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Grammar Search
"tarhi" has 1 results
Monier-Williams Search
15 results for tarhi
tarhiind. (fr. t/ad-h/i-;See tarvan- ) at that time, then, at that moment, in that case (correlative of y/ad-[ ], yad/ā-[ ], y/arhi-[ ], y/atra-[ ], yadi-[ varia lectio etc.], ced-[ ];often connected with an imperative [ etc.] or interrogative pronoun [ ]) etc. (not in ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tarhiind. see et/ar-, k/ar-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anantarhitamfn. ( dhā-), not concealed, manifest View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anantarhitamfn. not separated by a break. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anantarhitif. the not being covered or concealed, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antarhitaetc. See antar-dhā-, p.44. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antarhitamfn. placed between, separated View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antarhitamfn. covered, concealed, hidden, made invisible, vanished, invisible View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antarhitamfn. hidden from (with ablative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antarhitātmanm. "of concealed mind", Name of śiva-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antarhiti(ant/ar--), f. concealment, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
etarhiind. now, at this time, at present, now-a-days etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
etarhiind. then (correlating to y/arhi-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
etarhin. (i-) a measure of time (fifteen idāni-s, or the fifteenth part of a kṣipra-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃvatsarāntarhitamfn. separated for a year, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
3 results
tarhi तर्हि ind. [तद्-र्हिल्] 1 At that time, then. -2 In that case; यदा-तर्हि 'when-then'; यदि-तर्हि 'if-then'; कथं तर्हि 'how then'.
antarhita अन्तर्हित p. p. 1 Placed between, separated, rendered invisible by interposition, hidden, concealed; अब्रुव- न्बाह्मणाः सिद्धा भूतान्यन्तर्हितानि च Mb.3.37.21. अन्तर्हिता शकुन्तला वनराज्या Ś.4; covered (with something else); अन्तर्हिताशापथो जलदकाल इव K.293; शेष्वानन्तर्हितायां त्वं भूमौ Rām. uncovered or bare ground; पात्रेषु दर्भान्तर्हितेषु अप आसिच्य Āśval.; अन्तर्हिते आवाम् V.2; अन्तर्हिता यदि भवेद्वनिता न वेति Mk.3.4 a disguised male, a female in male dress. -2 Disappeared, vanished, become invisible; इति मन्त्रयमाणः स्वयमन्तर्हितः Ś.4 withdrew from sight, became invisible; अन्तर्हिते शशिनि Ś.4.2; तस्यायमन्तर्हितसौधभाजः R.13.4 dwelling in a palace hidden under (the waters). -Comp. आत्मन् m. N. of Śiva.
etarhi एतर्हि ind. 1 Now, at this time, at present, now-a-days; Bṛi. Up.1.4.1. Ki.1.32. एतर्हि द्युमणिमणीमयीं हसन्तीम् । सेवन्ते किमु ककुभः ...... Rām. Ch.7.53. -2 Then (correlative to यर्हि). -3 A certain measure of time = 15 idānims or one-fifteenth of a Kṣipra; cf. इदानीम्. एतादृश्, -दृक्ष, -दृश् (-शी, -क्षी) a. 1 Such, such like; सर्वे$पि नैतादृशाः Bh.2.51. अस्थाने पततामतीव महतामे- तादृशी स्याद् गतिः । Udb. -2 Of this kind, similar to this.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
tarhi tá-rhi, adv. then, x. 129, 2 [prn. root tá].
Macdonell Search
3 results
tarhi ad. at that time; then, there upon; in that case (esp. with impv. or inter. prn.): corr. ked, yatra, yad, yadâ, yadi, yarhi.
antarhita pp. (√ dhâ) vanished.
etarhi ad. now, nowadays; then (corr. yárhi).
Bloomfield Vedic
3 results0 results15 results
antar dadha ṛtubhiḥ # HG.2.10.7a; ApMB.2.19.6a (ApG.8.21.3). See antarhitā ma.
antar dadhāmy urv antarikṣam (TS. antar urv antarikṣam) # VS.7.5b; TS.;; MS.1.3.5d: 32.5; KS.4.1d; 27.2; śB. Cf. antarhitaṃ me bṛhad.
antar dadhe parvataiḥ # HG.2.10.7a; ApMB.2.19.4a (ApG.8.21.3). See antarhitā gi-.
antar mahyā pṛthivyā # ApMB.2.19.4b; HG.2.10.7b. See antarhitā pṛthivī.
antarhi ma rṣayaḥ pracetasaḥ # AVP.13.1.7a. The word antarhitā is missing in all mss.
anyām icheta tarhi saḥ # AVś.12.4.13b.
idānīṃ tadānīm etarhi kṣipram ajiram # TB. P: idānīṃ tadānīm TB.; 10.4; Apś.19.12.13.
indrāgnī aśvinā tarhi # AVś.11.8.5c.
na mṛtyur āsīd amṛtaṃ na tarhi (TB. omitting āsīd, and, dividing wrongly, na mṛtyur amṛtaṃ tarhi na) # RV.10.129.2a; TB.; N.7.3. Cf. BṛhD.1.58.
nirṛtyā antarhityai (TB. antarhityai svāhā) # TB.; Apś.16.16.2.
brahmaṇot tirate haviḥ # AVP.8.9.5d. Cf. brahmaṇo 'ntarhitaṃ.
brahmaṇo 'ntarhitaṃ haviḥ # AVś.19.42.1d. Cf. brahmaṇot tirate.
manye bhejāno amṛtasya tarhi # AVś.3.13.6c; TS.; MS.2.13.1c: 153.3. See mene etc.
mene bhejāno amṛtasya tarhi # AVP.3.4.6c; KS.35.3c. See manye etc.
ya udārā antarhitāḥ # AVś.11.9.16c.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"tarhi" has 1 results
antarhitaseparated by a dissimilar element; confer, compare यूनि चान्तर्हित अप्राप्तिः P.IV. 1.93 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 5. व्यञ्जनान्तर्हितोपि उदात्तपरः अनुदात्तः स्वरितमापद्यते T. Pr.XIV.30; confer, compare also Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) III.9.
Vedabase Search
68 results
tarhi at that timeCC Madhya 22.46
CC Madhya 22.84
SB 10.51.53
SB 10.87.24
SB 12.4.33
tarhi at that time onlySB 7.10.9
tarhi consequentlySB 10.87.40
tarhi exactly at that timeSB 10.3.47
tarhi immediatelySB 9.4.33-35
tarhi in that very momentSB 4.24.24-25
tarhi instantlySB 3.23.12
tarhi thenCC Madhya 19.143
SB 1.8.12
SB 10.14.53
SB 10.35.6-7
SB 10.36.1
SB 10.39.42-43
SB 10.4.31
SB 10.46.19
SB 10.72.30
SB 10.78.6
SB 10.8.35
SB 10.8.36
SB 10.87.30
SB 10.88.32
SB 10.88.33
SB 12.8.44
SB 3.16.23
SB 5.10.11
SB 9.15.11
SB 9.9.32
tarhi then at onceSB 3.9.32
tarhi then, immediatelySB 6.7.10
tarhi thereforeSB 10.8.8-9
SB 3.8.32
SB 4.19.32
SB 4.21.25
SB 9.4.7
tarhi eva and thenSB 10.44.27
tarhi eva and thenSB 10.44.27
tarhi eva at that same momentSB 10.59.16
tarhi eva at that same momentSB 10.59.16
tarhi vāva at that timeSB 5.8.14
tarhi vāva at that timeSB 5.8.14
antarhita on the disappearanceSB 2.9.39
antarhita coveredSB 7.6.20-23
antarhita invisibleSB 8.19.10
antarhitaḥ living withinSB 1.3.36
antarhitaḥ not manifestedSB 3.15.46
antarhitaḥ disappearedSB 4.19.17
antarhitaḥ invisibleSB 4.19.21
antarhitaḥ hiddenSB 4.30.29
antarhitaḥ disappearedSB 6.17.1
antarhitaḥ disappearedSB 9.4.11
antarhitaḥ present withinSB 11.7.42
valmīka-antarhitam who was sitting within the hole of the earthwormSB 9.3.8
antarhitam within the core of the heartSB 9.9.29
antarhitam disappearedSB 10.41.2
antarhitasya of Him who is now out of sightSB 1.16.23
antarhite after the disappearanceSB 3.10.1
antarhite when He disappearedSB 10.30.1
etarhi at the presentSB 1.17.43-44
etarhi thereforeSB 2.1.14
etarhi thus certainlySB 3.16.36
etarhi at this momentSB 4.26.15
etarhi eva just nowSB 10.82.21
etarhi eva just nowSB 10.82.21
valmīka-antarhitam who was sitting within the hole of the earthwormSB 9.3.8
4 results
tarhi indeclinable at that moment (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
at that time (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
in that case (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
then (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 3109/72933
anantarhita adjective manifest (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
not concealed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
not separated by a break (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 42651/72933
antarhitātman noun (masculine) name of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 32043/72933
etarhi indeclinable at present (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
at this time (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
now (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
now-a-days (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
then (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 14077/72933
Parse Time: 1.923s Search Word: tarhi Input Encoding: IAST: tarhi