tri | m. tr/ayas- f. Nominal verb accusative tisr/as- n. tr/īṇi- ([ tr/ī- ]) 3 etc. (tribh/is-& tis/ṛbhis-,etc. ;only once tr/ibhis-[ ] with the later accentuation, confer, compare ; genitive case trīṇ/ām-[ ; confer, compare ]and tisṝṇ/ām-[ ], later on [fr. y/a-] trayāṇām-[ ]and tisṛṇ/ām-[ against metre; confer, compare ]; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound', ) ; ([ confer, compare , Latin tres; Gothic threis;etc.]) |
tribāhu | m. "three-armed", Name of a goblin  |
tribāhu | m. a kind of fighting, 15980.  |
tribandhana | m. Name of a son of aruṇa- (varia lectio ni-b-).  |
tribandhu | mfn. being the friend of the 3 worlds (indra-)  |
tribarhis | mfn. having 3 seats of sacrificial grass  |
tribha | mfn. containing 3 zodiacal signs  |
tribha | n. 3 zodiacal signs, quadrant, 90 degrees,  |
tribhāga | m. the 3rd part  |
tribhāga | m. the 3rd part (of the eye sending a particular side-glance)  |
tribhāga | m. the 3rd part of a zodiacal sign  |
tribhāga | m. three-fourths  |
tribhāj | mfn. receiving 3 shares  |
tribhajīvā | f. equals tri-j-,  |
tribhajyā | f. equals tri-j-,  |
tribhamaurvikā | f. equals tri-j-,  |
tribhaṇḍī | f. equals -puṣā- (metrically ḍi-, ) .  |
tribhāṇḍī | f. equals -bhaṇḍī-  |
tribhaṅgi | m. (in music) a kind of measure.  |
tribhaṅgī | f. a metre of 4 x 32 syllabic instants.  |
tribhānu | m. Name of a descendant of yayāti- and father of karaṃ-dhama-  |
tribhānu | m. (-sānu- )  |
tribhāṣyaratna | n. Name of a commentary on  |
tribhauma | mfn. idem or 'mfn. three-storied '  |
tribhava | mfn. said of a kind of fever  |
tribhāva | gaRa brāhmaṇādi-.  |
tribhinna | m. (in music) Name of a measure.  |
tribhonalagna | n. "part of the ecliptic which does not reach the eastern point by 90 degrees", the highest point of the ecliptic above the horizon, Scholiast or Commentator  |
tribhuj | mfn. threefold  |
tribhuja | mfn. triangular  |
tribhuja | m. a triangle  |
tribhuktirāja | m. Name of a tīrtha-  |
tribhūma | mfn. three-storied  |
tribhuvana | n. ( Va1rtt. 3 Sch. ) equals -jagat- etc.  |
tribhuvana | n. Name of a town  |
tribhuvana | m. Name of a prince  |
tribhuvanābhoga | m. the extension of the 3 worlds  |
tribhuvanaguru | m. "the 3 worlds' master", śiva-  |
tribhuvanamalladeva | m. the hero of  |
tribhuvanamāṇikyacarita | n. Name of work  |
tribhuvanapāladeva | m. Name of a prince  |
tribhuvanapati | m. viṣṇu-  |
tribhuvanaprabhā | f. Name of the daughter of a dānava-  |
tribhuvaneśvara | m. equals na-guru-  |
tribhuvaneśvara | m. indra-  |
tribhuvaneśvaraliṅga | n. Name of a liṅga-  |
tribīja | m. "three-seeded", Panicum frumentaceum  |
tribrahman | mfn. with brahmā-, viṣṇu-, and śiva-  |
trica | See tṛc/a-.  |
trica | See tṛc/a-.  |
tricakra | mfn. having 3 wheels (scilicet r/atha-, ).  |
tricakṣus | mfn. three-eyed (kṛṣṇa-, more properly śiva-)  |
tricatura | mfn. ( vArttika) 3 or 4  |
tricaturdaśa | mfn. dual number the 13th and 14th,  |
tricatvāriṃśa | mf(ī-)n. the 43rd (chapter of )  |
tricatvāriṃśat | f. 43  |
tricit | mfn. consisting of 3 layers of fuel  |
tricitīka | (tr/i--) mfn. idem or 'mfn. consisting of 3 layers of fuel '  |
tricīvara | n. the 3 vestments of a monk  |
tridalā | f. "three-leaved", Cissus pedata  |
tridalikā | f. Mimosa abstergens  |
tridamathavastukuśala | m. "skilled in the threefold self-control (see -daṇḍa-) ", buddha-  |
tridaṇḍa | n. equals ṇḍaka-  |
tridaṇḍa | n. triple control (id est of thoughts, words, and acts)  |
tridaṇḍaka | n. the 3 staves of a parivrājaka-  |
tridaṇḍin | m. "carrying the 3 staves tied together", a parivrājaka- etc.  |
tridaṇḍin | m. a triple commander (id est controlling his own thoughts, words and deeds)  |
tridanta | mfn. having 3 teeth  |
tridantī | f. the plant mahā-medā-  |
tridaśa | mf(ā-)n. 3 x 10 (= 30)  |
tridaśa | m. plural (see and dvi-d-) the 3 x 10 (in round number for 3 x 11) deities (12 āditya-s, 8 vasu-s, 11 rudra-s, and 2 aśvin-s; see ) etc.  |
tridaśa | m. dual number the aśvin-s,  |
tridaśa | mfn. divine  |
tridaśa | n. heaven (tri-diva-,B)  |
tridaśācārya | m. equals śa-guru-  |
tridaśādhipa | m. a lord of the gods,  |
tridaśādhipati | m. śiva-  |
tridaśadīrghikā | f. "heavenly lake", gaṅgā-  |
tridaśagopa | m. equals indra-g-, a fire-fly  |
tridaśagopaka | m. idem or 'm. equals indra-g-, a fire-fly '  |
tridaśaguru | m. "thirty-god-preceptor", bṛhaspati- (regent of Jupiter)  |
tridaśāhāra | m. "divine food", nectar  |
tridaśālaya | m. "abode of the gods", heaven  |
tridaśālaya | n. the mountain su-meru-  |
tridaśālaya | n. a heaven-dweller, god  |
tridaśamañjarī | f. "heavenly plant", the tulasī-  |
tridaśanadī | f. "heavenly river", gaṅgā-  |
tridaśāṅganā | f. equals śa-vadhū-  |
tridaśāṅkuśa | m. "divine goad", a thunderbolt  |
tridaśapati | m. "lord of the gods", indra-  |
tridaśapratipakṣa | m. equals śāri-  |
tridaśapuṃgava | m. "god-chief", viṣṇu-  |
tridaśāri | m. an enemy of the gods, asura-  |
tridaśaśaila | m. "heavenly mountain", the kailāsa-  |
tridaśasarṣapa | m. equals deva-s-  |
tridaśaśreṣṭha | mfn. best of gods (brahmā-, agni-)  |
tridaśatā | f. divine nature  |
tridaśatva | n. idem or 'f. divine nature '  |
tridaśavadhū | f. "wife of the gods", an apsaras-  |
tridaśavanitā | f. idem or 'f. "wife of the gods", an apsaras- '  |
tridaśāvāsa | m. equals śālaya-, heaven  |
tridaśāyana | mfn. "resort of the gods", nārāyaṇa-  |
tridaśāyudha | n. "divine weapon", the rainbow  |
tridaśāyudha | n. the thunderbolt  |
tridaśendra | m. "god-chief", indra-  |
tridaśendraśatru | m. " indra-'s foe", rāvaṇa-  |
tridaśeśa | m. equals śendra-  |
tridaśeśadviṣ | m. equals śāri-  |
tridaśeśvara | m. equals śendra-  |
tridaśeśvara | m. śiva-  |
tridaśeśvara | m. plural indra-, agni-, varuṇa-, and yama-  |
tridaśeśvaradviṣ | m. equals śendra-śatru-  |
tridaśeśvarī | f. durgā-  |
tridaśeśvarī | f. Name of a female attendant of durgā-  |
tridaśībhūta | mfn. become divine  |
tridat | mfn. ( ) grown as old as to possess three teeth,  |
tridhā | (tr/i--) ind. ( ) in 3 ways, in 3 parts, in 3 places, triply etc.  |
tridhākṛ | to treble  |
tridhāman | n. equals -div/a-  |
tridhāman | mfn. shining in the 3 worlds, 8, 31 ("triple-gloried")  |
tridhāman | mfn. tripartite  |
tridhāman | m. viṣṇu-,  |
tridhāman | m. brahmā-  |
tridhāman | m. śiva- : fire, agni-  |
tridhāman | m. death  |
tridhāman | m. Name of the vyāsa- (= viṣṇu-) of the 10th dvāpara-  |
tridhāman | m.  |
tridhāmūrti | f. a girl 3 years of age representing durgā- at her festivals.  |
tridhanvan | m. Name of the father of trayyāruṇa- (q.v).  |
tridhāra | mf(ā-)n. three-streamed (gaṅgā-)  |
tridhārā | f. Euphorbia antiquorum  |
tridhāraka | m. "three-edged"Scirpus Kysoor  |
tridhāraka | m. equals rā-  |
tridhārasnuhī | f. idem or 'f. Euphorbia antiquorum '  |
tridhārasnuhī | f. the plant dhārā-snuhī-  |
tridharman | m. śiva-  |
tridhātu | mfn. consisting of 3 parts, triple, threefold (used like Latin triplexto denote excessive)  |
tridhātu | m. (scilicet puroḍ/āśa-) Name of an oblation ( tridhātutva -tv/a- n.abstr.)  |
tridhātu | m. gaṇeśa-  |
tridhātu | m. Name of a man |
tridhātu | n. the triple world  |
tridhātu | n. the aggregate of the 3 minerals or of the 3 humours  |
tridhātuka | mfn. consisting of 3 humours  |
tridhātuka | m. gaṇeśa-  |
tridhātuśṛṅga | mfn. having a tripartite horn (agni-),  |
tridhātutva | n. tridhātu |
tridhātva | n. tripartition  |
tridhātve | ind. locative case in 3 cases,  |
tridinaspṛś | m. conjunction of 3 lunations with one solar day  |
tridiva | n. (m. ) the 3rd or most sacred heaven, heaven (in general) (with genitive case div/as-) etc.  |
tridivā | f. cardamoms  |
tridivā | f. Name of a river in India  |
tridivā | f. of a river in the plakṣa-dvīpa-  |
tridivā | f. (vī-) ([ ])  |
tridivādhīśa | m. "lord of heaven", a god  |
tridivagata | mfn. "heaven-departed", dead  |
tridivasa | mfn. tertian (fever)  |
tridivaukas | m. "heaven-residing", a god  |
tridiveśa | m. "lord of heaven", a god  |
tridiveśāna | m. idem or 'm. "lord of heaven", a god '  |
tridiveśvara | m. "lord of heaven", indra-  |
tridivin | m. a god,  |
tridivodbhavā | f. large cardamoms  |
tridoṣa | in compound , disorder of the 3 humours of the body  |
tridoṣa | mfn. causing the tri-doṣa-  |
tridoṣaghna | mfn. removing the tri-doṣa-  |
tridoṣahārin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. equals -ghna-, ' (a kind of mixture)  |
tridoṣaja | mfn. resulting from the tri-doṣa-  |
tridoṣakṛt | mfn. idem or 'mfn. causing the tri-doṣa- ' ,  |
tridoṣāpaha | m. "keeping-off 3 kinds of sins (see -daṇḍa-) ", buddha-  |
tridoṣaśamana | mfn. equals -ghna-,  |
tridṛś | m. equals -netra-, śiva-  |
tridvāra | mf(ā-)n. "having 3 doors", reachable in 3 ways  |
tridvyekabhojana | mfn. bhojana |
trigambhīra | mf(ā-)n. gambhīra |
trigambhīra | See g-.  |
trigaṇa | m. the triad of duties (dharma-, kāma-,and artha-)  |
trigandhaka | n. equals -jāta-  |
trigaṅga | n. Name of a tīrtha-,  |
trigaṅga | n.  |
trigarta | m. plural (gaRa yaudheyādi-) Name of a people inhabiting modern Lahore (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-)., ) etc.  |
trigarta | m. sg. a T prince etc.  |
trigarta | m. the tīrtha- country ; a particular method of calculation  |
trigartā | f. a lascivious woman  |
trigartā | f. a woman  |
trigartā | f. a kind of cricket  |
trigartā | f. a pearl  |
trigartā | f. Name of a town  |
trigartaka | m. plural the tīrtha- people  |
trigartaṣaṣṭha | m. plural a collective Name of six warrior tribes  |
trigartika | m. the tīrtha- country  |
trigata | n. "tripled", (in dramatic language) triple meaning given to the same word  |
trighana | m. 3x3x3 (= 27)  |
trigrāhin | mfn. extending to the length of 3 (padyā-s)  |
trigrāmī | f. "3 villages", Name of a place  |
trigūḍha | n. a dance of men in female attire  |
trigūḍhaka | n. a dance of men in female attire  |
triguṇa | n. sg. the 3 guṇa-s (sattva-, rajas-,and tamas-)  |
triguṇa | m. plural idem or 'n. sg. the 3 guṇa-s (sattva-, rajas-,and tamas-) '  |
triguṇa | mf(ā-)n. containing them  |
triguṇa | mf(ā-)n. consisting of 3 threads or strings  |
triguṇa | mf(ā-)n. threefold, thrice as great or as much, triple  |
triguṇa | mf(ā-)n. (sapta tri-guṇāni dināni-,3 x 7 days)  |
triguṇākarṇa | mfn. whose ear-lobes are slit into 3 divisions (as a mark of distinction)  |
triguṇākhya | mfn. said of different mixtures and of a kind of oil  |
triguṇākṛta | mfn. equals tṛtīyā-k-  |
triguṇam | ind. in 3 ways  |
triguṇaparivāra | n. the trident  |
triguṇātmaka | mfn. possessing the 3 guṇa-s  |
triguṇīkṛtya | ind. ind.p. making threefold  |
triḥ | equals tr/is-.  |
trihalikāgrāma | m. Name of a tīrtha-  |
trihalya | mfn. equals -sītya-  |
trihavis | (tr/i--) mfn. connected with 3 oblations  |
trihaviṣka | mf(ā-)n. equals vis-  |
trihāyaṇa | mf(ī-)n. equals -vats/a-  |
triḥprakāra | masculine, feminine and neuter; or adjective = tri-- prakāra-, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
triḥprasrutamada | mfn. equals tri-prasruta-  |
triḥpratihāram | ind. so as to touch thrice  |
triḥsahavacana | n. Name of a text  |
triḥṣamṛddha | mfn. "well furnished with 3 things", only abstr. -tv/a- (also triḥsam- )  |
triḥsamṛddhatva | See -ṣam-.  |
triḥsapta | mfn. plural equals tri-s-  |
triḥsaptakṛtvas | ind. 21 times (varia lectio tri-s-)  |
triḥsnāna | n. See tri-ṣavaṇa-.  |
triḥśrāvaṇa | n. Name of work  |
triḥśreṇi | mfn. forming 3 rows  |
triḥśukla | mfn. "triply white", having 3 white lines  |
triḥśveta | mf(ā-)n. white on 3 spots  |
trijagadīśvara | m. lord of the 3 worlds (a jina-)  |
trijagajjananī | f. "the 3 worlds' mother", pārvatī-  |
trijaganmohinī | f. "beguiling the 3 worlds", durgā- (?)  |
trijagat | n. sg. equals jagat traya-  |
trijagat | n. plural Introd. 1  |
trijagatī | f. idem or 'n. plural Introd. 1'  |
trijaṭa | mf(ā-)n. equals -kapardin- , (śiva-)  |
trijaṭa | m. Name of a Brahman  |
trijaṭā | f. Aegle Marmelos,  |
trijaṭā | f. Name of a rākṣasī- (who was friendly to sītā-)  |
trijaṭā | f. of a nāga- virgin  |
trijāta | n. the 3 spices (mace, cardamoms, and cinnamon)  |
trijātaka | n. the 3 spices (mace, cardamoms, and cinnamon)  |
trijaṭāsvapnadarśana | n. "dream of tri-jaṭā-", Name of  |
trijaya | mf(ā-)n. the 13th  |
trijīvā | f. the sine of 3 signs or 90 degrees, radius  |
trijyā | f. idem or 'f. the sine of 3 signs or 90 degrees, radius '  |
trika | mfn. triple, threefold, forming a triad (stoma-; see eka--) etc.  |
trika | mfn. happening the 3rd time  |
trika | mfn. (with or without śata-) 3 per cent.  |
trika | m. (n. ) a place where 3 roads meet  |
trika | m. equals tri-kaṭa-  |
trika | m. Trapa bispinosa  |
trika | n. a triad (see kaṭu--, taurya--, tri--, pañca--) and  |
trika | n. the loins, regio sacra, hips (also"the part between the shoulder-blades") etc.  |
trika | n. the triple vyāhṛti-  |
trikā | f. a triangular frame across the mouth of a well  |
trikadruka | m. plural (tr/i--) the 3 soma- vessels  |
trikadruka | m. the first 3 days of the abhi-plava- festival  |
trikadruka | mfn. containing the word tr/i-kadruka- ( )  |
trikadrukīya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. containing the word tr/i-kadruka- ( ) ' (pratipad-) (scilicet ṛc-).  |
trikāgnikāla | m. rudra- (interpolation)  |
trikahṛdaya | n. Name of work  |
trikaika | m. equals ekatrika-  |
trikakubh | mfn. three-pointed, (indra-'s thunderbolt)  |
trikakubh | m. indra-  |
trikakubh | m. See k/ud-.  |
trikakud | mfn. having 3 peaks or points or horns (k/ud ev/a samān/ānām-[ kup sam- ]"thrice excelling one's equals")  |
trikakud | m. Name of a himālaya- mountain (see tri-kūṭa-), iv, 9, 8  |
trikakud | m. ([ k/ubh- ])  |
trikakud | m. of a daśāha- ceremony  |
trikakud | m. ([ kubh- ])  |
trikakud | m. viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa-  |
trikakud | m. brahmā-  |
trikakud | m. Name of a prince  |
trikakuda | mfn. ( ) three-peaked  |
trikalā | f. Name of a female deity produced by the union of 3 gods for the destruction of andhaka-  |
trikāla | n. the 3 times or tenses (perfect tense, proper future)  |
trikāla | mfn. relating to them  |
trikāla | m. a buddha-  |
trikāla | m. (la--)  |
trikāladarśin | mfn. omniscient  |
trikāladarśin | m. a sage  |
trikālajña | mfn. knowing the 3 times, omniscient  |
trikālajña | m. a buddha-  |
trikālam | ind. 3 times, thrice  |
trikālam | ind. in the morning, at noon, and in the evening  |
trikālanātha | m. Name of a yogin-  |
trikālarūpa | mfn. three-shaped at the 3 times (of day id est the sun)  |
trikālavid | mfn. omniscient  |
trikālavid | m. a buddha-  |
trikālavid | m. an arhat- of the jaina-s  |
trikaliṅga | m. plural Name of a people  |
trikāṇḍa | mf(ā-)n. (tr/i--) consisting of three parts or divisions (an arrow or asterism) ; 3 kāṇḍa-s in measure (48 cubits long )  |
trikāṇḍa | n. Name of work  |
trikāṇḍa | n. of amarasiṃha-'s dictionary (commented on by ḍa-cintāmaṇi-and -viveka-and supplemented by -śeṣa-)  |
trikāṇḍamaṇḍana | n. Name of work  |
trikaṇṭa | n. the 3 thorny plants (3 kinds of Solanum)  |
trikaṇṭa | n. equals -kaṭa-  |
trikaṇṭa | n. pattra-gupta-  |
trikaṇṭa | n. Name of a fish  |
trikaṇṭaka | m. (gaRa rajatādi-) "three-thorn", equals -kaṭa-  |
trikaṇṭaka | m. Name of a venomous insect,  |
trikaṇṭaka | m. Name of a fish (Silurus)  |
trikaṇṭaka | m. a kind of weapon  |
trikapāla | mfn. distributed in 3 receptacles  |
trikapardin | mfn. wearing 3 braids of hair  |
trikaraṇī | f. the side of a square 3 times as great as another (id est the diagonal of a quadrangle, the sides of which are formed by the side and the diagonal of the smaller square)  |
trikarmakṛt | mfn. idem or 'mfn. performing (a Brahman's) 3 chief duties (viz. performing ceremonies, repeating the veda-, and gifts) '  |
trikarman | mfn. performing (a Brahman's) 3 chief duties (viz. performing ceremonies, repeating the veda-, and gifts)  |
trikarṇa | mf(ī-)n. having 3 ears  |
trikarṣa | n. equals -kārṣika-  |
trikārṣika | n. the 3 astringent substances (dry ginger, ati-viṣā-, and Musta)  |
trikaśa | mfn. having 3 whips (a chariot)  |
trikasāra | Name of work  |
trikasthāna | n. the loins  |
trikaṭa | m. Asteracantha longifolia  |
trikatraya | n. the 3 triads (tri-phalā-, -kaṭu-,and -mada-)  |
trikaṭu | n. the 3 spices (black and long pepper and dry ginger)  |
trikaṭu | n. see kaṭu-traya-.  |
trikaṭuka | n. the 3 spices (black and long pepper and dry ginger)  |
trikaṭuka | n. see kaṭu-traya-.  |
trikauśeya | n. "thrice silken", a kind of garment  |
trikavedanā | f. pain in the loins  |
trikāya | m. "having 3 bodies", a buddha-  |
trikha | n. "having 3 cavities", a cucumber  |
trikhaṇḍa | mfn. the inhabited earth as divided into 3 portions (the first 2 continents and half of the 3rd) |
trikharva | m. plural Name of a Vedic school  |
trikharva | n. a particular high number  |
trikhaṭva | nf(ī-). 3 beds collectively  |
trikoṇa | mf(ā-)n. (fr.) triangular  |
trikoṇa | mf(ā-)n. forming a triangle  |
trikoṇa | n. a triangle  |
trikoṇa | n. equals ṇa-bhavana-  |
trikoṇā | f. Trapa bispinosa  |
trikoṇabhavana | n. the 5th and 9th mansion  |
trikoṇaka | n. a triangle  |
trikoṇaphala | n. idem or 'f. Trapa bispinosa '  |
trikrama | m. a krama- word composed of 3 members (the middle one being a single vowel)  |
trikṛtvas | ind. 3 times  |
trikṣāra | n. plural (sg. ) the 3 acrid substances (natron, saltpetre, and borax)  |
trikṣeptṛ | m. equals -pura-ghna-  |
trikṣura | m. equals -kaṭa-  |
trikulā | f. the plant yava-tiktā-  |
trikumārīka | mfn. (the place) where the 3 virgins (umā-, eka-parṇā-, and eka-pāṭalā-) reside  |
trikuṇḍīśvara | n. Name of a tantra-,  |
trikūrcaka | n. a sort of knife with 3 edges  |
trikūṭa | mfn. having 3 peaks or humps or elevations  |
trikūṭa | mfn. Name of a mountain (equals -kak/ud-), ( )  |
trikūṭa | mfn. of another mountain,  |
trikūṭa | mfn. of a peak of mount meru-  |
trikūṭa | mfn. of a mountain in Ceylon on the top of which laṅkā- was situated  |
trikūṭa | n. sea-salt prepared by evaporation  |
trikūṭalavaṇa | n. idem or 'n. sea-salt prepared by evaporation '  |
trikūṭavat | m. Name of a mountain  |
trilauha | See -loha-.  |
trilava | m. a third part  |
trilavaṇa | n. equals -paṭu-  |
triliṅga | mfn. possessing the 3 guṇa-s (see -guṇa-)  |
triliṅga | mfn. equals gaka-  |
triliṅga | n. "the 3 liṅga-s", the country Telinga  |
triliṅgaka | mfn. having 3 genders, adjective  |
triliṅgī | f. the 3 genders (in Gram.)  |
trillaka | Name of a man  |
trillasena | another man's N., .  |
trilocana | mfn. three-eyed (śiva-) etc.  |
trilocana | m. (with rasa-) a kind of mixture  |
trilocana | m. Name of a poet  |
trilocana | m. equals trilocana-dāsa-  |
trilocana | m. equals trilocana-pāla-  |
trilocanā | f. a disloyal wife  |
trilocanā | f. Name of a goddess (also nī- ) |
trilocanadāsa | m. Name of a grammarian  |
trilocanapāla | m. Name of a prince  |
trilocanāṣṭamī | f. the 8th day in the dark half of month jyaiṣṭha-  |
trilocanatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
trilocaneśvaratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
triloha | n. the 3 metals (copper, brass, and bell-metal)  |
triloha | mf(ī-)n. made of one of the 3 metals (varia lectio -lauh-)  |
trilohaka | n. the 3 metals (gold, silver, copper)  |
triloka | n. sg. ([ ]) m. plural ([ ]) the 3 worlds (equals -patha-)  |
triloka | m. sg. the inhabitants of the 3 worlds  |
trilokanātha | m. "Telinga-lord", indra-  |
trilokanātha | m. śiva-  |
trilokarakṣin | mfn. protecting the 3 worlds  |
trilokasāra | m. Name of work  |
trilokātman | m. " triloka--soul", śiva-  |
trilokavaśaṃkara | m. Name of a lokeśvara-  |
trilokavīra | m. Name of a deity  |
trilokeśa | m. " triloka--lord", viṣṇu-  |
trilokeśa | m. śiva-  |
trilokeśa | m. the sun  |
trilokī | f. the 3 worlds, i-iii  |
trilokī | f. of ka-  |
trilokījit | mfn. conquering the 3 worlds  |
trilokīkṛti | f. the creation of the 3 worlds  |
trilokīnātha | m. " triloka--lord", viṣṇu-,  |
trilokīpati | m. idem or 'm. "triloka--lord", viṣṇu-, '  |
trilokīrāja | m. indra-  |
trimada | m. the 3 narcotic plants (Cyperus rotundus, Plumbago zeylanica, and Embelia Ribes)  |
trimada | m. the threefold haughtiness  |
trimadhu | mfn. knowing or reciting the 3 verses beginning with m/adhu- ( )  |
trimadhu | n. equals dhura-  |
trimadhura | n. the 3 sweet substances (sugar, honey, ghee)  |
trimadhura | n. (madhuratraya- ) .  |
trimala | mfn. affected by 3 kinds of uncleanness  |
trimalla | m. Name of a sacred place  |
trimallacandra | m. Name of a prince.  |
trimaṇḍalā | f. (scilicet lūtā-), Name of a venomous spider  |
trimaṇḍalapariśuddha | mfn. ?  |
trimantu | mfn. "offering threefold advice" |
trimantu | m. "Name of a man" |
trimārga | in compound equals -patha-  |
trimārga | mfn. with 3 ways  |
trimārgagā | f. equals tripatha-gā-  |
trimārgagamana | n. going by 3 ways (through heaven, earth, and the lower regions)  |
trimārgī | f. 3 ways  |
trimārikā | f. "three-killer", Name of a woman  |
trimātṛ | mfn. having 3 mothers (m."creator of the 3 worlds" )  |
trimātra | mf(ā-)n. equals trā-kāla- ; 3 in number  |
trimātrākāla | mfn. containing or sounding 3 syllabic instants  |
trimātrika | m. (unmetrically for tra-) the syllable om-, prapañca-s. ( )  |
triṃśa | mf(ī-)n., the 30th (chs. of and )  |
triṃśa | mf(ī-)n. + 30  |
triṃśa | m. "a stoma- consisting of 30 parts"  |
triṃśa | mfn. connected with that stoma-  |
triṃśa | m. equals śāṃśa-  |
triṃśacchata | (t-ś-) n. 130  |
triṃśacchlokī | f. "30 śloka-s", Name of work  |
triṃśad | equals ś/at-.  |
triṃśadakṣara | (ś/ad--) mf(ā-)n. having 30 syllables  |
triṃśadaṅga | (ś/ad--) mfn. having 30 parts  |
triṃśadara | (ś/ad--) mfn. having 30 fellies  |
triṃśadrātra | n. a ceremony lasting 30 days  |
triṃśadvarṣa | mfn. 30 years old |
triṃśadvikrama | (ś/ad--) mf(ā-)n. 30 paces long  |
triṃśadviṃśa | mfn. plural between 20 and 30  |
triṃśadyogāvali | f. Name of work  |
triṃśaka | mfn. consisting of 30 parts  |
triṃśaka | mfn. bought for or worth 30 etc.  |
triṃśaka | n. 30,  |
triṃśāṃśa | m. 1/30 of a zodiacal sign, degree  |
triṃśāṃśaka | m. 1/30 of a zodiacal sign, degree  |
triṃśat | f. ( ) 30 etc. (plural ;with the objects in the same case, once[ ] in the genitive case; accusative śat- ) .  |
triṃśati | f. 30 (with genitive case)  |
triṃśatka | n. idem or 'f. 30 (with genitive case)'  |
triṃśatpattra | n. "thirty-leaved", the blossom of Nymphaea esculenta  |
triṃśatsāhasra | mf(ā-)n. plural 30,000  |
triṃśattama | mf(/ī-)n. the 30th  |
triṃśattama | mf(/ī-)n. (chs. of )  |
triṃśattva | n. the condition of 30  |
triṃśikā | f. Name of work  |
triṃśin | mfn. ( ) containing 30 (vi-rāj-) (month).  |
trimūḍha | n. equals -gūḍha-  |
trimūḍhaka | n. equals -gūḍha-  |
trimukha | m. "three-faced", the 3rd arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-  |
trimukhā | f. śākya-muni-'s mother  |
trimukuṭa | m. "three-peaked", the tri-kūṭa- mountain  |
trimuni | mfn. (grammar) produced by the 3 muni-s ( )  |
trimūrdha | mfn. three-headed  |
trimūrdhan | mfn. idem or 'mfn. three-headed '  |
trimūrdhan | m. Name of a rakṣas-  |
trimūrti | mfn. having 3 forms or shapes (as brahmā-, viṣṇu-., śiva-)  |
trimūrti | mfn.  |
trimūrti | mfn. in compound brahmā-, viṣṇu-, śiva-  |
trimūrti | m. the sun (see trayī-deha-), 8, 221  |
trimūrti | m. a buddha-  |
trimūrti | m. one of the 8 vidyeśvara-s  |
trimūrti | m. (tika-)  |
triṇa | n. for tṛṇa-, grass  |
trinābha | mfn. whose navel supports the 3 worlds (viṣṇu-),  |
trinābhi | mfn. three-naved (a wheel)  |
triṇāciketa | mfn. one who has thrice kindled the nāciketa- fire or studied the nāciketa- section of (nārāyaṇa- )  |
triṇāciketa | m. plural Name of 3 anuvāka-s of  |
trinagarītīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
trinaiṣkika | mfn. equals -niṣka-  |
triṇāka | for -nāka-.  |
trināka | n. equals -div/a-  |
trināli | mfn. 3 x 24 minutes long  |
triṇāman | mfn. having 3 names (agni- ?)  |
triṇāman | mfn. see  |
triṇata | mfn. bent in 3 places (a bow)  |
triṇatā | f. a bow  |
triṇata | -ṇav/a-, etc. See tr/i-. |
triṇava | mfn. consisting of 3 x 9 parts (st/oma-)  |
triṇava | mfn. connected with the st/oma-  |
triṇava | mfn. in compound 27  |
trinavaha | n. plural (metrically for vāha- see triṇav/a-) 27 days  |
triṇavarātra | mfn. lasting 27 days,  |
triṇavasāhasra | mf(ī-)n. 27000  |
trinavata | mfn. the 93rd (chs. of )  |
trinavati | f. 93  |
trinavatitama | mfn. equals vata- (chs. of )  |
triṇavātmaka | mfn. 27 fold  |
triṇavavartani | mfn. forming the path for the st/oma-  |
trinayana | m. equals -dṛś- etc.  |
trinayana | n. Name of a town,  |
trinayanā | f. durgā-  |
triṇemi | mfn. with 3 fellies (varia lectio -nemi-).  |
trinemi | See -ṇemi-.  |
trinetra | m. "three-eyed", śiva- etc.  |
trinetra | m. (with rasa-) Name of different mixtures  |
trinetra | m. " śiva-'s asterism", ārdrā-  |
trinetra | m. Name of a prince  |
trinetrā | f. durgā-  |
trinetrā | f. the root of yam-  |
trinetracūḍāmaṇi | m. " śiva-'s crest", the moon  |
trinetraphala | m. the cocoa-nut tree  |
trinetrī | f. idem or 'f. the root of yam- '  |
trinetrodbhava | m. " śiva-'s son", kumāra-,  |
triṇidhana | n. Name of a sāman- (varia lectio nidh-)  |
triṇidhana | n. agneḥ-  |
trinidhana | See -ṇidh-.  |
triniṣka | mfn. worth 3 niṣkas-  |
triṇītā | f. "thrice married (to soma-, gandharva-, and agni-)", a wife  |
trinivitka | mfn. containing 3 nivid- verses  |
triṅkh | cl.1 P. varia lectio for traṅkh-  |
tripacchas | (pad-+ śas-) ind. by 3 pāda-s  |
tripad | m. (p/ād-) f. (pād-[ ]; p/adī- gaRa kumbhapady-ādi-) n. three-footed (dharma-) (viṣṇu-, yajña-, jvara-)  |
tripad | mfn. making 3 steps  |
tripad | mfn. having 3 divisions (a stanza) (sāvitrī-, gāyatrī-)  |
tripad | mfn. trinomial  |
tripad | mfn. three-fourths  |
tripad | m. Name of a daitya-  |
tripād | See -p/ad-  |
tripada | mfn. three-footed  |
tripada | mfn. extending over 3 squares  |
tripada | mfn. ( ) having 3 divisions (a stanza) and (f. tr/ipadā-) (f. p/adā-) etc.  |
tripada | mfn. measuring 3 feet  |
tripada | mfn. containing 3 words  |
tripada | n. 3 words  |
tripadā | f. Cissus pedata  |
tripada | n. the gāyatrī- metre  |
tripāda | m. an asterism of which three-fourths are included under one zodiacal sign  |
tripāda | m. equals -padikā-  |
tripāda | a vessel with three feet,  |
tripādaka | mf(ikā-)n. three-footed  |
tripadaprabhṛti | mfn. containing 3 or more words  |
tripādavigraha | mfn. three-footed  |
tripadī | f. an elephant's fetter  |
tripadī | f. a kind of elephant's gait  |
tripadī | f. Cissus pedata  |
tripadī | f. Name of a Prakrit metre  |
tripadī | f. of a composition (in music).  |
tripādī | f. a kind of Mimosa  |
tripadikā | f. a tripod stand  |
tripādikā | f. Cissus pedata  |
tripādikā | f. equals dī-  |
tripādvibhūtikathana | n. Name of  |
tripadya | mf(ā-)n. tripartite  |
tripājasya | mfn. having 3 flanks, .  |
tripakṣa | n. 3 fortnights  |
tripakṣaka | m. Butea frondosa  |
tripala | mf(ā-)n. weighing 3 pala-s  |
tripāṇa | mfn. (irreg.) made of the plant tri-parṇī-  |
tripañcaka | mfn. plural of 3 x 5 kinds  |
tripañcāśa | mf(/ī-)n. the 53rd (chs. of and )  |
tripañcāśa | mf(/ī-)n. numbering 53 (dice)  |
tripañcāśat | f. 53  |
tripañcāśattama | mfn. the 53rd (chapter of ).  |
tripanna | m. Name of one of the moon's horses  |
triparikrānta | mfn. one who has overcome the 3 internal foes (kāma-, krodha-,and lobha-)  |
triparivarta | mfn. (the wheel of the law) turning thrice  |
triparivarta | mfn. .  |
triparṇa | m. equals -pakṣaka-  |
triparṇā | f. wild hemp  |
triparṇī | f. Desmodium gangeticum  |
triparṇī | f. the wild cotton tree,  |
triparṇī | f. equals ṇā-  |
triparṇī | f. Sanseviera zeylanica  |
triparṇī | f. Name of a bulb |
triparṇikā | f. idem or 'f. Name of a bulb '  |
triparṇikā | f. Carpopogon pruriens  |
triparṇikā | f. Alhagi Maurorum  |
triparus | mfn. consisting of 3 divisions  |
triparva | mfn. consisting of 3 parts (an arrow see -kāṇḍa-)  |
triparvan | mfn. equals va-  |
triparvata | "3 mountains", Name of a place.  |
triparyāya | mfn. having 3 turns (a st/oma-)  |
tripastya | mfn. having 3 dwellings (agni-)  |
tripaśu | mfn. having 3 victims  |
tripāṭa | m. intersection of a prolonged side and perpendicular (in a quadrangular figure), figure formed by such intersection.  |
tripatāka | mfn. (with kara-, hasta-,the hand) with 3 fingers stretched out (in dramatic language introductory to words meant janāntikam-)  |
tripatāka | mfn. (kākara-)  |
tripatāka | mfn. (with lalāṭa-,the forehead) marked naturally with 3 wrinkles  |
tripatat | in compound equals -dhāra-  |
tripatha | in compound " equals -jagat- "  |
tripatha | n. a place where 3 roads meet  |
tripatha | mf(ā-)n. reached by 3 roads (mathurā-)  |
tripathagā | f. "flowing through heaven, earth, and the lower regions", the Ganges etc.  |
tripathagāminī | f. idem or 'f. "flowing through heaven, earth, and the lower regions", the Ganges etc.' ,  |
tripathaka | m. (in music) a kind of composition.  |
tripāṭhin | m. familiar with the 3 veda-s (epithet of a commentator on and of several copyists).  |
tripatī | f. Name of a tīrtha-  |
tripāṭikā | f. a beak  |
tripattra | m. "three-leaf", Aegle Marmelos,  |
tripattra | m. Name of a bulb  |
tripattraka | m. equals -pakṣaka-  |
tripaṭu | n. 3 saline substances (stone-salt, viḍ-lavaṇa-, and black salt)  |
tripauruṣa | mf(ī-)n. extending over 3 generations  |
triphala | mfn. having 3 fruits  |
triphalā | f. ( Va1rtt. 3) the 3 Myrobalans (fruits of Terminalia Chebula, Terminalia Bellerica, and Phyllanthus Emblica;also tṛph- )  |
triphalā | f. the 3 sweet fruits (grape, pomegranate, and date)  |
triphalā | f. the 3 fragrant fruits (nutmeg, areca-nut, and cloves)  |
triphalī | f. idem or 'f. the 3 fragrant fruits (nutmeg, areca-nut, and cloves) '  |
tripiba | mfn. drinking with 3 members of the body (with the 2 pendent ears and tongue, as a long-eared goat), 271  |
tripiṇḍaka | mfn. consisting of ṇḍī-  |
tripiṇḍī | f. the 3 sacrificial cakes (see ) .  |
tripiṣṭapa | n. (m. ) equals -div/a-, indra-'s heaven  |
tripiṣṭapa | n. the sky  |
tripiṣṭapa | n. see -viṣṭ-  |
tripiṣṭapasad | m. "heaven-dweller", a god  |
tripiṭa | mfn. knowing ṭaka-  |
tripiṭa | mfn.  |
tripiṭaka | n. the 3 baskets or collections of sacred writings (sūtra--, vinaya--, and abhidharma-piṭaka-)  |
tripiṭaka | mfn. equals ṭa-  |
triplakṣa | m. plural "the 3 fig-trees", a place near the yamunā- where the dṛṣad-vatī- disappears  |
triplakṣāvaharaṇa | n. idem or 'm. plural "the 3 fig-trees", a place near the yamunā- where the dṛṣad-vatī- disappears '  |
triprakāra | mfn. of three kinds, threefold,  |
tripralamba | mfn. having 3 pendent parts of the body  |
tripralambin | mfn. having 3 pendent parts of the body  |
triprasruta | mfn. having 3 fluid streams flowing from the forehead (a rutting elephant)  |
triprātihāryasampanna | mfn. "possessed of magical power of 3 kinds", a buddha-  |
tripratiṣṭhita | (tr/i--) mfn. having a threefold footing  |
tripṛṣṭha | mfn. having 3 backs or surfaces (soma- compared with a chariot or bull or horse)  |
tripṛṣṭha | m. viṣṇu-  |
tripṛṣṭha | m. the first of the black vāsu-deva-s  |
tripṛṣṭha | n. equals -div/a-  |
tripu | See tṛp/u-.  |
tripuṇḍhra | n. equals ḍra-  |
tripuṇḍra | n. a triple sectarial mark consisting of 3 lines or marks on the forehead (or on back, heart, shoulders etc. )  |
tripuṇḍraka | n. a triple sectarial mark consisting of 3 lines or marks on the forehead (or on back, heart, shoulders etc. )  |
tripuṇḍrin | mfn. furnished with ra-  |
tripur | f. plural "", the 3 strong cities, triple fortification  |
tripura | n. sg. idem or 'f. plural "", the 3 strong cities, triple fortification ' (built of gold, silver, and iron, in the sky, air, and earth, by maya- for the asura-s, and burnt by śiva- etc.; see ) , Name of an Up.  |
tripura | n. of a town  |
tripura | m. śiva-  |
tripura | m. the asura- bāṇa-  |
tripurā | f. a kind of cardamoms (see -puṭā-)  |
tripura | m. a kind of rice  |
tripura | m. a kind of sorcery  |
tripura | m. Name of an  |
tripura | m. durgā-  |
tripura | m. of the capital of the cedi-s  |
tripurā | f. See ra-  |
tripurabhairava | m. Name of a mixture  |
tripurabhairavī | f. durgā-  |
tripurābhairavī | f. equals ra-bh-, Tantr.  |
tripuradāha | m. "burning of tripura-", Name of  |
tripuradāha | m. Name of a drama  |
tripuradahana | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. "destroyer of tripura-", śiva- ' ' '  |
tripuradahana | n. Name of a drama  |
tripurādhipati | m. " tripura--lord", maya-  |
tripuradruh | m. "enemy of tripura-", śiva-  |
tripuradviṣ | m. idem or 'm. "enemy of tripura-", śiva- '  |
tripuraghātin | m. "destroyer of tripura-", śiva-  |
tripuraghna | m. idem or 'm. "destroyer of tripura-", śiva- '  |
tripurahan | m. equals -ghna-  |
tripurahara | m. idem or 'm. equals -ghna- '  |
tripurahara | m. Name of  |
tripurajit | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. "destroyer of tripura-", śiva- ' '  |
tripurakumāra | m. Name of a pupil of śaṃkarācārya-  |
tripuramālī | f. idem or 'f. a kind of jasmine '  |
tripuramallikā | f. a kind of jasmine  |
tripurāṇaka | mf(ikā-)n. (a coin) worth 3 purāṇa-s. |
tripurāṇīya | mfn. idem or 'mf(ikā-)n. (a coin) worth 3 purāṇa-s.'  |
tripurāntaka | m. equals ra-ghna- (interpolation)  |
tripurāntakara | m. idem or 'm. equals ra-ghna- (interpolation) '  |
tripurāntakṛt | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. equals ra-ghna- (interpolation) ' ' ,  |
tripurāntakṛt | m. rāma-'s bow  |
tripurapramāthin | m. equals -ghna-  |
tripurārāti | m. equals radruh-  |
tripurārdana | m. equals ra-ghna-  |
tripurāri | m. idem or 'm. equals radruh- '  |
tripurārṇava | m. Name of work , Scholiast or Commentator on  |
tripurāsamuccaya | m. Name of work ,  |
tripurāsāra | m. Name of work  |
tripurasundarī | f. durgā-  |
tripurātapana | n. Name of an  |
tripurātāpanī | f. Name of an  |
tripuravadha | m. "destruction of tripura-" (rasya v- ), Name of  |
tripuravidhvaṃsaka | m. idem or 'm. "tripura--conqueror", śiva- '  |
tripuravijaya | m. conquest of tripura-  |
tripuravijaya | m. Name of  |
tripuravijayin | m. " tripura--conqueror", śiva-  |
tripuravṅrhna | m. the destroyer of tripura-,  |
tripureśādri | m. Name of a mountain  |
tripureśvara | Name of a place, .  |
tripurī | f. Name of an  |
tripurī | See ra-  |
tripurīkṣetra | n. the district of tripurī-  |
tripurīprakaraṇa | n. Name of a Vedantic work (ascribed to śaṃkara-).  |
tripuropākhyāna | n. Name of  |
tripuruṣa | n. sg. 3 generations  |
tripuruṣa | mfn. having the length of 3 men  |
tripuruṣa | mfn. (-pūr-)  |
tripuruṣa | mfn. having 3 assistants  |
tripūruṣa | See -pur-.  |
tripuruṣam | ind. through 3 generations  |
tripuruṣī | f. idem or 'n. sg. 3 generations ' Introd.  |
tripuṣā | f. dark-blossomed Convolvulus Turpethum  |
tripuṣkara | mfn. decorated with 3 lotus flowers  |
tripuṣkara | mfn. plural "the 3 lakes", Name of a tīrtha-  |
tripuṣkara | m. Name of a man  |
tripuṭa | mfn. threefold  |
tripuṭa | m. a kind of pulse  |
tripuṭa | m. equals -kaṭa-  |
tripuṭa | m. Name of a measure of length (hasta-bheda-)  |
tripuṭa | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
tripuṭa | m. a shore  |
tripuṭā | f. Arabian jasmine  |
tripuṭa | m. durgā-  |
tripuṭa | f(ā-, ī-). equals -puṣā-  |
tripuṭa | f(ā-, ī-). large cardamoms  |
tripuṭaka | mfn. triangular (a wound)  |
tripuṭaka | m. a kind of pulse, 46.  |
tripuṭin | m. Ricinus communis  |
tripuṭiphala | n. idem or 'm. Ricinus communis '  |
triputra | mfn. having three sons,  |
trir | equals tr/is-.  |
trirakṣara | mfn. consisting of 3 sounds  |
trirasaka | n. "triple-flavoured", a spirituous liquor ( )  |
trirasaka | n. See -saraka-.  |
trirāśipa | mfn. governing 3 zodiacal signs.  |
triraśri | mfn. three-cornered  |
triratna | n. the 3 gems: buddha-, the law, and the monkish brotherhood  |
trirātra | n. sg. 3 (nights or) days  |
trirātra | n. (plural )  |
trirātra | mfn. lasting (3 nights or) days  |
trirātra | m. a sacrificial performance of 3 days  |
trirātra | m. see aśva--, garga--, baida--  |
trirātrais | ind. after 3 x 3 days  |
trirātram | ind. for 3 days, during 3 days etc.  |
trirātrāt | ind. after 3 days,  |
trirātrāvaram | ind. at least 3 days  |
trirātreṇa | ind. after 3 days,  |
trirātribhiḥ | ind. after 3 x 3 days  |
trirātrīṇā | f. (a woman) 3 days after her courses  |
trirāva | m. Name of a son of garuḍa- (varia lectio -vāra-).  |
trirekha | mf(ā-)n. three-lined (the neck)  |
trirekha | m. a conch (or some other animal)  |
trirekhāṅkita | m. Name of a fish  |
trirekhāpuṭa | m. a sexangle  |
trirunnata | mfn. having 3 parts of the body stretched upwards  |
trirūpa | mfn. (tr/i--) three-formed  |
trirūpa | mfn. three-coloured  |
trirūpa | mfn. having 3 syllabic instants  |
trirvyūha | mfn. triply appearing  |
tris | ind. ( ) thrice, 3 times (sapt/a-,3 x 7, ; /ahnas-or /ahan-,"thrice a day", ; see ) (abdasya-,"thrice a year", ) etc.  |
tris | ind. before gutturals and palatals ([ see ]) ḥ- may be substituted by ṣ-  |
trisādhana | mf(ā-)n. having a threefold causality  |
triṣadhastha | mf(ā-)n. having a triple seat (sadh- equals barh/is-) (also dh/astha-, )  |
triṣadhastha | n. a triple seat, .  |
triṣāhasra | (tr/i--) mfn. (equals -sāh-) consisting of 3000  |
trisāhasra | n.  |
trisāhasra | mf(ī-)n. consisting of 3000  |
trisāhasramahāsāhasra | m. (with or without loka-dhātu-) Name of a world  |
trisāhasramakāsāhasrika | mfn. governing that world, .  |
triśakala | m. having 3 śakala-s  |
triśākha | mf(ā-)n. three-wrinkled (bhru-kuṭī-)  |
triśākhapattra | m. Aegle Marmelos  |
triśakti | f. equals -kalā-  |
triśala | mfn. 3 bristles long  |
triśalā | f. the mother of mahāvīra-  |
triśāla | n. a house with 3 halls  |
triśālaka | n. idem or 'n. a house with 3 halls '  |
triśalya | mfn. three-pointed (an arrow)  |
triṣama | mfn. "triply even", small (varia lectio)  |
trisama | mfn. having 3 equal sides (a quadrangle) |
trisama | mfn. having 3 equal parts of the body  |
trisama | n. an aggregate of equal parts of 3 substances (yellow myrobalan, ginger, and molasses)  |
trisāmā | f. Name of a river  |
trisāman | mfn. singing 3 sāman-s  |
triṣaṃdhi | mfn. (tr/i--) "having 3 joints (saṃdh/i-) ", composed of 3 parts (also m.a kind of snake)  |
triṣaṃdhi | in , probably the personification of a three-pointed weapon as a"battle-god".  |
triṣaṃdhi | n. Name of a sāman-.  |
trisaṃdhi | mfn. See -ṣaṃdhi-  |
trisaṃdhi | f. equals dhya-kusumā-  |
trisaṃdhī | f. equals dhya-kusumā-  |
trisaṃdhika | mfn. occurring at the 3 divisions of the day,  |
trisaṃdhya | n. the 3 divisions of the day (dawn, noon, and sunset),  |
trisaṃdhyā | f. idem or 'f. idem or 'n. the 3 divisions of the day (dawn, noon, and sunset), ' '  |
trisaṃdhyā | f. equals -kusumā-  |
trisaṃdhyā | f. durgā-  |
trisaṃdhyakusumā | f. Hibiscus rosa sinensis  |
trisaṃdhyam | ind. at dawn, noon, and sunset .  |
trisaṃdhyī | f. idem or 'n. the 3 divisions of the day (dawn, noon, and sunset), '  |
trisamṛddha | (for triḥ-s-) mfn. (a cow) triply fortunate (not obstinate, milk-giving, and fertile)  |
triṣaṃvatsara | mfn. lasting 3 years  |
triṣaṃvatsara | mfn. (-saṃv-) and  |
trisaṃvatsara | See -ṣaṃv-.  |
trisāṃvatsara | mfn. equals -vats/a-  |
trisāmya | n. equilibrium of the 3 guṇa-s,  |
triṣaṃyukta | mfn. (saṃ--) triply connected  |
triṣaṃyukta | mfn. (n. scilicet hav/is-or k/arman-) and  |
triśāṇa | mfn. weighing 3, śāṇa-s  |
triśaṅkha | m. the cātaka- bird  |
triśaṅku | m. Name of a sage  |
triśaṅku | m. of a king of ayodhyā- (aspiring to ascend to heaven in his mortal body, he first requested vasiṣṭha- to perform a great sacrifice for him;on vasiṣṭha-'s refusing he applied to vasiṣṭha-'s hundred sons, who cursed and degraded him to the rank of a caṇḍāla- [hence called a caṇḍāla- king ]; viśvā-mitra- then undertook the sacrifice for him and invited all the gods, who declined to come and thereby so enraged the sage that, by his own power, he transported triśaṅku- to heaven;on his being hurled down again head foremost by the gods, he was arrested in his course by viśvā-mitra- and remained suspended in the sky, forming the southern cross constellation [son of pṛthu-]; and [son of trayyāruṇa-];[son of tri-bandhana-] )  |
triśaṅku | m. a cat  |
triśaṅku | m. the civet-cat  |
triśaṅku | m. a grasshopper  |
triśaṅku | m. a fire-fly  |
triśaṅku | m. equals ṅkha-  |
triśaṅku | m. Name of a mythical mountain  |
triśaṅku | f. Name of a mythical river  |
triśaṅku | f. (kukā-)  |
triśaṅku | m. plural Name of thorns  |
triśaṅkuja | m. "Telinga's son", hari-ścandra-  |
triśaṅkuka | m. a wag-tail  |
triśaṅkukā | f. See ṅku-.  |
triśaṅkutilaka | mf(ā-)n. adorned with the Telinga constellation (the southern region, diś-)  |
triśaṅkuyājin | m. "sacrificing for Telinga", viśvā-mitra-  |
triśānu | m. for -bhānu-  |
trisānu | See -bhānu-.  |
triśāṇya | mfn. weighing 3, śāṇa-s  |
triṣapta | m(/ās-)fn. plural equals -sapt/a-  |
trisapta | mfn. plural (instrumental case pt/ais-) (instrumental case ptabhis-)  |
trisapta | mfn. (in compound)  |
trisapta | mfn. See triḥ-s-.  |
trisaptaka | in compound  |
trisaptata | mfn. the 73rd (chs. of and )  |
trisaptati | f. ( ) 73  |
trisaptatitama | mfn. equals ptata- (chs. of )  |
triṣaptīya | n. the hymn  |
trisara | m. n. equals kṛs-  |
trisara | m. a triple pearl-string (in Prakrittisand tisaraya-[ tri-saraka-] )  |
trisaraka | See ra-  |
trisaraka | n. "thrice enjoying spirituous liquors" varia lectio for -rasaka-.  |
triśaraṇa | n. "threefold refuge" equals -ratna-  |
triśaraṇa | n. the three-refuge formula of Buddhists  |
trisarga | m. the creation of the 3 guṇa-s  |
trisarī | f. Name of a stringed instrument.  |
triśarīra | m. three-bodied  |
triśarīrin | mfn. idem or 'm. three-bodied ' (viṣṇu-)  |
triśarkarā | f. 3 kinds of sugar (guḍotpannā-, himotthā-, madhurā-)  |
triśas | ind. by threes  |
triṣaṣ | mfn. plural 3 x 6  |
triṣaṣṭa | mf(ī-)n. the 63rd (chs. of )  |
triṣaṣṭi | f. 63  |
triṣaṣṭidhā | ind. in 63 parts  |
triṣaṣṭiśalākāpuruṣacarita | n. "lives of the 63 great personages", Name of work by  |
triṣaṣṭitama | mfn. equals ṣṭa- (chs. of )  |
triśata | mfn. 103  |
triśata | mfn. the 300th (chs. of )  |
triśata | mfn. equals taka- (f(ī-).)  |
triśata | n. 300  |
triśataka | mf(ikā-)n. consisting of 300  |
triśataṃṣaṣṭiparvan | mfn. consisting of 360 sections  |
triśatatama | mfn. the 300th (chapter of )  |
triśatī | f. 300 (YV.) 29  |
triṣatya | (tr/i--) mfn. trebly truthful (in thought, word, and deed) (also -satya-)  |
trisatya | See ṣatya-  |
trisatya | n. a triple oath (varia lectio)  |
trisaugandhya | n. equals -sugandha-  |
trisauparṇa | mfn. relating to the tri-suparṇa- verses  |
triṣavaṇa | mfn. connected with 3 soma- libations (-sav-)  |
triṣavaṇa | n. plural the 3 soma- libations (-sav-)  |
triṣavaṇa | n. sg. (with or without snāna-) the 3 ablutions (at dawn, noon, and sunset) (also triḥ-snāna- ), etc. (-sav- )  |
triṣavaṇa | m. Name of a man  |
trisavana | See -ṣav-.  |
triṣavaṇam | ind. at dawn, noon, and sunset  |
triṣavaṇasnāyin | mfn. performing the 3 ablutions  |
triśikha | mf(ā-)n. three-pointed, trident-shaped  |
triśikha | mf(ā-)n. three-flamed  |
triśikha | mf(ā-)n. equals -śākha-  |
triśikha | m. equals -śākha-pattra-  |
triśikha | m. a rakṣas-  |
triśikha | m. indra- in tāmasa-'s manv-antara-  |
triśikha | n. a trident  |
triśikha | n. a three-pointed tiara  |
triśikhara | m. "three-peaked", (with śaila-) Name of a mountain  |
triśikhī | f. Name of an  |
triśikhidalā | f. "trident-leaved", Name of a bulb  |
triśila | n. 3 stones  |
triśira | mfn. (for ras-) three-pointed (varia lectio catur-aśva-)  |
triśira | m. See ras-  |
triśirā | f. Clypea hernandifolia  |
triśiragiri | m. Name of a mountain  |
triśiras | mfn. three-headed (tvāṣṭra-, author of )  |
triśiras | mfn. (jvara-)  |
triśiras | mfn. three-pointed  |
triśiras | m. Name of an asura- killed by viṣṇu-  |
triśiras | m. of a rākṣasa- killed by rāma- |
triśiras | m. (ra-)  |
triśiras | n. (with rakṣas-) idem or 'm. (ra-) '  |
triśiras | n. a rakṣas-  |
triśiras | n. kubera-  |
triśīrṣa | mfn. three-headed (śiva-, )  |
triśīrṣaguhā | f. Name of a cavern in kailāsa-  |
triśīrṣaka | n. a trident  |
triśīrṣākhyag | f. Name of a cavern in kailāsa-  |
triśīrṣan | mfn. three-headed (tvāṣṭra-, d/āsa-,etc.) (tr/i-ś-)  |
triśīrṣavat | mfn. having 3 crowns (or vertices)  |
trisitā | f. equals -śarkarā-  |
trisītya | mfn. thrice ploughed  |
triskandha | n. "consisting of 3 skandhas-", the jyotiḥ-śāstra- Introd.  |
triskandhaka | Name of a sūtra-  |
triskandhapathadaiśika | m. Buddha  |
triśoka | mfn. equals -ś/uc-  |
triśoka | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (author of )  |
triṣprakāra | masculine, feminine and neuter; or adjective = tri-- prakāra-, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
triśṛṅga | m. "three-horned", a triangle,  |
triśṛṅga | m. Name of a mountain (equals -kūṭa- )  |
triśṛṅga | m. the membrum virile  |
triśṛṅgin | m. the fish Cyprinus Rohita  |
trisrotas | f. "three-streamed", the Ganges  |
trisrotas | f. Name of another river  |
trisrotasī | f. Name of a river  |
triśrut | See -ś/uc-.  |
triśruti | mfn. (in music) containing 3 intervals.  |
tristana | mfn. milked from 3 nipples  |
tristana | f. (a cow) having 3 nipples  |
tristanī | f. (a woman) having 3 breasts  |
tristāvā | f. (a vedi-) 3 times as great (fr. t/āvat-)  |
triṣṭāvarūtrī | See tvaṣṭ-.  |
triṣṭha | mfn. ( ) equals -vandhur/a-  |
tristhalī | f. the 3 (sacred) places  |
tristhalīsetu | m. Name of work  |
tristhāna | mfn. having 3 dwelling-places  |
tristhāna | mfn. extending through the 3 worlds  |
tristhāna | n. maheśvarasya- Name of a tīrtha-  |
triṣṭhin | mfn. equals -pratiṣṭhita-  |
tristhūṇa | mfn. having (the humours as the) 3 supports  |
triṣṭoma | mfn. containing 3 stoma-s  |
triṣṭoma | m. Name of an ekāha- sacrifice  |
triṣṭubh | f. a metre of 4 x 11 syllables ( ) (bhām arkau-Name of 2 sāman-s)  |
triṣṭubh | f. (in the later metrical system) any metre of 4 x 11 syllables.  |
triṣṭuk | etc. (in the Nominal verb and before consonantic terminations as well as in compound) for -ṣṭ/up- etc.  |
triṣṭuṇmukha | mfn. beginning with a tri-ṣṭubh-  |
triṣṭupchandas | mfn. having tri-ṣṭubh- as metre  |
triśuc | mfn. triply shining  |
triśuc | mfn. (-śrut- ) .  |
trisugandha | mn. equals -jāta-  |
trisugandhi | (n. )  |
trisugandhika | idem or '(n. )'  |
triśukla | m. (equals kra-) śiva-  |
triśukra | (tr/i--) mfn. triply pure  |
triśukriya | mfn. idem or '(tr/i--) mfn. triply pure '  |
triśūla | n. a trident etc. (śiva-'s weapon, iii, 5009 )  |
triśūla | m. Name of a mountain  |
triśūlagaṅgā | f. Name of a river  |
triśūlahasta | mfn. bearing the trident in his hand (śiva-),  |
triśūlakhāta | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
triśūlāṅka | m. "trident-marked", śiva-  |
triśulapaṭṭitadhara | m. Name (also title or epithet) of śiva-,  |
triśūlapurī | f. Name of a town  |
triśūlavarapāṇin | mfn. bearing the trident in his hand (śiva-),  |
triśūlāya | Nom. A1. to resemble śiva-'s trident  |
triśūlikā | f. a small trident  |
triśūlin | m. "bearing the trident", śiva-  |
triśūlinī | f. durgā-  |
trisundara | m. Name of a mixture  |
trisuparṇa | mn. (tr/i--) Name of (or of )  |
trisuparṇa | mfn. familiar with or reciting those verses (rṇaka-)  |
trisūtra | mfn. having 3 threads  |
trisūtrī | f. 3 sūtra-s  |
trisūtrīkaraṇa | n. Name of a performance  |
triṣuvarcaka | See -suv-.  |
trisuvarcaka | m. "triply splendid", Name of a man (-ṣuv-B) .  |
triśyeta | mf(ā-)n. equals triḥ-śveta-  |
tritā | f. a triad  |
trita | m. "third"(), Name of a Vedic deity (associated with the marut-s, vāyu-, and indra-;fighting like the latter with tvāṣṭra-, vṛtra-, and other demons;called āptya- [ q.v ],"water-deity", and supposed to reside in the remotest regions of the world, whence[ ]the idea of wishing to remove calamity to tvāṣṭra-, and the view of the trita-s being the keepers of nectar[ ] , similarly [ ]the notion of trita-'s bestowing long life;also conceived as an inferior deity conquering the demons by order and with the help of indra-[ ];fallen into a well he begged aid from the gods [ ];as to this last myth on relates that 3 ṛṣi-s, ekata-, dvita-, and trita-, parched with thirst, looked about and found a well, and when tvāṣṭra- began to draw water, the other two, desirous of his property, pushed him down and closed up the well with a wheel;shut up there, tvāṣṭra- composed a hymn to the gods, and managed miraculously to prepare the sacrificial soma-, that he might drink it himself, or offer it to the deities and so be extricated: this is alluded to in [ confer, compare ] and described in ;also makes him a ṛṣi-, and he is the supposed author of ;in epic legends[ ] ekata-, dvita-, and tvāṣṭra- are described as 3 brothers, sons of gautama- or of prajā-pati- or brahmā-;elsewhere tvāṣṭra- is one of the 12 sons of manu- cākṣuṣa- by naḍvalā- ; confer, compare traitan/a-; Zend Thrita;, , etc.)  |
trita | n. triplet of young (three-twin)  |
tritakṣa | n. an association of 3 carpenters  |
tritakṣī | f. idem or 'n. an association of 3 carpenters '  |
tritakūpa | m. " tvāṣṭra-'s well", Name of a tīrtha-  |
tritāmra | mfn. red on 3 parts of the body  |
tritanti | mfn. having 3 chords (a lute) Scholiast or Commentator on and  |
tritantrikā | f. (a lute) having 3 chords.  |
tritantu | mfn. thrice woven (?)  |
tritas | ind. on 3 sides  |
tritaya | n. ( ) a triad  |
tritrika | mfn. ? (rāma-), 32, 13. |
tritrikoṇa | n. (equals tri-k-) the 9th mansion  |
tritva | n. equals -tā-  |
trivācika | mfn. effected by 3 words  |
trivaistika | mfn. equals -vista-  |
trivakrā | f. "thrice crooked", Name of a woman  |
trivali | mfn. having 3 folds or incisions  |
trivali | f. in compound the 3 folds over a woman's navel (regarded as a beauty)  |
trivalī | f. idem or 'f. in compound the 3 folds over a woman's navel (regarded as a beauty) '  |
trivalī | f. the anus  |
trivalī | f. Name of a drum  |
trivalīka | mfn. (rāma-) having 3 folds (on the belly or neck) (varia lectio līvat-)  |
trivalīka | n. the anus  |
trivalīvat | mfn. See -valīka-.  |
trivaṇasaṃjñikā | f. (in music) Name of a rāgiṇī-.  |
trivandhura | mfn. ( vArttika ) having 3 seats (the aśvin-s' chariot)  |
trivaṇī | f. (in music) Name of a rāgiṇī-.  |
trivāra | See -rāva-  |
trivāram | ind. thrice  |
trivarga | m. the three things etc. (equals -gaṇa- etc.; equals -guṇa- ;the 3 conditions,"progress, stationariness, and decline", ;the 3 higher castes, xiii; equals -madhura- ; equals -kaṭu- ; equals -phalā- )  |
trivargacintana | n. Name of a chapter of  |
trivargapārīṇa | mfn. having passed through the 3 conditions or attained the tri-gaṇa-  |
trivarṇa | mfn. three-coloured  |
trivarṇaka | mn. equals -kaṭa-  |
trivarṇaka | n. equals -kaṭu-  |
trivarṇaka | n. the 3 Myrobalans (-phalā-)  |
trivarṇakṛt | m. the chameleon  |
trivarṣa | mfn. equals -vats/a-  |
trivarṣa | n. 3 years  |
trivarṣa | n. a--, not yet 3 years old  |
trivarṣaka | mf(ikā-)n. equals -vats/a-  |
trivarṣapūrva | mfn. known less than 3 years  |
trivārṣika | mfn. 3 years old  |
trivarṣīya | mfn. used for 3 years  |
trivartmagā | f. equals tripatha-gā-  |
trivartman | mfn. going by 3 paths  |
trivartu | mfn. threefold  |
trivarūtha | mfn. protecting in 3 ways  |
trivarūtha | mfn. (th/a-) &  |
trivastu | n. the triple object (viz. buddha-, dharma-, and saṃgha-),  |
trivat | (tr/i--) mfn. ( Va1rtt. 2; viii, 2, 15 ) containing the word tr/i-  |
trivatsa | mf(/ā-)n. 3 years old (ox or cow)  |
trivayas | (tr/i--) mfn. having threefold food (or texture ?),  |
triveda | in compound the 3 veda-s  |
triveda | mfn. familiar with the 3 veda-s  |
triveda | m. equals trayī-deha-  |
triveda | m. (with kṛṣṇa-- rāśa-- lauhitya-) Name (also title or epithet) of a teacher,  |
trivedī | f. idem or 'in compound the 3 veda-s '  |
trivedin | mfn. familiar with the 3 veda-s  |
trivedin | mfn. equals trayīmūrti-mat-  |
trivedītanu | m. (with deva-) idem or 'm. equals trayī-deha- '  |
trivelā | f. equals -vṛtā-  |
triveṇi | f. equals ṇī-  |
triveṇī | f. (gaRa śivādi-) "triple-braided", the place of confluence (prayāga-, now Allahabad) of the Ganges with the yamunā- (Jumna) and the subterranean sarasvatī-  |
triveṇī | f. Name of another place.  |
triveṇikā | f. Name of a grammar.  |
triveṇu | mfn. three-bannered (a chariot)  |
triveṇu | m. Name of part of a chariot (also ṇuka-) -ix  |
trivibudhī | f. 3 deities  |
trividha | mfn. (tr/i--) of 3 kinds, triple, threefold etc.  |
trividhadamathavastukuśala | m. equals tri-dam-  |
trividya | mfn. containing the 3 veda-s (śiva-; see trayī-tanu-)  |
trividyā | f. threefold knowledge (see tray/īvidy/ā-)  |
trivikrama | n. the 3 steps (of viṣṇu-) (in compound)  |
trivikrama | mfn. or m. who strided over the 3 worlds in 3 steps (viṣṇu-)  |
trivikrama | m. Name of a Brahman  |
trivikrama | m. of the author of a work (called after him traivikramī-)  |
trivikrama | m. of a medical author and of a mixture (called after him)  |
trivikrama | m. equals -bhaṭṭa-  |
trivikramabhaṭṭa | m. Name of the author of  |
trivikramācārya | m. Name of an astronomer.  |
trivikramadeva | m. Name of an author  |
trivikramasena | m. Name of a prince  |
trivikramatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
trivinata | mfn. bent in 3 ways (varia lectio try-avan-).  |
trivista | mfn. weighing 3 Vistas  |
triviṣṭabdha | n. the 3 staves of a parivrājaka- (= -daṇḍa-)  |
triviṣṭabdhaka | n. idem or 'n. the 3 staves of a parivrājaka- (= -daṇḍa-) ' on Va1rtt. 8; ii, 1, 1 Va1rtt. 4  |
triviṣṭabdhaka | n. Va1rtt. 2.  |
triviṣṭapa | n. equals -piṣṭ- etc.  |
triviṣṭapa | n. Name of a liṅga-  |
triviṣṭapa | n. for ṣṭabdha-  |
triviṣṭapasad | m. equals -piṣṭ-  |
triviṣṭi | ind. thrice  |
triviṣṭidhātu | mfn. threefold  |
triviṣūka | mfn. diverging into three directions,  |
trivitasta | mfn. 3 spans long  |
trivitasta | n. 3 spans  |
trivrata | (tr/i--) mfn. eating thrice a day  |
trivṛcchiras | mfn. trivṛt--headed  |
trivṛnta | m. equals pakṣaka-  |
trivṛntikā | f. equals -vṛtā-  |
trivṛṣa | mfn. having 3 bulls  |
trivṛṣa | m. Name of the vyāsa- in the 11th dvāpara- (varia lectio ṛṣabha-)  |
trivṛṣa | m. (ṣan-)  |
trivṛṣa | m. (vṛt-)  |
trivṛṣan | m. Name of try-aruṇa-'s father (see traivṛṣṇ/a-).  |
trivṛṣan | m. See ṣa-.  |
trivṛt | mfn. threefold, triple, triform, consisting of 3 parts or folds etc. etc.  |
trivṛt | mfn. connected with the tri-vṛt- stoma-  |
trivṛt | mfn. (n. plural -vṛnti-)  |
trivṛt | m. (with or without st/oma-) a threefold stoma- (in which first the three 1st verses of each tṛca- ofRV. ix, II are sung together, then the 2nd verses, and lastly the 3rd) etc.  |
trivṛt | m. a triple cord,  |
trivṛt | m. an amulet of 3 strings  |
trivṛt | m. Name of a vyāsa- (See -vṛṣa-)  |
trivṛt | f. equals tā- (generally written tṛ-v-)  |
trivṛtā | f. Ipomoea Turpethum  |
trivṛtkaraṇa | n. making threefold, ( )  |
trivṛtparṇī | f. Hingcha repens  |
trivṛtprāya | mfn. similar to the trivṛt-,  |
trivṛtstoma | mfn. connected with the Telinga stoma- |
trivṛttā | f. triplicity  |
trivṛtti | f. livelihood through 3 things (sacrifice, study, and alms)  |
trivyāma | mf(ā-)n. 3 cords long  |
triy | for try-.  |
triyadhvan | n. the 3 times (perfect tense,p. future)  |
triyājña | See triy-akṣa-.  |
triyakṣa | See try--.  |
triyāma | mf(ā-)n. (the night) containing 3 watches (or 9 hours)  |
triyāmā | f. night etc.  |
triyāmā | f. turmeric  |
triyāma | mf(ā-)n. equals -puṣā-  |
triyāma | mf(ā-)n. the Indigo plant  |
triyāma | mf(ā-)n. the river yamunā-  |
triyāmaka | n. sin  |
triyambaka | See try--.  |
triyāna | n. the 3 Vehicles (leading to nirvāṇa-)  |
triyaṣṭi | m. Oldenlandia biflora (?)  |
triyava | mfn. weighing 3 barley-corns  |
triyavastha | mfn. having 3 conditions  |
triyavi | See try--.  |
triyojana | n. 3 yojana-s  |
triyoni | mfn. (a lawsuit) resulting from 3 reasons (anger, covetousness, or infatuation)  |
triyṛca | n. equals tṛc/a-  |
triyuga | n. (equals -puruṣa-) 3 generations ( ;"spring, rainy-season, and autumn", )  |
triyuga | mfn. appearing in the first 3 yuga-s (kṛṣṇa-)  |
triyugma | mfn. possessing 3 pairs (yaśo-vīrye-, aiśvarya-śriyau-, jñāna-vairāgye-)  |
triyūha | m. a chestnut-coloured horse  |
triyūha | m. see ukanāha-, urāha-, kiyāha-, kokāha-.  |
triyukta | mfn. (a cart) drawn by 3  |
triyūpa | mfn. with 3 sacrificial posts  |
abhastrikā | f. a badly made or inferior pair of bellows (id est small), said to mean also (a woman) who has no bellows  |
abhimantrita | mfn. consecrated by a certain formula.  |
abhitripiṣṭapa | mfn. being over the three worlds  |
abhoktri | mfn. not enjoying, not using, abstemious.  |
adevamātrika | mfn. "not having the gods or clouds as mothers, not suckled by any deity", not rained upon.  |
adhistri | ind. concerning a woman or a wife  |
āgnihotrika | mfn. belonging to the agnihotra- commentator or commentary on  |
agnihotrin | mfn. practising the agnihotra-, maintaining the sacrificial fire  |
agnihotrivatsa | m. her calf.  |
ahastriyāma | n. day and night  |
ahastriyāma | See  |
āhicchattrika | m. an inhabitant of the country ahicchattra- or its city.  |
aikarātrika | mfn. (fr. eka-rātra-), staying one night  |
ajinapattri | f. a bat.  |
ajinapattrikā | f. a bat.  |
akṛtrima | mf(ā-)n. inartificial.  |
akṣetrin | mfn. having no fields  |
alipattrikā | f. Name of a shrub  |
amalapatatrin | m. the wild goose  |
āmantrita | mfn. addressed, spoken to  |
āmantrita | mfn. called, invited, summoned  |
āmantrita | mfn. asked  |
āmantrita | mfn. one of whom leave is taken etc.  |
āmantrita | n. addressing, summoning  |
āmantrita | n. the vocative case  |
amararājamantrin | m. equals amara-guru- q.v  |
amatrin | mfn. having the large drinking vessel called /amatra-  |
āmitri | m. a descendant of a-mitra-  |
amitrin | mfn. hostile  |
amitriya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. hostile '  |
āmuṣyaputrikā | f. (fr. amuṣya-putra-), the being the son of that one  |
animantrita | mfn. uninvited.  |
animantritabhojin | mfn. eating without being invited.  |
anityadatrima | m. a son surrendered by his parents to another for temporary or preliminary adoption.  |
āntrika | mf(ī-)n. visceral, within or relating to the bowels  |
anumantrita | mfn. so consecrated.  |
aṇumātrika | mfn. having the size of an atom  |
aṇumātrika | mfn. containing the atomic elements (mātrā-) of the body  |
anuptrima | mfn. grown without being sown  |
ānuyātrika | mfn. (fr. anu-yātra-), belonging to a servant  |
ānuyātrika | mfn. belonging to a retinue  |
ānuyātrika | mfn. a servant  |
anuyātrika | mfn. following, attendant  |
apāmnaptriya | ([ ]) mfn. relating to agni-.  |
apapātrita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. "not allowed to use vessels (for food)", people of low caste '  |
apararātri | f. the second half of the night, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
aponaptriya | ([PBr.]) ([ ]) mfn. relating to agni-.  |
aprāśitriya | mfn. not fit for food called prāśitr/a- (q.v)  |
aputrika | m. the father of a daughter not fit to be adopted as a son because of her not having any male offspring.  |
aputriya | mfn. sonless, childless  |
ārātrika | n. the light (or the vessel containing it) which is waved at night before an idol  |
ārātrika | n. Name of this ceremony.  |
ārātrivivāsam | ind. "till night's departure", till daybreak  |
arcatri | mfn. (said of the marut-s) roaring  |
ardhamātrika | mfn. (equals mātra- mfn.) having the quantity of half a short syllable commentator or commentary on  |
ardhamātrikā | f. half a short syllable  |
ārdharātrika | mfn. (fr. ardha-rātra-), happening at midnight, midnight  |
ārdharātrika | m. plural Name of an astronomical school who reckoned the beginning of the motions of the planets from midnight.  |
āritrika | mf(ā-and ī-)n. (fr. aritra- gaRa kāśy-ādi- ), belonging to or being on an oar.  |
āryātriśatī | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a kāvya- by sāma-rāja- dīkṣita-  |
asiputrikā | f. "daughter of a sword", a (small) knife  |
aśokatrirātra | m. Name of a feast which lasts three nights  |
aśrotriya | mfn. not versed in the veda- etc.  |
aśrotriya | mfn. performed by Brahmans who are not versed in the veda-  |
aṣṭatriṃśa | mfn. the thirty-eighth  |
aṣṭātriṃśa | mfn. "the thirty-eighth", with śat/a-, a hundred augmented by thirty-eight  |
aṣṭatriṃśat | f. equals aṣṭātr- q.v  |
aṣṭātriṃśat | f. thirty-eight  |
astrin | m. an archer  |
āsūtrita | mfn. tied on or round, forming or wearing a garland.  |
aśvatrirātra | m. (gaRa yuktārohyādi- q.v) Name of a ceremony  |
atistri | mf(is-,or ī-)n. surpassing a woman  |
atistri | mf(is-,or ī-)n. See Gram. 123. b-.  |
atri | m. (for at-tri-,fr. ad-), a devourer  |
atri | m. Name of a great ṛṣi-, author of a number of Vedic hymns  |
atri | m. (in astronomy) one of the seven stars of the Great Bear  |
atri | m. plural (atrayas-) the descendants of atri-.  |
atribhāradvājikā | f. marriage of descendants of atri- with those of bhāradvāja-.  |
atricaturaha | m. "the four days of atri-", Name of a sacrifice.  |
atridṛgja | m. "produced by atri-'s look", the moon, (in arithmetic) the number one.  |
atrijāta | m. "produced by atri-", the moon.  |
atrijāta | mfn. "not born thrice"(but twice), a man belonging to one of the first three classes, [for atri-jāta-See under atri-.]  |
atrin | m. a devourer, demon , a rākṣasa-.  |
atrinetrabhū | m. "produced by atri-'s look", the moon, (in arithmetic) the number one.  |
atrinetraja | m. "produced by atri-'s look", the moon, (in arithmetic) the number one.  |
atrinetraprabhava | m. "produced by atri-'s look", the moon, (in arithmetic) the number one.  |
atrinetraprasūta | m. "produced by atri-'s look", the moon, (in arithmetic) the number one.  |
atrinetrasūta | m. "produced by atri-'s look", the moon, (in arithmetic) the number one.  |
atrirātrayājin | mfn. not taking part in the tri-rātra- sacrifice,  |
atrisaṃhitā | f. the code ascribed to atri-.  |
atrismṛti | f. the code ascribed to atri-.  |
atrivat | ind. like atri-  |
attri | See /atri-, .  |
audbhettriya | n. idem or 'n. (fr. ud-bhettṛ-) idem or 'n. forcing one's way to an aim, success, victory ' '  |
avamūtrita | mfn. urined upon  |
avamūtrita | mfn. wetted by the fluid excretion (of an insect)  |
avapātrita | mfn. a person not allowed by his kindred to eat or drink from the same vessel (see apa-pātrita-.)  |
āvikasautrika | mfn. made of woollen threads  |
ayantrita | mfn. unhindered, unrestrained, self-willed  |
ayātrika | mfn. inauspicious (?), hāla-, Scholiast or Commentator  |
bahupattrikā | f. Flacourtia Cataphracta  |
bahupattrikā | f. Trigonella Foenum Graecum  |
bahupattrikā | f. equals mahā-śatāvarī-  |
bahuputrikā | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
bahuputrikā | f. wrong reading for -pattrikā-.  |
bahutrivarṣa | mfn. well-nigh three years old,  |
baidatrirātra | m. a particular tri-rātra-  |
bālaśāstrin | m. Name of a grammarian and of a living writer  |
bālātripurasundarīpūjanaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
bhadrālapattrikā | f. Paederia Foetida (equals gandhālī-)  |
bhañjipattrikā | f. Salvinia Cucullata (see phañji-pattrikā-).  |
bharaṭakadvātriṃśikā | f. Name of a collection of 32 popular tales.  |
bhartrima | (?) mfn. maintained, nourished, supported  |
bhartsapattrikā | (prob.) wrong reading for bhṛśa-p-.  |
bhastrika | mf(ī-)n. equals bhastrayā harati-  |
bhastrikā | f. a little bag (see ) .  |
bhāvatribhaṅgī | f. Name of work  |
bhīmaputrikā | f. bhīma-'s daughter  |
bhinnagātrikā | f. Cucumis Usitatissimus  |
bhṛgamātrika | prob. wrong reading for mṛga-m-.  |
bhṛśapattrikā | f. "strong-leaved", a species of plant  |
bhūrikṛtrimamāṇikyamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of many imitation rubies  |
bhūstriṇa | m. Andropegon Schoenanthus,  |
bilvapattrikā | f. Name of dākṣāyaṇī- (under which she was worshipped at bilvaka-)  |
brahmarātri | wrong reading for brāhma-rāti-.  |
brahmasattrin | mfn. offering the sacrifice of devotion  |
brahmasattrin | mfn. absorbed in the self-existent One  |
brahmasūtrin | mfn. invested with the Brahmanical cord  |
bṛhadatri | m. "the larger atri-", Name of work on med.  |
caitri | varia lectio for trin-  |
caitrika | m. the month caitra-  |
caitrin | m. idem or 'm. the month caitra- '  |
caitriyāyaṇa | m. (for tryāy-See caitra-) patronymic of yajña-sena- ,  |
candanaputri | f. Name of a mythical doll  |
candanaputrikā | f. Name of a mythical doll  |
cārakatrirātra | m. a particular ceremony lasting three days (prescribed by caraka- or by the caraka-s?)  |
cāritrin | mfn. of good conduct  |
carmabhastrikā | f. a leathern bag  |
carmaratnabhastrikā | f. idem or 'n. a leathern lucky-bag ' , 199.  |
cāturhotriya | mfn. attended by 4 chief priests (agni-)  |
catustridvyekabhāga | mfn. plural receiving 4, 3, 2, and 1 part respectively  |
catustriṃśa | mf(ī-)n. the 34th (prajā-pati-, so called with regard to the other 33 gods)  |
catustriṃśa | mf(ī-)n. (with śat/a-,100) + 34  |
catustriṃśa | mf(ī-)n. containing 34  |
catustriṃśa | m. (scilicet st/oma-) a stoma- consisting of 34 parts  |
catustriṃśadakṣara | mf(ā-)n. (c/at-) containing 34 syllables  |
catustriṃśadrātram | ind. during 34 days  |
catustriṃśajjātakajña | m. "knowing 34 jātaka-s", Name of a buddha-  |
catustriṃśat | f. (c/at-) 34  |
catustriṃśatsammita | n. with prajā-pateś- (See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ś/a-), Name of a sāman-  |
chagalāntrikā | f. Argyreia speciosa or argentea (ajāntrī-)  |
chāgalāntrikā | f. equals chag-  |
chagalāntrin | m. "having goats in the bowels", a wolf  |
chāgalāntrin | m. equals chag-  |
chāgamitrika | mf(ā-, ī-)n. fr. tra-  |
chandomapavamānatrirātra | m. equals -tri-kakud-  |
chandomatrikakud | m. Name of a try-aha- rite  |
chāttri |  |
chattrikā | f. a parasol, 323 and 1446  |
chattrika | m. equals ttra-dhara- gaRa purohitādi-.  |
chāttrikya | n. the office of a parasol-bearer (chattrika-) gaRa purohitādi-.  |
chattrin | mfn. furnished with a parasol  |
chattrin | m. a barber  |
chattriṇa | m. Name of a man  |
chattrinyāya | m. "the manner of applying the term chattrin- to a king ", permitted synonym  |
chāttriśāla | n. ( )  |
chāttriśālā | f.  |
cīrapattrikā | f. a kind of vegetable (varia lectio kṣāra-p-).  |
cīritapattrikā | f. equals ra-p-  |
citrapattrikā | f. the plant kapittha-parṇī-  |
citrapattrikā | f. droṇa-puṣpī-  |
citraputrikā | f. a female portrait  |
citraputrikāyita | mfn. resembling a female portrait  |
citrika | m. (fr. citr/ā-) the month caitra-  |
citrin | mfn. having variegated (black and grey) hair  |
citrin | f. (plural) Name of certain bricks  |
citriṇī | f. plural (/iṇyas-) (the dawns) wearing bright ornaments  |
citriṇī | f. a woman endowed with various talents (one of the four divisions into which women are classed)  |
citrita | mfn. made variegated, decorated, painted  |
citrita | mfn. see vi--.  |
citriya | mfn. visible at a distance (a species of aśvattha-)  |
citriya | m. Name of a man  |
dairgharātrika | mf(ī-)n. long, chronic (disease)  |
daivakṣatri | m. patronymic fr. deva-kṣatra-  |
daivamitri | m. patronymic fr. deva-mata- and -mitra gaRa taulvay-ādi-.  |
dantapattrikā | f. an ivory ear-ring  |
dantapattrikā | f. a comb  |
dartri | tn/u-, dardara-, etc. See column 1.  |
dāruputrikā | f. ( ) equals -garbhā-.  |
dārvipattrikā | f. Name of a plant equals go-jihvā-  |
dāsamitri | m. descendant of dāsa-mitra- ( dāsamitribhakta -bhakta- n.the district inhabited by them gaRa aiṣukāry-ādi-)  |
dāsamitribhakta | n. dāsamitri |
dāsamitrika | mf(ā-and ī-)n. relating to dāsa-mitra- (gaRa kaśy-ādi-).  |
dāśarātrika | (d/ā-) mf(ī-)n. celebrated in the same manner as the daśa-rātra-  |
dāsīśrotriya | m. equals -brāhmaṇa-  |
dattātri | See dambholi-.  |
dattrima | mfn. received by gift (son, slave)  |
daurmitri | m. metron. fr. dur-mitrā- (gaRa bāhv-ādi-).  |
devapatimantrin | m. " indra-'s counsellor", Name of bṛhas-pati-, the planet Jupiter  |
devapātrin | mfn. partaking of the divine cup  |
devaputrikā | f. Trigonella Corniculata  |
devayātrin | See -yājin-.  |
dharmapravaktri | m. teacher of law  |
dharmasāstrin | m. an adherent of the law-books  |
dharmasāstrin | m. plural Name of a particular school  |
dhātri | f. (metric.) equals trī-, Emblica Officinalis  |
dhātrikā | f. wet-nurse or equals prec.  |
dhūsarapattrikā | f. Tragia Involucrata or Heliophytum Indicum  |
dīrghapattrikā | f. Desmodium Gangeticum  |
dīrghapattrikā | f. Aloe Indica  |
dīrghapattrikā | f. equals palāśī-  |
dīrgharātrika | mfn. "long-lasting"(fever)  |
dīrghasūtrin | mfn. equals tra-  |
dīrghasūtritā | f. equals tratā- (varia lectio)  |
dṛḍhagātrikā | f. "having hard particles", granulated sugar  |
dṛḍhasūtrikā | f. "having strong fibres", Sanseviera Zeylanica  |
durmantrin | m. bad adviser or minister  |
durmantrin | mfn. having bad ministers  |
durmantrita | mfn. badly advised  |
durmantrita | n. equals prec.  |
durmitriya | mfn. unfriendly  |
dvaimitri | mfn. (fr. dvi-mitra-) born of 2 friends  |
dvairātrika | mf(ī-)n. of or belonging to a period of 2 nights  |
dvātriṃśa | mf(ī-)n. the 32nd  |
dvātriṃśa | mf(ī-)n. consisting of 32  |
dvātriṃśa | mf(ī-)n. 32 (in dvātriṃśāra |