Word | Reference | Gender | Number | Synonyms | Definition |
anāhatam | 2.6.113 | Masculine | Singular | tantrakam, navāmbaram, niṣpravāṇi | |
kovidāraḥ | 2.4.22 | Masculine | Singular | yugapatrakaḥ, camarikaḥ, kuddālaḥ | |
pāṭhī | Masculine | Singular | citrakaḥ, vahnisañjñakaḥ | ||
śaṇasūtram | Neuter | Singular | pavitrakam | packthread | |
tāmrakam | 2.9.98 | Neuter | Singular | aśmasāraḥ, śastrakam, tīkṣṇam, piṇḍam, kālāyasam, ayaḥ | |
tilakam | 2.6.124 | Neuter | Singular | citrakam, viśeṣakam, tamālapatram | |
vyāghrapucchaḥ | 2.2.50 | Masculine | Singular | vyaḍambakaḥ, pañcāṅgulaḥ, rucakaḥ, gandharvahastakaḥ, varddhamānaḥ, cañcuḥ, erubūkaḥ, maṇḍaḥ, citrakaḥ, eraṇḍaḥ | |
mātulaputrakaḥ | Masculine | Singular | |||
śatapatrakaḥ | 2.5.18 | Masculine | Singular | dārvāghāṭaḥ | |
citrakaraḥ | 2.10.7 | Masculine | Singular | raṅgājīvaḥ |
aśva | m. of a son of citraka- | ||||||
aśvabāhu | m. Name of a son of citraka- | ||||||
aśvagrīva | m. of a son of citraka- | ||||||
bhastrakā | f. diminutive fr. bhastrā- (see bhastrākā-and bhastrikā- ) . | ||||||
bhujiṣya | m. a cord wound round the wrist of a girl before her marriage (-hasta-sūtraka-) | ||||||
cakraka | n. a particular way of fighting (varia lectio citraka-) | ||||||
cāturhotra | n. a sacrifice performed by 4 priests (varia lectio cat-) (varia lectio catur-hotraka-) | ||||||
chāttra | ttraka-, etc. See | ||||||
cillaka | m. equals citraka- q.v | ||||||
citrapiccha | m. equals -pattraka- | ||||||
citravana | n. see citraka-. | ||||||
devaputra | m. the son of a god (also traka- ) | ||||||
dharmaputraka | m. adopted son (see pārvatī-dharmaputraka-). | ||||||
dvādaśākṣaramantra | m. the prayer of 12 syllables addressed to viṣṇu- (see dvādaśa-pattraka-) | ||||||
gaveṣin | m. Name of a son of citraka- and brother of pṛthu- | ||||||
gomedaka | m. equals pattraka- (smearing the body with unguents ) | ||||||
himārāti | m. a kind of Plant (equals citraka-) | ||||||
hiraṇyaretas | m. a kind of plant (equals citraka-) | ||||||
homaka | m. equals hotraka- (8 in number) | ||||||
hotrā | f. (for 2.See) the function or office of a priest (especially of the hotraka-s, also applied to the persons of the hotraka-s) : | ||||||
hotrācamasa | m. the ladle or other vessel used by the hotraka-s | ||||||
hotrāśāṃsin | m. "reciting the part of the hotṛ-", an assistant of the hotṛ-, hotraka- | ||||||
hotrīya | mfn. relating or belonging to the hotṛ- or the hotraka-s | ||||||
hotṛka | m. equals hotraka- | ||||||
jahnu | m. Name of an ancient king and sage (son of aja-mīḍha-, of su-hotra-, of kuru-, of hotraka-;ancestor of the kuśika-s;the Ganges, when brought down from heaven by bhagī-ratha-'s austerities, was forced to flow over the earth and to follow him to the ocean and thence to the lower regions in order to water the ashes of sagara-'s sons;in its course it inundated the sacrificial ground of jahnu-, who drank up its waters but consented at bhagī-ratha-'s prayer to discharge them from his ears;hence the river is regarded as his daughter) | ||||||
ka | a taddhita- affix (much used in forming adjectives;it may also be added to nouns to express diminution, deterioration, or similarity exempli gratia, 'for example' putraka-,a little son; aśvaka-,a bad horse or like a horse). | ||||||
kola | m. Name of a plant (equals citra-, citraka-) | ||||||
kukuṇḍaka | n. the fruit of chattrāka-. | ||||||
nāriṅgakanda | m. a yellow carrot (see nāraṅga-pattraka-). | ||||||
pañcarātra | mfn. (tr/a-) lasting 5 days (also traka- ) | ||||||
pāñcarātra | n. the doctrine of the pāñcarātra-s (also trya-and traka-) | ||||||
pātrika | n. a vessel, cup, dish (in ku-- ; Bombay edition -pātraka-). | ||||||
pattrikā | f. (of traka-), a leaf (for writing upon), a letter, document etc. | ||||||
pavitra | n. kuśa- grass (especially two kuśa- leaves for holding offerings or for sprinkling and purifying ghee etc.) etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' also ko-See sa-pavitraka-), a ring of kuśa- grass worn on the fourth finger on particular occasions | ||||||
prapautra | m. the son of a son's son, a great-grandson (also traka- ) | ||||||
pṛthu | m. of a vṛṣṇi- and son of citraka- | ||||||
putra | m. a species of small venomous animal (equals putraka-) | ||||||
rāgasūtra | n. the string of a balance (also traka-). | ||||||
rātra | rātraka- See below. | ||||||
sāmapragātha | m. Name of particular verses to be chanted by the three hotraka-s | ||||||
śambara | m. equals citraka- | ||||||
saptārcis | m. a particular plant (equals citraka-) | ||||||
śastaka | n. equals loha- (prob. wrong reading for śastraka-) | ||||||
śikhāvat | m. a particular plant or tree (equals citraka-) | ||||||
sindhuvaktra | Name of a place (See saindhuvaktraka-). | ||||||
śravaṇā | f. Name of a daughter of citraka- or rājā | ||||||
śraviṣṭhā | f. of a daughter of citraka- | ||||||
subāhu | m. of a son of citraka- | ||||||
śuci | m. a particular plant (equals citraka-) | ||||||
sūcīpattra | m. a kind of sugar-cane (also ttraka-) | ||||||
sudharman | m. of a son of citraka- | ||||||
śukra | m. a kind of plant (equals citraka-) | ||||||
sumantra | m. equals su-mantraka- | ||||||
supārśvaka | m. Name of a son of citraka- | ||||||
śuṣman | m. a particular plant (equals citraka-) | ||||||
sūtrikā | f. (ikā-) See sūtraka-, column 1. | ||||||
tvakpattra | n. equals ttraka- | ||||||
vahitra | n. "instrument of conveying", a boat, vessel (also traka- ) | ||||||
vahnisaṃjñaka | m. equals citraka- q.v | ||||||
vānīra | m. equals citraka- | ||||||
vipṛthu | m. of a son of citraka- and younger brother of pṛthu- (wrong reading pṛtha-). |
aticiram | अतिचिरम् adv. Very long; ˚रं मया कृतं Ratn.1. I have been very late; नातिचिरं गतायां च तस्याम् K.178 she had not long left when &c. अतिच्छत्रः aticchatrḥ ग्रा grā च्छत्रका cchatrakā अतिच्छत्रः ग्रा च्छत्रका [अतिक्रान्तः छत्रं तुल्याकारेण] A mushroom, anise, principally Anesum or Anethum Sowa (Mar. शोपा) N. of another plant, Barleria Longifolia. (˚त्रः is said by Amara to be जलतृणभेदः) (Mar. शेतगवत); and ˚त्रा = शतपुष्पा (Mar. शोप). |
abhavya | अभव्य a. 1 Not to be, not predestined; -2 Improper. -3 unfortunate; उपगतमवधीरयन्त्यभव्याः Ki.1. 51. -4 uncivil, rude; अभव्यो भव्यरूपेण Rām.4.17.28. अभस्त्रका abhastrakā अभस्त्रिका abhastrikā अभस्त्रका अभस्त्रिका also अभस्त्राका [अ-भस्त्रा P. VII.3.47.] 1 A badly made or inferior pair of bellows. -2 A young woman who has no bellows. |
khanitram | खनित्रम् [खन्-इत्र P.III.2.184] A spade, hoe, a pick-axe; अगस्त्यः खनमानः खनित्रैः Rv.1.179.6. खनित्रकम् khanitrakam त्रिका trikā खनित्रकम् त्रिका A small shovel; Ks.61.19. |
dāhaka | दाहक a. (-हिका f.) [दह्-ण्वुल] 1 Burning, kindling; यथाग्निर्दारुणो दाह्याद्दाहको$न्यः प्रकाशकः Bhāg.11.1.8. -2 Incendiary, inflammatory. -3 Cauterizing. -कः 1 Fire -2 The Chitraka plant. |
pālakaḥ | पालकः [पाल्-ण्वुल्] 1 A guardian, protector. -2 A prince, king, ruler, sovereign. -3 A groom, horsekeeper. -4 A horse. -5 The Chitraka tree. -6 A fosterfather. -7 Protection. -8 One who maintains or observes (as a promise &c). -कम् A spittoon. |
pāvaka | पावक a. [पू-ण्वुल्] Purifying; पन्थानं पावकं हित्वा जनको मौढ्यमास्थितः Mb.12.18.4. -कः 1 Fire; पावकस्य महिमा स गण्यते कक्षवज्ज्ज्वलति सागरे$पि यः R.11.75;3.9;16.87. -2 Agni or the god of fire. -3 The fire of lightning. -4 The Chitraka tree. -5 The number 'three'. -6 A person purified by religious abstraction, saint, sage. -7 Good conduct or behaviour. -8 N. of Varuṇa. -की 1 The wife of Agni. -2 Ved. N. of Sarasvatī. -Comp. -अरणिः an epithet of a plant called अग्निमन्य (Mar. थोर ऐरण). -अर्चिस् f. a flash of fire. -अस्त्रम् a fiery weapon; प्रशान्तमेव पावकास्त्रम् U.6.5/6. -आत्मजः 1 an epithet of Kārtikeya. -2 N. of a sage called सुदर्शन who married the daughter of Duryodhana of the Ikṣvāku family. -मणिः m. The Sūryakānta Maṇi. -शिखः (= अग्निशिखः) Saffron; Śiva B.3.19. |
bhasita | भसित a. Reduced to ashes; यस्त्वन्तकाल इदमात्मकृतं स्वनेत्रवह्निस्फुलिङ्गशिखया भसितं न वेद Bhāg.8.7.32. -तम् Ashes; अनलभसितजालास्पदमभूत् Bv.1.84; भसितोद्धूलनविधिम् Sundaralaharī 2. भस्त्रका bhastrakā भस्त्रा bhastrā भस्त्रिः bhastriḥ भस्त्रका भस्त्रा भस्त्रिः f. [भस्-ष्ट्रन्] 1 A bellows; भस्त्राः किं न श्वसन्त्युत Bhāg.2.3.18. -2 A leathern vessel for holding water. -3 A pouch, leathern bag; भस्त्रा माता पितुः पुत्रो येन जातः स एव सः Mb.1.74.1; Bhāg.9.2.21. |
malimlucaḥ | मलिम्लुचः 1 A robber, thief; न परेषु महौजसश्छलादप- कुर्वन्ति मलिम्लुचा इव Śi.16.52. -2 A demon. -3 A gnat, mosquito. -4 An intercalary month. -5 Air, wind. -6 Fire. -7 A Brāhmaṇa who neglects the five daily Yajñas or sacrifices. -8 The Chitraka tree. -9 Frost, snow. |
vahālaḥ | वहालः Wind; Gīrvāṇa. वहित्रम् vahitram वहित्रकम् vahitrakam वहिनी vahinī वहित्रम् वहित्रकम् वहिनी [वह्-इत्र Uṇ.4.181] 1 A raft, float, boat, vessel; प्रत्यूषस्यदृश्यत किमपि वहित्रम् Dk.; प्रलयपयोधिजले धृतवानसि वेदं विहितवहित्रचरित्रंमखेदम् Gīt.1. -2 A square chariot with a pole. |
vahniḥ | वह्निः [वह्-निः &Uṇ.4.53] 1 Fire; अतृणे पतितो वह्निः स्वयमेवोपशाम्यति Subhāṣ. -2 The digestive faculty, gastric fluid. -3 Digestion, appetite. -4 A vehicle. -5 The marking-nut plant. -6 Lead-wort. -7 A sacrificer, priest. -8 A god in general. -9 An epithet of the Maruts. -1 Of Soma. -11 A horse. -12 A draught animal. -13 The number 'three'. -14 The mystical N. of the letter र्; रकार. -Comp. -उत्पातः an igneous meteor. -कर a. 1 igniting. -2 stimulating digestion, stomachic. -करी Grislea Tomentosa (Mar. धायटी). -काष्ठम् a kind of agallochum. -कोणः the south-east quarter. -कोपः a conflagration. -गन्धः 1 incense. -2 resin. -गर्भः 1 a bamboo. -2 the Śamī tree; cf. अग्नि- गर्भ. -दीपकः safflower. (-का) = अजमोदा q. v. -धौत a. pure like fire. -नामन् m. 1 the marking nut plant. -2 lead-wort. -पतनम् self-immolation. -बीजम् 1 gold. -2 a citron tree. -3 N. of the mystical syllable रम्. -भोग्यम् clarified butter. -मन्थः, -मन्थनः Premna Spinosa (Mar. नरवेल). -मारकम् water. -मित्रः air, wind. -रेतस् m. 1 an epithet of Śiva. -2 gold. -लोह, -लोहक copper. -वधू f. 1 Svāhā, the wife of Agni. -2 The Svāhā Mantra. -वर्णम् the red water-lilly. -वल्लभः resin. -वीजम् 1 gold. -2 the common lime. -शिखम् 1 saffron. -2 saffower; स्यात् कुसुम्भं वह्निशिखं वस्त्ररञ्जकमित्यपि Bhāva P. -शेखरम् saffron. -संस्कारः the religious rite of cremation. -सखः the wind. -संझकः the Chitraka tree. -साक्षिकम् ind. fire being the witness. -सुतः chyle. |
vaiśvānara | वैश्वानर a. (-री f.) 1 Relating or common to all mankind, fit for all men; तान् होवाचैते वै खलु यूयं पृथगिवेम- मात्मानं वैश्वानरं विद्वांसो$न्नमत्थ Ch. Up.5.18; स एष वैश्वानरो विश्वरूपः प्राणो$ग्निरुदयते Praśṇa Up.1.7; हिरण्यगर्भः स्थूले$स्मिन् देहे वैश्वानरो भवेत् Pañchadaśī 1.28; -2 Universal, general, common. -2 Zodiacal; गगने तान्यनेकानि वैश्वानरपथाद्वहिः Rām.1.6.31. -रः 1 An epithet of fire; त्वत्तः खाण्डव- रङ्गताण्डवनटो दूरे$स्तु वैश्वानरः Bv.1.57. -2 The fire of digestion (in the stomach); अहं वैश्वानरो भूत्वा प्राणिनां देह- माश्रितः । प्राणापानसमायुक्तः प्रचाम्यन्नं चतुर्विधम् ॥ Bg.15.14. -3 General consciousness (in Vedānta phil.). -4 The Supreme Being. -5 The Chitraka tree. -री 1 N. of a particular division of the moon's path; also वैश्वानरपथ; Rām.1.6.31. -2 N. of a particular sacrifice performed at the beginning of every year; इष्टिं वैश्वानरीं नित्यं निर्वपेदब्दपर्यये Mb.12.165.15. |
śikhin | शिखिन् a. [शिखा अस्त्यस्य इनि] 1 Pointed. -2 Crested, tufted; एकवस्त्रधरो धन्वी शिखी कनकमालया Rām.3.38.14. -3 One who has reached the summit of knowledge. -4 Proud. -m. 1 A peacock; उष्णालुः शिशिरे निषीदति तरोर्मूलालवाले शिखी V.2.23;4.8; Pt.1.151; Śi.4.5. -2 Fire; रिपुरिव सखीसंवासो$यं शिखीव हिमानिलः Gīt.7; न श्वेतभावमुञ्झति शङ्खः शिखिभुक्तमुक्तो$पि Pt.4.11; R.19.54; Śi.15.7. -3 A cock. -4 An arrow. -5 A tree. -6 A lamp. -7 A bull. -8 A horse. -9 A mountain. -1 A Brāhmaṇa. -11 A religious mendicant. -12 N. of Ketu. -13 The number 'three'. -14 The Chitraka tree. -Comp. -कणः a spark. -कण्ठम्, -ग्रीवम् blue vitriol; तार्क्ष्यशैलं शिखिग्रीवं चक्षुष्यं यामुनं पुनः Śiva B.3.18. -दिश् south-east. -ध्वजः 1 an epithet of Kārtikeya. -2 smoke. -पिच्छम्, -पुच्छम् a peacock's tail. -प्रियः a kind of jujube tree. -भूः N. of Skanda. -मोदा a kind of plant (अजमोदा). -मृत्युः the god of love (मदन); Gīrvāṇa. -यूपः an antelope. -वर्धकः a gourd. -वाहनः an epithet of Kārtikeya. -शिखा 1 a flame. -2 a peacock's crest. |
śukra | शुक्र a. [शुच्-रक् नि˚ कुत्वम् Uṇ.2.28] Ved. 1 Bright, radiant; स पर्यगाच्छुक्रम् Īśop.8; shining. -2 White, pure; रोचिष्णु जायते शुक्रं तद्रूपगुणमुच्यते Mb.12.232.6. -क्रः 1 The planet Venus. -2 N. of the preceptor of the Asuras, who, by means of his magical charm, restored to life the demons killed in battle; see कच, देवयानी and ययाति. -3 The month of Jyeṣṭha; रथस्वन इति ह्येते शुक्र- मासं नयन्त्यमी Bhāg.12.11.35. -4 N. of Agni or fire. -5 N. of the plant Chitraka. -क्रम् 1 Semen virile; पुमान् पुंसो$धिके शुक्रे स्त्री भवत्यधिके स्त्रियाः Ms.3.49;5.63. -2 The essence of anything. -3 Male and female energy. -4 Ved. Water. -5 Brightness, clearness, light; यथा पुरस्तात् सविता दृश्यते शुक्रमुच्चरन् Mb.5.75.12. -6 Morbid affection of the iris. -7 Gold, wealth. -Comp. -अङ्गः a peacock. -कर a. spermatic. (-रः) the marrow of the bones. -कृच्छ्रम् a particular urinary disease. -दोषः defect of semen; impotence. -भुज् f a pea-hen. -भूः m. the marrow of the bones. -मेहः seminal diabetes. -वर्ण a. bright coloured. -वारः, -वासरः Friday. -शिष्यः a demon. |
śuci | शुचि a. [शुच्-कि] 1 Clean, pure, clear; सकलहंसगुणं शुचि मानसम् Ki.5.13. -2 White; अथ हिमशुचिभस्मभूषितम् Ki.18.15. -3 Bright, resplendent; प्रभवति शुचिर्बिम्बोद्ग्राहे मणिर्न मृदां चयः U.2.4. -4 Virtuous, pious, holy, undefiled, unsullied; अय तु वेत्सि शुचिव्रतमात्मनः Ś.5.27; पथः शुचेर्दर्शयितार ईश्वराः R.3.46; Ki.5.13. -5 Purified, cleansed, hallowed; सुतां तदीयां सुरभेः कृत्वा प्रतिनिधिः शुचिः R. 1.81; Ms.4.71. -6 Honest, upright, faithful, true, guileless; सभायां वक्ति सामर्षः सावष्टम्भो नरः शुचिः Pt.1. 2. -7 Correct, accurate. -चिः 1 The white colour. -2 Purity, purification. -3 Innocence, virtue, goodness, uprightness. -4 Correctness, accuracy. -5 The condition of a religious student. -6 A pure man. -7 A Brāhmaṇa. -8 The hot season; क्रीडन् परिवृतः स्त्रीभिर्ह्रदिनीमा- विशच्छुचौ Bhāg.4.25.44; उपयवौ विदधन्नवमल्लिकाः शुचिरसौ चिरसौरभसंपदः Śi.6.22;1.58; R.3.3; Ku.5.2. -9 The months of (a) Jyeṣṭha; यथोग्ररश्मिः शुचिशुक्रमध्यगः Mb.8.79-78 and (b) Āṣāḍha; शुक्रश्चित्रस्वनश्चैव शुचिमासं नयन्त्यमी Bhāg.12.11.36. -1 A faithful or true friend. -11 The sun. -12 The moon. -13 Fire; शुचीनां हृदयं शुचिः Mb.12.193.18. -14 The sentiment of love (शृङ्गार). -15 The planet Venus. -16 The Chitraka tree. -17 Acquittal. -18 An oblation made to fire at the first feeding of an infant. -19 N. of Śiva. -2 The Arka plant. -21 The sky; हंसः शुचिषद् Kaṭh.5.2. -Comp. -द्रुमः the sacred fig-tree. -प्रणी a. sipping water. -मणिः 1 a crystal. -2 a jewel worn on the head. -मल्लिका a kind of jasmine (Arabian). -मानस a. pure-hearted. -यन्त्रम् a machine through which fire-work is shot; वियदग्रमुदग्रमाविशन् शुचियन्त्रस्फुरित- स्फुलिङ्गकाः Śāhendra. 2.8. -रोचिस् m. the moon. -व्रत a. holy, virtuous. -श्रवस् N. of Viṣṇu. -षद् a. abiding in the path of virtue; स्वर्गापवर्गद्वाराय नित्यं शुचिषदे नमः Bhāg.4.24.37. -समाचार a. maintaining pure practices. -स्मित a. having a sweet or pleasant smile; शुचिस्मिता मध्यगता सुमध्यमा Ku.5.2; R.8.49. |
śuṣman | शुष्मन् m. 1 Fire; Śi.14.22; सार्धं तेनानुजेनाप्रतिहतगतिना मारुतेनेव शुष्मा Śiva B.2.68; ऋतुशुष्ममहोष्मभिः N.17.168. -2 The Chitraka tree. -n. 1 Strength, prowess. -2 Light, lustre. |
śūra | शूर a. [शूर्-अच्] Brave, heroic, valiant, mighty; शून्येषु शूरा न के K. P.7; स्वाध्यायशूरैर्मुखैः Pañcharātram 1.5. -रः 1 A hero, warrior, valiant man. -2 A lion. -3 A boar. -4 The sun. -5 The Śāla tree. -6 N. of a Yādava, the grandfather of Kṛiṣṇa; (hence the descendants of Śūra i. e. Yādavas also; cf. शूरः स्याद् यादवे भटे Medinī; ख्यातानि कर्माणि च यानि शौरेः शूरादय- स्तेष्वबला बभूवुः Bu. Ch.1.51). -7 The Arka plant. -8 The Chitraka tree. -9 A dog. -1 A cock. -Comp. -कीटः a contemptible warrior; लीयन्ते यत्र शत्रुप्रपतनविवशाः कोटिशः शूरकीटाः Mv.6.32. -मानम् arrogance, vaunting. -मानिन् m. a boaster, braggart. -वादः the Buddhist doctrine of non-existence. -वादिन् a. 1 a Buddhist. -2 an atheist. -सेनः m. pl. N. of the country about Mathurā or the inhabitants of that country; सा शूरसेनाधिपतिं सुषेणम् (उद्दीश्य) R.6.45. |
saptan | सप्तन् num. a. (always pl.; सप्त nom. and acc.) Seven. -Comp. -अंशुः N. of Agni. -अंशुपुङ्गवः the planet Saturn. -अङ्ग a. see सप्तप्रकृति below. -अर्चिस् a. 1 having seven tongues or flames. -2 evil-eyed, of inauspicious look. (-m.) 1 N. of fire. -2 of Saturn. -3 the Chitraka plant. -अशीतिः f. eighty-seven. -अश्रम् a heptagon. -अश्वः the sun; नप्ता सप्ताश्वसंनिभः Śiva B. 25.45. ˚वाहनः the sun. -अस्र a. septangular. -अहः seven days, i. e. a week. -आत्मन् m. an epithet of Brahman. -ऋषि (सप्तर्षि) m. pl. 1 the seven sages; i. e. मरीचि, अत्रि, अङ्गिरस्, पुलस्त्य, पुलह, क्रतु, and वसिष्ठ. -2 the constellation called Ursa Major (the seven stars of which are said to be the seven sages mentioned above). -कोण a. septangular. -गङ्गम् ind. in the place of the seven streams of the Ganges. -गुण a. seven-fold. -चत्वारिंशत् f. forty-seven. -च्छदः N. of a tree (Mar. सातवीण); गजाश्च सप्तच्छद- दानगन्धिनः Karṇabhāra 1.11. -जिह्वः, -ज्वालः fire. (the seven tongues are काली, कराली, मनोजवा, सुलोहिता, सुधूम्रवर्णा, उग्रा and प्रदीप्ता). -तन्तुः a sacrifice; सप्ततन्तु- मधिगन्तुमिच्छतः Śi.14.6; पुनः प्रवर्तयिष्यामि सप्ततन्त्वादिकाः क्रियाः Śiva B.5.56; विधये सप्ततन्तूनाम् ibid.18.23. cf. note on N.11.1. -त्रिंशत् f. thirty-seven. -दशन् a. seventeen. ˚अरत्निन्यायः A rule of interpretation according to which an expression, if it is found to be inapplicable to the matter or thing with reference to which it is used, should be taken as being connected with or applying to a part or subsidiary thereof. This mode of construing an expression (in its literal sense) is preferable to लक्षणा. This rule is discussed and established by जैमिनि and शबर in the सूत्र 'आनर्थक्यात् तदङ्गेषु' MS.3.1.18 and भाष्या thereon. -दाधितिः N. of fire. -द्वारावकीर्ण a. dominated or affected by the seven gates (5 organs, mind and intellect); सप्तद्वाराकीर्णां च न वाचमनृतां वदेत् Ms.6.48 (see Kull.). -द्वीपा an epithet of the earth; पुरा सप्तद्वीपां जयति वसुधामप्रतिरथः Ś.7.33. -धातु m. pl. the seven constituent elements of the body; i. e. chyle, blood, flesh, fat, bone, marrow, and semen; (रसास्रमांस- मेदो$स्थिमज्जानः शुक्रसंयुताः). -नली birdlime. -नवतिः f. ninetyseven. -नाडीचक्रम् a kind of astrological diagram used as a means of foretelling rain. -पदी the seven steps at a marriage (the bride and bridegroom walk together seven steps, after which the marriage becomes irrevocable). -पर्णः (so सप्तच्छदः, सप्तपत्रः) N. of a tree. (-र्णी) the sensitive plant. -पातालम् the seven regions of the earth (i. e. अतल, वितल, सुतल, महातल, रसातल, तलातल and पाताल). -प्रकृतिः f. pl. the seven constituent parts of a kingdom; स्वाम्यमात्यसुहृत्कोशराष्ट्र- दुर्गबलानि च Ak.; see प्रकृति also. -भद्रः the Śirīsa tree. -भूमिक, -भौम a. seven stories high (as a palace). -मन्त्रः fire. -मातृ f. collective N. of seven mothers (i. e. ब्राह्मी, माहेश्वरी, कौमारी, वैष्णवी, वाराही, इन्द्राणी, and चामुण्डा). -मुष्टिकः a particular mixture used as a remedy for fever. -रक्तः one who has got the seven parts of the body red; (पाणिपादतले रक्ते नेत्रान्तरनखानि च । तालुकाधर- जिह्वाश्च प्रशस्ता सप्तरक्तता ॥). -रात्रम् a period of seven nights. -रुचिः fire; सप्तरुचेरिव स्फुलिङ्गाः Śi.2.53. -लोकाः the seven worlds (i. e. भूर्, भुवर्, स्वर्, महर्, जनस्, तपस्, and सत्यम्). -विंशतिः f. twentyseven. -विध a. seven-fold, of seven sorts. -शतम् 1 7. -2 17. (-ती) an aggregate or collection of 7 verses or stanzas. -शलाकः a kind of astronomical diagram used for indicating auspicious days for marriages. -शिरा betel. -सप्तिः an epithet of the sun; सर्वैरुस्रैः समग्रैस्त्वमिव नृपगुणैर्दीप्यते सप्तसप्तिः M.2.12; Ś.6.29; Ki.5.34. -स्वरः the seven musical notes (i. e. सा, रि, ग, म, प, ध, नी). |
sīvanī | सीवनी 1 A needle. -2 The frenum of the prepuce. -3 The part of the body of a horse below the anus. सीसम् sīsam सीसकम् sīsakam सीसपत्रकम् sīsapatrakam सीसपत्रम् sīsapatram सीसम् सीसकम् सीसपत्रकम् सीसपत्रम् Lead; ताम्रायः कांस्यरैत्यानां त्रपुणः सीसकस्य च । शौचं यथार्हं कर्तव्यं क्षारा- म्लोदकवारिभिः ॥ Ms.5.114; Y.1.19. |
hima | हिम a. [हि-मक्] Cold, frigid, frosty, dewy. -मः 1 The cold season, winter. -2 The moon. -3 The Himālaya mountain. -4 The sandal tree. -5 Camphor. -मम् 1 Frost, hoar-frost; हिमनिर्मुक्तयोर्योगे चित्राचन्द्रमसोरिव R.1.46;9.25;9.28;15.66;16.44; Ki.5.12; अनन्तरत्न- प्रभवस्य यस्य हिमं न सौभाग्यविलोपि जातम् Ku.1.3,11. -2 Cold, coldness. -3 A lotus. -4 Fresh butter. -5 A pearl. -6 Night. -7 Tin. -8 Sandal wood. -Comp. -अंशुः 1 the moon; प्राचीमूले तनुमिव कलामात्रशेषां हिमांशोः Me.91; मलिनमपि हिमांशोर्लक्ष्म लक्ष्मीं तनोति Ś.1.2; R.5.16;6.47;14.8; Śi.2.49. -2 camphor. ˚अभिख्यम् silver. -अङ्कः camphor. -अचलः, -अद्रिः the Himālaya mountain; प्रस्थं हिमाद्रे- र्मृगनाभिगन्धि किंचित् क्वणत् किंनरमध्युवास Ku.1.54; R.4.79; 4.3. ˚जा, ˚तनया 1 Pārvatī. -2 the Ganges. -अम्बु, -अम्भस् n. 1 cold water. -2 dew; निर्धौतहारगुलिकाविशदं हिमाम्भः R.5.7. -अनिलः a cold wind. -अपहः fire. -अब्जम् a lotus. -अभ्रः camphor. -अरातिः 1 fire. -2 the sun. -3 the arka and chitraka plants. -अरिः fire. ˚शत्रुः water; Bu. Ch.11.71. -आगमः the cold or winter-season. -आनद्ध a. frozen. -आर्त a. pinched or shivering with cold, chilled. -आलयः 1 the Himālaya mountain; अस्त्युत्तरस्यां दिशि देवतात्मा हिमालयो नाम नगाधिराजः Ku.1.1. -2 the white Khadira tree. ˚सुता an epithet of Pārvatī. -आह्वः, -आह्वयः camphor. (-यम्) a lotus. -उत्तरा the tawny grape. -उत्पन्ना a kind of sugar. -उद्भवा the plant called Zedoary. -उस्रः the moon; यदा- प्यानं हिमोस्रेण भनक्त्युपवनं कपिः Bk.9.2. -ऋतुः the winter season. -करः 1 the moon; लुठति न सा हिमकरकिरणेन Gīt.7. -2 camphor. -कूटः 1 the winter season. -2 the Himālaya mountain. -खण्डम् a hail stone. -गिरिः the Himālaya. -गुः the moon. -गृहम् a room furnished with cool appliances. -जः the Maināka mountain. -जा 1 the plant Zedoary. -2 Pārvatī. -ज्योतिस् a. cool-rayed (as the moon). -ज्वरः ague. -झटिः, -झण्टिः mist, fog. -तैलम् a kind of camphor ointment. -दीधितिः the moon; प्रथमं कलाभवदथार्धमथो हिमदीधितिर्महदभूदुदितः Śi.9.29. -दुर्दिनम् wintry weather, cold and bad weather. -द्युतिः the moon. -द्रुमः the Nimba tree. -द्रुह् m. the sun; हरेः प्रगमनं नास्ति, न प्रभानं हिमद्रुहः Bk.9.17. -धातुः the Himālaya mountain. -धामन् m. the moon. -ध्वस्त a. bitten, nipped, or blighted by frost. -पातः 1 cold rain; Pt.3. -2 fall of snow. -प्रस्थः the Himālaya mountain. -भानुः the moon. -भास्, -रश्मि m. the moon; शोभाभि- भूतहिमबालुकबालुकेन छायाजुषा सविधरोपितपादपेन Rām. ch.5.42; N.2.88; कस्तूरिकां च काश्मीरं पाटीरं हिमबालुकाम् Śiva B.3. 13. -शर्करा a kind of sugar produced from Yavanāla. -शीतल a. ice-cold. -शैलः Himālaya mountain. -श्रथः the moon; चन्दनद्रुमसंच्छन्ना निराकृत-हिमश्रथाः Bk.22. 4. -संहतिः f. a mass of ice or snow. -सरस् n. 'a lake of snow', cold water; न संतापच्छेदो हिमसरसि वा चन्द्रमसि वा Māl.1.31. -स्रुत m. the moon. -स्रुतिः the snow-shower. -हासकः the marshy date-tree. |
hiraṇyam | हिरण्यम् [हिरणमेव स्वार्थे यत्] 1 Gold; Ms.2.246. -2 Any vessel of gold; मन्त्रवत् प्राशनं चास्य हिरण्यमधुसर्पिषाम् Ms.2.29 (some take in the first sense). -3 Silver; (ददौ) हिरण्यस्य सुवर्णस्य मुक्तानां विद्रुमस्य च Rām.1.74.5; Mb. 13.57.34. -4 Any precious metal. -5 Wealth, property; अपदेश्यैश्च संन्यस्य हिरण्यं तस्य तत्त्वतः Ms.8.182. -6 Semen virile. -7 A cowrie. -8 particular measure. -9 A substance. -1 The thorn-apple (धत्तूर). -ण्या One of the seven tongues of fire. -Comp. -अक्षः N. of a celebrated demon, twin brother of Hiraṇyakaśipu; अंशे हिरण्याक्षरिपोः स जाते हिरण्यनाभे तनवे नयज्ञः R.18.25. [On the strength of a boon from Brahman, he became insolent and oppressive, seized upon the earth, and carried it with him into the depths of the ocean. Viṣṇu therefore became incarnate as a boar, killed the demon and lifted up the earth.] -कक्ष a. wearing a golden girdle. -कर्तृ m. goldsmith; यथा हिरण्यकर्ता वै रूप्यमग्नौ विशोधयेत् Mb.12.28.11. -कवच a. having golden armour (said of Śiva). -कशिपुः N. of a celebrated king of demons. [He was a son of Kaśyapa and Diti, and by virtue of a boon from Brahman, he became so powerful that he usurped the sovereignty of Indra and oppressed the three worlds. He freely blasphemed the great god and subjected his son Prahrāda to untold cruelties for acknowledging Viṣṇu as the Supreme deity. But he was eventually torn to pieces by Viṣṇu in the form of Narasimha; see प्रह्लाद]. -कारः a goldsmith. -केशी a branch (शाखा) of Yajurveda. -कोशः gold and silver (whether wrought or unwrought). -गर्भः 1 N. of Brahman (as born from a golden-egg). -2 N. of Viṣṇu. -3 the soul invested by the subtile body or सूक्ष्मशरीर q. v. -द a. giving or granting gold; भूमिदो भूमिमाप्नोति दीर्घमायुर्हिरण्यदः Ms.4.23. (-दः) the ocean. (-दा) the earth. -नाभः 1 the mountain Maināka. -2 N. of Viṣṇu. (-भम्) a building having three halls (towards east, west and south). -बाहुः 1 an epithet of Śiva. -2 the river Śoṇa. -बिन्दुः fire. -रेतस् m. 1 fire; द्विषामसह्यः सुतरां तरूणां हिरण्यरेता इव सानिलो$भूत् R.18.25. -2 the sun. -3 N. of Śiva. -4 the Chitraka or Arka plant. -वर्चस् a. shining with golden lustre. -वर्णा a river. -वाहः 1 the river Śoṇa. -2 N. of Śiva. |
huta | हुत p. p. [हु-क्त] 1 Offered as an oblation to fire, burnt as a sacrificial offering; हुतं च दत्तं च तथैव तिष्ठति Karṇabhāra 1.22. -2 One to whom an oblation is offered; Ś.4; R.2.71. -तः N. of Śiva. -तम् 1 An oblation, offering. -2 An Oblation to fire; द्वे देवानभाजय- दिति हुतं च प्रहुतं च Bṛi. Up.1.5.2; Bg.9.16. -Comp. -अग्निः a. who has made an oblation to fire; हुताग्निर्बाह्मणां- श्चार्च्य प्रविशेत् स शुभां सभाम् Ms.7.145; यथाविधिहुताग्नीनाम् R.1.6. (-m.) a sacrificial fire. -अशः 1 fire. -2 N. of the number 'three'. -3 Plumbago Ceylanica (Mar. चित्रक). -अशनः 1 fire; समीरणो नोदयिता भवेति व्यादिश्यते केन हुताशनस्य Ku.3.21; R.4.1. -2 N. of Śiva. -3 the Chitraka tree. ˚सहायः an epithet of Śiva. -अशनी the full-moon day in the month of Phālguna (होलिका). -आशः fire; प्रदक्षिणीकृत्य हुतं हुताशम् R. 2.71. -जातवेदस् a. one who has made an oblation to fire. -भुज् m. fire; शक्यो वारयितुं जलेन हुतभुक् Bh.2.11; नैशस्यार्चिर्हुतभुज इव च्छिन्नभूयिष्ठधूमा V.1.7; U.5.9. ˚प्रिया Svāhā, the wife of Agni. -वहः fire; जनाकीर्णं मन्ये हुतवहपरीतं गृहमिव Ś.5. 1; शीतांशुस्तपनो हितो हुतवहः Gīt.9; Me.45; Ṛs.1.27. -होमः a Brāhmaṇa who has offered oblations to fire; आश्रमादाश्रमं ग़त्वा हुतहोमो जितेन्द्रियः Ms.6.34. (-मम्) a burnt offering. |
heman | हेमन् n. [हि-मनिन्] 1 Gold; हेम्नः संलक्ष्यते ह्यग्नौ विशुद्धि श्यामिकापि वा R.1.1. -2 Water. -3 Snow. -4 The thorn-apple. -5 The Keśara flower. -6 Winter, the cold season. -7 The planet Mercury. -8 The Dhattūra plant.; हेमनामकतरुप्रसवेन त्र्यम्बकस्तदुपकल्पितपूजः N.21.34. -Comp. -अङ्कः a. adorned with gold; Mu.2.1 (v. l.); see next word. -अङ्ग a. golden; सुगाङ्गे हेमाङ्गं नृवर तव सिंहासनमिदम् Mu.2.1. (-ङ्गः) 1 Garuḍa. -2 a lion. -3 the mountain Sumeru. -4 N. of Brahman. -5 of Viṣṇu. -6 the Champaka tree. -अङ्गदम् a gold bracelet. -अद्रिः 1 the mountain Sumeru. -2 N. of an author of the encyclopædic work चतुर्वर्गचिन्तामणि. -अम्भोजम् a golden lotus, Nelumbium Speciosum (variety yellow); हेमाम्भोजप्रसवि सलिलं मानसस्याददानः Me.64. -अम्भोरुहम् golden lotus; हेमाम्भोरुहसस्यानां तद्वाप्यो धाम सांप्रतम् Ku. 2.44. -आह्वः 1 the wild Champaka tree. -2 the Dhattūra plant. -कक्ष a. having golden walls. -क्षः a golden girdle. -कन्दलः coral. -करः, -कर्तृ, -कारः, -कारकः a goldsmith; (हृत्वा) विविधानि च रत्नानि जायते हेमकर्तृषु Ms.12.61; हेममात्रमुपादाय रूपं वा हेमकारकः Y.3. 147. -कलशः a golden pinnacle; Inscr. -किंजल्कम् the Nāgakeśara flower. -कुम्भः a golden jar. -कूटः N. of a mountain; Ś.7. -केतकी the Ketaka plant, bearing yellow flowers (स्वर्णकेतकी). -केलिः 1 an epithet of Agni. -2 the Chitraka plant. -केशः N. of Śiva. -गन्धिनी the perfume named Reṇukā. -गर्भ a. containing gold in the interior. -गिरिः the mountain Sumeru. -गारैः the Aśoka tree. -घ्नम् lead. -घ्नी turmeric. -चन्द्रः N. of a celebrated Jaina lexicographer (of the 11th century). -छन्न a. covered with gold. (-न्नम्) gold covering. -ज्वालः fire. -तरुः the thorn-apple. -तारम् blue vitriol. -दुग्धः, -दुग्धकः the glomerous fig-tree. -धान्यकः the 11/2 Māṣaka weight. -धारणम् the 8-Palas weight of gold. -पर्वतः the mountain Meru. -पुष्पः, -पुष्पकः 1 the Aśoka tree. -2 the Lodhra tree. -3 the Champaka tree. (-n.) 1 the Aśoka flower. -2 the flower of China rose. -पुष्पिका yellow jasmine. -पृष्ठ a. gilded. -ब(व)लम् a pearl. -माला the wife of Yama. -माक्षिकम् pyrites. -मालिन् m. the sun. -यूथिका the golden or yellow jasmine. -रागिणी f. turmeric. -रेणुः a kind of atom (त्रसरेणुः). -वलम् a pearl. -व्याकरणम् Hemachandra's grammar. -शङ्खः N. of Viṣṇu. -शृङ्गम् 1 a golden horn. -2 a golden summit. -सारम् blue vitriol. -सूत्रम्, -सूत्रकम् a kind of necklace (Mar. गोफ). |
homiḥ | होमिः [हु-इन् मुट् च] 1 Clarified butter. -2 Water. -3 Fire. -4 The Chitraka tree. |
aṅguṣṭhaparvan | n. thumb joint; -mâtraka, a. of the size of a thumb; -mûla, n. root of the thumb. |
karṇa | m. (--°ree; a., f. â, î) ear; handle; rudder; N. of several men, esp. of a son of Kuntî; a. having ears or handles; long-eared (also á); -kuvalaya, n. lotus attached to the ear; -kâmara, n. whiskadorning the ears of elephants; -gâpa, m. tale-bearing; -tâ, f. condition of an ear; -tâla, m. flapping of elephants' ears (--°ree;); -dhâra, m. helmsman; sailor: -tâ, f. helmsmanship; -nîlotpala, n. blue lotus attached to the ear; -pa, m. N.; -pattraka, m. flap of the ear (tragus); -patha, m. ear-shot, hearing: -m, â-yâ, or upa½i, come to the ears: -½atithi, m.=come to the ears; -paramparâ, f. passing from ear to ear, gossip; -pâsa, m.beautiful ear; -pûra, m. n. ear or nament, esp. flowers: -pûraka, m. N. of a chattering servant; -pûrî-kri, turn into an ear ornament; -bha&ndot;ga, m. curve of the ears; -bhûshana, n. ear ornament; -mûla, n. root of the ear (where it is attached to the head); -vamsa, m. flat projecting bamboo roof; -vat, a. having ears; -vish, f. ear-wax; -visha, n. poison for the ears; -veshta, m. ear-ring: *-na, n. id.; -sirîsha, n. Sirîsha flower at tached to the ear; -srava, a. audible; -su bhaga, a. pleasant to the ear. |
poṣaka | a. nourishing, breeding, rearing; m. nourisher, breeder; -ana, a. cherishing, favouring (--°ree;); n. nurture, maintenance, cultivation (of trees, of the senses); -anîya, fp. to be nourished; -ayitnú, a. causing to thrive (ac.); -ayishnú, a. beneficial; -i-tri, m. nourisher, breeder; -in, a. rearing, bringing up (--°ree;); -u-ka, a. thriving; -tri, m. nourisher, bringer up; -ya, fp. thriving, well-fed; abundant; causing prosperity; to be nourished: -putraka, m. adopted son. |
yantratakṣan | m. constructor of machines or magical contrivances; -dri- dha, pp. secured by a bolt; -dhârâ-griha, n. shower-bath room: -tva, n. condition or function of a shower-bath; -nâla, n.artificial pipe or tube; -putraka, m., -putrikâ, f. mechanical doll; -pravâha, m. mechanical spray or jet of water; -maya, a. artificially imitated, mechanical (animal, etc.); -mayû ra-ka, m. artificial peacock; -mârga, m.aqueduct. |
rājapaṭṭa | m. kind of gem, dia mond of inferior quality; -patnî, f. consort of a king; -patha, m. royal road, highway; -paddhati, f. id.; -pitri, m. royal father; -putrá, 1. m. king's son, prince; Râjput (a mixed caste, offspring of Vaisya and Am bashthâ or Kshatriya and Karanî); son of the moon, planet Mercury: î, f. king's daugh ter, female Râjput; (r&asharp;ga)-putra, 2. a. hav ing kings as sons (RV.1); -putraka, m. king's son, prince: ikâ, f. princess; -putra-loka, m. assemblage of princes; -pums, m. royal servant or official; -pura, n. Kingstown, N. of a town; -purî, f. N. of a town; -pu rusha, m. king's man, royal servant or offi cial; -pûrusha, m. metr.=-purusha; -pau rushika, a. being in the service of a king; -prakriti, f. king's minister; -priyâ, f. mis tress of a king; mistress of the moon; -presh ya, m. king's servant; n. royal service; -bandin, m. N.; -bândhava, m. relation of a king: î, f. female relation of a king; -bîg in, a. of royal descent; -bhakti-puras krita, pp. distinguished by devotion to their king; -bhata, m. royal mercenary, soldier; -bhaya, n. fear of a king; danger from a king; -bhavana, n. royal palace; -bhâryâ, f. king's spouse; -bhrita, m. soldier; -bhri tya, m. king's servant; -bhauta, m. fool of a king; -bhratrí, m. king's brother; -mani, m. kind ofjewel; -mandira, n. royal palace; -mahishî, f. chief consort of a king; king's wife; -mâtri, f. king's mother, queen mother. |
sāmapragātha | m. kind of verses to be recited by the three Hotrakas; -bhrít, a. bringing chants (RV.1); -máya, a. consisting of Sâmans. |
haó्rā | f. 1. (V.) [√ 1. hu] priestly office, sp. function of the Hotrakas: also= the Hotrakas themselves; 2. [√ hû] invoca tion (V.); also personified: -víd, a. knowing invocation (RV.); -samsin,m. (reciting the part of the Hotraka), assistant of the Hotri, Hotraka (Br., S.). |
ho्rīya | n. (relating to the Hotri or sacrificer), priestly office (RV.1); -&isharp;ya, a. be longing etc. to the Hotri or the Hotrakas (V.). |
aditiḥ | putrakāmyā # AVś.6.81.3b. |
amota | putrakā eṣām # AVś.20.127.5c; śś. |
arcantu | putrakā uta # RV.8.69.8c; AVś.20.92.5c; SV.1.362c. |
asyai | me putrakāmāyai # RVKh.10.184.1c; ApMB.1.12.7c; MG.2.18.4c. |
ācya | jānu putrakāmā saparyati # AVP.3.39.3b. |
āpastambaṃ | sūtrakāraṃ tarpayāmi # BDh. |
ubhayān | putrapautrakān # TA.1.27.6c. |
citrāṇi | sākaṃ divi rocanāni # AVś.19.7.1a. The hymn occurs also as chapter 10 of the Nakṣatrakalpa; cf. Ind. Stud. iv. 433, note 2. |
tubhyaṃ | nārī putrakāmeyam agne # AVP.3.39.4a. |
paraś | cit putrakā saty upakūlaṃ pitāyati # JB.3.247. |
putraṃ | te putrakāmāyai # AVP.11.1.13c. |
pra | jāyasva prajayā putrakāma # RV.10.183.1d; ApMB.1.11.1d; MG.1.14.16d; VārG.16.1d. |
pra | jāyasva prajayā putrakāme # RV.10.183.2d; ApMB.1.11.2d; MG.1.14.16d; VārG.16.1d. |
brahmaudanaṃ | pacati putrakāmā # AVś.11.1.1b. |
yāni | nakṣatrāṇi divy antarikṣe # AVś.19.8.1a. The hymn occurs also as chapter 26 of the Nakṣatrakalpa; see Ind. Stud. iv. 433, note 2. |