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Grammar Search
"syandate" has 3 results
syandate: third person singular present present class 1 ātmanepadasyand
syandate: neuter dative singular stem: syandat.
syandate: masculine dative singular stem: syandat.
Monier-Williams Search
6 results for syandate
abhiṣyand( syand-), -syandate- (or also -ṣyandate-,if said intransitively of lifeless objects ) to run towards or along (generally said of liquids) (perf. -siṣyade-,said of a plant growing or running along the stem and branches of a tree), etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuṣyand( syand-), Ved. infinitive mood -ṣy/ade- ([ ]) and Causal -syanday/adhyai- ([ ]) , to run along: -syandate- and -ṣyandate- with a differentiation in meaning like that in abhi-ṣyand- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āsyandA1. -syandate- (parasmE-pada -sy/andamāna-), to stream or flow towards or near and View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nisyandA1. -syandate- (or -ṣy-; see ), to flow or trickle down, flow into (locative case) ; to make any fluid drop or drip or trickle down (only -syandate- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃsyandA1. -syandate-, to run together, converge, meet : Causal -syandayati-, to cause to run together (in a-saṃ-syandayat-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣyand (for vi-syand- q.v) A1. -ṣyandate- (according to to , vi-syandate-is the only correct form when the reference is to living beings), to overflow, flow out (of a vessel; pr. p. vi-ṣyandamāna-) ; to flow in streams or abundantly ; to dissolve, melt (intr.) ; to cause to flow : Causal -ṣyandayati-, to cause to overflow (in a-viṣyandayat-) ; to pour out, sprinkle ; to dissolve, melt (trans.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
syand syand flow, I. Ā. syándate, v. 83, 8.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results2 results
akṣayyāt syandate yathā TA.1.2.1b.
krīḍan harir atyaḥ syandate vṛṣā # RV.9.80.3d.
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