Root Word | IAST | Meaning | Monier Williams Page | Class |
√तिग् | tig | going, attaching or assailing / gati |
Word | Reference | Gender | Number | Synonyms | Definition |
kopaḥ | Masculine | Singular | pratighaḥ, ruṭ, krudh, krodhaḥ, amarṣaḥ, roṣaḥ | wrath or anger | |
māraṇam | 2.8.118 | Neuter | Singular | nirbahaṇam, pravāsanam, nihiṃsanam, nirgranthanam, nihānanam, nirvāpaṇam, pratighātanam, krathanam, piñjaḥ, unmāthaḥ, nikāraṇam, parāsanam, nirvāsanam, apāsanam, kṣaṇanam, viśasanam, udvāsanam, ujjāsanam, viśaraḥ, pramāpaṇam, viśāraṇam, niṣūdanam, saṃjñapanam, nistarhaṇam, parivarjanam, māraṇam, pramathanam, ālambhaḥ, ghātaḥ | |
tigmam | Neuter | Singular | tīkṣṇam, kharam | sultry vapour | |
virajastamāḥ | 2.7.48 | Masculine | Singular | dvayātigaḥ | |
virocanaḥ | 3.3.115 | Masculine | Singular | mūrtaḥ, nirantaraḥ, meghaḥ, mūrtiguṇaḥ | |
pūtigandhiḥ | Masculine | Singular | durgandhaḥ | an ill smelling substance | |
pratigrāhaḥ | 1.2.140 | Masculine | Singular | patadgrahaḥ | |
pratigrahaḥ | 2.8.81 | Masculine | Singular | sainyapṛṣṭhaḥ |
tig | cl.5. gnoti- See | ||||||
tigh | cl.5. ghnoti-, to hurt, kill (= | ||||||
tigita | gm/a- See column 2. | ||||||
tigita | mfn. sharp | ||||||
tigma | mfn. sharp, pointed (a weapon, flame, ray of light) etc. | ||||||
tigma | mfn. pungent, acrid, hot, scorching etc. | ||||||
tigma | mfn. violent, intense, fiery, passionate, hasty | ||||||
tigma | m. indra-'s thunderbolt | ||||||
tigma | m. equals gmā | ||||||
tigma | m. plural Name of the śūdra-s in (varia lectio tiṣya-) | ||||||
tigma | n. pungency | ||||||
tigmabhās | m. equals -dyuti- | ||||||
tigmabhṛṣṭi | (m/a--) mfn. sharp-pointed (agni-) | ||||||
tigmadhāra | mfn. equals -tejana- (varia lectio tiryag-dh-). | ||||||
tigmadīdhiti | m. "hot-rayed", the sun | ||||||
tigmadyuti | m. idem or 'm. "hot-rayed", the sun ' | ||||||
tigmaga | mfn. going or flying swiftly | ||||||
tigmagati | mfn. of (violent id est) cruel practices | ||||||
tigmagu | mfn. hot-rayed, . | ||||||
tigmaheti | mfn. (m/a--) having sharp weapons (agni-), | ||||||
tigmaheti | mfn. forming a sharp weapon (agni-'s horn) | ||||||
tigmajambha | (m/a--) mfn. having sharp teeth (agni-) | ||||||
tigmakara | m. equals -dīdhiti- | ||||||
tigmakara | m. the number"12" | ||||||
tigmaketu | m. Name of a son of vatsara- by svarvīthi- | ||||||
tigmamanyu | mfn. of a violent wrath (śiva-) | ||||||
tigmamayūkhamālin | m. "garlanded with hot rays", the sun | ||||||
tigmāṃśu | m. equals ma-dīdhiti- | ||||||
tigmāṃśu | m. fire | ||||||
tigmāṃśu | m. śiva-. | ||||||
tigmamūrdhan | (m/a--) mfn. equals -tejana- | ||||||
tigmanemi | mfn. having a sharp-edged felly | ||||||
tigmānīka | mfn. equals m/a-bhṛṣṭi- | ||||||
tigmaraśmi | m. equals -dīdhiti- | ||||||
tigmarocis | m. idem or 'm. equals -dīdhiti- ' | ||||||
tigmaruc | mfn. ( ) shining brightly, hot | ||||||
tigmaruc | m. equals ci- | ||||||
tigmaruci | m. equals -dīdhiti- | ||||||
tigmaśocis | (m/a--) mfn. sharp-rayed (agni-) | ||||||
tigmaśṛṅga | (m/a--) mfn. sharp-horned | ||||||
tigmatā | (m/a--) f. sharpness | ||||||
tigmatejana | mfn. sharp-edged (an arrow) | ||||||
tigmatejas | mfn. (m/a--) idem or 'mfn. sharp-edged (an arrow) ' | ||||||
tigmatejas | mfn. of a violent character | ||||||
tigmatejas | m. the sun | ||||||
tigmātman | m. Name of a prince | ||||||
tigmavat | (m/a--) mfn. containing the word tigm/a- | ||||||
tigmavega | mf(ā-)n. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. violent ' | ||||||
tigmavīrya | mf(ā-)n. violent | ||||||
tigmayātana | mfn. causing acute pain or agony (a hell) | ||||||
tigmāyudha | mfn. having or casting sharp weapons, . | ||||||
tigmeṣu | mfn. having sharp arrows, . | ||||||
abhipratigṝ | "to call out to (accusative) alternately ", answer in singing ; (cf prati-- | ||||||
abhitigmaraśmi | ind. towards the sun | ||||||
ājñāpratighāta | m. disobedience, insubordination | ||||||
ākṛtigaṇa | m. a list of specimens, collection of words belonging to a particular grammatical rule (not exhibiting every word belonging to that rule but only specimens, whereas a simple gaṇa- exhibits every word) ([Examples of ākṛti-- gaṇa-s are arśa-ādi-, ādy-ādi-, kaṇḍv-ādi-,etc.]) | ||||||
antigṛha | (/anti-.) m. neighbour | ||||||
anunayapratighaprahāṇa | n. abandoning the obstacles to conciliatory behaviour | ||||||
apatighnī | (/a-pati--) f. not killing a husband | ||||||
apratigha | mfn. ( | ||||||
apratigrāhaka | mf(ikā-)n. not accepting | ||||||
apratigrahaṇa | n. not accepting (a girl into marriage), not marrying | ||||||
apratigrāhya | mfn. unacceptable. | ||||||
apratigṛhya | mfn. one from whom one must not accept anything | ||||||
asatpratigraha | m. (= - parigraha-), | ||||||
atiga | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') exceeding, overcoming, surpassing (see śokā | ||||||
atiga | mfn. transgressing, violating. | ||||||
atigāḍha | mfn. very important | ||||||
atigāḍha | mfn. very intensive | ||||||
atigāḍha | mfn. See . | ||||||
atigāḍham | ind. exceedingly | ||||||
atigāḍham | ind. excessively. | ||||||
atigāh | "to emerge over", to rise upon | ||||||
atigahana | mfn. very deep | ||||||
atigahana | mfn. very impenetrable. | ||||||
atigam | or ati- | ||||||
atigaṇḍa | mfn. having large cheeks or temples | ||||||
atigaṇḍa | m. Name of the yoga- (or index) , star of the 6th lunar mansion. | ||||||
atigandha | mfn. having an overpowering smell | ||||||
atigandha | m. sulphur | ||||||
atigandha | m. lemon-grass (Andropogon Schaenunthes) | ||||||
atigandha | m. the Champac flower (Michelia Champaca) | ||||||
atigandha | m. a kind of jasmin. | ||||||
atigandhālu | m. Name of the creeper putradātrī-. | ||||||
atigārgya | m. an excellent gārgya-, on . | ||||||
atigarīyas | n. (Comparative degree of ati-guru-), a higher or too high price | ||||||
atigarīyas | n. ati-gariyasā- (instrumental case) | ||||||
atigarj | to speak loudly or provokingly or in a threatening voice | ||||||
atigarvita | mfn. very conceited. | ||||||
atigata | mfn. having passed | ||||||
atigata | mfn. being past. | ||||||
atigava | mfn. (a bull) covering the cow | ||||||
atigha | m. ( | ||||||
atigha | m. wrath. | ||||||
atighnī | f. utter oblivion or profound sleep (obliterating all that is disagreeable in the, past, and regarded as the highest condition of bliss) | ||||||
atighnya | (4) mfn. one who is in the condition ati-ghnī- | ||||||
atigo | f. an excellent cow | ||||||
atigrah | to take beyond or over the usual measure ; to surpass | ||||||
atigraha | m. act of taking over or beyond surpassing, one who takes or seizes to an extraordinary extent, (in philosophy) equals atigrāha-. | ||||||
atigrāha | m. the object of a graha- (q.v) or organ of apprehension (these are eight, and their corresponding ati-grahas-or objects, are apāna-,"fragrant substance"; nāman-"name"; rasa-"flavour"; rūpa-"form"; sabda-"sound"; kāma-"desire"; karman-"action"; sparśa-"touch") | ||||||
atigrāhya | m. Name of three successive libations made, (or cups filled) at the jyotiṣṭoma- sacrifice | ||||||
atiguhā | f. the plant Hemionites Cordifolia. | ||||||
atiguṇa | mfn. having extraordinary qualities. | ||||||
atigupta | mfn. closely concealed, very mysterious. | ||||||
atigur | (Potential /ati jugury/āt-), to cry out, give a shriek | ||||||
atiguru | mfn. very heavy. | ||||||
bahupratigrāhya | mfn. one who is able to give presents to many, | ||||||
bahusūtigo | f. a cow that calves often | ||||||
balipratigrāhaka | mf(ikā-)n. receiving oblations | ||||||
bhāgavataśrutigītā | f. Name of work | ||||||
bhaktigamya | mfn. accessible by devotion (śiva-) | ||||||
bhāṣāvivṛtigītā | f. Name of work | ||||||
bhavātiga | mfn. one who has overcome worldly existence | ||||||
bhūtigarbha | m. Name of the dramatic poet bhava-bhūti- | ||||||
bhūtigaurī | f. Name of śiva-'s wife | ||||||
bṛhaspatigupta | m. Name of man | ||||||
caturviṃśatigava | n. sg. a set of 24 oxen | ||||||
citighana | m. the total amount of all the members of an arithmetical progression | ||||||
cūḍāpratigrahaṇa | n. Name of a caitya- | ||||||
dakṣiṇāpratigraha | m. Name (also title or epithet) of particular mantra-s, | ||||||
daśakṣitigarbha | m. Name of a Buddhist sūtra-. | ||||||
dhṛtigṛhīta | mfn. armed with constancy and resolution | ||||||
duṣpratigraha | mfn. difficult to be taken or laid hold of. | ||||||
duṣpratigvāraṇa | mfn. difficult to be averted | ||||||
dvayātiga | mfn. one who has overcome the two (bad qualities id est passion and ignorance) or the opposites (See under dvaṃdva-) | ||||||
dvayātiga | m. a saint, a holy or virtuous man | ||||||
ekasaptatignṇa | mfn. multiplied by 71, | ||||||
ghorātighora | mfn. equals raghoratara- (said of a hell) | ||||||
guptigupta | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a jaina- teacher | ||||||
hastigartā | f. Name of a cavity in the earth | ||||||
hastigaurīvratodyāpanavidhi | m. Name of work | ||||||
hastigavāśva | n. sg. elephants (and) cows (and) horses | ||||||
hastigavāśvoṣṭradamaka | m. a trainer of elephants and cows and horses and camels | ||||||
hastighaṭa | m. Name of the 7th book of the śata-patha-brāhmaṇa-. | ||||||
hastighāta | mfn. killing elephants | ||||||
hastighna | mfn. able to kill elephants | ||||||
hastighoṣā | f. a kind of Cucurbitaceous plant | ||||||
hastighoṣātakī | f. a kind of Cucurbitaceous plant | ||||||
hastigiri | m. the city and district of kāñcī- (q.v) | ||||||
hastigiri | m. Name of a mountain (See compound) | ||||||
hastigiricampū | f. Name of work | ||||||
hastigirimāhātmya | n. Name of work | ||||||
hastigirīśamaṅgalāśāsana | n. Name of work | ||||||
janātiga | mfn. superhuman, superior | ||||||
jñānavibhūtigarbha | m. "filled with superhuman knowledge", Name of a bodhi-sattva- | ||||||
keśapratigraha | m. a barber, | ||||||
khagapatigamanā | f. Name of a goddess | ||||||
khyātighna | mfn. destroying reputation, disgraceful | ||||||
kośagatavastiguhyatā | f. having the pudenda hidden in the abdomen (one of the 32 signs of perfection), | ||||||
kṣitigarbha | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva- | ||||||
kukhyātigaṇin | etc. See | ||||||
lokātiga | () mfn. equals loka-sīmā | ||||||
madhumatigaṇeśa | m. Name of an author | ||||||
maṇidīdhitigūḍhārthaprakāśikā | f. Name of commentator or commentary on it, | ||||||
marmātiga | mfn. piercing deeply into the joints or vitals, causing acute pain | ||||||
matigarbha | mfn. "filled with intelligence", clever, intelligent | ||||||
matigati | f. "mental course", mode of thought | ||||||
mṛgapatigamanā | f. (with Buddhists) Name of a goddess | ||||||
muktigrantha | m. Name of work | ||||||
mūtrapratighāta | m. equals -nirodha- | ||||||
nagnabhūpatigraha | m. Name of a drama. | ||||||
nāmajātigraha | m. () | ||||||
nāmajātigrahaṇa | n. () mentioning the name and race. | ||||||
nātigādha | mfn. not very shallow, rather deep | ||||||
nirṛtigṛhīta | mfn. (n/ir-ṛ-) seized by nir-ṛti- | ||||||
niṣpratigha | mfn. unhindered, unimpeded | ||||||
niṣpratigraha | mfn. not accepting gifts | ||||||
niṣpratigrahatā | f. | ||||||
niṣpūtigandhika | mfn. not stinking, fragrant | ||||||
nītigarbhitaśāstra | n. Name of work | ||||||
nītighoṣa | m. Name of the car of bṛhaspati- | ||||||
nṛpatinītigarbhitavṛtta | n. Name of a modern work | ||||||
nūtanaśrutigītāvyākhyā | f. Name of work | ||||||
pañcaviṃśatigaṇa | m. a multitude of 25 | ||||||
paṅktigrīva | m. "ten-necked", Name of rāvaṇa- | ||||||
parayuvatiga | m. equals -dārin- | ||||||
patigaṇitaṭīkā | f. Name of commentator or commentary on | ||||||
patighātinī | f. the murderess of her husband | ||||||
patighna | mf(ī-)n. killing a husband | ||||||
patighnīlakṣaṇa | n. the mark of a husband-killer | ||||||
patighnīpāṇilekhā | f. a line on the hand indicating that a woman will be faithless to her husband | ||||||
pattigaṇaka | m. (prob.) an officer whose business is to number or muster the infantry | ||||||
pāttigaṇaka | n. fr. patti-gaṇaka- gaRa udgātr-ādi-. | ||||||
prajāpatigṛhīta | (j/ā-p-) mfn. seized by prajā-pati- | ||||||
prakṛtigāna | n. Name of work | ||||||
prakṛtiguṇa | m. one of the 3 constituent essences of (See guṇa-) | ||||||
praśastigāthā | f. a song of praise | ||||||
prastigh | to rise, | ||||||
pratigā | (only Aorist -agāt-), to go back, return. | ||||||
pratigad | P. -gadati-, to speak in return, answer | ||||||
pratigāh | A1. -gāhate-, to penetrate, enter | ||||||
pratigaja | m. equals -kuñjara- | ||||||
pratigam | P. -gacchati-, to go towards, go to meet etc. ; to go back, return, go home | ||||||
pratigamana | n. () return. | ||||||
pratigara | m. the responsive call of the adhvaryu- to the address of the hotṛ- | ||||||
pratigaritṛ | m. one who makes a responsive cry or chant | ||||||
pratigarj | P. -garjati-, to roar against or in return, answer with roars ; to resist, oppose ; to vie with (instrumental case or genitive case), | ||||||
pratigarjana | n. () thundering or roaring against or in return, an answering roar. | ||||||
pratigarjanā | f. () thundering or roaring against or in return, an answering roar. | ||||||
pratigata | mfn. gone towards or back | ||||||
pratigata | mfn. flying backwards and forwards, wheeling in flight | ||||||
pratigata | mfn. lost from the memory | ||||||
pratigati | f. () return. | ||||||
pratigātram | ind. in every limb (only in the beginning of a compound) | ||||||
pratigeham | () ind. in every house. | ||||||
pratigha | m. ( | ||||||
pratigha | m. struggling against (compound) | ||||||
pratigha | m. anger, wrath, enmity (one of the 6 evil passions ) | ||||||
pratigha | m. equals mūrchā- | ||||||
pratigha | m. combat, fighting | ||||||
pratigha | m. an enemy | ||||||
pratigha | m. opposition, contradiction | ||||||
pratighāta | m. (see pratī-gh-) warding off, keeping back, repulse, prevention, resistance, opposition etc. | ||||||
pratighāta | m. rebound | ||||||
pratighātaka | mf(ikā-)n. disturbing | ||||||
pratighātaka | mf(ikā-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals ghāta- | ||||||
pratighātakṛt | mfn. depriving any one (genitive case) of (genitive case) | ||||||
pratighātana | n. warding off, repulsing | ||||||
pratighātana | n. killing, slaughter | ||||||
pratighātavid | mfn. knowing how to resist, apt to resist | ||||||
pratighātaya | (Caus. of prati- | ||||||
pratighātin | mfn. keeping off, repulsing, disturbing, injuring | ||||||
pratighātin | mfn. dazzling (netra--) | ||||||
pratighna | n. the body | ||||||
pratighoṣin | mfn. ( | ||||||
pratighoṣiṇī | f. Name of a class of demons | ||||||
pratigiri | m. an opposite mountain | ||||||
pratigīrya | mfn. to be answered in recitation or chanting | ||||||
pratigṝ | P. A1. -gṛṇāti-, -gṛṇīte-, to invoke, salute (accusative) ; (with dative case; see ) to respond in recitation or chanting (also with prati-garam-) ; to agree with (dative case) | ||||||
pratigrah | P. A1. -gṛhṇāti-, -gṛhṇīte- (irreg. 2. sg. imperative -gṛhṇa- ; Aorist -ajagrabhat- ), to take hold of, grasp, seize (in astrology = to eclipse, obscure) etc. ; to take (as a present or into possession), appropriate, receive, accept etc. (śirasā-,"with the head"i e."humbly, obediently") ; to gain, win over ; to take as a wife, marry etc. ; to take = eat, drink ; to receive (a friend or guest) etc. ; to receive (anything agreeable as a good word or omen) ; to assent to, acquiesce in, approve ; (rarely) to receive (an enemy) , oppose, encounter : Causal -grāhayati-, to cause to accept, present with (2 accusative) ; to answer, reply : Desiderative -jighṛkṣati-, to wish to accept | ||||||
pratigraha | m. receiving, accepting, acceptance of gifts (as the peculiar prerogative of Brahmans; see ) etc. (grahaṃ- | ||||||
pratigraha | m. friendly reception | ||||||
pratigraha | m. favour, grace | ||||||
pratigraha | m. taking a wife, marrying | ||||||
pratigraha | m. receiving with the ear id est hearing | ||||||
pratigraha | m. a grasper, seizer (keśa--,a hair-cutter, barber) a receiver | ||||||
pratigraha | m. a chamber-vessel or any similar convenience for sick persons | ||||||
pratigraha | m. a spittoon | ||||||
pratigraha | m. a gift, present (especially a donation to a Brahman at suitable periods) etc. (instrumental case"as a present") | ||||||
pratigraha | m. Name of the objects or functions corresponding to the 8 graha-s | ||||||
pratigraha | m. equals kriyā-kāra- | ||||||
pratigraha | m. the reserve of an army (a detachment posted with the general 400 yards in the rear of a line) | ||||||
pratigraha | m. the sun near the moon's node | ||||||
pratigrāha | m. a spittoon | ||||||
pratigrāha | m. accepting gifts | ||||||
pratigrahadhana | n. money received as a present | ||||||
pratigrahadhana | mfn. one whose wealth consists only in presents | ||||||
pratigrāhaka | mfn. one who receives or accepts (See /a-pratig-). | ||||||
pratigrahakalpa | m. Name of pariśiṣṭa- of | ||||||
pratigrahaṇa | mfn. accepting (perhaps wrong reading) | ||||||
pratigrahaṇa | n. receipt, acceptance | ||||||
pratigrahaṇa | n. taking a wife, marrying (see /a-pratig-) | ||||||
pratigrahaṇa | n. a vessel | ||||||
pratigrahaṇīya | mfn. to be taken or accepted, acceptable | ||||||
pratigrahaprāpta | mfn. received as a present | ||||||
pratigrahaprāyaścittaprakāra | m. Name of work | ||||||
pratigrahin | mfn. one who receives, a receiver (opp. to dātṛ-) | ||||||
pratigrāhin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. one who receives or accepts (See /a-pratig-).' | ||||||
pratigrahītavya | mfn. to be received | ||||||
pratigrahītṛ | mfn. idem or 'mfn. to be received ' etc. | ||||||
pratigrahītṛ | m. one who takes a wife, one who marries (Nominal verb tā-,also as 3. sg. future) | ||||||
pratigrāhya | mfn. to be taken or accepted, acceptable (see a-pratig-) | ||||||
pratigrāhya | mfn. one from whom anything may be received (see gṛhya-and ) | ||||||
pratigrāhya | m. Name of particular graha-s | ||||||
pratigrāmam | ind. in every village | ||||||
pratigrāmamasamīpam | ind. near every village | ||||||
pratigṛbhāya | Nom. P. yati-, to take, receive ; (especially) to take into the mouth, eat | ||||||
pratigṛdh | P. -gṛdhyati-, to be greedy or eager for (accusative) | ||||||
pratigṛham | () ind. in every house. | ||||||
pratigṛhīta | mfn. taken, received, accepted, married | ||||||
pratigṛhītavya | wrong reading for grahītavya- | ||||||
pratigṛhītṛ | wrong reading for grahītṛ-. | ||||||
pratigṛhya | mfn. to be accepted, acceptable ("from" genitive case Va1rtt. 1 ) | ||||||
pratigṛhya | mfn. one from whom anything may be accepted (See a-pratigṛhy/a-). | ||||||
pratigu | ind. against a cow | ||||||
pratigu | (only Intensive -j/oguve-), to proclaim | ||||||
pratigupta | mfn. ( | ||||||
pratigupya | mfn. to be guarded | ||||||
pratigupyam | ind. one must guard against (abl .) | ||||||
purīṣamūtrapratighāta | m. obstruction of the solid and liquid excretions | ||||||
pūtigandha | m. fetid odour, stench | ||||||
pūtigandha | mfn. foul-smelling, stinking | ||||||
pūtigandha | m. sulphur | ||||||
pūtigandha | m. Terminalia Catappa | ||||||
pūtigandhā | f. Vernonia Anthelminthica | ||||||
pūtigandha | m. tin | ||||||
pūtigandhi | mfn. ill-smelling, fetid (see ) | ||||||
pūtigandhika | mfn. idem or 'mfn. ill-smelling, fetid (see )' | ||||||
pūtigandhikā | f. Serratula Anthelminthica | ||||||
pūtighāsa | m. "eating putrid food", a species of animal living in trees | ||||||
putrapratigrahavidhi | m. Name of work | ||||||
ratigṛha | n. a pleasure-house | ||||||
ratigṛha | n. pudendum muliebre | ||||||
ratiguṇa | m. Name of a deva-gandharva- | ||||||
ravipatigurumūrti | f. Name of work | ||||||
śaktigaṇa | m. the company or assemblage of śakti-s (See column 2) | ||||||
śaktigraha | mf(ā-)n. (only ) (see Va1rtt. 1 ) holding a spear or lance | ||||||
śaktigraha | mf(ā-)n. taking hold of the force or meaning (of a word or sentence etc.) | ||||||
śaktigraha | m. a spearman, lancer | ||||||
śaktigraha | m. Name of kārttikeya- and śiva- | ||||||
śaktigraha | m. perception or apprehension of the force or sense (of a word etc.) | ||||||
śaktigrāhaka | m. who or what causes to apprehend the force or signification (of a word or phrase), determining or establishing the meaning of words (as a dictionary, grammar etc.) | ||||||
śaktigrāhaka | m. equals -graha- | ||||||
sāmānyaniruktigrantharahasya | n. Name of work | ||||||
sāmānyaniruktigranthārtha | m. Name of work | ||||||
saṃkhyātiga | (khyā | ||||||
sampratigrah | P. A1. -gṛhṇāti-, -grihṇīte-, to receive hospitably, welcome | ||||||
sampratigraha | m. kind reception, predilection for | ||||||
śāntigaṇapati | m. Name of work | ||||||
śāntigrantha | m. Name of work | ||||||
śāntigṛha | () () n. a room for the performance of propitiatory rites to avert evil. | ||||||
śāntigṛhaka | () n. a room for the performance of propitiatory rites to avert evil. | ||||||
śāntigupta | () m. Name of man. | ||||||
śāntiguru | () m. Name of man. | ||||||
sapratigha | mfn. having an opposite | ||||||
śaraṇāgatigadya | n. Name of work | ||||||
sarvatrāpratigha | mfn. not kept back from id est penetrating everywhere | ||||||
śastrātiga | mfn. offending against the śāstra- | ||||||
satpratigraha | m. acceptance of gifts from virtuous men | ||||||
smṛtigītā | f. Name of work | ||||||
smṛtigrantharāja | m. Name of work | ||||||
śokātiga | mfn. overcoming sorrow | ||||||
śrīpatigovinda | m. Name of a poet | ||||||
śrīpatigrantha | m. Name of work | ||||||
śrutigītā | f. Name of work | ||||||
śrutigocara | mf(ā-)n. perceptible by the ear, | ||||||
śrutigocara | mf(ā-)n. permitted to be heard by (genitive case) | ||||||
stigh | cl.5 P. stighnoti- (according to to A1. stighnute-; Potential stighnuyāt- infinitive mood -st/igham-; grammar also perfect tense tiṣṭige-; Aorist asteghiṣṭa-; future steghitā-, ghiṣyate-; infinitive mood steghitum-), to step, stride, step up, mount (especially in ati- | ||||||
stutigītaka | n. a song of praise, panegyric | ||||||
supratigṛhīta | (s/u--) mfn. well seized | ||||||
surapatiguru | m. " indra-'s teacher, bṛhas-pati-", the planet Jupiter | ||||||
sūtigṛha | n. a lying in chamber (also written sūtī-gṛ-) | ||||||
svastigā | mfn. leading to fortune or prosperity | ||||||
svastigavyūti | (svast/i--) mfn. having happy pastures or fields | ||||||
svātigiri | f. Name of a serpent-maiden | ||||||
tṛptighna | mfn. removing disgust. | ||||||
upapratigrah | P. to conciliate again | ||||||
ūrmiṣaṭkātiga | mfn. one who has surpassed or overcome the six waves of existence | ||||||
vācaspatigovinda | m. () Name of author | ||||||
vātiga | mfn. acquainted with or working in minerals | ||||||
vātiga | m. a mineralogist, metallurgist, or equals next | ||||||
vātigagama | m. Solanum Melongena | ||||||
vātigaṃgaṇa | m. idem or 'm. Solanum Melongena ' | ||||||
vayotiga | mf(ā-)n. advanced in age, exceedingly old or decrepit etc. | ||||||
vayotiga | mf(ā-)n. passing beyond or liberated from all periods or stages of existence | ||||||
velātiga | (velā | ||||||
vibhūtigrahaṇa | n. taking up ashes (at the vaiśvadeva- ceremony) | ||||||
vyāptigraha | m. apprehension of a general proposition or of universal concomitance, induction | ||||||
vyāptigraha | m. Name of work (also vyāptigrahopāya ho | ||||||
vyāptigrahopāya | m. vyāptigraha | ||||||
vyāptigrahopāyapūrvapakṣaprakāśa | m. vyāptigraha | ||||||
vyāptigrahopāyarahasya | n. vyāptigraha | ||||||
vyāptigrahopāyaṭippaṇī | f. vyāptigraha | ||||||
vyatigā | P. -jigāti- (only Aorist vy-aty-agāt-), to pass by | ||||||
vyatigam | P. -gacchati-, to go against each other | ||||||
vyatigata | mfn. passed by, elapsed (as time) | ||||||
yājanapratigraha | m. dual number the performance of sacrifices for others and the acceptance of gifts (as the two privileges of Brahmans) | ||||||
yathāpratiguṇais | () ind. according to qualities, to the best of one's abilities. | ||||||
yathāpratiguṇam | () () ind. according to qualities, to the best of one's abilities. | ||||||
yogadānapratigraha | n. a fraudulent gift or acceptance |
tigma | तिग्म a. [तिज्-मक् जस्य गः Uṇ1.45] 1 Sharp, pointed (as a weapon); Av.4.27.7. -2 Violent. -3 Hot, scorching. -4 Pungent, acrid. -5 Fiery, passionate. -5 Austere; ततस्ते तिग्मतप संकृशं धर्मनिसंततम् Mb.3.158.13. -ग्मम् 1 Heat. -2 Pungency. -Comp. -अंशुः 1 the sun; तिग्मांशुरस्तं गतः Gīt.5. -2 fire. -3 N. of Śiva. -करः, -दीधितिः, -द्युतिः, -भास्, -रश्मिः, -रुच् m. the sun; Śi.2.28,45. -2 The number '12' (esp. तिग्मकर-दीधिति). -तेजस् a. Ved. 1 sharp-pointed. -2 penetrating. -3 of a violent nature; Vāj.1.24. -4 of resplendent Iustre. -m. the sun; ततो निशायां याताया- मुदिते तिग्मतेजसि Ks.29.121. -नेमि a. having a sharpedged felly; पदातेर्भगवांस्तस्य पदास्तिग्मनेमिना । चक्रेण शिर उत्कृत्य ...Bhāg.1.57.21. -यातना acute or violent pain; cf. Bhāg.6.1.7. |
atigam | अतिगम् 1 P. 1 To pass, elapse, pass away (as time); दशाहे$तिगते Rām. -2 To overcome, exceed, excel, See अतिग. -3 To pass over, pass by, neglect. -4 To pass away, die. -5 To escape. |
atiga | अतिग a. [गम्-ड] (in comp.) Exceeding, going beyond, transcending, excelling, surpassing; सर्वलोक˚ Mu.1.2; किमौषधपथातिगैरुपहतो महाव्याधिभिः Mu.6.16. by diseases defying the powers of medicine, past the stage of physicking; बाणैर्देहातिगैः R.12.48 piercing through their bodies; वयो˚ Ms.7.149 advanced in years, aged; संख्यातिगाः संपदः Bh.3.132; वपुःप्रकर्षेण जना- तिगेन Ki.3.2. अतिगण्डः _x001F_21 N. of a star of the 6th lunar asterism. -2 A large cheek or temple. -3 One who has large cheeks. |
atigandha | अतिगन्ध a. Having an excessive or overpowering smell. -न्धः 1 Sulphur. -2 N. of various plants: चम्पक, भूततृण lemon-grass &. मुद्गर. (Mar. सुगंधी रोहिस गवत, सोन- चांफा, बटमोगरा) |
atigandhālu | अतिगन्धालु N. of the plant पुत्रदात्री. |
atigandhikā | अतिगन्धिका (= अतिगन्धालु) (Mar. पिठवण डवला). |
atigava | अतिगव a. [अतिक्रान्तो गाम्] 1 Very foolish, quite stupid. -2 Inexpressible, indescribable. |
atigahana | अतिगहन गव्हर a. Very deep, impenetrable. |
atiguṇa | अतिगुण a. 1 Having excellent or superior qualities. -2 Devoid of merits, worthless [गुणमतिक्रान्तः]. -णः Excellent merits. |
atiguru | अतिगुरु a. Very heavy (such as mercury &c.). -रुः A very respectable person, such as a father, mother &c. (त्रयः पुरुषस्य अतिगुरवो भवन्ति पिता माता आचार्यश्च) |
atiguhā | अतिगुहा [अतिक्रान्ता गुहां मध्यावकाशेन] N. of the plant पृश्निपर्णी. (Mar. सालवण). |
atigṛhakam | अतिगृहकम् A lofty house, a terrace भूमीगृहांश्चैत्य- गृहान्गृहातिगृहकानपि Rām.5.12.15. |
atigrah | अतिग्रह् 9 P. To take beyond the usual measure. |
atigraha | अतिग्रह a. [अतिक्रान्तो ग्रहम्] Difficult to be comprehended, incomprehensible. -हः, -ग्राहः 1 Object of an apprehensive organ, such as स्पर्श 'touch' the object of त्वच्, रस of जिह्वा &c. The Grahas are eight in number; प्राण, वाच्, जिह्वा, चक्षुस्, श्रोत्र, मनस्, हस्तौ, & त्वच्; the corresponding atigrāhas being अपान, नामन्, रस, रूप, शब्द, काम, कर्मन् & स्पर्श. अथ हैनं जारत्कारव आर्तभागः पप्रच्छ याज्ञवल्क्येति होवाच कति ग्रहाः कत्यतिग्रहा इति । अष्टौ ग्रहा अष्टावतिग्रहा इति Bṛi. Up.3.2.1. -2 Right knowledge, correct apprehension. -3 Act of overtaking, surpassing &c. -4 One who siezes or takes to a very great extent. |
atigha | अतिघ [अतिशयेन हन्ति; हन्-टक्] 1 A weapon. -2 Worth. |
atighna | अतिघ्न a. Very destructive. -घ्नी [अतिशयेन हन्ति दुःखम्; हन्-टक्] A happy state of complete oblivion which drowns all thoughts of whatever is disagreeable in the past; अतिघ्नीमानन्दस्य गत्वा Bṛi. Ār. Up.2.1.9. |
apratigṛhya | अप्रतिगृह्य a. One from whom one must not accept any thing as a gift &c. |
apratigrāhaka | अप्रतिग्राहक a. Not accepting. |
apratigrāhya | अप्रतिग्राह्य a. Unacceptable. |
apratigha | अप्रतिघ a. 1 Not to be vanquished, invincible. -2 Not to be warded or kept off; यत्तु दुःखसमायुक्तम- प्रीतिकरमात्मनः । तद्रजो$प्रतिपं (घं) विद्यात् Ms.12.28. -3 Not angry. |
pratigad | प्रतिगद् 1 P. To answer. |
pratigam | प्रतिगम् 1 P. 1 To go towards, advance. -2 To return. |
pratigata | प्रतिगत p. p. 1 Flying backward and forward, wheeling about. -2 Lost from the memory. |
pratigamanam | प्रतिगमनम् Returning, going back, return. |
pratigaraḥ | प्रतिगरः The responsive call (of the अध्वर्यु to होतृ); ओमित्यध्वर्युः प्रतिगरं प्रतिगृणाति T. Up.1.8.1. |
pratigarhita | प्रतिगर्हित p. p. Blamed, reviled. |
pratigarj | प्रतिगर्ज् 1 P. 1 To roar at, to roar against. -2 (fig.) To resist, oppose; अयोहृदयः प्रतिगर्जताम् R.9.9. |
pratigarjanā | प्रतिगर्जना Roaring against, answering roar. |
pratigrah | प्रतिग्रह् 9. U. 1 To hold, seize, take, support; वर्षधर- प्रतिगृहीतमेनम् M.4; Ms.2.48. -2 To take, accept, receive; ददाति प्रतिगृह्णाति Pt.2; अमोघाः प्रतिगृह्णन्तावर्ध्यानुपदमा- शिषः R.1.44;2.22. -3 To receive or accept as a present. -4 To receive inimically, oppose, encounter, resist; to attack, assault; प्रतिजग्राह कालिङ्गस्तमस्त्रैर्गजसाधनः R.4.4;12.47. -5 To take in marriage, marry; विधिवत् प्रतिगृह्यापि त्यजेत् कन्यां विगर्हिताम् Ms.9.72. -6 To obey, conform or listen to. -7 To resort to, betake oneself to. -8 To eclipse. -9 To assent to, admit. -1 To occupy, take possession of. -11 To deprive (one) of. -12 To welcome, receive; प्रत्यगृह्णाद्यथान्यायं विदुरश्च महामनाः Mb. 14.66.6. -13 To eat, drink. -Caus. 1 To cause to accept, give, present. -3 To allow to take or retain; मुष्टं प्रतिग्राहयता स्वमर्थं पात्रीकृतो दस्युरिवासि येन Ś.5.2. |
pratigṛhīta | प्रतिगृहीत p. p. 1 Taken, received, accepted; त्वमम्बया पुत्र इति प्रतिगृहीतः Ś.2; प्रतिगृहीतं ब्राह्मणवचनम् V.2; माता वा प्रतिगृहीता ......... अवरुद्धमानयेयुः Kau. A.1.18. -2 Admitted, assented to. -3 Married. |
pratigrahaḥ | प्रतिग्रहः 1 Receiving, accepting. -2 Receiving or accepting a donation; अयाचितोपपन्ने तु नास्ति दोषः प्रतिग्रहे -3 The right of receiving or accepting a donation. -4 The right of receiving gifts (which is a peculiar prerogative of Brāhmaṇas); अध्यापनमध्ययनं यजनं याजनं तथा । दानं प्रतिग्रहं चैव ब्राह्मणानामकल्पयत् ॥ Ms.1.88;4.86; Y.1.118 -5 A gift, present, donation; राज्ञः प्रतिग्रहो$यम् Ś.1; Śi.14.35. -6 A receiver (of a gift). -7 Kind or friendly reception; प्रतिग्रहाय पाण्डूनां प्रेषयामास कौरवान् Mb.1.27.12. -8 Favour, grace. -9 Marrying; तत्प्रतिग्रहलाभाय जित्वा भूपान् स्वयंवरे Bm.1.456. -1 Listening to. -11 The rear of an army. -12 A spitting-pot. -13 The sun near the moon's node. -14 a chambervessel (for sick persons). -15 a grasper, seizer; केश- प्रतिग्रहः = barber. |
pratigrahaṇam | प्रतिग्रहणम् 1 Receiving presents. -2 Reception. -3 Marrying. -4 A vessel. |
pratigrahin | प्रतिग्रहिन् m. A receiver. |
pratigrahītṛ | प्रतिग्रहीतृ m. 1 A receiver. -2 A husband, one who marries. |
pratigrāhaḥ | प्रतिग्राहः 1 Accepting gifts. -2 A spitting-pot, spittoon. प्रतिग्राहक pratigrāhaka हिन् hin प्रतिग्राहक हिन् a. One who receives or accepts gifts. |
pratigrāhya | प्रतिग्राह्य a. Acceptable, admissible. |
pratigha | प्रतिघ a. Hostile, adverse. -घः 1 Opposition, resistance; उत्प्रतिघा इव द्विषः Śāhendra.2.42. -2 Fighting, combat, mutual beating. -3 Anger, wrath; प्रतिघः कुतो$पि समुपेत्य नरपतिगणं समाश्रयत् Śi.15.53. -4 A Fainting. -5 An enemy. |
pratighātanam | प्रतिघातनम् 1 Repulsing, warding off. -2 Killing, slaughter. |
pratighnam | प्रतिघ्नम् The body. |
stigh | स्तिघ् 5 Ā. (स्तिघ्नुते) 1 To ascend. -2 To assail, attack. |
tigma | tig-má, a. sharp, viii. 29, 5 [tij be sharp]. |
tigita | a. sharp. pointed. |
tigmakara | m. sun (hot-rayed); (á)-tegas, a. keen-edged, sharp-pointed; im petuous, energetic; m. sun; -dîdhiti, m. sun; -dyuti, m. id.; -bhâs, -rasmi, -ruki, m. id.; -vîrya, a. powerful; -sri&ndot;ga,a. sharp horned; (á)-heti, a. bearing sharp missiles. |
tigmāṃśu | m. (hot-rayed), sun; fire; a&halfacute;âyudha, a. bearing sharp weapons. |
atighana | a. very dense. |
atiguru | a. very weighty; weightier than (ab.). |
atigupta | pp. well-concealed. |
atiguṇa | a. excellent; -tâ, f. abst. n. |
atigahana | a. unfathomable. |
atigardha | m. excessive greed. |
atigarīyas | cpv. too dear: -â krî, buy too dear. |
atigambhīra | a. very deep; unfathomable (fig.). |
atiga | a. piercing, going beyond, surpassing, overcoming; transgressing (--°ree;). |
atighora | a. very terrible. |
abhitigmaraśmi | ad. to wards the sun. |
apratigha | a. irresistible. |
janātiga | a. superhuman; -½adhi pa, m. king, prince; -½antikam, ad. (speak) close to a person, in a low voice so as not to be overheard; (say) in a stage whisper; -½an tike, lc. ad. in the neighbourhood of men; -½apavâda, m. slander (pl.); -½ârava, m. popu lar rumour; -½arnava, m. (sea of men), cara van; -½ardana, m. ep. of Vishnu or Krishna (harasser of men); -½âsraya, m. caravanserai. |
pratigraha | m. receipt, acceptance (of gifts), right to receive gifts (privilege of Brâhmans; the person from whom the pre sent is received is °ree;--, ab., or g.±sakâsât; the object is °ree;--); friendly reception; favour, grace; receiving with the ear, hearing; re ceiver; gift, present: in. as a present; -m kri, receive presents; -grahana, a. receiving; n. reception; acceptance (of gifts); -graha dhana, n. money received as a present; a. whose wealth consists in presents only; -gra ha-prâpta, pp. received as a present; -grah îtavya, fp. to be received, that may be ac cepted; -grahîtrí, m. receiver (of gifts); one who receives a girl, one who weds; nm. sg. used as ft.; -grâmam, ad. in every vil lage; -grâhaka, a. receiving gifts (only --°ree;); -grâhin, a. receiving, accepting; -grâhya, fp. to be received, from (ab.); from whom anything may be accepted. |
pratigaja | m. hostile elephant; -gata, pp. √ gam; n. return; -gamana, n. return; -gará, m. call in reply (of the Adhvaryu to the address of the Hotri); -gar itri, m. one who replies with a call; -garg ana, n. answering roar (of a cloud): â, f. id.; -gâtra, °ree;-or -m, ad. at every member; -giri, m. mountain opposite; -gîryam, fp. n. one should reply with a call; -gúpya, fp. one should beware of (ab.); -griham, ad. in every house; -grihîtavya, fp. to be re ceived kindly, to be welcomed (incorrect for -grahî-); -grihîtri, m. receiver (incorrect for -grahî-); -geham, ac. ad. in every house. |
bhavātiga | a. having left mun dane existence behind. |
marmātiga | a. penetrating deep into the joints or vitals, excruciating; -½âvar ana, n. coat of mail. |
saṃkhyātiga | a. innumerable. |
tigmā | agne tava tviṣaḥ RV.8.43.3b. |
tigmā | asya hanavo na pratidhṛṣe RV.8.60.13c. |
tigmā | didyun maghonaḥ RV.5.86.3b. |
tigmā | yad antar aśaniḥ patāti RV.4.16.17a. |
tigmahetī | brahmasaṃśite AVś.8.3.25b. |
tigmajambhasya | mīḍhuṣaḥ RV.4.15.5c. |
tigmajambhāya | taruṇāya rājate RV.8.19.22a. |
tigmajambhāya | vīḍave RV.8.44.27b. |
tigmaṃ | cid ema mahi varpo asya RV.6.3.4a. |
tigmaṃ | tasmin ni jahi vajram indra RV.7.18.18d. |
tigmaṃ | na kṣodaḥ pratighnanti bhūrṇayaḥ RV.8.25.15c. |
tigmam | anīkaṃ viditaṃ sahasvat AVś.4.27.7a; AVP.4.35.7a. P: tigmam anīkam Vait.9.2. See tigmam āyudhaṃ vīḍitaṃ. |
tigmam | apaśyad abhi somam ūdhaḥ RV.3.48.3b. |
tigmam | āyudhaṃ vīḍitaṃ (KS. -dham īḍitaṃ) sahasvat TS.; MS.3.16.5a: 191.12; KS.22.15a. See tigmam anīkaṃ. |
tigmam | āyudhaṃ marutām anīkam RV.8.96.9a. |
tigmam | eko bibharti hasta āyudham RV.8.29.5a. |
tigmam | ojo varuṇa soma rājan (KSṭA. varuṇa saṃ śiśādhi) MS.2.3.4b: 31.11; KS.11.7b,8; 36.15b; TA.2.5.1b; śG.1.27.7b. See priyaṃ reto. |
tigmāni | santi dhūrvaṇe RV.9.61.30b; SV.2.130b. |
tigmānīkaṃ | svayaśasaṃ janeṣu RV.1.95.2c; AVP.8.14.2c; TB. |
tigmaśṛṅgo | na vaṃsagaḥ RV.6.16.39b; SV.2.1057b; TS. |
tigmaśṛṅgo | vṛṣabhaḥ śośucānaḥ MS.2.13.22b: 167.14; KS.40.12b; TB.; Apś.9.8.6b. |
tigmaśṛṅgo | vṛṣabho roruvāṇaḥ TB. |
tigmāyudhā | rakṣase hantavā u RV.5.2.10b; TS.; JB.3.96b. |
tigmāyudhaḥ | kṣipradhanvā samatsu RV.9.90.3c; SV.2.759c. |
tigmāyudhau | tigmahetī suśevau RV.6.74.4a; AVś.5.6.5b--7b; AVP.1.109.2a; 6.11.7a; MS.4.11.2a: 165.13. |
tigmāyudhāya | bharatā śṛṇotu naḥ (TB. śṛṇotana) RV.7.46.1d; TB.; N.10.6d. |
tigmāyudho | ajayac chatrum indraḥ RV.2.30.3d. |
tigme | śiśāno mahiṣo na śṛṅge RV.9.87.7c. |
tigmebhir | agne arcibhiḥ AVP.7.3.1a. Cf. bṛhadbhir agne. |
tigmena | nas tejasā (TS. no brahmaṇā; KS. nau brahmaṇā) saṃ śiśādhi RV.6.15.19d; VSK.2.6.7; TS.; MS.4.14.15d: 240.2; KS.40.2d; TB.; Mś. |
tigmenāgnir | jyotiṣā vi bhāti AVś.13.1.11c. Cf. bhānuḥ śukreṇa śociṣā vy. |
tigmeṣava | āyudhā saṃśiśānāḥ RV.10.84.1c; AVś.4.31.1c; TB.; N.10.30c. See tīkṣṇeṣava etc. |
tigmo | vibhrājan tanvaṃ śiśānaḥ AVś.13.2.33a. |
anāstigmaṃ | śapathaiḥ # AVP.7.8.9a. |
apatighnīṃ | bṛhaspate # ApMB.1.1.3b. |
abhimātighne | tvā # MS.2.13.17: 164.16. |
abhimātighne | svāhā # MS.3.12.14: 164.11. |
indrāpatighnīṃ | putriṇīm # AVś.14.1.62c. See indrāputraghnīṃ. |
kṣetrauṣadhivanaspatigandharvāpsarasaḥ | (sc. tṛpyantu) # AG.3.4.1; śG.4.9.3. |
prajāpatigṛhītayā | tvayā cakṣur gṛhṇāmi prajābhyaḥ # VS.13.56; TS.; MS.2.7.19: 104.8; KS.16.19; śB. |
prajāpatigṛhītayā | tvayā prāṇaṃ gṛhṇāmi prajābhyaḥ # VS.13.54; TS.; MS.2.7.19: 104.2; KS.16.19; śB. P: prajāpatigṛhītayā tvayā śB. |
prajāpatigṛhītayā | tvayā mano gṛhṇāmi prajābhyaḥ # VS.13.55; TS.; MS.2.7.19: 104.5; KS.16.19; śB. |
prajāpatigṛhītayā | tvayā vācaṃ gṛhṇāmi prajābhyaḥ # VS.13.58; TS.; MS.2.7.19: 104.15; KS.16.19; śB. |
prajāpatigṛhītayā | tvayā śrotraṃ gṛhṇāmi prajābhyaḥ # VS.13.57; TS.; MS.2.7.19: 104.11; KS.16.19; śB. |
pratigṛbhṇate | svāhā # TB. |
pratigṛhṇatīr | ṛṣabhasya retaḥ # AVP.5.15.5c. |
pratigṛhṇanti | karhi cit # śG.1.10.8d. |
pratigṛhya | yathāvidhi # Kauś.68.37b. |
pratigṛhya | vi rādhiṣi # AVś.3.29.8d. |
pratigṛhyāpy | anadhyāyaḥ # śG.4.7.55c. |
pratigrahītre | gotamo vasiṣṭhaḥ # AVP.2.28.5c; 5.28.4e. |
pratighnānāḥ | saṃ dhāvantu # AVś.11.9.14a. |
pratighnānāśrumukhī | # AVś.11.9.7a. |
tigma | brilliant | SB 11.30.42 |
tigma | fierce | SB 10.89.6-7 |
tigma | intense | SB 10.56.7 |
tigma | pointed | SB 3.18.19 |
tigma | sharp | SB 10.51.41 |
SB 10.57.21 | ||
tigma | very sharp | SB 7.5.39-40 |
tigma-dhāra-asi-vara | O best of swords possessing very sharp blades | SB 6.8.26 |
tigma-dhāra-asi-vara | O best of swords possessing very sharp blades | SB 6.8.26 |
tigma-dhāra-asi-vara | O best of swords possessing very sharp blades | SB 6.8.26 |
tigma-dhāra-asi-vara | O best of swords possessing very sharp blades | SB 6.8.26 |
tigma-dhāraiḥ | which had a sharp point | SB 4.11.4 |
tigma-dhāraiḥ | which had a sharp point | SB 4.11.4 |
tigma-gadayā | with a very sharp club | SB 8.10.57 |
tigma-gadayā | with a very sharp club | SB 8.10.57 |
tigma-gatayaḥ | of heinous nature | SB 4.10.28 |
tigma-gatayaḥ | of heinous nature | SB 4.10.28 |
tigma-nemi | with a sharp rim | SB 6.8.23 |
tigma-nemi | with a sharp rim | SB 6.8.23 |
tigma-tuṇḍaiḥ | having pointed beaks | SB 5.26.32 |
tigma-tuṇḍaiḥ | having pointed beaks | SB 5.26.32 |
tigma-yātanāḥ | in which there is very terrible suffering | SB 6.1.7 |
tigma-yātanāḥ | in which there is very terrible suffering | SB 6.1.7 |
tigmāḥ | sharp | SB 4.10.17 |
tigmaketum | Tigmaketu | SB 4.13.12 |
tigmam | sharp | SB 10.54.31 |
tigmayā | very hot | SB 5.26.20 |
tigme | fierce | SB 10.22.30 |
apratighātena | by what is irresistible | SB 1.12.16 |
apratigrahaḥ | without accepting charity from others (the kṣatriyas may execute the five other occupational duties prescribed for the brāhmaṇas) | SB 7.11.14 |
ati-tigma-dantau | having a very sharp point | SB 5.2.8 |
mat-śāsana-atigaḥ | surpassing the jurisdiction of my administration | SB 8.20.15 |
tvat-śāsana-atigān | who transgress your rulings | SB 8.22.34 |
atigarvitā | being too proud | SB 4.8.10 |
atighora | most fearful | SB 3.28.31 |
ati-tigma-dantau | having a very sharp point | SB 5.2.8 |
pratigraha nāhi kare | he did not accept charity from anyone | CC Adi 10.50 |
mat-śāsana-atigaḥ | surpassing the jurisdiction of my administration | SB 8.20.15 |
pratigraha nāhi kare | he did not accept charity from anyone | CC Adi 10.50 |
pratigarjati | resembles | SB 10.12.22 |
pratighāta | the prevention | SB 4.4.2 |
pratighātam | impediments | SB 4.19.10 |
pratighātam | obstruction on the path of devotional service | SB 5.9.3 |
pratigiriḥ | another mountain | SB 8.7.17 |
pratigraha nāhi kare | he did not accept charity from anyone | CC Adi 10.50 |
pratigraha | acceptance of alms | CC Adi 12.50 |
pratigraha | acceptance of gifts | CC Madhya 22.116 |
rāja-pratigraha | taking from the King | CC Antya 9.117 |
pratigrahaḥ | taking charity from others | SB 8.19.17 |
pratigrahaḥ | acceptance of charity | SB 11.17.40 |
pratigraham | accepting charity | SB 11.17.41 |
pratigrahīṣyanti | will accept religious charity | SB 12.3.38 |
pratigṛhāṇa | please accept | SB 3.22.14 |
pratigṛhṇāmi | I accept | SB 6.17.17 |
pratigṛhṇāti | accepts in return | NoI 4 |
pratigṛhya | accepting the order | SB 10.2.14 |
pratigṛhya | accepting | SB 10.68.52 |
pratigṛhyatām | let her be accepted | SB 6.4.15 |
pratigṛhyatām | let her be accepted | SB 6.4.51 |
pratigṛhyatām | now take from me | SB 8.19.28 |
rāja-pratigraha | taking from the King | CC Antya 9.117 |
mat-śāsana-atigaḥ | surpassing the jurisdiction of my administration | SB 8.20.15 |
tvat-śāsana-atigān | who transgress your rulings | SB 8.22.34 |
ati-tigma-dantau | having a very sharp point | SB 5.2.8 |
tvat-śāsana-atigān | who transgress your rulings | SB 8.22.34 |
tigma | adjective acrid (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) fiery (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) hasty (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) hot (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) intense (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) passionate (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) pointed (a weapon) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) pungent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) scorching (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) sharp (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) violent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 7089/72933 | |
tigma | noun (masculine) Indra's thunderbolt (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of the Śūdras in Krauñcadvīpa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 35378/72933 | |
tigmamanyu | noun (masculine) name of Śiva Frequency rank 53530/72933 | |
tigmarocis | noun (masculine) Frequency rank 35379/72933 | |
tigmatejas | noun (masculine) the sun (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 53529/72933 | |
tigmātman | noun (masculine) name of a prince (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 53531/72933 | |
tigmāṃśu | noun (masculine) fire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Sūrya Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 15735/72933 | |
atiga | adjective exceeding (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) overcoming (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) surpassing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) transgressing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) violating (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 5358/72933 | |
atigaṇḍa | noun (masculine) name of the yoga (or index) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) star of the 6th lunar mansion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 42025/72933 | |
atigati | noun (feminine) Frequency rank 13904/72933 | |
atigandha | noun (neuter) orpiment Frequency rank 42026/72933 | |
atigandha | noun (masculine) a kind of jasmin (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) lemon-grass (Andropogon Schaenunthes) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) sulphur (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the Champac flower (Michelia Champaca) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 26168/72933 | |
atigandhaka | noun (masculine) Michelia Champaka Frequency rank 42027/72933 | |
atigandhālu | noun (masculine) name of the creeper Putradātri (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 42028/72933 | |
atigandhikā | noun (feminine) hapuṣā Frequency rank 42029/72933 | |
atigam | verb (class 1 parasmaipada) to die (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to escape (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to neglect (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to overcome (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to pass away (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to pass by or over (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to surpass (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 17472/72933 | |
atigama | noun (masculine) passing (of time) Frequency rank 42030/72933 | |
atigā | verb (class 3 parasmaipada) verstreichen
vorübergehen Frequency rank 9096/72933 | |
atigāh | verb (class 1 parasmaipada) to cry out (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to emerge over (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to give a shriek (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to rise upon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 22850/72933 | |
atiguṇa | adjective having extraordinary qualities (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 20471/72933 | |
atiguru | adjective very heavy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 42031/72933 | |
atiguhā | noun (feminine) the plant Hemionites Cordifolia (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 17473/72933 | |
atiguhyaka | adjective top secret Frequency rank 42032/72933 | |
atigṛhaka | noun (masculine) Frequency rank 42033/72933 | |
atigraha | noun (masculine) act of taking over or beyond surpassing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) one who takes or seizes to an extraordinary extent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 42034/72933 | |
atighana | adjective sehr ghana Frequency rank 31514/72933 | |
atighoravant | adjective Frequency rank 42035/72933 | |
atighrā | verb (class 4 parasmaipada) [geruchs-überempfindlich sein?] Frequency rank 42036/72933 | |
anatiguru | adjective Frequency rank 42579/72933 | |
anatigaurava | noun (neuter) Frequency rank 42580/72933 | |
apratigṛhṇant | adjective Frequency rank 23080/72933 | |
apratigṛhya | adjective one from whom one must not accept anything (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 32202/72933 | |
apratigraha | noun (masculine) Frequency rank 43860/72933 | |
apratigrahaṇa | adjective not accepting Frequency rank 43861/72933 | |
apratigrahaṇa | noun (neuter) not accepting (a girl into marriage) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) not marrying (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 43862/72933 | |
apratigrāhya | adjective unacceptable (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 23081/72933 | |
apratigha | adjective not to be kept off (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) not to be vanquished (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 20654/72933 | |
apratighātin | adjective Frequency rank 43863/72933 | |
apratighāta | noun (masculine) Frequency rank 32203/72933 | |
apratighātaka | adjective Frequency rank 43864/72933 | |
upātigam | verb (class 6 parasmaipada) Frequency rank 47721/72933 | |
kṣitigarbha | noun (masculine) name of a Bodhisattva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 50554/72933 | |
caturviṃśatiguṇa | adjective Frequency rank 52007/72933 | |
duratiga | adjective difficult to overcome Frequency rank 54602/72933 | |
dvāviṃśatiguṇa | adjective 22fold Frequency rank 55197/72933 | |
pūtigandha | noun (neuter) tin Frequency rank 37076/72933 | |
pūtigandha | noun (masculine) sulfur
Terminalia Catappa Frequency rank 24662/72933 | |
pūtigandhaka | noun (neuter) sauvarcala Frequency rank 58528/72933 | |
pūtigandhasamākula | noun (masculine) name of a hell Frequency rank 58529/72933 | |
pūtighāsa | noun (masculine) a species of animal living in trees (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 58530/72933 | |
pratigaja | noun (masculine) Frequency rank 17002/72933 | |
pratigaṇikā | noun (feminine) a rivaling prostitute Frequency rank 29141/72933 | |
pratigantṛ | adjective going to
reaching Frequency rank 58738/72933 | |
pratigandhā | noun (feminine) Name einer Pflanze Frequency rank 58739/72933 | |
pratigam | verb (class 1 ātmanepada) to go back (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to go home (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to go to meet (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to go towards (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to return (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 6001/72933 | |
pratigarj | verb (class 1 parasmaipada) to answer with roars (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to oppose (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to resist (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to roar against or in return (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to vie with (instr. or gen.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 18182/72933 | |
pratigarjanā | noun (feminine) an answering roar (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) thundering or roaring against or in return (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 58740/72933 | |
pratigarbham | indeclinable during each pregnancy Frequency rank 37147/72933 | |
pratigarbhayantra | noun (neuter) a kind of alchemical apparatus Frequency rank 37148/72933 | |
pratigā | verb (class 3 parasmaipada) to go back (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to return (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 58741/72933 | |
pratigālay | verb (class 10 parasmaipada) to boil down (?)
to filter (?) Frequency rank 37149/72933 | |
pratigiri | noun (masculine) an opposite mountain (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 58742/72933 | |
pratigu | indeclinable against a cow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 58743/72933 | |
pratigṛdh | verb (class 4 parasmaipada) to be greedy or eager for (acc.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 21802/72933 | |
pratigṛham | indeclinable in every house Frequency rank 58744/72933 | |
pratigrah | verb (class 9 ātmanepada) to accept (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to acquiesce in (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to answer (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to appropriate (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to approve (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to assent to (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to drink (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to encounter (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to gain (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to grasp (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to marry (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to oppose (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to receive (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to receive (a friend or guest) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to receive (an enemy) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to receive (anything agreeable as a good word or omen) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to reply (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to seize (in astrol. to eclipse) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to take (as a present or into possession) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to take eat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to take as a wife (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to take hold of (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to win over (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 1020/72933 | |
pratigraha | noun (masculine) a chamber-vessel or any similar convenience for sick persons (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a gift (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a grasper (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a spittoon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) acceptance of gifts (as the peculiar prerogative of Brāhmans) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) accepting (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) favour (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) friendly reception (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) grace (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) marrying (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of the objects or functions corresponding to the 8 Grahas (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) present (esp. a donation to a Brāhman at suitable periods) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) receiving (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) receiving with the ear i.e. hearing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) seizer (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) taking a wife (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the reserve of an army (a detachment posted with the general 400 yards in the rear of a line) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the sun near the moon's node (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 2856/72933 | |
pratigrahin | adjective a receiver (opp. to dātṛ) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) one who receives (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 29142/72933 | |
pratigrahītṛ | adjective accepting
taking Frequency rank 19658/72933 | |
pratigrāsa | noun (masculine) img/alchemy.bmp Frequency rank 29143/72933 | |
pratigrāhin | adjective accepting
receiving Frequency rank 29144/72933 | |
pratigrāha | noun (masculine) a spittoon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) accepting gifts (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 58745/72933 | |
pratigrāhaka | adjective one who receives or accepts (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 29145/72933 | |
pratigrāhay | verb (class 10 ātmanepada) to give
to offer Frequency rank 18183/72933 | |
pratigha | noun (masculine) an enemy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) anger (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) combat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) contradiction (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) enmity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) fighting (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) hindrance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) obstruction (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) opposition (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) opposition (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) resistance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) struggling against (comp.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) wrath (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 15909/72933 | |
pratighātin | adjective dazzling (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) disturbing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) injuring (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) keeping off (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) repulsing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 37150/72933 | |
pratighāta | noun (masculine) keeping back (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) opposition (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) prevention (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) rebound (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) repulse (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) resistance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) warding off (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 6698/72933 | |
pratighātana | noun (neuter) killing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) repulsing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) slaughter (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) warding off (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 58746/72933 | |
ratiguṇa | noun (masculine) name of a Devagandharva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 63325/72933 | |
vayotiga | adjective advanced in age (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) exceedingly old or decrepit (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 30056/72933 | |
vyatigam | verb (class 1 parasmaipada) to go against each other
to pass (time) Frequency rank 66803/72933 | |
śaktigarbhā | noun (feminine) [rel.] name of a Śakti of Śiva Frequency rank 67069/72933 | |
sūtigṛha | noun (neuter) a lying in chamber (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 71690/72933 | |
hastighoṣā | noun (feminine) a kind of Cucurbitaceous plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 72447/72933 | |
hastighoṣaka | noun (masculine) devadālī Frequency rank 41407/72933 |