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270 results for suta
sutamfn. impelled, urged View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutamfn. allowed, authorized View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutamfn. pressed out, extracted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutam. (sg. and plural,once ) the expressed soma- juice, a soma- libation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutamfn. begotten, brought forth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutam. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a son, child, offspring (sutau- dual number = "son and daughter") etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutam. a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutam. Name of the 5th astrological house View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutam. Name of a son of the 10th manu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutaf. "son-giving", Name of a divine being View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutahibukayogam. junction of the 4th and 5th astrology houses (said to be suitable for marriages) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutailāf. "yielding good oil", the plant mahā-jyotiṣmatī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutajīvakam. Putranjiva Roxburghii View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutakīrtif. mention of the (extracted) soma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutalan. ( also m.)"great depth" , the second of the seven divisions of the regions under the earth (see loka-, pātāla-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutalam. the base or foundation of a large building (equals aṭṭālikā-bandha-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutalpan. a beautiful couch View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutamāmind. (superl.; see -tarām-) most excellently best View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutambharamfn. carrying away soma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutambharam. Name of a ṛṣi- (having the patronymic ātreya- and author of ). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutaṃgaman. "son-obtaining", Name of a man (see sautaṃgami-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutamisrā(s/u--) f. dense darkness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutaṃjayam. "son-winning", Name of a man (see sutaṃ-gama-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutaṃrayiṣṭhīyan. (with prajāpateḥ-) Name of two sāman-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutanayamfn. (id est 5. su-+ tan-) having beautiful children View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutanirviśeṣamind. not differently from a son, exactly like a son View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutantramfn. "well versed in doctrine"and"commanding good troops" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutantrimfn. well accompanied on the lute (as a song), melodious View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutantum. "having fair offspring", Name of viṣṇu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutantum. of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutantum. of a dānava- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutanumfn. very thin or slender ( sutanutā -- f.) (varia lectio) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutanumfn. having a beautiful body View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutanum. Name of a gandharva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutanum. of a son of ugra-sena- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutanum. of a monkey View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutanuf(u-or ū-). a fair woman (vocative case sutanu- see ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutanum. Name of a daughter of āhuka- (wife of akrūra-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutanum. of a concubine of vasu-deva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutanum. of a daughter of ugra-sena- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutanujamf(ā-)n. having beautiful children, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutanutāf. sutanu
sutapam. (for su-tapa-See) a drinker of the soma--juice View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutapam. plural Name of a class of deities View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suta mfn. drinking the soma--juice View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutapam. (for suta-pa-See)"practising great austerities" , Name of a class of gods under the eighth manu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutapādikā f. a species of Mimosa View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutapādukāf. a species of Mimosa View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutapasmfn. very heating or warming View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutapasmfn. practising severe austerity View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutapasm. an ascetic, hermit View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutapasm. the sun View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutapasm. (plural) Name of a class of gods under the eighth manu- (see su-tapa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutapasm. of various ṛṣi-s and their sons under various manu-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutapasm. of other persons View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutapasvinmfn. practising great austerity or self mortification, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutapāvanmfn. drinking the soma--juice View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutapeyan. the drinking of soma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutaptamfn. (s/u--) very hot, much heated etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutaptamfn. purified by heat (as gold)
sutaptamfn. greatly harassed or afflicted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutaptamfn. very severe (as a penance) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutaptāf. Mucuna Pruritus View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutaramfn. easy to be crossed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutaramfn. easily passed (as a night) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutarāmSee sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutarāmind. (fr. 5. su-+ tarām- equals taram-) still more, in a higher degree, excessively (sutarām na-,"still less"; na s-,"very badly"; mā s-,"in no way","by no means") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutaraṇamfn. easy to be crossed (as a river) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutardanam. the Koil or Indian cuckoo View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutarkārīf. a kind of gourd (equals deva-dālī-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutarmanmfn. easily conveying across (as a boat) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutarpayatmfn. well satiating or satisfying View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutarpitamfn. well satiated or satisfied View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutasomamfn. (sut/a--) one who has extracted the soma-, offerer of a soma- libation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutasomamfn. (a sacrifice) at which the soma- is prepared View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutasomam. Name of a son of bhīma-sena- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutasomam. of a prince View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutasomāf. Name of a wife of kṛṣṇa- (varia lectio śruta-s-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutasomajātakan. Name of a Buddhist legend View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutasomāvadānan. equals ma-jātaka-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutasomavatmfn. (sut/a-s-) (plural) joined with those who have prepared the soma--juice View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutaśravasm. Name of a teacher, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutaśreṇīf. the plant Salvinia Cucullata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutaṣṭa(s/u--) mfn. well-fashioned View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutasutam. a son's son, a grandson View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutatvan. condition of sonship (instrumental case with grah-,"to adopt any one [acc.] as a son") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutavallabha wrong reading for prec. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutavaskarāf. the mother of seven children View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutavatmfn. (for 2.See under 3. suta-) containing the word suta- (atī- f."a verse containing the word suta-") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutavatm. a drinker of the soma--juice View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutavatm. an offerer of a libation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutavatmfn. (for 1.See under 2. suta-) possessing sons or children View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutavatm. the father of a son View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutavat suta-soma- etc. See . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutavatsalamfn. loving one's children View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutavatsalam. an affectionate father View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambikāsutam. Name of dhṛtarāṣṭra-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
arkasutam. (equals -tanaya- q.v) Name of karṇa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āryasuta(equals -putra-) mfn. a husband View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asatīsutam. the son of an unchaste wife View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asutamfn. (3. su-), not pressed out, not ready (as the soma- juice) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āsutan. a manner of pressing the soma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āsutan. a mixture View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asutaramfn. ( tṛ-), not to be easily passed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aśvinīsutaum. dual number the twin sons of aśvinī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aśvisutam. dual number the two sons of the aśvin-s (nakula- and saha-deva-), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avanisutam. equals -ja- above View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bahudantīsutam. "the son of bahu-dantī-", Name of an author (varia lectio valgndantī-sukha-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bahusutamfn. having a large progeny or after-growth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhadrasutam. equals bhadrātmaja- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhaginīsutam. a sister's son View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhṛgusutam. " bhṛgu-'s son", the planet Venus View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhṛgusutam. Name of paraśu-rāma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūmisutam. "earth-son", the planet Mars View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūpasutam. equals -putra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūsutam. "earth son", the planet Mars View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
brahmasutam. " brahmā-'s son", Name of the ketu- brahmadaṇḍa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bṛhaspatisuta(b/ṛhas-p/ati--) mfn. pressed out (as soma- juice) by bṛhas-pati- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
budhasutam. " bhaṭṭotpala-'s son", Name of purū-ravas- (the first king of the lunar dynasty) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
candrasutam. equals -ja- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
chāyāsutam. equals -tanaya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dakṣasutam. a son of dadhīca-, god (see -pitṛ-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dakṣasutaf. plural the Moon's wives View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
damaghoṣasutam. idem or 'm. "son of dakṣa-", śiśu-pāla- ' , . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dārasutan. sg. wife and child View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dāsīsuta m. equals -putra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dāsyāḥsutam. equals -putra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dharaṇisutam. metron. of the planet Mars (see -ja-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dharaṇīsutam. metron. of aṅgiras- or the planet Mars View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dharmasutam. "son of dharma-", Name of yudhiṣṭhira- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dinakṛtsutam. equals -karatanaya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ditisutam. idem or 'm. equals -ja- ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ditisutagurum. the planet Venus View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divākarasutam. "son of the sun", the planet Saturn View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gaṇavatīsutam. "son of gaṇavatī-", Name of a sage and physician (also called divo-dāsa- or dhanvantari- or kāśi-rāja-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gāndinīsutam. "son of gāndinī-", a-krūra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gāndinīsutam. (equals gāṅgāyani-) bhīṣma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gaṅgāsutam. (equals -ja-) Name of the deity kārttikeya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gaṅgāsutam. of bhīṣma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gautamīsutam. equals minandana- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
girisutam. "mountain-son", Name of a divine being View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
girisutaf. (gireḥ sutā- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
haṇḍikāsutam. a small earthen pot View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
harisutam. "son of hari-", Name of arjuna- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
harisutam. of the 10th cakra-vartin- (equals -ṣeṇa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
himavatsutam. "son of the himālaya-", the mountain maināka- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hutāśasutam. plural " agni-'s sons", Name of particular ketu-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
indrasutam. "son of indra-", Name of the monkey-king vālin- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
indrasutam. of arjuna- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
indrasutam. of jayanta- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
indusuta m. Name of the planet Mercury. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambhasuta(j/ambh-) mfn. pressed with the jaws, chewed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jīvasutamf(ā-)n. equals -praja- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kadrusutam. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. "kadru-'s son", a serpent ' ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kalaśīsutam. Name of agastya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kāmasutam. aniruddha- (the son of kāma-deva-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kāṇelīsutam. a bastard(= -- mātṛ-), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kareṇusutam. equals -bhū- above. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
karṇīsutam. Name of kaṃsa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
karṇīsutam. of the author of a thieves' manual View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kesarisutam. "son of kesarin-", Name of hanumat- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
koṅkaṇāsutam. "son of koṅkaṇā-", Name of paraśu-rāma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛpīsutam. idem or 'm. "son of kṛpī-", Name of aśvatthāman- ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtīsutam. "the son of kṛtī- (= kṛti-)", Name of ruci-parvan- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛttikāsutam. "son of the kṛttikā-s", Name of skanda- or kārttikeya- (the nymphs called kṛttikā-s being his foster-mothers) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṣitisutam. (equals -ja-) the planet Mars View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṣitisutam. Name of the demon naraka- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuntīsutam. a son of kuntī-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kusutam. (equals -ja-) the planet Mars commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kusutaSee 2. ku-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lallavārāhasutam. Name of an astronomer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mādravatīsutam. metron. of saha-deva- and nakula- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāprasutam. or n. (?) a particular high number View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahīsutam. "son of the earth", the planet Mars, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mandodarīsutam. " maya-'s son", Name of indra-jit View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mantrisuta m. equals -putra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mārutasuta(A.) m. "son of the wind", Name of hanumat-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marutsutam. () "son of the Wind", Name of hanumat- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marutsutam. of bhīma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
māyādevīsutam. "son of māyādevī-", Name of gautama- buddha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
māyāsutam. "son of māyā-", Name of gautama- buddha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mīramīrāsutam. mīramīrā
mṛtyusutam. "death's son", Name of a class of comets View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mūlakādisutamn. and f(ā-). gruel made of the root of mūlaka- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
munisutam. equals -putra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nandasutam. equals -kumāra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nandinīsutam. equals -tanaya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naṭīsutam. the son of a dancing girl View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nimnagāsutam. "river-born", Name of bhīṣma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nṛpasutam. a king's son, prince View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
patsutaḥśīmfn. lying at the feet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
patsutasind. (from locative case of 3. pad-+ tas-) at the feet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāvakasutam. patronymic of su-darśana- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prasutamfn. (pr/a--) pressed or pressing continuously View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prasutam. the soma- so pressed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prasutan. continued pressing of soma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prasutam. or n. a particular high number (See mahā-pr-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pṛthāsutam. "son of pāṇḍu-", Name of arjuna- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
putrikāsutam. a daughter's son, a grandson View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rādhāsutam. equals -tanaya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghusutam. " raghu-'s son" patronymic of rāma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rāhusutam. plural " rāhu-'s sons", Name of particular ketu-s or comets etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rājasutam. a kind's son, prince View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ravisutam. "son of the sun", Name of the planet Saturn View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ravisutam. of the ape su-grīva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
reṇukāsutam. equals -tanaya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
revatīsutam. "son of revatī-", Name of skanda- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohiṇīsutam. "son of rohiṇī-", the planet Mercury View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rucirāsutam. a metron. of pālakāpya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rudrasutam. a patronymic of skanda- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāgaragāsutam. "son of gaṅgā-", metron. of bhīṣma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śakrasutam. " indra-'s son", Name of the monkey vālin- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śakrasutam. of arjuna- (see -nandana-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃjñāsutam. "son of saṃjñā-", Name of the planet Saturn View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃsutasomam. equals saṃ-sava- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāradvatīsutam. a son of kṛpī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saramāsutam. idem or ' m. idem or '(tm-) m. "son of saramā-", a dog ' ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śārisutam. equals -putra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saritsutam. "river-son", Name of bhīṣma- (son of gaṅgā-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaśāṅkasutam. (equals śaśāṅka-ja-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaśisutam. equals -ja- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sasutamf(ā-)n. having a son, together with sons or children View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sasutamfn. with the charioteer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
satyavatīsutam. "son of satyavatī-", Name of the poet, vyāsa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
savitṛsutam. equals -tanaya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
savitṛsutadinan. Saturday View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
siṃhikāsutam. metron. of rāhu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
somarājasutam. "son of the Moon", the planet Mercury
somasutam. "a son of the Moon", Name of budha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
subhagāsutam. (equals -tanaya-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śuddhodanasutam. "son of S3uddh'odana", gautama- buddha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śūdrāsutam. equals -putra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śukrasutam. son of the planet Venus View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śunakasutam. equals śaunaka- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
surabhīsutam. plural "children of surabhī-", oxen, cattle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
surasaritsutam. metron. of bhīṣma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
surasutam. a son of a gods View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sūrasutam. "son of the Sun", the planet Saturn View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sūryasutam. "son of the Sun", Name of the planet Saturn View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sūryasutam. of the monkey su-grīva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
susutama(s/u--) mfn. (used in explaining su-ṣ/ūtama-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutāsutan. dual number what is extracted (as soma-) and what is not extracted (as milk) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śvasuta m. Conyza Lacera View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tapaḥsutam. "austerity-son", yudhiṣṭhira- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tapaḥsutam. (pasaḥ suta- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tārkṣasutaSee kṣya--. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tārkṣyasutam. "son of kaśyapa-", garuḍa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ulūkhalasutamfn. pressed out or pounded in a mortar (as the soma-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
umāsutam. " umā-'s son", Name of skanda-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaḍabāsutam. dual number "the two sons of vaḍabā-", Name of the aśvin-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vahnisutam. chyle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vājaprasuta(v/āja--) mfn. started for a race or impelled by courage View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
valgudantīsutam. metron. of indra- Scholiast or Commentator on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vandhyāsuta m. equals -tanaya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaṇiksutam. a merchant's son View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāsudevasutam. Name of author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vasudhāsutam. the planet Mars View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vātasutam. a dissolute companion of a king or of a courtezan who knows one art (kalā-) (see -putra-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāyusutam. equals -putra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vinatāsutam. "son of veda-", Name of aruṇa-, garuḍa- etc. () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vindhyāvalisutam. () Name of the asura- bāṇa-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vindhyāvalīsutam. Name of the asura- bāṇa-. () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vīrasenasutam. "son of vīra-sena-", Name of nala- (the hero of several well-known poems exempli gratia, 'for example' the nalopākhyāna-, naiṣadha-, nalodaya-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
virāṭsutam. "son of virāj-", Name of a class of deceased ancestors (also called soma-sad-s) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
virocanasutam. "son of virocana-"Name of bali- (sovereign of mahābali-pura-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
visutamf(ā-)n. childless View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vivasvatsutam. "son of vivasvat-", Name of manu- vaivasvata- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛthāsutamfn. pressed out in vain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yallabhaṭṭasutam. Name of the author of commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yaśodāsutam. " yaśo--'s son", metron. of kṛṣṇa-. () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
4 results
suta सुत p. p. 1 Poured out. -2 Extracted or expressed (as Soma juice); सुतेन सोमेन विमिश्रतोयाम् Mb.3.12.32. -3 Begotten, produced, brought forth. -तः 1 A son. -2 A child, offspring. -3 A king. -4 Expressed Soma juice; अहरहर्ह सुतः प्रसुतो भवति Bṛi. Up.2.1.3. -5 The Soma sacrifice; दर्शश्च पूर्णमासश्च चातुर्मास्यं पशुः सुतः Bhāg. 7.15.48. -तः, -तम् A Soma libation. -Comp. -अर्थिन् a. desirous of progeny; मध्यमं तु ततः पिण्डमद्यात् सम्यवस्तुता- र्थिनी Ms.3.262. -आत्मजः a grandson. (-जा) a granddaughter. -उत्पत्तिः f. birth of a son; शौनकस्य सुतोत्पत्त्या (पतति) Ms.3.16. -निर्विशेषम् ind. not differently from a son, just like a son; संवर्धितानां सुतनिर्विशेषम् R.5.6. -वत्सलः an affectionate father. -वस्करा the mother of seven children. -श्रेणी Salvinia Cucullata (Mar. बृहद्दंती, उंदीरकानी &c.). -स्नेहः paternal affection.
sutaṃgamaḥ सुतंगमः The father of a son.
sutavat सुतवत् a. Having sons. -m. The father of a son.
prasuta प्रसुत a. Pressed or pressing continuously (as Soma juice); अहरहर्ह सुतः प्रसुतो भवति Bṛi. Up.2.1.3.
Macdonell Vedic Search
4 results
suta su-tá, pp. pressed, viii. 48, 7; x. 15, 3.
sutara su-tára, a. easy to pass, x. 127, 6.
sutasoma sutá-soma, (Bv.) m. Soma-presser, ii. 12, 6.
sutaṣṭa sú-taṣṭa, pp. well-fashioned, ii. 35, 2 [takṣ fashion].
Macdonell Search
9 results
suta pp. 1. √ 1. su; m. sg. pl. Soma juice (V.); 2. (√ 2. su) urged; 3. (√ 3. su= √ 2. sû) m. son (C.): -kîrti, f. mention of Soma (Br.); -tva, n. sonship: in. with grah, adopt (ac.) as a son; -nirvisesham, ad. (with no difference from=) exactly like one's own son.
sutanu a. 1. very slender; 2. having a beautiful form: f. fair woman; -tantu, a. (&ubrevcirc;) having fair offspring; m. N. of a Dânava; -tantri, a. beautifully accompanied on the lute (song); -tápas, a.warming (V.); per forming severe penances (C.).
suta a. drinking Soma (RV.).
sutapta pp. V., C.: very hot; C.: strongly heated, purified (gold); greatly afflicted; well-performed (penance); -tára, a. easy to cross (V., C.); easy to pass (night, RV.); -taraná, a. easy to cross (river; RV.1) -tarâm, ad. still more; exceedingly, very: w. na, not very well; still less (the negative sts. to be supplied); -tala, n. a certain hell.
sutasoma a. having the Soma prepared, offering a libation (RV.).
sutaṣṭa pp. well-wrought (RV.).
sutavat a. containing the word suta (Br.); -vatsala, a. tender towards one's children; m. tender father.
asutara a. difficult to cross.
bhūsuta m. son of the earth, planet Mars; -sura, m. god on earth, Brâhman; -strina, m. kind of fragrant grass (Andro pogon Schoenanthus); -stha, a. living on the earth; -svargâ-ya, den. Â. be a heaven on earth.
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
9 results1 result
sutaṃbhara Is credited by the Anukramaṇī (Index) with the authorship of certain hymns of the Rigveda. The word does not occur in those hymns, but it appears as an adjective (‘ carrying away Soma ’) elsewhere,2 and may, in a second passage,3 by a conjecture4 be taken as a man’s name.
Bloomfield Vedic
9 results1 result358 results
adribhiḥ sutaḥ pavate gabhastyoḥ RV.9.71.3a.
adribhiḥ sutaḥ pavase pavitra ā RV.9.86.23a.
agne sutasya pītaye RV.5.51.1a. P: agne sutasya śś.14.52.5.
aṃśoḥ sutaṃ pāyaya matsarasya RV.1.125.3c.
asaṃtāpe sutapasā huve vām (AVś. sutapasau huve 'ham) AVś.4.26.3a; AVP.4.36.6a.
āśīrvantaḥ sutā ime RV.1.23.1b.
asmat sutaṣṭo ratho na vājī (MS. vāṇīḥ) RV.7.34.1b; MS.4.9.14b: 134.11; TA.4.17.1b. See asmad rathaḥ.
asme sutasya gomataḥ RV.8.82.6b.
asunvatā sutapāḥ saṃ gṛṇīte RV.4.25.7b.
asya sutasya AVP.2.7.3c. See next.
asya sutasya svar (SV. svā3r) na (Aś.śś. ṇa) AVś.2.5.2c; SV.2.303c; Aś.6.3.1c; śś.9.5.2c. See prec.
atho sūtavaśā vaśā AVś.12.4.46b.
ayaṃ sutas tasya pibā madāya RV.1.104.9b; AVś.20.8.2b.
ayaṃ sutaḥ sumakha mā mṛdhas kaḥ RV.2.18.4d.
ayaṃ sutāsutī yajamānaḥ TB.
ayaṃ sutāsutī yajamāno bahubhya āsaṃgatebhyaḥ TB. See ayaṃ yajamāno bahubhya.
bharā sutasya pītaye RV.8.32.24c.
daśamāsyāya sūtavai (ApMB. -ve) HG.1.25.1d; 2.2.5; ApMB.2.11.15. See daśame māsi sū-.
dhārā sutasya dhāvati RV.9.100.4b.
dhārā sutasya rocate RV.9.111.1d. See dhārā pṛṣṭhasya.
dhārā sutasya vedhasaḥ RV.9.2.3b; 16.7b; SV.2.389b.
dhārā sutasyāndhasaḥ RV.9.58.1b; SV.1.500b; 2.407b; N.13.6b.
dīrghaṃ sutaṃ vātāpyāya RV.10.105.1c; SV.1.228c.
dyumnāya sutarā apaḥ RV.6.60.11c; SV.2.500c.
ime sutā adrisutāsa udbhidaḥ RV.1.139.6b.
ime sutā indavaḥ prātaritvanā N.4.17a.
indraḥ sutapā viśvāyuḥ RV.8.2.4b; KB.20.3b.
indraḥ sutasya gomataḥ RV.8.94.6b; SV.2.1137b.
indraṃ sutāsa indavaḥ RV.8.13.16b.
indrāvaruṇā sutapāv imaṃ sutam RV.6.68.10a; AVś.7.58.1a; AB.6.12.7; GB.2.2.22; 4.15; Aś.5.5.19. P: indrāvaruṇā sutapau śś.8.2.6; Vait.25.2.
indravāyū sutānām adribhir yuvam RV.1.135.5f.
indrāviṣṇū sutapā vām uruṣyati RV.1.155.2b; N.11.8b.
itthā sutaḥ paura indram āva RV.2.11.11d.
kadā sutaṃ tṛṣāṇa oka ā gamaḥ (SV. gamat) RV.8.33.2c; AVś.20.52.2c; 57.15c; SV.2.215c.
made sutasya viṣṇavi RV.8.3.8b; AVś.20.99.2b; SV.2.924b; VS.33.97b.
made sutasya śavasābhinac chiraḥ RV.1.52.10d.
made sutasya somyasyāndhasaḥ RV.10.50.7d.
madhvaḥ sutasya sa divi priyo narā RV.8.87.1c.
mandasānaḥ sutaṃ piba RV.1.10.11b.
matsvā sutasya gomataḥ RV.8.13.14b; 92.30c; AVś.20.60.3c; SV.2.176c.
namaḥ sūtāyāhantyai (TS. -hantyāya; MS.KS. -hantvāya) VS.16.18; TS.; MS.2.9.3: 122.13; KS.17.12. P: namaḥ sūteti (!) BṛhPDh.9.216.
navagvāsaḥ sutasomāsa indram RV.5.29.12a; Aś.9.3.22.
nṛbhiḥ sutasya jaṭharaṃ pṛṇasva RV.10.104.2b; AVś.20.33.1b.
nṛttāya sūtam (TB. śailūṣam) VS.30.6; TB.
pariprasyandate sutaḥ RV.9.101.2b; SV.2.48b; JB.1.163b.
paśūn sutaṃ puroḍāśān TS.; KSA.3.1a.
pātā sutam indro astu somam RV.6.23.3a; 44.15a. P: pātā sutam indro astu somaṃ hantā vṛtram (RV.6.44.15) Aś.6.4.10; śś.9.8.3.
patnīvantaḥ sutā ime RV.8.93.22a; śś.18.7.14; N.5.18a.
pibā sutasya AVP.2.7.1c. See next.
pibā sutasya matir na (AVś. mater iha) AVś.2.5.1c; SV.2.302c; Aś.6.3.1c; śś.9.5.2c. See prec.
pibā sutasya rasinaḥ RV.8.3.1a; SV.1.239a; 2.771a; AB.4.29.15; 5.6.7; 16.28; ā.; Aś.5.15.21; 7.12.7; śś.7.20.6; 12.7.5; 9.11.
pibā sutasyāndhaso abhi prayaḥ RV.5.51.5c.
pibā sutasyāndhaso madāya RV.7.20.1d; VS.33.70d.
prātaḥ sutam apibo haryaśva RV.4.35.7a.
prayai sutasya haryaśva tubhyam RV.10.104.3b; AVś.20.25.7b; 33.2b.
te sutāso madintamāḥ (SV. vipaścitaḥ) RV.9.67.18a; SV.2.1161a.
tīvraṃ sutaṃ pañcadaśaṃ ni ṣiñcam RV.10.27.2d.
tubhyaṃ sutāsa udbhidaḥ RV.1.139.6c.
tubhyaṃ sutāsaḥ somāḥ SV.1.213a. See tubhyaṃ somāḥ.
tubhyaṃ sutās tubhyam u sotvāsaḥ RV.10.160.2a; AVś.20.96.2a.
tvaṃ sutasya kalaśasya rājasi RV.10.167.1b.
tvaṃ sutasya pītaye RV.1.5.6a; AVś.20.69.4a; TS.; MS.4.12.6a: 197.4; KS.23.12a.
tvaṃ sutasya made ariṇā apaḥ RV.1.56.6c.
tvāṃ sutasya pītaye RV.3.42.9a; AVś.20.24.9a.
tvāṃ sutāsa indavaḥ RV.8.6.21c.
yāhi sutasya pītaye RV.4.48.1d--4d.
yuktagrāvā sutasomo jarāte RV.5.37.2b.
agan prāṇaḥ svargaṃ lokaṃ jite jayāmy abhayaṃ me 'lokatāyā aputratāyā apaśutāyāḥ # śś.2.9.7. Cf. āgann apāna.
agniḥ sudakṣaḥ sutanur ha bhūtvā # Mś. See agne sadakṣaḥ.
agne sadakṣaḥ satanur (KS. -nūr) hi bhūtvā # TS.; KS.30.8c. See agniḥ sudakṣaḥ sutanur.
achā voceya vasutātim agneḥ # RV.1.122.5d.
athā naḥ sutarā bhava # RV.10.127.6c.
athā somaṃ sutaṃ piba # RV.1.16.7c.
athā somasya pibataṃ sutasya # RV.1.108.1d,6d--12d; N.12.31d. Cf. tebhiḥ somasya etc.
athaitaṃ pitum addhi prasūtaḥ # VS.12.65d; śB. See under athā jīvaḥ.
atho arvāvataḥ sutaḥ # RV.9.39.5b; SV.2.252b.
adomadam annam addhi prasūtaḥ # AVś.6.63.1d. See under athā jīvaḥ.
adomadhaṃ pittam atta prasūtāḥ # AVP.11.11.4d.
adbhir gobhir mṛjyate adribhiḥ sutaḥ # RV.9.68.9c.
adribhiḥ pavate sutaḥ # RV.9.63.13b.
adhvaryubhir madhumantaḥ sutāsaḥ # RV.7.90.1b; VS.33.70b.
adhvaryo adribhiḥ sutam # RV.9.51.1a; SV.1.499a; 2.575a; VS.20.31a; JB.3.209a; PB.14.9.1; Vait.30.9a. P: adhvaryo adribhiḥ Kś.19.2.12.
adhvaryo pra bharā sutam # RV.6.42.4b; SV.2.793b.
adhvaryo vīra pra mahe sutānām # RV.6.44.13a; KB.24.7; śś.14.3.8.
anamīvaṃ pitum addhi prasūtaḥ # AVP.2.61.1d. See under athā jīvaḥ.
anānudaḥ pariṣūtā ṛjiśvanā # RV.1.53.8d; AVś.20.21.8d.
anu hi tvā sutaṃ soma madāmasi # RV.9.110.2a; SV.1.432a; 2.716a; AB.8.11.2a. P: anu hi tvā sutaṃ soma Svidh.1.6.9.
antar jāteṣūta ye janitvāḥ # RV.4.18.4d.
antar deveṣūta mānuṣeṣu # AVś.4.28.5b; AVP.4.37.3b; 5.22.3b.
apaśyaṃ jātaṃ yad asūta mātā # RV.5.2.2d; JB.3.96d.
apāḥ pūrveṣāṃ harivaḥ sutānām # RV.10.96.13a; AVś.20.32.3a; AB.4.4.8,9,12; KB.17.4; Aś.6.3.16. P: apāḥ pūrveṣām śś.9.6.18; Vait.26.13.
apādayat papivān sutasya # RV.2.11.10d.
apāvṛṇod dharibhir adribhiḥ sutam # RV.3.44.5c.
apibat kadruvaḥ sutam # RV.8.45.26a; SV.1.131a.
apsu dhūtasya deva soma te mativido nṛbhi ṣṭutastotrasya śastokthasyeṣṭayajuṣo (śś.8.9.4 omits nṛbhi ... -yajuṣo; Aś. nṛbhiḥ sutasya stuta...) yo 'śvasanir gosanir bhakṣas (Aś. yo bhakṣo gosanir aśvasanis) tasya ta upahūtasyopahūto bhakṣayāmi # Aś.6.12.11; śś.8.8.6; 9.4. See apsu dhautasya, and cf. yas te aśvasanir, and yo bhakṣo gosanir.
apsu dhūto (SV.JB. dhautaṃ) nṛbhiḥ sutaḥ (SV.JB. sutam) # RV.9.62.5b; SV.2.359b; JB.3.119b.
apsu dhautasya te deva soma nṛbhiḥ sutasya madhumantaṃ bhakṣaṃ karomi # PB.1.6.11,12. P: apsu dhautaLś.2.11.17. See under apsu dhūtasya deva.
apsu dhautasya soma deva te nṛbhiḥ sutasyeṣṭayajuṣa stutastomasya śastokthasya yo bhakṣo aśvasanir yo gosanis tasya te pitṛbhir bhakṣaṃ kṛtasyopahūtasyopahūto bhakṣayāmi # TS. Ps: apsu dhautasya soma deva te Apś.13.20.11; apsu dhautasya soma deva Apś.13.17.9. See under apsu dhūtasya deva.
abhayaṃ me 'lokatāyā aputratāyā apaśutāyāḥ # śś.2.9.7,8.
abhi preta jayata prasūtāḥ # AVP.3.19.6a.
abhūt somasya suṣutasya pītiḥ # RV.4.35.2b.
ayaṃ yajamāno bahubhya āsaṃgatebhyaḥ # TB. See ayaṃ sutāsutī yajamāno.
ayaṃ raṇāya te sutaḥ # RV.8.17.12b; AVś.20.5.6b; SV.2.76b.
ayaṃ vām adribhiḥ sutaḥ # RV.8.22.8a.
ayaṃ vāṃ mitrāvaruṇā nṛbhiḥ sutaḥ # RV.1.137.3f.
ayaṃ sa soma indra te sutaḥ piba # RV.6.43.1c--4c; SV.1.392c.
ayaṃ somaś camū sutaḥ # RV.5.51.4a; śś.10.4.5. Cf. BṛhD.5.46.
ayaṃ ta āghṛṇe sutaḥ # RV.9.67.12a.
ayaṃ devebhyo madhumattamaḥ (SV. -raḥ) sutaḥ # RV.9.105.3c; SV.2.450c.
ayā pātam imaṃ sutam # RV.3.12.2c; SV.2.20c.
ardhamāsyaṃ prasutāt pitryāvataḥ # JB.1.18b,50b. See pañcadaśāt pra-.
arṣantv āpas tvayeha prasūtāḥ # RV.3.30.9d.
aśvāvad vājavat sutaḥ # RV.9.41.4c; 42.6b. See aśvavat soma.
aśvinā namuceḥ sutam # VS.20.59a; MS.3.11.3a: 143.17; KS.38.8a; TB.
aśvinā pibataṃ (VS.Kś. pibatāṃ) madhu (TB.Apś. sutam) # RV.1.15.11a; VS.20.90a; TB.; Apś.21.7.16a; Mś.; P: aśvinā pibatām Kś.19.7.8.
asarji kalaśe sutaḥ # RV.9.67.15b.
asti somo ayaṃ sutaḥ # RV.8.94.4a; SV.1.174a; 2.1135a; PB.9.7.1; Aś.6.7.2; śś.13.7.2; Apś.14.18.6; Mś.3.7.9. P: asti somo ayam Kś.25.13.1.
asmad rathaḥ sutaṣṭo na vājī # PB.1.2.9b; 6.6.16b. See asmat sutaṣṭo.
asmabhyaṃ santu pṛthivi prasūtāḥ # AVś.12.1.62b.
asmākaṃ tvā sutāṃ upa # RV.8.6.42a.
asmin na indra pṛtsutau yaśasvati # RV.10.38.1a. Cf. BṛhD.7.39.
asme naro maghavānaḥ sutasya # RV.7.48.1b.
asya rātau sutaṃ piba # SV.1.223c. See imaṃ rātaṃ.
asya lokaḥ sutāvataḥ # VS.35.1c; śB.
āgatyā vṛṣabhiḥ sutam # RV.3.42.7c; AVś.20.24.7c.
āgann apāna ātmānaṃ vijite vijayāmy abhayaṃ me 'lokatāyā aputratāyā apaśutāyāḥ # śś.2.9.8. Cf. agan prāṇaḥ.
ā tvā viśantu sutāsa indra # AVś.2.5.4a; AVP.2.7.2ab. See prec.
ā tvā sutāsa indavaḥ # RV.8.49 (Vāl.1).3a.
ā naḥ sutāsa indavaḥ # RV.9.106.9a; SV.2.678a; JB.3.266.
ā no yāhi sutāvataḥ # RV.8.17.4a; AVś.20.4.1a; GB.2.3.14; Vait.21.1. P: ā no yāhi Vait.27.20.
ābhiṣ ṭvāhaṃ daśabhir abhimṛśāmi daśamāsyāya sūtavai (ApMB. sūtave) # HG.2.2.5; ApMB.2.11.15 (ApG.6.14.14). See daśamāsyāya.
āmuṣyā somam apibaś camū sutam # RV.8.4.4c; SV.2.1072c.
ā yāhy adribhiḥ sutam # RV.5.40.1a; AB.5.1.12; ā.; Aś.7.10.5; śś.18.12.6. P: ā yāhy adribhiḥ śś.10.4.5.
ā yāhy upa naḥ sutam # SV.1.227a. See o ṣu pra.
ārcann indraṃ papivāṃsaṃ sutasya # RV.5.29.2b.
ā vacyasva sudakṣa camvoḥ sutaḥ # RV.9.108.10a; SV.2.362a.
ā vidyutā pavate dhārayā sutaḥ # RV.9.84.3c.
āviśan kalaśaṃ sutaḥ # RV.9.62.19a; SV.1.489a.
idaṃ vaso sutam andhaḥ # RV.8.2.1a; SV.1.124a; 2.84a; AB.3.15.2; 4.6.9; 29.7; 5.4.12; 16.12; 8.1.4; JB.1.223; KB.15.2; 19.8; 20.2; 24.2; 25.3,10; GB.2.5.3; PB.9.2.16; śB.; ā.; Aś.5.14.4; 6.4.10; 7.11.24; śś.7.19.9; 17.9.3. P: idaṃ vaso sutam śś.9.14.1.
idaṃ hy anv ojasā # RV.3.51.10a; SV.1.165a; 2.87a; JB.1.224; PB.9.2.17; Aś.6.4.10; śś.9.15.1; 18.7.15; Svidh.1.4.14. P: idaṃ hy anv ojasā sutam AB.4.6.9; GB.2.5.3.
idaṃ me prasuva tvatprasūta idam ujjayāni # śB.
indo yad adribhiḥ sutaḥ # RV.9.24.5a; SV.2.314a.
indra id bhadrā pramatiḥ sutāvatām # RV.10.100.11b.
indraṃ sabādha ūtāyā i bṛhad gāyantas sutasome a (or ā) dhvārā (i) # JB.1.154. Udgītha based on RV.8.66.1bc. In the edition the udgītha and the prose of JB. are mixed up.
indraṃ somāsaḥ pradivi sutāsaḥ # RV.3.46.4c.
indra kratuvidaṃ sutam # RV.3.40.2a; AVś.20.6.2a; 7.4a; Aś.5.10.28. P: indra kratuvidam GB.2.3.14; śś.7.12.4.
indra tvam asutānām # RV.8.64.3b; AVś.20.93.3b; SV.2.706b.
indra devebhiḥ sakhibhiḥ sutaṃ naḥ # RV.3.47.3b.
indra piba pratikāmaṃ sutasya # RV.10.112.1a; GB.2.3.14a.
indra piba sutānām # RV.8.32.19c. Cf. imam indra sutam.
indra piba svadhayā cit sutasya # RV.3.35.10a.
indra pra tubhyaṃ vṛṣabhiḥ sutānām # RV.6.44.20c.
indrapraśiṣṭā varuṇaprasūtāḥ # AVP.6.3.13c; Kauś.3.3a,3c. See next.
indra prāvaḥ sutāvataḥ # RV.10.171.1b.
indram acha sutā ime # RV.9.106.1a; SV.1.566a; 2.44a; JB.3.30a,296 (bis); PB.11.10.4.
indra yathā sutasomeṣu cākanaḥ # RV.1.51.12c.
indravāyū ayaṃ sutaḥ # RV.4.46.6a.
indravāyū ime sutāḥ # RV.1.2.4a; VS.7.8a; 33.56a; TS.; MS.1.3.6a: 32.12; KS.4.2a; śB.; ā.; Aś.5.5.2; Apś.12.14.9; Mś. Ps: indravāyū ime śś.7.2.2; 10.10; indravāyū Kś.9.6.7.
indraś ca vāyav eṣāṃ (sutānām) # RV.5.51.6a. P: indraś ca vāyav eṣāṃ sutānām AB.5.1.12; Aś.7.10.5; śś.10.4.5.
indra śyenābhṛtaṃ sutam # RV.8.95.3b.
indra somasya varam ā sutasya # RV.10.116.2b.
indra somāḥ sutā ime # RV.3.40.4a; 42.5a; AVś.20.6.4a; 24.5a.
indras te soma sutasya peyāḥ (SV. -yāt) # RV.9.109.2a; SV.2.719.
indrasya pariṣūtam asi # KS.1.2; 31.1.
indraḥ sakhāyaṃ sutasomam ichan # RV.5.31.12b.
indraḥ somasya suṣutasya peyāḥ # RV.5.29.3b.
indrāgnī ā gataṃ sutam # RV.3.12.1a; SV.2.19a; VS.7.31a; TS.; MS.1.3.17a: 36.12; KS.4.7a; AB.2.37.17a; JB.1.319; 3.12; PB.11.2.3; 15.8.4; śB.; Aś.5.10.28 (bis); 7.2.4; śś.7.13.1,2,4; 12.1.5; Apś.12.27.8; Mś. Ps: indrāgnī ā gatam GB.2.3.15 (bis); Aś.7.5.17; indrāgnī Kś.9.13.20.
indrāgnī pibataṃ sutam (JBṃś. adds svāhā) # JB.1.353d; PB.9.9.8d; Kś.25.12.1d; Mś.3.6.13c.
indrāya tvā suṣuttamam # MS.1.3.3a: 30.14; 4.5.4a: 68.12; Mś. See indrāya suṣūtamam, and uttamena pavinendrāya.
indrāya pavate sutaḥ # RV.9.6.7b; 106.2b; SV.2.45b.
indrāya pātave sutaḥ # RV.9.1.1c; 100.5c; SV.1.468c; 2.39c; VS.26.25c; AB.8.8.9c; 20.3c; PB.8.4.5; N.11.3c.
indrāya madvane sutam # RV.8.92.19a; AVś.20.110.1a; SV.1.158a; 2.72a; AB.4.6.9; GB.2.5.3; JB.1.216; PB.9.2.7; Aś.6.4.10; śś.9.10.1; 18.6.2; Vait.40.1.
indrāya madvā madyo madaḥ sutaḥ # RV.9.86.35c.
indrāya madhumat sutam # RV.1.28.8c.
indrāya suṣūtamam (KS. suṣuttamam) # VS.6.30b; KS.3.10a; śB. See under indrāya tvā suṣuttamam.
indrāya somaṃ suṣutaṃ bharantaḥ (RV.10.30.13d, bharantīḥ) # RV.3.36.7b; 10.30.13d.
indrāya soma suṣutaḥ pari srava # RV.9.85.1a; SV.1.561a.
imaṃ rātaṃ sutaṃ piba # RV.8.32.21c. See asya rātau.
imaṃ sv asmai hṛda ā sutaṣṭam # RV.2.35.2a; KS.12.15a.
imaṃ jambhasutaṃ piba # RV.8.91.2c; AVP.4.26.2c; JB.1.220c.
imaṃ tīvrasutaṃ piba # ā.
imam apūpaṃ catuḥśarāvaṃ nirvapāmi kleśāvahaṃ pitṝṇāṃ sāṃparāye devena savitrā prasūtaḥ # HG.2.14.3.
imam indra sutaṃ piba # RV.1.84.4a; 8.6.36c; SV.1.344a; 2.299a; JB.3.82a; PB.12.12.4a; Aś.7.8.3; śś.11.11.19; 12.26.7,8; Apś.12.19.5a. P: imam indra Svidh.2.6.5. Cf. indra piba sutānām.
ime vāṃ somā apsv ā sutā iha # RV.1.135.6a.
iyaṃ yā pātra āsutā # AVP.5.10.4a.
iyam ambhasā vājasutastabhe gauḥ # AVP.12.9.6a.
iṣireṇa te manasā sutasya # RV.8.48.7a; KS.17.19a; N.4.7a.
iha stutaḥ sutapā bodhi no vṛdhe # RV.10.100.1b.
īśānasya devasya sutaṃ tarpayāmi # BDh.
ugrasya devasya sutaṃ tarpayāmi # BDh.
ucchiṣṭocchiṣṭopahataṃ yac ca pāpena dattaṃ mṛtasūtakād vā vasoḥ pavitram agniḥ savituś ca raśmayaḥ punantv annaṃ mama duṣkṛtaṃ ca yad anyat # MU.6.9. Apparently metrical. Cf. under next but one.
uta priyaḥ sutasomo miyedhaḥ # RV.3.32.12b.
uttamena pavinendrāya somaṃ suṣutaṃ madhumantaṃ payasvantaṃ vṛṣṭivanim # TS. See under indrāya tvā suṣuttamam.
uttānāyām ajanayan suṣūtam # RV.2.10.3a.
ut tvā sutāso rabhasā amandiṣuḥ # RV.1.82.6c.
upa naḥ sutam ā gatam # RV.5.71.3a; śś.7.11.4.
upa naḥ sutam ā gahi # RV.1.16.4a; 3.42.1a; AVś.20.24.1a; Vait.31.22. P: upa naḥ sutam ā gahi somam indra śś.9.18.3 (to RV.3.42.1).
upa no haribhiḥ sutam # RV.8.93.31a,31c,32c,33c; SV.1.150a,150c; 2.1140a,1140c,1141c,1142c; AB.5.7.5; 13.5; JB.1.203; KB.23.7; PB.12.13.3; TB.; Aś.7.12.15; 8.8.2. P: upa no haribhiḥ śś.10.8.9; 11.9.3.
upedaṃ savanaṃ sutam # RV.1.16.5b; 21.4b; 6.60.9b; SV.2.343b; JB.3.90b.
ūtaye vā sutapeyāya vārkaiḥ # RV.4.44.3b; AVś.20.143.3b.
ekādaśāso apsuṣadaḥ sutam # TS.
evendrāgnī papivāṃsā sutasya # RV.1.108.13a.
eṣa sya dhārayā sutaḥ # RV.9.108.5a; SV.1.584a; JB.3.192a; PB.14.5.2.
eṣa sya pītaye sutaḥ # RV.9.38.6a; SV.2.628a.
ehi naḥ sutaṃ piba # RV.8.65.5c.
oṃ savitṛprasūtaḥ bhavān # Kauś.9.9. Cf. savitṛprasūto.
oṃ bṛhaspatiprasūtaḥ karavāṇi # Kauś.9.9.
kaṇvānāṃ savane sutam # RV.8.8.3d.
kaṇvāsas tvā sutasomāsa indhate # RV.1.44.8c.
kaṇvāso vāṃ sutasomā abhidyavaḥ # RV.1.47.4c.
karad brahmaṇe sutarā sugādhā # RV.7.97.8d.
kasyāśvināv indro agniḥ sutasya # RV.4.25.3c.
kuvin ma ṛṣiṃ papivāṃsaṃ sutasya # RV.3.43.5c.
kṛṣṇā rajāṃsi patsutaḥ # RV.8.43.6a; KS.7.16a; śś.3.5.10.
kratvāyam asmad ā sutaḥ # RV.10.144.6d.
kṣiprā rājñā varuṇena prasūtāḥ # AVP.2.40.1d.
gabhastipūto nṛbhir adribhiḥ sutaḥ # RV.9.86.34c; N.5.6.
gamad indraṃ (SV.JB. indro) vṛṣā sutaḥ (SV. sutam) # RV.9.40.2b; SV.2.275b; JB.3.69.
gavy ā sutasya prabhṛtasya madhvaḥ # RV.10.116.4c.
gāyad gāthaṃ sutasomo duvasyan # RV.1.167.6d.
girvaṇaḥ pāhi naḥ sutam # RV.3.40.6a; AVś.20.6.6a; SV.1.195a; Svidh.3.1.3.
gītāya śailūṣam (TB. sūtam) # VS.30.6; TB.
gobhiḥ śrītasya nṛbhiḥ sutasya # RV.9.109.15b.
gobhiḥ saṃnaddhā patati prasūtā # RV.6.75.11b; AVP.15.11.2b; VS.29.48b; TS.; MS.3.16.3b: 187.2; KSA.6.1b; N.2.5; 9.19b.
gomadbhir grāvabhiḥ sutam # VS.26.5c.
gharma ivābhisaṃtāpaya (AVP. ivābhīt sutāpayan) # AVś.19.28.2d; AVP.12.21.2d.
ta ū sutasya somyasyāndhasaḥ # RV.10.94.8c.
taṃ cin mandāno vṛṣabhaḥ sutasya # RV.5.32.6c.
tapto gharmo virāṭ sutaḥ # VS.20.55b; MS.3.11.3b: 143.9; KS.38.8b; TB. See next.
tayā devāḥ sutam ā babhūvuḥ # TS.;; KSA.1.2c; TB. See sā no asmin suta.
tasmā indrāya sutam ā juhota (TB.Apś. juhomi) # VS.7.15b; VSK.7.6.4b; 7.5b; MS.1.3.12d: 35.5; KS.4.4d; 27.7; śB.; TB.; Apś.12.23.8d; 13.4.2d; Mś. Cf. next two, and tasmai sūryāya.
tasmā u adya samanā (SV. savane) sutaṃ bhara # RV.8.66.7c; AVś.20.97.1c; SV.1.272c; 2.1041c.
tasmai sūryāya sutam ājuhota (Apś. ājuhomi) # MS.1.3.12e: 35.6; KS.4.4e; 27.7; Apś.12.23.8; Mś. Cf. under tasmā indrāya sutam.
tasya te vājibhir bhakṣaṃkṛtasya vājibhiḥ sutasya vājipītasya vājinasyopahūtasyopahūto bhakṣayāmi # Apś.8.3.16. P: tasya te vājibhir bhakṣaṃkṛtasya Apś.8.7.10. See under prec. but one.
tāṃ vyūrṇuvantu sūtave # AVś.1.11.2d. See te vy etc.
tāsām ahiḥ patsutaḥśīr babhūva # RV.1.32.8d; AVP.12.12.8d.
tisro rātrīḥ surāsutā # VS.19.14d.
tīvrā asme sutāsaḥ # RV.8.2.10b.
tīvrā indram amamanduḥ sutāsaḥ # RV.5.30.13c.
tubhyaṃ somāḥ sutā ime # RV.8.93.25a. See tubhyaṃ sutāsaḥ.
tubhyaṃ pavanta indavaḥ sutāsaḥ # RV.6.41.1b; TB.
tubhyāyam adribhiḥ sutaḥ # RV.8.82.5a.
tṛpat (SV. tṛmpat) somam apibad viṣṇunā sutaṃ yathāvaśat (SV. -śam) # RV.2.22.1b; AVś.20.95.1b; SV.1.457b; 2.836b; TB.
tenāham adya manasā sutasya # KS.17.19c. See under ahaṃ tad asya.
tebhiḥ somasya pibataṃ sutasya # RV.1.108.5d. Cf. athā somasya etc.
te vy ūrṇuvantu sūtave # AVP.1.5.2d. See tāṃ vyetc.
trikadrukeṣv apibat sutasya # RV.1.32.3b; 2.15.1c; AVś.2.5.7b; AVP.12.12.3b; TB.
tvaṃ rājāsi pradivaḥ (VS.VSK. pratipat) sutānām # RV.3.47.1d; VS.7.38d; VSK.28.10d; TS.; MS.1.3.22d: 38.2; KS.4.8d; N.4.8d.
tvam īśiṣe sutānām # RV.8.64.3a; AVś.20.93.3a; SV.2.706a.
tvayā gām aśvaṃ puruṣaṃ (HG. gā aśvān puruṣān) sanema # AVś.5.29.1d; AVP.12.18.2d; HG.1.2.18d. See tvayā prasūtā.
tvayā prasūta idaṃ karma kariṣyāmi # SMB.2.4.6; JG.1.2.
tvayā prasūtā gām aśvaṃ pūruṣaṃ sanema svāhā # VārG.1.23d. See tvayā gām.
tvām adya ṛṣa ārṣeya ṛṣīṇāṃ (KSṭB. adyarṣa ārṣeyarṣīṇāṃ) napād avṛṇītāyaṃ (TB., -yaṃ sutāsutī) yajamānaḥ # VS.21.61; 28.23,46; MS.4.13.9: 211.9; KS.19.13; TB.;
tvāṃ mṛjanti daśa yoṣaṇaḥ sutam # RV.9.68.7a.
dadhanvira indra pibā sutasya # RV.10.104.1d.
dadhāmi te sutānām # RV.8.34.5a.
dadhiṣvā jaṭhare sutam # RV.3.40.5a; AVś.20.6.5a.
daśame māsi sūtave (JG. sūtavai) # RV.10.184.3d; RVKh.10.184.2d,3d; AVś.5.25.10d--13d; AVP.12.3.10d; 12.4.1d--4d; śB.; BṛhU.6.4.21d; ApMB.1.12.3d,4d,6d; MG.2.18.2d,4d (bis); JG.1.22d. See daśamāsyāya.
dasrā yuvākavaḥ sutāḥ # RV.1.3.3a; VS.33.58a.
dānāya śūram ud amandiṣuḥ sutāḥ # RV.9.81.1d.
dāśvāṃso dāśuṣaḥ sutam # RV.1.3.7c; VS.7.33c; TS.; MS.1.3.18c: 37.2; KS.4.7c; śB.; ā.; N.12.40c.
dive-dive haryaśvaprasūtāḥ # RV.3.30.12b.
divodāsāya sunvate sutakre # RV.6.31.4d.
divo mūrdhā vṛṣā sutaḥ # RV.9.27.3b; SV.2.638b.
dṛṣatpiṣṭā viṣāsutā # AVP.5.10.1b.
deva devebhyo haviḥ (SV. -bhyaḥ sutaḥ) # RV.1.13.11b; SV.2.255b. Cf. devo devebhyaḥ sutaḥ.
devasya tvā savituḥ prasave 'śvinor bāhubhyāṃ pūṣṇo hastābhyāṃ prati gṛhṇāmi # VS.2.11; VSK.2.3.4; TS.; MS.1.9.4: 133.13; KS.9.9 (sexies); KB.6.14; PB.1.8.1; JB.1.73; śB.; TA.3.10.1; Aś.1.13.1; śś.4.7.5 (cf. 4.21.7); Apś.14.11.2; AG.1.24.15. P: devasya tvā Lś.4.11.11; Kś.2.2.18; Kauś.91.3; PG.1.3.17; HG.1.11.7; JG.1.19. Cf. devasya tvā ... hastābhyāṃ prasūtaḥ praśiṣā pratigṛhṇāmi.
devasya tvā savituḥ prasave 'śvinor bāhubhyāṃ pūṣṇo hastābhyāṃ prasūta ā rabhe # AVś.19.51.2.
devasya tvā savituḥ prasave 'śvinor bāhubhyāṃ pūṣṇo hastābhyāṃ prasūtaḥ praśiṣā paristṛṇāmi # Kauś.2.21.
devasya tvā savituḥ prasave 'śvinor bāhubhyāṃ pūṣṇo hastābhyāṃ prasūtaḥ praśiṣā pratigṛhṇāmi # GB.2.1.2; Vait.3.9. Cf. devasya tvā ... hastābhyāṃ prati gṛhṇāmi.
devasya savituḥ prasave bṛhaspataye stuta # KS.17.7; 34.17; 37.17; GB.2.2.10. See next, and savitṛprasūtā bṛhaspataye.
devasya savituḥ prasave bṛhaspatiprasūtā (KS. -sūtāḥ) # MS.4.9.2: 123.5; KS.34.18 (bis). See under prec.
devānāṃ dūtaḥ purudha prasūtaḥ # RV.3.54.19a.
devānām etat pariṣūtam # AVś.11.5.23a; GB.1.2.7a. Cf. devānāṃ pariṣūtam.
devānāṃ pariṣūtam asi # TS.; MS.1.1.2: 1.8; 4.1.2: 3.2; TB.; Apś.1.3.6; Mś. Cf. devānām etat, and the ūha Apś.8.13.7.
devena savitrā prasūta ārtvijyaṃ kariṣyāmi # TB.; śś.1.4.5; Apś.3.18.4.
devena savitrā prasūtaḥ # śś.4.7.17; Mś.; ApMB.2.3.26; HG.1.5.2; 2.14.3.
devena savitrā prasūtaḥ prastotar devebhyo vācam iṣya # JUB.3.18.3,6.
devo devebhyaḥ sutaḥ # RV.9.3.9b; 99.7b; 103.6b; SV.2.108b,614b. Cf. deva etc.
dyāvāpṛthivī tat sutat # AVP.7.1.4b.
dyumnāni yeṣu vasutātī rāran # RV.1.122.12c.
dhārayā pavate sutaḥ # RV.9.3.10c; 42.2c; SV.2.615c.
dhārā pṛṣṭhasya rocate # SV.1.463d; 2.940d. See dhārā sutasya rocate.
na suyāśutarā bhuvat # RV.10.86.6b; AVś.20.126.6b.
nābrahmāṇo maghavānaṃ sutāsaḥ # RV.7.26.1b; śB.
ni rīraman tubhyam ime sutāsaḥ # RV.10.160.1d; AVś.20.96.1d.
nīthe-nīthe maghavānaṃ sutāsaḥ # RV.7.26.2b; TS.; ApMB.2.11.8b.
nūnaṃ janāḥ sūryeṇa prasūtāḥ # RV.7.63.4c; KS.10.13c; TB.; Apś.16.12.1c.
nṛbāhubhyāṃ codito dhārayā sutaḥ # RV.9.72.5a.
nṛbhir jigāya sutasomavadbhiḥ # RV.10.69.11b.
nṛbhir yemāno adribhiḥ sutaḥ # RV.9.109.18b; SV.2.512b.
nṛbhiḥ soma pracyuto grāvabhiḥ sutaḥ # RV.9.80.4c.
pañcadaśāt prasūtāt pitryāvataḥ # KBU.1.2b. See ardhamāsyaṃ prasutāt.
paya utseṣūta (AVP. uktheṣūta) parvateṣu # AVP.1.91.2b; Kauś.115.2b.
parīto vāyave sutam # RV.9.63.10a.
parīto ṣiñcatā sutam # RV.9.107.1a; SV.1.512a; 2.663a; VS.19.2a; MS.3.11.7a: 149.18; KS.37.18a; JB.2.421; 3.252a; PB.15.3.3; śB.; TB.; Apś.19.5.11; Mś.; Svidh.1.4.3; 7.9. P: parīto ṣiñcata Kś.19.1.22.
pavasvendo vṛṣā sutaḥ # RV.9.61.28a; SV.1.479a; 2.128a; JB.1.92; 3.21; PB.6.10.12; 11.6.3; 18.8.13. Fragment: vṛṣā sutaḥ JB.1.92.
pavitraṃ dhārayā sutaḥ # RV.9.51.5b.
pavitre camvoḥ sutaḥ # RV.9.36.1b; SV.1.490b.
pavitre dhārayā sutaḥ # RV.9.100.6b; SV.2.366b; JB.3.129b.
paśupater devasya sutaṃ tarpayāmi # BDh.
pātave camvoḥ sutam # RV.6.57.2b.
pātā vṛtrahā sutam # RV.8.2.26a; SV.2.1009a.
pitṛbhir vā te yadi sūtaḥ pariṣṭhitaḥ # AVP.5.37.4c.
piprīhi madhvaḥ suṣutasya cāroḥ # RV.5.33.7d.
pibataṃ śaṃbhuvā sutam # RV.6.60.7c; SV.2.341c; JB.3.90c.
pibā tv asya suṣutasya cāroḥ # RV.3.50.2d; 7.29.1c.
pibātho asme suṣutā madhūni # RV.7.67.4d.
pibā vardhasva tava ghā sutāsaḥ # RV.3.36.3a; Aś.5.16.2; GB.2.4.3. P: pibā vardhasva śś.7.24.6.
putravattvāya me suta # TA.1.1.2d (bis); 21.1d,2d.
purojitī vo andhasa ehyā , sūtāya mādayitnavā ehyā , āpa śvānaṃ śnāthīṣṭānā , tam aiho vā ehyā (read aihovā ehiyā, without tam) # JB.1.164. Variation of RV.9.101.1.
pṛṣṭhe ninaddho jayati prasūtaḥ # RV.6.75.5d; AVP.15.10.5d; VS.29.42d; TS.; MS.3.16.3d: 186.2; KSA.6.1d; N.9.14d.
pra carṣaṇī mādayethāṃ sutasya # RV.1.109.5d.
pra te sutāso madhumanto asthiran # RV.1.135.1f.
prabhartum āvad andhasaḥ sutasya # RV.3.48.1b.
prabhos te (SV.JB. prabhoṣ ṭe) sutaḥ pari yanti (JB. paryanti) ketavaḥ # RV.9.86.5b; SV.2.238b; JB.3.58.
prayasvantaḥ camū sutāḥ # RV.9.46.3b.
pra vaḥ sutāso harayanta pūrṇāḥ # RV.4.37.2c.
pra sū ta (AVś.AVP. prasūta) indra pravatā (AVP. indraḥpravatā) haribhyām # RV.3.30.6a; AVś.3.1.4a; AVP.3.6.4a.
pred u harivaḥ śrutasya (SV. sutasya) # RV.8.2.13c; SV.2.1154c; TS.
preṣo yandhi sutapāvan vājān # RV.6.24.9b.
barhiṣadaḥ svadhayā ye sutasya # MS.4.10.6c: 157.1. See barhiṣado ye.
barhiṣado ye svadhayā sutasya # RV.10.15.3c; AVś.18.1.45c; VS.19.56c; TS.; KS.21.14c; AB.3.37.16. See barhiṣadaḥ svadhayā.
barhiṣṭhāṃ grāvabhiḥ sutam # RV.3.42.2b; AVś.20.24.2b.
bṛhad gāyantaḥ sutasome adhvare # RV.8.66.1c; SV.1.237c; 2.37c.
bṛhaspatiḥ prasūtaḥ # Mś.;
bṛhaspatisutasya ta (MS. tā; omitted in KS., with hiatus between -sutasya and inda) indo (KSṃS. inda) indriyāvataḥ patnīvantaṃ (KS. -vato) grahaṃ gṛhṇāmi (KS. graham ṛdhyāsam; MS. grahaṃ rādhyāsam) # TS.; MS.1.3.29: 40.3; KS.4.11. Ps: bṛhaspatisutasya tā inda indriyāvataḥ MS.4.7.4: 97.10; bṛhaspatisutasya ta indriyāva (iti !) TS.; KS.28.8; bṛhaspatiprasutasya te Apś.13.14.7; bṛhaspatisutasya te Mś. See next.
bṛhaspatisutasya deva soma ta indor (VSK. inda) indriyāvataḥ patnīvato grahāṃ ṛdhyāsam # VS.8.9; VSK.8.6.1; śB. P: bṛhaspatisutasya Kś.10.6.16. See prec.
brahmāṇi me matayaḥ śaṃ sutāsaḥ # RV.1.165.4a; VS.33.78a; MS.4.11.3a: 168.12; KS.9.18a.
bhavasya devasya sutaṃ tarpayāmi # BDh.
bhīmasya devasya sutaṃ tarpayāmi # BDh.
bhūr indravantaḥ savitṛprasūtāḥ # Aś.5.2.12.
bhūr bhuvaḥ svar indravantaḥ savitṛprasūtāḥ # Aś.5.2.13.
bhūr bhuvaḥ svar bṛhaspatiprasūtaḥ # Aś.1.12.12; 13.7.
makṣū sthiraṃ śevṛdhaṃ sūta mātā # RV.10.61.20d.
matsarāsaḥ prasupaḥ (SV. -sutaḥ) sākam īrate # RV.9.69.6b; SV.2.720b; JB.3.298b.
madāya harayaḥ sutam # RV.8.46.7d.
madhumantaṃ camū sutam # RV.10.24.1b.
madho arṣanti dhārayā # SV.1.485c; 2.472c. See sutā arṣanti.
mandantu tvā mandinaḥ sutāsaḥ # RV.2.11.11b.
marudbhir indra sakhibhiḥ sutaṃ naḥ (N. sakhibhiḥ sajoṣāḥ) # RV.3.51.8b; N.5.15 (cf. Roth, Erl"auterungen, p. 65).
mahato devasya sutaṃ tarpayāmi # BDh.
mitrāvaruṇayos tvā hastābhyāṃ prasūtaḥ praśiṣā prayachāmi (Kauś.56.3, pratigṛhṇāmi) # Kauś.56.2,3; 57.4.
ya indrāya sutasomo dadāśat # RV.5.37.5d.
yataḥ prasūtā jagataḥ prasūtī # TA.10.1.1a; MahānU.1.4a.
yathā prasūtā savituḥ savāya # RV.1.113.1c; SV.2.1099c; N.2.19c.
yathā śāryāte apibaḥ sutasya # RV.3.51.7b; VS.7.35b; TS.; MS.1.3.19b: 37.5; KS.4.8b; śB.
yad atra riptaṃ rasinaḥ sutasya # VS.19.35a; KS.38.2a; śB.; TB.; Aś.3.9.5a. Ps: yad atra riptam Apś.19.8.11; yad atra Kś.19.3.14. See next.
yad atra śiṣṭaṃ rasinaḥ sutasya # MS.2.3.8a: 36.9; 3.11.7a: 151.4; KS.17.19a; AB.7.33.3a; 8.20.4a; TB.; Apś.19.3.4a. P: yad atra śiṣṭam Mś. See prec.
yad īṃ sutā amandiṣuḥ # RV.8.50 (Vāl.2).2d; AVś.20.51.4d.
yad īṃ sutāsa indavaḥ # RV.8.50 (Vāl.2).3a.
yad īṃ somāsaḥ suṣutā amandan # RV.5.30.10d.
yamaḥ sūyamānaḥ # VS.8.57. See yamo 'bhiṣutaḥ.
yamā cid atra yamasūr asūta # RV.3.39.3a.
yamo 'bhiṣutaḥ # TS.; KS.34.15. See yamaḥ sūyamānaḥ.
yasya tīvrasutaṃ madam # RV.6.43.2a.
ca sūtavaśā vaśā # AVś.12.4.44b.
yāhi haribhyāṃ sutasya pītim # RV.2.11.17d.
Vedabase Search
654 results
suta and childrenSB 10.65.7
SB 10.84.38
suta childrenCC Madhya 9.269
SB 10.29.33
SB 10.31.16
SB 10.87.34
SB 3.30.6
SB 5.1.4
SB 5.14.44
SB 5.5.8
suta for childrenSB 10.48.27
suta his sonSB 1.18.39
suta of her sonsSB 10.85.54
suta of sonsSB 5.14.28
suta sonCC Adi 12.19
SB 1.19.17
SB 2.4.2
suta sonsCC Antya 7.42
CC Madhya 19.210
MM 11
SB 11.2.16
SB 4.9.12
suta the sonSB 10.85.32-33
suta to childrenSB 10.51.47
suta-ādayaḥ childrenSB 1.10.29
suta-ādayaḥ childrenSB 1.10.29
suta-ādayaḥ children and othersSB 10.49.23
suta-ādayaḥ children and othersSB 10.49.23
suta-ādayaḥ children and so forthSB 10.46.38
suta-ādayaḥ children and so forthSB 10.46.38
suta-ādayaḥ children and so onSB 7.7.39
suta-ādayaḥ children and so onSB 7.7.39
suta-ādīnām and childrenSB 7.15.65
suta-ādīnām and childrenSB 7.15.65
suta-dāra-vatsalaḥ being attached to the children and wifeSB 5.13.18
suta-dāra-vatsalaḥ being attached to the children and wifeSB 5.13.18
suta-dāra-vatsalaḥ being attached to the children and wifeSB 5.13.18
suta-dāra-vatsalaḥ very affectionate to the children and wifeSB 5.14.32
suta-dāra-vatsalaḥ very affectionate to the children and wifeSB 5.14.32
suta-dāra-vatsalaḥ very affectionate to the children and wifeSB 5.14.32
suta-īkṣaṇam as a mother looks upon her childSB 10.6.34
suta-īkṣaṇam as a mother looks upon her childSB 10.6.34
suta-karma action taken by his sonSB 3.1.7
suta-karma action taken by his sonSB 3.1.7
suta-padavīm the place of her sonSB 10.7.24
suta-padavīm the place of her sonSB 10.7.24
suta-śatāni hundreds of sonsSB 9.24.66
suta-śatāni hundreds of sonsSB 9.24.66
suta-udbhavam the birth of a male childSB 10.5.9
suta-udbhavam the birth of a male childSB 10.5.9
suta-uktaḥ uttered by the sonSB 1.19.4
suta-uktaḥ uttered by the sonSB 1.19.4
suta-utpattim begetting childrenCC Adi 17.164
suta-utpattim begetting childrenCC Adi 17.164
suta-vacaḥ speech from his sonSB 7.5.25
suta-vacaḥ speech from his sonSB 7.5.25
suta a sonSB 6.18.26
SB 6.18.54
SB 7.5.37
SB 8.5.9
SB 9.1.10
SB 9.13.22
suta a sonSB 9.13.22
SB 9.13.25
SB 9.14.2
SB 9.15.1
suta a sonSB 9.15.1
SB 9.17.8
SB 9.22.20
SB 9.22.8
SB 9.23.14
SB 9.23.6
SB 9.24.19
SB 9.24.2
suta a sonSB 9.24.2
SB 9.7.10
suta a son (born of Lord Brahmā's mind)SB 6.14.27
suta as Your son (you wanted a son exactly like Me)SB 10.3.36
suta her sonSB 3.33.23
suta His sonSB 10.68.52
suta his sonSB 9.12.2
suta one sonSB 5.15.3
suta sonSB 10.35.14-15
SB 10.57.33
SB 10.66.27-28
SB 10.90.38
SB 3.1.30
SB 3.25.38
SB 4.1.37
SB 4.1.45
SB 4.8.65
SB 4.8.8
SB 9.12.10
SB 9.12.13
SB 9.12.2
SB 9.12.5
SB 9.12.7
SB 9.13.24
SB 9.2.23-24
SB 9.20.2
SB 9.24.37
SB 9.6.12
suta son (Baladeva, born of Rohiṇī)SB 10.5.27
suta the soma-yajñaSB 7.15.48-49
suta the sonCC Antya 15.14
CC Madhya 22.162
SB 10.3.41
SB 10.59.14
SB 10.62.2
SB 10.75.30
SB 10.78.38
SB 10.89.43-44
SB 11.2.15
SB 11.27.2
SB 12.1.1-2
SB 12.1.12
SB 12.1.15-17
suta the sonSB 12.1.15-17
SB 12.1.19
SB 12.1.21-26
SB 12.1.4
SB 12.1.5
SB 12.1.6-8
SB 3.21.5
SB 8.1.19
SB 8.1.23
SB 8.13.26
SB 8.13.29
SB 9.2.19
SB 9.2.21
SB 9.2.23-24
SB 9.2.25
SB 9.2.26
SB 9.2.29
SB 9.2.34
SB 9.22.2
SB 9.22.40
SB 9.22.42
SB 9.23.16
SB 9.24.40
SB 9.24.9
SB 9.6.4
suta the son (Arjuna)MM 45
suta the son (Garuḍa)SB 10.37.4
suta the son (Prahlāda)SB 7.5.28
suta was the sonSB 9.2.20
sutaḥ tasya his sonSB 9.13.17
sutaḥ tasya his sonSB 9.13.17
sutaiḥ and by their sonsSB 10.23.20-21
sutaiḥ by the sonsSB 3.12.6
sutaiḥ sonsSB 10.84.50
sutala-ālayam to the place known as SutalaSB 8.23.9
sutala-ālayam to the place known as SutalaSB 8.23.9
sutalam in the planet known as SutalaSB 8.22.32
SB 8.22.33
sutalam SutalaSB 5.24.7
sutalam the planet SutalaSB 8.23.3
sutalam the planetary system named SutalaSB 2.1.27
sutalam the subterranean planet of Sutala, ruled by Bali MahārājaSB 10.85.34
sutalam the third planetary system belowSB 2.5.40-41
sutale in the kingdom of SutalaSB 8.13.14
sutale on the planet known as SutalaSB 5.24.18
sutam a sonSB 10.3.40
SB 9.20.35
SB 9.21.25
sutam as her sonSB 10.11.20
sutam as his sonSB 10.3.11
SB 9.23.13
sutam for her sonSB 6.14.53
sutam her sonSB 10.11.14
SB 10.7.18
SB 10.7.22
SB 10.9.12
SB 10.9.8
sutam his sonSB 10.3.47
SB 7.5.43-44
SB 7.8.14
SB 9.6.9
sutam one's childSB 10.45.7
sutam sonSB 1.6.37
SB 1.7.42
SB 10.7.11
SB 3.1.15
SB 3.3.6
SB 4.1.49-52
SB 4.13.11
SB 4.13.14
SB 4.13.15-16
SB 4.9.49
SB 6.14.47
SB 9.7.20
sutam the sonSB 10.22.14
SB 10.8.7
SB 4.16.13
SB 6.14.52
sutam the son (Vasudeva's son)SB 10.3.51
sutam their sonSB 10.68.4
sutam to a sonSB 9.2.32
SB 9.20.17
sutam to his sonSB 9.6.6
sutam unto his sonSB 1.3.41
SB 7.5.29
sutam ādāya taking back his childSB 10.1.61
sutam ādāya taking back his childSB 10.1.61
sutañjayāt from SutañjayaSB 9.22.43
suta SutapāSB 10.3.32
sutapāḥ SutapāSB 9.12.12
SB 9.23.2
sutapasaḥ of SutapāSB 9.23.2
sutapasaḥ the SutapāsSB 8.13.12
sutarām especiallySB 10.60.54
SB 10.85.35
SB 11.7.15
sutarām excessivelySB 8.10.13-15
sutarām excessively, completelySB 10.10.41
sutarām highlySB 9.11.26
sutarām preliminarilySB 7.11.8-12
sutarām specificallySB 3.3.21
sutarām very muchSB 9.4.43
sutarām api almost immediatelySB 5.8.4
sutarām api almost immediatelySB 5.8.4
sutarām eva especiallySB 10.67.4
sutarām eva especiallySB 10.67.4
sutasya of her childSB 10.7.6
sutasya of her sonSB 10.7.35-36
SB 2.7.30
sutasya of the sonSB 1.4.5
sutasya of the sonSB 1.4.5
SB 10.26.18
SB 10.8.15
SB 4.12.41
SB 9.17.1-3
sutasya of the son, BhīṣmaSB 12.12.25-26
sutau sonsSB 10.85.18
SB 7.5.1
SB 9.24.15
sutau the two sonsSB 10.36.22-23
SB 10.36.30
SB 10.39.42-43
SB 3.21.2
SB 4.8.7
sutau their sonsSB 10.82.35
sutau their two sonsSB 11.31.18
sutau two sonsSB 6.18.37
SB 9.11.11
SB 9.24.13
sutayoḥ of the two sonsCC Adi 4.155
SB 10.21.7
abhimanyu-sutam the son of AbhimanyuSB 1.4.9
abhimanyu-suta son of AbhimanyuSB 1.17.45
ācārya-suta the son of ŚukrācāryaSB 7.8.2
pitṛ-bhrātṛ-suta-ādayaḥ your fathers, brothers, sons and othersSB 10.23.31
dharma-suta-ādibhiḥ by Yudhiṣṭhira (the son of Dharma) and othersSB 10.89.65
damaghoṣa-suta-ādīnām of the son of Damaghoṣa (Śiśupāla) and othersSB 7.10.41
ajamīḍha-suta was a son born from AjamīḍhaSB 9.22.3
śacī-suta-ākhyaḥ known as Śacīnandana, the son of mother ŚacīCC Antya 1.177
anamitra-suta the son of AnamitraSB 9.24.13
ańgiraḥ-pravara-sutam the son of the brāhmaṇa descending from the Āńgirā familySB 5.9.13
ańgiraḥ-suta the son of AńgirāSB 9.2.26
añjana-suta whose mother was AñjanāSB 1.3.24
bali-sutaiḥ with the sons of BaliSB 8.10.30-31
bhagīrathaḥ tasya suta his son BhagīrathaSB 9.9.2
pitṛ-bhrātṛ-suta-ādayaḥ your fathers, brothers, sons and othersSB 10.23.31
brahma-ṛṣi-sutasya of the son born of a brāhmaṇa exalted in spiritual consciousnessSB 5.9.17
brahma-ṛṣi-suta Jaḍa Bharata, the son of a highly educated brāhmaṇaSB 5.13.24
brahma-suta Ańgirā ṛṣi, the son of Lord BrahmāSB 6.14.29
brahma-suta the son of Lord BrahmāSB 6.15.17
brahma-sutam son of BrahmāSB 10.89.2
bṛhadratha-suta the son of Bṛhadratha (Jarāsandha)SB 10.72.16
daitya-sutaiḥ by the sons of the demonsSB 7.7.1
damaghoṣa-suta Śiśupāla, the son of DamaghoṣaSB 7.1.18
damaghoṣa-suta-ādīnām of the son of Damaghoṣa (Śiśupāla) and othersSB 7.10.41
damaghoṣa-suta Śiśupāla, the son of DamaghoṣaSB 10.52.40
damaghoṣa-suta the son of Damaghoṣa (Śiśupāla)SB 10.74.30
devakī-sutam the son of DevakīSB 10.8.7
devakī-suta of the son of DevakīSB 10.21.10
devakī-suta Kṛṣṇa, the son of DevakīSB 10.22.21
devakī-suta the son of DevakīSB 10.22.29
devakī-suta the son of DevakīSB 10.23.2
devakī-suta Kṛṣṇa, the son of DevakīSB 10.33.6
devakī-suta the son of DevakīSB 10.39.3
devakī-sutam Kṛṣṇa, the son of DevakīSB 10.39.25
devakī-suta Kṛṣṇa, the son of DevakīSB 10.41.37
devakī-suta the son of DevakīSB 10.45.12
devakī-suta Kṛṣṇa, the son of DevakīSB 10.45.20
devakī-suta the son of DevakīSB 10.55.35
devakī-suta the son of DevakīSB 10.58.55
devakī-suta son of DevakīSB 10.64.31
devakī-suta the son of DevakīSB 10.71.12
devakī-suta the son of DevakīSB 10.74.49
devakī-suta the son of DevakīSB 11.6.50
devakī-suta the son of DevakīSB 11.30.27
devakī-suta son of DevakīCC Madhya 8.95
devarāta-suta the son of Devarāta (Yājñavalkya)SB 12.6.64-65
dharma-suta sonSB 1.7.49
dharma-suta the son of Dharma (Yamarāja)SB 1.8.47
dharma-suta the son of DharmarājaSB 1.9.15
dharma-sutam by the son of Dharma (Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira)SB 3.3.18
dharma-suta the son of DharmarājaSB 5.18.1
dharma-suta the son of Yamarāja (Yudhiṣṭhira)SB 10.75.34-35
dharma-suta-ādibhiḥ by Yudhiṣṭhira (the son of Dharma) and othersSB 10.89.65
dvaipāyana-suta the son of DvaipāyanaSB 3.7.1
dvaipāyana-suta the son of VyāsadevaSB 8.5.14
gāndinī-suta the son of Gāndinī, AkrūraSB 10.41.6
gāndinī-suta Akrūra, son of GāndinīSB 10.49.3
gautamī-sutam the son of GautamīSB 1.7.33
nanda-gopa-sutam the son of Mahārāja NandaSB 10.22.4
nanda-gopa-sutam of the son of Nanda, the cowherd kingSB 10.47.50
gopendra-suta the son of Nanda MahārājaCC Madhya 8.287
gopikā-suta Kṛṣṇa, the son of mother Yaśodā (Kṛṣṇa as the son of Vasudeva is called Vāsudeva, and as the son of mother Yaśodā He is known as Kṛṣṇa)SB 10.9.21
gopikā-suta the son of mother YaśodāCC Madhya 8.227
gopikā-suta the son of mother YaśodāCC Madhya 9.132
gopikā-suta the son of mother YaśodāCC Madhya 24.86
gopikā-suta the son of mother YaśodāCC Antya 7.27
guru-sutam the son of his teacherSB 1.7.40
guru-sutam the side of his spiritual master's sonSB 9.14.6
guru-sutam the son of His spiritual masterSB 11.31.12
nārāyaṇa-suta h the son of Lord NārāyaṇaSB 10.55.12
haihaya-suta became the son of HaihayaSB 9.23.22
mṛta-hariṇī-suta the calf of the dead doeSB 5.8.16
hariṇī-sutam that ṛṣyaśṛńga, who was the son of a doeSB 9.23.6
jāmbavatī-suta the son of JāmbavatīSB 1.11.16-17
jāmbavatī-suta the son of JāmbavatīSB 1.14.31
jāmbavatī-suta the son of JāmbavatīSB 10.68.1
sāmbam jāmbavatī-sutam Sāmba, the son of JāmbavatīSB 11.1.13-15
jarā-suta the son of JarāSB 10.50.20
jarā-suta the son of JarāSB 10.50.47
jarā-suta of the son of JarāSB 10.71.3
kadru-sutam the son of Kadru (Kāliya)SB 10.17.7
kṛtadhvaja-suta the son of KṛtadhvajaSB 9.13.19
kṛtavarma-suta the son of KrtavarmāSB 10.61.24
mahānandi-suta the son of MahānandiSB 12.1.6-8
marut-suta by HanumānSB 9.10.19
marut-suta Hanumān, the son of the wind-godSB 9.10.42-43
me suta is my sonSB 10.8.42
mitrā-suta the son of Mitra-SB 3.4.36
mṛga-sutam the son of a deerSB 5.8.29
mṛgī-suta son of MṛgīSB 11.8.18
mṛta-hariṇī-suta the calf of the dead doeSB 5.8.16
nanda-gopa-sutam the son of Mahārāja NandaSB 10.22.4
nanda-suta the son of King NandaSB 10.22.5
nanda-gopa-sutam of the son of Nanda, the cowherd kingSB 10.47.50
nanda-suta the son of Nanda MahārājaCC Adi 2.9
sei nanda-suta the same son of Nanda MahārājaCC Adi 17.295
nārāyaṇa-suta h the son of Lord NārāyaṇaSB 10.55.12
nija-sutau their own respective sonsSB 10.8.23
pāṇḍu-suta the sons of King PāṇḍuSB 1.19.35
pāṇḍu-suta Yudhiṣṭhira, the son of PāṇḍuSB 7.1.14-15
pāṇḍu-sutasya the son of PāṇḍuSB 10.74.13-15
pāṇḍu-sutasya of the son of PāṇḍuSB 10.74.53
vraja-pati-sutasya from the son of Nanda MahārājaCC Antya 14.73
pitṛ-bhrātṛ-suta-ādayaḥ your fathers, brothers, sons and othersSB 10.23.31
prajāpati-suta the son of Lord BrahmāSB 3.21.25
ańgiraḥ-pravara-sutam the son of the brāhmaṇa descending from the Āńgirā familySB 5.9.13
putrikā-suta the son of his maternal grandfatherSB 9.22.32
reṇukā-suta ParaśurāmaSB 1.9.6-7
rohiṇī-sutam the son of Rohiṇī (Balarāma)SB 10.18.24
rohiṇī-suta the son of Rohiṇī, Lord BalarāmaSB 10.44.1
rohiṇī-suta the son of Rohiṇī, Lord BalarāmaSB 10.44.41
rohiṇī-sutam BalarāmaCC Madhya 19.206
rohita-suta the son of King RohitaSB 9.8.1
romapāda-suta the son of RomapādaSB 9.24.2
brahma-ṛṣi-sutasya of the son born of a brāhmaṇa exalted in spiritual consciousnessSB 5.9.17
brahma-ṛṣi-suta Jaḍa Bharata, the son of a highly educated brāhmaṇaSB 5.13.24
rucirāśva-suta the son of RucirāśvaSB 9.21.24
rukmiṇī-suta the son of Rukmiṇī (Pradyumna)SB 10.76.17
rukmiṇī-suta the son of Rukmiṇī (Pradyumna)SB 10.77.2
rukmiṇī-suta son of RukmiṇīSB 10.90.35
sa-suta along with son, KṛtavarmāSB 1.14.28-29
sa-suta together with his son (Kārtikeya, the general of the demigods' army)SB 10.63.6
śacī-suta the son of ŚacīCC Madhya 1.6
śacī-suta the son of Śrīmatī ŚacīmātāCC Madhya 2.44
śacī-suta-ākhyaḥ known as Śacīnandana, the son of mother ŚacīCC Antya 1.177
śacī-suta to the son of mother ŚacīCC Antya 5.2
saha-suta together with his sonsSB 10.74.10-11
sahadeva-suta the son of SahadevaSB 9.22.29
sāmbam jāmbavatī-sutam Sāmba, the son of JāmbavatīSB 11.1.13-15
satyavatī-suta the son of SatyavatīSB 1.6.1
satyavatī-suta Jamadagni, the son of SatyavatīSB 9.16.7
sei nanda-suta the same son of Nanda MahārājaCC Adi 17.295
soma-suta the son of the moonSB 5.22.13
somarāja-sutam unto the son of the king of the moonSB 9.1.35
śūra-suta the son of Śūrasena (Vasudeva)SB 10.45.26
pāṇḍu-suta the sons of King PāṇḍuSB 1.19.35
vinatā-suta of Garuḍa, the son of VinatāSB 3.15.40
damaghoṣa-suta-ādīnām of the son of Damaghoṣa (Śiśupāla) and othersSB 7.10.41
vipra-suta O son of a brāhmaṇaSB 8.18.32
marut-suta by HanumānSB 9.10.19
devakī-suta of the son of DevakīSB 10.21.10
pitṛ-bhrātṛ-suta-ādayaḥ your fathers, brothers, sons and othersSB 10.23.31
damaghoṣa-suta Śiśupāla, the son of DamaghoṣaSB 10.52.40
nārāyaṇa-suta h the son of Lord NārāyaṇaSB 10.55.12
jarā-suta of the son of JarāSB 10.71.3
dharma-suta-ādibhiḥ by Yudhiṣṭhira (the son of Dharma) and othersSB 10.89.65
nanda-suta the son of Nanda MahārājaCC Adi 2.9
vrajendra-suta the son of Nanda MahārājaCC Adi 5.225
sei nanda-suta the same son of Nanda MahārājaCC Adi 17.295
śacī-suta the son of ŚacīCC Madhya 1.6
śacī-suta the son of Śrīmatī ŚacīmātāCC Madhya 2.44
gopendra-suta the son of Nanda MahārājaCC Madhya 8.287
vrajeśvarī-suta the son of mother YaśodāCC Madhya 9.133
śacī-suta-ākhyaḥ known as Śacīnandana, the son of mother ŚacīCC Antya 1.177
śacī-suta to the son of mother ŚacīCC Antya 5.2
añjana-suta whose mother was AñjanāSB 1.3.24
satyavatī-suta the son of SatyavatīSB 1.6.1
dharma-suta sonSB 1.7.49
dharma-suta the son of Dharma (Yamarāja)SB 1.8.47
reṇukā-suta ParaśurāmaSB 1.9.6-7
dharma-suta the son of DharmarājaSB 1.9.15
jāmbavatī-suta the son of JāmbavatīSB 1.11.16-17
sa-suta along with son, KṛtavarmāSB 1.14.28-29
jāmbavatī-suta the son of JāmbavatīSB 1.14.31
abhimanyu-suta son of AbhimanyuSB 1.17.45
mitrā-suta the son of Mitra-SB 3.4.36
dvaipāyana-suta the son of DvaipāyanaSB 3.7.1
prajāpati-suta the son of Lord BrahmāSB 3.21.25
vainya-suta the son of King PṛthuSB 4.19.16
mṛta-hariṇī-suta the calf of the dead doeSB 5.8.16
brahma-ṛṣi-suta Jaḍa Bharata, the son of a highly educated brāhmaṇaSB 5.13.24
dharma-suta the son of DharmarājaSB 5.18.1
soma-suta the son of the moonSB 5.22.13
tat-suta the son of the SādhyasSB 6.6.7
brahma-suta Ańgirā ṛṣi, the son of Lord BrahmāSB 6.14.29
brahma-suta the son of Lord BrahmāSB 6.15.17
pāṇḍu-suta Yudhiṣṭhira, the son of PāṇḍuSB 7.1.14-15
damaghoṣa-suta Śiśupāla, the son of DamaghoṣaSB 7.1.18
ācārya-suta the son of ŚukrācāryaSB 7.8.2
tārkṣya-suta Garuḍa, the son of TārkṣyaSB 7.8.25
dvaipāyana-suta the son of VyāsadevaSB 8.5.14
virocana-suta the son of VirocanaSB 8.13.12
upaśloka-suta born of UpaślokaSB 8.13.21
tārkṣya-suta GaruḍaSB 8.21.26
tat-suta the son of him (Pūrṇa)SB 9.2.19
ańgiraḥ-suta the son of AńgirāSB 9.2.26
tat-suta the son of him (Rājyavardhana)SB 9.2.29
tat-suta the son of him (Nara)SB 9.2.30
tat-suta his sonSB 9.6.20
tat-suta his sonSB 9.6.20
tat-suta the son of YuvanāśvaSB 9.6.21
tat-suta his sonSB 9.6.23-24
tat-suta the son of AmbarīṣaSB 9.7.1
tat-suta the son of AnaraṇyaSB 9.7.4
rohita-suta the son of King RohitaSB 9.8.1
tat-suta the son of VijayaSB 9.8.2
tat-suta the son of AṃśumānSB 9.9.2
bhagīrathaḥ tasya suta his son BhagīrathaSB 9.9.2
marut-suta Hanumān, the son of the wind-godSB 9.10.42-43
tat-suta his sonSB 9.12.1
tat-suta the son of AnīhaSB 9.12.2
tat-suta the son of PratīkāśvaSB 9.12.11
tat-suta the son of ŚuddhodaSB 9.12.14
tat-suta his sonSB 9.13.17
kṛtadhvaja-suta the son of KṛtadhvajaSB 9.13.19
tat-suta the son of BhānumānSB 9.13.19
tat-suta the son of ṛtaSB 9.13.26
satyavatī-suta Jamadagni, the son of SatyavatīSB 9.16.7
tat-suta his sonSB 9.17.16
tat-suta the son of HīnaSB 9.17.17
tat-suta his sonSB 9.20.3
tat-suta the son of RebhiSB 9.20.7
tat-suta the son of JayadrathaSB 9.21.23
rucirāśva-suta the son of RucirāśvaSB 9.21.24
tat-suta the son of YavīnaraSB 9.21.27
tat-suta the son of NīlaSB 9.21.30
tat-suta the son of SatyadhṛtiSB 9.21.35
tat-suta the son of MitrāyuSB 9.22.1
ajamīḍha-suta was a son born from AjamīḍhaSB 9.22.3
tat-suta his (ṛṣabha's) sonSB 9.22.7
tat-suta his (Puṣpavān's) sonSB 9.22.7
sahadeva-suta the son of SahadevaSB 9.22.29
putrikā-suta the son of his maternal grandfatherSB 9.22.32
tat-suta his sonSB 9.22.39
tat-suta his sonSB 9.22.43
tat-suta son of KālanaraSB 9.23.1
tat-suta the son of CaturańgaSB 9.23.6
tat-suta the son of BhānumānSB 9.23.17
tat-suta the son of KarandhamaSB 9.23.17
haihaya-suta became the son of HaihayaSB 9.23.22
tat-suta the son of UśanāSB 9.23.34
romapāda-suta the son of RomapādaSB 9.24.2
tat-suta the son of KṛtiSB 9.24.2
anamitra-suta the son of AnamitraSB 9.24.13
tat-suta the son of him (Śūra)SB 9.24.26
tat-suta the son of him (Bhoja)SB 9.24.26
ugrasena-suta the son of UgrasenaSB 10.1.30
me suta is my sonSB 10.8.42
gopikā-suta Kṛṣṇa, the son of mother Yaśodā (Kṛṣṇa as the son of Vasudeva is called Vāsudeva, and as the son of mother Yaśodā He is known as Kṛṣṇa)SB 10.9.21
nanda-suta the son of King NandaSB 10.22.5
devakī-suta Kṛṣṇa, the son of DevakīSB 10.22.21
devakī-suta the son of DevakīSB 10.22.29
devakī-suta the son of DevakīSB 10.23.2
devakī-suta Kṛṣṇa, the son of DevakīSB 10.33.6
devakī-suta the son of DevakīSB 10.39.3
gāndinī-suta the son of Gāndinī, AkrūraSB 10.41.6
devakī-suta Kṛṣṇa, the son of DevakīSB 10.41.37
rohiṇī-suta the son of Rohiṇī, Lord BalarāmaSB 10.44.1
tārkṣya-suta the son of Tārkṣya, GaruḍaSB 10.44.36
rohiṇī-suta the son of Rohiṇī, Lord BalarāmaSB 10.44.41
devakī-suta the son of DevakīSB 10.45.12
devakī-suta Kṛṣṇa, the son of DevakīSB 10.45.20
śūra-suta the son of Śūrasena (Vasudeva)SB 10.45.26
gāndinī-suta Akrūra, son of GāndinīSB 10.49.3
jarā-suta the son of JarāSB 10.50.20
jarā-suta the son of JarāSB 10.50.47
devakī-suta the son of DevakīSB 10.55.35
devakī-suta the son of DevakīSB 10.58.55
kṛtavarma-suta the son of KrtavarmāSB 10.61.24
sa-suta together with his son (Kārtikeya, the general of the demigods' army)SB 10.63.6
vairocani-suta son of Vairocani (Bali)SB 10.63.47
devakī-suta son of DevakīSB 10.64.31
jāmbavatī-suta the son of JāmbavatīSB 10.68.1
devakī-suta the son of DevakīSB 10.71.12
bṛhadratha-suta the son of Bṛhadratha (Jarāsandha)SB 10.72.16
saha-suta together with his sonsSB 10.74.10-11
damaghoṣa-suta the son of Damaghoṣa (Śiśupāla)SB 10.74.30
devakī-suta the son of DevakīSB 10.74.49
dharma-suta the son of Yamarāja (Yudhiṣṭhira)SB 10.75.34-35
rukmiṇī-suta the son of Rukmiṇī (Pradyumna)SB 10.76.17
rukmiṇī-suta the son of Rukmiṇī (Pradyumna)SB 10.77.2
rukmiṇī-suta son of RukmiṇīSB 10.90.35
tat-suta his sonSB 11.2.15
devakī-suta the son of DevakīSB 11.6.50
mṛgī-suta son of MṛgīSB 11.8.18
devakī-suta the son of DevakīSB 11.30.27
tat-suta his sonSB 12.1.4
tat-suta the son of AjātaśatruSB 12.1.5
mahānandi-suta the son of MahānandiSB 12.1.6-8
suyaśaḥ-suta the son of SuyaśāSB 12.1.13
tat-suta his sonSB 12.1.21-26
tat-suta his sonSB 12.1.21-26
tat-suta the son of MāṇḍūkeyaSB 12.6.57
devarāta-suta the son of Devarāta (Yājñavalkya)SB 12.6.64-65
tat-suta the son of SumantuSB 12.6.75
devakī-suta son of DevakīCC Madhya 8.95
gopikā-suta the son of mother YaśodāCC Madhya 8.227
gopikā-suta the son of mother YaśodāCC Madhya 9.132
gopikā-suta the son of mother YaśodāCC Madhya 24.86
gopikā-suta the son of mother YaśodāCC Antya 7.27
daitya-sutaiḥ by the sons of the demonsSB 7.7.1
bali-sutaiḥ with the sons of BaliSB 8.10.30-31
yat-sutaiḥ by the sons of whomSB 9.8.4
abhimanyu-sutam the son of AbhimanyuSB 1.4.9
gautamī-sutam the son of GautamīSB 1.7.33
guru-sutam the son of his teacherSB 1.7.40
dharma-sutam by the son of Dharma (Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira)SB 3.3.18
sva-sutam her sonSB 3.25.6
mṛga-sutam the son of a deerSB 5.8.29
ańgiraḥ-pravara-sutam the son of the brāhmaṇa descending from the Āńgirā familySB 5.9.13
tat-sutam his son (Prahlāda Mahārāja)SB 7.8.41
somarāja-sutam unto the son of the king of the moonSB 9.1.35
tat-sutam the son of him (Prāṃśu)SB 9.2.23-24
tat-sutam his son (the son of ṛtūparṇa)SB 9.9.16-17
guru-sutam the side of his spiritual master's sonSB 9.14.6
hariṇī-sutam that ṛṣyaśṛńga, who was the son of a doeSB 9.23.6
devakī-sutam the son of DevakīSB 10.8.7
kadru-sutam the son of Kadru (Kāliya)SB 10.17.7
rohiṇī-sutam the son of Rohiṇī (Balarāma)SB 10.18.24
nanda-gopa-sutam the son of Mahārāja NandaSB 10.22.4
devakī-sutam Kṛṣṇa, the son of DevakīSB 10.39.25
nanda-gopa-sutam of the son of Nanda, the cowherd kingSB 10.47.50
vasudeva-sutam the son of VasudevaSB 10.51.39-40
sva-sutam her sonSB 10.55.30
tārkṣya-sutam Garuḍa, the son of TārkṣyaSB 10.59.7
brahma-sutam son of BrahmāSB 10.89.2
sāmbam jāmbavatī-sutam Sāmba, the son of JāmbavatīSB 11.1.13-15
guru-sutam the son of His spiritual masterSB 11.31.12
rohiṇī-sutam BalarāmaCC Madhya 19.206
brahma-ṛṣi-sutasya of the son born of a brāhmaṇa exalted in spiritual consciousnessSB 5.9.17
sva-sutasya of her own childSB 10.9.7
pāṇḍu-sutasya the son of PāṇḍuSB 10.74.13-15
pāṇḍu-sutasya of the son of PāṇḍuSB 10.74.53
vraja-pati-sutasya from the son of Nanda MahārājaCC Antya 14.73
tat-sutau her sonsSB 4.10.1
viśravaḥ-sutau the sons of ViśravāSB 7.1.44
nija-sutau their own respective sonsSB 10.8.23
sva-sutau their own two sonsSB 10.8.25
tat-sutau his two sonsSB 10.36.19
vasudeva-sutau at the two sons of VasudevaSB 10.41.7
suyaśaḥ-suta the son of SuyaśāSB 12.1.13
sva-sutam her sonSB 3.25.6
sva-sutau their own two sonsSB 10.8.25
sva-sutasya of her own childSB 10.9.7
sva-sutam her sonSB 10.55.30
tārkṣya-suta Garuḍa, the son of TārkṣyaSB 7.8.25
tārkṣya-suta GaruḍaSB 8.21.26
tārkṣya-suta the son of Tārkṣya, GaruḍaSB 10.44.36
tārkṣya-sutam Garuḍa, the son of TārkṣyaSB 10.59.7
bhagīrathaḥ tasya suta his son BhagīrathaSB 9.9.2
tat-sutau her sonsSB 4.10.1
tat-suta the son of the SādhyasSB 6.6.7
tat-sutam his son (Prahlāda Mahārāja)SB 7.8.41
tat-suta the son of him (Pūrṇa)SB 9.2.19
tat-sutam the son of him (Prāṃśu)SB 9.2.23-24
tat-suta the son of him (Rājyavardhana)SB 9.2.29
tat-suta the son of him (Nara)SB 9.2.30
tat-suta his sonSB 9.6.20
tat-suta his sonSB 9.6.20
tat-suta the son of YuvanāśvaSB 9.6.21
tat-suta his sonSB 9.6.23-24
tat-suta the son of AmbarīṣaSB 9.7.1
tat-suta the son of AnaraṇyaSB 9.7.4
tat-suta the son of VijayaSB 9.8.2
tat-suta the son of AṃśumānSB 9.9.2
tat-sutam his son (the son of ṛtūparṇa)SB 9.9.16-17
tat-suta his sonSB 9.12.1
tat-suta the son of AnīhaSB 9.12.2
tat-suta the son of PratīkāśvaSB 9.12.11
tat-suta the son of ŚuddhodaSB 9.12.14
tat-suta his sonSB 9.13.17
tat-suta the son of BhānumānSB 9.13.19
tat-suta the son of ṛtaSB 9.13.26
tat-suta his sonSB 9.17.16
tat-suta the son of HīnaSB 9.17.17
tat-suta his sonSB 9.20.3
tat-suta the son of RebhiSB 9.20.7
tat-suta the son of JayadrathaSB 9.21.23
tat-suta the son of YavīnaraSB 9.21.27
tat-suta the son of NīlaSB 9.21.30
tat-suta the son of SatyadhṛtiSB 9.21.35
tat-suta the son of MitrāyuSB 9.22.1
tat-suta his (ṛṣabha's) sonSB 9.22.7
tat-suta his (Puṣpavān's) sonSB 9.22.7
tat-suta his sonSB 9.22.39
tat-suta his sonSB 9.22.43
tat-suta son of KālanaraSB 9.23.1
tat-suta the son of CaturańgaSB 9.23.6
tat-suta the son of BhānumānSB 9.23.17
tat-suta the son of KarandhamaSB 9.23.17
tat-suta the son of UśanāSB 9.23.34
tat-suta the son of KṛtiSB 9.24.2
tat-suta the son of him (Śūra)SB 9.24.26
tat-suta the son of him (Bhoja)SB 9.24.26
tat-sutau his two sonsSB 10.36.19
tat-suta his sonSB 11.2.15
tat-suta his sonSB 12.1.4
tat-suta the son of AjātaśatruSB 12.1.5
tat-suta his sonSB 12.1.21-26
tat-suta his sonSB 12.1.21-26
tat-suta the son of MāṇḍūkeyaSB 12.6.57
tat-suta the son of SumantuSB 12.6.75
ugrasena-suta the son of UgrasenaSB 10.1.30
upaśloka-suta born of UpaślokaSB 8.13.21
vainya-suta the son of King PṛthuSB 4.19.16
vairocani-suta son of Vairocani (Bali)SB 10.63.47
vasudeva-sutau at the two sons of VasudevaSB 10.41.7
vasudeva-sutam the son of VasudevaSB 10.51.39-40
vinatā-suta of Garuḍa, the son of VinatāSB 3.15.40
vipra-suta O son of a brāhmaṇaSB 8.18.32
virocana-suta the son of VirocanaSB 8.13.12
viśravaḥ-sutau the sons of ViśravāSB 7.1.44
vraja-pati-sutasya from the son of Nanda MahārājaCC Antya 14.73
vrajendra-suta the son of Nanda MahārājaCC Adi 5.225
vrajeśvarī-suta the son of mother YaśodāCC Madhya 9.133
yat-sutaiḥ by the sons of whomSB 9.8.4
62 results
suta noun (masculine) a king (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a son (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
child (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of the 10th Manu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of the 5th astrological house (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 133/72933
suta noun (masculine) a Soma libation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the expressed Soma-juice (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 72922/72933
sutailā noun (feminine) the plant Mahājyotishmati (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 70822/72933
sutajīva noun (masculine) Nageia Putranjiva
Frequency rank 70800/72933
sutajīvaka noun (masculine) Putranjīva Roxburghii (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 70801/72933
sutala noun (masculine neuter) the second of the seven divisions of the regions under the earth (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 14566/72933
sutamas noun (neuter) [Sāṃkhya] one of the nine tuṣṭis
Frequency rank 70809/72933
sutantri adjective melodious (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
well accompanied on the lute (as a song) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 70806/72933
sutantu noun (masculine) name of a Dānava (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Viṣṇu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 70805/72933
sutantū noun (feminine) name of a daughter of Ugrasena
Frequency rank 70804/72933
sutanu noun (feminine) a fair woman (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a concubine of Vasudeva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a daughter of Ahuka (wife of Akrūra) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a daughter of Ugrasena (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 25880/72933
sutapa noun (masculine) name of a class of gods under the eighth Manu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 70807/72933
sutapas noun (masculine) an ascetic (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
hermit (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a class of gods under the eighth Manu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Pariṣṇava name of a son of Sena name of a son of Vasiṣṭha name of other persons (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of various Ṛṣis and their sons under various Manus (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the sun (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 12735/72933
sutapta adjective greatly harassed or afflicted (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
much heated (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
purified by heat (as gold) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
very hot (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
very severe (as a penance) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 11479/72933
sutapādukā noun (feminine) a species of Mimosa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 70808/72933
sutara adjective easily passed (as a night) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
easy to be crossed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 70810/72933
sutarpayant adjective well satiating or satisfying (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 70811/72933
sutarām indeclinable excessively (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
in a higher degree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
still more (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 5352/72933
sutasoma noun (masculine) name of a prince (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Bhīmasena (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 12736/72933
sutatreṇī noun (feminine) a kind of plant
Frequency rank 70803/72933
sutaśreṇī noun (feminine) the plant Salvinia Cucullata (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 20320/72933
sutaṇḍula noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 70802/72933
anilasuta noun (masculine) name of Hanuman
Frequency rank 31866/72933
ambikāsuta noun (masculine) name of Dhṛtarāṣṭra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 14682/72933
arkasuta noun (masculine) name of Karṇa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 44899/72933
aśvinīsuta noun (masculine) name of either of the two Aśvins
Frequency rank 45703/72933
asuta adjective not pressed out (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
not ready (as the Soma juice) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 45959/72933
asutara adjective not to be easily passed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 32891/72933
āsuta noun (neuter) a manner of pressing the Soma (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a mixture (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 23407/72933
karṇīsuta noun (masculine) name of Kaṃsa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 33872/72933
kāmasuta noun (masculine) Aniruddha (the son of Kāmadeva) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 49165/72933
kṛtīsuta noun (masculine) name of Ruciparvan (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 49941/72933
kṣitisuta noun (masculine) name of the demon Naraka (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the planet Mars (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 50563/72933
gaṅgāsuta noun (masculine) name of Bhīṣma (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of the deity Kārttikeya (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 27772/72933
godhikāsuta noun (masculine) a kind of animal
Frequency rank 51536/72933
gautamīsuta noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 23911/72933
candrasuta noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 52075/72933
janisuta noun (masculine) name of Hanuman
Frequency rank 52664/72933
jinasuta noun (masculine) a Bodhisattva
Frequency rank 28104/72933
tapaḥsuta noun (masculine) Yudhiṣṭhira (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 53303/72933
dakṣasuta noun (masculine) a son of Dakṣa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
god (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 54130/72933
ditisuta noun (masculine) a Daitya (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 19432/72933
duḥsuta noun (masculine) a bad son
Frequency rank 54852/72933
dharaṇīsuta noun (masculine) metron. of Aṅgiras or the planet Mars (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 55331/72933
dharmasuta noun (masculine) name of Yudhishthira (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 7428/72933
pavanasuta noun (masculine) name of Hanuman
Frequency rank 28952/72933
pṛthāsuta noun (masculine) name of Pāṇḍu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 58369/72933
bhṛgusuta noun (masculine) name of Paraśurāma (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the planet Venus (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 29485/72933
bhūmisuta noun (masculine) the planet Mars (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 61006/72933
bhūsuta noun (masculine) the planet Mars (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 37936/72933
mahīsuta noun (masculine) the planet Mars (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 61944/72933
māyādevīsuta noun (masculine) a Buddha name of Gautama Buddha
Frequency rank 62082/72933
mṛtyusuta noun (masculine) name of a class of comets (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 62476/72933
raghusuta noun (masculine) name of Lakṣmaṇa name of Rāma (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 63267/72933
rādhāsuta noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 38738/72933
vāyusuta noun (masculine) name of Hanuman
Frequency rank 17199/72933
virāṭsuta noun (masculine) name of a class of deceased ancestors (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 65984/72933
śakrasuta noun (masculine) name of Arjuna (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of the monkey Vālin (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 67102/72933
sahasuta adjective with her/his son
Frequency rank 69678/72933
siṃhikāsuta noun (masculine) metron. of Rāhu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 31014/72933
surabhīsuta noun (masculine) cattle (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
oxen (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 71131/72933
somasuta noun (masculine) name of Budha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 20353/72933


Plant ibon-ibonan, Rhinacanthus nasuta.

Wordnet Search
"suta" has 29 results.


śaniḥ, śanaiścaraḥ, śauriḥ, sauraḥ, sauriḥ, revatibhavaḥ, chāyāsutaḥ, chāyātanayaḥ, chāyātmajaḥ   

khagolīyapiṇḍaḥ yaḥ sauramālāyāṃ saptamasthāne asti।

śaniḥ pṛthivīgrahād atidūre asti।


pradyumnaḥ, harisutaḥ, kārṣṇiḥ   

rukmiṇīkṛṣṇayoḥ jyeṣṭhaḥ putraḥ।

viṣṇupurāṇānusāreṇa pradyumnaḥ kāmadevasya avatāraḥ asti।


aśvatthāmā, kṛpīsutaḥ, droṇaputraḥ, droṇiḥ   

droṇācāryasya putraḥ yaḥ amaraḥ asti iti manyante।

aśvatthāmnaḥ mṛtyoḥ vārtāṃ śrutvā droṇena śastratyāgaḥ kṛtaḥ।


hanumān, pavanaputraḥ, pavanasutaḥ, pavanakumāraḥ, añjanīnandanaḥ, āñjaneya, kapīśaḥ, kesarīnandanaḥ, vātātmajaḥ, mārutiḥ, manumān, yogacaraḥ, anilī, hiḍimbāramaṇaḥ, rāmadūtaḥ, arjūnadhvajaḥ, marutātmajaḥ, vātātmajaḥ, anilātmajaḥ, kapīndraḥ   

pavanasya putraḥ yaḥ balaśālī tathāca amaraḥ asti।

hanumān rāmasya bhaktaḥ asti।


asuraḥ, daityaḥ, daiteyaḥ, danujaḥ, indrāriḥ, dānavaḥ, śukraśiṣyaḥ, ditisutaḥ, pūrvadevaḥ, suradviṭ, devaripuḥ, devāriḥ, kauṇapaḥ, kravyāt, kravyādaḥ, asrapaḥ, āśaraḥ, rātriñcaraḥ, rātricaraḥ, kavvūraḥ, nikaṣātmajaḥ, yātudhānaḥ, puṇyajanaḥ, nairṛtaḥ, yātuḥ, rakṣaḥ, sandhyābalaḥ, kṣapāṭaḥ, rajanīcaraḥ, kīlāpāḥ, nṛcakṣāḥ, naktañcaraḥ, palāśī, palāśaḥ, bhūtaḥ, nīlāmbaraḥ, kalmāṣaḥ, kaṭaprūḥ, agiraḥ, kīlālapaḥ, naradhiṣmaṇaḥ, khacaraḥ   

dharmagranthaiḥ varṇitāḥ te jīvāḥ ye dharmavirodhinaḥ kāryān akarot tathā ca devānāṃ ṛṣīṇāṃ ca śatravaḥ āsan।

purākāle asūrāṇāṃ bhayena dharmakārye kāṭhīnyam abhavat।


putraḥ, putrakaḥ, sutaḥ, sūnu, tanayaḥ, nandanaḥ, ātmajaḥ, svajaḥ, ātmasambhavaḥ, aṅgajaḥ, śarīrajaḥ, tanujaḥ, tanūjaḥ, tanūjaniḥ, prasūtaḥ, dārakaḥ, kumāraḥ, udvahaḥ   

manuṣyāṇāṃ pumān apatyam।

lālayet pañcavarṣāṇi daśa varṣāṇi tāḍayet prāpte tu ṣoḍaśe varṣe putraṃ mitravadācaret।


talam, gṛhatalam, harmyatalam, gṛhabhūmi, gṛhabhūḥ, veśmabhūḥ, kuṭṭimam, talimam, sutalaḥ, gṛhapoṭaḥ, gṛhapotakaḥ, potaḥ   

upaveśanārthe samīkṛtā bhūmiḥ।

adhunā talasya saundaryavardhanāya naikāni sādhanāni santi।


maṅgalagrahaḥ, maṅgalaḥ, ajapatiḥ, koṇaḥ, ailaḥ, bhaumaḥ, ajapatiḥ, aṅgārakaḥ, lohitāṅgaḥ, raktāṅgaḥ, mahīsutaḥ, āvaneyaḥ, bhūmijaḥ, hemnaḥ, kujaḥ, pṛthvījaḥ, viśvambharāputraḥ   

sūryāt caturthaḥ grahaḥ।

śāstrajñāḥ maṅgalagrahaṃ jñātumicchanti।


rājaputraḥ, rājasutaḥ, rājatanayaḥ, rājakumāraḥ, nṛpātmajaḥ, nṛpasutaḥ, nṛpaputraḥ, yuvarājaḥ, kumāraḥ   

nṛpasya putraḥ।

nepāladeśasya rājaputreṇa rājaparivārasya hatyā kṛtā tathā ca ātmā sīsagulikayā mṛgitaḥ।


karṇaḥ, rādheyaḥ, vasuṣeṇaḥ, arkanandanaḥ, ghaṭotkacāntakaḥ, cāmpeśaḥ, cāmpādhipaḥ, sūtaputrakaḥ, aṅgarāṭ, rādhāsutaḥ, arkatanayaḥ, aṅgādhipaḥ, arkanandanaḥ   

kunteḥ jyeṣṭhaḥ putraḥ yaḥ dānavīraḥ āsīt ।

karṇasya dānavīratāyāḥ kathā janāḥ adhunāpi śṛṇvanti।


jālandharaḥ, jalandharaḥ, sindhusuta   

ekaḥ asuraḥ yaḥ sāgarāt jātaḥ tathā ca viṣṇunā hataḥ।

jālandharasya patnī vṛndā pativratā āsīt।


vālī, indrasutaḥ, tārāpatiḥ, sugrīvāgrajaḥ   

kiṣkindhānareśasya sugrīvasya bhrātā tathā ca aṅgadasya pitā।

rāmeṇa vālī hataḥ।


mainākaḥ, girisutaḥ, himālayajaḥ, sunābhaḥ   

ekaḥ parvataḥ yaḥ himālayasya putraḥ asti iti manyante।

indrāt bhītvā mainākaḥ sāgare agūhat।



saptapātāleṣu ekaḥ।

purāṇānusāreṇa sutalasya śāsakaḥ bhavati baliḥ।


putrañjīvaḥ, putrañjīvakaḥ, yaṣṭīpuṣpaḥ, sutajīvakaḥ, ślīpadāpahaḥ, kumārajīvaḥ, pavitraḥ, garbhadaḥ, sutajīvakaḥ   


putrañjīvasya tvak bījaṃ ca auṣadheṣu upayujyete।


narakāsuraḥ, bhaumāsuraḥ, bhūmiputraḥ, vasudhāsutaḥ, bhūmijaḥ, bhūsuta   

pṛthvīgarbhāt jātaḥ ekaḥ asuraḥ।

śrīkṛṣṇena sudarśanacakreṇa narakāsuraḥ ghātitaḥ।


mūṣikaparṇī, citrā, upacitrā, nyagrodhī, dravantī, śambarī, vṛṣā, pratyakśreṇī, sutaśreṇī, raṇḍā, putraśreṇī, ākhuparṇikā, vṛṣaparṇī, ākhuparṇī, mūṣikā, phañjipatrikā, mūṣikaparṇikā, sañcitrā, mūṣīkarṇī, sukarṇikā   

ekā latā yasyāḥ patrāṇi mūṣikakarṇavat bhavanti।

mūṣikaparṇī auṣadharūpeṇa upayujyate।


baliḥ, virocanasutaḥ, indrasenaḥ, asurādhipaḥ   

prahlādasya pautraḥ tathā virocanasya putraḥ ekaḥ mahādānī daityarājaḥ।

baliṃ vañcayituṃ bhagavān vāmanāvatāram agṛhṇāt।



ekaḥ gandharvaḥ।

sutanoḥ varṇanaṃ purāṇeṣu vartate।



ugrasenasya ekaḥ putraḥ।

sutanoḥ ullekhaḥ bhāgavate vartate।



akrūrasya patnī।

sutanuḥ sucārāyāḥ putrī āsīt।


supeśa, tanu, kṛśa, sutanu, saru, ślakṣṇa, śīrṇa, śāta, pātraṭa, apacita, talina, aṇu, aṇutara, āma, caṭula, pratanu, pelava, paripelava   

yasya ghanatvam alpam asti।

etad aṃśukaṃ supeśam asti।



draupadyāḥ pañcasu putreṣu anyatamaḥ।

sutasomaḥ draupadībhīmasenayoḥ putraḥ āsīt।


śaniḥ, śanaiśvaraḥ, chāyātmajaḥ, sauriḥ, pātaṅgiḥ, chāyāsutaḥ, bhāskariḥ, sūryaputraḥ, kālaḥ, kroḍaḥ   

hindūnām ekā devatā।

mohanaḥ nityaṃ śaniṃ pūjayati।



vaidikī mahilā।

sutambharāyāḥ varṇanaṃ ṛgvede asti।


devadālī, turaṅgikā, jīmūtakaḥ, kaṇṭaphalā, garā, garī, veṇī, mahākoṣaphalā, kaṭphalā, ghorā, kadambī, viṣahā, karkaṭī, sāramūṣikā, vṛntakoṣā, dālī, romaśapatrikā, kuraṅgikā, sutarkārī, devatāḍaḥ   

kośātakyāḥ iva latāprakāraḥ।

atra sarvatra devadālī asti।


ākhukarṇaparṇikā, adribhu, undurakarṇikā, undurakarṇī, putraśreṇī, bahukarṇikā, bahuparṇikā, bhañjipattrikā, phañjipattrikā, phañjiputtrikā, bhūdarībhavā, śambarī, mūṣākarṇī, musalī, mūṣīkakarṇī, mūṣikaparṇī, mūṣiparṇikā, sañcitrā, vṛṣā, vṛṣaparṇī, vṛścikarṇī, sukarṇī, sukarṇikā, suvarṇī, mātā, sutaśreṇī, raṇḍaḥ, mūṣakakarṇī, mūṣakakarṇikā   

ekā jalajā latā ।

sarasi sarvatra ākhukarṇaparṇikā dṛśyate



lekhakaviśeṣaḥ ।

prācīneṣu grantheṣu vāsudevasutaḥ varṇitaḥ



jyotiṣi vartamānaṃ ekaṃ gṛham ।

sutaḥ iti jyotiṣi pañcamaṃ gṛhaṃ vartate

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