tu | cl.2. (tauti- ; future 2nd totā-or tavitā- ) to have authority, be strong (perfect tense tūtāva- confer, compare ) ; to go ; to injure : Causal (Aorist tūtot-,2. sg. tos-) to make strong or efficient ; confer, compare ut--, saṃ-- ; tav/as-, etc., tīvr/a- ; [ Zend tav,"to be able"; Latin tumour,tueri,totus.]  |
tu | ind. (never found at the beginning of a sentence or verse;metrically also t/ū- ; confer, compare ) pray! I beg, do, now, then dum used (especially with the Imper.)  |
tu | but (also with ev/a-or v/ai-following) etc.  |
tu | and  |
tu | or  |
tu | often incorrectly written for nu-  |
tu | sometimes used as a mere expletive  |
tu | ca -- na tu- though -- still not  |
tu | na -- api tu- not -- but  |
tu | na ca -- api tu- not -- but  |
tu | kāmaṃ -- tu- though -- still  |
tu | kāmaṃ ca -- tu- though -- still  |
tu | kiṃ tu- though -- still  |
tu | paraṃ tu- though -- still  |
tu | kāmaṃ -- na tu- it is true -- but not, ere - than  |
tu | bhūyas -- na tu- it is true -- but not, ere -- than  |
tu | varam -- na tu- it is true -- but not, ere - than  |
tu | kiṃ tu- still, nevertheless  |
tu | na -- paraṃ tu- not -- however  |
tu | tu -- tu- certainly -- but  |
tubara | mfn. astringent (also tūb- )  |
tubara | m. n. an astringent taste  |
tubara | m. equals -yāvanāla-  |
tubara | m. See tūb-  |
tubara | m. alum or alum earth (also tumb- ; tūb- )  |
tubara | m. a bitch (also tumb-and tumburī-)  |
tubara | m. See tumburu-.  |
tubaraka | m. idem or 'm. a sort of grain '  |
tubaraka | m. Name of a tree, 45, 7, 11; iv, 9, 4; 13, 18; 31, 5  |
tubarayāvanāla | m. a sort of grain  |
tubarī | f. Cajanus indicus  |
tubarikā | f. Cajanus indicus |
tubarikā | f. alum or alum earth (also tūb- Scholiast or Commentator)  |
tubarīśimba | m. Cassia Tora  |
tubh | cl.1.4. tobhate-, tubhyati-, to hurt, kill : cl.9. (imperfect tense atubhnāt-) idem or 'm. Cassia Tora ' ; ([ confer, compare stubh-; Gothic thiubs.])  |
tuc | f. (only dative case c/e-), offspring, children  |
tuc | f. see t/uj-, tok/a-.  |
tuccha | mfn. empty, vain, small, little, trifling  |
tuccha | n. anything trifling  |
tuccha | n. chaff k.  |
tucchā | f. the 14th lunar day  |
tucchadaya | mfn. unmerciful  |
tucchadhānya | n. chaff  |
tucchadhānyaka | n. chaff  |
tucchadru | m. Ricinus communis  |
tucchaka | mfn. empty, vain  |
tucchaprāya | mfn. unimportant  |
tucchatva | n. emptiness, vanity  |
tucchaya | Nom. P. to make empty  |
tucchīkṛta | mfn. despised  |
tucchya | mfn. empty, vain  |
tucchya | n. emptiness, .  |
tuḍ | cl.1.6. tuḍati-, toḍ-, to strike ; to split ; to bring near (varia lectio) : Causal  |
tud | cl.6 P. d/ati- (parasmE-pada f. datī-or dantī- ; perfect tense tut/oda-; future 2nd totsyati-or tottā-, ; Aorist atautsīt-) to push, strike, goad, bruise, sting, vex etc. ; Passive voice to pain (said of a wound) : Causal See todita- ; ([ confer, compare t/ottra-etc.; etc.; Latin tundo.])  |
tud | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' "pricking" See vraṇa--.  |
tuda | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' "striking" See aruṃ--, tilaṃ--, vidhuṃ--  |
tuda | m. Name of a man gaRa śubhrādi-  |
tuda | m. see ut--.  |
tudādi | the roots of cl.6. (beginning with tud-)  |
tuḍḍ | cl.1 P. to disregard  |
tuḍī | f. Name of a rāgiṇī-.  |
tuḍiga | m. Name of a prince ,  |
tugā | f. (derived fr. -kṣīrī-) Tabashir (bamboo manna)  |
tugā | f. (gākhyā-) 45, 30.  |
tugākṣīrī | f. (fr. tvak-kṣ-) idem or 'f. (gākhyā-) 45, 30.' ,  |
tugākṣīrī | f. (once metrically ri-)  |
tugākṣīrī | f. see tukā-kṣ-.  |
tugra | m. Name of bhujyu-'s father (saved by the aśvin-s)  |
tugra | m. of an enemy of indra-, 20 and 26  |
tugra | m.  |
tugriya | Ved. equals rya-  |
tugrya | m. (fr. ra-,115) patronymic of bhujyu-  |
tugryā | f. plural (scilicet v/iśas-) tugra-'s race ["the waters" ]  |
tugryāvṛdh | mfn. favouring the tugrya- (indra-, soma-),  |
tugvan | n. a ford, .  |
tuh | cl.1. tohati-, to pain  |
tuhara | m. Name of two attendants of skanda-  |
tuhāra | m. Name of two attendants of skanda-  |
tuhi | a cuckoo's cry  |
tuhina | n. ( ) frost, cold, mist, dew, snow  |
tuhina | n. moonlight k.  |
tuhina | n. camphor  |
tuhinā | f. the tree śuka-nāsa-  |
tuhinācala | m. equals na-giri-  |
tuhinadīdhiti | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. equals -kara- ' '  |
tuhinādri | m. idem or 'm. equals na-giri- '  |
tuhinadyuti | m. idem or 'm. equals -kara- '  |
tuhinagiri | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. equals tuṣāra-giri- ' ' (varia lectio)  |
tuhinagirimaya | mfn. formed by the himālaya-  |
tuhinagu | m. equals -kara-  |
tuhinakaṇa | m. equals tuṣārak-  |
tuhinakara | m. equals tuṣāra-k-  |
tuhinakarasutā | f. "moon-daughter", the river narmadā-  |
tuhinakiraṇa | m. equals -kara-  |
tuhinakiraṇaputra | m. "monsoon", Mercury  |
tuhinakṣitibhṛt | m. equals tuṣāra-giri-  |
tuhinakṣmābhṛt | m. idem or 'm. equals tuṣāra-giri- '  |
tuhinamayūkha | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. equals -kara- ' ' '  |
tuhināṃśu | m. equals na-kara-  |
tuhināṃśu | m. camphor  |
tuhināṃśutaila | n. camphor-oil  |
tuhinaraśmi | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. equals -kara- ' ' ' '  |
tuhinaśaila | m. equals -giri-  |
tuhinaśarkarā | f. a piece of ice, ice  |
tuhinaya | Nom. P. to cover with ice  |
tuḥkhāra | equals tukh-  |
tuhuṇḍa | m. Name of a dānava-  |
tuhuṇḍa | m. (son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-) 6983  |
tuj | f. (only accusative jam- dative case j/e-) equals t/uc-,  |
tuj | cl.6. (3. dual number A1. jete-; parasmE-pada P. j/at-; infinitive mood j/ase-and t/uje-; Passive voice parasmE-pada jy/amāna-), and tuñj- (3. plural P. j/anti- A1. j/ate-; parasmE-pada jān/a-, t/uñjāna-,and t/uñjamāna-), to strike, hit, push ; to press out ("t/uñjati-,to give " ) ; A1. to flow forth, ; to instigate, incite, ; Passive voice to be vexed, : cl.1. tojati-, to hurt : Causal (parasmE-pada tuj/ayat-; Aorist Potential tutujy/āt-, parasmE-pada t/ūtujāna- q.v) to promote ; to move quickly. ; tuñjayati-,"to speak"or"to shine" ; tuñj- or tojayati-, to hurt, ; to be strong ; to give or take ; to abide ; see ā-tuj/i-. 3.  |
tuj | mfn. urging  |
tuj | f. (only instrumental case jā-) shock, impulse, assault  |
tuja | a thunderbolt (varia lectio tuñja-).  |
tuji | (only dative case j/aye-), propagation, .  |
tuji | Name of a man protected by indra-  |
tujya | mfn. to be pushed or impelled,  |
tujya | mfn.  |
tuk | m. (fr. t/uc-) a boy  |
tuk | = tak-, see su-- tuka-, parasmE-pada 1224.  |
tuka | m. Name of an astronomer.  |
tukākṣīrī | equals tugā--  |
tukhāra | (often spelt tuṣāra-See also tuḥkh-and tukkh-) m. plural Name of a people (northwest of madhya-deśa-)  |
tukka | m. Name of a man  |
tukkhāra | m. a tukhāra- horse  |
tukṣa | gaRa pakṣādi-.  |
tul | cl.10. tolayati-, or tul- (only tul-also figuratively; A1. ) to lift up, raise (future Passive voice tolayiṣyate-) ; to determine the weight of anything by lifting it up, weigh, compare by weighing and examining, ponder, examine with distrust etc. ; to make equal in weight, equal, compare (with instrumental case exempli gratia, 'for example' na brāhmaṇais tulaye bhūtam anyat-,"I do not compare any other being with Brahmans" ;or with an adverb terminating in -vat-) etc. ; to counterbalance, outweigh, match, possess in the same degree, resemble, reach ; (perfect tense parasmE-pada tulita-) & ([ confer, compare Latin te-tul-ietc.; etc.; Gothic thulan.])  |
tula | m. (for lā-) the sign Libra, (on ).  |
tulā | f. a balance, weight etc. (layā dhṛ-or lāṃ-with Causal of adhiruh-,"to hold in or put on a balance, weigh, compare"; lāṃ-with Causal of adhi-ruh-,"to risk" ; lām adhi--or ā--or sam-ā-ruh-,"to be in a balance", be equal with [instr.];the balance as an ordeal )  |
tulā | f. equal measure, equality, resemblance etc. (lām i-or gam-or ā-yā-or ā-lamb-or dhā-,"to resemble any one or anything"[instr. or in compound ]; lāṃ na bhṛ-,"to have no equal" ; lāṃ-with Passive voice of nī-,"to become equal to"[gen.])  |
tulā | f. equals la- etc.  |
tulā | f. Name of a measure (= 100 pala-s)  |
tulā | f. a kind of beam in the roof of a house  |
tulabha | bhīya-, v.l. for ul-.  |
tulābhāra | m. equals -puruṣadāna-  |
tulābhavānī | f. Name of a town  |
tulābhṛt | m. equals -dhara-  |
tulābhṛt | m. a balance bearer  |
tulābīja | n. the guñjā- berry (used as a weight)  |
tulādāna | n. equals -puruṣa-d-  |
tulādhāna | (lādh-) n. "putting on a balance", weighing  |
tulādhara | m. "scale-holder" equals la-  |
tulādhāra | mfn. bearing a balance  |
tulādhāra | m. equals -pragraha-  |
tulādhāra | m. the beam  |
tulādhāra | m. a merchant  |
tulādhāra | m. the bearer of an ordeal balance  |
tulādhāra | m. equals la-  |
tulādhāra | m. Name of a merchant  |
tulādhāraṇa | n. equals lādhān/a-  |
tulādhaṭa | m. a balance cup  |
tulādhaṭa | m. an oar  |
tulādhiroha | (lādh-) m. risk  |
tulādhirohaṇa | (lādh-) mfn. resembling  |
tulāguḍa | m. a kind of ball (used as a missile)  |
tulaji | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a king of Tanjore (1765-1788 D.) and reputed author of various wks.  |
tulaka | m. "ponderer", a king's counsellor  |
tulākoṣa | m. weighing on a balance  |
tulākoṭī | f. tulākoṭi |
tulākoṭi | m. (f. ) the end of the beam (-yaṣṭi- )  |
tulākoṭi | m. a foot-ornament of women (also tulākoṭī ṭī- f. )  |
tulākoṭi | m. Name of a weight  |
tulākoṭi | m. ten millions  |
tulakuci | m. Name of a prince (son of sahalin-)  |
tulāmāna | n. weights and measures, .  |
tulana | n. lifting  |
tulana | n. weighing, rating,  |
tulana | n. Name of a high number  |
tulanā | f. rating  |
tulanā | f. equalness with (instrumental case or in compound)  |
tulāpaddhati | f. Name of work by kamalākara-.  |
tulāparīkṣā | f. a balance ordeal  |
tulāpragraha | m. the string of a balance  |
tulāpragrāha | m. the string of a balance  |
tulāpuṃs | m. (= - puruṣa-),  |
tulāpuruṣa | m. gift of gold etc. equal to a man's weight (named as a penance)  |
tulāpuruṣa | m. viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa-,  |
tulāpuruṣadāna | n. gift of gold etc. equal to a man's weight (named as a penance)  |
tulasāriṇī | f. a quiver  |
tulasi | metrically for sī-  |
tulasī | f. holy basil (small shrub venerated by vaiṣṇava-s;commonly Tulsi) and (produced from the ocean when churned) (produced from the hair of the goddess tulasī-, .)  |
tulasīdveṣā | f. a kind of basil  |
tulasikā | f. equals sī-,  |
tulasīpattra | n. " tulasī- leaf", a very small gift  |
tulasīvivāha | m. the marriage of viṣṇu-'s image with the tulasī- (festival on the 12th day in the 1st half of month kārttika-)  |
tulasīvṛndāvana | n. a square pedestal (before a Hindu house-door) planted with tulasī-.  |
tulāsūtra | n. equals -pragraha-  |
tulāvarārdha | mfn. at least as much in weight  |
tulāvarārdhya | mfn. at least as much in weight  |
tulāvat | mfn. furnished with a balance  |
tulāyaṣṭi | f. "the beam" See -koṭi-.  |
tuli | lī- See tur/i-and rī-.  |
tulikā | f. a wagtail  |
tulima | mfn. what may be weighed |
tulima | tulya- See columns 2, 3.  |
tulinī | li-phalā- See tūl-.  |
tulita | mfn. lifted up weighed  |
tulita | mfn. equalled, compared, .  |
tulvala | See taulvali-.  |
tulya | mf(ā-)n. (in compound accent ) equal to, of the same kind or class or number or value, similar, comparable, like (with instrumental case or genitive case [ see ] or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; exempli gratia, 'for example' tena-[ ] or etasya-[ ] or etat--[24],"equal to him") etc.  |
tulya | mf(ā-)n. fit for (instrumental case)  |
tulya | mf(ā-)n. even  |
tulya | n. Name of a dance  |
tulya | n. contemporaneously  |
tulyabala | mfn. of equal strength.  |
tulyabhāvanā | f. (in mathematics) combination of like sets.  |
tulyābhidhāna | mfn. of equal name (id est having a name corresponding to one's qualities),  |
tulyacodana | n. an equally important rule,  |
tulyadarśana | mfn. regarding with equal or indifferent eyes  |
tulyagariman | mfn. of the same dignity with (instrumental case),  |
tulyaguṇa | mfn. possessing the same qualities, equally good  |
tulyajātīya | mfn. similar Va1rtt. 1  |
tulyakakṣa | mfn. equal to (in compound)  |
tulyakāla | mfn. contemporary with (instrumental case)  |
tulyakālatva | n. contemporariness Va1rtt. 1.  |
tulyakālīya | mfn. equals la-  |
tulyakarmaka | mfn. having the same object (in Gramm.)  |
tulyakrama | mfn. keeping the same pace,  |
tulyākṛti | mfn. equals ya-rūpa-.  |
tulyakulya | m. "of the same family", a relative  |
tulyalakṣman | mfn. having the same characteristic  |
tulyam | ind. equally, in like manner  |
tulyamūlya | mfn. of equal value.  |
tulyanaktaṃdina | mfn. having equal days and nights  |
tulyanaktaṃdina | mfn. not distinguishing between day and night  |
tulyanāman | mfn. of the same name  |
tulyanindāstuti | mfn. indifferent with regard to blame or praise  |
tulyāntaram | ind. in equal intervals  |
tulyānumāna | n. like inference, analogy.  |
tulyapāna | n. compotation  |
tulyārtha | mfn. equally rich  |
tulyārtha | mfn. of the same meaning  |
tulyarūpa | mfn. of equal form, analogous  |
tulyaśas | ind. in equal parts  |
tulyaśikha | m. plural "equal-braided", Name of certain mythical beings  |
tulyaśodhana | n. removal of like magnitudes (on both sides of an equation).  |
tulyaśruti | f. standing in the same nominal case (-tva-,abstr.)  |
tulyaśuddhi | f. equal subtraction  |
tulyatā | f. equals -tva-  |
tulyatā | f. "equality of place", conjunction (in astr.)  |
tulyatarka | m. (in dramatic language) a guess coming near the truth  |
tulyatejas | mfn. equal in splendour.  |
tulyātulya | mfn. like and unlike.  |
tulyatva | n. equality, resemblance with (instrumental case or in compound) ; (a--, negative )  |
tulyavaṃśa | mfn. of equal race with (genitive case) ( )  |
tulyāvastha | mfn. being in the same condition with (genitive case)  |
tulyavat | ind. like,  |
tulyavayas | mfn. of the same age  |
tulyavikrama | mfn. of equal prowess.  |
tulyavīrya | mfn. of equal strength.  |
tulyavṛtti | mfn. following the same occupation.  |
tulyayogitā | f. "combination of equal qualities (of unequal objects)", Name of a simile  |
tulyayogopamā | f. idem or 'f. "combination of equal qualities (of unequal objects)", Name of a simile '  |
tulyodyoga | mfn. equal in labours.  |
tumala | for mula-  |
tumb | cl.1. bati-, to distress, : cl.10. bayati-,"id.", or"to be invisible", .  |
tumba | m. the gourd Lagenaria vulgaris  |
tumbā | f. a milk-pail  |
tumbaka | m.  |
tumbakī | f. a) kind of drama of an inferior order (containing exhibitions of jugglery),  |
tumbara | n. equals raka-  |
tumbara | n. its fruit  |
tumbara | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio bura-)  |
tumbara | m. sg. for buru- (gandharva-)  |
tumbaraka | m. Name of a tree, .  |
tumbarī | f. a sort of grain  |
tumbarī | f. equals tub- (q.v).  |
tumbaru | for buru-  |
tumbavana | Name of a place  |
tumbavīṇa | m. "having the tumba- for a lute", śiva-  |
tumbī | f. idem or 'm. the gourd Lagenaria vulgaris '  |
tumbī | f. Asteracantha longifolia  |
tumbi | f. the tumba- gourd  |
tumbī | f. of ba-.  |
tumbikā | f. the tumba- gourd  |
tumbinī | f. the tumba- gourd  |
tumbīpuṣpa | n. the flower of the tumbī- gourd  |
tumbīvīṇā | f. a kind of lute  |
tumbīvīṇāpriya | m. "fond of that lute", śiva-  |
tumbuka | m. equals baka- (n., its fruit) .  |
tumbukin | mfn. (in music) puffing the cheeks in singing  |
tumbukin | m. a kind of drum.  |
tumbuma | m. plural Name of a race  |
tumbura | mf(ī-)n. See bara-  |
tumburī | f. See ru-, tubarī-.  |
tumburu | m. Name of a pupil of kalāpin- ( )  |
tumburu | m. of a gandharva- etc. ("attendant of the 5th arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-" )  |
tumburu | n. coriander or the fruit of Diospyros embryopteris (also rī-and tubarī- ) (metrically rū-) 118  |
tumiñja | m. Name of a man  |
tump | tumph- cl.1.6. pati-, phati-, to hurt ; see pra-stump-.  |
tumph | tump- cl.1.6. pati-, phati-, to hurt ; see pra-stump-.  |
tumra | mfn. big, strong  |
tumra | mfn. ([ confer, compare tūtum/a-; Latin tumidus.])  |
tumula | mf(ā-)n. tumultuous, noisy etc.  |
tumula | n. (Latin) tumultus-, tumult, clatter, confusion (once m. ) etc.  |
tumula | m. Terminalia Bellerica  |
tumura | equals mula-  |
tuṇ | cl.6 P. to curve,  |
tuna | varia lectio for t/ana-  |
tuṇḍ | cl.1 A1. to hurt,  |
tund | cl.1. dati-, to be active (varia lectio) ; see ni-tud-.  |
tuṇḍa | n. a beak, snout (of a hog etc.), trunk (of an elephant) etc.  |
tuṇḍa | n. the mouth (used contemptuously)  |
tuṇḍa | n. the point (of an arrow etc.) See ayas--, dhūs--  |
tuṇḍa | n. the chief, leader  |
tuṇḍa | m. Cucumis utilissimus  |
tuṇḍa | m. Beninkasa cerifera  |
tuṇḍa | m. śiva-  |
tuṇḍa | m. Name of a rakṣas-  |
tuṇḍa | m. see asthi--, kaṅka--, kāka--, kṛṣṇa--, vāyasa--, sūkṣma--  |
tuṇḍa | m. kaṭu-- and tikta-tuṇḍī-.  |
tunda | n. ( ) a protuberant belly  |
tunda | n. the belly  |
tunda | mfn. having a protuberant belly gaRa arśa-ādi-  |
tunda | m. the navel  |
tuṇḍadeva | m. Name of a race or of a class of men gaRa aiṣukāryādi- |
tuṇḍadevabhakta | mfn. inhabited by va-  |
tundādi | a gaRa of  |
tuṇḍakerī | ([ ]) f. equals ḍik-.  |
tuṇḍakerikā | ([ ]) f. equals ḍik-.  |
tundakūpī | f. "belly-cavity", the navel  |
tundakūpikā | f. "belly-cavity", the navel  |
tundaparimārja | mfn. ( Va1rtt. 1 ) stroking one's belly  |
tundaparimārjaka | mfn. equals mṛja- =  |
tundaparimṛja | mfn. ( )"stomach-stroker" , lazy, .  |
tundavat | mfn. corpulent  |
tuṇḍela | m. Name of a goblin  |
tuṇḍī | f. a kind of gourd  |
tuṇḍi | m. a beak, snout k.  |
tuṇḍi | f. (also tundi- ) emphysema of the navel (in infants)  |
tuṇḍi | f. a prominent navel  |
tundī | f. idem or 'm. the navel '  |
tundi | m. ( ) Name of a gandharva-  |
tundi | f. See tuṇḍi-.  |
tuṇḍibha | mfn. ( ) having a prominent navel  |
tuṇḍibha | mfn. See tund-.  |
tundibha | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. equals dika- ', 117.' , 139  |
tundibha | mfn. varia lectio for tuṇḍ-.  |
tuṇḍicela | n. a kind of costly garment  |
tuṇḍika | mfn. furnished with a snout  |
tuṇḍikā | f. the navel (see tund-)  |
tuṇḍika | f. equals kerī-  |
tundika | mfn. equals da-vat-,  |
tundikā | f. the navel  |
tundikara | m. the navel  |
tuṇḍikera | m. plural Name of a people  |
tuṇḍikera | m. (tauṇḍ- )  |
tuṇḍikerī | f. equals keśī-  |
tuṇḍikerī | f. a large boil on the palate and (metrically ri-)  |
tuṇḍikerī | f. the cotton plant  |
tuṇḍikerin | m. Name of a venomous insect, .  |
tuṇḍikeśī | f. Momordica monadelpha  |
tuṇḍila | mfn. idem or 'mfn. See tund-.'  |
tuṇḍila | mfn. talkative  |
tuṇḍila | mfn. See tund-.  |
tundila | mfn. (117) idem or 'mfn. varia lectio for tuṇḍ-.' (varia lectio tuṇḍ-) (also a-- negative)  |
tundila | mfn. equals tuṇḍibha-  |
tundila | m. gaṇeśa-  |
tundilaphalā | f. Cucumis utilissimus  |
tundilīkaraṇa | n. the act of causing to swell, increasing  |
tundilita | mfn. become corpulent  |
tuṇḍin | m. a bird,  |
tundin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. equals dika- ' , 117.  |
tundita | mfn. equals dika-  |
tuṅga | mf(ā-)n. prominent, erect, lofty, high etc.  |
tuṅga | mf(ā-)n. chief.  |
tuṅga | mf(ā-)n. strong  |
tuṅga | m. an elevation, height, mountain (see bhṛgu--) (varia lectio)  |
tuṅga | m. top, peak  |
tuṅga | m. (figuratively) a throne  |
tuṅga | m. a planet's apsis  |
tuṅga | m. Rottleria tinctoria  |
tuṅga | m. the cocoa-nut  |
tuṅga | m. equals -mukha-  |
tuṅga | m. Mercury  |
tuṅga | m. Name of a man  |
tuṅga | n. the lotus stamina  |
tuṅgā | f. Mimosa Suma  |
tuṅga | n. Tabashir  |
tuṅga | n. a metre of 4 x 8 syllables  |
tuṅga | n. Name of a river in Mysore  |
tuṅga | n. turmeric  |
tuṅga | n. night  |
tuṅga | n. gaurī-  |
tuṅgabala | m. Name of a warrior  |
tuṅgabha | n. a planet's apsis  |
tuṅgabhadra | m. a restive elephant  |
tuṅgabhadrā | f. the Tumbudra river in Mysore (formed by the junction of the tuṅgā- and bhadrā-)  |
tuṅgabhadrāmāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
tuṅgabīja | n. quicksilver  |
tuṅgadhanvan | m. Name of a king of suhma-  |
tuṅgaka | m. Rottleria tinctoria  |
tuṅgaka | n. Name of a sacred forest (also kāraṇya-)  |
tuṅgakūṭa | Name of a tīrtha-  |
tuṅgamukha | m. "long-snouted", a rhinoceros  |
tuṅganābha | m. Name of a venomous insect  |
tuṅganāsa | m. long-nosed |
tuṅganāsikā | f. a long-nosed woman, iv, 1, 55  |
tuṅganāsikī | f. a long-nosed woman, iv, 1, 55  |
tuṅganātha | m. equals bhṛgu-tuṅga- ,  |
tuṅgaprastha | m. Name of a mountain  |
tuṅgaśaila | m. Name of a mountain with a temple of śiva-  |
tuṅgaśailamāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
tuṅgaśekhara | m. "high-peaked", a mountain  |
tuṅgatva | n. "height"and"passionateness"  |
tuṅgaveṇā | f. Name of a river in the Deccan  |
tuṅgeśvara | m. Name of a temple of śiva-  |
tuṅgeśvarāpaṇa | m. Name of a market-place, .  |
tuṅgī | f. a kind of Ocimum  |
tuṅgī | f. of ga-.  |
tuṅgiman | m. height  |
tuṅgin | mfn. being in the apsis (a planet)  |
tuṅgīnāsa | m. Name of a venomous insect  |
tuṅginī | f. Name of a plant.  |
tuṅgīpati | m. "night-lord", the moon  |
tuṅgīśa | m. idem or 'm. "night-lord", the moon '  |
tuṅgīśa | m. the sun  |
tuṅgīśa | m. śiva-, kṛṣṇa-  |
tuṇi | m. Cedrela Toona  |
tuṇika | m. Cedrela Toona  |
tuñja | m. shock, assault,  |
tuñja | m. see tuja-.  |
tuñjīna | m. Name of several kings of Kashmir  |
tunna | mfn. struck, goaded, hurt, cut etc.  |
tunna | m. equals nnaka-  |
tunnā | f. (also"a violated woman").  |
tunna | nnaka- See tud-.  |
tunnaka | m. Cedrela Toona, .  |
tunnasevanī | f. the suture of a wound  |
tunnasevanī | f. a suture of the skull  |
tunnavāya | m. a tailor  |
tunyu | m. Name of a tree  |
tup | tuph- cl.1.6. topati-, tup-, toph-, tuph-, to hurt ; ([ confer, compare tubh-, tump-;, ; Latin stupeo; German stumpf.])  |
tuph | tup- cl.1.6. topati-, tup-, toph-, tuph-, to hurt ; ([ confer, compare tubh-, tump-;, ; Latin stupeo; German stumpf.])  |
tur | (see tṝ-, tvar-) cl.6. to hurry, press forwards, (parasmE-pada r/at-) (A1. r/ate-): cl.4. (Imper. tūrya-) to overpower ; A1. to run ; to hurt : cl.3. tutorti-, to run : Causal turayate- (parasmE-pada r/ayat-) to run, press forwards : Desiderative t/ūtūrṣati-, to strive to press forwards ; Intensive parasmE-pada t/arturāṇa-, rushing, pressing each other (waves),  |
tur | mfn. running a race, conquering,  |
tur | mfn. ( turam ram- accusative or ind."quickly") promoting, a promoter,  |
tur | mfn. see ap--, āji--, pṛtsu--, pra--, mithas--, rajas--, ratha--, etc.  |
tura | mfn. quick, willing, prompt  |
tura | mfn. strong, powerful, excelling, rich, abundant  |
tura | m. Name of a preceptor and priest with the patronymic kāvaṣeya-  |
tura | mfn. hurt  |
tura | mfn. see ā--.  |
turaga | m. "going quickly", a horse etc.  |
turaga | m. (hence) the number 7  |
turaga | m. the mind, thought  |
turaga | f. equals ga-gandhā-  |
turagabrahmacaryaka | n. "sexual restraint of horses", compulsory celibacy  |
turagadaitya | m. "horse-titan", keśin-  |
turagadānava | m. "horse-titan", keśin-  |
turagagandhā | f. Physalis flexuosa  |
turagakāntā | f. "horse-loved", a mare  |
turagakāntāmukha | m. "mare's mouth", submarine fire (vaḍabā-mukha-)  |
turagakriyāvat | mfn. occupied with horses  |
turagalīlaka | m. Name of a time (in music)  |
turagamedha | m. a horse-sacrifice  |
turagamukha | m. "horse-faced", a kiṃnara-,  |
turagānana | m. plural "horse-faced", Name of a people  |
turaganīlatāla | m. Name of a gesture  |
turagaparicāraka | m. equals -rahṣa-  |
turagapātaka | m. a groom,  |
turagapriya | m. "liked by horses", barley  |
turagarakṣa | m. "horse-guardian", a groom  |
turagaratha | m. a cart drawn by horses  |
turagāroha | m. a horseman,  |
turagātu | (r/a--) mfn. going quickly  |
turagavāhyālī | f. a riding-school (varia lectio raṃg-)  |
turagī | f. a mare  |
turagin | m. a horseman  |
turagopacāraka | m. equals ga-rakṣa- |
turaka | m. plural the Turks  |
turakin | mfn. Turkish  |
turakva | equals ka-.  |
turam | ind. tur |
turam | ind. See 2. t/ur-.  |
turaṃga | m. "going quickly", a horse etc.  |
turaṃga | m. (hence) the number 7  |
turaṃga | m. the mind, thought  |
turaṃgadveṣaṇī | f. a she-buffalo  |
turaṃgagandhā | f. idem or 'f. equals raga-gandhā- '  |
turaṃgāhvā | f. the jujube  |
turaṃgalīla | m. equals ag-  |
turaṃgama | m. a horse etc.  |
turaṃgamaratha | m. equals raga-r-  |
turaṃgamaśālā | f. a horse-stable  |
turaṃgamedha | m. equals rag-  |
turaṃgamī | f. a mare  |
turaṃgamukha | m. equals rag-  |
turaṃganātha | m. Name of the head of a sect  |
turaṃgapriya | m. equals rag-  |
turaṃgāri | m. "horse-enemy", a buffalo  |
turaṃgāri | m. Nerium odorum  |
turaṃgasādin | m. a horseman  |
turaṃgaskandha | m. a troop of horses  |
turaṃgasthāna | n. a horse-stable  |
turaṃgavadana | m. equals -mukha-  |
turaṃgavaktra | m. equals -mukha-  |
turaṃgayāyin | mfn. going on horseback  |
turaṃgī | f. a mare  |
turaṃgī | f. Name of a shrub  |
turaṃgī | f. equals raga-gandhā-  |
turaṃgībhūya | ind. ind.p. having become a horse  |
turaṃgin | m. a horseman  |
turaṃgin | m. a groom  |
turaṃgin | consisting of horses or horsemen,  |
turaṃgiṇī | f. a kind of gait (in dancing).  |
turaṇa | mf(ā-)n. swift  |
turaṇya | (gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi-) Nom. y/ati- (p. y/at-) to be quick or swift, 1; iv, 40, 3 ; to accelerate, 4; .  |
turaṇya | m. "swift", one of the moon's horses  |
turaṇyasad | mfn. dwelling among id est belonging to the quick  |
turaṇyu | mfn. swift, zealous,  |
turaṇyu | mfn.  |
turāṣāh | Nominal verb ṣāṭ-, ( ) overpowering the mighty or overpowering quickly and (indra-) (viṣṇu-; vocative case -ṣāṭ-)  |
turāṣāh | m. (accusative -sāham-; see ) indra-  |
turāṣāh | See  |
turaṣka | (equals ruṣka-) idem or ' equals ka-.'  |
turaspeya | n. the racer's or conqueror's drinking, .  |
turaspeya | See 2. t/ur-.  |
turaśravas | m. Name of a man  |
turayā | mfn. going quickly  |
turāyaṇa | n. " tura-'s way", Name of a sacrifice or vow (modification of the full-moon sacrifice)  |
turāyaṇa | n. cursory reading  |
turāyaṇa | m. (fr. r/a-) Name of a man ( )  |
turāyaṇa | See  |
turi | f. (only dative case ry/ai-) equals ry/ā-  |
turi | f. "swift", a weaver's brush (also tuli-and lī-)  |
turī | f. idem or 'f. "swift", a weaver's brush (also tuli-and lī-) '  |
turī | f. a shuttle  |
turī | f. (for tūlī-) a painter's brush (also tuli- )  |
turī | f. Name of a wife of vasudeva- ([ equals caturthī- equals śūdrā- Scholiast or Commentator ])  |
turi | See  |
turī | See  |
turīpa | n. (fr. r/i-and /ap-) seminal fluid  |
turīpa | mfn. spermatic (tvaṣṭṛ-),  |
turīpa | See  |
turīya | Nom. y/ati-, to go  |
turīya | mfn. (for ktur-[ Zend khtuiria]fr. cat/ur-) ( Va1rtt. 1) Vedic or Veda 4th etc.  |
turīya | mfn. consisting of 4 parts  |
turīya | n. the 4th state of spirit (pure impersonal Spirit or brahma-) ( )  |
turīya | mfn. being in that state of soul  |
turīya | mfn. t/ur-, a 4th, constituting the 4th part  |
turīya | n. a 4th part etc. (with yantra-,"a quadrant" ).  |
turīyabhāga | m. a 4th part (varia lectio)  |
turīyabhāj | mfn. a sharer of a 4th  |
turīyādiṭya | for yam āditya-  |
turīyaka | mfn. a 4th (part)  |
turīyakavaca | n. Name of a spell.  |
turīyamāna | n. See -bhāga-.  |
turīyārdha | m. n. "half the 4th", an 8th part  |
turīyātīta | Name of an Up.  |
turīyavarṇa | m. "4th caste man", a śūdra-  |
turphari | mfn. = (kṣipra--) hantṛ- ( )  |
turpharītu | mfn. = (kṣipra--) hantṛ- ( )  |
turuṣka | m. plural (equals raṣka-) the Turks etc.  |
turuṣka | m. sg. a Turk  |
turuṣka | m. a Turkish prince  |
turuṣka | m. Turkestan  |
turuṣka | mn. ( ) olibanum  |
turuṣkadatta | m. Name of a man  |
turuṣkagaṇḍa | m. (in music) Name of a rāga-.  |
turuṣkakarpūra | mfn. consisting of olibanum and camphor |
turv | (see 1. tur-) cl.1 P. (2. sg. tūrvasi- dual number imperative vatam-; parasmE-pada t/ūrvat-) to overpower, excel (infinitive mood turv/aṇe-, ) ; to cause to overpower, help to victory, save, ; see pra--.  |
turva | m. equals v/aśa-,  |
turvaṇe | Ved. infinitive mood  |
turvaṇe | See turv-.  |
turvaṇi | mfn. overpowering, victorious  |
turvaśa | m. Name of a hero and ancestor of the Aryan race (named with yadu-; dual number turv/aśā y/adū-," turva- and yadu-", ; plural turva-'s race)  |
turvasu | m. (later form of śa-) Name of a son of yayāti- by devayānī- and brother of yadu-  |
turvīti | m. Name of a man  |
turyā | f. superior power  |
turya | mfn. ( Va1rtt. 1) 4th  |
turya | mfn. forming a 4th part  |
turya | n. the 4th state of soul (See rīya-),  |
turya | mfn. being in that state of soul  |
turya | y/ā- See column 1.  |
turyabhikṣā | f. the 4th part of alms  |
turyāśra | mfn. four-cornered  |
turyauhī | See rya-v/ah-.  |
turyavah | m. (in strong cases) vāh- Nominal verb vāṭ- f(ryauh/ī-). an ox or cow 4 years old  |
turyayantra | n. a quadrant  |
tuś | cl.1. tośate-, to drip, trickle,  |
tuś | (equals tuṣ-) cl.1. tośate- (parasmE-pada t/ośamāna-) to be satisfied or pleased with (instrumental case) ; to appease  |
tuṣ | cl.4. ṣyati- (metrically also te-; future tokṣyati-, toṣṭā-,and infinitive mood toṣṭum-[ ] [ ]; Aorist atuṣat- ; perfect tense tutoṣa-) to become calm, be satisfied or pleased with any one (genitive case dative case instrumental case locative case,or accusative with prati-) or anything (instrumental case) etc. ; to satisfy, please, appease, gratify, : Causal toṣayati- (or metrically te-) idem or ' (equals tuṣ-) cl.1. tośate- (parasmE-pada t/ośamāna-) to be satisfied or pleased with (instrumental case) ; to appease ' (parasmE-pada f. tuṣ/ayantī-) etc. ; Desiderative tutukṣati- : Intensive totuṣyate-, totoṣṭi- ; see tūṣṇ/īm-.  |
tus | cl.1. tosati-, to sound  |
tuṣa | m. the chaff of grain or corn or rice etc. etc.  |
tuṣa | m. Terminalia Bellerica  |
tuṣa | m. see a--, ut--, nis--.  |
tuṣadhānya | n. husk-corn  |
tuṣāgni | m. chaff fire  |
tuṣagraha | m. "husk-seizer", fire  |
tuṣaja | mfn. produced from chaff  |
tuṣajaka | m. Name of a śūdra-,  |
tuṣakhaṇḍana | n. "chaff-grinding", useless effort (varia lectio)  |
tuṣāmbu | n. sour rice- or barley-gruel  |
tuṣānala | m. idem or 'm. chaff fire '  |
tuṣānala | m. a capital punishment consisting in twisting dry straw round a criminal's limbs and setting it on fire  |
tuṣapakva | (t/uṣ-) mf(ā-)n. dried by chaff fire  |
tuṣāra | mf(ā-)n. cold, frigid  |
tuṣāra | m. sg. and plural frost, cold, snow, mist, dew, thin rain etc.  |
tuṣāra | m. equals -kaṇa-  |
tuṣāra | m. camphor  |
tuṣāra | m. plural for tukh-.  |
tuṣārādri | m. equals ra-giri-  |
tuṣāradyuti | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'f. equals -kara- ' '  |
tuṣāragaura | m. camphor |
tuṣāragharaṭṭikā | f. equals -kara-  |
tuṣāragiri | m. "snow-mountain", the himālaya-  |
tuṣārakaṇa | m. a dewdrop, icicle, flake of snow  |
tuṣārakara | m. "cold-rayed", the moon  |
tuṣārakara | m. a--,"the sun"  |
tuṣārakiraṇa | m. equals -kara-  |
tuṣārāṃśu | m. equals ra-kara-  |
tuṣāramūrti | m. equals -kara-  |
tuṣārapatana | n. snow-fall  |
tuṣāraraśmi | m. idem or 'm. equals -kara- '  |
tuṣārartu | (ṛt-) m. "cold season", winter  |
tuṣāraśaila | m. idem or 'm. equals -giri- '  |
tuṣāraśikharin | m. equals -giri-  |
tuṣārasruti | f. equals -patana-  |
tuṣāratviṣ | m. idem or 'f. equals -kara- '  |
tuṣāravarṣa | m. equals -patana-  |
tuṣāravarṣin | mfn. causing snow-fall  |
tuṣasāra | m. equals -graha-  |
tuṣita | m. plural a class of celestial beings etc. (12 in number ; 36 in number )  |
tuṣita | m. sg. viṣṇu- in the 3rd manv-antara-  |
tuṣitā | f. Name of the wife of veda-śiras- and mother of the tuṣita-s, 37  |
tuṣitakāyika | mfn. belonging to the body of the tuṣita-s  |
tuṣodaka | n. idem or 'm. idem or 'n. sour rice- or barley-gruel ' '  |
tuṣottha | m. idem or 'n. sour rice- or barley-gruel '  |
tuṣṭa | mfn. satisfied, pleased etc.  |
tuṣṭa | m. Name of a prince  |
tuṣṭa | ṣṭi-, ṣya- See tuṣ-.  |
tusta | m. n. dust (equals tūs-)  |
tuṣṭi | f. satisfaction, contentment etc. (9 kinds are reckoned in sāṃkhya- philosophy ;"Satisfaction"personified[ ] as daughter of dakṣa- and mother of saṃtoṣa- or muda- ;or as daughter of paurṇamāsa- ;as a deity sprung from the kalā-s of prakṛti- ;as a mātṛkā-, ;as a śakti- )  |
tuṣṭi | f. Name of a kalā- of the moon  |
tuṣṭi | f. the plant vṛddhi-  |
tuṣṭida | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. causing satisfaction ' '  |
tuṣṭijanana | mfn. idem or 'mfn. causing satisfaction '  |
tuṣṭikara | mfn. causing satisfaction  |
tuṣṭimat | mfn. satisfied ,  |
tuṣṭimat | m. Name of a prince  |
tuṣṭūṣita | see stu-, parasmE-pada 1259.  |
tuṣya | mfn. equals ṣṭi-mat- (śiva-)  |
tuṭ | cl.6. ṭati-, to quarrel  |
tutāta | m. Name of kumārila-  |
tutāta | m. see tautātika-.  |
tutha | m. (= br/ahman-)  |
tuṭi | mf. ( varia lectio truṭi-) small cardamoms  |
tuṭituṭa | m. śiva-  |
tuttha | n. (m. ) blue vitriol (used as an eye-ointment)  |
tuttha | n. fire  |
tuttha | n. a collyrium  |
tuttha | n. a rock k.  |
tutthā | f. the indigo plant  |
tutthā | f. small cardamoms  |
tutthaka | n. blue vitriol  |
tutthaka | n.  |
tutthāñjana | n. blue vitriol as an ointment  |
tutthaya | Nom. P. to cover  |
tuṭuma | m. a mouse or rat  |
tuturvaṇi | mfn. (1. tur-) striving to bring near or obtain  |
tuvara | see tubara-.  |
tuvi | f. for tumbī- (gourd)  |
tuvi | ( tu-) equals bahu-  |
tuvi | only in compound  |
tuvī | equals v/i-.  |
tuvibādha | mfn. oppressing many (indra-), 32, 6.  |
tuvibrahman | (v/i--). mfn. very devoted  |
tuvideṣṇa | (v/i--) mfn. giving much (indra-),  |
tuvidyumna | mfn. very glorious, powerful (indra-, agni-, the marut-s),  |
tuvigra | mfn. swallowing much (agni-)  |
tuvigra | mfn. (according to to some ="roaring loud", from 2. grī-).  |
tuvigrābha | mfn. seizing powerfully (indra-),  |
tuvigri | mfn. equals -gr/a- (indra-)  |
tuvigrīva | mfn. powerful-necked  |
tuvijāta | mfn. of powerful nature (indra-, varuṇa-, etc.), .  |
tuvikratu | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. powerful in working (indra-) ', 66, 12.' , 68, 2 (vocative case)  |
tuvikṣa | mfn. ? (indra-'s bow), 77, 11 ([ equals bahu--or mahā-vikṣepa- ]) . |
tuvikṣatra | mf(/ā-)n. ruling powerfully (aditi-)  |
tuvikūrmi | mfn. powerful in working (indra-)  |
tuvikūrmin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. powerful in working (indra-) ' , 66, 12.  |
tuvimagha | mfn. equals -deṣṇa-,  |
tuvīmagha | (v/ī--) equals vi-m-  |
tuvimanyu | mfn. very zealous (the marut-s),  |
tuvimātra | mfn. very efficacious (indra-),  |
tuvimrakṣa | mfn. injuring greatly, .  |
tuvinṛmṇa | mfn. very valiant (indra-)  |
tuviprati | mfn. resisting powerfully (indra-)  |
tuvirādhas | mfn. equals -deṣṇa-,  |
tuvīrava | mfn. making a terrible noise (in battle),  |
tuvīravas | Nominal verb vān- (see ) equals vi-ṣvaṇ/as-  |
tuviṣ | for vis- equals tav/as-.  |
tuviśagma | mfn. able to do much (indra-), 44, 2.  |
tuviṣmat | (t/uv-) mfn. powerful  |
tuviśravas | (v/i--) mfn. highly renowned (agni-),  |
tuviṣṭama | (v/iṣ--) mfn. Superl. strongest,  |
tuviśuṣma | mfn. high-spirited (indra-, indra-varuṇa-),  |
tuviṣvan | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. loud-sounding ', ' , 166, 1  |
tuviṣvan | mfn.  |
tuviṣvaṇas | mfn. loud-sounding  |
tuviṣvaṇi | mfn. idem or 'mfn. loud-sounding ' ,  |
tuvivāja | (v/i--) mf(ā-)n. abounding in food  |
tuvyojas | mfn. very powerful, iv, 22, 8.  |
abhikratu | mfn. insolent, haughty  |
abhiprastu | to praise with a stoma- (q.v)  |
abhisaṃstu | (pr. p. -stuvat-) to praise highly  |
abhisaṃstuta | mfn. highly praised  |
abhituṣ | -tuṣyati-, to be glad or pleased  |
acatura | mfn. destitute of four, having less than four  |
acatura | mfn. not cunning, not dexterous.  |
ācaturam | ind. ( commentator or commentary) till the fourth generation  |
ācaturya | n. (fr. a-catura- ), clumsiness, stupidity  |
adbhutakratu | (/adbhuta--) mfn. possessing wonderful intelligence  |
adhvaryukratu | m. sacrificial act performed by the adhvaryu-  |
ādityaketu | m. Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-  |
adṛptakratu | (/adṛpta--) mfn. sober-minded  |
āgantu | mfn. anything added or adhering  |
āgantu | mfn. adventitious, incidental, accidental  |
āgantu | m. "arriving", a new comer, stranger, guest  |
āgāntu | m. (equals ā-gantu-) a guest  |
āgāntu | See ā-gam-.  |
āgantuja | mfn. arising accidentally  |
āgantuka | mfn. anything added or adhering  |
āgantuka | mfn. incidental, accidental, adventitious (as pleasure, pain, ornament, etc.)  |
āgantuka | mfn. viṣṇu-s.  |
āgantuka | mfn. arriving of one's own accord, stray (as cattle)  |
āgantuka | mfn. interpolated (said of a various reading which has crept into the text without authority) commentator or commentary on  |
āgantuka | m. a new comer, stranger, guest  |
aghātuka | mfn. not injurious  |
agniketu | mfn. (agni--) having fire as an emblem or characteristic mark (uṣas-)  |
agniketu | m. (us-) Name of a rakṣas-  |
agnituṇḍa | m. a particular fire-spitting animal (existing in a hell),  |
ahaituka | mf(ī-)n. idem or 'mf(ā- )n. groundless.'  |
ahaituka | mf(ī-)n. causeless, unexpected (as samṛddhi-)  |
ahaituka | mf(ī-)n. having no motive, disinterested  |
ahaitukam | ind. without extraneous aid, through one's own ability or power  |
ahaitukya | n. haitukya |
ahetu | m. absence of cause or reason  |
ahetu | m. not a real or sound argument  |
ahetu | m. (in rhetoric) a certain figure of speech.  |
ahetuka | mf(ā- )n. groundless.  |
ahetusama | m. a particular sophism tending to prove an argument to be untenable  |
ahetutva | n. (in Buddhist terminology) absence of cause or necessity  |
ahetuvāda | m. the doctrine of the cārvāka-s,  |
ahetuvādin | m. an adherent of it, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
ahituṇḍika | m. (equals āhituṇḍika- q.v) a snake-catcher, snake-exhibitor  |
āhituṇḍika | m. (fr. ahituṇḍa-),"one (who plays) with a snake's mouth", a snake-catcher, juggler  |
āhṛtayajñakratu | (/āhṛta--) mfn. intending to accomplish a prepared sacrifice  |
aindraturīya | m. (scilicet graha-) a libation the fourth part of which belongs to indra-  |
ajastunda | n. Name of a town  |
ājitur | mfn. victorious in battles  |
aketu | mfn. shapeless, unrecognisable  |
aketu | mfn. ("unconscious" )  |
akhaṇḍitartu | (ṛtu-) mfn. "not breaking the season", bearing seasonable fruits.  |
akratu | mfn. destitute of energy or power ["of sacrifices" ]  |
akratu | mfn. foolish  |
akratu | mfn. free from desire  |
akṣarasadhātu | n. a particular manner of singing,  |
akṣastuṣa | m. Beleric Myrobalan.  |
aktu | m. tinge, ray, light  |
aktu | m. dark tinge, darkness, night  |
aktubhis | ind. at night  |
alaṃkārakaustubha | m. work on rhetoric  |
amantu | mfn. silly, ignorant  |
amastu | mfn. without thickened milk or sour cream  |
amitakratu | (/amita--) mfn. of unbounded energy  |
ānandacaturdaśīvrata | n. Name of a religious rite  |
anantacaturdaśī | f. the fourteenth lunar day (or full moon) of bhādra-, when ananta- is worshipped.  |
anātura | mfn. ([once /an-ātura- ]) free from suffering or weariness  |
anātura | mfn. well.  |
aṅgārasetu | m. Name of a prince, father of gāndhāra-.  |
aniṣṭahetu | m. an evil omen. |
anṛtu | m. unfit season  |
anṛtu | ind. unseasonably  |
anṛtukanyā | f. a girl before menstruation.  |
anṛtupā | (/an-ṛtu--) mfn. not drinking in time  |
antaḥkratu | ind. during a sacrifice,  |
antastuṣāra | mfn. having dew in the interior.  |
antu | m. (said to be from am-) a guardian, protector,  |
antu | a mark, characteristic,  |
anūnavastuka | mfn. complete in substance or essence,  |
anunitud | (imperfect tense 3. plural -atudan-) to wound with a stab, goad,  |
anuttuṇḍita | mfn. not having the front protruding,  |
anutunna | mfn. ( tud-), depressed or repressed (in sound), muffled  |
apartu | mfn. (ṝtu-) untimely, unseasonable  |
apartu | mfn. not corresponding to the season (as rain)  |
apartu | m. not the right time, not the season  |
apartu | ind. not in correspondence with the season  |
āpartuka | mfn. (fr. apartu- equals apṛtu-), not corresponding to the season.  |
apaturīya | mfn. not containing the last quarter,  |
apatuṣāra | mfn. free from mist or fog,  |
apatuṣāratā | (f.)  |
aprastuta | mfn. unconnected with, irrelevant, unsuitable to the time or subject  |
aprastuta | mfn. not principal, not being the chief subject-matter  |
aprastuta | mfn. indirect, accidental or extraneous  |
aprastuta | mfn. not laudable  |
aprastutapraśaṃsā | f. "conveying the subject-matter by that which is not the subject-matter", (in rhetoric) implied or indirect expression.  |
aprastutastuti | f. "conveying the subject-matter by that which is not the subject-matter", (in rhetoric) implied or indirect expression.  |
apratula | m. want of weight, want  |
aptu | mfn. small, tender [Comm.;but perhaps connected with apt/ur-above, because also, applied to the soma-]  |
aptu | mfn. body  |
aptumat | mfn. containing the word apt/u-  |
aptur | (only accusative sg. and plural /uram-and /urac-) m. (fr. 1. /ap-+ tvar-), active, busy (said of the aśvin-s, of soma-, of agni-, of indra-)  |
aptur | according to to others = ap-- t/ur-,"vanquishing the waters in speed", id est "swift, rapid".  |
araṇīketu | m. the plant Premna Spinosa  |
arantuka | m. Name of a tīrtha-  |
araṇyaketu | m. Name of a plant (see araṇī-ketu-.)  |
araṇyavāstuka | m. Name of a plant.  |
araṇyavastuka | m. Name of a plant.  |
ardhacaturtha | mfn. plural (See above 2. ardh/a-tend) three and a half , (jaina- PrakritaddhuTThaSee sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order adhyuṣṭa-.)  |
ārdhadhātuka | mf(ā-)n. (fr. ardha-dhātu-),"applicable to the shorter form of the verbal base", a technical N. given to the terminations of the perfect tense and bened. and to any Pratyaya (q.v) except the personal terminations of the conjugational tenses in P. and A1., and except the pratyaya-s which have the anubandha- ś-  |
ārdhadhātukīya | mfn. belonging or relating to an ārdhadhātuka-  |
ardhadvicaturaska | n. a particular posture,  |
ardhaketu | m. Name of a rudra-  |
argalāstuti | f. a hymn introductory to the devīmāhātmya-.  |
argalāstutistotra | n. a hymn introductory to the devīmāhātmya-.  |
ariṣṭagātu | (/areṣṭa-) mfn. having a secure residence  |
arkastubh | mfn. singing hymns  |
artuka | mfn. provoking, quarrelsome  |
ārtuparṇi | (fr. ṛtu-parṇa-) varia lectio for ārtaparṇa-, q.v  |
aruṃtuda | (mf(ā-)n.) ( )"beating or hurting a wound" , causing torments, painful  |
aruṃtuda | See aru-.  |
aruṇaketubrāhmaṇa | n. the brāhmaṇa- of the aruṇāḥ- ketavaḥ- (See aruṇās-above) ,  |
āruṇaketuka | mfn. belonging to the aruṇāḥ- ketavaḥ- (See under aruṇa-)  |
asaṃstuta | mfn. idem or 'mfn. unknown, unacquainted, not on terms of friendship (varia lectio)'  |
asaṃtuṣṭa | mfn. discontented, displeased  |
asarvakratu | (/a-sarva--) m. not a general sacrifice, not an optional sacrifice ,  |
aśmajatu | n. bitumen  |
aśmakasumantu | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
aśmaketu | m. Name of a plant  |
aṣṭadhātu | m. plural the eight metals collectively (as gold, silver, copper, tin, lead, brass, iron, and steel).  |
asthiketu | m. Name of a ketu-  |
asthituṇḍa | m. "whose mouth or beak consists of bone", a bird  |
astu | (3. sg. Imper.) , let it be, be it so  |
astu | there must be or should be (implying an order).  |
astu | existence, reality (= asti-- bhāva-),  |
āstubh | P. -stobhati-, to receive or attend with shouts of joy ; to huzza to  |
astuṃkāra | mfn. "one who says astu-, conceding, assenting unwillingly ", or"ordering" commentator or commentary  |
astuta | mfn. not praised (by a hymn)  |
astuta | mfn. not recited (as a hymn)  |
astuta | mfn. not liked, not popular  |
astuti | mfn. not praising anybody  |
astutya | mfn. not to be praised  |
astuvid | mfn. knowing that anything must be done  |
athatu | ind. but, on the contrary.  |
atidantura | (/ati--) mfn. whose teeth are too prominent |
atistuti | f. excessive praise  |
ativartula | mfn. very round  |
ativartula | m. a kind of grain or pot-herb.  |
ātmacaturtha | mfn. being one's self the fourth one with three others (Name of janārdana- respecting his four heads?)  |
ātmastuti | f. idem or 'm. self-praise ' (see stutīr-[acc. plural ] ātmanaḥ- )  |
atricaturaha | m. "the four days of atri-", Name of a sacrifice.  |
ātu | m. equals āḍū- q.v |
ātuc | (locative case ci-) f. growing dusk, evening  |
ātud | (p. -tud/at-; perf. -tut/oda-; ind.p. -tudya-) to strike, push, spur on, stir up  |
atuhina | not cold,  |
atuhinadhāman | m. "having not cold light", the sun  |
atuhinaraśmi | m. "having not cold light", the sun  |
atuhinaruci | m. "having not cold light", the sun  |
ātuje | Vedic or Veda infinitive mood to bring near  |
ātuji | mfn. ( tuj-), rushing on  |
ātul | (Inf. -tolayitum-) to lift up, raise (varia lectio)  |
atula | mfn. unequalled  |
atula | m. (destitute of weight) , the Sesamum seed and plant.  |
atulya | mfn. unequalled.  |
atulyaprabha | m. = amitā- bha-, .  |
atunda | mfn. not stout, thin.  |
atuṅga | mfn. not tall, short, dwarfish.  |
ātunna | mfn. struck (varia lectio ā-tṛṇṇa-).  |
ātura | mf(ā-)n. suffering, sick (in body or mind)  |
ātura | mf(ā-)n. diseased or pained by (in compound)  |
ātura | mf(ā-)n. desirous of (Inf.) (see an-ātur/a-.)  |
atura | mfn. not liberal, not rich  |
atuṣa | mfn. without husks  |
atuṣārakara | m. "having not cold rays", the sun.  |
atuṣṭi | f. displeasure, discontent.  |
atūtuji | mfn. not quick, slow  |
avāptukāma | mfn. desirous of attaining,  |
avāryakratu | (avāry/a-.), (6) mfn. of irresistible power  |
avasthācatuṣṭaya | n. the four periods or states of human life (viz. childhood, youth, manhood, and old age).  |
avastu | n. a worthless thing , insubstantiality, the unreality of matter  |
avāstu | mfn. having no home  |
avastutā | f. insubstantiality, unreality:  |
avastutva | n. ([ ]) insubstantiality, unreality:  |
avatulaya | Nom. P. yati- equals tūlair avakuṣṇāti-  |
avatunna | mfn. ( tud-), pushed off  |
aviharyatakratu | mfn. one whose will cannot be averted (["doer of acts undesired (by his foes)" ])  |
ayastuṇḍa | mfn. having an iron point  |
āyatacaturasra | mfn. oblong etc.  |
āyatacaturasra | m. an obtain tree, Musa Paradisiaca Lin.  |
āyatadīrghacaturasra | m. equals -caturasra-.  |
ayātu | m. not a demon  |
ayugdhātu | mfn. having an odd number of elements or component parts  |
babhrudhātu | m. red ochre  |
badarasaktu | m. plural meal of the fruit of the jujube  |
bahiṣkratu | ind. outside or apart from the sacrifice  |
bahuketu | m. Name of a mountain  |
bāhyavastu | n. external wealth or riches  |
bālacāturbhadrikā | f. a particular mixture for children  |
balavipulahetumati | n. Name of an asura-  |
balbajastukā | f. a bunch or tuft of balbaja- grass  |
barhaketu | m. Name of a son of sagara-  |
barhaketu | m. of a son of the ninth manu-  |
bhādramātura | m. (fr. bhadra-mātṛ-) the son of a virtuous or handsome mother  |
bhadratuṅga | m. Name of a tīrtha-  |
bhadraturaga | n. Name of a varṣa-  |
bhāgajāticatuṣṭaya | n. four modes of reduction of fractions etc.  |
bhagavadgītāhetunirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
bhagavannāmasmaraṇastuti | f. Name of work  |
bhagavatīstuti | f. Name of work  |
bhakṣyavastu | n. edible matter, victuals, viands  |
bhaktihetunirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
bhāsāketu | mfn. (fr. instrumental case of 2. bh/ās +k-) perceivable by or appearing through light  |
bhāṭṭakaustubha | m. or n. Name of work  |
bhātu | m. the sun  |
bhātu | m. equals dīpta- (see bhānu-).  |
bhautatulya | mfn. like an idiot, deranged, imbecile  |
bhavaketu | m. Name of a particular phenomenon in the sky  |
bhāvārthakaustubha | n. Name of work  |
bhayahetu | m. cause for fear, danger  |
bhayātura | mfn. distressed with fear, afraid  |
bhīṣmastuti | f. Name of a stotra- from the and from the  |
bhogavastu | n. an object of enjoyment  |
bhṛgutuṅga | m. " bhṛgu-'s peak", Name of a sacred mountain in the himālaya- (or in the vindhya-;also called bhṛgos t- ) |
bhūjantu | m. "earth-animal", a kind of snail  |
bhūmituṇḍika | m. Name of a district  |
bhūpatistuti | f. Name of a hymn.  |
bhūriprayogagaṇadhātuṭikā | f. Name of a commentator or commentary on a dhātu-pāṭha-.  |
bhūstuti | f. Name of hymns.  |
bhūtacaturdaśī | f. the 14th day in the dark half of the month kārttika- (consecrated to yama-)  |
bhūtaketu | m. Name of a son of manu- dakṣa-sāvarṇi-  |
bhūtaketu | m. of a vetāla-  |
bhūtumbī | f. a kind of cucumber  |
bisatantu | m. a lotus-fibre  |
bisatantumaya | mf(ī-)n. made of lotus-flower  |
brahmadhātu | m. an essential portion of brahma-  |
brahmagāthāstuti | f. Name of work  |
brahmaketu | m. Name of a man  |
brāhmaṇastuti | f. "praise of the brāhmaṇa-", Name of chapter of  |
brahmastuti | f. Name of a hymn of praise (also ti-stotra-)  |
brahmatulya | n. Name of a jyotiṣa-  |
brahmatulyagaṇita | n. Name of work  |
brahmatulyasiddhānta | m. Name of work  |
brahmatulyaṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
brahmatuṅga | m. Name of a mountain  |
brahmayātu | m. Name of a particular class of demons  |
bṛhatkaustubhālaṃkāra | m. Name of work  |
bṛhatketu | mfn. (h/at--) having great clearness or brightness (said of agni-)  |
bṛhatketu | m. Name of a king  |
bṛhattuhinaśarkara | mfn. full of great lumps of ice  |
cakratuṇḍa | m. (kr/a--) "circular-beaked", a kind of mythical being  |
cakratuṇḍa | m. a kind of fish  |
calaketu | m. (in astronomy) Name of a moving ketu-  |
campakacaturdaśī | f. "the 14th day in the light half of jyaiṣṭha-", Name of a festival.  |
caṇḍaketu | m. Name of a man  |
caṇḍatuṇḍaka | m. "powerful-beaked", Name of a son of the bird garuḍa-  |
candradhvajaketu | m. Name of a samādhi-  |
candraketu | m. Name of a son of lakṣmaṇa-  |
candraketu | m. of several other men  |
candraketu | m. of a vidyādhara-  |
candraketu | m. of a prince of cakora- (slain by an emissary of king śūdraka-)  |
candraketu | m. of a prince (emissary of king śūdrika-) |
candraketu | m. of a hero of kālikā-,  |
candrartu | (-ṛtu-) m. a lunar season  |
candrikātulya | m. "resembling moonlight", the chanda- fish (candraka-)  |
catu | mfn. equals turth/a-  |
catu | in compound for t/ur- (before s-followed by a surd dental and ṣ-followed by a surd lingual) .  |
catuḥ | in compound for t/ur- & t/us-.  |
catuḥpañca | etc. See catuṣ-p- see  |
catuḥpañcāśa | etc. See catuṣ-p- see  |
cātuḥśabdya | n. 4 moods of expression (śabda-) on Va1rtt. 2, and iii, 1, 43.  |
catuḥsādhana | mfn. yielding 4 ways of attaining an object  |
cātuḥsāgarika | mf(ī-)n. relating to the 4 oceans (sāgara-)  |
catuḥsahasra | (c/at-) n. 4000  |
catuḥsāhasraka | mf(ikā-)n. consisting of 4000  |
catuḥśākha | n. "having 4 extremities", the body |
catuḥśāla | mfn. having 4 halls  |
catuḥśāla | m. a building with 4 halls  |
catuḥśālaka | n. idem or 'm. a building with 4 halls '  |
catuḥśālikā | f. idem or 'n. idem or 'm. a building with 4 halls ' '  |
catuḥsama | mfn. having 4 symmetric parts of the body (viz. arms, knees, legs, and cheeks Scholiast or Commentator;but see -śākha-and c/atur-aṅga-) (see )  |
catuḥsama | n. an unguent of 4 ingredients (sandal, agallochum, saffron;and musk ).  |
catuḥsaṃdhi | mfn. composed of 4 parts  |
catuḥśamī | f. 4 śamī-s long  |
catuḥsaṃkara | mfn. (a lawsuit) in which 4 matters are mingled  |
catuḥsaṃstha | mfn. consisting of 4 saṃsthā-s or kinds of soma- oblation  |
catuḥsamudra | mf(ī-)n. (c/at-) having 4 seas  |
catuḥsamudra | mf(ī-)n. surrounded by 4 seas (the earth)  |
catuḥsana | mfn. containing the 4 sons of brahmā- (whose names begin with sana-,viz. sanaka-, sananda-, sanātana-, sanat-kumāra-)  |
catuḥśapha | (c/at-) mfn. four-hoofed  |
catuḥsaptata | mfn. the 74th (chapter of )  |
catuḥsaptati | f. 74  |
catuḥsaptatitama | mfn. equals ptata- (chapter of )  |
catuḥsaptātman | mfn. having 4 x 7 (id est ) shapes  |
catuḥśarāva | (c/at-) mfn. measuring 4 śarāva-s  |
catuḥṣaṣṭa | mfn. the 64th (chapter of )  |
catuḥṣaṣṭa | mfn. (with śata-,100) + 64  |
catuḥṣaṣṭi | f. 64  |
catuḥṣaṣṭi | f. the 64 kalā-s  |
catuḥṣaṣṭi | f. Name of (consisting of 64 adhyāya-s)  |
catuḥṣaṣṭi | mfn. (also applied to chapters of )  |
cātuḥṣaṣṭika | mfn. relating to the 64 (catuḥṣaṣṭi-) kalā-s  |
catuḥṣaṣṭikalāgama | m. a treatise on the 64 kalā-s  |
catuḥṣaṣṭikalāśāstra | n. idem or 'm. a treatise on the 64 kalā-s '  |
catuḥṣaṣṭitama | mfn. the 64th  |
catuḥṣaṣṭyaṅga | mfn. having 64 subdivisions (the jyotiḥ-śāstra-)  |
catuḥṣaṣṭyupacāramānasapūjāstotrastotra | n. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
catuḥśata | n. (c/at-) 104  |
catuḥśata | mf(ā-)n. 400  |
catuḥśatatama | mfn. the 104th (chapter of ).  |
catuḥśatī | f. "400 stanzas", Name of a Tantric poem  |
catuḥsauvarṇaka | mfn. having the weight of four suvarṇa-s, .  |
catuḥśikha | m. "four-tufted", Name of an author.  |
catuḥśikhaṇḍa | (c/at-) mf(ā-)n. four-tufted (tuṣ-kaparda- )  |
catuḥśila | n. 4 stones  |
catuḥsīta | (c/at-) mfn. having 4 furrows  |
catuḥsrakti | mfn. (c/at-) quadrangular (said of the vedi-)  |
catuḥsrakti | f. (scilicet vedi-) equals uttara-vedi-  |
catuḥśṛṅga | mfn. (c/at-) four-horned  |
catuḥśṛṅga | m. "four-peaked", Name of a mountain  |
catuḥśrotra | (c/at-) mf(ā-)n. four-eared  |
catuḥśruti | mfn. (in music) having 4 intervals.  |
catuḥstanā | See catu-s-.  |
catuḥsthāna | See catu-s-.  |
catuḥṣṭoma | See tu-ṣṭ-.  |
catuḥstotra | See catu-s-.  |
catuḥsuvarṇaka | mfn. having the weight of four suvarṇa-s, .  |
cātuḥsvarya | n. the use of 4 (svara-) accents, (viz. traisvarya-and eka-śruti-)  |
catula | mfn. equals sthāpayitṛ-  |
catur | tv/āras- m. plural , tv/āri- n. plural , 4 (accusative m. t/uras- instrumental case t/urbhis-[for f. ] genitive case turṇ/ām- ablative t/urbhyas-;class. instrumental case dative case ablative,and locative case also oxyt. ; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' and on ;for f.See c/atasṛ-); [ confer, compare, AEolic ; Gothic fidvor; Latin quatuor; Cambro-Brit. pedwar,pedair; Hibernian or Irish ceatkair; Lithuanian keturi; Slavonic or Slavonian cetyrje.]  |
catura | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' equals t/ur- (see upa--and tri-- vArttika; a--, vi--, su-- )  |
catura | mf(ā- see gaRa arśa-ādi-)n. ( cat- ) swift, quick  |
catura | mf(ā- see gaRa arśa-ādi-)n. dexterous, clever, ingenious, shrewd etc.  |
catura | mf(ā- see gaRa arśa-ādi-)n. charming, agreeable  |
catura | mf(ā- see gaRa arśa-ādi-)n. visible  |
catura | m. a round pillow (see cāt-)  |
catura | m. the fish Cyprinus Rohita  |
catura | m. (scilicet hasta-) a particular position of the hand  |
catura | n. equals -tā- gaRa arśa-ādi-  |
catura | n. an elephant's stable  |
cātura | mfn. (fr. cat/ur-) drawn by 4 (a carriage)  |
cātura | mfn. (fr. 2. cat-) clever, shrewd  |
cātura | mfn. speaking kindly, flattering  |
cātura | mfn. visible  |
cātura | mfn. governing  |
cātura | m. a small round pillow (see galla-cāturī-)  |
caturadhyāyī | f. "consisting of 4 adhyāya-s", Name of śaunaka-'s  |
caturādhyāyī | for -adh-.  |
caturadhyāyika | n.  |
caturadhyāyikā | f.  |
caturādhyāyika | for -adh-.  |
caturādhyāyikā | for -adh-.  |
caturaga | mfn. going quickly  |
caturagnivat | mfn. having 4 fires  |
caturaha | m. a period of 4 days  |
caturaha | m. a soma- sacrifice lasting 4 days (see atri-c-.)  |
caturaka | mf(ikā-)n. clever, skilful |
caturaka | m. Name of a jackal (see mahā--)  |
cāturaka | mfn. flattering  |
cāturaka | mfn. visible  |
cāturaka | mfn. governing  |
cāturaka | m. a small round pillow  |
caturakrama | m. (in music) a kind of measure.  |
caturakṣa | mf(/ī-)n. four-eyed  |
cāturakṣa | (fr. cat-) a cast of dice with 4 dots  |
caturakṣara | mfn. (c/at-) consisting of 4 syllables  |
caturakṣara | n. a combination of 4 syllables  |
caturakṣaraśas | ind. in numbers of 4 syllables  |
caturam | ind. (gaRa śarad-ādi-) see ā--, upa--.  |
caturam | ind. quickly  |
caturamla | n. 4 sour substances (viz. amlavetasa-, vṛkṣāmla-, bṛhaj-jambīra-,and nimbaka-)  |
caturaṃśavat | mfn. consisting of 4 parts  |
caturānana | m. "four-faced", brahmā-  |
caturaṅga | mfn. (c/at-) having 4 limbs (or extremities)  |
caturaṅga | mfn. (with bala-,an army) comprising (4 parts, viz.) elephants, chariots, cavalry, and infantry  |
caturaṅga | m. Cucumis utilissimus (?)  |
caturaṅga | m. Name of a son of roma-- or loma-pāda-  |
caturaṅga | n. (scilicet bala-) equals ṅga-bala-  |
caturaṅga | n. a kind of chess (played by 4 parties)  |
caturaṅgā | f. (scilicet senā-) equals ṅga-bala-  |
caturaṅgabala | n. an entire army (comprising elephants, chariots, cavalry, and infantry)  |
caturaṅgabalādhipatya | n. command of a complete army,  |
caturaṅgabalādhyakṣa | m. the commander-in-chief of a complete army  |
caturaṅgakrīḍā | f. playing at chess  |
caturaṅgasainya | n. equals -bala-  |
caturaṅgavinoda | m. Name of work  |
caturaṅgin | mfn. (equals ṅga-;with bala-or vāhinī-,an army) comprising elephants, chariots, cavalry, and infantry  |
caturaṅgiṇī | f. (scilicet vāhinī-) equals ṅga-bala-  |
caturaṅgula | n. 4 fingers of the hand (without the thumb) ; 4 fingers broad, 4 inches  |
caturaṅgula | m. Cathartocarpus fistula  |
caturaṅgulaparyavanaddha | mfn. overgrown with that plant  |
caturanīka | (c/at-) mfn. four-faced (varuṇa-)  |
caturanta | mf(ā-)n. bordered on all 4 sides (the earth)  |
caturantā | f. "the earth", in compound caturanteśa teśa- m. "earth-lord", a king (or catur-anteśa- equals -dig-īśa- q.v Scholiast or Commentator)  |
caturanteśa | m. caturantā |
caturanugāna | n. Name of a sāman-. |
caturaṇuka | n. an aggregate of 4 atoms  |
caturartha | mf(ā-)n. having 4 meanings  |
cāturarthika | mfn. used in the 4 (artha-or) senses (taught ), iv, 2, 81 ff.  |
caturaśīta | mfn. the 84th (chapter of )  |
caturaśīti | f. 84  |
caturaśītisāhasra | mfn. numbering 84000  |
caturaśītitama | mfn. the 84th (chapter of )  |
caturaśītiyogādhyāya | m. "containing 84 chapters on the yoga-", Name of a work  |
caturaśra | mf(ā-)n. four-cornered, quadrangular etc.  |
caturaśra | mf(ā-)n. regular ( )  |
caturaśra | m. a quadrangular figure  |
caturaśra | m. a square  |
caturaśra | m. (in astronomy) Name of the 4th and 8th lunar mansions  |
caturaśra | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
caturaśra | m. (scilicet hasta) a particular position of the hands (in dancing)  |
caturaśra | m. (plural) Name of various ketu-s  |
caturaśra | n. a particular posture (in dancing)  |
caturasra | for -aśra-.  |
caturaśraka | mf(ā-)n. four-cornered, forming a quadrangular figure  |
caturaśraka | m. a particular posture (in dancing)  |
caturasraka | for -aśraka-.  |
cāturāśramika | mfn. being in one of the 4 periods (āśrama-) of life  |
caturāśramin | mfn. passing the 4 stages of a Brahman's life  |
cāturāśramin | (edition Calc.) for cat- q.v  |
caturāśramya | for cāt-.  |
cāturāśramya | n. (gaRa caturvarṇādi-) the 4 periods of a Brahman's life  |
cāturāśramya | n.  |
caturasraśobhin | mfn. beautifully symmetrical,  |
caturaśratā | f. regularity, harmony  |
caturasrayāna | mfn. moving regularly (others"four-wheeled"),  |
caturaśri | (c/at-) mfn. quadrangular  |
caturaśrīkṛ | to make quadrangular  |
caturaṣṭaka | mfn. having 4 days called aṣṭakā-s  |
caturatā | f. cleverness, skilfulness  |
caturātman | mfn. representing 4 persons, having 4 faces or shapes (viṣṇu-) (keśava-).  |
caturatva | n. idem or 'f. cleverness, skilfulness ' (varia lectio for caṇa--).  |
caturavarārdhya | mfn. at least 4  |
caturavatta | n. (ava-do-) "4 times cut off or taken up, consisting of 4 avadāna-s", 4 avadāna-s  |
caturavattin | mfn. one who offers oblations consisting of 4 avadāna-s  |
caturbāhu | mfn. four-armed  |
caturbāhu | mfn. (viṣṇu-)  |
caturbāhu | m. Name of śiva-.  |
caturbhadra | mfn. (4 times id est) extremely auspicious  |
caturbhadra | n. 4 objects of human wishes (viz. dharma-, kāma-, artha-, bala- ;or the first 3 with mokṣa- ;or kīrti-, āyus-, yaśas-, bala- ;or dharma-, jñāna-, vairāgya-, aiśvarya-, ;or dāna-, jñāna-, śaurya-, bhoga-or vitta- )  |
cāturbhadra | n. (fr. cat-) a collection of 4 medicinal plants  |
cāturbhadraka | n. idem or 'n. (fr. cat-) a collection of 4 medicinal plants '  |
caturbhadratara | mfn. (Comparative degree) 4 times happier than (instrumental case)  |
caturbhadrikā | f. a kind of medical preparation for curing fever  |
caturbhāga | m. the 4th part, quarter etc.  |
caturbhāga | mf(ā-)n. forming the 4th part of (genitive case)  |
caturbhāgīyā | f. (scilicet iṣṭakā-) a brick of the 4th part of a man's length  |
cāturbhautika | mfn. consisting of 4 elements (catur-bhūta-)  |
caturbhṛṣṭi | mfn. (c/at-) four-cornered, quadrangular  |
caturbhṛṣṭi | mfn. four-pointed  |
caturbhuja | (in compound) 4 arms  |
caturbhuja | mf(ā-)n. four-armed  |
caturbhuja | mf(ā-)n. quadrangular  |
caturbhuja | m. viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa- (see )  |
caturbhuja | m. Name of gaṇeśa-  |
caturbhuja | m. a quadrangular figure  |
caturbhuja | m. Name of a dānava-  |
caturbhuja | m. of the instructor of (the author of a commentator or commentary on ) rāmānanda-  |
caturbhuja | m. of the father of śiva-datta-  |
caturbhujabhaṭṭācārya | m. Name of an author  |
caturbhujamiśra | m. Name of the author of a commentator or commentary on  |
cāturbhuji | a son of catur-bhuja-,  |
caturbhūmika | mfn. having 4 floors (a house)  |
caturbhūyas | mfn. containing 4 (syllables) more  |
caturbīja | n. the 4 kinds of seed (viz. of kālājājī-, candra-śūra-, methikā-, and yavānikā-)  |
cāturbīja | n. (fr. cat-) an aggregate of 4 kinds of aromatic seed  |
caturbila | mfn. (c/at-) having 4 openings  |
caturbila | mfn. (said of an udder) and  |
caturdaiva | mfn. for cāt-  |
cāturdaiva | mfn. sacred to 4 deities (deva-)  |
caturdala | m. "four-leaved", Marsilea quadrifolia  |
caturdaṃṣṭra | mfn. (c/at-) having 4 tusks  |
caturdaṃṣṭra | m. a beast of prey  |
caturdaṃṣṭra | m. viṣṇu-  |
caturdaṃṣṭra | m. Name of an attendant of skanda-  |
caturdaṃṣṭra | m. of a dānava-  |
caturdaṃṣṭra | m. (also) Name (also title or epithet) of airāvata-,  |
caturdanta | mfn. "having 4 tusks", indra-'s elephant airāvata-  |
caturdanta | mfn. Name of an elephant  |
caturdārikā | f. Name of  |
caturdaśa | mf(ī-)n. the 14th  |
caturdaśa | mf(ī-)n. consisting of 14  |
cāturdaśa | mfn. (gaRa saṃdhivelādi-) appearing on the caturdaśī- (14th day)  |
caturdaśadhā | ind. fourteen-fold  |
caturdaśaguṇa | mfn. having 14 merits see Scholiast or Commentator and  |
caturdaśaguṇanāman | n. plural Name of work  |
caturdaśaguṇasthāna | n. Name of work  |
caturdaśaka | mfn. the 14th  |
caturdaśākṣara | mfn. (c/at-) having 14 syllables  |
caturdaśama | mfn. equals śaka-  |
caturdaśamataviveka | m. "disquisition on the 14 philos. systems", Name of work by śaṃkara-  |
caturdaśan | (c/at-), a- plural (locative case ś/asu- ) 14 ; ([ confer, compare Latin quatuordecim; Lithuanian keturo1lika])  |
caturdaśarātra | m. a soma- sacrifice lasting 14 days  |
caturdaśarca | n. a hymn consisting of 14 verses  |
caturdaśasamadvandva | mfn. having the 14 paired parts of the body symmetric  |
caturdaśasvapanavicāra | m. "disquisition on the 14 kinds of sleep"Name of work  |
caturdaśavidha | mfn. fourteen-fold  |
caturdaśī | f. (scilicet rātri-) the 14th day in a lunar fortnight  |
caturdaśī | See ś/a-.  |
caturdaśika | (fr. śī-), a feast on the 14th day of a lunar fortnight  |
cāturdaśika | mfn. reading sacred texts on the caturdaśī-  |
caturdaśīśānti | f. Name of work |
caturdat | m(Nominal verb -dan-)fn. four-toothed  |
caturdhā | ind. in 4 parts, fourfold  |
caturdhā | ind. ([ confer, compare ; Hibernian or Irish ceathardha])  |
caturdhā | to be divided into 4 parts  |
caturdhākaraṇa | n. dividing into 4 parts  |
cāturdhākāraṇika | mfn. (fr. caturdhā-karaṇa-) connected with a division into 4 parts  |
caturdhākṛ | to divide into 4 parts  |
caturdhara | m. Name of a family or race.  |
caturdhārin | m. Cissus quadrangularis  |
caturdhāśānti | f. a religious ceremony performed at the time of making the stated offerings to deceased ancestors  |
caturdhātu | mfn. fourfold (a term in music).  |
caturdhāvihita | mfn. divided into 4 parts  |
caturdikkam | ind. towards the 4 quarters, on all sides, all around  |
caturdikṣu | (locative case plural) ind. idem or 'ind. towards the 4 quarters, on all sides, all around '  |
caturdiśam | ind. idem or '(locative case plural) ind. idem or 'ind. towards the 4 quarters, on all sides, all around ' '  |
caturdola | m. n. a royal litter  |
caturdos | mfn. four-armed  |
caturdvāra | mf(ā-)n. having 4 doors or openings (said of the puruṣa-)  |
caturdvāramukha | mf(ī-)n. having 4 doors as mouths  |
caturdvīpacakravartin | m. the sovereign of the 4 dvīpa-s  |
caturgaṇa | m. a series of 4.  |
caturgandha | mfn. fragrant on 4 sides (varia lectio -vyaṅga-).  |
caturgati | mfn. having 4 kinds of going  |
caturgati | mfn. "going on 4 feet", a tortoise  |
caturgava | n. a carriage drawn by 4 oxen  |
caturgrāma | "containing 4 villages", Name of a country.  |
caturgṛhīta | n. taken up or ladled out (as a fluid) 4 times, taking up (any fluid) 4 times  |
caturgṛhītin | mfn. one who has taken up (any fluid) 4 times  |
caturguṇa | mf(ā-)n. fourfold  |
caturguṇa | mf(ā-)n. tied with 4 strings (the upper garment)  |
caturhanu | mfn. (c/at-) having 4 jaws  |
caturhanu | m. Name of a dānava- (varia lectio candra-h-).  |
caturhasta | mfn. four-handed  |
caturhāyaṇa | mf(ī-)n. 4 years old (said of living beings) (also )  |
caturhāyana | mf(ā-)n. (gaRa kṣubhnādi-) = yaṇa- (said of lifeless objects)  |
caturhāyaṇī | f. a cow of 4 years  |
caturhita | mfn. useful for 4 (persons)  |
caturhotṛ | m. (c/at-) sg. or plural Name of a litany (recited at the new-moon and full-moon sacrifice)  |
caturhotṛ | m. (see -hotra-) Name of kṛṣṇa- (varia lectio for -netṛ-)  |
caturhotra | m. (see tṛ-) viṣṇu-  |
caturhotra | m. varia lectio for anuha-  |
caturhotra | m. for cāt- q.v  |
cāturhotra | mfn. performed by the 4 chief priests (hotṛ-, adhvaryu-, udgātṛ-, and brahman-) Introd.  |
cāturhotra | n. a sacrifice performed by 4 priests (varia lectio cat-) (varia lectio catur-hotraka-)  |
cāturhotra | n. the duties of the 4 chief priests  |
cāturhotra | n. the 4 chief priests (collectively)  |
caturhotraka | for cāturhotra- q.v  |
cāturhotriya | mfn. attended by 4 chief priests (agni-)  |
cāturhotrīyabrāhmaṇa | n. Name of a particular chapter (called brāhmaṇa-)  |
cāturhotṛka | mf(ī-)n. ( ) relating to the catur-hotṛ- service  |
caturhotṛtva | n. the condition of the caturhotṛ- litany  |
caturhrasva | mfn. having the 4 extremities too short  |
cāturī | f. (equals rya- ) dexterity, cleverness  |
cāturī | f. amiableness  |
caturiḍaspadastobha | m. (see iḍas-pad/e-) Name of a sāman-.  |
caturikā | f. (equals tuṣka-) a quadrangular courtyard (used for guests)  |
caturikā | f. Name of a woman (in Prakrit) and  |
cāturika | m. (fr. 1. ra-) a charioteer  |
caturindriya | mfn. having 4 senses (a class of animals)  |
caturjāta | n. equals cāt-  |
cāturjāta | n. an aggregate of 4 substances  |
caturjātaka | n. idem or 'n. equals cāt- '  |
cāturjātaka | n. idem or 'n. an aggregate of 4 substances ' |