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Monier-Williams Search
2 results for tvam ca
caind. and, both, also, moreover, as well as (= , Latin que,placed like these particles as an enclitic after the word which it connects with what precedes;when used with a personal pronoun this must appear in its fuller accented form(exempli gratia, 'for example' t/ava ca m/ama ca-[not te ca me ca-],"both of thee and me") , when used after verbs the first of them is accented ;it connects whole sentences as well as parts of sentences;in the double ca-occurs more frequently than the single(exempli gratia, 'for example' ah/aṃ ca tv/aṃ ca-,"I and thou", );the double ca-may also be used somewhat redundantly in class. Sanskrit(exempli gratia, 'for example' kva hariṇakānāṃ jīvitaṃ cātilolaṃ kva ca vajra-sārāḥ śarās te-,"where is the frail existence, of fawns and where are thy adamantine arrows?");in later literature, however, the first ca-is more usually omitted(exempli gratia, 'for example' ahaṃ tvaṃ ca-),and when more than two things are enumerated only one ca-is often found(exempli gratia, 'for example' tejasā yaśasā lakṣmyā sthityā ca parayā-,"in glory, in fame, in beauty, and in high position");elsewhere, when more than two things are enumerated, ca-is placed after some and omitted after others(exempli gratia, 'for example' ṛṇa-dātā ca vaidyaś ca śrotriyo nadī-,"the payer of a debt and a physician [and] a Brahman [and] a river");in Vedic or Veda and even in class. Sanskrit[ ] , when the double ca-would generally be used, the second may occasionally be omitted(exempli gratia, 'for example' indraś ca soma-,"both indra- [and thou] soma-"; durbhedyaś cāśusaṃdheyaḥ-,"both difficult to be divided [and] quickly united");with lexicographers ca-may imply a reference to certain other words which are not expressed(exempli gratia, 'for example' kamaṇḍalau ca karakaḥ-,"the word karaka-has the meaning "pitcher"and other meanings");sometimes ca-is equals eva-,even, indeed, certainly, just(exempli gratia, 'for example' su-cintitaṃ cauṣadhaṃ na nāma-mātreṇa karoty arogam-,"even a well-devised remedy does not cure a disease by its mere name"; yāvanta eva te tāvāṃśca saḥ-,"as great as they [were] just so great was he");occasionally ca-is disjunctive,"but","on the contrary","on the other hand","yet","nevertheless"(varam ādyau na cāntimaḥ-,"better the two first but not the last"; śāntam idam āśrama-padaṃ sphurati ca bāhuḥ-,"this hermitage is tranquil yet my arm throbs"); ca-ca-,though-yet ; ca-na ca-,though - yet not ; ca-- na tu-(varia lectio nanu-) idem or 'm. the letter or sound ca-.', ; na ca-- ca-,though not - yet ; ca-may be used for -,"either","or"(exempli gratia, 'for example' iha cāmutra vā-,"either here or hereafter"; strī vā pumān vā yac cānyat sattvam-,"either a woman or a man or any other being") , and when a negative particle is joined with ca-the two may then be translated by"neither","nor";occasionally one ca-or one na-is omitted(exempli gratia, 'for example' na ca paribhoktuṃ naiva śaknomi hātum-,"I am able neither to enjoy nor to abandon"; na pūrvāhṇe nā ca parāhṇe-,"neither in the forenoon nor in the afternoon"); ca-ca-may express immediate connection between two acts or their simultaneous occurrence(exempli gratia, 'for example' mama ca muktaṃ tamasā mano manasijena dhanuṣi śaraś ca niveśitaḥ-,"no sooner is my mind freed from darkness than a shaft is fixed on his bow by the heart-born god", ); ca-is sometimes equals ced-,"if"(confer, compare ;the verb is accented) ; ca-may be used as an expletive(exempli gratia, 'for example' anyaiś ca kratubhiś ca-,"and with other sacrifices"); ca-is often joined to an adverb like eva-, api-, tathā-, tathaiva-,etc., either with or without a negative particle(exempli gratia, 'for example' vairiṇaṃ nopaseveta sahāyaṃ caiva vairiṇaḥ-,"one ought not to serve either an enemy or the ally of an enemy");(See eva-, api-,etc.) For the meaning of ca-after an interrogativeSee 2. k/a-,2. kath/ā-, k/im-, kv/a-); ([ confer, compare , Latin que,pe(innempeetc.); Gothic uh; Zend ca; Old Persian ca1.])
siddhif. the acquisition of supernatural powers by magical means or the supposed faculty so acquired (the eight usually enumerated are given in the following śloka-, aṇimā- laghimā prāptiḥ prākāmyam mahimā tathā īśitvaṃ ca vaśitvaṃ ca tathā kāmāvasāyitā-;sometimes 26 are added exempli gratia, 'for example' dūra-śravaṇa-, sarvajña-tva-, agni-stambha-etc.)
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results8 results
aṣṭaputrā bhava tvaṃ ca # RVKh.10.85.3a.
ahaṃ ca tvaṃ ca vṛtrahan # RV.8.62.11a; TS.; KSA.4.4a; TB.; Apś.20.3.14; N.1.4. Ps: ahaṃ ca tvaṃ ca śś.16.18.12; ahaṃ ca GB.2.4.15,16,17.
oṃ tapaś ca tejaś ca satyaṃ cātmā ca dhṛtiś ca dharmaś ca sattvaṃ ca tyāgaś ca brahmā ca brahma ca tāni prapadye tāni mām avantu # JG.1.2. See tapaś ca tejaś ca.
jīvātuś ca me dīrghāyutvaṃ ca me # VS.18.6; TS.; MS.2.11.3: 141.11; KS.18.9.
tapaś ca tejaś ca śraddhā ca hrīś ca satyaṃ cākrodhaś ca tyāgaś ca dhṛtiś ca dharmaś ca satvaṃ ca vāk ca manaś cātmā ca brahma ca tāni prapadye tāni mām avantu # SMB.2.4.5. P: tapaś ca tejaś ca GG.4.5.8. Designated as prapad or prapada GG.4.5.7,14; KhG.1.2.23; 4.1.7; Karmap.1.9.5; Gṛhyas.1.96. See oṃ tapaś ca tejaś ca, and cf. oṃ prapadye and bhūḥ prapadye.
tvaṃ bibharṣi dvipadas tvaṃ catuṣpadaḥ # AVś.12.1.15b.
tvaṃ brahmā tvaṃ ca vai viṣṇuḥ # MU.5.1a.
parasmai va tvaṃ cara # AVP.12.2.6a.
Vedabase Search
14 results
tvam ca You alsoSB 10.11.19
tvam ca You alsoSB 10.11.19
tvam ca you alsoSB 8.16.59
tvam ca you alsoSB 8.16.59
SB 9.4.10
tvam ca you alsoSB 9.4.10
tvam ca your good self alsoSB 9.22.34
tvam ca your good self alsoSB 9.22.34
tvam ca Your Lordship alsoSB 7.10.6
tvam ca Your Lordship alsoSB 7.10.6
sattvam ca the existential position in the core of the heartSB 10.7.1-2
sattvam ca and the mode of goodnessCC Madhya 20.270
sattvam ca the existential position in the core of the heartSB 10.7.1-2
sattvam ca and the mode of goodnessCC Madhya 20.270
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