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1 result
su cl.5 P. A1. () sun/oti-, sunute- (in plural sunv/anti-, sunvir/e-[with pass. sense] and suṣvati-; parasmE-pada sunv/at-or sunvān/a-[the latter with act. and pass. sense] ; perfect tense suṣāva-, suṣuma-etc. ; parasmE-pada in veda- suṣuv/as-and suṣvāṇ/a-[the later generally with pass. sense; according to to on , also suṣuvāṇa-with act. sense]; Aorist according to to grammar asāvīt-or asauṣīt-, asoṣṭa-or asaviṣṭa-;in also imperative s/otu-, sut/am-,and p. [mostly pass.] suvān/a-[but the spoken form is svān/a-and so written in , suv-in ];and 3. plural asuṣavuḥ- ; future sotā- ; soṣyati- ; saviṣyati- ; infinitive mood s/otave-, s/otos- : ; sotum- grammar; ind.p. -s/utya- ; -sūya- ), to press out, extract (especially the juice from the soma- plant for libations) ; to distil, prepare (wine, spirits etc.) Scholiast or Commentator on : Passive voice sūy/ate- (in also A1.3. sg. sunve-and 3. plural sunvir/e-with pass. sense; Aorist /asāvi- ) : Causal -sāvayati- or -ṣāvayati- (See abhi-ṣu-and pra-su-; Aorist asūṣavat- according to to some asīṣavat-) grammar : Desiderative of Causal suṣāvayiṣati- : Desiderative susūṣati-, te- : Intensive soṣūyate-, soṣavīti-, soṣoti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Parse Time: 1.758s Search Word: sunvir/e Input Encoding: IAST IAST: sunvir/e