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Grammar Search
"tena" has 3 results
tena: neuter instrumentative singular stem: tad
tena: masculine instrumentative singular stem: tad
tena: second person plural tense paradigm perfect class parasmaipadatan
Amarakosha Search
1 result
caurakaḥ2.10.24MasculineSingularparāskandī, taskaraḥ, aikāgārikaḥ, ‍‌pratirodhī, dasyuḥ, malimlucaḥ, ‍‍‍pāṭaccaraḥ, moṣakaḥ, stena
Monier-Williams Search
30 results for tena
tenam. a note or cadence introductory to a song. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tenaind. (instrumental case of 2. t/a-) in that direction, there (correl. to yena-,"in which direction, where") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tenaind. in that manner, thus (correl. to yena-,"in what manner"),
tenaind. on that account, for that reason, therefore (correl. to yena-[ ], y/ad-[ ], yasmāt-[ ], yatas-[ ]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tenaind. tena hi-, therefore, now then View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ādhistenam. the stealer of a deposit, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adhyantenaind. close to View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
advaitenaind. solely. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
astenam. not a thief View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
astenamāninmfn. not believing one's self to be a thief. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avataptenakulasthitan. an ichneumon's standing on hot ground (metaphorically said of a person's inconstancy) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
brahmastenam. a thief of that which is sacred, one who obtains a knowledge of the veda- by illicit means View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhārāvartenaind. (ena-) fluently, quickly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ekāntenaind. solely, only, exclusively, absolutely, necessarily, by all means, in every respect, invariably etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtenaind. instrumental case idem or 'ind. on account of, for the sake of, for (with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' exempli gratia, 'for example' mama kṛte-or mat-kṛte-,on my account, for me) etc.' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtena locative case instrumental case ind. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order kṛt/a-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
muhūrtenaind. muhūrta
nyantenaind. ( etc.) , near, near to. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tenaind. right, duly, properly, regularly, lawfully, according to usage or right View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samantenaind. samanta
saṃkṣiptenaind. saṃkṣipta
stenam. (prob. fr. stā-) a thief, robber etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stenam. a kind of perfume View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stenam. thieving, stealing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stenahṛdaya(sten/a--) m. "having the essence of a thief", an incarnate thief View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stenanigraham. the restraining or punishing of thieves View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stenanigraham. suppression of theft View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vācāstena(vāc/ā--) mfn. (prob.) one who makes mischief by his words View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāgatenaaind. () by the way one came. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathoktena() ind. according to what has been stated, as mentioned before, in the above-mentioned way
Apte Search
4 results
tena तेन A note introductory to a song.
tena ऋतेन ind. Duly, rightly, truly, honestly, justly.
stena स्तेन 1 U. (Strictly a denom. from स्तेन; स्तेनयति-ते) 1 To steal, rob; यस्त्वेतान्युपक्लृप्तानि द्रव्याणि स्तेनयेन्नरः Ms.8. 333. -2 To be dishonest in speech; वाच्यर्था नियताः सर्वे वाङ्मूला वाग्विनिःसृता । तां तु यः स्तेनयेद्वाचं स सर्वस्तेनकृन्नरः ॥ Ms.4.256.
stena स्तेनः [स्तेन्-कर्तरि अच्] 1 A thief, robber; न तं स्तेना न चामित्रा हरन्ति न च नश्यति Ms.7.83; यो भुङ्क्ते स्तेन एव सः Bg.3.12. -2 A kind of perfume. -नम् Thieving, stealing. -Comp. -निग्रहः 1 the punishment of thieves. -2 suppression of theft.
Macdonell Vedic Search
3 results
eta e-tá, dem. prn. stem, this: n. etád, iii. 59, 5; acc. m. etám this, x. 14, 9; him, [229] x. 34, 4; inst. eténa, v. 83, 6; n. pl. etá̄, x. 15, 14; m. pl. eté these, vii. 103, 9 [prn. root e + tá this].
ta Tá, dem. prn., that; he, she, it; n. tád that, i. 1, 6; 35, 6; 154, 2. 5. 6; ii. 35, 11. 15; iv. 51, 10. 11; vii. 86, 2. 3. 4; 103, 5. 7; x. 34, 12. 13; 90, 12; 129, 2. 3. 4; 135, 5; m. A. tám him, ii. 33, 13; 35, 3. 4; iv. 50, 1. 9; vi. 54, 4; that, x. 90, 7; 135, 4; I. téna with it, viii. 29, 4. 10; with him, x. 90, 7; I. f. táyāwith that, i. 85, 11; D. tásmai to him, iii. 59, 5; iv. 50, 82; x. 34, 12; for him, x. 135, 2; to that, viii. 48, 12. 13 (= as such); x. 168, 4; for that, viii. 48, 10; ab. tásmād from him, x. 90, 5. 8. 93. 103;than that, x. 129, 2; G. tásya of him, ii. 35, 9; iii. 59, 4; of that, viii. 48, 8; x. 15, 7; du. m. táu these two, x. 14, 12; f. té these two, i. 160, 1. 5; D. tá̄bhyām to those two, x. 14, 11; pl. N. m. té they, i. 85, 2. 7. 10; viii. 48, 5; x. 15, 3. 53. 12. 13; those, x. 15, 1; 90, 16; = as such, x. 15, 4. 7; f. tá̄s they,iv. 51, 8; those, iv. 51, 72. 9; vii. 49, 1. 2. 3. 4; n. tá̄ those, i. 154, 6; ii. 33, 13; x. 14, 16; tá̄ni those, i. 85, 12; x. 90, 16; A. tá̄n those = that, x. 90, 8; I. tébhis with them, i. 35, 11; x. 15, 8. 14; f. tá̄bhiswith them, x. 168, 2; G. téṣām of them, x. 14, 6; L. tá̄su in them, ii. 33, 13.
supratīka su-prátīka, a. (Bv.) lovely, vii. 61, 1 [having a fair countenance: prátīka, n.].
Macdonell Search
5 results
tena in. (of ta) ad. thither; thus; there fore (corr. yatah, yad, yasmât, yena); tena hi, then.
adhyantena (in.) ad. close up to (d.).
nyantena in. ad. in the neighbourhood, of (g. or --°ree;).
stenaya den. P. steal, rob: vâkam --, be dishonest in speech.
stena m. [√ stâ] thief, robber.
Bloomfield Vedic
5 results0 results310 results
tena pāpmānam apahatya brahmaṇā ā.
tena pāsi guhyaṃ nāma gonām RV.5.3.3d; RVKh.5.44.1d.
tena pitā vardhate tena putraḥ RV.7.101.3d.
tena puṃso 'bhibhavāsi sarvān SMB.1.1.3c.
tena pūtena devatā mādayantām JG.2.1d.
tena prajāṃ vardhayamāna āyuḥ RV.1.125.1c.
tena badhnāmi tvā maṇe (SMB. tvāsau; Kauś. tvā mayi) AVś.3.5.8d; Kauś.89.10d; SMB.1.3.10b.
tena brahmaṇā tena chandasā tayā devatayāṅgirasvad dhruvāḥ sīdata (KS.39.1,7, dhruvā sīda) KS.39.1,4,7,13. See under tena chandasā.
tena brahmavido vayam RVKh.9.67.3c; TB.; Apś.10.7.13c.
tena brahmāṇo vapatedam asya (śG. adya) AVś.6.68.3c; AVP.2.52.3c; TB.; AG.1.17.10c; śG.1.28.15e; PG.2.1.10c; HG.2.6.10c; ApMB.2.1.3c; VārG.4.12c. See next, and cf. under tena ta.
tena brāhmaṇo vapatu MG.1.21.6c. See under prec.
tena bhukṣiṣīya PB.1.1.1; Apś.10.1.4; AG.1.23.19; SMB.2.5.12.
tena bhūtena haviṣā AVś.6.78.1a; ApMB.1.8.6a (ApG.2.6.10). P: tena bhūtena Kauś.78.10,14.
tena madhu tan mayi AVP.2.35.2e.
tena māṃ sūryatvacam RVKh.10.128.4c.
tena māgne varcasā saṃ sṛjeha AVP.3.18.4d; 4.3.2d,3d. Cf. under taṃ mā saṃ, and tenemam agna.
tena mā devās tapasāvateha AVś.19.72.1d; Kauś.139.26d.
tena māñjantu varcasā AVP.3.18.2d. See te māñjantu, and cf. next.
tena mānajmi varcasā AVP.4.10.8d. Cf. prec.
tena mā bhāginaṃ kuru AVś.6.129.2c,3c.
tena mā bhuñja tena bhukṣiṣīya tena māviśa SMB.2.5.12.
tena mām adya varcasā (AVP. varcasā a-) AVś.3.22.3d; AVP.3.18.3c.
tena mām abravīd bhagaḥ AVś.6.82.2c.
tena mām abhiṣiñcatam śś.8.11.13f; SMB.1.7.5f. Cf. tenemām upa.
tena mām abhiṣiñcāmi śriyai PG.2.6.11b. See tenāhaṃ mām etc.
tena mām amṛtaṃ kuru TA.1.30.1c.
tena mām aśvinobhā AVP.8.20.2e.
tena mām indra saṃ sṛja (Mś. sṛjasva) TS.; TB.; Mś.
tena mā vājinaṃ kṛṇu (Aśḷś. kuru) Aś.2.16.19e; Vait.8.16e; Lś.4.12.16e.
tena māviṣṭam aśvinā RV.8.9.5c; AVś.20.139.5c.
tena mā śivam ā viśa Aś.2.16.19d; Vait.8.16d; Lś.4.12.16d.
tena mā saṃ sṛjāmasi ArS.4.10d.
tena mā samarāmahi AVś.11.2.7d.
tena mā samare KA.1.207 (ter); 3.161,165,166B.
tena mā saha śundhata (AVś. śumbhantu) RV.10.17.14d; AVś.18.3.56d.
tena mā surabhiṃ kṛṇu AVś.12.1.23d,24d.
tena mā susror brahmaṇāpi tad vapāmi AVś.12.3.22d.
tena mukhena mām annādaṃ kuru KBU.2.9 (quinq.).
tena me tapa, tena me jvala, tena me dīdihi, yāvad devāḥ, yāvad asāti sūryaḥ, yāvad utāpi brahma TB.
tena me dīdihi TB.;
tena me radhya VS.10.28; TS.; śB.
tena me vājinīvati TB.; Apś.4.14.4c; Mś.; JG.1.4c.
tena me viśvadhāvīrya AVP.1.43.3c.
tena yajñam ava tena yajñapatiṃ tena mām ava VS.2.12; śB.;; śś.4.7.17; Lś.4.12.1.
tena yajñena svaraṃkṛtena RV.1.162.5c; VS.25.28c; TS.; MS.3.16.1c: 182.7; KSA.6.4c.
tena yantu yajamānāḥ svasti MS.2.7.12d: 91.10. See tenaitu.
tena yā brahmadattāsi MahānU.4.5e. See mṛttike brahma-.
tena yāhi gṛhān svasti VārG.15.2d.
tena yāhi parastaram AVP.6.8.7d. See tena gacha parastaram.
tena yāhi vaśāṃ anu RV.10.142.7d.
tena yoṣitam ij jahi AVś.6.101.1d.
tena yo 'smat samṛchātai MS.4.14.17c (bis): 247.1,3; TA.2.4.1c. See tenānyo.
tena rāddho 'smi Kauś.56.7. See tenārātsyam.
tena rādhyāsam VS.22.4; MS.3.12.1: 160.3; 4.9.24 (quater): 137.9,10,12,13; śB.; TB.,4,5,7;; Aś.8.14.6; Apś.4.3.4; 8.4.3; 20.3.3; Mś.; Kauś.56.6. See tenardhyāsam.
tena rudrasya pari pātāstām AVś.12.2.47d.
tena rūpam anagdhi me KA.1.220Me; 3.220M.
tena rūpam anajmi te KA.1.220Md; 3.220M.
tena roham āyann upa (AVś. rohān ruruhur; AVP. rohān arohann upa) medhyāsaḥ (AVP. medhīyāṃsaḥ) AVś.4.14.1d; AVP.3.38.1d; VS.13.51d; MS.2.7.17d: 103.3; KS.16.17d; śB.
tena lokāṃ abhi sarvāṃ jayema AVś.12.3.15d.
tena lokān sūryavato jayema AVś.9.5.18c; TB.; Apś.4.8.4c.
tena vayaṃ sahasravalśena TB.; Apś.2.5.1c. See tena (and tenā) sahasrakāṇḍena.
tena vayaṃ gamema (TSṃS.KS. patema; VSK. tena gamema) bradhnasya viṣṭapam VS.18.51c; VSK.20.3.1c; TS.; MS.2.12.3c: 146.6; KS.18.15c; śB. Cf. tena geṣma.
tena vayaṃ bhagavantaḥ syāma RV.7.41.5b; AVP.4.31.5b; VS.34.38b; TB.; 8.9.9b; ApMB.1.14.5b. See tenā etc.
tena vardhasva cā ca pyāyasva (MS. vardhasva cāpyāyasva) VS.38.21b; MS.4.9.10b: 131.8; śB.; TA.4.11.4b. See tena tvaṃ vardhasva, and cf. eṣā te agne.
tena vardhasva cedhyasva cenddhi JG.1.3b. See tenedhyasva.
tena vaḥ saṃ sṛjāmasi AVP.2.13.4d. See tenā etc.
tena vājaṃ saniṣad asminn ājau RV.10.75.9b.
tena vām āñje 'ham (ApMB. tejase) HG.1.11.5c; ApMB.2.8.11c.
tena vi vṛha rathyeva cakrā RV.10.10.8d; AVś.18.1.9d.
tena viśvasya bhuvanasya rājā RV.5.85.3c; N.10.4c. Cf. under asya etc.
tena viśvās taviṣīr ā pṛṇasva RV.6.41.4d.
tena viṣṇustotram anu smaram RVKh.7.55.6d.
tena vṛtrāṇi jaṅghanam AVP.6.9.9c.
tena vṛtrāṇi jighnate RV.8.29.4b.
tena vai tvopamantraye AB.7.17.6d; śś.15.25d.
tena vo vṛtrahā sūryaḥ AVP.4.16.2c.
tena śakeyam MS.4.9.24 (ter): 137.9,10,12; TB.,4,5,7; Aś.8.14.6; Apś.4.3.4; 8.4.3; Mś.
tena śataṃ sahasram ayutaṃ nyarbudam AVś.8.8.7c. Cf. śataṃ sahasram.
tena śatrūn abhi sarvān nyubja AVś.8.8.6c.
tena śālāṃ prati gṛhṇāmi ta imām (AVś.9.3.15e, gṛhṇāmi tasmai) AVś.9.3.15b,15e.
tena śuddhena devatā mādayantām JG.2.1f.
tena śvayātur uta saṃbhidhehibhiḥ AVP.12.20.3b.
tena saṃvaninau svake HG.1.24.6d. Cf. tan nau saṃvananaṃ.
tena saṃhanu kṛṇmasi AVś.5.28.13d; 19.37.4d; AVP.1.54.5d; 2.59.12d. See tena sann.
tena saṃgrathitāḥ sumanasaḥ PG.2.6.24c.
tena saṃjñapayāmi vaḥ AVś.6.74.2d.
tena satyena jāgṛtam RV.1.21.6a.
tena sann anugṛhṇāsi HG.1.11.2d. See tena saṃhanu.
tena sapatnān adharān kṛṇuṣva AVP.4.27.2c.
tena sapatnān pari vṛṅdhi ye mama AVś.9.2.16c. See tayā etc.
tena sapatnyā varcaḥ AVP.7.12.9c.
tena saṃbhava MS.1.3.38: 44.17. Cf. tayā saṃbhava.
tena sarvaṃ tamo jahi Kauś.99.2d.
tena sarveṇa sarvo mā SMB.2.4.11c.
tena sahasraṃ vahasi KS.40.13c.
tena sahasrakāṇḍena AVś.2.7.3c; Mś. See under tena vayaṃ sahasra-.
tena sahasradhāreṇa RVKh.9.67.4c; SV.2.652c; TB.
tena sākṣīya pṛtanāḥ pṛtanyataḥ AVś.19.32.10d; AVP.11.12.10d.
tena suprajasaṃ kṛṇu (TA. kuru) TA.1.30.1d; Vait.8.16f.
tena suva etc. see tena sva.
tena sūbharvaṃ śatavat sahasram RV.10.102.5c; N.9.23c.
tena sūryam adhārayan TA.4.17.1b.
tena sūryam arocayan RV.8.29.10b; TA.4.17.1c.
tena sṛṣṭāḥ kṣarāmasi AVP.6.3.2d.
tena sedhām id ādunim AVP.15.23.2c.
tena somābhi rakṣa naḥ RV.9.114.4b. Cf. tebhiḥ etc.
tena stotṛbhya ā bhara RV.8.77.8a.
tena sva (TB. suva) stabhitaṃ tena nākaḥ AVś.13.1.7b; TB.
tena hanmi yoniṣadaḥ piśācān HG.1.19.7b.
tena hanmi sapatnaṃ durmarāyum (KS. durhṛṇāyum) TS.; KS.31.14c.
tena ṛṣiṇā etc. see tenarṣiṇā.
tena kḷpto 'mṛtenāham asmi TA.3.11.4d.
tena ko 'rhati spardhitum TB.
tena krīḍantīś carata (śG. caratha) priyeṇa (AVś. vaśāṃ anu) AVś.9.4.24b; TS.; śG.3.11.14b; PG.3.9.6b; ViDh.86.16b.
tena gacha parastaram RV.10.155.3d. See tena yāhi parastaram.
tena gamema etc. see tena vayaṃ gamema.
tena gṛhṇāmi tvām aham (AVś. gṛhṇāmi te hastam) AVś.14.1.48c; VS.20.32d; ApMB.2.5.22c. See tena tvāhaṃ.
tena geṣma sukṛtasya lokam AVś.4.11.6c; 14.6c; 11.1.37c; AVP.3.25.6c; 3.38.5c. Cf. tena vayaṃ gamema.
tena cākḷpra ṛṣayo manuṣyāḥ RV.10.130.5d.
tena cinvānas tanvo (TS. tanuvo; MS. tanvaṃ) ni ṣīda VS.13.47--51; TS. (quinq.); MS.2.7.17 (quinq.): 102.11,13,16; 103.1,4; KS.16.17 (ter),17 (bis); śB.
tena chandasā tena brahmaṇā tayā devatayāṅgirasvad dhruvā sīda MS.2.13.14 (bis): 163.7,14; 2.13.20 (bis): 165.13; 166.11. Fragments (with ūha): dhruvāḥ sīdata Mś.; dhruve sīdatam Mś. See tena brahmaṇā, tenarṣiṇā, and cf. tayā devatayāṅgirasvad.
tena jāyām anv avindad bṛhaspatiḥ RV.10.109.5c; AVś.5.17.5c; AVP.9.15.5c.
tena jāyām upa priyām RV.1.82.5c.
tena jinva yajamānaṃ madena VS.19.33c; MS.3.11.7c: 151.1; KS.38.2c; śB.; TB.
tena jīva MS.2.3.4 (quater): 31.16--19; KS.11.7.
tena jīvanti pradiśaś catasraḥ RV.1.164.42b; AVś.9.10.19d; 11.5.12d; TB.; N.11.41b.
tena jeṣma dhanaṃ-dhanam RV.10.156.1c; SV.2.877c.
tena ta āyuṣe vapāmi AG.1.17.12c,13c; JG.1.11c (ter). See tena te vapāmy, tena te 'haṃ, and cf. tena brahmāṇo, tena brāhmaṇo, and tenāsyāyuṣe.
tena tam abhyatisṛjāmo yo 'smān dveṣṭi yaṃ ca vayaṃ dviṣmaḥ AVś.10.5.15c--20c; 16.1.5.
tena tṛpyatam aṃhahau TB.; Apś.2.20.6d. See tasya tṛ-.
tena te 'ti cṛtāmasi AVP.2.59.11d. See tena tvāti etc.
tena te devāḥ pra tirantv āyuḥ AVP.15.6.6d.
tena te mṛjma āsthitam AVś.4.17.8c; AVP.2.26.5c.
tena te 'vadhiṣaṃ (AVP. te vadhiṣaṃ) haviḥ AVś.7.70.4d,5d; AVP.13.2.6d. See sarvaṃ te 'vadhiṣaṃ.
tena te vapāmi brahmaṇā (MG.VārG. -my āyuṣe; ApMB. -my asāv āyuṣā varcasā) VSK.3.9.5c; SMB.1.6.7c; PG.2.1.16c; ApMB.2.1.6c; MG.1.21.6c (bis); VārG.4.16c (bis). See under tena ta.
tena te sarvaṃ kṣetriyam AVś.3.7.3c; AVP.3.2.3c.
tena te 'haṃ vapāmy asau HG.2.6.10c. See under tena ta.
tena tyaktena bhuñjīthāḥ VS.40.1c; īśāU.1c.
tena tvaṃ vardhasva KA.3.192. Probably pratīka of tena vardhasva cā, q.v.
tena tvaṃ vājin balavān balena AVś.6.92.2c. See tena no vājin.
tena tvaṃ sākam adharāṅ parehi AVś.12.2.1d.
tena tvaṃ sumatiṃ devy asme KS.13.16c.
tena tvaṃ kāma mama ye sapatnāḥ AVś.9.2.17c.
tena tvaṃ garbhiṇī bhava AVP.12.3.7d; HG.1.25.1c. Cf. tais tvaṃ garbhiṇī.
tena tvaṃ dviṣato jahi AVś.10.6.6g,7h,8h,9h,10i,11f,12g--17g,20e,21c.
tena tvam agna iha vardhayemam AVś.1.9.3c; AVP.1.19.3c. See tenāgne tvam.
tena tvam asmabhyaṃ mṛḍa AVP.3.10.5c.
tena tvaṃ bhagavān yāhi pathā MS.2.9.10c: 130.4.
tena tvāchāvadāmasi AVP.15.15.4d.
tena tvāti cṛtāmasi AVś.5.28.12d. See tena te 'ti etc.
tena tvā nāśayāmasi AVP.7.11.8d.
tena tvā pari dadhmasi (PG. dadhāmy āyuṣe) AVś.1.22.1d; AVP.1.28.1d,3d; PG.2.2.7c. Cf. dīrghāyutvāya dadhmasi.
tena tvām abhiṣiñcāmi YDh.1.280c. See tābhiṣ ṭvābhi-.
tena tvāyuṣāyuṣmantaṃ karomi TS. (bis); PG.1.16.6 (octies); ApMB.2.4.5--9. See tasyāyam, tenāyuṣā-, and teṣām ayam, and cf. tan māyuṣmad, te māyuṣmanta, and sa māyuṣmān.
tena tvā snapayāmasi AVś.10.1.9e.
tena tvā svāpayāmasi RVKh.7.55.2d.
tena tvāhaṃ pratigṛhṇāmi tvām aham HG.1.13.19c. See tena gṛhṇāmi.
tena dasyūn vy asahanta devāḥ TS.; KS.39.10c; PG.3.3.5c. See tena devā asahanta, and tena devā vy.
tena dāśvāṃsam upa yātho aśvinā RV.1.182.2d.
tena divyena brahmaṇā TB.
tena dṛḍhā cid adrivaḥ RV.5.39.3c; SV.2.524c; JB.3.203c.
tena devatvam ṛbhavaḥ sam ānaśa RV.3.60.2d.
tena devaprasūtena AVś.6.100.2c.
tena devā amṛtam anv avindan AVś.13.1.7d. See tena devāḥ suvar.
tena devā ayajanta RV.10.90.7c; AVś.19.6.11c; AVP.9.5.9c; VS.31.9c; TA.3.12.4c.
tena devā avatopa mām iha TB.; Apś.4.8.3c.
tena devā asahanta śatrūn SMB.2.3.21c. See under tena dasyūn.
tena devā devatām agra (VSṃS.KS. agram) āyan AVś.4.14.1c; AVP.3.38.1c; VS.13.51c; MS.2.7.17c: 103.2; KS.16.17c; śB.
tena devā vy aṣahanta śatrūn AVś.3.10.12c; AVP.1.106.4c. See under tena dasyūn.
tena devāso 'mṛtatvam (JB.3.255d, amṛtatvam) āyan JB.2.398d; 3.255d.
tena devāḥ suvar anv avindan TB. See tena devā amṛtam.
tena devebhyo varimāṇi cakruḥ AVP.2.73.5d.
tena dhīrā apiyanti brahmavidaḥ śB.; BṛhU.4.4.11c.
tena dhūnoty oṣadhīḥ AVś.9.4.13d.
tena narā vartir asmabhyaṃ yātam RV.1.117.2d.
tena naḥ śaṃ yor uṣaso vyuṣṭau RV.7.69.5c; MS.4.4.10c: 230.4; KS.17.18c; TB.
tena naḥ saha vardhatām KS.35.4d.
tena nāsatyā gatam RV.1.47.9a; 8.22.5d.
tena nūnaṃ vimadāya pracetasā RV.8.9.15c; AVś.20.141.5c.
tena nūnaṃ made madeḥ RV.8.92.16c; SV.1.116c.
tena no 'dya viśve devāḥ RVKh.10.191.3c.
tena no bodhi sadhamādyo vṛdhe RV.8.54 (Vāl.6).5c.
tena no mitrāvaruṇāv (MS. -ṇā) aviṣṭam RV.5.62.9c; MS.4.14.10c: 231.15. See tato etc.
tena no mṛḍa jīvase RV.9.66.30c; AVś.6.57.2d.
tena no mṛḍataṃ yuvam AVP.15.21.5e.
tena no rājā varuṇo bṛhaspatiḥ TS.; śś.5.8.4c. See under evāsmān.
tena no rāddhim āvada Lś.4.2.2d.
tena no vājinīvasū RV.8.5.20a,30a.
tena no vājin balavān balena VS.9.9c; śB. See tena tvaṃ vājin.
tena parūṃṣi pravidvān aghnyāyāḥ AVP.14.5.7c.
tena paro mūjavato 'tīhi VS.3.61. See tenāvasena.
tena pavitreṇa śuddhena pūtaḥ TB.; TA.10.1.11c; BDh.4.2.16c.
tena pāpīr anīnaśam AVP.5.9.1d.
tenainaṃ vidhāmy abhūtyainaṃ vidhyāmi nirbhūtyainaṃ vidhyāmi parābhūtyainaṃ vidhyāmi grāhyainaṃ vidhyāmi tamasainaṃ vidhyāmi AVś.16.7.1.
tenainaṃ saṃ gamayati AVś.9.5.24b.
tenaināṃ pra dahāmasi AVP.6.23.3d.
tenaiti brahmavit taijasaḥ puṇyakṛc ca śB.; BṛhU.4.4.12d.
tenaitu yajamānaḥ svasti (Apś.KS.39.2c, svastyā) TS.; KS.22.10d; 38.13f; 39.2c; Apś.16.29.1c. See tena yantu.
tenaiva śāntir astu naḥ AVś.19.9.4d.
tenardhyāsam KS.4.14; KA.1.198A,198B,1.199; SMB.1.6.9--13. See tena rādhyāsam.
tenarṣiṇā (Aś. tena ṛṣiṇā; MS. tena ṛṣiṇā tena vidhinā tena chandasā) tena brahmaṇā tayā devatayāṅgirasvad dhruvā sīda TS.; MS.4.9.15: 134.12; 4.9.16: 135.3; TB.,6; 7.1,5; 8.1,3; Aś.2.3.25; Apś.16.28.1 (bis). See tena chandasā, tena brahmaṇā, and cf. tayā devatayāṅgirasvad.
tenaudanenāti tarāṇi mṛtyum AVś.4.35.1d--6d; Apś.4.11.3d.
athāmṛtena jaritāram aṅdhi (Apś. aṅgdhi) # TB.; Apś.7.6.7d.
aniktena ca vāsasā # Kauś.141.40a.
abhīvartena haviṣā (AVś.AVP. maṇinā) # RV.10.174.1a; AVś.1.29.1a; AVP.1.11.1a; AB.8.10.4. P: abhīvartena Kauś.16.29. Designated as abhīvartam (sc. sūktam) Apś.14.19.6; 20.1; AG.3.12.12; Kauś.16.29.
abhyavasnātena paribhakṣitena # AVP.9.23.7b.
amṛktena ruśatā vāsasā hariḥ # RV.9.69.5a.
amṛtena kḷptaṃ yajñam etam # TA.3.11.3c.
amṛtena sahāgninā (VārG. sahāyuṣā) # AVś.3.12.9d; 9.3.23d; VārG.5.28d.
ahitena cid arvatā # RV.8.62.3a.
āgatena prajā imāḥ # AVś.19.53.7d; AVP.11.8.7d.
ādhārābhigatena vā # AVP.9.23.3c.
iṣṭāpūrtena parame vyoman # RV.10.14.8b; AVś.18.3.58b. See sam iṣṭā-.
ṛtasyartena mām uta (TA. ita) # TB.; TA.2.3.1d. See ṛtasya tv enam.
ṛtasyartena muñcata # AVś.6.114.1d; TB.
tena ṛtaṃ dharuṇaṃ dhārayanta # RV.5.15.2a.
tena ṛtaṃ niyatam īḍa ā goḥ # RV.4.3.9a.
tena ṛtam apihitaṃ dhruvaṃ vām # RV.5.62.1a. Cf. BṛhD.5.81.
tena gāva ṛtam ā viveśuḥ # RV.4.23.9d.
tena gupta ṛtubhiś ca sarvaiḥ # AVś.17.1.29a.
tena tapaḥ # KS.35.15.
tena taṣṭā manasā hitaiṣā # AVś.11.1.23a.
tena tvaṃ sarasvati # MS.4.14.17b: 244.8; TB.; TA.2.3.1b.
tena tvā # Kauś.90.5.
tena tvā gṛhṇāmi # MS.1.2.6: 15.1; Apś.10.26.15.
tena dīrgham iṣaṇanta pṛkṣe # RV.4.23.9c.
tena devaḥ savitā śamāyate # RV.8.86.5a.
tena devā amṛtam anv avindan # AVP.7.6.1b.
tena devān havate divas pari # RV.9.80.1b.
tena devīr amṛtā amṛktāḥ # RV.4.3.12a.
tena dyāvāpṛthivī # MS.4.14.17a: 244.8; TB.; TA.2.3.1a.
tena naḥ pāhi # MS.1.2.6: 15.1. See ṛtena mā pāhi.
tena putro aditer ṛtāvā # RV.4.42.4c.
tena bhrājann amṛtaṃ vicaṣṭe # Vait.14.1b.
tena mā pāhi # Apś.10.26.15. See ṛtena naḥ pāhi.
tena mitrāvaruṇā sacethe # RV.1.152.1d; MS.4.14.10d: 231.8; TB.
tena mitrāvaruṇau # RV.1.2.8a; SV.2.198a; JB.3.38a.
tena ya ṛtajāto vivāvṛdhe # RV.9.108.8c; SV.2.745c.
tena yanto adhi sindhum asthuḥ # RV.10.123.4c.
tena yāv ṛtāvṛdhau # RV.1.23.5a; SV.2.144a. P: ṛtena yau śś.3.8.19; 9.27.2.
tena ye camasam airayanta # AVś.6.47.3b; TS.; KS.30.6b; Kś.10.3.21b; Mś.
tena rājann anṛtaṃ viviñcan # RV.10.124.5c.
tena viśvaṃ bhuvanaṃ vi rājathaḥ # RV.5.63.7c.
tena vṛtraturā sarvasenā # RV.6.68.2d.
tena śuṣmī havamāno arkaiḥ # TB.; śś.18.5.1c.
tena satyam indriyam # VS.19.72--79; MS.3.11.6 (octies): 148.10,13,16; 149.2,6,10,13,16; TB. (bis),2 (ter),3 (quater); KS.38.1 (octies).
tena satyam ṛtasāpa āyan # RV.7.56.12c; MS.4.14.18c: 247.7; TB.; BDh.
tena satyavākena # Kauś.99.2c.
tena (MG. ṛte 'va) sthūṇām (ApMBḥG. sthūṇāv; MG. sthūṇā) adhi roha vaṃśa (MG. vaṃśaḥ) # AVś.3.12.6a; AG.2.9.2a; HG.1.27.7a; ApMB.2.15.5a (ApG.7.17.5); MG.2.11.14a. P: ṛtena Kauś.43.9.
tena hi ṣmā vṛṣabhaś cid aktaḥ # RV.4.3.10a.
etena gātuṃ harivo vido naḥ # RV.1.173.13b.
etena tvaṃ śīrṣaṇyām edhi # Mś. See next.
etena tvam atra śīrṣaṇvān edhi # KS.38.12; Apś.16.6.3. See prec.
etena rudrāvasena etc. # see etat te rudrāvasaṃ.
kṛtena kaliṃ śikṣāṇi # AVP.4.9.2c. See ghṛtena kaliṃ.
ketena śarman sacate suṣāmaṇi # RV.8.60.18a.
garuḍapakṣanipātena # RVKh.1.191.2c.
ghṛtena kaliṃ śikṣāmi # AVś.7.109.1c. See kṛtena kaliṃ.
ghṛtena gātrānu sarvā vi mṛḍḍhi # AVś.11.1.31c. P: ghṛtena gātrā Kauś.62.17.
ghṛtena te tanvaṃ vardhayāmi # KS.38.12c.
ghṛtena tvaṃ tanvaṃ (TS. tanuvo) vardhayasva # RV.10.59.5d; VS.12.44c; TS.;; MS.1.7.1c: 108.11; śB.; Apś.7.6.5c; Mś.; N.10.40d. See ghṛtasyāgne.
ghṛtena tvāṃ manur adyā samindhe # AVś.7.82.6b.
ghṛtena tvāvardhayann agna āhuta # RV.5.11.3c; TB.
ghṛtena tvā sam ukṣāmi # AVś.19.27.5a; AVP.10.7.5a.
ghṛtena dyāvāpṛthivī # AVP.5.18.6a. Cf. TS.
ghṛtena dyāvāpṛthivī abhīvṛte # RV.6.70.4a; AB.5.2.9; KB.20.4; 21.4. P: ghṛtena dyāvāpṛthivī Aś.7.7.2; śś.11.6.5.
ghṛtena dyāvāpṛthivī ā pṛṇethām (MSṃś. ā pṛṇa; JB. ā prīṇīthām, read prīṇāthām; Lś. ā prīṇāthāṃ svāhā) # TS.;; MS.1.2.11: 21.2; 1.2.14: 23.12; 3.8.9: 108.6; 3.9.3: 117.10; KS.2.12; 3.3; 25.10; 26.5; JB.1.72; Lś.1.7.7; Apś.7.9.10; 11.10.4; Mś.; See next.
ghṛtena dyāvāpṛthivī pūryethām # VS.5.28; śB. P: ghṛtena dyāvāpṛthivī Kś.8.5.38. See prec.
ghṛtena dyāvāpṛthivī prorṇuvāthām (VSKṭS.Apś. prorṇvāthām; MSṃś. prorṇuvātām) # VS.6.16; VSK.6.3.7; TS.;; MS.1.2.16: 26.16; 3.10.1: 129.9; KS.3.6; śB.; Apś.7.19.1; Mś. P: ghṛtena dyāvāpṛthivī Kś.6.16.12. Cf. vapayā.
ghṛtena dyāvāpṛthivī madhunā sam ukṣata # TS. Cf. AVP.5.18.6ab.
ghṛtena dyāvāpṛthivī vyundan # KS.11.9d. See under ād it pṛthivī.
ghṛtena dyāvāpṛthivī vy undhi # RV.5.83.8c.
ghṛtena no (MS.KS. mā) ghṛtapvaḥ (AVP. -pavaḥ; TS. -puvaḥ) punantu # RV.10.17.10b; AVś.6.51.2b; AVP.6.3.4b; VS.4.2b; TS.; MS.1.2.1b: 10.1; 3.6.2: 61.8; KS.2.1b; śB.
ghṛtena no madhunā kṣatram ukṣatam # RV.1.157.2b; SV.2.1109b.
ghṛtena pāṇī abhi pruṣṇute makhaḥ # RV.6.71.1c; KB.20.4.
ghṛtena pātram abhi dhārayaitat # AVś.12.3.37b.
ghṛtena mā ghṛtapvaḥ etc. # see ghṛtena no etc.
ghṛtena mā samukṣata # Mś. See syonāḥ syonena.
ghṛtena miśraṃ prati vedayāmi # AVś.12.3.44b.
ghṛtena miśrā amṛtasya nābhayaḥ # AVś.12.3.41b.
ghṛtena mucyasvainasaḥ # AVP.5.18.6c.
ghṛtena vardhatāṃ bhūtiḥ # KS.35.4.
ghṛtena vardhayāmasi # RV.6.16.11b; SV.2.11b; VS.3.3b; śB.; TB.;; Apś.5.6.3b.
ghṛtena sītā madhunā samaktā (VSṃS.KS.śB. samajyatām) # AVś.3.17.9a; VS.12.70a; TS.; MS.2.7.12a: 92.7; KS.16.12a; śB. P: ghṛtena sītā Apś.16.20.7.
ghṛtena svāhā # VS.12.74; TS.; MS.2.12.3: 146.4; 3.4.4: 49.11; KS.22.5; śB.
jāgatena chandasāṅgirasvat (MS. chandasā) # VS.11.10; MS.2.7.1: 74.15; śB. See jāgatena tvā chandasādade.
jāgatena chandasā chandasāgneḥ puchenāgneḥ pucham upa dadhāmi # KS.22.5. See under jāgatasya.
jāgatena chandasā divam anu vi krame # TS. See divaṃ viṣṇur, divi viṣṇur, and viṣṇur divi.
jāgatena chandasā viśvavedāḥ # Apś.4.7.2b.
jāgatena chandasā saptadaśena stomena vāmadevyena sāmnā vaṣaṭkāreṇa vajreṇāparajān # TS. Cf. under ānuṣṭubhena chandasai-.
jāgatena chandasā savitrā devatayāgneḥ puchenāgneḥ pucham upa dadhāmi # TS. See under jāgatasya.
jāgatena tvā chandasā karomi # TA.4.2.6. P: jāgatena Apś.15.3.1.
jāgatena tvā chandasā chṛṇadmi # TA.4.3.3.
jāgatena tvā chandasādade 'ṅgirasvat # TS. See jāgatena chandasāṅgi-.
jāgatena tvā chandasā pari gṛhṇāmi # VS.1.27; śB.
jāgatena tvā chandasā manthāmi # VS.5.2; śB.
jāgatena tvā chandasā sādayāmi # VS.13.53; MS.2.7.18: 103.12; śB.
tena jātam ati sa pra sarsṛte (TB. ati sṛt pra sṛṃsate) # RV.2.25.1c; MS.4.14.10c: 230.16; TB.
devarātena gāthināḥ # AB.7.18.6b; śś.15.27b.
parivittena parivividānena # AVP.9.23.7a.
pāṅktena chandasā bṛhaspatinā devatayāgneḥ pṛṣṭhenāgneḥ pṛṣṭham upa dadhāmi # TS. Cf. prec.
pāṅktena tvā chandasā sādayāmi # VS.13.53; MS.2.7.18: 103.13; śB.
purohitena vo rāṣṭraṃ prathayantu devāḥ # AVP.10.4.6d.
praketena rudrebhyo rudrān jinva # MS.2.8.8: 112.8. See next two.
prātaryuktena suvṛtā rathena # TB.
brahmāvādhūṣṭāmṛtena mṛtyum # Kauś.97.8b.
bhūtena gupto bhavyena cāham # AVś.17.1.29b.
mārutena śarmaṇā daivyena # TB.; Apś.4.7.2c.
maustakṛtena surabhiḥ # Apś.20.15.13a.
yuktena manasā vayam # VS.11.2a; TS.; MS.2.7.1a: 73.10; KS.15.11a; śB.; śvetU.2.2a.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"tena" has 1 results
prakṛtibhāvaphonetical maintenance of a wording without allowing any euphonic modifications as found in the case of a dual form ending in ई,ऊ or ए,as also in other specified cases; confer, compareईदूदेद्विवचनं प्रगृह्यम् and the following rules P.I. 1.11 to 19, as also प्लुतप्रगृह्या अचि नित्यम् VI.1.125
Vedabase Search
526 results
tena a similar bodySB 10.1.42
tena and by the same weaponSB 8.10.56
tena because of himSB 10.67.26
tena because of thisSB 10.83.9
SB 9.22.11
SB 9.9.39
tena because of this benedictionSB 9.1.22
tena bySB 1.3.14
tena by a material bodySB 3.31.14
tena by BrahmāSB 11.14.4
tena by generating such a fireSB 9.14.47
tena by himBG 18.70
BG 4.24
CC Antya 1.148
tena by HimCC Antya 1.184
tena by himCC Madhya 2.52
tena by HimCC Madhya 25.101
Iso 1
tena by himMM 52
tena by HimSB 1.15.13
tena by himSB 1.15.9
tena by HimSB 1.16.26-30
tena by himSB 10.16.6
SB 10.26.9
tena by HimSB 10.33.9
tena by himSB 10.45.46
SB 10.70.24
SB 10.79.16-17
SB 10.88.24
SB 11.3.48
tena by HimSB 11.4.17
tena by himSB 3.10.3
tena by HimSB 3.14.2
tena by himSB 3.24.21
tena by HimSB 3.24.41
SB 3.8.7
SB 3.9.22
tena by himSB 3.9.27-28
SB 4.11.35
SB 4.17.4
SB 7.14.12
tena by HimSB 8.1.10
tena by himSB 9.6.8
tena by him (Bhauma)SB 10.83.40
tena by him (Gajendra)SB 8.4.13
tena by him (Jarāsandha)SB 10.50.31
tena by Him (the Lord)SB 11.8.39
tena by him, AkrūraSB 10.57.18
tena by him, ArjunaSB 10.58.28
tena by him, PañcajanaSB 10.45.41
tena by HiraṇyākṣaSB 3.19.16
SB 3.19.3
tena by itSB 10.50.5-6
tena by such (riches)SB 8.20.6
tena by such a processSB 7.15.66
tena by such a resultant actionSB 5.19.28
tena by such an utteranceSB 8.19.41
tena by such instructionSB 9.6.10
tena by such lotus feetCC Madhya 8.219
tena by thatBG 11.1
BG 5.15
BG 6.44
CC Antya 8.49
NBS 31-32
SB 10.14.25
SB 10.35.16-17
SB 10.44.47
SB 10.60.56
SB 10.85.48-49
SB 11.10.22
SB 11.17.3-4
SB 2.2.28
SB 3.14.33
SB 4.23.9
SB 4.8.33
SB 6.11.7
SB 8.11.28
SB 8.16.51-52
SB 9.8.29
tena by that (body of the dead Dhenukāsura)SB 10.15.33
tena by that (device)SB 4.5.24
tena by that (fire of austerity)SB 7.3.6
tena by that (fire)SB 9.2.14
tena by that (the horse sacrifice)SB 6.13.19-20
tena by that actSB 10.22.21
tena by that airplaneSB 3.23.39
tena by that bodySB 4.29.60
tena by that formSB 3.15.50
tena by that IndraSB 12.6.19
tena by that lustBG 3.38
tena by that meansSB 6.7.36
tena by that occurrenceSB 11.30.45
tena by that purifiedSB 2.2.31
tena by that strength of the mind, senses and life airSB 11.18.34
tena by that symptomSB 7.11.35
tena by that windSB 3.31.23
tena by the fishSB 8.24.25
tena by the force of the pregnancy of DitiSB 3.15.2
tena by the KingSB 4.14.30
tena by the LordSB 3.26.51
tena by the waspSB 11.9.23
tena by them (the arrows)SB 7.10.67
tena by thisSB 3.27.3
SB 4.13.39
SB 4.26.7
tena by thoseBs 5.61
tena by ViduraSB 3.2.5
tena by ViśvāmitraSB 9.7.5-6
tena for that reasonSB 2.10.11
SB 2.5.7
tena from thatSB 9.14.43
tena HimSB 10.12.2
tena himSB 3.1.40
tena that bodySB 5.6.8
tena that collectionSB 11.8.12
tena themSB 2.2.30
tena then, with the second ropeSB 10.9.16
tena thereforeMM 47
SB 4.29.65
SB 4.31.18
SB 8.22.6-7
tena thus by practicing such austeritiesSB 4.23.8
tena with HimSB 10.53.18-19
SB 10.56.22
SB 10.61.27-28
tena with him, KāliyaSB 10.17.1
tena with itSB 10.43.14
SB 10.60.7
SB 10.67.17
SB 10.67.19-21
SB 10.77.36
tena with Lord BrahmāSB 3.32.10
tena with thatBG 17.23
SB 10.23.36
SB 10.53.38
SB 6.11.20
SB 7.9.42
SB 8.18.12
tena with that (conquest of death)SB 12.8.12
tena with that (elephant)SB 10.36.25
tena with that body of soundsSB 12.6.44
tena with that lunar mansionSB 12.2.27-28
tena with that ropeSB 10.9.15
tena with that wealthSB 1.12.34
tena with the same personalitySB 10.3.43
tena with themCC Adi 4.173
CC Antya 7.40
CC Madhya 18.65
SB 10.31.19
tena eva because of thisSB 8.6.2
tena eva because of thisSB 8.6.2
tena eva by all thoseSB 2.6.28
tena eva by all thoseSB 2.6.28
tena eva by thatSB 4.1.30
tena eva by thatSB 4.1.30
SB 6.8.32-33
tena eva by thatSB 6.8.32-33
tena eva even by that sonSB 9.7.9
tena eva even by that sonSB 9.7.9
tena eva in thatBG 11.46
tena eva in thatBG 11.46
tena eva through that brahma-randhra, or the hole in the top of the headSB 10.12.32
tena eva through that brahma-randhra, or the hole in the top of the headSB 10.12.32
tena eva asinā by that same chopperSB 5.9.18
tena eva asinā by that same chopperSB 5.9.18
tena eva asinā by that same chopperSB 5.9.18
tena idam it is all by HimSB 2.6.13-16
tena idam it is all by HimSB 2.6.13-16
tena saha with himSB 5.2.18
tena saha with himSB 5.2.18
abhihatena who had been struckSB 10.44.24-25
abhihitena presentedSB 10.40.7
abhihitena stated in the revealed scripturesCC Madhya 20.173
abhitaptena being aggrievedSB 4.11.9
ācaritena by activitySB 10.33.32
acyutena by the infallible Supreme LordSB 10.22.20
adhikṛtena borneSB 3.28.22
āgata-vittena money that automatically comesSB 7.14.15
su-āgatena by words of welcomeSB 8.18.27
sva-āgatena with words of welcomeSB 10.86.39
ahatena with newSB 5.9.15
aiśvarya-mattena being very proud of material opulenceSB 6.7.11
ajitena by the mercy of the unconquerable KṛṣṇaSB 3.1.20
akṛtena without discharge of dutyBG 3.18
amṛtena as sweet as nectarSB 3.21.22
amṛtena by the nectarSB 5.25.7
kṛpā-amṛtena with the nectar of mercyCC Madhya 19.119
kṛpā-amṛtena with the nectar of mercyCC Madhya 24.350
amṛtena the immortal nectarMM 9
cittena aṃśena along with His part of consciousnessSB 3.6.26
andhībhūtena overwhelmedSB 1.9.11
animitta-nimittena without desiring the fruits of activitiesSB 3.27.21
animittena without attachment to the resultSB 3.29.15
anṛtena by deceitSB 1.17.25
anṛtena by the falseSB 11.29.22
antara-gatena being overtakenSB 2.7.27
kṛta-antena by death-blowsSB 3.2.18
vastra-antena by the end of the sārīSB 4.25.24
kāla-anugatena in due course of timeSB 3.8.13
anumatena by the permissionSB 5.1.22
anumatena permitted by the mercy of the glance (time)SB 7.9.21
anumatena by the orderSB 8.8.30
nārada-anumatena by the order of NāradaSB 8.11.46
anumatena in order to fulfill the desiresSB 11.24.5
anunītena pacifiedSB 4.7.1
anuṣṭhitena conducted or managedSB 6.13.8-9
anuvarṇitena being chanted or recitedSB 7.9.12
aparājitena with the demigod AparājitaSB 8.10.30-31
apramattena which is not forgetfulSB 5.9.6
apramattena not agitated at any timeSB 5.9.20
apratighātena by what is irresistibleSB 1.12.16
āptena executedSB 3.32.6
āsthitena being performedSB 3.33.10
ati-vātena and the excessive windSB 10.25.11
ati-vātena and by the extreme windSB 10.25.14
na atiprītena not much pleasedSB 3.23.22
ātma-bhūtena who is the plenary expansion of the LordSB 3.5.26
ātma-bhūtena who is an expansion of His personal selfCC Madhya 20.275
tapta-hema-avadātena with a luster like that of molten goldSB 8.6.3-7
avadhūtena of the liberated wandering mendicantsSB 6.15.10
avadhūtena unwashedSB 10.80.25-26
bhaktena by the devotee (Prahlāda Mahārāja)SB 7.9.51
bhaktena by His devoteeSB 10.48.28
bhaktena by the devoteeSB 11.27.16-17
bhakti-yuktena by discharging devotional serviceSB 3.24.47
bhāryā-śatena with one hundred wivesSB 9.6.26
bhītena being afraidSB 9.11.10
bhṛtena accumulatedSB 2.9.20
ātma-bhūtena who is the plenary expansion of the LordSB 3.5.26
jīva-bhūtena possessed by the living entitySB 3.31.43
eka-bhūtena with great attentionSB 4.8.51
dvāra-bhūtena existing as the doorwaysSB 5.14.1
ātma-bhūtena who is an expansion of His personal selfCC Madhya 20.275
cakra-vātena by the demon in the shape of a whirlwind (Tṛṇāvarta)SB 10.11.25
caritena with the endeavorSB 12.6.62
nibhṛtena cetasā with great pleasureSB 6.18.22
cikitsitena by your chastisementSB 5.10.13
cittena aṃśena along with His part of consciousnessSB 3.6.26
cittena along with reason, consciousnessSB 3.26.70
cittena whose mentalitySB 10.76.29
para-daivatena with the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 10.12.7-11
para-daivatena who is the supreme worshipable DeityCC Madhya 8.75
para-daivatena who is the supreme worshipable DeityCC Antya 7.32
viṣṇu-dattena given to him by Lord ViṣṇuSB 6.17.4-5
dattena offeredCC Antya 10.1
dhṛta-vratena under a strict disciplinary vowSB 1.4.28-29
dhṛtena sustained bySB 3.13.41
dhṛti-yuktena fixing his resolutionSB 11.23.5
śoka-dīptena kindled by lamentationSB 6.18.23
diṣṭa-kṛtena by things arranged by His internal potencySB 10.12.27
diti-sutena by Hiraṇyakaśipu, the son of DitiSB 7.8.52
dvāra-bhūtena existing as the doorwaysSB 5.14.1
eka-bhūtena with great attentionSB 4.8.51
eka-hastena with one handSB 10.43.26-27
ekāntena by onenessSB 4.24.54
etena by thisBG 3.39
etena by this kindBG 10.42
etena by thisSB 3.9.40
etena with thisSB 4.1.56
etena by thisSB 4.4.22
etena by thisSB 5.20.42
etena by this estimationSB 5.21.2
etena by this (chanting)SB 6.2.8
etena with thisSB 6.19.21
etena by HimSB 10.43.26-27
etena with HimSB 10.59.41
etena by thisSB 10.71.4
etena by thisSB 12.4.34
etena with thisSB 12.10.7
etena with thisCC Adi 2.20
etena with thisCC Madhya 20.163
etena with thisCC Madhya 20.376
etena by thisBs 5.25
gamitena who had already gottenSB 8.4.13
garhitena condemnedSB 10.80.25-26
sva-garjitena by His uncommon voiceSB 3.13.24
mat-gatena abiding in Me, always thinking of MeBG 6.47
antara-gatena being overtakenSB 2.7.27
kandhara-gatena adorning His neckSB 3.15.41
gatena by (me) who was inSB 10.64.19-20
tat-gatena which is fixed upon HimSB 12.13.1
rudra-gītena by the song composed by Lord ŚivaSB 4.30.1
rudra-gītena by the song sung by Lord ŚivaSB 4.30.10
tena by the singingSB 10.33.8
guptena hiddenSB 10.50.17
vāma-hastena with his left handSB 6.12.24
hastena by the handSB 8.6.38
hastena by one handSB 8.7.12
hastena handSB 10.25.19
hastena handSB 10.30.20
eka-hastena with one handSB 10.43.26-27
hastena handSB 10.46.25
hatena being killedSB 10.44.45
tapta-hema-avadātena with a luster like that of molten goldSB 8.6.3-7
nija-puruṣa-hṛt-likhitena which is situated in the heart of His own devotee like an engraved pictureSB 5.7.7
īkṣitena by the glanceSB 10.90.15
līlā-īkṣitena by the playful glancingCC Madhya 23.65
īpsitena that which one feels to be most suitableSB 11.27.7
īśvara-prahitena inspired by providenceSB 9.6.29
śrautena janmanā by having received the second birth of Vedic initiationSB 11.5.5
tena producedSB 3.33.24-25
su-jātena very tenderSB 10.60.23
jīva-bhūtena possessed by the living entitySB 3.31.43
jīvitena livingBG 1.32-35
jñātena by knowingBG 10.42
jñātena being knownCC Adi 2.20
jñātena being knownCC Madhya 20.163
jñātena being knownCC Madhya 20.376
jugupsitena being heinousSB 1.7.42
kāla-anugatena in due course of timeSB 3.8.13
kāma-liptena decorated with turmeric to incite lusty desiresSB 6.1.61
kandhara-gatena adorning His neckSB 3.15.41
kāńkṣitena desiredSB 7.6.25
kāntena with her loverSB 10.62.10
krītena with that which was soldSB 11.8.32
kṛpā-amṛtena with the nectar of mercyCC Madhya 19.119
kṛpā-amṛtena with the nectar of mercyCC Madhya 24.350
kṛta-antena by death-blowsSB 3.2.18
kṛtena by discharge of dutyBG 3.18
sajjī-kṛtena by equipping the bowSB 1.15.7
kṛtena with His actSB 3.31.18
sva-kṛtena by your own mercySB 4.7.15
sva-kṛtena by your own activitySB 4.22.47
mahat-kṛtena by that action which is considered the most powerful original existence or which is executed by mahājanasSB 10.2.30
diṣṭa-kṛtena by things arranged by His internal potencySB 10.12.27
kupitena angrySB 4.5.5
nija-puruṣa-hṛt-likhitena which is situated in the heart of His own devotee like an engraved pictureSB 5.7.7
līlā-īkṣitena by the playful glancingCC Madhya 23.65
līlāyitena by pastimesBs 5.42
kāma-liptena decorated with turmeric to incite lusty desiresSB 6.1.61
lohitena with the blood, with the power of circulationSB 3.26.67
mahat-kṛtena by that action which is considered the most powerful original existence or which is executed by mahājanasSB 10.2.30
maṇḍitena decorated withSB 3.8.27
maṇḍitena which had decoratedSB 10.21.17
mārutena by the windSB 10.16.5
mat-gatena abiding in Me, always thinking of MeBG 6.47
aiśvarya-mattena being very proud of material opulenceSB 6.7.11
mṛtena by the profession of mṛtaSB 7.11.18-20
muhūrtena in a muhūrta (forty-eight minutes)SB 5.21.12
muhūrtena within a momentSB 8.24.19
muhūrtena in a momentSB 10.76.28
muhūrtena in a single momentSB 11.23.30
mūrcchitena and melodious musicSB 2.7.33
na atiprītena not much pleasedSB 3.23.22
nārada-anumatena by the order of NāradaSB 8.11.46
natena bowed downSB 12.6.1
natena bowed downMM 18
nava-varṣa-sametena even by possessing nine varṣasSB 8.19.22
nibhṛtena cetasā with great pleasureSB 6.18.22
nija-puruṣa-hṛt-likhitena which is situated in the heart of His own devotee like an engraved pictureSB 5.7.7
niketena residenceSB 3.3.20
nimittena caused bySB 3.15.14
animitta-nimittena without desiring the fruits of activitiesSB 3.27.21
nirbhartsitena by chastisementSB 5.14.11
nirgatena issuing outSB 4.1.21
nirhrāditena by the reverberating soundSB 10.36.3-4
niṣevitena executedSB 3.29.15
niśitena by sharpened activitiesSB 4.23.11
nivṛttena but by ceasing such activitiesSB 7.15.47
niyatena in this way, regularlySB 4.8.51
nṛśaṃsitena by executing cruel activitiesSB 10.2.22
tvat-pāda-potena by boarding such a boat as Your lotus feetSB 10.2.30
para-daivatena with the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 10.12.7-11
para-daivatena who is the supreme worshipable DeityCC Madhya 8.75
para-daivatena who is the supreme worshipable DeityCC Antya 7.32
paribhūtena who was insultedSB 11.23.5
parivartitena revolvingSB 5.14.29
tena by the castingSB 10.51.12
payaḥ-śṛtena with boiled milkSB 6.19.22
payaḥ-vratena by the payo-vrata vowSB 8.17.18
plāvitena with tearful eyesSB 6.1.28-29
tvat-pāda-potena by boarding such a boat as Your lotus feetSB 10.2.30
īśvara-prahitena inspired by providenceSB 9.6.29
prākṛtena by material conception onlySB 1.8.47
pramṛtena or by the profession of pramṛtaSB 7.11.18-20
praṇipātena by approaching a spiritual masterBG 4.34
pravṛttena by an inclination for enjoying material activitiesSB 7.15.47
prītena being very pleasedSB 4.12.9
prītena because of favorSB 8.13.14
prīti-yuktena affectionateSB 10.57.26
proktena which has been describedSB 11.20.29
pūrtena by traditional good workSB 3.9.41
pūrtena and pious works for the benefit of others, such as digging wellsSB 11.11.47
nija-puruṣa-hṛt-likhitena which is situated in the heart of His own devotee like an engraved pictureSB 5.7.7
puruṣa-sūktena with the Vedic mantra known as puruṣa-sūktaSB 10.1.20
tena purified by thatSB 3.12.3
tat-raktena by the blood of the sons of KārtavīryārjunaSB 9.16.17
viṣṇu-rātena by Mahārāja ParīkṣitSB 2.8.27
viṣṇu-rātena by Mahārāja Parīkṣit, known as ViṣṇurātaSB 8.24.4
viṣṇu-rātena by Viṣṇurāta (Mahārāja Parīkṣit)SB 10.80.5
rudra-gītena by the song composed by Lord ŚivaSB 4.30.1
rudra-gītena by the song sung by Lord ŚivaSB 4.30.10
rūṣitena attachedSB 10.21.17
sa-smitena with a smiling faceSB 1.10.31
sa-sūnṛtena along with mild wordsSB 3.16.23
śabditena vibrated bySB 1.18.16
saha tena with that poisonSB 9.8.4
sajjī-kṛtena by equipping the bowSB 1.15.7
samādhi-yuktena in tranceSB 3.21.7
samāhitena with proper attentionSB 1.17.21
samāhitena by full adjustmentSB 8.5.19-20
samanu-vratena accepting the same line of actionSB 3.1.41
samāvṛttena returnedSB 10.80.28
nava-varṣa-sametena even by possessing nine varṣasSB 8.19.22
samudyatena endeavorSB 7.8.23
śāntena satisfyingSB 4.30.4
śastena auspiciousSB 3.29.15
śatena to perform one hundredSB 4.19.1
śatena numbering one hundredSB 8.10.30-31
śatena by one hundredSB 8.15.34
bhāryā-śatena with one hundred wivesSB 9.6.26
śatena with one hundredSB 10.76.18-19
śikṣitena by being instructedSB 5.10.13
śiñjitena with the soundSB 8.9.16-17
śitena sharpSB 11.12.24
śitena which has been sharpenedSB 11.28.17
smita-śobhitena beautified by his smileSB 3.22.21
sa-smitena with a smiling faceSB 1.10.31
smitena smilingSB 1.19.28
smitena by smilingSB 3.8.27
smitena by smilingSB 3.9.25
smitena with a smileSB 12.9.31-32
smita-śobhitena beautified by his smileSB 3.22.21
śoka-dīptena kindled by lamentationSB 6.18.23
śoṇāyitena acknowledgingSB 3.8.27
śrautena janmanā by having received the second birth of Vedic initiationSB 11.5.5
śrautena mentioned in the VedasSB 11.18.7
srotena its currentSB 10.79.10
payaḥ-śṛtena with boiled milkSB 6.19.22
śrutena by Vedic evidencesSB 2.10.2
śrutena by hearingSB 4.11.31
śrutena by Vedic educationSB 4.31.11
śrutena or heard ofSB 10.62.10
śrutena of having studied the scripturesSB 11.26.12
śrutena by prayerCC Adi 2.91-92
stena thiefBG 3.12
stena one who stealsSB 6.2.9-10
stena a thiefSB 7.14.8
stena thiefSB 11.23.36
sthitena being situatedSB 7.10.35
su-āgatena by words of welcomeSB 8.18.27
su-jātena very tenderSB 10.60.23
sūcitena by descriptionSB 1.18.20
sūktena by chanting the Vedic mantra known as puruṣa-sūktaSB 8.16.51-52
puruṣa-sūktena with the Vedic mantra known as puruṣa-sūktaSB 10.1.20
sūktena the Vedic hymnSB 11.27.30-31
sa-sūnṛtena along with mild wordsSB 3.16.23
śūra-sutena by Vasudeva, the son of ŚūrasenaSB 10.2.18
diti-sutena by Hiraṇyakaśipu, the son of DitiSB 7.8.52
śūra-sutena by Vasudeva, the son of ŚūrasenaSB 10.2.18
tena because of the driverSB 10.76.29
sva-garjitena by His uncommon voiceSB 3.13.24
sva-kṛtena by your own mercySB 4.7.15
sva-kṛtena by your own activitySB 4.22.47
sva-āgatena with words of welcomeSB 10.86.39
śvasitena with the breathingSB 12.9.27
tantra-uktena which are described by the tantras (the supplementary Vedic literatures that give detailed instructions for spiritual practice)SB 11.3.47
tapaḥ-yuktena by engagement in austeritySB 3.27.22
tapaḥ-yuktena which is simultaneously the best process of austeritySB 9.4.26
tapta-hema-avadātena with a luster like that of molten goldSB 8.6.3-7
tat-raktena by the blood of the sons of KārtavīryārjunaSB 9.16.17
tat-gatena which is fixed upon HimSB 12.13.1
tatena by my fatherSB 10.83.9
saha tena with that poisonSB 9.8.4
tṛṣārditena who were afflicted by thirstSB 8.2.23-24
tvat-pāda-potena by boarding such a boat as Your lotus feetSB 10.2.30
tyaktena allottedSB 8.1.10
tyaktena by things allotted to every personCC Madhya 25.101
tyaktena set-apart quotaIso 1
uditena instructedSB 3.33.10
uditena describedSB 6.13.21
uditena enjoinedSB 10.69.16
uktena spokenSB 3.33.13
uktena instructedSB 3.33.30
uktena instructedSB 4.28.41
yathā-uktena as stated beforeSB 8.16.44-45
uktena having been requested (by Baladeva)SB 10.13.39
uktena spokenSB 10.40.8
uktena through the statementsSB 10.68.13
tantra-uktena which are described by the tantras (the supplementary Vedic literatures that give detailed instructions for spiritual practice)SB 11.3.47
uktena with the wordsCC Antya 16.87
unnatena very highSB 8.15.14
upalakṣitena being seenSB 5.22.2
upārjitena acquiredSB 11.17.51
upaśāntena peacefulSB 10.3.33
upavītena with a sacred threadSB 5.9.9-10
pramṛtena or by the profession of pramṛtaSB 7.11.18-20
valgitena by the oscillationSB 3.28.29
vāma-hastena with his left handSB 6.12.24
varṇitena of describingSB 11.19.40-45
nava-varṣa-sametena even by possessing nine varṣasSB 8.19.22
vastra-antena by the end of the sārīSB 4.25.24
cakra-vātena by the demon in the shape of a whirlwind (Tṛṇāvarta)SB 10.11.25
tena by the windSB 10.15.3
ati-vātena and the excessive windSB 10.25.11
ati-vātena and by the extreme windSB 10.25.14
vijṛmbhitena developedSB 3.25.27
vīkṣitena with their glancesSB 10.71.34
vimatena being disrespectedSB 6.6.45
virājitena illuminedSB 5.5.10-13
viṣṇu-rātena by Mahārāja ParīkṣitSB 2.8.27
viṣṇu-dattena given to him by Lord ViṣṇuSB 6.17.4-5
viṣṇu-rātena by Mahārāja Parīkṣit, known as ViṣṇurātaSB 8.24.4
viṣṇu-rātena by Viṣṇurāta (Mahārāja Parīkṣit)SB 10.80.5
visphūrjitena simply by the featureSB 7.9.23
āgata-vittena money that automatically comesSB 7.14.15
vittena with his possessionsSB 10.84.37
vittena with wealthSB 11.3.19
viviktena of solitudeSB 11.26.12
dhṛta-vratena under a strict disciplinary vowSB 1.4.28-29
samanu-vratena accepting the same line of actionSB 3.1.41
payaḥ-vratena by the payo-vrata vowSB 8.17.18
vyatikrāntena passed bySB 3.23.53
yathā-uktena as stated beforeSB 8.16.44-45
yuktena being engaged in meditationBG 8.8
samādhi-yuktena in tranceSB 3.21.7
bhakti-yuktena by discharging devotional serviceSB 3.24.47
yuktena equipped withSB 3.25.18
yuktena equipped withSB 3.25.18
yuktena equippedSB 3.25.43
tapaḥ-yuktena by engagement in austeritySB 3.27.22
tapaḥ-yuktena which is simultaneously the best process of austeritySB 9.4.26
yuktena conjoinedSB 10.54.14
prīti-yuktena affectionateSB 10.57.26
dhṛti-yuktena fixing his resolutionSB 11.23.5
yutena joinedSB 12.12.36
7 results
tena noun (masculine) a note or cadence introductory to a song (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 53800/72933
tena indeclinable in this way there therefore
Frequency rank 906/72933
astena noun (masculine) not a thief (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 32905/72933
ekāntena indeclinable only
Frequency rank 19081/72933
viniścitena indeclinable certainly
Frequency rank 65739/72933
stena noun (masculine) a kind of perfume (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a thief (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
robber (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
stealing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
thieving (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 4059/72933
stenay verb (denominative parasmaipada) to steal
Frequency rank 25954/72933


Plant white cross berry, Grewia tenax.


valorous body; a person with traits possessed by Indra like command, interest in knowledge, maintenance of servants and dependents and magnanimity.


Plant bowstring hemp, a controversial plant. several plants like Marsdenia tenacissima, M. volubilis; elephant creeper or Argyreia nervosa; Clematis triloba, Maerua arenaria, Bauhinia vahlii; Chenomorpha fragrans are considered as mūrva.

Wordnet Search
"tena" has 6 results.


sucārutena, vyavasthitataḥ   


yad kimapi karma sucārutena nirvahaṇīyam।



hastaḥ eva yatra karaṇam।

asya kārayānasya saṃyoktaṃ hastena parivartate।


adhaḥcaraḥ, apahārakaḥ, apahārikā, apahārakam, avahāraḥ, avāvan, avāvarī, ākhanikaḥ, ākhuḥ, āmoṣī, āmoṣi, kapāṭaghnaḥ, kapāṭaghnā, kapāṭaghnam, kambū, kalamaḥ, kavāṭaghnaḥ, kumbhīrakaḥ, kusumālaḥ, kharparaḥ, coraḥ, cauraḥ, corī, corakaḥ, caurī, caurikā, taḥ, takvān, taskaraḥ, tāyu, tṛpuḥ, dasmaḥ, dasmā, dasraḥ, drāvakaḥ, dhanaharaḥ, dhanahṛt, dhanahṛd, naktacāriḥ, naktacārī, nāgarakaḥ, parāskandī, parāskandi, parimoṣī, parimoṣiḥ, paṭaccaraḥ, pāṭṭacaraḥ, puraṃdaraḥ, pracuraḥ., pracurapuruṣaḥ, pratirodhakaḥ, pratirodhī, bandīkāraḥ, malimluḥ, malimluc, mallīkara, mācalaḥ, mīḍhuṣtamaḥ, mumuṣiṣuḥ, muṣkaḥ, mūṣakaḥ, moṣaḥ, moṣakaḥ, moṣṭā, rajanīcaraḥ, rātricaraḥ, rātryāṭaḥ, rikvān, ritakvān, ribhvān, rihāyaḥ, rerihāṇaḥ, laṭaḥ, luṇṭākaḥ, vaṭaraḥ, vanarguḥ, viloḍakaḥ, viloptā, stenaḥ, stainyaḥ, stāyuḥ, steyakṛt, steyakṛd, steyī, staunaḥ, styenaḥ, styainaḥ, srotasyaḥ, harikaḥ, hartā, hārakaḥ, hārītaḥ   

adatsya paradhanasya apahārakaḥ।

rakṣakaḥ corān daṇḍayati।


evam, itthaṃ, uktaprakāreṇa, etādṛśam, iti, tathāhi, anayārītyā, anena prakāreṇa, evam prakāreṇa, evamprakāreṇa, uktena prakāreṇa, ataḥ eva   

evam uktena prakāreṇa।

evaṃ kāryaṃ kariṣyati cet kadāpi mama kāryasya siddhirna bhavati।


hastena spṛś   

santoṣeṇa hastena sparśanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

prasannaḥ ācāryaḥ rameśasya pṛṣṭhaṃ hastena aspṛśat।


udāratayā, muktahastena, akārpaṇyena   


saḥ āplāvapīḍitebhyaḥ udāratayā dānaṃ dattavān।

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