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5 results for tartum
अवतॄcl.1 P. -tarati- (perf. -tatāra-,3. plural -teruḥ-;Inf. -taritum-[ exempli gratia, 'for example' ]or -tartum-[ exempli gratia, 'for example' ]; ind.p. -tīrya-) to descend into (locative case or accusative), alight from, alight (ablative) ; to descend (as a deity) in becoming incarnate ; to betake one's self to (accusative), arrive at ; to make one's appearance, arrive ; to be in the right place, to fit ; to undertake: Vedic or Veda cl.6 P. (Imper. 2. sg. -tira-; imperfect tense -/atirat-,2. sg. -/atiras-,2. dual number -atiratam-; Aorist 2. sg. -tārīs-) to overcome, overpower : Ved. cl.4. (parasmE-pada fem. -t/īyatī-) to sink : Causal -tārayati- (ind.p. -tārya-) to make or let one descend, bring or fetch down (accusative or locative case) from (ablative) etc. ; to take down, take off, remove, turn away from (ablative ) ; "to set a-going, render current" See ava-tārita- below ; to descend(?) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
निस्तॄP. -tarati- (ind.p. -tīrya- infinitive mood -tartum-), to come forth from, get out of. escape from (ablative) ; to pass over or through, cross (sea etc.), pass or spend (time) ; to overcome or master (an enemy) etc. ; to fulfil, accomplish, perform (promise, vow etc.) ; to suffer for, expiate (accusative) ; (with abhiyogam-) to clear one's self from an accusation : Causal -tārayati-, to rescue, save, deliver from (ablative) ; to overcome, overpower ; Desiderative -titīrṣati- etc., to wish to cross or pass over (accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
स्तृ (or stṝ-). cl.5.9. P. A1. () stṛṇ/oti-, stṛṇute- or stṛnāti-, striṇīt/e- (Ved. and Epic also st/arati-, te-; perfect tense tastāra-, tastare-[3. plural tastaruḥ-, tastarire-] etc.;3. sg. [with pass. sense] tistir/e- ;3. plural tastrire- ; parasmE-pada A1. tistirāṇ/a- ; Aorist /astar-, star- ; astṛṣi-, astṛta- ; astarīt- ; astārṣīt-, astarīṣṭa-, astīrṣṭa- grammar; preceding stṛṣīya- ; staryāt-or stīryāt-; stṛṣīṣṭa-, starīṣīṣṭa-, stīrṣīṣṭa- grammar; future startā- grammar; stariṣyati-, te-[Gr. also starīṣ-] etc.; infinitive mood startum-or starītum- grammar; st/artave-, tavai-, starītav/ai- ; st/arītave- ; -st/ire-, -stṛṇīṣ/aṇi- ; ind.p. stīrtv/ā-or stṛtv/ā- ; -stīrya- ; -stṛtya- ), to spread, spread out or about, strew, scatter (especially the sacrificial grass;in this sense in older language only cl.9 P. A1.) ; to spread over, bestrew, cover etc. ; (cl.5. P. A1.) to lay low, overthrow, slay (an enemy) : Passive voice stīryate- (ti-) or striy/ate- (grammar also staryate-; Aorist /astāri-), to be spread or strewn etc. etc. etc.: Causal stārayati- (Aorist atastarat-), to spread, cover : Desiderative tistīrṣate- or t/ustūrṣate- (grammar also P.and tistarīṣati-, te-), to wish to spread or strew or lay low : Intensive tāstaryate-, testīryate-, tāstarti- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin sternere; Gothic straujan; German streuen; Anglo-Saxon streowian; English strew.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
स्तॄ (or stṛ-). cl.5.9. P. A1. () stṛṇ/oti-, stṛṇute- or stṛnāti-, striṇīt/e- (Ved. and Epic also st/arati-, te-; perfect tense tastāra-, tastare-[3. plural tastaruḥ-, tastarire-] etc.;3. sg. [with pass. sense] tistir/e- ;3. plural tastrire- ; parasmE-pada A1. tistirāṇ/a- ; Aorist /astar-, star- ; astṛṣi-, astṛta- ; astarīt- ; astārṣīt-, astarīṣṭa-, astīrṣṭa- grammar; preceding stṛṣīya- ; staryāt-or stīryāt-; stṛṣīṣṭa-, starīṣīṣṭa-, stīrṣīṣṭa- grammar; future startā- grammar; stariṣyati-, te-[Gr. also starīṣ-] etc.; infinitive mood startum-or starītum- grammar; st/artave-, tavai-, starītav/ai- ; st/arītave- ; -st/ire-, -stṛṇīṣ/aṇi- ; ind.p. stīrtv/ā-or stṛtv/ā- ; -stīrya- ; -stṛtya- ), to spread, spread out or about, strew, scatter (especially the sacrificial grass;in this sense in older language only cl.9 P. A1.) ; to spread over, bestrew, cover etc. ; (cl.5. P. A1.) to lay low, overthrow, slay (an enemy) : Passive voice stīryate- (ti-) or striy/ate- (grammar also staryate-; Aorist /astāri-), to be spread or strewn etc. etc. etc.: Causal stārayati- (Aorist atastarat-), to spread, cover : Desiderative tistīrṣate- or t/ustūrṣate- (grammar also P.and tistarīṣati-, te-), to wish to spread or strew or lay low : Intensive tāstaryate-, testīryate-, tāstarti- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin sternere; Gothic straujan; German streuen; Anglo-Saxon streowian; English strew.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तॄ cl.1 P. (rarely A1.) t/arati- (subjunctive t/arat- imperfect tense /atarat-, parasmE-pada t/arat- infinitive mood tar/adhyai-, rīṣ/ani- ) cl.5. tarute- (; Potential 1. plural turyāma-, ) cl.3. titarti- (; parasmE-pada Nominal verb plural t/itratas- ; Potential tutury/āt-, ) , with prepositions Vedic or Veda chiefly cl.6 P. A1. (tir/ate- subjunctive tirāti- imperfect tense /atirat-, parasmE-pada tir/at- infinitive mood t/iram-, t/ire- ; Aorist /atārīt-, ;1. plural riṣma- , rima- ; t/aruṣante- , ta-i, ṣema- [ confer, compare ]; A1.and Passive voice -tāri- ; P. atārṣīt- ; ṣam- ; perfect tense tatāra- etc.;3. plural titirur-, ; teritha-, ratur- ; parasmE-pada titirv/as- genitive case tatar/uṣas- ; future tariṣyati-, rīṣ-, taritā-, rītā-[ confer, compare pra-t/ar-] ; t/arutā- ; preceding tīryāt-, tariṣīṣṭa- ; infinitive mood tartum- ; rīt- rit- ; ind.p. tīrtv/ā- ; -t/ūrya-See vi--) to pass across or over, cross over (a river), sail across etc. ; to float, swim ; to get through, attain an end or aim, live through (a definite period), study to the end etc. ; to fulfil, accomplish, perform ; to surpass, overcome, subdue, escape etc. ; to acquire, gain, ; A1. to contend, compete ; to carry through or over, save, : Causal tārayati- (parasmE-pada r/ayat-) to carry or lead over or across etc. ; to cause to arrive at ; to rescue, save, liberate from (ablative) etc.: Desiderative titīrṣati- (also titariṣati-, rīṣ- ; parasmE-pada A1. titīrṣamāṇa- ) to wish to cross or reach by crossing : Intensive tartarīti- (2. dual number rīthas-; parasmE-pada genitive case t/arilratas-[ ];See also vi--; tātarti-, Scholiast or Commentator) to reach the end by passing or running or living through ; ([ confer, compare t/ara-, tir/as-, tīrṇ/a-; Latin termo,trans; Gothic thairh.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
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