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Amarakosha Search
5 results
chatrā2.9.38FeminineSingular‍vitunnakam, kustumburu, dhānyakam
rajasvalā2.6.20FeminineSingularātreyī, malinī, puṣpavatī, tumatī, strīdharmiṇī, udakyā, aviḥ
Monier-Williams Search
173 results for tum
तुमलfor mula- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्ब् cl.1. bati-, to distress, : cl.10. bayati-,"id.", or"to be invisible", . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बm. the gourd Lagenaria vulgaris View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बाf. a milk-pail View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बकm. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बकीf. a) kind of drama of an inferior order (containing exhibitions of jugglery), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बरn. equals raka- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बरn. its fruit View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बरm. plural Name of a people (varia lectio bura-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बरm. sg. for buru- (gandharva-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बरकm. Name of a tree, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बरीf. a sort of grain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बरीf. equals tub- (q.v). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बरुfor buru- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बवनName of a place View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बवीणm. "having the tumba- for a lute", śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बीf. idem or 'm. the gourd Lagenaria vulgaris ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बीf. Asteracantha longifolia View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बिf. the tumba- gourd View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बीf. of ba-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बिकाf. the tumba- gourd View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बिनीf. the tumba- gourd View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बीपुष्पn. the flower of the tumbī- gourd View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बीवीणाf. a kind of lute View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बीवीणाप्रियm. "fond of that lute", śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बुकm. equals baka- (n., its fruit) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बुकिन्mfn. (in music) puffing the cheeks in singing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बुकिन्m. a kind of drum. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बुमm. plural Name of a race View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बुरmf(ī-)n. See bara- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बुरीf. See ru-, tubarī-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बुरुm. Name of a pupil of kalāpin- () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बुरुm. of a gandharva- etc. ("attendant of the 5th arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्बुरुn. coriander or the fruit of Diospyros embryopteris (also -and tubarī- ) (metrically -) 118 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुमिञ्जm. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्प् tumph- cl.1.6. pati-, phati-, to hurt ; see pra-stump-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्फ् tump- cl.1.6. pati-, phati-, to hurt ; see pra-stump-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्रmfn. big, strong View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुम्रmfn. ([ confer, compare tūtum/a-; Latin tumidus.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुमुलmf(ā-)n. tumultuous, noisy etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुमुलn. (Latin) tumultus-, tumult, clatter, confusion (once m. ) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुमुलm. Terminalia Bellerica View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तुमुर equals mula- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अप्तुमत्mfn. containing the word apt/u- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बलविपुलहेतुमतिn. Name of an asura- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
भूतुम्बीf. a kind of cucumber View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बिसतन्तुमयmf(ī-)n. made of lotus-flower View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
देवतुमुलn. "divine noise", thunder View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
धातुमाक्षिकn. sulphuret of iron View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
धातुमलn. impure excretion from the fluids of the body, faeces View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
धातुमलn. lead (the most impure of metals) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
धातुमाला f. Name of work on gramm. roots. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
धातुमञ्जरीf. "root-garland", Name of a gramm. work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
धातुमारणn. Name of a med. work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
धातुमारिन्m. "dissolving metals", sulphur View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
धातुमारिणीf. borax View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
धातुमत्mfn. containing elements View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
धातुमत्mfn. abounding in minerals or metals View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
धातुमत्ताf. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
धातुमयmf(ī-)n. metallic View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
दिव्यतुम्बीf. a kind of plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
दुग्धतुम्बीf. a kind of gourd View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
एकतुम्बmf(ī-)n3. having a single bottle-gourd (for a sounding-board). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गातुमत्mfn. spacious, commodious ("having good moving-space") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गोरक्षतुम्बीf. a kind of cucumber (kumbha-t-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
हन्तुमनस्mfn. intending to kill View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
हेतुहेतुमद्भावm. the relation subsisting between cause and effect View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
हेतुमत्mfn. having a reason or cause, proceeding from a cause
हेतुमत्mfn. accompanied with arguments, provided with reasons or proofs, well-founded View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
हेतुमत्mfn. having the hetu- (or second avayava- of a syllogism) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
हेतुमत्mfn. controverted by arguments View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
हेतुमत्mfn. open to arguments, reasonable View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
हेतुमात्रमयmf(ī-)n. serving only as a pretext View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
हेतुमात्रताf. the being a mere pretext View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ईजितुम्(irregular infinitive mood of yaj- q.v) equals yaṣṭum-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जलतुम्बिकान्यायm. the method of the water and the bottle-gourd. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जन्तुमारिन्m. "worm-killer", the citron View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जन्तुमत्mfn. containing worms or insects View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जन्तुमातृm. a kind of worm living in the bowels View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जन्तुमातृm. = View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जतुमणिm. "lac-jewel", a mole View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जतुमयmfn. "plastered with lac" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जतुमयसरणn. equals tu-geha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जतुमुखm. "lac-faced", a kind of rice View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जितुमm. (fr.) the sign Gemini View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जीवातुमत्mfn. equals vana-vat- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
कटुतुम्बीf. a kind of bitter gourd View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
कटुतुम्बिनीf. a particular plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
केतुमालm. Name of a son of āgnīdhra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
केतुमालm. of a boar View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
केतुमालm. plural Name of a people View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
केतुमालmn. one of the nine great divisions of the known world (the western portion or varṣa- of jambū-dvīpa-, called after ketu-māla-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
केतुमालाf. Name of a tīrtha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
केतुमालकm. or n. the varṣa- called ketu-māla- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
केतुमालिSee lin-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
केतुमालिन्m. Name of a dānava- (metrically also li-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
केतुमालिन्m. of a muni- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
केतुमत्mfn. endowed with brightness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
केतुमत्mfn. (interpolation after ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
केतुमत्mfn. clear (as a sound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
केतुमत्m. a yakṣa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
केतुमत्m. Name of a muni- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
केतुमत्m. of a dānava- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
केतुमत्m. of a regent of the western part of the world (son of rajas-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
केतुमत्m. of a son of kṣema- and father of suketu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
केतुमत्m. of a son of kṣemya- and father of varṣa-ketu-, 1750 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
केतुमत्m. of a warrior View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
केतुमत्m. of a son of dhanvantari- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
केतुमत्m. of ambarīṣa-, ix, 6, 1 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
केतुमत्m. Name of a mountain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
केतुमत्m. of a palace of vāsu-deva-'s wife sunandā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
केतुमतीf. a metre (of 2 x 21 syllables) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
केतुमतीf. Name of the wife of sumālin- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
केतुमतीf. Name of a locality View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
क्रतुमत्mfn. (kr/atu--) intelligent, prudent, wise View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
क्रतुमत्mfn. having power, vigorous (as indra-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
क्रतुमत्m. (ān-) Name of a son of viśvā-mitra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
क्रतुमयmfn. endowed with intelligence View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
क्षीरतुम्बीf. the bottle-gourd View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
कुम्भतुम्बीf. a kind of large round gourds View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
कुस्तुम्बरीf. the plant coriander (see tumburī-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
कुस्तुम्बरुm. Name of one of kubera-'s attendants View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
कुस्तुम्बुरुm. idem or 'f. the plant coriander (see tumburī-.)' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
कुस्तुम्बुरुm. (sa-k-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
कुस्तुम्बुरुn. the seed of coriander View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
कुसुमकेतुमण्डलिन्m. Name of a kiṃnara- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
कुतुम्बुकm. a kind of pot-herb View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
कुतुम्बुकetc. See 1. ku-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
कुतुम्बुरुn. a bad fruit of the plant Diospyros embryopteris View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
मकरकेतुमत्m. "having the makara- for an emblem"or"having a fish on his banner", Name of kāma-deva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
मन्तुमत्mfn. (only vocative case m/antu-mas-) wise, intelligent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
फुत्कर्तुमनस्mfn. wishing to make a derisory noise, intending to cry aloud View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पितुमत्mfn. abounding in or accompanied by meat and drink, nourishing
प्रस्तुम्प्P. -tumpati- gaRa pāraskarādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
रन्तुमनस्mfn. inclined to take pleasure, wishing to enjoy sexual intercourse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ऋतुमङ्गलn. an auspicious omen for the season, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ऋतुमत्mfn. coming at regular or proper times View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ऋतुमत्mfn. enjoying the seasons View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ऋतुमत्n. (at-) Name of varuṇa-'s grove View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ऋतुमतीf. "having courses", a girl at the age of puberty, marriageable girl etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ऋतुमतीf. a woman during her courses or just after them (during the period favourable for procreation) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ऋतुमयmfn. consisting of seasons View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ऋतुमुखn. beginning or first day of a season View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ऋतुमुखिन्mfn. taking place on the first day of a season commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सक्तुमिश्रmfn. mixed with barley-meal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सप्तधातुमयmf(ī-)n. made of 7 various metals or elements View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सर्वक्रतुमयmf(ī-)n. containing all sorts View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सेतुमाहात्म्यn. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सेतुमङ्गलमन्त्रm. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
स्तुम्भ् (confer, compare stambh-and stubh-;in native lists written stunbh-) cl.5.9. P. stubhnoti-, stubhn/āti-, to stop, stupefy; expel ( ). ([ confer, compare English stop, stump-.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
स्तुम्प्See pra-s-tump-, p.699. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सुतुमुलmf(ā-)n. very noisy or loud View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तन्तुमध्यmf(ā-)n. having a thread-like waist View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तन्तुमत्mfn. forming threads,"roping"(as a liquid) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तन्तुमत्mfn. (a-- negative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तन्तुमत्mfn. "uninterrupted like a thread"(said of an agni-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तन्तुमतीf. an oblation offered to that agni- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तन्तुमतीf. Name of murāri-'s mother, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तिक्ततुम्बीf. a bitter gourd (kaṭu-t-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तूतुमmfn. strong, 50, 6 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तूतुमmfn. see t/umra-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वक्तुमनस्mfn. having a mind to speak, being about to speak View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वर्षर्तुमासपक्षाहोवेलादेशप्रदेशवत्mfn. containing a statement of the place and country and time and day and fortnight and month and season and year View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वास्तुमध्यn. the centre of a homestead View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वास्तुमण्डनn. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वास्तुमञ्जरीf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वस्तुमात्रn. the mere outline of any subject, skeleton of a discourse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वास्तुमयmf(ī-)n. (prob.) domestic View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वास्तुमयmf(ī-)n. consisting of the grain called vāstu- (Scholiast or Commentator) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वृन्ततुम्बीf. a kind of round gourd (varia lectio for vṛtta-t-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वृत्ततुम्बी varia lectio for vṛnta-t- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
यातुमत् mfn. practising witchcraft or sorcery, injurious, malignant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
यातुमावत्mfn. practising witchcraft or sorcery, injurious, malignant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
16 results
tumb तुम्ब् I. 1. P. (तुम्बति) 1 To distress, trouble. -2 To kill, hurt. -II. 1 U. (तुम्बयति-ते) To hurt, trouble.
tumba तुम्ब (म्बु) रुः N. of a Gandharva.
tumbaḥ तुम्बः [तुम्ब-अच्] A kind of gourd. -तुम्बा 1 A kind of long gourd. -2 A milch cow. -3 milk-vessel.
tumbaraḥ तुम्बरः N. of a Gandharva; see तुम्बरु. -रम् A kind of musical instrument.
tumbāram तुम्बारम् Felly (Mar. तुंबा).
tumbiḥ तुम्बिः म्बी f. A sort of gourd; न हि तुम्बीफलविकलो वीणादण्डः प्रयाति महिमानम् Bv.1.8.
tumra तुम्र a. Ved. 1 Destroying, defeating, killing. -2 Impelling. -3 Energetic, strong.
tumula तुमुल a. Tumultuous, noisy; Māl.9.3; स शब्दस्तुमुलो$ भवत् Bg.1.13,19. -2 Fierce, raging; बभूव युद्धं तुमुलम् R.3.57. -3 Excited. -4 Perplexed, confused; सेनानिवेशं तुमुलं चकार R.5.49. -लः, -लम् 1 An uproar, a tumult, clang. -2 A confused combat, melee; (also तुमुर).
tumat ऋतुमत् a. Ved. 1 Coming regularly; अग्निष्वात्तानृतुमतो हवामहे Vāj.19.61. -2 Enjoying the seasons. -ती 1 A woman during her courses. -2 A girl at the age of puberty, marriagable girl; काममामरणात्तिष्ठेद् गृहे कन्यर्तुमत्यपि Ms.9.89. ft.
jantumatī जन्तुमती The earth.
tum तूतुम् a. Quick, active; एता विश्वा सवना तूतुमा कृषे Rv.1.5.6.
dhātumat धातुमत् a. Rich or abounding in metals. ˚ता richness in metals; अकालसंध्यामिव धातुमत्ताम् (शिखरैर्बिभर्ति) Ku.1.4.
dhātumaya धातुमय a. Full of metals, abounding in red minerals; अधित्यकायामिव धातुमय्यां (लोध्रद्रुमं ददर्श) R.2.29.
vaktumanas वक्तुमनस् a. Being about to speak.
stumbh स्तुम्भ् 5, 9 P. (स्तुभ्नोति; स्तुभ्नाति) 1 To stop. -2 To benumb, stupefy. -3 To expel.
hetumat हेतुमत् a. 1 Having a reason or cause. -2 Having the hetu. -m. An effect.
Macdonell Vedic Search
3 results
katama ka-tamá, inter. prn. which (of many)? i. 35, 7; iv. 51, 6; with caná any, x. 168, 3 [Lat. quo-tumu-s].
śata śatá, n. hundred, ii. 33, 2; vii. 103, 10 [Gk. ἑκατό-ν, Lat. centum, Go. hund].
śarad śarád, f. autumn, ii. 12, 11; vii. 61, 2; x. 90, 6.
Macdonell Search
6 results
tumba m., î, f. long gourd (lagenaria vulgaris).
tumula a. noisy, tumultuous; n. noise, din, tumult.
kartumanas a. intending to do.
kuṭumba kutumba, ˚ka n. household; family; family property: -parigraha, m. household; family.
tumat a. spacious, commodious.
devatumula n. thunderstorm.
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
6 results1 result
tumiñja aupoditi Is mentioned in the Taittirīya Samhitā as a Hotr priest at a Sattra, or ‘ sacrificial session,’ and as having been engaged in a discussion with Suśravas.
Bloomfield Vedic
6 results1 result12 results
tumulo 'sy ākrandakṛtvā Lś.2.3.3.
adṛptakratum aratiṃ yuvatyoḥ # RV.6.49.2b.
tumukhe candrabhāgaḥ # AVP.4.40.5a.
ketumatī ajare bhūriretasā (MS. -sau) # AVś.8.9.12d; MS.2.13.10d: 160.4; KS.39.10d. See ketuṃ kṛṇvāne.
ketumad dundubhir vāvadīti (AVś.AVP. -tu) # RV.6.47.31b; AVś.6.126.3b; AVP.15.12.1b; VS.29.57b; TS.; MS.3.16.3b: 187.12; KSA.6.1b.
ketumanta ud īratām # AVś.3.19.6d; AVP.1.56.3b.
ketumān udyan sahamāno rajāṃsi # AVś.13.2.28c.
tum iṣe nakṣate tumram acha # RV.6.22.5d; AVś.20.36.5d.
catum agniṃ (read caturagniṃ ?) ca saṃprati # TA.1.8.5b.
tridhātum uttame pade # RV.8.51 (Vāl.3).4b.
pitumatīm ūrjam asmā adhattam # RV.1.116.8b; N.6.36b.
prabhartum āvad andhasaḥ sutasya # RV.3.48.1b.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"tum" has 48 results
tumkrt affix तुम् of the infinitive (1) added to a root optionally with ण्वुल् when the root refers to an action for the purpose of which another action is mentioned by the principal verb ; exempli gratia, for example भोक्तुं व्रजति or भोजको व्रजति्; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P.III.3.11; (2) added to a root connected with ' another root in the sense of desire provided both have the same subject; exempli gratia, for example इच्छति भोक्तुम् ; confer, compare P. III. 3.158; (3) added to a root connected with the words काल, समय or वेला; exempli gratia, for example कालो भोक्तुम् et cetera, and others confer, compare P.III.3.167; (4) added to any root which is connected with the roots शक्, धृष्, ज्ञा, ग्लै, घट्, रभ्, लभ्, क्रम्, सह्, अर्ह् and अस् or its synonym, as also with अलम्, or its synonym; exempli gratia, for example शक्नोति भोक्तुम्, भवति भोक्तुम्, वेला भोक्तुम्, अलं भोक्तुम्, पर्याप्तः कर्तुम् : confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P.III.4. 65, 66.
ghātumañjarīcalled also धातुसंग्रहृ attributed to a grammarian namcd Kasinatha.
dhātumālāa work on roots in verseform attributed to a grammarian named Isvarakanta.
hetumaṇṇicthe affix णिच् added to a root in the sense of the activity of the causal agent; see हेतुमत् a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.; confer, compare तत्र हेतुमण्णिचः प्रतिषेधः .P. I.1. 62, Vart. 7.
hetumatthe activity of the causal agent to express which a root has the affix णिच् added to it: confer, compare हेतु: स्वतन्त्रस्य कर्तुः प्रयोजकः । तदीयो व्यापार: प्रेषणादिलक्षणो हेतुमान् , तस्मिन्नमिधेये धातोर्णिच् स्यात् | Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. III. 1.26.
atideśaextended application; transfer or conveyance or application of the character or qualities or attributes of one thing to another. Atideśa in Sanskrit grammar is a very common feature prescribed by Pāṇini generally by affixing the taddhita affix. affix मत् or वत् to the word whose attributes are conveyed to another. e. g. लोटो लङ्वत् P. III. 4.85. In some cases the atideśa is noticed even without the affix मत् or वत्; exempli gratia, for exampleगाङ्कुटादिभ्योऽञ्णिन् ङित् P. 1.2.1 . Atideśa is generally seen in all grammatical terms which end with 'vadbhāva' e. g. स्थानिवद्भाव (P.I.1.56-59), सन्वद्भाव (P.VII.4.93), अन्तादिवद्भाव (P. VI.1.85), अभूततद्भाव (P.IV.60) and others. Out of these atideśas, the स्थानिवद्भाव is the most important one, by virtue of which sometimes there is a full representation id est, that is substitution of the original form called sthānin in the place of the secondary form called ādeśa. This full representation is called रूपातिदेश as different from the usual one which is called कार्यातिदेश, confer, compare Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). VIII.1.90 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 1 and VIII.1.95. Vart.3. Regarding the use of अतिदेश there is laid down a general dictum सामान्यातिदेशे विशेषानतिदेशः when an operation depending on the general properties of a thing could be taken by extended application, an operation depending on special properties should not be taken by virtue of the same : e. g. भूतवत् in P. III.3.132 means as in the case of the general past tense and not in the case of any special past tense like the imperfect ( अनद्यतन ) , or the perfect ( परोक्ष ). See Paribhāṣenduśekhara of Nāgeśa. Pari. 101, Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. III. 3. 132. There is also a general dictum अतिदेशिकमनित्यम्whatever is transferred by an extended application, need not, be necessarily taken. See Paribhāṣenduśekhara of Nāgeśa. 93.6 as also Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P.I.1.123 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini).4, I.2.1 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 3, II.3.69 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini).2 et cetera, and others, Kaiyaṭa on II. 1.2 and VI.4.22 and Kāśikāvivaraṇapañjikā, a commentary on the Kāśikāvṛtti by Jinendrabuddhi, called Nyāsa. on P. I.1.56 and P. I.2.58 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 8. The dictum अातिदेशिकमनित्यम् is given as a Paribhāṣā by Nāgeśa confer, compare Pari. Śek. 93. 6.
anitya(1)not nitya or obligatory optional; said of a rule or paribhāṣā whose application is voluntary). Regarding the case and con= jugational affixes it can be said that those affixes can, in a way: be looked upon as nitya or obligatory, as they have to be affixed to a crude nominal base or a root; there being a dictum that no crude base without an affix can be used as also, no affix alone without a base can be usedition On the other hand, the taddhita and kṛt affixes as also compounds are voluntary as, instead of them an independent word or a phrase can be used to convey the sense. For a list of such nitya affixes see Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on V. 4.7; (2) the word अनित्य is also used in the sense of not-nitya, the word नित्य being taken to mean कृताकृतप्रसङ्गि occurring before as well as after another rule has been applied, the latter being looked upon as अनित्य which does not do so. This 'nityatva' has got a number of exceptions and limitations which are mentioned in Paribhāṣās 43-49 in the Paribhāṣenduśekhara.
aprayeāga(1)non-employment of a word in spite of the meaning being available: confer, compare संभावनेलमिति चेत्सिद्धाप्रयोगे P.III.3.154; (2) non-employment confer, compare उक्तार्थानामप्रयोगः a standard dictum of grammar not allowing superfluous words which is given in M.Bh. on P.I.1.4 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 16 and stated in Cāndra and other grammars as a Paribhāṣā.
artha(1)literally signification,conveyed sense or object. The sense is sometimes looked upon as a determinant of the foot of a verse: confer, compare प्रायोर्थो वृत्तमित्येते पादज्ञानस्य हेतवः Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) XVII 16. It is generally looked upon as the determinant of a word (पद). A unit or element of a word which is possessed of an independent sense is looked upon as a Pada in the old Grammar treatises; confer, compare अर्थः पदमिति ऐन्द्रे; confer, compare also अर्थः पदम् Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya.III.2, explained by उव्वट as अर्थाभिधायि पदम् । पद्यते गम्यते ज्ञायतेSर्थोनेनेति पदम् । There is no difference of opinion regarding the fact that, out of the four standard kinds of words नाम, आख्यात, उपसर्ग and निपात, the first two kinds नाम and अाख्यात do possess an independent sense of their own. Regarding possession of sense and the manner in which the sense is conveyed, by the other two viz. the Upasargas (prepositions) and Nipātas (particles) there is a striking difference of opinion among scholars of grammar. Although Pāṇini has given the actual designation पद to words ending with either the case or the conjugational affixes, he has looked upon the different units or elements of a Pada such as the base, the affix, the augment and the like as possessed of individually separate senses. There is practically nothing in Pāṇini's sūtras to prove that Nipātas and Upasargas do not possess an independent sense. Re: Nipātas, the rule चादयोऽसत्वे, which means that च and other indeclinables are called Nipātas when they do not mean सत्त्व, presents a riddle as to the meaning which च and the like should convey if they do not mean सत्त्व or द्रव्य id est, that is a substance. The Nipātas cannot mean भाव or verbal activity and if they do not mean सत्व or द्रव्य, too, they will have to be called अनर्थक (absolutely meaningless) and in that case they would not be termed Prātipadika, and no caseaffix would be applied to them. To avoid this difficulty, the Vārtikakāra had to make an effort and he wrote a Vārtika निपातस्य अनर्थकस्य प्रातिपदिकत्वम् । P. I.2.45 Vār. 12. As a matter of fact the Nipātas च, वा and others do possess a sense as shown by their presence and absence (अन्वय and व्यतिरेक). The sense, however, is conveyed rather in a different manner as the word समूह, or समुदाय, which is the meaning conveyed by च in रामः कृष्णश्च, cannot be substituted for च as its Synonym in the sentence राम: कुष्णश्च. Looking to the different ways in which their sense is conveyed by nouns and verbs on the one hand, and by affixes, prepositions and indeclinables on the other hand, Bhartṛhari, possibly following Yāska and Vyāḍi, has developed the theory of द्योतकत्व as contrasted with वाचकत्व and laid down the dictum that indeclinables, affixes and prepositions (उपसर्गs) do not directly convey any specific sense as their own, but they are mere signs to show some specific property or excellence of the sense conveyed by the word to which they are attached; confer, compare also the statement 'न निर्बद्धा उपसर्गा अर्थान्निराहुरिति शाकटायनः नामाख्यातयोस्तु कर्मोपसंयेगद्योतका भवन्ति । Nir 1.3. The Grammarians, just like the rhetoricians have stated hat the connection between words and their senses is a permanent one ( नित्य ), the only difference in their views being that the rhetoricians state that words are related; no doubt permanently, to their sense by means of संकेत or convention which solely depends on the will of God, while the Grammarians say that the expression of sense is only a natural function of words; confer, compare 'अभिधानं पुनः स्वाभाविकम्' Vārttika No.33. on P. I.2.64. For द्योतकत्व see Vākyapadīya of Bhartṛhari II. 165-206.
asiddhainvalid; of suspended validity for the time being: not functioning for the time being. The term is frequently used in Pāṇini's system of grammar in connection with rules or operations which are prevented, or held in suspense, in connection with their application in the process of the formation of a word. The term (असिद्ध) is also used in connection with rules that have applied or operations that have taken place, which are, in certain cases, made invalid or invisible as far as their effect is concerned and other rules are applied or other operations are allowed to take place, which ordinarily have been prevented by those rules which are made invalid had they not been invalidatedition Pāṇini has laid down this invalidity on three different occasions (1) invalidity by the rule पूर्वत्रासिद्धम् VIII.2.1. which makes a rule or operation in the second, third and fourth quarters of the eighth chapter of the Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī. invalid when any preceding rule is to be applied, (2) invalidity by the rule असिद्धवदत्राभात् which enjoins mutual invalidity in the case of operations prescribed in the Ābhīya section beginning with the rule असिद्धवत्राभात् (VI. 4.22.) and going on upto the end of the Pāda (VI.4.175), (3) invalidity of the single substitute for two letters, that has already taken place, when ष् is to be substituted for स्, or the letter त् is to be prefixed, confer, compare षत्वतुकोरसिद्धः (VI. 1.86). Although Pāṇini laid down the general rule that a subsequent rule or operation, in case of conflict, supersedes the preceding rule, in many cases it became necessary for him to set, that rule aside, which he did by means of the stratagem of invalidity given a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.. Subsequent grammarians found out a number of additional cases where it became necessary to supersede the subseguent rule which they did by laying down a dictum of invalidity similar to that of Pāṇini. The author of the Vārttikas, hence, laid down the doctrine that rules which are nitya or antaraṅga or apavāda, are stronger than, and hence supersede, the anitya, bahiraṅga and utsarga rules respectively. Later gram marians have laid down in general, the invalidity of the bahiraṅga rule when the antaraṅga rule occurs along with it or subsequent to it. For details see Vol. 7 of Vvyākaraṇa Mahābhāṣya(D. E. Society's edition) pages 217-220. See also Pari. Śek. Pari. 50.
aādhārādheyabhāvaa non-differential relation (अभेदसंसर्ग) between the personal endings तिप् , तस् et cetera, and others and the noun in the nominative case which is the subject of the verbal activity;relation of a thing and its substratum: confer, compare निपातातिरिक्तनामार्थधात्वर्थयोर्भेदान्वयस्य अव्युत्पन्नत्वात्.
āśraya(1)relation of dependence; confer, compare अाश्रयात्सिद्धत्वं भविष्यति Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). I.1.12 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 4; (2) substratum, place of residence; confer, compare गुणवचनानां शब्दानामाश्रयतो लिङ्गवचनानि भवन्ति । शुद्धं वस्त्रम् । शुक्ला शाटी । शुक्लः कम्बलः । Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). II.2.29.
īśvarakāntaauthor of 'Dhātumāla', a short metrical treatise on roots.
ekaśeṣaa kind of composite formation in which only one of the two or more words compounded together subsists, the others being elided; confer, compare एकः शिष्यते इतरे निवर्तन्ते वृक्षश्च वृक्षश्च वृक्षौ । Kāśikā on सरूपाणामेकशेष एक-विभक्तौ P.I.2.64; confer, compare also सुरूपसमुदायाद्धि विभक्तिर्या विधीयते । एकस्तत्रार्थवान् सिद्धः समुदायस्य वाचकः ।। Bhāṣāvṛtti on P. I. 2.64. There is a dictum of grammarians that every individual object requires a separate expression to convey its presence. Hence, when there is a dual sense, the word has to be repeated, as also the word has to be multiplied when there is a plural sense. In current spoken language, however, in such cases the word is used only once. To justify this single utterance for conveying the sense of plurality, Pāṇini has laid down a general rule सरूपाणामेकशेष एकविभक्तौ and many other similar rules to cover cases of plurality not of one and the same object, but plurality cased by many objects, such as plurality caused by ideas going in pairs or relations such as parents, brothers and sisters, grand-father and grand-son, male and female. For example, see the words वृक्षश्च वृक्षश्च वृक्षौ; Similarly वृक्षाः for many trees, पितरौ for माता च पिता च; देवौ for देवी च देवश्च; confer, compare also the words श्वशुरौ, भ्रातरौ, गार्ग्यौ (for गार्ग्य and गार्ग्यायण),आवाम् (for त्वं च अहं च), यौ (for स च यश्च) and गावः feminine. अजा feminine. अश्वाः masculine gender. irrespective of the individuals being some males and some females. Pāṇini has devoted 10 Sūtras to this topic of Ekaśeṣa. The Daiva grammar has completely ignored this topic. Patanjali has very critically and exhaustively discussed this topic. Some critics hold that the topic of एकशेघ did not exist in the original Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī. of Pāṇini but it was interpolated later on, and adduce the long discussion in the Mahābhāṣya especially the Pūrvapakṣa therein, in support of their argument. Whatever the case be, the Vārttikakāra has commented upon it at length; hence, the addition must have been made immediately after Pāṇini, if at all there was any. For details see Mahābhāṣya on I.1.64 to 73 as also,Introduction p. 166-167, Vol.7 of the Mahābhāṣya published by the D. E. Society, Poona.
kārakavibhaktibalīyastvathe dictum that a Kāraka case is stronger than an Upapada case,e. g. the accusative case as required by the word नमस्कृत्य,which is stronger than the dative case as required by the word नमः. Hence the word मुनित्रयं has to be used in the sentence : मुनित्रयं नमस्कृत्य and not the word मुनित्रयाय confer, compare उपपदविभक्तेः कारकविभक्तिर्बलीयसी Pari. Śek. Pari. 94.
kālanotion of time created by different contacts made by a thing with other things one after another. Time required for the utterance of a short vowel is taken as a unit of time which is called मात्रा or कालमात्रा, literally measurement of time; (2) degree of a vowel, the vowels being looked upon as possessed of three degrees ह्रस्व,दीर्घ,& प्लुत measured respectively by one, two and three mātrās; confer, compare ऊकालोSझ्रस्वदीर्घप्लुतः P.I.2.27; (3) time notion in general, expressed in connection with an activity in three ways past (भूत), present (वर्तमान), and future (भविष्यत्) to show which the terms भूता, वर्तमाना and भविष्यन्ती were used by ancient grammarians; cf the words पूर्वकाल, उत्तरकाल; also confer, compare पाणिन्युपज्ञमकालकं व्याकरणम् Kāś. on P. II. 4.21 ; (4) place of recital ( पाठदेश ) depending on the time of recital, confer, compare न परकालः पूर्वकाले पुनः (V.Pr.III. 3) a dictum similar to Pāṇini's पूर्वत्रासिद्धम् P. VIII.2.1.
caritārthawhich has got already a scope of application; the term is used by commentators in connection with a rule or a word forming a part of a rule which applies in the case of some instances and hence which cannot be said to be ब्यर्थ (superfluous) or without any utility and as a result cannot be said to be capable of allowing some conclusion to be drawn from it according to the dictum ब्यर्थं सज्ज्ञापयति confer, compare अपवादो यद्यन्यत्र चरितार्थस्तर्ह्यन्तरङ्गेण बाध्यते Par. Sek. Pari. 65.
tulyādhikaraṇahaving got the same substratum; denoting ultimately the same object; expressed in the same case the same as samanadhikarana in the grammar of Panini, confer, compare Kat. II.5.5.
dharmin(1)a thing possessed of properties, द्रव्यः confer, compare धर्मशब्देन धर्मी भण्यते Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P.III.3.77;cf also the common expression धर्मिग्राहकमानात् Par. Sek. on Pari. 55, 66, 79, 82: (2) the same as dharma in rare cases according to the dictum धर्मघर्मिणोरभेदोपचारः e. g. वर्णैकं देहि, पुराणैकं देहि; confer, compare Durghata Vr. on P. II. 1. 49.
dhvanitasuggested, as opposed to उक्त expressed; the word is found frequently used in the Paribhasendusekhara and other works in connection with such dictums as are not actually made, but indicated in the Mahabhasya.
niyama(1)restriction; regulation; binding; the term is very frequently used by grammarians in connection with a restriction laid down with reference to the application of a grammatical rule generally on the strength of that rule, or a part of it, liable to become superfluous if the restriction has not been laid down; confer, compare M.Bh. on I. 1. 3, Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on I. 3.63, VI. 4.11; confer, compare also the frequently quoted dictum अनियमे नियमकारिणी परिभाषा; (2) limitation as contrasted with विकल्प or कामचार; confer, compare अनेकप्राप्तावेकस्य नियमो भवति शेषेष्वनियम; पटुमृदुशुक्लाः पटुशुक्लमृदव इति; Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on II. 2. 34 Vart. 2; (3) a regulating rule; a restrictive rule, corresponding to the Parisamkhya statement of the Mimamsakas, e. g. the rule अनुदात्तङित आत्मनेपदम् P. I.3.12; the grammarians generally take a rule as a positive injunction avoiding a restrictive sense as far as possible; confer, compare the dictum विधिनियमसंभवे विधिरेव ज्यायान्. Par. Sek. Pari. 100; the commentators have given various kinds of restrictions,. such as प्रयोगनियम,अभिधेयनियम,अर्थनियम, प्रत्ययनियम, प्रकृतिनियम, संज्ञानियम et cetera, and otherset cetera, and others; (4) grave accent or anudatta; confer, compare उदात्तपूर्वं नियतम् Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) III. 9; see नियत (2).
paratvanyāyaapplication of the later rule before the former one, according to the dictum laid down by Paanini in the rule विप्रतिषेधे परं कार्यम् P. I. 4.2 ; confer, compare परत्वन्यायो 'न लङ्कितो भवति Sira. Pari. 84,
paravipratiṣedhathe conflict between two rules (by occurrence together) when the latter prevails over the former and takes place by. Virtue of the dictum विप्रतिषेधे परं कार्यम् P.I. 4.2; confer, compare कथं ये परविप्रतिषेधाः M.Bh. on I.4.2.
paribhāṣāan authoritative statement or dictum, helping (1) the correct interpretation of the rules (sūtras) of grammar, or (2) the removal of conflict between two rules which occur simultaneously in the process of the formation of words, (पदसिद्धि), or (3) the formation of correct words. Various definitions of the word परिभाषा are given by commentators, the prominent ones beingपरितो व्यापृतां भाषां परिभाषां प्रचक्षते(न्यास);or, परितो भाष्यते या सा परिभाषा प्रकीर्तिता. The word is also defined as विधौ नियामकरिणी परिभाषा ( दुर्गसिंहवृत्ति ). परिभाषा can also be briefiy defined as the convention of a standard author. Purusottamadeva applies the word परिभाषा to the maxims of standard writers, confer, compare परिभाषा हिं न पाणिनीयानि वचनानि; Puru. Pari. 119; while Haribhaskara at the end of his treatise परिभाषाभास्कर, states that Vyaadi was the first writer on Paribhaasas. The rules तस्मिन्निति निर्दिष्टे पूर्वस्य, तस्मादित्युत्तरस्य and others are in fact Paribhaasa rules laid down by Panini. For the difference between परिभाषा and अधिकार, see Mahabhasya on II.1.1. Many times the writers of Sutras lay down certain conventions for the proper interpretation of their rules, to which additions are made in course of time according to necessities that arise, by commentators. In the different systems of grammar there are different collections of Paribhasas. In Panini's system, apart from commentaries thereon, there are independent collections of Paribhasas by Vyadi, Bhojadeva, Purusottamadeva, Siradeva, Nilakantha, Haribhaskara, Nagesa and a few others. There are independent collections of Paribhasas in the Katantra, Candra, Sakatayana,Jainendra and Hemacandra systems of grammar. It is a noticeable fact that many Paribhasas are common, with their wordings quite similar or sometimes identical in the different systemanuscript. Generally the collections of Paribhasas have got scholiums or commentaries by recognised grammarians, which in their turn have sometimes other glosses or commentaries upon them. The Paribhaasendusekhara of Nagesa is an authoritative work of an outstanding merit in the system of Paninis Grammar, which is commented upon by more than twenty five scholars during the last two or three centuries. The total number of Paribhasas in the diferent systems of grammar may wellnigh exceed 500. See परिभाषासंग्रह.
pūrvatrāsiddhavacanathe dictum of Panini about rules in his second, third and fourth quarters (Padas) of the eighth Adhyaya being invalid to (viz. not seen by) all the previous rules in the first seven chapters and the first quarter of the eighth as laid down by him in the rule पूर्वत्रासिद्धम् VIII.2.1. The rule पूर्वत्रासिद्धम् is taken also as a governing rule id est, that is अधिकार laying down that in the last three quarters also of his grammar, a subsequent rule is invalid to the preceding rule. The purpose of this dictum is to prohibit the application of the rules in the last three quarters as also that of a subsequent rule in the last three quarters, before all such preceding rules, as are applicable in the formation of a word, have been given effect to; confer, compare एवमिहापि पर्वेत्रासिद्धवचनं अादेशलक्षणप्रतिषेधार्थमुत्सर्गलक्षणभावार्थं च M.Bh. on P. VIII.2.1 Vart. 8.
pūrvavipratiṣedhaconflict of two rules where the preceding rule supersedes the latter rule, as the arrival at the correct form requires it. Generally the dictum is that a subsequent rule should supersede the preceding one; cf विप्रतिषेधे परं कार्यम् P. I. 4. 2; but sometimes the previous rule has to supersede the subsequent one in spite of the dictum विप्रतिषेधे परम्. The author of the Mahabhasya has brought these cases of the पूर्वविप्रतिषेध, which are, in fact, numerous, under the rule विप्रतिषेधे परं कार्यम् by taking the word पर in the sense of इष्ट 'what is desired '?; confer, compare इष्टवाची परशब्दः । विप्रतिषेधे परं यदिष्टं तद्भवतीति l Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on I. 1.3; I.2, 5: I. 4.2: II.1.69, IV.1.85et cetera, and others confer, comparealso पूर्वविप्रतिषेधो नाम अयं र्विप्रतिषेधे परमित्यत्र परशब्दस्य इष्टवाचित्वाल्लब्धः सूत्रार्थः परिभाषारुपेण पाठ्यते Puru. Pari 108; for details see page 217 Vol. VII Mahabhasya D. E. Society's edition.
pratyāsattinyāyaor प्रत्यासतिवचन a dictum that a word should, as fair as possible, be construed with the nearest word; confer, compare अनन्तरस्य विधिः प्रतिषेधो वेत्यर्थः प्रतिपत्तिन्यायलभ्यः Sira. Pari. 48.
madhyepavādaa rule forming an exception to other general rules being placed between them, one or many of which are placed before and the others afterwards. Such a rule sets aside the previous rules and not the succeeding ones. The statement laying down this dictum is मध्येपवादाः पूर्वान् विधीन् बाधन्ते नोत्तरान् Paribhāṣenduśekhara of Nāgeśa.Pari. 60, also Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P.VI.4.148 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 5.
yadāgama( परिभाषा )short familiar wording for the dictum or Paribhaasaa यदागमास्तद्गुणीभूतास्तद्ग्रहणेन गृह्यन्ते ' Par. Sek. Pari. 11.
yuktārohyādia class of compound words headed by the word युक्तारोही which have their initial vowel accented acute in spite of the general dictum that a compound word except a Bahuvrihi compound word, has its last vowel accented acute: confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. V I. 2.81.
liṅga(1)sign or characteristic mark; generally the mute letter prefixed or suffixed to roots,affixes, or augments and their substitutes with a specific purpose; confer, compare किंचिल्लिङ्गमासज्य वक्ष्यामि Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ).on I.1.1 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini).7, अवयवे कृतं लिङ्ग समुदायस्य विशेषकं भवति Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P.I.3.62 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 5; (2) proof, evidence ( प्रमाण ); the word is often used in the Paribhāșendușekhara and other works in connection with a rule or part of a rule quoted as an evidence to deduce some general dictum or Paribhāșā; (3) gender; confer, compare लिङ्ग स्त्रीलिङ्गपुंलिङ्गनपुंसकानि Kāś. on P. II. 3. 46; confer, compare also प्रातिपदिकग्रहणे लिङ्गविशिष्टस्यापि ग्रहणम्. Paribhāṣenduśekhara of Nāgeśa.Pari.71.The gender of a word in Sanskrit language does not depend on any specific properties of a thing; it simply depends on the current usage; confer, compare लोकाश्रयत्वाल्लिङ्गस्य which is often quoted in the Mahābhāsya; confer, compare Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. II. 1.36, II.2.29, II.4.12, IV. 1.3, V.3.66, V.4.68, VIII.1.15. For details see Mahābhāșya on P.IV.1. 3 where after a long enlightening discussīon the definition संस्त्यानप्रसवौ लिङ्गम् is given.
liṅgaviśiṣṭagrahaṇainclusion of the feminine form of a word when a word in the masculine gender is used in a rule, for certain operations such as the application of affixes and the like;confer, compare the usual dictum regarding this practice viz. the Paribhāșā प्रातिपदिकग्रहणे लिङ्गविशिष्टस्यापि ग्रहणम् Paribhāṣenduśekhara of Nāgeśa. Pari. 71. as also Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. IV. 1. 1 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 5 to Vārt, 15 for places of the application of the dictum and those of its rejection.
liṅgaviśiṣṭaparibhāṣāthe dictum to include the feminine form of a word when in a rule the word is used in the masculine gender : प्रातिपदिकग्रहणे लिङ्गविशिष्टस्यापि ग्रहणम् Paribhāṣenduśekhara of Nāgeśa. Pari. 71. See लिङ्गविदिाग्रहण.
vāsarūpanyāyathe dictum of applying optionally any two or more krt affixes to a root if they become applicable at one and the same time, only provided that those affixes are not in the topic of स्त्रियाम् (P.III.3.94 et cetera, and others) and are not the same in appearance such as ण, अ, क etc , which are the same viz. अ; confer, compare वासरूपेSस्त्रियाम् P.III.1.94; confer, compare also वासरूपन्यायेन ण्वुलपि भावेष्यति M.Bh. on P.III.2.146 Vart.1;confer, comparealso M.Bh. on P.III.2.150 Vart. 1, The word वासरूप and वासरूपविधि are also used in the same sense: confer, compare ताच्छीलिका वासरूपेण न भवन्तीति M.Bh. on P.III. 2.150 Vart. 2, as also ताच्छीलिकेषु वासरूपविधिर्नास्ति Par. Sek. Pari. 67.
vipratiṣedhaconfict, opposition; opposition or conflict between two rules of equal strength, which become applicable simultaneously when Pāṇini's dictum विप्रतिषेधे परं कार्यम् applies and the rule mentioned later on, or subsequently, in the Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī. is allowed to apply: confer, compare विप्रतिषेधे परं कार्यम् P.I.4.2: confer, compare also यत्र द्वौ प्रसङ्गौ अन्यार्थौ एकस्मिन्युगपत् प्राप्नुतः स तुल्यबलविरोधी विप्रतिषेध: Kāś. on P.I. 4.2: confer, compare also विप्रतिषेध उत्तरं बलवदलोपे Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya.I.159. The dictum of the application of the subsequent rule is adopted only if the conflicting rules are of equal strength; hence, rules which are either nitya, antaraṅga or apavāda, among which each subsequent one is more powerful than the preceding one and which are all more powerful than the पर or the subsequent rule, set aside the पर rule. There is another dictum that when by the dictum about the subsequent rule being more powerful, an earlier rule is set aside by a later rule, the earlier rule does not apply again in that instance, barring a few exccptional cases; confer, compare सकृद्गतौ विप्रतिषेधे यद् वाधितं तद् बाधितमेव | पुनःप्रसङ्गविज्ञानात् सिद्वम् Paribhāṣenduśekhara of Nāgeśa. Pari. 40, 39.
veṣāyika(1)pertaining to the word विषय in the sutra विषयो देशे P. IV.2. 52; the term refers to the taddhita affix. affixes prescribed in the sense of ’country' or ’district' (विषय) in P. IV. 2.52-54 as contrasted with नैवासिक affixes prescribed in the sense of 'inhabited district' by P. IV. 2.69-80 (2) one of the three senses of the locative case, viz. the sense 'substratum' of the locative case, which is not physical but which is a topical one, forming an object or aim of an , action as specified by the word 'about'; confer, compare अधिकरणं नाम त्रिप्रकारं व्यापकमौपश्लेषिकं वैषयिकमिति |
vyudāsasetting aside of a rule or operation by means of another more powerful rule, or by means of a conventional dictum.
śāstrāsiddhatvathe supposed invalidity of a rule or a set of rules by virtue of the dictum laid down by Panini in पूर्वत्रासिद्धम् VIII.2.1: confer, compare शास्त्रासिद्धत्वमनेन क्रियेत | एकादेशशास्त्रं तुक्शास्त्रे असिद्धं भवति | M.Bh. on P.VI.1.86 Vart. 5.
śrutaliterally what is actually heard; the word is used in connection with such statements as are made by the authoritative grammarians, Panini and the Varttikakara by their actual utterance or wording, as contrasted with such dictums as can be deduced only from their writings. confer, compare श्रुतानुभितंयोः श्रौतः संबन्धो बलीयान्. Par. Sek Pari. 104.
saṃnipātaparibhāṣāthe maxim or canvention that an operation which is based upon, or is caused or occasioned by, a relationship between two things cannot break their relation : in short, such an operation as results in breaking the relationship between two things on which it is based, cannot take placcusative case. This dictum is many times followed in grammar in Preventing the application of such rules as are likely to spoil the formation of the correct word; many times, however, this dictum has to be ignored; For details see Pari. Sek. Pari. 86; also| Mahabhasya on P. I. 1.39.
saṃprasāraṇaliterally extension; the process of changing a semi-vowel into a simple vowel of the same sthana or place of utterance; the substitution of the vowels इ, उ, ऋ and लृ for the semi-vowels य्, व् , र् and ल् respectively; cf इग्यणः संप्रसारणम् P. 1.1.45. The term संप्रसारण is rendered as a 'resultant vowel' or as 'an emergent vowel'. The ancient term was प्रसारण and possibly it referred to the extension of य् and व्, into their constituent parts इ +अ, उ+अ et cetera, and others the vowel अ being of a weak grade but becoming strong after the merging of the subseguent vowel into it exempli gratia, for example confer, compare सर्वत्र प्रसारणिभ्यो ड: P. III. 2.8 Vart.1. For the words taking this samprasarana change, see P. VI. 1 .13 to .19. According to some grammarians the term संप्रसारण is applied to the substituted vowels while according to others the term refers to the operation of the substitution: confer, compare Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. I. 1.15. The substitution of the samprasarana vowel is to be given preference in the formation of a word; , confer, compare संप्रसारणं तदाश्रयं च कार्यं बलवत् Pari. Sek. Pari. 1 19. संप्रसारणबलीयस्त्व the relative superior strength of the samprasarana change in comparison with other operations occurring simultaneotisly. The phrase न वा संप्रसारणबलीयस्त्वात् is often used in the Mahabhasya which is based upon the dictum of the superior strength of the samprasarana substitution, which is announced by the writer of the Varttikas; P. VI. 1.17 Vart, 2. , See संप्रसारण.
satiśiṣṭaprescribed subsequently; occurring after the preceding has taken place; confer, compare सति शिष्टोपि विकरणस्वरः सार्वधातुकस्वरं न बाधते; although the words सति and शिष्टः are separate still it is habitual to take them combined in an adjectival sense and make the word सतिशिष्ट an adjective to the word स्वर as in the dictum सतिशिष्टस्वरबलीयस्त्वं च P. VI. 1. 158 Vart. 9.
sāmānādhikaraṇyastanding in apposition; the word is used many times in its literal sense ' having the same substratum.' For instance, in घटं करोति देवदत्तः, the personal ending ति and देवदत्त are said to be समानाधिकरण. The Samanadhikarana words are put in the same case although, the gender and number sometimes differ. See the word समानाधिकरण.
sthānaplace of articulation; place of the production of sound, which is one of the chief factors in the production of sound; confer, compare अनुप्रदानात् संसर्गात् स्थानात् करणविन्ययात् | जायते वर्णवैशेष्यं परीमाणाच्च पञ्चमात्, T.Pr. XXIII. 2. Generally there are given five places of the production of sound viz. कण्ठ, तालु, मूर्धन् , दन्त and ओष्ठ, respectively for the articulation of guttural, palatal cerebral, dental and labial letters and नासिका as an additional one for the articulation of the nasal consonants ञू, मू,ङू, णू and नू For the Jihvamuliya sound (क ), जिंह्वामूल is given as a specific one. For details and minor differences of views, see Taittirīya Prātiśākhya.III, Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) 1.18 to 20,Ṛktantra Prātiśākhya. 2-10; Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya.I. 65 to 84 and M. Bh, on P. I. 1. 9. (2) place, substratum, which is generally understood as the sense of the genitive case-affix in rules which prescribe substitutes; confer, compare षष्ठी स्थोनोयागा. P. I. 1. 49.
sthānaṣaṣṭhīone of the several kinds of the genitive case when it means a place or substratum, see the word स्थान.
smṛtian authoritative dictum of an ancient grammarian before the famous author of the Varttika;confer, compare तथा च स्मृतिः श्तिपा शापानुबन्धेन निर्दिष्ट्ं etc, Siradeva Pari. 68.
svaritapratijñāthe conventional dictum that a particular rule or part of a rule, is marked with the accent स्वरित which enables the grammarians to decide that that rule or that part of a rule is to occur in each of the subsequent Sutras, the limit of continuation being ascertained from convention. It is possible that Panini in his original recital of the Astadhyayi recited the words in the rules with the necessary accents; probably he recited every word, which was not to proceed further, with one acute or with one circumflex vowel, while, the words which were to proceed to the next rule or rules, were marked with an actual circumflex accent ( स्वरित ), or with a neutralization of the acute and the grave accents (स्वरितत्व), that is, probably without accents or by एकश्रुति or by प्रचय; cf स्वरितेनाधिकार: P. I.3.II and the Mahabhasya thereon.
svarūpavidhian operation prescribed for the verbal form of the word and not for such words as possess the meaning of the word; .cf अस्ति कश्चित्पुरुषारम्भः। क: | स्वरूपविधिर्नाम | हन्तेरात्मनेपदमुच्यमानं हृन्तेरेत्र स्यादूधेर्न स्यात् | M.Bh. on P.I.1.56 Vart. 1. In grammar there is a general dictum that in connection with words of a Sutra, unless they are technical terms, the word-forms are to be understood, and not those shown by the sense of the word: confer, compare स्वं रूपं शब्दस्याशब्दसंज्ञा P. I.1.68. This rule has some exceptions; for example in the rule नदीभिश्च P.II.1.20 the various rivers are to be understood and not the word नदी.
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CC Antya 3.221
CC Antya 3.236
CC Antya 3.242
CC Antya 3.252-253
CC Antya 3.258
CC Antya 3.31
CC Antya 3.32
tumi YouCC Antya 3.69
CC Antya 3.78-79
CC Antya 3.82
CC Antya 3.86
tumi youCC Antya 4.103
tumi youCC Antya 4.103
CC Antya 4.129-130
CC Antya 4.132
tumi YouCC Antya 4.153
tumi youCC Antya 4.159
CC Antya 4.160
tumi YouCC Antya 4.164
tumi youCC Antya 4.167
CC Antya 4.168
CC Antya 4.172
tumi YouCC Antya 4.181
CC Antya 4.188
tumi youCC Antya 4.200
tumi YouCC Antya 4.203
tumi youCC Antya 4.234
CC Antya 4.35
tumi YouCC Antya 4.74
tumi youCC Antya 4.76
CC Antya 4.77
tumi YouCC Antya 4.90
CC Antya 4.91
tumi youCC Antya 4.99
CC Antya 5.100
CC Antya 5.101
CC Antya 5.135
CC Antya 5.15
CC Antya 5.60
CC Antya 5.61
tumi youCC Antya 5.61
CC Antya 6.139
CC Antya 6.169
CC Antya 6.180
CC Antya 6.260
CC Antya 6.27
CC Antya 6.28
CC Antya 6.294
CC Antya 6.295
CC Antya 6.30
CC Antya 6.33
tumi YouCC Antya 6.73
tumi youCC Antya 7.106
tumi YouCC Antya 7.12
tumi YouCC Antya 7.12
CC Antya 7.127
CC Antya 7.129
CC Antya 7.13
tumi youCC Antya 7.131
CC Antya 7.152
CC Antya 7.156
CC Antya 7.161
CC Antya 7.59
CC Antya 7.93
CC Antya 8.12
CC Antya 8.21
CC Antya 9.100
CC Antya 9.117
CC Antya 9.50
tumi YouCC Antya 9.67
CC Antya 9.78
tumi youCC Madhya 1.178
tumi youCC Madhya 1.178
tumi YouCC Madhya 1.199
tumi youCC Madhya 1.207
CC Madhya 1.215
CC Madhya 1.69
CC Madhya 10.122
tumi YouCC Madhya 10.125
tumi youCC Madhya 10.14
tumi YouCC Madhya 10.163
CC Madhya 10.164
tumi youCC Madhya 10.17
tumi youCC Madhya 10.17
tumi YouCC Madhya 10.174
tumi YouCC Madhya 10.174
CC Madhya 10.36
tumi youCC Madhya 10.37
CC Madhya 10.53
tumi YouCC Madhya 10.54
tumi youCC Madhya 10.58
tumi youCC Madhya 10.58
CC Madhya 11.190
tumi youCC Madhya 11.190
CC Madhya 11.191
tumi YouCC Madhya 11.202
CC Madhya 11.205
tumi youCC Madhya 11.22
CC Madhya 11.26
CC Madhya 11.36
CC Madhya 11.55
CC Madhya 12.117
tumi YouCC Madhya 12.193
CC Madhya 12.26
CC Madhya 12.28
CC Madhya 12.29
CC Madhya 12.33
CC Madhya 12.49
tumi youCC Madhya 12.55
tumi YouCC Madhya 13.139
CC Madhya 13.144
CC Madhya 13.147
tumi YouCC Madhya 13.147
CC Madhya 13.150
CC Madhya 13.154
tumi youCC Madhya 13.97
CC Madhya 14.11
CC Madhya 14.249
CC Madhya 15.113
CC Madhya 15.114
CC Madhya 15.156
tumi youCC Madhya 15.156
tumi YouCC Madhya 15.161
tumi youCC Madhya 15.165
CC Madhya 15.169
tumi YouCC Madhya 15.239
CC Madhya 15.243
tumi youCC Madhya 15.277
CC Madhya 15.283
CC Madhya 15.289
CC Madhya 15.46
CC Madhya 15.93
CC Madhya 15.96
CC Madhya 16.172
CC Madhya 16.187
CC Madhya 16.191
CC Madhya 16.240
tumi YouCC Madhya 16.280
CC Madhya 16.63
CC Madhya 16.64
CC Madhya 16.66
CC Madhya 16.67
tumi youCC Madhya 16.74
CC Madhya 17.165
CC Madhya 17.170
tumi YouCC Madhya 17.182
tumi youCC Madhya 17.4
tumi YouCC Madhya 17.77
CC Madhya 17.78
CC Madhya 17.79
CC Madhya 17.8
CC Madhya 17.97
CC Madhya 18.110
CC Madhya 18.126
tumi youCC Madhya 18.153
CC Madhya 18.154
CC Madhya 18.168
CC Madhya 18.172
CC Madhya 18.175
CC Madhya 18.198
tumi YouCC Madhya 18.201
tumi youCC Madhya 18.205
CC Madhya 19.104
CC Madhya 19.21
CC Madhya 19.240
CC Madhya 19.241
CC Madhya 19.25
CC Madhya 19.26
CC Madhya 19.29
CC Madhya 19.33
CC Madhya 19.35
tumi YouCC Madhya 19.56
tumi youCC Madhya 19.69
tumi YouCC Madhya 2.59
CC Madhya 2.62
CC Madhya 2.67
tumi YouCC Madhya 2.67
CC Madhya 2.68
CC Madhya 2.70
tumi YouCC Madhya 2.70
tumi youCC Madhya 20.10-11
CC Madhya 20.105
CC Madhya 20.107
CC Madhya 20.128
CC Madhya 20.20
CC Madhya 20.35
CC Madhya 20.5
CC Madhya 20.56
CC Madhya 20.7
CC Madhya 20.8
CC Madhya 20.80
CC Madhya 20.87
CC Madhya 24.241
CC Madhya 24.247
CC Madhya 24.251
tumi YouCC Madhya 24.316
tumi youCC Madhya 24.345
tumi YouCC Madhya 24.4
tumi youCC Madhya 25.106
CC Madhya 25.182
CC Madhya 25.72
tumi YouCC Madhya 25.81
CC Madhya 25.89
CC Madhya 25.90
CC Madhya 3.106
CC Madhya 3.117
CC Madhya 3.144
tumi youCC Madhya 3.148
tumi youCC Madhya 3.148
CC Madhya 3.184
CC Madhya 3.189
CC Madhya 3.196
CC Madhya 3.20
tumi YouCC Madhya 3.214
tumi youCC Madhya 3.22
tumi YouCC Madhya 3.32
CC Madhya 3.35
CC Madhya 3.71
CC Madhya 3.81
CC Madhya 3.85
CC Madhya 3.86
CC Madhya 3.99
tumi youCC Madhya 4.107
CC Madhya 4.134
CC Madhya 5.107
tumi YouCC Madhya 5.149
CC Madhya 5.155
tumi youCC Madhya 5.18
CC Madhya 5.22
CC Madhya 5.25
CC Madhya 5.30
tumi YouCC Madhya 5.33
tumi youCC Madhya 5.38
CC Madhya 5.45
CC Madhya 5.50
CC Madhya 5.67
CC Madhya 5.68
tumi YouCC Madhya 5.88
CC Madhya 5.90
tumi youCC Madhya 5.91
tumi youCC Madhya 5.91
tumi YouCC Madhya 5.96
tumi youCC Madhya 5.98
tumi YouCC Madhya 6.121
tumi youCC Madhya 6.122
tumi youCC Madhya 6.122
tumi YouCC Madhya 6.124
tumi youCC Madhya 6.127
tumi YouCC Madhya 6.129
tumi youCC Madhya 6.131
CC Madhya 6.132
CC Madhya 6.152
CC Madhya 6.188
CC Madhya 6.191
CC Madhya 6.192
tumi YouCC Madhya 6.213
tumi YouCC Madhya 6.213
CC Madhya 6.214
tumi youCC Madhya 6.232
CC Madhya 6.233
CC Madhya 6.246
CC Madhya 6.44
tumi YouCC Madhya 6.56
tumi youCC Madhya 6.61
tumi YouCC Madhya 6.62
tumi youCC Madhya 6.64
CC Madhya 6.78
CC Madhya 6.85-86
CC Madhya 6.90
CC Madhya 6.96
CC Madhya 6.98
CC Madhya 7.12
tumi YouCC Madhya 7.144-145
tumi youCC Madhya 7.147
tumi YouCC Madhya 7.15
CC Madhya 7.17
CC Madhya 7.18
tumi YouCC Madhya 7.18
CC Madhya 7.19
tumi youCC Madhya 7.28
tumi YouCC Madhya 7.38
CC Madhya 7.49
CC Madhya 7.65
CC Madhya 8.121
CC Madhya 8.122
tumi youCC Madhya 8.127
tumi YouCC Madhya 8.132
CC Madhya 8.133
CC Madhya 8.200
tumi youCC Madhya 8.21
CC Madhya 8.239
CC Madhya 8.241
tumi YouCC Madhya 8.278
tumi youCC Madhya 8.291
CC Madhya 8.297
tumi YouCC Madhya 8.35
CC Madhya 8.37
CC Madhya 8.38
tumi youCC Madhya 8.44
CC Madhya 9.102
tumi YouCC Madhya 9.126
tumi youCC Madhya 9.141
CC Madhya 9.145
tumi YouCC Madhya 9.157
CC Madhya 9.158
tumi youCC Madhya 9.171
CC Madhya 9.195
tumi YouCC Madhya 9.214
tumi youCC Madhya 9.229
CC Madhya 9.24
CC Madhya 9.271
tumi YouCC Madhya 9.274
tumi youCC Madhya 9.324
tumi YouCC Madhya 9.37
CC Madhya 9.58
tumi you (Svarūpa Dāmodara Gosvāmī)CC Antya 6.202
tumi you (the King)CC Madhya 13.186
tumi You alsoCC Adi 15.18
tumi You areCC Adi 16.50
tumi you areCC Adi 17.218
tumi You areCC Adi 7.66
CC Adi 7.67
CC Madhya 2.69
CC Madhya 2.71
CC Madhya 3.32
CC Madhya 8.200
CC Madhya 9.104
tumi You are situatedCC Madhya 16.131
tumi your good selfCC Adi 16.34
tumi Your good selfCC Adi 7.54
tumi your lordshipCC Antya 2.131
tumi Your LordshipCC Madhya 24.316
tumi ageyāna you are incorrectCC Madhya 10.156
tumi ageyāna you are incorrectCC Madhya 10.156
tumi āsibe you will comeCC Antya 1.46
tumi āsibe you will comeCC Antya 1.46
tumi baḍa You are much greaterCC Madhya 25.82
tumi baḍa You are much greaterCC Madhya 25.82
tumi bhāgyavān certainly you are very fortunateCC Madhya 24.281
tumi bhāgyavān certainly you are very fortunateCC Madhya 24.281
tumi bhakta you are a devoteeCC Madhya 6.211
tumi bhakta you are a devoteeCC Madhya 6.211
tumi bhikṣā deha better for you to cookCC Madhya 17.177
tumi bhikṣā deha better for you to cookCC Madhya 17.177
tumi bhikṣā deha better for you to cookCC Madhya 17.177
tumi bhikṣā kara You take Your lunchCC Madhya 20.74
tumi bhikṣā kara You take Your lunchCC Madhya 20.74
tumi bhikṣā kara You take Your lunchCC Madhya 20.74
tumi brahma-sama you are equal with the impersonal BrahmanCC Madhya 25.73
tumi brahma-sama you are equal with the impersonal BrahmanCC Madhya 25.73
tumi brahma-sama you are equal with the impersonal BrahmanCC Madhya 25.73
tumi cala you comeCC Madhya 19.28
tumi cala you comeCC Madhya 19.28
tumi chuńile if You touchCC Antya 4.152
tumi chuńile if You touchCC Antya 4.152
tumi duńhe both of youCC Madhya 16.91
tumi duńhe both of youCC Madhya 16.91
tumi gelā kati where have You goneCC Antya 19.53
tumi gelā kati where have You goneCC Antya 19.53
tumi gelā kati where have You goneCC Antya 19.53
tumi hao sparśa-maṇi you are certainly a touchstoneCC Madhya 24.277
tumi hao sparśa-maṇi you are certainly a touchstoneCC Madhya 24.277
tumi hao sparśa-maṇi you are certainly a touchstoneCC Madhya 24.277
tumi hao sparśa-maṇi you are certainly a touchstoneCC Madhya 24.277
tumi haṭha kaile if you go on persistingCC Antya 2.140
tumi haṭha kaile if you go on persistingCC Antya 2.140
tumi haṭha kaile if you go on persistingCC Antya 2.140
tumi jagat-guru you are the master of all peopleCC Madhya 6.58
tumi jagat-guru you are the master of all peopleCC Madhya 6.58
tumi jagat-guru you are the master of all peopleCC Madhya 6.58
tumi jāna my Lord, please knowCC Madhya 5.32
tumi jāna my Lord, please knowCC Madhya 5.32
CC Madhya 5.73
tumi jāna my Lord, please knowCC Madhya 5.73
tumi jāna you knowCC Madhya 16.144
tumi jāna you knowCC Madhya 16.144
tumi kaha you speakCC Antya 3.182
tumi kaha you speakCC Antya 3.182
tumi karaha smaraṇa please rememberCC Antya 19.7
tumi karaha smaraṇa please rememberCC Antya 19.7
tumi karaha smaraṇa please rememberCC Antya 19.7
tumi karilā have you doneCC Antya 9.117
tumi karilā have you doneCC Antya 9.117
tumi khāile if you eatCC Antya 3.222
tumi khāile if you eatCC Antya 3.222
tumi kṛpā kaile if You are mercifulCC Antya 6.131
tumi kṛpā kaile if You are mercifulCC Antya 6.131
tumi kṛpā kaile if You are mercifulCC Antya 6.131
tumi kṛṣṇa You are Kṛṣṇa HimselfCC Madhya 17.77
tumi kṛṣṇa You are Kṛṣṇa HimselfCC Madhya 17.77
tumi mana kara if You so desireCC Madhya 15.161
tumi mana kara if You so desireCC Madhya 15.161
tumi mana kara if You so desireCC Madhya 15.161
tumi nā dekhāile if you do not showCC Antya 13.59
tumi nā dekhāile if you do not showCC Antya 13.59
tumi nā dekhāile if you do not showCC Antya 13.59
tumi nā jānāile unless You make to understandCC Antya 4.90
tumi nā jānāile unless You make to understandCC Antya 4.90
tumi nā jānāile unless You make to understandCC Antya 4.90
tumi nā khāile without Your eatingCC Madhya 14.41
tumi nā khāile without Your eatingCC Madhya 14.41
tumi nā khāile without Your eatingCC Madhya 14.41
tumi naha You are notCC Madhya 12.49
tumi naha You are notCC Madhya 12.49
tumi paḍilā you fellCC Madhya 15.126
tumi paḍilā you fellCC Madhya 15.126
tumi pāile you have gottenCC Madhya 15.125
tumi pāile you have gottenCC Madhya 15.125
tumi pañca you fiveCC Antya 9.141
tumi pañca you fiveCC Antya 9.141
tumi śunile if you hearCC Antya 5.109
tumi śunile if you hearCC Antya 5.109
tumi ta' indeed You areCC Madhya 25.90
tumi ta' indeed You areCC Madhya 25.90
tumi vāñchile if you desireCC Madhya 15.167
tumi vāñchile if you desireCC Madhya 15.167
tumi yāha ghare You both kindly enter the roomCC Madhya 3.62
tumi yāha ghare You both kindly enter the roomCC Madhya 3.62
tumi yāha ghare You both kindly enter the roomCC Madhya 3.62
tumi yāhāń wherever You areCC Madhya 3.33
tumi yāhāń wherever You areCC Madhya 3.33
tumi ye YouCC Madhya 23.121
tumi ye YouCC Madhya 23.121
tumi yei kaha whatever you sayCC Madhya 11.112
tumi yei kaha whatever you sayCC Madhya 11.112
tumi yei kaha whatever you sayCC Madhya 11.112
tumi-dui both of youCC Madhya 5.113
tumi-dui both of youCC Madhya 5.113
tumi-ha You alsoCC Antya 3.17
tumi-ha You alsoCC Antya 3.17
tumi-saba all of youCC Antya 14.110
tumi-saba all of youCC Antya 14.110
CC Antya 15.41
tumi-saba all of youCC Antya 15.41
CC Antya 17.27
tumi-saba all of youCC Antya 17.27
CC Antya 18.109
tumi-saba all of youCC Antya 18.109
CC Antya 3.105
tumi-saba all of youCC Antya 3.105
CC Madhya 12.35
tumi-saba all of youCC Madhya 12.35
CC Madhya 5.154
tumi-saba all of youCC Madhya 5.154
CC Madhya 7.9
tumi-saba all of youCC Madhya 7.9
tumi-saba loka all of you peopleCC Madhya 3.189
tumi-saba loka all of you peopleCC Madhya 3.189
tumi-saba loka all of you peopleCC Madhya 3.189
tumiha YouCC Madhya 15.198
tumiha youCC Madhya 9.230
tumiha you alsoCC Antya 1.89
CC Madhya 23.103
CC Madhya 6.106
tumio you alsoCC Madhya 1.74
tumita but youCC Adi 17.197
tumula tumultuousSB 10.71.17
SB 8.8.13
tumulaḥ tumultuousBG 1.13
SB 10.33.5
SB 8.10.5
SB 8.18.7
tumulaḥ uproariousBG 1.19
tumulam tumultuousSB 10.76.16
SB 10.77.5
tumulam very fierceSB 9.6.17
ketumālam abhi into the land known as Ketumāla-varṣaSB 5.17.7
abhibhavitum to be overcomeSB 4.16.11
abhidhātum to address in feelingSB 1.8.26
abhidhātum to enumerateSB 12.4.39
ābhraṃśayitum to cause to deviateSB 3.22.34
ādātum to takeSB 4.18.8
ādātum to conquerSB 5.25.10
adhigantum to attainSB 4.12.41
adhigantum to understand fullySB 5.16.4
adhikartum to make moreCC Madhya 16.145
adhiṣṭhātum to boardSB 4.12.29
āhartum to applySB 4.19.33
ājñaptum arhasi please commandSB 10.45.13
akarma-hetum the cause of the end of fruitive activitiesSB 5.6.14
akartum not to doCC Antya 9.44
akhila-hetum unto the cause of all causesSB 8.24.61
ākhyātum to describeSB 2.8.29
ākhyātum arhasi please describeSB 7.1.35
ākhyātum to explainSB 11.17.1-2
alańkartum to decorateSB 4.25.29
anukartum do the sameSB 3.14.21
anusańkhyātum be enumeratedSB 10.51.36
anuśocitum to lamentBG 2.25
arhasi anuvarṇayitum please describe factuallySB 5.16.3
anuvarṇitum to explain by following in the footsteps of previous ācāryasSB 1.1.13
anuvartitum to follow in the footstepsSB 3.14.46
gantum anyathā to become otherwiseSB 8.17.17
āpādayitum to confirm itSB 4.22.42
apahantum in order to take awaySB 11.29.49
apanetum to removeSB 10.48.24
apanetum to avoidMM 4
kartum api by executingSB 10.8.25
apohitum to dissipateSB 4.25.42
apohitum to undoSB 7.10.64
apohitum to dispelSB 10.33.22
apohitum to removeCC Antya 18.25
āptum afflicts one withBG 5.6
āptum to getBG 12.9
hantum ārabdham being inclined to killSB 10.1.35
ārādhitum to satisfySB 7.9.8
arcitum to worshipBG 7.21
vaktum arhasi please narrateSB 4.17.6-7
arhasi naḥ samīhitum please act on my behalfSB 4.20.31
sthātum arhasi you may remainSB 4.27.22
arhasi anuvarṇayitum please describe factuallySB 5.16.3
vyākhyātum arhasi please describeSB 6.1.6
kartum arhasi you deserve to executeSB 6.7.31
vyākhyātum arhasi please explainSB 6.18.21
kṣantum arhasi please excuseSB 6.18.76
ākhyātum arhasi please describeSB 7.1.35
vaktum arhasi kindly describeSB 8.24.2-3
tum arhasi you deserve to give (some gift)SB 10.4.6
kartum arhasi because you have kindly come here, kindly executeSB 10.8.6
trātum arhasi kindly protectSB 10.25.13
kartum arhasi please doSB 10.28.8
ājñaptum arhasi please commandSB 10.45.13
hantum na arhasi please do not killSB 10.54.33
moktum arhasi please releaseSB 10.65.29
kṣantum arhasi You should please forgiveSB 10.68.44
kṣantum arhasi please forgiveSB 11.30.35
śrotum arhatha please listenSB 10.84.29
trātum arhathaḥ please saveSB 10.19.9
kartum arhathaḥ You ought to doSB 10.23.1
bhavitum arhati can beSB 5.3.8
chettum arhati please dispelSB 7.1.3
bhavitum arhati is possible to beSB 10.8.8-9
kṣantum arhati should please forgiveSB 10.28.7
bhavitum arhati can He beSB 10.51.1-6
arhitum to acceptSB 4.3.9
arpayitum in order to offerSB 10.83.8
arpayitum to deliver or to give in charityCC Adi 6.73
asūyitum to be jealous ofSB 5.1.11
asūyitum to be inimicalSB 10.32.21
asūyitum to be displeased withCC Adi 4.176
ativartitum to overcomeSB 8.21.20
avāptum to achieveBG 6.36
avāsāditum to lamentSB 6.15.18-19
avasāditum to suffer destructionSB 10.19.10
avasitum to estimateSB 10.14.2
avasthātum to stayBG 1.30
āveśitum to absorbSB 5.16.3
avitum to protectSB 3.31.12
avitum to disseminateSB 4.7.14
avitum to protectSB 4.28.14
avitum to protectSB 10.16.50
avitum for the purpose of protectingSB 12.8.41
bahiḥ gantum to go outsideSB 10.3.47
ketumāla-bhadrāśvayoḥ of the two varṣas named Ketumāla and BhadrāśvaSB 5.16.10
bhāgyavān tumi you are very fortunateCC Madhya 13.97
bhāgyavān tumi you are fortunateCC Madhya 15.228
bhaja tumi engage yourself in His serviceCC Madhya 15.142
bhāṣitum just to explain itSB 2.3.14
bhāṣitum to speakSB 6.14.50-51
bhāṣitum to speakSB 8.21.12
bhavitum to beSB 5.1.2
bhavitum arhati can beSB 5.3.8
bhavitum to becomeSB 5.3.17
bhavitum to becomeSB 5.6.1
bhavitum to becomeSB 5.10.5
bhavitum to beSB 5.20.37
bhavitum arhati is possible to beSB 10.8.8-9
bhavitum to becomeSB 10.22.25
bhavitum arhati can He beSB 10.51.1-6
bhavitum to beSB 10.53.37
bhavitum to becomeCC Adi 14.69
bhettum to understand by analytical studySB 5.10.18
bhoktum to enjoy lifeBG 2.5
bhoktum to eatSB 1.18.34
bhoktum to eat something moreSB 10.11.16
cāha tumi you wantCC Antya 4.83
calitum to moveSB 10.30.37
calitum to walkCC Madhya 19.207-209
cārayitum to herdSB 10.16.13-15
cartum to executeSB 5.2.15
ceṣṭitum to doSB 4.14.22
chettum to dispelBG 6.39
chettum arhati please dispelSB 7.1.3
chettum cutSB 11.22.27
cikitsitum to be treatedSB 10.4.38
citraketum King CitraketuSB 6.16.49
citraketum King CitraketuSB 6.16.65
tum to deliverSB 1.8.1
tum to giveSB 3.23.51
tum to deliverSB 6.10.4
tum to giveSB 8.19.28
tum arhasi you deserve to give (some gift)SB 10.4.6
tum to paySB 10.5.19
tum to giveSB 10.52.25
tum in order to giveSB 10.58.25
tum to deliverCC Madhya 4.1
siddha-deha tumi you are already liberatedCC Antya 11.24
dhanya tumi you are so fortunateCC Madhya 1.220
dhārayitum to fixSB 11.11.22
dhātum to putSB 10.88.23
dhūmaketum to DhūmaketuSB 6.6.20
dhūmra-ketum DhūmraketuSB 5.7.2
dugdha-tum squash cooked with milkCC Madhya 15.211
gaditum to narrateSB 1.12.3
gaditum to speakSB 10.23.29
gaditum speakSB 10.29.31
gantum just desiring to startSB 1.8.8
gantum to go from that placeSB 4.20.34
gantum to go outSB 4.28.14
gantum to enter into the knowledgeSB 8.3.6
gantum anyathā to become otherwiseSB 8.17.17
bahiḥ gantum to go outsideSB 10.3.47
gantum to go furtherSB 10.7.26
gantum to goingSB 10.84.27
gantum to goSB 11.6.39
ghaṭitum to happenSB 2.7.6
gopayitum to hideCC Adi 17.293
goptum udyataḥ prepared to give protectionSB 4.17.31
grāhayitum to cause the acceptance ofSB 12.10.29
grahītum in order to arrestSB 4.28.22
hantum to killBG 1.32-35
hantum to killBG 1.36
hantum to killBG 1.44
hantum to killSB 1.7.40
hantum to killSB 1.9.37
hantum to nullifySB 3.16.29
hantum to killSB 4.4.31
hantum to killSB 4.14.34
hantum to killSB 4.17.30
hantum to killSB 4.19.13
hantum to killSB 7.1.43
hantum to killSB 7.5.43-44
hantum to killSB 7.8.3-4
hantum to killSB 8.11.27
hantum just to killSB 8.19.7
hantum to killSB 8.21.14
hantum to killSB 9.3.25
hantum ārabdham being inclined to killSB 10.1.35
hantum to kill herSB 10.1.45
hantum to killSB 10.4.4
hantum to killSB 10.11.50
hantum to killSB 10.44.17
hantum to killSB 10.54.31
hantum na arhasi please do not killSB 10.54.33
hantum to killSB 10.57.10
hantum to killSB 10.59.21
hantum to killSB 10.61.20
hantum to killSB 10.89.6-7
hantum to destroySB 11.6.19
hantum to killSB 11.30.22
hantum to killCC Madhya 16.145
se hao tumi whatever You may beCC Adi 17.114
hartum to plunderSB 4.27.15
hartum to steal or take awaySB 9.15.26
hartum to take awaySB 10.53.20-21
hartum to take it awaySB 10.56.20
hartum to takeSB 10.57.10
hartum to removeSB 10.84.69
tum to give upSB 1.10.11-12
tum to give upSB 4.28.10
tum to give upCC Madhya 24.98
samīhate hātum endeavors to give upCC Antya 20.156
hetum the original causeSB 5.5.9
akarma-hetum the cause of the end of fruitive activitiesSB 5.6.14
hetum the causeSB 6.12.9
hetum the reasonSB 6.13.3
akhila-hetum unto the cause of all causesSB 8.24.61
hetum causeSB 9.16.17
hetum the causeSB 10.40.1
hetum the causeSB 10.63.25
hetum the causeSB 10.63.44
hetum over logical reasonsSB 11.22.5
śrotum icchāmahe desire to hearSB 8.1.31
śrotum icchāmi I wish to hear (from you)SB 9.4.14
īḍitum to worship the LordSB 8.17.6
īkṣitum to seeSB 3.15.9
īkṣitum to seeSB 10.14.9
īkṣitum to seeSB 10.46.19
īkṣitum to seeSB 10.60.30
īritum or to express by wordsSB 8.3.6
īśitum to controlSB 3.11.39
sākṣāt īśvara tumi You are the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 24.315
īśvara tumi You are the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 24.327
īśvara tumi You are the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Antya 1.203
jetum to conquerSB 8.15.29
jīvitum to remain aliveSB 1.9.12
jñātum to knowBG 11.54
jñātum to knowSB 1.14.1
jñātum to knowSB 1.14.6
jñātum to knowSB 6.4.1-2
jñātum to knowSB 8.24.29
jñātum to understandSB 10.13.43
kaha tumi yes, you can speakCC Madhya 11.4
kahilā tumi you have spokenCC Madhya 20.30
kara tumi pāna drink itCC Madhya 4.25
kara tumi You can doCC Madhya 5.96
karāilā tumi You have causedCC Antya 5.76
karibā tumi mana you wantCC Madhya 24.328
kartum to performBG 1.44
kartum to doBG 2.17
kartum to actBG 3.20
kartum to executeBG 9.2
kartum to performBG 12.11
kartum doBG 16.24
kartum to doBG 18.60
kartum to do itSB 1.8.11
kartum for doing itSB 1.9.37
sat-kartum just purifySB 3.6.36
kartum to bestowSB 3.15.34
kartum to makeSB 3.24.30
kartum to doSB 4.3.14
kartum to doSB 4.6.49
kartum to manifestSB 4.15.24
kartum to doSB 4.19.34
kartum to makeSB 4.30.45
kartum to doSB 5.1.13
kartum to doSB 5.13.11
kartum arhasi you deserve to executeSB 6.7.31
kartum to doSB 7.2.49
tat-kartum to do thatSB 7.5.43-44
kartum to executeSB 8.24.49
kartum to performSB 9.4.37
kartum to doSB 9.9.26-27
kartum arhasi because you have kindly come here, kindly executeSB 10.8.6
kartum api by executingSB 10.8.25
kartum to makeSB 10.8.52
kartum to proveSB 10.10.24
kartum to createSB 10.13.18
kartum arhathaḥ You ought to doSB 10.23.1
kartum to makeSB 10.24.15
kartum arhasi please doSB 10.28.8
kartum to makeSB 10.42.6
kartum to makeSB 10.50.3
kartum to be doneSB 10.52.44
kartum to make itSB 10.83.22
kartum to makeSB 10.86.32
kartum be doneSB 10.90.40
kartum to makeSB 11.1.24
kartum to doCC Antya 9.44
kathayitum to speakCC Madhya 19.98
ke tumi who are YouCC Madhya 4.27
ke tumi who are youCC Madhya 14.17
ke tumi who are youCC Madhya 18.85
dhūmra-ketum DhūmraketuSB 5.7.2
ketum the flagSB 10.77.3
ketumāla-bhadrāśvayoḥ of the two varṣas named Ketumāla and BhadrāśvaSB 5.16.10
ketumālam KetumālaSB 1.16.12
ketumālam abhi into the land known as Ketumāla-varṣaSB 5.17.7
ketumāle in the tract of land known as Ketumāla-varṣaSB 5.18.15
ketumān by the name KetumānSB 9.6.1
ketumān KetumānSB 9.17.5
khyāpayitum to enunciateCC Madhya 19.119
khyāpayitum to enunciateCC Madhya 24.350
kratum KratuSB 4.13.17
mahā-kratum great sacrificeSB 4.13.25
śata-kratum King IndraSB 4.20.18
kratum the sacrificeSB 10.72.9
kratum the sacrificeSB 10.74.52
kratum the sacrificial performanceSB 10.84.55-56
kratumat KratumānSB 9.16.36
kṣantum just to pardonSB 1.18.47
kṣantum to forgiveSB 4.20.2
kṣantum arhasi please excuseSB 6.18.76
kṣantum to tolerateSB 10.16.51
kṣantum to forgiveSB 10.23.51
kṣantum to forgiveSB 10.27.8
kṣantum arhati should please forgiveSB 10.28.7
kṣantum forgiveSB 10.45.9
kṣantum arhasi You should please forgiveSB 10.68.44
kṣantum forgiveSB 10.89.8-9
kṣantum arhasi please forgiveSB 11.30.35
kṣapitum to expendSB 3.23.6
lokitum to seeCC Antya 14.120
mahā-kratum great sacrificeSB 4.13.25
karibā tumi mana you wantCC Madhya 24.328
mocitum to deliver (from this dangerous position)SB 8.2.32
mocitum to freeSB 11.26.15
moktum to releaseSB 10.20.5
moktum arhasi please releaseSB 10.65.29
mūrkha tumi You are a foolCC Adi 7.72
hantum na arhasi please do not killSB 10.54.33
arhasi naḥ samīhitum please act on my behalfSB 4.20.31
nāma tumi your nameCC Madhya 10.166
nartum in dancingSB 10.16.27
netum to takeSB 4.12.24
netum to leadSB 5.2.16
netum to take awaySB 6.1.28-29
netum to drag awaySB 7.7.8
netum to takeSB 10.39.13
netum to leadCC Antya 1.153
nihantum to kill himSB 10.77.29
nīlācale yābe tumi You will go to Jagannātha PurīCC Madhya 3.194
nirmathitum to churn the ocean of milkSB 8.7.9
nivartitum to ceaseBG 1.37-38
niyantum to controlSB 3.12.6
pābe tumi you will getCC Antya 6.295
pāile tumi did you obtainCC Madhya 17.165
kara tumi pāna drink itCC Madhya 4.25
parākrantum to overcomeSB 12.2.30
parihātum to abandonSB 11.29.46
pariṣvaktum to embraceSB 12.9.31-32
paritrātum just to deliverSB 4.19.37
paritrātum to saveSB 10.89.40
tum for protectionSB 3.12.32
tum to protectSB 4.28.48
tum to protectSB 5.18.27
prāduṣkartum to reviveCC Madhya 6.255
prakāśitum to exhibitCC Madhya 2.45
praṇetum to keepSB 11.31.13
prāptum for obtainingSB 1.7.46
prasādayitum to appeaseSB 9.18.35
prasāditum to satisfySB 9.19.9
prasamīḍitum to offer prayersSB 6.16.32
prathayitum to manifestCC Antya 1.153
prathitum in order to spreadSB 10.14.37
pratibhāṣitum properly replyingSB 1.15.2
pratīkartum to counteractSB 4.10.11-12
pratikartum to repaySB 9.18.43
pratipādayitum to fulfill properlySB 8.19.35
pratipūrayitum to satisfySB 8.19.21
pratiśaptum to make a counter-curseSB 6.17.37
prativaktum just to replySB 2.4.11
prativaktum to replySB 3.2.1
pratyākhyātum to refuseSB 3.31.25
pratyākhyātum to refuseSB 9.18.42
pravaktum to reply to themSB 1.2.1
pravartayitum to introduce againSB 3.24.37
puchile tumi You inquiredCC Madhya 21.65
pulastyaḥ tumburuḥ Pulastya and TumburuSB 12.11.33
racayitum to createBs 5.35
rakṣitum to protect thatCC Adi 17.293
rantum to take pleasureSB 10.15.3
rantum with the purpose of playingSB 10.20.25
rantum to enjoyMM 4
rantum to enjoyMM 9
tumat ṛtumatSB 8.2.9-13
sādhitum in order to secureSB 10.53.18-19
saha-tumburuḥ along with his tumburu (musical instrument)SB 1.13.38
sākṣāt īśvara tumi You are the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 24.315
samādhātum to fixBG 12.9
samādhātum to restrainSB 6.1.62
samādhātum to composeSB 11.23.2
samāhartum in destroyingBG 11.32
samākhyātum to explainSB 10.62.1
samarpayitum to bestowCC Adi 1.4
samarpayitum to bestowCC Adi 3.4
samarpayitum to bestowCC Antya 1.132
samavekṣitum to look upon Him directlySB 10.74.27-28
śamayitum to curbSB 6.9.41
saṃhartum to destroySB 11.1.10
samīhate hātum endeavors to give upCC Antya 20.156
arhasi naḥ samīhitum please act on my behalfSB 4.20.31
sammātum place on equal footingSB 1.18.42
śaṃsitum to explainSB 1.1.9
saṃsthātum to be stoppedSB 4.14.42
samuddhartum to lift outSB 10.64.4
samvaribe tumi You will closeCC Antya 11.31
saṃvihartum to play withSB 6.14.57
sandhitum to satisfySB 9.19.9
sannyāsī tumi You are a sannyāsīCC Madhya 18.109
santyaktum to give upSB 10.17.24
santyaktum to give upSB 10.47.48
śaptum to curseSB 4.2.17
śaptum to curseSB 9.9.23-24
śāsitum to bring under controlSB 4.13.42
sat-kartum just purifySB 3.6.36
śata-kratum King IndraSB 4.20.18
se hao tumi whatever You may beCC Adi 17.114
sei tumi You are the same KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 13.126
setum the respect of religionSB 3.1.36
setum Vedic principlesSB 4.2.30
setum a bridgeSB 9.10.15
setum a bridgeSB 9.10.16
setum to the bridge (Setubandha)SB 10.79.11-15
sevitum to enjoySB 5.18.3
siddha-deha tumi you are already liberatedCC Antya 11.24
snātum to batheSB 9.15.8
snātum in order to batheSB 10.22.6
snātum in order to bathe (before breaking the fast at its prescribed completion)SB 10.28.1
śocitum to lamentBG 2.26
śocitum to lamentBG 2.27
śocitum to lamentBG 2.30
śocitum to lament aboutSB 7.2.20
śocitum to lamentSB 10.51.43
śrotum to hearSB 1.12.3
śrotum to listenSB 3.22.8
śrotum to hearSB 6.13.3
śrotum to hearSB 6.14.7
śrotum to hearSB 7.11.2
śrotum icchāmahe desire to hearSB 8.1.31
śrotum to hearSB 8.24.1
śrotum icchāmi I wish to hear (from you)SB 9.4.14
śrotum to hearSB 10.52.19
śrotum to hearSB 10.67.1
śrotum to hearSB 10.80.1
śrotum arhatha please listenSB 10.84.29
śrotum to hearSB 11.3.16
śrotum to hearSB 12.5.13
sthātum to staySB 2.5.13
sthātum arhasi you may remainSB 4.27.22
sthātum to staySB 7.3.6
sthātum to staySB 8.15.29
sthātum to remainSB 9.18.40
sthātum to standSB 10.29.36
sthātum to remainCC Madhya 22.32
stotum to praiseSB 4.15.20
su-tumulam very furiousSB 10.56.23
su-tumulam very tumultuousSB 10.63.7
taptum to lamentSB 7.9.53
taptum to perform austeritiesSB 9.3.36
tārayitum to freeSB 8.2.28
tat-kartum to do thatSB 7.5.43-44
tigmaketum TigmaketuSB 4.13.12
trātum give releaseSB 1.7.35
trātum arhathaḥ please saveSB 10.19.9
trātum arhasi kindly protectSB 10.25.13
trātum to saveSB 10.89.30-31
trātum is capable of deliveringSB 11.8.41
dugdha-tum squash cooked with milkCC Madhya 15.211
saha-tumburuḥ along with his tumburu (musical instrument)SB 1.13.38
pulastyaḥ tumburuḥ Pulastya and TumburuSB 12.11.33
mūrkha tumi You are a foolCC Adi 7.72
se hao tumi whatever You may beCC Adi 17.114
dhanya tumi you are so fortunateCC Madhya 1.220
nīlācale yābe tumi You will go to Jagannātha PurīCC Madhya 3.194
kara tumi pāna drink itCC Madhya 4.25
ke tumi who are YouCC Madhya 4.27
kara tumi You can doCC Madhya 5.96
nāma tumi your nameCC Madhya 10.166
kaha tumi yes, you can speakCC Madhya 11.4
bhāgyavān tumi you are very fortunateCC Madhya 13.97
sei tumi You are the same KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 13.126
ke tumi who are youCC Madhya 14.17
bhaja tumi engage yourself in His serviceCC Madhya 15.142
bhāgyavān tumi you are fortunateCC Madhya 15.228
yāha tumi you please goCC Madhya 16.116
pāile tumi did you obtainCC Madhya 17.165
ke tumi who are youCC Madhya 18.85
sannyāsī tumi You are a sannyāsīCC Madhya 18.109
kahilā tumi you have spokenCC Madhya 20.30
puchile tumi You inquiredCC Madhya 21.65
vyādha tumi you are a hunterCC Madhya 24.250
sākṣāt īśvara tumi You are the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 24.315
īśvara tumi You are the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 24.327
karibā tumi mana you wantCC Madhya 24.328
īśvara tumi You are the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Antya 1.203
cāha tumi you wantCC Antya 4.83
karāilā tumi You have causedCC Antya 5.76
pābe tumi you will getCC Antya 6.295
siddha-deha tumi you are already liberatedCC Antya 11.24
samvaribe tumi You will closeCC Antya 11.31
su-tumulam very furiousSB 10.56.23
su-tumulam very tumultuousSB 10.63.7
tyaktum to be renouncedBG 18.11
tyaktum to leaveSB 3.30.5
tyaktum to give upSB 6.14.56
tyaktum to give them upSB 9.4.65
tyaktum to give upSB 9.14.34
tyaktum to give upSB 9.18.27
tyaktum abandonSB 10.41.11
tyaktum to leaveSB 10.42.10
tyaktum giving upSB 10.48.9
tyaktum giving upSB 11.6.43
udāhartum as you will let knowSB 2.8.24
uddhartum to separateSB 4.5.22
uddhartum to lift upMM 49
udīkṣitum to glanceSB 12.8.36
udīkṣitum to see sufficientlyCC Madhya 2.61
udīkṣitum to see sufficientlyCC Madhya 23.31
udīrayitum to speakSB 6.4.41
goptum udyataḥ prepared to give protectionSB 4.17.31
ūhitum to understand by reason and argumentSB 5.18.23
upabhoktum to enjoyCC Adi 4.52
upabhoktum to enjoyCC Adi 4.146
upabhoktum to enjoyCC Adi 4.275
upabhoktum to enjoyCC Madhya 8.149
upabhoktum to enjoyCC Madhya 20.182
upaitum to go before the LordSB 7.9.1
upākartum measure in totalitySB 3.6.35
upāsitum to come together and worship MeSB 8.17.13
utthāpayitum to awakenSB 3.26.62
utthāpayitum to arouseSB 3.26.71
vaktum to sayBG 10.16
vaktum to narrateSB 3.4.25
vaktum arhasi please narrateSB 4.17.6-7
vaktum to speakSB 6.2.33
vaktum arhasi kindly describeSB 8.24.2-3
vaktum to speakSB 9.1.7
vaktum to describeSB 10.1.12
vaktum to speakSB 10.64.8
vaktum speakSB 11.3.34
vaktum to speak or explainSB 11.14.31
vaktum to explainSB 11.22.1-3
vaktum to speakMM 28-29
varṇayitum to describeSB 10.21.4
vastum to liveSB 8.24.18
vastum to liveSB 8.24.20
veditum to understandBG 13.1-2
veditum to understandBG 18.1
veditum to understandSB 1.5.16
veditum to understandSB 2.8.2
veditum to knowSB 6.3.10
veditum to understandSB 6.9.32
veditum to knowSB 6.19.1
veditum to knowSB 7.1.17
veditum to knowSB 7.4.44
veditum to understandSB 8.15.1-2
veditum to knowSB 9.9.19
veditum to understandSB 10.70.38
veditum to knowSB 10.86.1
veditum to understandSB 10.88.2
veditum to understandSB 11.3.1
veditum to knowSB 11.13.15
vidhartum to holdSB 10.90.22
vidhātum to proveSB 7.8.17
vidhātum to proveSB 7.9.29
vidhātum to administerSB 8.9.5
vihantum to avoidSB 5.1.12
vihantum to destroyBs 5.50
vihartum out of transcendental pleasureSB 1.9.32
vihartum to sportSB 10.58.13-14
vihartum to playSB 10.64.1
vihātum willing to give upSB 1.5.19
vihātum to give upSB 5.19.6
vijetum to conquerSB 10.61.3
vijñātum to knowBG 11.31
vijñātum to knowSB 10.10.32
vijñātum to understandCC Adi 17.281
vijñātum to understandCC Madhya 7.73
vijñātum to understandCC Madhya 9.150
vikampitum to hesitateBG 2.31
vikhyāpayitum to make it knownSB 10.64.7
vilokitum to look uponSB 4.20.21
vimathitum to perturbSB 1.11.36
vimathitum to agitateSB 10.61.4
vimathitum to agitateSB 11.6.18
vimātum to countSB 10.14.7
vimātum to countCC Madhya 21.11
vimocitum to liberate from material bondageSB 7.6.9
vimocitum to liberateSB 7.6.17-18
vimoktum to become freeSB 5.5.27
vimoktum to freeSB 10.37.31
vismartum to forgetSB 3.2.18
vismartum to forgetSB 10.47.50
vivasitum to get outSB 3.31.17
vyādha tumi you are a hunterCC Madhya 24.250
vyāhartum to describeSB 10.1.14
vyākhyātum arhasi please describeSB 6.1.6
vyākhyātum arhasi please explainSB 6.18.21
vyapohitum undoing the sameSB 1.8.51
nīlācale yābe tumi You will go to Jagannātha PurīCC Madhya 3.194
yabhitum to have sexSB 3.20.26
yabhitum to copulateSB 10.85.47
yācitum to begSB 8.19.20
yāha tumi you please goCC Madhya 16.116
yantum to regulateSB 10.87.33
94 results
tum noun (masculine) [gramm.] infinitive suffix
Frequency rank 35435/72933
tumba noun (masculine) the gourd Lagenaria vulgaris (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 16815/72933
tumbanalī noun (feminine) a kind of alchemical apparatus
Frequency rank 53674/72933
tumbara noun (masculine) a kind of plant name of a people (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 21392/72933
tumbarikā noun (feminine) coriander (?) a kind of plant
Frequency rank 53675/72933
tumbaru noun (masculine) coriander (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 559) Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 559) Excoecaria agallocha Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 559) name of a singing servant of Viṣṇu the fruit of Diospyros embryopteris Pers. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 559) Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 559) Zanthoxylum alatum Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 559) Zanthoxylum budrunga Wall. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 559) Zanthoxylum hamiltonianum Wall. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 559) Zanthoxylum oxyphyllum Edgew. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 559) Zanthoxylum rhetsa DC. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 559)
Frequency rank 8122/72933
tumbaruvallī noun (feminine) a kind of plant (??)
Frequency rank 53679/72933
tumbavīṇa noun (masculine) Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 53676/72933
tumbikā noun (feminine) Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl. the Tumba gourd
Frequency rank 28225/72933
tumbinī noun (feminine) the Tumba gourd
Frequency rank 15739/72933
tumbupa noun (masculine) name of a people
Frequency rank 53678/72933
tumburu noun (neuter) coriander or the fruit of Diospyros embryopteris (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 17955/72933
tumburu noun (masculine) Coriandrum sativum Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 559) coriander Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 559) Excoecaria agallocha Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 559) name of a city/region name of a Gandharva who was transformed into the terrible Rākṣasa Virādha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Muni name of a pupil of Kalāpin (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Viloman Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 559) Zanthoxylum alatum Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 559) Zanthoxylum budrunga Wall. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 559) Zanthoxylum hamiltonianum Wall. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 559) Zanthoxylum oxyphyllum Edgew. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 559) Zanthoxylum rhetsa DC. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 559)
Frequency rank 5262/72933
tumburusakha noun (masculine) name of a son of Vilomaka
Frequency rank 35436/72933
tum noun (feminine) a milk-pail (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 24124/72933
tum noun (feminine) Asteracantha longifolia (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the gourd Lagenaria vulgaris (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 9382/72933
tumbīkā noun (feminine) a kind of plant (?)
Frequency rank 53677/72933
tumbīnalī noun (feminine neuter) a kind of alchemical apparatus
Frequency rank 24125/72933
tumula noun (neuter) clatter (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
tumult (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
tumultus (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 8121/72933
tumula noun (masculine) name of a king Terminalia Bellerica (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 53673/72933
tumula adjective noisy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
tumultuous (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 1858/72933
tumura noun (masculine) name of a people
Frequency rank 53672/72933
akartum indeclinable
Frequency rank 26065/72933
ajīvitum indeclinable
Frequency rank 41913/72933
ajñātum indeclinable
Frequency rank 41922/72933
atantumant adjective
Frequency rank 41982/72933
atumbara noun (masculine) a kind of plant
Frequency rank 42296/72933
anarcitum indeclinable
Frequency rank 42744/72933
anavekṣitum indeclinable
Frequency rank 42799/72933
anaśitum indeclinable not to eat
Frequency rank 42802/72933
anākhyātum indeclinable
Frequency rank 42822/72933
anāsvādayitum indeclinable not to taste (inf.)
Frequency rank 31839/72933
avartitum indeclinable
Frequency rank 45219/72933
ahetumant adjective
Frequency rank 15504/72933
tumant adjective coming at regular or proper times (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
enjoying the seasons (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Frequency rank 14786/72933
tumatī noun (feminine) a girl at the age of puberty (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a woman during her courses or just after them (during the period favourable for procreation) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
marriageable girl (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 14070/72933
tumālā noun (feminine) [geogr.] name of a river
Frequency rank 47914/72933
kaṭutum noun (masculine feminine) a kind of bitter gourd (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a wild variety of Lagenaria siceraria Standley a wild variety of Lagenaria vulgaris Seringe Citrullus colocynthis Schrad. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 528) Cucurbita pepo Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 528) Lagenaria siceraria Standley (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 528)
Frequency rank 6597/72933
kaṭutumbika noun (neuter) the fruit of kaṭutumbī
Frequency rank 48312/72933
kaṭutumbikā noun (feminine)
Frequency rank 17756/72933
kaṭutumbinī noun (feminine) particular plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 33748/72933
kākatum noun (feminine) a kind of plant (=kākatuṇḍī??)
Frequency rank 48962/72933
kutum noun (feminine) a kind of plant
Frequency rank 49640/72933
kutumbaka noun (masculine neuter) a kind of plant
Frequency rank 23737/72933
kutumbikā noun (feminine) Phlomis zeylanica Roxb.
Frequency rank 34117/72933
kutumburu noun (masculine) coriander
Frequency rank 49641/72933
kumbhatum noun (feminine) a kind of large round gourds (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 27584/72933
kustumbarī noun (feminine) plant coriander (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 19182/72933
kustumburī noun (feminine)
Frequency rank 34185/72933
kustumburu noun (masculine) the plant coriander (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 12456/72933
kustumburu noun (neuter) coriander seed of coriander (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 19183/72933
ketumant adjective clear (as a sound) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
endowed with brightness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 27649/72933
ketumant noun (masculine) a Yakṣa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Ambarīśa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Dānava (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Muni (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a mountain (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a palace of Vāsudeva's wife Sunandā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a regent of the western part of the world (son of Rajas) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Dhanvantari (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Kṣema and father of Suketu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Kṣemya and father of Varshaketu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a warrior (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 8767/72933
ketumatī noun (feminine) a metre (of 2 1021 syllables) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of the wife of Sumālin (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 34249/72933
ketumālā noun (feminine) name of a Tirtha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 27650/72933
ketumālin noun (masculine) name of a Dānava (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Muni (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
[rel.] name of Śiva
Frequency rank 50078/72933
ketumāla noun (masculine) name of a boar (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a people (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Āgnīdhra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 17812/72933
ketumāla noun (masculine neuter) one of the nine great divisions of the known world (the western portion or Varsha of Jambūdvīpa) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 19197/72933
ketumālaka noun (masculine neuter) name of a king the Varsha called Ketu-māla (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 50079/72933
kṣīratum noun (feminine) the bottle-gourd (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 50591/72933
gorakṣatum noun (feminine) a kind of gourd
Frequency rank 34732/72933
jatumaṇi noun (masculine) a mole (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 19325/72933
jatumukha noun (masculine) a kind of rice (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 52642/72933
jantumant adjective containing worms or insects (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 28064/72933
jantumātṛ noun (masculine) a kind of worm living in the bowels (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 35103/72933
jantumārin noun (masculine) the citron (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 52676/72933
tantumant adjective "roping" (as a liquid) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
mit Fäden durchzogen
Frequency rank 19364/72933
tantumāla noun (masculine) a kind of plant
Frequency rank 53276/72933
tiktatum noun (feminine) a bitter gourd (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Citrullus colocynthis Schrad. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 528) Cucurbita pepo Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 528) Lagenaria siceraria Standley (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 528)
Frequency rank 53512/72933
divyatum noun (feminine) a kind of cucumber a kind of plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 54456/72933
dugdhatum noun (feminine) a kind of gourd (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 54577/72933
devakutumbaka noun (masculine) a kind of plant
Frequency rank 54916/72933
doṣadhātumalakṣayavṛddhivijñānīya noun (masculine) name of Suśr, Sū. 15
Frequency rank 55037/72933
dhātumant adjective abounding in minerals or metals (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
containing elements (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 18024/72933
dhātumala noun (neuter) faeces (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
impure excretion from the fluids of the body (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
lead (the most impure of metals) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 36000/72933
dhātumākṣika noun (neuter) sulphuret of iron (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
mākṣika svarṇamākṣika
Frequency rank 18025/72933
dhātumārin noun (masculine) sulphur (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 55395/72933
nāgatum noun (feminine) a kind of cucumber
Frequency rank 55804/72933
bhoktumanas adjective
Frequency rank 60880/72933
bhūtum noun (feminine) a kind of cucumber (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 37889/72933
bhūtumbikā noun (feminine) a kind of plant
Frequency rank 60964/72933
bhūtumbinī noun (feminine) name of a divyauṣadhī
Frequency rank 60965/72933
bhūmitumbikā noun (feminine) a kind of divyauṣadhī
Frequency rank 60991/72933
bhūmitumbinī noun (feminine) name of a divyauṣadhī
Frequency rank 60992/72933
makaraketumant noun (masculine) name of Kānsadeva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 61103/72933
yoktumanas adjective intending to connect
Frequency rank 63095/72933
vāstumānalakṣaṇa noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.46
Frequency rank 65304/72933
stumbhu noun (masculine) [gramm.] root stumbh
Frequency rank 71698/72933
svādutumbikā noun (feminine) a kind of plant
Frequency rank 41339/72933
hantumanas adjective intending to kill (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 72306/72933
haritatumbilī noun (feminine) a kind of plant
Frequency rank 72355/72933
hetumant noun (masculine) name of a Marut (?)
Frequency rank 72677/72933
hetumant adjective accompanied with arguments (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
controverted by arguments (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
having a reason or cause (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
having the Hetu (or second Avayava of a syllogism) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
open to arguments (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
proceeding from a cause (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
provided with reasons or proofs (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
reasonable (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
well-founded (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 5195/72933
hetumattara adjective
Frequency rank 72678/72933


vetiver grass, Andropogon muricatum.


1. a barrier not to be crossed; 2. palm of the hand with fingers extended; 3. Plant life plant, Biophytum sensitivum; water mimosa, Neptunea oleracea.


tumour; growth; big lump


Plant combination of jīvaka (Melaxis mucifera), ṛṣabhaka (Melaxis acuminta), meda, mahāmeda (Polygonum verticillatum), kākoli (Roscoea purpuera), kṣīrakākoli (Fritillaria roylei), riddhi (Hebenaria intermedia), vṛddhi (Hebenaria edegwothi).


1. lump of stone; 2. globular swelling below the navel; prostate hypertrophy; 3. hard tumour.


Plant atis root; Aconitum heterophyllum.


swelling, benign tumor; decrease of strength.


restorative; to make heavy; bṛṃhaṇavasti administration of oily medicine through rectum.


Plant cubeb; elephant pepper; dried stem of Piper retrofractum; P. chaba; P. officinarum


Plant cowhage or velvet bean, Carpopogon capitatum; syn. Mucuna pruriens.


Plant pomegranate; Punica granatum.


Plant Indian barberry, false turmeric, dried stem of Berberis aristata; Coscinium fenestratum is used in Kerala as dāruharidra due to similarity in therapeutic action to Berberis species.


Plant 1. rosy mildweed plant, Oxystelma esculentum; 2. prostrate spurge, Euphorbia prostrata. 3. thyme leaved spurge, Euphorbia thymifolia.


tumour in throat.


benign throat tumour.


tumour in throat; pharyngitis, laryngitis.


Plant leaf and stem of Onosma bracteatum, sedge.


anus; rectum; gudabhramśa anal prolapse; prolapse of rectum; gudavasti rectal enema.


anal folds, folds of rectum.


abdominal lump; phantom tumour.


Plant maiden hair; Adiantum lunulatum.


mole, birthmark.


tumor/adenoma on the palate; kaccapayantra an instrument used to make jārana of mercury and sulfur.


Plant banana; fresh rhizome of Musa paradisiaca, M. sapientum.


Go to alābu


Plant kodrava; Paspalum scrobiculatum.


haemoptysis, blood in sputum.


Plant seed of coriander.


reddish, second layer of skin, stratum corneum.


Plant 1. pepper plant, 2. needle flower jasmine, Jasminum auriculatum.


Plant root & rhizome of Polygonatum cirrhifolium, P. verticillatum


after pains; labour pains experienced by women in pelvic region in post-partum period.


Plant purple amaranth; Amaranthus blitum.


Plant Polygonum verticillatum, syn. Convallaria verticillata.


Plant 1. small water fern; 2. musli, Chlorophytum tuberosum, C. borivillianum; 3. Curculigo orchioides.


1. little mouse, 2. testicle, scrotum.


Plant nutgrass, dried rhizome of Cyperus rotundus. Now used as a substitute for ativiṣa, Aconitum heterophyllum.


tumour in bladder.


nasal obstruction, deviation of septum.


1. non-venomous; 2. a kind of snake sans poison; 3. Plant jadwar, Delphinium denudatum.


Plant 1. Uraria picta; Desmodium triquetrum. syn. Hedysarum alatum, Doodia picta.


menstruating women; girl at the age of puberty.


stenosis of the rectum.


1. tumour in the throat; 2. nut-meg; 2. frog.


autumn season.


kind of tumour; vericocele, angioma.


1. a deadly disease of throat, malignant tumor/cancer; 2. female scorpion; 3. cannon.


Plant 1. spiked ginger lily, dried rhizome of Hedychium spicatum; 2. Kaempferia galanga; 3. Curcuma zedoaria; C. zerumbet.


bitumen, rock pitch, mineral pitch.


greater or Nepal cardamom, Amomum subulatum.


oedema, swelling, intumescence.


1. white; 2. third layer of skin, stratum luciderm.


1. copper; 2. fourth layer of skin, stratum granulosum.


Plant stem bark & dried fruit of Zanthoxylum alatum, Z. armatum.


holy basil, Ocimum sanctum.


Plant 1. black and white ebony, Diospyros malabarica; 2. Hercules’ club, Zanthoxylum armatum.


radiating pain from intestine to rectum and vice versa.


fatty tumor, neuro fibroma.


sore throat, benign or malignant tumour in throat


omentum; fold of peritoneum.


suppository, applied to produce a local action on the rectum or vagina, wick, bougie; roll of cloth.


Plant aconite, Aconitum ferox, A. chasmanthum.


urinary obstruction and inflammation with smelling urine; impacted faeces in the rectum.


1. scaly lesions on palms and soles, cracking of feet, 2. sour tumour on the foot, 3. one of the vāta diseases.


Plant better stud, Biophytum sensitivum.


lethal point (marma) between groin and scrotum, damage can lead to impotence.


tumour in throat, inflammatory oedema.


pain in scrotum.


vaginal cyst or tumour.

Wordnet Search
"tum" has 43 results.



vīṇāsadṛśaṃ bṛhattaraṃ tantuvādyam।

mahyaṃ tumbaravādyasya vādanaṃ bahu rocate।



dhātoḥ mūrtiḥ।

eṣā dhātumūrtiḥ prācīnā asti।


tuvarī, tuvaraḥ, kaṣāya-yāvānalaḥ, rakta-yāvānalaḥ, lohita-kustumburu-dhānyam   

sasya-viśeṣaḥ, yasya bījarūpāḥ kaṣāyāḥ yāvānalāḥ bhojane upayujyante।

asmin saṃvatsare tuvaryaḥ sasyaṃ vipulaṃ dṛśyate।


tuvarī, tuvaraḥ, kaṣāya-yāvānalaḥ, rakta-yāvānalaḥ, lohita-kustumburu-dhānyam   

dhānya-viśeṣaḥ, kaṣāyo yāvānalaḥ āyurvede asya vātaśamanatva-virecakāditvādayaḥ guṇāḥ proktāḥ।

adya ahaṃ odanena saha tuvarīṃ pacāmi।


dhātumaya, dhātvīya, dhātvika   


lohasya ghanatvaṃ dhātumayaṃ lakṣaṇam।


śabdaḥ, dhvaniḥ, svanaḥ, nisvanaḥ, svānaḥ, nisvānaḥ, nādaḥ, ninādaḥ, ninadaḥ, nāditaḥ, anunādaḥ, nirhrādaḥ, saṃhrādaḥ, nirghoṣaḥ, ghoṣaḥ, nighuṣṭam, ravaḥ, rāvaḥ, ārāvaḥ, virāvaḥ, saṃrāvaḥ, āravaḥ, svaraḥ, dhvānaḥ, dhvanaḥ, nidhvānaḥ, svaniḥ, svanitam, kvaṇaḥ, raṇaḥ, kuṇindaḥ, ghuḥ, pratyayaḥ, tumulaḥ   

yaḥ śrutimpannaḥ।

tīvreṇa śabdena tasya ekāgratā bhagnā।


kolāhalaḥ, kalakalaḥ, tumularavaḥ, kālakīlaḥ   

dūrāt āgataḥ bahuvidhaḥ avyaktaḥ uccadhvaniḥ।

kolāhalaṃ śrutvā mātā kakṣe agacchat।


alābuḥ, alābūḥ, ālābuḥ, tum   

phalaviśeṣaḥ yaḥ pittaśleṣmāpahaḥ vṛṣyaḥ rūcikaraḥ dhātupuṣṭivardhakaḥ ca asti।

ālāboḥ śākaḥ tasmai rocate।


tumbakaḥ, tum   

alāboḥ kaṭuprakārakaḥ।

mahyaṃ tumbakasya śākaṃ na rocate।


durgā, umā, kātyāyanī, gaurī, brahmāṇī, kālī, haimavatī, īśvarā, śivā, bhavānī, rudrāṇī, sarvāṇī, sarvamaṅgalā, aparṇā, pārvatī, mṛḍānī, līlāvatī, caṇaḍikā, ambikā, śāradā, caṇḍī, caṇḍā, caṇḍanāyikā, girijā, maṅgalā, nārāyaṇī, mahāmāyā, vaiṣṇavī, maheśvarī, koṭṭavī, ṣaṣṭhī, mādhavī, naganandinī, jayantī, bhārgavī, rambhā, siṃharathā, satī, bhrāmarī, dakṣakanyā, mahiṣamardinī, herambajananī, sāvitrī, kṛṣṇapiṅgalā, vṛṣākapāyī, lambā, himaśailajā, kārttikeyaprasūḥ, ādyā, nityā, vidyā, śubhahkarī, sāttvikī, rājasī, tāmasī, bhīmā, nandanandinī, mahāmāyī, śūladharā, sunandā, śumyabhaghātinī, hrī, parvatarājatanayā, himālayasutā, maheśvaravanitā, satyā, bhagavatī, īśānā, sanātanī, mahākālī, śivānī, haravallabhā, ugracaṇḍā, cāmuṇḍā, vidhātrī, ānandā, mahāmātrā, mahāmudrā, mākarī, bhaumī, kalyāṇī, kṛṣṇā, mānadātrī, madālasā, māninī, cārvaṅgī, vāṇī, īśā, valeśī, bhramarī, bhūṣyā, phālgunī, yatī, brahmamayī, bhāvinī, devī, acintā, trinetrā, triśūlā, carcikā, tīvrā, nandinī, nandā, dharitriṇī, mātṛkā, cidānandasvarūpiṇī, manasvinī, mahādevī, nidrārūpā, bhavānikā, tārā, nīlasarasvatī, kālikā, ugratārā, kāmeśvarī, sundarī, bhairavī, rājarājeśvarī, bhuvaneśī, tvaritā, mahālakṣmī, rājīvalocanī, dhanadā, vāgīśvarī, tripurā, jvālmukhī, vagalāmukhī, siddhavidyā, annapūrṇā, viśālākṣī, subhagā, saguṇā, nirguṇā, dhavalā, gītiḥ, gītavādyapriyā, aṭṭālavāsinī, aṭṭahāsinī, ghorā, premā, vaṭeśvarī, kīrtidā, buddhidā, avīrā, paṇḍitālayavāsinī, maṇḍitā, saṃvatsarā, kṛṣṇarūpā, balipriyā, tumulā, kāminī, kāmarūpā, puṇyadā, viṣṇucakradharā, pañcamā, vṛndāvanasvarūpiṇī, ayodhyārupiṇī, māyāvatī, jīmūtavasanā, jagannāthasvarūpiṇī, kṛttivasanā, triyāmā, jamalārjunī, yāminī, yaśodā, yādavī, jagatī, kṛṣṇajāyā, satyabhāmā, subhadrikā, lakṣmaṇā, digambarī, pṛthukā, tīkṣṇā, ācārā, akrūrā, jāhnavī, gaṇḍakī, dhyeyā, jṛmbhaṇī, mohinī, vikārā, akṣaravāsinī, aṃśakā, patrikā, pavitrikā, tulasī, atulā, jānakī, vandyā, kāmanā, nārasiṃhī, girīśā, sādhvī, kalyāṇī, kamalā, kāntā, śāntā, kulā, vedamātā, karmadā, sandhyā, tripurasundarī, rāseśī, dakṣayajñavināśinī, anantā, dharmeśvarī, cakreśvarī, khañjanā, vidagdhā, kuñjikā, citrā, sulekhā, caturbhujā, rākā, prajñā, ṛdbhidā, tāpinī, tapā, sumantrā, dūtī, aśanī, karālā, kālakī, kuṣmāṇḍī, kaiṭabhā, kaiṭabhī, kṣatriyā, kṣamā, kṣemā, caṇḍālikā, jayantī, bheruṇḍā   

sā devī yayā naike daityāḥ hatāḥ tathā ca yā ādiśaktiḥ asti iti manyate।

navarātrotsave sthāne sthāne durgāyāḥ pratiṣṭhāpanā kriyate।


karkāruḥ, kuṣmāṇḍaḥ, kuṣmāṇḍī, kuṣmāṇḍakaḥ, kūṣmāṇḍaḥ, kūṣmāṇḍī, kūṣmāṇḍakaḥ, alābuḥ, alābūḥ, ātāvuḥ, tum   

phalaprakāraḥ yasmāt sūpaṃ śākaṃ vā pācayati।

katipayāya janāya karkāroḥ śākaṃ rocate।


karkāruḥ, kuṣmāṇḍaḥ, kuṣmāṇḍī, kuṣmāṇḍakaḥ, kūṣmāṇḍaḥ, kūṣmāṇḍī, kūṣmāṇḍakaḥ, alābuḥ, alābūḥ, ātāvuḥ, tum   

latāprakāraḥ yasyāḥ phalāt sūpaṃ śākaṃ vā pācayati।

karṣake karkāruḥ pakvaḥ।


chatrā, avārikā, sugandhi, dhānyakam, dhānyabījam, tumburu, tumbarī, kustumburuḥ, kustumbarī   

upaskaraviśeṣaḥ, kustumbarīkṣupasya vṛttākārabījāni।

prasāde api chatrāḥ upayujyante।


viḍam, rasaśodhanam, lohadrāvī, lohaśleṣaṇaḥ, dhātumāriṇī   

khanijakṣāraviśeṣaḥ saḥ kṣāraḥ yaḥ uṣṇagandhakasya strotasaḥ prāpsyate।

viḍāt naikāni rāsāyanikadravyāṇi nirmīyante।


rajasvalā, ṛtumatī, ṛtumati, rajavatī, puṣpavatī   

yasyā rajaḥ pravahati।

rajasvalā strī garbhaṃ dhāraṇaṃ kartuṃ śakyate।




jatumaṇau śarīre cihnāni bhavanti।



ekaḥ gandharvaḥ yaḥ saḍa़gītasya jñātā āsīt।

tumbaruḥ nāradasya śiṣyaḥ āsīt।


rajasvalā, ṛtumatī, puṣpitā, ṛtumatī, kusumavatī, udakyā, madhyamikā, puṣpavatī, puṣpahāsā, avi, dṛṣṭapuṣpā, brahmaghātinī, mlānāṅgī   

sā strī yasyāḥ rajaṃ pravahati।

garbhasya dhāraṇāya akṣamā rajasvalā janaiḥ pīḍitā।



karnāṭakarājye vartamānam ekaṃ nagaram।

bhavatī kimarthaṃ tumakuranagaraṃ gantum icchati।



karnāṭakarājye vartamānam ekaṃ maṇḍalam।

tumakuramaṇḍalasya mukhyālayaḥ tumakuranagare asti।


utkrośaḥ, ākrośaḥ, tumulam, kolāhalaḥ, kalakalaḥ, ravaḥ, rāvaḥ, praṇādaḥ, krośaḥ, udghoṣaḥ, ārtanādaḥ   

cītkāreṇa udbhūtaḥ śabdaḥ।

mahilāyāḥ utkrośaṃ śrutvā sarve janāḥ tām adhāvan ।


strīgavī, dhenuḥ, tumbā, nilimpā, rohiṇī, payasvinī   

payoyuktā gauḥ।

rāmeṇa strīgavī krītā।




tumburoḥ varṇanaṃ purāṇeṣu prāpyate।



ekaḥ pradeśaḥ ।

ketumatyāḥ varṇanaṃ kośe vartate



sumālinaḥ patnī ।

ketumatyāḥ varṇanaṃ rāmāyaṇe samupalabhyate/sumālino'pi bhāryāsīt pūrṇacadranibhānanā nāmnā ketumatī rāma prāṇebhyo'pi garīyasī॥



ekaḥ parvataḥ ।

ketumataḥ ullekhaḥ bauddhasāhitye samupalabhyate



ekaḥ pradeśaḥ ।

ketumatyāḥ varṇanaṃ kośe vartate



sumālinaḥ patnī ।

ketumatyāḥ varṇanaṃ rāmāyaṇe samupalabhyate/sumālino'pi bhāryāsīt pūrṇacadranibhānanā/nāmnā ketumatī rāma prāṇebhyo'pi garīyasī



ekaḥ parvataḥ ।

ketumataḥ ullekhaḥ bauddhasāhitye samupalabhyate



ekaḥ janasamūhaḥ ।

ketumālāḥ harivaṃśe ullikhitāḥ santi


krūrakarmā, kaṭutumbinī   

ekaḥ vṛkṣakaḥ ।

krūrakarmaṇaḥ ullekhaḥ kośe vartate



vāsudevasya patnyāḥ sunandāyāḥ prāsādaḥ ।

ketumataḥ ullekhaḥ harivaṃśe prāpyate



ekaḥ janasamūhaḥ ।

ketumālāḥ harivaṃśe ullikhitāḥ santi


krūrakarmā, kaṭutumbinī   

ekaḥ kṣupaḥ ।

krūrakarmaṇaḥ ullekhaḥ kośe vartate


kumbhatumbī , gandhabahulā , gopālī , gorakṣadugdhā , dīrghadaṇḍī, sarpadaṇḍī , sudaṇḍikā, citralā , dīrgha-daṇḍī, pañca-parṇikā   

naikeṣāṃ kṣupānāṃ nāmaviśeṣaḥ ।

gorakṣī nāmnā prasiddhāḥ naike kṣupāḥ santi



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

tumiñjayasya ullekhaḥ taittariyasaṃhitāyāṃ vartate



ekaḥ janasamuhaḥ ।

tumbarasya ullekhaḥ harivaṃśe vartate



ekaṃ sthānam ।

tumbavanasya ullekhaḥ varāhamihireṇa kṛtaḥ



ekaḥ vaṃśaḥ ।

tumbumasya ullekhaḥ mahābhārate vartate



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

tumiñjayasya ullekhaḥ taittiriyasaṃhitāyāṃ vartate



ekaḥ janasamuhaḥ ।

tumbarasya ullekhaḥ harivaṃśe vartate



ekaṃ sthānam ।

tumbavanasya ullekhaḥ varāhamihireṇa kṛtaḥ



ekaḥ vaṃśaḥ ।

tumbumasya ullekhaḥ mahābhārate vartate

Parse Time: 1.924s Search Word: tum Input Encoding: Devanagari IAST: tum