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Grammar Search
"tvacam" has 3 results
tvacam: neuter nominative singular stem: tvaca
tvacam: neuter accusative singular stem: tvaca
tvacam: feminine accusative singular stem: tvac
Amarakosha Search
1 result
tvakpatramNeuterSingulartvacam, cocam, varāṅgakam, utkaṭam, bhṛṅgam
Apte Search
1 result
tvacam त्वचम् 1 Skin. -2 Bark. -3 Cinnamon.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results2 results
tvacam asiknīṃ bhāmano divas pari RV.9.73.5d.
tvacam asya vi veṣṭaya AVś.12.5.68b.
Vedabase Search
12 results
tvacam its (old, discarded) skinSB 10.87.38
tvacam skinSB 3.6.18
tvacam the sense of touchSB 7.12.26-28
tvacam the skinSB 3.16.5
SB 4.5.23
tvacam the skin of the virāṭ-puruṣaSB 3.26.65
tvacam whose skinCC Adi 4.260
SB 7.8.29
tvacam api even the skinSB 8.11.32
tvacam api even the skinSB 8.11.32
āma-tvacam the baby, whose skin is softSB 3.31.27
āma-tvacam the baby, whose skin is softSB 3.31.27
Wordnet Search
"tvacam" has 1 results.


valkalaḥ, valkalam, valkam, challī, śalkam, śalkalam, tvak, tvacam   

vṛkṣasya tvak।

valkalaḥ auṣadhīrūpeṇa upayujyate।

Parse Time: 1.790s Search Word: tvacam Input Encoding: IAST: tvacam