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Monier-Williams Search
1 result
जीव् cl.1. j/īvati- (Epic also A1.; subjunctive vāti- ; vāt- ; parasmE-pada j/īvat-; Aorist ajivīt-; jīvīt- ; perfect tense jijīva-; future jīviṣy/ati-; preceding vy/āsam-, vyāsma- ; infinitive mood j/īvitum-, etc.;Ved. se- ; j/īvitavaī-. ) to live, be or remain alive etc. ; to revive ; (with punar-) ; to live by (instrumental case;exceptionally locative case, ) etc.: Causal jīv/ayati- (Epic also A1.; Aorist aījijvat-or ajijīv- ) to make alive, restore to life, vivify etc. ; to support life, keep alive etc. ; to nourish, bring up, ; to shout" jīva- " (id est long live!) ; jīvāpayati- (confer, compare pita-) to restore to life : Desiderative jijīviṣati- (A1. ) to wish to live etc. ; to seek a livelihood, wish to live by (instrumental case) ; j/ujyūṣati- idem or 'm. equals jīna- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order 1. jyā-.' ; confer, compare jijyūṣita-; ([ confer, compare Latin vivo; Lithuanian gIve1nu.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Macdonell Vedic Search
2 results
atyetavai áty-etavái, dat. inf. to pass over, v. 83, 10 [áti + i go beyond].
apabhartavai ápa-bhartavái, dat. inf. to take away, x. 14, 2 [bhṛ bear].
Macdonell Search
4 results
u 2. U, ū encl. pcl. and, also; but, whereas; now, just; forthwith: u--u, both-and; it is used after pronouns, relatives, interr., some pcls., and the inf. in -tavai; in C. it occurs only in atha½u, na½u, andkim-u.
saṃhita pp. (√ dhâ) put together, composed of, etc.: â, f. union (rare, U.); euphonic combination (=samdhi); Vedic text treated according to the rules of euphonic combination (opp. pada orword text); syste matically arranged text; extensive compila tion (Râmâyana, legal codes, Purânas, etc.); complete system of astrology (opp. scientific astronomy); -hriti, f. 1. destruction of the world; conclusion, end; 2.the root hri + sam; -hotrá, n. community of sacrifice (RV.1); -hrâda, m. loud noise or shout etc.; Shouter, N. of an Asura, son of Hiranya-kasipu; -hrâdin, a. making a loud noise, tinkling; -hlâdin, a. refreshing; -hvayitavaí, d. inf. of sam + √ hvâ.
sartave d. inf. √ sri (RV.); -tavaí, id. (RV.).
hantavya fp. to be slain or killed, -punished with death; -transgressed (law); -refuted (rare): (hán)-tri (w. ac.; -trí, w. g.), m. striker, slayer, killer, murderer; de stroyer, disturber; (hán)-tave, (hán)-tavaí, V. d. inf. √ han; -tu-kâma, a. desirous of slaying; -trî-mukha, m. a kind of demon injurious to children; (hán)-man, m. or n. blow, thrust, stroke (RV.).
Bloomfield Vedic
4 results0 results4 results
tavaitām aśvinā havam AVP.10.2.2a.
tavaiva san sarvahāyā ihāstu AVś.8.2.7b.
tavaivādhaspadaṃ carān AVP.2.89.5b.
kartavai vīryebhyaḥ # AVP.12.4.8d.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"tavai" has 1 results
tavai(1)krt affix तवै for the infinitive affix तुम् in Vedic Literature. The affix तवै has a peculiarity of accent, namely that the word ending in तवै has got both the initial and ending vowels accented acute (उदात्त); exempli gratia, for example सोममिन्द्राय पातवै, हर्षसे दातवा उ; confer, compare P.III.4.9; and VI. 1.200; (2) krtya affix in Vedic Literature, exempli gratia, for example परिघातवै for परिघातव्यम्; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. III. 4.14.
3 results
tavai indeclinable [gramm.] kṛt tavai (Infinitiv)
Frequency rank 35333/72933
cittavaikṛta noun (neuter) name of Aṣṭāṅgahṛdayasaṃhitā, ???
Frequency rank 52287/72933
dantavaidarbha noun (masculine) looseness of the teeth through external injury (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 21427/72933
Wordnet Search
"tavai" has 1 results.


dantavaidyaḥ, dantacikitsakaḥ, dantarogavid   

dantasya cikitsakaḥ।

dantavaidyena mama dantāḥ mārjitāḥ।

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