance  |
कौलपत्य | n. (fr. kula-pati-), the state of the head of a family  |
कौमारभृत्य | n. (fr. kumāra-bhṛtyā-) idem or 'n. (fr. kumāraprabhṛti-), the rearing and education of children (a department of medical science) '  |
कौमारप्रभृत्यक | n. (fr. kumāraprabhṛti-), the rearing and education of children (a department of medical science)  |
कौन्त्य | m. a king of the kunti-s  |
कौरुकात्य | m. patronymic fr. kuru-kata- gaRa gargādi-.  |
कौशिकादित्य | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
केशचैत्य | n. Name of a caitya-  |
केशवादित्य | m. a form of the sun  |
केशवजातकपद्धत्युदाहरण | n. a commentator or commentary by viśva-nātha- on the work jātaka-paddhati-.  |
खखोल्कादित्य | m. a form of the sun  |
खालत्य | n. (fr. khalat/i-), morbid baldness  |
खलीकृत्य | in spite of (accusative),  |
खालित्य | n. idem or 'n. (fr. khalat/i-), morbid baldness '  |
खाण्डित्य | mfn. idem or 'mfn. fr. khaṇḍita- gaRa sutaṃgamādi-.' gaRa pragady-ādi-.  |
किम्भृत्य | m. a bad servant  |
किंदेवत्य | mfn. belonging to or devoted to what deity?  |
किंस्त्य | n. a kind of fruit (?)  |
किंस्त्य | according to to Scholiast or Commentator,"a conch-shell"= śankha-.  |
कीर्त्य | mfn. ( ) "to be recited" See divā-k-.  |
कोणादित्य | n. (perhaps) equals koṇārka-.  |
कोष्ठकीकृत्य | ind.p. surrounding, enclosing  |
क्रमादित्य | m. Name of king skanda-gupta-.  |
क्रमव्यत्यय | m. inverted order,  |
कृशभृत्य | mfn. one who feeds his servants scantily  |
कृताधिपत्य | mfn. possessed of sovereignty or power,  |
कृतकृत्य | n. what has been done and what is to be done  |
कृतकृत्य | mfn. one who has done his duty or accomplished a business  |
कृतकृत्य | mfn. one who has attained any object or purpose, contented, satisfied with (locative case ) etc.  |
कृतकृत्यभाव | m. idem or 'f. the full discharge of any duty or realisation of any object, accomplishment, success etc.'  |
कृताकृत्यसम | m. plural "indifferent as to what has been done and what ought to be done", Name of a sect.  |
कृतकृत्यता | f. the full discharge of any duty or realisation of any object, accomplishment, success etc.  |
कृतनित्यक्रिय | mfn. one who has duly performed his daily religious observances.  |
कृतस्वस्त्ययन | mf(ā-)n. blessed or commended to the protection of gods previous to any journey or undertaking  |
कृत्त्यधीवास | m. a skin used as a garment  |
कृत्य | mfn. "to be done or performed"  |
कृत्य | mfn. practicable, feasible  |
कृत्य | mfn. right, proper to be done etc.  |
कृत्य | mfn. one who may be seduced from allegiance or alliance, who may be bribed or hired (as an assassin)  |
कृत्य | mfn. (in med.) to be treated or attended with (in compound)  |
कृत्य | m. (scilicet pratyaya-) the class of affixes forming the future p. Passive voice (as tavya-, anīya-, ya-, elima-,etc.)  |
कृत्य | m. a kind of evil spirit (named either with or without the addition of yakṣa-, mānuṣa-, asura-,etc.) (perhaps varia lectio for tyā-below)  |
कृत्या | f. ( ) action, act, deed, performance, achievement  |
कृत्या | f. (with genitive case rujas-) ill usage or treatment  |
कृत्या | f. magic, enchantment etc.  |
कृत्या | f. (especially personified) a kind of female evil spirit or sorceress etc.  |
कृत्या | f. a female deity to whom sacrifices are offered for destructive and magical purposes  |
कृत्या | f. Name of a river  |
कृत्य | n. what ought to be done, what is proper or fit, duty, office etc.  |
कृत्य | n. action, business, performance, service etc.  |
कृत्य | n. purpose, end, object, motive, cause  |
कृत्या | f. of kṛtya- q.v  |
कृत्यचिन्ता | f. thinking of any possibility  |
कृत्यचिन्तामणि | m. Name of work by śiva-rāma-.  |
कृत्यादूषण | mf(ī-)n. counteracting magic, destroying its effect  |
कृत्यादूषि | mfn. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. counteracting magic, destroying its effect '  |
कृत्याहत | mfn. stricken by a spell, .  |
कृत्यज्ञ | mfn. one who knows what is to be done, learned.  |
कृत्यका | f. an enchantress, witch, woman who is the cause of injury or destruction  |
कृत्यकल्पद्रुम | m. idem or 'm. Name of work on jurisprudence.'  |
कृत्यकल्पलता | f. Name of work by vācaspati-miśra-.  |
कृत्यकल्पतरु | m. Name of work on jurisprudence.  |
कृत्यकौमुदी | f. Name of work.  |
कृत्याकृत् | mfn. practising magic or sorcery, bewitching  |
कृत्याकृत्य | n. what is to be done and what is not to be done, right and wrong  |
कृत्यम् | ind. anybody (genitive case) is concerned about (instrumental case)  |
कृत्यमहार्णव | m. Name of work  |
कृत्यमञ्जरी | f. Name of work  |
कृत्यप्रदीप | m. Name of work  |
कृत्याप्रतिहरण | n. plural Name (also title or epithet) of a series of hymns for counteracting spells,  |
कृत्यराज | m. Name of work  |
कृत्यरत्न | n. Name of work  |
कृत्यरत्नाकर | m. Name of work  |
कृत्यरत्नावली | f. Name of work  |
कृत्यारावण | m. Name of work  |
कृत्यारूप | (ty/ā--) mfn. looking like a phantom  |
कृत्यसार | m. "essence of what is to be done", Name of a work.  |
कृत्यशेष | mfn. one who has left some work to be done, who has not finished his task  |
कृत्यास्त्र | n. Name of a mantra-,  |
कृत्यता | f. seduction from allegiance or alliance  |
कृत्यतम | n. anything most proper or fit  |
कृत्यतत्त्व | n. "the true nature of duty or obligation", Name of work  |
कृत्यवर्त्मन् | n. the right way or manner in which any object is to be effected.  |
कृत्यवत् | mfn. having any business, engaged in any occupation  |
कृत्यवत् | mfn. having any request  |
कृत्यवत् | mfn. wanting, longing for (instrumental case)  |
कृत्यवत् | mfn. having the power to do something (locative case)  |
कृत्यविद् | mfn. knowing duty  |
कृत्यविधि | m. the way to do anything, rule, precept.  |
क्षैत्रजित्य | n. (fr. kṣetra-jit-), acquisition of land, victorious battle  |
क्षैत्रपत्य | n. (fr. kṣetra-pati-), dominion, property  |
क्षैत्रपत्य | mfn. belonging to the lord of the soil  |
क्षैत्रपत्य | n. (also) a sacrifice offered to the lord of the soil,  |
क्षपात्यय | m. end of the night, dawn |
क्षारकृत्य | mfn. to be treated with caustic alkali  |
क्षेमादित्य | m. Name of a man.  |
क्षित्य् | (by saṃdhi- for kṣiti-).  |
क्षित्यधिप | m. "lord of the earth", a king  |
क्षित्यदिति | f. "the aditi- of the earth", Name of devakī- (mother of kṛṣṇa-)  |
क्षित्युत्कर | m. a heap of mould, .  |
क्षुरकृत्य | n. idem or 'n. the operation of shaving '  |
कुभृत्य | m. a bad servant  |
कुभृत्य | etc. See 1. ku-.  |
कुकृत्य | n. an evil deed, wickedness  |
कुलभृत्या | f. the nursing of a pregnant woman  |
कुलभृत्या | f. a midwife, nurse (see kumāra-bhṛtyā-.)  |
कुलिन्दोपत्यक | m. plural Name of a people  |
कुल्लादित्य | m. Name (also title or epithet) of chief,  |
कुमारभृत्या | f. care of a young child or of a pregnant or lying-in woman, midwifery  |
कुसुमवृष्त्यभिप्रकीर्ण | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-,  |
कुतस्त्य | mfn. coming from where?  |
कुतस्त्य | mfn. (with api-) of unknown origin  |
कुत्रत्य | mfn. where living or residing? |
कुवलयादित्य | m. Name of a prince (equals yāpīḍa-)  |
क्वत्य | mfn. being where?  |
क्वत्यक | mf(ikā-)n. idem or 'mfn. being where? '  |
लब्धप्रत्यय | mfn. one who has won confidence, one who has firm belief in ( labdhapratyayatā -tā- f.) (in Prakrit) .  |
लब्धप्रत्ययता | f. labdhapratyaya |
लघुपुलस्त्य | m. the shorter pulastya-  |
लघुवृत्त्त्यवचूरिका | f. Name of work  |
लक्षवर्त्युद्यापन | n. Name of work  |
लक्षवर्त्युद्यापनविधान | n. Name of work  |
लक्ष्मणादित्य | m. (with rājaputra-) Name of a poet and pupil of kṣemendra-  |
ललितचैत्य | m. Name of a caitya-  |
ललितादित्य | m. Name of a king of kaśmīra-  |
ललितादित्यपुर | n. Name of a town founded by him  |
लालित्य | n. (fr. lalita-) grace, beauty, charm, amorous or languid gestures  |
लौहित्य | m. (fr. idem or 'm. rock-crystal ') a kind of rice (see lohitya-)  |
लौहित्य | m. patron. (also plural) (see gaRa gargādi-)  |
लौहित्य | m. Name of a river, the brahma-putra-  |
लौहित्य | m. of a sea  |
लौहित्य | m. of a mountain  |
लौहित्य | n. (prob.) of a tīrtha-  |
लौहित्य | n. red colour, redness  |
लौहित्यभट्टगोपाल | m. Name of an author  |
लौहित्यायनी | f. (feminine form of the patronymic lauhitya-)  |
लीलानृत्य | n. idem or 'n. a sham or pretended dance '  |
लोहित्य | m. a kind of rice  |
लोहित्य | m. Name of a man (varia lectio, lauh-)  |
लोहित्य | m. of the brahma-putra- river (varia lectio for lauh-)  |
लोहित्य | m. of a village  |
लोहित्य | m. of the blood sea near kuśa-dvīpa-  |
लोहित्या | f. Name of a celestial female (with jana-mātā-; varia lectio lohityā- yana-m-)  |
लोहित्या | f. of a river  |
लोकप्रत्यय | m. world-currency, universal prevalence (of a custom etc.),  |
मदनादित्य | m. Name of a man  |
मदात्यय | m. "passing off of wine", disorder resulting from intoxication (as head-ache etc.) (see pānātyaya-)  |
मदात्ययित | mfn. suffering from this disorder  |
मधुहस्त्य | (m/adhu--) mfn. having honey or sweetness in the hand  |
मध्यादित्य | m. the midday sun (-gate' hani-,"when the day has reached the mid-sun" id est at noon)  |
मध्याह्नकृत्य | n. midday duty or business or observance  |
मध्यस्थित्यर्ध | m. or n. (in astronomy) the mean half duration.  |
मध्येकृत्य | ind. with regard to  |
महादैत्य | m. "the great daitya-", Name of a daitya-  |
महादैत्य | m. of the grandfather of the second candra-gupta-  |
महादेवकृत्या | f. a wrong act committed against śiva-  |
महादिवाकीर्त्य | n. Name of a sāman-  |
महागस्त्यसंहिता | (hāg-) f. Name of work  |
महाकात्यायन | m. Name of a disciple of buddha-  |
महाकृत्यापरिमल | m. a kind of magical spell  |
महामात्य | (hām-) m. the prime minister of a king  |
महामृत्यु | m. the great death  |
महामृत्यु | m. Name of śiva-  |
महामृत्युहरस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
महामृत्युंजय | mn. (with lauha-) (?)"conquering great death" , a particular drug  |
महामृत्युंजय | m. Name of a sacred text addressed to śiva- (also mahāmṛtyuṃjayamantra ya-mantra- m.)  |
महामृत्युंजयहोम | m. Name of work  |
महामृत्युंजयकल्प | m. Name of work  |
महामृत्युंजयमन्त्र | m. mahāmṛtyuṃjaya |
महामृत्युंजयविधि | m. Name of work  |
महानृत्य | m. a great dancer (said of śiva-)  |
महासत्य | m. Name of yama-  |
महास्मृत्युपस्थान | n. Name of a Buddhist sūtra-.  |
महात्याग | m. great liberality or generosity (in ga-maya-below)  |
महात्याग | mfn. extremely liberal or generous ( mahātyāgacitta ga-citta- mfn.of extremely liberal mind)  |
महात्याग | m. Name of a man  |
महात्यागचित्त | mfn. mahātyāga |
महात्यागमय | mfn. consisting of great liberality  |
महात्यागिन् | mfn. extremely liberal or generous (said of śiva-)  |
महात्यय | m. (hāt-) any great evil or harm or pain  |
महात्यय | mfn. causing great evil, very pernicious  |
महात्यय | mfn. (with jvara- m.used by ) equals mahā-kaṣṭa-, gambhīra- or cāturthika- |
महात्ययत्ययिक | mfn. connected with any great immediate evil or danger  |
महेन्द्रादित्य | m. Name of a king  |
माहित्य | m. patronymic fr. mahita- gaRa gargādi-.  |
मैत्राबार्हस्पत्य | mfn. belonging to mitra- and bṛhas-pati-  |
मलमूत्रपरित्याग | m. evacuation of feces and urine  |
ममकृत्य | n. idem or 'm. interesting one's self about anything '  |
ममसत्य | n. "the being mine", contest for ownership ![]() |